11 11 II racial Matters in. New York. Gold Closed a---138%@138%. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., , ).7zw Irons., Apiil 9, 1868. l- MONEY AND_ GOLD. ood Friday Will be Pdxtially observed as holiday, in financial circles;. the stock [ rds "and gold exchange will be chised, the banks and Government offices will pen, also many of the '_ brokers' offices. p money market was disturbed to-day .1 the heavy fall in Atlantic Mail and the itsequent unsettled condition on stock hango. It appears one of the banks led in a loan upon a large amount of the k, to which the borrower was unable to nd; ccillateral was consequently ovystupon the_market, causing a break ii from 86% to 25. A number other loans were called In, , cans considerable activity in money, and ft rate fer, call loans was plump 7 per cent. ring the rest of the day. In some in sices coin interest was paid, in other *s vW, per diem, but those high rates Fe exceptions. The break in Atlantic Mail . ed the failure of A. W. Dimmerick, v o w f a i t y s t l a a lag raise ges t holders. money. The He is shares said t o a r b e a gerously ill of brain fever, and in his ence from business some of his clerks ..e a large order to sell the stock, as an derstood to be distributed imong banks Ldcollateral. One saving bank is said to 8800,000. .„ discount more doing at 7aB per cent. • ruing firmer but quiet; prime bills 9%a . Gold firn:ier, opening at 138%, and -ed at 138%a1383‘. The .Moro Castle for vans took 859.1,000. The '.' Assistant asurer sold half a million. GOVERNMENTS ow a reaction from the recent advance. ere are few buyers, and prices in conse ence are lower—closed steady. . enry,Ciews & Co., furnish the annexed ces at 4:30. Coupons 'Bl, 112@112.y.„; do, 111V,401111%; do '64, 109%®10934; do '65 pg@lo9%; new 107%@107%; do '67,107g ;108. Ten-forties 102©104.f. Seven-thirties 63‘@100X. STOCKS. Stocks have been weak to-day, in sympa , with Atlantic Mail. The bears were • ' rtially succesful in breaking up the list. psequently the market was firm with a neral advance in Atlantic Mail, touching' • 140, though it afterwards fell to 30; market bsed quiet, and on the whole steady. Judge Cardoza to-day appointed Hush , nith,Deputy City Chamberlain, as Iteceiv of the proceds of 400,000 shares recently Sued stock, the funds to be deposited in •list companies. , ' The following are the 540 prices: Can n 47@49; Cumberland 314®33; Adams ~ .spress 673{®70; Wells 28;4 ®2B 7 X; Amer - an 6414q67; United States 74@ 4y,; Mer : • . tants Union, 34%@34 34 ; Quicksilver, 25%@ , 34; Mariposa, 6@7; acific Mail, 89@893,6; , tlantic, 33@36; Western *Union Tele, • , ,nph, 37X@37%; N. Y. Central, 120)!A :..':.:0N; Erie,7l%@7l; Hudson 137 y,, 1 5 ~ 138; Exchange Dividend. Reading, 891. X ;i:` PO; Ohio and Mississippi 3134®31%; abash 49%,@50; St. Paul 61 ,@61%; do :1;,:, eferred 74%@74%; Michigan Central 113@ .I.:‘1:. ; Michigan Southern 90y,,@9034; Illinois .1: : ntral 142X®142; Pittsburgh 90 @9134; oledo 104VA.104 1 ,6; Reek Island 51%.@)95; '''•••. orth Western 62@65; do preferred 75 1 4@ ' ', • - iX; Fort Wayne 101%®101%; Hartford •.' :; 'ad Erie 14®15; St. Joseph 85%; Coluni ••T:ns 106 X; , New Tennessees 66%; Mis 'mris sw. . AtITING SHARES Mining shares are quiet. Gregory, 315 . - -'suartz 11111, 1; Smith fi. Parmlee, 215. SUB-TREASURY. The receipts at the Sub-Treasury toda ;ere $1,917 135. Payments, 61,660,436; 'l3a . , t 101 A 88 ,581. New York Produce Market 3y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette:) ;: NEW YORK, April 9.—Cotton opened ae lye excited and decidedly higher, and losed tkulet and scarcely so firm, with sales it 7,000 bales at 29,14a30c for middling up :ands, the market closing with no buyers :ver 29c. Flow; receipts of 7,490 bbls; the laarket favors buyers, with only a very aoderate demand, and sales were made of ~ ,400 bbls, at $8,90a9,30 for superfine State n, western; - $9,80a10,75 for extra State; 9,70a10,85 for extra western; - 812a13,75 for Vhite whe(kt extra Round Hoop Ohio; $10,25 • 111,50 for extra St. Louis, andsl2al4,so for rC o:111 mixed:t ele pod to choke do; the market'closed dull ind droOping. :California flour is without . iny material" Change, with sales of 2,400 clr s at $1241.4,. Bye flour is steady; sales' 250 bblS'atif7;soo,lo.. Whisky is tellynomi te3helims; ho chalw insi d ke ... t wb olie sa ne t d ; r rie P t ts an o ci f finn, 6:llBQ . d cicsefr 2dull ', and - drooping;„ with ?ales of 24;600 bus at'r,3s 'for No. 2 Spring, - tore ; $2,30' for unsound do. delivered; 46% for No. 1 and spring mixed deny. : [ re, and 87c afloat. Rice quiet at 10% • re ntaides d t ; o4 s 6l: 2, d®o Bo 6:o fo sab. r usiin ti e : sa n stum be tt,Bsr r teb i us : l;B6oki,a2 :; fB s of2,o6 3 or , r 2O wo.,i f ed o stern In enessee; $3,50 for extra choice white Mich ' . Rye steady; sales 4,700 bu Western at 1,90. Barley dull: and drooPing• BarbiY , ewer and mote active; receipts 71,660 bus; 1,18a1,21. for nets , . mixed Western afloat estern delivered; $1,1534a1,1834 for white astern and Southern yellow. Oats with-' ut decided change in price; fah. demand; lly 4 c for Carolina.. Coffee steady; sales 300 bags Rio on private terms. Sugar firm; • , es 900 hhds at 1034a113 44 c for Cuba; 12%c for Porto Rico; sales of 160 boxes - Navana at lOgally.e...Molvtges steady. Hops quiet. Petroleum quiet and unsettled at lie for crude in bulk, and 253,9260 for refined bonded. Pork- opened heavy and closed • decidedly firmer, with sales of 3,360 bbls at 1526,50a27,10 for new mesS, closing at - $27,10 regular; $25,76a25,87 for old • do, closing at $25,87 regular; '1321,75a22,25 for prime, and /$24,501124,62 for prime mess; also, 1,250 bbls new mess at 526,85a27,12, seller, May, and $27,50, seller, June. Beef firm; with sales of 400 bbls at $14,50a20,60 for new plain mess, 820,50024,50 for new extra mess; also, 250 tierces at $36a38 for prime mess, $40842 for India mess. Beef Hams quiet; sales 84 bids at $33a37. Cat Meats firm and in fair demand; sales 325 pack ages at 12a12%e for shoulders,and 160.16%c for hams. Bacon . firmer 'and in moderate demand; sales 400 boxes at 13%aL3E/ s e for Cumberland cut, 15a15g0 for short ribbed. and 10y,a16Me for shoulders. Lard firmer; sales 1,150 bbls st 17a18c; also sales 500 bbls seller, first part of May, . 1830.. Butter steady at 20a40c for Ohio, and 50a54c for State. Cheese steady and quiet at 11a1634c. Freights to Liverpool unchanged.: LATEM—FIour closed quiet and'slightly in buyers faVor. Wheat dull and a shade easier, with a vet* limited export inquiry. Rye quiet . and steady, .at $1,89a1,90 for western.. .Oats quiet, at 8.5 3 / 4 aB6c for west- ' ern in stare. Corn dull, at $1,19a1,21 for new mixed western afloat, and $1,19;01,20 for old mixed western in store. Pork steady; sales of 600 bble . n'evi ' mess, at $27,123i ar ' , and ,23i4a27 37% for sellers foray. ' Beet, quiet and ,,,,„ . -----•5• Cut Mesita' quiet and iv firm. Bacon favors sellers, with a . Mod ery erate inquiry.. Lard very.firm, at 173,a18e for fair to prime steam and kettle rendered. Eggs favors buyers. 2202 3 e. :. •• ' . - • Baltimore Market. illy Telegraph to the 'Pittsburgh Gazelle] n BALTIMOBI4 v Loin is , stea,sc. Wheat is flraitin4prime 'Maryland red selling at, 52,801 12 , 8 % and Pennsylvania at, szss. e arn - . is arm; white being held at, $l,lO, and yelloit , at $l,lB. Oats ':steady 90e. Pork , thin and held at VT, L a rd; the market iitguiet tit 17,4 e. 13,406 1 1 as . tlve and tib.sidei are *ie., clear aides atl7al7%e, shoradera4l 4 Xer and hams at 1€ 420 e. New York CattielNatiret Lity Teleiripitte ' • ' NEW Your, Mira 9 r *-4tttle receipts *si e liberal; Over ttroOQ at tl a advan°o of Monday best; Wee 1 . 1?;:' - Sheep are a, shade esud er gitIPIPS•ogRiPt !4.0-1/r,Fr UM Cincinnati Market. dB; Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CINCINNATI, April 9.—Flour dull but not lower; sales family at $10,25a10,50. Wheat dull; sales No. 1 red winter at $2,38a2,40, No.' - $2,50a2,32. Corn dull; ear sold at 84a85. Oats quiet at 74a75. Rye firm at $l,BO. t Barley very dull and hardly any demand; best grades of fall can be bought at $2,80. • . Cotton firmer and held at 28 for middling; some sales at this rate. Tobacco firm and quiet; sales 117 hhds at 4a9 for lugs and $lO a 29,15 for leaf. Mess Pork in speculative demand; sales 2200 bbls at $27 buyers this month and $27,60 buyers, June and $26,50a 27 on spot, the latter extreme. Lard firmer and in demand, but at the close conld not , have, been bought for less than 17V 4 . An active; speculative demand for bulk meats, with sales of 11,200 pounds at 12c for shoulders and 14% for sides; - holders - now ask higher; clear aides sold at 1534a16c, latter rate Imyers for this month; bacon is scarce and firm; shoulders, 13%c; clear rib sides, at 16%'; clear at 173‘;, Sugar cured hams at 18a19c. Butter firm at 45a50c. Eggs have advanced to W.e. Clover seed is dull, but there is still alimited jobbing de mand at $10,50; nothing doing in large way. Timothy seed is dull at $2,25a2,60. Flax seed in demand at $2,8082,40. Groceries un changed and quiet. Salt declined to 400 per bush for Kanawha, and for Mason City and Ohio river . to $5a5,00 per bbl. Linseed oil unchanged and quiet Jot $1,17a1,18 per gall. Petroleum in demand at 33a35c for rafted free. Gold 13834 buying. Exchange firm buying at par. By Telegraph to the Pittahurgh Gazette.) ST. LOMB, April 9—Tobacco unchanged; fine leaf scarceand wanted. Cotton nomi nally higher but no sales transpired. Flour in good demand for low grades, which are scarce. ' superfine held at $7a8,25; extra $8,50 a 9,25; double extra $9,50a10,50. Wheat is held higher, but no sales above the last quotations; prime and choice winter range at $2,60a2,75. Corn held firmly at 89a92c. Oats firm but inactive at 70a73c. -Barley and Rye dull and unchanged.- Pork is firm, b t less activer, at $27,25a $27,75. k Meats; sales 25,000 lbs of rib sides, for Chicago and Peoria, for the 20th inst., buyers' option, at lly,c. Bacon held higher, but buyers stood off, and market. dull and irregular with few sales; shoulders sold at 13/c; rib sides 16 3 c; sugar cured hams 19c; city shoulders ,held at 13%a14c; clear ,sides 18418%c. Lard) firmer; choice tierce sold at 17c. Cattle; receipts liberal with a fair inquiry; prices range at sa9c, gross. Sheep range at $3,2,58,00 per head. Receipts—Flour, 2,300 bbls; wheat, 16,000 bush; corn 3,900 bush; oats, _27,000 bush; barley, 15,000 bush. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Burette.) PHILADELPHIA, April 9.--Seeds dull and unchanged. Petroleum quiet; crude, 1535 a 16c. relined, 25c. Flour without change. Wheat; Some supply and unchanged. Rye steady at $1,90. Corn is less active; sales of 1,000 bush yellow at $1,20; mixed western, at $1,17a1,18. Oats dull at 88a90c. Provis ions higher. Mess pork, $2B. Hams in pickle, 17a1734c; sales of 300,000 pounds; shoulders, 13c. Lard, 17Na18c. IBLTelegrapb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) TOLEDO, April 9.—Flour—receipts, 1,650 bbls; the market is quiet. Wheat—receipts, 5,650 bush; the market is lc better; sales of Amber Michigan at $2,61a2,62; No 2 spring at $2,10. Corn—receipts, 6,151 bush; the market is a shade lower; sales of Ism lat 9034 c; buyers for this month at 92c; sellers for June at 90c. Oats—receipts, 2,400 bush;_ the market is steady; sales of No 1 and Michigan at 69c. Rye scarce. ' Barley—re ceipts, 647 bush; the market is nominal. Seeds dull and declining. CBI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ' LOUISVILLE, April 9.—Tobacco—lugs to medium leaf sy i al73;. Cotton 28c. Bag ging 16a17c. Superfine flour 18,50, No. 1 $l2. Wheats2,4oa2,so. Corn—bulk 82a83c. Oats 74c. Barley $2,60a2,80. Mess Pork $27. Bacon shoulders nye., clear sides 1734 c, clear ribbed 16%c; fancy hams 19c, packed. Lard—tierce, 17 1 4 c; keg, 18%c. Whisky, free, $2,20. tßy _Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Idir.wAtrxrE, April 9.—Flour, quiet and weak; sales of best Spring extras at $9.75. Wheat is steady at $1,9734. - - Corn is active at 78c Provisions, firmer; • Lard •is held 17c. Receipts-900 bbls flour; 6,000 bush wheat. Shipments 1;700 bbls flour; 8,000 bush wheat. • • ' .PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, April 9.-- 22 cars metal, Rim ick dc Co; 9 do do, J Wood, Son dr, Co; 2 do do, Union Iron Mills; 3 do do, Rees, Graff& Dull; 7do do, :ones & Laughlin; 1/ do do, Brpm Catighey; 5 dodo J Moorhead; 5 do do, Moorhead. & Co; 19 do_ore,Shoenber ger & Blair; 9do do, Graff, Bennett & Co; 200 bbis.flour, El Lindsay; 200 do do, T C Jenkins; 500 do, do, Shornaker it Lang; 200 do do, Seghmyer & Voskamp; 2 cars bulk meat, E II Myers & Co; 12 crates scrap iron T Maloney; 1 car staves, M Hover: Ido do, M P Adams & Bro; 109 sks rags, C P Mar kle di Co; 4 cases saws, Lippincott & Co; 2 bbls eggs, I bx butter, T er; A bis but ter, 1 kg lard , 4 bbls eggs, Lenz; 4 bbls eggs, W H Rirkdatrick; Ibx butter, Van Border & Shepard; 200 ski/ oats, H Rea; 677 bxs glass, Itirrisen di Son; 14 bbls apples, I. 71 Voigt & Co; 1 car scrap iron. Mullins & Maloney; 1 car do, Spring, Chalfant dc: Co. ALLEGHENY VALLEY Renaloexr, April 9.-880 bbls oil, 0 B Jones; Scars pig iron, H Woodsides; 5 cars limestone' Shoenber ger & Blair; 65 carboys acid,Jas Irwin; 3 bbls eggs; 3 baga flaxseed 2 do clever, 1 do timothy, Knox Jr Orr; 31 rye, A Blain; 30 do do, Scott & Gisal; 13 gs rye, Daniel Wallace; 1 bx butter, 1 bbl eggs, J Rohe; I do do, Ibx butter, P Blum; Ibx mdse, C Baufman: 5 bxs hh goods, M Sewellen; 1 engine pump, Lyon, Shorb & Co; 4 wheels, C WestA Co; 4 calves, J Huffman; 1 steer, Chas Sultzner; 2 bulls, J linty; 2 bbls eggs, 1 bx, butter, G Hoer; 2 bx butter, 2 bxs, 2 bbls eggs, 1 bag onion setts, 2 bags rags, 1 beef, 7 sks potatoes, V Eliaglee; 3 bbls glue, W F Gertes; 2 cars marketing, owner; lot empty bbls, Z Wainwright. - CLEVELAND AND PITISBUROM RAILROAD, 'April 9.-3 cars ore,McKnight, Porter & Co; 3 do do, Brown do Musgrave; 272 bgls, 9 hhds, 6 cks, 7 hf bbla 8 .Wls; 21 kegs, 31 'pea, 1 bx scrap iron, Pitts Forge & Iron Co; 35 bblalime, W H Brown;*l bill castings, Weldon & Kelly; 12 bas scales, Fairbanks, Morse dc Co; .7 sks rags P Markle & Co; 1 car grindstones, Jas MoDermont; 5 bbls ap ples, 152 sks potatoes, Vangorder & p he and;.3Bo busts potatoes, Hitchcock, Mo- Creery4 Co; 60 m shingles, John Heath; 1 car stone, John L L Knox; '1 car kgs, J J Beni4er & 'Co;•1 caddy tobacco, Carter, Mc- Grew & Co. PITTSBUBAME COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAILROAD, April aka seed, McHenry & Hood; 7 bbls dry, apples, 5 do, green d0,,1 bacon,l kg lard, 2 bbls tallow ? 7,'Wke rags, Voigt, 'Mahood do Co ; 2 bbls- tallow, 2 kgs - butter, Meanor it Harper; gbb bbls drz apples, 1 do hotter, 7 slot rye,- W. H Own; 25tdls rakes, P H Latifinan;.l:, car mid dling;l4 S B Floyd & CoL 1 car oats, Bricker & Co; I do staves, G Ehelluirt; .100 ibis flour, D Wallace. • " , . -Irr'Pr . v April '9 —4 ALLEG STATION, . 4 1 I's 1 metal, 11 - hoick do Co; 15 Nils hides, JL , ck- Camp; 5 doz pails, 3 do tuba r ldercer 4, Bob, Waco; 6 do do, G Myers; ,100 bbls flour, Stewart tic Langen heim; 250 pigs lead, Rey n2er, neancin & Co; 1 car =Weed; Brice 4 5 ; .Bre; 1 car nine, 1 Gillespie `dc co; 9 barrels 11 S t chinidt. ' ' - , • , . t . pis t s2isymoiiro; tziiinii. 11511 , 140% 406211.8;-18ro , 110 leiither, G g--Anderson ; a , a ge : totooob, S Redelpbeitn; 1113bla ' 'dab; sage`gtrard: Beller; l'bby,' E• ll'lls- ers do Co; 1 bbl tidlow,geed`&7o6stoli.; 251' iLtroaria Ime . g ' l / 4 0kilIck)X6 `4 l .k CO; '' th- : - i''! , P4ifincirt4,intiali Rya' Alb': 4.o lla A74 l ;nokotis l cdove*Beed_ _,' som p f t. ,l2 .. 1 2:1i 3t r e li 7 t i tv , za , bdlo .. , 1:, I Imo,. 1151 St. Louis Market. Philadelphia Market. Toledo Market Louisville Market Milwaukee Market. IMPORTS B' RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH;GAZETTE : FRIDAY. . APRIL, 10, 1868. Chicago Market. IBv Telegraph to theTlttsburgtz Gazette.l CHICAGO April 9.—Flour quiet; light sales of spring extras at $8,50a10,50 for low grades to choice. Wheat dull and Male lower; sales at $2,05 for No 1. and $1,863ia 1,88 for No 2; closing at $1,86a1,86% for No 2. Corn is less active and Xa.',c lower; sales at 80a82c for No 1; 79 c. for No 2; 76% a77 l „e for new, and 78a79 for rejected; clos ing dull and almost nominal at 76, 1 4 c for new. Oats active and steady at • 58.9.5814 c; closing dull at inside prices. Rye dull; No. 1 sold at $1,60, and No 2at $1,55a1,56. Bar ley unsettled but more active; No 2 sold at $2,25a2,27 in store. • Mess pork more active and easier, at $26,25a26,50. Lard active and firm at 17e. Bulk meats quiet and without any, change; sales dry , salted shoulders at 111/,c; sweet pickled hams •• steady . at 15c. Live hogs steady and firm; sales at $7,25a :7,75 for common; $8a8,50 for medium to fair, a1ich58,75a9,75 for good to choice. Re ceipts-5,746 bbls flour, 13,156 bu. wheat, 56885 bu corn, 8,530 bo oats, 45 dressed and 18,147 live hogs. Shipments-5,883 bbls flour, 4,738 bu wheat, 22,000 bu corn, 13,800 bu oats, 4,592 live hogs. RIVER NEWS The river was about stationary last even ing With—eight feet two inches in the Mo nongahela, and eight feet four inches in the Allegheny. The Allegheny is reported stationary at Oil City with twenty-seven inches in the channel. Here, the weather was cloudy and cold yesterday with every appearance of snow. The arrivals include , the Robt. Moore, from Portsmouth; R. C. Grey, from Cin cinnati; J. N. McCullough, from Parkers burg, and St. Charles and Argosy, from Cincinnati. The Armadillo got oft last night; she has engagements below. The Bayard, in command of Asa Shep ard, will take her place in the Parkers burg trade, leaving at 12 o'clock. She has been thoroughly overhauled and sepaired, both inside and outside, and is in tiptop condition for business. Her cabin haslmen materially improved, having, among other things, been newly carpeted, and her state rooms have been supplied with new bed ding. Indeed, she is in all respects, in better condition now than she has been at any time since she entered the trade. She takes the place of the Leni Leoti, leaving here every Tuesday and Friday. ; The new mountain steamer Urilda cleared for Fort Benton last evening. The Ida Bees, Cant. Albert, and the porter, Capt. Williams, are both announced for the mountains, and 'will be the first boats out. The Silver Lake, Capt. Todd, is also up for Fort Benton. These boats are all connected with the "Itees Line." The following named towboats of the coal fleet, it is expected, will get out for Cincinnati on the present rise: Leopard, Tiger, Fearless and James 'Gilmore. It is said that all the coal miners on the Monon gahela Valley went to work:yesterday. The Glasgow, Capt. Geo. W. Johnston, will positively take her departure for the Mississippi on Saturday, and passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. The Kate Robinson will get off. for Cin cinnati and Louisville to-day without fail; Capt. Robinson desires shippers to sent down their bills of lading as early as pos sible. • The St. Charles, Capt. C. A. Dravo, with Andy Robinson, Jr. in -the office, is the regular Friday packet for Cincinnati to day. Hero is an excellent. opportunity for any one going to the Queen City. The - Emma No. 3, Capt. J. H. Marratta will positively take her departure for St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi this evea ing. The Emma, is in all respects, one of the best boats of her class that comes to Pittsburgh, and is admirably adapted for the trip she is about to make. The Wild Duck was to have left St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Tuesday with a thousand tons of iron, flour, bran, clay, etc., etc. . The Glendale and Kate Putnam, en route from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, were at Cairo on Tuesday, as was also the Alice, from St. Louis to Pittsburgh. The towboat Stella, from New Orleans, to this port, was at Evansville on Tuesday. Capt. Wm. W. Scott, a well-known Louisville and New Orleans pilot, died at Mauckport, Indiana, on the 2d instant, of typhoid fever, aged 47 years. The Kellogg and barges arrived at New Orleans Friday, withlt big cargo, including 6,305 barrels flour, 576 barrels pork, 1,153 sacks oats, 43,192 bushels bulk corn, and "3,000 tons ice, from St. Louis. • The New State and America were adver tised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday. A late bile paper. says: - The monitor Milwaukee one of the most formidable vessels in Farrart's fleet, and which was sunk by a torpe oin the attack on Spanish Fort, now lies et the foot of Adams street. It is nearly a year since they commenced raising this , vessel, and considerable dull cultywas encountered and had to be over come before she was finally towed to the wharf where she now lies. She is a double turreted monitor of the largest size, and well worth a visit. They are at present re moving the iron plates from her,. turrets and deck, and when this is aceemplished she will be towed around to St. Louis and broken up. The Local Inspectors of Cincinnati have I notified passenger steamboats that a gang way must be kept on the guards, and all furniture stored must be so arranged as to li leave a passage sufficient in cases of emer gency for imp one to pass around the boat. We clip the following from the .St. Louis Democrat of Tuesday: Last evening the award of Government freight was not an nounced, but no doubt the •Big Horn gets its. The bids were for transportating 100 tons army supplies' to Fort Rice, and 150 tons to Fort Stevenson. The ranged from $1,47 to $2,10 to Rice, and $1,75 to es to Ste ven. The lowest bid,was from Capt. Gil ham, of the, Big Horn, and was at the rate of $1,47 per 109 to Fort Rice, and 01,833; to Fort Stevenson. - The Starlight at New Orleans on the 3d, narrowly escaped being snuffed ' out. Eire broke out among hay in her hold. The pa pera say the prompt arrival of the firemen not only saved the Starlight from destruer tion, but probably all the steamers lying below Canal street. The Starlight wa. not damaged. The Timor of Friday says the Enterprise, rather an unfortunate one, by the way, came:out of Arkansius river with a full trip of Cotton, no chimneys, and, it is said, two or three Sheriffs and United States Marshals aboard. Taking aU things into consideration, the trip • was a: lively one. 'The Cairo Belle was sold by the Mar shal at Vicksburg,, ot4 Fridy,y, for 1725, to George Smith. , n The: boat as in very bad condition and will have to. be, very eaten sieely repaired before she can be made use of for ordinary business. The New State left Louisville for Pitts burgh on Tuesday, with one thousand•bags of Wheat. We clip the - follewing from the Cincinnati - Gazette, of Wednesday: About 11 o'clock ,Monday night, as the Major Anderson was . coming up stream, when just below Rising Sun she wad into by the , "New State; which was going' diovrestreani, , breaking the tim-, biirs of the Anderaon for a space of eight , or, ten feet on the.larboaid, aft of the bratist hooka, and - maklmr an ugly-looking hole in her hull. ' The New State whistled be fore the boats met, and was answered by the Anderson;but the pilot orf wateh on the , Anderson, Mr. Daniel - David, says he saw no signal lights, and therefore 'though, the. Now State : . was some boat bound up stream. Mr:l/avid immediately headed her for the SentuokY!shore;lthliiking she was sinking, • but upon landing it was ffiswvered that the hole' made was above water, and a bulk..., head was build, by which she was enabled to eachthis eity, wherelffin vnuf-yesterday taken to the,dooks for repaint; -- The only damage notable(' bY;the New BUM, to far as known, oonalsted,of having her guards broken and . her jacketaff carried away. The.niatter WllibtEinvetstigated by the pro- , 'Ptii'euthoritin,r and the blame . plait* where it'belongs. ' . . I=i=l FOR FORT BENTON Aidag GOLD MINES. a . REES , FASI LINE. The Splendla Light tight Steamers, IMPORTER SILVER LAKE JOHN TODD, Master. . , The. MA REES • will commence receiving on TUESDAY, and the IMPORTER will positively leave' on SATURDAY, April 4th, at 4P. K., and will take freight for all point on the Missouri river. For frolgbt or passage appl meal pITTSBURGII,W o g WREE G, Marietta and Parkersparg Line. Leave Company's Wharfboat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, at 1% 3f. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS, J. N. MeCULLOUGH GRo. D. Moon, Master, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, .. . BAYARD A. 8. Strarnzno, Master. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS GREY EAGLE C. L. BRENNAN, Master. Freight willbe received still boors by apt; JAMES COLLINS, Agent. gYCINNATI PACKET. FOR WHEELING, MARIET- T , PARKERSBURG, POMEROY, GALLIPOLIS, BIG SANDY, IRONTON, PORTSMOUTH, MAYS VILLE AND •CENCINNATL—Thd elegant side wheel passenger steamer ST. CHARLES( C. A. DRAY°, Commander; A. ROBINSON, Jr., Clerk, LEAVES EVERY FRIDAY, at IA N., Connecting at Cincinnati with Packets and Mil •roads to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, New Or leans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers.. • Freight or passengers receipted through either by rail or river. Especial attention given to Orders and Way Business. CHAS. BARNES,A" gents. mho " JAS. COLLINS, I LLEGHENY T RIVER. „Ex% PACKET LlNEsleaves every • TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, At 3 o'clock F. N., from the foot of Irwin street This - line Is eomposed of the followthi Vents: IDA REES No. 2, R. Him, Master, W.' F. STEW ART, Clerk. ECHO No. 3, E. GORDON, Master, A. D. Rua- SELL, Clerk. The above Boats 'Were built expressly for tlie trade, have superior accommodatlons and attentive all , - COTS. 711hU FOR FORT BENTON•sar s t AND THE GOLD MINER.—The Pine steam passenger packet IDA REFS Capt. Was ALBERT, Win leave as above on SATURDAY April 11th, at 4 o'clock r. at. -- . ape For freight or passagepp ard or Agents. FLACK 4 COLLINGWOOD, Agents; FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE.—Tho steamer KATE ROBINSON Capt. ROOT. ROBINSON, Will leave as above on THIS DAY, at 4 P. N. For freight or passage FLA appl CK y on board or to 0111 , 7 , ape J. I). COLLINGWOOD, Agents. EXPRESS LINE.-FOR ST. -PUAL, MINNEAPOLIS, D LANDING LA CROSSE, GALENA, DU BUQUE. ROCK ISLAND, DAVF.NPORT AND BURLINGTON.—The splendid passenger steamer GLASGOW GEo. W. .1011NFITON, Comd , r, Will leave for above and all intermediate points as announced. For freight or passage apply on board or to JAS. C0LL1N5.i..,,,.„,„ mh3o ' CHAS. BARNES, I — . -- EKR ST. LOUIS:, liEO-z i ggEt UK, GALENA, DUBUQUE ST. PAUL.—The tine passenger steamer EMMA No. 3 Capt. J. 11. MARATTA, - • • - • - Will leave as above THIS DAY, at 4 o'clock P. 31 For freight or pa JOHN ssage apply on board or to FLACK, - apl • Or, J.l). COLLINGWOOD, Agents BTEGULAR THURS-A di gg i g ., , DAY PACKET FOR CIN'CIN -I.l.—The fine sttamer ARGOSY Capt. VANDERGRITT, W. H. Scull. Clerk, leaves Pittsburgh for Cincin nati every WEDELSDAY at noon. C. BARI•fES, JAB. COLLINS, }Agents. In= JOHN FLACK. TREATS DB3E.M'!Iti ER ALL ITS FORMS. W PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON GARRISON ALLEY. trai.l3:n4l THE BEST Fri.FING DIiWERS P. P. D. _ FISK, CLARK & FLAGG, No. 5S White St; Nevi York. le2Bmlnrwip • GAS POSTS. • CONTROLLER'S OPPICE,_ CITY OS ALLIIIIIILICITY, • Aptil Oth, MS. I ' SEALED PROPOSALS will be-received at this office until. 3 o'clock r. at. on WEDNESDAY, 13th Inst., tbr supplying the city during tbe year with' GAS POTS.' The Posts to be delivered at City Hall: at Such . times as may be directed. - PATTERN and CORE Boxwill be furnished by the city. The tight is reserved to reject any or ail bids. • ' ' • 8.8. MAN' OIS uP11:1124 ' • ' - • City Controller. I,III'DIVIDENDS,. WORTH $17,153. 00, Consistine of GREENBACKS, BONDS, GOLD COIN. P IAMONDS, dc., /cc., to be awarded to the patrons op f. THE NAWV*I4,I4EIIrAMIT SALL success unprecedented. Mies Jew. Sales im mense: Rver7bed7 buys. • SS-Salesmen manta ~i tittle Mid _ every-' where.l'renlidin Of * O OO 00 to tne most Carcass ful salesman. No license Send for ached vie and circulars. . (,) moons co.. No, ea pittoovirgb, , ,pa.. Y.O. Box n 3. - _ _ pa am °Flit. • OF CIT. 'ENG Eft, ;ALtascuritrir Ovrt; mime swim, COREMISSIOIV• - !ccelT!)Prv9gialf fer :P; -;;;; . . . - iuradflur /as Van 0-1311 ' Vrair tugs speelacationsiftn laud ears obtained on appl,lcaUou st this once __The Cocimlisp . :l4 reserve; the rielt rejectli!lYi , r, su bide. •.- ::;•;1; •- ;- .•:”.,VWhE/61•, , LIPtAkt:VAPP - 'I; ler ' -"" 11 . 41 , 1 3 11 . kr leakon•-- qapofitlg!' ,eitA =Jai -LifthernEforti = 1.11"144 sTEAmzciATs. AND THE ..J. A. WILLIAMS, Master. on board, or to FLACK & CO INOWOOD, G. THE CHEAT ARABIAN PHYSICIAN Di P. Office, No. 298 Liberty Street. IN THE WORLD ARE THE _ Patent Pantaloon Drawers. The genuine bear our trad mark, Patentees and lianntacturers; • I NEI COMMISSION MERCHANTS X. STEELE, M STEELE '& SON, Commission. Merchants, AND DEALERS IN EM.01L711., GRAIN, FEED, Ate. No. 9 01110 STREET near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. 11EANOR MEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION ..np...nci:LA.N'ri,3 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH Consignments solicited. B.EFEnr.NCES — j. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics , National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy &Bro. ja.31:12A PETEI NEIL KELE Si , ItICHART, . • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, S EEDS, MILL FEED, &c,, &c., 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, my2i;b37 ROBERT KNOX, Jr., COMMISSIONIt t ERCHANT, AND DRAL TN FLOUR, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY , Office, 413 LIBERTY STREET. PITTSBURGH. AGENTS T J. BI.ANCHARD. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, aplB:xB9 ALEX. 3VBANE .... . cBANE & ANJER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 WATER STREET, ahove Smithfield, Pittsburgh. FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND DOMND3I3ION IiEBOHANTS, For the sale of Flout; Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds. Dried Fruit. and Produce generally, No. IR MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe2:uB SIIIOMAKER & LANG, Whole sale dealers in Groceries, Floar, Grain, Pro duce, Provisions. Fish, Cheese, Salt, Carbon 011, hc., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa. noS:n.ss JOHN I. lIOIIBE EDW. NOOSE WM. 11. lIOUSE. STOHN I. HOUSE & BROS., Suc cessors to JOHN I. noun & CO., Wholesale rocers and •Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. _ RIDDLE, No . 183 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.,Commission Mer c ant and Wholesale Dealer in Countrx Produce, (iroceries and Pittsburgh - Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gan entity. - au2l . ROBT. KNOX AWOKEN KNOX 4ERCHKNOX & SON, COMMJSSIO /M ANTS and dealers in FLOUR, GRAII L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny Cits jal7:r37 I ' • - - '. t . " I :411, I '11C1i;" - I .. r / MERCHANT MERCHANT IN PIG METAL iIS, ORE WROUGHT SC2At IRON, FIR D BRICK c i W.hos Nos. 3116 and 368 FENN STREET. St a o n gig C e ffi g e, nished. Consign • nts solicited. OC3 ITTLE; AIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and eaters In Produce. Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton, Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh:- JB. CANFIELD & SON, CON . MissioN .k. FORWARDING 'MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers in WesternMeserve Cheese, Rutter, Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Pot and Pearl Ashes, and Oils, Dried Fruit and Produce Tenerally, Nos. 144 and 146 Front street, ruts- urgh JOI}N FaIIPTON - A. WALLACE. l IIIPTON&WALLACE3WHOC DE SALE G ROCERS AN PRODUCE DEALERS, . o. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. 1a12:r58 OILS. EUREKA OIL WORKS, • _ MABUFACTITRERS OF EUREKA CARBON OIL, TUE CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Crude,Refined and - Lubricating OM, Lar, Sperm, Whale and Piah OIL. R. C.'AACKESNEY, Agent, No. 19 Irwin Street, FITTSBURGH. WAILING AND KING, ' • Commission Meribants said Brokers in _ Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA; PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., - 127 Walnut Street. H. M. LONG & co., • _ MAIMFACTITRERS OF PURE . WHITE BURNING OIL, 13rittml--"LUCIPAIt? , Office, No. 2 Duquesne IVay, PITTSBURGH, Pa. TACK. BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its ProduCts. Pittaburgh Office—DALZELL , BUILDING, cor ner or Duquesne Way and Irwinatreets.. Plaladelphla Ofdee-1137 WALNUT ST. spl:w3o JJACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO., • Oil Commiitsiolis Jobbers, BUM:IEBI4R WAY, will' btry and sell Crude' and Refined Oils , Lnbhteating,i. Tar, Benzine and Cooperage. Oar' ong_experiencO In the Petroleum trade enables us 'to offer unusual facilities and in ducements to'operatorb. :As- heretofore, we are de unasked to =telt the interest of buyers and sel lers to give us a call. Parties having Oils for sale are cordially invited to bring their samples. aplimS4 J. C. ro - sr.i.e. A.' Slitrzyr...w. If. WIIITIMEAD SOHO OIL WORK& • • Nanaboture sad have for sale all kinds'of LUBRICATINC No. EST. 01..A.14 STREET. . • BitlFlF.llm.. KEHAW Co? PRacTIPAL, - FURNITURE MANUFACTURERt w 14104 AND R 11.46, • LEMON t: Ric W 18E, rICOVIV:11*. -951ittatntrgAtiAlimulat of P/MI,OB and: arafabramor xamniiiirriru:ro IMMO libta , lin* ire too. 41 1111 k , ' t- < i' . . , “, , . , eX.414,11 .-4 1/! ' “Veg e - El= JOS. 11-kIiPER MEM No. 390 PENN STREET ME= 'IYURNITURE. , RAILROADS. ICIIT 'rSBUItGH andaltaMil CONISELLSVIL LE R. It. On and after THURSDAY. March sth. ' l 6B, trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot. cor ner of Grant and Water streets. as follows Depart; Arriti ][ail to and from Tiniont'n• 6:0011: M. 6:00 !I. M. rt. McKeespoAccommodt'n.ll:oo M. 2:05: . at. Ex. to and from Uniont'n. 3:00 P. M. 10:001A. m. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 r. at. 5:35 . 4. at. Itraddock's Acrommodarn 6:15 P. M. 7:501 .M. Night Ace. to McKeesport-10:30 r. 6:40 A:. it. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 r. M. /9:00 . -A. M. For tickets apply t J. U. KIN(, Ag4t. W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. ulliS - - LLEGHENY &r o ma 4 L . VALLEY: RAILROAD. Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL EMITS. Running through to Venango City E without ch nge of cars—Connecting with trains ast and ton the Warre-, it Franklin and the Atlantic & (iron Western Railways. On and after THURSDAY, 'March 261 h, 68, - the Passenger Trains will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal and Pikets., as follows: , Depart:, I - 41710. 'YAP • Mail to and rin Ven;Clty.i;6o A. M. .1:001'. M. Express .. " 10:30P. M. 11: at. M. Bradv , s Bend Accommod'n 3:00 P. at. 10:304. M. Soda Works Accom'n 5:25 P. m.71_7;554. M. , i First Helton Accomod'n... 9:00 A. M. 11:4W- . M. Second Hutton Aceomod' u 12:00 td. 3:45: .M. Sunday Church Train - leaves Soda Works at :05 A. 11.. arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. at.' Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. is., arras hg at Soda Works at 2:551. 31. , ' • 1 . H. BLACKSTONE. Stp't. W. F. HOPE, , Tleket Agent. mll2B 188. 'PITTSBURGH ; FORT W(AYNE & crrfcm% W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. It. From January 19th, 1868, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north sides city time, as follows: Leave. Arrive. • Chicago Ex—. 2:13 am, Chicago Ex.., _2:4 am Cleveland Ex.. 2:13 a tuleleveland Ex. 2:4 am Erie &Ygn 6:13 a tn,ClsicagoEx.... 10:51 a m Cl. &Wh`g.sl , l 6:28 ain ,Wheeling Ex. 11:0 A am Chicago Mail.. 6:58 a in:Chicago Ex.... p'm Chicago Ex.— 9:43 a Intel. & Wlog Ex 4:00 p m PIHs. & Cl. Ex. ;Erie & Yg'nEx• 6:13 pm via Yon intt'n 9:43 ain :Chicago Ex.... 6:58 p m Cl. &Will( Ex. 2:13p m ICI. & Wh'g Ex 7:08 pm Chicago Ex.... 2:28 p !Pitts. & CI. Ex. Wh. & Erie Ex. 4:38 pull Yognst'n. 9:2)3 pm Depart front Allegheny.. Arrive in Al leghe IY. N. Brigt'n Ac. 8:58 a miN. it:lyr% 4 . e. 7:03 am Leetsdale •• 10:13 a m,N. Brlgt•n ' 8:2 am " 11:53 a m " 9:08 a m Rochester " 1:33 p m New Castle " 10:13 am Wellsv'e - Aec„ 3:43p In' Leetsdale " 9:13 am Leetsdale Ace• 4:15 pmt • '• " 1:1.8 p m N. Itrigt'n " • 5:3E pm N. Brlgt'n " 2:13 pm N. " . 6:28 pni;Leetsdale " 4:' 3pm Leetsdale " . 10:43 p in! • ' "7: Bpm 2:28 p. in. Chicago Ex..; 10:50 a. in. Chicago press leaves daily. 'Express arrives daUy. ja% F. it. 3IYERS, General Ticket Agent. TTSBUf .. !yrf!! ! al:tFl_l3=EEri j[ - COLUMBUS A: NATI It. It. • • PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CHANGE or TIME.—On and after SUN AT, December Fth, 1867, trains will leave and at lye at Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: E. I Depart. Ar_rite. Mall Express 2:15 a. tn. 3:5&p. m. Fast Line . 9:40 a. In. 7:015.p. in. Fast Express 2:50 p. M. 10:5 a. in. Mixed Wtn ay 6:10 a. . 0:5 p. m. McDonald 's Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:10 a. in. 2:10 p. m. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p.m. 9:30 a. in. McDonald's Acc'n, .No. 2,.. 5:10 p. 8:2 a..m. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Sunday Express leaves R. 2:50 p. m. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:30 a. in. th 5 next morning. Church Train leaves Sunday at 12:55'p. III; • The 9:40 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sunday and Monday excepted, arriving in Cincinnati St "9:55 the same evening, 8 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHER ROUTES. .11iirNo change of cars between Pittsbui and Cincinnati, and BUT ONE change to St.ouls, Cairo, and the principal points West and Souwest. When purchasing tickets be sure and frad the office of the . . Pittsburgh, Columbus S; Cinehmati E. UNION DEPOT, (SOUTH SIDE.) 31. D. 110THERSPAUGH, Ticket Agent, S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agetel. JOHN D. MILLER. Gen. Freight Air _ Ahem. PENNSYLVANIA ii . 4- ... •F...... 75....-2,1 CENTRAL RAILROAD. - 4 . .. g.....% ...11:r.,.."' -1. e..r On and after October 6th, 1807, Trains; ill ar rive at and depart from the Union Depot, erner - of Washington and Liberty streets. as follows; Arrive. I Depart. _i Mall- Train.... 1:20 . a m Day Express.. 3100 a m Fast Line 1:50 ami Wall's No. 1...6''30 aln No. o. 1.. 6:20a i i. Mall Train' Bt2o am Brinton No. ''. 7:50a Wall's No. 2.: .0:50 a m Wall's Nq "-.. 8:50 a 'Cincinnati Ex 11:15 am Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Wall's No. 3.. 1/:30 a m Johnstown Ac. 10:15 a m Johnstown Ac: 2:50 pm Phila. Express 1:50 pm Wall's No. 4.. 3:30 p m Wall's No. 3... 1:30 pm Phila. Expres. 4 4:10 pm Wall"s No. 4.. 2:50 pm Wall's No. 5.. , /:50 pm Wall's No. 5.. 5:50 pm Wall's N 0.6.: 0:05 pm Wall's No.. 6.. 7:00 p m Past Line • 7:20 pm Altoona Acc'n Wall's N 0.7.. 10:50 pm and Emigrant •:. II Train 10:30 vr. ___ • The Church Train leaves Wall'sSt tin every a Sunday at 9:15 a. in., reaching Pittsburgh 10:05 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 3.2: , 50 and arriv :a at Wall's Station at 2:00p. mr Clucinuati Express leaves dally. A.ll other trains daily except Sunday. - Philadelphia Express and the Altoona•Accommo dation and Emigrant Train arrive daily. Cincinnati Express arrives daily except Monday. other trains daily except Sunday. For furtherinformation apply to -• W. H. BECKWITH,IAgent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage,except for wearing ap narel, and limit their respsibility to One. Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the ofter, un less taken by special contract. " EDWARD H. WILLIAMS c ociA General Superintendent, ,Altotnts, Pa. RAKESTERN PENN SYLVANIA RAIL .—On and after November 1,111017.,j the Pas- . imager Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart from the Federal ,Street Dert Allegheny City, as follows: ~1 Sharph`g No.l 0:25 0111 Bran .j6:50 a m ' Freeport No.l 8:15 a m Freeport No. 1110:05 a m.. Express.... - .10:10 a m Sharpb',g No.141:20 a m Sharpb'g N 0. 2. '1:23 pm Expresb.. . '1:50 pm, • Freeport No. 2 4:15 p m Rarmerv'e . :Ac , l3:ss p m Mall - 0:05 pm Freeport No. 2i; 113:011p m Harmerv'e Ac 7:10 p m Sharpb•g No.:I - 17:30pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. , Tho Church Tralh leaves -Allegheny Jiltict. -ever? Sunday at 7:40 a. reaching Alleghedy City at 9:50 a. In: Returning, leaven Alleghedy City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Junet. at 9:45 p• m. . • COntmuyATION IIgrETS-Fo_t sale In packages Of --t at Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Shiarpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at St Bons spe cited on tickets. The train leaving Allegheny City at 150 a. m. makes direct connection at Freeport with; Walker's line of Stages for Butler and Hannalistovi-h. _Through tickets - may be purchased ati.the.Oßice, No. 3 St. Clair street. near Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny - City: For further Information apply to e . • • . JAMES - LEFFERTS; gent,'_ Federal Sty Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad' trill not u sumo any'risk - for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit thei . resp onsibility to One Hundred Dollars in. value. All baggage: exceOding this amount In value Wilt-be at the risk of thelowner, un tess taken by special contract. '1 . . EDWARD 11...WILLIAALS, dos - General Superintendent. Alt4ona. Bs. SMOHY INION PACIFIC 11111 AY Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABYOE ROUTE from the East to all points In' Colorado, Nevada, • California, Utah, Arizona, Washington,' New. Mexico, Idalib, -• Oregon.. Two Trains leaye State Line .and ayenworth daily, (Sundays excepted, on the arrlyanof trains of Pacific Railroad from St. Louls, and taunbal And JR. Jo Railroad from Quincy, connecting at Law rence, Topeka and Wamego with stages for aLI Pointe. in Kansas. At end of track west of Ells worth with the D.NITED STATES EXPRESS COM PANY'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND MALL AND EXPRESS COACHES FOR • t .. • And nil Points in the TeriritorieS, . I And with SANDE'RSON , B TRI-WEEELY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union. Fort,j'asti, "Albn rergew Atee'xPcaon. and, all points Sn : r " r,i , a and With. the recen. additions of rolling' stock 'and equipment. and the arrangententa made with re. sponsitile Overland Transportation Lilies from its western terminus, this road now offers junequidled s facilities for tile transmission of freight' lb . the Rai .Tiekilts for sale at all the principal Fives in the • tailted States and Canadas. • •• , 1 • Beesure and ask for tickets - via TUE SMOKY ]TILL ROUTE UNION PA01173.0 )t./LILWAY, EASTERN DIVISION. , ' - -• ._ "' A. ANDERSON, ' '' ' - • • General Superintendent. • - -- A. tr.,wziaimg, , _,• ; „ General FrelAt and P4tai,Agent. 4 :9 . llll 3 l lZ : rirld li Ch i MENCi i i o alle .,vg - , milks stamp; onps d oor films. .= virsh„, -_, or 1:4 , 301 , 0. es . =l , lll Letite 7. ' llAlVHAlNik_lFfrtio.(am ' •' . ' 1 .1 4 s i •A iU , t '' Aielk litUl•sliveat (be 1 • , -, Aettiottijailliej!thhi. cri4414.411:: t . l YTq lea i l l ) ! l43 PP l f',•.; ,•*, ''' 1 , ' ' 31- 191116, M t 01,1:7`c, OM w"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers