CROSS PURPOSES. 1 lore my charming Polly, and. My charming. she j Ts fond of Dick, Who'd givelhis hand For Fan, who dotes on—me. Each dos I try my Poll to m i ce!, My Polly pines to I • "Young Dick. who lounges every "street For Fan, who hunts up—Me. - .1. frownwlien Fanny's path I cro . , $ Fan young Dick to see, I ' —, • - ' Dick swears, the rogue! at poll. who'll toss Her head at sight of—me. I - • : • - - - : 9FIII would some ansfe r . . ; V toi ,; ndlei Not love my Poll, and she not cart For Dick, hot sigh for—me. But no: It Is the lot of man: 1 ' Twas ever so. vou see. . .„, •• •71tat Poll loves Eileh--while Dick loves Fan.. • I.nd Fan Is Sweet— , on somebody else. • .. - , . . •-• , • VARIOUS TOPICS. —The ice still holds at .Montreid. 1 . 5100,000 cotton mill is toy be erected .it Peoria, 111. . - 1,500 barrels of eggs are daily consumed in New York city. - —Baden has a Jew for Finance Minister in its new Cabinet. —Judy wants to know what is the female name answering to mandamus... —The. New York plasterers have sent ' $5OO to the strikers in Boston. —For maple sugar this has been the best year. ever known in New Hal4shire. —Ono hundred dollars per acre are made this year, in North Carolina, by the pea nut —St. Pudentius is the title of Cardinal ,Bonaptirre., Pope Pudentius would sound _quite novel. —Mrs. Alphabetical Southworth is what the ChiCago Pon calls the renowned novelist and woman of letters. —General Forrest .is supposed to be the head centre of the Ku Klux Klan. A fitting representative of the society.. —Father McMahon, one of the Fenians imprisoned i n , theneighboringljominion, is lying at the point of death.. • . —lt is unlawful to spin tops in thestreets of Nashville, Japanese etizens will find this ordinance oppressive and unjust. —A young married man lost recently, at a single sitting, $lOO,OOO, at a Paris club. Gambling is very fashionable in that capital. ' —The Present Baron O'Neil, the descen dant of the famous King of Ulster, "The O'Neil," is a clergyman,. the Rev. William O'Neil. • —Mr. A. T. Stewart used all his influence - to defeat the Arcade .railway bill for New York; but a combination of capitalists for once defeated him. —Some one says that if Drew has the lagt chance, he will have a monument t of him self costing £300,000, because Vanderbilt's is only to cost $250,000. • —Mrs. Howard Paul, who with her hug . band gave some delightful entertainments here a year ago, has charmed England this •• season as the Grand Duchess. —Mr. John Masker, of Trenton, N. J . ., • was bitten two months ago by his wife's pet dog, and a few days ago he died. Moral— . "Beware of.your wife's pet dogs." —The Turkish government hag decided . to send $500,000 on a two, turret monitor which shall be built in England. A Chris tian monitor for the infidel ports. —On Wednesday of last week a boy and team of horses, while engaged in harrow- I;mg, were struck by lightning, and all found flead together, at Pottsville, lowa. —The creditors of Overend, Gurney Lt - _ Co., will it is now said, receive their claims in full with 'interest, the assets of the firm having proved larger than the liabilities: • —The 78th Highlanders at Montreal having found the weather milder than it was, have taken off their trowsers, and go m round in kilts and bare knees once more. —Dr. Chapin's salary is $12,000, and his congregation recently made him a donation vislt,during which they presented him with the house in which he lives, valued at $38,- .---Vociferons is the latest co - ruption of Vesuvius that the funny men-: ; 'Who spell things wrong and pretend they 'know bet , ter, when they don't, have been inspired to ,Bonner has siezed upon Hiles epTielli for the .recigt?. Inky Mr: B. shopl4 depazt thus from his usual good taste in-the selection of contribuns, we are un able to state. ' ' -The 31inneqota Historical Society has tbme into_possession of a treasure, the real, and - only scalp of Little Crow, the leader of 'the Indian mtu3sacra- of 1862, .It is tanned awl will keep, —Edwin Forrest pays;s4o day each to Barton Hill and Miss Lillie. s4o . a day is $12,480 a year leaving out Sundays, or,very nearly $25,000 for the two. Mr. Forrest's in , conie.must be very large. -;-.1 . t is a mooted question whether cardi-, .nais or aM bactssdors havethe rig ht .pie • cedence at the Tuilleriea, and it is one that giies - ,an immensity of trouble to the master , aoilnilitress of ceremonies. —Doylestown, Pa., has not a single fire ; engine of, any , description. ..Xhe people have been talking about getting one for years,, but will probably welt until some . :':.great fire destroys, half the toWn. - turna.out that the poet Swhtburne • ,knows nothing about Menkon, and that the jolUt Phothgraph of the two is a mean Cori. % ccction 'gotten up by somO of the enemies of I?.gland's greatest;modern poet. =The 111u - strat4 Polka _Tem has beSn thoroughly opposo by Superintendent Ken nedy; of the;New pork Police, that whole sale dealers sent the whole edition back to • IheP 41)1 4 11 / . en at Boston last week .... •"' lowa council of Liverpool decided to er, a Vine Art Gallery , et a'cost of $90,6 °M; but their P e ctul4rY liabilities are ,so great that they have changed their pp*, and no Fthe Art Gallery will• be Wit. • • ,144 - 1 tulelde With& Isomb , shell.- :Rs shut hiinselt the 'PrOieettle, apa salted was bloWn-* 4 thot il l 6 d 14 15 ° 2 1/ "4ternlV-,t the saial!)4olhent. I.7ktgi . 7 410 4 :70itis tha 1141eInaltt ;that There is i•vildini hyltumula: pore who is only 18 months old. Marrying young - has often, been recommended, Init there is such a thing as over doing 'every. thing; • $ —The Wheeling: intelligencer says that those' universally protected birds, the mar tins, returned to that town at prepisely five Minute's past five p. m., Monday last There is riothing like being exact in imparting mews to the public. I —Madame Celeste will take her farewell of the stage shortly in_ London, under the pa tronage of the Duke of Edinburgh. Up wards .of thirty Year's have passed since she first trode the board in Pittsburgh. She was then a danseue. —Vetoes are popular. The veto fever has gotten up to Maine. The Mayor of Bath, not being able to veto anything else, exercised his powers in that line on an ordi nance- increasing his own salary. Putnam is the name of this heroic man. —Two thousand five hundred dollars worth of valuable silks and laces were stolen'from the dry goods shops of E. Will, on Arch street, Philadelphia, on Tuesday night. False keys were used, andno clue to the robbers has been discovered. —A commission among the learned, is be ing held in Paris by the French Navy, au thorities, to find some means of ntilizing petroleum on board of the French Navy. Had not the Pittsburgh Petroleum Associa tion better , send on a.committee at once. —A new single span suspension bridge over the Schuylkill from Bridge to Spring Garden streets, in Philadelphia, isproposed. The old Fairmount wire bridge would then be given up to the Park. Eight hundred thousand dollars is the price of the proposed improvement —Two hundred French tradesnien have left the capital of Egypt 'and gone back to France because they charged too high and the Viceroy took his customfrom them. The present descendent of, or successor to the Pharaohs is not the man to be charged too much with impunity. , • —"No. Popery" riots are convulsing Rochdale, the home of John Bright. In tense excitement, several =fillers and the demolition of a Roman Catholic chapel as well as the dwellings of some citizens pro fessing that faith, have made the town rath er an unpleasant plaoe to live in. old house on Broadway, between Seventy-fifth and Seventy-sixth streets, New York, said to be the oldest in the city, and known as that in which Louis Philippe taught school in this country while a refugee, is to be torn down to make room for the widening of the Bloomingdale road into the new boulevard: * —Dietrich unexpectedly left the 'English opera troupe at Cleveland, and Caroline Riching,s assumed the , baton and directed the orchestra herself. She is the most ener getic and pushing of women. We actually believe that if Campbell,- Castle and Mrs. Seguin were to leave suddenly, she would sing baritone, tenor, sopmo, everything in fact and chorus to boot, and do it well too. —A man named Henry Clemens was robbed of his watch and money and so bad ly injured that he died the nest day. This outrage occarred in Philadelphia at Eighth and Walnut early Monday evening. Our few police seem to do better than the mahy in the Quaker City At- least we have no Imowledge of any ‘.. ' highway robber y . and taking murder place in one of the principal streets of this city. —Below we give a paragraph, absurd in its utter falsity, which Is going the rounds or newspaperdorn. Dr. Dix is a very popular, able and pious clergyman, opposed to the heresies of some of his brethren, but in no • more danger of being removed than is Mt. Vesuvius or Great Britain: . . `:Rev. Morgan Dix, D. D.,, rector of Trinity Church, New York, and a son of Gen. A. Dix, Minister to (Franee, has been suspended for false doctrines and no monistic tendencies." —Cleveland is going to have a natato rium, or swimming pond. Why can't we? Swum:ling is healthier and• much more use ful than skating. It ispleasant. Ourrivers are either too muddy or too 'oily for bathing in, and ' fernales cannot well go to them anyhow. New York, Philadelphia and Bos ton have natatoAa; why cannot the Smoky ,City have one, too? As aninvestinent they are exceedingly profitable every place else, and would no 'doubt be so here. Let some 'one try the experiment or start a stock com- -The Young„ Nen c i hristian Assoc's • tion of Troy,' permit games to be played in their rooms, - chess,- draughts, backgammon and Cards.' Of course no bet ting is allowed, and yet the rooms are crowded, and several of the keepers of low places of amusement are trying to get pp an excitement against, the Association because their businesstas been ruined. This sounds well, but we know of some places where the people would, .we believe, rather have the young men do anything, no matter how heinous, rather than have them:play a game of cards, so great' isthe.. prejudice existing, against these pieces of p rinted pasteboard. SINCE THE contemptible charge that Gen: Grant is an: man has been so overwheintinAy refuted, I see that the Dem ocrats say, "Well, at least, Grant is not a church-going .man." This objection, in view of the singularly, devout Democratic party, must be, so serious , that I 'hasten .to, relieve burdened souls.: Gen. Grant and his family' are, I believe, 'Methodists. The General _quietly gave' $lO,OOO to the Metropolitan Methodist Church to be erect ed in'this City. lie'has - generoly;riroMbip- Ped at Wesley Chapel,buthas_recently tak en a pew at Dr. SundprianTs church, and ?our correspondent sees himwith his faint- I ' l y, 'almost "eveTy, Sabbath in that pets. Dr. Sunderland is one, of the four preachers in Washington who wereoutspoken loyalmen, and Grant likes : him. - The. simple fact is, Grantis a Modest,:tecriperate, honest, brave,. faithful; clear-headed man. ' Ile 'is worthy the love arid honor of the Ainerican pebrdei and Will receive it in :spite of Malignant slanders of any man or PortY--4C;PMBPO?4" dent BoehatterDenwerat. • - 'Air Atlanta. paper tells of .ai chap who came down' front one of...the lover t oa di es and chi:muttered ' a man with w hind organ covered with mink : eloth.-: The nth began .tjuil an 't tlO — CPO ' put t d own r e tivErtel.; titer Officst. - Icink AP. PoW*Ar . eht 10/ZWA lch 11 404 1 4 . .same fate, .t,-Theitianterc. tlndin g lii iA 6 : llo %Vun l 444l7 l standar AM inked ; what sort o game is this, any how ?" PITTSBURGH 'GAZETTE :( FRIDAY: APRIL 10, 1868 • ONLY .1 lit • • A FULL SET UT ARTIFICIAL TEETH FOR EIGHT DOLLARS.. FULL UPPER AND. LOWER SET FORsis. TEETH EXTRACTED 'WITHOUT PAIN. NO CHARGE FOR EXTRACTING WHEN ASTI- P7CIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED_ ALL irons -WARRANTED FOR FIVE FEARS. LAUGHLYG GAS FREE OF CIURGE, QUINCY A. SCOTT'S Steam Dental Establishment,' 217E1 PENN STREET, 3o DOOR ABOVE HAND. N. 8.. , -As DR. SCOTT is a licensee under the Goodyear Patenta,- he will not make any, "new (bo gus) rubber" sets, but will cotittnne to taanatitotwre the genuine articIe—VULCANITE . -tati23:daT GAS .PIXTURES GAS FICIETIEritES AND et XL CI. 1 ielbs, FOR 'GAS. AND OIL. _ . Just reeelred, the finest and largout assortment ever opened in this (qtr. '..WEIsstOON & KELLY, - • /.47- WOODI4IFEET, COE. VIRGIN ALLEY. mhZins22 DRY • ODS W SPRING GOODS. LAIC BLACK SILK:4 GROS GRAIN RIIN .FIGIMED.SILK IBLSII POPLINS FANCY •POPLINS POPLIN ALPACCAS BLACK AND COLORED LUSTRE'S, ,WOOL DELALNES, CHINTZES. LIGHT SACKING CLOTH SPRING CASSLMERES DARK 6ASSLSIER BLACK AND BLUE crioru lEIBII LINEN, !MIL . :KAINSCIOK WHITE QUILTS BALmoßar, AND HOOP SKIRTS BLACK AND COLORED RID GLOVES SHIRT FRONTS. IiAI.fDRERCIIIEFLI TIOSIERY, NOTIO.S BONNETS. RATS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &c A .I,arge and Carefully 'Selected' Stock, AT VERY LOW PRICES, Wholesale and . Retail, AT U9l:lLiMu!at, SE!IPLE'S 180 & 182 Federal St.,Allegheny. aps C 5 C.) cid 71 a 0 • . 1 •• 4+ll - 0 • 1- PA 0 Z 87.,., . . . 11 " n a' 41 . 87 '-gr• 87 • iii)aiNe, oRatuNG , • .ffloßong 'I? PHILLIPS ', (Succe•ssorlo J: 31: Burchfield &Co) • 811 4 1 9. DA! 0 0 0DM4 OPRING*DBY . GOODS.; 814112i0 DRY. GOODS. • . !. PUlLLlBEl.tespeethdly announces that the • extenatve alterations to bla ; ' • • • RETAIL DRY- ',GOODS: STORE Are comp_letbd, its , eatiottqu I !(OW.OPEN , /do °Muni an entirely' • New Stock, of Dry! df4o(lBi . . Nor ilirtnmnd Oin4oerllorear - ,344he lowest East 9rn i?!", 7 / ce°,, , , • ani :1171;..11A1tErr AT DENNISON & ITECILEDT9B, Tifth Street, . , . PLAIN' LINEN Iw3mmtclusr3.,:,Cepti anti ALL••• L .. 111 CM431Trefiltriv 4 1.151DEZEI , ia,, , f0r.38 cents and 'Amu*, ifiTCI B 6A3M , li7ORK WRITING *4=m 4allBrsttee *l4 , „ '' - ' llol dttiON'S'OralialaßTE3, ; n *MOJA, )111 , 21 0MaitTfi:'1104k4m1311344.. , 1, Writ .4m • ILL ODRr GOODS riff*. fen FRENCH CORSETS Just rem:lived. A complete line of MAGENTA, LUCRETIA and ELVIZA CORSETS. Also, a Rae of MISSES' CORSETS RISTORI FRINGES, all colors. BULLION FRIN GEN, all colors. BUGLE TRIMMINGS, a fine as mont.. A fine lot of BUTTONS. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO. AT JOSEPH HOHNE & CO.IS, THAW *AND EMU GOODS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, SILKS, CRAPES. MALIN - ES, _ FRAMES, FROSTED ILLUSIONS, STRAW TRIMMINGS, ornamented. ALSO A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF WHITE GOODS, CORSETS,. HOSIERY,.. HOOP SKIRTS GLOVES BALMORAL SKIRTS, I EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, FRINGES, . BUTTONS, BRAIDS, • Ancta Full .Litie of Notions. Eq 0 A 4 1 AI FURIVISEIING GOODS NEOK TIES, BOWS, SUSPENDERS AIORRISON'S STAR SKIRTS. O the Agents for BDIDARCS, DICKENS, VICTOR and r popular snakes of PAPER COLLARS_ Prices as low as Eastern Jobbers. D Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. tralinkiwp. _ _ A PERFECTtEVETING GLOVE. o © o SIACRIMI & CARLISLE, O 14 H <4 °LOVE DEPARTMENT, aal.* notrooinplete with every colc;1 and shade: They have Ault opened 100 DOZEN of the fi Celebrated LC C (Jouvin) KIDS, . . imported especiall&to our order. Hundreds of our CCUItOMerll can test to their perfect cut and fault less 'quality: The co lors Were got up frongshades of dress materhd, selected and Itinitshed [by us, and aro really, The assortment include, BLACK, WHITE., or PARTY DARICCOLERS MEDIUM COLORS, and OPRRA COLORS. M4CR V:M• & CARLISLE, •TxOR it'EAl9, WE 3 Pt,, , topic ZEE . "ititt:4•3 ME • No. 20 Fifth s r NEW STORE! NEW STORE! ROSENBAUff, STEPIIAI & CO'S PHILADELPHIA moßrum,- 76 Market Street, Pittsb)argh, Pa. that The the undersigned respectfully Inform the public y have received their entirely new stock of goods, consisting of Milli ery and Straw Goods, ibbons, Laces, Artificial Flotvers, Embroideries, 'White Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets and Skirts, To vet eit they invite the attention of purchasers, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL One f our firm giving his entire attention to the purch lug of goods at the Eastern Markets, and havin had long experience and all the facilities for procni ng goods at the very lowest prices, we are enable • to offer great inducements. Cons tly receiving New Goods from the New York a • d Philadelphia auctions. A sha of public patronage is respectfully soli cited. • ROSE BAUM, STU:MART & CO., No. 76 MARKET STREET EMIE GRAND OPENING! OF SPRING- GOODS. Barred Organdies. Barred and Striped Nainsook; Victoria Lawns.- - Soft Finish Cambric. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF SOILED WHITE GOODS, Which we Awe belling at a great sacrifice, GOOD IRISH LINENS at 37 cents. SOILED HID GLOVES at 50 bents. SYSTEME ALEXAN- DRE KIDS for $l. GENUINE ALEX- ANDRE XIDS f0r51.195. Oar assortment of HOSIERY '\ l cannot be beai. 1100 P SKIRTS at 75 cents. pie new and beenttful SENSATION TIE, just received. 200 doz • 7S and SO Market Street. mhn:dia The Largest Assortment of To 1 Found iii the City. Wholesalejtooixis up Stairs 19 Fifth Street INVITE 'A TTENTI ON TO THEIR Elegant and Deidrable. 8 E 1 E 8 64 34 To s. SEE 19 , BOTH BTEEET. WIN ciao. CHOICE COFFEE, =ME ~ _ ,t,, 00 TO ni • : i r - H" l 4 , tl MI ALL OF THE HANllFlG'iiiiiii PRICER OF THE OF THE PITTSBURGH` WHITE LEAD VARIONS kI?D OF GUNPOIVIO AN - COLOR WORKS. . . INCLUDING STRICTLY PURE WRITE LEAD, Chroilto Green. And every variety of Colors, dry an _groundin Oil, for sale by HALRBIS dk Fancy Goods, &cs, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, SCHOONSIAIiEIt & SON, • White Lead and Color Works, . 1111 . 1 nTACT9REES OP( iVII/TE AND RED LEAD: ZINC; PUTTY, BLUE LEAD ; • McCOVS VERDITER GREEN, And all colors, dry or In 011. , • OFFICE, No. 87 FOURTH. STREET. _Factory, Nos. 450. 452, 454.. 456 ,and 458 Rebecca Skeet, and 49, 51 and 83 Laeoctr: Street; Allegheny. ' MARVIN'S PATENT sP itNat CRACKERS. \ I FRENCH CRACKERS. • • • FIF. , .NCH CRACKERS. fiREIrCFf CRACKERS. FRENCH CRACKERS. - -FRENCH CRACKERS.. And every variety varleWof SUPERIOR CRACKERS S. S..3LIJELITIN, 91 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. TRY THEM mh^. ESTABLISIIEp IN 1840. • SHIEPHARD'S Steam Cracker and Biscuit Factory, 317 LIBERTY STBEET, Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds of CCONV ECTICINFAVV, FOREIGN AND DOMEWPIC FRUITS, NUTS. &c, PIANOS, ORGANS, &C. BUY THE BEST AND CHEAP EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. latest v SCH ua OM Ie A m KE r R v e P me ANO knomn in n st he I con- struction of a first class Instrument, and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, for durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5O to $150,• (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. ESTEY'S COTTAfIE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed instruments, In pro ducingr th t rfect pipe quality of tone of any instrument in the United States. It is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. • CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HUMANA ZREMOfrom $lOO t 11550. All guaranteed for Ave - BARB, RNAKE inn 9 No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET . SECONDHAND • IiPLODEONS AND OR In perfect order, from $35 to 0130. CHARLOTTE BLUME, inhl2 42 Fifth et., 2d door above Wood. BUSINESS CHANGES. ISSOLIITION,THE FIRM ,OF ATWELL, LEE '& CO. was dissolved on the 'of TebrnasT, MIS, by mutual consent. Either inner May sign the name of the firm in settlement. JOHN ATWELL. CHARLES ATWELL. . A..- J. LEE. The undersigned will continue the WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS, under the name and style of ATWELL & LEE, at the old place, No. 1.31 Second street.. A continuance of the patronage of their friends and the public is respectlly solicited. CHARLES ATWELL. • A. J. LEE. Prprsaunan, March Sta..lE6B. mlArtaaba DISSOLUTION OF CO-PART. NEE§HIP. Hai GILBERT FOLLANSBEE thiellar withdrawn from the Arm of WILLIAM E. SCHMERTZ & CO. M. E. SCHMERTZ. U. .FOLLANSBIA t Pittsburgh, April 3;19U8, alst:n9/ w kat; o :tool; Jvi 4 Capifra, - - $125,000. PazsmaNT-EDWARD DITHRIDGE. SzcArrAny-T. A. WHIGH2'. Surinuraxxnariz-EDW.DAVISO.N. ' DIRECTORS: e Edward Davison, • 1 L. F. Duncan, John, i K. D. Ditbridge ; gee. W. Dlthridge, IM. L. Malone, - ' s. m,.' Johnston. . . . . LUMBER YARD-.Corner or-BUTLER AND AL LEGHENY STREETS, iilath Ward. ppriGE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORSE. Wash isatoußsreet. • ja23:J9B JOHN*. &A. MEBDOCH, Nuisorymen; and . Seedsmen. SLID STORZ-11% RusTRPIELD STREET, oppo site Post Mice,. Pittsburgh, Pa. Greenhouses as pails:W. Nurseries on Squirrel PAINTERS F. B. ritracinxsom • ' B. J. IMPIECTRN. HINSON & HEPIOURN HOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, GRAnaits AND GLAZIRRB, '"ISS. SS Penns. A:Sento, Pittsburgh. AU orders brlnallPromAtli: Ottptded to. MEI SSYAIMI;MMI* fi ,11.1)10147,•: , • . R32417"/CR AND BUILDER, as et` rank "ce, ...jobbing qtabe; with rueitasse - rikitilAt en itttel: Attß,;47atte4del to, and ; naonera. sinsoseanconr MEM & SON` wits f : ,a• t street t 4`' v aPor • spt WHITE LEAD AND COLORS • ZINC. PAINTS, ITerditer Green, VersalUes Green, Chrome Yellow, prrfrsx3ureGli. LtWIMR SEEMS. I , . 1 31 ANCFAC4 EIHED ET THE I ILIARD -140)R COMPAI ARTHUR . : . IRK, Agent, a. lOdice, /751 and 174 ELEIIA L. §TREET, ji . • 1 ; . • . • .:. r, I iALLE(.4IENT, p 1 . 4.1.....„ . _,,, , CANISTF.II rOWD.EE. ; f . : 11 Electric Kos: 1. '2, 3. 4 and 5 grain, in Square I Canisters. 1 lb. each,. 4 .. . ... ... .. . ... . .. . . . ; American Sporting, in• Pval . Canisters of lib. 1 each • ; ............. gra i n,'.. Duck Shooting, Nos. I.'i 2, 3 and '4 in _, Oval Canisters of 1 lb'. t ach ... .. ~. ..... _. .... Indian Ri fl e, in Oval Cad sters of .. lb . . eacb.. . i Kentucky Ride, in Oval Canistereof 11b. ea ch , Kentuckyß idle. tu Oval nlsters of! '', lb. each I I C 25 one lb. Oval Cantste In a case.; I 150 half lb. du. do. i do.) 1 G' KE I'4) v n i)E. (tt 1 Vermillion, . , Kentucky Ride, PPM. } lc, and "•Sea Shoot- log" Fa, In kegs, 25 lbs Kentucky KM, EFFG, kr, and "Sea Shoot- ,ing" Fiet, In kegs, 12. , . 11:1 KentuckY Ride, FPFG, VI,G, and "Sea Shoot- 1 ing" Fa. in kegs, 6,c4 InaP Deer Powder, In kegs,2s s ' 1 Mining and Shipping Po der. Mining .F, FY. Safetya tlFicfserVPDfigtfialt 11P134frsi025r quality, it.: j in packages of 50 feet an over i . , Delivered free of expeinle on board 4 of Ron 1 Railroad, In Pittsburgh or . Allegheny. • .4 II ._._,.._:__.__. ~......_,i nikUl SECURITY AND COMFORT Fl THE TRAVELINd J [COMMUNITY. 4 . _ ,_ B, BARRIS' SAFETY FIRE JACKS Car Heater tgt Moderator, 7 , For SMOKE - AND - HOT A R FLUES, disperrl with the use of Stoves anti; Fires in or about Passenger or Baggage CarsoWith the attachmert graduate the heat to any temperature that may+, desired without the possibility of firing the cat cars to which the Jacket ma be attached. Having obtained of the United States Letters 11 ent for a Safety Jacket which is warranted to r the most intense heat that may be adplied to I the position and purpose for which It is mien Itls a sure protection „from accidents by fire o Dating from.dc&ctive Ildes.:tor where iron eres used as conductors for smokb or heat. It api pileable to all piping that • mhy become overhea and is warranted to give pert satisfaction w wood or other combustible aterial may be pl in close pro;imity thereto. , am now ready Or ply my Invention to stores, - dwellings, factor ! ships, steamboras, railroad: cars, &c.,where pipes as conductors are feedangerots by b 0 overheated and security d. I will sell, on i plication, rights to manufacture or to use the atO invention; also territorial rights, to such as i wish to engag . e.'in settling prlvr:leges, either by S or county. - -1 • l x, a. B. RABBI . . IQ - 031re at the "NE P US ULTRA PAI WORKS," corner of Morris street and the Allege ny Valley Railroad, Ninth Whrd, Pittsburgh, PA fe28:640 NoTicE,TO OWNERS OF • DRAYS RS &c. . Notice is hereby given sßi Bi e l ' ail owners of Drri Carts, Carriages. Buggies 73:4., whether resident non-resident In the City of Pittsburgh, to pay tl Licenses at the Treasurer'Sl Office of the City Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, 14 accordance with ) Act of Assembly, approvnarch 30th, 1.360, t and an Ordinance of the C, uncils of the Cityt Pittsburgh, passed April 10, 860. I All Licenses not paid on or before MAY 13, ISt will be placed in the hands - of the Chief of Poll for collection, subject to his ree of 50 cents for f collection thereof, and 'all persons who neglect ! refuse to take out Licenses will 'be subject to a p#. alty, to be recovered before:the Mayor, double I , amount of the License. li The old metal plates of preylous years must bet ' turned nt the time Licenses! are taken out, or f 25 cents therefor. ~ 77 1 ,; RATES OF LICENSE: I Each One Horse Vehicle...., $ 7 5! - . Each Two Horse " ...i • ' , 12 01 Each Four Horse " 15 0 , 7 Each Two Horse Hack .4 . . r Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawn y Horses, Eighteen Dollars eath. For ea ar l / tional Horse used In any of the aboye vehicles, Q .Dollar. - SAMUEL ALLINDER. i' PITTSBUR.GII, February 18. liiiis . City Treasurer Of` iFICE OF THE MEASURER' OF ALLEGHENY CO. Yrrrentrnatil April Ist, 1868. 1 -11 V PURSUANCE of the 21st Set -_a_ tion of an AM relating to _Allegheny county. I proved the ist day of May, 1861, and of the ameg ment to said section, approved the 30th day, March, 1866, I hereby give notice that . the Do cates of the several Wards. Boroughs and To ships WILL BE OPEN and Ijwlli be prepared ] receive the I• County, State, Poor, Work-house al Bounty Taxes, fir 1868. I On and after the Ist day of May, 1868 ; said tai can be paid at this office until the Ist day of Augt6 with a ~1 . . Deduction of Five YerACent. Disco for prompt paYment: y',,persons paying I. IVIIOLE"A MOUNT of t h e irtaxes., There will be no deduction lallowed during. t mouth of August. There win be TEN PER C E NT ADDED to ail taxes remaining unpaid on the I day of September, 1868. .i . J. F.DENICISTON, ! Treasurer or-Allegheny County, 10am:um HE ( GREAT .ROUSEHOL FRIEND OF THEAGE. J; The "Queen" Tr; on pant, THE Q U EEN 'OF T. WASH TM ' BUT ;T.. • ,TRY IT. FOR GENERAL WASHING:PURPOSES 17:i PRONOI7HONDONPREOEDEATED, cheaper t soap—cleanses more thoroughlprosts less moneY saves more time and labor,. and is sold by all Grocer One trial will demonstrate its su ortty and seen; o Tri it a firm_ place in the affection the entire hong hold. ...Manufactured by the ' 1: HESS NutaruEPAtriparara co., I Office, No. L 36 WOOD ITREET,Plttsbursch.l • • O GLASS MANITFACTVREBLI ric The undersigned hauing Bemired the sole Age! cy or the sale of the celebrated :1 . COPLEY POT CLAY,: Areose now pp . to furnish it ill any quantity th to procure this superior article. .1.1 ring fifteen yeara , use of this Clad; wci have arriv at melt proportions as we belleyeimiftes it a bett l i article for pots than any in the market, we hay' secured an auerage stand at grA . =Gay and T lIONTIIB. We will furnish recelpi for the prop of tion of the mixture af this Clay to - ' persons purcha! leg. The Clay is ground and mou ed ;II lumps q delivery. ; 4 DITHRIDOE & SON. Fort FOCGlass:Works Washington w Streeti'T lttabargh, Fr F .C. FikiLD, 4 GLUE, CURLEIi, HAIR, Tanners' Scraps, Ceroons;jeattle Tal • BONES, , !• J BONES NEAT'S FOOTIOL &C - 1 . ...., 1 ' Office and Warehouse, No. L 514 SMITLIFIEL STREET, nearly opposite the PostOrace, 1 / 1 110141A1RGH, PA. CM Vit.o - 111NGToN 111MD,Igi WASHINGTON STREET, Near Fittshiush grain Elevator Ny. .A.NXeEttON, 3 fanufacturer of CORN MEALI - DIE FLOM' at cHOPPED FEED. Orders delivered in either cli nee of thorse. Grain of all klnda • chopped, az Corn shelled, on ahort.notice. . , URO. O. CLAIM... ...../. LI WATKIVI " p _.a.41 . 'THAN:CITY BELlP.W4iiibi - EL . A. , -. • -. EO it , 0;‘ :, ,-'• - ' : - 4.) G, CLARK - 6 I - . 00 , "rn Matilliatenrem of, beery , .deiniiittip: of Patent Stretched, Cemented antritirotea.VlM-Tanned. Mazuktilrita-zogrAnDre. ~. ~ • No. 409-vtaxszcz (24: 1 fidor,) !Imola Union Dell* 4. 1 L1F/Ciat BLlNEL—We.afhall, Ina few days. send, aft agent to Saver Mbantala rado.4o develppe ten 41tfetent - Lodes of Elva i dlsoovevedimdloested by exmleneed miner ! and situated lir art unn_riolt. twining district It is Intel:MA.4olitre .I,l7aingir ber" R9 l llB .to, the expense t he of ere ~ ll Mae, ma ,entrier7, de. For se development , tbe Companl ;have determined tti sell- a limited amount or lb ate& at a rate which will pligojourObasers on thi „ am , r o b tin , iu, the, Dra - pmerosm 'themselves. Vol, Sall OastleadiMtappirto , .. - .II:IIteLAIN & CO.. , ~ .-Litit Pitmen' street. _ _ ;:rOBEPS 8. FINCH & CO.; cir ,0• 4 . 11 R6 Met, Ise, lialumi /9.5, ' !TREEI PIrTOBVIGH, - ' :iimittriktonhunir or liitiperi'MVlON?'Plite t :sito Whiskey, deatennAiiro*OrrTgui d Limon& Hors, Atc. - aill L.ILNEUS. MISS DEALER lli 1;.1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers