NEW WM. BING HAM, Adams Entrees Office, No. 4 , FYfth Street, is an•authortzed ducat to receive dvertlremente for the- GAZETTE, and ail other opera throughout the United Mato* and Canada". .W`TIOTICE.—The Annual - Bleet- . log of the • anKESPIIEW .t LYDIA AL CONSOLIDA TED SILVIA: 3IINING COCOMPANY. rill be held at the °Mee of the Secretary. 01 Grant sect. on TUESDAY. April lth, at 5 o'clock p. 1106:1:172 ' J. C. DI CKEY. Secretary. W — NO'FICE.--Two Certi fi cates of the Blunougabela 'Navigation Company. tr: No. 50, for Ten SbareS, and No. 324', for liree Shares, in the name of JAMES P. STUART. suing been lor.t. all persons, are warned against urchasing 1531 , 1 Stock or negotiating said Certiti stes, as application has been made to the Company Jr a re-Isbue thercuf. A.P1:11, 3, IE6B. 'I4,ITARTERLY DIVIDEND.' FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pittsburgh, •a.. (late Pittsburgh Trust Company.) • . . • The Directors of I lits thank have thls day declared Dividend of TIMER PER CENT. on the Capital tort:, out of the pronts .of the last three.- mouths, ayable ibrthwith , free of State and Government 'ax. • j'• • - . .J. I). SCULLY, apG:n. , . - - : Cashier. ..._ RE GREAT . L Ea NGTON MINSTRELS,. -. . - ~, FROM ARLINGTON HALL, cIIICAGO. : IL HAYERLY Manager. AT MASONIC HALL,. " - POSITIVELY TII EE NIGHTS ONLY. • rhursdity,Frldny, and Saturday, April 9th, 10t and filth.: . ed Io , person by' the "Andes of the Ethlopean • Vorld. • WU: ARLIN TON, while at no lesser at ttude we observe with verential awe the subliml ;7of a COOL II RV I.:8 rightly styled "Amerlea's scorite Comedians," ssoclated with a, large and cost popular enrps of g ntlemanly Artists. - • Admission,•so cents.. Doors open at a quarter to !: commence at a quarter to S o'clock. • apG:nBo D. B. HODGES, Business Agent. ---- BUNION REPUBLICAN COUNTY. CONVENTION... • The UNION REPUBLICAN VOTERS of AlM zheny County are requested to meet at,the usual 'laces for holding elections In the several Wards, 3oroughaand,Towashilis, on •• Satiirday, Nay 30thtlif3S, ind elect two (2) delegates from eachelection riet, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for ~ o ngress. Also; two, tar delegates from each elec qon district for the purpose of nominating candi ilates for Senate, Assembly, District Attorney and (ssistazt Attorney, ,Controller and Commissioners. The Congressional Convention for the 22d DM Act , will meet 'at the CITY COUNCIL SEM Pittsbnrgh, on TUESDAY, Tune Rid, at 10 'clock A,. i t., to nominate a Congressman. The i:oniresstonal Convention for the 21st District will 'fleet at the CITY LULL, Allegheny City, the same ay rind hour: to appoint Confereei for the District.. fhe County Convention wilt meet:at the COURT SOUSE, in this city, the same day and hour. . The Courity Ex ieutive Committee'recommemi that :he delegate elections be held, so - faras practicable, the Reptiblican members of the Election Boards n "the several districts, and, also the manner of roiing for candidates in the several Conventions be ;, The Primary. Elections in the Townships (except :,ng the Townships of Oakland, Pitt, Peebles, Lib ; ,rrty, Collins 'and Wilkins, which will be between 'Me hours of 3 and 7 o'ehrek,lsvill be held between she hours of 3 and 6 o'clock r. it., and' in the 130r7 highs and Cities between the hours of 5 and 7 !o'clock P. M. In the' Cities'and Boroughs the elet , ions shall lie by ballot, sad, in the Townships by J. H. MILLER, Chairman N. - r. Iti.:EDl 1 .. C• i'XX47I:L... /lit i A ~......,,• =MI • ' .;‘ • • MEM ME ME =1 IME IBM == 11111111 4. G MIMI MEE .• • -••• ••• 18111116 uncalled for !April 6th,188B: Adams Francis ' B Siegal Sulk. 'ennet John.l" 'lock John an Wm. , • ••11/4 sett Mathew • vanThos ' • .1.1,8 ch Geo BrownJ _ , ut BIIVITANA Torayth c flm . Gilchrist dairies • ray lc Barnum Gray,liagers _ -•. H ' Hamm 'John Houston J H Hartman J C Haddon Jae Herring Hate Harris. Dr . Hamlin K' Howe Wm Br c D. Brown Lido-, Flag WEGI Christie Alex • Coalburt Pat, !Milliner Dan Canty Ed Cornwall Pat Cole W _ Coleman A& Bro Cloaaon Cook it Jones D A Jones D Jones Evan It 'Keasnev Mich Lindeny J 3t Leech AV H Mathew, Jas S Murray Jane ' Miller John 311chaels Jag L Marcia William Murry WrOM 31olitbtren Wm McCormick R MeCorritlek Jno McClure M relghton John Darock Jos • Draper John Dinsmore 0 Dean Z W • '• • E Ellis Wm Edmund/ion WE Evans David Ferguaon John, Fader Samuel' Forbes Jane E Fogel .t. Herman Feiger Phil • Forayth W L - RIZM Nennson Anti 3! Nevetgold taco . O'Neil lames E. G. E: REFINED OIL: 120 bbls. standard quality, on hand, Free _ Oil, In prime slipping order. . ULU bble. standard quallry, lu bond, In prime. shipping order. . 47 bbls. Mecca. pure 'natural 011. about 116 de/error-Sub:lc 50 bbls.l4 , lllte Oak, natural ell—Lubric. bbls. Benalne—deodorized. -700 new 011 Barrels, prime city cooperage. All for sale In lots to Ault purchasers; JACOB WEAVER.. Jn., A CO.. at6:n9s . No. 3 Duquesne Way. , . pERCpyAIi 'BECILEPri •• ErriFonimErti•• ((Late or? F. W. Once, No: 701PEDERatli J, - up stairs. • P.: 0: Dom ao,:mzunx.Nr. car. mAciforEgy, ot all deseriptions,desisned. , BLAST•IFURNACE and ROLLING MILL DRAW INGS furnished. 'Particular .attention• paid to de signing COLLIERYIA:KIONOTIVF.S. Patents eon fidentraily_ Jar An EV.ENING DRAW ING CLA:ft. for mechanics every' IVEN' DESDAD -.! JULLINLIEN' 'DZALtIeI; ALL' KIM:IS-Or LEAF .TOBiCCO . AND . • No. 8 9/Xr a STREETs INatiorial i3anit Coris mem - . • - :PITTSBURG!". PA. Branch of 172 Water street, N. Y. • ' AP 1 : 1177 DANIEL 'F. • lIILDING MATERL6II4 TOR SALE.—Proposals , well be• received: for the. ' purchase of the materials in .the buildings on the property of the Mercantile Library Halite., corner of Penn street-and. Aretre.a - Alley. lately-occupied: by West &co.'s carriage factory, thopurciplller.!2O; remove thVsenle *nil clear away tne rubbish. The Wrings , be made reran or apart ofthcbuild.. Inge, and must name IDe time within which the Par ties wilt cargei6:rorkure the same. FELIX It..IIIIIINOT, mh31:1022' . 1' ..•.Pres , t.'lltmkry Hall Company.. A‘ rwl QTR---11Fro— ened S of the subscriber, on kihady Lase, East Liberty, WHITE AND WED COW, • Left hip &ma, Any pinion 41yinft.InfointiOti that to-her redin•ery.;7o.l rettlilltinttUrr, , wat • be bbeeentroerafgefle •• SIPZUT ai Y., 11 11 00NRCOMIN--215 balealtroo {ll in Co; tteelved by Mime: iiet0011141"8"b. eld - - -111isnd U4Noonit • ===M A "RCHIBALD BLAKELEY; " • ISSOLU'TION OF'. CO-PART: D NERSHIP. Mos this day withdrawn from the firm of WILLIAM E. SCIIMEitTZ 8 CO. • WM. E. SCHMERTZ, . . ' U. GOLLANSBEE. T. A. KAMMERER. Pittsburgh. April 3.4888. ' 7 . .T ap6m9l JACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO., Oil Commission Jobbers, upG:n9B-x No. 3 DUQUESNE WAY, will buy and sell Crude and Refined Oils. Lubricating. Tar, Benzine end Cooperage. Our long experience in the Petroleum trade enables us to offer unusual facilites and In ducements to operatdrs. - As heretofore, we are de-. termined to make it the interest of buyers and sel lers to give us a call. Parties having (311 s for sale are cordially invited - to bring their samples. ap6:n94 ' ' • Consisting' of GREENOACHB,- BONDS; GOLD COIN, DIAMONDS, Sc.. Sc.. to be awarded to the patrons of - ACHE METtAL .utsierrr Success unprecedented. Prices low. Sales On inense. Everybody buys. Salesmen wanted male and feinale, every where. Pronilum of $9lOO 00 to tne most success ful salesman. Nollecuse required. Send for sched ule and circulars. H. C. MOOHE & CO.. No. SO, Fourth St., Pittsburgh, Pa. . P; O. Box 713. ' ' ; apattilto • FOR RENT, A Three-Story Dwelling, House, WITHIN FOUR BLOCKS of the COURT HOUSE MIBUTHNOT, No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. X:111:52" 404:1032101 NM= AT LOWEST, EASTERN PRICES. UM MEM MEI THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', ` rispee antiontices that . l the • - ealteratione to his - 76 POSTOFFICE. RETAIL' DRY GOODS STORE - his ' Ls, NOW 36, ur' Owen M A °wenn Geo W P . Pierce Albert' Plumb John,, Parker. Nat Pritchard it• Powell John IR . Hose Sophia . Ilteynolda Nulty .Ragao John ,S.teetrli4 ffrtafgdButrier Wear, at the s lowest_ East ifksee3. . ats3: 97..::31ArgET 1868- SPRING G4'64.81868- We are now receiving . front our own 'and other zuunufactorles a..NEW STOCK of .. 1 1 1;0011 OIL 'CLOTHS, FURNITURE,. TABLE AND • • • . WINDOW SHADE OH, CLOTHS; ~ • : Or:EVERY DESCRIPTION. Alto, a full lint of Transparent 14 ittdOsr 'Shades, Hollnnds, Shade Fixtures, . , . Fassris, cords; &e., , WOLESALRAND '-RETAIL 'BUYERS will find and Myles second J.'At"H PHILLIPS, :nBB . - 28 AND 28 ST. CLAIR BT. Shines Thos Stringer Alex Smith Lawrence Springer:Geo Snycl C.l Jobn Stewart W Sbeppned R II Scott Richard Smith C E Tyler Alex Thompscrn Th9ttua Alt Valeutibe Am . W. Wlillaras E D. Ward Thou Worn Mary V Wiarner N Weaver Adam Wood Lizr.le Wooleaugh.dno WoolbertJohn • Wallace . D 8 Whltaelll-Carrla ,Wllllants Lewis . Vllllnmson J ir REIIA..N. P. M. — t ARDEN. - AND FLOWER - SEEDS. • STIJOB: PURE 'FRESK Dealens Gardeners and Private •Fiullies . .. , 7111 find their requirements fully met. • knl t i l til l e s it i gd s tkb e il c a n y p g' " ur gnirm, fidently; guarantee .tatlsdetion, to our. einitomers. Conatantlyott hand and for sale at the lowest Mr! Yet prices. • 1 GARDEN 'AND FLOWER SEEDS. .POTATOES. -,; -000nmen: HARISOR, BUCKEYEi.i !WHITE SPROUTS and CUZCO. _ pr4owizaNcriparers AND BULBS:'' AGRICULTURAL. AND, HORTICULTURAL . - ." 13PFILERIENTIS AND TOOLS. ALL BOOKS relating to.the'fiLDN4 -GARDEN, or DREEIi k.t9lygEnt ptplitttt9r3 printed . Our . : , New Deseriptite , Seed, OatUlogue ; :.• ;;-1' Eiteslait•de p ti our o f -NE,NAtx and MOST varieties - of VEOETABLES ,AND . -Yl.oWratd, PLatit. atarLaaad TOLL lostrectiotts ray sowing; planting and after managensent—twicea' in , packages or by ',natan I nfot, by men or otherwise, and ninth Other, 'valuable neettpa., Sept to sit,.,P - 1 pliesnts enclosing 10 canto: - ' Nargeryinan, ;.0 . 40 7 14111EW Sr., r iltu spib i tit O r .. "lol T l4 3 1 0 71441 tiacin v altitit.: :114M,;t ~W` `A~'V'~~R ATTOfNE Y-AT-LAW, No. 98 FIFTH STREET, aps:a9o GILBERT roLL.aursziEn 111 DIVIDENDS, _ 9 WC/ETU-Z:17,153 00. IN COMPLETE-ORDER liandeenely . pspered and painted. Apply on the premises ap6:ns3 No . . '21:3 FEDERAL STREET, Pittsburgh. SHANNON WHOLESALE AND NOTIONS, apa:n= 7. MARKET STREET. 87 SPRING OPENING ! (Successor o .1. 31. Burchfield d Co.) SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY . GOODS. New Stork of 'Dry Goods, IEZ:N OX'S XIELD AND TI-A.WN',SEEDS PITTSBURG At9NDAY„. , RI, _1866. NEW - XtilirklMsEMENTff. I\llE"ffir SPRING GOODS: .131,7 PPrESBITRGII,PA FANCY romnis, BONNETS ; HATS, RIBBON'S, FLOWERS, &c A Large and Carefully Selected Stock, AT In:E.MOL SEMPLE'S, & CO., 180 & 182 Federal Bt., Allegheny. ap6 51 . 51. GROVES & BAILER'S . . zussnc wrrrcu AND LOCK STITCH • SEWING MACHINES i . At the New and Elegant Sales Rooms Also, NEEDLES. ATTACTIMENTS, MACHINE SILKS and COTTONS, THREAD. AMINE OIL, &c., &e. . The citizens of Pittsburgh arc respect- Dilly Invited to call. Applications for Agencies solicited. -Circulars or samples by mail on application. Correspondence to be addressed to GROVER &. BAKER-S. M. CO., 31 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. mh.thrH2 WE.STERN INSURANCE Co.; OF BUFFALO, N. F. STATEMENT OF ITS CONDITION on the Ist day of January, 11168: Cash Capital $300,000 00 Net Surplus' 515asta 77 Net Assets 4553,5151 77 : INVENTED AS FOLLOWS: Cash on band and In Bank • - 41163145 11. S. & N. Y. State Bonds, M lit value 308.819 50 Bonds and Mortgages, first Ilens.)•••• 77 .30 0 00 -Bills Receyle, tprem. notes not due • 15,420'63 Call Loans ured by Collateral& - 59,400 00 Personal operty. 09ce Furniture _ and wrecking material 8,107 99 Due from other sources ' = 7.933 56 Due from other Companies • 920 63 Interest accrued but not due • 3,300 00 Liabilities $504,541.39 41,989 55 Total Net Assets --453,251:77 Be - r.y.t.u),'Santtary7t6,l26B. , • I GEN - & )tIecANDMISS, 'Agents, ..ar3:nB3 -JI4.FOURTIf STREET. TIiR BEST FITTING DRAWERS • WORLT. ARE Patent Pantaloon Draweit. • - The genuine heir our trad mark ' ' FLA MK,. CLARK - GO, ratenKes'andliiatiuthetttreie ". N0..614 WlOLte•Eit.. New -teodolldwr . pan LINEN. TO & L riA3tAiiivitAPHlNS Forsaiesiloxpgcca by',; - , ,1 •; WHITE; ORR* T T. FRIEND TA ! idE. " Ilum r 1161) Tim. "Queer Triumphant, . Ttilsg: ,Tta HIIY IT . TUX IT. • , PRONOER4e iVAILUIMPURFOSES,Tr,Th UNED UNPREVEDNYTED, - ehesper than , soap—cleanses more ghly —costa less money— s/Ives more time awl labor,and Is sold tryalt Grocers. One trial will demonstrate Its superiority and secure It a dem_ place In the affeetlon:or the entire house hold. Stanuraotured be thee • HESS MAEVEBOI4:IIII3IGIVCI.. ; . tiffice, No. 138 WOW) STREET. 403441117th. : • : Pk:# l .z.B. GittrEe ' etrit.LED_ B.Ant; rt. t *,' A ^^ Tanners"— 4001 1 .4: NEAPS FOOT' , & C. • - N EAPS ss. .oMo* and Warehouse, No. a skiiiiiiiiii mr,ET,•ttearly opposite the Pont omcus e, PrPrintrlAGNl PA. ;- bb.i...11*tricx,44 . 4 11 , etero4, 7 9;4 . D eaf. ... ~`i ; a 3 FtArN,IILACik SILKS GROS dRAIN FILE FIGURED SILK. IRISH .3" - POPFAV ALPACt'Sfi.. !.• ESLthg.A.N DiCOLORT.p,LL 7 STRE . S, WOOL DiLAINES, CHINTZES LIOHT 9.ACH.T . NG" CLOTH SPRING cAssrmEnEs DARK CASSIMERES BLACK AND BLI7E CLOTII 1111E411 LINEN, BRILLIANTS; 'NAINSOON WHITE QUILTS BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS BLACK AND COLORED, KID. GLOVES ,SIFIRT FRONTS„ HOSIERY, NOTIONS VERY ' LOW PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, IVrill LATEST 111PROVEilENT3, OF THE O:WAXY, . "51 FIFTH STREET. LINEN SHEETING. -PILLOW LmEN, TABLE LINEN; syssrlFT,;i BTRETt.' ' -szar-Ativslerrmmtm.' GRAND OPENDIG. ittl BEINEMAN, ..EVAN % R SIDLE 42 No. k" h St., OPEN THEM NEW •JEIURT:_'STOEE' ON MONDAY, April 6th. In announcing the :opening of their new place of business, they desire mtefullylo ackuowledgt,tlie L e gal l gl u ircs.T.PleYfluri. 9 . ll. .elt-Ve b iglelnrialters de- Struction by lire of their new store room, and to return their sincere thanks tor thee liberal patronage bestowed upon thein'slnee. •‘. - • The New EstablisMnent will be Operte4l • , Determined that the public should lose nothing by the conflagration, the firm has Incurred a heavy es pens° in reconstructing the NEW STORE In finnan nee much superior to that which has suffered It will be tilled with an entirely • NEW AND BEAU Lt UL STOCK OF GOLD AND SILI7ER, GOODS, Of Ever' bEi§eripticin. DIAMOND JEWELRY, WATCEtES4 CLOCKS, Plated Ware, fie., fie. Owlng to It. GICEAT FACILITIES, the firm are able to act! good% at the . MOST MODERATE PRICES. HEINEMAN, MEM & SIDLE, No. 42 FIFTH STREET. • PITTSBITRQH, PA. spiniro • „ • - 97TH SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. JANUABr 1, 1868. ASSETS, (atiMarket Cash on hand and in Dane S 549,607 81 Real Estate "253,982 83 Mortgage Bonds 920,870 00 Bank Stocks ‘.1,237,810 00 IT, B. State and City Steel: and other public securities 1.953.172 73 • • $4,833.543 39 Total Liabilities.. • " 403,248 05 Net Assets $1,388,294 74 41Eir Duly Attested, Sworn to And Signed The ./ETNA -EIIIIIIBANCECOMPANY is the Trustee of Its Patrons to an extent teh fOld greater than of Its own Stock. holders. $23,000,000.00. if &proper estimate "Is t foimed of min 'traction occasioned by the bunting of TWENTY THREE MILLION DOl.4.Alnk prip.mmrtii among plennin in every grade enifixisition, In Amounts large -And small. under every conceivable circumstance, it, wilt give a correct Iden"of the; ConiMiny's good works, and the value of genuine ,tinder , 4Tritlag. 27ut beet to the cheapest. Fire and Inmi Na Rates and ., termille4tberal- aa-Ls . coaslateat wltb ;enable Indemnity. I a Appllcatlone 1 b Tor Insurance 411 c Pomptiy at ``teided to • Mr; k Office, 03 FPUFII.24:I'PEET; • A. CAARIER4 BRO., 44e,nb5. , ,' tab2s:ri3o • 2 •:".2 .:t j%, j j,, ••••trftlt ,- - , ” js ^”.•,,,.• P • 468. .s•; 4.5 Z:4 CHEAP! CHEAP! Sir PRINTS, DELAINES - . .„. Mr TWEEDS„ CASSIAIER, . /ir.YLANNELS,GOLL • AreG HOSIERY AND L . ' „ sir WHITE GOODS. 0 AltPETSf•oll4 , oticrrinia „ , 4 War , BIIIHONG,_ SHAWLS:" • ir4t , THE FILM' DRY 'BoontrEerOrtr orpak IF' SCO • - • lErCii r it N0..468 *lair etie e tvait r , ,rmahx_7‘jz,k_".l. e tz 0160Thof di prime IF Meese: 1 - 50 et '4 . . , q _l:win-D w rz , tL a TVI k " % ne ' RAsomr, iiilll- I ...11. - zzl.vr...-ral,: i T.l , 414,f tiTIVIK ; i ,!,'.i a „.1 - :.K ..f ' tarea :l. - 44! ~,..7furc;!0d1ut!3122(42 4 . : D ^ i) 4 . - , i k.D. D.. i up , t. .1 Or, Bey. A. MCI% A. dwrrinal.:._ , jj Steubenville, 0.. march. - .Y.:ft. ,, Zz•-, 1 HP AND' isomicuer , sigiatezzAt'i - et , • • Shaved and &med.-extra • . gtvx•oQl4er..4.P o AßDs,, . , .A.^ ,l §U kinda - vf at • C. C. Yard, above SuspenotanAltldEqf m eg b euswit,r ni,1n2;n30.1Y49 :, ,FISH 1. , .:-. ,- F MB ' s_ll, beta 1. . ; IMa ck. erel:: ' ;.• '• v. :,;-, .I', . ._ Z . .. '..„1 - i. , :z. lfri ~ i- . . 5 , , , .. ,- • ; r i ~, Vl* ttrol.(l.: ,aud 3 Itackeretki4l :, 7'Boo halilbbt l e r4ae ''''''''" --: 11 — ' 4e . ,_,......,...... 180 do. ANA. ", ' ' In store, for saloby ' ' i 'L ..... , - . SCHOMAI3I4,I ' mum . = 1751 and ..... 7.. lott N itttit_:l,Fik iIETTER-f4o 4 - boxeit*tovigoni r ..- I,t.alry Butter, for aaie br ' —. ' ,f.. ' 7' -, i . _ ; . - ill. lialfrAlVeLlO Mi 1 11 1 1 rat a t.-..i.1, TI i nEDPEtAainEX 444 /061,111/Sheillti Pr!me brlattc tbrula ? R Is Y+.l-4,i4qQ?4•Lit Plakadikr l6 4io...„ • ,; V t 56"-`lO4, Met' . • ' " II El ENS . ~ , lIE