EW ADVERTISEMENTS • ZAP 919168 POE THE PIE4SPLE.. — HEAT WESTERN OON WORKS have been at. /r . o. 179 SMITHFIELD STREET, where Way* be found the most complete assortment Pistols, Ammunition stud Sport. &aerial, apt., in tee city. All kinds of Guns Natoli carefully repaired. Cash Paid for r .11IFIXtr and B Send stamp /ustrated Circular B u dats wanted in every in the united States., Address, J. IL 301116 , . 179 Smithftela Street, Pittsburgh. 7 . THE PLYMOUTH CONGItE GATIONAL CHURCH will' hold servlees iZART HALL, Seventh street, TO-HORROW , hg and Vvening. services to commence nt and 'IM o'clock—HENßY ENSWORTIL r. • 91117NIVEUSALIST • CORI:EIt OF .GRANT . AND THIRD STS. tor.Mey. A. DOSSERIIAN. Preaching VERoI SAT at 10 4. A. D. and 7% P.M. Sunda E y' SCho Yi A. M. An the people are invited to come and FIRST ItIEVIIODIST citintmi. Fifth street;-above Smithfield. •~ CLARK. rastor.-I.'reaching EVERY SA.B 'ti at 10:30 ..t. Di. and 7:30 P. M. Suble_et of ••nt Sabbath h e series of sermons: 'Truth Lrade: or. The Teachings of the Gospel to to the the IlabltA, Professions'and Employments of Free_ seats -----:--- r'''THE REV. .1. IL W. STUCK . ENBElt6r . , baying accepted the call of the Ash Evangelical Lutheran Congrega [landenyod will preach lu their Church, St.. • Penn, tformerly Plymouth*Congregationalisil UNDAIL, April 12th. at 10,51 A. at. and 7% . The friends of the Congregation and public ordially Invited. F`T 'HST CHRISTIAN CIIHReII. corner BCATCT street and Mont ny avenue. Allegheny. JOSEPH NINO, tor.Plor esehlifg TO-3101010W (Lord's. ray) t. and 7./ . .11. A *erica of sermons are now being .ered on Lord's Day mornings on l'Al Peter. Ist -7 vs, or on the Conditions of Eternal Sava- Subject to.morrow, moaning_. Knowledge." its free, and von are 'cordially Invited. _'--,------- _ _ _ rNOTICE,The Regular An nual Meeting of the Treat National Petroleum ' Company take place at the 01lice of the Company, 'So. 10 Matt street, on WEDNESDAY, 21st. 9„ at 10 o'clock A. at.- ap11:o31 DROOL OF DESIGN FOR 'WOMEN . , . • mens MONDAY, April l3tb . in the new rooms, d r st o orl of o til o new Bank Buildi southwest '''‘ • IfitaC f .l.l: illit.V%\;llo,l'orstartt ,Clas so n i ' llllES: • V and TUURSDAY EVENINGS,n3tr. H. L. FLER, Teacher. .12:aTT E. K..IIAYIIIIRST, Principal. [ ACRUNI & CAILLISL 10 FIFTH STREET, ire Just opened nil shades of BULLION ND RISTORI FRINGES BUGLE GIMPS ~ED FRINGES, yery low prim_ LACRITPI & CARLII :1.9• Fifth Street, '•' .1.. . . , 7•'; . ; ' . . . I;,t. i , • i •:•11.:.• :ow offer the most elegant line of .::. : . . • :, •!! ii , . EULlMaltraCitS 4 ,..:e.i; , . ttreeliattr; Illittsbourgh, to which they eaneetally ' . ••.•:,,15 e are nearli ss all i n f et t r tle a t n r d e ovitzr , ...... l'llgteti ~,,E-FIFTH TITAN ItEGU Alt ritICES. bll • q•••4:4VINDOW CURTAINS. WHITE, ORR & CO., Rib 'FIFTH STREET, . • Vier at LOW PRICES, ace Curtains, Worsted Damask, . . •: - ' . DOOR LACE, GILT CORNICES, LOOPS, Sc. .. •,. •pll : . 2- ; • : /fAUBLE 84 SLATE MANTLES, :4..T 1 . , Ar TUX; . .. . -4 :, TTSBURGH STEAM MARBLE AND SLATE WORKS. . ::`)ace and ...• : . Mace and Wart-room - 319 and 323. LIBERTY * • ,•REET. Mantle Wareroom on second door. • ?orisons wanting Marble or Slate Mantles - will find 1 ,__•to their interest to call . Workmanship _ not ex 'Aledln any place, and prices as low as in'Eastern , • . . des. Marble Mantles or Furniture Slabs which ' .• .., ye become discolored bn smoke, oils or acida. can ...; ....„' ' i Marbleized and made to leak as well as new. -, ~." ".i - There is no other place in Western Pennsylvauis .'' ... ' • ' Pere Slate Mantles are manufactured. f •. • • .. i 'All kinds of Marble Work done in the best manner. *e •..., • •'- :3 larble Cutters supplied with Sawed ILarble at East - . .. .-. . ... 1 1l prices, virriageli dded . W. W WALLACE.. ...--2---------,- BE ARIES PHELAN'S SPRING , HOSIERY tockings, Tladerslrirts if Drawers, ex:kart:able for Variety and unrivalled chaenneas, T JAMES PHELAN'S MEE Old Stand Stocking StOTe, • ••:, No. sa. inns STREET ETIM3 ERFECT FITTING WM ; , KID GLOVES. C."--"H. EL MO We incite attention to our ORE GLOVE DEPannT, Ell •• ich is la ow complete With every color and shade. n addition to our own special importation of the :lebrated A. C. (Jmain) RIMS, •• c have secured the exclualve sale of the :;, Ed ME ~~:;,~;. ; ~~ r a ; • • 4,llarrls Seamless Kids''• The best Glove and most perfect ft. , MOWN .& CARLISW 19 FIFTH STREET •••• BEN FRANI.ELILN INSURANCE COMPANY, ME MIN ~:.. Office In Frimklllll3sTinp Bank EaNW% No. 43 Ohio St.. Allincheny MEI A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by,falr.dealing to merit.a share of your patronage. • • ME MEI HENRY IRWIN 01CD. D. RIDDLE • . DIIMTOBS: . . Henry Irwin, D. I,: Patterson. lieniy Gervrig, Geo. it. Rtdele, Jamb Franz, . Oottlelb Vftaa. Simon Drum, , J. B. Smith, ;- Jacob Rash, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whiston4 Joseph Cralg:. \ Jos. Lantner.,. H. J.-Zinkand, Jerenkla onen' ap19:023 - . ' §:WEST 11103$11th: ORANGES , 0 1 eXtra quality, in prime cider, Just received; prime Lemons, for sale at the Yeti? JNO. RENSSAw.. - - latiltliETES-T-200.busri., stor JL/ and for aalo•by IdnBAICE k must:, spu 1413$ &ter stream. v aaB--5 bids. toss sale by . • • ma Axe &w% 'l - 41-Water street 00111-----------slli9htShelled. and 800 bushels Est Corn h ircir site bi W spit eBANZ & ABTJER. 141 ater street.. .8811011 bush. tor s a le by . 3143 1n -j f t 4ratererea ROUGH HEW bales now A , binding teem stexper Chstips,lbi sae by *Pit ISAIAH DIC.IMY FM AIM —ll2 lbtalit u a n t a lliand cszrieCO.c r sale br 'IS 'NAIL KE61,1,000 Oak 1101 V ,01 store. Ow sale by ISAIAZI DICIEST & 40. NEW ADVERTISEMBNTS, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :-__.7-I.lecitur, BY FREDIEff. DOUGUM. This eloquent orator,.and most -intelligent colored man in the world, will deliver a new and highly in teresting lecture,.at Next Thnr t filay Evening, April 16th, 1868, Suaracv—"REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT :N • 8 ME ONE MAN POWER." - , - 4 • Tickets only 50 cents, to . all parts of the' No Reserved Seats. - Tlekets are miss - tor. sale at C. C. Mellor's Music Store, SIWOod street. - Doors open at 1 o'clock; lectiire to commence IN. THE 011XIIANS' COVB.T OF. ALLEGIIENY.CONT, . 811Barch Tenn: 88. In tte Executorf -the account - of ROBERT ROB B, Esq., x of the estate of FREDER ICK ABSCHEIXAN. dee'd. April Ist, 1808, C. lIABBROUCK, Esq., appoint ed Auditor, to audit and distribute , the money and report upon the exceptions Sled. BY TRE•COUIIT. From the RecOtd. - A, HIVANDS, Clerk. Notice is herebY giVen . that I will attend to the du ties of the above appointment,- at tavollice, A No Y, .154 ll Fourth street. Pittsburgh, on SATURD 9th. 1868, IBM at A o'clock r. N.. when and where a partics interested may at tend. C. HASBROUCK, Auditor. Pittsburgh, April 13, IEOI. ap115033:13 = THIS IS M TO GIVE NOTICE that _IL .on the day of April, .13 113, a War- rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the . - ESTATE OF - JAMES E. SHIELDS,' 7 Of Pittsbnrghi in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvana, who has been adludged 3 bankrupt on his own.petition; that the payment t o of any debts and delivery of any property belonging suit bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; .that &meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to"choose oue or more As signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bank ruptct, to be holden at the once of the Register. at No. 93 Diamond street. in the City_ of Pittsburgh, before SAMUEL HARPER, Esq.. Register, on the 517th day of April, A. D T . 186 A B. S A. a 10 o'clock ROWLEY. A. u. .11011 H. S. Marshal. as Messenger. ------ apt STOCK OF IS COMPLETE OF ALLEOI4M PA. .Presiderat .:ffecressry LAF - AYETTE HALL-# POSITIVELY FOR . ONE NIGHT ONLY aDII:or NOTICE. W HEILEAS, A libel of information has been tiled in the District Court of the United States for the the Western District of Pennsylvania, against Brewery of ANDREW KOENIG, situated city of Allegheny, and about 10 bbls. of Scenk Beer, 40 bbls. of Lager Beer, 10 hogOieads, A a O barrels. 1 vat, 1 small vat. 1 copper pumP. S h en . dons of hose, containing about 70 feet; S small tubs, I bucket, 1 rte of and appurtenances; ill. cooler —being the property of Andrew Koenig. The said Andrew Koenig and all persons claiming an interest in said property Ore hereby notified to be and appear before our said Court, at Pittsburgh, on the Al)th day of April, 1365, at 11 o'clock A. M.. then and there to make answer to , the premises, and intei vene for their respective interests, and make their allegations in that liehalf. _ THOS. A. ROWLEY , U. S. Marshal. DtarshaCs Mee. Aprlllo,lE4l3. ap11036 RARE AND VALUABLE WORKS, AT HALF PRICE Gallery of ICature, by Rec. Thomas Milner, Lon don. Ferguson's Uistory of of the Roman Repo/bile, London. • Ilistorc of the Conquest of Peru. a rils., London. The Life of Charlotte Bronte, London. Bismondi's Literature of Europe, 2 vols.. London. Coxe's History of the Rouse of Austria, 3 vol?., London. History of the Conquest of Mexico, a vols., Lon don. • .Blographitga and Critical Essays, Prescott, Lon don. Tales of the Colonies, by Cgarles Rowcroft, Lon don. The .eoetical Work; of Charles Cotton, 1771, London. • Gil Bias, illustrated, liolm•s edition, Loudon. Shakspeare's Works,,Bo vols.. London. 1778. The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. 2 vole. STATIOZiEItY of all kifids, wholesale ,retail, at Eastern prices. at the Publishers' •• • • TOY BOOKS in great „ variety, prices. Back number of . all ihe Monthly Mgazines. Subsetiptionsrecelced for all the Magazines .and Illustrated Papers. Call and get a supply at the SOO'S NV-AVWDEPOT , - _ SISTII STREET, BELOW SMITHFIELD. jOllll D. EGAN. TTAY & COMPANY, No. 65 Wood Street, 14.AVA_VMDTE "Baxix,rirriG. wsous iu AND MAU, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS • BLANK BOOK . MANUFACTURERS; The attention of laclers is respectfully called to our large stock of SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL STATIOICER Y. OAP, LETTER AND NOTE PAPEIIB i'ANCY'STATIONER Y, STAPLE STATIONERY, VTRITIIeiG INKS, DAY BOOIiS. AND JOURNALS, LEDGERS AND CASH BOOKS, MEMORANDUM BOOKS, PASS BOOKS .FA.3 ' ILLY AND POCKET BIBLES PEA.YEII AND 111 - 511; SOOES TESTAMENTS, PSALM BOOKS, MUSIC BOOKS, &e: - Speelal_attention given to orders by mail. BLANK BOOKS, of all kinds. raade to order. ORDERS by mall promptly attonded to. - ..spus STONE DRAIN PIPE, FOR SEWERAGE. ALL anis, mos aTo 22 Nca. 10,000 FEET ON HAND, AND.VOR OALIt BY 4.0n7* TA-"rr4., 227 lAbertir St., Pittsburgh; 59 Federal Street. Allegghew*? • . 'ftltml3s/vrtwr B it B PITTSBURGH ATIONBOK OF PUIRCE, Cor. of Wood And Sixth .1346_ A. PATTERSON JOB. S. HEM ...... ... CAPITAL, : : 000000. - • . . AA Patterson, m. H. Brown, Chao. Lockhart, mien Kirkpatrick, *Karen, 11111COVIM DAIL ICOESCEVALL BIECILETT, . 1 " 6 - ISIMUIMCIJII. _EaratNEER, , (Late of P. Y. W. 50. Itativray.i • , _ Oldde. NO. 75 PED)itki. stinert vv ßoori No. 5, n it AltiraNcef9iongdlie. AL vertisic dea f CIT I: '• • BLAST WURNAGN and ROLLINQ rOBAW.I . THUS farniebea. YVAdurardenopued4 u i &., I n rZE T __° l a r ic_tid. ier An E vEN i yastarr INti CLAM for reeaddiee every INEDNEsDAy NIONT. - ' , • *Peal , • BURGH GAZETTE: SATURD AY 1;5 NEW DBESS6IOODS NEW DRESS GOODS! NEW DRESS'GOODS. BLACK AND COLORED ALPACCAS M'CONNELL & CO' S, Munson's CopperTELi AliD EsvELorrs, = !==3l DIDECTOWI: Wr case. C istm cir e ge s Drchemaloss , Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. AT 11 A. M I: .tfi2 A LARGE STOCIi OF SPIIESiG STYLE BAL3IORALS FRINTs, GINGHAM. , TICKINGS TABLE LINENS, TOWELS . _ SHITt'T-FIiONTS IRISH LINENS WIIITE QUILT'S. &c JUST OPENED, AT 178 Federal , St., Allegheny MEI SPIRAL FLANGES, been erected on thousands of fings In all parts of the United !s, and in a test of ten v ears no ince of their inefficiencf has ac ed. This Rod bas received the rreMIUMS at the Fairs ot nearly i States, and every place it was exhibited. It has been endorsed wer five hundred Professors in /eges. and other scientific men, as best 'Lod ever Invented, possess all the elements necessary to pro ; buildings front lightning. It is le of copper, because this is the metallic conductor, 'Oseept silver. does not rust. its spiral flanges l rough edges dissipate electricity double Its conducting power. •etricity uses oni; the surface. nev lie heart of a metal. O flange of s Rod being open, the inside surface mailable as well as the outside; al fitther, its power surpasses twenty nmon iron rods or a solid cornier rod Inch and a half thick. and has the litional advantage that it is contin s. and caWnever become disjointed otherwise'get out of order, but will ohm as long as the building stands t which.theeerected. Our points are rule on most approved method, id our Insulators arc unsurpasse r d. No holes are made In, slate o tin roofs. • Our elastomers will have the benefit of thirty Insulator, patented in 1867. The price is cents per foot, and three dollars* for each top; this includes the cost of putting the rod on buildings— there arc no extra charges of any kind. Within the Past few years we have erected this rod on many churches and other public edifices cuingburgh and vicinity, and upon thousands of dwand barns. For the superior character of this rod we are per mitted to refer to Rev. I. C. Pershing, D. D. Presi dent Pittsburgh 'Female College; Philottis Dean, Esq.. Professor Natural Sciences. Pittsburgh High School; OeoAWoods, LL. D.. Pres' t. Western Uni versity of PCllllll,Millia. , \ . Thankful for the liberal orders of past years, we solicit a continuation of public patronage. /01• Dealers in Rods supplied. weicHART & co., - manufacturers, DUQUESNE WAY. nearDand St. Bridge, • mh27:wriF EST ARUM= 1849. • ... TIM LABOILST IN AMERICA. NORTH AMERICAN Lightning Rod Manufactory, BRASS FOIINDRT AND IRON GALVANIZING WORKS .30,000 FEET MANUFACTURED DAILY. THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED LIGIITNING 'RODS, . . . Mactured at tbese works. and sold to all parts of thecontinent, aro sAmitted to be superior to any Lightning html in use. Great inducements offered Also,ddlers and all. persons buying andholesale. One Platina Points, of a ll kindspatterns, together with Insulators, F aste ni ngs, Copper and Iron Connection Bura, Braces, etc. Samples. Pam phlets and Circulars sent free. - • REYI3IIIM'ROM &'oon _... Nos. 488 and 490 St. Jam Bt., .. . . : • . :1 0 111LAIDELVII IA. siplo:o33-dikir . , • COBTAIN GOODS. NOTTINGILLIN CtrIaTAINS. VEMBUtE,I;iOE, , GILT 001:01101M MOPS AND BAND. ASSORTMENT • iuma. sAVP, apterreST =ESE NEW ADITERIISLta.- ---------------- eltiND OPENING. REINEIM+I, iIEYBAN 1 . SIEDIJE ( No. 42 Fifth St., WILL OPEN TH • , I STORE, ON MONDAY, Ap 6th. , bgi=°,lggPletge*Fafillyt!) Verk::wwiggegl I l eargVaire7gtite Y e 9 st e lgelAggl Waterodig Struction by lire of their new store room, and to return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them duce. The New Establishment will be Opened / ON A SCALE OF INCREASED SPLENDOR! e )et e nrgg l i F tt i t cl a , t pea se ti:TubittelTeudrgrangliVebsy in reconstructing the NEW STORE In a man rietrorrtit.ucliils;rifitiratti)ellgsnanlitc*ffered demo Utica. AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF . , ...._ GOLD AND SILVER GOODS, OlEver y Description. ALSO. A FULL LINE OF , - D I AMON D JEWELRY , AMERICAN AND FOREIGN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Plated Ware, fic., &c. Owing to it% GREAT FACILITIES, the 'arm are able to bell goods at the _ MOST MODERATE PRICES. REINEIVS, MEITAN & SIEDIII No. 42 FIFTH STREET, ,PITTSIMEIGIt. P.A. , .. . ...... GROVER 4 AEIAKEWIS r.r.a.wric orrircit AND Locii. STITCH SEWING !MACHINES ....... . .. . ... ..... .. . ... .. . ........ WITH LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, At the . New ano Elegant Sales Booms OF THE COMPANT, ' 1 ' 51 FIFTH STREET. • Also, NEEDVES, ATrAcnmErre,MACHTNE SILEs and COTTONS, THREAD, IIia:HINE OIL, &e., &c. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect fully invited to call. latnPpitis4lcnti:if°ol.nikirteOclit l s on. id ne s C p ir o it i g 'age of v be addressed to GRO:VER & BAKER S. M. CO. 51 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. id_ j_f___o:lll2 _______________________ J. & E. PIMITIPS. 1 ond SPRING GOODS.I4Oi_b_O iouts. 1.0130. We lire now receiving. from our own and other manufactories a NEW STOOK of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE AND WINDOW SHADE OIL CLOTHS, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. Al6O, a fUIIIII3O of Transparent it Indow Shades,' Hoitands, Shade Mixtures, Yasnellt, EOrdit a** , *e. . , WOLZSALE AND I N strrEns, AN find " r Vie" A B k i lo ilit i gn ER 'l n aliZif lit uuots . au T and stiles second to LlOllO. ' Jo " & H. PHILLIPS, spitnil /"1"1 BT. bLAI 1:1". 168 •••••1,....1,,F •'l4. • 2 '.. ... I . t. . .....1. .... 1613.. ~•...CIIEAP S ORRA.P I' • - ' - • g. rsultu r OMlLlEs TWZ • 21- fil#ll4olooi,oll6. . ... , SirWEITE GOODS. , VitittfaelliAntfl23. 4 . Sr HOPP SittllTS, LACES. _ • :" 1 °.' 'l' • , ,. 1 •• ar AT...THENEW DRY GOODS STORE or iiie LTC Y F. SICIOILTCYY,`` - or No. 188 •Wllle ' Street. , AN' • • left. - . vp 16S. A imEGltiont,corsTir -- .. '.:- 4.3" WORTH USE.. , '- , SEALED P ROPOSALS 10 be received until the sots trot.. for LAYING BRICK BY THE THOU „s.das” Pearßital liteerrilPOWlßtroilltl,4llPri4=3:; t i le direction of the Bu t ml . niett i tni t. secretary I r ow '* ' 'A.........-.--..F...--------..,-.---------------••--•-oos street. corner Fourth. , 1 TOIOI ICE 2 ICE I • WI. ICREBEl,letDealer , ' it . as DIIIIIIOIID 1 JILIULEIN IlltillidrliWt Orden len hen or et nand street Bridge will o d e s prompt , attention. Warms mauls Is n burin Slid AUesbeur• IlliT:03 NEW JEWEIat spEknfo 41. 'll,r 51. PITTS43URG II ,yA .. I`s ~. =MI ~~~ ::~~- ... : • QIJARTEBLIE STATEMENT • OF THE Pittsburgh National Bank of Commerce• PITI'SISUROII, Aprtl 6 , , 1868 ASSETS Loans and Discounts 8 554,054. 05 Real Estate 64,99135, Current Expenses and Taxes ' 4,5551 97 Premiums 4,961 08 Cult Items _ - 8 316 33 Due from Banks - 69;389 951 United States Bonds deposited with •U. S. Treas'r to secure etreulat'n: 500;000 00 U. S. Bonds and Securities on hand 69,500 00 Specie, Legal Tender. National and . - State Bank Notes, &e 111,715 00 . LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 500,000 00 Circulation 449,000 00 Depositors . . ... . .......... .$390.360 743 - .457,1103 30 30 Banks and Bankers: - - 66, OD; , Surplus - Fund, Exchanges, Inter est, Ste .... a. kei•• 33,600 42 , • $1,430,703 72 • The above Is a correct abstract from my report to to Comptroller of the Currency. _ rip9:o23 • JOSEPH. HlLL:Cashier QUARTERLY 08T 77 • OF TilE EXCHANGE-NATION iki BAn. ' • ' 'Notes and Bills Discounted ......... .0,935,346 30 U. S. Bonds deposited to se- cure Circulation 11. S, Bonds deposited to se cure Deposits M 00004,090,000 00 Specie and other lawful money 186,730 00 National Currency $ '4437 00 ,-. 17,865 SO Cash Items IS ' "48 80— ' 191,868 76 Due by Banks Real Estate ' • • 66,500 00 Taxes and Expenses ' 17,274 10 • .. • - Capital Stock—__4l.Eoo, .006 00 National Circulation..... iiko,ouu ou - 8 :_ _ _ 0.00 _ State Circulation ..... , ...... 40,3t0 00-- 40,35 Indlvidual Deposits 3.71,580.11 United States Deposits.... I0.",003 23 34 26 455.2 Due to Banks 31,813 51 Earni 488,156 17 ngs ‘ —_—_-- 53,515,585 02 Icertlfp tlant tbe above Is a true abstract of the statement made to the Comptroller of Currency. ap7:129841..tT H. I. 31.UltItAY. Cashier. WANTED ---A GOOD GERMAN GARDNER. A sober, industrious married man, with a small family, to take charge of and live on a garden farm within nineteen runes of the city. There is a good brick house of six rooms, kitchen, hall and cellar, for the gardener to occupy, and to whom liberal wages will be paid, for one that is com petent and trustworthy._ For particulars Inquire of U.. 11. TOWER, Real Estate Agent. No. 164 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. ap8:01 6 WANTEDe-AGENTS FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR; Its Causes, Character, Conduct and Results. By Hot. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. A .Book for all sections and parties. • I This great work presents the on t ll complete and impartial analysis of the Causes of le War yet pub- Robed. and gives those interior He ts and shadows f:s/ f h t O l watched `t ° tlifieVl Itirwo reggfaigVoT e i r t: Mr. springs, and Ishich were seconds to Mr. Stephens from his position as officer of he Confederacy. • The intense desire every where manifested to ob tain this work, combined with an increased commis \ sion. makes it tne best subscription book ever pub- Itched. . . One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscribers 1 in three days. send Another f.r I 1 circulars B s repoon n.n a . its ee days. oilfratesrmubss,crainbedras f i u n l l ib :- .scription of the work, with notices of the Press, /tc. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING C O. Philadel li, Pa mhIP:m100:d&F P , • . . TO LET; . . . 'STORE ROOM. and DWELLING attached, on Beaver avenue. Allegheny City, (formerly a cheater, ) just new; bulldlnF in good location. • .Eor particular* Inquire at ... i . tr a C 0.,. RES 1;0. 5137 Beaver avenue. rulat .,...—_ OR SALE. F. Property near Mansfiel d. for Sale. ~ , - A 'Very deatrable piece of , land of 10 acres. having an orchard of about 3 acres, and a good frame house of 5 rooms and cellar; a spring of never failing wa ter near the Wiese. Located on an elevation about %of a mile west of Diausfieltl Station, on o the Pan handle it. It. To be sold as a u(hole or in lts, to suit purchasers , from 93 to - 5 acres :- • Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Nb. 77 Federal street, Allegheny - City, ou seeoud floor. _ FOR SALE. A good frame dwelllng of five rooms, large hall, finished attic and good cellar, with lot 24 by 129 feet 9 inches, situate No. 60 Adams street, Sixth ward, Allegheny City. which will be sold low and On good term. aetbe owner wishes to leave the city. • • Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, l e a 77 Federal street. Allegheny City,on second floor. - YOE SALE: . -.•• :' -• BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—Two good lots on Sheffield street; one lot on Adams street; oue lot on Franklin street: three small lots on Chartiers street, Allegheny. A lot in East Liberty, being lot No. 14 on Dennison avenue. A number of lots on Jacks Run. o f IreDANIEL SWOGEE, No. 77 . Federal Inquire street; Allegheny City, second floor. --A good Farm of 70 Acres, 81) of which are culti vated, and balance in timber, having 10 acres of orchard, emulating of apples, peaches and pears; a Rood log house of 8 rooms and cellar: a good log g barn: Fenn .:ell watered, having a good spring near the door; 50 acres underlaid .with coal. and 12 miles northwest of Alleghenv City, and 4 W . Trom Sewickle,y or Glendale Stafion, on the P. F. W. &C. It. lt. Terms easy. Inquire at 77 Fed eral:street Allegheny City, second door. • mhla•mtt, - . . . ARARE OPPORTUNITY is itiovir offered to persons isisearch of a good building of at low price and- on tatty terms of •psyment. 1110 will aecure a lot rent pUrchaSer Cali build at once and cease top ay. and pay for the lot In mordhly.lustaliments scarcely exceeding his present Vent. These lots are in a desirable location, sur rounded by- imprOved prope i ii, easy of. access by omnibus and ferry. Prices 15E00 to 4450. S. CU DDEIIT & SONS, Real Estatel St. 51. OTS FOR 'S./ME-43E 1121 AL IBUILDING LOTS on Observatory Hill, Second iird, Allegheny City, are offered for sale—cheap. The location is a very desirable one, commanding a tine view of both cities, is easy of access, and there is abundance of atone on the ground for building umiN. jt Aggihr E t a tAltheegilentilynt Diamond,sl op o f Me d i THIS OFFICE, or on the premises , near the Ob servatory wattling. rantlunsts _—_------------___ OS 1110 W. ARD'S LIVERY AND BADE ST ABAPPL L E E,. one tine DILLY HORSE diary 'three D GREY HORSES': one LARGE DRAUGHT HORSE three BLACK MARES; two' . OBEY asmuss. BYBEE'''. near Monongshein House. Horses bought and sold on commission. FOR sirs . bl e tbree-story BUICK U01M...-nratruew Props rble m ma ntles ; gas an d waLer brick frOnt , BOVela rooms_and finish- Ithrekgtiont ;,1101.16e COW_ Et . ed garret: 15.0.94-ELII WEBEET; bear Wylie Sixth ward. roseesalon from April Ist, 1868. Enquire at *clause. atirows, .. . . -.:,-- i.v4M=:^':;7 - Q . = , . - zwi - kz , , w—wcdr-e:Rg,r4..-IN4Emagi-E-v4:sysw.-A0.z;,.,,-z..4;_4,..„,,,;c,,_m I lz.. ... x ,al l, 4„ .. „:,..1. ~., a..li, z $1,429470 3 72 rITTSIILTIO3.II, April 6,'1.8613 63:515,585 OS WANTED V RENT. FOR SALE. L_ , ....... No. 17 Fifthlitmt. Paraiggi, Straw •.Goodei';, l f.' ':.t-I.'l'' And nOviers, aysT'o~si~ri:' GREAT SALE:. Tremendous Sacrifice In Looldigiliassesw: ...jratory -MANTLE moving, I offer my elegant stork or nue ILT, PIER and - ANTLE, GLASSES, POR- T and PICTURE-FRANLESt also, mlacellaue . -mai styles of BEI)ROOM GLASSES, all of which .must4i sold by the ; Lt of June, Reostiltefia ot,Cost., . Those who asolawaut , ok Ano-Paticr.dissuwa w „ d . drat-claw article of lir worgt ,w)11 du - fe" , , give me a cal . , „ , t I( • J. z.iroNs.-- ~ '111;01IN'oott ifiett• __,.. . . TOR MALE, • .- • ‘,. - ' .• ----tere.-,44* ..r, 1101/81E -MID 1111/ 61 Grro ~ ' lt fl. devrtfilrt - A_4004 fauna F AMILY' OItSE en ". 0 ,,,.. 4 ,..., -11Sti - - TOP BU el to order \. j r"17,1 • _ Must wimild moon, aa the owner Intends len ug _ ...._ _ , ZD.—A.lithe 41fferalar ; • 14:0 aolD:otr - - • ran . t. . . A I °it/ . ' TO be selleAnCatialLOPS LIVERY ST o Atl o L ree E, t . irs . re cw _.•d itfivit at the. Walk ... .. a se a . , ' - f; • • . . NiSTICES: ,----- a..5.0-9-.. , -1 ,. -? PITTSBURGH. FORT \YAM'S St CHICAGO RAII WAY COMPANY, Oftice of the SecretarY. . • , .• PITTSBURGH, March 14, 1868 , W'THE BOARD OF March ' ORS OF TillS COMPANY have declare** the regular Quarterly Dividend (No. /7.) of TER CENT., free of Government tax, on the Capi tal Stock, for the quarter ending March 31. payable on and after WEDNEDAY. the 15th day ot Apyil, 1888, at the office of WinsloW, Lanier & Co., lios. 27 and Sig Pine office tto T reas ur er restered at Nest • York, and at the of the to those re- , glstered at Pittsburgh. . . • The' Transfer Books Will close on the 31st daf of March, at A O'clock r. at. and re-opeu on the 18th day.of April, 1888, at it/o'clock A. . - •' • • I'. M. HUTCIIINSOX, '' • Secretary aptUo NOTICE. . TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE KEYSTONE BANS. ' ' - It having been decided to immediately ittereatid the:Capltal Stock of this Bank to tAoo.ooo,_notlen Is hereby given to the present StockhOldes that the Subscription Books are now open, and will remain open until the 10th day of April pr_ogligtO, for sub-'. scriptions to the amount of $65,000. After April 10th the Books will be opened to the public for the balance of stock not taken at that date:. GEO. T. VAN BOWFIN Vas-liter. • Plttiburgh. March 31st. 1468 II ------------------------ WPITTTBURG AND . 7 YUBA RIVER. MINING CO. The Annual Meet+ Riverthe Stockholders of the Pittsburgh' and Yuba River 3I intuit Co.: grill be held at the Rooms *La* Pittsburgh; Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway Co.'., 01114 WEDNESDAY, April I.sth. at 91 o'clock P. R. .1. mli2lin72 JAMES FINLAY, SecretarV AUCTION SALES. BY. BaMlln & PM=Yf3. pAtmmt & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS And Commission bferchants, OPERA H.OUSE. AUCTION li,OO No, 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPET Dry Goods and Notions, . . AT PRIVATE SALE RAS' EVENIN Consignments Solicited. Prompt. 1119115. BY BIE VANICia. & WdELLita, VICOUSE AND VALUABLE ON TROY HILL, AUCTION. . . • TUESDAY. April 14th. at SI reclock z. .. on the premises. will be sold by auction, a nest and comfortable FRAME ROUSE of four rooms,l with two good cellars. Lot 68 feet front bp 200 ree l depth. Good cistern, pump, coal house, bakeJoven , wood house and cow stable. choice fruit treds a nd small fruits in abundance on Mt. ~ L Also, several LOTS, ranging in front from p 0 to 36 feet by 5500 feet in depth. This propertylis en upted ash 'street; bounded by Gardner, •• Chesnut and Downing streets. and is very desVable, being convenient to the street cars, and bavibg the advantage of good board walks. • . .. SMITHSON, VAN - HOVE & 3Ie 4 ;LELLAN aps: PENN STREET PROPEItri AT AUCTION. MONDAY. April 13. at 9 o'clock I'. sf: on the premises. will be 'sold that very • desirable au valua ble THREE STORY BRICE.' DWELLINtit G M ;A OUSE, No; 94•Penu street, of eleven rooms,will mod- h ern improvements incident to tirsclass The Lot has a front of 24 feet on 'Penn strbet, _es.— tending back in depth 112 feet to a 2fl feet Brick Stable on rear of lot. The location of this property should Corn : and the attention of business men desiring a riPetal com fortable residence I I ' SMITHSON, TANHOOK Sc McCLELLAND , )1 ---------- BY A. 1192LWPSNE. ADMINISTRATOR'S SAIJE OF GOLD MINESCI ,STOCKS. SILVER, LEAD A, OTHER. STOCKS, PATENT RIGHTS. ac.loc U TESDAY EVENING-EVENING-Aiwil 14th, at 7li will be sold on second floor of the Commerrial Sales R001115,1..i0. 106 Smithfield street, by order of Wm. Phillips. Esq.,-Administrator of C. W. Illcketson, . deceased: .. 6,150 shares liferamee Sliver Lead C 0.., of Mis souri. 30,000 shares Gold Mountain Mining pombina- Alm CO., of Colorado. _ ' - • 4,834- shares Phelps a Gilmore Gold Mining Co., of Cinorado. 5,800 shares Franklin Mining Cll.. of Missouri. An undivided one-half Interest ift . sraltit's Patent . Interest or Plitent Bight for the Stat 4 of isc d Michan Stuhls Patente l a o p w e a, WAn undividedone!halfinnerestin,buitrßpatent. Breech Loading" Canncnt. - - ' One-half of a certain. old Canuon in BeaVer county. . ^ Parts of eight or nine Reaping. Illaclifneg. , made• after patent of Smith's Iteaper,.andMdwlit Wilson's, ou Ferry . street. Also. the interest of C. W. Rieketsbn heing an undivided one-half of ship Edward. ' underssel was lost:on the coast of Brazil in 11159 l cir cumstances which garb the owners a claim for in demnity against the Government of clay country, but which hasbeen thus far urged vafn. . • A. McILNI AltiE, A:(3.01011Ce - r. spin .. ---_. - . . BY A. UNITE. ii . . ABM.-"t GARDEN PIO S AND 1! COUNTRY SITES, AT AUeTlON'..There will be sold on the premises, on WEDNESOAY, Apra 15th,101168,•at10 o'clock,. the ,valuable - homestead Stn farm of Mr. Wm. Lynch, adjoining likysville Sta tion, ou the l'., Ft. V. i C. By.. oleved miles below the , city. The entire farm contains 4 Ainety-three acruate s . inr g n o i d g st a he Ohio r l i t v ivat io th n e N ebreau t ro u a l d ly- , and therownsblp road. There are Ortbards Vines, Small Fruits, Shrubbery, and a never railing Spring of pure Water. .0n the place . is an eXeellent Bricla Dwelling House, contalning si roonis, attio .and stables,oe all, houses, ate condition; also gool st barns, out tenant Winne, &c., &c. The whole premises are in capital and are worthy the special attention of all in questof a beau .tiful and convenient home, combining ; .the advanta es of the country with easy access tcothe city. Nine trains daily to and from the city. _Special attentlo is invited to thlt highly attractive sal4„. which takes place on account of the advanced age of the owner. Title indisputable. - City purchaseri,liwill take the 0:45 train from Allegheny. Dinner. trill be served, on maybees WOl, be sold in one : , lot, or divided ~ as desired by 'purchasers. Thy/re are a num . ber of' very tine sites for building. Man fall to at- f REMOVAL. , Delaware Mutual S. InetriM i. oe Company Removed to No; 09 FOURTH 13'6:Pittsburgh. P.ll. hi/si ap3:nB2 1tE1110V.1 . 1. 1 . . • d _ . • JOH N D. BAILEY aiMao, • 1 STOCX_AND REAL ESTATE HIRERS- AND AUCTWNEERS, have removed tdi No. 115 FOITILTI I ap2:1178 - ammo= KID 41[Arrs HE BEST . THEWOUI.D W. , .2., )4,1;t: ' - LAPORTE'S PARIS KIP GLOVES, MEN'S Amy *osizst ME oves made by me . bezi syrnatuie: ' _ 2 FISK, CIA ARK. 4 FLAG EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES, No 58 white StreNtiu 7-y Yeiii;istmr; n ---- gy - --- zi yfmsjgEr.- -,-s i ---., " ,- _ .7--,---------- •. ; .'r-- -rrs, , t -, - I. "' 16 AND 1194 C 8 11111 1- iit a / 2 1, shATed.,tid Sawed-extra qualiii.• , ..i , ;'.l-1 Ii 11, I' ~., : i ..,. DRY FLOORING BOARDS, /Lad ail kinds orTiadßElL'aCi .. !-;?. J.. ,A. ~...: ~ C,C. 49:1441C0411,, , Alairabove Suspenalcia triage; Alleglserly CRT %WM:rad-WS .., ..A _ ' . _.....- ~ ~',',_ • ...-- ' ' ic,vos: '4 ......ri gnalk _ . ..l7', Ns, -- , REAR 11 .2....tH, IN -,.. 1 rkglN, r„ 2 tiiill•-.-Aiiii. G , C HEAP BREAD i i - 8 i ghti0z,,,„....... , . ... r. , s , _ t.,,..., ~„,, ..... . •,,,,,,4T,.Nr!I _ Bug e l^rio sioll6 Th ir k est.,,-; vs. for v• ..._ .._..-. ' mpl.:n74 1 , 23E! Auct' A. !.(IGATE.,:Aucttonerk IGB Federal strceg Allcl[henS REMOVALS; U El M - : 1- , , EELS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers