T atits Comic Husk „ The Pall- Hall G i azette ndulges in , the fol lowing severe remarks concerning comic ' music : "The popular music of_ the day is _ nothelOw the ' notice of any onevrho wishes, to sound the depths of vulgarity in which certain classes of our countrymen and Oi*trysiomenUre not ashamed to indelget_l „and, lately the significatiee of „comic singing lifiendered important;by a emit ofjashiona-', .I 4 'patronage which hitsbeen bestowed iipon'' 14. oiCrheu, wei.,read in an . advertisement, , .coluinn that i ' Racketty Jack' and :the, . ,", - Horsefiell-Dlimer • were sting by 'coma ' 'tumid ef E. Iti.H., the Prince or 'Wales, on the lfith of February, •it strikes tis that Ahem' is some tisk of having introduced inta - Otir drawing-roems u kind - of entertainment, 'hitherto Confinedici the streets and the -mu-, idd. hells,: - It' is ; not pleasant either ' for, 'flidny reasons, to learn that one: of 'the chief minstrels' and representatives of , 1 comic .talent' now goes aliOnt every, night in za trtougharn from , one,place Of drinking and i dsAming to another, and 'prefaces his latest effusion by a speech, in , which he • -tells the shopme ~s oldiers, servautsand people from the con try, who make up his audience, that if- they only like his song as well as H. It IL and a hog of his noble friends he (the Comic Talent) will be quite satisfied with his reception. Alter this announcement a thrill of awe and expectation passes through the ball, and the people get their beer, pipes, and gin ready in Order to enjoy with • com fcirt and satisihction apiece of dogerel sanc tifiod.by the patronage of the aristocraey. "Of the many sins that burlesques have to answer for, their use of those degraded songs is about the worst. The level of taste which the •Chickaleary Cove” and its brethren are made to suit Is latnentable in, the extreme. It makes us almost despair of educating that dense mind which requires 44 - be stimulated in its 'hours of recreation, with the sordid illiterate 'verses in which music- is mocked, sentiment turned into sickening ridicule, and impure notions not only suggested, but often, made the very groundwork of the composition. It must not be forgotten'that these thing s aro peen- Ilitiproducts of our own times. The sweet old quavering ditties, with their thin land dilly. complrmentg, 'were surely better for 'the people than 'Champagne Charlie.' The *ea songs were once tie rage even in tav erns. A certain national meaning andspirit. pervaded them,—a certain bannless and un -m.eaning romance pervaded others; but the fast comic seng and the fast comic singer, with his carnage and his grin, or his power of jumping and roaring ehornsesat the same time, were unknown. Are we becoming 'Wire vulgar in our tastes than those who baited bulls? I "Not long since we had to record nal ex hibition of noblemen of the Strand Theatre. A lord dancing cellar flaps and breakdOwna was to be seen by;those who could endure a bad imitation of the niggers whom we have also domesticated in this country. where' shall 'We 'stop, if, after this, We pet our Congo singers and introduce them into quarters hithert) reserved for such artists as GrisL, Tletiens, •or Patti? It IT difficult indeed to say. We swallowed the 'Cancan' ((slightly mitigated) easily enough; and' Ater Royalty Ltd seen it, it was ;translated to where the working classes can elevate their minds by, the sight Of indecent dance. The comic singers form a pretty ac companiment to this novelty. They are not to be blares d for making money out of such tomfoolery as thb public will pay to see and tear, hut surely they ought not to be glorified by distingulshed •persons, as well as salaried bp. enterprising managers, who run there Gbont in stylish broughams? The -"gre this and the 'lolly l trst, it they really wish to seize the occasion ought to open an opera house of their own. ,There is now a capital oppor tunity for it, and doubtless the boxes would bo bespoken almost before the place was ready. So would we English justify our, claim as a musical people to France and Germany. We too have our 'female com ics' to sit beside Therese. They are, not yet es bold as Therese, but it will give them courage to know that their nude rivals in the professiot. are becoming not only fashienable but popular. It would not sur prise us to learn, from the way we are tend ing in this direction„-that Belgravian sons and daughters sang 'The Eel Pie Shop' in the course of the season, with, to quote the neat and expressive language of Ittl. 'advertise extent, 'a harmonious bow-woW chorus by all the jolly doge.' " • • Dslcated pggs. 1 (Prom Littell's Living Agoo Er. Charles Lamont has discovered and sthnted a very ingenious process for prepar - "eggii so that they may be - kept; for years out change or decay. The process con sists As descr ibed IT, the cilumieal Neva, in e mptying' he fresh ' eggs from _the shell into a long covered trough; a shft; 'armed with a series of metallic:discs about fifteen or twenty inches in dirinieter, is madeJo,de- Seend into this trough:while revolving, which beats the eggs into homogeneousness,' and covers the Surfaces of the . discs with.; a , thin covering of egg. . The discs, stiffrevole ing, are elevated from the trough, and a cur. rentrf • hot air passed through: covered. boi, -. which qiiekli "MO the egg, when a series of scrapers-, are brought into action, so se to scrape off the egg in the form of tine thin scales or granules, which_ la_ IV be appearance PrACIPS•;, — .OYrst. itlize4.: , This process may be . repeated ad ,-; The preparation thus obtained ,retains per.: fectly 'ailthe properties and flavor of that fraihigg, and may be usid t fer the varier's' " where broken egg is needed, and for cooking, by diesel= P a little in wateri, andibentingit utast .ono.poundlis equal to forty.four .eggs; - 100 'doterk;eggs, - when_ OrystMized or desicated, occupy one-cubic • foot We areglad that this very useful.arti ele of diet has beerigided4o the now long. „__ like p . r.*r . ' iii 4 artlalos'ilf&d. - .- An •en:c, larrillhor company in New York have; we ... andeastarul, purchased tie invention, !and At Is now being successfully introduced 'into; ._lkts 'mar l ket. _ .. . . . ..,,t wne Circle squared. E r . constant Ten?. of Eagle Pass: "bus' soared the res*POnOtkqes 114 ' oSircae. He writes to a conteiriporary: "In the rale for awning the circle arith .: = g o dly I think 941h004 - tb!tirgt • ' "ICI& role that won't wont- bo ways.' r th e combs!reeve (71 to be the slim E..;' • -4 11 ' 1- shirnotearAllitelrulitcrtslitarikbii 1; b the ecinare.-': 14141,' Yet ' B 9 ls !!,! 4 )'elFtl. - 1111N1tt originated tbe t .liPte, EV 3II TeI o .f i t c # 47 o l 4l. ii i - C7*. fe-pwd%re 4762114, • t la o,' says -01-battiCuilakioustgotio ant!: em toga, Ingenious.- , Therele're. it t a m ' i - bk deat'reare-net w ho zleinti tei t u r tiggekg4B4 44 l4l o7l=l , 47o. 6 6tifeila:de t r - they . ,„ .;:wro d Noah's obit" ' fsieve.,kirjay 44tirgitilat ree - iiThe4ser'' b t . abt e i de di.c. =arks that the !lank L . 51 160. nthattv ei:-01111111-...#lll,,mmt.,,finlbillalitosch4,ithat "the" karia3imw 48. trtlW,k L . F 93 f .iiZw : 411 ' 1 " th i f iDdifi . 64 ` t4 Atti. , ~ f n ry .. itfizy - simintehtglarktallSl4lloo:4 7 huricay.i 4e6t t hints - alicia4ll:o‘laulak ~ilol4h7 y rest.eni rgetilluities. Texas correspondent says: ;Upon, ar riving in this State I was impressed ; with the fertility of imagination ffisplayed by the in habitants as set forth in the names bestowed by them on their villages and towns. Hut; mediately commenced making a list of the most popular, and I send you all that ;I have collected, with the assurance that I am in , debted for none of. them to my own imagi nation. Here is. the list: Lick Skillet, Buck SW:at, Nip and Tuck, Jimtown, Bake Pocket. Hog:Eye, sPair Play,•• Horn Hill; Seven Lbigue,, Steal Basvl Possum Tret, Plat Heel, Wog Level, Short 'Potie, 'Gourd Neck, 'Shake Rag, Poverty - Slant,' Black • ' In the Village.of Henderson I was intro duced to a buxom school girl of fourteen years, who possesses the following name: Dionysitv- Boadicea Jeffalinda Jacobint ,Christiana ,Buckiima Caledonia Susannah, Emily Wyatt Wilkinson Moore Wynne, "p' tiophonisba, Bophonisba, 0." 'The young lady is a cousin of a young. than of that village'who, in the' short span of his life of twenty-two, has done and suf.. ferld the following things:. He has had over ' a> hundfed personal encounters; his shot mortally, three, men, not mortally, eight; is now - resting under seven bail herds; has been through the war from the beginning; married, buried an infant daughter, and separated from his wife, who is' now going to school; and is now living on his father's substance, in possession of a pair of fine boots, a spavined horse, a Mexican saddle, a silver watch, three revolvers and a Der ringer, and one defier in specie. All this he told me himself, with much apparent satisfaction. He expects to attend the Waco races, but does not expect to lay .heavy wagers. Another correspondent writing from an out-of-the-way neighborhood in West Vir ginia, says of the prevailing dialect: ."Words corrupted Etna mispronounced, as common with the illiterate everywhere, are often very . ; provoking. Wuncti twicet. skifit, sixt, sermont, islant, beyant, reedier, retch, &c., for once, twice, skiff, fifth, sixth, sermon, island, beyond, yather, reach. Cheusday for Tuesday, nary for never a or never one, mo' for more, 'lowed for supposed or believed, oaten for out or out of. A well-dressed young lady heard news of a marriage of an acquaintance, and exclaimed: 'Well, if she paint done gone and done it, and never let on.'" Ammonia as a Motive Power. Galignani says: Visators to the Great Ex hibition may recollect having seen an en gine set in motion by the application of ammonia, which was exhibited in -elms 53 by M. Fort, a naval, engineer. This engine attracted the Emperor's attention, as well as that of the public,' the saving resulting from the system being enormour. It. ap peared from the experiments made that a common fifteen-horse-power steam engine working four hours consumed two hundred and, fort - seven kilogrammes of fuel, while the ammonia engine, working four hours and eighteen minutes, consume more than one hunpred and seven kilogramins. Tiu• saving was, therefore, about sixty per cent. The new - adparattts has moreover, tho advantag of being easily applicable - to the old• boiler. The chemical theory on which M. Fort's system rests is this: ~T ho latent,. heat of the dissolution of ammonia, to water is the algebraical sum of the latont hest of liquifaction of that gas and of its heat of combination with water." The new - en gine, however, does not employ liquified arntrioniacal gas, but a dissolution of that gas in. water, azid commonly known as liquid ammonia. This solution only ab sorbs 128 units of heat in its vaporization, while that of Water absorbs 603 of these units. Moreover, common liquid ammonia boils at 50 degrees centigrade, and affords a pressure of six atmospheres at 111 degrees, while steam requires a heat of 160 degrees in order to produce the same - pressure. • Nevertheless, an objection to this new system had to be removed. Ammonia will attack copper and bums with groat avidity; and as many parts of a steam en gine consist of brass, their speedy deter roration might be looked forward to. For tunately,-however, ammonia, thti enemy of copper, is tho friend of iron; that is, iron indefinitely in contact with it will bo pro served from rust-instead of suffering from it., and all the parts of the steam engine now made of brass • may henceforth be made of iron. Tho escape of ammonia from the engine is not to be dreadod, cause the fatty substances with which en gines are greased being saponified by con tact with that gas, will only mako them moro alt-tight then before." A CORRESPONDENT of the San Francisco Bulletin . says, speaking of the laborers on the Pacific 'Railroad: When 'a Chinaman is killed the whole gang invariably_quits work upon that part of the road. , What secret fear or open superstition the,y, have upon , this point I could not learn. The overseers only know the fact, and not pretend to account for it. Early . last.winter ts snow elide overwhelmedand buried thirty out of a gang of one ' The Test instantly prepared to leave not so mach - asoffering to dig out their brethreacwho: Welt' 'Possibly he 'still litintiath tha man!. This the White ova r, *resblttte fellow, would not permit; buwith his pistol, drove the fright -cited-Miriam:a' to work iligging for the popr rellowe. 'They—were- aU dead except one 'when dug out 4", 'He was in asteantaf sweat. His first •Words+ were brief, - and expressed` his impreasiotlz:- 40 1'oo ,:inuchea' hot," he said, and prepared to folio* his pugnacious companions away • from - the tabooed ' section' of theTlfld :! Yet John hilt viod larfiorkmanotrid; • Witifout hum the Work would inak ii.butlittleprogrtits. • ARCEIMICTS. TtAIai&BIOSER;-.• 'l• 4-11,611014EcTs. FRUIT BOUM ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS, Nois. *WI St. ClaG Strebt, FlGsburgh. Ps..ByeolYl tieatlon=*trim $0 ski *signing ma oungung or tiotruT ROUBSSaind PUBLIC BUlLDltioff, AR F og r .- DRAFTSMAM.,• 5t4 1 15 - rand'Sfampip Nrikbagespe=tizaa -' 4)1 1 1 , 0 jw % . a _ prrrepunon. L=}llBlL : :cl i ;' . .;:l...P , .': , 7', Form PITTIMMIIIniVONTANI - $125,000. , - , . 0, • is ' • • . '1) 1 0 ( 1,0 1 • f I [ l, r • • ._ ,F,Dl2llCan*.; • V I ZT I . . 11.14 ' wgpo4,o l K usictmcaTom , lniq o Yrktf.T v eu x ii. w a i l & rY". 1 14 41' 0#1" 44 °. 4 7 * Peet; - • • - - IsAig ron PnThitilleiklitr4l6 , 4*4443o4lV • ,' • , 11 4 4 M44. - 1 PRINTING V AND' ;4,aitztti l t ] • 1,7 *Aium9titillieV ',4 4 . • 402 141411W8/1)9441° . 4 vttr 44*-14 4 1 11 4111140434/71d j :e.A -• 0 , . 40044 minkuo, 1.4 :111_11.SIMANJOAZWIE_ 41..XONDAZ,R,INAIL 1 6. 1868. .R :A ' ,SPEMMINOTICER, wutrc'lfr: (Fmnltispeasstoty or he Baited States.) DIOBILA OBEiTATA. - • - sumartEivES. Propertlec—Thelr odor 11 inrong., diffaslreind somewhat aretitatio; their tastes bitterish, 'and anal sgaus to Mint. :• • Pertten "Wad liThea;—Buchu leaves are gently btinimant,.irltti pokillartendeu ,ey to the . ErrfnOrp 'Biyxtiar,•prouetrig dinrests.' end tike other'siteLlar Medici nes, , eielting.!dlitphoreals.. '• They:ate :givfn in coMplideti , of th'e = Urinary Or': itaWaiab as Gravel; 'Chrtiitatiinirrh,ofilie; Mad:. der., , ltlerbid Irritation Of Ihirißlidder Diseate of the' VrOstateniut , ltetelition sincontl: trenitiof Brine; from it lois of tone in the partscori: corned in its °vacillation.- 'The remedy bee Also boon rboansitiendod atropin Itheematism, Ctatineons Affeetions and Dropsy. • " EgittAvr °Boum la used by persons fronalhe"ftges of it to =, sad Wto fd, or in the decline or change - of IlfetLiffer Confinement or La 'tor Pains; Bed Wetting in Children: . . Alreettonalicoullox to Fem ales the Ex , tract Botha to unequalled hy any other remedy, as 1* eldorobta or kteteralon, Irregularity, Palnfuluese or Supprethdon of Customary' ..Evacuattons, Ulcerated or Sehtrromistate of the Uterus, Leaoorrhea !or Disci:mos of the BladderiEJAneye, Gravel and Droplical Swellings. This medicine in treaties% the power of Digestion, excites the Ab sorbents into healthy: actiOu. by . which the Watery . or Calcareous depositlons, and ail Unnatdral En largements arc reduced, as w4ll as F4III and l Whim- llebaboDri - Extinet Machu tins cured every case of UlabonN in which it has been given. Arrita " lion of the Neck of the Bladdei, and Ind m amation of the Kidneys - Uleeiation of the Kidneys. and Bladder. Retention of Urine. Diseztsea of the-Pros tate Oland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, ("ravel, and Dust Deposit and De lic a t ekinky lßscharges, or Enfeebled , au& Constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the following symptoms: Indisposition to. Exertion, Lam of Power, Loss of gilemory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dim ness of Vision, Pale Di the Back, Hct Hands, Flushing otthe Body, Dryness of the . Skin, Erup tion -on the Face. Pallid Countenance. Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, &O. HELMBOLDI3 ICTIAOT BUCHIJ I 8 DITJRETIO And cares all Dist:ties arising from Habits of Dis sipation EXCedBCS and imprudence in Life, Impurities of the Blood, &c.,, superseding Qopalba In affections for which It Is used, such as tionorrhea, Meets of long standing, and Syph 'Mee Affections lu these diseased used in con-' - nectlon with lIELMBOLIPS ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S DRUG dED CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE; Sa KA BE'WABE OF WITNTEIIFEITS. • • • • Itgr'MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY. --An EasaLfor Young Men ou the Crime of Bethnal., and the LiNEASEo and ABUSES which mute &pediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means ' of relief. Sent to sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Or. SKILLIN HOUGH TON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Penn's. M - CONGRESS-22d DISTRICT. le a candidate for rhominntion before the UuMn psiblleart Currreutkm. rubirul&T Mr'CONGREfMi---22d THOMAS HOWARD, Esq., Is a candidate for nomination, in.' tho Union Repub lican Conarroolonal Convention. tutaltddiT FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Subject Ito tbe, decision of tbc Union Republican County Convention: . d&T FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. WILLIAM C. MORELAND, Subject to tho decision of the Union Republican County Convention. tat9:nt3:d&T Mr'tltrlZANT DISTRICT Bphieet to the decision of the Union Uennbilonn County Convention.,. . mt613:nV.,•441T P AL _ ILIPS, • . And Comugssion Merchants OPERA ROUSE AUCTION ROOMS, Ift, CO Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, C4RPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PIIITATK HALB LAY Conalipunento .Solleatod., , Prompt Sew turns.. • • . BT.& WILFAUT. • yALVAllilt 11.1.NK;134111161E & HE • OTR BTOOKS.. • ' _ umu, EvsNING; Aran irtzr. , at wv 11110eg• wlli ba award-Maar; or-Umnatectl6l:B ?9°14,106.3m1t d street: • 10 abates" Val - n** Tenet, 0o." alaa 90 shares genand , National Dank. 10 Aanaryw Kaplan°, navlnd..X.X ll ... 30 *hares Han 4 Samoa Bridger: _ . • ' seeming PNCI26 AVA:tlintla ihormi Katleaall•Badulagibbtaalag .1•00,0 047 or pttobarlb G i rt __ s o • • - AVnelL B.•Auattabaaa.' , • 11 , ..5.11300/333. - -c• anVIVSES ,A 11111 c" '131: - ongaiy AT AUCTION.—The propert, 9 Nixon street, Alleglumb llste ltisiscbeiltdra will be sold by Order-ot lb" Magpies' or Logyboo& & liars, on 11,bo, preualera.4lo9 oUri at 9 o'clock., The !St" are tub Au by 140. O W Wen" are einikfranee. lately bullt,orolta&d otiirtt yoosis.roopoeUtely.-with goodoelkon.- They. sr. bf, Liertrave ,„ l,,,r, or the= .nd or=aa n T tbiyi •Oaro tag: Ybr siliuur_to,Ntiotroueet. Auturtily or ;bomber *0 other Pclsobb4roperly 'Wow) time, to!otribe thti . *DE: . ; 7 .;: , 7 .4, , 'A. LitHIATIG. I rilEmat TOWU • nit :;PROP-. : ,C • ".: IC PUBL rilgiatrituahee of' Ordettir °hitt ilk Ito. ! 1#8 Jane Tonoebeee batgettdr ^tate tiale A ;at the Ot)II littaburi .Imt .Witl)l4.mpAY. Aprtl loth. 1 1 .1, si r 6.01 ICA" Jut that earth* se* as - jsatt ht l_apilAttapt i a t m p libell petri ". =Wr l tuti l irr ia : e n=e, eiu gi o t a alg •aisereit; move of aia, shith—Conahaucetb, balance In one year, hilkit APtete6t. . TortetttettaitMin,..'dka.,pppulyb.totrio.A Tina*atigran4o-41Am*t k 177 ti;-": 1 )U ' i- {l ' ' ' . 1) :% 8 ZONE 1 16 i) , ;:: ~):, , ,I.: : ttrifii:AL . L . ,. , -,I).1?-, , 4: . ...i) ).". Ma.,.._,. sodigyeat sorter of was comungs;plaostspor.: _ • InUATPKAILVVATUR II co : ' ..-: %. ! UPS outtimlier ~ ea ; idmi , ,. ,"" zuse t ru i lit t" il e t. r lstositigt ..."," , rill Mot* volOOLIcl -... RlPfirt 71. • ; aaa•Pokuo .24 1,4§n0. Quarry. Tliiidik'44ll44 l 4l4' W. - 1 4 :44 It. law - • a m a ul cyan a a ry-aata ;IMP ftWA , t -LitteNrii , 'abaft* ' 11014146Atalsimmig1;441* AND BLOOD-PIDIIPITEG. SOLD AT bt4 LitOADWAY. And by Druggists everywhere ASK 101: IlEralrSOLD , s t AND. TAKE NO OTHER.. POLITICAL. 'Gen. S. S. NEGLEY Gen. A. , L. PEARSON, J. B 'FLACK, AUCTION 'SALES. eeer., ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BY PALMS & PHILLIPS. AIICTIOB=W •:-•itEALKk - ASTATE :AGENTS. HALTCS 6 , 4 _ '-„READ E7fATE 11111x 1 E, No. - 98 Gran Street, Pittsburgh. EI3 AND P novo' WILL GIVB Negotiation gentSw JOILII IL HAULM & BRO., . . STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS, Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCKS, BONDS, HOUSEHOLD ind FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE, , Sc., either on the premises or at the Bold of Trade ROOMS. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Salsa of Real Estate ln the country attended. OSice, No. 115 FOURTH tiTREICT. • oe=" c HEAR FARMS FOR SALE: 'Joie t. ow for bale several of the finest FARMBin Westmoreland and Indiana counties, on remarka bly easy terms, so easy that any one desirous of buy ing can purchase on tune altogether. Call and ex amine for yourself. G. M. PETTY, mh4 No. 80 timlthfield street. FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE. ----..-.......... OUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE Olt RENT.—A large-two-story double Ouse; containing 10 rooms, Including double par lor, with marble mantles, and all the modern Im provements; 1 acre of - ground, filled with fruit fiir:Wintaiilflie Situated near I ?lin c e 4 v e i r " Lrs at .. This Is one of the handsomest locations In Allegheny county, and In a good neighborhood. A_pp," at W. A. HERRON'S lleal Etitate Office, 87 torramt Street. . ' mbin FOR SALE Lk. TO LET,i-nouses and Lots for sale in all parts of the city and sit bs. Also, skeend FARMS In g locations. Also, a small WOOLEN • FACTOR:I , od with 20 acres of land, and good improvements, which I will sell cheap and ou reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets." Privrte Dwelling Houses for rent In both cities. For further particulars Inquire of WILLIAM WARD, jall: 110 Grata street. opposite Cathedrl. FRAME- COTTAGE, SITUATE IN MOUNT WASHINGTON, Within 25 minutes` walk of the • Monongahela bridge: The house contains five rooms kitchen, cellar and vault. Lot 100 feet front L 900 feet deep, fronting on three streets. On the tot are 400 Yull bearing Knipe vines of tire different varieties, with all kinds of shrubbery, eueb as gooseberries,' blackberries, strawberries and currants; also, Peacb, pear, apple, quince and cherry truss. Will be Bout cheap. Inquire of• • • _ . . STEEL & WILSON, Brokers and Beal Estate Agents, No. 06 Sinttkdeld Street. 2,000,000 A"EB CHOICE ELANDS' OE,- SATM; DT TEE Union Pad* .4a4iiroad Company, EASTERN DlVll3lotf, Lying along the I#l6 of their road, at $l,OO TO $6,00 PER ACRE, . • AncLon a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS) For Outlier particulars, suips, fre.,viddreas JOHN. P. DEVEREITX, ' Land Commissioner, Topeka, Sanaa% Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, See`y, lIM GROCERLES. FOR FRAGRANT TEAS, - CHOICE COFFEE, Xaure siargoess, ROBINSON'S, No. 20 . Fifth Street TEAlsy FOR TUE FINEST TU crioio/* i noo . rE, WEE • ' 'PIT/Mr And the best CANN7ED PSUITB.: tcaLati; 'st most resonible grioosi go; to_ • ' FIiANCEai TEA , ~S,BT; 10 litaisittisd;l4lo4lsetriglit,, ; =1 Ram 14 .r.w AND MOl4 . eiSECI , I2lUninuttatiovo 000bbli. Plitutiitlooluoitulies t yr toTogeo; 11 0 , 1•;'•;: , roxiStet l lroySulaltni; , • ; , • I • .W.!_tklililM- I ,P3d - . .*usoorimiu ot:Bl,liinda of tiil.uumuuca. _ Suods IA our Una; fa' sale Law 10'11hOtt• • . '.• . fIZ "M • , Ur(i TO WII.FfiiIrLROOWEIt& EMMA:- AIIIONLiTED'HONE; . , 3 =I . . . . SUPER- - , ~. ~ "iiiiiiiiirOF - LEM , „ I •,;::, ~,,•.14 .- , ,, , .. 1• , .w.. , _ ,,,, ,,“•!, i . •:.-...,,,,,,,.•.: or_ .___, , ,:i:,•-.•.:.;,. 4.,,.. ; •- • - • - 111ANITAVIVIINDIfIr .:;:,,,-,, i :,-,..,,.; .I:t_ .. i.d.. - :i , 11.1].: -_,..? ~.,.:::::: 1-. : 1;,•, 1 , , iiri lf,',: : :: , ;- 111," Co.' .- mae , , , Alktgainyhremuzot , vr,t ,w1,1 , ,,T.::,, ;:-.lilor 4.14tizz., - ,;tliti.fArtf , • ,i : l iiiii4.l4atil eAkt i ßirutoid; i -. !, - , ••• - .:i3!".1::':, ,- ; IL r. , . ~.: ! ~:: . * PROXIMA - F ROBIE4 1 ,0 1- ;, : i3lii,!:M ; ir. , ..:',*( 1 . ilt•/.:'l.', • E:46 ‘.l zii'll'.,,, - ; - ,..• i 1,. MilaNigarTetur flaredpPithilitiz*Tru s ! , ctislgoesstuttigii***l_, - Ttoetlit' 4 . IhArypar It i 4 4M11nVie1;1741. 9 griZ r triati4 es ei : N es n a laWrtt.: l,o4 )4. : It , • . . ~ . Zalkea 5i 41; 40 1 44 k 114 - ••destil . ;... ma ,• BM EEM!M NAL PROPERTY AND SOLD. ItOkWT.ATIMIMON TO f Loons, ,Attend to the Preperty. tolleetion Itstnel, &e. cam: stwourt MEE al2Aitis co.KE NY INN eq, u. AnitanioN4 e. A. HHICHINOON. ARMSTRONG ' kJ. HUTCHINSON, .Sttecesoors to " , PHILADELPHIA ANDnIVOIHOGIIICZT COAL CO., MINEILS' SHIPPERS AND DEALERS. BY RAIL . . ROAD AND RIVER, OF • Superior:Youghiogheny CAEVAND': FAMILY;.OOAL. 02lee and Yard-FOOT OF TEX SIIMET., near the (lea Works. - • . Orders left at the,yard, or addresoed try mail; trig be promptly nlled: , . , . BEST FAMILY COAL t ' AIMAYS ON HAND Aua DelirerOd Promptly $O Order, AT LOWEST MAIM= BATES,, BY OSCAR F. -LAMM & CO., Ctorner Banduoicy Street and P. rt. R. E. Ai4l..a . P.4saltrakllr • CITY, ANTIIRILCI# COAL rinunsiinp AT -THE .L9 4 01113T • • COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! • DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Flaying , removed'their Offloo to NO, 5437 . 3r,ruurry erracumir, City' kill) SECOND.ELOOII Are now prepared to turntshygood YOUGIIIOOITE NY LUMt', NUT UUAL Olt ttLAC/i, at the lowest morket price. AU orders left at' their Mlle°, or addressed to them through the mall, willbe attended to promptly. my2.3:b:tl CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, I=l YOUGMCOLDNY AND CONNELLSVILLE COAL, And Manufacturers oP COAL, SkACE AND DESULPIDMIZED COKE Office and Yard--CORNER OF BUTLER. AND MORTON STREETS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Lock Nu. 1; Pittaburgh, Pa. • Families and Manufacturers supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of their offices' will receive prompt attention. • - SUPERIOR COAL. C. CIIE11,1117: & CO.; Miners and Shippers of PITTSBURGH GAS, TORGE and I'A3lll,y ci)A L, NUT COAL an SLACK. Coal delivered promptly to all parts of the eltles at the lowest market rates. OiNee and Yard—CORNER FOURTH AND WAT SON (formerly Canal; STREETS, l'ittsburgh. 0. BOH 1292. 0e23: MERCHANT TAILORS. 'xicAitmx, ImEitAcirA.rifr 93)¢ SMITIMMLD STREET, PITISISITIIOH, Eccpc constantly on hand a fine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS Mao; GENT'S FUUNISHING GOODS. GENTV CLOTHING MADE TO °EDER. the linen style. NOW ItEMM. For the Spring Season, With a largo and complete stook of BOYS'. YOYFTBS' AN D CIILLaIIItEN•B CLOTHINC. • All wit and leading etylee, to bO /baud at 'So. 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. GUAY LOGAN.; NIERCHANT TAILORS. JIDANE& .rouvv,, No. 3: ST. CLAIM STREET, bavejust brought from the East s full supply of SYRING and 131.31- MEE GOODS, CASSItIk. tES. PESTINGS, Etc., &v..- eim which ths prepared to cut and make'np Ina style Mlual.to'sny shop to the cast or west. They aro determlned to.deserve and hope to receive a liberal patronage. • no :b34 GAS AND STEAM FITTING. I% L.ATWOOD....DESEIONJOICILSI J N'CAPPII.I7. . .. • ATIVIrD' 84'IXICCAVIOIIET,' BRASS FOUNDE RS, GAS AND STEAM FI T TERS, Cor. of Third and Liberty Streets, Above Carroll & Snyder's, Pittsburgh, Pa. LIMIT AND .TIDAVT CASTINGS famished promptly to order. , • Special attention paid to the fitting out and M ir-dui or pik Nedwaries, Steamboats, Dolling . AGENTS. FOR A: S. CIAIINEON k g 70.11 . • • _ . •.- • , , Steam ramps and Blower Engines. Those Pumps hive superier - idiantisgeaWver all others and every ono la warranted to giro satisfac tion.. ',PUMPS oonstanthron hand. fe26:nto ,• JOH. ,IC. 4X191,14111.:1:.:4096 ILYA. ' MOM" BLUR. JOHN. M. COOPER &CO:, u' • • FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM - - -FITTERS . lisoutiort afore of kill t 1 ever/ desoriptlow,„ dealers I.ik Ficcrpuza 4Nu Tußnro, - or •aukuos.. • •- . • • - . Corner of Pike and Walnut fititaittc •• • •PrrretpUßGET: tostsm, _ . . THE itIANSION; - 1101111816. , inotopstened bet innOnnoeiO theii liind the puoiltr 'Chit tutyn p_unthated 'thho (!1 1 ,1). 'EnTABLISILIM antrurllbAu 11005.1 k- • • ' • 04;4:: x;0 041.4 r, 0ftiL4 , 441 . And wilt continue to keep Win the bed style. The ALSNOKI r N t eC Am orManshundnut roOtun, sal zoygy n the oest r &tunt only tWO W t till walk t Rah UM. - Ihuyeitun tor I • dud thtt Mute attelottient ' • twang w M acommodoMl apr,kMriAny mai/114,i -- I ftlr linnthttui stuainterioni!haeffito•-.Mard day •ifi.Kor Erma, lii_j_trur without-mom, • ... Johlrfnuir • - • • Ks " Ma l ti nONDECTEEI,I* THE EUROPE , . %a-A* kI.A4 , - • • ••• .• ST: 'O . A.IVIES'IDPT,EL;i ;11:011: 4AXViinir 407 , Libeci..sregia. ', i. - • , r ,- • ~• ' , ,• ,-..:-;',-- , '::: : ‘, - OPO94 6 l l .lk*b§i4+ A*l44l**: ` '' ' • • , :- l. JAMES K. •biliAlikif lb;otiiletor, . i e . r.t ribe ho ••iritullosseli - rioitfatincintr ' - it•ittW od, mid oonvonbut so Mloliss Into the city. , *Ms: stalt,Mg ..sr , . s iry , sinse tisla tir - . Mt mous, tosurTooss Mat. .I m ar, gores% The Bastsursat clop ie 5b.1,4„.1.. sll SAtist, Sim Asimust ' 5...: mum AMOR; ssPtilmwselsoespperrSit - uSliottesSmOtke tompsiewrotei lttit :viditeit !.)47.ilgt tile,ssil - ' HATai.44:Uaql•iii.,,•C:. : ::i , 1 .1 If ,1 .11444i.4411 4 • ;:•••::.;., 5 , ' , 7 S ff fF ',17,; 4'o Ts „'Astocourac4cavik 1:6 ..; 4,1 ;,swistiwordirigimv, 111 , •4 I , Ifidires,.. • 4ilta i Mit 7 t • •-• A • '39 1:9,417thif `NEW_ OPERA HOIIBE. - WMW W. Cd. FINIMERSON • X. alifING T. B. HA brA STA4ii'm A M AGEI L AGER • MONDAY EVES;It - G, April ottq /MI, will be present, d, Ituckstorze'S beautifui Three act drama entitled the • ".Acx• 1.41 a 4 1.• To conclude with' Ow glorlotta tarr ~ ! of the - . SPECTRE 13141.DEGROOSe: - - --- Tuesday, Evening, benetit thotilnunrite young actor, Mr. r id ARK BATES.. TIM Box Sheet for the este of s t oats ,for Hr. -EDWIN YOREST'S errgageniciliviilopenon Wed nesday morning, April Bth, at ;10 --- Or : PITTSBURGHArm. FRED ABM'''. i avensa GUST BAUTOR, «STAAB MANAant NEW STARS! 'NEW STARS! wl appear AION .DAY EVENING.. Aprll Bib., 4be irdirtlet Pr the age. 'Mons. LEVEN!, the unrivalled sorter:re:robot, who wilt perform Ma wonderful flying leap frourthe ex trf mo height of 'the tlieutre to the stage Mlle. Louisn, VROHEURE, the beantiftt prMaler dans euse, Miss AGNES in new Scotch Songs and Ballads, ' ' - ; griPitor. enwrtitro . FASHIONABLE . DANCING ACADEMY, At hie new Assembly poemsl3l. ITTIE opposite Old Theatre. New Clasve , now forming. on MONDAYS,IVEDNIDAYS nn SATIIIIDAYS. Ladles', 3instero'.antuartmeto a:woks a Paa Prof- COWPER can be seen daily at thohleademy, or at the St. Charles Hotel; where elrenlare,ean twe oto• talned. Hallto.letto Select l'artleA.! , - - ••tee2:l2l . .. - - • • .r i grPllo. CARPENTIIIII DANCING ACADE Ii MY; _ • PHILO lIALL, No. 75 71IIILIVE:TREET. acne; open for the reception of pupils. IfsS , 6 of Tuition= WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY„ , ...nt 2 r.. M., far Ladles, blasters and . Misses. Tettns, $5.. Eveli Info for Oents—TUESDAYS and :vicinity's, at 8 o'clock.. Terms, $lO. Soiree everY TIIIIRSDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock. . , :i: jemkin INSURANC NATIONAL. EIT4URAN : : E CO., Or THE (HTY OP ALLEGBENY.- Office, In ALLEGHENY TRUST; COMPANY . % BUILDING. . FIRE I.NSURANCk ONLY. 'W. IV. MARTIN. President. JAB. E. ST EVENSON,'Seeretary.: A. IL English, 10.11.1nWil +mgr. Thompson, Jno. A. idyler, Jos, Lockhart.Jos..lllyers, Jas. L. Graham, Robt, Len, C. BoylE. Jno. Brown, Jr.,lieo. Gersit ,tacob Kopp. mh.%:n3l - • NkTESTERN -COM PAN oF PITTSBURGH. 1 4 1. LEXANDEIt .; • Wllf. P. HERBERT, Secretary !j , • C‘PT. GEORGE 144 HELD, °suers' Agent. 001Ee, -SW Water. street, Spam; •st Co.'s'. "Wane house,.r.L up st atm. Pittsburgh. • • , -j . l l -. • Will lure rosiest a ll kinds of Fire and .Marine Risks. A home Institution. matagqd by Directors who are well known to the: community, and who are determined by promptness and-iiiMi s silty to main 'tale the character which they havtll sumed. as of fering the best protection to those W o dealt° to be insured. . . -. DIRECTORS:- „- - -j Alexander Nlinlek,. • John eUtine, it. Miller . , . Chaa.Ai,Clarke, James McAuley, - Willi? Eyaus. Alexander Speer, - Joseph , Irkpatriek, Andrew Ackleu, • •• Phillip. eymer.... David 81. Long, , , Win. MO'rrison,;', • nom praiNSYLIVANL&.• • INSURANCE . COMPANY oF - PiIITSBUIiGH."- orricE, 21 'FIFTH §:MEET )3 NE.BLOCIL This hi a Hotne Company, and D l 4 l Frea time by Fire exclusively. - 4 LEONARD' IVALTER,Preilliont.'; BOYLE.iilrice President. , - • • ROBERT PATRICK. Treasurer,4 , DicELIIENT. Secretat7l• Xdurocro Leonard Waiter .us , • tieorgeWlisol. C..e. ' ' • (Sm. Evans, • R o b er t, pateek, • J. C. Lippe.';... Jacob Painter, J. C. _l'leiner. Josiah Ring., John Yoegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins. A.. Amnion.' Henry Sproul. INDEDINITT AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE Co. OF PtI r LAOELOHIA. . . OFFICE, 435 & 437 CIWSTNITI" ; NIUE OTh, . ' - DIRECTORS: .r. , __ .. • . L Charted X. Banclier, ' DordeittiH. Louis, Tobias Wagner, • David S.: Burry Sanibel Omni. - .- ' Immo LOC -• • • Jacob R. Smith..: - -•EcitrarOlC. Dale. • Foorge W. Richrds, Georgellales.: . ~ • CHARLES I.i. BAN .It, - .Ftesident. '. . EDW. C. DALE. Vice Presitt.... W. C. STEELE. Secretery,p 'tem. . . .1. G ARD NEE CORVN, AHkirr. • .Ncirtii-Weot corner TWO and- txxiStrnets. A LLEGNIENY C 9.111-. ~,CX,4 1 "6..NY OF PITTSBIIHOH. OFFICE, No. 37 EOTH STlLEHT4BisirclittOor. Lump against all klrk!ls ot7trc siOiltartno Make. JOHN IRWIN; JR.; Prealderlts; l 4 ' • U. JOHN ..MeCORD, Vice Prcit . C. G.• DONNELL, Seixetary. :it ! • CA:PT. AVM. DEAN,' OtateralAitorkt:-. • - DulttCtougt Crpt. Dee s 8. , L. • ratniescoor., W. 114..everson.. NobestAL - Davis,' FranattieUers: CapL J.llT.Stockdale. John Irwin, Jr.,' John D. McCord, C. 't}. Hussey, Harm* Childs," T. J. Hosklnson, Charles:Hays, . :AIDEOPLEtP , INSURAN - CE. COM.. A.,.1.•ANY.. • '.. ,', .: , .., . „ - . ili, -, ' • OPVIOE, N. It: COI3I/ItE. WOOpAPIPMIFrs. A Home Company, taksigFam. an Idarine nicks • •-.-`- ' - , • D'IIIIICTORI3: '1 ' 1 Wm. Phillip, -- - - Capt. Jilin L. Rh oads, John Welt, -•-.. ..Sessittel, 1 . tihnlyein John E. rarki, ' Charlerikrbuckle. Cept...locces Bliller.' - :5 Jared ,' Bruck Vim. Van Kirk, , ~ wm,.,p, Lacs, _ , James D.•Venter.' , I • lortmelllcOrldtart. •WM. PIIILLIPS,-Pre dent, - , •• - JOHN WATT, 'Vice al *t.. - .." ~ ~W. P. thARDNEI/ 4 Settrettir/4 .. .A •-• •,, - • CAPT. JAS. 131ORDION. ,Verietal egad. . . • • .. :WA =PAPER; READEI4 - ..cou: - :TAY0:: .Atzip.l47 isto ENE WALL PAP )4 fir' MIR irosseswiedintietat74“kitiAmst. -, w• AL - ;•!. , (0. , 87 inr ,, wf?4 UMW. kro rth. zubsou— '47.IIIMTJTAW f -----"-'-..-'------ 0011$11CYL' /- :i “. .1110 1 j P.A it,/ vt.). i . .i , `' ~ I I:: 4 )411i ' -.t , oz - b1 . I'ECR A ND _ ''` V° EXVO „_, ;-_-...,.•=4 1.,., t-t...-4-,-, 'fig -, 1 ~.." '' ILDER ' lf 'i ll 20 ,. .....P1111NNYT.. vAziA - . T .i., I gt' iiiipoaltk' ilfolg t - , Wil&a . l ftlf.i'r e • / 4 . 4Qb ' bts r 12(64 Irit ta X v Iliebildiiil ' . gylatipAto Afoot* ~. wig , i 4 ~ ;, -7 ,,,T,i-- , - -,. ..- ------7 - -i -7 7 d `-'t • .i 0 • > ii ',' - 01,-., - .."47.0. -_:J_ _ - tr Mot s - 1 4 11 40WitcSiairidigraiMAIP t Mi . Orps, 5z134..*1 - 304404 4 - 4044 - , [ll at,840., i/f1
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