The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 07, 1868, Image 1
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N l';? . 0 1 ,-- ---'---- 7' . '-'• - ' . _Nliffir —z ..,._ , -, -_. -- .1 c , - 0 1111111•-•..- - 4,..,..--A :'..!•' \ , \ 4 ,. ''' ,l, t i-; '::' lZf l i ...' i r. V-i.: " N . ' • i . . .. . . • : rl'. = -------- . :i " -- 7 -I.'-- . •-„ - --:-.'- " --- - -- ' , ' - •H : ' ----- . :-1-Ib.'-il 1: - \:: '''''. "' A -4. ''''' \ ... ' ..,-./.... r . ,_ I E4I .- ;&'', ... 1. ..;L- :.- —-' `... - +-nE dri t ~ 7 ~:;: ..,t Til ~..,,:i VA,: . .. -.,,,:-_-. 0 ..... -.._. .. ...... . . , . . -.- ^ ' , . . '• . . - ' :.,,' i . • VOLUME LXXXIII. FIRST DITIOX. TWELVE O'CLOCK' 1 f4!) : . • Cf3steetst nistatteh to the ritteliarsii Partnte.3 • ,flinnistmno r kirll,6, 11368, SInFAXE: : Mr; 'TKYLOR rea4 a hill, ,and had f ly passed, ',lncorporating : the ...Pmrunylvania• Express COmptu:ty, to operate. all ; Pver.the, United States., 1 ;;; , I L Mr. EILREir read and . had one passed authorizing the Fort Pitt - Coat Compruxy to sell certain real estate and 'vallilittiong ter- tam sales. Mr. ERRETT also read oba, : lvitur out's • State road in Allegheny Euld'ltafier Com,. ties. ,A bill :was passed trarusferrhlg•the 'renianif ,interred in the Gettysbnii Cemetery to tbe General Government. i -'.• r HOUSE QF REPRESk4TAtIVEIk . I • A large immber of bills were hitt.: &tile& of zo importance to Wedern Pero7lvanii. • .BILLS PASSED FIEALLY? • . General poor law, as recommenaed ity,th'e Civil code Commissioners. j - , ,Re*ting to inoorporat9d companies, which allows stockholdeis- to define the number of directors, not more than fifteen 110 s less thin five. Relating to the new general militia bill. *nate resolutions relative to impeach ment. Adjourned. • FROM EUROPE. Clerkenwell (England) Explo sion case—lrish Church lieven nes—Ocean Mail Arrangeinents —lrarragut Still at Naples. I/3y Telegraph to the P ittsburgh Gitiette•.l CREAT CLEREENWELL .EXPLOSION CASE. LosnoN, April 6--Evening.—The case of therfleoners arrested on suspicion of being implicated,ln the Clerkenwell explosion, went before the grand jury to-day. The charge"/of the Recorder to the jury was strongly averse t 43 the prisoners. NAIL ARRANGEIEITNTS. It is announced to-day that the-steam ships of the Hamburg-Ameriean line will hereafter carry the United States mails from Southampton to New York evary,Friday. CRITECH ESTABLISH:CENT REVENUES. is said the Bishops of the Irish Church 'have united3in A:note to D'lsraeli, urging hint to sacrifice half the revenues of the Church establishment in order to be able to Te. the rest. „. GERMANY. ANOTHER TREATY WITH UNITED STATES. BERLIN, April 6.—lmmediately on the ratifteatioh of the treaty of citizenship re cently eoncludedbetiveed Prussia and the United States, Mr. Bancroft will-enter into negotiations for the establishment of a com mercial treaty bet Ween the two countries. ITALY PARRAOUT STILL AT NAPLES NAptss, April 6.—Admiral Farragut is stillin this city. He awaits the return of the Duke De Aosta, who is at present in , • FINANCIAL AND , COMMERCIAL. Lavustroot, April 6—Ev'eu*.—Cotten closed irregular and generally easier; sales 15,000 bales middling uplands in port at I 2 V- to arrive. 12%; Orleans 12%a12%.. Breadstnfl's closed quiet and steady. Corn 405.. 9d.. GthOrs .unchanged. Provisions quiet. Beet 1245. Pork 858. , Lard 61s, 9d._ Cheese 668.' Bacon . 50s. Prodtito—tiirpen tine .thiolimid to 335."11d. Tallaw 15s. 6d, Refined„petr_blc Is, 3d.; spirits do-48. Lthrocar,. , ` , I rtl;=hEveniqk.;-- Con sole elope at 93%; unties, 72%; Erie, 48%; Illinois. Cent , • ; Atlantic and Great Western, 31%. Fiotkvoivr, - April 6,—Evening.—Ftve- Twenties,,7s3f. ' • Arrrwsur, AprilB4:.Evenktg.—Petroleum closed at 42 franes7s eentimes. Linnsi', :i g littZd .- ' -7 l=Pra Tab_cie • ~, ,_____,-, tids—llascally Reyeple , (MnefiS r glict, Election To. . . t 13 • Miltilfeittitbvistaisictte.3 ..4: t• e . ' pill :6Aiallltid, United : States Circnitgotrizarto, and Judge Kris- - kel datriiiied f atti4he stand jury, tteMth ialki ' :.i„ - lirrgfiritti"-e en toe' y rn i , .o . e pi led States laws, = ligeenal Revenue law The i 11 (44ffai54. 1 4 , be said , 'were , ..., „ .1 ! ~/' %Nana =wow:l=46w, and the _ - •'; ~ rustvely mrried on by oilleerg, 'y lent* black.. mail. They should be tWt'• , ...Am. vitiated; ~rilso •the practice of ciymprog, violations of the revenue law by eulistaters, swathe er,acting of large.' . and illegal Atm by'GoVernimint officials. - , The election ,t.smerrow ' will bo an un-' usually important ono "-in addition to the election ,:if Councilmen,' School Director's' and !Brett Railiistd *Colmnissioner , ~ the sqnse of the people Will be taken iitilhe Math* cifiiiithralialAiddiriir about flity acres.. Sit.kind to =v e 'Park, and giving ite • 'the Onan tlf tip 3 4 i l . the `Bridge Com pany,. invert/rig about five million 4 dolits: " . ' " IMO AUIAitAPSA. , Order ' Cone the KaltollOux•Eitan 4 , • ietroirpa itniielpittsilanciroatettel Mottroottsar, Shepperd, oonuninding the sub-District of .Alabania, today issued' en 'eider in relation to the • lai g t 4 lux-Itli; . 'arid ordering that the va- oftliors, iiu tea,cou-1 chiefs of police 'and-pulley' will be held suommtable•by:Posccisihr . rtanders over their respective 'diatiliita- .for :the suzpres-1 don of inignitatiiv •organitationii, and the Spprelusudyon.of its members, , whtivirVerl . ibibut, o lirtiejtapprehenaLousare made, and, 'the Mal ' Alabama is' Silent on the! subject , the; offences ot,whielf they are chargedi thuprisouerswillThe turned over to the ooratuiuder of the proper military. -peak-with a view to trial by railltaryoom-' • • 12 04 1 0 2 . ';' , AlifillicOrA !Ll* newspaper; - eat& the'ffaik-Anz-hisir iimironwitedi lad the.:lgooriusee .of .their exmenee will • rot, be held, as adeqtuite excuse:' it bein • tbe , basthifila of the , eivil and militarY o Vißrilits4lffertskrotaelr abtv _aftaqidinsparcellisevol Win* stkalad kOßtlees; for °attar* • ifigiaq• ed meerfdence of neglect of dtrtf. • N 0:011 MSS. Proceeding, An the Senate—Gen eral Business—Naval Apprapri . thin PT TreS7l9.ll to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] $ WiininfaTOlfs 411416 j 1868. The'CR.A.IR-Submitted resolutions of the Legislature of Minnesota end4rsing the ac#4tt:Of AVFIXTER3 ; ia regard t impeach ment. Tabled. , RAMSAt presented resolutkin of the. mp, ,Logislatupy.for-pie imprtgetrient •of 'thet;StissiMippi 4 iiivr,' 'idthiiimendiiii by- General Worrop*d. others, Referred., Mr. COLE presented a petition of citizens of California, askin_g aid fee the, Southern Pacific Railroad. Referred.. 7., Mr. -WlLSOlkintrodueedabill to relieve the politicalinabilities of certain citizens of •Goorgia. Referred to the Judiciary Com rnittee,-.1 • .1. • -. Mr. TRUMBULL introduced a bill ex tending the`provisions of the act of Febru ary 4 21st; Snows the United States to pecisecute = appeals without giving security, to allow writs of error, appeals, or OtheriPTecal 4t,wi bathing trona br'-bitought, -up Ablhe Circuit Court of the United States and ordered to be - piked on (Wender. Also, a joint resolution directing the Sec rebnyof War to issue such Ateirtermaster stores to the exNdition engagel in the ex ploration of the River Colorado as may be necessary. Referred to the Naval Com mittme; Mr. EDMUNDS'iiffered• a resolutienTiisk: ing the Secretary of War to inform the Senate what was the practice in respect to the settlement of public accounts and the issue of requisitions theretbr by the Secre tary of War upon the Treasury prior to.the passage of the late, act r rweeting the prompt settlement or accoulds, and whether any defects exist under the law in that re spect. Mr. FESSENDEN called up the joint res olution authorizinitt i he Secretary of State to adjust certain c ms and to direct the payment thereof. directs the payment out of indemnity received from the Japan-,! ese Government of a certain amount for damages sustained by, the steamer Monitor at theands"of the Japanese. A discuesion ensued, some Senators hold ing the owners of other vesels had equally meritorious claims, :but the resolution was , passed without aniendment. • Mr. SHERMAN called up the bill to re fund the duties paid under protest in 1867 on the , bell imported from France and di rected for the use of St. Mary's Institute and Notre . Dame University, . Indiana; Aftenhalf an hoar's diserwaknaof the prin cipler involvedrseverel opposing the t stab -Raiment Of the precedent, the bill passed. The (AMR then stated the special ortity. to be the resolution to admit to a seat on the floor reporters of the Associated Press. By consent the resolution was tem porarily laid aside and the naval appropri ation bill taken up. The graced= was on an amendment pro- Aiding for the enlistment of 1,250 appren tices and boys, exclusive of 8,500 able, ' ta* A . men'now authorized. t '• , Mews,•etINKLING and EDMUNDSat vocatedrestrieting the total force to 8,500, in cluding apprentices and boys. Mr. GRIBIEiS explained and advocated the apprentice system, and argued it ne cessary •:to keep up the navy to a respec table fo oting in order to meet any emer gency. lie held the amendment of the Committee simply increased the number of the force of the navy 590 under the ap prentice law. The amendment of the Committee was agreed to. Mr, CONRLING, moved to amend by making the number ekchisive of appren tices and boys 7,_51X1 instead of 8,000. Adop ted bytwenty-threarifetwenty. I On motion of Mr. MORRILL (Me.), an amendment ,iuereasing zfrem 4;32,000 to $70,000 the appropriation for the pay of the civil establishment antler the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery at the several Navy Hospitals and Yards, was adapted. Mr. SHERMAN offered the following as an, additional section: , • That all unexpended lbalances existing on the I,st of July next under the several heads ofappropriadons provided -for in this act shall belwrksi to the surplus fund, unless the same is necessary to pay expenditures nnule during the fi sold year, or =leas nee essarL to execute 'cc:attracts made before Mr. CONNESS imposed the Amendment, saying he had been - Wormed by the Secre tary of War that with this provision in the army appropriation bill, it:would`be infix - is: •slide to_awry on thet department; Mr. Mr. S IiERMADI had ~rd that bugaboo before. There.was net the slighOst weight in it. lie considered it necessary that Con gress should retain control over these bal ances, so no money can be drawn from the treasury unless in pursuance of law, and he thought it would be unwise id leave die ; ; tion in the hands of any Department. provision not commencing until the Ist of July next, idten the next annual appropria tion comes in, he pointed out where they could commence with a new_balance sheet. Mr. FES.SENDEN fed magardleient in formation to warrant him in Voting forit., While he was perfectly. illing a ; large , War balance sheltie Carried into thsi Treasury, bolsi(' that 'appropriations made for ,a year, , cannot he expended.within that year; that contracts would be made* debts incurred *hick could not tie foresecii;' and'therefore the'amendment would• be of no practical mono. Hp thought it w ould . ; be unsafe without consultation of 'the• heads of de-' partnlents. ' • Mr. GRIMES road a letter received by him from the Secretary of the NaVy, ex pressing the opinion that confesion in the etTerinte of the, Department rwopld result from such a provision, as well - as theem oloyment of new clerks in the Anditor's ffice,. and troublaWortldbe experienced In the payment . or Tett Totp.Tning, from a long I= 70.101.ERMAItIzeplied that the accounts In such cases were, carried forward from your .year, And be' tliouglg no :trouble would'eorne fiflurt - that source._ More -debate followed, whereupon the .amendment was mreed to. Mr. ElHERMAbroffered an'otber amend= , ment directing,theSsoretary of the Treasu ry, in' his next•annnal message, to state all tho bal a nces ofappropriutiona made during,the • preeent' sciSWon ' for each b*ntich of the public, • service remaining lid:expended on the first of "July - neit, showing also the 11133 ° 11 ntwoecessorY to-execute the contracts or pay expenditures on each of such balan ceL'- 4t./Pled. Tile bill thenpaased In Committee of the Whole, and being before the Senate, Mr. HOWE askedlicep Vote on the amendment increasing the apttopriation •ibt-r-trie establiehinent of naval bestir tals,. r which, after ,disminslon, waaagieeiLta. p_itA l ON asked a' separate voteonr dmacTzNa's., ameridnient,'„redueltig • the number of seamen from 8.5.00010 75,000- Iiir t .HY.NDRICES,oked lipbh St*. liyriatittoq'tkith chingti had beenniaaiV .014 . 4 thos i on n ad mutt legislation: in: the ' taixof iiiiiithim,imous opinion of the Naval- Coin-. Ai a it., 4441 . A Aittrio•debdo; 4 lVi#lol4' ' on ,Pit amendment, the-4enatiii s td]einis • • SENATE 41ritNilenGlf:' TV : WAY, ,APRILr. 7, 1868, SECOIII EIIITIOI 'OI:7R 43 9 C1.4:1C1EC. A. M. -.. _-.-,- --------k , THE CAPITAL Public -Debt Statement—Cotton Claims Decided--ylitak. Deter-, mination of ilte ... **s; - general 46aines , Case--Patents—Tlie Mc-s Ate Case - 7 - 4; 2 o44:44krtand' k " 11 0grrAorilhk_ Cages, ism eze. ; 1., 4710 a 5 (By 'Telegraph to the Zlttsbulgh Ogitelt-W) WASIIINGTON, Apr • ? 1868. DMIT BrATg3WIT. ' i rft4lollbWilik! did AUl6liiellt of the public _debt for the month ending April Ist: Bearing' coin, interest .1;044„ 14 440, 5 841 80 Bearing currency Interest 1.766 630 00 Matured :414740 Pteaetttediinli. cf. .r x,16,64 6$ ment m Debt bearing lid:lnterest' Total debt I 2,341,719,3= 38 11!Treaftury in" 99,219,617 98 do. • dri. ourreder,..7:.4 21,230,= 34 Total _ $ 112,509,845 CC The amount of debt less cash! in the Treasury has deareciSed.du.ring the month 8619,935 48. •-•; :• . I . = COTTON. CLAPISDEOID:ED. . . The Supreme Court this morning 4ffirme4r, the decree of the District Court of •the United States teethe Southern District of Illinois in.the. cases of -claims, of ;Lewore k Co.; Witten - burg Lit-DeryliY4fid Grieff & Zunts,, for Aline hundred- and thirty-five bales of cotton capturedb q y Porter's fleet on Waohita Loni inn a, in April, 1864, and dismissed , all, the claims. The opinion -of the Court Was read by JuStice .Swa,37le, who • placed. the decision of the Court exclusively on the non-intercourse act of July 13th; 1861: 'The Court! says pro hibition, was the rule and license the ex ception, and military permits were void. THE 31 ARDLE CASE. I The action of the U. S. Supreme Court in • the ,M'Ardle auto las,heen generally m* iinderstood. .The' ease " was argued on the: day ,originally: Conferk ferenco day is Saturday, in each week. Other working days have - betmittlly occu pied-in hearing the. argument of cases: in order on • the docket. On the ' first corifilieneq day after - the • 'argument the case was ,not: reached, aitheugh the 'conference occuPied all day. The next conferenee day CongresS had•aiready, past ed , the, act tos.repeal.lurisdietion in such Awes, and the act wite-belbre the President. Gentlemen. practitioners at the bar, with et& At:spec - 1 • to , Tiofides, , stiy the Court could not have anticipated. 'legislation, and,- if ; 1184 5 could- .notpossibly.. `have has tis - rice With Congratia; that IC would have been ridiculous affectation not to take notice of it and would hardly have beep Consistent with . the dignity of Courts and the respect due to the other branches of the Government, to proceed with the mat ter until the I'resident had either approved "or ''steed.: the bill. On the recep tion'-`of `'his veto' it' wan . passed _by the required majority in ~both. FRAMS. When Mr. Black, for .MeAxdle, moved to ,be ,heard upon the question of the effect of the law, the Court, although it had several weeks before fixed Tuesday the 31st of March, for the closing of the docket, agreed to hear the argument in the ease on Wednesday, the Ist of April. Of .that, however, the `.counsel did not take notice, not having appeared in Court until after the subject had beery postponed..-- If AREAS CORPUS WRITS MATED -In the Supremo Court, to day a petition was presented from Hamilton Martin and Nirie. E. Gills, held in prison in Florida un der an indictment in the Federal Court for the murder of freedmen, asking' for writs of habeas' corpus' au& cerltordri, returnable at this term. The petitioners hold that tho State Courts alorie can take jurisdiction, This being.the last day of tho present term, the writs asked for were granted, returna ble on the first day of the nest term. MRS. GEN. GAII.CM' CASE , An opinien iwaa — elivere` d reversing the judgment, of, the. Circuit ; Court of .Louisi ana and reatiirming the legithnacy of Mrs. General Gaines, and' confirming ..her in all her rights or property in that State. G=2 For the week ending on the 141 h inst. threeibundrod and - onp patents, - will be Ls sued from the Patent Office. AL,. GEN. MERMAN the Pacific before he Railroad Coinmittee to-day,and made a statement showing that large sums enuldteleval, bytheSilovernment by con structing the Kansas Pacific Railroad. 1111141!...q0JAENT ;WITNESS. Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, ofOhio, arrived here to-day to testify for the defense on the The Secretary of the Interior sent a com munication to the Senate thoming that, one of the tilbes'of . 4fiore than 5,000 in number, are in a suffering condition, and tecommending An ppproprtatlgn for their relfef...` ' • • ;;- PACIFIC RAILROAD rnoonEss. t • Twenty miles more of the'Union Pacific Railroad; Kansawßranoh, • are finiphed and fbr inlPectiont, Union . Pacific Railway--Meeting of Stock T :::; lßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) -` t`„ LAWBENCF,XttnItagf .April 6.—The annu al Meeting 011ie stockliolderS ef th e b Union t Pacific Railway, EatiternDlvlanni; walcheld hereAgo-dayt, A t eports of the Board of Dime, tore and . Su p were read and. '}-; proved. From these reports it 'appears' three hundred and thirty-tive miles oilman, - tlitie.aVdttbtrty-four ''miles , of, branch'. road are now in operation; that , the , increase during . hist:year was t one hundred' .and ninety-nine miles. Average lengtfi. of road operated last year ; We . Autidred'and sixty miles; total earnings, 11,883,843; net earnings, $606,235; gross earnings - per mile 'w222._ Twenty miles of trick additiOnal, as Iconipleted < Mit- ISaturday,, tak*. Mg the track within thirty , miles of Pond Creek, which poit, .' -it' Is'RzPPoled .- te. rOach. 94 ttitv. ifith of MaY- Tho present indications are tnat businesa, this year, on the extended road. will double thOof.npit year. Tim following Board" of Meet:Ore Lime eb)eted:q John D. Perry, Adolphus Meier, C. S. Greeley, Wm.Me nem/0_ ennatThos..-14. Price,. of Missouri;, W: H. Clement find 11. J. Jewett, of Ohio; - 1 1'hos:A.,Seettandlohn , MeMentisi of Penn s-A:venial-% Jelltt‘ t 114..'ff . 'erry w re-elected President, AdelPhus Melr, Vic e Preslden4,- C ce 7, rabogi:9EmettultC49 . CW •ia-; / 2 W 4 1 .mer Trenstrer The compan y Amy O ' 'vPOY:! l ouPA9eol lo tiveh , OVlni Pismo*" ndsevofilmndreiAtd'seventytne freight , -,T, °- . tt 1 .?' t• "''';`....- 7 :2.11_..._. I . F a .10 i - ii,,,te • ,laa telltififil ia:thazi iM sti ft i L .- -Nr ii ii ii t e l 1,..1 : - ,,, 1 I,l.4l4llMYil t Atptir . 1 41. , -411eVe oi-Vert/t ,tOn'ltski etOW , UabiliF , lll)Pn)Prieti '' ' ' ,T• 0004 47 ,ONI, cf_Nbt,tfitan, and PI ~, _ ' tt% s ißidlieed: - • " 1 . I'if 1 S,DAY. T , 1 7 English, Democrat, Re-oleeted Governor. . , ap,Or- r aiegtalatare tiserlucersub to tpe,Pitti . lush Gazette.) , - :NXVir hs - \''EN; April.—The annual: Glee tier!. fort State. oft' took place to-day:. The Republicans vo Tor Marshal Jewell l‘andstke Democrats for,Jsrges E. English. are arrioing the ,returns readVed:-f-; - • 'I ; rt 'PP t. Greenwich- 012; " English,; 674. aap - -443We11 282; English; 260. Dairrirwell; 187; lish, 118. - ' - Stalanid--..TeWell,-969;'' English, 673: 7 .- • PlyintitithLJetrell; 468; English, 308.. ` Wallingford—Sewell, 304; English, 396. Winchester—Jewell, 459; English, 328. East Hoddam—Jewell, 340; English, - 234. New Milford—Jewell, 352; English, 421. Detibury—Jewell, 636; English, 785. , • • NeWtswn—Jewell, 263; English, 443. Ilih - Cvich..-Jewell 310 majority. Stonington—Jewell, 17 majority. New HavirrisTewell, 3,524, English, 5,777. Bridgeport—English, 180 majority. littilford:—Jewell, - 315, English, 425. Norwalk—Jewell, 49 majority. Putnam —Jewell 166 majority. i.t,inum,-.."4"earell, 233 majority. Thomas—Jewell 243 majority. li'iraterltary - L-Jevtell 916; English 1,243. Hauryonn, April 6.—Returns from tvierWy-six of the twenty-seven towns in Hartford county show a gain for Jewell of one hundred and seven. New London' county -shows a - . gain of two hundred and fifty for Jewell. _ A few 'returns .from Litchfield county show. Republica.tgains. Hartford gives English 630 majority, and New Haven 'gives 2,300 majority for En glish. It is probable that English, is re. elected.' NEW HAVEIT, April 6.—Ninety-one cities and towns give English, Democrat, 18,025; Jewell, Republican, 15,821. The Demo cratic gain is about 1.000. The Demoerats cialm , the election , of English by 2,000 ma jority. Nett-HaVen gives Jewell 3,524, English 7,777. • ILsrtfordiiveitinglish 624 majority. NEW ii.Avmc, April 6.—The Democratic majority is 1,733. LAvEit.-One hundred and twenty-six towns give English 1,733 majority. The forty towns to hoar from gave -English, 298 majority last year. . . The_ Senate will stand twelve Republi cans tUnititi Dernociats. The 'faist district is yet in doubt. The Republican majority in the House will be about twenty. NEW HAVEN, April 6.—Windham county, complete-1,4119 majority for Jewell. • • -- .Ncy London county, complete- Newell .61triptajority: LATEST.-Tim entire State, except three small towns give English, 1,437 majority: The thre6 remaining towns gave English 163 ma_ jmity last year. His majority is abort Ir4ePonstltution Defeated—Probable-sac. DETROIT, April 6.—The returns coming in clearly indicate the defeat of the Consti tution. We cannot yet judge how the vote on prohibition has gone. 'Negro suffrage is embodied in the new Constitution, the only separate articles submitted being the pro hibition and annual or biennial sessions' 'orthelLegislature _ - •=. _ ' 9 r. m.—Thirty-tive towns heard fram give 2,162 against the. Constitution. Seven teen towns give-184 majority for pohibition. DETROIT, April 6-10 P. u.—Returns re: ceivedfrom tifty towns give four thousand and five against the Constitution. The re sult on prohibition, as far as heard front, is a majority for it Of one hundred and thirt,y one. This will be greatly overbalanced by the vote of Detroit. The temperance men are hopeful. DETROIT, April 6.-Complete returns of tiffs city give for the Constitution 2,453, against 5,892, only one ward giving ama jority for it; , for -prohibition 1,534, against 6,567; for annual sessions 755, against 6,672. At this hour, 10:30 p. m., returns from seventy 'towns, including Detroit, show a majority of 8,1.56 against the Constitution. , The .vote on the prohibition outside -of Detroit is about equal.' 'lt is thought. the returns from the rural districts will over come the 5,000 Majority given' against the . • measure in Detroit. DErnorr, April 4.—Midnight.—iteturna from otie hundred towns give 10,653 against the Constitution. , . The vote on prohibition will be quite .close, and it Is impossible to tell to-night What the result will be. The municipal elections throughout the State show no, especial change from last year.. - Tgilgerf,,yan .to 6.—The city ele tioii toklay resulted'in the choice of a Dem ocratic Mayor by twenty-one majority. -The Republicans elect a majority of Council meamul-members the; School Bd. They • - • ListvntisoE,; -April • 13.;.-The Republican cityrticicet..,WpS.Alepted to -day. - Altkoukh the Derritieriltifsliblled a pretty Ita•ge vas, this Is only theaesouil- time in the histdr3r of the oft that the 'Democrats have . .had a ticket Intim field. t.'CilticknifitF.Vbsiter . Cly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette .1 B:• 4 ;:Etetien ' o'cieck.—: The city' elhetkin paseed off quietly. to-day. The vote was light. • , The nominations were: Vcif Judge bf Supredie et:eft, Clerk of Pa lice Court,..City Omindssioner, Trustee of :WatlieWorksi Wharf blistei, Director of City . Infirmary, and one member of Ceunell';frate,...sieb ''yrard.':', The con test, is returns are not yet !•itil The to have elected theirNirbololicket, while the Dome-, oratif claim the, election 'of, two of their can- Aidates and , gain of Sour'or five Council men.l, There were thicsitickets in the field ' , 'Reptplican, t . Democratic' Workhig7 , rpm . 4 n:Bo—Neariy complete returns from thcf wards. indicate that.::the Democrats have elected their, entire ticke‘ With the ekcep-, tionef Clerk otthe - Polloe Court andDliea t0 . r . ,..ef the City -infirmary. • The COUnCil 'be Re iubl can hy ' a small majority. - IndiumChartigi . ,Electioluh • EBY TF/egrAph Pltpiburik,Oszettell • ! Iztri•rANAPoLts,APril 8.-=The vote polled at the, towAship „election here toklay :was small. Tao 'Republican ticket was • elected by eighthuruired majority. • •• •••• Efeettonmrpaymol cede: Et TF3eri~u~d'tb " dlivaarsn [ l,ieice ' DAYTOX= O . Ap r il 6.-1 , 40 4 1teputilleate• ticket is 44 tiworkles wying *OM ArtY So thtVa i htmared.. ►., ,••• . • •f. TR4.0401110) EICCSIOPi' r risn.:on u themk-ticket oet XllB. --City Cow; tyliodt stf ^WDemocrats. • 'r • MICHIGAN `center. Prohibition. KANSAS VIRGINIA (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) RICHMGbiD, April6.—The Convention has finished all the • reports before' it and will 'adjourn this week. _ There Is muCh interest in Republican cir cles regasiding the apPointment of the new Governor. TwO committees have gone to Washington to .protest against it. Gover nor ,Pierpoint is also there. Amessage from General Grant is stated to have been received, directing General Scho field to suspend •his order till further or ders,. General Wells, the new Governor, is 'not here. - A despatch froin Washington, from high authority, announces he will he -here to•rnorrovr arty be inaugurated. • BRIEF NEWS ITEMS, isi feared - that 'the frost in St. Louis has injured the fruit. - ' —About $150,000 worth of real estate ehangedands last week in St. Louis. .—The. General Assembly at Columbus, Ohio, adjourned oil Saturday until to-day. —The steamer City of Antwerp, from Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. —Dr .J. P. Paeler, a prominent citizen of Cincinnati, died. in that city:3=day night. —A company •of , New. Rork - capitalists has bofight the Mississippi I Contra' Rita-, —Rhode Island's Republican majority 4,301 'official, a net, gain of , 67; total vote 15,775. —Considerable excitement is felt in Co lumbus, Ohio,"over the finding of a skele ton in a cellar on High street. —Steamers have resumed their regular trips between Detroit and Sandusky. There is but little lee in the lake now: —Thu municipal election at Keokuk, lowa, to-day was catried by the Democrath. The city went Republican last year. . -The:lrish Giant was arrested at his • hotel in Indianapolis, on Saturday. He re sisted,bratdx policemen carried-him off to —An old shipbuilder „of Massachusetts, who died the other day, had cOnstructed and branched overone= hundred' essels during his busy life. —Navigation on the Mississippi river was open to St. Paid on the 4th instant, when the steamboat Phil. Sheridan passed through Lake.Peplii. • - ' - • —The. Chicago Union,Brewing.Company has just filed a certificate, of prganizatioll in the office of the Secretary of :the State of Illinois. Capital stock $250,000. —The land' ofilce' of Charles Luxtoti, in Hudson City, was, entered by burglars Sun day'night, the safe blown'open; and bonds valued at thirty-two thousand dollars stolen. , —The twentieth annual report of the Board of Directors of Giraid College, Phila delphia, shims that during 1A137 upwards of five hundred pupils were educated in the institution. —The entire Republican State ticket was elected in Arkansaa by an astoundingly in creased nukieritv. The - Legislature organ ized-Pid_PrornitlY, 11clopted4K.in4stittiffoli a1 'amend theta. - • —The assassination of priminent I.lnion citizens of Georgia, who. are 4 ilMltibligns . the "Conservatives" of that Statii," ing so general as to create gr9at eaditement among the people.. - • _ , —An Irish servant girl at the 'residence of K. Y. Morris, in Nashville;.' Tenn., at tempted to start a fire with (vat oil. An explosion ensued, arid the girl was shock ingly and fatally, burned. . - —John Bright. ,says that six• hundred thousand P,rotestants in Ireland had :two arch-bishops and twentY• bishripe, with an income of . twelve' millions sterling, yet the Established church was a failure. —John J. Roe has purchased the entire stock of Levi Ashbroker, of St.'Louis, at- a profit of sloo,ooo They . are both pork packers, and a lxige amount of lard, bacon and bulk merits thus change hands. 7 fl,', —The House of Representative., has; or dered fifteen hundred copies of J. Ross Browne's report of the condititai of the mining countries of the west. It is .the posed that the same number will be ordered by the Senate. ••• - —A New England raiway sUPerintendent enjoins ," upon his conductors and ' other's& aistants, not onljr to do their work "well" "pleasantly" Ha thinlts olyillty and • courtesy a valuable part of the otimpimy's, equipment. Can 10 be inducbd to comelb• Pennsylvania ? - - —ln the Petroleym trade - Philadelphia is loading' 34 vessels for exports; with 107 8 4 4 700 barrels chpribity, while New York' ha but 15 snow loading, With' a capacity orktfut 22,000 barrels, In, five- years. the fornier city has sent abroad about 80,000,000 gallons, valued at seine $31,000,000: . . , —lt is stated that, when . r. . an erltilt; a' few Months ' ' Since,' got 'ix:ritrol of . the Now York Centre.; he found thit - hiqdknr.. dened with the weight of 'l4thfri,,:jiveth`du ~ Mid free pettitee!" - All' these 'dead-bade, "he deadened 'donsiderablY more by ebol ishintthe entire nfesi:"_': - ',.' '' ' .., .. r -4 i queer story is i , .10., - .aetilci- ci;Pi,IP: )Pianc.' toy a South Carolinian of, hriezty and high ' standing, *t:3 Informs the - Int peachlnetit ;Managers theti 4pork the' written, order of the 0.,P. F. just before thills,Mck 1 diva Fort Sumter ,lttlYeasee, of rift deirliali i were AeliVered b y ' Major Anders:On ztetthel afithorities`df the State..' , . , . , --Senator ; ilson says: . 44 1 have seen Gen . eial ~G,rak n l, in the camp, in his, cogent:his: own ..bouse; , and: at,d,uufer partieit dylahre, liquors were freely ,used by .othe atiat ' ,I, w i have .never seen bim drink. even- 'of wine, nor have J.. ever seen hi m Ai n I pad the slightest , reason , to -,tloPk he , . .0 6+ 111 .9'; degiec.under,the influence of .i,lrin . • lflifT ' - -., — .The 'Citizens , :ot.the „manu facturing EitatesOf•NeW Etighartd.:stitfetAt:' rnatically , emigrate ta otherdistricte 4;1 th,_ e. :Union, , their lawiaat hornii_beibg e i • ' lied by for.eigners;that the votes cif Con ilk; _Rhode Islandandlkilvssatibusettent elk 'y. ...entirely : dependent . upon.. theft ineli t m. and interests of the latter elasin , ..;-: ~, : - , , .. , ; , :x -In the - Avalanche totatiMpit' 'it ' Memphisi.JUdie Waldron of 91eMpnrcipal Court yes terday derided tor tuktnqatitbor. :Aty to grant a . writ • of Wahrelar 'ciiPpull 'and' - ordered the prisoners. fn - ' tie: titan "111t.46' jail, .but' subsequen t ly. stuilepadeily fusion' tot?ten dayn ill ordetto'givithetil o p ' tiaitY r to bear = from- 1 1hu Supre*: Court : , f.' the States I„.J ,-- . i; .; I r.:,10.w i,; ,, , '• i : fah' '4it' '' ' • , --- case oMa .hers nagainst the' Reek ' Pilabd Rail -;, vas' before the - Supreme Court of New' Xork, froth the an appeal tro the dedstrin't of...7pir 'tiar dozo refusing to : treiiefe•tbe - Wit e to .the tr. s: - Ccitittr.%. Defendan ts elitlM:the. the CotiliAl4 beino4 foreign corporation Amid not be 'sued in •it,iiiti s ittilea.:: Thl?; fle!elen ' tr l o •. '.feeeotoo;:Th''': l :', •". ." . ,/ 1 Ltit , f' , '• .-4.:riittkiluirU i t th r O.l , 4Vr y*Aps,..! if,, i.*ig,,y,.bose: intopitz-mial.l . a , h,,,,u 0 t,.. * „„„, ; -,,,,,,,..1 , .. , - 141'1'11;e AC ft , AneglPOr, diet : eKtilnit, I ttt , 10311440)116,ivr . cglt against. 4 ' - 14nAttaa whibh:iiiiiii* ':4l, Ivor of. i ngw-pivi , eii. trazuw , Ai Railway" Stook ." He decliOd !papblagA t had been bought, and specified Ana sums '^'~~.:~:a~ax:~2~uaG NUMBER 83 paid. The matter has been_ referred to a committee for investigation. " -The projected railwayy from Coihocton via Mount Balleontainci, Ohio, is likely to be bellt.',Nerarly..Boo,ooo of stock is already plediptP, :the State. releases the Walhonding Canalto ilie.Vompan4 for 24 miles, and tlietalanife of-the line will in clude much grading, masonry and bridging already long , since completed for Old pro- jects which have collapsed: . —The examination by,,the referthi in re= gard to the $10,000,000 of ' Erie stock : issued in - viohition of the injunction ofJUdge Bar nard, at New York; was onnmenCed ,yes terday. Horatio N. Otis, attorneyl'of the Company, testified to 'receiving preferred certificates of stock in ,accordance with in structions from the •Presiden,. Witness ' will be cross-examined tb-day. --Gen. Butler hasn't the most sympathet ic voice in the world. One correspondent compares it to the screeching of a hiandred saws, commingled with rumbling of: an ar tillery carriage across a rugged patbment, while another one says that it resembles in its intonations the combined and noises of a cracked barrel organ and a cho rus of bull terriers in a street fight—now sharp and snappish, and again wheezy and rasping. —The elephant•Bomeo which kilied its keeper a few .months. since at its :; winter quarters - beef , - Philadelphia, has retnained since unconquered and too savage to be ap proached. But last week, One of his old 'keepers -under , took the duty of bleaking him in. Having entangled him with chains and thrown him down, it Was. 4$ hours before the brute gave up. -He was( then led out, as docilets spaniel .1 —Of two very prominent men: at Wash ington, just now, while the Inappechinent is going on, • a letter reniarksfi Grant, during all this game of chessi,isAuiet as a corner square of the chess-loard. He rides, roves, reads a little, and rises all the time in the situation. Judge Chase said to me on Fridayy, that he wished his friends would let, alone alid never mention him again in connection I:with the Presiden - r: , - How the Case is 'to be Closed. Mr. Stanbery is , to close the Impeach ment case, , preceded by Everts. Whether the othei members of counsel will speak depends upon the attiiin of the Senate. Then rule in• ,the 'twitter pre scribes that the case shall be closed by two on'each" side,' Unless the Senate Will agree that the managers themselves , Will ask that thei rule he suspended for them and if this is, done, counsel will rlceive the same indulgence. It is known that Gen. Logan- desired to -speak. Gov: Boutwell has been assigned the General, gumming up. of case. Mr. Williams hris an ar gument • on the character - of impeachable offences; slid both the• House and Senate desire. to Wilson.- It is!Supposed Mr. Stevens' health will not alloy him to take , any "preminent pit. On the side of .consel, .Mr. .Groesbeck is very atr.dons to speak, as he_ has takeu no part; whatever up to the present time. When all others have'finished Bin:ham will Close.' • The Constitutional Amendment. California has rejected the Constitutional amendment. It has now, been rAtified by twenty-two States, two of : which, Ohio and New .Tersey, hav ereconsideredi ; their .1ao» tidli and solar lay*in theft fiow er, with- -drawn their . ratification. Fourtden ' StateS have,rejected the amendment, ter" of them beirfg those 'Terrilll . y in insurrection. One State; lowa,- remains :to , be - tetird from. Allowitur that. Ohio andrNew Jersey have the right to withdraw their ratification ! it will require the vote of eight; of the in surrectionary. Statesor seven should lowa ratify—to adopt the ameniimenii. By the terms of the Reconstructrou. law's, no one of the late rebel States oriri'lieqifirnitted to representation in Congress natil the amend ment is ratified it. - ANTIQUITIES Or ANNESLEVO.I.Y.—An nessIey Bay, in Alyssinia,..was . the point whence the cireeks, in the dayaop i lie Ptole mies, mrriett on trade with AxulM by way of Senafe_and Halal; ‘P6rtug,uese and niodeiiiliavelerahave usually `taken the route ; by .Massows.. , The ancient Cireek city Of Adulls, the emporium of this t*ade, was plose to the shore; but the recession of the - seahaslefttlx="rulns four miles back, among fe pleciis or fluted =columns, capitals and .1 =• • yI. inta - ok a -vPry dark *Pred• vol"' • are, to be found. ~-rgy slight e. = brought4ollight the c.aiiof prdrl.of scales) 1 , 'Neiman ot'Aenyinggeorge Alfred T.'s, a rePPiter.'S tieltet to the impeachniet4 trial, in tyre 'alnisive language and bad - grammar at tributed' to hiitt,Tresident Wade . actually obtained`an extra feat for. bbn, after all the seats had been.obtainedi and poor:four him dred had been Alga 'pointed. St. Lai/121m EMIIMOI illy :pelofiruph to the Pittsburgh 311.!e.t.: ST. LOUIS, ;April - 9.--leNiectOa shade easier' but . not- quotably lower.; Cotton: ' attain" any offering;- On Saturday there were small . pales at 30c.. Flour,: .very little : doing:: 'Balm of X at $8,374 . 25;. XX $9,50a 10,754. XXX • _to faneylll;ooal3,sol Wheat offering large -and the market easier; sales of prime to choice red and „waif° fall at Prm;542,70, Sting ranges ,2,042,10. Cora i and a ttle • batter 14'43602e, Oats' 'luau r, ; rangbig 7,470 c, Barle3i_dial, weak ,and ewer, prime spring sold - at $2,50. Rya 'higher at''131.;80a1,6234.•:. Provisiona; excited and Continue to advance: L Pork Old before change at 26y,a263ip,„ and subsequently at 26Xa27c for litter , retail :lota. , Bulk Ideate; mot ' 'mach -dOing,' looser ;shOulders „sold i at.. . clear , , sides - , ,,16) I Bacon shoulders ~ , ar,ei.,, „held ~ at ' jl4. Oak aidekl7®l7}:ic; held at 171: .i at the chottlili 'thigtir euredthami, , ,lBef, held at 17e. afr,,,the.elow.;, Lard, ,quipt; sales ofrime at 16c. , The ,supplY,of life stock is li g ht and 'thamarket'staf; common to Chbice extra F i , dattlai 'range! $4,181 i)i,Sheep at `2l.';@7 per bead, ,, Reeelptik— . ur, 2,900 bbla; wheat, 29,000 binia; corn, - 000 bush; oats, 26,000 -bushi.barley, 3;400 liush; .Srya, -14100 bush. ~ Stock flour onhand, up to AprilliOis, 38,000 lib* . ils"fallowin -:: Superfine" 898;'T, 3,688; XX;1,661; XXX and fancy, .21.,740: Wheat, - 80,000; i torn,f 92,587; ; oats,;/0,924, barley, 4,400. I. -----40.----. , ' ' New. York Cattle Markel '` 'Pr Teiegrapb toTAtill?lmiTa elaueiffi,,i i e -- Zir - . Yorar, . April ~ 0.-7—Receipt's for the if Sai iv k;4,6;5 beeves ; '16;815 sheep aitil lambs; m em heeao Beeves :iifferiiillieing only about I,OTO head in.. Rarket.,,With4irlsk de plapd;_ sales of extra ,Inta at $19;7420,0; nrimait : 4 l l4l - 050.Pfair to good at,517,50a and-inferior to ordinary lIPIall5,50; ILV- Mae irllia t ,Wai3 , fair; ,Sheep, ar lambs, , ebomon, d rand' hea4yrgood ' fair re : riiefited, 'and ,, firtin' - 118,400.50 for: inferior to good, and. , 119910,75 - ifor prima. AO extra; Ax l P l . 3 g the sales Nero ,650 Obio,bi 120 th e average; " at .11,0, ,4 3916"sheared;thi; at 106 lbs 1 ImWaire,ll34er 1981diehlgan,- at - Wits aver age/ , e,/ , ftetushearedhltheeß2- 7 031t* . Swine OnlY tioderately.iiegve and lOwery with of. fetinielof4o,M 'Said; selling stelly‘a9y 4 q a. the Ashur were -.4 :earl toast; of,phio Cifitst'of 11 lbl we r eralle nt i ti r - a B elp..l, cars of eavv, of 160 lbs aye e , s o. i one do totria pounds Average, ist.BAbt - One; h do Matliklici Ara I tin*, do', et4ft 0, of ds average, at Bso., '"- 4 - 04 • U l' 1 -1, ii 1 i h (