G 3 as..V.swirxn,.Prert •W. P. FORTES, &Tn., ! pITTSBIIIIGH FORGE ANEVIROPI,CO4 ILANUFACTUTIETIS OF Bar-Iron; Railroad Fist; Bars and Bolts; Railroad CarUlee Rolled; - Railroad Car Asles Hammered; Locomotive Trainee; • Loeomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; Takes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; r. Steamboat Cranlis; Piston Rode, nTrista; Pitman saws, Collars, de. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PPTTSBUBGFI. P • GRAFF, BYERS 1 cg., AIA,NAJF.tOTOREIIS OF, . Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUCHT - IPON-,-, Iron Welded Tates for_Gas, Stanni, Water-) &c: • - • AI.SU, - - - OIL WELL Office, No. 93 Water gt., PITTSBURGH, Pa. uM:e26 - ;•. _ . KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLAOK MANUFAcrrurEns or Best Common, Refined, Charcoal AND JUNIATA BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT BAKTBOUND'and ligliLitE IRON. HOOP, BAND, T and ANGLE IR N. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER. BARS. _ CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER - IRON. • SMALL T RAILS. SW and 16 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS, ranched and Countersunk. • COAL SCREEN IRON. - NAILS-AND SPIKES. Warehouse and Office at the Wortis, GREEN'. UGH STREET, (a continuation of First street,) djoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., PeililSYlVania Iron Works. Warehouse, Nols. - Ititt and 167 FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela House, ap24:do , , . PIT TSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MICK & CO., MANUFACTURERS "oF BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, Square, Flat and Octagon, of'all !Area; MILL, MULAY, CIRCULAR, GANG AND CROSS-CUT • SAW PX.ATES. ELLIPTIC .A.ND;SEMI-E.J.I3VTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, CAST SPRING STEEL, Vast and German Plow Steel, - PLOW WINGS AND MOWER BARS; SPRINGS, AXLES and STEEL TIRE; SICKLY,SHOWEL, _ROE, RAKE, FORK, TUB CALK and • MACHINERY CAST STEEL: CROW-BARS, Ac., £c., Warehouse, 88 Water Street, Pittsbttrgh. senink4 PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON L .COOK & CO. (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD & C 0.,) Usimiractniers of the BEST REFINED' CAST STEEL, CLA A T B E E S,.H OC a TAG t3H O S N E-fr ir eazTiVßkr CAST STEEL ?or • - - • Reaping Waid'hiotrin [&Chines; Steel Plow Wings, axles, Cirentamite.., &e. • Cast and Common Plower. Spring steel. OMee—Corner FIRST AND ROSS STREETS, two blocks above the Monongahela House. ' oc23:de . - TMLER, BAltit & CIE-` , IIZIUL PARTN. 'CBS ISETOALP, I REUBEN WILLER, GEO. W. BARR, 1 CHAS. PARXIN. SrEcIAL PAnTNRR—S. N. WEE, CRESCENT STEEL 'WORKS, ninummit, sAiut,& P' N, Oillce,'No. 339 Liberty St; fel4:d4B DUQUESNE, . Iron and Steel Works; COLEMAN, RAHM dc, CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, Steel,te.: - `l ll O , ne.ffir: street. jalBl9o , PITTSBURGH. B LACK- DIAMOND • STEEL W (MAX- • .• PARK, . BROTHER &. CO., muiunaitioiis!cit.irdiscAriactivior Office arid Warehouse ,_ 120_, _12% 1514. SECOND sad 119 and 121 FIRST STEEsTS. • . , . , :,-F1r215/111113/1/ IRON CITY BRUM '"-" ROGERS -Is I BURCHFIELOf Xanufacturera COLECO:AL, Jtr. NISTA and POLD3NED • CAST- STEEL. : Moe and Warehouse. No. AA MAIM:ET ST. 12Z2 LASE BUPEBIOB- - °OPFER KILL AND 13111ELTWG Urn; -FrA 4 Tg l *•o* } it• • . PARK-,. IticCURDY & - ( Menudicturers or Sheathing, ,BrgifEal and idol ..,...02DPer, Premed Copps" sBottOsa; =war Still nft,. , . dpellerSolder. - Also Impoe,crisaad Dealer, Tteb Pia sheei iroavie %at, stands en luiso_Tinmtv,lPALlA 1.11. • iski sag e am e igt.m-- . opecld ot°lol44lloT-MMIVOPV*I Sen. Kt - 44, • 4" 14";:ir UPI . .1. .er.,4 ATLAS MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest ane most I °complete establishments in the West. and are now r prepared to furnish Engines, of every description. Rollers, 1111 Skeet Dios Work. Rolling XIII Casting*. , • ceuguaiP• Machine Castings. General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED no9:nes N A T IONAL: FOUNDRY • t AND. PIPE WORKS: . . Corner Carroll and Smallinan Streets, • (NINTH WARD,) - r•ri-rssunGmx, PA. • - WM. Sill% Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. sa 3 a, P aWa s a r itl i ele c zth i s n . va llgliFarillil i g r Ji General Castings for Gas and Water Works. Izu Ttl t attention of of Gas p laijliEls. &MOO . _ THE _MAP:FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO. cHARLEN JECNAP, President. J. M. HEAP. Vice President. 0. METCALF, See', and Treaer. J. X. WADE Engineer. • J. G. ILNAP,"lieneral Manager: JAMES B. MURRAY, of Lyon, Shotb & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER, of J. Painter & Sons. .C. B. HERRON', of Span& Chalfant & Co. THOS. S.;BLAIR, of Shoenberger & Co. WM. METCALF, of Miller, Barr & Parkin. 31.10:17FACTIME11:13 OF Rolling Rill and Blast Rachineg, RETORTS - ind CASTifiGS,7a every descaiptlon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. fe24 L. 0. LIVINGSTON.W. 11. . BVET.W. A. ROBINSON. JO. LITINGSTONA co., lIRON' POUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OF • ' FINE .LIGLIT CASTINGS, • tic A ii li r a t e f : r Plumb e rs t ctgt=6n Ma chinery &c. All Job Work promptly attended to. Office and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBEVSON, REAL-b. CO., Suctessors to liontxsox, MIXIS Sa MILLERS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, n Shafting, Castl as of all descriptions ; 011 Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. 12, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFGARD'S PETENT INJEd- -.lit for feeding Boilers. jailirS2 HUGH M. BOLE BUNTER ORB. JAMES NELSON' - A. B. BOLL INDUSTRIAL WORKS. - HUGH M. BOLE & CO., . Founders, 'Engine Builders and Machinists, Mato to order MARINE AND LAND STEAM EN GINES, of all sizes, warranted to give satisfaction. CASTINGS, of every description i _made to order. JAMES NELSON, - 5art..,;.:...Ax B. isotn,Yorettian. Machine Shop, corner PiIIIWP ALLEY and DU QUESNE WAY. Foundry, Nos; ES and 54 Third street, fg mylo:u PITTSBURGH, PA. 3{ ONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Streit, • Ninth. • Ward, - 1 • (Opposite 17nlon Iron ) Honing Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND• CASTINGS GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully wented. Charges reasonable. EBBEET. & 11LitiCLIND. MEE] BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE Si SIMS. Office and Warehouse; 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on band Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR KETTLES, _HOLLOW WARE, And Castings generally. apM:yB. Cagrign! , • AND ROLL WORKS, 880 Penn Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD. BAGALEY. Chill Rolls, 3111 l Casting's, Roll Lathes, &c. tUIMON BIAGRENE ESTABLASIIED IN anufactary of ST AM ENGINES, all sizes and of tho most trve pattrnA. A rl i s 'ArßsA4aza;3va NAT Avariety of 10,14 and 10 hone power ENGINES, which will be Bold at very reduced P rice°. p. F. GEISSE, Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh', on the Ohio Jiver, and line of C. & P R. , . at 4,1,2 DION BROMMS. SAMUEL M wwimitsium, IRON 1101,01LER,'' „ „. 124 First litree Plittsburgh,lia. :•Z • Ageit for the sale of Cornyrall, - Donghamore, 1 a Napkin°. Duncannon, Stanbope;filetidenif and other brands of Anthracite, Youghiogheny Coke and C. B. Charcoal Consignments end orders respectfully solicited W EST COMMON-..0.4.:'. i 5 , • • Machino .13tone Works, Northwest canner of 'West common, Allegheny. • BREWS AIrFATEO. 4, Have on band or prepare on short notice Hearth and Step Stones, Hags for 'Sidewalks, Brewery Vaunt, Sc. Head and Tomb Stones, gm Orders promptly executed. Prices reasonable. STONE- ItUALIORM,:-.! 1 , Stone furnished from tbe ;$ Apollo Stortol4tuirvy, To order or by the car load, via W. P. 11:1t. quire of r 4 ,Cafe inhi2:meo Apollo, Armstrong Co., Pa =MI TABACCO. 1‘30? C/GMM Exticumonwoaks. R. , de W. I. mantmetnegravadDeageistnae , :f.,•= 1.4:6 " c°, Sn ug, _T• Ii MaP•P, 1 1 ' OED — ERAZ - - 1011111471 . „ , . ."" 1 _ ••• , 1 3 1.TT 4 F 1 _.111TRAG-11. PITTSBURGH ipwv trioNs. ' •) *~~ PITTSBURGH : SATURDAY. APRIL 11 1 I'OM. FORT PI T T, BOILER, STELA TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDIER, MAN UFACTUnit/16.0r TusuLAR, DOIIBLE—FLIED.TuisuLAR, FIRE- 80% AN., CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; _ STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES. • °Mee and Warehouse corner Sewoiad, Third, Short mod Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH. Pa. Drdera - sent to the Mimic" . ailboiu will be promottv attended to.' ' mh7:180 MORItOW....JAP. B. BAB:MILL...4AS. BLAZE. O'HARA BOILER WORKS. MOBBOW, - BABITIMI & mAxerAcronalta OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET pox WORK, &c: • Cor. Liberty and SecOnd Sta. PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING promptly done. jy4:b2 WIN, BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRONWORKERS , NOS. 20, 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. Raving secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILL.E madee best manner, and warranted equal to an in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole mann faerurers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the'shortest notice. JaS:c2l ROBERT LEA, - MANUFACTURER OF . • . . • • Steam Engines and Boilers, FREIGHT HOISTERS, AND DOCTOR ENGINES. CASTLNGS, of all descriptions, made to order. Corner of First and Ferry Streets, PITTSBURGH,' PA. TAMES M. BITER, ej , Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., TIAN7F.KCIIMEII-OF IRON OIL TANKS I SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, 1 And SHEET IRON WORK, For Stearn_ oats. • STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. COOK STOVES. v CET THE BEST. BItS ELL & CO.'S TRIUMPH, • • FOR BITUMENOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Road as well as any other Store In the Union. BISS I PLTI &; 00. No. 285 Liberty Street. Also CM hand and for sale, PABLO AA ST T O MA • SToiEs, GRATE FRONTf3, FENDERS, COOKING RANGES, to. OffrAPEST PLACE in the city TRIUMPH COOKIPIC STOVE, Is at. No. 1441 GRANT STREET. jt.". P. C. DUFFY. lEW)W,ARE. NEW HARDWARE nousie. LINDSEY, STERRIT & MYER; - Alanufactuiers and Imporlore of 1 : 1A. . . CUTLERY, &C. 887 LIBERTY STREET, . . CORNEA. Or WAYNE, - One Square Below Tinton Depot, PITTSBUIdi-r. air Agent s tor.-FAIRBANKS' BCALXB. ° `fa Tennel t Chathamß ts.,- eansinith andllealer la Hardware. 4 First, class gixids of all descriptions,adways on hand and sold st the lowest prices. Ildp&lng done earelbily on sho rt notice. eg 41111 7 . ./P-444;#3..,.: . : . t..,,,-:,:.L,i,.,5..,,...) pMENEIC STEAMItEIyERT., JUL SPWCZB....JA.S. f I T LIEDDIIO6 . , SPENCE4,;pny & CO IVIALSTERSAND:BREWERS, Poitpi and >l3rAkaont,-._ PHTIABuRfa4 . 4*,..J ROBERT. WATSON; Manager. mu, 31: 14111 H.ll. LARVA Nos. 110 sad 18M Streets 7 TI, .• • , DYER- AND'SCOUREE t '• ir r- N • . - 4" . 'U. !MAW GOINXIMIBPIP IM PTA , • 0 i aunow4i . 7 40.0/1111 - :4 gar i v....ft, hO . .4 Accounts of BANKS, BANKERS, MERCHANTS and 'others are invited. Collections made on all accessible points In the United StatelkmuleattaMa k - , Interest Allowedin Time- Deposits., UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. BTOCKROLL,ERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. WESTERN . SAVINGS BANK, CHA.RTEII,ED 1866. Interest paid on Timo Deposita ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT Stockholders to whom we make reference: Win. Forsythe, Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell. 1 Rev. David Kerr, Halsell, 1 Henry Lambert, D. W. C. Bidwell, iA. M. Brown, E. M. nalton. : Thomas Ewing. st. R 1(4 BANKERS. °0 DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Converted , Into 5-20. Boned and sold on commission, here multi New York. TIME PAPER NEGOTIATED. INTEREST ALLOWED.ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts of panics andlienlo., era received on favorable terins. ALL- CLASSES OF SECURITIES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE AT,*&.ILKET RATES. . . A roc EVI NOTICE'OF AP• In the DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, 'for the Western District of Pennsylvania. tn the matter of ROBERT P. GETTY, of Alleghe ny, City, Allegheny. county, Pa., bankrupt. No. 499, in BankruptcY. • ' • - WESTERN DISTRICT OR =PENNSTLVARI.A., . Be.—At rittsburgh, Pa:; the allstlay of itareh, - A. D.11.111:18: To Wrio3l IT MAT calswEnn : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment es Assignee of ItOBEItT. P. GETTY, of Allegheny City, in the county of Allegheny, and State of . Pennsylvania,' within said District; who has been aitindgell a bank rupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. atilai7s 8.8. W. GILL. Assignee. .:—. t Pittsburgh, the 3d day of April, A. D. 18619. The undersigned hereby gives notice of ins appoint ment as Assignee of JOSIAH KING- aid 'BMA° M. PENNOCK. 'partners under the firm name of Xing Pennock,. of...Ptsburgh...lathe . county of Allegheny, and. titatil of' Pennsylvania, within said dLstriet...who have been adjudged "bankrupts upon their own petition, by the DistrickOeurt of Said district. r.,,, f., JOHN H. BAILEY, Aisignee, Attorney -at-Law.. 89 Grant id. assnoo ESTERN DISTRICT of PENN_ BYLV g AN IA ,B 9 t . The t t P d sbur n h dhre 7 y h g vay no M c a ohf, AD p 1888 - , ment as - Ass ignee of HENRY H. ATWOOD of Se wickley, in the COUnti a ' for-Allesheny, and ,siate . o f Pennsylvania„ within dildrinfitwAo haft st .*ie ad ,judged a bankrupt on is own petition by the ph. %Oct Court of said district. JOHN H. BAILEY Assignee, inhatenlSG-8 Attorney-at-Law, 89 Orant street. IN THE DISTRICT COURT _QV TITE UNITED STATFiek,_FSITTIE: WEST- N DISTRICT OF FENNSTLV . United States } . • e s. la Barrels Wllake) , No. 32, May Term, IEIBB. or 11811tah W Ines. 'Notice is hereby given to. all 2 persinis claiming the saidpl6T_Barrels of Whiskey or High Wines that they be and appear before the said Court on the 18th day of April, A. D. 11108, at 11 o'clock A. M. of th a t, nay, . then and there to make answer to the practisesand intervene ,ftm their:respective ,inter-= ests as make their allegations in that behalf.=.• '.• . lifarsheFi Office, Ms Oth, 1e69 ExOTICIE. -- Whereas,. Letters of Administration on the "Estate of PHILIP vErt, degesield,, latelot vs Iseseerhoriuti, nuignulftt, hamar-ones panten_in the imbserinet,' diverime Indebted to the said Innate aro requested tosiakeionnedlate payment, and those having churns sgainitahe Balite WM Present theta, duly &sweeties sed, for sesttlement to the Undersigned. MR& MARY SCHAIIZE, Z - JlVkktw.'rrAzatw . - . - tig.- • din ME r}nt:"' P NA ! • '` HART, CAVGHEY B g' C9' , BANKEttS AND 'BROKERS, Corder Third and Wood Streets, PITTEMITBAGII, PA., _ (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA,. HART & C 0.,) DEALERS IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, , • And particular at entlon paid to tl a purchase and sale of • COVE NMENT BONDS. Sight 33 , fte 0,31 T-Kondon. N.:HOmu -v13u401. L :4 ES & SOIS, . . 57 Market Street, prr-rsnuitexxx, Collections made on all the principal points of the United states and Canadsis. Stocks, Bonds and other Securities B9UORT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. Ja.9o:al KEYSTONE BANK, I • PIPT'SBURG-11.1PA. TIIIS BANK IS NOW TRANSACTING A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS, AT THEIR NEW RANKING HOUSE No. 293 Liberty Street. GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Cashier. No. G 9 Fourth Street. ANY SUM RECEIVED. FROM INTEREST. //WWII:a-9 Daily at 12 o'clock. President —THOXPSON BELL. Vice President—A. N. lir A 'Bpi ALI. • • DiltEcTOrtS: THO3tPSON BELL, A. 31. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. IJOS. ALAREE. J. J. GILLESPIE, I ESTABLIsmcp-1N183E4 145. 35 Sou -711110D ST PIIII4IOIELPHIA, STOCKS AND GOLD BANKRUPT -N0T101123, LEGAL. THOS. A. ROWLEY, 11, B. Marshal. mirovAL.z BANKING AND.EXCHANGE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, - Formerly occupied by the NATIONAL BANK-OF COMMERCE. PH. R. MERTZ., CONVERSION OF 7-30's. I We are now prepared to convert the SECOND and THIRD. SERIES of SEVEN-P m piEB NewlB67 S-20 Gold Coupon Bonds. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealer in. Government Securities, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STS., Cljeliurgij Gay* FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICEOiTILE PITTSBUR.GH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, April 1, 1868. 5 This, being Good Friday, there were no sessions of either boards -in New York. Business looks more lively, although it will not compare with former seasons. The laboring classes ltrui a, large' number of small trades people have been living of their past savings, they are now poor And will not be able to purchase anything but the absolute necessities of life. Money is less stringent than last week, but it is still scarce; 10 to 12 per cent. is the ruling rate for prime short paper. Stocks are dull and but few purchasers in the market. Allegheny Valley Railroad bonds, which sold a few weeks ago at 81% to 182,- are offered now at 75, and large amounts could not be , placed here at all. The company failed to provide for the last coupons on the bonds, but it is understood have now made arrangements for payment. Closing quotations,us received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 138%; 1881 bonds, 112; 1862 5-20 s, 111%; 1864 d 0,109%; 1865 do, 1110%;;Consoh3, 10734; 10-40 s, 101 g; 7-30 s, 106,Y,. Cleveland & Pittsburgh R. R. 90% Port Wayne 101% North Western-;common 62 North Western—preferred 75% New York Central 120% Erie 71y, Old Southern9oy,, Ohio & Mississippi 31% Western Union Telegraph 373 Merchants Union Express 34% Corydon Quartz Hill 1 10 Quicksilver - 24% —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold U. S. 6's, 1881 5-20's, 186 0 ", 5-20's, 1864 " 5-20's, 1865 " 10-40's " 5-20's, Jan. and July, '65 '' • 44 '' '' 66 767 " Juno 740's. " July 740'5.. May Comp., 1865 PITTSBURGH - METAL MARKET, OFFICE CF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY,. April 10, 1868. The market for raw irons has been quite inactive throughout the week. Several causes conspired to bring about thisresult, not the least of which was the stringency in .the money market, which induced increasing caution on the part of con sumers, although our report Is but partial (for reasons similar to those of last week). The aggregate sales was less,-perhaps, than any week for a month past; stoCks, how weer, do not seem to accumulate, and good makes of Staadard Forge Irons are firmly held, but inferior grades are less firm. 'We quote as follows: • HANGING ROCK CHARCOAL PIG. 50 tons No. 1 Extra Forg .e. ..V4B 00-1 rnos 100 " H. R. No. 1 Foundry.. 48 00-4 mos 100 ,4 . 44 No. 1 Foundry... 45 OG- r time 50 44 44 No. 1 Foundry... 45 00— time 20 44 44 No, 2 Foundry... 44 00-4 mos 100 tons Open Grey 838 00-4 trios 45 " Open Grey 38 00-4 DIOS 5 " No. 1 Foundry 44 00-4 mos 50 4' Mottled 35 00 4 mos 50 " . Red Short 37 00-4 mos MITI:MINUS COAL SMELTED FROM LAKE SU- PERIOR ORE. - 400 tons . Open Grey, at fur:.....538 00-4 mos 200 " " " 35 00-4 mos 100 " Medlumat fur y'd.. 3538 00-5 mos oo-4 mos 100 " —to arrive-- 35 00-35 d's 300 " Inferior—at furnace... 30 00— cash 150 tI4 -" 3 0 00_ cash 210 " " " " 30 . 00 cash 20 .t 44 ti 30 75 cash 30 tons Carlisle 100 " No. 1 Juniata 30 it u It 30 " Charc0a1...... ., IRON AND NAILS. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBUGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY. April 10. 1868.. We can report a steady deinand dint bar Iron, and the market is firm at the recent advance. prderrCure-cconMnkin' quite freely, especially: from the porthweit, and with '-' the resumption 015 4utvigationon the Upper Allinois, 'Missouri; and other `rivers the demand is unusually brisk, and all of our manufacturers have as many orderless they can attend tO; some Of then% rue:sold from Mean to ' thirty days ahead: For Nails there is also a bask demand, .and as stooks are very mush reiltroed,'the market is firm at card rates. ,rittsburghls reclaim ing a good deal of territory which was lost last year in consequence or .that 7unfoitu-: nate lock-out, and we think that before the season is over, she will again be entitled, not , in name but In dret, to be oalled the : Birmingham of America. WHITE LEAD AND T.Eile'iAiNTS. We note Wn> advance of • half a ceittper pound on the various grades of White Lekd' in oIL Map,: .11tirriffdr, Ecying, whohmale druggists, corner of Liberty and Way ne streets, quote the following brandke • Strictly Pare White: Lead, J. Son • /4340 Pittsburgh. White Lead Works, Banner : Pnre Pure , .... e, Pure t' --I(ks a2'eari t Snow ilithite. 8340 pnewum, Pure, assorted:dans ' 'l3e ' Snow e White,2tins; l .7. & So d .... . • 1514 e Snow White Wne,,P.'o.7*.iP .1.40 Firow Willifili4*W•Baithol:4,..:.;;•;.t • 18e Snow White anoilinpate,l 4 ;":. SO`" ap7so2 . , v-t , , CEIE ZEE= trAvEitsmovED hty. TO THE IN TO TILE . 1073 . 107% . 106% . 106% . 118% .K.irrintA.crrE. BLOOMS ..$79 00-6 mos .. 90 00-4 mos 88 00-90 d's 90 00:-..4 mos 4 1,1 . , - rFt • PITTSBURGH. MAR:KETS. O'FreECV Prrraßuiiox E,4 nuDAy; AprgA Pg7;81,: The general markets are ihoderately , , ac tive, there being a steady local demand for all of the leading commodities, and while there is a fair volume of buiinesn, in the i aggregate, the transactions,ato mainly af a local and unimpirtant character. APPLES—Green Apples are steady, with a regular local demand, and the market may be quoted firm at $4 to.s6 per bbl. POTATOES—In good demand' tirin but unchanged. Sales at $3,501 to $3,75 for Peach Blows; $4 to $4,50 for Buckeyes, and $8 for Jersey Sweets. r BUTTER-Is steady, with a demand fully equal to the supply, and prices are firm and well maintained. We continue to quote prime to choice Roll at 45 to 50e. EGGS—Are a shade firmer, And sell •read ily at 22 to 23c. I GRAlN—There is no Wheat in market; Winter is quoted nominal at p,63 to $2,55 for Red, and $2, 1 6 . 3 to V,65 fo . White. No Barley in this market. Oats m but un changed; 75 to 76e, on track and 80c, in r ch. store; sale of 600 bush, to .ar Ive, at 75c. • Ear Corn is selling on wharf at $l. Rye is unchanged at $1,75 to $l,BO. - 1 SEEDS--Cloverseed is quiet and un changed at $7,50 tosB.. Timothy is 'steady . at $2,75. Flaxseed is in active demand at 132,50. HAY—Weighmaster McNulty, `at the Allegheny Diamond &ales, reports sales of 51 loads of Hay at $l7 to 8'24, and I load of Straw at $l7. "I PROVISIONS--Bacon continnes firm and tending upwards. Sales at 13t to 13, 4 e for Shoulders; 153ic for Ribbed, and 17' e for Clear Sides; 18, to 1834 c for !Plain Sugar Cured Hams, and 19ge for Cnvassed do. Lard,also, is higher, being qu oted at 17jc, in tierces, and 18c, in kegs. I Mess Pork has advanced to $27,25@27,50. • DRIED FRUIT—Is steady, a with regu lar sales at 11 to 113 c for Peaches, and 7 to 8c for Apples. SALT—Is quiet and unchanged; Alle gheny river brands are still qAoted at $ 1 .75 to $l,BO for round lots, and $2 for small lots in store. CHEESE—Is quoted steady at 17c for Factory, and slB . for Goshen. . I BEANS—S 4 50 to $5 per bush. ' HOMINY-66,25 to $0,50 per bbl. ONIONS-54,50 per bush. , • FLOUR—Is steady and .th demand - is rather better, but 'prices are unchanged: $10,50 to $10,75 for good Sprin g Wheat; $ll to $11,25 for choice - do; $11,75 Ito 512,50 for Winter Wheat, and $l5 to 616 for St. Louis fancy brands. Rye Flour, s9r to $9,50. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET." OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH t AZETTE, FRIDAY, April 0, 1868. CRUDE--The report of a ig well on Cherry Run produced quite a misation in oil circles, but the rumor had! hardly got well circulated before a contradiction fol lowed it, thus to a considerable! extent de stroying its influence on 1 the mar ket. The report, and r it.l- came by telegraph, stated that it was flow- ing from five hundred to three thousand barrels per daY—might as well have said from five hundred to five thouthnd. Upon the strength of this rumor, it said, there was a sale to be delivered on Apt water at B;.c. and two dollars per bar* I advanced by buyer; we also heard of an Offer to sell for sante delivery at same pricand condi- tion; also, an offer to sell for same. delivery at 8y : , and no advance money Aked. Last evening there was a sale of firit water oil at B.;'e and $1,50 per barrel advanced, • The weather continues soft, and theie is every appearance of another bulk risel RFJ - TNED—There are no new features in the market for bonded oil wokthy of spe cial notice, We can report it steady de mand for the spring and sUrnnier months at quotations, but there are ne liellers, and as a consequence, we have but very - few sales to report. To-day there! was not a single transaction—last evening there was a sale of one thousand barrels fOr the last half of October, at 29c.. April is , still quo ted at 250; June 26c and July 276; offers to buy the last five months at 283,e. The fact that there are but very few Sellers here seems to have strengthed the market some what, the unfavorable characteri of the ad vices from Antwerp to the contrary not withstanding. OIL SHIPMETS PER V. R. R. Clark dc So Su delphiamner, I 404 bbls ref. to Wright dc n, Phila. • Lockhart, Frew Qr. Co., 277 do do to War den, Frew Sc Co, Philadelphia. , 1 Fulton, Marvin it Co; 250 do do to W. P. Logan de Bro, Philadelßhia. I Fawcett, Logan a Stookdalet, 350 do dot° W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. H. Koehler dr Co, 150 do benzoic) to War ing, King dr, Co, Philadelphia. OIL . SHIPMENTS FROM BUQ.ITESME DEPOT. Bly dr Pinkerton, 105 bbls refined to vv. P. Logan dr Bro., Philadelphia.' Hutchinson Oil Co. 204 do do to E. Schalk, Philadelphia. PITTSBURGH DI 138% 112 111% low, 109; 101% vi•FICE OF TItE • .. Frerro. Acid, Acetic so lb Acid, Citric • $ 1 03 Acid, Tartaric .... ST Aloes, Cape 33 Animonlai Aqua... ' 13 Ammonia, Cart.... 23 Alum , 5 Assalbettda......,. SO Arnica Flowers—. ;33. Balsam Cepalba .: 1 12 •B gall. 4_70 Bay Rum - Blue Mass Blue Vitriol 14 Borax, relined.— 40 Brimstone, Roll—. 0 Brim. Flor. f3ulpb. 7,4 Calomel I 15 Camphor. relined. 130 Cautbarldes... ... . . 210 Chamomile, Germ. 27 Chamomile, Rom.. 55 Chloroform. 2 10 Cochineal .... 150 i.bbl.J Copperas Cream Tartar ? 5 3 h Cubeba 44 ;Dover's Powder... 250 Ether, Intros 70 Ether, Sulphuric.. 138 Gum Arable Sorts. 60 Gain:Arabic Select 95 Gum Shellac.... ... Hoffman's Artod'b 78 lodine, Itesub ---7.40 , Juniper Berrie* 7- Liquorice, Caleb.. 52 Liquorice dd Italian. 47 Liquorice; ^ • Maer Magnesia Calcine. ; 1 .IA Magnesia Carb...: Manna 130 Morphia 7 90 Oil Bergamot • •11 CKI 011 Castor 33 Oil Cinnamon 6 00 011 Cleves - 4 99 gall. - 50 Oil Cod Liver Inkiladephia Market. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gerette,3 PiftIEADELPHIA, April 'lll,--Pairoleum; _— crude 'Wales; sales 4000 bb bs in, b ulk at 11Xall%c; refined 25e. Flour inactlve and ateati . .-• Wheat; good brands scarce; red 112.80a2,85; 'white $2,25.- Rye steady'stll,9o. Corn less demand at f 1,17 ibr„lebtedWaSt- ern. pate B7a9oe.*-' Groceries and 1 rrovis- ions unchanged. Idess,Pork; new 8. Lard 41iittenorellaiket"- • • [By Telegraph to tbi Plitsbuntb Gazette) =BALTIMORE, April. 10.-rVlour and_ unchanged. Wheat_hindiur t Corn sates whitest $1,1(41,111:ty iiv Vivi& Oats; steady at ,889,94,forIcestern. .4,TIVIrm at $1,85a1,90.' Pdir trireat grjr.ibr tie Lard firm Baoou active; >ib aldeelelo!, clear do ino lloAd.ent X4X,,..1umi0•8144A atiew. YarklaryGoolti Markel CBI. Teleirmiti $4 the Pftwsizilth 0 azett434 1 NEW YestlC;44llo.-4tiii4 hail' ncl rah" kola= Which eat In lam continued „ witha t iL ,v . w 2 ~ 4 4 . 4 trade in editietrAiWvitie raw *I i . e44:01.10 !with9l2 ; ink iqateral qui*, :.: • —•. a* 1,4 - 4 - .ez - r ault. it , p1,03 , ..,7, 1 -,i '1 . 1 . 4 N RUG MARKET. . .713BITROHGAETTE, i r. April 10,11868. 5 011 Croton...:l ... . . $ 55 0 011 Lemon..:!..:;._ 5 00 • g 011 Neatsfoot I 4ai3t. 01101 Ive 3 2.5 - . 111 doz. 011 Olive, qt.); 7 75 011 Olive, ptsi 475 011 Pepperml4 .... 50 011 Sassafras 51 I 45 Oil Wintergreen .. 600 Opluttde_ •..••• .. 12 01 Potassa 'Bromide.. 2 te. Potassa Chlorate.. !Potasta lodldd 630 !Quinine 1 1 oz, • ` "41 bbl. cw t. IRoot uentiani. 13 Root Ginger E. 1.. Root Ginger Jam, 40 Root Ipecac pdw'd 4 as Root /relay poW'd. 375 Root Liquorice: .... , Root Rhubarb.. 340 Root Rhu. povertl.. 3GO Root Sarsaparilla.. LB Roottionega ~ *. • 55 RootValertan, , Eng 83 Root Valer'n, Ger. 35" ,Sal Ammoniac/L...., 18 Sal Epsom .'....b... - 534 - Sal Rochelle... . Sal Soda r,. 4 Seed CaltarT,.. .1.... .. 12 Seed Hemp...... • It Seed Cardamon!“ 575 Seed iduatani.f.i.•• • 2O L Senna - 35 Senna E. I . . .1... Soda Ell Carb/ . 14.1:•/ 9 SO L O Cairtilo.. Soap Castile, White Sugar. Lead.... T u r p e n t i n e ' 83 1... 17 Venetian, rtt1.4... 5- L .3,14 _ _ , t; 4 - SaCnlr '. • - night . • ; plizr (! 00,a 4,3 '41; t 440:t7 ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers