• r.rsvy. 0 incial Matte in Now York. Goldd - Closed at 1383(@)/3143i. . peeraph•to the Pittabureh Gazette .1 . { NEW 'Volts, April 8, 1.1368. I _ atoiliv AND GOLD hlei emiler. at 7 per . cent general rate fr, , with ionic exceptions Ot - 6 per pent.; , _ l ample, and an early decline , in% the . fx,roliable. INsceuntii still nominal at 'Per "eitt• Sterling firni ,at 1 - 083Vg: I Gold fi b" with littlo specubitive 138L li g oi entp opened at 138 %, and closed at 3,i. The Aiiiihatcrit,' '•Trerei; sold . The Ch ' iniit'ook44B43 3 Boo. ....,, novEn.vairs•Ts.. jernments opened active-And experl -1 a farther Advance, .whiair ,was par_ 77 ° lost; in the, rifte.rrioon, the...market lo heiwy., ' tlenry, peurik. Co. fur ahnexed'AnotatiOns i• ' Coupons of 112%®112X.. Teri- , Porties, 1023.0®1.02%.- 1 . - Thirties,m7®io7x ; :, none Of , the lat. pre bmight bythe.Amistant Treasurer, to the advance in mites. : ' • STOCKS - more ,attlvlty, thiiur4'the beep* pcy I. ebeeked bY - the pending lasts.' I at Albany. - Western:Shares - are mi. r Wither, but `,• New Yak roads are • i and loerer, Particularly ',Erie; . which t • ted during , the day frOirVIOX®7 Ik. thirty prfivs: Canten i l '47,i@illir Irlabd, 32®824; Adathif 'Expremi , 75jA ' Wells, ' 29 ,4@ 29 1t 'Anierletul 68; Uniteli States, 7o® ONI Ifercbazitis . 348.4®34,‘; Quicksilver, 2,5X02534 )osa,' 6@7; Pacific Mali ; ' 1 93'0693M ; • tic, 137N®87%; W estern-Union- Vele. 37,37%; N. Y. Central; 123®123X; 3%©7ll4;preferred 73X:Thbinf141/(@ ißeadillg 90 a 90 %; Ohio and Mississippi k3lya wabash + 5 034,®51%; St. Paul Gem o preferred 74y„,474%; Michigan Con= 4 ®lls;AttchlganSouthern9l%@)944': ; is Central, 142%0.144; , Pittsburgh 91% ~ !r; Teledo 11 0®11590 Rock Island Mx North. Western 83@f1.% do , preferred ••7594;-Port.Wayne 101 3‘®101%;' Hart and -Erie .15(4)1.51 4 '• BC- Joseph • 7734; land and Ashtabtila 101; New • Ten !es 67m; Mitisouris 87%. • THREE PER CENTS. . Secretary of the Treastui „has advis -0 Assistant Tiehsurer that he has deci a t tha 3 per cent. certiiittateS are pay in legal tenders and' not in 4 bank' , 4L1N.1N6 SHARES iuiet, Grego ' 325. Fsse Quartz Hill, 10,4 • I -.* . , , . 1 / 2 receipts at -the .Sub-Treasury to-slay 42,507,8100 Payments, $1 847. ,618, Islo/,93/.892. - • Bal • ;:f3t. Louis Market. . • uftriiplito the l'ltpsburich Ga.iette; • • ° :Louis; April 8 .--Tobifecoi liellers ate willing to accept yesterday's quota id" but sales not large. 'Cotton; 2730 dling.'•• Flour is in better demand, .y for-medium 'grade% but prices are anged.: Wheat in' more'ingniry and •• • but unchanged, at $2,60a2,75 for ;g. Corn more active and higher at 88 and sonle fancy at 98c. Oats dull and • . closing at 71a72c.: Barley unchanged; • pspring'sold at $2,60. ye ' steady at Provisions excited and Idgher. Pork at WAD; held at the close at $2B- • • ,00. , meats are unsettled witfi large sales ,ng. • Baeon jias a , dvanced to 13a13Xc houlders, ne for clear rib sides, 17%a 2... r clear sides; all being held higher at - Lard is firmer at 17a173.ic 'for bush b keg.. Receipts-2,000 barrels flour, • 1 els wheat, 0,500 bushels corn I bushels oats,.Boo bushels barley, and ibnshels rye. • . , • ••1 1 Cincinnati Market. . , :itegraph to the Pittsbuikh Gazette.) ' .. ITINNATI Alo4l t —Flour imchanzed; -•:•.:! 4 rtlull; family- .$ 10 ,25410;50: . Wheat - dull 1,30 for No. 2 and $2,37 39 for No. -I. dull, ear 8.5 c, shelle d ' o,c Oats 74c ..,•ttot much demand: Rye and• Barley • unged. Cotton,oplined'AtM, but closed • 'And nominal at 2634a27c for Middling. . •:, co unchanged and dull at the pre -•• ricesh stales of 98 hhda. Mess Pork' •. - , rmly at $27,00, but no buyers at this • ' Bulk Meats in gikkfclemiiiid, idalAic • ~ronlders, and 143 e for sides, butat th they were held 3,0 higher. 'Bacon i s e; shoulders sold at s.l3c, - and clear rib I - , Lilt - 16 3.( 0 ; the sitieply of , bacon contin...' , port. :-Lard held stel7e,. and - some sold" . :?s rate. - Butter and Cheese unchanged .... inlets.- Eggs , adVanced to , 19c,... rota:, . all and the :supply large; pritne4B,2s' ~ . iarrel. Linseed oil ;1,1791,18. , -Petry: •• • i i 33a3543 for refined free. Gold 138. .• •,, Lonfaille Market. • • egrapli to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette./ ' ' f iffril l tr., April 3.--81 alas 233 htids,•to; ; lugs $5,25a6,90; medium leaf $l5; do. : 17; selections- 122,45; ' Owen county • Flour--superline 88,50a9; fancy 13. Wheat 1 1 2',45a2,50. Oats 73a76e. 87e for shelled and ear. Cotton 26a •., Lard 17a17y,e. Mess pork ,27. 13a,- rshoulders 13e; sides 16y,a16Xe; ' clear 1! 17 e. Whisky $2,20a2,25 for.. free. '•' - ' ' , , • , ' Chicago' Market . elegraoh to the.Plttsborsth gazette.l '4icwoo, April B .—Flour dull at .sBaBso l ean ow grades to choice spring extra. at a shade higher; sales No. 1 at $2,03a 87a1 : d No. 2at 5 1 ,8761,88 M, closing steady ', ,67 y, for No. 2, Corn moderately . ; sales No— Vat 8 1,48823;,e; Nix- 2'at 79a new at• 78 340734,•and at 78a79 for re. d, closing at 76%a77c for new. Oats iy and firm; sales at 67y,a583?c, closing buyers at 68c. Rye more active at , 1,6 u A3r No. 1 in store. Barley dull; , sales- No. •2 at $2,20. Provis z are , ;less ' active. Mesa pork at 828,137a27;' tldsing with ' sellers at O. Lard - sold .at 17c: - closing at 16Kc. meats quiet and - easier. Sweet pick , ams, /sc. Recelits--5,W2 bbl flour, bush, 81,390 bush corn, 7,412 bash 39 dressed hogs.; - Shipments--8,000 f10ur,1,950 bush wheat, 11,367' bush 11,90 bush:oats. - SERSI 12E1 , .• :..",.. . t: Memphis' Blarkot. elegn!Ligt to the Pittsburgh t3it.rette.3' • 4EMPHIS, April 8 . --Cotton dull and non - Reeeipts-2L2 bales; eXpOrts;:B42 ,25r, dull; superfinelsheld at 18,00,- Pork bid at $28.• Bacon is shoulders, 14c; flr' sides, • 18c. Bulk shoulders at I3c; ;.1. sides, 18c. Lard As held at 18a19c., • 95c41,00. , Oats, 80e.' Hay, 161634. Bran , ill?er bus. Buttisr, SG.' EBB 4 to • •.• ~ t a meal $4, 2584,50. 23, arr i v e . - • • . .. . philadelplAa Marketc so ;•:,."Xelegruph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) itnr..A.usralel4, April 8.-Olover seed at $0,60a7,.50 'for -- Pennsylvania' and r :. Flax $2,90.• Flour dull, north western 1• 11 9 81 i11 00 4 11 1 50 .' • Wheet , f-firaii-goed red • :Va2,85. Rye in good 'request at $1,90. • ,1 in :fair demand, yelloW $1,20, mixed Oats steady at 'We.' Pro. ' • • irons advanced..: Mess Pork 127,00.. Lard • , :a1734e, Baltlitioret Market. i,rTelegnspit to the Pittsburgh Gust - tel vatalaionE, April 8.-.F/our •Is -quiet. 4 eat is Arm and unchanged . Copt is, $ OE6I ibr wlifte and $l,lB yellow. Oats a Pork firmer at. $27a27,25 •for-ukesli;- .' Ard quiet at 17,Vc.: 'Bacon active a;exp, .. , ;, , ,f 4 d at lege for rib eld 47,340 for, clear for sho ulders, r end lBa2Oil (~:hams' ' ' 4 " • - c CMcsige•CattlO * llar, ,T4Telegra,,to, thellttabana;Viptie4:7 • are dnu 50a7Sdlbwer on 1361 'the itery - ',liett: ;Asks; sales at $70,75 for medinp:lo' , Didtf 'e, l6 o 4 litittin! 4,ely (#lO • and " 1 E4 9 %64 ' 419pktifir Shipnaents6=2,o2.llnisd-hols: - . , . 14-..".:? ..-.:74,,,,!.,;"•*,i,1nel 41.4....rin,rx,".-5,,,,..,,,At4iY.,Q.,47,,,W4`.1,,,, .eir-rre.r.O. ' . 4 , 4,44-. tA 4 . • ' ::', l, ,- ",' ;1-41 .4..„ , -40 , ---..,,,(; ,--,-.,,,, ---;,..,,tAt„,,f;-,42,,,1.,i..,,;,-.-_:----, ~:•;,4.t.::::..--.2,-,.,,,1-,F,-...- ... ,-,,,,--4 . , . - ......1 1, 1 ,,,-, 2 , 5. - ;k , 1%,,-,x,...i , ,, k- 4 , 01 , 4 ,e , , :k -,K.:-....,t-." —7,:at4,24,:-.;,..,D;....--,-;rt:„.:,-.:,,,,,,,,4!-:-.,.::_,::;,5,,,,,,,,i,;—;„.;-A.,,,,i.,e,,,z,53„%i1t;.11..,-, t e;g47l'" '''Z;;;;'';',7::4":t'X'';a;;;;L=l'L474t=:7';:%;::tZ;l;!:;;llCl.*.ZlW:'''4"!%^e'j:-:4lr'7'jgZ:;;,l'J.-:.4V;4j''''.i',L''';'-:;.'I--I;I:-liX':"'''*'-'''''"°'t''''''—'4''';'4;4Z;';,:,';::,.Z.,L,,,,,.,.,4 s4ll•:kqt:rVg,tAi r•,',',,Vo.Ai;?!.VVfAkitrk'r:Vetr.,,,ieSyl".6-‘; .*_,W4Vi6Z-..0.,--A4,,,v,S,ves -hr :q .. . WA.,'''''4_7A1,414*44.,,Vi,4*-;;;,:'N :' ,5 :. , ': -- :::• ;;. f'- :??,%''l`6.:l,l f ts g;' - f' l '.7'' ..° ' ' ''''''''''4&te%Vol4.),Arig-N,VA4-gg.,,yz x.,Tii- ' , W -A • 46- WM 4:I,, V:-At-siiiST-..4 ,- - at, 3 4.i11 i,sva , * - 5 11 *-- - " --- -------,, -- - - - -, -,,---,,- ~,,-.-t7,,,y..-.„0,0.A.Aq..,p.,k,„m;,.::k4,, ,3...., , , , ,,, ,, --p.-,c,.. ii, ,, : ,„f,,.. z .„, ;; ;,,, A. , : _,,,,,, -- - ,-,-PftgftMg,,,,P,PAlßOP4eits*WW:o-4;s ' - . • ' ' 404 ° i 4 405. ' .1 :44, ;tIOI 4 I;OS*TM =' ' ' . 1". : , . • .1 140 5 :. i! : ' .°- 2 $ 7 : S7:C: "''''' - - ' . . : % . ' •' • , . . . _ , - . . !< ~i ImPoRTs nr RAILROAD. Pirrsnunaa, pl . : . w . ,,A:ncE .Aan. CHICAGO liarraroan, April B. 21 'cars. metal, Nim- Ick & Co; 7 do do, .. 7 Wood, Sori"dr Co; 2do do, Unlonifron)Afills; 7 do do, Rees, Graff& Dull; 100 bbis • flour,-Keil ' & Ritchart; 100 dodo, D Wallace,• 138 bbls cullett, W Mc- Cully & Cop 100 bbls flour, C B Leech; 1 pkg hops; J Henderson & -Bro; 4 •bbld crackers, Lewis dr MClure; 6 bag cloilks, Scott dc Hannagan; 2 bxs glassware, Wel; lace-Jr Cavitt; 20 sks . cloverseed, Voigt dc Mahood; 17 , aka' malt; J nch; rolls husks, Carter , 'McGrew 00; '8 - rolls leather, G N Hoffstott; 40 , hf dos brooms, J Porterfield; 10 sks cloverseed, J S Dilworth & Co; .2 oars Youngstown • iron,•Graffi , Boa'. snett_& Co; 50. bbls:oil,ll,,L Fatinestock & 14 ears iron,E.Shoe nbergep&-lillair;.100 bbls flodr;,Watt,it -Wilson; 614 , bushoats, Pitts burgh,r2evator.,-1 ,'•• • • Aroma am VALLEY RAILROAD, April f 25 b 8.-7 cars railroadiren, Pitts Col & Cin II R ,gs rye, 2 bx hardwar do seed, Head & Melzgar; 1 pig iron, J mdse, e, oodside s Logan,; 33 sks- Gregg r& e Co; 2 cars INN y,' 1 bk 1 keg mdse , E Heazkton; 8 sks" rye, 2 bbls eggs, W H Kirkpatrick;' 3 has eggs, L J Blanchard; I. bbl-do, A Lippman; 10 calves, J Hoffman; 89 sks rye; A Weed; 2 bxs sun dries, J Bawer; lot ale bbls; Spencer & Me- Kay 4 -33 bdis - trees, D E Saxton; 4 bbls eggs, Sechrish & Bror; 10 bbls eggs, lot brooms, 1 •bag beans, :1 coop chickens, 4 calves,l bk• butter, 1 do.onions, J . H Graham; lotmar ing, George Co; Huitt; b 3 caddies tobacco; W H IlirkNtrick Ibl pigs feet, Reytner & BrOS; I bbl flour, JG Gallagher; 2 bbls eggs .7 Miller; 41 sks rye, Gay & Welsh; 1 car salt, J Connor: 25 sks rye, Kell & Ritchart; 1 car bones, Stewart & Campbell; 2 cars marketing, owners; 1520 bbls oil, Lockhart & Frew; 480 do do, 0 B Jones. CLEYEGAND AND PITTSBURGH .RAILROAD. .April 8.-6 cars ore, McKnight, Porter & Co; 2 do do, J Puinter & Son; 'I car pig iron, Zug & Co; 43 bbls seraplron, Pitts Forge & Iron Co; 8000 feet lumber, C C Boyle & Co; 24 jugs molasses, W H Graff; 5 kgs powder, J 18-.Dilworth it Co; 1 car lumber, J M Sei bert & Co; 30 jugs molaase, J Porterfield & Co: 42 bills chairs, Bedford Chair Co; 5 bxs soap, Vo git, Mahood & Co; 1 car rye, 64 sks oats, McHenry it Hood. Prrrsannarc COLUMBUS AND Cirircylorair Ranztoan, April 8.-14 sks rye, F Schield; 1 bbl ' eggs, Voigt & Co; ,9 .-sks potatoes; J B Herron; 100 bbis flour, Hall „&_§pmr; 4 bbls' meal, Ido fl our, Hippley (b , mffier 4 bbls apples, p C rai ghead; 7 inks , fiye, I) Shea; 7 - iibls e,ggi. 4 do" ' dry peaches, 8 do green spplais, W,Il Glafr & .C o o ; 1 :icar bones, A Hooveler4Oo. • • - -ALLEGEPreirii•:SrAZimii,- April 8.-1 • ear lumber, ttutiplph ot Co; I car-hones, Sew ' ard it unigken; 14 fbbla.•4lcrlez Rose: & - Bwill/D 20 3:Wg5.., 1 barley; J -Rhodes &Co; 5 bbls vinegar. inahll it Hadleyr. 50 bills 'rreen'hides, J C I:apps; 3 pkgscrackers, 0 Yeagle; lt bdislide% J Lunkcamp; 248 bga millfeed,pacwart it.Langenhlm. • - ._ ..• Prrrssmunt AND Coriarmrsviram• 'RAILROAD. • April -7.---2 bbls eggs, 2 sacks -rags, Means& Coffin; 83 Elks Wheat, Win McKee d 4 co; 14,• sks tanner scraps, A- Hooveler,& Co; 218 bas, glass, Michaeba & Co; 1 bbl tobacco, , John 'Porterfield & Co; 1 bbl tobacco, John Porterfield it Co; 32 Nils trees, L Byerless. • PEN NSYLVANIA, ` pENTRAL , RAILROAD, April 7.-2 bbls L J Blanchard; 12 sks flaxseed, F G ghead; /47. sks me, W J Meek; 36 iig c10;,D. - : Wallace; 1 bx cigars, rt ex W Jenkimion.: , _.,Le river rose about eighteen inches at . . this point during Tuesday night and yes terday .morning,, andit • aPpeared to -be , about at a - stand fn ' thei - ffiernoon With Seven feet the chandel.: The rise is in the nortipffiela, the Allegheny, as yet, having risen bat very little; if 'any. The weather -; yesterday was cloudy, andcool. . There have? been no transient arrivals since our, last report; the Kenton,' we pose, would get off last evening—she would' have early in the daybed it not been for-the stormy weather. The :Argosy, from - Cincinnati, • was due' last night, and, according to advertisement, she, ,1.1 clear again 'to-day. Cal* Lew Vandergrift is still in command, and Mr. JELrisolott has charge of the office. _ • The Grey 'Eagle - arrived and departed; for. Parkersburg, and the . 3'. N. • McOul lough, Capt. Geo. D. - Moore; is the.regular packet for that point to-day. The.lkiyard Will be ready, it is said, - to take 4er place . in the trade to;morrow. The St. Charles is due here from Ctncin ti to=day, and will return as .:usual to morrow -at ;. The tcho is the regidar packet 1'61.'011 , City to4kly, and pawlengers and. - shippers should bear ? , this.in mind. , 'Sheleaves ler usual at 4 . ; The GlasgOw y Capt. Geo. W. Johns_ L ten ifi filling up steadily for the Upper awl sippi, and will !probably be ready to leave to-day. The Emmit No. id; Capt. .LI IL Mar ratta, is also loading for the same de:4lmi n° Rata Robinson ' Capt. Itobt. Rabbi.' son will be Ole first' boat out for •Cincin nati and WO 440 she will'iticeilta, aa Aht deserves, good trip. MeSor. - Paimer atilt: Wherry Pie: asodate4,;l7-'• l eg9PiPti 11/ the The DeAtvire , airlved fiviri Nash# lle Nashvilleon Tuesday night with a very-good iri, Zhe Jaa./tpaaarrivad and deParied for Wheei „in& . , , ',I i7 l • %.` :i. • ;1:1 •• iC., e :i ' ri iii . Va l rilt UtUr "Yelterali,” at •titnilgi i the 'whdlowingscanethflic i M i tibto.-1 riots% ottfatittruillseale..-Th btug Grey/Egg* bisWred loft froMf As wharibigiti of , the i leaziptuir 2 libouti 'WON tr V iski and atteMser . - IbilipWeithi °plat en , htnuotbkopi ertifit iiiiitlvltertelid itifilau downf elm; edtrlnkrimilacid to land= imitanate vifidirathigh tr a iago sitesig 41ied,it lint hillialvachd:ViVtato , lauded thetomaidaaeorthe ot,zfghp Illeiiiel a te n eAV sisTtlfe ti; ) torr . ' Skid iMi. =UM . Cleveland Markets. lgy-Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] „. CLEVELAIVD, April 7.—Flour; city make 8; Standard brands of country make are steady and In gold demand for trade lots; 4 'double - extra spring at $10a11,50: double extra winter at $11,50a13,50; double extra white at $13a14,50. Wheat dull and Irmo tive, but nominally unchanged; No. red winter is held at V2,53a2,55; No. 2, do $2,14a 2,24; No. 1 Milwaukee spring at e 2,30. Corn dull - and 2c lower- small. sales No. labelled, Prom store, at Df,c. • Oats:inactive and less firm; No. I State is held at 74e from store. Rye, no Balm Barley nominal. Petrol etn active with inquiry, for free oil for the Neestern and home trade at 30a32e for large and small lots; bonded is held at 20a21e. • . . -., Toledo,litariet., ..., . My Telegraph ,;gpey#tahtlrgl;pa;e4.) ToLEno, . kiwi). J 3 .—Flopr . receipts ,l;9lo barrels; marhst Odd. ',_ *bent; receipts .1,890- huihels, and finite' i *fiver' sties 'of Amber t at 4 4 461;- N.& l l!sng120. ' ' ciov receipts .18MO'bnahels; and t he market better;' sales of No. i 1 at 91e, for month , buyer. '. i ' - O a tai"reeelpta 600''. btishela !tit I,___Oe better r*OanfßeilitkiDe. = - Rye ilearc*, Adeedir dultabbid. dedinitiki - saleg - iif fiver - at: 16.00:' 4, Porkl salmi of' 'mesa at 126,50427" '1 Pieklo4l shonlders lle. . ~ - . . 1 • ' 11111iiiiilelitar t. (BY Velkrapit tothe plttidirgi4iAsettc.l MILWAtrNEE, I gi—Flittir ai, ia?,,85 for beat winter, and .59,75 for aprinirp, vvnftt ; closed dull at $l,g7X for No. Oita - Rim at 57;4c. Corn. firm at 78c. 11e: ceptitOO'bbla flour .4000 bdahela Wheat, *hSliiptrenta-7-3,800 bbls Itouri.4'3,ooo bushOls. eat.' . ' .f ' - ' • St. touts 'Cattle Market. tit". Telegraph to the .rlitsbuegh (4aiette.). . . . ' ST. Lou.ts„ April.B.—Live stock isdall and unchanged at 0,50a8,52 for Cattle,,ands4,2s a(1,50 per bead for Sheep.z RIV 7 1 ! 1 tMwS. • PITYS-13111,441 Y AL .T xr , - Vi:;34 17 -kgPAY._ 411 i it F 9: 18e8 souri River; cleared last'eVening; The Ar madillo could have taken more freight; but What she lacked M freight She made'uly in passengers, as her cabin was full to over- The Ida Rees, of the "Rees Line," Capt. Albert, is announced to leave for Fort Ben ton this evening. The Ida is admirably adopted for, the Upper Missouri, being of ilea Aran, staunchly put together, and be- Sides, she is in excellent condition gener 'ally. The Ida will be followed by the Sil ver Lake, Capt. - Todd, - and Importer, Capt. Williams, also of the "Rees Line." ' • The Allegheny maks indicated seven and h half feet lakt evening... •- • .. Referring to the suit: of the Globe Insur ance Co_rraNny,:a b oninst the owners of the steamer White Cloud, for cargo lost by the sinkir lg of that boat, a pilot writes the fol lowing to the St. Louis Republican: - If the owners are to be held liablp for every accident that occurs to a boat, the re sult must be to 'drive everyman who hits any proper out of owning steamboats,and throw that kind of property into the hands oft. Class of men mortidangerous to .insur-- aneeetompanies than such.accidents as the White Cloud's. And, if IT mistake not, the Globe Insurance Crimpany will do more in jury,"to her, stockholders. bY gaining this suit than to have:paid the money, as the luall4 regnired, and for Which the company was „paid the regadar' insurance ,premituri, and.let it go as 'other loiaris..' Ent the mat. ten In which I have a • personal interest is the liability bf pilots: I:learn, on inquiry of an" able lawyer, that if the owner of the boat liable to the insurance company for theiainking of the White Cloud, then the ,pilots are liable to the owners; and if, the suit goes against the owner, ;he can site the pilot, and . make hini pay the amount, if worth it. no lean this be true,-and I .'sup-; note. it IS, no Man who has' any property can afford to Pilot hereafter,.laecaus e , if by, r, hard work he has secureda honie for hut faMily, he may have it all , swept away by ail nce accidens . and my observation and expo.' rie .satisfy Aral .tbat the Jiest pilots are.. `to to accidents sometimes. They, say that the wreck of, the Belle Memphis, on which the Whtte Cloud sunk, was a , knoivn object, and therefore it was carelessness to strke it: ' If any ono will take the trouble to Inquire, ho will find that a Majority of tho'boate sunk are sunk by , striking known' 'oblects that lie in or close to the channel where the has to be r,urt: For instance; the. Paragon, sunk a few weeks since,' was' the fifth boat that has been sunk and badly damaged by striking ,the Mine wreck. The 'Baltimore sunk on the wreck of the Altori, a well known ob struction. The Platte . Valley, sunk on a known obstruction, and the. fainousrocks in the crossing below Cairn have beanl numerousthe, calve of n umerousdisaster's: How many 'boats are sunk and damaged so as to take water and injurer:largo by'running against. the bank ? and no one • will , deny that the bank of theriveria a known object. : TheAruth , is;ithe best pilot that ever turned'a wheel fellable to make a mistake, especially at night,anclif he is to beheld. responsible for pvery such mistake, the sooner' we all quit the blisineSs, and go at something else in whfch We do not risk all we have earned by an accident, the better for ns; at least that is the way it strikes me. Thesafe of the Adams Express Company was found Saturday, by men from Califor nia, who are, now drag :g the river for part ofthe wreck of the Magnolia. of her cylinders and flanges have also One been found. Steam towing is hereafter to be tried upon the New York canals. A canal com pany has been formed in Symcuse to build a steam tug, and apply to nevi plan for tow ing on the Erie Canal. The tug is to tow canal boats in train's. It's claimed that the new method will reduce by one-half the cost of freighting and the length of time between Buffalo and New York. We clip the following from the Cinein- COMMe7"Cia4 of Tuesday: ,The Armenia passed dowia from Pittsburgh to St. Louis, full of freight and people. The 'Pr ep ring canto in from Wheeling and was preparing to depart tor Louisville last night. The Argosy, Capt. Vandergrift, returner' to Pittsburgh on Sunday. The Mary Davage and barges ' tamed up from St. ,Louis to Pittsburgh: The Melnotte arrived from Pittsburgh.. The America turns over her Nashville , fteight--- to, . 5 0tons--,to the Pine Groveand. returns to Pittsburgh.. - A - A St. Liinis telegram, under date of Mon day,' says:- Seven steamers left Saturday wi and .yesfaidaY, for the : Mountains, some th freight at the low rate of 'a;yo per'loo ' leaves"arrived' to.day for I:lmpha Argonaut ar 'rived thls , inorning.l,Nineteen steam; left this port on. Saturday-. The /dissotud is falling of Omaha, and stationary, at St. Joseph. The Coltunblan,: from Omaha to, St:Louis, prink, pn Saturday below , Glas gow, but was soon raised. She is due here m•driy. Lhke ' Pepin operied'ryesterday. The Phil Sheridan, from Dnbngne, is the flnat boat through to St.Thial. - , ;• Elven. mind Weather. • - lay Telegraph to the Pittsbuhtti Gazeltp„) Louzsmr. r., April IL—River siqW lv with seven feet five inches in the Canal. Weather dandy arid cool. , Br. Louis, &—The weatiier is mild er with some'snow this afternoon, and indi cations of main,' ,•- LUDEBER ri elTi . tmskilicompvm . . . Capitia ;.. - - ' $126,000. rassimmr-ED*Ann DITHRIDGE. HicereETART—T,. A., WRIGHT. BurranfrmtiziFt-EDW. DAVIEw3IT a. • DiRECTO3IB:• i - . • . Edward Davison,Duncan, John Mellon, ' ! E. D: Dithridge, Geo. W. Dithridge,_ t .L. Malone, •• '• ~ • : ,R. - Johnston. LUMBER YARD -•Corner of BUTLER AND LEGUENY STREETS, Ninth Ward. OFFICE ATTORT,PLTT GLASSWORKS, Wash. ngton Street. _ ja2oklaS ,lITTSBITAGH PAPER NAND* A. FACTORING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS . CLINTON MILL—STEOBENVILL):, Onto. BRIGIITON-MILL—NEW, BRIGIITON, Pe: ' OFFICE AND wAREnousE, • No 82 Thied Strobt; Pittabw,h, Pa.. Or Eit ••Atri:/I:li3T Preddent - J. 1.10. B.ILIVINGSTON, Treaghrer, BA3IIIXL RIDDLE, Secretary. tootsorons;Angret Hartle, John' 'Atwell, /3: II Eastman, John B. /Arington. . • MKash paid for PJApfstock. . Ja29;-088 ARBLE &SLATE 111A1179, P AT tits ITTSBURGH St ERN SIRROLE AND SLATE WORKS. iSTßottlie ana_,Wartrooni3lo:and 2511'Li 'Bray EET: ,MintleltratertiouttnisetulndloGr; I PetScnts wanting Marble ortilae-11lantieLwi find Iv4th.o4helr Interelit' to Wprirmanstup'no 'e.t ed in angnlace and 'pieces's' towns ~ : zastmm _Marble. Mantica .or Furniture,Slabs which huntsman° dlstedOren smokep• oils or gelds; can beiMarbletted and:madelolaok as well as new.. There Is no other glace In Western Pennsylvsnla where Slate Mantles'aremanuthettred. • AU kinds of Marble Work done In the best manner. Marble Cutters supplied wltltSawed.,Marble at East.. ern prices, carriage added. W •• .' W. WALLACE.= ; , • ,;, , OLIOES, BELL & CO., ' 2 AN C 7 494 COTTON MILLS, , ' , -Tirivra§nTrigorr.e- ' ",,,,",•-• .1r Id l s V :t 2 u ; t E /w N it . ren l okirl n_i #7, x,,, _D •,, i ,•. __m a ni LIGHT: ATOI°ANLifiItLTA B iEkXIN2B XND LE-f---W----!--,•÷l-7.4t-t•-4 .-----+•-----... , nt: , ••pealertir ifeightCabllleitimres, r '' • ' 1 7 , -It, • alin;riltitl • ) M.': ) 11.)' , / 1 , • ... , , i; , `414(1‘.04,P,0144 nitirrAP.R# 7;, , t !!:. 3 , 4 ,' , : : , , 2 ~.1,1 i • ! • ~ 1•' : , - Aititiii44ilitheliiiiaiiirV, etre, ete''' HirAX_•••'•••-_, ff) ~:—, •ft 7.1,27- 1 . ~ gni3riiin \,, • "„tt. -A L t tr., -• , At , - -,,,, ~.. - Tr i . Igal "' ... .. • , -1. , 14° • • • .-- -- . 4 " . - ' . ........„, -i n.117.-i..4.,-:_,,._,...13......-R '' r ig : 1 tigni So 11445,z . 31' !CHEAP:II Vitt-DOW 71111111. a L Cior.,r. f ~. :, y , ..7 ,, a 1 , 1r,a c'ir . tat c,J , ta , , Ili l , 1,11 , ~,--- gertett .6 , 4Vrtfftpor poki, ' ,13;843t ittiptVtY) tftetalAy ~,, ri ni , v..; ) , •,...: . ~. 1 --- • ''' 7 4 8 orgeOR 44 1 -,, ‘f el. &R. PRIL/Pg. eat ' ft , _ u , .1 . ! ' 0 u 4 .7 I 7ITATIOOSPA l AA I ' ale 28 and 28 St. CUL' street. far WILTVI. name elee. " reSkITS • FOR FORT RIZETON jaWati , - - - .AII M. STEELE. ............................ ..,J. A. - 6TEELE. i priirsaux AGM and snmejLE . B„ soli - • . CON NELI , SVILI.E RR. ~_ . , . conintission, Areraiaii,tg i , ~ , train , : will arrive at and S ti l e ) A .l :4 fro thhesDt!!ico'tli,Sc6ot: .. =- , , nor of Grant anti Water streets. as follows_ . ,.- -. .. ' ' . • , _ . AND DEALERS. IX _ -A. 2.! 0- -r. al. V ig ..4201,13 3,114--AT-k,G4 piAauxt catAnc, pi.E.E.D,"&c., 1 3%11 to and from Uniont'n. "E:Tflrt Arrinn4e. Ex. Nand from Uniont'n 3.00 • 10.00 P. . wI . ' No. 95 OHIO ST near East Coramorf,' . I 3lcHeesport Accornmodt•n.al:oo A3l 2:05 rat I • ' coon:mod n 4-30 r N' 9.3' Alt ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. Wesewton A ecospon r s tn . . lo6 :: 13 r. : . .: 1 .. z : 100 ::,..: :I. : ----- i ,JAltEs D. 33E..1E011-.7....-......... ......... JOS.. 11 .t1IDED. ! i lr j:L i g ° ac ' : s tO C ll " e in fr ci . . • ' •• • •-- • a A. Z. MEANOR S 4 HARPER, 1 Sunday Church Train to and - •, 1 . from West Newton.. . ..... 1:90 P. 31. 10 . 00 _ A . au . . . FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE - - ,- COI3.CWISSINICON 3,1:0.11C1-1.A.NTEI tW. B. STOUT. Sit," . For tickets amaly t a .. The Splendla Light Draeight Sten:niers, ;• 32e.LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. —7---- , 7 : i .....„ --'— •, ' Consignments xcdicited. •••••v• ..... a TILLI.A.IS, Madon. . RgrEngemEs—J. G. 3fartin..Cashieeehant s'• • 1 National Bank; J. S. Dilworth Sc Co., It T. Ke e n. 1 nedy. & Bro. __ ___._:_,_ Ja3i:l24 i rEniic kifi.,:::: ................. . receivin . on I 'WEIL Sr. RICRART,' (will positivelv -a-a- . ' . • ' . at 9r. m., and '. . COMMISSION MERCHAN TS, Missouri river. , .t.7kr bDEALERR TN rd, or to ' FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., &c:, - I •-• ' " • I I my24:b37 849 .Liberty Ni., Pittsburgh; ' . . ! REES' PAST LINE. DEPORTER SILVER ... .The IDA . BEES will eintitnene TuDi3DAy, and the I3IPORTER leave on SATURDAY,AprII.4th, Will take freight for . all points on the iiii=l=MEE FLACK & COLLIN n3h2s = lfittletta.:.-and•• Paiicersbk Leave Compani,s I Vhartboat, foCit of t N DAILY at 12 Ir. . . . J. 3 IONDAYB AND TIIIIRi3A 8, N..M.CCULLOUGH GEO. D. 3100 RE, Master. TUESDAYS AND FRIDA DAYARD . ...... ..... A. 8. SICEPHY4EnDi:Naater. WEDNESDAYS GSEY EAGLE 1,].)e.1131'F.141,W B itaater.• • Freight will be received at all hours by • '•• • • • JABIES coif.m. , : , re, Agent. ciEI.. . CIIINATI . 'PACKET. —FOR _3yHEELING, 3IARIET- T „ PARECKRSHUttO, ranirßOY, GALLLPOLIS, 810 SANDY, IRONTON. PORTS3IOUTH, MAYS :VILLE AND CDiCINNATI.—The elegant side wheel passenger simmer. ST.' CHARLES, C. A. DRAM Commander; A. R 013 1N130:7, Jr.r Clerk, •- ' LEAVES-EV-HAY FRIDAY, at 12 .v..-; Connecting at Cincinnati with Packets and Rail 'reads ro Louisville, Nashville.' Memphis. New_Or leans and St.•Louls. .Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. • Freight or passengers recell pted thrungt eitherb-y, _rail or river. orders • • • Especial Attention given to and Way BusinesS. • ~ . • • :CHAS. BARNES, i'A..ent, m 1,28 -. ' JAS.-COLLEY - . I,_ . LA•.LEGHIENT RIVES PACKET LINE leaves every• TUESDAY, TiIIIRSDAY AND SATURDAY. At 3 o'clock r. 31., from the foot of fruit: street. ThtBline hem:l:posed of the following boats: - IDA BEES No. fr, It. Russ, Master, W. P. Sir-M SELL EDD° Dierk. No. 3, E. GORDON, Master, A. D. Rug ,, The above Boats were built expressly for the trade, bate superior accommodations and attentive 001-' .. ______ FOR FORT BEATTONzArag AND THE GOLD AIINES--,The ne steam passenger packet .. • ~:. - IDA REFS Ct. W Will leave as above on TUURSDA ap Y. A pr)l oth, ALlititTi at 4 o'clock P. st. ` • For freight brpassage apply on board or to . . • apS FLACK it COLLINGWOOD, Agents. OA CINCLIVNATI AND uati gZ it FLOMSVILLE.7The steamer KATE ItODINSON Capt., Roily. RonmisON, WIII leave as above on THIS DAY, at 4 P. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to JOHN FLAOK", , J. D. COLLINGIVOOD,Agenta: VOR ST. LOUIS, KEO.44lgMe. 12 %UK. GA.LENA, DUBUQUE AND ST. PAUL. --The Eno passenger steamer. . EMMA No. 3 .................. Capt. J. IL MAIIATrA,' Will leave as above on WEDNESDAY, Bth instant, at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or p assOaH N ge apply on board or to JCH, ape, ' Or, J. 7). UOLLINGWOOD. Agents. . FXPRESS uniE.--rou"grat I I'NST. DUAL, MINNEAPOLIS, 1 1 ) 1( ROCK ° I SL Mt, " P..h - V41"4514 t ' AND ' ItUItLIOGTON.—.-The splendid passenger steamer GLASGOW ... —. ... Gro. W. JOUNNTON, Comdr, Wlll leave for above and all intermediate points as announced. . . For freight or p a s s at i c ii a ti p .s p o. ly n ilt iN a ls rd ,- o ca r,: ,,t to g. ents.. ram kOR- ST. LOUIS, L - Ex...l i gm e INGTON, EANSAS CITY, WY DOTTE, LEAVENWORTH, ATCHISON, ST.., JOE AND 03 fAHA.—The fine steamer ARMADILLO.. .: . .. .. -Cant. D. L. Ilicaniticasoir, - Will. leave Cas:abo've, ourTHIS DAX, _April Stb. Passengers and ahlp_pera can rely on the Armadillo going tlaron as: adverthed. •Wlll • receipt freight through to a lt points on 3118110Uf /river. • For freigh tor passage ittiply on board or to • • . , CHA& II ARNES.. . . JAS. COLLINS, • Or, OFIRIEST.d, HASIATT, • • - Agents. I lnb3o RE GULA R ; THURS-_ ..Z 4N dill= k — DAY EACKET YOB CINCXN-mairsisisiiiiii ..-Thc Stne aka . . ARGOSY .. .. ...-... ... . .—... .. . . Oap.-Viornicannmr, ati W 1 H. Ole__ ,rk leaves Pittsburgh for Cincin emery .I!,.:D AY at noon. . C. BARNES, • _JAS. COLLINS, )Agents. - .MAN FLAP; - Irak= FOR FRAGRANT TEAS, -- CHOICE COFFEE, 1 - AND 15tire- 119.1,10e61, DO TD ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Filth Street. BUSINESS CIIIM*GEN3 PISSOLIIT/ON.--THE FIRM OF ATWELL, LEE & CO. "ma. dissolved on the it Feßruhri..lBBB, by mutual 'consent: Zither paytner may alga the name of the !Inn settlembrit. JOHN -ATWELL. CHAIM A.TWELL. The undersigned will continue the WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS, tinder the acme and style of ATintLL LEE, st the old .place, Ho. 131 Second street: A conUnuance of - We _patronage of their &lends Ando° - public Is resipectfturlioncited. - UHAELzat ATWELL. Pirtaturaon, March 6th. SSG& tehirungg , gs , — gur. .' ,. ,'*ifi'' , ':o.ii.kAili' , ':':, ~BIAN ' Pg~'SICIAN` ~). A, Pi*lNlNis4m; ;Pi litt.*:tvilik O. _ '0000P,N414129a 1414417 Street AND THE "Di), Master. ;WOOD =2l 1;23 ,rg Line. °ad street, _ OILS. ....., EUREKA OIL WORKS, - MANUFACTURERS OF EUREKA CARBON OIL, THE CELEBRATED SPERM L ÜBRICA TING 'OILS, CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL. WHOLESAI,E DEALERS IN ~ • . Crude Reamed and , Lubricating Oili; Lard, Sperm, 'Whale and,Plah On.. It. C.. MACHESZTEY, Agent, No. /9 Irwin Street, . r ' /LITS.I3IIRG}L: WARING AND ILDLG,), -4--,- - i Comthlssion Merilnuits tiiid irriiierain - . • Petroleum and itiProditetg, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PI P ITSIIIIIMIX, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, . . • WARING, KING & CO., 127 Washout .....e.. H. M. LONG & CO., - MANUFACTURERS OF PURE WHITE BURNING On, It rand - -“Lucilithr.” Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, Pa, pcii. BROTHERS, • COMMISSION- MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petrolenm and its Products. . . PRtsburgb Office—DALZELL, ' BUILDING. cor ner of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. PbSadelphin Oftlee-.7-1117 WALNUT ST. .. scamp) JACOB WEAVAER, Jr. & CO., • att. commosion Jobbers , ,21. 0 . a DU QUEINE - WATorill' buy and Sell cinde and 'Relined 011 s, Lubricating, Tar, Benzine and 'Cooperage. Our long experience in the Petroleum trade enables us to o ff er u nusual facilities and in dueements to operators.• As'heretotores we are termined to make it the interest, of buyers and sel lers to give us a 'call.' Parties having 011 s for sale em cordially invited to bring their samples. apernO4 SOJ. C. BUPPITYZC L : A. KEHEW...W,II. WHITEHEAD. ilp ex!. woniks. • : • biannhature itavlitor sale all kinds or •.• • LumelcArific No. IST. CLAIR 13TREET. • • , nerptst; CO. . ~: PratmTuß.R.- PlitAktuneAt" '1142 1 .4L-K,‘,"• , !ir , ; I;,c FURNITURE MANU FACTURERS, • • "". • 1 NO. 119 * 7OI RIEPOES . A7W3_ ‘: 111T7TYR41Vait?_AeTatiNertos:1-' • • .04.4i9PACituangi ROssUslag e lik r ed °44l • • I f Autlgizinktnitineritiltfie itims- Y. • betbrO purChaati. 4 .•;"•• aar • Wiithei *Fin. OBERT R KNOX, Jr., COMMISSION MERCHANT, A )7D DEALER FLOUR, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY OGICC. 413 LumniTern-Parr Prrrinirnon. 3. IILANCIIARD, Wholesale and Retail GIVCCII, ap182 , 69 No• 390 PENN STREET ALEX. IPBANII MCBANE & ANJER, . COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN and'PRODUEE GEN ERALLY, No. 144 WATER STREET, above Smithfield,Pittsburgh. jes FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND 001111288IONXEROHARTO, For the g ale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Laid, Butter,. Beads, 'tried Fruit.' and Produce generally,' No. 143 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe22:uB , _______________._.____._. QM/MAHER & LANG, Whole -11,7 sale' dealers in Groceries, Flour, Grain, o duce, Provisions, Fish. Cheese, Salt. Carbon On, &c., Nos. 172 and 1174 WOOD STIC I FET, near Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pa.noinaM iiiiiiil. iiou . sE.....EDW HOUSE W3l. 11. HOUSE. 4 - 01IN I. HOUSE & MOS., Suc cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale rocers and Commission Merchants. Corner of Smltlideld and Water St_________reets, Pittsburgh, Pa. ___ fr Itllp..its3, LIBERTY . 0 STREET, Pittsurgh, Pa., Cominission Mer e ant and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vance rallyd on Consignments, and paid fo!Produce gan - o. _auM ROUT:KNOX ' ANDREW. KNOX .ti KNOX - di, SON, COMILISSIO/i oMEß ClLANTßanddeslers In F'LOl3ll., GRAII L FEED anCP.RODUCE, - GENERALLY, NO 7017 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City :rn PAv. 111011SSON JIM RCHA NT MERCHANT IN PIG METAL, BRICKOO3IS, ORE, WItOIIGHT. SCRAP IRON, FIRE AND CLAY, ac- Warehouse and Office, Nos. 366 and 3613' PENN STREET. Storage fur nished. Consignments solicited. mca IbITTLE, --- .II,PArrON ; Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and caters In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, ;Carbon and Lard 011,' Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns'and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 112 and 114-SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh.' _T , B. CANFIELD & SON, COM-. to . missioN & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, •Pork,. Bacon, Flour, Eish, Pot and Pearl Ashes, and Oils, Dried Fruit and Produce nfl rg er i allY, Nos. 144 and 140 Front street, Pitts- i xsittrvort A. NVALLa - ei: I HIPTON & WALLACE, WUOLE SAL F: (I EOCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, .o. 0 SIXTH STREET, Pittsburgh. jal2:rsB t .4 LLEGHENt . ' IgEfiii VALLEY RAILROAD. ii/.. LY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS. Running throughto Venango City without change of cars -Connecting with trains kast and West On the Warre...t Franklin and the Atlantic & Great Western Railways. On and after TRIIRSDAY, March ' 26 th,218613.; • the Passenger Trains will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal and Pike Sts., as follows: Depart: . Arrive.. e . M - all to and Pm Ven. City. 7:00 A. Ar. 1:00 A. It. Express - " •• 1030 P. 31. ,0:15.P.-.2., Brady'.o.Tiend Accommod'n 3:00 P. At:'10:30 A. 1f... Soda It orks Aceonen.. ... . . 5:25 P. X. • 7:55:4-.1.4 First Ifillton Accomod`n.oA. if ..11:415 A. M. Second Halton Aceumod'a 12:00 AL 3:45 P. it. Surftlay Church Train leaves Soda IVorkt , at 8:05 • A. 31., It rrlving In Pittsburgh at 9:50.4. 34' '1143- 'turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P 3t. , arriving St. Soda Works at 2:55 .e.• At. • .'• , • IL BLACKSTONE. Supi... W, F. DOPE, Tickeent. • i - ' 7 " ------- t Agent:'.. -Lk ....... JA9. F• RICIIAR7~ idl7.4i _ i .. 5.01341116. PITTSBURGH. FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO R. W. AND CLEVELANID & PITTSBURGH RA?. Prom January 19th, 1868. trains will leave from and arrive at the ITnlon Depot, north side, city time, as follows: Leave. , Arrive. • Chicago Ex .... .2:13 A In 1 Chicago Ex.-- 2:43 a M Cleveland Ex .. 2:13 ain 'Cleveland Lx. 2:43 aln Erle .4 Ygn m, I 6:13 a 2111 Ci IC.I go Ex.. . 16:58 a m ,CI. & WlOg3l'l 6:28 a mi'Wheclln ES. ii:08 aln Chicago 31a11.. 6:58 AIL ChiCIWO Ex. .. • /:53 pm Chicago EY.... 9:43 am ' Cl. .1: Wh'g Ax 4:03 p m Pitts. ,t Cl. P-x. _ !Erie S: 'lg'n Ex 6:13 pm la Youngrn 9:43 ain , Chicago Ex.... 6:58 p m ci v . s , Wlrg Ex. 2:13p miel. S: Wh `g Ex 7:08 pm Chicago Ex. .. 2:28p in:Pitts. &CI. E. -s Wh. $ Erie Ex. 4:38 p Inl via Yognt'n: 9:28 Depart from Allegheny.' , Arrive in Alleghen_v. N. Brigt - n .Ic. 6:56a in N. Brigt'n At'. 7:03 a :n. Leetsdale • - 10:13 amN. I trigr n '. 828 ain 11:53 a in, Wellsville "„, 9: am • llochester " 1:33 p in , New ('astle "10: 13 ain Wellse Acc.. 3:43 p 131 Leetsdale ." 9:13 ain Leetsdale Acc. 4:15 pm " I n 1:18 pm N. Itrigtn •• . 5:3g.p in N. Ilrigrn " 2:43 pat N. Brigt , n " . 6:26p m Leetsdale ," 423 pm Leetsdale " • 10:4-3 pru I " .:' 7:28 pm 2:29 p. m. Chicago Ex-, 10:50 a. 111. Chicago press leaves daily. 'Express arrives daily. less F. it. 3IYERS, General Ticket Agent. J. H. ANJZIL ITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS & CINCIN- Prr It. PAN .HANDLE 1101.1 TE.. • CHANGE of TIME.—On, and after SUNDAY, December Fth, 1867, trains will leave and arrive a Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburg!) time: Depa rt. Arrive. Express ..... ...... . ..... 2:15 a. in. 3:55 p. Fast Line ........... .......... 9:910.a. tn. 7:05 p. m. m. Fast Express .. ............. 2:50 p. tn. 10:55 a. m. Mixed Way . ... . . .. .. tu. -43:59 p. McDonald.s • No. 1.. 11:10 a. i n.. 2:10 p. m. m. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p. n. 9:30 a. M.' McDonald's Awn, . 5:10 p. 8:20 SPitmat. NOTICE. --Sunday Express leaves et 2:50 p. m. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:30 a. in.. the next morning. • . Church Train leaves Sunday at 12:55 p. m. • The 9:40 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sunday and Monday excepted, arriving in Cincinnati at 9:55 the same evening, 8 HOURS IN ADVANCE OP ALL OTHER ROUTES. . • 15P•No change of cars between Pittsburg]: and Cincinnati, and BUT ONE change to St; Louis, • Cairo, and the principal points West and Southwest. When purchasing tickets be sure and And the office of the • Pittabargit Coluinbna & Cincinnati It. R., uNioN DEPOT, (Sot-TH:I4I3E. ) M. IL MOTITERSPAUGEL Ticket Agent. '. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. • J OILN D. MILLER, Gen. Freight Agent. VENN S YLVANIALacrii CENTRAL RAILROAD. On and after October .6th, 1867 i Trains or ar rive at and depart from the Union DepOt, corner of iVashington and Liberty streets, as follows: iirrive. • - • Depart. Mail Train—, 1:20 aml Day Express.. 3:00 a nt. Fast Line .. . ... 1:50 a m Wall's No. L. 0:30 a M Wall's No. L. 0:20 a m•Mall Traln ... , . 8:20 a m Brintou 750 aln Wail's No. 2.. 9:50a ria Wall's No. 2.. 6:50 ain * Cincinnati Ni 11:15 am Cincinnati Ex . 9:10 atn Wall's No. 3.. 1.1:30 aM. Johnstown Ac. 10:15 ata Johnstown' Ac. 2:sopm Phila. Express 1:50 pm Wall's No. 4 .3:30 pm Wall's No. 3... 1:30 pm Phila. Express` 4:10 put Wall's No. 4.. 2:50 p m Wail's No. 5.. 4:50 pm Wall's No. 5.. 5:50 Wail's No. 6.. 7:00 p m Wall's No. G.. 6:05 pm Altoona Acc'n pm Fast Line. .. ... 7:20 pat and Emigrant Wail's No. 7.. 10:50 PM Train . .. .. . ... . 10:30 .p • TheChurchTrain leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. in., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:03 a. in. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. M. and arras :sat Wall's Station at 2:00 p. m. her trains' * Cincinnati Express leaves daily. An other daily except Sunday. • • . , Philadelphia Express and the Altoona AcCoMmo- ' dation and Emigrant Train strive daily..,,Cincinnati'. Express arrives daily except Monday. • All other trains daily except Sunday., • . -• . For further information apply to . . • W. TI.,JSECKWITH, Agent. " • • The Pennsylvania Railroad .Company will not as stune any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responlity to One Hundred . Dollars' in value. - AU' • Baggage exceeding ' that , - amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by.spetial contract. • ' • • :.' ' • • • EDWARD H .. wlLLiAzitsi . . 'Geo:: . General Superiritendent"Altooa; la.' WESTERN PENN=migmo _ • SYLVANIA RAIL .-On and after November L; 1867, the-Plui: senger Trains on . the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive 'at and depart 'from the Federal. Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follow: • ~ Arrive. ] Depart. Sharpnig No:1 •6:215 a Mail-- .•., '' :50 ain Freeport No. 1 9:15 a m Freeport N o .. 1 0:05 ala Express ... .. . '..10:10 a Sharpti7g No.111:20 anx Sharptoc No. 2 1:95 pm Express.- ' 1:50 pm Freeport NO, 2 4 , :15 pm Barmeree Ac •3:55 pm Mail ...—. . - . 6:05 p m Freeport No. 2, 6:05 pp', ilitrmerv"e Ac 7:10 pta harpb'g N 0.- 7:30 pia xi s Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Traih leaves Allegheny Junct. every Sunday at 7:40 a, in., reaching - Allegheny City at 0:50,.a. In. - Returning, leaves Allegheny . City at 1120 p. In. and arrive at Allegheny. Janet. at 9:45 COIII/17TATION TICKETS-For sale in packages of -Twentybetween, Allegheny City, Chestnut street * Beres, Bennett, ine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on tickets. • . ' The train leaving Allegheny City at 6:50 a. m, makes direct connection at .Freeport with Walker's line of Stages for Butler and liannahstown. Through tickets may be purchased at the Office, No. 3 St. Clair street. near Suspension Dridge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Alleyway City. For further information ap ply to Jamps-tlx.teEßTs; Agent, ._...._ ._ Federal Street Depot. The Wes.eru Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit thel. responsibility to One Ihunired • Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding this amount in value will beet the risk of, the owner,'un tess taken by special contract: - EDWARD II: WILLIAM General Superintendent.' Altoona. Pa.. NEIMI “ IL LM;E;GwEar” lINION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eastern. Division. • • The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE ROUTE from the East to all points In Colorado, Nevada, California, - Utah, Arizona, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, • . Oregon. - Two Trains- leaye. State Line and Leavenworth dal4 . ', (Sundays eacepted ) on the arrival of trains of Pantile Railroad from St. Louis, and Hannibal and •St. Jo Railroad from Quincy, CIMUICCIII2g at Law renee. Topeka and Wataego with Stages Ibr - el/ points jri Kansas. At end of track wost of El/s -warth srith the UNITED SPATES Ex-' PANY'S DAILY LINE OP 'OVERLAND MAIL . . AND EXPRESS COACHES FOR ' • DEN VM11; SALT T A QFs And an Points in the Territories, ' • • . . . And' with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY LINE of COACHES for Fort Unkl2. Bering Fort,' Fass, querque, Santa Fe, and all points is Arizona and New wit il v the recen. additions of rolling stock and , equipment,' and the arrangements -Made with re-- • sponsible Overland Transportation Lines frornita w„torn tostnkws, thls‘mad now offers ,unequalled" *facilities for the transtuissloll or freight "to the Far • Tickets for - .llsie at ati the . Prlncipa oni ce , United Stated and Canadail. Be mire and ask or. tickets sla TFIF, SMQ.Kr.,'. • HILL- iN UNION PACIFIC 'RAILWAY, • A . * ANDERSON; ' • • weneral Freight andTlcket t r itti nta en 176 --- o t - , tang wuniEEß , Arill Pk it,' No. 9sll . 4 ' , oorttroiroos 411 - door iNtatWoolitntlibur4.^. Z.'. ~. - A A eon nano A • erai luso meat of oleo 147,+fr ' .i . ritii il; " :ry• illtAtitil ftf . atienl.'-r! ”. . , I :. ;Tyke htioilobsva bortiveZia .. tZeld' . ieguierd lkiilbant4ta-`ttilliegitil i gNiOne t:' f "• •,:., 111 Willa RAILROADS J. Milt ..111.64.Age". en' ent• '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers