Di l ittsbuto day*. PUBLISHED DAILY; BY PENNIRAN, REED Et CO., Praprletors. P. B. rENNrmAN, , JOSIAH KING, T. P. 110USTON, ' ' P. REED, - F.dltor.s and Managers. OFFICE: GAZETTE BUILDING. NOS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST. OIiVICIAL'PAPER Of Plttebnrgh, Allegheny and Allegheny County.. . . Term—Dal' if I. liemi-We4lV.l " Weekly: One year..,:gs:CAlOne year.olC.so; Single cepy....51.60 One month:- 73;81rinos.. 1.5 o; 5 copies, each. I.Z - By the week. nature mos n!14:1 1. 15 (from carrier.l l' , t and one to Agent. MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1668 • We print on the inside pages of this morn ing's GAZETTE : Second page—Poetieal Se lections, General News. Thirdpage---Pinan cial Matters in . New York, Markets bye. Te graph, Imports by Railroad,s,r, River- Neics, Railroad Time Table. Sixth .pogo -Hone Trade and _Markets, Oil ShipMents, Seventh page—Very interesting reading ancit ter and Amusement Dirictory. • . • I GOLD closed in New York on Saturday at 18n. , • - ,RnonE IsLArrn gage a :Republican rhajor ity of nearly 4,500 on Wednesday last.' Wise°!ism holds her Judicial election .to day, and is not likely to "re-act" to any dis agreeable, extent BOTH branches of the Legislature have agreed to . . adjourn finally on the • 14th in stant, that is; on Tuesday of next week, THE REPLY of the Rev. Dr. Page to the letter of pishop Hopkins, (published in these columns some days ago,) will i appear to-morrow Tics Meadville Republican leains that Hon. D. A. Finney, Member of Congress from the Crawford District, is now at Rome, with but little improvement in his health. CoNNEcnarr votes to-day.. We do not propose to risk the misleading of our read ers by predicting a Republican; triumph, but cannot hesitate to say that if the Demo= cratic ticket in that State be chosen to-day, we shall be Much surprised and disap pointed. ' • THE DnEw-V.snronnnn,T quarrel for the control of the Erie Railway is rapidly ap proaching that compromise which we were led ten days ago to predict. Mr. VANDF.R snir finds himself forced to make:conces sions, to relieve his *len& freim difficulty and to escape from still Treater loss. BY a Law just passed, the old system of collecting taxes is superseded in - Chester and Montgomery counties. The Treasurer of the ptopei county will henceforward cnl lect all taxes 'for State and county, purposes, visiting each' district , upon notice duly giyeri l all citizens .who pay up saving the usual per centage of `Collectors: Micmail: holds its.. State election to-day. 'he ,re,vised . Constitution, also, will be deci ded upon by the people; the clauses_prohili iting the - sale of intoxicating lignors and providing for annual sessions of the Legis lature, separately, and,the residue in' bulk, includinglegro suffrage. The result on the, Constitution is doubtful. ' ' ' I.Txrn. within the last few days the chan ces for the ftepublican Vice IWesidentild nomination-seemed to divide ,abolit between WAnn 411totirsx;' Now, how: ever, CbLysx appears to be gaining. A majority_ et, the Republican members of Conzressi are certainly for him, and the States beyond Ohio are pretty sure to .de. mend him by a unanimous Voice. THE §T. , P)EIS newspapers predicate e;,- travagant oxpectations.in respect .to Manu factures in general and the manufaCturen iron in :special, upon :the quality of coal found at Chester, in. Illinois. *e . shall not: be displeased to linden their hopes in that' regard realized tO•thefullest. extent But, we conclitde, from inforniation that weals. to be reliable. that while the quality - of that coal is excellent, the quantity is much less than ima,,iined. THE STATE CONY/MT/ON was . held a month , ago... Yet the 'Central Committee has not been announced, and the prelitn, work , of the; Canvas@ mains untouched. This wasted month of comparative _...• reposeßasthqmbst vaIPIAP of the whole season rot a Chairman of the Committee who rightly :711nderstesx1 vhis duties and had a mind to, do it, Let, there be no farther delay, but announce the Com mittee, and let it iiroceed o at,once and . with a will, to business. ' Tits Republican Nominating 'Convention for. Allegheny ._county will meet June 2d, to select candidates for Senate; Assembly, District Attorney and Assistout. Attorney, Controller. and Commissioners. The Nomi nating Convention'er the '22d :Congreainon al Distript,t . Nonnglazos):WillS meet on the. same daY, - and Select;a •calldi:. dnte. The 'Convention ' fcir the 210 t gressional District, (Mr. NlTlLLialds's j ) will meet the sairie'day find Conferee's to the District. Convention, The Primary electionq for delegates to these . Conventions will bq held ' May 30th - - - Own TUAISXB are due .to theilnembers of the Allegheny delegation in:.hiithhrttitelktf, of the Legislature for Mani einirieSies.ii tended to r us during the session now drawing_ to a close. Especially are, we _ a n dbe, OS-, gatiotts lb Messrs. GnArum andEnna*:Of: the Senate, and Mr, FORD `, of the Molise. The letters furnished us '.l* mr, m umn , have beedof superior _ 'eicellence, and have been widen copied;;life rotiter journals in varionsparhp of , the Commonw ealth. W ith Atla - sesikkk*R -1111114di e 1 his fseata ,, teiw.pi , :to ,;fgtt34'-'llifgik I 7 served iliterl4vlfFo';!.:#PlitlYeAd;l m ide s ii: ii'Yt*lloo 6 P - A*Nol i t itc may wel 4 - t. ', e i i 'iM.,, , ...,, ~ .; . - !•.. ,,, i T P , ' - 1..4t , . Vrtiovzii as w etched the comae -Of p:u1): ltc discitaCtOti in Great' Britain--whith4.-in l'arlignelit, popular assemblies or the nev..s.., papers—must be satisfied. that theLdays °of the legal establishment of the • English„. Church in Ireland. are numb ered, and rap idly drawingto a close.- • TnE REPUBLIUANS of the Fifth Congres sional District of Pennsylvarda , held a regu liiiConfcrence at Daylestoivn - , 'last iveek, and appointed MAUI ON YWLEY and, FEED C. Haustit delegates to the National Convention at Chicago, instructing themfor GRANT and CURTIN ::This is a, pointed pro test against._ the action of the State Conven- DM SiTURDAT the Governor sicrned,three important bills, whlph. are laws; 1. The Free Railroad Bill, as passed the second time by:the Howias. ' The 'bill 'Pending . ,for Registry of votes. 3.. The bill limit lag the liability in damages of, Railway Companies, in case ofloss of life, to $5,000, and in case of less injury to $3,900. Two rights, and one ,wrong: • ' Ti E JAPAZESE revolution, or internal war, has ended with the abdication of the' TYCOON, or temporal sovereign, and the as sumption of the undivided power of the Empire by the Mixnuo, or sphitual ruler. For the violence which had been offered to the foreigners at the open ports,7by the'ad herents of the former, the most ample repa ration has been made by the successild party:, CINCINNATI Lolds her charter'electiori to- day,. and the Republican ticket will encoun ter the combined opposition of the regular Democratic. organization and a falsely styled ''*orking Men's" party. The'game which elected Cany last fall is to be played over-again to-day; it may win, but r. ur friends are not usually:twice the victims of the same electioneering dodge, and ~till now try to7give a good account - of themselves. TIM STRIKE among the railway ;work: men at Cleveland continues, but with-indi cations that a compromise may be ageed upon. As usual, the Democratic party hast ened to avail themselves of what they hoped Would prove an opportunity for political advantage, and offered to the strikers the privilege of. notainatini to four vacant places on the 'ticket of that tarty for . the . charter election of.to-day. ' The proposition was seen.through and promptly spurned by the operatives. =3 Au. sensational rumors from Washington to the effect - that the Republican members of the Senate aie so divided in opinion as to the merits of the ease against the President as made out by the Managers of the Im peachinent on behalf of the House, as to make their concurrence in a final judgrbent 'impracticable; may be confidently set doWn as without foundation. The )lanagers have covered very fully all the specifications :brought against the President, and with definiteness to render his conviction appa rently. unavoidable. Urox the reconsidenition of the Appro= priation - bill in the Senate, the gross sum was cut down t 0,53,900,000. Of this sum $1,800,000 , goes to, pay, the intereston the State debt; leaving $2,100,000 for all other expenses. The charities at this end of the Commonwealth' "were all cut e except the House-of Refuge, Dixmont Hospital and the Western Penitentiary. The proviso that the„ State y.bo Tepresctttecl 14,the management Aof .Dixmont .proportionately. -tO*benefactions, was retained; and the ap pnapriation will gg through' on that . condi tion. That point may be considered settled. A. 15: ardent admirer of Mr. E.M. STANTON recently interrogated him figy,tat ness to become Mr. Bucummw's succewor. in-the Senate of the United States. He re 'spanded peregtptarilt. : .whail must have- T is_rest, ,quiet, n chance to' live .with in wife and fluidly in - Peace".'l appreciate the kind' feeling'you exp'ress; but ,there Is no office I would take." Doubtless, ids incessantlabors in the .War Department maker, him long,for,repose; and yet we are ,certain but his sensp, of public duty would, in the end, constrain "bin). la"accept the place, in case it should: be tendered to him. • • The Managers,-haiing•presented their ev idence.in=chief, "rested their case on Satur day; '. and await, the development, by the. President's counsel, of his defense. At this point it is proper . to remark - that the clear and conclusive testimony for the prOseei tion, its ample corroboration of. the .charges. respectivein the promptitude with which this evidence has beet:L.l)ot in, all reflect .the highestz credit upon the care with which the Managers have. prepared their case, and thn.remarkableabil ity and success with whiCh the trial has thus far been conducted. -,,, ‘, . 4 L . •, , , • ' .-'," A delay until Thursday _ has "been gninted" by the Senate to the counsel for the defense, who have asked this postponeMent• in Order, that their preparatiohe may TheY intimate that they have =choral, teth tiMony to introdu c e , but,it is quite 'possible' that . their intentions in this respect may not .A LAW has been Passed to' ehartern corn, be realized. On thecontrary , the indications pany to cormtrnct a railway from Bedford, ,are, at this writing; theft Mr: Jonaion is to to pridgeport.... TIAP 1.80 PF.. place /8, on the be defended, not upon any systematic of the Tittiburgh- c ond 4 CitillienSilifr ceptions to the proof whithimalmen offered, road, and - twen,ty:two .ffilles:d4stant.froin - but upon the ,abstract question of his .guilt Bedford.2,,,ZrOirtlielifOrd:..,,td,:illiftirabret .by.;, pr innocence of impeachabl6 offenses. 41l this route, will be 2 :4 =4. l .,eq' ENAJAst:f2BS by the evidence being ifibstattiefli adm itted;: . • . - , waXpf ITuntington—a .saving . pf.2 l miles., hts ; pommel evidently not seriously yrom ltediegto Piiiibintii, Vliits con: pct to rely upon any large amount of ie. tea:plated lineisztheAtitanisti.win elxs' Aeft . ',butting proof. " They feel - the'effeetive power •Milei, agtAst 203 byway ofHuntingtont 7 a in that regard - of the; ease as -made by 'the saving of 45 E9gP,st.,Fli Wiiihit, l lo;i;liiz. prosecution.. , Their answer : foreshadowed way the brincli,f rtnining off from the - substantildli ibe , taitics which are to rule' Ihdtintote.indrOlati 4 itedlrondl etz•Point of theni. Itie not unAtelythat they Mg :for t **l the saving will be much greater, Q. , bear; anything like a generikeXaminatipn of It is proposed tc;::builti thlglinkwitheid iWiteesses. This will not preclude more or the aid of:bonds. The • scheme is . '41114 the less tironf to be offered`;,tp: , defense; on the property ,4.c . 4d r° l'° 1 1 ' b ust ' '` V ll3ll eaa 'then , who` :Collateral" pointsi but'lmvingelready chosen hold a -•ffitca:Xter°otA-IgiYing...th4Xoaii: to make .the TresldOlA's-"titso one of PoOri made, elmiliAntribate, - xannev4mtipipppqr:4 Ifession ati&avoldance rather thane denial , 1 114 at they ' would - be' tillymtfte4pgrelly,, ..p f fats, we May expect to see theni - tie - ebit=" Walliithat when thislairuilielii- " dtkiing it to its , Moltolop. 't -TokloV - Alla 00ited , ther6 i, 4le „A.t idl` V oharges as tried,, with the IFrr . olteadY i# r , ot W ,# 4'thot tEbgieFAt igitedioitiiirlii**guilfylk*-ii4, ,tlsTmeritMWio ( tield, in Lib feet l e erty township, on Main str t, 124 by 139 ~ ' - - I _, ... . • ....52200 Samuel .11. Cluley, Sheriff, to: no. ...... March 21, 1868, interest .of Thomas Thom- A ) as, in lots NO. - 6 and 7, and . art of - No. 5, in Browns' 'Plan of lots in • nion Town ship • A .......ii, ~ $5O Same - to same, Sept. 14, :1 , interest of Thomas Thomas in lots No and 81, in Browns' plan oflots in"Unien towiiship, , :also a lot on ' Mary streeton said town ship ' ,:-........-..... . ....".....L. l John Cunningham - hi Stewar S. Cimning..• ham, March 26, 1868;,lots 1 and 2 ill s • Hazelton' plan of. lots'in di Sixth Ward, -. Allegheny, onßilikvell- sir t, 63 by,'B6 _feet - • '-. ' ' ''. , ••- vroo William Reed to Columbus COleinan; March 17,1868, lot in Sewickley* biliongh, front ing on the Ohio river; contnining 1 mire, with ouildings i I.L. 55,000 Mrs. Mary A. Stewart et al. tOlj. O. Milten • berger et al., August 25,-t.L936, tract or land in .Fayette and Allegh y counties,' containing 111 iienisr also: the intereit'of tt, the . said -Islary 'Stewart et .to 600 ems, e of land in said counties , .a. ',the coal un derlying severat'othe,r traq 4 of land in said counties ' , 11..: - ... - ....$1,239 'James S. Craft to Dr. M. Cote, August 0, 1867, interest of George - B.1:1411 tenberger to - a 'tract of land In Allegheny and Fay ette connties, containing abont 1,500 acres • James Dalzell to James o.lg Cummings,. April 2,1868, lot •on Arthur street, Sev enth ward, Pittsburgh, 19 l 64 feet,-with building's. .. .-4. - $2,000 Alex. McDonald to John 'Harper, January 22, 1868, lot in Sewickley bOrough, Chest nut street, 20 by 125 feet.. ...I' r... 50 Benj. Bolton to Fred. Heillit, January 1, 1867, lot In Greenoak, ' lisbeth town-. ship, ; containing thipi:gnarters of an acre Barbara Grarnback to PhilitilLOWei', June 9, 1865, lot' on Ficievier street, _Collins., township; 60 by 120 feet ' ‘'i! $9OO Edward 'Kelley to Henry Mc)* July 1;1867, lot on Manor-street, Sotigt;Fittstairgh, 22 by 120 feet...-. . ... ...:.... ,1'.... 5900 A. J. Wooleloyer icdhomiiiMellon, March': 4, 1868, lots Nos. 34, 35,74tind 75 in Wool slayer's plan in Collins township; the first two fronting on Railroadiligresit . 50 feet and extending back 97 fei34, and the,se/i ' and two fronting on jacliOn street 50 b . ' 100 feet.' '' ' ' ' '.l " 111 800 F. C. Negley to.3lrs.'• Mellci4 January 18;1 1868, a lot,in sth ward; 'Pittsburgh, oil Lfts3rtystret, 50 by• 100 fest, with build , lags,' also lobs ,No. 6' anal, in Baldwin and Cherry'aplati of lots,•10 the borough of Braddock, on* Plan k t r iOad, 50 by 13? - feet, with tatildings; etc.; idao - a bit eon tainirtg 1 acre, with mai riknneadi sidinflltit &c., at • the, tipple' of th#l` . Bradelock's Melds - Coneries, Willdn' s thvnas.hip, with all the necessary irepotiveinclins; also 43, - , acres and 92 . perchas of ec ld - in Wilkins ' • township, several privileges', in . said township. • '''l - 0 37 20 88 John 13eedher to Mrs. Sartik Porter, Janu ' - ary 14, 1868,10t5 - No. 1 ancl hi Beecher's plan of lots in Collins township, on Houk sheet, 30 by f4O feet --- i f $650 Franklin Collins to John Srver. October 22, 1867, a lot in 6th wardgAlleghenv, on Locust street, 24 by 130 -1 - 0 t - $1470 J. C.-Coleman to Reason Tigber, 'March 31, 1868,'a lot in :Moon townahip, ootalning one-third of an acre and 7,6, perches.:.s2oo Andrew 'Porter to Shines , ,1171ilte, April 2, 1868, lots No. 1 and 2 in John, Beecher's plan of lot.s •in Coll s tO , w4ship, on Honk street, 60 by 140 feet ' - $2900 Geo. Simblet to Dr. Joel MI Vankirk, Au dust 10, '1863, part of a. lOp in Eli abeth borough, on which is erected ii 'saw' mill, . WO, • , -, 00D' ! ' 4,' , .",,:, ".. .• : ,:.;:, IS THE GREATEST 'ol` ALLilliilESSEStlid, .' - '.' l - , .: • And. to preserve it Is the privilege arikdistie of NIL% !1 . , • '• : ' 081 ,SMIGES#VIIV . ...: ' . . ' A-NiT I.L.YBPEPTIC ASP L 'PILLS' ' • • • • 'Are the great severeixi, speedy and. nit Ore o f ; l age, for Dyspepsia ,' either , in Its', mildest ur iverst, . stages, and hundreds' whO have Jting , suffered under, the Inflictions of .tlthi t most =riots and dangerqua disease, hitvebY the use of tbli , ialuable medicine been restored to health and,the'en t joirmentuf lits.- Is' year Tice[ in ii. torpid' eolidition, itiliSitatlO, , tbereby detrizigies the n whole sygtem . •' ', - DIL SABGE.N . P.S LlViit l''' PILLS ' ' : • :. , . Will speedily remove the seered us.tand.,resiore. it to a healthy st,ste. . " .. ..''...'il..: • ': ;,'. '•..,'. . . Are you troubled wit loss 'Pi; ,t4S lina ..sibin --. acb„eruefati,itis of' witid.:49ll4 .., ilii/it sluff liesitil4 1 1 1 derangement 011ie Aliteltivoi . ,o l, ,:7 .. :.,1:-. '' ' DIL 13AltolirilTle • TiLLS . ..,..::•i .. . - - ' • '•f• ' • , l - ':-.1' , ;.1 , e,•- ..s: 4- ,•‘' .. *,* - •!., Ale a sure, sii*enil nitnifstlnt ' elf;.inf bi 4ictr, , mild but ceitiln.netion..istil. 'e, renovate , and 'reinvigorate the system. - 1,...1L ~' , .. .-, DA. BARGE.NDS;LIVEit „PDLS `rtanil biglt,ius, one of the stands:id 'lnca IClicitX, the ase., For the, ,Cure of alliiisei*s arlslnitionydlcordcredstitio ..the liver, as nati be attested .• :Ale - eertilicateli of large nuniberb`or our citizens it.s.Eave been gene.. rated and mired by inch. use. i l' ic ' * - ; . ' These Pills can be obtained, ~ erlilein or Sugar; f Coated, fromau:Druggists In t• ' co u ntr y. .. . -.. • -- .. UNIMPEACHABLE. •.: - . Andigestleir4he' most fialtfi generator of dls- 'Case, so common as riot to bee esidered dangerous ' ' —slowly and • strzili eere ttie for, with Impel/id digestii i t is •impossitde for. te. fOOd afford strength to the . , tern. Dyspepsia 'in-. folloWithiedliessei arid dyspeptics 'owe all their sofferhisre 'to: indicestioltii Nervous• and Sick headec.he she , spring . ; front ilegibigement of the di- ' 'gcstive organs. Tere,:nts of ilidentiorf habits fre:. '• quently ardfer trOtii these,' evdg mhich are attended' en with a nerv e irritability ott§Mper, extremely tin-' ~ pleasant to others and it'setirrti *of misery to "them- -' • selves. HOSTETTER'S BT CH BITTERS Darr ‘ - . been found Hie safest and - lic.i! ineani of remoring :1111digestice obstructions. as :ell 113 bracing up the 'lll.lllng system. 'Those whose7becupations are men- ". lel recognise to this .preparstion the 'perfection of ' medical skin. as it soothes thkexcitetbrain, heed."' ache disappears under Its potiat. charm. and - the pa- ' tient rapidly regains health • d strength by its re- - - iitntinii Power.: TcrllieNa m es well as delicate . :ladles and children, it Is ed y salted, as la rn ;wawa tin ,quanty ; otlariginitt...wittiout excite-. - moot or reaction. ~ An Immense rinionnt of peachable evidence • '. can be p_ ro duced to :prolea:4that HOSTETTER'S. STOIIACH BITTERS Is unequalled for its prompt and ever reliable action lti alleviating and' curing an • ,diseases -of the- stomath.;',.ll. su peri or excellence t• - and consequent ,renown to ireadi y accounted, for , -.front the well known fslct the' it is made under tta.,:. 'ptAconn e l e s . ur t ergon ig:Nl a tolli e r e rietors, in strict ae- • '. . ANOTHER CAME: 4 ) • . 7 0EARNEr. - . I lost my hearlng.dorpsig i . '.• *90.7.99::1.fr5p1, 9R,'. . the tline I meatatalljr.!idiMV ; ;i4gtlfolvehrysiara . • ~. was todikti! 1:447#7:; ,,, - ~;., ~ : f..,..lf A tt ' Selitial.f; P licati° 444h*lNSi!•• . li c l , .. .... 0 .4 §1 .** - 1- 7 .(.i • burgh. Aiirlarripg.#lo - ...,... 01,410.104.,1** . 15. doctors, i5111,4440 1 ,i. ' il 04 1 **,# 1 4, i lia, 0 a r.. 1) %1b , Heyser , s,,iiiiikettlX .1 . 4 .. , twOifton*iiiiw..l:l hear a nbadiaja z 4 : P ,. .1):i.i1ir . ..1i !,! ia 1 :14 4 4. 1 14iii;f.. I t i•: ;1:.•-t••: - 1:0; , ;;• • ';• .•.; l iorgobbow4aPiaiii.”4 • : 7 . .. , . A.'01. ; :•• '' -.• Ivt". ' q.: ,l l , tsf.i; -. : „IQ ArAii: : •.: ..,,Iti; , :i ~ . 1 ' .4., .. ...•V. 7 .1 . iii)!:'.4 'ha ai)i Ailuis 0ia1e0 , 3041).40; ' itillltlektli.4osl4oi . ;• _ form litra - Of ikieitMatfi .:. • ~l ifild4ooll*;olt. i . i i• rutatoiviiii I.itiiiA! ' ~..: at 1,, •; I ;Okiiqstr;; . l areMadesilto , 64i l ki t !i4 liic e le`lF iti4'• , ' :it 10mdTe 4 . . Atr.9 tol 4 ,;lol t .ot:h igrey; cures are. tal seOrt*i.7/o;at eatattltilmil . , laws that govern the set en4 i .of , msdletne, M 'which ' " he has been enraged fi;?7 1.13041104re144111i7111121i /tiat'lreek be eras al so ta itlttio4olt Lilt 3013 P-r , Crela ilk •• 1 ele rant ais lit ther lltatiCof fittilkl.4.etallMirlittelher...: "moat, wom iiii tt i l aiii:' I ., - 51 - 44() :-..,,!.,.,.,,. J.i.; .ii id ..,,Dyk -;iii_o_s?! . .4BlMPti 'OIL ' • YICZ rOlt rIMI '. I , 1401 r&ANDVWW1k; yrz,brzoi. ii I .. .-: ' Ire.liopintie wrinuttilloir ir a6N, tINITL, *MCI 7 1 kt 111;"4 , -, . . , • a.. 1,4 ~ •:' : . l c , i '. • .i . . - . I ;; ; lttuiltgel2 Nu) l• MI IM U L ~ T ~