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L._:..: - .----_ IFI \ -..- __ -------- - ___ 7 --,-____.--.,-.„7. - , -.,_-_-.....,...,.._,,.,..m04 • . ' • ~-0' I, i • ZEE Ea ENS KIII VOLUME - LXXXIII. FIRST MK TWELVE o.cr,ocx. M. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLITIIRE. Bills Passed Finally—r The Gas In spection Bill—Time of Holding City, Borough and Township Elections to be Changed—Eight BoUr pm Considered—Alleghe ny County Meat Inspector Bill Killed—The General Appropri ation—Private Charities all Stricken-Out. tapecial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette I HAmUSBouG, April 8, 1868. SEICA.TE, ENE - • BILIS PASSED. .Appointing Inspectors of Gas in Philadei phis,and:Allegheny. ' 'Tc; lefout State road hi Allegheny and Butler counties. Changing time foi: haling election for City and ward officers in Reading, Betks county. Amended by At.r.r,rrett, of Alle- gheny, by making .it general, The bill re-' quires all elections for city, borough and townsidp officers to take place at the fall telietions,. to take effect October, 1869. 11 - otuss _bill entitling hitherto accepting school districts to State appropriations if 'they conform to the law_.: House House bill extending the term of prison commissioners. BILLS covarngruAL One erecting a free bridge over Stony creek. at lohnstowriA ; • :Phased a second rea g. On repealing the act changing the venue in a c rein case from Allegheny -, to jeffer- son, and remandlitg the same back to Alle gheny... Killed. , . One 4nripoweririg the Burgetkof Brad docks bornagh, Allegheny county, to com mit. disorderly persons to the county jail in .default of fine. -Killed. ‘• 90" providing Rif an additional lals ..4i tr ib . r . ! the Tenth Jo o dicial : District. HOLtgE OF RERTik§LSTATFVF,.. . 'BILLS FASSED FINALLY. the Union:dub erf phis to borrow twentY r tive thousand dol -1 tars on bonds or mortgages. Senate supplement• to an act creating a , • sinking fund for the _public debt, regulat . ing,reports, ;Senabi billrevising, ,amending and con so"Misting 4103 taad *r , •••"'"tigt. ' as recommedifir4s - Civil &de Commissioners. • " * ; .Senate g; amending and con , 0114titing „Um* ‘ regulating , the licensing of ftireign insurance "companies, as -recom-, • dettby Civil Code C ommissioners. riate -btu, extending jurisdiction of arts oe quarter sessions to the creation of • curds in boroughs. joint resolution for, the 'protection a, •• • • can rights. n the guano trade; Mid 'dam . ng the restoration of Island Alta VfliiTti•lhe United States . . The Senate supplement ;elating to - eons- - , , . ties and townships, providing that when two successive grand juries shall recom , mend repairs to' ,connty, buildings the Count- Commissioners' may borrow money • . for that 'purpose. • - EIGHT HOUR BILL. ,The Seruith, 'eight htin.f 'labor- hill then Mr. ;Smith, of Alleghepy, supported it Messrs. Ewing, of Washington,' Mann, of Potter phalfat4, of Montour, and. Boyd,. of York, opposed it. . • • - Tending its discussion, the House ad journed. , A AFTERNOON SESSION., Mr. For d, of Allegheny, asked unani mous consent to offer a resolution introduc- ing the use of PaGilio ateivaii fgas light in the Capitol buildings and park:` He said it w.f:m/4.) si-tvphr, odour l thousand dol . -"-litrAnitattitchardAttitil." 04r, glunki Pf ~.tlterri'obje.cted.6-17 GAS INSPECTION' lIIILa 3 A Aii) i;the bill ap- Pf i .#o l Pag 401".2TtCFP41,:iM. g.,hiiadeipTila andlt,Alleghenyr , paying eachlfs2,soo ,Atiallologum-coneurred in. - BILLS PABRED FINALLY. 'EXllMlthkibiagalitkilkdaibireClOTS __Atta ll iagngfreililtlo o o l2 10. , -'l' 44 appelntig Mid Aorof April 10th, !.£l7; re= the -Johnstown Farmers;, ir tY•I. ,t ,- • - t r hoc Asso- IftentingE .4:44lo7l2ltanritilarge in l iVaslajlgVPlintX• r ^ 1 ixsPi„cTort:- T; thebi t teniehlting Inspector e Meat • L i 4,I 4 9VIAWRIWN/AN± • The getters): - .APProkriatiOh• * 115 ; .. P 1-1 41DtteOltedin thitCdittbreteie - Cothjoit and cr IP',,,COldflik64 l o. PeosfP94.4t ..`! . Prft,";,chiritles,are i s li f"':OTlAPPeut, Inaba ,Driklitui-:;Asy!ttin, Pitts ze !: 11!.t. ''`TheiGapai or ., has vetoe the bill tsseot- Westhidialiaid casilco:Of the Re. . .. - • + I *Yetet al l# l 4 l .9r." .. PSOFP9Mt g PCl"ri g -......111.1...........-.... yg * 1 , " Mrl :' .in i la POUriaIeASYNIAEC Tltai . - - I.llriP CBerelee,Pit to the rtritenie G az e{ f.3 , hfrannitit;:kiiiiilL:keoininitt& appoint-, -- ::: - e- =ed tr the Arkansan - Ccerventiok foOtket ' hve , Isa t e nstitntion IM ilej:thilWetib e i, reeeiv i pgp f ly,p,pymn ß op g he moults A i r;t2 3 # l , 019 s? .4• , i) , ___ i L L ow .r I ;_lkiSfillyirtitgriVitittPi ,: t.-lAt 4p A jterS vri fr it!':.-)iti„, i Lwatit i z lillitka*`;' , ' . • the. a ' eteetba in this towns i im p, isA I erage Denuxtratio nut __ _ 4 , 1 ..._ utnonthelitut 'A uftl', '. , P, ,loscromodet ....,,-.., zebtidit by m 7 to - front 60 to 80. FORTIETH CONGRESS. Bill Regulating Qualification of Jurors Paiised in the Senate— Rouse Proceedings—lndian Ap propriations—Resolution Re scind Impeachment Proceed ings Ruled Out of Order. [By Telegraph to,the rittshurah Gazette.) WASHINGTON, Aprin3, IBGB. SENATE. Mr. WILSON, from the Military Com mittee, 'reported a bill to continue the Freedmen's Bureau. Mr. HARLAN called up the bill to ex empt property used for school purposes in the District of Columbia from taxation. Mr. HOWARD called up the bill requir, ing reports of railroad companies to be filed in the office of the Secretary of the In terior instead Cof the Secretary of the Treas ury.: Mr. TRUMBULL called up the bill in re gard to the qualification of jurors. It, provides thatexpression of opinion, founded on.public' rumor or stateMents In public journals, shall not disqualify a juror other wise competent, and who shall take the oath that lie can give a verdict according to the evidence. -Mr. JOHNSON supposed the law already allows a Court in its discretion to accept such jurors. Mr. TRUMBULL replied such was the practice in many States, but the bill.:pro posed to make the practice uniform. •,- -- Mr. BA.YARD thought this a dangerous provision. Am= could not be otherwise than partial after forrning and expressing an opinion. Mr- DAVIS was not sure the measure was'not an innovation :on the sacred right of an impartial trial by jury,:and concur ed in the opinion of +he last speaker. He would sooner yield the whole Government than this inestimable right. [During Mr. Davis' remarks, Messrs. Trumbull and Johnson engaged in a smilirug conver sation in front of Mr. Davis.) Senators may laugh and snicker, but their scoffs and jibes will not drive me from opposing this mnovation. Ido not care what their 'high position in society is. That is not the.way, to meet opposition to any important meas. me. - • • ' • " Both-gentlemen -rose in tairn, and were; understood to make a disavowal. Mr. DAVIS said he was perfectly indiffer ent. , He, had been speaking in all serious ness. . Mr. FRELINGIIITYSEN held that' , in these, days of general ,newspaper reading the. exressiotrof bypothical opinion.s do es not militate against the impartiality of a juror. The, bill was framed to correct cer tain injurious rulings frequently made .by Courts. Mr. BA.YARD again opposed the bill. It - passed—thirty-seven to eight. .- - Mr. SUMNER introduced a joint resolu tion proposing an amendment to the Con stitution of the United States. The proposed amendment is as follows : No'Onion elected as Pielsidimt or Vice Preald.ent who has once served as President, shall afterwards be eligible to either office; Referred to the Committee on Judiciary. At the expiration of the hour, the Senate: proceeded to the consideration of priVate bills reported from Committee on Claims. The eonsideratioriof unimportant bins oc cupied all the afternoon. At half-past three o'clock Mr. MORGAN moved to go into executive session. Agreed tozo-2 to 10. The ;Senate , soon after -.ad journed. scperpVplection returns __ZA lO )r: 1 6imi 7tajorirYo a gaianot =ln ; • L • HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES . V The SPEAKER presented, a communica tion from the Commissioner * of- Indian Ar ians,. relative to the..necesisity-of speedy legislation. on Indian appropnations. Re ferredle'the Committee on Appropriations. .The Senate amendments to the naval ap propriation bill were referred to the Com mittee on Appropriations. - Mr. WASHBURNE, of Illinois, offered a resolution, quoting an advertisementtin the New York Timea for the sale of the steam ship Atlantic, to pay a balance of $115,500 under a contract .with the Collins steam ship line, and directing the Secretary of the. Treasury to report all the facts connected with .the mortgage held by the United States, ece Adopted. Mr. ROON offered the followins ; as a privilege d -resolution: Resolved,That the resolution of impeach:: ment against Andrew Johnson; passed set.)-1 ruary '24th, 1868; and the proceedings amendatory thereof or supplemental there. - toi , b3exaltha sante are hereby rescinded, the'Managers be'recalled., The SPEAKER-ruled the resolution not privileged, because there was a pending motion, on which the previous question hs.4 , beZti 9rderestivu'o9l; 2 ilat'P & r arch, as to piinting far thousand copies of Mr. Butler's opening address, and no business was?,sliCtmciaii.exiitpt .by unanimousr,.o6; sent, until that was disposed of. Adjourned.: ~,; VIRGINIA: .',' ' ' Reconstruction Convention—Sere. Bates, onvention the. Pmlestrian--.lteiont4lcan .- Caned: ' XXV Telefono, to the Fillet:torah Plaettie.l RICHMOND, April B.—ln the Conventieitf to-day the resolution prlidliiiiiiohq ;Lea; islatnre establishing separate schools for /o* - tivikram vatedefeated-4 0 to 21. All, pro tions for relief, inbindin4, ho The Speaker refused to -give way to al low Sergt. Bates who is here, to-be invited; on thp.floor,. saying he did not want to see, thifilag brought in tinder copperheadinnid picas.-:.. . , i 2-•, ' , '-~ : t . The R epu blican Staießiesixive meeting' resolved to call. a cogyengon on ; the Ist. Wednesday in BUY' to ,nombuite State of- , 1 • . ,' The New York Legtsliatntv; , ..The CRiaigt _ 43...f-ariberY—in Investigation 1"P°111- Ly Telegraph to the 'Pittsburgh unzettel• ALnany, Atixil 8.4-.. The Now:York City Central. Upderground Railroad bill passed the Senate to-dal. aletiolutions were Antfoduced prort4hli ?at e Onthiitttee'en tnlintry into the atop' thai,large sums of money hod, been lin inowly and , corrpptly • '“ ' “ I TS"`" am ' i mlfogoittO rePAloil,.-_- -9t.rfl .X . ho ers and Directors of the Bile rfta t . . 1 1h 1 r1 or attemptinglobr4ba,spe . • a . of the Assem- Idy, , and 'that t'ne&nsi. ! . lon of all bills litirileolifilkins ridlitifettilifiild'Udiftpany bes; P94P', !,, , uritil mid mittee report. An omeoldMedt wal leaved to strike out Abewerdliiria i va iteleirkeido!other 101 - IOW 'iisillartldidarV iho . ll,llition had, 'A ] the vatt","llllllreekt, bill oryear ago, - when„,„._„lt,,' is PA 12pkoper fwerevent to =uance leg 1 , • ../ i.t , 1 , •1.• 4.1 .... • 1 . 1 . ” .' 14 1 1 A"' d ' • AtriNteggit t he last clause, PAP. . 1 , , -tfr,4l,,lmtpoixement of ' f ib.. it. : : , I:rt-vhiclo tl . mii all , pre ireiliSreupoix fer .- .. .": • .to:1` ' - ... ; the *hole .. . was tablet:4'llf the instance of its originator. ZWM!E=M2 PITTSBURGH. THURSD Y. APRI NEW YORK [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW YORK, April 8, 18138. -ERIE RAILROAD SUITS. • The various suits in the Eric litigation came up before the Supreme Court, Gener al Term, to-day, on appeals from the order suspending Mr.] Drew from several in junctions, and from the order appointing a Receiver. Mr. Barnett opened the case for Mr. Drew in an argument against the legality of the appointment of ' Mr. Osgood as Receiver, contending the convertible bonds were au thorized by the General Railroad act of 1850, and that the action of the Erie direc tors was sanctioned by that of other com panies, includino. the New York Central and Hudson. As to the proceeds of the stock, the appointment of Receiver was er-• roneous, because the stock wasin the hands of innocent third parties, while even were it illegally issued, and the proceeds in the hands of the Company, no. cause would exist for the appointment ofa ReceNer. On these grounds the defendants demand a re versal of the order, with costs. , Mr. Rapello and Mr. O'Connor replied' for the Vanderbilt party, contending , ..the stock was fraudillently issued, that a large sum was improperly obtained therefrom, and the / order for a Receiver should be made permanent. Mr: Field continues the argument to morrow for the appellants. • In the case of Scheel vs. Erie Company, before Judge Barnard, the answer of Jay Gould to the attachment for violation of the injunction was filed. He denies knowledge of the issue, of 50,000 shares of stock, but I:4l.leVescertificates of, stock 'in -blank were made by the officers of the Com pany before the injunction, and that • the Executive Committee issued converti ble bonds to the extent of ten millions, half of which Passed into the hands of Groes beck ck: Co., and half to Daniel Drew. Some evidence on the subject was submitted, but no conclusion reached. John B. Haskins, Referee, was examined this afternoon in the attachment proceed bligs against Jay Gould, the Erie Railroad Director. He testified that David Dudley Field offered him $5,000 to procure a modi fication of the original injunction from Judge Barnard. On cross-examination the witness stated he, Judge Barnard, J. H. Copeman, Recorder 'Hackett and George A. Osgood were in the habit of meeting in. - Hackett's office. Witness was farther cross examined for the purpose of showing ho 'had used his personal influence with Judge Barnard. to Influence the, judicial action of the latter. The argument in the habeas corpus case ..of Jay Gould takes place to-morrow. •-• I.UOTOGItAPNEFiS' CONVENTION. A Convention of _Photographers, number ing two hundred and fifty, and represent ing the_profession throughout the country," . intaissain here 'and, subsetipthSn has been started to contest the extensionof- a patent which is considered injurious to their in .terastsi - .•cs - The Convention - adjourned to-day, after' action looking to the' appointment of com-'3 missioners-in each State, town and city of the Country,' to collect funds to contest the extension of the patent. - The Erie Railroad Company haveinade a -further_ reduction of4are to Chicago, Cin- Ohinati. Indianapolis, Cleveland, Columbus and Fort Wayne. . DEATH I , ItOJI POISON Mrs. Lvdia - P_..Pureell died suddenly last night at 262 7th avenue, it is believed from poison, but by whom administered is tiny known. • - A ili7:kiAN BRUTE • A German name unstated, has been ar rested charged with an indecent outrage on; his own daughter, aged fourteen. STRIKE . -ENDrD The Central Railroad strike will be end ea,:at West Albany, .by an advance of the wages, to-morrow. SHIP LAUNCH The ship Pansms,the last \vase' building here, will be launched to-morrow. -BOOTH'S WIIEATIt.. The corner stone of Booth's new theatre was laid to.day. THE INDIANS. . , i - Accounts of Depredations—Authentic , Re - - verbrisuppressed - - by-Aleuts - and Con i OfracAit'... ..!,_,:_; .',. u.. ~'1.'... :.I - :.\4 (BY 'Telegraph to the Plttiburgh Gazette.) i' . PIT: Vietkelitil'af ti.:-.44#1 . 1 6111 ,i, i Special' to the Democrat says : A. re . the totter . ftore Fort Laramie dated March Ist, says that ;the lielion agents;and contractors for Indian goods are suppressing authentic -1.(1,.. 1 ports of Indian affairs, and doing every thing. So. prevent Abe true, state of things liorit4king madio-public. , The following are only -part of the depredations com mitted. The last week in March fifty In r, diens attacked wranth on Little' Cotton ' Wood, twenty Miles west; on the Cheyenne and Fetterman road, killing one boy and carrying of , the renetnnan's wife. The owner of the ranch and one boy escaped to a neighboring ranch where seven whites lodged. Theledlini'attaelterF the house, but were, repulsed,leaving pee dead. horse: on the ground. On the of March one hundred.)lndlehs - attatked Horse Shoe 'ranch, forty milts west, occupied by a man 'aided' Worrill, formerly of the Eleventh Able . cavalry; his partner, Thermburg, and another man. Having plenty of ' arms And:ammunition, the whites defrlnded the ranch until night and their 'eseaped into ;` 1 Eta julderground ji•,,lfier- AIR., ,:.,with 190 - I to s e irks n:Whien tusy,..kaptuptaz Sze kill- , iSo Indians and wounding SeVeTal, and'i 9r , i 6., ifgur itortW, t i rkfroinclians in the Mine liunif - tlie-bUilding, stables, ac., , valued, at six thousanddellars. . EarlYitiiit'i • morning Weriellli•parW . efieSiiped to Iron 1 ppring-Faucher three•milss east, where four more whites lodged: The entire, phi 1 initiated filf:CcitUnistreibdiiidelid, tilleodYnlT. • beyond. After ploceeding abottOdix miles they *die attacked ,b 'sixty Indians.' Aft,er If t lorig,fliptrin which .harper .and David Illunheig.4nd AntptpAlypte Ittilit*, ere kill ed, "Worrell 'wounded and Ave IngiauSr killed, the parties held ' a council, thditidi ans agreeing,,if the me i n returned and gave up, the spook at:lrvin:soring It:Mahe, they. wouldibelalleWatlitoF unmolested. , This we ti e ! auttilittlii ans then fiurnia the • Ilan t?* Ithirpely Ai - Shim' bllt - Orkt vitli 4. ' Ifto - n ltrtitts.ool6putly of troops, niatne j ii 'kar 'buffed were found ' DnidarobAttba-ranebp . on'theusedd4 - : AKMm)3rt Fetterman waiburnedl: ng has yet been heurd froalVttbtttrTH IA Ilifllifigns.;yete steldim . stock and committingbiLkuian of ' '''leNtolisimplicatheiV, isomers between 'Forts Fetterman and Laramie have allgone to the :thilitally looetelloe nroteetion: , l'ill -Marsh 4.stliktwOvettlers living on I.Abbita ereekAvege attacked hY. seventy indiaPP , • 'Their buildings were burned and their prpl , W F l ,,At t Y e t r: l m e : ll Y l a i n t ed. illiernil6 2 ," 4l _, r °Fart' i 1 RYfnel 44.e rfil i P ,ol lr tar 2 iiiran soolitbarsasssettcl • , , „norn e 4scit. tltt-rdiatens grave s b p ..well liratoolithtividu4 a • speech of. en. The Ittillierthe 'Audi fit' gave three cheers as he retired. MEE sE• ETTIot P411:111011, l-a O'COC A. M. THE CAN. AL. Appeal from the Indian Commis sioner to Congrew-Official Pub _ lic Debt Statement—lmpeach ment Trial—The Jury. Bill— Military Matters—Freedmen's Bureau Continuance—Home stead Law in Florida. • • [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] The Secretary of the Interior sent to the House to-day a communication from the. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Who says: "Referring to office reportstof the 20th and 21st of February last, in which reference was madnto the necessity of certain appro priations being made at an early day, in order that the faith of the Government and promises of the Indian Peace Commission ers may be kept good, I desire to say it is evident to my mind that unless immediate action is had by Congress upon the estimates referred to in said re ports, and necessary fonts appropriated to enable the department to carry out and ful fill-the proniises made with certain tribes, we shall have trouble with them. I am led to be believe this from various rumors that have reached thiS office of the feelings and intentions of certain bands and tribes on the plains. If we expect to keep the Indians. friendly .to the Govern ment, and at peace with it, ,we must fulfill our promises. Otherwise we can but ekpeet, as Would, be the case were we dealing with white men and Chris tians, a renewal of the troubles of last stun mer. Besides, if our agreements are not faithfully carried out, the Indians will soon loose all confidence in the government; they will believe nothing told them by its offi.- - cers. and an almost endle4s war will he the . result, which will cost millions of dollars to suppress, and to avoid which thousands are only asked. This question has become of so grave importance that I deemi it my duty to again invite your attention to it. If We are to have another Indian war this summer, I do not wish the cpuntry tothink it was caused or brotight about 'by the man agement of the affairs of this office, and af ter the urgent requests that have been made for fuilds, and the statements that have been made in regard to the matter, this Bureau certainly cannot be held responsi 'ble fcir any acts of hostility or depredations that thay be Committed by the Indians." erat.ic .DEBT STATEMENT. - following-is the statement of the public debt of the 131f.ted States on the kat Of Aril, 1.13138: DeN•Boring Coin laitetett. ' 5 percent. Bonds ' $ 214.464;400 00 6 per cent. Bonds of 153 mud 1561 8,063;641 BO 6 per cent. Bonds, ISSI •s3,firZ.lso 00 Oyer cent.. 3-03 Month.' - -1A24,3%1,630 00 1 1,0");. get Won Doit lirturbog (7..rtney Interest. r per vent. - 1i0n,114 G ':.:1,542.(n0 CO 3 , -year f.'ouipouvol Interest 46010,6.10 al ' " 1h3.834.100 03 3 ito..r evnt. Cvrt!tlenteS 23,Z0:00O CO • Natured Deft :lot ..Pre.4eilttd :neat. 3rOpir . Xilteiiiixe August 15. 1567..15 WI 00 ( ompoond Interest Notes. matured. - f June 10. July 15. August 15. October 15, and Ih:cumber 1887 Bonds. Texas indemnity -Trettsury,Notes, Acta; uly 17. PSTL:uud prior thereto 13461L04 Bonds. April 15,- • . tr,ooo 00 Treasury Notes, March 3. 1963......... Pin 00 Temponsry Loan 1.734.003 00 tiollyisitte , of ludebte.lus.l.;, - 0. L 9.000 00 119.00a.aga - • • • WASHINGTON, April 8, 1868 INDIAN AFFAIRS. '. • D , Lt - - I'.~r. Notes 5 :;.11;.114.77 Fraet Ivnel C urrency, :M:48.839 11;n1,1 41•Ttifiratei '111 , 0091t 17,742,060 cu , ) 9 i Y7t, Amount in Treitoinrii 99._;!1,81789 :3, 4 2:C.Cra 34 '‘Trrf !Iry $122.r,045 02 . . , nl4O n Or tie lit. .1-I . Trert,ur.Y. $2,,a19.209.6,47 2411.41TA8Y 31A.TTERS: • By orders from the , Adjutant General's.; bilicat he Siiperinteadentof the mounted ro crafting service at Carlisle Barracks, Fella.: sylvan's, is required to forward- detach: .ments of. recruits - 4o_ Fort Leavenworth for 'the Third United States Cavalry. Brevet Brigadierl6A- Jefai*F. Zia; Major of FourtiamthUnited - StateriCavaliy„ has been detailed as Superintendent of re-, crafting service at Carlisle Barracks for the -ensuing two years, relieving Brevet Brigs dier Gen.:Wm. N.Greer, Colonel of Third United States Cavalry, who'-is .ordered to io his regiment AIM !; DePartmeht *of General Haneoeft .Perma * nont headquarters too-morrow' at 'the corner of Nineteenth and G streets. No business is bsingtransaated At l T,his , . - beadquarters 'Vied the ordinaryroutine affairs. PBEEDMEICB piTREAIT CONTENLTANcE. , 'ln the afternoon, Mr. Wilson,. from the Committee on Military Affairs, re-- -ported,- „with, amendment, -the House - passed ' March 19th, 1808, to continue the, Freedmen's Bureau. The antsndment con efets cifiAn . mini sketionj by which the: Commissioner . empowered' ;to sell lot „ -1 mints MtliptinPle ; gL.and Other Puildiagi • constructed for igfugeasi - and freedmen by • Ithe.BuMu, , ta • I 01-IRMIOXIB,.ari trustees Whd now - Mt' . i../V ; PliTali of educa non di , :iellefof4lts7iander,snitable'gfiar antees that thb'''ptirtaisei - for - Which:such. billidifigit were constructed shall bet, obr tind:lM.pKiirdeitthir the fuids )derltied theießdnd'-elialllier-Sturned the'. M~kt u ; Ofirit4rOtkitismg treotinted * of t 'the lity et tne 1,71ait4 - btate9 upPEAcreisivr. • .Thelfn o.dav• to consider some ovicrioice pot offered Pm- - ",0(01t4 the 1 1 -044600 aatom of defeat-' ingthe Tenure-of-Office bill. No decision 'lvall•rnro* l ::'ll l6 ,l*,*/AN: l OO9lWfr io morrow . 2 4; '-' Judge , VurtisiYholvll_l; fot , :! the , Idn§ri ! WlLlPllotttitf Alf 1, ,- 01 . 44Mp1t 'ease, 4111.400-mc amily,,lrani;:nntitiq; , not having written his remarks bi-itilvatioo:t deliver ipg,,,,Therw:waalttoihisr...:WOMitei'demarid. for tickets of. admission tothelleante toms • oti'lltitd(tYcirlicc,Ttliqi 00101.' Some ' Afitabe7ll4:ofVa,trpralsed of epn 010 era for theirtiopits , ptv,week to , ; : ,,-).c.:-.-:. , ,,Eca.....vattivaiwkar!tort,a- Rau. Vraildlnfign imarliciarinffirtaatian -3„..a PrFfe, pliAty; farms, Vrihing In* twaem,.4vien • to the prkitt btr: JUR LL. A 5pi5:4121134 jtjgoh,s, — 11 1 .• „ I t tro froin't* State la rt re,t0470 e,wiutttlyv.. the rifts. 1,9, 1868. Indictments Against the Clerken well Prisoners—Safety of Dr. Livingstone, African Explorer, Beyond Doubt. . [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.? GREAT BRITAIN. =3 LONDON, April B.—The Grand Jury )rought in bills of indictment against all ho prisoners, except O'Reilly, charged by the Coroner's .f rtr2. , with complicity in the Clerkenwell outrages. The trials Com mence next week. SAFETY . OF 1111. LIVENosToNE BYYCP:SD ALL All dophts.of the safety of Dr. Living stone ar dispelled. Sir 'Roderick Merehi son to-d,hy received a letter from the dis tinguislted traveller, which came rid Zan 71bar. Dr. Livingstone writes he is in good health. His journey of exploration has been successful and he will soon - return to England. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LIVERPOOL, April B—Evening.---;Cottort closed heavy and a fraction lower; mid dling uplands 11 7 d, Orleans 12y,d; sales of 12,000 bales. Breadstuftkelosed quiet though Corn' declined to 395. 9d. for new mixed. western; Wheat 15s. .10d. for California White, and 14si 3d for No. 2 Milwaukee red; Barley, pats, Peas• and Flour unchanged. Provisions closed quiet. Lard advanced to 635. Beef 1255. Pork 85s. Bacon CS. Produce—Naval stores dull. Silgar fair. RednedPetrleum, Is. 3d; Spirits do, Is. AXTWE it 1., April B—P:ven (7.• Petroleum nominal at 42%f. LONDON, April B.—Steamer Bollona, from New York arrived. QUEENSTOWN, April B.—Steamer tarifa, from Now York arrived. Lownotc, S—Evening.--- Consols, 93,i(@933,1;. five-twenties, 73€1173g; Erie, 48 9 y,; Illinois Central, 95. FBA wa•Feirr, April 8--Evenrag.—Five twenty bonds,s,gig7s..X. THE CANADA ASSASSINATION Loyal Irish Citizens •Uneasy—Great Fu neral Preparations. CBy Telegraph to the Ptttaburgh 6azette.7 :NEW TORS, April B.—A Montreal special says: McGee's murder has created intense excitement. Prominent loyal Itsh citizens are very uneasy, AS a plan of geiTeral assas sination, in which those concerned in Fe nian prosecutions are included; is reported. The American Consulate flag yes lowered, and the Consul officially. reported the mat ter at .length to the United StateS Govern ment. The body will be met Jo-morrow, by the-citizens en, mane.. ;The funeral *lll - 1 take Place on Friday. The bode t ill lie i3l state on Thursday. Xgrand'furfetal.car is being built, and the ftrwal-will bongreal. 'popular demonstration. Siicty thousand persons are expected to be present.: The police, are on the alert, and all outlets to the States ,are closed. The Rillyal procla nuation is' placarded everywhere. Fenian lodges here are very quiet. MONTREAL,' Aril' 8.--A pultale ElOellog , of citizens was held at , noon today to 'express their indignation at - the assassina tion -of McGee and condolencefor his family. The most intense excitement pre-, Tailed all day. OrrasvA April B.—The adjourned inquest was 'resumed in the afternoon and a large number of witnesses Were examined. The evidence taken was .mainly in connection with the finding of the body: The case against Whelan 'deepens.hburly. The government detectives are in possession of a strong chain of evidence against him, and the Crown= reckon confidently on his being the man. A loaded revolver was found on his person when arrested, and a cartridge in one of the' chambers was evi dently-now. This chamber had no trace 'of having been recently discharged. The other chambers were bright and clear. Tho bullets with which it was loaded are • exactly like that which killed McKee.- It is generally believed a gang ruffians'are •mixed up in the assassination. Two or three parties, against whom ,there is circumstantial evidence, have been ar rested as accomplices of Whelan. In order to expedite the trial the Crown •will proba bly take_ the case out of the Coroner's bands to-morrow, and it will be brought before the Police Colirt. . , . Tottorcro, April B.—A man named James Ryan formerly messenger in'the Execu tive Council, was arrested in thiseity by a . GoVernment detectiVe and brought before , the Police Magistnite to-day, and remanded 1 until.furtber orders from Ottawa: , . PARIS, April-S.—The Great Western Rail road'statiiin was burned this afternoon. 'L544,44(014 80 6241.74830 CO 3:0.1.61100 2,1i.00:1 OU 444}1.47Z.47G Di $2,1:11.710.=, • Great Billiard Match. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Citicsact, April B. r -The great match for the bi ll iard cluunpionship of America, be tween John McDivitt and Melvin Foster, commended , 'at Library Hall at half-past 8 o'clock. .ta4t.ight., At ten minutes after none the game stood,. Foster 113, McDiv itt;Bs • • ' • • • • • .The,call on thp seventh inning was, Fos ter 612, McDivitt 34. • - Twenty-fourth inning, Foster 720, Mc- Divitt 133. • • • • 10:30, r. 31,-111*y-fi fth • inning, Foster 791; McDivitt ,C4O. - + 11-o.clock—Fourty-fOurth inning, Foster 884 McDivitt 481: . . • „Ff-fourth .inning, McDivitt ' ran two -hundred and ninely-three. The score stands Foster 1,304, - MeDivitt 840.. at Indianapolis. • ~ • Plitehuigh (4sette.3 Ttitoitailt.POLli9;•' April B.`--George W. fieorOtit.:Cinehinati, committed suicide at the. „Dates :House .last night,.by.shoetipg himselfin the bead with aDerringBr pistol:` His body' ivaii not- , diecovered --until about noon. , tp,ilay. , •;; The. :servant . : girktried.his , door . .I twice during theibrenoon, afidihe, • third- time' looked • over the tiansora;' and' 'discovered him his 'blood. Front letters found-in his 'rooms addressed to his wife, son and the elerliof the' hotel, -.lt' ati pears lie had conteniplateWsuicide l'orAtur Past .yesr, and that. the poly miparent„eause, .for lila „self-destruction wakon acemint 'of the failtire of a Patent 'eooltingoiilintin hi VAS:. eiliibititig for caale. , :ile had. been stogr . in4. at giiii.pateationse since the 10th of • -• . . 0111Clals.Arreided. ratiectat Dtgiatehlo the 'Pittsburgh duetted . DAVExiwnT ILLS ;April 8. - J. I+'. TraeY, President, and'. .:Ebenezer Cook; gesSretary,'; "of thii.:Chicago; Beek Island and 'Peeing Railway. ComPanT, ;were arrested by _the ITnited .Btates.Marshal this-morning, upon a 'Writ from . the' Conit, -. lbr violating. the injurietieo,amed from tbat Court. • ,'.-rntreopilOgvig l eeuon. .; •.. •. CB aTe~c •,•• • ~/a[lt. f2SYRge p 449, '2 4, muncet44A "'of , dEll_ 9 l._.!?•/' I;thipi,COOL)i.oo# l , ntrity rs'l,/tu., . 't Corrected returns male' jority 1,735. Latest vote, 99,323. FRON EUROPE. ELME I==== NUMBER 85. EIEF NEWS ITEMS • —Bost un had a violent snow storm Tuesday.! were two inches of snow in t. Paul on Sunday. —Deeds of 'viola - nee -- are of dally OCenr rence in Cork, Ireland. —The frost at Nashville yesterday mal•n -ing blighted the fruit - crop. —lllicit whiskey still* continue , to'f' be seized in and about Philadelphia. • . ' —The steamer Nestorian, from Liverpol . on the 213th, arrived at Portland yesterday. —New Orleans has. wide-awake ehibs which arc working for the Republican tidk ets. 1' —Gen.- Meade has, it is said, succeeded in completely suppressing the Ku-Klux-Kilim in Georgia. . • —There are only about six hundred p6r sons now employed at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. —Timothy Illurphy WAS. acCidentally killed on the Bellefontaine railroad, lot-. ana, yesterday. —Counterfeit twos on the Market Bank of New York. are in eirculathm in soma! of the Eastern. cities. ' —The Plattsburg and Whitehall 111- road bill has been vetoed: in, New Vork4 fby Governor Fenton. —The corner stone of the new 'Masonic temple, in Philadelphia, will be laid offihe 24th of June next. . . —The Irish, hierarchy will shortly peti tion the Queen of Great Britain:in perion against any change in the church.: —ln St. Louis,. on Tuesday, the- en4re Democratic ticket .was elected. The Derim-. crats have eight out of ten councilmen. —At Montgomery, Ala.,. Tuesffay night, there was a !wavy and general frost,.-which had a bad effect on young. corn,..feetton nd fruits. . —On Saturday - last 300 copperhead roughs were imported into New Haven from New. York. On Monday a still larger , number arrived. • . • 1 1 —.Tames Kingston ' a dry - goods Merehnnt . of Montreal,.was arrested in' that cit 3-1 on . Monday on.a charge of forgeryto. amount. ; —ln the llississippi Convention yeater day the franchise bill was under consideira tion. The whole day was occupied w i ith debates. . I —The - celebrated German (barna Acosta was played in Chicagp, on Tues ay evening, for the first time in the .Ei* "sti language. • —Three prisoners escaped from the Rick county, Wisconsin, jail on Tuesday night. They dropped down a dry well and dug ,out from there. —At the city election in Peoria, Min Tuesday, Brotherson, RepabUcan, elected , Mayor by - eight majority. city has formerly Veen democratic. —The defalcation of Daniel: Morse,: runaway banker of Lockport„ amounts to $60 4 000. He has always he, fore enjoyed the esteem of alliclqßses. —On Monday evening Simeon E. AC .-er man, airold and well known citizen of New York, was stricken with apoplexy v and fell dead at the corner of Ann street and • —Butler's American Theatre,. in New York city, was burned on Tuesday The actors lost all their wardrobe, valued at 86,000. Loss in building and other Ike perty $ll,OOO. - ;) —On Friday night last an. immense ee - • in gwas held inNew Orleans to ratifyl the Republican State nominations. More ,than twenty thousand persons were.-, preSent and all very enthusiastic. —Charles Leigh and A. H. Lindsay two young amen, fought a duel at - Kokomo, Indi ana, on Tuesday. After exchanging two shots, and nobody being hurt, friends inter fered and stopped proceedings. —The Bishop of Calcutta writes that all traces of the recent fearful.famine in the District of Orissa, in India, have pissed away, excepting when one occasiOnally comes on a heap of human bones: —A London (England) dispatch sayS that Cranbourne will be offered the Governor ship of Canada and Earl Mayo - that of India. Lord Fitzgerald, Lord JustiCe of the Court of Appeals for Ireland, will re sign. - -The ingrain carpet weavers of Philadel phia have resolved to ask an advance in wages. The strike of the workinen con tinues and quite , a number of employers have acceeded to the demands madelupon - them. —Tuesday week, a barn containing six horses and a large number of - pigs, sheep, Chl6kens, cattle and agricultural machines,' besides a lot cif hay and oats, in Lowell, in the centrApart of Wiscoindn, was Struck by lightning and entirely eonsumed —The Judiciary Committee of the Massa chusetts House of Representatives has rd - - ported •an article of amendment o the State Constitrition, which provides - fOr the appointment of Attorney; General, .District Attorneys Enid Sheriffs by the Goveraor. —The pulpit •of • a church"Jiv Asipajon, France, fell -on March Bth, s,tnnifing the pastor. A panic 'seized the bongregation, who rushed for the doors, ceasing (Ruch a pressure that thirteeronirsons were 'tramp ed to death and ,twenty-four stir:Maly in jured. —Timothy S. Pitch, a prominent • citizen 1 of Chicago, was finectfive hundred , dollars in Court of Criminal' Correction ; lat St. Louis, yesterday, for misdemeanor, , alleged false swearing in connection withi a suit with Captain some' live •Yeaks ago. A motion for anew trial will be made. —The remains of Thomas D'Arey McGee, who was assa,ssinated , at Ottawa, anada, on Tuesday, after the performance of uneral ceremonies in the Catholic Cathedral, were sent by- special train to Montreal,' .by the members of the . Cabinet and other distinguished - personages as pall: bearers. The family of d eceased -:will be amply provided for' by Vie Government. The assassination is generally; attributed to the Fenians. Registration in North Caroßail. to the Plttaburith Gazetie.)l :;By Te legraph 4 Witattrunikv,.'N. lien here is as folloart+:.iltst day,imihites 56. blacks 179; second day, _whites 103, blacks ios. In the middle sound precinet for the two days there were whites 50, blacks V. The excitement over : mi,istrotion is very great, bit( there has been no disturbance. tDaring the ' remaining three it is hought: the whines iwill =out.retrister the bl~• f. "7 NeltbrlfflazWllikaritet. EByrrAegrapb:to.the rAttikbargiktimitcbil NEw. ORMAN% April B .—Cottenil sales of .1200 balci middlings; at 290# - reteipts, 7,900 'West'expertso,s74 bidets: ' Tlotir arm and U. omobiumed.,..cortt.firm'at.sl, o 7%4lo. Oats fair.olematat at ,764800. perk.advanced /28,50028,75." Ikteentidittniede shoulders blyilkl4%cl dear sides Lark 83,4ti19c. , Oeldi. l3ol 4,l4tetling Bank .Exeliihage. 52a 5234% - - Ccimmercial; 5 054a51. New York Sight - Exchange % prethluxo. II U U OE