IN 6. IRON WORKS. AS. VERNER, Presq. 'W. P. PORTER, Supt pITTSBIIRGiI FORGE AND IRON CO NANUFACTthtERS OF Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Saws, Collars, &e. Office, Np. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH. r•- GILAFF, BYERS & CO., IM=M=I Bar, Hoilio and Sheet Iron, WROUCHT: : IPON, Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, • _ Water, &e. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office, NO. Q 3. Watex‘' St.. PITTSBURGH, Pa reM:e3tl KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, MANUFACTURERS OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal • . AND • JUNIATA•BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON. HOOP, BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS 20 and 16 lbe, to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. - FLAT RAILS. Punched and Countersunk. COAL' SCREEN IRON. ' - NAILS AND SPIKES. Warehouse and Office at the Wor:cs, GREEN UGH STREET, (a continuation of First street,) djoinlng the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. EVERSON, PREiITON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron 'Works. r Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela House, I • ap24:dit• PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MMICK & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BEST REPINED CAST STEEL,_ Square, Fiat and Octagon, of all sizes MILL, MgLAT, CuccuLAn, GANG AND Cnoss-CuT SAW PLATES. • ELLIPTIC AND SEMI-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, CAST STRING STEEL, Cast and, :Gentian Plow Steel, PLOW WINGS AND MOWER BARS; SPRINGS, AXLES and STEEL TIRE; SICKLE, SHOWEL, HOE, RAKE, FORK, TUB, CALK and - MACHINERY CAST SI:LEL; CROW BARS, AC., &c., Ac. Warehouse, 88 Water Street, Pittsburgh. selB:k4 pITTSBURGH •-•• STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON, COOK &VII • (SUCCESSORS, tc.' JONES, BOYD & CO;,) Minniseturers of tbe • BEST REFINED; CAST STEE L, gIaIIARE, FLA FORK TAGO_N,' of all alzes,_. SAW ELATII.IIIOE,nd SWEET CAST STEEL; CAST STEEL for Reaping and Rowing 'Machines, • Steel Plow Wings Ares, Cire!vilairs, • Cast and Common Plow & Spring Steel. Office—Corner FIRST AND BOSS STREETS, two blocks above the Monongahela House. cc:MO MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. 61LVZ.1141. I'AIITXZES: M . METCALF. I REUBEN MILLER, GEO. W. BARU, .1 CItS..PARKDI. SPECIAL PAMTIOEft-S. M. KIER. PPCRESCEN•T STEEL WORKS, 3m:ILA, - E.14, DARR , at.P..tIiUM:N, Office, No. 339 Liberty St,! PITTSBURGH, PA ftl4:d4B DUQUESNE Iron and "Steel Works. COLEMAN, RAHM & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Iron, Nails, §prings; Axles, Steel, &c. WAREHOUSE: No. 77 Water Street, ja18:390 PITTSBURGH. B LACK DIAMOND, r - STEEL WORSE. PARK, - BROTHER , Manutactueee.of sll descrlptlons of ancialrimtic.‘ a d v e v icillaim I%IA. 124: SEPOND PETTSBEICON. IRON. CITY MILLS. ROGERS 86. BURCHFIELD. *- Manufacturers of REFINED, CHARCOAL, JU NIATA and POLISHED CAST STEEL. Ottlaaand Warehouse, No. 22 M. 4 1. mE T ST. COPPER. IKE SU/M.IIIOR • OOPPEE MILL AND SMELTING WOLBB, .•_ . . Pr1wr5331:70.4 4 / 1 ". • PARK, J•tfcCURIM, & nfac.turers of 13heielin taiu4 Slasi ns ai y ; an d Sol ppm Presled Copper BUIL Sot . nu e Smelter Solder. . lso, Importers and' Do llars New. Tin ria gr . „ow _ (ft • SIT on hand T Me" Ins. Wsrehouse,l lll . 1 .1111.8 T ; Mid ISO • •• ND OTBEET,Pletsborgis: • • , , , speeisi orders of Copps' eat to say"de.dred 11,14$81:dwT . • •.• I.!s : MUM FOUNDERS, ZULMitiLNI§T.S. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, Parr'riEl.XlllllGrif. THOMAS N. MILLER, Pre4dent. • These Works are among the largest sine most complete establishments in the West. and are now prepared to tbrntsh Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Rolling Flat Ca!stings. Engine Castinipi. Machine Ciudisnra. General Castlpge. i; (4:10. ORDERS SOLICITED NATIONAL lE'OUNDgY "` AND PIPE WORKS. • Cornei'carrop and limallßuut Streets, (NINTH WARD,) . . -- errTssisuitcria, WM. Rant Maliurtioturercof CAST IRON BOWL PIPE; FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. ,321I,Passi4'irtglecnaght—. aztgunaVginlLV:i Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. fel6:tlo • - SHE HAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO, CHARLES HEAP, President. J. M. HEAP, Flee President. 0. METCALF, See'y and Treas , r. J. H. WADE, Engineer. • • J. G. HEAP, Generallianoger. ,__ DIRECTORS: JAMES B. MURRAY, of Lyon, Sheol b & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER, of J. Painter &Sons. C. B. HERRON. of Spang, Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, of Shoenberger &•Co.. WM. METCALF, of 31111er, Barr & Parkin. 31ANIIPACTUEERS OF Rolling Mill and Blast Machinery. RETORTS and CASTINGS. of every deaeslption. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. fe24 L. O. Livmosro:v.w. ROBINSON, JII LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON POUNDERS, 11.-INL'FACTURERS OF FINE LIGHT. CASTINGS, • All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Fitters• Ag rlcialtural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma chinery, &e. All Job Work promptly „attended to. • Office and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Deft, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, REA CO., SitccOs . sors to Itonmso::, MINIS .t WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3URGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron M ork. Office, No. 121, corner First and SmitlitleldStreete. Agents for OIFGABD'S PETENT INJEC for feeding Boilers. • Jall:rs2 ITIBMCM. BOLE - / I — ..nrsrxn. ORR. JAMES NELSON A. B. BOLE. INDIJSTRIAI. WORKS. HUGH M.. BOLE & CO. Foundets,Engine Widen sindlinchinisti, Make to order MARINE AND LAND STEAM EN GINES, of all sizes, warranted to give aatisfaction. CASTINGS, of every description made to order. JAMES NELSON, Senn A. R. BOLE. Foreman. Machine Shop,- corner POINT ALLEY and DU QUESNE WAY. Foundry, Nos. 591 and 54-Third street, mylo:ne6 PITTSIIIIRGII, PA. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Xinth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron 311118,) Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ' M.A.CELNERY AND CASTINGS CiENEALLY. Orders promptly and carefelly executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT & MACKLIND. 0c15:1Z3 - BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE' & SIMS. • Office and Waiehouse, 29 wood Street. Manufaiture and keep constantly on land Thimble, Skein and. Pipe Boxes, WAGO.V BOXES, DOG IRONS,' .SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Castings generally. ap35.13.6 CORAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS, 880 Penn Street.. BOLL , N I BOYD & BAGLT,EY. Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, &e. FULTON MACHINE WOBKM. • ESTABLISHED IN 1838. • . a-mnidlanu tfhaec tomr s o am tiTroEvAM NGINE fo ' os tallon ale?. f n l s :sr l A t tdi a T A varie l and 10 horse power EAM ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced prices. P. P. GEISSE, Wellsville, 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio elver, and line of C. et P. B. . no9:h2 IRON BROKERS. SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM, IRON BROKER, 124 First. Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. _ • Agent f ail l e e les, al V,lZTL_Vg _p: h e fun G, ° l r elidgit snd o th er brands of A n thr acite, • xougblosheny Coke and C. D. Charcoal Censiglinients and orders respectfully solicited. STONE. WEST COMMON - •' • ' Machine Stone - Waiks; ' Northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny. irainvic ATWATER & CO. Hive on hand or prepare on 'short notice Hearth and Step. stones, Flank - for Sidewalks, Brewery Vaults, '4./ Head ana Tomb Stones,`&c. • Orders • nomptly executed. Prices reasonable. ISTOIVWQILIAIIRY. , Stone furnished from the • Apollo Stone Quarry, ; To order 'or. IT the cats load, via W. P. R. R. En quire of J. BREETIAN, , m hzi,„,thoof Apollo, Armstrong Cor,'Pa• TABA.CCO AND CIGAIIS. . . EXCELSIOR verosit.s' • .•t e - vv. morirsiyroor . ; . , utuftersaidOadenthig Y ro cetti -Stilt!!9VirAntit , YEDSRAZOiTA, A 14201 IM , 4 n:. • 51t7p1 , ".• lig ENGINES, 1301L1RWs, !SM. ---- rpm PITT _ • . BOthEt, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR:, DOUBLE-PLITED TUBCKAR, FIR BOX AIL, CYLINDER STLAMF BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND -OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DENSERS; • STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; . .* PRISON DOORS AND COAL SlitirtS 01!lee and Warehouse. earner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, • Oiders sent to the above address win be promptly attended to. mh7:tte S. W. NOUILOW....JAI3. D. BARNWILL.....TAS. IMAM. - . ryHAItA, BOILER WORKS. MORROW, BAB,NBILL & MANITFACTIIRLIEtB Or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GAI3O3fETERS, 'WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, an. • Cor. Liberti'and Second Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA. • REPAIRING promptly done.: Iy4:b2 WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. `paving secured ti large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are _prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching,- Fire Beds, Steam Pipes;Locomotivo Bollers,Tondensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pails, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the:shortest notice. , IntS:e2l ROBERT LEA, 3I.t.NUFACTURER OF Steam Engines and -Boilers, FREIGHT ROISTERS, AND DOCTOR , ENOINES: CASTINGS, of all descriptions, made'to order. Corner of First and Ferry Streets. . PITTSBURGH, PA. J AMES M. BITER , Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., 34A.NUFACTCRER OF IRON.. OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, 'ROLLING MILL STACKS., . • . And SKEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C COOK STOVES. BISSELL & CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR BI27TMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Stove In the Union. I=3BVEGH BISSELL & CO., • No. 235 Liberty *Street. •- - - Also on hand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES, • HEATING STOVES, • GRATE FRONTS_, FENDERS, • COOKING RANGES, Ito. CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUY THE TRIUMPH . COOKING STOVE, Is at No. 146 GRANT STREET. jet Y. C. DUFFY. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY, giERRIT & . HARDWARE, 337 LIBERTY STREET, One Square Below Viiioll Depot, 461" Agents for 11.4:1RBANKS' SCALF t B. J': • FIFTH ST., bet. Tunnera Chatham Sts., 131nrismith and Dealer in Hardware: First class goode of all . descriptions always on band and 1101 d artbe lowest prices. done .careplAron short ootice. pMENEIC STEAM BItEiVERY. JOB. BP/MCER....JAS. LIDDETL. SPENCER, M'KAY & CO., MALSTERS AND BREWERS Of Ate,.. Porter and Brown Stoat, PITTSBURGH, PA, ROBERT WATE4I; Manage!' . 0014 DYERS AND SCOURERS. . 11C1r , J. LANCE, • Nos. 185 and 187 Third Street, DYER SCOMIET STRAW GOODS OLZAIIIED DY ED, . RID 4' , . 4 . 1' • LAD/ZB' PLIIDIBB er.aut. M GAZETTE - :,- . WEDNESDAY. , APRIL 8, 1868. =1 PITTSBURGH, Pa CET THE BEST. HARDWARE. Manufacturers and Importers of CUTLERY, &C. CORNER OF WAYNE, PITTSBUVI,GH BREWERIES. IMEEME ME H ART ' c BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PZTTEBUT GIZ, PA., (SUCCESSORS TO HA-NSA, HART .$ CO:,) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to tl e purchase and sale of COVERNME Sight Drafts on i HOLMES& S N. , . 57 Market, Street, 1 3 IPTT'SX11:MG.13, PA. Collections made on all the - winelpal points of the relted States and Canadas. • Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLDON COMILSSION Particular attention paid to tie' purchase -and sale of - United States Securities. ja.3o:al KEYSTONE BANK, PITTSBURGrIi. PA. - a • THIS BANK - IS NOW TRANSACTING A GENERAL- BANKING BUSINESS, AT THEIR NEW BANKING HOUSE. NO. 293 Liberty . -Stteet. Accounts of BANKS, BANKERS, MERCHANTS and others are invited. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKHOLDERS INDITIDUALLY4AABLE. GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Ca-safer. WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth'Street. CHARTEnEto 1866. rateret paid on'Tilno Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE. DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT Discounts Daily at 12 o'clock. President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice President—A. N. MARSHALL THOMPSON BELL, I A. M. 3fARSHALL,L JOS. DILWORTH. JOS. ALAREE. J. J. GILLESPIE. I . Stockholders to whom we make reference: Wm. Forsythe, I Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, 1 Rev. David Kerr, Walls Dalzell, i Henry Lambert, D. W. C. Bidwell, I A. M. Brown, E. M. Fulton. i Thomas Ewine. ,A4gotARK NK4 BAERS.°O ESTABLISHED IN 1837. 141135 SOCTT 'TIO° PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Converted . Into 5-20. STOCKS AND • Bought and sold on commimion, here and In New York. TIME ALLOWEDGOTIATED. IN ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts of Banks and Bank ers received on favorable terms. ALL CLASSES OF SECURITIES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE -AT MARKET RATES. fe24:188 WHITE. T. All AND COLORS. ALL OF THE MANUFACTURES OF THE PITTSBURGH WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS. INCLUDING • STRICTLY PURE WRITE LEAD, ZINC PAINT, Chrconso Green; Veratter Groon, Versailles Green, Chromp Yellow, And every variety of Colors, dry an-ciround In 011, for sale by HARRIS dip EWING, • WHOLESALE' DRUGGISTS; Corner Of Liberty and Wayne Streets, rrx.rsisurtGai..PA. J SCHOONBIALIWIL & SON, PITTED 3 WE White Lead and Color Works/ MAIIVFACIOTIZIIO OF WIUTE AND RED LEAD; ZINC, FUTTY, BIATE•LEAD; • McCOrill VEIiDITER GREEN, 6.0 d 411 colors; dry or in oil. , 011PNICE,, N 9. 67_1'01M= STILIMT.. Faetbry Nos: 450, 459, 454_, 456 and 458 Rebeccalitreol, and 49, Oland 85 Laook• Street, Allegheny. • U NIVER S AL' CLOTHES WRINGERS. , • _ We have,eadelarning_mte wherobstsgtVanlet-'' lath lo the - thnee`theiUn =HAL' waLwezli • et , the manratertaripol a once% putuD; la tithes z mien: And , Vtarwiloileav , thn /kW "Iflylleell APO retail, wild bjwall be Vaunt.= tiCad; - •.• • f a io • , and SS Cgs MILOWL-460illailg11704rp Wint- , er_Mkest Taw, fa r m afdt EUTC2,4, 14'00. 1 . . r ~- , Fm NCIAL: I=l i l i; E, ' T BONDS. . ondork. nlyl:s62 iZZ2I INTEREST DIRECTOIII3: ; •-• 16 ,9 . _ _ , REMOVAL. I HAVE REMOVED MY BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, Forrnerly occupied by the NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. PH. R. MERTZ. CONVERSION OF 7-30's. We are now prepared to convert the SECOND and THIRD SERIES of SEVEN-THIRTIES • INTO TILE New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds. • JAMES T. BRADY & CO. , Dealer in Government Securities, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD. STS. Cljr Vittstrittljhr eXairtts FINANCE AND OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TUESDAY, April 7, 1868. Gold opened at 137%, advanced to 138%, declined to 137%, and closed firm at 138%. A large short interest ie still outstanding uncovered, and it is believed that the am ket will decline still further before an ad vance can be established; the sudden rise, however, in government bonds will soon relieve a large' amount of money, and it is probable that an upward movement will be put on foot before , the papment of the May coupons commences.' Government bonds advanced suddenly to-day from 134 to 2 per cent. since Friday. It was expected that this advance would take place yesterday, but a large - amount of money was tied by contract, Which_will not be released for a day or two, and be tween this and Thursday Governments may take another sharp rise; the tendency is more for lower rates on account of the scarcity of money in the interior. • Stocks are firm and higher, in sympathy with the ease of the money market-at the eastern cities, but local stocks are not much -in demand. A larger investment (le mand usually sets in about May when large dividends are paid. ' Money commands from I to IX, per cent. per month yet. Closing•quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: .. Gold, 138%; -1881 bonds, 112V0 1862 5-20 s, 111; 1864 do; 108%• 1865 do, 108%; Consols, „i 1 . 7„, 10814'; 104 ~ 102;.:7:30A, 106%. Cleveland Pittsburgh R. R.. 91% Fort, Wa a t " 101%. Noilln estern—common 63 North Western—preferred - 76%. Neu , York Central 123 Erie - 73% - Old Southern 91 Ohio & Mississippi 32y, Western Union Telegraph -- 37% Merchants Union Express • 34% Corydon Quartz Hill - -- 1.10 Quicksilver 243, 7 'Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold 138% U. S. 6's, 1881 114.‘ " 5-2.9'5, 1862 111 4. 5-20's, 1864 108% . 1 5-20's, • 1865 109% . " 10-40's 1... 102 5-20's, Jan; and July, '65 107% ii it ... '' ,I. 767 ' 108 k " June 7-30's 106% 1 ., July 7-30's .. 106% May Comp., 1865 118;4 -The following stocks were sold Tuesday evening, April 7th, on second floor of Com mercial Sales Room, 106 Smithfield street, by A. Mcllwaine f auctioneer : Second National Bank 96,00 Hand Street Bridge 56,00 . City of . Pittsburgh 6 per cent. bonds, 84% per cent. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, / TtiEsnAr, April 7, 1868. CRUDB—The Crude market was more active to-day, the reported sales being larger than for some dayspast, and while the 'offerings are light and the demand only moderate, prices are without quqtable change. -We can report sales of 2,000 bbls for April, seller's option, at 83,1 c; 1000 same delivery and option, at 83‘, and 2000 do do in two lots of one thousand each at B%„c. We are cognizant of offers to sell from April to December at 90 for April, and a half ad vance for each subsequent month, and of ferslo buy at 9c, and a quarter advance. All the year, buyer's option, may be quo ted at 12c. 011 City telegrams report prices unchanged at that point, 63 to $3,10. REFINED—The Refined market is de void of any ntw features worthy of special notice. We can report a sale of 500 bbls to be delivered between now and the last of August, buyer's option, at 28c; 500 same delivery, option and iprice, and 1000 for lost half ofJune at 263‘c. Quotations may betairly given at 25e for April; 2534 c for May, and 261‘c for June. All the, year, buyer's option, is nominal at 31c. Antwerp is reported unchanged at 42,;c. Philadel- 2 phia, also is quiet and unchanged. ARRIVALS—The reported arrivals of oil taditrwere as follows; 1000 by river for Fisher tt, Bro., and 2080 by Allegheny Valley Railroad for Lockhart, Frew & CO. OIL SIIIPMETS PER A. V. R. R. Lockhart & Frew, 344 do do to. Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. / MdKelvy it Bro., 56 do do ,to W. P. Lo gan & Bro., Philadelphia. P. Weisenberger & Co., 251 do do to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. W. l ll. Chilcoat, 166 do do to E. G. Trasel & Co:, Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale, 100 do do to W. P r Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPMENTS FROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. Fisher-& 8r0.,241 bbls crude W.P. Lo gan & Bro., Phladelphia. Nat. Ref. & St. Co:, 156 do refined to Waring, King it Co., Philadelphia. McKenna & Rogers, S . do do, Phipps, Philadelphia. . New'YOrk Dr 3, Goods Market.. Bp Telegraph to thi; . P . lttaburg4 Gazet4.l NEW Topa April 7.—The market for cotton' goods is lees .active owing to the prevaleriUe of a rain storm, .but prices , are quite buoyant at 18}4a190 for beet makes of heavy brown sheetings; 10c for best stan dard'print, cloths; 14?,ic for all standard and. regular grades of-madder prints; 1634a190 , for Glassgow and Lancaster gingluuns; 17c for brown drills of best make, which is low; • 18320 c for delaines and armures. The demand for woolen goods continues light, except fccr the finest grades 'aline -.fancies hell moderate quantities;„ the :woolen good s - market is devoid of activity d lacking in buoyancy. _ . ' 1 " '• - Chicago Cattle` Market. , - lEili7glettarti to thekkity?aralquatte.). 1 t L.044943, 1 5 41 11 rmodiuratfolitr;1886a9 for , oholoa to • - PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG' GAZE E, TUESDAY. April 7, 18681 5 The general markets were rather dull to day, which may have been owing, to rome extent,at least,to the inclement conditton of the weather. There is, however, al con tinued lair demand kir most of the lading articles, and prices, as a general think', are pretty well maintained. APPLES—Quiet but steady and; un changed; regular sales in store at qto $6 per bbl, as to quality. POTATOES—Peach Blows are steally at $3,20 to g 3,50, and Buckeyes are scares; aad in demand at $4.25 to 84,50. Jersey Suteets, $8 per bbl: I DRIED FRUIT—Is quiet and unchanged; sale at 7to 8c for Apples, and 10) to il4c for Peaches. • GRAlN—Winter Wheat is scarce t and ninhanged at $.2 1 55 for. Red, and 5 to 8c higher for Whitu, as to quality. -Oats scarce and 'firm; sale of 1 car load toe f oder at 77;4c, and small sales in store at'79 ko 80. Poris dull, with sales of Ear, on wharf, , at .to 95c. „Rye, $1,75 to $1,80.; k No co movement in Barley and-none in markbt. H Y—Weighmaster McNulty, at I, the Allegheny Diamond Scales, reports 73 lbads of Hay at $l7 to $2B, and 18 loads of Straw at $l5 to $l9. .1 PROVISIONS—Bacon is firm, with a continued good jobbing demand at 136 for Shoulders; 15 to 17c for. Ribbed and Clear Sides, and 18 to 19c , for Plain Sugar. Cured Hams. Lard, 1634 c, in tierces, and liin kegs. Mess Pork, $26,50. ' 1 LARD OIL—Is firm but unchanged; regular sales at $l,lO for No. 2. aud 41,35 for No. 1.. i BUTTER--Is in good supply and dull, with a drooping tendency; we now quote at 45 to 48c, for prime to choice Roll. IL. EGGS—Under the influence of; lin a. - creased arrivals, are ' little dull, and tan not be quoted above 29 to 21c. SEEDS—Clover Seed is quoted at;s7 to $7,50. Timothy at 42,75, and Flax it 42,50 to $2,55. i ONlONS—Quoted at $1,50 per bushel. Onion Setts, $6,50 to 67.' FLOUR—Is steady, with a good 11Scal demand; we continue to qnote'good Spring Wheat at $10.50 to $10,75; choice do, $ll to $11,25; Winter Wh eat, at $12,00 to. $12,50, and fancy brands l' $l4 to $l6. Rye Flour, 89,25 to $9,50. BEANS—S4,SO to 45 per bushel.l HOMINY -46 25 per bbl. • 'J t New York Produce Market. ; (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] .. ', .E NW YORK, April 7.—Cotton dull,' in- settled and fully lc lower; sales of ; 850 • bales at 28a283ic for middling - uplands, chiefly 23e. Flour dull and 10a15c loWer• receipts of 60,068 bbls,,with sales of 71404 bbls at $9,00a9,40 for superfine State , and western, $9,85a10,45 for extra State, $9,80.a, 10,95 for extra western, $12,00a13,80 for white wheat extra, $9,95a13,75 for 11. - H.. ,t)., $10,50a12,00 for common to .fair extrW,St. • Louis, and $12,50a15,00 for good to choice do.; market closing quiet. California Flour dull and drooping, with sales of 350 saks at $12a14. Rye Flour ' quiet, with sale of 300 bbls ,at 07,700,60. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky nominal. Wheat; receipts, 1752 tins; (lull and la2c lower; sales of 25,300 .buslil at • $2,3802,40 for good to prime No 2 Wring de livered; $3.10 for white Canada; $3,30' for white Kentucky. Rye quiet. Barleyd6ll. Barley Alai; quiet; sales of 1,500 bust' at , - sl,Bs..Cora—receipts, 56,629 bush; the mar ket is 2a3c lower; sales of 61,000 bush at $1,18a1„21 for new mixed western afloat; $1,20 for old do in store; $1,22 for dw oe livered; $1,16a1,20 fore white western And southern; $1,24%a1,25 for ' western ;and southern yellow. Oats--receipts, 50 beih; the market is a shade firmer; sales of 64,000 bush at 85ga86c for western in . store. Rice nominally unchange_d. Coffee quiet; sales of 150. sacks Maracaibo let private terms. Sugar steady and in 'fair demand; sales of 400 hhds, at 1034414%e for Cuba and 13c for Porto Rico. Molasaes nomi /ally unchanged. Ildps quiet, at Rl® 50c for American. Petroleum norninal,lat 11c for crude in bulk and 2.5%®243c for re- - fined bonded. Pork firmer and in .faintle- i, mand; sales of 4,250 bbls, at $26,75@27525 for new mess, closing at $27 regular; pa® 25,37 for old do, closing at $25,37 reguliir; Viral for prime, and $23,75a24,50 for prime mess; also 1,250 bbls new mess, at $27 for buyers for April and $26,50a26,75 for sellers for May. Beef firmer; sales of 680 bbls, . at $14,50a20,50 for new plain mess; 112 o a $24,50 for new extra mess, also 430 tierces at 35a38c for prime mess, and 40a42,c for India mess. Beef, hams dull; sales of 125 barrels at $33a36,50." Cut meats firmer; sales of 370 packages at 1134a12,e, shoulders' 4.5 i 16ge, hams and dress hogs nominal. Ltird . firmer; rsales of 1,650 bbbls at .163ia174c, small lots at 17X,a18c also 7501311 s seller tat 17 3 / 4 a186. Butter firm at 20a40c for Olno, 40a56c'for State. Chees steady and quietlat 13a16%e. Bacon firmer and in fair demadd; sales of 750 boxes at 13a14c. Cumberland Cut 16Xc;short - clear 143/al4c, short ribbed LATEST—FIour closed 4 dull and 10ks 1(w -er. Wheat, quiet and a shade lower; rather more disposition to realzie. Rye, quiet and firmer, $1,90a1,95 for western. Oats, quiet but firm at 86e for western in 80e. Corn, dull and heavy at $1,18a1,21 for n w i t. mixed western afloat and $1,19Ma1,201 r old mixed western in store. Pork, active and firm with sales of 2,000 head. Mess pork is held at $25 for old; $27,25 cash and regular, new is held at $27,25a27%; selleis option, for May. Beef, active and fink. Cut meats are very firm with a moderite demand. Bacon is very firm atl3 6 qc. for Cumberland cut. Lard, firm at 1 ..%a 175.1 for fair to prime steam and kettle rep dered. „so iii Chicago Market. Env Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Hazette.l CHICAGO, April 7.—Flour is less firm; $8,00a10,75 for low grades to choice spring extras. Wheat less active and la2c lowdr; sales at $2,023i.a2,05 for No. 1, and sl,B(ia..a 1,88 for No. 2,closing with sellers at $1,137 for No. 2. ril! More doing; 1a134c lowdr; sales No. lat 81e; No. 2at WI new. at' 77a 7834 c; rejected, .7834 c. In store. Oats %ate higher; 573.;a581/ 4 c ffor regular, and 60a603tc for fresh receipts in store. Rye quiet mid firm; sales No. lat V,00.. Barley quiet and unchanged. Provisions more active,. Meias Pork sohlat $26. a 27 cash, and buyers for the month; closing with buyers at $26,50 cash. Lard active at 16,(016%c. Bulk , meats Az tive; short rib 15e; dry Salted shoulders 11)4c cash: sweet pickled hams 14gc. Live hogs steady at 57,75a9,75 for common to choice. Receipts-8,058 bblsilour, 14,275 •• bu wheat, •70,946 bu corn, 10,82 G bu oats, 837 live and 22 dressed hogs. Shiprnents--5,i41 bbls flour, 4,655 bu Wheat, 7,750 bu corn, 6,884 bu oats, 1,176 live hogs. - •• . Cleveland Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CLEvErwin, April T.—Flour; city e and standard brands of country are steady . and in gOod demand for trade lots; double extra spring, /10,00;111,30; double extra red wintee,• 1111,50x13,60; • double extra' white, • $13,00a14,50.• Wheat quiet, steady atid nominally unchanged; No. red winter . held at 92,53a2 f 53, No. 2.d0 at $2,14a2,24, 40. 1 Milwaukee spring at MA 'Corn; demand light and• Market unchangedf No. 1 shelled Held at 9130 from store, and cars on tracklat •. 94c. Oats; market firm and held at 75c for Ne. 1 State from store. Rye; no aisles. Earley% nominal. Petroleum; 'crude” him aft. 3,750,80 • per bbl; refilled .niore'actite,- • with sales .of 1,000 bbls,, at 20'0•• 'and 600•bblq free, at 33c. Louisville Market. ' - [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOITISVILLII, April.7.—Tohaftn: sales 204 hhds, and market steadjl, 7 lugs, P, medium leaf 115,50, selgetions .120, co . uuty 828,75. Phinr — ' - snpertine 18,500 0 _, ihnoryll2;s9als,oo. Wheati12,454;50.; , crats , 461, 4 70.,75e.., Corn 851180 e., . Rye $1,85a1,90. .i . d .. 'l6,litire. Mess Pork ;24,7547,00. ~, ,:, Ilgarilet,llotlYa 7 4 42 4 tri t pitla ;Wes of* ~.1 .4 casks of dear ' 3 * ' 11 P_Cialeiit .. 1 0:AILISi DV 0 / 6 39 11 94CPXL. enl4-431“461:-,,Wy,