nancial !fitters . in New York Gold Cltml at 137,‘®131% r Telegraph to the Plttabiroh Gazette.l NEW Yon); April 0,'1868. MONEY AND GOLD. • kioney market easier to-day, and there is renewal of the high _rates current last iek; deumrid active until afternoon at 7 r centi, , but less doing after bank hours, d considerable amounts said to have been 'bred at E 3 per cent. Discounts nominal. srllng steady at 109 3 / 4 ®109y,. Gold lower, ened at 138%, sold at 138%', and closed at 7%@1375‘. GOVERM!=TS. :il . 3vennents . are ,rather better, closing .tady, .but dull.- Henry Clews & Co. knish the annexed 4:30 quotstions: Can -1 .ns, 'Bl, 111 11134. do. '62.; 11034 110 g; '64, 1083 i l do. 'B5, mg losm . iw do, 10N 1 0077)4; do. '67, low 107%; In-Forties, 101y,,@)101344 Seven-Thirties, 5X,@106X. :.egenerall Erl y ow e let and steady at the dose; )ntral and _le were weak duringthe day ,d Western shares were strong. At 5:3U M. prices were: Canton 471-4a49; Water )wer 19 1-2a20 1-4; , Cumberland 82a33; ells Expie§sS4a34 1-4; Ameritan 091891-2 ; ; lams 7%76141' United States 70a71; • Mer ants 33a83'1-8; 'Quicktilver '25 1-4a25"1.2; aripofit 667; Pacific Mall 93 1-4a93 8-8;• At- ntic 613871-4; Western Union Telegr. tat • 1.2a37 3:4; New. York Central 1227-18a1Z; lie 731-2a735-8; do preferred 74; Hudson 1-2a142; Reading 91a911 8: — Ohio and ssissippi 31 1-4a31 343; 'Wabash -491-2 a" 3-4; St. Paul 58a581:4; do preferred 721-2. Michipm Central) . / 13 ,) Michigan .uthern Elinotti central, 140 a 1; PittAmargli, 91%n91 ‘;' Toledo', 1043(a 5; Rotk Island;s l o96yf North Welt -6334a54- do. 'preferred. B 7s,4a7s,o Fort rayne, 101get101 1 ,4rlihrtford & Erie, mg Chiaagt) & Alton, 4 120; St. Joseph; 76;i; numbas, 105y 4 ; Burlington &Quincy, 150; issouris, 87x; old Tennessees, 69p‘; new )., 68%. MININ6 SHARES . Quartz Hill, 115; Gregory, 325. BUB-TREASURY., Be 95,397,292; payments, $5,984,849; almoe, 98E4469 941 3, \ ,. • Few York Produce Market. Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette:3 . 2*,EIV Youn t April 6.—Cotton decidedly , :Ss active and ,hale lower; sales 2,500 bales 29a29%e for middling uplands. Flour - Iceipts 4,751 bbls; sales 6,000 bags and dull. .. id saloc lower; sales 620 - bbls at $9,10a9,50 t , r superfine State and western; $9,90a10,50 r extra State; $9,85a11 for extra . western;, 2a13 85 for white , wheat extra; $10a13,85 r It. H.,0.; $.10,50aL2 for extra. St. Louis; ' ' 2,50a15 for good to choice do.; closing ... , net. California quiet; sales 180 sacks at •• • 2,25a14.' Rye flour a shade easier; tunes 550 • • As at $7,75460. Corn mealquiet. Whisky . . >minal. .Wheat—receipts 27,100 bush; : ' •ipply light, with, rather a better export • • quirr, market la2c higher; sales of 27,000 • ,' ish, at $2,56.02,37 for 'common No, 2 spring •.. store; 52,55 for No. Ido delivered; ~ ,05 for white Canada, and $3,20 for white ..- alifornia and State. Rye scarce and firm; , • • . 21es of 10,000 bush; at $1,90 for4ersey, and ,921-2},194, for State. Barley quiet; sales` . • • ' 600 bush Canada East at $2,12. Barley . - -' alt steady; sales of 2,600 bush, at $2,25. ... ye Malt; sales of 700 bush, at $l,BO. Oats; I Iceipts 400 bush;. market' a shade firmer; • ' ... '• des 36,000 bus, at 851-2a85 3-4 c for western •!. ~•.. store. Corn—receipts of 42,455 bash; i '''.eree s a moderate demand for export and • '-' •une use; sales of 57;000 bush at $1,21a1,V., .; . ;•i-ar mixed western afloat; $1,21 for old 'do ~• • store; $1,2.5 for do delivered; $1,25a1,27 ••••• , - • it western and Southern yellow; $1,18a1,21 :r white Southern and western. Stock of :- .‘ • :pain in warehouse—wheat, 737,70 bush; prn, 1,309,339 bush; oats, 1,076,686 bush; ' '• ~ ye, 8,276 bush; barley, 14,485 bush; malt, I 3 *14.,500 bush. Rice dull 'at 1034a11%c. ; , ;x• Carolina. Coffee very firm and in gold ' • ,• amend- sales 386 sacks, on private terinia. • -tiger steady, and moderately active; sales . • ; • •a) lihds Cuba at 1034a11 34c; - also sales of ~ ,•. . •5 boxes Havana on private tense. .Mo. •• - '' , '„sses quiet and steady for prinici. Hops ' ; . met at 10850 e for American. Petroleum; mde 11%c in bulk; refined bonded nom ' • • }al at 25ra26c. . Pork firmer and quiet; ' ties 3,500 bbls at $25,90a26,10 for new mess, • *. .: fosing at $ 26,10 regular, $24a24,62 for old closing at 124,50 moiler, $23,50a24,00 for • :, prime mess. Beef firm; sales 400 bbls .."- sl3a2olbr new plain mess; $19,5044,50, • ? • ~,,-. •;ir new extra mess; also 120 tierces at s3sa ' : • 7,50; Prime mess $4O. India mess beef • ama quiet; sales of 150 bble at $32,51a37,50. :',': • at meats active and firmer; sales, 600 `ackages at 'Wally, for shoulders; $14% 46,00 for hams.. Dressed hogs nominal. 'oard active and firmer; salt 1,850 bbls .• - r it 16a173fc; also 250 bbls sellers for May at' .., '44;,c. Butter firm at 26a45c; Ohio State •, .-/, 40a58e. Cheese steady and quiet at 14a' •g%. Bacon a shade firmer; sales, 600 box. • .• • at 13c Tor Cumberland cut, 143 for short -. bbed, and 143 Se for' long clear.' Freights .* •., Liverpool lower; 25,000 bush corn at 4•d, • r sail, and 6d. per steamer. , LATEST—FIour closed quiet at saloc. low. . ' ' . Wheat a shade firmer, with a fair de .4 . and; part for export. Ocean freights have : terially declined. : Rye quiet and firm at "'": 1,90a1,92 for western. Oatsiquiet at 8534 a •: , % for western in store. Corn steady with •,.• odemte export demand at 01,21a1,= for ~ • ew mixed western afloat and 51 , 24a1,25 ...': .r old mixed western delivered. Pork '':'.• rm at 124,62% for old me 55426,25 for new ess and 026,50a26,75, seller, May. Beef .. ; . ery firm with fair inquiry. Cat Meats . .'-,. Live and :s shade finger.,Bacon active :'.•,. ~ nd firm at 13 for Cumberlan. Lard very '" v . mat 17a17% for fair to prime. •.- ~ Cincinnati Market. ;.• • By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] . :•;,"•• CINCINNATI, April B.—Flonr dull; family .. 10,25a10.75. Wheat dull and prices, lower; ,2; . .t...0. 2, $2 1 33; No. 1, 12,40:: Corn quiet; ear; ..,: aBl3c; snelled, 89a90c. Eye •in demand at ... $1,85. Barley unchanged: Oats dull , rit.7sc.. ".'..rotton unsettled and prices lower and mini. ... : nal; middling . held. at 27a27,4c, but specw. .. * .a tors withdrew,:and there were no buyers. '- a'obacco unchanged and quiet.. Provisions .. ,lirregular; atock.s,.o.B a rule were held out f market; prices take.'s ' wide...range, ixi uch so that It is . difficult to give accurate . uotatioos. : Mega Pork was , held at' ill#BB,si9a 1 1 2 .00, but no sales were made at over $21125. " 'sold Meitts'held at 12 a 14 g0:soniethbuldete ‘ 'sold at 11 1-2a113-4c. Bacon held 412 84a, ki3c for shoulders at 1434a150 for clear rib tAnd 16 3-4al7c *lr!clear atdeklvitliitilert nt'. inside quotations and clearsides Sold tit ;1143 . ',do be deliveredihe first of May, the •buoy.:. • Laney secured to be more on the part of Fitolders tlnurof , The btlybrit. ' :Lard. sold: at ".161-2c, but .the offerings at this rate, were mot large, and the demand was but moder-. 1 'ate. Butter unchanged and quiet freak at ~, la t 45a48e,.. Eggs unchanged - and firm at 18e. ; Clover seed.ln light demand at 10 1-2alo 3-4 in "the jobbing way. „ changed. Hay dull Lined 91,1 dull at ~" 81.17a1 .18. ' Lard Oil un ifatsl2,ooti ' 14,:00per ton. "'Gel d - 187 3-4 buying J.? and the money maket is quiet. . . : • ;". 11 '. - Phibidel/F4 Sarket. ;.iMy Telegraph to the PittsbUrgh Gazette.] Pair.ADELPiriA, A.iartle.— Flour Steady. *I Wheat comes in slowly 'and commands foil iprices; good red, $2,8 0 a.85; some bold eurs ask more. Rye, 049% Corn steady;, ,yel io7, 8420 ; - 11313Fed western, #1,18.-11e.2 do.' it , 1 16i1,17. ' Oats' firM at 90c; ' Provisions 3 advancing; all 'descriptions are •In small .11-1 supply.. Petroleum oteady; crude, .16Mq refined in bond, 25c. ,"' . , .• , . •is Philadelphia" Cattle . Market. • g[By Telegitipli ., to' the kftisbnieh aiiiit3.3 ' Palta.t.DßLl4ll4 l April- it, - -' Bee .., 5 . 4 311.. __ _,,ttiel, ; 4 1 demandittfull.prisestl n/ __L7l 4 " ll . P_JF. , :.... 611a12 for extra Pennsylvania .. 7zi , 4 . 7 "4-4 ,00,8, 0100 9 691 f0r it * 4° A ige. kg = 1 3 gross, fos soolo39tir. 4 3 141(te1?...... ..____ sales offl,llooihaad .4. 11 0 40s/ismilar. __ 44 , w it , FrorrIPROPMP WWI gross, for irtaolo ,--- $1 4a15 per awt. lower; sales of 2,000 head at Chicago Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l • • . . CHICA.OO, April 6.—Flour is less active.. The riNer recsded about eight inches du and easier at $9,25a10,80 for fair to fancy ring the twenty-four hours ending last eve brands of spring extras. Wheat is quiet and xalc lower, with sales at $2,03a2,03y,, ning, at. hich time`there were five feet in for No. 1, and $1;88)4a1489),6 for No. 2: the the Monongahela; and five feet eight inches is market closing at $l,BB The weather yesterda % for No. 2.'_ Corn in the Allegheny. in fair request and for lower. withyws clody and raw, and towards evening sales at 81a8434c for No. 1,81 c for No. 2, a u 78a - 78 3.4 c for new,. and 79a79%c for rejectea; there was every appearance of more snow. the market closing at 78e for new. Oats; Oil City- telegnuns report thirty inches at , the market is quiet and firm at 57y,a57 3-4 o that point.,. for for regular; 5934a60c for , fresh receipts; the There has not been a market closing firm at 591-2 o regular. Bar'single transient ar ley is du at $2,35 for N0. , 2 in store. Pro ll rival since Saturday, and the New , York, visions are' firm and active.. Mess Pork for Cincinnati and Louisville, was the only departure. The McCullough: cleared for sold at $25. Lard is sellink - 16a16 %c Parkersburg as usual. for steamed, and 16c No. 1. •Sweet r pickled hamsl4,o. Bulk - meats active; short clear Mr. Wm. Wherry has succeeded Captein 16c; Cumberland middles 12c; dry salted A. 'J. Bears as clerk of the hate Robinson. shoulders lie. Live hop dull; sales at $7,75 Capt. Bears has been compelled to resign a 8,75 for fair to good. Reft , :ipts for the last or the B p , n consequence-o a e f th t f s vere 48 houra-A4Bl bbls.flour, 15,026 bustheat, attack of rehumatisin. The 'Kate is now 47,525.5 u corn, 8,124 bu oats, 15 live and 2,122 readv_ ‘ , to make engagements for Cincinnati dressed-hogs.: Shipments-5,815 bbls fi.our, and Louisville. 12,711 bu wheat, 25,500 bu corn, 20,572 bu The Glaggow, Captain Geo. W. Johnston, oats, 1,510 live hop. is about "dad to take her departure for the Upper Miasissippl,and passengers and ship pers should bear this in mind. The Glas gow wiU be followed by the Enunts No. 3, Capt. Jas. H. Marratta. The Armadillo, Capt. D: li. Hendrickson with Capt. I).A. Sweeney in the office; is' filling up steadily for St. Louis and MIR 801213'River, and will soon be' ready to take her departure. As will be seen by card, the Importer, Capt. Willifuns, Ida Rees, Capt. Albert,and Silver lady), Oapt. 'lndd, all of the, "Rees Line," are announced for Fort; Benton. - The ever reliable Ida Rees' No. 2, Capt. Rees Rees, is the regular packet. for 011 City to-day, leaving at 4 p. m. The towboat Jacob Painter, on Saturday afternoon, sunk a barge boat laden with railroad iron at the foot of Varies ripple, in the channel of the 'Allegheny River. The iron 'was from the Brady's Bend Iron , Works, and was being brought down by the Painter for the. Rover to tow. to Saint The Ida Rees No. 2, on her down ward trip from Oil City, raa over the sunken.barge and made a narrow escape from.sinking. As it was, three or four of her timbers' • were broken, and she was otherwise slightly daniaged. If the boat had had the load that was expected on the .downward trip, she certainly would have sunk. . 'The Great Republic left lit. 'Louis Thurs day- evening, with an immense trip, for. New Orleans. It, is reported that she was bard agretind at Selma, thirty miles below -St. Louis.. As the Mississippi is receding, she may have trouble in getting oft 'From a gentleman diredt from St. Louis, we learn that she' , has a large excursion party on board who Were having a good time. • The Peninah and , 'Amelia Poe were ad vertised to leave St. Louis for Fort Benton on Saturday, and the Sallie, (Capt.. Stock dale's new boat) is announcedto leave on Wednesday. • The Louisville Courier, of Saturday i says: A small,verysinall fleet of; has arrived from Pittsburgh on the late' high tide, in cluding the/ l a:Aber' find Sampson;:and we hear of bat a few boats leaving on the i pies- , eat tide. Tlie strike among 'the diggers is likely to•rtiake coal dear this summer. As the diggers aronnt, why not tttrn in a gang of niggers? , r • • - The New Orleans Picayune, of the lst.hpa thefollowing: Yesterday, Messrs. Montgo mery, Bros. & co.,sold at auction • the favor ite low preserve lake steamer Camelia, for $lB,OOO cash. Messrs. C. A. Whitney dr. Co. were the purchuers The same firm also sold the towboat Dew Drop for $1,450. We, did not learn who was the buyer. ' Cleveland Market [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CLEVELAND, `April IL—Flour sthady - and unch_anged, with a moderate request for standard brands; double extra spring sloa 11,50; doubie extra red winter $11,6th1450; double extra white $13a14,50. Wheat dull and inactive; held at $2,5352,55 for:No. 1, red winter, , 82,4232,44 , f0r No. 2 do; andl2,Bo fOr No. LMilwaukee spring.. Corn in better derfumd; firmer'andligher; sales at 980 for No'l' shelled from store.- • Oa*. receipts light and market very firm, at 74a750 for 14i) 1 State from store.. Rye; nothing doing and market nominal; at f1,65a1,70 for. No. 1. - !Barley nominal. Milwaukee 111arketi IBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] MILWAIMEE, April 6.—Flour is quiet; favorite spring 'extra.` at $9,37a10; mediuni to'Choice at $9a9,37; common to medium at $8,50a9. - =Wheat, unsettled at $1,99 for No. 1, and $1,90 for No. 2.wintar. • . Oats quiet at 57a59c for N 0.2. . Corn weak and lower at 78 1-2aBle for new In store. Freight quiet; wheat to _Buffalo lle; to :Oswego 17c. Re ceipts--fimir 1,200 bbls; wheat 11,000; oats 3,000; Corn 2,000 bush. Shipments—flour 4;500 bbls; wheat 5,000 bush; pork 400 bbls. Memphis Market: City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette] ' 'April 6.-:•Cotton unsettled, with none offering; receipts for two days 161 bales; exports for two days 1,4,22 bales., Flour dull; superfine $B. Pork firm at $25,50; very little in the market. Bacon firm and higher, shifulders 'l3 1-2 c; clear sides 171 - 2 c. Bulk ' Meats; - firin; shoulders 12 1-2 c; rib sides 14c. clear 'sides 'l5l-2c." Lard firm; keg 18 , Corn: - 05c41. Oats 78a80e. Corn 11.14%1 $4,25a4,50. Bran 3.5 c. /Ear sl7alB. Butter 55a60c. Baltimore Market. (By Telegratilvto s itte-Pitteburgh Gazette. BA ) . • LTIMOREi 'Aprlll3.•;—Flour 'is firm, BC the and unthanged. Wheat is unchangeo. Corn is strong,. and sales were made, of white at $l,ll, Mid yellow at $1,18©1,19. Oabg- the market is firm and sales were made at BS@)93c. Rye is selling at $l,BO. Mess Pork is quiet, with sales at $25®211 Lard is quiet and (=i now be bought at 17e. Bacon is active; rib sides,-15.3-4c; clear sides, 16 Z-Ic;ithonklers, 13 3-4 c, and hams, 18@.20c. ' • ' Louisville Market (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. 3 roursviLLE ' April o.—Sales 102 hhds TO bacco at full rates; lugs, $5,25a8,2.5. me dium leaf; $12,50a12,75. Cotton inactive, but firm at 2734a23X 1 e. Flour quiet at $8,50 a 8,75 for superfine, and g12,50a13,00 for fancy. Wheat; $2,45a2,50. Oats, 73a75c in bulk. Corn, 83a85c. Lard, 16V016mc. Mess Pork, $26,25a26,50. Bacon; shoulders, '123;a13c; Clear sides, 17a17y,c. Chleago Cattle Market. . - tEy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CHICAGO, April 4.—Beef cattle quiet at $N5,50a7,50 for stock steers and butchers' IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. Pirrartunou, Fr. WAYNE AND Cnicsoo RAlLnoatr, April 6. 21 cars -metal, Nirrt ick & Co; '2 do do, Union lion - Mills; 200 bbls Sour, owner; 1 car noMfeed;l3' ' BY Pat terson; 200 bbls flour, Culp* nevoid: 280 pigs lead, J B Canfield A , Sdn; 250 do do, McKee -dt Bro; 200 bbls fionr, D Wallace; 100 'do do, , Meanot. & 'Lumen' 100 , . do do,: Kell it Ritchart; 100 do drip - McDonald, Ha.: worth & Co; iO. bbLs 0i1,.11 - S A Steward; 311-- bgs malt , Spencer & McKay; 80 pligipaint,' B F Falmestock & Co; I keg lard, 2. do ap-.' pie butter.; II Rea Jr; 15 bbls apple* W . 71- Graff; 20 do do, T C Jenkins; 1 bbl biztter,. ,Graff & Reiter; -343 bas glass, pins' en rk' , Son; 7 sks tails, Flacons ''-& -filon;l2 boxes ' cheese, Voigt, Mahood - & Cl 4 5611. gallons 1 stoneware, J C' Wallace; 12 ears Iron ore; Shoenberger Blair; 3 do do, Graff, Bennett. & Co; 100 sks oats, 22 do rye, 76 do potatbes Bingham &Long; 85 bits rye 75 do oats, 20" do barley,' W J Meek; 100 -bbls flour; .): B Do% 100 do do, Shomaker & Lang. ..... ALLEGBIENY VALLEY RAILROAD. . Ap 6.-1360 tablsoll,Lockbart,Frew & Co; 4 cars metal, J Moorehead; sdo limestone, Sho enberger & Blair; 2 do metal,ll Woodsides; 100 bbls residuum, Nat Ref & St C0;94 car- boys vitriol, Montehehner, Koehler." dr Co; 1 car grain, Crawford, Livingston _ & Co; 1 do horses, D Erihein; 9 bells trees, D E Saetin; 3 bbls eggs, S P Shriver & Co; 7 rolls' leather, D Chestnut it Co;1 lot hh goods, R Thorn; 2 bbls eggs; J Miller; 6 do potatoes, 3 slur rags, Knox it Orr; 2 ears brick, Gar rison it Co; 2 cars marketing, various owners. CLEVNLA.. N J AND PITTsBURGII RAILROAD, April 6-2 cars ore Bryan & Caughey; 3 do do, J Painter & So n ; Bdo do, MoKnlght,•& Co ; ; gm feet lumber, R A Clark; 26 boxes scales, Fairbanks, Morse & Co; 45 bbls oil, S B FloYd,& Co; 51 do do,Wm MeCutcheon &Co; 1 oar-stone, J L Knox; 13 coilsrope, Godfrey & Clark; 27 sks corn, Wm MeKMn 2 ears lumber mall , J M .Selbert; 60 hales ba,Y, 'Brown 4 - Williams; 2100 ft, et,. Espy & 1-Son; 73 sics onts,Mcßane & Amer; box se. gars, Borland it Lupton. : Prrrsennou-COLUMBUS AND erNanirrAin itiiiitomi; April 0.-11 tiks 4 iye, 24^ fibber; .1E7,47 do (aits? McHenry .& • Raid t• b Pkgs 'better atureggs,-W H Graff; 20 hf bbls het.; zing; M W , 1 car .•rye;"lif !Steel it Sant. )2 minis ataVes,ll Geyer;• •410 de, Gntriber;"27sl3gs malt, Spencer &Mangy 'a Wide tobat* E MegrewP s ' 43 arles Bliekmore; -38 , r bales , broom torn; J J 1) esti itavesi Miller & Crisprl do do,' Gee Eberhard, - -.# A.Lixottetiir STATION, , pril. 6,--2 cars barley, 3 Rhodes, it Co; 114 Mrs hides, J Luckcanapt;'9 bgs 'flaxseed" 0 do de, It Knox; =bidet, A:Ott Gipetiinger; • Meeks oats, J McKee; 1 caeltariber,: - G It', Proc• tor;, car staves, C Lutz; .200 bbls ' flour, Stewart it Laugertheim;"loll dodgy OWens; 100 bbls flour, Sp. ,McMaatere; car pais;ll, Knox &Son.' , . • - ' Prrreetumi AND • %Cornotra.svirxit RAI lAROAD. April .4.-85) elute wheat, , W McKee & Co; 211 bdh; paper hfAikle it Cm # 633 . . I rzs 4.lana l , Michaels ki :Cap 26 rolls watuerf HA.nuersoml < car_ freestone E D Dithridge., - ;1> •EC) , °X/WHIR4B. BZNZAIIIITI:ersozair .: 44, ...k . ...IO•II.*MTWeAMML ; QINGERLIE ariiciakilfluccgssors, Dwelt. /4141AMICUCLitilOGiutiEllti* , , The okly OW= I•lthogrephi g, s iogi s h ineto m e " otanouutalus.__Bustuelot Curds.' Letter li Boa Labatt,' metro . 1 3botr , Cants, Dliktomes,' Certificates-of Deitosttit,' /twits*, ttou Carat, *c., Na. 7 * aud-46 Third street, 444.. dose la „ouzo uncr T . . • • . ,Y 4,•• 1 eV f ne'ir "N , ioi,.„tagElTE , -I TITESDAYILAPRII- t- C. [By Telegraph to tho Pittsburgh Gazette.] LOUISVILLE, April 6.--River falling, with Rix and a half feet on fails and eight and a half feet in canal by mark. Weather cloudy and chilly. lIDINANCE lassie of ponds Amotanting to the sum of 8250,000 00. of the Water 'Loan an. thertr.ed by the let approved Feb. raary Bth, 1808. , . SEC. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by Me City of Pittsburgh, in ticket and Common Council., amnia bled. and it le hereby eaeteted• by the atethorteV rare :rune, That the City Controller be and Lt. hereby au thorized and directed to prepare and issue bona.* in the name of the city of Pittsburgh,- to the =ain't of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, In accord ance with the Act of. Aasembly approVedthe irth der' of February. A. D. El6B. entitled "An Act anther- Izing the Myer Pittsbnrgbab borrow money." Sac. 2. Said bonds shall be made payable to bearer. ,With seml.initralgons attached; they shall be tn stuns of one bun two .huntireti, five hundred Rua one thousand de each, in such proportions. a d s the Finance • coniudttee may determine; they , shall bear interest at the Meer sevcn . per cent. per annul*, and idittil be =payable in twenty- fi ve years front the fi rst da y of 1 1 308: which Isbell be the date of said t Dondw, the principal and interest • shall be payable s* the office of the :City Treastder. An the City or Pittsburgh. They shall he signed by . :the Mayor and aruntersigned by the City Controller. and shall sealed by the Mayor with the torpOrate seat of saleleity. • • • SEC. 3. The Finance Committee ihail adVerEset for proposals lot the , .purcltaso of said bonds. land shall sell the same to the highest hidder, provided that -none of said bonds shall be sold for less than par; Sze:4. The' City Controller shall keep, a correct and accurate account of all , bonds which may be issued in pursuance: of this ordinance, and of all monies received aid for or on actount thereof, and shall .nancel a n dsfile all bonds and coupons which may at any time, be paid by the CltySreas-. nrer. I .Sic. 2. That any ordinance' or pait of *ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the gamete hereby , repeated 50 far as the same affects this ordinance, Ordained and enacted Into a law in • Councils, this 20th day of March. A. Di 18011. . . . JAMES bicAOLF.Y, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. MORROW. • " Clerk of Select Council. • W. A. TOMLD:SON. , President of glommonpounall. Attest: Bean Ifebimarzsi - - Clerk of Common-Connell. _ , Approved this 317th day'or March, 113613. aplad7 JAMES SLACHMORE, Mayor. pmma MEE TATS DMEASES mr,Lirti FORM& I' • • ' cep N0.,293 Liberty Street. PRIVATE,'E?' TRANCE 1(11IERI8ON, AZtE,Y. I '• - - • • 4 1 • `..tatanla S E CURM, 4110 "11 IME 'TRAWLING COMMUNITY: -..'.i.]'kii:Oi.l'!...*Aon4ii:ii6iii ; .Carileatek and Itodekator ~, • ~,..: i • • ,-, ~, , „., ..•• Per SlitORE "AND. ROT AIR. PlXER..'illslielliAll with the use of etovea And Plree In or about' the Pusanger Orliatgage Cant, with the attachment 10 g raduateg the beat to .any itemperaturbak pay. be earedwildcat, the poss t iglity tot fir in g the car or earsao which the daeicet taw attar ed. r Having obtalned of tbenltedLinntes Lettere Pat. enkfor a S afety J . .ket which la warranted to resist thnmost Intense eat that may be fanned to It 'le . tha'pOsltion Int amok COI , Intended.' 41 is .a vereTretrieon•Arcettacchh• Ilte °Mr. testing froakdefeetive Reese or,, At ere yolz epee are; liked as condettor,t fere' smoke or. beet. It *pal , - Mere to all Plintig th at Mairbecome overheabish i land *warranted to give perfect satisfaction liters vroodor other camlnistltest material may be pinked' fin close proitmitythereto..4 win - new , ready tdapi. tiab ply my Inventlfnittor slwaillaite,4ketirtals slaps, steatnhoate, eanketc.,.,waerever pipes as nondeetors. A * 6 Aim rotor by 'bathe overheated lOW asMI y estsed..l Mlll nell 4 ortsip.. ,pheakieriloateko NM alysalme luventlonl goo, territorial rithilk to kith air 7 !viable engiiips•lnriping privegei. tither byttate . or county . i.: . , oz , J. . -, ..1:1/•,. 1 -07, v• *Ol , Vo• ‘ . . . ~ .Efit3te r ., 4 4o kr tpjtarttpr.' Zori-Wrivis2 IL - rutabtt feS:644 't: ;''-:is ~: ~~'t MEI Amsrs Rivera and Weather. PROVIDING FOR THE G. THE CHEAT =ME A. ,~' . r > =1 SMtUmEEK)ATS. FOR , FORT RENTON agreg Al\l3 THE GOT X) REES FAST LINE. The Spleudla I.lght Draught Steamers, 1 REPORTER . .:...:...J. A. Wit,t.rAng, Master. IDA RE.1r...... WM. ST, Master. BILVED LAKE ' ',To Totop; Master. ___the ' IDA BEES wit comm . cc receiving on T r TIJESDA i t and the 111:44FrRT_E will positively . 4 r. leave on ATTBDAY, April it ,at 4r. M.. and will, take Ight for'all points on 1 e-Missouri river. For freight or pasrcagc apply on. oard, or to ~ . FLACH & COLLI OWOOD, inh2B pirr3ininGit, initEELiNi;; Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Whattboat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, at 19 M MONDAYS AND TiIURSDAYS. J. NadeCULLOVOII D..lllowas, Master, I TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, BAYARD A.M. SHEPHERD, Master. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, - GREY EAGLE C. L. BRENNAN, ABstet. Freight will be received at all boars by . 196_ • . JAMES COLLINS,-Agent. TcINCINNATI PACKET. m ib ej=4% , —FOR WHEELING , MARIET PARKERSBURG, POMEROY, GALLIPOWS, Bld BANDY, -IRONTON. PORTSMOUTH, HAM. :VILLE AND CINCINNATI.-The elegant Altde wheel passenger steamer ST. CHARLES, C. A. BRAVO, Commander; A. 'ROBINSON, Jr.; Clerk, - 'LEAVES EVERY FRIDAY, at IA it.. 'Connecting at, Cincinnati with Packets and Rail roads to Louisville,' Nashville. Memphis, New Or leans and St. Louis. Also to.the Icipper„, Mississippi and Missouri rivers. • - „•,..! • Freight or passengers , receipted throbgh either by rail or river. • - Especial attention given to Orders and .Viay Business. • ' • CHAS. BARNES, / . mhZli . JAS. COLLINS. AL A . KEGHENY RIVER PACKET LINE leaves ever TUESDAY, THURSDAY. AND SATURDAY, At 3 o'clock r. ar., from the foot of Irwin street This line Is coinposed of the following boats: IDA 'REESNo. 2, R.'lltza,:ifaiier, W. F. STEW- Airr, , • ECM/ No. "3,, E.. CORDON, Master, A. Np - ok.r..r. Clerk. The abovelloats were built expressly ror the trade, have superior accommodutlons and attentive al ters. snle2.4 VOR CINCINNATI AND - s li gEg. LOII.IBITILLE.—The steamer . NATE ROBINSON -- Capt. ROUT. ROBINSON. Wlllleardas above on WEDNESDAY, 9th Instant, - . . ' , Pot freight or passage apply on' bourd or to • . JOHN FLACK..._ ' apG . .1. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agents. ....._____ _ 'AR ST. LOUIS t lITEO-z4drtzt - ICUS. GALENA, UisuguE ST. PAUL.—The tine passenger steamer EM 1A No. 3 Capt. J. It. MAnATTA, Will leave as above on WEDNESDAY, Bth Instant, at 4 o'clock P. Si. . . For freight or passage apply on board or to JOHN-FLACK, Or. J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agents EXPRESS LINE.--FOR ' ST: PUAL, INILYNEAPOLIS, D LANDING,' LA .CROSSE. GALENA., DU BUQUE, MOCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT AND 'BURLINGTON.—The splendid passenger steamer GLASGOW - GEO. - Nr. JOHNSTON, Comd`r, Will leave for above - and all Intermediate points as announced. • • For freight or passtym apply on board or to 5Ab. COLLINS, Agents. CIIAS. BARNES. tibao OR ST. LOUIS, LEX 'K .:ragMb lINGTON, 'KANSAS CITY, WV F HDOTTE, LEAVENWORT, ATCHISON, ST. JOE AND OMAHA.—The fine steamer ARMADILLO Capt. 'HENDRICKSON, Will -leave 'as :above on THIS DAY, April Oth. Passengers and shippers can rely on the Armadillo going through at advertised. Will receipt freight through Wall points on Missouri river. For freight or passage apply on board or to - HAS. BARNES, . • JAS. COLLINS, Or, WIRIEST. & mh3o Agents. REGULAR`WEDNES DAY PACKET - FOR CINCIN I.—The line steamer ARGOSY i Cayit. VANDYnnturr, W. 11. Scull Clerk, leaves Pittsburgh for Cincin nati every WEDNESDAY at noon. C.. BARNES, ' •• - • - JAS. COLLTNS, }Agents.. • - • Midi • JOHN FLACK. - 13AIIIKRIIPT NOTICES. .1111 ,11 OMMI I :I"YrICE Or AP- f• the DISTRICT DOUBT OF THZ .UNITED STATES, for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In the w a fter of ROBERT P. GETTY, of Alleghe ny City, AlleghenY county,f• Pa., bankrupt. NO. 499, in Bankruptcy. • • Wzaranst Dze - rutor or PamrsvivAszta, Pittsburgh, Pa., the 3lst day of March, A. D. 1969.• To wimp' rtT MAY eoseanA: • The .undersigne4 hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee, of BOHEHT - P. GETTY; of Allegheny City, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, within said District, who has been adjudged a bank rupt upon his own petition by the Distri c t Court of said,District., • - • 191:075 , - B. B. W• GILL, issii -lirtPl 4EI;IS. TO, GIVE Nomicz that on the 25th daYof March, A. D. /888, &War.. Bankriptey was issued against the Of A ESTATE OF ity THO MAS S. CANDRETTAlleghenys • .11egheny C, t county of , and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjud ged 'a bankrupt on Ma own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to hinter for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden bylaw; that' a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts•and to choose one or more As signees of, his esiatei will be held at..a.i.ourt of Bankruptcy, •to be hoiden at No. 118 Federal street, .Allegheny Clip_ Allegheny county;Pentia., Pefbre JOHN N, PLRVIANCE, F:sq.. Register, on the , qotif day of April, A. D. 1888, at RI o'clock r. Y. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, ap2:0611 8. Marshal, as Messenger. MIIIII . IB .TO . GEM -NOTICE that ._.A., on um a fah day of Atarch, A. D. HOS, a War rant in Bankruptcy was Issued a &lust the 'ESTATE OF. JEFFERSON NANNEYi Of Allegheny CDT, is the, county of,Allegheny. And. •,state of poem vania,. who has, been adjudged a bankrupt on hi.. own petition; 'that 'the ;payment of any debts and deDvery or anyauroperty" such bankrupt, to hlm,'or for his use, 'and the trans fer of any:property tvhim. are , for bidden? by Jaw; Hutt a meeting or the, ereditoraof the said bankrupt, 'taprore their debts' and to choose one or more As-' throws of taestite, will beheld at a Court of Bank ruipey. to holden , et. No. 116, street, At te enyVi , AlleghenY eounty,- Pa.*, 'before ;JOHN , N. PlDttr NCE,„E.Sa., itegtsteri • ote the:3oth.clay j i nfr.April, A. p. 16plpil, at 10 o'clock.... la. , •+ ;, • , ; , • ' THOMAS A. HOWLEY,' ':iPtnia ;.: ILI! , -t I : 7 .,lY ,, tflfrehalii:rtly:Meisenger. ' , GAL. ••••••••• ;' or , commoiv, • IPLEAS OF ALLEGHENY : COUNTY,' PENN. I..VANIAI: • In the matter or the application Tor Charter of, • 64 The AUtoollials•rhre 'ildetteetseo Coropa• of the City- Pitubturgh.” Alin . now, February 98d, 1808; No.: I,lBBMarch Term. 1888 the Charter. specifying the objects, ar-i tidies, cofirlitioni and names .tinder which the Mem bers Of the Aliemtnia:Fire'lnsuratice Company .of. the Chirp( ..Fittsburib y . county. of-Allegheny:and , Anat.:of rennitylsonla, desire' lb' be incorporated, . being wesenteculn open Court+, and beintpresented and examined by. us, audit appearing to us that the objects, articles and conditious therein set forth and ,contained unlawful' and notilnjurlotts to Abel tom- - niunity, we direct the said. writing' 9r proposed • Charter to be tiled in the - office or the Prothonotary' of this county. , 'Wealso; direct that' tibtlce or sald. auplicatien be gi ven by advertisement , in the Deihl ef erefte,.onee laeach- week, 'Tor three 'consecutive weeks, audit' nosufitelent melon to the contrary b e . abown, a decree and. rder will bit 'made, incorpora ting sod plre:ltrathtieee COmpanyd 1,1 :' , ;i1A1.843: WAITER, t Prothonotary. ' TApergrEll3:ol,sloloT of PENN- v:v! , _tPittsbutilk the 'affair brAtor il ,, , A.:: ,. P. 'lB6B. Tueuhdtralinedherebrfaveknotice or Ins appoint htiernt ts Assignee Of :JOSIAH KIN° and.lBAAO 18.;,,V.ENHOOK: partners 'under: the thus nano of „Nine.B Poeneett, of th e . round'' Altogliany;:iod state of rennityhauf within sal d who le:We been , adjudged, ,their own , peAltiorybythe District district. " JOHN H. BAILEY, Assigner...lT apkidt3 < . 1 .rAttOrneYlit.LaW.l9jiMt6,o4. , A,Driposivnta.Toßi ,INOTICIF":"1 taltritstration ußou thirsiittko ' 8. 4' ed, , lattrof meal or e r us•tl ,t_triti hash*, 10up5i1:),00,,444...04 il k s , s ychp haying eme swains. said es.- T ed . wanting= dny:thentlcated for sentem _ . Pi/ 011 00d re, mittattneentialeri • 10 . 4 '7 " u 4 tl 4lVlObllitlk LI! udituubi-ra Recorder's Omee. COMMISSION' BWRC - TS Y. srxr.z.x M STEELE is SON, Commission illerclzatats, AND DEALERS IN Pr_opuit, GRAIN, FLED, aka No. 95 OHIO STREET near East Common, . ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES L. MEJLNOR NIEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION Arvatcxziw'rs 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGIE Consignments solicited LREFERENCES-J. G. Martin, Cashier Ilecharites National Bank; J. S. Dilworth dr, Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bro. ja31:124 KEIL & RICIL4ILT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN , FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c., ac 349 Liberty' St., Pittsburgh, , InnA:b37, ROBERT KNOX, Jr., AGENTS. 15a14 COMMISSION MERCHANT, ; AND mum{ FLOUR, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY ; Office. 443 Lonary 6TIIssT. PITTSBURGH. L. J. BLANCHABD,_ ( Wholesale and Retail Graeae, No. 396 PENN STREET aplB:xB9 ALES. 11'11ANE ..... .... AffcBANE & AN.JER, .IYI COMMISSION 'MtRCI - XANTS,*- - - Dealers FLOM GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pitts omit. • [ FETZER & ARMSTRONG, . . . FORWARDING AND 00101138.10 N ACEBOHANTS, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds; Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 10 MARKET STREET, corner oLFlrst, _Pittsburgh. fteM:uB QIIOMAKEIt ar. LANG, Whole kJ sale dealers-.ln Groceries. .ndur Efrain. Pro duce, Provisions. Fish, Cheese, Salt; Carbon Oil, &c., .Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa: .n08:n55 . , . .. JOHN I. HOUSE ROW. 1101713 E WM. U. HOUSE. ITORN I . HOUSE & BROS.,Sot cessors to. JOHN I. HQUSE & CO., Wholesale rovers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.., TT RIDDLE, No. 1873 LIBERTY e anti TREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission Mer d Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Grocerths and Pittsburgh 'Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gun RO/3T. XXOX AXDFLEW RXO7 IiNCIX • t& SON, COMMISSIOI I 'MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, GRAD I L 'FEED and' PRODUCE GENERALLY; NC 79 DIAMOND, opposite Allegheny CIL; VAN'. CRAWFORD, COMMISSION . MERCHANT MERCHANT IN PIG METAL, 00118, ORE, WROUGHT SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND- CLAY, &c. , Warehouse arid Nos. 366 and 365 PENN STREET. Storage fur ulsited. Consignments solicited. ; oc3 leltirrLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and alers In Produce, Flour, Bacon,. Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, 'lron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Plttsburgb - Manufactures generally, : 112 and 114 SECOND eTREET, Pittsburgh.. JB. CANFIELD ,& SON, CON . MISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Pot and Pearl Ashes,. and Otis, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Nos. 144 and 146 Front ,street, Pitts burgh. JOHN BE tPTON A. WALLACE. HIPTON &WALLACE, WHOLE SALE (i ROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, .. o. 6 SIXTH STREET,' Pittsburgh. 1a12:r58 . OILS. EUREKA OIL WORKS, MANUFACTURERS OF EUREKA CARBON OIL, :THE CELEBRATF T EO SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, CHEMICAL LINSEED . OIL. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN . - Crude,Need and Lubricating Oils, Lard, il: 'Sperm, _Whale and Fish Oils. - * , R. C..IdAdIIESNEY, Agent, No. 19 Irwin Street.' - PITTSBURGH. WAKING AND KIN 9, ' • vir , Connalsibin Mercliants and Brokers in Pefroleum and its Prodlicts, DALZELL'S BUILDIND, DUQUESNE WAY,.. pirrsnirses, PRILADELPRIA. ADDRESS, iitrkElNG, KING & CO., • 127 Walnut Street. . It.lll o . LONG &. C 0.,. 3tANUFACTURERB OF PURE iir,ilrikl BUNNING' On, Bmiul•--“LUCIF.EI7I.” Office, No Duquesne• Way, TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, AND, DEALERS 1*„ , • Petroleum and its Products. , B1112,DING; ( cbr mil* of Duquesne Virny and Irwin Streets:— • • - Philadelphistolilbe-I . 2 4 WAL:Nitir 3T „ 7.'Ci Bllrinat.,C.4, SOKE6 01[11.71170111,4„: • ifangf!ti,,umrq,a4diukve tyrreß3?,p4,lcinsls9l' . • LUBRICATINC 'OILS.. • 18T. CLAili : :” BIIIPFU111; ~.PMMTXTRE. '118• • P • FURNITURE - MANUFACTiIIiERO • wlior.,E w i n ANARETAxii, :.LEMON &' - 'lll/EISE,' = ft NO 1113 Vorrirrli* T tionatint3y tin hand every variaty of PARLOR. and CUM./BEN PURNITIIHZ., lokether with a coat i:l7Zr r tt P ie TY , . 4, 5•0/39PPTI k:Fulturel4;rfdd iriri h"lir s 14" ar?q4(lll4lY oft lastganked K c 4) • 15. c, 11214 4 11 14 11' '') 'll2dciir ' . onIoIGABB. • ; PEPne ORKS: "": 1 ` 1 . laul i ta, ti -15,16 431 641 * '")1+.1 , tliotackstriisiriitr e ClgarBf Pfp611,464 1 ' , ItoADlldiA4'o74 AiL12610101 4 5 -II bidet J. A. STEELE MM=M':l JAR. F. nibtiTl MEM= PITTSBURGH. Pa RAILROADS DITTSIBURGItanda CON3.:E'LLSVILLE IL K. -- . . ... 1 On and after THURSDAY. March sth, - 1888, trains will arrive at and depart from the Dep..t eor. net of Grant and Water streets. as follows: : , Depart. .Arrive. i Mall to and from Uniontm. 600 A. 6OO P. M. MCKeesport Accommodt'n..ll:oo A. at. 21:05 P. M. Ex. to and from,liniont•n. 3:00 P. M. 10:00 A. M. West Newton Aecominod'n 4:30 P. P. 835 A.*. Braddock's Accornmodarn ' 6:15 Y . M. 7:50 • Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. M. 6:40 P. -Af• Sunday Church Train to and ''' , A' Y.' ' ', , - . from IVest Newton 1:00 P. M. /0:00 ..i. i ji. For tickets apply t - ..' • ::. - • J. R. KING, Ag e n t. !: W. 11. STOUT, Superintendent.u2hs? 4 LLEGMENY . --------------- VALLEY RAILROAD. 0 LY DIRECT . ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIORS. Running through•to Venango City. without change of ears—Connecting with trains East and nest 'on the Warne.. & Franklin and the Atlantic .2 6 , 0 4 t: Western Railways: ' _ • 76 . On and after lL 'March 26th; 11864. the Passenger Trains will leave from and arrive , at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal and Pike Stay, as follows: - Bspart.' , . ' Arrire. ' 3 l , i • ' , IMall to and Pm Yen. Ci ty . ," 7:00 A. M. 1:00 A. XprCSS ~ 10:30 r. it. 0 : 15 - P. M. Brady's Bend Accomniod'n 3:00 P . : at; 10:30A. M. Soda Works Accown 5:25 P . M. 7:55 A. .' ' Secondutton Accomod , n..., 9:00 A. M. 11:45 A. . Hutton Accomod'n 12:00 3:45 P. M. Sundaurch Train leaves Soda Virorks a t 8:05 A. M., a y rr Ch iving In Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. at. Re 4. • turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. is:, arriving gii Soda Works at 2:55 r. M. , W.. F. HOPE, Ticket Agent. - H. OLACESTONE,,,SupI. milli I ' 1868. WEtris24 - 1 - 4 • PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE CHICAGO, R • W. AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBIIROH R. It.- Ii From January 19th, 1868: trains will' leave front and arrive .at -the Union Depot,, north , city, time, as follows: , Leave. Arrive.' •[[ Chicago E X .... 2 :la ain Chicago Ex... 2:43 aat Cleveland Ex .. 213 a m Cleveiand EX-:'"2:43 13$ Erie Ygn 3l'l 0:13 ain ChlearreEx.... 10:58 aat & Wlt`g NM 0:28 a m Wheeling' Ex. - 11108 ata Chicago -.8ai1.. 6:58 ant Chicago Ex...., 1:53 pat - Chicago EX. 0:43 a m CI, & Wh'g Ex 4:03 par • ritts, - I Erie & Yg`n Ex 6:13 par Cl.via Vonnwun 9:43 - a imiChtcago Ex...." 6:58 pen Cin Cl. & Whlr• Ex 7:08 p Chicago Ex - .:.. 2:28p m Pitts. & CI. EX. Wh. & Erie Ex. 4-:38 Via YegnsPn. 9:28 pail I Depart from Allegheny. :Arrive In Allegheny, N. Brigt` Ac. :38 am, N. 'Brigt. n Ac. 703 a or.l Leetsdale " 10:13 tim rigt'n .• 8:98 nx -1153 Cm Wellsville ". 058 a ral Rochester " 1:33 p m New Castle " 10:13 a r1:0 Wellsv'e A co.. 3:43p ro Leetsdale -• '• 9:13 a EX- Leetsdale Ac . c. 4:18 pm1:18 pat " N. Brigt'n . 5:313p m BrlgUn " 2:43 purl N. Brigt'n ",.6:28p na -Leetsdale " 4:23 pm! _Leetsdale' " ~ 10:43 pro " - • w'7:2B p.m' 51:21t1p. m. Chicago Ex- 10:50 a. m. EhicaVii press leaves daily. Express arrives dally. jao3' ' .F. R. /ITEM, General Ticker Agent. .l TTEIBIURG-11.,amieseg : COLUMBUS ,i; CINCH ' ATI It. It. PAN HANDLE floury. CHANGE oF TIME. --On and after SUNDAV, December Pth, 1867, trains will leave and arrive at'l Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: I'l De p o rt. Arrive. Sj Mail Express rt 2:ls a. in. 3:65 p. Fast Line 9:40 a. m.' 7:05 p. Fast Express Mixed Way 21:50 p. m. 10:55 a. [ 6:10 a. in. .6:50 p. m.'"l McDonald 's Ace'n, N 0.1.. 11:10 a:ra. 2:10 p. M.ill Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:55 p.m. 9:30 a: m.;il McDonald'il'Acc'n, No. 2.. 5:10 p. m. 8:20a. SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Sunday Express leaves.M.2:s6:l• p. m. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:30 a. m. the next Churchmorningß Train leaves Sunday at 12:55 p. m. .11n39:40. a. m.Train leaves daily, SundaYeiner Monday excepted, arriving InClneinnati at 9:55 the same evening, 8 HOURS IN -ADVANCE cora, 'ALL OTHER .ROUTES. 410 - No change, of 'cars between Pitt:Mt:4 , k anaZi Cincinnati, and BUT.ONE change to St.. Louis,,"l Cairo, and the principal points West And Southwest. Witten purchasing tickets be sure and find . the I, 'office of the. Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati R. R. :!i r l• Usios IJ EeDr, (Sour u 51DE.) .,.. • :„ M. D. MCITITERSI'AUGII; Ticket Agent. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. ' JOHN D. MILLER. Gen. Freight Agent. - V'N N S Y LVAN1Aa,..,,,,, CENTRAL ItAILIlOAD. ~. n and after October Oth, 1867; Trains will ar-...11 rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of '..9 Washington and Liberty litreets, as follows: '1 Arrive: •1 • Depart.' . I Mail Train.... 1:20 am Day ExpreS4'.. 3:00 a In' Fast Line*. . - . 1:50.a DI Wan't No. I.:' 0:30 amt i Wail's No. 1.. 0:20 a mMail Train. ... .. 8:20 am' !: Drinton No. 2. .7:50 ain Wall's N 0.2.. 9:50 tem ':jf: Wall's N 0.2.. , 8:50 a in • Clueinuati Ex 11:15 am: : Cincinnati Ex. "9:10 am Wale's 1tr0.3... 11:30 a m ~, A Johnstown Ac, 10:15 a m Johnstown Ac ; 2:50 pm ••••'1 , Phila.'Exprese 1:50 p m Wall's No. 4.. • 3:30.p m ii Wall's No. 3... Phila. Expres. 4:10 pin ' 4 Wall's N0."1... 2:50 pm Well's No. 5.: 4:50 pm i.: Wall's No. ... 5:50 pm Wall's N 0.6.. 0:05 pm ,1: Wall's No: 6.. 7:00 p m Past'Llne 7:2opm •ti Altoona •Ace , ll • • Wall's No. 7.. 10:50 purl and Emigrant ,:. Train 10:30 pm • .1 • ... 'The Church" Train leaves Wall's Station every 1. 7.! i 'Sunday at 9:15 a. tn., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:06 . 4 ,1 a. m. Returning leaves Pittilturgb at 12:50 p. in . : 1 and anis :a at Well's Station at 2;00 p.m. • ' '' . .3q. " VincinnatiExpress leaves daily. All otherrrams t *"..! daily except Suuday, " Philadelphia Express and the Altoona Accommo- 11. datlon andEralgrant Train arrive daily. Cincinnati .iii Express arrives daily except Monday. ,All other ~: trains daily except Sunday; • , . . •• , • 1., For further information apply to - . (.l _ • - •W. R. BEcxwrrtf., Agent. '-',I The Pennsylvaniaßatiroad- Company w i lt not al- '.7 some any risk for" Baggage, except for wearing_ ap- _, .; Kr . el. l i ttilu l ty p t:elr A rr il apensibility to One a l in endred. •4 that amount In value will beat the. of the un- ' l d leas taken by special contract. :-•:—.. i • EDWARD R. WILLIAMS. ' ' . . Genital Superintendent, Altoorta;Pc •'.*:: . _ WESTERN PENN- R 3 i i ;1 and alter loveth a er.l, ltamig 1267. the Park- .2 1 senge,r Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rait road will arrive at and depart from the Federat Street . Deport,, Allegheny City , as fbllows: •arive. ,• • . • • Sharpb , g No.l 6:k15 a m Mall 6:50 ata Freeport No. 1 • S:l5 a m Freeport:NM I' 905 m ExPress .. 10:10 arn Sharpb'g No. II /1:90 ant It Sharpb's No. 1:215pm Express., .. . ... 150 pm I Freeport N0..2 4:15 pm Ilarmerv'e Ac. 3:53 pm Mail -6:05 p m Freeport No. 2 6:05p m I:1 Barraerv , e 7:10,p m Sfaarpb , g No. 2 T:3O p •.; Aboye traint run dally'exceptSunday. 'TheChurch Tralh leaves Allegheny 'June*: everr ; iI Sunday at 7:441 a. tn., reaching Allegheny City at 1 9:50 a. In. Returning; leaves Allegheny City at 1190 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Janet. at 9:45 00/I.III7TAiIOJ7 TICKETS—For sale In 'paCiCaSCS Twenty.,_betweenLAllegheny City Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek. Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe tilled on tickets. . The train leaving Allegheny City at 6:50 a. ra. makes direct connection at ,Freeport with Walker's line of kitagerrfor•Butler and Rannahstown: (Through tickets may be purchased at the Office. 1 No. 3 St; 'Clair street, near Suspension Bridge. Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny City. . . For further information apply to - JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. 'r The• Western Pennsylvania'Eallroad will not as- ' -I some any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap- • parel, and thel,• responsibility to Ode. Hundred 'III. Dollars In' value. All baggage exceeding this rj amount in *Mite will baat the risk of the owner, an- • • teas taken by special contract: • dou • , • EDWARD H. WILLIAMS •ft • tieneral Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. stjt i ,N l K, nur,L UNION PACIFIC ( RAILWAY , I Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AirolfogT RELIABLE kititrrs frcrm.the East to all points In :Colorado, Ne*ada, ,California; 1.1-41 t, wastaington New Alexia). Idaho; Oregon.- • - - - TwO, Train, :leAya, 'State :Line' and :Leatiinwerth daily (Sundays excepted , ) on the arrival or trains of ••Pullin Railroad Dorn Sti• Louis, and Ilannltral•aad' St. Jo Railroad, front Quincy,. connecting , at Law- • l• , ',ranee,. Topeka 4 aitti Watnego with 'stages for points in .Kansas. At end of track west of Ells- - worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM- r, , PANY'S DAILY :LINE OF OVERLAND M 1 AIL -1 AND EXPRESS COACHES FOR • Ai;frAinte; t•Ei•fiv'Eftr SA1:11`. "r - , A c - IP3; ' , l And all Points in the Vetritokies, • •,, . . And with EANHER„SON , S TRIWEEKLY LINE of I COACHES for Fort Rent's Fort, Pass, Albu rive; Santa „po t and points , , in. -Arlzona,and With the meet,. ,addltiona..of rolling stoet:and 'ri equipment; and - the 'arrangements' made 'with re, - II sponatble Overland. TnumPorAation Linos from its 4-r. western sen t ilmos, this road no* offers unequalled 1 facilities fer,ttlf r ‘ t ri ln o n d!a° l3 9f 4t 1 81 1 t: to' the Par , ' West; Owned all t t le- •p t inelpalmlllees,lrt the ' l (4 United tdit'es and uabadas 41 Be sure and- ask; for - tickets -Via THE P3fOKY 'HILL BOOT_ E_,* tiNioN ItAILWAY. EASTERN:Di:v-181034,- tc.• '• • • I " : • ••-. • ' ' A.. lANinrliSON. General El upotttit , Cstarli. Sl* MINN NEE Q~g • r • • • tpi f r erSAlAstr e l ti'jitThs gylß ‘7o74tre4rzwliTheret:l 7,1, T0 1„ dier , t aISSi rktiVtclALNS, BRACKLETL , • and linskANA.••fiaiir 'Outtlsorlfiodif4 the neatest macaw. pans. / j Qenerat.Fteight &Tlcket El