elivered on the subject; "HoW should the :ducation of Youth be Conducted so as to ..ccomplish its Object?" we noticed some f the eager aspirants for official honors loving up, down aid across the aisles and • mong the audience, soliciting votes and ,rging their' claims, while disparaging aoso of the opposition, thus disturbing il m their vicinity. This was a Feat insult, not = only to the Bever . and gentleman delivering the lecture, 'tit also to the audience. The afternoon ssion, from the opening till the close of e ballot, presented a scene that out 13a eled-Babel. One of the candidates took pe rostrum and, explained his position. Vhen he got through, one of the opposition - iok his place. At this moment the Presi ent called for order, and requested the aember to defer his remarks till the prep. rations for balloting could be completed. lie member replied that the opposition kid spoken, and he, too, would have his say. nother member took the stand, but was liable to make himself heard, his voice be hg completely drowned by the stamping lithe opposition. What he failed in say _ kig, however, he made up in gftticulation— nd such gesticulation ! ? Well might the • ild lath' poet sing "facilist est desoensus iverni." 'We regret to say that some of ecss an n d fus q lo uali n, d g l i a n d g ie f s joinedr from mtha in quantity v and al. e music they produced by "heel and pe" we feel warranted in believing that he "blue stockings" worn by these fair lit- Iraii were at least number nine. While the *noting was going on, some of the aindi late.s were moving about through the con tusion, circulating tickets and soliciting rtes. When rival candidates met, a scene - vulgar :passion generally ensued-- ,barges of unfairness and recriminations Vero bandied to and fro. What one candi hite said of another was reported as soon is possible to the one of whom it was said. this was most humiliating and disgraceful. the old apothegm, "esse quam viderl," 'ap gears to have, been reversed by these edu rated (7) gentlemen. A duel was loudly talked of : by two of the honorable Op hers. If such disgraceful conduct be the . .egitimate fruit of education, then let us '?:sill. down onejtchool houses and abolish sir system of public instruction. But are hem men educated? We confidently as sert they are not, and for proof of our as sertion we cite their conduct at the insti ;ute. • We have been informed that some • g• these gentlemen have received a theolog cal training—God save the mark—Dori- zus robiscum sit, gentlemen! True educe- ' lon gives power to the mind and also maches our duty to ourselves and to others. 'N. welleducated man will never lay aside uis manhood and descend to the vulgar evel of the braggadocio. That education which does not show its - influence in every lay life•-:-in all our transactions with our - :ellow men, both public and private—and .n particular that education which does not make itself apparent in the presence of cul ivated, and refined women, is of little value .ndeed. ' • We hope that when our yearly meeting . wain comes round, these gentlemen will tither have left the - profession which they , ..* :nave disgraced, or better still, will have 3ultivated their minds and hearts to such • , an extent as will enable them to conduct : diemselves decently in respectable society. • if they do nol do one of these two things, ': ,we hope the."powers that be" will cancel ,;:heir certificates and thus rid the proles • , ion of the deinagegues. . 1 1 A HUSTICICOS PRECEPTOR. - a —The lowa, Illinois and Indiana Divis :.;. ions of the American Centralßailroad have 4.,.oeen l consolidated. The new organization is styled the American Central. Railway. it extends from Fort Wayne-five hundred .and eighty-five miles west to Omaha, .shortening the route from New York 'l4O Miles, and making one of tha greatest rail ' ways in the country. Judge Thompson, of 111linois; will be President. -; —A man named C. Smith swindled a •large number of poor people in Brooklyn ,by promising them situations, and taking P. 2,50 in advance from each. On Saturday, }when they were all to have gone to, work, • either Smith nor his mannfartory could be onnd. • THE IS THE GREATEST DF ALL BLESSINGS, . • 'lAnd to preserve It is the privilege and duty of all. I - ". DR. SARGENT'S t ANTI-DYSPEPTIC AND LIVER PILLS • • re the great severeign, speedy and sure cure Of the . age, for Dyspepsia, either in its mildest 'or worst ttages, and hundreds who have ioeg suffered under he inflictions of this most annoying and dangerous tsesse, have by the - use of - this invaluable medicine 1 en restored to health and the enjoyment of life. Is-your Liver hi a torpid condition of inaction, Athereby deranging the whole system? GOOD HEALTH SATIGENT7S LIVER PILLS Will speedily remove the secretions and restore it to a healthy state. • Are you troubled with loss of 'appetite, foul atom , ach, eructations of wind, sick huadache and general derangement of the digestive organs I DR. SARGENT'S LIVER PILLS Are a sure, safe and permanent remedy, and by their mild bat certain action will cleanse, renoyate and reinvigorate the system: DR. SARGENT'S LIVER PILLS stand high as one of the standard medicines of the age. For the cure of all diseases arising front a disordered state of the liver, as can be attested by the certificates of large numbers of our citizens who have been bene fited and cured by their use. These Pills can be obtained. either PLsin or Sugar Coated. froni all Druggists in the country: - UNRIVALLED. Nothing that has ever been known or beard of a tonic adds so much to the resistant power of the . human system. under circumstances unfavorable to health, as HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. If you would escape the intermittent fevers, tits-of indigestion. bilious attacks and bowel complaints, of which cold and' damp are the frequent causes, use the BITTERS as a PROTECTIVE MEDICINE. Thir is the wisest course,' but if already' an invalid.. try the preparation as a RESTORATIVE. In either Case full reliance may be placed upon' Its efficacy. There is no mystery about the causes °fits suc cess. It Is the only stomachic and alterative in which are combined the grand requisites - of a mild, pure and unvitiated vegetable stimulant, with the Arrest selection of tonic, anti-bilious, anti-scorbutic, aperient and depurative herbs, plants, roots and barks that have ever been intermixed in a medicinal preparation. The Bitters have this distinctive quality' which is not shared, it Is believed, by any tonic. tincture or extract in the world. It does nut excite the pulse, though it infuses a wonderful degree of vigor Into the nervous system, arfd .trengthens and sustains the whole physical organisation. California and Australia have emphatically en dorsed It as the MINER'S MEDICINE Tar excel lence. and in Spanish America and all the tropical climate, it is considered the only reliable 'antidote to epidemic fevers. The already_ immense 'and still Increasing 'cony gumption of HOSTETTEIVB STOMACH BITTERS, backed by many of the most influential physicians throughout the country, should convince the most skeptical that it is worthy the confidence and apprit - bation of all. 'ANOTHER CURE OF DEAFNESS. I lost my hearing during the last year. . part o r the time I was totally deaf. In April of this year was Induced, from an advertisement; to make a p. plication to Dn. Hyrum?., 120 Wenn street, Pitts. burgh. After having tried various medicines front , doctors. without any benetit, I have been tinder Dr. Heyser , s treatment now forjaearly two months, and am entirely restored to 'my. hearing, so that I can hear a pin drop. f . JOHN SCANLAN. Coal innifs.4ashingtOn Co., Ps. AN3THEIL CURE. A man called to-day at .Drin Heiser's office to In form him of a great cure made tv his LUNG Curt; or ''PtrzatoirAity RESTOIIATIVE. list these cures are made with the Doctor's preparations, he desires it to be distinctly understood that most of his great - cures are made in accordance with' the established laws that govern the'sciencaof mcdiulie, In which he haa been engaged ri i , e,t,b# elree!)::•Sve tears; :I . 4at week he was els o reei'lPPrr: a letter. from * clergyman in the Ettat,of Ohlei 4 ,tan!?ii - imother . most wonderful oure.' DR. KEYSER'S RESIDENT `CO - liliUvribra OP . TIDE KORLIINGI EA ATION4 01P )icErr or CHRONICDISEAKES,'Ne' , : OI9 4 I F i I I I STREET, PROM :9 A.H. UNTIL 3P. N. • • Ma NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. *N. - BINGHA - if, Jr., Adana .Express Offlite, 54 Fifth Street, ie an authorized Agent to receive Advertisements for the GAZETTE, and all other papers throughout the United States and Canada,. 1121rLECTURE.—REV. Will. J. REID will deliver a Lecture In the FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Seventh street, on MONDAY EVENING, April 13th, at .o'cloek. Subject—At:tams AND GrimBLETS. Tickets 50 cents. Can be obtained at the stores of J. R. Reed dr. Co..lFlrth street; I)unseath & Hazlett, Fifth street, and Mvs. Sprott, Federal strezt ,;:i: A ol ll 4 e gheny City. - Car BURNELL'S • • - - - MUSEUM EXHIBITION Comprising WORKS OF ART and GREAT NAT URAL- LIVING CURIOSITIES, - AT FRANKLIN HALL, Fifth street, opposite Pittsburgh Theatre. Cards of Admission, 25 cents. Doors open from 8 o'clock A. M. to /0 Y. N. apSioln , • W*STERECISC.OP'IICON. EN7rEIi,'PAIN - 3MNP IN THE AtOßill AVE. M. E. CHURCH, Thursday Evening, 'April 9, 1868. A STEREOSCOPTICON ENTERTAINMENT or Exhibition of "Dissolving Views," Illustrative of Scenes in Bible History, Pathotie and Humorous Scenes, arc., &c. with an explanatory Lecture, will begiven in the NORTH AVENUE M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL, corner Beaver street and North Avenue, Allegheny, for the Benefit of the Sunday School or the (Murcia, on THURSDAY EVENIN9, APRIL 9, 2.868... TICKETS To be had at 3teCLINTON & HOAG'S, Mrs. SPRA.TVS and JAS. M. CAItR'S, Federal street, and at the door. 1868. FIRST GRAND OPENING OF _SPRINC MILLINERY, At 123 OHIO STREET, (corner of West.) Alle gheny-City, commencing THURSDAY, April oth. 4'he subscriber would take' this method of inform ing her customers and the public in general that she will have on exhibition a large and well selected stock of fashionable goods at very low prices. Trimmed Bonnets, in latest style, from $3 upward, Trimmed Hits, in latest style, from 75c. upward. Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets from 50c. upward. air Call and examine for yourself. lill 123 MRS. S. C. R 01313 123. apo: oli 1 1 1 1 DIVIDENDS, 9 WORTH $17,153 00, Consistincr of GREENBACKS, BONDS, GOLD COIN, DIAMONDS, &c., &c., to be awarded to the patrons of THE 31IITUAL BENEFIT SALE. . Success unprecedented. Prices low. Sales im mense. Everybody buys. . ser Salesmen wanted, male and female, every where. Premium of $2OO 00 to tne most success sale.sman. No license required. Send for sched ule and circulars. - IL. C. MOORE & CO.. , No. 80 Fourth St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. P. O. Box 713. apihnloo • GREAT SALE. Tremendous Sacrifice in Looking Glasses. Preparatoic toinoving, I offer me elegant stork of fine GILT, PIER and' MANTLE 'GLASSES, POR TRAIT and PICTURE FRAMES: also, intseAlane ous styles of BEDROOM GLASSES, all of 'widen. must be sold by theist ofJune, Regardless of Cost. Those who are in want of flue Parlor Glasses and a first-class article of line gilt work, will do well to give me a call. J. LYONS. apß STEW DRESS GOODS. • WHITE, ORR & CO., 25 FIFTMSTREET, Offer some CHOICE STYLES of DRESS GOODS, tT VERY LOW PRICES FOUR. EDITIONS IN TWO WEEKS! ' BROWN & CO., 110 Washington St, Boston, Hive just jputiftahed a FOURTH EDITION of THE SPIRIT OF SEVENTY-SIX, THE COMING WOMAN. A PROPHETIC DRAMA Cloth, $l.OO. Paper, 75 cents. Fine paper tinted, $1.75. • • 4~ : : i rya:}a +1:: SR.'S ent by mail on renelpt of price "The play hinges upop the absurdities of a female Assessor, a female Judge of the Supreme Court, and a female politician, and the ludicrous aspects of a state of society in which women make proposals of marriage to men, and every bachelor Is exposed to two hundred thousand offers. more or less. These Ideas are tarried ont . with great humor. The play_ has caused a marked sensation- In Boston, where it has been acted by some of the elite for the benefit of -- the Cretans."N. /ration. • "The Spirit of •"743—not 1776, but 11378-19 the name of a spirited parlor drama which has given lively pleasure to select social circles in Boston. It gives a somewhat extravagant. and therefore amus ingly, emphatib picture of what might be the condi tion of society and the facts of daily life, if the ex treme aspirations of the Woman's Bights party were practically fulfilled. Very witty is the dialogue, very comic are the situations. very incongruous the relative positions."—N. Y. Evening Pott."• "A delicious morceatr, made a capital 'success by the delicate humor, the many sharp hits and the amusing situations which It Introiiuces.P--Bostan Post. . ALSO, RECENTLY PUBLISHED, THE STORY, OF NY CHILDHOOD. Translated from the Trendier 3XIrF. J, MICHE LET, by MART FRAZIER . CURTIS. • - 121m0., Cloth, riTEI ERCEVAL BECKETI', - 1121301211MCAL ENGINEER. -• Mato of P. F. W. &C. Hallway.) ' • • - ' °tee; N. TB FEDERAL STREET Boom No. 2, upstatrs. P. 0. Box filD, ALLEGHENY CITY. sIACHINERY, of.all descriptions,desifined. BLAST FURNACE and ROLLING MILL. DRAW INGS furnished. PartiOular attention paid to de slatting COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES, Patents con fidentially solicited., air An EVENING DRAW ING CLASS for mechanics every. WEDNESDAY, ~ apfinte russoLitrrioN OIP. - GILBERT FOLLADISI3IOI3 • nu this day withdrawn lit= the firm of WILLIAM SCHNE,HTZ & CO, • * - L - WM. E, serrmEnyz, G. GOLLADISBEL, ' ' ' • -T, d.„.HAMMILILEIt, Pittsburh, Aprli a; . . .1" r-- -- ICE! ICE! 'WEBS, lee:Dealer • ALLEY,' Sttaltituslit. c o l ors t e a bue orstlionn:Streetnringe loft ets... : oar , prom pt "mention. Wagons running in Pitts trozglt and•Allethen7. apT:o3 , . . . ''•• • . . , . • • _ - • PITTSBURGII 4A2ETT_E : • WEWf)ESDAY; 1 A.P1143. ? 8. 1868, NEW • ADVER TXTANTED--A .GOOD 'GERMAN v v .GARDNER.• A sober, industrious married man, with a small family, to take charge of and live on a garden farm within nineteen miles of the city. There Is a good brick house of six rooms, kitchen, hall and cellar, for the gardener to occupy, and to whom liberal wages will be paid, forone that is com petent and trustworthy. For particulars inquire of G.-H. TOWER, Real Estate Agent„ np8:olC No. 164 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. PUBLIC SALE. At Mansfield. on SATURDAY, April 11th, 1205, a new TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, con taining five rooms and good cellar: a well of good water and all necessary outbuildings. Persons wishing a country residence have a good 'chance. Only live minutes' walk to the. Station on the Pan handle Rallrowl. Sale to commence at 2P. st. apBml4 .MATT. HARBISON, Anctioncer._ y , XECUTOWS NOTlCE.Allper sons indebted to the estate of WILLIAM DA- S, deceased, late of the City of - Allegheny, (for merly of East 'Birmingham,) are requested to make Immediate payMent, and those having claims against said estate will present Dim,- properly authentica , ted for settlement, to . . TILOS. VARNER, Executor.- nil 4th, 1568. • apB:n92-w Baldwin Tit., A AA RARE OPPORTUNITY is now offered to persons in search 9f a good building Ot low price and on easy terms of payment. $lO will secure a lot; the purchaser can build at once and cease to pay -rent, and pay for the lot In .monthly Installments scarcely exceeding his present rent; These lots are In a desirable location. sur rounded by Improved property, easy of access by -omnibus and ferry. Prices from 89100 to 5450. .. .. .. S. CUTHBERT & 80E8, apS Real Estate Agents, 85 Smithfield St. 'P ENN STREET. PROPERTY 310ND.A.Y. April 13, at 231.: o'clock. r. °tithe premlses, will be sold that very desirable and valua ble THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. No. 94 Penn street, of eleven rooms, with all mod ern improvements Incident to a first class with. The Lot - ..has a front of 24 feet op Penn street, ex tending: back in depth 112 feet tb a 20 feet alley. Brick Stable on rear of lot. 25 CENTS The location of this prtiperty should command the attention of business men desiring a special com fortable residence. . HO riousE AND ON TROY HILL, TUESDAY, April 14th. nt 2 o'clock' P. 2s.,'on the nmmlsce. will be sold by auction, a nest and comtortable FRAME HOUSE of four rooms. with two good cellars: Lot 68 feet front by SOU feet in depth. Good cistern. pump, coal house, bake-oven. wood house nnd cow stable. Choice fruit trees and small fruits in abundance on lot. . . Also, several LOTS, ranging In front from 20 to 341 feet by 200 feet In depth. This property Is sit uated on - Washington street, bounded by Gardner, Chemins and Downing streets, and Is very• desirable, being convenient to the street ears, and having the advantage of good board walks. SMITHSON, VANHOOK S MN)LELLAND, 2115: Auctioneers I'ARll_, • GARDEN PLOTS AND COUNTRY SITES, AT AUCTION.—There will be sold on the premises, on WEDNESDAY. April 15th, *B6B, at 1O o'clock, the valuable homestead farm of Mr. Wm. 'Lynch, adjoining Haysville Sta Hon, on the I'., Ft. W. Sr, C. By., eleven miles below the city. The entire-farm contains ninety-three acres, is ingood state of cultivation, Is beautifully situated. fronting the Ohio river, the Beaver road, and.the Township road. There are Orchards VMes. Small Fruits, Shrubbery, and a never failing Spring of pure Water. On the place is an7excellent Brick Dwelling House, containing six rooms, attic and cellar complete, all in first. rate condition; also geed stables, barns. out-houses, tenant' house, &e. The whole premises are in capital, orker, and are worthy the special attention of all in quest of a beau tiful and convenient home, combining the advanta ges of the country with easy accessto the city. Nine trains daft y to and from the city. 'Special attention is invited to this highly attractive Sale, which takes place on account of the advanced age of the owner. Title indisputable. City purchasers will take the 8:45 train from Allegheny. Dinner will be served on the premises. be sold in one lot, or divided as may be desired by purchasers. There are a num ber of veryline sites for building. • Don't tail to at tend. 51; WITH LATEST 1311!ROVE3&EZ4'TS, At the New and Elegant Sales Rooms 51 FIFTH STREET. Also, NEEDLES, iATTACHMENTS, MACHINE SILKS and COTTONS, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, &c. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect fully invited to call. Applications fbr Agencies solicited. Circulars or Dimples by mall on application. Correspondence to be addressed to - riF , • GROVER & BAKER S. ILCO., 51 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. J. e& H. PHILLIPS. 1868. 8 PRING G"DslB6B. inTif,eursaalirtiogamtlnsivfreizi or own and other FLOOR OIL OLOTHS, - CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE AND WINDOW SHADE — OIL' 'CLOTHS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also, a full line of Transparent llindOw Shades, • , Hallands, Shade Fixtures, . Tassels, Cords,' de., dry. lIVOLESALE AND RETAIL BUYERS will find DE . Viltittl S AKTE l l F ,Sgrilet i l, E i l itignu= and styles second to none. ' J. & H. PHILLIPS, : ap3;nBB 20 AND SS ST. CLAIR ST. TILE 'BEST FITTING} DRAWERS . - IN THE AVORLF) THE Patent Pantaloon Drawers. . The iteuulne bear our tract • mark, PIBK, LCLARK , Br.. FLAGGi yateuteeg and Mannfactarein; • tiS White St;ilNew Yorhi reemionvs, - THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE TArp'Fsnt GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER, COUPONS AND COMPOUND INTEREST. NOTES. I. F. STARK it 00., :Bankers, Corner •of Wood and Third Streets. Versr.._ REFINED ; ; AN lAO bblr. standard quallty, on hand. Free Oil.taprimeabipping order, ^ • ' 110 pbilt. stanaird 47 1 11ItY; bond. laltrime ' -111 / tilgOrderr , .. 47 bbts. • gill ii•chtt SO: deerfr abria. • bbls.7liito 41114171.0117-14npric. ar. •c, t 5 Benzlne-denderiled.- - • Alb • • ‘Ofku trak il tP rtha laclAlNlNlcaif. 1, k1e0#,N7211N4.4-tillii%'4l • 0; • • - NO: 3 - aquesne - way.` ap11:01 AT AUCTION. OK & McCLELLAND Auctioneers ALUABLE LOTS A'r A. LEI': t; ATE. Auctioneer, 159 Federal street. Allegheny GROVER dc BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH CM LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES ; I OF THE COMPANY, BANK STATEMENTS QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF.IANTSBURGII: RESOURCES Limns and Discounts United States Bonds' State Bonds Due from Banks and Bankers... , .. : 4118 7 68 Specie and Legal Tender Notes. :. 334,027 913 f 1 National Currency 673 98 Cash Items and Remittances .... .... 10,604 91 Real Estate • 37,000 00 Expense / 15,559-33 1ME M699,575 50 Capital Stock - Due Deposit's.sl,3os, Duo Banks and Bankers. 165, Due Treasurer of U. S.. 107.,i Circulation Contingent Fund and Profits.. I I hereby certify that the fo g ' street from the Quarterly Re of the Currency. ap7-o4 . J. D. nIIARTERLY U T OF ut 710 CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Notes and Bills Discounted $1.,156.878 79 United States Securities . 515'500 00 Specie 1,547 87 Legal Tender Notes 248,000 00 National Band Notes - 3,802 00 :Fractional currency and Cents - ' 1,421 41 Remittances and other cash items... 4.404 46 Due from National Banks 125,1335 13 Due from other Batiks and Bankers'' 6,208 43 Taxes and Expenses ' 15,664 08 Real Estate 32,761 61 • Capital Stock National Circulation State Circulation Depositors Due National Banks Due other Banks and Bankers Earnings I certify that the above Is a true abstract from the Quarterly Report made to the. Comptroller of the Currency. ap7mll Q UARTERLY REPORT OF THE ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK. Notes and Bills Discounted e 569,676 85 Bonds and Mortgages 58,625 00 United States Bonds deposited to secure Circulation • 500,000 00 Specie and other lawful money 1 56 eirtulatlng Notes of other National Batty!• 10,085 00 Circulating Notes or other State Banks Cash Items, Clearing House Checks . 48,6321 41 Due by Banks and Bankers 78,130 93 Real Estate 69:54516 Expenses Taxes.... $1,516,511 85 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock - National Circulation State Circulation.... Individual Deposits 386,367 18 Dividends unpaid 1,717 50 Surplus Fund and Earnings 168,089 72 Due by Banks and Bankers 9,232 45 i 3.1.516.511 85 • I certify that tlic above is a tree Lbstract of the report made to the Comptroller of the Currency. ap7:oS • W. 31eCANDLESS. As't. Cashier. Q U.4.RTERLY REPORT PEOPLES' NITION.AL BANK OF PITTSBERGIL Etl Notes and Bills Discounted $ 808,703 31 U. S. Secuilties, at cost 923.968 81 Rcal Estate, Furniture, Ac 70,314 48 Legal Tender Notes, Checks; dm.— 239,179 84 Three _per cent. Certificates ' 15,000 00 Due by Banks and Rankers ' 134.715 13 Expenses and Taxes - . 9,330 OS —7 , -- . $2,221,271 05 LIABILITIES. . Capital Stock &1,000,000 00 i Circulation BOO,OOO 00 Due Depositors 348,1721 78 Due to Banks and Bankers 15 014 89 Slurping Fund and Profits 57;088 98 Dividends ußaid, 995 00 42,221,271 85 I certify that the above It a correct abatzact, from the report to the Comptroller of the Currency. sp7:o9 OIIARTERLY STATEMENT -10 OF THE Mechanics National Bank of Pittsburgh. APRIL 6,186 S. ASSETS. Loans and Discounts U. S. Securities . . flue iii Banks and Bankers 31,908 95 Legal Tender Notes 131,723 00 National Currency and Cash Items. 6,786 85 Taxes and Expenses 8,846 45 .40,496,738 79 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock e $ 500,000 00 Contingent Fund and Earnings 2190,123 97 National Circulation 445,507 00 State Circulation _ 19,691 00 hue Depositors Due Banks and Blinkers Dividends unpaid I certify the above is a true abstract from the re port made to the Comptroller of the Currency. ap7ml3 JNO. 41;31AATIS.. Cashier. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK. Notes and Bills Discounted $1,055,346 30' U. 8. Bonds deposited to se cure Circulation $940,000 11. B, Bonds, deposited to se- cure Denosits 150,003-1,000,000 00 Specie and other lawful monez 186,730 00 .National Currency ♦ Cashltems 15,428 80— 17,665 80 Due by Banks 191,808 76 Real Estate 56,500 00 Taxes and Expenses ' • 17,274 16 Capital Stock 01,700,000 00 National Circulation $BOO,OOO CO • State Circulation 40,399 00,- 840,3f0 go Individual De po sits .-- =ASO • • • - Putted Statea Deposits—. 1(0,046 Si— 455 225 34 Duo to Banks 31,813 51 Earnings 488,158 17 I, certify that the above is a trite: :absbathi of WO , statement made to the Comptroller of Currency. ap7:n9B-diT IL K. MURRAY. Cashier. ABSTRACT i'ROlit THE QUARTERLY REPORT,OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BABE- OY -PITTSBURGH, To the Comptroller of the Currency, on the moruing of the FOWL' 31.0NDAY OF. APRIL, .18611,: , • • • • . Losing and Discounts - •- $ 665145136.99 IL El. Bonds ' , 5011,000110 Beal Estate and Fixtures 48,110'07 Expenses . and Taxes •12,488 38 Duo by Banks ....... ...••. . • .. _..147,140 511 Cash Items, Checks on iliniiC;;a7nd . - • - Revenue Stamps _ . , . ' - 411,744 84 Leg Tender notes I Coln-201.98 8 au - • National Band Notes and Fractional currency . NMI Capital - St o ck . •-• • . 6 50200 0 oo Surplus Food 8 ,88* 87 Osculation • 358,740 00 'Dividends Unpaid t . . .. • , UK) 00 'Earl:lll%r" ' • ' - ' ' 23,503 5* 'Due to ka and' Bankers 85,700 08 DUIS - 1:0 Depolltore 512,13031 Duo to United, Staten ~,K. 0 40 F a ~ 7 546,210 88 .-- r : -:-. .: " ;5::214?:.-1 . 67V,'1;9711-1•:301N1:i171:08:0Nasht;r1:tp;:04 Gth. 1668. 31,893,6,20 87 580,500 00 1i8,812 80 ..6 500,000 00 .175 ; 8 48 84 C-,579,846 23 360,609 00 %165,729 27 652,699,575 59 going Is a trim al.) to the Comptroller CtILLY, Cashier I rk, • .1, OF PITTSBERCII. PITTSDUR n, Anril 6, MS $2.112,023 78 $ 800000 00 446, , 500 00 18,500 00 656,240 23 14,995 82 172 ,18 3,655 31 8 85 82.112,023 78 J. E. BEADY Cashier PITTRI3I7BGII, April 6,• 196 ECM 721 00 4,137.22 4,895 20 $ 300,000 00 433,788 00 17,317 00 OF TIIE Arm. 6th, 1868 ASSETS F. M. GORDON, Cashier - 578,473 54. .. •878.00000 164:ari 83 13,714 99 3,034 00 $1,426,73& 79 PITTSBURGH, April 6, 1868 113,515,58505 i 93,515,585 02 '8,40570- X 10,39225 $1,605,139 15 BANK STATEMENTS Q UABTEULY STATEMENT OF THE TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK. Pirriincricir, April 6, 1866 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts . 496,204 93 U. S. Bonds to secure tArculation.. 400,000 00 U. S. Bonds on hand 19,300 00 Premiums • 1 ,63 . 6 61. Furniture and Fixtures Expenses 5, ,___ -- 452 95 Legal Tender, Bank, Notes, Cash Itiltems, Ice 93,393 2 - Spdele 13,954 33 line from Banks and Bankers 119,215.91 LIABILITIES $ 400,000 . 00 349,500,00 =7,527 55 . 89.805 377,33 . 2 84 32,824- 54- Capital Stock Circulation issued Due Depositors Due Banks and Bankers Surplus Fund and Fronts The above statement is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief'. ap7:012 . CYRUS CLARKE, Jr., Cashier. Q UARTERLY STATEMENT 0 g 7 ELE Merchants' and Manufacturers' Rational Prrrssmitir; April 6th, 1665 LIABILITIES Capital gtock - . . $ 800000 00 M. & M.. Batik StateCtreulation 27;28100 M. &M. National Bank Circulation.- 635,589 00 Due Depositors ' ' ' ' ..353,629 02 Due other Banks - 58,995 22 Dividends Unpaid ' 9,863 00 Profits and Earnings 218,315 92 ,$2,095,683 31.13 .VSSETS. . . Notes 'and Bills Discounted ' * ' 820,805 28 Banking House . 28,338 45 Taxes' and Expenses 11,100 19 Specie and Legal Tender Notes, fall ,057 081 ' 271,030 08 National Currency , 43.873 03 Due by other Banks ' • 151,709 18 11. S. G overnment Securities - 800,000 00 The above Is a correct abstract from Quarterly.lte ' turns. ioilN ap7:ol . SCOTT, JR* Cashier, • QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE - UNION NATIONAL BANN. PITTSBURGH, April 6, 1968 RESOURCES LoOniand Discounts U.S. 7-30 , s 266:i1515 00 Rem Mantes and Revenue Stamps... , 1,96 8 __ _s_B Real Estate _ 7,093 Expenses,•Taxes, !cc iS,YI39 11 Due by Banks and Bankers ' - 66,484 51 National Currency, Checks, Sc 83,613 89 Legal Tender, Specie, and United States Certificates 181.186 78 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 250,000 00 Surplus Fund and Profits 89,085 56 Circulation 218,000 00 Dividends Unpaid 745 00 Due Banks and Bankers... ne..5.i1 80 • Due Individual Depositors 611.%0 . 12 . 710,5 3 4 09 I certify that the above statement Is correct =l2 ap7:010 WESTERN INSURANCE CO., ' OF BUFFALO, N. Y. STATF.3IENT OF ITS CONDITION on the Ist day of ianuary, 1868: . Cash Capital $300,000 00 Net Surplus 253,251 77 1!=!! INVESTED. AS FOLLOWS Cash on hand and in Bank ' ;110,045 82 U. S. St N. Y. State Bonds, M'kt value 306,812150 Bonds and Mortgages, first liens,).... 84,300 00 Bills Receivable, 'prem. notes not„due 15,420 83 Call Loans secured by Collaterals 52,400 00 Personal Property, ()Mee Furniture and wrecking material 8,107 99 Due from other sources 7,933 55 Due from other Companies 290 53 Interest accrued but not due - ' 3,300 00 $594,541 32 . Liabilities 41,289 55 Total Net Assets BuFrALO, Sanuary 7th, 133, SWEARINGEN & MeCANDLESS, Agents, aD3:nS3 114 FOURTH STREET. J. IfELNCOM'S _GARDEN AND FLOWEICSEEDS. Iz4naIWIS;II.I;A WI ; I ID 4;A s'':): Dealers, Gardeners. and Private Families Dili find their requirements fully met Our large stOck, complete assortment. and the ac knowledged rellabllity of our stuff, leads us to on•• h:featly xuarantee satisfaction to our customers. Constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest mar ket prices. GARDEN AND FLOWERIISEEDS FIELD AND LAWN SEEDS POTATOES; GOODRICH. HARISON, BUCKEYE, WHITE SPROUTS and CUZCO. FLOWERING PLANTS AND BULBS. AGRICULTuItAt AND HORTICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND , TOOLS. ALL BOOKS relating to the FARM, GARDEN or GREEN ROUSE at publishers' printed prices. Our New Descriptive'SeedCatalogue • Gives full descriptions of NEC__, RARE and MOST DESIRABLE varieties of ITEGETABLES AND FLOWERS, PLAIN, SIMPLE and PULL instructions for sowing, planting and after managenaent7 , prices in packages or by weight, by mail or otherwise, and much other valuable : lnformation. Sent to all ap plicants enclosing 10 cents. J. KIVOX, Narseryman, ri Seellnimi and - Florist, 187 LIBERTY ST., rrnsntiivar. 11611-Depot of "KNOX;S FRUIT FARM and NUR SERIES. , ml33o:nB4:d&T 87 . MARKET STREET. SPRING- OPENING ! THEODORE F. PHILLIPS ' (Successor to J. M, Burchfield £ Co.) - SPRING DRY GOODS; SPRING DRY GOODS. - . SPRING DRY GOODS. '+_ PHILLIPS respectfully announces that, the elitensive alterations to his • • - . . - RETAIi • DRY . GOODS STORE Are comfileted, an d lite" establishment NOW OPEN. e offers an entirely • - ^ -Stock of Dry Goods, .zwnigddummer Wear at the lowest East ern Case Prices. DRY LUMBER... - - • ' -• • • • s Ie . AND 184*(0K B.IIIIINGPLP4 Shaved and Sawed—extra Oallty: -` DRY FLOC/RING BOARGS, And ill kinds ei LUMBER, at ' ci.O,I3OI7,R,A•CO.Thi. • Bnsperusion Bridge, 4%nel:he/Ire akiInWELT MESIONAVRAINGE y: of .d.ttrii quality , in prime order. just reaeleedi a Le m ons, for sale et the Nally Grocer,* • - JNO. A. Evonwe. ITOTIc}L To . THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE KEYSTONE .BANG._ .• •Y . It having been decided to linmediateir inerca the Capital Stock of this Bank tooloo,ooo t nott is hereby given to the present Stockholders that t Subscription Books are now open...and will rema open until the 10th day of April proximo, for su seriptions to the amount of $65,000. Alter April 10th the llook.s wtll .be upened tp, public for the balance of stock not taken at that dal. . 1) : 0-- ilik Pittsburgh, March atst, 1;9,T. RrQ,VARTERLIE' FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Pittsburg Bate Pittsburgh Trust Company.) - B 4„ The Directors of this ( lank have this day decl a Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capit I Stock, out of the 'profits of the last three manthit, layable forthwith, free of State and Erovcrnmopt Tax. J. D. SCULLY, . apCing7 Cashlert: >31,159,1357,38, WrrprrnurtG'AND' Tuß RIVER TA ur MINING- CO.—The. Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of - the Pittsburgh and Yuba -River Mining Co. will be held at the Rooms of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Railway C0..10n WEDNESDAY, April 15th, at 2 0!CIOC4 P. WI" • - JAMES FINLAY, Seeireiarf.. i. 81,153,657 38 ViTANTED.—AGENTS FOR T HE OFFICIAL HISTORY. OF Tin 4 twAntitts i Causes, Character, Conduct- and Results. BYMON: - ALEXANDER 11. STEPHENS. A Book for raill .sections and•parties. . This great work presents - the only lhi . copplete . Impartial analysis of the Cadges of tenrir,tet and gives those inferior lights and Stin 'pre of the great conflict only known to those high officers who watched the flood-title of revolution from Os fountain springs, and which were so accessible ' Mr. Stephens from his positioit as second officer f he Confederacy. - The Intense desire every where manifested to b- tan this work, combined with an increased comm - sion, makesit the best subscription book ever pri Itched. One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscrllM a. in three days. Another in Boston reports 103 subscribers in.flifir days.' fid for circulars and sec our terms, and a full in scription of tile work, with notices of the Preps, . Address , NA-rthx,ti ruistisitn - G I Philadelphia; Ps $2,095,883 18, REMOVAL. 1 Delatiare Mutual S. Insurance ContiUti Removed to No. 68,FOMITH STHrittsbuxgh. ap3:ne2 REMOVAL. JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO. , STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS A AUCTIONEERS, have removed to $ 627,577 36 No. In FOURTH STREET. ap2;n7B REMOVAL. • PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK OF COMMEII: $1,5314,345 48 Corner of Wood and Sixth Streets.: ap2:n7G FOR RENT. TO LET, STORE ROOM. and DWELLING. attached`, Beaver avenue, Allegheny City, (formerly chester,) just new; building In good location. For particulars inquire of _ • I J. RUST &CO. No. 237 Beaver aferrille 41,2'74,345 48 FOR SALE. . . Property near Mansfield for Sa e. A very desirable piece of land of 16 acres, hue • g an orchard of about 3 acres and a good frame hearse of 5 rooms and cellar; a spring of never falling a- ' ter near the house. Located on an elevation ab ut 2 of a mite west of - Mansfield Station, on the - Pan handle R. It. To be sold as a whole or in lotß, to suit purchasers, from 2 to 5 acres. Inquire. of DANIEL SWOGER, - :Real Estate , nd• , Insurance Agent. No. 77 Federal street, Alice; ny City, on second floor. FOR SALE. A good' frame dwelling of live rooms, large IL, finished attic and good cellar, with lot 24 by-L29 feet 9 inches, situate No. 60 Adams street, &tett ward, Allegheny City, which will be sold low an.. on good terms, as the owner wishes to les.vethe city Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, No. 77 Federal - • • sheet, Allegheny City,. on second floor. , FOR SALE. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.—Two good lots on Sheffield street; one lot on Adams street; onei t o4 on Franklin street,• three small lots on Chartierst et, Allegheny. A lot in East Liberty, being lot N0. i 14. ' . on Dennison avenue. .A number of lots .on Jacks Run. Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, Neo. 77.Fer o lraI . street, Allegheny City, second floor. A good Farm of 70 Acres4o of which ar/ ti voted, and balance In Umber, havlng.lo acre of. _ orchard, emulating of apples, peaches. and pear*: a' good goodd :log house of 6 rooms and cellar; a g.ood log barn, Farm well watered, having a good Spring- 'l, near the door; 50 acres underlaid - , with coal.- •Sitn- , ,=. - me 12 miles northwest of Allegheny City, aid! 4 miles from Sewickley or Glendale Station, on thri P. F. W. & C. R. It. Terms easy. Inquire at 77 Fed- , eral street Allegheny City, second floor. mhirldng. $553,251 77 553,251 77 TTOTS FOR . SALE-=SEVER BUILDING LOTS on Observatory Bin, Seebnd rd, - Allegheny City, are offered for sale--cheap. .The location is a very desirable one, commanding a tine view of both cities, is easy of access, and t r is abundan ce rposes. ofApply n Ina. stone on the ground for bu pu soon at Ake paint shop .of c (IOWAN .k. swV,DEit, Allegheny Diamondj_ at THIS OFFICE, dr on the premises, near ' the Db. servatory Building. • • , • -,. ' ' mh2s:nal FOR SALE.—HORSES. — At BMW,. ARD'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, °nano `AMILY HORSE (Bay); three . DAPPLE GREY HORSES: ono LARGE DRATIGIIT. HORSE• .I.llree BLACK MARES; two GREY MARES. FIRST STREET, near Monongahela House. Horses bought and sold on commission.. T 'VOA SALE.—A. very desiraile three-story BRICK HOUSE, nearly new; press ed brick front, marble mantles; gas and water throughout,• house contains seven rooms and 111(ish -7ed garret,. No. RI ELM STREET, near Wylie, Sixth 3vard. Possession from April Ist, 1808. En.' • :at the house. NOTICE IS HEREBY Glff,` that application has been made by the Üb' signed to Itte.Court of Common- Pleas• of Alleg County Pm a CHARTER OF INCORPORATIOI!I "The German Independent Benefi • *' • Society of Allegheny • City," And that the same will be granted on the first 11 DAY of June next, unless exceptions are thereto. • '- ' • W. in MOFFTTi - -Attorney for Assoctat March 214tb - mhZ:n • QTiEUIifENVILLE FEMALE SEMINARY. Txrims—Per session of fire - m*nths, 21 We ks- , - BoardingOcith Room and Light, $80; Tuition $lO to OS; Washing, per dozen, 50 cents. • $ sic, Painting and Languages extra. A deduction .61' 15 ter cent. Is made for the daughters of clergy en. he next Summer Session opens May "40.1." " For catalogue apply to Rev. C. C. BEATTY, D. D. "LL. D., , t. Or, Rev. A. M. REID, A . M., Principal. , "•SteubenVille,"o., March, 1968. mh10:10 . VIENNOT & CO., GENERAL tif • NEWSPAPER. coßßEsrgyiNlifa, ADVERTISING AGENTS, - 133 Nassau SaTeet, Neatr,ltorla,. (Estabilshid 18851.1 i % RitrunaNcEs—Mr. H. D. Heirnbold, Boni gist. 894 Broodwax, New York; Blessra. S. R. Vonduses Sr, Co., 198 Greenwich street, - Nyw York: Mkasrs. Hall & Bucket, 1108 Greenwich street, New Messrs. U. Bruce, Sod & Co., . Type - )found 1e ", Chambers at., N. Y.; Messrs. lltigar Founders, 38 Gold st., N.Y. fe2 1 :178:31 . ALT-20,000 bushels pr xiira... - nir-ArAxir, . . . • FOR SALE BY GILMORIE, STRAUB ilk kiliktf: 1 t3outb Canal Street, near . Chestnut,. Allegheltil • mblituabltder WILL KEEP 1844.1111K.' . 1 117 1° - and snake to order all kinds of • , I print and Nein WAGONS,' CARTS , - s DRAYS, WHEEL ARROWS `" TRUCKS, LOCUST to "f . z And TURNED•sPOKEI, NAY It AFZEs Ana FORKS. At RIM:IEBNR WAGON WORKS, marAllerent. tentlary, Allegheny Clty, jelniN UOLEILA ,FoRRESTEU XtELTlNG.—Leather, and. IPa • - o siatinin-also, Gum Rose, Steam raking oat- &e., or the best quality and at lowest prices. and warranted to give gatisfactiont...also,l„Lace Leather, Rivets, &c toy sale, .;w l Kltesfl4 and Xetait, ., always on hand and bi - - • • • Ja . ' ternlaCt and 28 St.:Glair at e t.' In - stare , - and r to argiterei', , ,- 'olLillr— a,3o°- b ush. selected Spring I Pori ?al? " - .7lrog.ocgilifeCßZEßY & aj4 349 Liberty . aj eet. =t3 FIEIS (NOTICES GEO. T. VAN 1110EEN, Cashier. WANTED. REMOVALS. P.ll MADEIRA, Agent .TO NEW BANKING HOUSE, FOR SALE. •' r r ,~; . r„ :_ ER nrq:n7 ii 1 IL MEM der ,..enp of Mil [filed ON- 1113 OM 12IN ffl: 1