tiittsint* Gayth. LETTER FROM NEW YORK Home for Working Women—The Gospel Afloat—The Chamber of Commerce— Base Ball—Baeing News—Miscellaneous Items. [Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette.] Maw Yon r, April 4, 1808. The boarder's at the Working Women's Home gave a reception on Thursday evening to their family friends and those of the Insti tution. It was largely attended. There are . now one hundred and fifty boarders in the building, which is quite a goodly number, considering the brief time the Home has been estabiished. It will, however, accom modate five hundred. Alibrary,comfortable - dormitories, parlors and bath rooms, and 'good board and washing are furnished, and • the inmates can have the freedom and com forts of a well regulated family where 'the — costs are such as may be met by the hum bleat, toiling 'woman. This Home was'or ganized as an experiment, and bids fairly for success. The semi'eentennial anniversary of the New York Port Society for Promoting the Gospel among Seamen was held recently. In 'the address of the Hon. W.' E. Dodge, the Chamber of Commerce was complimen ted in its consideration of a plan for foand ing a Normal School for the education of Sailors. Sachs school is needed here ' and under the auspices of the Chamber of Com merce could hardly fail of a great success. The sailor boy in such a school as the one propose&could be educated to the full du •• ties of a ship commander. The importance of this project will immediately be recog niied, when At is considered how large a number of sailors find homes for their fami lies in this city. The centennial celebration of the organi— ' zation of the New York Chamber of Com merce will take place on Monday evening next, when addresses will be made by the President, and by Messrs. Dow, Orxlyke, Grinnell and Jonathan Sturgis. A . sketch or' the history of the Chamber will be read by the Secretary. Invitations to be present have been extended to members of the learned professions and to the heads of the departments of the State and city. The Union Base Ball Club of 3lorrisiana —the champion of the United States—opened the season on their ground at Melrose on Wednesday, with a game between them selves and the best field party which could be made up from the spectators. The odds of five outs was given the field party and even then they 'were whipped. In a few days the innumerable hosts of base ballists will be in the midst of games. At a recent meeting of the American • Jockey Club" measures were taken for the establislunent 'of •"subscription-rooms," the entrance fee to Which shall be from $lO to /20,.and where a match book shall be kept for the registration of all racing bets. These will be known Its "The American Tatter sail's Subscription Rooms," and will be gov erned by nearly the same rules as those en forced in the rooms of the Messrs. Tatter sall, in London:. Pool selling is not to be allowed here. At-thd next meeting of the • Club the question comes up as to whether • pool selling is to be again allowed in Jer ome Park. It is to be hopedthat this swind , ling pool selling system may be abolished ``;altogether. The Jockey till].) will have their headquarters in' these subscription • The anniversary of the fall of Richmond was duly celebrated last evening, at Stein way Hall, by Post Sedgwick, No. 11, Grand Army of the Republic. The audi ence was 'very large. Miss Clara Barton delivered her lecture on the "Work and In cidents of Army Lite." General Rush C. „ Hawkins, made an address. The music was very fine. After public decency had been outraged for many months by the display and _sale upon our streets of licentious illustrated papers, and the patience of good 'citizens had ,become well nigh exhausted at the criminal tolerance of the authorities with reprd to these vile sheets, it is most grati fying to be able to chronicle the fact that . yesterday the Superintendent of the Police issued orders Tor the seizure of all copies of the Illustrated Police News wherever exposed for sale. The wholesale dealers, hearing of this order, declined to sell any copies to the news men, and sent the edition back to Bos ton. This is well, but the authorities should not stop with the licentious press of the hub. Among the vilest of the vile papers are those published in this city, and daily exposed upon our streets. - LETTER FROM ST. LOUIS Growth of the City—What Is Needed.-An Item for Water Street. • ST. Louis, March M. 1868. DEAR GazurTE. 7 -With thegenial weath er.. of the past few - days, trade has looked up, merchants' look happy, and the wharf is lined with steamers filled with merchandise. This beautiful and solid city is awaking from the deathly lethargy of slavery, and breaking the bonds with which its trade was fettered - the- yearsy of martial law. To quOte from the Demarrat (a good radical sheet and the liveliest business paper here,) in a recent trade editorial : " She realizes the existenee of a village on Lake Michigan, - of the'liveliest and trickiest, called Chicago, and (retaining all the old sterling honor, for which St. Louis is famous commercially) is learning lessons in trade." . - To be sure she has a good deal to learn. It costs about fifty dollars (in the way of - commissions,&c.) more to sell a car load of wheat in St-Louis than in Chicago. To go from here to any upp . er Mississippi point by rail, you must take Ow:again your route; the only 'Telegraph Company here (the Western Union) charges four times as much from St. Louis. -Rittsburgh as we pay from Pitts burgh- to New York. But this is passing away. St. Louis no longer relies inertly and lazily upon her unparalleled natural advantages as of yore, but is using railroads, elevators and all the newest appliances of trade freely, and the day dawns when, with the new bridge, .a network of railways. through:the Valley of the Father of Waters, anftmore'telegraPli facilities, she will take her proud place in the van of improvement's marc h, completely divested of , the fOgyism Which'now so - plaintively recalls my mem ories- of Pittsburgh, Queen of fogy eities. A atki, importations' of foreign corn. moditieu, via New Orleans, are largely re sumed;catoes of wheat are billed through to Li*Opool,.as well as thousands of tons of pig, iron and' Similar staples. Tell Water street that 'Wheeling nails are all theta 4ere, the dealer's saying that they are better. - stronger, smoother• and in better kegs than Rkttsburgh nails., One Wheeling house sold nearly fifty thousand kegs in this market last'yea!, with a 'connexion. iniper fitabllihed and e xpects . largely to exceed that' amount this moon; Vellrom .' , 7/1414trZ.T.Bit acighttC7 . - PATTSB-V4G.4 : ! : .04.F.1:. 7 MC:Ln]) . :N0PAY . ,.,2 ;. APRIL ~. ...18.68 SPECIAL NOTICES. ~BQcsc. (From Dispensatory of the United States.) DIOSKA OEENATL • . BUOHII. LEAVES. Properties.—Their odor is strong, diffusive and somewhat aromatic, their tastes bitterish, and anal *gotta to mint. Medical Properties and Uses.—Buclin Leaves are gently stimulant, vith a pectiliartenden cy to the Urinary Organs, producing diuresis, and like other similar medicines, exciting diaphoresis. They are giv 7rt In complaints of the •IJrinary•Or karts, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh at the Blad der, Morbid Irritation of, the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostate and Retention or Inconti nence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. The remedy has also been recommended In Dyspepsia, Chronic, 'Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy. • lixialsoLD's EXTRACT EIICRII is used by perseita from the age's of li to =, andlrom 35 to 55, or in the decline or change of life; after Confinement or La:- borTains; Bed Wetting In Children. In directions Peculiar to Females the Ex tract Bnchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as In Chlorosia or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous State of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites. Diseases °tithe Bladder, Kidneys, (travel and Dropsical Swellings. • This medicine in creases the power of Digestion, and excites the Ab sorbents into healthy action. by -which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural En largements are reduced, as well as rain and Inflam mation. Mielmbold , a Extract Huelva has cured every case of. Diabetes in which it has been given. Irrita tion of the Neck of the Bladder, and Inflammation of the; Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and. Bladder. Retention of. Urine, Dileases of the Pros tate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions, of both sexes*, attended with the •following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Tremblin_g Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dim ness of Vision, Pain In the Back, Hot Hands, Pinching of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Erup tion on the Face. Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, &c. REMOLD% ELTRAOT BI7ONII 18 DIURETIC. AND BLOOD-PURIFYING. And . cures ail Diseases arising from Habits of Dis . glutton, Excesses and Imprudence in Life, Imputities of the Blood, & c., superseding Copaiba in 'affections for which it is used, snch as Gonorrhea, Gieets of long standing, and Syph- Mice Affections—in these diseases used in con nection 'with HELAIROLD'S ROSE WASH. ' HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 BROADWAY And by Druggisti everywhere lIELMBOLD'S, AND TAKE NO OTHER BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITh Ja3:MWF 7AIARRIAGE AND CELIB ACY. —An Essay for Young Men on the Crime of Solitude, and the DISEASES and ABUSES which create impediments to MARRIAGE. with sure means -of relief. Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. "J. - SKILLIN HOUGH TON, Howard Association, ,Philadelphia, Penn'al ja3o:ke7F • • AUCTION SALES. • . •• BY PALMER & PHILLIPS. PALMER & PHILLIPS, • AUCTIONEERS And - Commission Mekchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, BOOTS, StIOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Varna. Consignments Solicited. Prompt Re- • • BY A. .WILWAIIM. - QEVERAL THOUSAND PEACH S TREES—FRIDAY MORNING. Aprlt 10, at 10 o'clock, will be sold. at the corner of Liberty and Hay streets, SEVERAL THOUSAND PEACH TREES, the finest ever raised in the State, and of the most approved kinds for Market purposes or private, use. The varieties include Male's Early, Troth's Early, Fay's Early Ann. Livingston's large Early York, Crawford's Early, Harker's • Seedling, George Fourth, Grosse Mignonne. Moore's Favo rite, Old Mixon Free, Ward a Late Free, Crawford's Late. Susquehanna, Druid Hill, Late Delaware, (Reybold'sliest,) Patterson's Seedling. (a desirable Delaware Peach.) Smock's Free, Late Heath Cling, and Morris' White. - . They are all Healthy. Strong. Stocky Trees; well Rooted. and raised on new ground; Budded on Nat ural Peach Stock. The Trees are one year old, snit" from five to seven feet high. Every Tree Is war ranted true to name, and in every respect exactly as represented. They . will be sold in lots to suit pur chasers: from ten trees up to thousands. Also, O. 1 PHILADELPHIA RASPBERRIES, by the Dozen or Hundred, the hardiest, most pro ductive and ylrofitable market Berry known. RHU BARB. Myatt's Linn:ens, dedidedly the best variety of Rhubarb. By permission of the following well known gentlemen in Pittsburgh are referred to., for correctness of the statement In regard to the above named stock, and reliability of the parties offering it: IL H. Negley, East Liberty Nursery; W. Bul lock, Firm of Bullock &Patterson;Vohnson Young; R. A. Clarke, of East Birmingham. Any further information needed can' be obtained by addressing. Miss Brims B. TftIMEILL West Chester, Pa., or Wm. R. Barnes, Merchants. Hotel, Pittsburgh, until day of sale. apr7 A.M . I.LWAINE. Anc'r. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP PROP ERTY AT • PUBLIC SALE. In pursuance of Order of Court, In No. A 45, June Term, 1813 S. will be o ff ered at Public Sale , at the COURT ROUSE, Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY, April 15th, 1888, at 10 o'clock A St.: that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Liberty township. on the Braddockstleld Road, (the property of Lewis J. Fleming, trustee, containing aij acres, more or less. Tattles—One-half cash, balance in one year, with interest. r L. J. FLEMlNG,_Trustee. For further information apply to E. P. JONES, Attornepat-Law, 0411 rant street. 1nh.25:n33 . , GLASS,_CHINA, CUTLERY 100 VOOD 'STREET A, GLASS AND QUE.V.NBWARE, SILVER PLATED . wARE, ?A.RIAI4 STATUETTES, 8! pollinno Kass, . • O And other STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, s•reat varinty. • 100*OOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED .& CO. r T• lu g: 152 Federii Street, AUeglieny, ' , lflrourth doot aboviDbuculd.) Ailli* ittu Vats & Table Cutlery AT. JrAISTXRIT Evernbin t er . 46lred In a as class store on hand. • Calf an e3camine our 400da. : - ;.. , . • jelo:a9 , PETFIBITRGH P A PER MAW „FACTU#MO 99DiFf44q4dIngthctilrer° of PRINTINGANCV ifiRAPPING'PhPERS, CLINTON ittLL-STEUBENVILIA, onto. BRIGITTON BRIGHTON:PA. 'OFFICE ANTI wpazziottsk, ,No. 82 Third Street; .P i ittaltargh Pa. thindxhi—itrousT 44;eirdent.- JNO./L LIVINGSTON, Treasurer. SAMUEL RIDDLE, See:l4lll2T. DIBZCTORB—Auvet Hartje, John A twell, 8. Hartmen, JoboA Ltvl • 'Cub • • fbrraberis . 42B:0 04 • ri..7 N.& ”- ia;•••140 .1" c . ' 76* ---TV -4741n hivoi reettiiralWree. In .....rsoniptotanta Well, Woof air web sae pound A mimed zolototiblliv. 1 fi :r k , ~ .0.1.0n, ; - # .13 OP: ' ' l'Ortter umnr nd a streets. SOLD AT ASK FOR REAIa ESTATE AGENTS T 1 lc HATCH, Lis HEAL ESTATE WM No. 91 Grant Street, Pittsburgh. REAL ESTATE AL PROPEItTY AND PERBO 110t0 : 1 AND SOLD. WILL GIVE Plt • egotlatlon of Renting of p of CIA :3IPT ATTEN'TION TO Attend to the perty, Collection s, &c. OILY D. BAIL STOCK AND . REAL ESTATE BROKERS 1 Y & BRO., AND AUCTIONEERS, Are prepared to sell at AuCtion STOCKS, BONDS, and all -kinds FURNITURE ,, , REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD &c., either on the premises br at the Boad of Trade Rooms. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to.the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Office, Real Estate the country attended. Ed. 115 FOURTH STREET'. ocitt c HEAR FARMS FOR SALE. - • have L ow for sale several of the finest FARMS In Westmoreland and Indiana counties, on remarka bly easy terms, so easy that any one desirous of buy ing can purchase on time altogether. Call and ex amine for yourself. No. SO L' 4 lilltkflelPYi streetTl FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE. pOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE OR ItENT.—A large two-story double °Use, containing 10 rooms, Including double par lor, with marble mantles, a ci d all the modern im provements; 1 acre of ground, filled with fruit, grapes berries, /le. Situated near Minersvllle, at the ter mination of the Wylie street Passenger cars. This is one of the handsomesocations tu Allegheny county, and in a good neighborhood. Apply at W. A. HERRO.N'S Real Relate Office, 87 Grant street. - mb2s F' OR SALE & TO LET.--Houses and Lots for sale in all parts of the city and su burbs. Also, several FARMS In Food locations. Also, a small WOOLEN FACTORI with 20 acres of land, and good improvements, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets. Privy te Dwelling Houses for rent in both cities: For further particulars inquire of WILLIAM WARD. ja.M 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. FRAME COTTAGE S SITUATE IN MOUNT WASHINGTON, Within 25 minutes' walk of the Monongahela bridge. The house contains fire rooms, kitchen, cellar and vault.. Lot . 100 feet front by 200 feet deep, fronting on three streets. On the lot are 400 full bearing grape vines of five different varieties, with all kinds of shrubbery, such as gooseberries, blackberries, strawberries and currants; also, peach, pear, apple, quince and cherry trees. - Will be sold cheap. inquire of STEEL & WILSON, Brokers and Real Estate Agents, No 66 Smithfield Street 2,000,000 ACRES " CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION Lying alonithe line of their road, at- $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS. For further particulars, mals, &c., address JOHN P. DEVEREITN, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Ser'y, anl4 0 agleJaia 1 ai: F OR FRAGRANT TEAS, , CHOICE COFFEE, AND. I Pure 19roloess, GO TO • ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street. • FOR TILE FINEST TEAS, THE CHOICEST GROCERIES. MI PUREST SPICES, And the best CANNED FRUITS, PICKLES, &c., at the moat reasonable pri c es, go to • FRANCE'S - TEA. MART . 15 Diamond, Pluthurgh. NEW ORLEANS • • ' SUDAN AND MOLASSES, , - D, STORE 4.RD . TO ARRIVE. • 850 Ude. N.O. sogat_, pilule to choice; 500 bblo. Plantation Molasses, prime to choice; 410- " prime Carolina Rice; .500 " extra Balt, With large_and general assortment of all kinds of eitOCERLES and other goods in our line, for sale low to_the trade, by . HORDE it ' BROS., mlairn_ Corner Smithfield and Water Streets. at , • FERTILIZERS. -- TO WHEAT GROWERS. EMMA ADENOMA. = BONA ttrPlal-PHOSPHATE OF LICE, I ,IMANUFACTURED BY • The Allegheny Fertilizer Co., C4,IIIPBELL, Imopxtmwons, OiHee l 868 , Penn Street, Pittibitrg9 h Pa. , we" best EertUlser In use, &ed i c t, recogn ized by lament wbo.lvre given n • trl ,to the stand. mut Wag largo crops of • • ye. OW, 430121` tteo. to. We nave publis wee !mutt -15 no= e n a pamphlet, eoutetnnss intense]; pat ueblisetatensenti of. Ms Fertiliser, copies or whl Will be sent tree to, any olenditlit sli th en ad on:atta , • dress. Ca -, C. 11. ARMSTRONG ' A. A. 11L - TCLIINSON: ARMSTRONG & HUTCHINSON, Successors to /411LADELPHIA AND YOUGIIIOGIIENY COAL CO., MINERS, SIHIPPERS•ADiD DEALERS, BY RAIL , ROAD AND RIVER, OF Superior Youghiogheny CAS AND FAMILY COAL. Office and Yard—FOOT OF TRY STREET, near . the Gas Works. Orders left at the yard, or addressed by mall. will be promptly tilled. BE"' FAMILY COAL - ALWAYS ON HAND And Delivered Promptly to Order, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, BY OSCAR F. LAMM & CO., Corner Sandusky Street and P. Ft. W. & C. R. R. ALLEGHENY ANTHRACITE COAL FURNISHED AT THE LOWEST RATES. jeS: COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON STEWART & CO. Having removed their Office to NO, 507'1:133EWI'lr SPICE:EZT, (Lately City Flour Mill) SECOND ELOOR. Are now_ prepared to fornlah good YOUGHIOGHE NY LUMP, NUT COAL OR SLACK'at the lowest morket price. All orders left at their office, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to promptly: my2s:bZ CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, YOUGHIOGLENT AND 00101ELLSVIIIE COAL, COAL, SLACK AND .PESULPEDMIZED COKE Office and Yard—CORNER OF BUTLER AND MORTON STREETS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Lock No. 1. Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and Manufacturers supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of their offices will reeelve prompt attention. SUPERIOR COAL. Miners and Shippers of PITTSBURGH GAS, TORGE and FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL and SLACK. Coal delivered promptly to all parts of the cities at the lowest market rates. Office and Yard—CORNER FOURTH AND WAT SON (formerly Canal) STREETS, Pittsburgh, P. O. BOLE 1292. 0c23: AIcARDLE, So. SMITHFIELD STREET. PITTf3BURGII, Keeps constantly on hand a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES •& VESTINGS Also, GENT'S FITIINISHING GOODS. GENT'S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, the latest style. NOW READY. For the Spring Season, with a large and complete - stock of BOYS', YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHINC. All the new and leading styles, to be found at No. 47 ST.. GLAIR STREET. GRAY qt LOGAN. MERCHANT TAILORS. JONES & DrITE'F, No. 3 ST. CLAIR STREET, SPRINGst brought from the East a full of and SIM MER GOODS, CASSPAERES, VESTINGS, Sc., Ac., which they are prepared to cut and make up in a style equal to any shop In the cast or west. They are determined to deserve and hope to receive a liberal patronage. no=:h34 tiw,e F. L. ATWOOD—An:X.SON JOXES J M'CAFFREY. A/IMOD 61. McCAFFREY, • . BRASS FOUNDERS,. GAS AND . STEAM FITTERS, Car. of Third and Liberty Streets, Above Carroll & Snyder's, Pittsburgh, Pa. LIGHT AND HEAVY CASTINGS furnished promptly to order. Special attention paid to the fitting out and re gtillrlsinlcof Oil Refineries, Steamboats, Rolling AGENTS FOR A. S. CAMERON & CO.'S Steam Pumps and Blower Engines. These Pumps have superior advantages over all others - and every one is warranted to give satisfac tion. PUMPitconstantiv on hand. fe2s:ulo St. Louts, Missouri JOHN N. COOPER JOB. KATE HENRY BIER. JOHN R . . COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS -- GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturers of PUMPS AND BRASS WORE ,__o *IN TUBING, of 721113 ,..i. GAS FIXTURES Corner 'of Pike and - Walnut Streets, PITTSBURG},T my15:714 ..innounce to their friends ..ney haurchased this OLD ESTABLISHED and POPU LARROUSE, No.. 344 Liberty Streetj And will continue to keep it in the best style. The MANSION HOUSE has over one hundred rooms, all newly furnished In the best style, and only two min utes, walk from the Railroad Depot. Tinnier% will And this house an excellent one to stop • and Will be accommodated any hour, day or night. - Connected with the House is a splendid Hall for Concerts. . . Families or single persons taken to board by the day, week or month, with or without zooms. iihl7:m37 H. WANtqatta f~il 111L1y N II . :I' ST. JAMES HOTEL, , Nos. 405 and 407 Talborty St., Opposite Union Depot, PITTSBURGH. JAMES K. LANAHAN, Proprietor, andouse newly built and splendidly furuish ed, convenient to all the Railroads Coming into the city. Strangers visiting the city will find this a very CallYelltant, and economical plan. YOU'aeallYo Restaurantßif room n n f or roar meals ae you gßet thorn. p :lfi all hours of the day aad night. Balls' and'parties supplied with Suppers at the shortest „notice and reasonable rates. • se111:08 EW SPRING"GOODS. N . - ALL THE NEW STYLES Or Hats an!" . . , . . ARRIVINO , DAILY, AT AMORE, & C0.7.14 - 2'! IpB . , WOOD. STREET. MARTIN LIEBLEIFY • . - cAino , AND xtrigeh o t R I Aliat*turef s, 20oleigp Sal Retail Delkiel , TR _ALuon Piltaburgh. Orden promPilY Ailed ana swinsollon irtuusatee4. , q , ii 7 . - i. s Ala i g i,f ii.;;.. , .l , ;;Z:§.t . A.. - :: , zitiV-z -- 1.i.i.:' , :;:-A , - - * : ‘;.c, - ;- - I' r r :t z -1 - :,--;',„!,,1!_, : ,-. ; , i- ---,:,:..,. • , ii.,.....,,,..„ . : ' '' ' , ""irkOV•gi:::..7;•.z.'•-= , %1,1 - ,4.'itr,t . '-`, , ; l `• -, :r7. -1%V:44 "az -,7,1 r4V;; - -,,,, . •, ,, 4 ', o . ... ,-, 47 , 41 , K . ..‘', - . 1 .4„.% ,- ,' - - - ',F ,- ,' , --' , I---'; ', - .;.4.0;i L. ,- - -, '"vh' -`-'- - 4•:‘ , 4r . ,• , `---‘ls,riarV , Z:Eff , '.:ktc-•_Vt:7 ,;I',...4':t•i'z‹:; - ,z,..i. _. _ . COAL AND COKE. I= And Manufacturers of C. CITERII,I7 MERCHANT TAILORS. TAILOR, ILS. HOUSE. HATS .AND CAPS. AMUSEMENTS. NEW OPERA HOV-SE4 Wit. HENDERSON '.Lzsems. 31. W. CANNING - hipisora. T. It. Rik NN STAGE ALLISAGILB. Benefit of Mr. LOUIS GARBER. WEDNESDAY EVENING, April Fith 1888, win be presented. the three act comedy of • i THE SERIOUS FAMILY.. , After which recite M. RAY, who has indly vol unteered. will SHERIDAN'S RIDE. To conclude with the glorious farce of . JONES' BABY. Thursday evening, benefit of Mr. JO EKE -E. BARTEL; Leader of the Orchestra. Akir. The Box Sheet for the sale of seas for Mr. EDWIN FOREST'S engagement will bbbpen thi s morning, at 10 o'clock. • 11 THE GREAT ARLINGTON miNsratts, FROM ARLINGTON HALL, CHICAGO. J. H. HAVERLY snager. AT MASONIC HALL, i. POSITIVELY THREE NIGHTS 0 . .1LT. Thursday, Friday. and Saturdak, April 9th, 10th and 11th. kk Led in person by the ""Andes of the 4thlopean World," Whl. ARLINGTON, while at nrilesser at titude we observe with reverential awe the sublimi ty of a COOL BURGESS, rightly styled ''Araeriea's Favorite Comedians," associated with a 'large and most popular corps of gentlemanly Artists'. Admission, 35 cents. Reserved seats, 50 cents. Doors open at a quarter to 7: columenee 4t. &guar- , ter to 8 o'clock. ap6:nBo D. IL HODGES, lhisineasi tgent THEATRE. FRED AID S MANA- Ak AG ER. GUST II 11 STAGY Jl 3 itiaGER. NEW STARS! NEW STARSI will appear hION DAY EVENING, April 6th. the wondbr or the age, Mons. LEVENI, the unrivalled aerialiterobot, who wilt perform his wonderful hying leap from the ex treme height of the theatre to the. stage; 3l'lle. LOUISA PROLIEURE, the beautiful premier dans ease, Miss AGNES SOUTHER LAND. In lidw Scotch Songs and Ballads. 4 • WPROF. COWPFeII'S • ''•• .FASHIONABLE DANCING ACA EMY, At his new Assembly Rooms, 51 Yatii STREET, opposite Old Theatre. New- Clhases now. forming, onitIONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATDRDAYB. Ladles'. Masters' and Misses' ClAlla 81 3Ptit. Prof. COWPER can be seen daily at• thO..Atadeliay, or at the St. Charles Hotel, whom circulars' can Ise ob tained. Hall to let to Select Partlea . ;'• • ee2:121 . . Iar'PROF . CAltr*iiiTEWS DANCING A,CADEIWI. PHILO HALL, No. 75 THIRD •STREAT, am* open for the reception ofpupils. Days of Tuition— WEDNESDAY_ and SATURDAY, at 2 pi M., for Ladles. Masters and Misses. Terms, _ss,o Even ings for Gents—TUESDAYS and FRIDA_YS, at 9 o'clock. Terms, IMO. Soiree every_ THORSDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock . ,:jeZ:lO3l _ - NATIONAL INSURANCE Co., OF TEE CITY or ALLEGIIIIIy. Office, In ALLEGHENY TRUST . CO3i ANY'S BUILDING. FIRE INSUBANCZ' 0. 4 1 V: Y. INSURANCE. ' W. W. MARTIN", Prlildent. JAS. E. STEVENSON, Secretary. • DIRECTORS: • A. H. English, o.H.P.Williams Jno Tli meson, Jno. A. Blyler, ;Jas. Lockhart, !Jos. li_ye , ra. Jno. B Graham, lltobt, Lea, C. C. Isoyle. • Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gerst, Jacob liopp. mh.2.s:nai ; IiESTERN INSURANCE 'COM. PANY OF PITTSBURGH. ; .. 1 ALEXANDER NIMICX, President.: k r WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Ageht. Office, 92 Water street. Spang & (Jo.', Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. i Will lultare against all kinds of Fire andi Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and s *ho are determined by promptness and liberality lb main tain the character which they have - assumed, as of fering the best protection to those who deslie to be insured. DIRECTORS: ' . Alexander Nlmlck, ' John R. Mcenn.. R. Miller, Jr., I Chas. J. Clarke; James.McAulev.William S. Evans, I Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick Andrew Ackleu, j Phillip Reymer; ' David M. Long, .1 Wm. Morrison, I D. Ihmsen. pENNSYLVANL4. INSURANCE.COMPANY OF PITTTSBUI GR. OFFICE, 21 FIFTH STREET, BANE BLOCK. This is a Home Company, and insures against loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President.' ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH IIicELHENY, Secretary. - DIRECTORS: George.Wlisoir.l Geo. IN .•.EVall J. C. Lappc, J. C. Fleiner.f John Voegiley; • A. Ammon. Jy4: AGAINST LOSS BY FJ.Ft.t. Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle. Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King. Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry Spronl, INDEMNITY FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 135 & 437 CHESTNUT ST., NEAR. 5711. DIRECTORS: Charles V. Bancker, 1 Mordecai H. LdulS, Tobias Wagner, David S. lirotd, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, • Jacob R. Smith, 1 -- Edward C.Dale f-'eorge W. Richards, George Paes. ..s: , CHARLES G. BAN ILER, President EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tem. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AIMENT, North West corner Third and Wood Streets, mhM:vris A 114EG/ 1 1/LENT INSVRANCE'COM.. PANY OF PITTSBURGH.. OFFICE, No. 37 FIFTH STREET, • Bute!BLOCK. Insures against all kinds of FLre and Marini Risks. JOHN IRWIN, JR., President. JOHN D. McCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN, General Agent.; ; DIRECTORS: • Crpt. Wm. Dean; B. L. FaimestoCk, W. H. Everson i Robert R. Davit, Francis Sellers; i Capt. J. T. Stoedale. John Irwin, Jr.,. John D. 'McCord, C. G. Hussey, HarverChllds, T. J. loloskinson, Charles Hays, PEOPLES' INSURANCE - CODE.. FANY. OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD & FIFT,Ef STS. A Home Company, taking Fire and Marini RLska. DIRECTORS: . Capt. .1 - ohn - L. Rhoads. Samuel P. 13hrlver, Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brush; Wm. P. Lang, Samuel McOtickart. resident. • • President.. • i • Secretary. • • 'IN. General Agent. Wm. Phillips, John Watt, John E. Parks, Capt. James Miller, Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Verner. WM. PHILLIP'S', ~ JOHN WATT, Vice GARDNER, 1 CAPT: JAS. GORDI virmai PAPER; , oNnno,o,,,reoree M)Ell CALL ft-DAV' • • • , • , At No. 107 Market Street, AND SELECT YOUR Irma. PAPERL JOS. R. HUG H ES & BaO. TOM WALL PAPERS...IB6B.. • , . : • 'r , v2s:l7 . A 4441010); , 1144/I)Vax No.' 'B7 - 114TOod mt).20:118 ; El