The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 08, 1868, Image 8
8. smituitim ME • Who.pot tire,Carpet! Yesterday morning Mrs: Mott, on the 'al.' • 14 , Off Fourth street, between Ferry and -: *Market, "purchased at NieClintock's $2O worth of carpet and oil cloth, which she paid_for, and ordered to be sent to her resi dence.- Shortly after she had taken . her , departure the porter at the store was dis patched with the goods to the place dm,ig ' nated' Tt appears, however, that he made , ainistake and left them at a house occu pied. by a Mrs. Daily and her .sister. , Mrs. IL waited some time for her goods, but not; receiving theta returned to the store to know why they had not been sent as order ed. She was informed that they had been' sent, as ordered, but as she denied receiv ing them the porter was called and and sent with her to The place the goods had been left. On artiVing at. Mrs. Daily's, he stated that he had left a package there in mistake, but, Mrs. D. said he had done ,no such thing. 'He insisted that he;had left the goods there, but the lacy insisted that he had not, and as she re fused to give any information in relation to the package information was made before the Mayor charging her with larceny. She was arrested and taken to the Mayor's' roffice, but before the case was called up for a hearing the prosecutor relented and with drew the information. The porter how ever, =insists- that the package containing the carpet and "oil-cloth was left at her house, which she stoutly denies, and so the matter remains. Somebody has $2O worth of goods for which McClintock ik Co. did not get paid. Who received them? A Cool Proceeding. John Cool yesterday made information before the Mayor, charging Luke 'Dacia with larceny. The parties were employed Illy Street ? Conirnissioner Hunter and yester day the City Controller was issuing. Jar- - the city ,employes on the Treasurer • .for their Pay. John Cool's name was called tind•it is alleged that Davis answered to it, stopikal up to receive a warrant drawn in Cool's,faVor for $14,75 which ho took to the Treasurer's office, and after endorsing it ~ ,J ohn Cool - per Davis," drew the - - tutionrit for which it was drawn and depart ed. , A short time afterward Cool made his aPPeStplee at the Controller's office, and Made inquiry concerning his pay, when he • was informed, that a warrant for the amount had been issued and delivered to some ono' supposed to be Cool, but if ho was that in " 'dividual there must be some mistake, as howas not the' man-who got the warrant. A visit to the Treasurer's office developed ".` She firc.t• that Davis had personated Cool, at the ,Controller's office and had drawn the money as above stated. Davis was ar rested tuid locked up for a hearing to-day. It is, in addition to being a very cool pro , ceoding pn the part of Davis, a !ether - - peculiar case - of larceny. Committed Mrs. Eliza Sutton made information . fbto Mayor' Drum, ." Monday eVerthig; • charging her husband Elijah Sutton,-. with assault and battery. The couple occupy a :srzulllahoat, 'fitted up as .a house, which is stranded .on the bank ot the 'Ohio river, near Woods Run. Ott last 'Thursday the wife stated her husband was drinking very freely, and when he canto to hia boat house he was very quarrelsome. She endeavored to quiet him, when he assaulted her, knock ing her down and ,kicking her. Some per sons .passing in the viciuity, went to her • assislance, and to this, she alleges, she owes her life. She was still suffering yes terdayfrom the injuries received, and was Anirdly able to reach the'_ol:fice.. Sutton. was arrested, and after a hearing, was com +-nutted in default of bail for his appearance at Court, ' The Tobaced Dealers in-.1114t10 The authorities of Allegheny,it aPpe 44 ars, - art,fully determined to have tobacco and -.c.igar,:shops closed on Sundays, and it is also th 4 intention of Mayor I.)ium, -we learn,. to stop the sale, of ' thcige artieles' . _ . throughout tlte city on. the Sabbath day. On information received from various - sources, John Sehultheiser, on East street,' Herdenecker, corner of Third and, .-Weit - :streets, August Becker,. Valentino , • Danhatd and R..Holtman, 'Chestnut street;. Wei° Arrested yeSterdav by the . Mayor's , police, charged' with - having- kept their, shops open and sold tobacco and cigars - on • Sunday last. Th.?). were each fined P. 25 and Arreited • Yesterday evening William McGee, who resides near Dixmont, went into Fred. Schultz's atdooll, in the, DiamOnd, Alio gheny, -.yesterday afternoon, and, _being slightly, intoxicated, became disorderly. , • Mrs. Schultz, who was tho only person in the saloon, besides himself, ordored him - out: He refused to'go, however, when she - deliberately walked from behind the coun ter, opened the door, : put him out, and, seeing:4loollce officer on the `opposite side of the street, shoved him' across and deLiv-• ered ,him over to the officer,who conducted him to the Mayor!s . office. where he was fined 'aildollars and discharged. .Tempeilutee League . A meeting of the Allegheny Temperat!ce League was held last evening in the First IP/Osbyterian Church, Allegheny, Dr. A. ,`K.' pen, presiding. Tho meeting was open- nd:eth prayer by Rev. A. lifillingar, after - which Rev. E. E. Swift addressed the meet fiklibjeat—,"Nhat are the _specific du ties of the church in regard to:the temper , am reform, and how may she - best pi•o . . • ' • mote it." '• • • • • , The meeting closed with benediction by Rev. J. B. Clark. Rev. J. Kerr will ad.; Aress..thi? Xiettgue Tuesday evening, 21st - • NM= A4phigraccfni Scene,-13etWeen ten and oclock last night. a disgraceful row occurredat Lige Ha saloon, in which he and igab i rctbkr George Wei() the principal ac tarit,4o/geed with a hammer, while it) brother carried aheavf oluimstpdhfor springs bungs out of Whis kerlihrriSts;'witli wh ich they batteredettet .444 1 / 4 4INELE4ymaiiner , After consid -erable `time teforce of the - night police was collected and the affray stopped.. Neither of the parties were arrested. We wero un -, illi,lo 4 94eprp the:origin of the row, butfirld . probable thebad 'Whiskey was the instiga. tion of it. Robbay at the Siott House.—The room of Mr. W. F. Sweltney, a boarder -at the WAVlrebiKFA , asluiteredlifonday night by, some sneak thief anilannit of clothes worth forty-one dollars, a silver watch valued thirty-five dollay pocket book coitaining: fifteen dollars, a pair of sleeve buttons of the value ofteasiollers, find a pair et calf akin' bats ' worth eight •dollars, carried away. The thief gained admirtiron through the-rear of the house. A colored man was arrested on surpition, and taken before the Mayor, , who held him for a hearing. - C who was ar • -rested4ri • iindayon suspicion of having beesk ed wtth the coal miners' riot tit 'apbsdwCrkii, alter a hearing be .r yesierdsy, Wail discharged. vtheerif' YeSterday MOM.. : tm elignat Alllquippa. 71W is the sum of • t.. , •-... fif • iivaiknommitted.': ; • The Society St. Vincent de Paul, St. Paul's `•'Cblifereriee ihi• the 'relief:of the poor, ao. ° dont - • cods io he chart le, lianm h te*: g a k i nil Y P h r 6ol 7 lgth 1868„ • I •z t .7. A CALL ON COL. WILLIAM - PHILLIps. The following ecallespoollepee' folly ex plains itself: .a'.; . • -• . . - PrriSiiraml,- 13, 7th, 1868. , To Col.. WILLIAM PHILLIPSP: • Dear Sir:-We, the miderisigned, voters. . of the 22d Congressional District . of Penn[. . sylvania, possettsing a thorough knowledge of your character So favorably established .in this community r and combining as you do allthe elements cifanabl , faithful, hort , eat and successfulman, and 'Well knowing that you will honestly • and ably represent . our . interest and reflect our views, we here - ~ . you. . . . .. by request to become a. candidate for Congress, subject to the. decision of the. R epublican Convention, to assemble on the 2d day of June next, and we pledge our selves to use all honorable means to secure - your nomination and election. .. With sentiments of the highest esteem, . We remain, yours truly, F. J. Busha. Charles W. Anderson, Joseph Hastings, . J. G. Patterson, E. P. Long. Jno.'fif. Billen. IS. 11. Cooper, C. 1.. Magee, : . • Jno. D. Fleznlng. T. .1. Craig, Thomas T. Everett, Emil "'perste!. E. W. Morrow, Thomas l'hilllps, .Itobert Coward. IJohn Hansen, . !Henry Eberg, !Jim. Glass ! 1,. Rauch,' • ;John Bauch. !Robert Campbell, IC. Ralph Presser. !Wm. Starling, • 'James Dlawitinney. I Chas. C. - Craft, • lwal. F. Armstrong.. , . Abner Stotler, • W. IL Wagstaff..'. 'James PhMips, H. Dickson; . T. Wallace, M. M. Coleman.._ - . George Vesey Bergin. . N.IL McFadden. ID. R. Iteighard. I A. Vick, .. , 1.. W. 1 oung, - .1. Wagner, Levi 11; ade. • • Joseph A. l'aul. , " H. 'Darlington, Henry Kirkpatrick, J. M. Carson, i Lewis Mead,. • ' I Win. A. Tomlinsen. Wm. E. Roe, • - !James McKee, . I Hugh ('arson. . . ' Wm. W. Alexander, 'John 31ullin, Slack & Sholes, E. I). Brush. • I Wm. Simpson. - • . .5. B. Douglas, ;William Garrard. :Levi Breuniman. ; Myers. A. H. Lane, • W. P. Hunker, - , !E. F. Houston, .Ir. ' 111. H. Ntebaum. - T. M. Ifoffstot. - IT. L. Rodgers, ' A. ii. Cunningham. I.i. M. Knap, • ;Wm. Black, 'll. W. Barnes. - ;James Read, ,I. K. ,Ilasiett. "A. Wakefield, ; iG. E. Nieman. lE• C. li- n . • JamegQ ins, John L. is.; I). M. Edgerton. • ~ !John B. Barbour. I Wm. McCutcheon. :Wade Hampton: 'S. P. Bennett, I D. W. Bat, lfirattbew Bigger, !Edward Keys, ;Geo. W. Frazer. ' L A loyd and Black. ;Samuel Whitehouse. 'Richard Pritchard. ,ISolomon Jones. Haase .Tones. !Thomas Jones. .. ' 'Richard Jones. - • ; IJohn Dorringt on. W i lliam Caskey. Joseph Casket', :. 1 1 4( E 7 d .r w enp a h r o d wit„ T e.0, 1L na r!e li y. ,:„ • Robert Euston; 31nuried•DAV i S. .E J T :d h h i l i a it M rti l l e hr li :ol .e. g: _1 Williamilunsucker. Rudolph Hunsucker: Philip James, David Eustou. Joseph Watson, James Watson. David Thomas, 11 1 tih l c .. ar dE Ross, t - ers on . , • John Jones.") ~n.:llcherk, ; John Nett. !Anthony It. L • enke. 'filtihaff‘JlOwson. I..fileshack Foley.' Evan Berge. ......., JOhuSelferth, J/IMM'S ff. Sliff, if'. Sheidemantel, Joseph 'Dorgan. ~lolin Rodgers, -:Jacob Shook, I Win. Duckworth. !Daniel ileaphey. Henry Cataley. 'Wm. Moore. IJoseph Wsissen. .J3MCS WlLlAgeti. ;Wm. Murphy,. Henry - Smalley, I Wm. Irvin, IGeorge Irvin, IJames Trusscil, Charles Boyant, • .filorgan Evarrs, 1 Wm. DILVMS, ' jWM . Watkins. :James Pasdors. George "toiler. ''Am. Adams... Evan Ihts - 6, I Beth Warman: jJohn - Miller,": Jarnes W. Iftighe.. ~lame.. 3feCracken, James Morgan. Isaac Thomas, . Itiottleib Sek Inger, IP. Gucknutnurau. Fritz littloy. • Joseph IVtillams, John T. Lewis, 1 Wm. Gucknumurau, 'Jacob Young s -. jWin. Dforgan, iB. McDonough. tEditautd Morgan, Henry S. Ayres. . ;Wm. Gi•acey. • 4 George chaffer. Wm. Coates." IPatrick-Gilehrist. Charles Coates. Louis Smith, Felix l.ourlan, i T R I V 0 67 , b e l a r : t i trm li f 1 a ; n t o tg • . ,-. .. M. 0. - L •M au l g n hli tt'r n h ! Wee' James Nary,.: . • James Oalbrath. ' • - Daniel C.... Ripley, John•A dams, John C. McCutchcon, Thomaa • Cciltin, George F . - liaaton. Jacob Striekel; Wm. Doyle, -• s ."•' Atterbtirr& Co.; _ John - Gallaher, , Charles Realtor," John Phillips: : .I.•W. - McCleary, . WM. 41. Lewis; ; T. F. Hussey, W. F. Graham, J. S. Richardson. John,D. McCermick, Hugh McConnick, • James Sharp. Josiah W. Ells, E. T. ciaisiday, • • • Eb. V. infamy, Jr:, - • B.:11I. Thistle, (George Siegrist, N. You pg . Charles Ifelchspfarr, Charles Rebole, John Friedman, - John C. Cox, g ill e ligiietly. Henry Miner, - James It. Reed & Co. Dolan (i. Bryant. .T. IL camp 11, H. H. Arnold, j, IL Mellroy, Jolla Breatuiry, Robert - Miller, .T:Z." - Illackmore, Prod. Andregg, Jaines Miller, - 7 Walter Kimble, ' W. B. , LYncli, John Nicholson, (Jr., Jas. Evans, • Lewis Andrews, John Quinn. John Moser, John Nicholson, .1.1.11, McHrcry, B: W. Flack. George N. Burke, George H. Stoner, Geo. M. Larwlll, Frank Girard,. J. B. Boyer. P. Smith. IL G. Wright, Wm. Frew, . Wm. K. Nitinek h . ,t- .• Rickard T. : 1 * 3 t , ' lt WlfiW !Freak Ta , •-,. ri; James C. • ' ..:,..., ~.. ~_.,, t rAtia l l e,Lri ..:,.,,,,;, ___. ...,:::,.,„„ - to , • ......,a„..,.:4: kDe .4 t•91,-4,•,•• I; nth c1,...pE 7 , ••• lir sr'ctifik Unlik e ' . Jno. Wrigley. R. G. Herron, Jame's Verner, John Flinn, - Edward S. Wright, David Hutchison, E. S. Morrow, Jacob. Koehler, George Linderman, George Wolf, Thomas Nix,ly. C H. King. J. Thomas. I. A. Willis, John Campbell. John Evans, A. J. Moon. W. J. Flinn. Samuel Morrow. T. J. Bingham. . John Itebman. A. G. Necper. J. Loughrey, Jos. letzkus. -G. W.lforrls, - .John Wilhelm. W. F. Anderson, MeElhany, P. W. H. Lutshaw. - Jacob Anderson, M. Gisal, J. A. Musgrave. Joseph Kiser, Jr., Alex. Cown, Jr., John S. Davidson, ..T. L. Duuteath, W. if. Whitacre. George W. McClure. Win. Curry, Samuel klwart. Charles A. M. Myers. Charles C. Connolly, L. H. Volght,t Co.. John F. Herron. . - B. Wolff, Jr.. Win. Stewart, Samuel Stahl, D. B. Galway. J. S. Black. Edward S. Magee. • Jacob Weise, Samuel Weaver. 'Wm. W. Anderson. Jacob P. Young. James Hill. A. J. Hill. James M. I, iter. John Caldwell, .Ir.. D. M. Spence. George A. Bell. Alex. Crawford. Richard Wilson. Thomas B. Rice. W. F. Hanach, Edwin Clan, J. P. Means. I'-John Jaren. Day. Crawford, Niateer, John F.-Scott, Ir. B. Shaffer. Robert Montgomery.. Daniel W. Taylor, • : Chas. Mackin. .1.. Wilcox. Abner. S. Bender. Jas. •Knepper, Otis Shepard, William Culp. John Shepherd. . D. McDonald.. • A. Lewis.' T. C. Jenkins, John'. - McDermott,' Fred. Kaiser, Alexander Speer, A. B: Moguewan, W. it. Garrard. -. James :lames Mizell and Son. E, Hammen, Wm. Howard;.,.. Daniel F. Dinazi. Martin. k C 0. ., Lavely. Reese Owens. . - - James 11. Clow. ' A"...1. jieek, w.'ll'. Samuel Keys. I'. Vi.. !ifechling. tu. Deyine. <W. It. lierrlott. • - N. P. Hill, W. E. MeCance. James E. Dickson. Clendennlng. James Gregg. Hubert Steel. 'James McM. Hamilton. _Henry Tatnall,.. Tlen,y - Ttalken. „ , joltn - Mctr.- - Woods, Wna: - LlOyd: O. Kier, Robert - livinonde. 'Richard Jones. • • 'Richard Sloane. - - Joon*, Simpson, • F. M. Itotzerts, , Ili teob D. (tree,- JRIIICB S. Atkinson. Henry A. Lemke, Samuel Smith. '• -- Henry- A. Lemke. Jr... Andreas Havy. • Thomas ileaphey. Wm: Davis: Robert E. Mercer. - Wm. McCauley. David Burke. Thomas Boyle, Daniel W. Samuel 'Donley, Franck Green. Mark Donley. P. H. Parker. • - -R. Al.stozi. ” Alex. ;VlM:ord. Wm. Wickam. Wm. Hartman: Geo. F. Alstadt, . Frank titanche.. ; David West. F. Shively, • Louis Snyder.' - • •, ',- Samuel Carney, Ferguson.'.. Jlahn hi. Headman:, ' John J. Moore, -John Hardline, • ••.• - - Michael McCann. •. 'Nicholas Frank Barth, Wm. A WM. Hawthorne.' Joseph Dugan. Jeremiah Evans, . John Davis. ' - Thomas Evans. George Tclmleur, - A. C. Carney,.": Samuel Cornev Thompson f, • • "Martin Übe, - ' - David West, . Probert.• , • ' George Kohler, • Benedict ftedln'er, ' •'• James lteed, job n Hoffmann. 1 Edwin Thowless., Rose • • • . Robert Mackie - M. Salmon, Hugh Flinn.. . •• John Sherman, ' John Paget. , • ' John schenbricu, . James M. Thomas, John Lorimer,' ' • John Robinson. - .IViiii - Vatriteey,_ 'Wjai:•*: - JOries.. • - 'Hugh McMillan, -Fronds 11, M/1u , :'r James I'. Johnston. George Blethrolf.‘ Benjamin R. Stanford, -Wm..P. Simpson: Lest Springer, ' John Baker,- Sleheneck. Pbillp Weisenberger, fligiermund Low, - Jon 11. Page, Jr. Wm. Odell Hughart, A. It. King. A..J. Steluruck,, Worth, W. - .FOster Hope, J: '; Patterson; Morton Rail , . : Thomas - JOhn ton, Jain elf' ,, rohnsciu; • A. G. ' • J. M. Greer, ' Hitiri' 'W aring, NWl'..:ltowandr Nib*, G. - Schwender, W. A.,chappaan. F. Klroch: G. W. Buehler, G. W. Schmidt, - Jos. Abel, • . Hobert Flnan, John Daub, B. RlTl,terffer• nekoferk f"!. Henry nee, S. M. Reynolds, John: Johnston, James K. LiOrdt• Henry P. - • ••: Hen. Daniels, A. IL Over, • %Iry , 5 rs. dOtbagel John Herron, 'Jeremiah titfinberl , M. B. Bryan, D. Ealat t i tta s .a e 4 , 11.1 i John A. J Dungan, 4866 . 9 : 1Mi A•g l y e lrralli I : dcp, A moo rc , t. "* vr• ` #~ ~~' ~ : . ~.4;,:•:,m - f -,,, , :cr:•,.. , ,.. 7 , 375.... 7 .,:irz1. , -,,, f -, ...- 7;1.5, ... , , ,, ,n... - , 7 z ,„ ,:,,, , ,n.,7;, - ...d. , ,i , f,„,•,75T,7•; , ;i5,:;• , 4;,vi.vr,,t , ;!.74;:i;•;:.:...iar - ,, , ..,•: , -...,AT..f . ...;4::.... -. 4-g i g :,:::::,-;::z-'4_,Y,:.,!. , ... 7, -, r - ;:w . ..• ; ;;; - :--.7.:,- ,-,,,!•••-,---; • -,. --..-- , ...... , ..5,-,.. -,..- .7,.--- - -: , - - . - .; ,. .;-.....-7...'.7 .- ..3-1-7, - ,..; ~;. c 7. , - - F ., :2: 5 7-:,:it , "z - 1 . -;` ,.. 1.-", - - - -7T.V- -- - - . 1,37 - 7‘...*1., t a,,,-..5ui.,,,..g.:,5-$.-F....k,-.4,.....t.,..-.4....Nz., A . ?: ,-,4. A 5 . ,. ± .-.--,,, t 10-,. .5 .-- ;tvv.• .- - . 3 1 --W - . 4 .,4.vic -,,,,. %2 - vt , .•v - , - ri.4 , .. - -11 - _-.3 . tA - A.-;- . .. , w±zucti . L.4-.•..,--..r.,-;r t il;&,:ii!f ( .:*.c-.-...;.,'t.,1:,.,..,,,,..,.. i . 4t ;,-,.. • , „.5 ,- ;-, , i, , , , :z.,: - ‘1.4...% - > -, ?.F..„ - .T- , „7,...4..tji1.-' , ..: ,, Vr..,,, , -7- 1 .•, 1 ?0,:-.... , A ig.'".,.., = W e i f 2 • 4,- * ..44 - - •'''''' = .4,....1&,,,,,,t.t., , .- 4 ., ; ..„, , ,re t.. .,, , ,, 1,.. \ ~;,..4 , ,,a . ez.ct „ 1 i z_,, t, ,, p , ,,..54 , 4 4,0kr, A. , ,,,, T ..4 e ,.,„- , ..., V, 4 - -41z-pfl - c , 1.. - 4,g ,- ,;WA , '„ 4i. A, St_t*„..i?-4W, '4 . .%,,y4„ - -W,..,30,,,,,Z,q 1 ,,, :fr.„.,,1,1,z --,,,, ._ -.,,,,,,,.r. .v, ,,, ...,4 17. ac,, g ratpr ,14, ,, ,,. *T.00 0 %.1.1.L.. , 4,..f . : , , t i:A . ,4 5,. ..‘6';, t --- - 51 1,.% , :i4-fikr,f14:7L.C1 T: ,64,_ , ,5* .: *. , .** - IA. , _1 4 . 1 .,1;1 - 3 , 1' Av z ' '''''''''''''' :F L - -----*ri,,,x F. ~.... , _,.......„„ ~,,. —.0.,........, , . „,„.. . . Ceorge :Whitfield. ' , /oluilicAleer. ' : -_ . M. Edwards, David 'Kirk, ' . • - O. L. Mellwain, John K. Barbour. Richard S. Waring, A. P. Brooks, William M. Lyon,. „ Reimer. Ballti1311',&; CO.; Aleck, Phillips &Co., Price & Sims. McKee & Bros., , Collins & Wright. James 31.1.1fidsej - ,-!, -1: Knox, Kim & Co., Carroll &Snyder, ' John D, Biggert, .. 4.l.7llraseti, :James N. Hen. - -- W. J. White, John Paul. 'Thomas Rankin, W.L.H. House. ' : Thomas S. Bigelow. John A. Floyd. ' James Vick, ; F. hi. Magee, ; ' ': • John S. Murray. .. Joseph S. Morrison. . John F. Hunter, . S. H. RIM, -Henry B. Crane. A. T. Canfield, J. E. Johnston,' ,' Howard Hartley.' .Algernon .5.- Bell. . T. T. Steen, - 1 . 1 Thomas Hare & pro., '.Tames J. Ellis, , John Lowry, W. & 1). Rinehart, D. - Sands, • - - - • ' T. If. Richards. Richards, Hartley & Co., W. - G. - Johnston & Co., :LP. Tanner,. . . R. It. Frisbee, T. 11.-B. Patterson, Samuel A. Phillips.l W. 11. Hagan, W. Dlgby, Jr., Ton.. S. Bulger. W. J.-Fullerton . , ! .1. R. McEnulty. J. B. ilarshaw, H. Samson , . George Fohune, ' John Robson, .Wm. Noble, _ lAbell &Elliott,- Joseph Lang, H. .1. Lance,. J. K. Hamilton, H. Bender, • J. (Danville Kimball, - John G. Martin, Stelnaker and Silverman, Theo. F. Anshutz, ...Samuel Dalzell. • Finley Torreus, P. render; - - S. F. von Bonnhorst. .1. F. Rivers, - Thos. McCullough,. • John H. Ricketson, Wm. W. Burchfield, Ira B. I.lcFay &,Co., ' . John Scott, Graham Scott. - R. H. Hartley, ' James M. Bailey, - A: S. M. Morgan, Alex. Mel - lane. A. 11. Ilelssey, W. 13.,Caldwell, Lorenz & Wlghtinan, Eugene 11. Smith, Win: - Frank, • Wm. M. Hersh. T. It. Hartley. . • John Orr, John 0. Wilson.. L. W. Henry. Charles F. Porter. ..q,. John .1. Steen, I •• John 11. Slentz. Wm. Llllie, . Thomas i t :peel - 0.- - Henry S.flt pl John 211... rdy. Park, Bro. & Co., Win. Barnes & Co., .Tos. Eichbaurn,, Thomas Leonard, ' Co:: Everson, Preston & C S. S. BoggS, Jones Si"Laughllns, J. M. Smith, Isaac Whittier,'' John T. Partersfin: If. Ruh, -• • • . Wm. 11.-Filfer, -Weyin an & 'Bro.. if.WittViie :- k: . 1 ~.•- :. . , Robert Meaken. : H. 1.. Young, .. G. C. 110111i:tr. Daniel Kinzer. ' - nays •lt. Getty, . Wni:Tliaw, M. A. Woodward. - John Beatty, James H. McEwen. John Fleming. T. B. Young & Co.. Daniel O'Neill. J. IC Murphy; . . , Jos, I.leClurg, G. McClurg. W. Y. Speolnian. R. C. Lone, "Lilac _Ross; A. M. Jackson. John Reid. • '''-- 4 , -- - ). Bruce SlCClelland. Geo. A. Hamilton. H. Wright..+:. • . • Boyts &-- Ogden.. c.c. Cochran. Johu Wilson, Sheltman Jones. ' W. 1-1. Jamison. ' ' Win. Ramsey. -IC 11. Deinmler, . . Anthony Lie bier. R. S. Houghton. Robert Long, Joseph L. Gray, •' , W. N. Hull, Louis Aurtn. :"-• : ' --: -*. • John L. Broom. I -Marcus Jenning. Charles . Sprinig. . . . John M. bteicart. Joseph GrdundS; James !foss, ' . Andrew. MeArtney. . , . Sioni.-Sylvls, • . • ' • - Ralph Bradley. C. C. Ilugus. • C. s..Mccoy. Win. Aiken, Joseph MeElherlu, John V. Ault.. . .. - Jos. B. LosvSon. J. It: Holmes, • • Jos. D. Lorimer. T. J. Richardson. Jo.. W. Bryant, William Camby, Renk-W. Cuddy. ' Boyd Brown, • Benlomin Shaffer. , Wilson ..t, Gorman, James Gillespie • A. Valson & Cu:- .. !E..l.daina McClniti .-'.-- John , John Best, • Alex. wilson, Wm. Walker, James-Wilson. - • Robert Kennedy. John Cll.:iglu, Robert Mottit, - James Murray, R.111.11:11 taros, - Jobs Datipbell; Jr:. ',- ' A. W. Aiken. .1. M. Long. Lcmuu & Weise. - .1. K. atoning..., John MeTleinan, Fred`k Giosser, S: IL McClean., . t! : S. McClean, Jr., .1. E, Methine,..., _ . .. ; ThoiLM.ASllendel." c - • E. Worroser, Thos. J. Gillespie, Richard-Pryor, . „ . Moreland & Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell. ,- . • :J oatiphJohnstOn, • ,;,, -..s W. ~I". Ardary, - Hugh Melivone, .. , 'Joseph Wileon,• ' - • Samuel Wilsod. -- - , ' - '• James Arbuthnot, . !Jalliesill.;liamiltorr. - -- , IsaisekLockhart._. ' Jame li It. Kennedy& Co., ,1.-J..llnalett,_ , ~ . - 4.'l'l.llllPS. - - -'' - M. Eisner. W. Keeper, ...:, : • - Chas. C. Baer. ' ' James Ewing, -Geo: Udine/SOU, ( , Willtitilt Lenz; 4 ' ` ".-' William T. Iffirrlini, H.l'. - Kette nbUrgi ii. If. lie Annan, ' IL - H.' Delman; ~ • •11.•Ahltra, ---.- ' W. Wigman: ' •- ' W. IL Lowe, IL Parker,: • - :- - illnion.Johneton, - W. Stevenson, Thomas Mitchell, :A A : Grrison,,. : .1 ... o. a Daniell ' William _Poor,. - A'. C Graff,' ' • - C. Itiliteri e -.,.., WHIT. 1 Bei : . K. H. Myers &Co., .-.. Henry:ltosenblieb. ::- M. - . 1- - O'Brien,- s • . William Lyon, John S. Hamilton, Frederick Fisher, :litof,i PlSr.ijel' . 1, Take 111, Hill and Jackson, Jll3. Mawhinney, oil d'lr, A.-E. , Logan,.. • rf I ,T A.'. ,,, Itenffilds; • Joseph liepler, - James W. 31ctirath. ' A. D. 'Russell Johrt W: 'Hogan, ~ - S. Rurnbaugh, William Graham, Jatties.l)..MCKee, ~ . -,,. Jesiiee)Mr. , -D.,. James L. ar7ls'-: -, - Felix Floggemailer, John Volaer, . ~. .. .lohriWlllittrils, l .- • ' , Y .1. John 8. Pfeiffer, D. H. Chambers, EA/ +b - - . C.:c • i • 1 , i ffoht. Lewi s, ;ew M. B. Harden, H. Bittern, Me DV ll Felker;-1)--'. i:,:, , ,5"., 8. Wain, scot) L rauerig, °t' , -{.•.- -.:: .. , --1 1 b. • iie . , , - ~,,ta-o. MS , , ' CM lITTSBURfik fi . A4TTE :WEiNESDAY. *PRIL 8, 1868 •J. S. McPherson, Edward /Dan. W. It. Wm. An Wm. B: Neeper, I.T. 11. MeClurg. 'Richard Nuttell, John Napier Alex. Chambers. Bakewell, Pears & Co.', Phillips & Mittcrizwey, Burke & Barnes, John H. Boyts & Co.. raze., Zellers & Duff. YrY. Semple & Reynolds, ,Wolfe, Howard & CO., IMeans & Coffin. L. Wilcox. • Wm. C. Robinson, ;31. W. Beltzhoover. :Thomas 11. Phelps. " A. C. Wilson.. lE. House.. Thomas wing.- I R. Biddle Roberts, Samuel T. Paisley. I Wm. Owens. Jr.. NV. - .W. Thompson. •E. Asper. /.. A. P. Morrison. :T. J. L. N. Sle Mintz.lle, ; r, :Win. It. Slentz, ;John F. 3lcEnulty. John A. Wilson, I Wm. R. Brown. I.T. C. - Lippincott, -. . George D. Bruce, IP. Bt. Shannon, George W. Silvey. W. W. Durron. Robert Peet, • 11.- 8: Dravo. .r. A. Ewing, 1 ' I J. A. Robins ri. W. Illaln;. 1 W. A. Emmons, E. B. Eckstein. • .las. B. Heard. II). I li. Frallch & Son. A. Lippman, • IT, J. Aaron, I. Q. Elliott, I Wm. Jahn, Harry - Algeo, John Porter. ' W. M. Klrbt, If. .I. Lyncfl, C. C. Bacon. M. Willrich. P: Relensnlder, A. M. lionbright, • ,) ' C. C. Algeo, Lewis, Oliver & Phillips, .7.: li. Weldin, ' P. G. richlebler. James E.. McCord, A. S. Niaholson, , James Black, • Tom. W. Davis, C..F. Ewing, R. B. Petty, James 8. Craft. James F.. - Newman, Charles ISlcEnulty, Wm: Woods. R.: J. -Anderson. • Charles 31. Gormly. John Torrence. James McLain, V.; Fehl, - Wm. N. Ogden, (I.:B. Phelps, 31.,'..T. 3lurphy, John D. Meraden, John G.:Wilson. J. If. , Warner, i Wm. S. Bullock, IJohn.Beesly, (James Loughrldge, E. P. Loughrldge. John T. Shane, :H. Dietrich, iM. S. King, Wm. P MeEiro). John liamill. John J. O'Leary. John T. 3feKennan, IGeorge N. Armstrong. 1.3. W. Shea. ;J. D. Drava,- . • 'D. K. Bennett, C. P. Patter:son. John Anderson, F. 11. Eaton, , • - E: P. Rater, C. B. Elbe.n. - - .1. If. Elliott. !Wm. Glass, • ISamuel Glass, , W. B. Holmes. L\. V. Holmes, IC. A Iloelleke, 'Samuel Fahnestock. -11.ewis Allen. ....' A. W. Loomis, , • l ' iliV . l l l!;l:n ti A l . er. iC. Hanson Lore & Bro., Benjamin F. Duvall, !Charles Flatowky. Jr., Ilenev CaPpeil. E. H: Moffett, !Julius Scharnke, ;Jobn F. Faulkner, ( 'John (1. McConnell. Halt Matthews, i John Ilridgens, lAtterbury. t Jiro.. IJames Donahue., ---, John I. House: ',Ellas T. Hunsucker, :A. NVlleox, iltolx3rt P. Wallace. 006.4. Gamble. ilhp_maa Ferguson, • mastd-llobirtsow, - ' ''''r. , :Samuel Carnahan. :John P. Vlerbeller, .31.1artley &Marshall. - ritrraham 1.. Jones, !Li l a Pi Pill t cta r er s d ~ • ITohn Irorrington, . !Dull! Ewing. ...Geo. Kell enges. . 'Chas. 11. Johns. :W. B. Carripbeil,„ ;John Stevenson, .. . Icharles !ludo,.- r . • = :John 1.. Idel)osreil. - • L ,11 - . W. Wilson. • iGasper Snallley. -Seth Lewis, • Nathan Hat:Band, 0; 13. Lells.. • .• ' ' 7f: J. Robinson, • lIVIrt. M. Grace. 'Albert iligby. iWalter Ferguson. -.. Henry Weaver, , . John Slit itiey,. - .; !James M. Dowell. I /avid. I.arig. Anson Williams, Charles Matter , . John Lowery. . : . James Speers. • Geo. V. Marken. James IS. Kerr. . , liugh 3lcKissash, John S. Bates, A... 1. Stevenson, I.ewis Koeser. - A. I. Kalls, Philip Schroeder, !Thos.T I , l*.•l.ouglirc-. IJohn It. Hague, - Symuel MeCiurken. ' • B. Straw,;. - • . . . , Isaiah Dickey, L' lA. Fulton's Sion & Co., • John W. Chair/wt. i A. E. :Anw f.7arele r , dre W. Pa n in g te. ' -James I. Bennett, Geo. AV. Dilworth. - R. E. Sellers, x Fra ,, w ilt , w /3„ i Be i.o l n le . rs. • • --•-:. Geo. U. McMurtry,l Ja eh in ar e i s et, W A o . o l d v , ood tkm , s , ~, it Co., Wood. Matthews.,&—Co., J. A. Quay, la,. 11. I.yon t Co.,' :: ' s 1 !11. 11. church. " • (.. 1 'II. 11.. Murray, ' ' - I ritobert - 110ods, ~. - ... 1 ..Tames 31cAulay, .. . , :.:1 .1 tleo..ll..Duncan„ ' :. ,:, 011-Ver4Lem64, " T. McCaule.l*. !Benj. S. FalinestoCk, W It. Fahnestock. I , ... J. t. l'oor, J. It.J.ord, . • . : Jos. 31. roung, " Jost(ph Lelbler. R. 11; Hughes, "....-r5.. , : Rll.l3ittiker. ' " E..Tutell, John Culbert, .. . ' Arthur Chislett. • John Olds:lett, Jr., (leo. Ay. Given, ' Edwin A. Dawson,.. Michael Corn, -..-, W. 11 - ,. McCormick,' I:barber , WtiodS, Chits:lsAtig_brinj •- .1. Thomas ThOMPSOS3 - . .. ! C:lFlA:Cfleirford; , 1 .lobitiVriviford c '- i JamelSHortl, ; .- 1 Jalnell(3. ateNeelY,..-= Sam LA ELM): Jr.'.; Tho , ,Jagioxi; Tho ' leinsilf; John' lattheirs i • B. J.4 1 .•-erg • le ra. „1 _..1. °Mt : • • W. K. t.lallsittlfer, • Wilson "& ltobiuMon, ; William Plenilna, . , Lambert B. Hail, : I W. pito .14. , 1 L... 1 loronee,„ , 1 i • • W. -- MulabUaltd.l Charles B4er. -; . - Henry:4.4 f, William q r_ l/auler, 010 & Co,, i . • D. (PLeary, - .. ' W. A. Given,- • - ( ' - ;:i John - 1U MeElroy._, •.• . Willlturi3leClaren;_ • i ',/, Reuben Smith, John. Shannon samuel,,Brown. . .. , Robt. A. Ky:le',. A. Itotrock, - -, lifarshall & Bros. •"' = = ~ - Geo. V. Marshall, ': . . , • • L. Jamison, M. W...1.ew15, ry3 7 : ;',' . ' Samuel Wilson , ?•,,.., ;... ' Charles Latlint iCeltinallli -4 • James Tfeeonrn. ..': George Fox, /3..*Xlehet, • - 1111•111iller, '' Willi= Stanley, ••- : Samuel Beek; .L . /4 1 lif,2 l :ranlz, J. asellwain, . ..• ~ Henry Manus, Wanld rsri Wal ters,gla ..„. James =WWII. . . 1F :' 2 : J. Willook; ,„ g:• l ). • Pltislinisalns;":* -- • J. ( ll;ihs lOW i —41231 „ . rit„. io ' i iir .t4i i 3: flue s.: oTILInell 0 iiisl.l -• vii i , 1 1 James ti,,T i' EC ERNI David Duffy, J.- Boselip. , • John Ames, Frank Kerr, Henry Schoek, Wm. Harmony.. C. Ditthorn, Daniel Ilawkihs, Peter Freeze. John Spantola, IL C. Schluter, F. W. Spreen & Bro., Samuel Simpson, Elias Peak, • Jobh Keil, 11. N. Vance, • Victor Snyder. 0. Holt, George Kno . epp. ' William Campbell. John T. 'dams. W. Lore tz, Jacob Lo eats, ?d. White batten, H. Moell r,• ese, Tom. Va Fred. Z 1 'merman., J. Hurd ebacb, • Samuel -mltts,.. John M Laughlin, Fred. S .reen, - - J. B. J.nea,-., Fred. Z mbart, Otto iJ eren, • • F. annals, • Samuel • ain, - I.LWiI .n, JOU C. Harper. • George Y. Henry. Wm. Si pson, F. 3 . leG . wan, Thos. 31 Lenfestey, 'Geo. L.' It ryden, • WM: J: latthews. Philip 0 bse, • • Harvey I obinson, • Israel .h, DeWitt'. atertleld, J. H. Ja eson, John W. . Stewart,' W. C. W ay, • J. H. Rou ' • - - J. P. He nahan,' Jacob Hoeg, James Cain, H. Vedder,' John W. Forsyth. James Cready, Samuel Ward, David Vetter, John Stemmier. Samuel McElhany, James A: McLean. • Daniel Gallagher, , John Meßobers, William Aland; . A. Naeaer, 11..Atichistein, . Joseph Sobl, • - Mark Rogers, John Frochlieir. ' E.'Lowry, .Alfred Smith: N. Gallinger,. Joseph L..Lowry. -John Gabersteln, Paul Siebert, John Miller, John Weigand, W. D. Kettenburg. F. P. Berg, , Chris. Seibert, Charles Bilharz. Joseph Albeitz, George Cohen. ' • Peter Wills, Joseph Irwin. Frank G. Ralston, Joseph Frich,• William Reid, John McCauley, Robert .31cCuteheou, Thomas Simmons, John Mcllwaine, David F. McKee, 0, NV. Malin, Robert McElroy. Col. Wis. Diehl. Henry Moorhead, James Jones,- Thomas Recs. • Samuel Martin, John 11. Verner, Thomas C. Davitt, Charles Matthews. Milton Margrave, Lewis Wilson. 'Adam Roush', John AldErsun.. W. - J.!SM1111, John Flytin, -, -• William Duticani„. Wilifam • Dithridge, Henry Gernot, Joseph Rainiak, Antony Snyder. Daniel SteSharrer, Charles Valet. James Lowry, John Nusbum, Kaspe.r Hlllerbach,- G, Weisser, Charles tirengwish. Thomas J. Kearman. Joseph Schubart. William purge, Jacob Fachs, Philip Thomas Dugan, • L. S. Campbell, James Wright, Jr., -William Smith, • Thomas Rowley, Robert A. Hill,. • Jacob Matter,- -H. Witter, • - „Cliarles Wagner,' Andrew &ndresr N. H. Brady, A. Hart, A. Boyd Rook. W. B. Glass, Frank Welsh, Julius A. Richter. -- John C. hemp, - B. C. Stewart, Jiitnes (lark, George „Noble. . Levi Bonlton. - et Peter Slicker. ' • Edmund Stewart. ' Jacob Jackler German Weseral, lA. Beebe, 1.1 G. Schlecker, !Charles Wickerly, 'Herman Hecren. (Mathew Chambers, John Sanders. IP. Maim!igal, . Wm. Gorman. t-David Carson, ' 'William Spratley; . Frederick Lippert. (James Courson, A. C. Pentz, ' D avidD S. Park. !Peter Winter. • iJohn Sellham. A. Patterson. Ralph Weis, • "A. Ludw ig, A.G. Stehrttek, A. M. Barr, M. D., Joseph Kaye. • Michael O'Hare, - I Huber Kame, 'William Cuthbert, . E. Grabd. IJohn M. Cooper, (Charles R.Winterhause ,E. Maugoer, . IL Brunim, Jr... I•John B. Clark, iMartin Clint', Alherics S. Sheldon. .11VM. Stone, 'Thomas-Bailer, !James Purnell, , IWm. H. Gilmore. .IW. S . Brlston. Edwin C. Matthews, . !B. F. LatSbew Thomas C. Wilson, G. M. Irwin, IG. E. Korth. John:B. Jones, - .. Robert Riddle, Henry J. Felber, Hartley HoWard, - James Chamber's, Sr.. Henry Earle. . . Wm. R. Read, • - Harry - Burdett.' R. AL Boyd, • . - . Edward Frick. Daniel McAleer.. J. K. Phillips. • • !Robert Hegue, 4. Joseph J. 'Elam, Kean & Keller, ' .: I. .• • Alex. Potter, • .) , Daniel Tranar, ' , . Joseph Thomas.' • Guy Louts; • - • . Daniel Motts, Isaac Feigley, Chas. B. Deshoa. Hugh Kelly, J. R. Lumber, J. it. Smith, M. D. Mothersnaugh, E. Knylor. M. Lang. ,William McKinley, c. W. Rush, Charles Harris. William Euler. -; • ' John Osterman. . : .Iyhti S. Hoyt, • : William Mrown, - John Graham, James Ilubson, ' Louis Baker, -• N.P ! 31cCullough, , Jacob Meahl, J. I'. Pearson. • . Henry Hess, Louts Kauffman. • 1 Edward McTlghe, Willibald Mendler. Matthew Scribler. Robert Lowry, Henry P. Schnellbach, Thos. McCreary, James McDonald. 1.1. W. Taylor, . ,John Relston, !James Boyd. 'G. W. Schmidt. ;J. J. 'Albeltz, IJ. S. Cupples. Al. W. Schmidt, V. Gerding. 1 • IC. Trip, IC. Meyer, W. Probst ,k Son. • I Wm. V. 'Jemmy,. Daniel Voltz, IJohn Benz, Joseph Bell. IF. hersch, IM. Zellner, August Gulnin, Joseph Henke'. J. C. Lange, Henry Greatrake, ; Thomas Clark, A. Austin, ' ,S. (Irminger. I It. M. Jones. :J. Krysen, 11•'. Warner. IJ. R. . ewhouse, - -• ' IC. I. Spencer, • ' :J. T. Currey. -R. T. Stone, 'C. J. Curtis, ißineham S. Moffet. li. GrOlith, • George Stockwell. _ S. Sampeonc• ' t•thi Cochran. - ,- -- - •• ,Thomas B. Murray, !James Carson & Co.• 'Alexander McDonald, J. Smith, ;It. F. Smith, 'David Holmes, ;Richard Hays, 'John 11. .l Hare :James T. Milllnger, ('hark-, 11. Anderson, A. Mcl:ean, To Mes.srs. James lifc.duley, Charles_ At wood, James Mawhinney, David Robinson, Joseph Kaye and others ; - ,GrCTLEMEN—Your very littering call re questing me,to bewa r e a candidate for Con gross, requires , at my hands such weighty reasons as will justify me in xleclinistg: , I am now engaged, with others, in a public en terprise of great importance to the people of.this Congressifinal district, the successful completion of which will result to the great advantage of Pittsburgh and all Western pennsylvania, and in order that my atten- - tlon May in no way be diverted from this important work, I am ecimpelled to decline the honor your partiality would confer, and in so doing, gentlemen, I return to you my sincere and heartfelt acknowledgnaents for this great mark of your esteem and confi dence. With sentiments of the highest consider tiOn and regard, I remain ' • • • c Youi obedltint servant, WM PHILLIPS PlTTsuctutht 24i111t11, 1868. • and: Driming Our readers will be gratified to hear that Mr. Perceval Beckett, M. E., has started an . , Engineering and Drawing. 'office atNo. 79 Federal street, Alleghtink City . Mr; Beck , ett has been for a considerable peribd :the •Mechanical Engineer at the , Allegheny shoptinf-the Pittsburgh, Fort -Wayne and anti:"has; held similar positions In various, parts of this country and'Great Britain, and Is thoroughly eon vegarit'vith all•branches of his profession. Ho (having been raised in the tifouth Staf fordshire iron., and coal district) has had conitidttribld experience in designing and superintending the construction of Blast Furnaces, Rolling Mills, etc. Mr. Beckett's knowledge of high and low pressure ,en &lnes is considerable; in fact there is very little in the regular routine of his profes- Sion but what lie is capable of under taking. Now that our coal proprietors are , turning' their attention to locomotives as the means of hauling their black diamonds 'from the mines, wo recommend them to consult Mr:Beckett in such matters, as hit intends to make colliery locomotives a spec ialty. Mr. Beckett has written several scientific articles for this and various other' papers,' and Is well known to be a thorough- Iy_practical as well as scientific man. We recommend Mr. Beckett to the public gon {wOlv,,ffir wo fed, assured, tthat all who ma have occasion to consult him in any'of the ' , branches of s Meolumical Engineering will find him perffictly competent for their vats, as . • thorn isE no donbt of lil be g:a pe rfect master of his ,profession. By earnest inotueSt he Wlllalso turn his at- - tention to the patent birsiness, which news will be welcomed by our local, inVentors, sin& 4ir.: 'Beckett h as a branch offionire Washlngttin City, so that all such business bo/np.inPtly attended to. .See adver t:m.9l49lU in ' anther z s Larceny by , Ballseirillisui Batie made'. itifopriation before _Alderman MAHN ; chargbig John with larceny by. ballec.i , -411te all, he gave to Mangles' illit6ea z dollire e `liiiillo".Taii. McElroy, 1 srAlijkottin.the accused sPFupriated to his owrryisoo*Yuirsant 'sms issued for his ar- Taken OYOr": 10 , ZabiK l itii) „ 4 On lbw) . ltr i and tairAp . o.oo . ranrnf il th , yeate ItdaY r was t hisrPMSOUty Sheriff Cinley. Chronie-Dbeases. The prevalence of Chronic Diseases gives occasion- for much study and inves tigation by physicians. Go where :you Will, l lll the city or in the country,, among the rich or the poor; you will find many persons, malty and female, laboring under some chronic affection, which has baffled the skill of their phy sician. This is true not only of Chronic LiA•er Complaint, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Kid ney Affections, and the many complaints arising from diseases x of the urinary or; gans, Dropsy, Gravel, Gout, ecc.,—but its particulitrly true of that class denominat ed "Ferhale Diseases," the very frequen cy and extent of which is good evidence that their true character is not properly understood; or the common treatment has not met with success. It is in Chronic Diseases more than any ,other that an examination of the urine is necessary to a correct diagnosis. All Female Diseases do not arise from the same cause; nor does the , same cause always produce the same symptoms. All Urinary difficulties do not ,arise from Gravel, nor do all indications of Gravel arise from Affection of the Kidneys; and it is by an examination of the urine alone that these facts are many times to be ver- In short, there is scarcely a chronic di sease afflicting the human body but what its true character can be definitely deter mined by anal y tic and microscopic exam ination, of the- urinary secretion; thus avoiding in hundreds of cases the diag nostic uncertainties which lead to these failures in treatment, and doing away, in nearly all Female Diseases, with the needless exposure to indelicate examina tions. - The man who has done more, in a prac tical sense, in establishing: these facts, than any other, is Prof. Oldshne; of Pitts- From close attention, and long and pa tient'investigation, he has learned to know the precise nature of all these affections, and has found out exactly the kind of Medicines to be used in each case. ' Ills cliarge for examination, prescrip- , tions rind medicines furnished, range from three :to ton dollars. Office and resi:ence, No. 132 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. For the Ladles Alone—A Fashionable 11111- _.... . linery Opening. It is seldom that we have an opportunity to gossip with the ladies on fashionable topics, but we feel that we should fail to fully discharge our duties did we not in form them of the grand fashionable open ing of millinery and furnishing goods which is to take place, to-morrow, at the 'tvell-known bazaar of Mrs. S. C. Robb, No. .12.3 Ohio street, Allegheny city. This lady has attended all the sales at the leading emporiums of fashion in Boston, New York and Philadelphia; and returns home with the prettiest and most charming stock of bonnets, hats, and general articles of ladies' wear ever opened°,,, in this neighborhood, the opening of which to-morrow will prove a high. carnival to all our lady friends, who aro anxioutly awaiting the event. The se lection embraces all the latest novelties and beauties in straw goods and straw trimmings, flowers, ribbons and laces, and the latest innovations in garments for the gentler sex; but we have no desire to antie ipate the delight which the grand, opening will afford, by any newspaper destription in advance. It is well known that Mrs. Robb's millinery establishment is first-class and rejoices in a very large share of the fashionable trade of the two cities. Some fifteen hands are kept poriStiifitlY. at work under the supervision of" Robb - and orders are attended to in the most satisfactory marnier. She makes it leading speciality of paper patterns fir dresses, ' sacques, under garments &c., which is a very important feature to the ladies. A skillful lady cutter, with large enierience, has recently been brought from New York to preside over that department. An eastern trimmer has also been secured to attend to the trimming of ladies' bonnets and hats. Those who attend are directed to a very jaunty hit, "Norma," which is a _gem of. beauty, and is .retailing at only 'fifty cents, The "White Fawn" hat is likewise pretty attractive, and quite cheap. There 'are over fifty new styles of bonnets, which are neat and tasty and range at various prices. 'Then there is , ifiull line of hats for girls and misses, handsome patterns of children's suits and general goods, which will ,command the admiration of the ladies.. Owing to favorable facilities for purchasing great in ducements are offered by Mrs. Robb in the way of reasonable prices, she being ena bled to sell bonnets hold at other places at $25 at less than half that snm. As this-will •be the first grand opening of the season we advise attendance on the part of our readers. I - =1 Errata.—ln Dr. Page's letter, published yeSterthY, for the word "same," last lino but two in, second paragraph, read "Law." In the third - Panigraph, thirteenth line, for "lam gcit,Vtiiiid , "Journal." The Supplel.intto the Consolidation act .of April,l lB 644gaVe In. type, but owing to the groat pre oon our columns this morning, delay iticpbbliciition until to-mor row. In manuscript the calton Col. Phillips for Congress ismearly a hundred feet long. It is one of the-most formidable documents in that line over gotten up it this city,- CITY ITEMS. Mess. Goods. . • At 18% cents Dress G oods.• • At 20 cents Dress Geode •At ai.cents. Eiress Goods At all prices. Nory Cheap At Barker's. "Throw physic to the dogs; - none of it. To make assurance doubly sure Plltake"--Plantation Bitters, They never fail.' This gniat'Stomachic Healer is just what the people need. It is a remedy they can rely on. • For Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Head ache, Dizziness,Ague LiVer Complaints, Pains in the Side and fiaok it-has no equal not the least among its'virtues is its extreme Cigusanfinelis to - the taste and inintedicue neficiareffect. 'Try it, suffering Dyspep. ties, and be cured. Such are the assertions of those:situated to- know. From the vast amount of this article sold, it must have great merit. • • , Maaxor re dellghtfufinilet aitlelnrifirlcTio r Cologne; and at h alf the price. v " 'New Styles. The Vivigltre. The Ethigent. • , • Th!) Otql9tht:l,- These and various other styles of Mani al. , ' The niostrenrarkable Mantles at Bar; er's. Mree io.i49re lostroetloo4,iii l operibiug _the Goo= VOr Baker "Mebine. • Instil& tions tree. Apply to cGßoNicit BAzza M. C 0.," • • 51•Pifth street, Pittsburgh. Linen Handkereldelk=oiVidir • help** 19 1 1 10wat.25t1; 4 " • - • at Berk a s j i l' —n .i d o lc i st endiesi k New JV .4r .-12)id per pair, at Baker'a Meth" :'`DolVii s 4 For beautiful Vulcante-Teeth, warrante q genuine' nd - tlie - b est . i - nitrele - dx tan t. W would say toall our riaders who are intet , ~ ested, that the. gent (Veen offering sucl great inducements tile` the most reliabl dentists in Pittsburgh in fact, Drs. Sill < Gillespie, 246 Perin street, are so well know: as being at the head; of their profession that it seerna'superftupus to speak in prais of periong Of -their a6khowledged abilit: and correctness of bu.4ness habits. Go any see them. They will 'do everything that i Promised, and right; 'Ors. Sill &Gillespie 246 Penn street. li To Country and City ltlerchants.—Wo ar thoroughly- supplied ;livith_all kinds of Dr Goods, Staple and _l l Fancv 'bought a unusual advantage t rough' our Easten purchasing department, taking advanta`ge o the recent large auetion sales and fluclua tions in prices, and 'a-Olean andlvill sell a less than the lowesVE4stern cash prices We invite you to an inipection of our stool and comparison of prices, at 59 Marko street. w 4 .A. J. BARKER& CO. -- _- - —.4..L . - - ' ''-• 1 We warrant the shas'Of;all descriptioni . to give perfect satisfa4ion as to wear ang price. We_deal in no iniction shoes, but self the very best. Ladifi,t misses,. gents anc' boys are requested to call and see our stock) at Robb'i Shoe House, 89 Market street. . ' -- ---. ;•4------ - ; Light Balmojal Skirts. Meffium Balritbral Skirts, I Dark l3abno* Skirts,; At il. 00 and upward,; at -Barker's. NARRICD: : I • - EICIIBAUM — BLALR.--April Bthi . ll343Srat Chi residence of Mr. Charles Peed.- of Allegheny, 11 Rev. E. E. Swift, WM. W. itIbIIBABBI, of Craw? ford county, Pa., and FRA.Ii. second daughter of John Blair, Esq., of Perry. - 911c, Pa.: • i DIE , - -- - i TAYLOR-Tuesday.morn ng.. at :. alf-past ter ; o'clock, Mrs. JENNIE. C'..ieloved wife of Will tt.. Taylor. aged twenty-seven y ars, three months and twenty days, in full hope of - blessed immortality. I rn "Weep not My dear 'Will?1 for me., j. am but go leg home to that many-an 4 weed house, which rq / blessed Redeemer has prepdr d for mE; ) going to my dear Redeemer . In whose ,pre enee there is fullnest ofjoy, and at Ills right hand here are pleasures for evermore. Our little `Neer'n• is 'Milling her 'mama ma' home to her I Must go .lie careful to train uli our little sons forEod; ',lle ;Will assist you, my dea . husband, and may His phdfeest blessings ever res upon you. Meet me, Oh: trijOineet me in Heaven i meet me there, meet me there-." - - i 'Funeral at 10,30 'o'clock -.i;: t. rt.. TH*HSDAY, ttni 9th instant. Religious serilces commencing at a quarter before ten. • ji - SHALLENI3ERGER.—OiI Monday afternoon] April 6th, at 54 o'clock: M. 4. MAR% .M., wife of. Joseph Shallenberger. Esq.,l in the 36th year otl her age. 1 ' 1 i, The funeral will take pined from the residence .:,. her hushand, on River avenue, one door from An 1 derson 'street, on WED:SEO4Y AFTEn:sooS:, at fa o'clock, to proceed to Allegheny Jemetery. The; friends of the family are invited to attend. - I UNDERTMMtS. GGEX. U . ERTAIiER, No. IG6 FOURTH STREET', Pittsburgh, Pa 4 INS of all kinds, CRAPES, LOVES, and ev-i ery description of Funeral Furnishing' Goods furl nisbed. Rooms open day Mid •night.„Hearse wadi Carriages furnished. R.EFERENCE94Dev. Datid.!ilidir,D. D., Rey. M. W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas tAving, Jatob H.I Miller, Esq. • , QUARLES &PEEBLEScIUNDER TAKERS AND LIVERr.STABLES, corner of S 'LISSY STREET•AND,,CHERCV AVENUE, , Allegheny City, where • their ,COPPIN DOOMS aro; constantly supplied with real and imitation Dose-i wood, Mahogany and Waluuti Cotsns, st.priceri va rying from 34 to tlOO. bodies prepared for inter-; ment. Hearses and .CarriageS furnished; also, all; kinds of Mourning GoodS, if; required. Office open ,at all hoors,dartind ROBERT To ROD • IY, VNIPEIt TAKER. AND EMBALMER, .45 OHIO, tel err; Allegheny. and ; 50 DIAMOND; SQUARE, (by Jam Wilson '4 ;Bros., I keeps aiwayg on hands the best Bletal, Ittgewoodi: Walnut and imitation Rosewood Coffins.; Walnut Coffins from' (1215 upwards. Rosewood Coffins S2O upwards, all, other Coffins i proportion. Uarriaged and Hearses: furnished at low rates. Crape, Gloves, Plate and: Engraving gratis. / furnished Oillee 'open day and; • MIR INEAL WATIgieS. We are now receli:lng one SFIU7'.;G AND suit ZIEIeStiI'FLT OF . . Saratoga' Stir Spilair -Water / Klasingett Water. 1 " Vichy. Water. Congress Water, Jec.:, For sale by the botthi,, , oxen or gross. SIMON JOHNSTON, Druggist, Coiner Smith 1 =I SPECTACLES, . . • • . ; .• WA.II . RANTE ,TO:. 6 • • 131P110 7 / 3 sitinfr !1..r AT DUNSEATIC & JEWELERS UM .SF!fiII . 4LcOPPIYSITE PASOKIG HALL •- - . • • 6% !. SPRING . GOODS Admlted tan FIRST CLASS idltate-TIA'N'T T A IT INti TRADE.% ;"s; • :: • • -JIIST OPliNltb: l A • F;! . . ' • ..'t - HENIty-d.'HALit'S, Corner of Penn iiiidif.tiliiiiBtreet4. F°' ::SALE.., .balanee of thew des/cab! Lotierce now offered at private :4e, and any onikdelstrotio of flue building sites would4o well towake a selection., The village is lectited.tur a beautiful and healthy:s p a. two and it half mllertroin Eiliarpsiturg, en tie Weitern Petri sylvaitht.Bidlroad, which rutit'tliro, ugh ii , making-it valuable and a greeable: • 'Extends* itratiatetletts are botfitakixiFibr'irectint a numb* of dee tinuace,Whiehatill 'Pile an ornament to ilk Own. :..The.ribtaituler'of the Lots will be sold at ...Ireriiresecealthii;Oteitland :tug — terms-exceedlnlifY easy...BILL I:IIficuTTE,BLZIEfaI. Estate and Itt,' seance Agents, I.oritteceviliti. r SPHING , AND sinimsauxAsg- IoNo• H. s3triarl,alerchipint Tailor, 98 WYLIE STREET,VORRER OF FEDERAL..' Has Ha u guisigk n ed 11 , thelliiit with.Keell selectiill .;hinirilltMeirril9ll4s'ostuA and 4 4 ; se ° ON a e TOv • ' 1 to ic6;he 0. enta i Mos n - 41 1 3 4 the 1" le that tonna. Der ' and'Ea, veslt ilie. lir , '.' 1•1; P. t.".r.?? ,3 ?r, , r.• ~.. 1 .- : - 1 1 IL, eilinglittle.,. 11,,..,. Vil l p i r -1 •! ,::T ' 42 1•17 , 7 40 rir r 1 .„„ reise,4l',. !PI ad Fourth Stc ets riI.CJANt3 _T