• 6. IRON WORKS. .NV. P. PORTED., StWt. P. ViriL , T.Vt. rre3•c ITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO., xAsurmacusus: OP Dar iron; Railroad Fish liars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Rallros4,Car Axles Hammered; . LoeOindtlie Erste es; - - Loeonsoilve Frame Shapes; Sido;11 , 9118; ' Yokes, Straps; . Piston Heads; ... Steasninnit ;Shafts: - - • Rteamboat Crank% t o. • •-• Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitinbit Jana . , Colliirti, 4 , 0 _ • Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBUTtca!* P GRAFF, MMUS & CO ? , MANUFAC URERS OF Bar, _ Hoop-a Sheet Iron, WROUC T IPON, iron Welded Tubes tor Gas, Steal'', - Water, -&e. OIL WELL TUBING. • Office, No. 08 Water St., PITTSBURGH, Pa. 1123:e26 K ENSINGTON IRON WORK& LLOYD. & „BUCK, , MANUFNCTURERS OF Best COmmon, Refined, Charcoal Mil JITNIATA BLOOM IRON; MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON. HOOP, MANDOPAnd..ANGLE4RON.. - .... - BOILER PLATE and SHEET-JBON.. MOWER AND REAPER ukrts.:2. CYLINDER and GU AltD or FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS. 20 and 10 lbs. to the yard,',7.7. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same: . FLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRQN.• NAILS 'AND SPLII.3. . • Warehouse and °Glee at the War... 6, GREEN UGH STREET. Aa continuation of First street,) djotning the culla - as Works, Pittsburgh. - - EVERSON, PRESTON CO. PeniiqAtrEun'' Virarelionsi, Hos.il6B =dial FIRST .811Eri. opposite Monongahela House, • ap2l:d6 PITTSBURG*. STEEL WO SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. UNDER, • MICK & CO, MARL .. FACT URERSOF* { BEST REFINED CAST STFET„ Square, Flat and Octagon, of all sizes MCLAT, CInCULAU. GANG AVG CROSS-CUT SAW PLATES. • • ELLIPTIC AND EMIT-ELM:MCI RAILWAY SPRINGS, CAST SPRING STEEL, II Cast and _German Plow teel, PLOW WINOS AND MOWER BARS: SPRINGS, AXLES and STEEL TIRE; SICKLE,suowEL, Hor., - RAILE. • - FORK, TOB,.CALK and ' - . hLtCHINERY•CAST STEEL; . 'GROW BARS, le.. . WE81101,35 . 83 Water 54.1)0 2 Pittsburgh. prrrintwitou - STEri. IWORKs. ANDEWSON - COOK & CO s i 151:7oCZELSOSS TO J0NE5,80T0.411:00.,) 5 Ilainifacturras of the BEST Rpm CAST STEtI4 Rl AR4 : 4 .,}ll r itctirwthtk o r f c a,n ksli s ti 642ol .; CAST S T E E L for - - • Reaping sisidl - StoWing Wllnes, Steel Mike , Wings • Axles, Clrenlaxas ase. Cast and Cotnmop Plow & Spring Steel. otaoc--oornei ruin Joni BOSS STIMETS, two blocks above the Monongahela House. 3 i flLLikay BAIUII#,PAR:IaIN. • - GENEIIAL .1.411TNE88: • WM. METCALF,ittIIREN MILLEE, G 4 EO. W. BAWL,' ' I 011A13. - rAntillf. SPECIAL rAnnom7-8. M. BIER. CRESCENT; STEEL,-WORKS, NITLAGLIEU, I 3 ITR &:1 2 .A.143E1TT; Office, No. 339 I.ll;erty St, ritrs!mthil; DuquoutE ire#ii. and gtiei works. f r , COLEMAN, - RAHM • DiAMSFAO7OItEItS of lion, Nails; Springs, Axles, Steel; .Bcc AVASEIiOOSEw fWeity : jait '• BIAcK Irt -;• • " ' l,lft r irtgi‘ , - ~ .„ PAR • . MAnatactarOlrflf .de er,R,o nd o f. r Fa t irrIVTIP . MTREk; 7 I , , .116-and r_e ___415131. ASK . SECOND 17.9 andIIII7II.I.I23T ' STBZWV3. ' • IRON CirTNINII.4:::%, ROGERS . &'BURCHFIaII ' f Ironl;64o:leers of uzviNED, NIATA and P9LISRED .14 ' CAST STEEL. ;.; MCC Sid*.iieb 4( oll .6 -;•MA /91rr, 0 I REIM; $ll/Prinitliti '''''.- t - - 03Sititlislianlroriak v, . t w , x7 . ,lMprxrnari. • PATOromectlntririOcow *.‘ , .. 1, I j, •;;i: 'T0r, ,,, , ,_.., ....,1, Big ‘,..; atanataetrirerilor iiiithr. #,Briiders r and Copper. Preload ceoppar.ina ma, liaised Btin not- I N ripteLP 4 rhMee . mod *ParVbsT . 823241/ on 11111 4/. 11 41r- eTIIVET " iIin ' iliii I a t om pi ti. Ara 4741421 S benne out Se any _ == FOSS, MACHINISTS• ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. AILLEIL, President. Them works arc, among the largest nue most complete establisbments In the West. and are now prepared to furnish . Engines, of every description. Boilers, 011 TauWl. Sheet Iron Work. 1 4 Ilailrdad Castings. Rolling Mill Casting... *wane &stings. Mad Iftstingis: General Castings. ORDEItS SOLICITED n09m69 - NATIONAL POITNIIRT' • AND 'PIPE WORICS. - Corner carroltttnalituallionua Streets; WARDO PITTSI3I3I r tG L IT. PA: • arm = :"laxturactltrpr or • CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS WATER i'VORKS. 3I 'Pipes are all tut Pits,: In dry. sturli, and 12 leet lengths. Also, full assortment of GOneral Castbigs for tifis and'ifater Works. aliiO'ekleth . C'etteitiOn of Riigerllittindenti of Gas Worksib my make -of ItRTOUTti. • . ' fele:tie . _ TIIB.LNAP FORT PITT - FOUNDRY. CO. climat-Briduip,Preiiient: J. M. KNAP, Vice President. 0. METCAILF,'See'y and Treas'r. J. R. WADE, Engineer. KNAprGeperal Eisinager, DIRECTORR: B. MURRAY, of Lyon, Shorb & Co. A. E. W. 'PAINTER, of .1. Painter & Sons. C. lIEURON. of bpangcciralfant, &Co. , of~'MTHOS. S. BLAIR, of.Shoenberger & Co.' 'WM. METCALF, . Miller, Barr & Parkin. lIANTIFACTUBSIIS OF .Rolling Rill and =Blast llinehinery RETORTS and CASTINC.S, of every desealption 3=NEST'S NAIL MACHINES. fa% L. 0. LIVIN6STON.V. - . 11. BIIRT. 4 iV. A. ROlibt6oX, JR. Li!'" STON & CO., XELON . FOUNDERS MANUFACTURERS OF .. FINE _LIGHT CASTINGS, 'All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Titters; A g rleultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma Ch tl i ?7c;bif ,.. ork s promptly attende4to. • " . .'Oldee and' Works--W.ASHINOTON AVENOE near Order Depot, Allegheny City. Pa. 110pOBINSON, REA ts., CO., , Suicessors to Wan icsoli, Mims & MILLERS, WASHINGTON, WORKS, FOHNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSIURGH, . - 'Manufacturers -of Boat, and Stationary Steam En g ggil ast tYgr i O e f s :;,l t ele ri l l Mg:ili a :lt ...oiler rind Sheet I ron ork. care, No. 12, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for 61FGARD'S PETENII INJEC Mt for feeding Boilers. jall:rs2 Bran sr. soil 1117NIEU ORE. JAMES NELSON A. U. BOLE. INDUSTRIAL WORKS. HUGH M. BOLE - di CO., Founders, Engine Builders and Machinists, Make Murder MARINE AND LAND STEAM EN GINES, of all sizes, warranted to give satisfaction. CASTINGS, of every description, made to order. JANES 5ap.i.......A. B. Bot.E,Foreman. Machine Shop, 'turner POINT ALLEY and DU QUESNE WAY. Foundry, Nos. SS and 51 Third street., mllO:u6G PITTSBURGH, PA. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. BuUer Street, Ninth Ward, Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS ' AND PIPE BOXES, . • , AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders premidly idid ealditellY skeet/tea.: . Charges reasonable. t FIBTIERT & MUCKLIND. 4:415:12S BERLIN FOUNDRY. • • ` PRICE & SIMS. 04c4 and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufactutennd keep constantly on hand , . . . Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, iti'AGON BOXEtt, DOG inolis. SODAS KETTLOVEfOLLOW WARE ', And Castings generally. sp:ye_ .! JOHN HEdiA - FOUNDRiT; • - Canon St., Ninth Ward, neat A. V. L MANUFACTURER OP IttAlinlEß DIES, STEEL MOULDS Rolling Mill Sad ilacitine'Caatings generally; • .liartixammsrratfuo attended to. 6JM yk:}:3 U'ic)~ = pr.blowsisiz•cet: l l (Oppbsfte Union lioti111114) Or - ,:r4ViffirovNionv AND ROLL WORKS, : • • 880 . 1. P 3 1P Street* BOLIMAN; BOYD, &- BAGALEY. *4l;l'li Bobs: 3titeCeuti gt Roll tithes; &e. ELTON MACHINE' WORKS. " Ef3TABLIMIED IN 1838. • factory of STEAM ENGINES; of al 'sizes salmi, the:aost approvedpattents, for stational porpoises • STEAMPGATS and sTrAw . ,7lticitT. ' 'BOATS; variety . 010; VI and 18 bore paver. ENGINE", oclf,'As !err red u ced 0}0.88133 t' "Arn II • . ••-• 1137 sailei.4lelow Mitigate+, an.the Glatt 'avers and line of c...ft'rt7llB',l f+ . t; , ... noS:lta p 1 :/s) .; di Ci *3 : 4-5 ) OA 8431,14w014::WICKEIVillAni ,;±' • " racnirinacaual„,' Firit Otreeti. rittsburioa p a . - Aiene for the Bele ot tororroi ThiPlltismotei tooptstoe, Dunconnop, tonhope, Mention, o n w-other Walla& ,of dluthmette,„,Xoushiogbeny Coke Chareost ... c oor tatimeotoOndorderinerpeettollyeolteltett. , , 1-Val-Wg"S CiIANGES. '1 1 s )VISOLIF 11 , 10 $ . ' , IFIRBIL , OF: ,AIW.ELL,,LLICE .4,Coe j orsit:dlirOltrall 5 , 11 , the t or rtbniftry.'• Ay Mutual , consent. -•-slitter Partaer Xaai 111" the, name or Molest InoottlettketAt. , .._ , .., lif r . ~,,r,,,,,,,,,, . .,.. EUABLESIATWELL. ' , , ~ • . - 44...,:::,0,,r41.41- , `,. --1... r. . „.___- Tbe aid . .".- - , doitithuil tzt—ZviitciuDisue ~.0 . ,.. --wt.. • . : %outlet • ..lind i= „ l i tli ALEA - at , otd ......,... Eto. ' 7.1641107 ,_,,,, ~..,,soctina ...,,.. Of* -- .P • ' .. • isc,,wati -r . ,,.,•; "pm the • , i 4 ' L. 4 '•.' ~.... 4 •.. iP. , :K.% .1 - ,..4 c , • • .• • ILL. - 1 ".. 1 ig.. 31 . 1 4 Nona as. UMW - sidaill. PlTthife 131 ENGINES, BOILERS, &p. FORT PITT . BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS.' CARROLL & SNYDER 7,1 TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBUKAR, FIRE BOX AN J CYLINDER STLAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND' IRON BRIDGES; • PRISON DOORS AND COAL SIIDTES.-• °Mee and Warehouse corner Second,' Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa air Orders sent to the above addrees will be promptly attended to. _ . mh7089 It. W. MORROW....JAB. B. BAIINITILL....JAS. SLAM CiIIIARA BOILER WORKS. MORROW, BARNUM & Co., Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, Cor. Liberty and Second St - PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING prom BARNHILL CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 24%/I,till 20 PENN ST Raving secured a large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country.— Chimneys, Breeching, Eire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive .Bollers, Londensers. Salt Pans, Tanks,Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans v Boller Iron , Bridges, Sugar Pees, and sole manu facturers of Baxnhill's Patent Boilers. • Repairing done on the shortest notice ".: MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines and Boilers, FREIGHT HOISTERS, AND DOCTOR 'ENGINES CASTINGS, of all description!, made to order. Corner of First and Ferry Streets. JAMES M. BITEIt, Nos. 55' and 56-WOter Street, - PITTSBIIRGII, PA.. .M.I.NI:PACTCP.EP. OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And MEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. - _ STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL az, CO.'S TRIUMPH, • FOR .81TU3112(017.9 COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Store In the Union. r i BISSELL & CO., No. 286 I.,Pperty Sti.eet. Also on 2=4'1,24110i • u it Vag ILirdir PITTSBURGH 011EAIP*ST PLACE lir the city time TRIUMPH COOKINC STOVE, Is at, No. 140 GRANT STREET. it 4 P. C. DUFFY. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LINDSEY STERRIT & EIMER, Nanuthetarero sad liiporters or • • HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. 837 LIBERTY STREET, conxiii:Or Ooe Square Below Vploa Depvt,. .. Ascots for VAIRBANKSt. WALES.— , MOSEIMANN, -• • - ~.11IPTH ST., bet. Tunnel & Chatham ins.. Clunsm' ith and Pealer in 'Hardware. ?hit alma good, of all nelenptions always on land and .old at the lowest prices, itdpalrgi done -w short orldly on sho notice. pup pucks= STEAM 11111EWERT. 408.-111*CLR....JAti. Wasr....nonitir SPENCETt '- 11.1AY • chllALetifte - AND BREWERS -• • "Of Ale, Porte and Btout,_, prrrsiwll . o44 004 DYERS AND 'SCOURERS. • . H -s. 'LANCE, Is6 - simt:l4l.7tTbilltatreet, ,ort DYER, AND ' 5 4 d 0131 t4. 4 'm gnaw OONSOLSII9 I P • bVit.l4 ) t Al elitti• t'rjm tiwnernanan sump , in is Imo MEI ! ' r • • ....V . Z'ArztitZA.ryprZ,Vll. • - .777 - :40-11$'• ~jP •!, • • . 71ANUTACIVIIERS Or MANUFACTURERS. OP tly done PITTSBURGH, PA HARDWARE. BREWERIES. ‘`, r • f';:f • r FINAI~iOIAL. HART, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and- Wood Streets, • prx-rsnuitcar, IPA.. i3O (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, H. RT & C 0..) DEALP:RB IN Exchange, Coin, - !Tons, And partteillar attention paidof ii to 1 e purchase and sale I GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. 1ny1:682. 11101. MES , & SON 57 Market Street, prrlrrsnurtGai, PA. . Dctiesite received in Par Funds and Currency': ' Collections made on all the principal polatent the tralte4 States and Cisnadas. Stoeks, Bon& * and other Securities .DOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase sad sale of United States Securities, jil:b2 INCLETIINGV. H. SIXFB OF.IBBI _ _ _ do do "_ _ 5-20 s; • U. S. FIVES 10-40 s. U. S. CERTIF IeATEs (yg IN DEBETEDN ESS Orders and Vouchers bought or collected. jaahat KEYSTONE BANK, PIT7CSI3ICTII.Gri - I. PA. THIS BANK IS lONV,TUANS,ACTING GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, i0.5:1 AT TiittftlTEVi i3ASIKINGsoirsz No. 209 Liberty Street. Acoonnts of "BANKS, BANKERS, 31EFICHANTS and others - are invited. Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. - UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD STOCKLIOLDEaS INDINMITIALLY GEO. T. TAN ,VOREN.EOlittler. WESTERN SAYINGS BANK, 1470. 59 Fourth Street CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposits ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM • ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO cIIEFK. 'WITHOUT INTEREST. Discounts Daily at 12 o'ctocii. President—TilOMPSON BAL. Vice Thresident—A.U. llBlll T. 16, THOMPSON DELL, A. M. MARSHALL, ,JOB. DILWORTH. JOS. ALAREE. J. J. OILLESPIE.,' Stockholders to whom we make referencet Wm. Forsythe, ' Joseph Dilworth, Wtn. Caldwell,- Rev. Ibtyld Kerr. Willis Dairen, llenry Lambert, D. W. C. Bidwell. A. K. Brown, E. M. Fulton, - - _ThousaaKwintr. • c! :: BANKERS . , *O . : ... , ESTABLISHED IN 1837.. 4 t 'oo/ 10 3 7-11 ail 4 1 11ILADELPILTA, DEALERS. IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Converted Into 5-20. STOCKS AND Got Bought and sold on commission, here and in New York. TIME PAVER IiEtiOTIATED: - INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITSOY GOLD AN D ctiltItENEY. Accounts of Banks and Bank ers received on favorable terms. EXCHANGEES Oir SECURITIFS TAKEN IN AT MARKET RATES. fe24:ISS , . PITTSBURGH: . ; BANK FOR SAVINGS, FORMERLY THE DIME ' SAVINGS INRTITOTION No. 07 Fourth Street, N/LATILT OrTOeITZTIIL B.ANIC OF PFITSMIUGII. CHARTERED IN itseg. _ OPEN DAlLY.frouipito to'clockLkud.oslYßD. it MOAT and SATURDAY EVENINthi, from May brae November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November Ist to May Ist, 8 to 8 o'clock. , IloOlut of By-Laws, &e.. -- frimlshed it the MOW Thls Institution eopecially offer to those whose earningi are limited, the opportunity to accumulate, by small deposit_ saved, a ouranrfhlehtwqbe a resource whet' becded;‘ , lihd• bearing - Interest stead of remaining upproductlve. , BOARD OF MANAGERS::— , • ttr.OROE A. BERRY. VICE pursiziramo.. B.H. HARTMAN, I JAMFM ?ARE, Ja. _AND D. E. - • t R M K NnUOK, A. S• JOHN K. VILWOIITUI JOSHUA RHODES, VOLLANZBEE. - . DON 1110 IME01"1“. , JAZ ! 10. ORMIAnf, R. c. AC MEKIB, CUM* roi 11ED ZUO • •SOMCITOI I . B -UP. W. & A. S. BELL.:" itibt4o:3:l7 ltiricipilAN!cWl 4 Yin t lftS ", 110. 1.4 Rmituniatt -:',•.%' - -c'. , .- . .--',?,-,-_,'' '•".,' . .- rei•rsatxßdtri - p,i,;.. , .: - . . • ni,INTEIIEiIT PAID O!4 DEPOR 4 ) ANY NM ,ty UNCEIVED rtosiciNE 1:101.1.14101'W,A110.,-De.. posits roeeliedietWeet to ell eek,' *Ohm:it - lute:kelt. JAMES llLACHitiOttEL,Viesident.• u ONO. I)..T.INDLE Secretary and Teairarer, O p , HOPlCiNo,,solteAtor. _ • ..rntrwrzy,s! •• . lama lketore.. I Jiimeatillotiklas, Alex. Tiadlear : . - William Detuie. W. W Itoborirsdailiwt A. O. Cuobage,, • 1 , • lobo' yard: ' ft . .% ~; , • , r au; . . : G •'l 7 -r-37.94411111 - . N RI NOSILLY 'altar oms. AN A WI INGEU AtfirSOMPteg l ati l n.. Ackpzu. ikir re its* A. jpnA4fItIAI4O4I II IOO I WWEIRINi Th e e eif of the liouraflus: Mildness Carat. , Lefler He grAtli':4l42l=w):J."ar k em . Ite.„llstp.„ TA and Tiara. strati' .11 Gr. AL . A '* 4 11 114V' MirrilOGlCCPlll3llii IMO &a:. awl la ail *View M me . OM ENE . • Tti e. MEE= REMOVAL:. 2 UAW,. BEKOY:ED, IVgiILNG AND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE and Wood Streets, Corner of the NITION.ti:BANIC OF Formerly °ambled b COMMERCE. H.- R.'MERTZ. OF 7-3095. CONVERSIO d to convert the SECOND and We are now preps THIRD SERIES of d 13Elw'm rr-TmnTru.tg MEMO New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds JAMES T, BRADY & C 0, ,, Dealer in Government Securities, CORNER. FOUR,TN.AND WPOD STS, *.tt • FINANCE AND TRADE: -- 4 .- OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, - SATURDA.X, April 4, 186E5. Gold opened very strong at 1385, ad-' vaned to 138%, and closed firm at 1.38y,._ The ,continued stringency of the money market has forced a large amount of, gold on the market and induced parties to sell short to get currency: The ,spo'culation for a de - cline was further strengthened by the usual advance of cotton in England, which raises the value of commercial bills and prevents shipments of specie, probably, for some time! The main argument, how ever, for a decline of the premium is ,the approaching payments of Five - TWenty coupons due now in about three weeks. It seems thus as t ifthemanoeuvrfs of specula tors hist December were iii) ' lie' renewed in !starch, that is to sell short up to the day of the interest payment, and then turn and r r buy back and ' e the market advance, clespite the heav payments of coin by the Treasury: •,. -:°, ' 7% ,---• ,-.-, ,i:," .; Government bonds are firm and higher, and show what is to come next week. The national banks feeling no longer an to keep up a strong reserve.`Wilf iend freely on government collaterifis, and thus than gitrate an advance which may carry bonds far beyond-,theirxeal .valtas, : and theude preciate'th3iii again inilk - I;ame proper tion. . Stacks are all steady, with..a trifle of an advance in sonic of the leading stocks.' L Money was scarcer to-day than any day during the last two years, and some of the banks had all they,eould de to make up their statements, being unable to discount anything for the past week. There is more long paper offered on the market, which is almost unsaleabte unless at every high rates. In stocks but little was done; sel lers prefer'to wait until' the May dividends are declared and then sell, generally get ting ai much after the dividends as before. Closing quotations as received by. Ph. B. Mort; Were as follews: Gold, 13834; 1631 bondi, 1113 4 . 1862 5-20 s, 109%; 1804 do, 108%; 1805 c10,.104i; Consols, :; 106%; 10.405,.100,4; ,7-303, - 10534. -- • - Cleveland & Pittsburgh R. It.. 9034 'Fort Wayne 100 North Western—common 63% North Westerri--preferred 755‘,. New York Central — 1244 Erie 7 , 434 Old Southern 89 Ohio & Mississippi . ' 31 Western Union Telegraph 36% Merchants Union ncpress....'.... .. . 34 Corydon Quartz Hlll.. • ' - • -•• ,1 15 Quicksilver 25 —Money continues as stringent as at any. time during the pressure. Gold interest hes been freely,paid, and at Ithe price was ' called "cheap money." Gold has been car ried ever night at 34 per cent., and =on the best • railway shares 3‘ per wont, per' day was paid, with 134 per - cent. ,difference on, stocks turned' for 15 days. The - Pressure has'_: probably, reached its height, but no- case can be hoped-for until statement day has passed, nor, cheap money 'until the country banks 'return to the city the legal tenders required fbrythelr4statements,arut for - tho commercial - payments. of L-April lit The ',experience of., the,past 'twenty, days clearly prcrtei that eisimsY 'working, of the "National Currency act" the current pressure can be wholly attribnted. -The re-, currence of the quarterly statement has. forced the banks into a contraction uncalled for by any in the property upon which they had loaned, and demanded. for no object beyond Making a ststenientlo the Treasury of very little value. .The, re.(. .-;strlction 'upon the issue of Currency was another prime cause for the recent in money, Had the "National Cur rency act" possessed the elasticity of' the State system, which allowed -Mie r increase of thoroughly, secured currency, at those pe riods when the wants of trade'doniandeid it, the, - pressure would have been avoided, GoVernment storks 'and `local - `securities. Securities would have maintained their. market• prlee,, and trade -been undisturbed. 'The lesson has been • a Hevere'ene,' and'alioul&nipt - be lost upon i3ongress. It should secure ti Ireney redeemakdein New York- . .. with *coin or legal tenders;Witli't'his pirvileke given to any national • bank to issuer all the cur -2 rency_ for whicluthexcan pledge. 5-2 Os at 80 per cont.; withi-thelirovistion that it is re - 4 deemed in New York at eight. ,Commer clal paperAypioted at 7:to, 10 - peticent.ovjtti little doing. Banks, as a rule, are as 'lberia to their dealers as ; they can be, au,&present„ a decent appearance kin , :their' quarterly stateinent.—Ncw York Tribune, Bd. thins Brady &Co. - 1 . . . Gold U. S. 8.'s;18.81 :,;" ' llll .. 109 X ,, 5-20'sp 1864' ' ' 108 4 - " 54,0) 1865 108 -Y r' .10074 , 'CO 6.20'5, Jan. and ' July, '65 , 107 IA 41 14 41 107 • ' " Juno 7-96's ... .. • ••;•Viiti.9l••)•,••iiissi :1105% • July 7-30's ...... . *-105% may 'Comp.; - • t 11834 New, yerk Uwe Goods , arket., ,- - CitrTelograpb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ''' Nzw Yong; April '4."-4te -. Market for' oottOn goods Wactive VS , IS OM P rtsALT`. • shootings of beat Makes - firm and" in re qv eat atilt IL2al9o; , *lthionly" iv-17100ra :- ) stock 'offerin . 1 'Prints arc -in'llk lit Wick' and animate demand with a streng up.. sward f ond 6*:: ..4 firittgues,i INIT. 144 P 0 4i "ol t tlett command 14a14 1-2 c; Itichrnonds quiet. atllBi.2c., Gingham naleable at+4Bel for, LaiieUterflo:l-243.101•01atitirkimdi! lei- Flettitifd...l,;litkit l yt , -;ttkintytt ef i ',resod sat leorbutalc4 -40 t4rtlioS 4 ' 1 ' ' Utril3ll Waif dep ressed sneinilkAnigottitatod , demand at 'Bleached *AIWA' 'de lii • . nest, land the ten • „m•,-liwuipmftra l .Nev.: • ork mills seine malitd4l,t4Or Wean- Vitta, 22 ; Lonesaider 2% - Haw &over 'TM* Igletillidbant4WWllsabgt4 go lfae and 104, 85. Foreign fancy, dress e Id' tldemokiiNg4fts Jot , ikutiwlthont miehts tl i v i r irM deMes4i4g l M Ak - -4144skcig • Sas mentialornan sze'iu room aee , r prkie& - •,: - 4 141 , ‘ copr PWrSBUBGH OFFICE CF PITTSBURGH, GAZETTE, SATURDAY. Aprll4, 1808. The general markets have been modes;-! ately active during the past week. andulttO a - steady local demand for all of the lead.:ll Ing articles, there has been a fair volatile.' of business in the aggregate, and there are' no material changes to note in prices. ' • APPLES--TGreen Apples are searee,.and.l in steady we can demand; and w can report! regular sales in store at $4 to $6 per bbl, asi .- to quality. • I, •. BUTTER--Is in better supply, and while, the market is easier, prices are without quotable change, ranging from 45 to 50e fotl prime to choice Roll. EGGS—Are in rather better demand, and! we now quote at 20 to 22e. GRAM—Winter Wheat is quiet and n . ! changed at $2,53 to $2,55 tbr Bed, -and 5 n;il Se higher for. White, as to quality; sale of 600 bush prime Perma: Red on !private! terms--supposed to be about s2,6o—in seal and • hands. Rye is unchanged at $1,75 to $l,BO. Oats--sales on wharf and track at - 731 to 75e, and in .. store'at 77 to 80c. Sale, 013 ' cars corn on private terms; small sales on wharf at 98e to $l. No movement in Bari ley—none in market. . .. , • . SEEDS—Cloverseed is quiet ' and .un- - changed at $57,50 to 8, and Timothy at v2,IN. Flaxseed is still quoted at $2,50 - to 55,2,55 i q- POTATOES—In fair local,-demand b 0 ea unchanged; regular sales of prime P Blows and Buckeyes at $3,25 to $3,50, , bbl. New Jersey Sweets, $B. ' ''.. L I DRIED FRUlT—Quiet and unehanged small sales at 10l to 11X.e for Teaches, an d 7 to Se for Apples. PROVISIONS—Baeon is firm hot , changed; we continue Ici' _ quote' at 12V, to 123( i e for Shoulders; 141,4 to 143.iefli* Ribbed, and 15M. to 15%c for Clear Sideti; 17y, to 18c for Plain Sugar Cured Hama; and 16y ; to 19e for Canvassed do. Laid unchanged at 16;5c, in tierces, and 17e, in kegs. Meas Pork, $26 to $26,25.1l LARD OIL—Is firm but unchanged';, 81,05 to $l,lO for No. 2, and $1,33 to $1,35 for , No. 1. .1, HAY—Baled Hay is selling on wharr,itt $2O to $25, as to quality. Loose Hay fr* country-wagons may be quoted at s2s'._ $3O per ton. „.- , .MILL FEED—We can' report large of Bran, to arrive by river, at $l,BO. T.ll BEANS—Searee and firm but unchanged at $4,50 to $5 per bushel. ! _ FLOUR—ls'quiet and - unchanged; sift to $10,75 for good Spring 'Wheat; $ll. $11,25 for choice do; $11,75(512,25 for Wing ' Wheat, and $l4 to slsfor fancy brands.'llYe ' 3 Flour, $9. , 1 • . ,11 PITTSBURGH IP ETROLEUM 3:14R 1i..:1674". OPPICP. OP THE PITTSBCII.OIIGAZETTE, , ;. SATURBDAY, April 4, 1868.: , ~ CRIME—The market has been rather quiet and somewhat neglectsd during tie past week, and while the voltune bf, ness has been comparatively light; . thete has been no important change in pricein. and itotyritbstanding •bnyers are '"offish?".. holders are firm, and reftise to make any concessions in order to effect ales7:lKt. advices, both from the east and Euroie, have been unfavorable for two or three days past, but this had no effect, other- than Lions,; Were 2 in not al there dealel April! doubt too Ire ket, any. r from - We (10 era hy . And a all tbi and. o' ;heir.; nesse, - Pos y e> pa ni REI has al and' lags, the ur contra day w 25e; nI •.... " • `. • : • • I I rt.r,.: 26}4e. April is quoted at 25 .c, for, hal h 41 1 1; May 260; Juno, 26)60, and July at 270. '..r+ All the year, buyer's option, may be 413• ? .. , ; , ted in the itbsenee of sales. at Sle. , • BENZINE--There is considerablel, l qttiry, mainly:for future delivery, andt little offering; 150 is freely offered. ln sidttutn, there. have been no U 1031 1 613 E 1 ; reported for some time. ' ' •I ' i ARRIVALS--There were no arrivabk_ke ported to-d a y, t)ither by river or rail. ; The arrivals during,the week were 11, •-• tiblep against 61,866 last week, showing a. ,fo l l t ips off,of 50,265 bbls, The total arrivals. Us river and rail since .Tantutry fast 'toot • np 201,072 barrels. . ;, OIL antraturs pun. A. V. B. Lockhart &Frew, 606 do dp to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. I. , MeKelvy & Bro., 226 do do to W. P. J.,:••• gen dr. Bro. Philadelphia., • F Net. Ref . ' C 0,,; SOO do do to P *right de' Son, Philadelphia. • - ;di & Co., 2M) do o .P. '" 'FaitOn, . Logan & Bro., Philadelphia.; x i 011. SHIPMENTS mom ntnaunstis DEPOT. Fisher .fc. Bro.', 309 bbls crude to W.F'fiii*- gan & Bro., Philadelphia. •-• I W.P. Logan, 30 do residudni to Vir.',P.' Logan Ar: . Hutchinson Oil - Bet Co.; MI bbbOnfined to Warden; Frew tt C o., PhibidelphW Chicago Market. _ , • tit 2' Telegraph to the llttaboesch Gltzeti c .l' C,mcAuo, April 4.—Blour dtillnt,eB,solllo, 7 75, for spring extras. Wheat - quiet and' ,shade firmer: sales of R0.1.1it42,92 1-24244 z 14 'and No. 2at $1,69a1,90 inn& closing, at $1,69 1-4a1,89 , 3-4 for No: 2. • Corn' tridkirate: ! ;',. ly active; sales of No. lat. 84 - I.4aBfili t rilim.!. 8 2 c, new at 78 5-8479 1-2, and' 11;16C ;' .10 "„'• 19180 c and , closing all 3-4a78 7,,43 foci- ew. Oats quiet , at 57 3.4857 , 3-4 for r I tand :58 Mame for fresh: - .ay,e9,11113 •e s x 0147 =; 1 at • $1,60 and Is 6. t'' 'kg' quietztiancb!iffelittdaT ranged !rein • .$2,250245.., , • ,to location.;Pmvislonstrmer: with U • • ; tendeneY. Mess porkieold;ut frE I O. Mr and. prime, - tness'at 521;50' La 1ik5. ,,,- .Budli'''...theatte,flinti and ac V&;•- t hb*ficloirt o clicoice• BO Brat (1 1 Y common gra d es W . ,.ohit4o; r lcvr: ;:,:, , 17,40a7,75-- tor. common ; $B,l l 501' for • - medium to fair g 8,66, 4* and . gt a tt choice; 9,75. Beef cattle dull' at $6a8,75. for medium, to good fist 0 - Receipts, 5,780 bbls of flour; ,1 0 k.,'" ‘' 'Pt wheat; 2,000 Web bUtifirnf. i 53,132% of 3 i: oats; 1 ,305 head of live hogs, Shipinentsi4, A 494 bbl. otlionr; '5,715 bush of , fitiool4. W,BOO ;bush of corn; -8;5 41 bush 0 1 1 ,9 1 4 s: 4 276 held of live hog& - • ' _ -11;,1 5 1 11 w.5a 4 ce 14 9 1keti: r ' 3. 1 .E. , , ..., LAtlelevlrfihlii,f(tepttsburtr,lifissftgeil ,, I`.; 'llrfAialitit.. ' APritV 4 Zoiif - Jic A r ai:iii-!: $4187®9:44 for Seixond, grades- of Slring: ex - " tram Wilbst'fi better st.l/109 ibf, o -1/ . " 4 ' f'' 4 .... 11106 for.-:1i0;, , Z... , Corn ,13,11.1iner at if9Me.r.., Cats Aulet' at 'llic',• 4 ' 4A m ) b l ssitomiy at tiN_,!..' Bar;oy. is Auloti: at"! *l'4Y, Iteiselp - 'ISo '' ..'bitc ' , ltour t tland 14000- , shs-wisesto' , The.. 1 1 ,.shipiOnSiwoO.f.4.,90,144 1 )opr.k 1 9 111, OP E ! 'M 4, - tniens wneat,t, ...- , , - . .. .-, , , .„. ~ I, f,, Louisville -1111utetf..i - ‘ , 4 - F Mci . isr Tekspip A 94141, itip.rt;urst!i?sapt .., , , TobsoailtolaVelri.,44,lol4ei iola,*;;lii I. L/MAigulica.tfairatrjea,nou; &tit .it 8503 VP: for suporlimi- 111Z,s11:t Ong 775e5715.- 1 Coral. l4 1 at 811.866111antaiaat? -I M ir , - 1 / 0010 s:ol4l3lsemPolt. market diiv4iisaitedio , 4,114 ‘ . vorming pitglogtheld.skslitiCiti s -bf solaketry ll rd"l'l "• al " ? sides .13 14.2a1* due sides 14 . 1 - m. .Lf - ' - 14 El II ME 111 II ME ..h~;.~}J„aJ:d
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers