(C"ttIMML-qx° 3 / 'ftcOnd Page.} large and costly four-storied buildings suited - for stores and other purposes. Eieized and taken in execution as the prop erty,tif 3: D. Ratnalev, with -notice to J. 3L . Kennedy and David `McCandless, assignees Bank - ruptey and terre tenants, at the ' suit of William D. Hays. . _ ALSO, lte night,title, . interest and clai m of Johno. M. Apple and Jonathart of; in and to that certain bu ding, consisting .0 a dwelling" house; brewery and stable, and has a front of twen ty-three feet three inches on the Spring Gar d.en. • Phmkroad and has a depth of sixty. - feet; the front part of said building - is three 'stories high and the back part is two stories high and, is situ , ated upon a certain. lot of pound within the county of Allegheny,. having a front of twenty-four feeton the Spring Garden plank road, and runs back, preserving the same width one hundred and ten!feet more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the prop-, erty of John Id. Apple and Jonathan Magee at the suit of Joseph Lautner... ALSO, All the right, title, interest and -claim of. Christopher filler and Maxwell Gordon, of; in and to all nit certain tract ,or piece of land in Lowe St. Clair township, Allegheny county, Pe ylvania, and bounded and "described"as ollows to wit: Beginning at a post; then north 7 1-4 degrees east 83 7-100 perches, by lands of Thomas Snod grass (now William) to a small locust tree; thence north 89 1-4 degrees east 62 4-10 perches by lands of James Wilson's heirs to a post; thence south 51 deg. west 36 perches to - apost; thence south 6 3-4 degrees west 78 perches to a post, near a hickory. by limds of Moses Crain; thence south 87 3-4 - degrees west 69 4-10 perches, by lands of Caleb Fos ter toil post in the road,.tho place of begin nining, containing 31 acres and being the same which Robert Robb and wife by their deed dated February' 10tb, 1861, conveyed to the said ChristopherViller and Maxwell Gordon. Also, All those six contiguous lots of ground situate in the Borough of Lawrence _ville, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning on the westwardly side of But ler street, at the corner of Butler and .Belle font streets; thence extending eastwardly along Butler street one hundred and fifty feet slit inches to the :corner-of lot No." 7 thence northwardly alon g the line of said lot No. "7" one hundred feet to an alley, and thence eastwardly along the line of said alley one hundred and twenty-five feet three and one-half inches, more or less, to Belle fonte street; therice westwardly along Belle w fonte street one hundred feet, more or lees; to the place of begimilu*,, Wing lots nuni beredl, 2,3, 4, 5 and 6, in a plan of lots laid out by Richard L. Ewalt, who by his deed, *Ado:l,March lst,• 1859, and recorded in vol. lte, page 693, granted and conveyed the same to said Miller & Gordon. Axao, All that certain other lot situate in the borough of Lawrenceville, countk. and State .aforesaid, beginning on Bellefonte street at the corner of Lewis alley;-thence by said alley , to Long alleyi thence by - said Long alley, twelve inches to lot Na. 11; thence at right angles one hundred feet to Bellefonte street; thence by the line of said street thirty . -three feet three inches to place of beginning, being lot No. "10" in a plan of lots laid out by R. L. Ewalt, who by his deed, dated July 4th, 1859, granted . and conveyed the same to the said Miller & Gordon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Christopher Miller and Maxwell Gordon, at the suit of Robert;Robb for use of James Mevey, executor of the last will of Benjamin A. Mevey. • ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim *of Joseph K. Hazlett of in' and to all that cer tain piece of ground situate in the borough of Lawrenceville, county efAllegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, beginning at the south side of Spring alley at the corner of land • belonging to' Eliza Jane Hazlett; thence along the same north forty-seven degrees, east one hundred and thirty-six feet to ii. street adjoining Harmer Denney a heirs; thence south forty-three degrees east along, the same three hundred and twenty feet to land of Harmer Denney's heirs; thence by Bathe south forty-twO degrees west one nun dred and fifty feet to Eliza Hazlett's line; thence north forty-three degrees, west one hundred and silty- seven and w e st inches to a post; thence . north:foity . -seven degrees east twenty-four feet six inches thence north forty-three degrees, one hundred and twenty feet; thence south forty seven degrees, west twenty-four feet six inches, and thence north-forty-three degrees west fifty-three feet to the place of begui-, • ~ . RE eSeized and taken in execution as the pro. pert; of Joseph K. Hazlett at the suit of Robert Robbfor use of B. A. Mevey's erect' tors. ALSO. \_ All the right, title, interest and claim of Adam Tesh, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground`situate in the borough of Birmingham, county and State aforesaid, and marked in John Brown's plan of lots in the extended limits. of said borough as Nos. 10, 11, 12, 18, 14,15, 16,-17 and 18, con taining jointly in bradth on Centre street one hundred and eighty-eight feet, four inches, and on Franklin street two hund redand nine feet three and one-fourth inches; and in depth about one hundred and tiventy seven feet, more or less; the above described lot being a part of a certain piece of ground containing three acres and fifty-two perches, more or less, which Christian. Anshutz, by deed bearing date the lst day of February, A. 1). 1884; and Tecorded ia the office for recording deeds In and for the county of Allegheny, in book W. 2d, volume 46,` and which said piece of ground said Johnßrown sub-divided into smaller lots as per draught dated January 15, A. D. 1 9; and the said John Brown by his deed bearing date 29th day of May, A. D. 1841, and recorded in Allegheny county in deed book 'volume 101 page 244, conveyed the same to Adam Testi, party of the first part; on which is erected a large brick dwellin o m house. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of - Adam Tesh at the suit of Thomas• Smyth for use of AL Benj. SO A. idevey. All the .right, title, interest and, claim :of, Daniel V. Day of, in and to - all that certain messuage and moiety or half lot of ground j'JCl7littuate in the borough of licKteroort, cbun; 134 of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylva ma, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a poit on a_ public road 38 feet wide, and at corner of lot No. 'l, (Forbes' Plan) ; thence south along the ',line :of lot No. IL One hundred and forty feet .to an alley ; thence along,alley westwardly thirty feet to a post ; thence by "a partition line parallel with the post, one . - ...hasieW and forty feet to paldpnblic road, andlhence along said, road'esatunielv -thir ty feet to the place of Isiginsdni; being the, moutyr of two' according to "'Forbes' Plan" of idta, lu t e raid lot number two. being Zut tam e **w e b waa l soltl anal- 00 1 151'01k 43 thg paid.. Daniel .t Daybrelporoi ___r*Prnd wife by. - f'.their indenture,,,datWe'w Nat Of , liiialarri! tun; rat% reeet 4o),ltibeltecoidiriollice I•`' ' of Allegheny 4;43dt._4n?1/614-*l.9kvelemb % 184 :4 1 4 .3 A 22 5 , one story frame dV1114,2 3 /34.,w 1 ,!Aa'nnailr fitalffe'otibleette.3T'- :F-_ " Sind Altdialeit inisecution:as the prop. 1111 II El erty of DanieliV.--Day,'at the suit of Hiram B. Sinclair-,adininistratOr of John Whig ham, deceased. ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim of Ed ward McQuade, deceased, in the hands of his administrator, J. E. Mitchell, of, hi and to lot No. 254 in William Robinson's, Jr., plan of the extension of Allegheny City, called Buena Vista, bounded and described as follows: Commencing on the north side' of Taylor avenue at - the line of -lot No. 255 in the plan aforesaid;• thence along. Taylor_ avenue twenty feet to the lineof 10tN0:253, in the' plan aforesaidt' 'thence'northwardly 'along the line of lots Nos. 255 and 253 afore-' sail ninety feet to an . alley, on which is erected one one-story brlck house; thew two certain lots of ground situate on the eastern side of Pasture Lanefbetween Taylor aye 'nun and Calhoun alleyi . being lots Nos. 213 imd . 2l9 in William Robinson's, Jr., plan of, the extension of Allegheny City, • called - Bnene Vista, each of said lots having a front oftwenty feet on:Pasture Lane: and extend ing indePth one hundred feet, more or less, to an alley. • • .Also, those two certain lots Nos. 220 and 22 in William Robinson's, Jr., plan of the extension of Allegheny City, called . Buena Vista, said lots being on the east side of Pasture Lane, each twenty feet front and extending in depth one hundred feet, more or less, to an alley. Seized and taken in execution as the pro perty of Edward McQuade, deceased, in the hands of his administrator, J. E. Mitchell, at the suit of Nicholas Carr. ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim of George Jenkins, jamesJenkins, Adam Jenk ins, John Neish, Abram Neish and Andrew Neish, partners as Jenkins, Neish & Co., and also the undivided interest of said defendants, and each of them of, in, and to all that cer tain tract of land in the township of Elizabeth. Allegheny . county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows : Begin ning at low water mark on the Monongahela river near a willow tree. or laud now, or late of Wm. Parkinson; thence north 45 de grees, east 52 perches to a stone on corner of said Parkinson and Wm. Pierce; thence by land of said Pierce, south 324 degrees east 18 65-100 perches to a white oak stump; thencs south 47i- .demrees east 764-10 per ches to a post; thence bylands of Pierce and of Jenkins', south 45 ,degrees west 51; perches to low water mark on the Monon gahela river; and thence by said river north forty-tive degrees west 94 72-100 perches to the beginning, containing twenty-nine (29) acres, more or less, whereon are erected twelve tenement houses, a stable, offices, coal railroad tipple and other improvements. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of George Jenkins, James Jenkins, Adauf.Tenkins,_John Neish, Abram Neish and Andrew .Neish, partners as Jenkins, & Co., and Georo,,e Jenkins, James Jenkins, Adam Jenkins, JoluaNeish, !Chinni Neish, Andrew Neish and Thomas Hill, partners as Jenkins, Hill & CO., at the suit of William H. Brown. ALSO, - :All the, right, title, interest and claim of John Hartman of, in and to all those three cer tain lots of ground situate on the Little Saw Mill Valley Plank Road, in Reserve toWn ship, county of Allegheny and -tate of Pennsylvania, and maiked andcnu S mbered in a plan of lots laid out by Robert-Arthurs, of record in Plan Book, volume 2, pages 53, 54, 55 and 50, and havinfT thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house and a three-story frame building used as a tannery. &c., stable 'bark house, &c., the said lots fronting sixty-feet on the plank road and extending back, preserving the same width along "Im street 92 feet to Ann street; being the same three lots of ground which Robert Arthiars and Harriet his Vite, by deed dated August 9th, -1856, recorded in volume 151, page 87, conveyed to Samuel Ashworth, who, with his wife, by deed, dated June 21st, .1861, of record in volunie 150, page 323, conveyed to Joseph Stand, who, with his wife, by deed, dated August 22d, 1863, of record in volume 164, page 459, conveyed to Jacob Maisel. who, with his wife, by deed, dated May 2d, 1864, of record in volume 173, page 94, conveyed to Charles Maiser, who, by deed, dated the 22d day of February 1865, sold and con veyed the same. to • John Hartman, the grantor herein. - Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Hartman, at the suit of William Chambers and J. Charles Dicken. ALSO, ' All the right, title, interest and claim of Thomas Lindenfelzer, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground in the bor ough of Lawrenc.eville, (now thecity of Pittsburgh,) Allegheny county, :Pa.; consist in .of lots Nos. 11 and 21 *in the plan oflots laid out by Robert. Bell, Adnamist .tor. of Malcolm Leech, deceased, recorded in plan book -2 page 203 wad.- bounded by Spring alley, Prospect street, Union !alley, nandlot No. 20, - whereon is erected it double two story frantic house, being the same. Which was conveyed by David- McKee to Thomas Lindenfelzer by deed, dated March 27th, 1866, (recorded on deed book volume 203 page 383. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Thomas Lindenfelzer at the suit of Adam Deitz. All the right title, interest and claim o --- Neepar of in and to all that certain lot of ground • situate in the Second -ward, City of Allegheny, County of ' Allegheny and State of ,Pennsylvania„ bounded and described as follOws, viz: Commencing on: the. south vide of Franklin street at • a dis tance of 47 feet 4 inches from southeast oor- I ner of- Bidwelland Franklin. streets; thence running along the line of Franklin street in ' an easterly direction 48 feet; thence running - back preserving the same width' (48 feet) One hundred and thirty feet to a twenty:four foot alley. . - ' - .. Seized • and taken in, execution as the prop erty of ----Neepar, at the suit of the Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania for the use of the-Mayor, Alderman and citizens of Al legheny.L4 . All the right, title, interest and claim of James McAllister of, in and to all that cer tain lot °V ground situated •in the Second • Watd'citAllegheny City, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, Winded and described's:a fol lows, viz :•• Beginning ,on westerly side of ' Buena Vista street at a point 280 feet south. wardly 'ftbm Taylor :avenue ; thence -along said street, in a southerly directiOn slofeet and extending , back, preserving - the same width (40 feet) 'to Drover's alley, 110 feet. : Seized and takenin execution' as the flroii., eity of lames ,McAllister at the i sult of the; Comasithwealth of rennsilifinia'foi theuse of the Mayor, Alderman and Miens of All' legheny. --, f ... r . _ •i ~ ,‹; -rt . A.pbvi . • . - ! ! All the right, title; tatekeit and claim of —•-•• Shultz, of ? in tuidUltt that certain lot of ground sitnateCtirlthe Second Ward, 'lof the city of ,Alleglierky,i Allegheny ,eoutity, Pennsylvania, boimded - and described as follows, viz : Commencing on east; aide .!of-Sidwell etre:Rill a astanee:or 120 feet_ nOrthwardlr from , corner of Abdelllstretti s t un isMerida northwardly idotif;tem,sid ,ltiew en feet oiluent tOnegy*', !Isai4;,cialgilthelteelixtenotie biek*itny find east* lo .4 l .7 (1 1 . 1 Tsett#13 theistaiie r Yiltlth) 295 feet'to eny aventie, - at epoint - Ve psteitA,,,. __,lo,,tb•streCtt, 1_•• • , , • • ~- ... , syllsl44Cwsisms tastrogitil*tiolas.tifi 1 extra -- alas, atAlltwolkottbi=:' PapPIT111911: 40014F,Trt..1--SATKEPAcygr*ItRII, 4. 1868 monWealth of POWltialOort.6ls two thei Mayor, . Aldermen and damns' of Allegheny. _ All the .rightf title, interest • and: claim of John N. McClowry, of, in and to ,all thoge fotr (4) certain lots of ground situate in the Seventh ward of the city of Pittsburgh, Al legheny county, Penna., having a front of 104 feet on Axthurs street; ,and extending back a distance of 144 feet,.culjohgng prop erty of Mrs. Gordon on the northi:Margaret Barney ou the south and property of John Farrell's heirs. ' • • • tiCeized and taken in execution thelnoP ' erty of John N. McClowrY; at the suit of Thoreas Dale,' for use Of It, Patrick. , ALSO, . All the right, title, Interest and claim of Robert Robb (with notice to John R Bing ler). of, in and to all that certain lot of ground in the Sixth ward of the city of Pitts bliiiihreorintY.of Allegheny, and State of Pennsyliiinia„hounded- and described as followS, vii... J:4 'Beginning:' Cliff Street at the corner of landsse the heirs .cif O." Met eilf; th en ce eastwatriliacoeCliff street one hundred and twenty feet .to lot el' T. Ilitib ,.. . staeter; thence by the same , at right angles with Cliff street two hundred and. seventy seven feet and nine inches to Bedford street; thence westwardly along Bedford street for ty-eight feet, more or less, to line of 0. Met calf's lot; thence along the same northward.. ly one hundred and fifty-five feet three inches; thence westwardly parallel with Cliff street seventy-two feet to a pin;_ thence northwardly along the line of lot No. 4 in Cooks Cassat's plan; one hundred and twenty feet to the place of beginning, hav ing thereon erected a two story frame dwell ing house and two story back building. Atso, all that,certain piece of land situate in Peebles township, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, beginning on the south side of the Pittsburgh and Brad dock's Field plank road, at the corner of land of William W. Campbell;, thence along said road southeast wardly 11.19 perches to lot of Gard ner; thence south ' seventy-three de grees two and one-half minutes west sev enty-one and twenty-fourhundredtlis perch es to a pin; thence south sixteen degrees, fifty-seven and one-half minutes east; thirty and fifty six hundredths perches to a pin; thence south seventy-three degrees, two and one-half minutes west forty and seventy two hundredths perches to the Monongahe la river; thence down the same north four and one-fourth degrees west thirty-five and ninety hundredths perches to land of said Campbell; thence by the same north seven ty-three degrees two and one-half minutes east one hundred and three and twenty-six hundredths perches to the place of begin ning, containing eighteen acres; more or less, having thereon erected one two story frame dwelling house and three small two story frame dwelling.houses. . Seized and taken hi execution as the 'property of Robert Robb; with notice to John R. Bingler, terre tenant, at the suit of Augustus R. Shaler. ~. • .ISO, ,:.,.u._.-.. :v.~.:::~..~ ~~"~:,~,+_~,",e+;~:'~~~sx~,~~~"~'~'.i.:i,~a`~s'zk..`~;_+`::;:c`4:a:F'b ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim a Robert Creighton and Jno. Q. A. Barnes, partners as Creightou & Barnes, of, in and to all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the. borough of Birmingham, county of Alleghe. iv, Pennsylvania, being parts of lots Nos. 255 and 256 in the first plan of lots annexed to proceedings in the partition among the heirs of. Sidney Gregg, deceased, in the Orphans Court of Allegheny county, at No. 41 March Term,lB47, said lot being bounded and describe-as follows, viz: Ik ginning at the southwesterly corner of Gregg street and Walnut alley; thence ex tending in front on the westerly side of Gregg street southerly 40 feet to the line of lot No. 257 in said plan; thence along said line westerly parallel with Walnut alley 56 feet to a point distant 24 feet from a 10 feet alley ; thence northerly parallel with Gregg street 14 feet; thence easterly parallel with Walnut alley 3 feet; thence northerly paral lel with Gregg street 13 feet to Walnut alley; thence easterly along said alley 50 feet to the place of beginning. having thereon erected a liirge frame machine shop with steam en- One and boiler, shafting and pulleys, slide lathe and two hand lathes, grind stone, blacksmith's tools and bellows, iron planer and drilling machine thereto attached as fix tures, and forming a part of the freehold. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robert Creighton and John Q. A. Barnes, partners as _Creighton and Barnes, at the suit of Anderson, Cook 65 . Co., James Thorn & Co, Garrison & Co., S. S. Fowler &. Co. Hussey Wells & Co., D. F. Agnew & Co. Foster it Son, Carroll & Snyder, James Rees,. Frank Spleen and R. C. Loomis ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of E. W. Crittenden of, in and to all that cer tain tract of land, coal works, coal vein or stratum and coal privileges, situate in Eliza beth township, Allegheny county, :Pennsyl vania, and known as the "Wenona Coal Works," and deSeribed as follows, viz: :Be ginning on the bank of the Monongahela River at "low water mark;" thew* by land of Thomas M. Howe south 23 degrees east 155 6-10 perches to a post; thence,by land late of Elijah Kerr north 85 degrees west, 22 - perches to a sugar.tree; thence by, the, same south 85 degrees west, 19 perches to. a 'Wal nut stump; thence by the same ,south 14: de -gees west, 17 perches to a post, formerly a hickory; thence by the same north-49 de greeS west, 881-10 percales to apost former- , ly, a sugar; 'thence Beath 46 degrees west, 34 9-10 perches to'a white oak; thence bythe same south 24 degrees west, 46 . ; 4-10 perches to a post; thence by . land of_ Thomas M. Howe north 131 i degrees west, 54 2-10 perches to a hickory; thence by land of Armstrong and . Park north 3-4 degrees west, 81 1-10 perches to a post near a. white oak; 'thence by the same north 21f degrees east, 33 340, perches to the Monongahela River low water Mark; thence, ; doWn said river by the' several courses thereof : perches to the " plebe , .of • begi. *dug, , containing 115 acres and 110 peiclieb.: more. or, ,lesa, and hiving, thereon ,constructed nineteen frame tenement houserk one frame store house, and one frame< stable, one tip, pie and coal railroad check house, also all the coal (excepting six = acres reserved un der the house and Urn) in; and under the adjacent tract of. land formerly of Elijah Kerrs, bounded and described as follows, to wit; Beginning at a atone; corner of. Robert Henderson's land; thende north 18 degrees . west 17 2-10 perches to a post; thence north 22} : degrees east .121$10`nercbes to;a post; thence north,B4digreee weal 54 3-10perehes to stiga.r.tree; thence by the above described tract of lanctsceltb,9s degrees west icipprehes to a walnut stump; tioncelot the same south 14 degrees west 17.. perches tort post, former ly a hickory;_thente,by the same north 49 de grees west 88 6-19.perebea to a post, for merly &Sugar; thence by the , same south 46 degrees west 189.19-iterches to'a white oak; thence hy,'tlis , Genie =and land of Thomas M. Howe south 24degreei west 104 perches to a white 'Winces:oath 22 degrees west; 85 9-10 parches tolaxdat thencirXeland of `Robert Hlndidiuk z aniith le tie , ' east 08 9-10 percheatditno; - Afie`tiattlo ltatiVlAAares aBl4 Perg4 11 4 414 -P c4 nil thence by e same sonthr7o` degreact*Bs v Perches to apostrthelloe by Ihe Tiru# l , 1 . 761-des east 531-10.perelles to' place of beginning , contGiningone bait - laerelo., ;AilicsrPPr - - • Seized and taken in execution as- the_wn et :lz or aL.. the Bt it,-ef ALSO, • • n . . • All the ,right, title, interest and claim of 'iticliard Denver of,' in, to and out of all that certain lot or piece of ground, situated in the city of Allegheny, county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning on the east side of the new Franklin Road, at the distance of fifty fee south of the line of the heirs of Me - a4gorne ; thence along said road southwardly 100 f:etkthence westward ly preserving the semi width 150 feet, and being part of a larg• tract conveyed by 'James Gilmore and wi e to James Hoag, by deed of August 19 . 1847, recorded in the Recorder's office i and for said county,, in Deed Book, vol. 80 page 855, Who 7vith his wife by their deed of April Ist 1865, re corded in the office,.a .resaid, in DeeiLßook vol. 184 page 554; • veyed the above de scribed piece of gro • d unto the said Rich ard Denver; upon.. id described piece of ground there , is ere ted one brick cottage house, one story igh containing seven rooms, one frame ,use two stories high,- one frame house ":nd •a frame, slaughter. house. ; Seized and take in execution as the property:of Richarl Denver, at the suit of W. H. Walker. _ ALSO, All the right,' title, interest and claim of John McClarren of; in and to all that certain three-story brick 'store , - room and dwelling house, with an iron front, and three-story frame back buildingitaving a front of thirty feet and a depth eit'seventy-three feet, sit uate in Oakland township, between the Monongahela river and the Pittsburgh and Braddock's Field Plank Road, and bounded on the east by property and lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenant to said building. Seized and taken in execution as the Prop erty of John 3leclarren, at the suit of Bun ten S: Miller. - ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim of i Mary Ann Daly of, in and to all that lot or piece of ground situate on the corner of Sixth and Smithfield etreets, in the tenth ward of the 'city of Pitftirgh, being lot 1 co. one in Ormabra pialiAtr. -division of lot N 0.483 in CoLlWOod'il plan of Pittsburgh and bounded and described as follows, to wit; Beginning at corner of Sixthand.Smith field streets, thence southerly along Smith field street twenty feet to lot No. two in said Ormsby's plan ; thence by the same sixty feet to Carpenter's alley; thence along said alley twenty teetto Sixth street; thence ` along Sixth street sixty feet to the place of beginning, the same being subject to an an nual ground rent of forty-seven dollars, and the same premises conveyed to said Mary Ann Daly by Henry Watson, by deed, Sep tember 30th, 1863, and recorded in deed book volume 165, page 383, and having thereon erected a. large three story brick building, used as two stores:and dwellings. Seized andtakenin execution as theprop erty of Mary Ann Daly at the suit of D. H. Toomy, for use of J. M. Murtland. SAMUEL. B. CLILILEY, Sheriff. SIIERIFF'S OFl.7rck, Prrrsnutton, 1 April 3, 1868. I SPECIAL NOTICES. ANID TUE VIGOR OF YOUTII restored in four weciii . g. Stle- MAR guaranteed. DR. RICORD' S ESSENC LIFE restores manly powers, from whatever mane a.lsiug; the effects of early pernicious habits, self abuse. impotency and climate give way at once to this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly accord ingß to the directions (which are very simple and re quire no restraint from huninesSor pleasure.) Fail ure Is impossible. Sold in bottl only ,3. or four quantities In one for *9. To be had of the sole appointed agent in Ame.ica,(iglus/mat, SIOS Second Avenue, Neve York. feal:lG4:'rrs PHILOSOPHY OF,MAR RIAGE, a New Course of Lectures, as de ' livered at the New York 31usettut of Anatomy. em bracing the subjects: How to live and what to live for; Youth. 3laturity and Old Age; Manhood gener ally reviewed; the cause of indigestion, flatulence and nervous diseases accounted for; Marriage Philo sophically considered. .te. Pocket volumes containing these lecrres will be forwarded to parties unable to attend,. n receipt of four stamps, by addressing: SECRE ARY. New York Museum of Anatomy aud Science:, 018 Broad.- way. New York. feal°l4 018 :10:ItTiDS BIAIIIIIAGE AND CELIBACY. • —Au Essay for Young Men on the Crime of Solitude, and the DISEASES and ABUSES which , create Impediments to ALARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free orcharge. Address Dr..l. SKtLLIN HOLTUII - Howard Association, Philadelphia, Penn's, ja.3o:kar _ _ BANKRUPT NOTICES A SSIGNEFA NOTICE OF AP -21. POINTMENT. In the DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western Distritt of Pennsylvania. In tbe matter of ROBERT P. GETTY. of Alleghe ny City, Allegheny county, Pa., bankrupt.. No. 499, In Bankruptcy. • - Wmentun Dierruicr OF PF-NNSTLVANLA‘ 138.— AL Pittsburgh. Pa.. the 31st tiav,of March, A. D. 1868. To wuost 1T MAY columns :.The undersigned hereby ewe notice of his appointment as Assignee of . ROBERT I'. GETTY,- of Allegheny City, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania., within said District, who has been adjudge Cour tk rupt ripen hie own petition by the Districtof said District. atdrti7s • S. B; W. GILL. Amitace. rpm'slt - TO GIVE' • • Nor Km that_ einthe 95th day of March, A. D. 1968, a Warr rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the ._ • ESTATE OF THOMAS SCANDRETT, Of Allegheriy City, in county' of. Allegheny. and State or Pennsylvania, • who has been adjndged .bankrupt on hlarown petitiont• that the •payment,of any debts and delivery of any property belonging such bankrupt, 'Whim or for bin llfit, and the trans. fer 'stony property by him are forbidden by low; that a meeting of the credltora of the said , . bankrupt, . to. prove their debts and to choose one or more .AS.• signees of his estate:, will' be held at w Court ',of Bankruptcy ' to be holden at No.llo Federal street,. Allegheny , I. itv, Allegheny county, renna„ before JOHN N. PITEVIANCE. Esq., Register, on the 30th day of April, A. U. 1968, at A o'clock P. 11. • - ' THOMAS A. ROWLEY, ap2M63 • • . U.S. Marshal, as M . esseneer. T; on NOTIC E Oita, on the Asth day of March. A. 0. 1808, a War , . rant In Bankruptcy was issued against the__ , ESTATE or JEFFERSON VAR NET.' 'Of Allegheny City, ln the county Of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvanla ' who has, been , adiudged a bankrupt on lilt own petition; that the payment of any debit and delivery of anyproperty belonging to bUCh bankrupt, to hint; or for Misuse, and the trans fer, of any property by , hint :are • forbidden- by ,laWl that a-meting of the creditors °tale said bollkruPt, to prove their debts and , to choose ono or more Air sigaees of his estate, will be held Federalrt of Bank-' ruptcy. to be holden,at No. 110 street. Al. legheny City,_Allegheny county, Pa., before .JOll N PUEVIANCE„J'mq,, Eepater, on the 30th day of Alaril. - A. D.-1858, at 10 o'clock A. • , • THOMAS A. ROWLEY. • U.S. Marshall a w l MeSsengei. OrESTEIIKIDISTRICT.O I PENN • .-syr,vANIA,SP3 • _ . . t Pitteburgh,theS74'tiaydfletiicii, A.V.4909.1 Thennderaltd hereby gives notice of hts-appohtt ment as Ass nee .ar HE'I4EYE: AY WOOD. -of de. wleklbjr,,in - 0 deinty . of Allegheny and Stile :.of 'Pennsyttlaninr.Avithin said dletrict, who has been judged a hankrUpt on late own • petition by the Dis trict Court of said - . • • JOHN H. BAILEY, Aasignee; •• Attornerat-Law, 80 tirant street, • , - AUCTION aIiVES.' •e,.• ee evee0r , d0,,e.,0,,, ,, Ar.ree.N.01N ee..... ! ..P.r.reee. 11T SMITHSON, VAIIHOOL is WOLEMAND.. ItANDSOME -RESIDENCE ,- . , AT AUCTION... ... ,,,, Sail:tints*, APrIlt11; iti2l•2; tkeloCk - I";'3lF.', l ' on the premisea,wilt-be 4014, that hand s ome oily' swo-etory BRICK HOIRIE., . O. 52 01110,avende; '6ontelnlng nine' rooms; total:tea ln:elegeht style; olso.tbeec rooms th &sue. - . 1 ..,-„,,- ...,,,, The• 101 floats on. Ohio 'Renee s?3fe!t. extegd i f i g' b o a goo feet to Loe,ld etreet. , ~ ~,.., ~,,. • , Parties deslrlog e fi rst - elms proterttnaving r e. this lateitlmprovenunds: will lin4 l t.O their $ 244 41 .to-stteP4,tba, l e...lillept tiga pee !Yea : I.lsl pin? 1 otos. l, - eIaIITIIRON. VA-1411001E it MoCLELLAND. I -'' rabas ---- = Auctioneers. - r • el A. WINA33IB: -.1 ' VALUABLE BANI 4 SRZD6iI7 8i ontlexr - Amp, - ' ' , • ~rtaltarfooKb, , .- .. _ • . . TITZSP4Z, Z ZNING, April lth.r it riketiotle. will' bd adlik_ 0 , antOnd Mar 5190nunaratal Salida Rooms •. 100 'Meets __ 16 shares,CoalMen , s Trnsi, Co. . I . 3 ,„ I ...ol = Secandl National Bank. '' " "." 'Mane Savings Ran t.' • ‘7.": "Wan .... av_stretia Bri4ge..- -.. ~' t - :, , r , • tAyxelegrspa99„- „ = =aye g'.tottar•l *- 41. , r ICIAIOrPtur nit em. •:. ; - 10 .::, • 1 :44i , ,A 0 1.44 1 60: i;•Cc , , „ . . ' ' ' . ....,. - ~.,,,,,-..,-......, , ,--..--,, 1 7, --,z - , 7, p ,--.:- i ,:vl, F itr.V;.7., -. - - '., ,,Z Te.r. , .:c. , 7-17, -, -157;:: • .7.: , .: ,---J----,--,-,--n—r-, - ..- - -.- , —, , :.0 ,-- . , t , m74. 5:- , .rt 2 :v - -;T-7 1 '.7,07; ,,, .. ~,,...‘e..,.d...24.,,4,,:n-c.1,-.4.,......,...:. _.—..,,..,...._ 1. —..... , ...1.....ur. , ...a..1.4 , 4 , 0,,,Vw :.' , s , UA'. , , ,-, -.1r.,,,,, , n, ...J?]..,,, , -.12;-.,,-, - ,-,,,...1,4; ~. ~...,4„......,,,,,,,,,...:,... ..,,,..5,4:::4-.24,5P,A:4,.t.24:. 1 - . , r..44 - -" , `, 7 :" -,,, :i.4.: •:,..-,',1caiL.44,...,.4i.V..4,,,,,,,.....,...i,-4,..,,,, . ~..,..„4,..,..,„,,,.,,,. STORE iiiEW STORE ROSENBAUM, STEM ART & CO'S PHILADELPHIA EMPORIUM, 16 Market Street, Pittsbargh, Pa. The undersigned respectfully informthe - pub that they havarecolvedithelr entirely neveistoek of, goods, consisting of • . • , Millinnry and Straw Goods, l'tibbons, Laces, Artificial Fkivireis, Embroideries; White Goods, 1-losiery and ploves, Corsets and. Skirts, -To - which they invite the attention of purchusers, WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL One of our firm giving his entire attention to the purchasing of goods at the Eastern Markets, and having had long experience and all the facilities for procuring goods st the very lowest prices, we are enabled to offer great inducements. ConstantlY receiving New Goods from the New York and Philadelphia auctions. A share of public patronage Is. respectfully soli cited. ROSENBAUM STEINIIART &CO No: 76 MARKET STREET xr.i/24.u20 GRAND OPENING SPRING GOODS. Barred. Organdies. Barred and Striped . Nainsook; Victoria Lawns. • - Soft Finish Cambric. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF SOILED WHITE .GOODS, Which .re selliug at a great sacrillce GOOD Min! LINENS at 37 cents. SOILED KID GLOVES at 50 cents. SYSTF O V ALEXAN- PRE KIDS far el. ANDRE KIDS for $1.85: Orr ' ,assortment of. HOSIERY 'cannot be beat• Hoiir SKIRTS at 1 cents. - The new and beautiful SENSATION TIE, „is: received. 200' doz FRENCH COILYETS just Fccdtved. - A complete 11ne of MAGENTA, pUCRE'rIA and FIXI&A. CORSETS. Aiso,a line of MISSES , CORSETS RISTORI FRINGES, alLcolors. FRIN GF23, all colors. BUGLE THIIdIfINGS,' a flne as- went. A Ane lot of BUTTONS. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO., IS and SO Market Street. mtal:dl6 AT JOSEPH HORNE & CO.'S, The Largest Assortment of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, To be Found in the City. RIBBONS, • FLOWERS,' srLirs. CRA F PEs. MALINES. • RAMES, FROSTED ILLMSIONS, STRAW TRIMMINS, ornamented. ALS(' ti A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF WHITE GOODS., CORSETS, • HOSIERY, 1100 P 5 'KIWIS., GLOVES, _ - BAL3IORAL SKIRT'S, ymßßolDmiums, HANDKERCHIEFS, FRINEXS, BUTTONS, TRIMIdIN9S," BRAIDS, And a, Full Line of Notions. FURNISHING GOODS ?JERK TIMI, ROWS, SUSPENDERS MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS. Agents tor SIRMARCK, DICILM‘S, VICTOR and other popular motto of , • PAPER COLLARS. Prices as bro; aa Eastern Jobbers. Wholesale. Rooms up stairs Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. A PERFECT , FITTING. GLOVE. MACRIINE 8a: CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, m-vrrir, ATTENTION TO THEIE Km gum mrturnw, • Wyicti`le no® compl e t e Vrith eve:d'polol and shade They have just opetuulloo DOZ•Nais of the • Colebrated A. C. C. (Touvin) KIDS, Imported especially Wow. order. ,ilundreds of our , oustomerscau testify to their perfect put and fault less el:natty. The colors were got up from shadesnf dress'' inatertal,selected and furnished hy us, and , Elegant and Desirable. ISTB ' The ashbrtment includes, sad IYARK VOLEN,Sx-ItEplUli-001,0112., OFERA or.,PARTY,GVINItti. , t 111ACRElif • '-"' -UvriTieTattr. ", " * - FRIN --- 604,.. , .. - , -.-..: • • -_ , . -:: . : GIMP lIEADINGrS,' '....; IN .11..:CpLOILS, ..11 . T 019PIF AT '‘ ft- -'/;;,/,- •;.;•:. :‘,l; Ai il," ....', :-..; ~ , • ir w .ii. ::EATOK ) B ,t, = - -•,. • k.,•.:: -..--.:, ~.......,,,, I. •--..:_•.: ..,.., „ “, : ~•-,-, ••-•-, Isii - : 17 - Viii.tti . :':otiii44 • ~.-: vials :., i: , !.....,,,, ?), , , ..,,t , -, . ~., __----_--, - -- -,. --,---- $, -- MiTc*lii .x.,;,.,i1z.z.../.:,...„7"—"---:-,1 . , STRUEVO AIIVIORBORr i s : '. , - i. 0 , -1- .- =4 , ,,4v ,,, . , ,i Al} • irtElkimirovittet ,suEtotOviii,sitgui)o, t ..,: . . A x —..• ..., : : :.; ptregginpliws.ra.o..ui.-- , :... ring wi tig.r..wq e krivimo , •• AY.- Inc . . ,' :,. e gooldA , lad Migiv ;;E as.l4; ~... ...Wm") , Ina: ltrilmei"! APP/7. 14 0 40 ~;-.,-• • : !,. i ''': 1- '• " 1 sidiladifirsist, r. .. •rasen " 1 t r..:; Tv.lv;TYs - I.nf. , AK. , ..? . . 19.4.1411atkee1 : .' ' • * Pi., IWNEW OPEAA 1101 USE• WM. ITENDERSON. - • L -M. W. C.2\251511513.. - ...... MAMOZZ T. R. liA 'i.:1,1 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, April 404. 1 Farewell 'Matinee of the charming LOTTA. For performance, LITTLE NELL and T#E MAB - SATURDAY 'EVENING, lastappearancP,of .LOTTA. For performance, • Junin THE YOUNG REEFER To be followed by DY. BLAER, .. ; . P* •TICOt . tAI , • • • 41Ad l OitS• pJT Yiirrr Anis ' ' aiiitt. GUST BAUTON ftatialitaNaGlis. Will appear THIS EVENING, the ben tiled sal accomplished vocalist_ MISS AGNEWSOITTRETILANOt The Scotch Nlghttugale.. :W.lll also be preeerited. the laughable •: SHADOW -.: PANTOMIM E. ,v Andy' conclude w ith • • Nan,-- 10E - A LECTURE: beldeuti credinthc,the „ 138001 Th 131ATTED PliZaßitn3BlakOMPli Rev. John R. Clark's.) coiner Sindinikrtttr'eet tad South Common, Allegheny, on . •-, •:' , - Friday Evening; April 3, at 71-3 a'elaek• Fancy Goods, &c., i3lizB-5 84 TO B. EEO STAO BY REV. JOHN B. CLNR.K.. Proceeds for-the benefit of the Sold 'Library Association. Subject—JOHN CALVIN. IWPROF. : COWPEW FASHIONABLE .DANCING. ACADEMY , .At his new Assembly Rooms, 51 F FTM:STREET. opposite Old Theatre. New Class s now formlog, on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS a SATATRDA. Ladles'. Masters' and Misses" Clas at 3 iN3I.. Prof. COWPER can be seen daily at the Model:lay, or at the St. Charles Hotel, Where leircularsl:ean be.ob tained. Hall to let to Select Parties. fee2dZt PROF. C...MPIENTEIpS • DANCINC ACADEMY, • PHILO HALL, tio. 75 THIRD STREET, how open for the receptio SATURDAYys of Tuition— WEDNESDAY and, at.! P. At. for Ladies, Masters and _Misses. "Terms:,. : 4s. - fin ings for Gents—TUESDAYS and. FRI iKirkLat S o'clock. Terms, 000. Soiree every . liumDAT EVENING at S o'clock. , . jeZhlcal . . . , DENTISTRY;' . $B. ONLY- '.12 vv. A FULL SET OF ARTIFICIAL TEETH:. FOR EIGHT DOLLI.RILL . • . FUEL UPPER AND LOWER SET FORE. • TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAM NO CHARGE. FOR EXTRACTING FICIAL TEETH ARE ORDER - ALL WORE WARRANTED FOR*.r-pykdirs. LAUGHE. 4 IG-GAS - FREE OF ca 10E, , :AT • . . . . QUINCY A. SCOTS Steam Dental EatabiliAliMent, _ 278 PENN STREET, 3a DOOR .ABOVE IN. B.—As nit. SCOTT is a licensee' under , the Goodyear Patents, he will not make any' l'ttnnears• pus) rubber" ecru, but will continue toinuoniatetana. the genuineartlele —VULCANITE,. In • •& T IRV GAS MET JAA%]nal' AND C:113. a lacipil.eris, • FOR GAS AND •0 Just received the finest and largt liecortntesit ever opened in this city. • • • WELDON &_ • . KEL LY, _ 147 WOOD STREET, ORR. VIRSIDT DRY Gooo3'll 1868 D AY GOgici97.-,11 A4BUTIINOT, SHAIIIN WHOLES xrn - 11 Awn ~ , worric. s •' At Etvrt(tni- M== amine our Geode -and No . 1 1 5 .wood. sAree4 nyairlisorz & 27 Fifth Sit PLAIN LIEN • HA tiForricirkitre; S. rents •XLI, LINEN ' atlnnatititio itokil a nd 4l all •.• . . MORRISON'S STAR II Sl3l=4 • • ii.REDLCED: SID GLOVES,. CORStTS, P 8.41:81% aft. 'IWIRIP*I - !' , lkqP l 99P . : -. : 0- iitis tiCo.; - 61,1Eut, mccsacp , .I“ ' (Late Wilson, C4l' oo -a- ~ '. WHOLESALED ABA Dr , Foreiga and Domestic Dry Goods, No. eik:rectop wr i FF•lq- -. , - Third 40or above Diamond ane .- - - . - • • ITTOBITSGA PA. ---7-7-7--_ .. . , Alt• :i ii I* , 7,."1- ~' : 1 BARR 0 4 7101) 1 1 E 14 d , '::=,_ :. :.• .:-: T,, ..,!,,;-,„- .-1 . • ...,...ii_ -_-,1 - , _..- _ td. blunt gors'A AzioyuA+po Aux:qic-N!",31 sinA*.si...4:4o* SiTef4 l P 4 I) ,rOltbigir: ii ePl e t i e iiiiiiiion gives . to .431 Ing,..an ,pa ding COURT itiATEiltS and Plaßil itiIIiLDINW t ,J th F ARTliv .. ": :- 'f:,:qmoilkiiiiictilicroitittikowiG ,•.)P:0:•F:, : I : l ' o ltfirteldillik, i'.7 ?' :,,10,Y1' . ~ ii ii A .. i i i , -* i t rikm o ptre `Witbiltittii-Afiktkig4,l:`,lTtljitliiB t 't 14 t ' ":4T'r:4.6Yrj., l'C'.it 1i ' :!.!':',.', ' .t; t r ,t-t t Aiiitilitiol4 'MI ' 6' site 0 VERA' c'deeessed;'lst l'iritis Se liirazda EatabosilWbilaring InVIR Vea se 444 [ tk i tltt ruMe tha t igit id ta zne 4 - thesor htuli PaYr4 4 :4 00 , 4 iligalnstUtotaso qina Ig't I l uitit itr*Scot PeaSTIEVIIMP I '• : Ik-i ~ ,11 , t 'la .6: ' 9O : A t • tt t, it . 'EI , 'l '. -, `..C , f•:t...:.t 1 'JO o , ', •' r . : get cv l H 1868. CM &.;;•~ DlSi E ceN -auk! rec. EN rittagirgile ,P,i;lt =I eet. =I '