El tt . t Vitpb4,gl Ctaittte. „ Topa LADY ones asked d'young man to write : 'her afiermoU', The ybung gentle man, well knoiina in the:most elegant circles aoMe - onr:4,lart*- towns, Pittsburgh. among 'the rest, on the next Sun* sent her the following poetical and rather unor thodox homily on a slightly perverted text: - I maste-obey thee. charming creature. 'itittumgh - ttiy`rOiCe says "DC a preacher, • • , .0 • pail* w4cro I see el 1 IrAt, t'lll4lot4itinity - a — friar rshoulathink as sons t•—rOlf Ana,tbcTilii Cannot see the sense •• ••••i In presetting to an audience • WIG might excite an envious frown From gold angels melted down. Insult obey, not Mlk and idle - .A.Way_goes Byron, here 's the Bible! • '• •::yet ere !tuns its sacred page • ••. AVlSlftOunsels youth and comforts age, .1 wilifitnuirk, ith due regard, • It Seelig tome little hard 'w • ' .Thate'Te for bid to worship even • • The Image of a thing of Heaven. • Forhow devout a saint I'd be If got were but;pny deity! ' • -• And ob I how sweet the_plous labor . • Of Laying prayers—to ,ftnnie Saborl The text which greets my eyes is this: ••Salute the brethren with a kiss;" And as no one% around 'lose°. • • suppose that you begin,with sue. S Delay it not! for life is short:. Its transient joys must soon depart; • And can you hope to gain the rest - Within the mansion of the•Blest, "If,. still the ways of death preferred, ' ' • Yotrhear but not receive The Word I' • • . . Inspired Truth!' what:could express bopure a road to happiness, Beth in this world and In the next, • As found condensed within my text •- ... Then let •us follow the advice • Which wafts_ us into Paradise On wings of music, blended low • By. Bros sad Ii &Lucia! . • Don't else you maydeterraine, „ • Don't be severe on my poor sermon: BuS.,,:'ere your indignation burst, Relttember t ingle hat is my d br rat; - Intilet its slt virtue—evity. , •• •Freperve it. from unholy levity. • ;Forget me not! :Farewell, a sinner Cann Ado 'without his Sunday dinner! PILIttrAD. VARIOUS TOPICS. v. ChaunCey Goodrich is dead —There is a large paper mill in Mobile. --;-Cbarleston, B. C.,*is having,aspbaltum pavements. —The two ugliest "hien in Congress hail froni Ohio, , '•••••,Ttie Pullman eating car is .spoken of as s' dbcMed 814CCe9S. : • ' , ' ;:1 4 14 , " ttiand,,:istuctia of. Thibet is only fourteen years old. , • —Some`,,cor.; says. of Mark Twain—tlds Twain is one flesh. , • .• —Servapt women are scarce at ten dollars . a weelifu Colgiado. • „ —Kansas City bas a dozen attempts at burglary in one night.- • , • - —4,good,quallty of. coal - has been found in Grundy: county, Mo. - —.Fun says that the standing order with beggars -Present alms. - • - -4-Mhibigan City is , to - have a very large and'costljltoman chuich. —Cheese made .in copper vessels ;makes people Kankakee, 111. --Vie:rei:6 more than a Million of- bush els of wheatatored in Mizuresota... , —The 'Chip—a 'v,i'ay Indian s are called a race of sculptors .b y an eialuMge.. —On the 31st of March' 30,000 musk rat skins were shipped from st. Paul. —St. Louis swallows half a million ; d011a7n9411; la7n94 1 1; orqstersv ez 7-leason• -Erie as a subu rb ed Jerusalem, and: it dees'nt do muck credit to the name. —4 union of the Episcopalians and dis senters in Ireland is spoken of as possible. —The .New Orleans Times has leaders froni the peu of Judge Alexander Walker. —514,240 per day-is the income of- Louis Napoleon. Francis Joseph has $10,950 per day.. —Maggie Mitchell has a new play called "Lank," which she is playing in Washing= ton GitY., • —Forty-two negroes were baptized in the • Ohio, at Henderson, Kentucky, a week be fore hist Sunday. . • ' — . Quincy, 111. , tisabout one- hundred miles further west thin St., Louis, a fact 'not PheAVIY - 6 ° 1 .' 11 - ' * -The Princess of-. Wales is anticipating another attack of rheumatism during the . . —A grandniece of penediet Arnold is said to be amiloYed ct) the Treasury Depart- . ment in Washington.` .;-131(xlreing:fin4 'trees and :young gl•Reit . ate **en, Aa l *on,%', the _effects of the delielOiukiveather.in-lienincky. exOted'vecently, Crier the indced body.iot a . than found in the City P 9 4 1 7,P 41 * tien.by buz)zaids. • —Plitt= :Ind Zanesville are trying; on. the cottilelidition- 'question, and; ai is• usual in snelLiasiS, don't agiee at all.' —England is to luive a grand rose show - bhorilti'at which the . white and: red roses will;Once *p . m cpme in collision, --.:C,olorada.: 4=o , 4000 viviely.:.*aisachttfletts:•3farita:,nany meada tidia*e_happy_coAditlon. 1 . hotel advertised on Friday "Itie,srst clam ; soup, of the'seison.' Made Ohio itlyei i iusseiL 1111yeeps:11,. tict!uf I:3l:ighattv Toting' I.a dead: old a natt er good painter. , He = left sever?' wives to monm`lus early ' —Three ,cbildzen in Ksnsas City;eru poisoned by, eating unknown greens, which theY sfather e d thhemselvea, but`teigeh, •their. mother.bad cooked for them • hail:teen estilated that gr. 'Peabody and 414 ihn:dett..Coutta 'hare done more for - tluseltoration of the degnided,citof, society. th a n ?ink Fry • • •— • A' o g in Peoria l i eXt ru stoln'a eluldTiOni its' 'cradle - with' which - It' ran of „When Ahotat tirAermtr, :zte &other catnetiup and deprived. it of its nontemplatO meal. • - 1 --Clinelimed bast taken to pruisill Louis. •; The ahronkie eriljd 13 . L. VOUV*IiitW large :Perhipn, the ! tiro cities me going to mobil common; Caul Kentncki;the deniand,:r4; hemp , iti! Tail brisk: .1f• Goventorltrotenlaw would . `do hPi*itTiOlia:XtE-xhOOr.W, niansiroi Ow same tetiCie‘ be anti& grefAer i tanaiseas_ WO a /isitibhielioiit,of-iw .woman which ':lmunta ter fonnen husband lOahis:Seada ( o 9 lf:' 7 1 1 1# 31 / 1 8 . YetiCt lifiF4 l 4o 2 ain4.'. 6 rAti.'lo44l;,.* whitinthe ighosti Beelike •?A,obidei. for.e a le, , s toirrerts•br thewholiatile istAtiliebtheettild' •• • „ kentucky. The Methodists are dri • • .1 : • them hard, however l ,.and a bitter rirtliFtf, slid to exist betiireenthe preachers t4,lllfi Tferent sects. I Englisb,sporbilg "man is going to open an agency in New Ye* for the trans ailing of betting on the; English races„ and other English spintsllt is a great pity that we cannot raise sufficient excitement in this country without importing a part of the Derby and other cockney amusements. _ —A young lady in Connecticut ,recently had twenty-four wens cut ouVot lier head in reeiiiteririg: We have known' , a .. .matins — young lady to get more whens 9 than that out of her head, besides a goOd`many hows ,and whys an,d other ?s, and all incne sitting too. - -Mr. Buriirtgame „gave a portrait of . Washington, to Len-ki-yu because that his- - torian puffed , the 'ancient.•George. A fine American watch was the reward of merit t • - towed on Pere (Mlle, a French mission ary, who has always shoWn great kindness to any Americans who found their way to the belestial Empire: Among othei terrible stories of the frightful famine in ill fated Algiers, is one of a woman who killed her twelve yeUrold daughtir, and cut her up; gave parts other to her other Children, and was in the act of salting doWn the remainder when the mili tary authorities came in and' interfered with her economical household preparations. LITERARY ITEMS. from English History' is Miss :Yonge's new work. =The Cincinnati Cdmmercial sent out a thirty page extra last week. . "Mademoiselle Attithilde" is the name of Henry-Kingsley's last novel —"English Seamen a very interesting, book just out, from the peri of 11 Fox BrOwne. —Laurence of "Guy Livingstone" re nown haS published in book form his Broad tectiittotel "Ftrerawitre." Baring Gould, the author of Curious Myths of the Middle Ages has announced a new book of the same character.' —The two new volumes of Kinglake's interesting "History of the Invasion of the Crimea" are said to be forthcoming very shortly, A shilling edition .of Mr. Disraeli's ten novels has been issued since he has become prime minister. =The demand is very great for them. • —The last Republicans of Rome is the name of an article by 'Professor 'Goldwin Binith in the April numbei of Macmillan's Magazine. ' _ —A - new edition of Sir_ Walter Scott's "Demonology and Witeharaft '.' with ii- Itunrationiby George Cruikshank, has lately been published in England. —A new novel called "A Noble Woman" is announced from the pen of J. C. Jeaffer son the genial author .of "A Book about Doctors" and "A Book about Lawyers." l'Ablre derla Rogue is the only direet descendant .of the immortal Racine now living, If. dela Roque being a priest, may be safely looked upon as the last of .bis race.. —Somebody says that Senator Wade will begin a suit for libel soon against the Cleve. land Leader, on account of the manifest libel contained in a letter-of George Alfred Townsend, to that paper, a few weeks ago, —Competition for the best essay "On the best way of developing improved polftical and commercial relations between Great Iritain and the United States" has been in vited by the Golden Club of London, and a gold medal has been offered as a prize. • —kr. Ruskin, who, not very long ago, spilt a little of his spleen ',across the Atlan tic; a man whose language is no more beau tthil than his brain is addled; a painter who does not kpow how to use the brush, thus assails I& superior in every way, qvitave bore, on account of his ~r ecent ilitistraticins of Beanie: , ' - r-44 Nothing more inventively horrible has yet leenproduced by the evil art, of man; nor can I conceive it possible to go beyond theM ',in: :their , ' specialities' of corruptiow There is not one which does not violate eve ry instinct of deceney , and law of virtue or life written in - the human Tire Beauties of Pittsburgh. .„ • Western editor who has been to-Pitts burgh, . thus. describes some of the peculiari ties of that Place: Pithil4iigh, people never have ,fresh air, except wiren- out of town. .They- live on coal smoke and, floating cinders - We in haled..seven tons of coat the first hour, we were there, .The people breathe smoke. eat smoke, chew smoke and . .carry it in :their ppoockets. , It it now seventy-two years since rittsbrirghlitui been warmed or reached by. the rbys:'"thre a Menke!' sunshine for keying Years nendenainf,,. Undertook to' penetrate the eland of sir o (rover the city, got lost, became *titanic:od, Wand fell like -a edition of the .Black Creek! The ladieS43o Infeike ;end' teal dust to protect their' ornplexion: Little boys and girls Stand on the corners with wet brooms and aporonil to Wish peeples aces for five cents. Everybody is of a color 'in Pitts burgh. ' At thepostoffice window tha clerk distinguishes'•people by • certain' signs, it being imptnedble to see their faces , fair- the layers of cost' I dust and sinoke. 'We . saw a . boy' crying on ' the street because 'he , had lost bit father who was six feet-ahead' of him fifths blackness,-, ,• • - • Every one wears mourning b 1 Plttsburgh A k . barber oncommt: there to ooler hair and' • whilikers.• . /Het mor'n bustedi in a weekl Men Lassies& other'ewtVek • Err PittsbthighC, unable tell' Which is their ownanly by the' taste: Womensend Children:on errandrigifitl writing, cm their tapes_with- a, thumbnail Iretatick g , 'People feel their ; -way:: by door knehatllarsi:read •.hy. raised type " . 'Veit/ ~ o nce stood in his iroom with raised ~,-ohartged• his shirt, nine timae in four nteet AutdaniTiflot aclean one - on him Whoh window.mwbr 0, mere. accident ' and ' Opt , thn *Mae mt.., MeV.a-man with cold who had been blowing his nose, and that organ lookatllice .4,bulnt stump, on each . li i k . A , .l o 4 6l k#iFF*44tl. l 4 hadri?een Bbloas are , unknowo in rittabttrxh:-..- leave .; the [mind* :open. - and; 'Astra. of Anoka settle 40on Yen :like' neswpaper 'fibin,• - n;:tiao44B Prep.; -Some, 'few years 'Blnce - snow ,- ennW 3 sl.l4o:the city, through the cland of "timoke4-the ,aMoka. was not hurt, but . the mum k•bliett sic k ifen,varryi.- lanterntsto ;fie tit Atalie'betilia. • ,When- lbaring:atiiiratbh les& eitYlMtTlit is the Th‘y ma k e bitOk'biirsidgoth b'Y hatiginteriitider's web bii i dske. ir box, &ad' ,mi tt Chi *9 N* 64 #ld o4 l Imo 1 0 1 * 04.1011 - Itlor cf. .; • • • ,• ".• 1 •T-• - • ' ',!- •";• • •' )-- 7 , ••'•• • • r 7 V`'1,41 ,- * • ,:ir. 4 7.,tet a •=4.44 ••• PITTSBURGH GAZE TE: TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1868 DENTISTRY. - - ' $B. flux TriPsW EI GnitgatiI6BFPFSOIIT ip,ole: HO cifiE4FOR EXTIZA N N A.ift; TELTH ABE ALL WORE wmutAimearonyrvz LAUGH/NG GAS THFX-OFF ; MN' A. 130(YV ---Eltin Dental Estaiilishnient. - $l7B PkiNI3THEET, Htt pOOR - ABoVE HAIM , 1 4 1; 11. , -As DR. .13COTT ms's licensee under. th e Goodyear.Patenta, he will not mate any. vxmilbo vuo) rubber.' seis s irai win Continue to =mu:Deuce piunlnerartiele-NDLCLOIITZ-L''----33023:ditT GAEF = :451211.01: .11011LTITIZES' r L - AND' . C~ a = i'cl'oler~s, FOE GAS AND OIL Just received, the nneit and' largest assortment ever opened iLlCkty. . & KELLY , 147 WOOD STREET, COR. AILEr.- ,rnb24:n.22 nity, avo.Ds. NEW SPRING GMINI! It. . PLAIN BLACK BILES. BROS GRAIN . BILK. FIGURED SILK IRISH POPLINS -FANCY POPLINS, POPLIN ALPACCAS BLADE AND COLORED LUSTERS, WOOL DELAIRES, csurrziss. . LIGHT SACKING CLOTH. • , ••• OE SPRING CAI3BII4EIMS. tuvuecAssamar..4. BLACK AND . BLUE: bLOTtI. IRISH LINEN, 1U NAERSOOK )i turz. QUILT* . _ BALXOII.L AND HOOP BRIIITS, BLACK AND COLORED KLILIGLOVZIZ SHIRT FRONTS, HANDKERiMIEFS HOSIERY, NOYIOICS BONNETS,. HAI'S, RIBBONS,, FLOWERS, Etc A. Large and Carefully Selected Steck, AT VERY U)W . PRICES, Whelesale and Rfdaii, 1111 AT WILLIAM SEECOLE'S 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. A T DENNISON & lIECKERTIIS, 27 'Fifth Street. PLAIN LINEN •HANpNERCHIErS, E 1 cents atadixpwards. • ALL LINEN HEM-STITCHED HAND/LEH CHIEFS for 35 cents andmpyrards. "WATCH • A th) WORK BOX E S. WRITING DESKS. • • EGSIERY, In all grages and at all °ItREC*I7B S TAR' I B gIBTSI KID + o Vni, COIhiETS, Hopp, SKIRTS, 'as COl O ,iiio l4 kit GOODS, AT IA V 'Piing. AT B r EDIICED PIIICifiA .IRISH LINEN . j: • • .• LINEN BHEBTLtiU , • 1 • • MINN , • TABLE . tibtElkt ' -• • ' • _ .1451V1C1912 , 1G5, • • • • .. - • • DAMASK NAPKINS, • ~ For sal,lr;iirle.W .. l4- • • • WHITE' •ORRAVO • HS• 'etas; 211cCANIPL1141' , .; • • - (Lite WllioniVarr & Clo.) c""WBOLES : AL , DXALEI3,B„' Foy 1h1;431c4x1E5. Nc6l4 WOODSTBEEZ.! Third door atxrite Dlaznond Ilia; • PITTSBURGH, PA. =PIANOS; ORGANS, &Q. -- - - IDtITY , THE BEST AND, fCEIZAP JUP XST /1A.2 , 1041=0. ORP.A.N. " . • ‘4 44o,llPidier7B Plan% , AND IstErs;cbthist.tßaiiiii• ,The 8 040ktkprzit` • corrithda all th e latest - reliable prove bias known the - oon-'. structlonot a tliet claschutrument. and blealwaTi• been.awarded the highest premium sphees, ex hibited.. tte tone is eonorotta and sw eet. -.The workniansitl_p,_''• ASP ddritillity ( and /beauty.: surpass au ethers yrbstideOm SOO do;glsol43lrM-30 style and. finish.) cn caper than aSi cf. 4 Stet clate'Plano; 4 • 'UTE VS.COTTArtE.: ORGAN ' ;/ ' • Stands at the , heed of yb reade legintMents,iiniSrol duchig the Mbet permet plpe lutauty of ;ono° our i 'Millar instrument In the Milted -data. , it NM. - ple and compact kr..consttuctlon,-..init not Sable to .s6tout of " otagmcmov , ‘ is only• to , ber tonnd . 4ts this Organ.- Srlecfrom-SlOlk to:11040.;, .411 gansentnetl tor dee • :mbO SECOND:HAND& '' l ISi 4 :001'5 #1 1 1 1 .31r.t0" .-traesuirra Dtuitt;', 22 711th et., 2d door.abirte zahl2 j•.••:}4 :o 13=IIM RPES ER 'AND Vjl. ER, No-INdisillniterMWAY /MEM. mmpits. Ili m itt - OnV ll 4, t s i r i b t" ,, saftrilkof , /40 -- Ulait ost tititutitillir ToirVl 3114 ran ' .e.lkewnls(.l Tia'inta kulgij a ls=.llo,9D deit V CO IF-1 :IM!'-'!ir)l,:till'inr, 114 SENBA . 9 .-,•--'-'.,.-:-.-...'-.-,...,- . ._. • . .--,.... --------,-:.:• _4 OPKWIART ii.aili. PHILADELPHIA EMPORIUM, 16 Market StreetcPtttabitrikAra The umiertigned respectfully Infbrm the public jt=lie,XlSVereceired their entirely new stock of constatlng of 6211111 Millinery and Straw GoOds, - . c . - . -- -;,i ~ '-• "-:-: "Ribbons, Laces, :-.', '. ,' - .- ' . • :,'• i'" 'p - ' ': •_'' ' Altificial-Floiliers,- - , I - ,- ,•,- Emkorcilderies, White dOods , czeli,tbey invite the attention of pun:bairn', . . , „ , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . One a! our Ann giving his entire attention to the purchaiing et goods at the and Markete, and baying kid long experience and ail the facilittee ibr procuri ednto o g pff ads at g Sh hi verymne lowest prices, • we are enablergreat .- - Constantly receiving New Goods from the New York and Philadelphia auctions. 4 1 .1. share of public patronage is respectfully soli- IWSENBApff, SUOMMiT & CO., No. 18 MARKET STREET mh24:11.20 GRAND OPENING! OF SPRING GOODS. • Barred Organdies. f Barred and Striped Nainook; Vittoria Lawns. _ Soft , Finish Cambric. SOILED WHITE GOODSi Wbibb ere •,re selling at a great ifaCrisce. E °PSI:RISE LINENS at 37 coati. BOILED . GLOVES at 50 cents. Mint* ALEMAN- DEE HIDE fbi el. (JENTINE ALEX , A . ..YDPE ?EMS for sl.so. Oar cannot be.beat, HOOP SKIRTS at 72•cente. The new and , beantliniNs. , ? szNiiTionE, Just l received. 200 doe.' FRENCH CORSETS : }net reedlTed. ' A 'complet43 Lne or hiADEDTTA, LIICHF.TIA and ELVIItA COMIETSy Mao, a lino of /118 6 / 1 8 , .001128T9 BISTOR/FRINGES. qll eotons. BULLION PRIN- GEB, • ali eolons. BUGLE , TELSEEINGB, a fine 116-, ment,.. A Soo lot of BUTTONS. MA.Clitrkr, GLTDE & 78 and 80 Market Street. , mh2l:dl6. T JOSEPH HORNE & CO.'S A The Largest Assortment of STRAW AND, EMERY - GOODS, To be Found in the City. • • RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CRAPES, • 1 ; 111. 11%,INES, • - FRAMES, FROSTED• ILLUSIONS, - ,RAW TRIMMINGS, orname nted. ALSO, A WELL. ASSORTED STOCK OF WHITE GOODS, . CORSETS • ' HOSIERY, . HOOP sietwrs GLOVES, - BALMORAL S HIRTS, EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERIM/EFS, FRINGES, ' BUTTONS; - • TRIMMINGS, DRAWS,- . . . .And a Full Litaaaf - Notions. NE TIES" BOWS STSPENDERN . !domino/vs STAR SHIRTS. Agetita IbrAIISMABO . E, pICKEifs,, VICTOR and other popular miter of • . - • • -• • Priers la torris EaertOrn JObbers. ' '•• • Wholesale Rooms up Stairs Nos; 77 and: 79 Market Street. zahl7:3cwr - A . PERFEVT , FIZTING GLOVE. :Palikeit,l73l . - dr. - CARLISLE .;•.• ; • 19. 2 FLlttlir ittreet, • • li4VITIS ATTENTION TO THEM Kill OLOVEDEPARTMENT = r e ,7l,l:.. h ,, , , a r s reu; ed ivip p h o 0 vw,11.1. 4 a:d !shade. Celebrated . A. C.' C. aoliiioY KIDS, Imported ei citreflef w tr,rifi r r d s el' i Hugtrw.hieffizt t.TaugglkaZheedwerl Zi e ift= u bi l eVlVV." are really r • - :•• : • Eleganit and Desirable. The assortment. .includes BLACK, DARK 001 , 99)41KE911.11n G9k01;93, and 0P1C94 o; PARTY . COLOBe. • " ••,• • ' • !5E151E96.9 M.A.CR UM .CARLISLE,, , • . • 19 FIFTH. lITIIBETi • • • •; - • o l fGEs; • .. .k • • GIMP HEADINGS,.. tiff A L COLORS.. 4FIUNT ;' • • . , mna •; ,* .; • • lorcr...trii• VisAtt* 1 BEI Kral : -8 - - 713 Am• mtAcripTiosr - Aft. ; ....,..;,.??. , _r. , . - ?.. - 1..i . :.,?? ? ;•::,- .g IiVEROO9OtHrOthiTOWCRE4NEVi'' _::, -._..:.,.•—_, :mogAivgimi ,:;:r: ; 1,41. ...v.. j.:;;L T.EIAJWILLN" LuT.a, : ~ ~i aguncway-sviity instga. my, . " l ike . Kall, rkat ilwirmi l 411•160ial .4800115 a.., MlRlllPM—fteonkrlill , J i:iel•liittope r i ?PT brtii I'l; I 't , .1,! . ..4 0 14,, : ' 4 • , 41 . lac. .- - ' .... _. ...: . a-•• UN Hosle . ry , and Gloves, C6fsets and Skirts, I -ranCy Goods, &c,, ALSO ; A LARGE LOT OF 'aimuSrtmatit of HOSTERY CARPETS; OIL CLOTHS. &C. mmica _ 7 ' 1868, tustratulisr PATTERNS : INPORTtO CAIIPETS. THE VERY NEWEST r-Imi DOMESTIC CARPETC' , ARE DAILY ARRIVING; AND SOLD SOON AS RECEIVED. ME tnErics THE VERY .iOIVEST. IIicCALLUM BROTHERS, Istb2s 31 FIFTH STERTZT. aboYe Wood 23 JUST IMPORTED, •23 And EepeeLally Adapted to . this Market. • VELVET CARPETS . OF MOST'ELEGANT DESIGNS. English Body and Tapestry Brussels, 1NGRA1212,5 AND BEAU'S, THEFINEST ASSORTMENT AND THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY. COMMON CARPETS, - AS DENTSTRE YARD. ' . - OLIVER M i G l atiTOOK & Oaf .• „ . rte. No . 28 Fifth Street: 1868 -SPRIN STOC* 1 OF WpoS • .c4 3 RX :14 7 7 X 4 51 ... . . , • - JUST OPEnii43l, 144:R171E: ASSORTMENT, All :Qt,ialittie;f : :,- . " • , . LOWEST PRICES IN THE srEcreL i ncesupknelmyro THOSE WHO EIIT r 7'6BELL. BOYARD, ROSE -& CO. Fifth Street, r ( OVER BATES & BELL'S. MLMMR AirA.B . TEII3 PATENT _ k m • • . . ; , P.pENpl:i CRACKERS. (," FRENCH enAcEpats , b! . C/1 CIL&ONERS PRENCIi CRACKERS FRE . Nett CEACMM FRENCH CRACKERS Asui every variety of SUPERIOR CRACKERS. . S. S. MARV/Sr,: . • . 9.11 Li b erty Street, rittalbtirlat. TRY THEM ESTAIILL9IIE.II IN 1840. SHEPHARD'S Steam - Clacker and Bb chit _Factory, 31'ILIBESTY STAZET, PITT311:111311. :, Mantaketurer and dealer in all kinds dr - , cornrEcoriiprimpa - , , FOREIGN AND DONESTIO PRUATB,, , NIITS,, is; WANTED.—AME:Perfif FOIL THE y OFPICIAL , HISTORY 01`. THE WAR_; . Its Can Character , Conduct and Results. By Herr.. and ALF.XANDER H. STRPIIRNS: A 'Rook for. all' feetiovl parties. • ,This 'meat work, presents :the ell' complete and impartial analysis of the Caeseeer &War yetpub itahad.lind: gives !thole interior I.l4 i nnti shadows Ottise great condloterilyknowctO high officers who watched - the toed-tide- or peso utiOn, frOm fountain opting., and , Whieb. were so actessible to Mr.StePhetti from Ala PcialtiOn tut second officer of . he Confederacy, The intense-desire every Wherernanirested to ob larn.thia week,. eon:alined with an increased COMMIS.. altinonakkeeit the beet, enceorlption book ever pub - • Otre'Agent in Reiter'. Pi,' repOrte 7il lubscribere_ !unfree days...-. , d... ,Andther Ist Roston reports 103 aubecrihersin four ttentl'fbreireulaee and eee'our terns. and a fell de scription of the work, with noti ce s of , Press, C. . Addreh; ' -, , , - • • NATIONAL runr,twatta co,; qiintuthmitettl&F, _ Philadelphia. Pa. .- • - MA LE ,A 4 SLATE : MANTLES, • . . . fiItTSBORGN I ' ,sTpitimANDLE AND SLATE WORKS, • °Moe. mid_Warirooln-319 and Wu LIBWIT STREET. MantloWinereoneon seeondiks,r, Peri/Ons wanting marble or Slate - Mantles will And yt toiheir thcereet to dill. Workmanship not ex= ;celled In place ., and prices as low as in, Eastern 'cities. •MarbleAliat kelt•or Furniture Slabs which hate become dlicokned bn smoke; lolls or acids. can be Marbleized and made to leak aa well as new. There is no other. place In Western Pennsylvania where Slate Mantles are mannilictured. All kinds or Marble Work done in the best manner. Marble ,Cutters supplied with Sawed Marble at East ern prlces, carriage added. • . W. W..WALLACE. . nimHE GREAT • HOUSEMILID . FRIEND OF THE AGE. • The 'Queen Triumphant,- ' - 'FOE WEE( OF THE ; . WASH '11:1B." .";' lIIIIr '. TRY IT. ~FoR emilizt4f,_*4Blllllo OilPOßßli 12'113 riONOutiVED impitooIIDRATED, cheaper than aosp—eleiuriba more thoroughly-.testa lees nioney• saves *ore Uwe ittidlifteei suit luseld_ l . l 7 al gm:era. Olie trial win tleatereirrsre •UeeriernY and secure It a firm_plkee iit the* idleatlett 'ifik nttrs honee bold ; the • :BusearANVIPACILI7III.I3E9 cp., osee. Ns. 135 WOOD sTilgst. Pittatieesiti. rfoluitioio**OckicO4 - ' - " 777Alirci-xort .gorrow zaxx.r..si NES 3Pl l ThninetitGaiL : c , • Ms nufsetueers or =ATV, APR" 21 - 11 " 72'94 ;4041.1 4W 'VNIA , 449*VM NMRTIX 441 . P noi2=lll4 • 00D" MOM •'•> c , CHEAP.BREAD 01OFAR 714.8. lias43). I nto wits" g 4. edi rX444Ak l •t i lil-Tr:";* evetr kat: ' • 3 . 1' •ke ' " Pawns k V I . ' ' '-' l - ' - ' , 4 1 . 1 .4f!, e ' .*' 1 . *.i1.: - :, . 114' ~.•4 ' ; VOriiiilib*: i3 . ,1•,:t. i f 244 L-tr Lrkiktfilt?.'4.-14 e • 7,4 '7 , , ••; 'lf ' • et :;-1 F . tstreet4'4 A DAY FOR ' ',' ~,t hail l at AtorklA44llo,ll A l t- i lig m • - • MISCEIiLANEUS. N OTICE TQ 4) 1 111 YPIL 9 "' Di YS,' SACKS, &T. .. . Notice Is hereby giviM to all owners of Dr. , " Carts, CarriagM4Ruggins, &my whether residero non-resident in the City:of Pittsburgh, to pay t,' Licenses at the Treamiter's Office of the iliW , - Pittsburgly.FoFtTllW,lTH, in accordance witb7 Act of Assembly, 'app_mtrnd March 30th, 1880. I. and" an Ordinance or the Councils of the CitT Pittsburgh, passed APRA% 1 550. All Licenses not paid "or before MAY 15, 18 1 will be placed in the ds of the. Chief of PO, r. for collection, subject s fee of 50 cents fo.. collection thereof, and ' persons who neglec t refuse to take out Licenses will be subject to a.,„. ally, to be recovered before the Mayor, double' amount of the License. , , I-- - .- • Thoold metal plates of preylous years must be.' Oinked at the time Licenses are taken out, or; RATES OF LICENSE: . 1 .. . Each One Norse , Vehicle -' rach.Two Horse Bock Four Horse__ •.‘ . Hach ii:Offoii7iiack.:. i 5 _Omnibuses and; Timber Wheels drawn by Horses. Eighteen Dollars each. For each a.: Donal Horse used In azirof_ the aboye vehicles • • .O:AMMO ALLINDER,I City Treasure; .• kITTABITROH. Yebrill*,lB. 1 . .. - . Omen OF VIZ Tne...ternlin or Ata.r.orraxr C 4 PITTBIIO3OII, April Ist, 1968. i ..., rPURSUANCE of the 21st tlon of an Act relating to Allegheny county. proved the let day ot bitty. 1881, and of the Ain meet to said section,' approved the 30th de ; March, 1880, 1 hereby give notice that the Du! crates of the several Wards. Itorouglis and To ships, ILL BE OPEN and I wilt be prepare receive the ' ' , , :j • • State, l County, Poo r, Work-house t • Bounty Tates, for 1868: • 1 - On and after the Ist day; of May. 1585. said 1 with abe paid at this office until the Ist day of Au g ! .. , Deduction of Ilvo, Per C'ent; - Discor!; for pramptpament, Ito any persons paying 1 WHOLEAMOUNT of their taxes. There will be no deduction allowed during month of August. There Will be TEN PER CE ADDED to all taxes remaining unpaid on the' day of ileptember,lBBo. - , I _ . . J. F. DENNISTON, ' rah:I:n(0 - Treaserer of Alleg heny Count, Cwr OP ALLIEGIIIMarch 28 ISO pmts. _ 4 _ i ASSESSMENT Park Cominissien having made their asst !tient on all property in ..,the - City_of Allegheny, ' ' the purpose of Park Improvement, in accord with the Act of Assembly !for the conversion of Common. 'Grounds into Public Parks, hereby notice to all parties interested that they will s appeal on said assessments,at CITY BALL, on .; Tuesday, the 7th t day of April Nexti - After which no exception to or appeal from • assessments can be inade.,•.i • , J JAMES P PARK, Jr . , President of Commlssio mh3o:nBl -, CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. • CITY' or ALLY:Ant:4T. March atst, 1868. EALED PROPOSALS--wil l rec'elved'at this °like until SATURDAY - , A th, at 3 o'clock r. K., for t a rnish in g a: , ... _ " HOSE CARRIAGE; • Of the same-kind as thailin the poisiession of, Friendship Hose Company: Also. for famishing AOIND-HORSE WAG 4 slmllsr to the one used by 'the Duquesne Fire gine Company. of Pittsburgh, except that Vail springs are Wanted in hunt. information concealing - Ate abate will be tam; E. - CROW; JAB. E. - CRO, Esgi, Cblif Engineer of A Department;City 4, *wage's, Control/e• iiital:n7o BRICK! IfRICK; " CEO. A. BAYARD Begs leave to anneurino,thnt be has finished BRICK w splendid new BRlC oris, and is now prep to furnish - 1,0 cocs c•co co Of the Ye . ry beat lIABD-StADE BRICK made/ of- superior Clay, thoroughly - tempered by • power. This yard is one of the most eomple the county. Winter bonsai, and everything per to manufacture during the Orhole year.. These Brick will be soldnnd delivered in the in such quantities as, desired, and at the to market rates. All ordervieft it No. GO SMOITHBIBLD STRE will be promptly attendOd to. - - MALIN-111X1 . RII74IIELS FALL BARLEY. MALT, 1 1 - • 11 iteoetred and for safe 14.ri • , McBOE & : 1 • .4 • i 141 WATER STREET Jinuiry _ cyTO GLASS awirorAcTiu Ens/ The underafgned hitting secured the sole Ag I r the sale of the Celebrated - 'CdPLEY n PIT CLAT. ' , ! ' 'Are now prapared to in hlt .in any'quantity those wishing to procure this superior article. ring fifteen years* use of tills Clan, we have ant • at such prOportionstis we:lielleye makes it a bet article for pots than any in the market, we hay secured an anerage stand:M - 81x, muff and r , moTrine., We will fUrniall recelpes !Ur the prop tion of the mixture at thbfelarto persons pure In /. The Clay la ground ilV.lnioulded - ,',zi lumps de DiTHRIDGE-&430N. Port Pitt Glass Works. • Washin • nlitreet, Pittsburgh, Pa • mh24 QILVIER MENF.,S4,—' 'WO - shall, in few dayi send: an agent to Bllirer Monntai colorado; to riervailope - lenti different' Lodes of 811 Ore, discovered : and located by experienced ml 4/ and situated in at( ; unusually rich anfolng distri It is Intended to hsve 'their lbfly developed bef geolng to the expense' afl*reCMg .onirdings, chinery, &c . For this ddvelopment the (iompa have determi ned to sell' Dmited amount of l stock at • ra te which- will,place purchasers on ti same footing ax the. •- pto •••prettua.thensselves. • N4stietaxts aPPI7vo ; : z. a a ss F m urth s o ee W.4 . l.lkTlNTair; I • '' ' Near PltiOnrgliGraln,Elerator% vv. jv .A..lia}mnoN, Nanntscturer of.COßTt_iik.A. Rait iLOUR Si CHOPPED FEM. "Orden delivered in either al., free ,ef. OrsIn:of. , 111. Wads chopped, sti Corn shelled; on short n . . Oro. O. . IVATKINS D P. ILA pcis visit 109 WORKS. I & CO . 1 rim: of Paterti Stretched, Cemented and Telco Oak-Tanned . • Xart.,l4,arEMEt • 4011 MBERTYIITIMMdditoor,) oppoett Union Depot. l'lttatempb. . , MA ,11911 409 02 •I A l 4OlOlB p • • .• .• • 1 - '•• • ANA 1304 - 1;V:2•,-, • il' te South Canal Street 4 near Chestnut, 'Allegheny, Pi: mbinmtindaT > JOHN /L . aft A'•'NHIPNIDOV --Nurseryinen, r'torl is and SeedsmenJ _A- • Biwa) Broice-119 lIIMITIZLD STREET, oppi) rite roat Mike, I.4tourol 5 Cfi4;kl?'lta4s . oikuind! ir4e.eries s l utr4 nut: • intik J- -- JOSEPH B. I FINCII & CO” .., ` ,l4 t*NL'lsct,leer;z49olol. 193 and 193, Flitri, tYrItEMIITTSIIITEGII, il ILteerrAcrtrttiteur or Copper Distilled rtFre Bye Whiskeij Also, dealeyra.4tEpriNTN;WlNES and LIQUOI lioPd. deo ...t. --.2. t.. •._ ~ mhzEtaagt E[ll l. -LION, -11 ( p . ... Of .; .t- • i 4 • A . ; g Willai4lnd ileisum , s 'P. .?. 'No.li kormra. tinutEV , '- • tL-• i - • , ,,.., 1 0 taetween eisqeetyand4eery denote. Vt. 'i r attended:to. ~ . 5yr13:224 161.--Leatherlavila and G‘Q4 AWN - Attack OW fteant:P# • e •t , ~.%1 aft/ ar 13 itivg tt Illete , ,,e. 41 feet* , Liemotsry u,, at., *Or i..bar . Ithgt**o MO, Tilid6.llofM, 'l4 ' ' - h r. i . tV,', 31 ;2;4 y 3; lif e ri : "Ti t 144/41"- r . .* - 7Ai ' 4111111,,,..: 4: 7:41,Pti p t ,..1..i .ene0t .,, v, fr .4.; ; . - -- - -1:!: o,..,„.„.. As tutiitie.Ph,, 'Llbeet7 atrek• t, - - - , CU 1 COT . , ..- . 11 ( teceiv43/ (,) yap . 4 2.sa .. • dti'oett Mitt Clothe, ty? .. ,,,-1. 0110 allielttißlPCfnealigialm the petarnit, lb .V r tFßOrt 4.l fir' P'Sit t Ati&gillAW t'V t..,,: 13.7f:emt ret iota streeie. :./..‹,. -----------8, o__lii4.' , reentThai ti ' iGroaam, .41,1:itti - ' 4 44119F tOtA ' Orders i'Mil 41'4'11 : : 77 7::' 4 4 1411 9 4 : iiii r7: : ::: se a r' *MVO I fil $ 7:i . 12 . 15 EN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers