The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 04, 1868, Image 2

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    Rittobur,gij Gairttt.
Forsaken! Oh! if thou luulst been
An outcnuirrom mankind for aye,
The desolate.; the desert scene, '
Where thou west driven In scorn o•val ,
Had been my proudly chosen path.
' Forgiven for being thus thy slave;
And Iliad borne thy sorrows wrath,
And every wound thy spirit gave;
My only prayer.lhat more than all
In sufferance I might hold thee Scar,
Attancverby a look. recall:
The thought of thanks I would not hear,
Set e! en that 'ileum of my breast_
Was searched. - aceused, revenged ea - Crime, -
, Tlilthrank,all wasted and unblest, ,
The heart that would not chill bytlme;
But it must cone thine hour of tears,
When self-:Wonting pride shall bow,
And thou shalt own my ••blighted ;
The fat -that thou inthetest— Thou! 'it
Tny victim!—but from ruin zTlll
Shall elk:. a wan and drooping pence, ;
With pardon for.unmeasured 111,
Oud plty's tears—if love loot cease.
U --P Sifil WI, mcq
Knapp has baptized 5,000 persons.
ity serinon—one illustrated with
—A c . ,
arbor at Chicago is to be improv
eds to be.
ed. It n
ony, in Cedar county; Missouri,
has been • ound of remarkable richness.
—The county farm at St: Louis has an
artesian well 3,000 feet deep and no water
---yet. • .
—Kuk-Lux, it is said, have threatened
Mr. Hunnicutt, of tiirginia, with assassina-:
-500,000 francs is the price which Prince
Achille Murat wants for his villa at
—Barney Williams; it is said, has made
$lOO,OOO thiS year. - He is ntiNi- worth halt' a
—Secretary Welles has offereg his house
for sale. Even straws shoW which way tho
.wind blow& • •;:
-Louisville has a mule which is to . rival
Dexter one day. It , has .already trotted ,:t
mile in 2:21.
—Q. K. Philander Doesticks P. B. has had
the misfortune to lose his father, he has re
cently gained a son. ,-
-Mr. and lirs.Plorencenre still thawing
as well as a Bierstadt or a Chtirch in Mc
liricker's Theatre in Chicago.
—Smyrna, in Delaware, has seventy-eight
drinking establishments and one thousand
one hundred and seventy inhabit . = ts.
—A converted Jew, Monsieur • Baner, is
the great sensational preacher this Lent in
Paris. Ho has his pulpit in the. Madeline.
The turkish Sultan gets into passions
and smashes pier- glasses. His harem is
in awe of him, and behaves itself accord
—A Chicago critic says that Forrest ought
to be titimesstul as Falstaff. This is sup
pceeff to be' itrioankirui, cut at his huge pro
—White Velveteen * with gilt fringe, is
the proper thing for table cloths at the
grand dinners of the nouveaux - riches in
New York. ' •
=The Queen Dowager of Pnissia, who is
a sister of the Queen regent of Saxony
and of the Archduchess Sophia of Austria.;
is.serionsly ill.
—A St. Louis exc4iange is so charmed
with the sentence, "Green Peas at Charles
ton, S. C.," that it repeats it three times in
one day's paper. -
—“Miss H. dances with• abandon and al
ways attracts much attention" says a Buf
falo paper. To which an exchange replies,
"and nowonder either, if Miss R. dances
with nothing but a band on."
—Boston has glass letter-boxes. Yankees
are so inquisitive that we suppose this is
necessary so that every one: can see the
letters and the addresses on them.
—Mr. Gladstone's father was what is call
ed a self-made man; having been a, poor
cabin boy, - bat dying'as a baronet of great
Wealth, which was principally made in the
slave trade." , , - .
—Admiral Farragut ie again able to be
ibout and walk his miarter deck. We wait
anxiously for pis recovery . .to be so com
plete that he can walk the whole deck,
from stem to stern.
.--The Queen of Great Britain is going to
(knurly again.' Malicious people do" say
that she prefers Gentian to English ,and
,runs her political engine according to the
directions of Gernian engineers.
—A London musical paper: says that by
the adaptation of Barker's System .of Oleo:
• -
tricity to organs, a performer in England
Plays on an;instrument in America.
just as If. we - hadn't as :good perfonners
here as in 'England.
—The New York Herald denies that the
opera of .La Beile Helene is indecent. - The,
Herald, if it can remember what has ap
peared in its ovfh columns from time to
time, should feign not to know what inde
.oency is to save its own credit.
—The last member , of the family of the
- Inricron French reiohitionist, Murat, died
recently; in . Vienna.- Her; :name Was Do-,
i o thea Sapies, and she was grand niece of
the victim , of Charlotte Corday, as well as
lady's maid of the Baronesi Dursch;
.„ . ,
- --A. wild horse:_oh the prairies is said to
have been frightened to death on seeing a
locomotive near . oinaha. If they stay near
the U. P. R; - R:; the` 'whole breod of MlLS
tangs will prObably 'become extinct unless
the deftmet_;e4inine sPokSn above was
particularly, ,
member of the French Legationocar
-', • tied a little jeweled • opera glass with' lure
at the last President's leVee, through which
he ,stared at the white shoulders of the la
. • :die& Some one khouldrhaie 'kicked • - hirii
•;: *itil he got to the end " af thkstaiii.,
-'• —Wizard Anderson: has juggled his:wife
.. -*ink to: him again. and the whole affair of
! - •"• . .elopement,. - murder, suicide sad robbery'
la looked' on' as`: a: stupendous
dodge. of the znagician, who -is not, by, the
way, the Great Wizard of the North, df
world-wide fame:
— One of tbliflnest °rpm in ail), c9uni'rYt
and a collectio n f beautifulpaintinge--the
.eubject of which are the stations • ()Mho
does- ur to be placed in ;the irreatjtelrben
.4*edral 4111.
last 1muu1u4•1T....,
:-iiinge while in Rome t , t ,i,d er ,-, ' s o !:
—The Pope, ins
head ' dress*,
"Women mist' extravagant::
to ,
be admittedthe 4l4ll:6`.,
ehau noirin fFture'be a oche*
- ,Ukuni9ii'l The next thing will'
'thecoscormiol4 ..-
, where Prima 647 i ' ils ft' beiktik**-
- ib'Ahat tkiiY ' lii ii____ 4 4 - i t gPi., whilt - os ijot ,
. dde What fe extrav ag ant -
A New , tied
- 'YPOCeAtergVilan We $ l 6 .
tifdr W hin 3 tiniCgurb* .4lo=
..441x. . - aiiop , i ieePi
I " , *gill daS r -: '-iiii genera ' l3lr ch g
to think that when - Dot
- Veld ~. .) •••• .'I" 1 ' ' I
.727;;1 , ;7, , '
to the disturbance of worshippers in the
galleries. Of- course - there arc choirs in
every city which demean themselves prop.
erly, but their name, if we mistake not, is
decidedly not legion.
—The Chicago Republicon says "the
model of all roads, in pendulum-like regu
laxity, is the Pennsylvania Central."- The
conipliment•is by no means an undeserved
one, as any one can testify who has had
much to do with_ railway traveling. Not
that the Pennsylvania road is by any
means as perfect in its arrangements and
comforts asit might be,- but that, it is very
much more so than any other.
—Poor Forrest has, we fear, stayed too
ong upon the stage. He meets with no
grand triumphs now such as he need to
when he had the strength of Hercules, the
voice of a Titan, the figure of an Antonious,
read like Apollo and ranted like no onebut
Edwin Forrest. His reading and ranting
are the same as ever, or were when we saw
him a year or two ago, but age and rheu
matism have played. "celestial smash" with
the roar and the figure. In Chidago and
St. Louis he did not succeed in filling his
theatres. •
—The. Pope is ill.
—Victor Emanuel is sick in bed.
—Heiker, the hominy man, is going to
start a journal of his own.
—John G. Saxe is spoken Of as future
Minister to St. Pesersburg.
—Max Muller has just brought out a new
book on the "Science of Religion."
—llOO. Anson Burlingame and suite of
Celestials have arrived in San Francisco.
—..£10,000 hate been sent to England by
Dickens as a first installment of his Amer
ican gains.
—Retirement does not agree tvith the
martyr-patriot R. E. Lee. He is said to be
aging very fast.
—Miss Burdett Coutts, ii is said, never
gives as a donation less than .£5OO, and she
is giving all the time.
—La Duchess° de Maille and M'lle de
Courson, young ladies of the highest fash
ion in , Paris, have just taken the veil.
—The Royal Astronomical Society of Eng
land has honored itself by presenting the
.renowned Le Verrier with a gold medal.
—thplclwin Smith has sent to Brown
University a superb photographic album of
Large size, filled with views of the Oxford
—Five ex-chancellors of England have a
life pension of v... 5,000 a year. The oldest
of these aristocratic penSioners is Lord
Brougham. • -
is said that Andrew Johnson selected
Eva.rts for counsel because he was the
prosecutor of Jeff. Daivs, of whom he is
very jealous.
—Miss 17eilows is said to be the .rising
sculptress rgErigland. She has been trying
her Powers on a statue of .the Lord Lieu
tenant of Worcesteiahire.
—Cotint Welles de Is Valette, Secretary
of the French House of Deputies, was born
in Connecticut and Ina son of Mrs.,Slimuel
Welles, who married the Marquis de la Va-
—The Ilavamese would not call on Jeff.
Davis when he was in their Capit,4l. The
arch-traitor occasionally gets a taste of the
bitterness which broke Benedict. Arnold's
-Mr. Everts, of Johnson's counsel, is a
dintinutive man and a remarkably agreea
ble and eloquent one, if any reliatice can be
placed on G. A. T., who says that in spite
of ,being retained by the President he Is a
—Father Ignatius, ho of sack-cloth and
sandals notoriety, has been preaching in
London exclusively to men. He has com
pletely recovered from the attack of dip
theria which he brought on by going to
church in his bare feet.
—Mullen, the plebinn, the scorned He
brew, the finicky author . fashionable
novels, has risen to such a pinnacle of great-,
nes& that helms four , Dukes, these of Rich
mond, Mariborotigh, Montrose and Buck
ingham under his command in tlie Cabi
—Pendeltonians are moving Heaven and
earth to move• August Belmont. But tho
wealthy representative of the Rothschitds
indeistands" his own and his patrons' in:.
tireste too well , to allow, if ho can help it,
any repudiator to atrquire a seat in the
White Timm.
—George ;
Alfred. Townsend, who is ac
quiring a style second that of the
renowned Jenkins, and a reputation almost
equalling the - bombastic Train, objects to
Wade, Fcrney and anybody else who, judg
ing by his letters, forget that he claims to
be . a gentleman: - •
—Mr:Frank Swift is said to be in amain
nail teaching, People to skate on rollers . in
,the new parlor skating Rink in that city.
The- papers are loud' in the praise of•the
new anansemOnt, which is said to,
healthy and as popular as was the other
rink -a few weeks mince.
--The eldest soli of Lola Montez has re
signed a proUkifient position in the Bavari
an army to,be:abii) the more thoroughly to
enjoy a fortune which has been left to him.
lie,oocupies the little grey house with green
blinds, which all visitors to... Munich hale
lutd pointed out to them as the former red-,
dences of the Countess of Landisfeldt.
Fame, which is always relating drange
Stories, mulls one a TweUth Night fete. - Au
dividing the ring cake, a lady of , :tbe Oem-
PaPy - requeetl4 that her share;, ahould be
foundto, the poOreSt- • boy that -maid be
found. Net far from the house was discov;
ered •an urchin, Arembling : with cold and
hunger. was brought into Atte aristo;
6 / 1 40 mansion -and , received, his l ollop of
cake; Strangely enough in his pieneminn.
found the prize, which • made • him, king.
An being told to choose his queen, he 'Fink
ed out the lady. to whom-he was, indebted
for hla good luck, without ,boing aware that
she had relinquished berrtglitin his fav6r.
Re was asked how ha imperied -oldest'
her, and replied _the% it was because 4%W),
looked the most like Further in
quiry brought out the fact tkat he was the
child of the lady, bad beeustoietifireM her
inliMey, and '
At *Alto:M*4 44 1 :Le! Por
trait 1 11 "11 upo# his "ilegr..
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PARTirbt Arllglpenrpe7,
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'ect crIF 3b4 tb cipitillied
- iitto - Ttilivirillribii.lllU' , _ :I • The' rellaw:.
licitiihki " Ai 'iiiiiiiie!
valtlikblol% , :. .. Aribiotu
kiaillOrtqiNehtel j*Jfliejit vo i
VapritititittAla q 4• , . , e; • • .... v.-.3 : L...,- ,
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SH:li,aUf79S SALES.
of sundry executions issue& out of the
District Court of Allegheny county, Penn
sylvania, and to the Sheriff of said county
directed, there will be exposed to ,public
sale, at the COURT - HOUSE, in the City of.
Pittsburgh, said county, on MONDAY, the
27TH DAY OF Arm., A. D. viyas; at 10
o'clock A. st., the following describe& real
estate, to wit :.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Mrs. = Adish, of, in and to all that cer-,
tarn lot of 'ground frontin:g on Rebeccea'
street and running back to Ridge -street, in
the First ward; city of Allegheny, county of
Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Mrs. --- Adish, at the snit of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for use of.
the Mayor, Alderthen and citizens of Alle
All the right, title,- interest and claim of
John C. Shaler, of, in and to all that cer
tain piece or parcel of ground situate in
Chartiers township, Allegheny county, Pa.,
and bounded and described as follows, viz :
Beginning on the southeast side of a twenty
feet street, on the' line' of land late of
Robert Finney, and corner of lot of Miss
Augusta R. Shaler; thence south .144 deg:
'west, along said Finney's and John. C. Sha
ler's land 21.29 perches to a post; thence by
land . of John C. and Clarence Shaler's land
north 541 deg. west 57.7 perches to a wild
pluni bush at the side of a private road;
thence north 32 deg. cast along said road
nineteen and sixty-five hundredths perches
to a post, and corner of Augusta K. Shaler's
land; and thence by the same south fifty-four
and three-fourths degrees cast forty-nine
and seven-tenths perches, to_the place of be
ginning, containing six acres.
ALso, All that ,certain other piece or land
adjoining the above, beginning at the corner
thereof and land of Robert Finney; thence
along the said Finney's land south 541 de
grees east 39.78 perches to land of A. K:
Lewis; thence by said Lewis' land south 101
degrees west sixty-four perches to other land
of said Shaler andcorner of share number 4'
in the partition of the estate of the late
Amelia Louisa Shaler; thence by the line of
shares numbers -4 and 5 in said partition
north 57 degreeswest 82.27 perches to land
of Harmer Denny-; thence by the same north
42.3 poles to land of Clarence Slider; thence
along the same south 56 degrees Cast to the
corner of said Clarence's land; thence north
IN degrees east along the -same until it
touches the property first above described in
the mortgage; thenee by the same south 542
degrees east 3.67 perches to a post; thence
north 101 degrees east along the same 3.55
perches to the corner of said Finney's land,
to the place of beginning, containing about
twenty-five acres.
Also, All that certain other piece of
ground adjoining the last above mentioned,
beginning on the line of A. K. Lewis' land
at the corner of shares Nos. 4 and 5; thence
on the line between said lands north 57i de
grees west 82.27 perches to land of Harmer
Denny; thence by the same south 41.7
perches south 37 degrees, east eighteen
perches; thence by other land of said Shaler
south 57' east about 70 perches to the line
of A. K. Lewis' land; and thence by the
same north 101 east 35 perches, more or less,
to the place of beginning, containing about
thirty acres, more or less. Said pieces be
ing parts of shares numbers 2, 4 and 5 in the
partition aforesaid, in the Orphans' Court of
Allegheny county, at No. 35 March Term,
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of John C. Shaler, at the suit of Sarah
B. Fetterman, for use of Robert Robb, now
for use of Charles Buckley and Robert Robb,
for use of C. W. Robb.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Charles Yoest of, in and to all those certain
lots of ground. situate, in Liberty (late
Peebles) township, in the county' of Alle
gheny and State of I'dnnsylvanin, being
lots numbered 13, 14 and 15 in section No.
6 of Joseph Patterson's plan of lots, -being
bounded and described together as follows,
viz : Beginning on Pearl street in plan at the
corner of lot No. 12; thence by line of said
lot No. 12 eighty (80) feet to a ten foot al
ley; thence along the said alley, North 32
degrees 83 seconds „East filly-four feet;
thence North 57 degrees 10 minutia* West'
twenty three feet; thence North 32 degrees
33 minutes East six feet; thence North 57
degrees 10 minutes West fifty;severt , feet to
Pearl street; thence South 82 degrees 33.
minutes West sixty feet to corner= of said
lot No. 12, the place of beeMning; being the
same conveyed by Wm. Mazet by deed the
Ist day of. August, 1865, and recorded is
vol. 187, page 255 to said. Charles Yoest, on
which is erected a two story_ frame dwelling
- 'Seized and taken in execution, se the
property of Charles Yoest4t, the suit ofJooob
(dosser for use of the People's-Savings
All the right, title, interest and , claim of
Peter Anen, of, in and to all that certain
tract of land situate in OhiotoWnShip, in
the county of Allegheny and StateTof Penn
sylvania, and bounded and described as fol
lows, viz ::;
_Beginning at a post on line of
land of David, 'Winters; thence along the
same south 87 3-4 deg. West 59 ppeerches to a
post; thence by. land of Riley North 2 1.4
deg. north 56 perches to a 'post; thence by
land of Buster North 87 3-4 eg. east 59
perches .to a post, near a white oak; thence by
land of 'Jane Owens south 2 1-4 - dee east 56
to the. place .of contain
ing 20 ac res 104perchei, (subject to certain
reservations to a Catholic Church) being the
same piece of land conveyed by • Anthony,
Joseph and Frank Wessell by their`deed da
ted Oct. 6th, 1866, and recorded vol.' 209
page 21, to said Peter Auer.
Ate°, All that certain lot oi_Pleoe of
ground situate in the Borough'of Bat Bir.
mingham, in the county aforesaid, and boon
.ded and described as fellows, to wit: :Be- -
iinning on the southerly side of Mary Street
at the corner of Meadow street; thence ex
tending in front on Meadow street, easterly
60 feet and in depth southerly-preserving
the same width of 60 feet along • th e' easterly
side of Meadow; street 120 feet to a street.2o
feet wide; being the same 'lot 9r piece of
.groUnd which was conveyed by William
hillrps by.his deed dated the 28th day of
January, A. D. 1860, and recorded in •_vol. -
142, page 290, to said Peter Auer, on which
ate erected.two - brick: houses two • stories
high, fronting on • Meadow street:"
Seized and taken M execution as the prop.
erty of P,eter Aueri atithe• suit of the Peo-
PW B 'Paving PaPic• '
ALSO AII the right, :title interest and ,claim of
Hugh A. ones of,- in and to all: that,
tain lot of ; rand " sit in-Mem town.-
vtaliPt- coun t of of; and. State of
viz,StmtnelMratl;a -1004,-4henoe••byriand
of Adam liright,:portkidightvitem and , three' •
• fourths (82depeekiarearthErtrind eettat.*
hundreths • perches:-0010400y - to 6 1 1 44,
.pirOther hindeCerpeter - Bright north:
one CeAtee ' , WAY 04404V 0 iliiii*P.l l *(l'
'AY 11 004*.fOrg**ave1140 1 ;
dreihe ';(8:,14 7 ) , Rei4 161 1 .*.
Oenee . :bY../int4, , P(..,g9ter4 l ;Tiltlitcuitrtli;
eighty (80j .degreeef east,, , lo*four And .
(ightpeeven-hundrethac(444l7y. tr•
.uost; Abence - southlifteeneid-44fotiltha
(15{)= Aims'
g4hy l 'hic `titi'• tut.
fifty-three and twoLtentbs*ithes...(9 acres
:13 2-10 u perches) strick , Aneisure, it being
part of a larger trust of, ,and belongin,,,..
to iMichael Bright, which - 41os will, dated
-the twenty-eighth (My of October, A. D.
1845, did bequeath unto Peter Bright, being
recorded in the Regipter's office for the
county of Allegheny, in Will book volume
6, page 226, and the same piece of land con
vejed to Henry Hensel by Peter Bright and
Margaret V., his wife by their deed, bear
ingi date the thirteenth day of March, A. D.
1850, recorded i the office for recording
deeds in and for. Allegheny county in Deed
book volume 91, page 217, which Henry
Hensel and Margaretha, his wife, by:a deed
bearing date January 7th, A. D. 1865, and
recorded. in deed book volume 192; page
172, sold . and conveyed unto said Hugh A.
Jones in fee, said tract of land having erect
ed•thereon one log house, 40 feet by 18 feet;
and 11 story, one small frame house, one
frame stable, and two brick kilns.
seized and taken in ex.ecution as the prop
erty of- Hugh A. Jones, at the suit of J. B.
D. Meeds. ,
All the right tittle intorest and claim of
Robert Morrison, of in and to that certain
lot or piece of ground, beginning at a„point
sixteen feet from the southwest corner of
Union avenue and North. Alley; thence
northwardly along: the line of property of
Mr. Wiliton ' one hundred and fourteen feet
to a—foot alley; ,thence along said alley
southwardly aixteen feet; thence eastwardly
along the property of Mr. Buchiel one hun
dred and fourteen , feet to Union avenue ;
sixteen feet to the place of beginning.
Seized and taken into execution as the
property of Robert Morrison, atthe suit of the
Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania, for the use
of the Mayor, Aldermen and• citizens of
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Lucinda McWilliams and Michael McWil
hams of in and to all those two contiguous
lots or pieces of ground situate in the town
of Greenoak, Allegheny county, State of
Pennsylvania, one of which said lots :or
pieces of ground bounded and described as
follows to wit: Beginning at a post on the
road leading from the saw mill to the road
leading from the Greenock Ferry; thence by
land of H. Kirker, north 46 degrees west
8 9-10 perches to a • Post; thence south 18
degrees 'east ..3 1-2 perches to a post; thence
south 8 degrees east 2 8-10 perches to a post;
thence south 67 degrees east 2 perches to a
post; thence !south 88 degrees east 1 3-10
perches to
,a post; thence north 70 'l-2
degrees eastl 8-10 perches to the place of
beginning, containing sixteen mul two tenths
perches more or less. The other of which
said lots or pieces of ground adjoining the
above described lot is bounded and describ
ed as follows to wit: Beginning at a post
in the edge of the publiC road; thence by the
same south 46 degrees east 35-100 of a perch
to a post at the corner of the stable; thence
south - 16 degrees east 3 35-1® perches to a
post; thence by the above described piece of
laud south 45 1-2 degrees east 8 perches to a
post; thence by ; the public road north 34
degrees east 59-19 perches to a post; thence
by land of S. W. McFadden north 66 decrees
west 9 6-10 perches to a post Pt the stable
and thence south, 87 1-2 degrees west one
perch to the place of beginning, containing
40 9-10 perches more or less.
Seized and taken in execution as the pro
perty of Lucinda McWilliams and Michael
McWilliams at the suit of Jacob Gunner
All the right, title, interest and claim of
George Fritz, of in and to all that certain
lot or piece of ground situate in the bbrough
of East Birmingham, Allegheny county,
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and descri
ed• as follows, to wit: Beginning on the .
southerly side of Josephine street, ,at the
distance of one hundred and seventy feet
westerly from O. H. Ormsby's line; . thence
westerly in front or width on said Josephine
street thirty-seven feet,to a street thirty-five
feet wide; thence southerly along the same
one hundred and twenty feet; thance, east
erly and parallel with Josephine street thirty-.
seven feet; and thence northerly and paral
lel with said thirty-five feet street one hurt
tired and twenty feet to Josephine street at
the place of beginning, hang lots Nos. 9
and 10 in G. A. Mt ndorf's plan of East
Birmingham lots,upon which
.are erected
framerbrewely, frame dwelling house, frame
stable and other out buildings.
Seized and taken in execution as the pro
perty of George Fritz at the snit of John
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
Mischellof in and to all that certain one
story frame house or building situate in the
borough of East Birmingham, in the county
of. Allegheny, and State_ of Pennsylvania,
containing in front on the north side of Car
son street forty feet, and running back on
west side of Brown street fifty-four feet, and
the lot or piece of ground and cartilage ap
purtenant to said building.
Seized and taken in execution as the pro.
perty of John Kimbell at the suit of John H.
All the right, title 4 interest and claim of
George Fritz and John Fernan, of, in, to
and out of all that certain piece or parcel of
land the county of Allegheny, and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des
cribed as followe, to wit: Beginning on the
southerly side of Josephine street, in the
- borough of East Birmingham, ai..the dis
tance of one hundred and seventy feet from
O. H.. Ormsby's line westerly thence ex
tending in front or width on said Josephine
street westerly thirty-seven feet to a street
thirty-five feet wide; thence southerly along
the same one hundred and forty-seven feet
to an alley; thence easterly along 'said alley
parallel with 'Josephine Jesephine street fifty-seven
feet;' thence northwardly at right angles with
said alley 'twenty-seven feet; thence west
wardly paiallel with said alley twenty, feet;
and thence northwardly one hundred and
twenty feet to:Josephine street at the place
of beginning, whereon is -erected- a fisme
dwellinglouse, frame stable, lager beer mi
ler,' frame -hrewery and other out
Seized end - taken in execuptin - the'
property of George Fritz and Jn Fenian,:
at the suit of John Nusaer.
All the right.; title, interest end, delta :of
Harrison Pent= ofi in ' and `to all that oer ,
tain frame stable, front part two stories high,
loi t feet wide by 87 feet deep, beck pa one ` story;101 feet wide by 80 feet deep, alto
gether comprising , one stable; `said 'stable is
built upon .111ot of. ground Situate in Collins
township, Allegheny county; Pennsylvania;
being a certain lot of ground nu nberedlen
(10) in af plan of lots laid out by 'Thomas
Hellen, Pul : cluntUd4 'b . %Station street on,
the west, by Min lead; on the,
north, iv " o'o(llolliffi_pro*7 a. the
eluit a n '4O O- ; the Penneylvania.ralhoad on
,the ,mouth, and, thfk lot otpleoti Of. ground_
Awl; cartilage APpartetutat to said: bulb:ling.
-- Seized and ,takaain;'atecaticataslhekrpp;
erty of Harrison Teuton, at the suit of KIM
patack Bro:!&-Cm ylt• -, ~, I . ... Ti , • - -c-
t '
- ' ' : 1
/ 4. 1 $ 11 ; r— ,
All the , right * , titie c joitami a i and. nkiim of
Milliau:Varryir executor- ot Atert-lkatar,
, decosiedvof f Iry unit to all oat dr , Woe
iir "wail alone iltnatein !Union taitaehip,
Alleghept iininty,tsPeilliapvitit 'IOO III W
lilid ' 11-- " 4l ' bec talihni4 l 4 40 ,1v.iCz , : inii.
tit 11 4011140,11 Suodkra4S4d -4 t : '-
ta tegito
tde 1311* :AR Rai intisoad" ,- 44'0i‘ *Guth:
one hundred and fifty degrees west along
the line of said railroad to land of Gamble,
Slacker & Co. ;- thence south eighty-eight
and one-halt degre,es west twelve and one
half perches to land of J.• :Brown ,• thence
north one and one-half degrees west thirty
nine perches to land of It Snodgrass as
aforesaid ; thence north eight and one-half
degrees east twenty-two perches to the place
of beginning, containing- four acres and
thirty-one perches.
Seized and taken in'execution as the prop
erty of William Curry, executor of, Robert
Foster, deceased, at the suit of Robert
Woods, Esq.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Conrad Klenzang of, in; to 'and out of all
that certain lot of-.ground situate partly in
the Borough of East Birmingham and partly
in Lower St. Clair 'township, Allegheny
county, - Pennsylvania, . bounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning on
the southerly side of Josephine street at the
distance of two hundred and twenty feet
easterly, from S. M. Phillips' line; thence
eastwardly along said Josephine street forty
feet; thence parallel with said S. M. Phillips'
line southwardly one hundred and twenty
feet; thence westwardly forty feet, and thence
northwardly one hundred and twenty feet to
Josephine street, at the place of beginning;
upon which is erected a frame dwelling
house, frame brewery and outbuildings.
Seized' and taken in execution as the prop
erty of said Conrad Kleniing, at the suit of
William Heckerman and Getthard Weiner.
All the right, title, interest and. claim of
Franklin B. Stevenson, surviving James
Stevenson, with notice to Franklin B. Ste
_Nen son and Anna Virginia Stevenson, heirs
and term tenants of the said James Steven
son, dec'd, of, in and to all those two cer
tain lots or pieces of ground situate in the
Borough of Manchester, county of Alleghe
' ny and State of Pennsylvania, and marked
sixteen and seventeen (19 and 17) in a
plan of sub-division. of part of out-lot• No.
two hundred and. seventy in the reserve
trdct opposite Pittsburgh; beginning at the
distance of one hundred feet (100 ft.) from
the southeast' corner of Manhattan and Fay
ette streets; thence along. the line of lot No.
15 in said plan, one hundred and thirty-two
(132) feet, to a twenty foot alley; thence
eastwardly along the said alley forty (40)
feet to the line of lot No. 18 in said plan;
thence northwardly along,said line ont hun
dred and thirty-two feet (182 ft.) to Fayette
street;' thence along Fayette street West
wardly forty (40) feet to the place of be=
ginning, having a front of twenty feet ,each
on Fayette street and running back, pre
serving the same width, one hundred and
thirty-two (132) . feet to said- twenty . foot
alley, beingpart of , the same property con
veyed by_ John H. Page, attorney in fact of
Martin H. Ford, to David Graham, by deed,
dated April Ist, A. D. 1858, and.recorded,
in Deed Book, volume 133 page 514, and
which was conveyed by said> Graham. to
George Erdner party of the second part
thereto, by deed dated May Ist, 1859, who
by deed bearing even date herewith sold
and conveyed the same to the party of the
first part hereto, this conveyance being
given to secure the unpaid purchase money
for the same.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Franklin B. Stevenson '
James Stevenson, dec'd, with notice to
Franklin B. Stevenson and Anna Virginia
Stevenson, heirs and terre tenants of said
James Stevenson, dec'd, at the suit of George
All th right, title, interest and claim of
Josep Millen, of, in and to all that certain
lot or piece of ground, - being No. 211 in
Ward n & Alexander's plan of Temper
anceville village, and bounded and des
cribed as follows, viz: Beginning at the
corner of lot No. 212, on Washington street;
thence along Washington, street 109 feet to
High street; thence along High street 185
feet to an alley; thence along said alley, in a
parallel line with 'Washington street, 88. feet
and 3 inches to line of lot No. 212;.thence
185 feet to the place of. beginning.
ALso, All that certain other lot situate in,
and numbered 212 in the plan aforesaid, and
bounded and described as follows: Begin
ning on Washington street, at the corner
of lot No. 213; thence by said lot 100
feet to the corner of lot No. 211; thence by
the line of said lot 190 feet to an alley;
thence by said alley 100 feet to corner of lot
No. 213; thence by line of said lot 190 feet
to Washington street, the Owe , of begin- -
ning; on which is erected a small, frame
dwelling house.
' 'Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Joseph Hanen, at the suit of Edward
D. Campbell. '
All the right. title, interest and claim of Jno.
' Log, of, in and to all that certain 'lot of
ground situate in Union township, ; .411e
gheny county, Penna., being lot 167 in Jno.
Brown's plan of lots on the William Carna
han farm, and bounded and des
cribed as follows, viz: Beginning on the
the s othwest corner of Coal street and
Union alley; .thence along Union alley
west 200 feet to line of lot No. 154; thence
by line dividing lot Nos. 154 and 167 south
95 feet to corner of lot No. 166, heretofore
conveyed by. John Brown to :Ann Thorn
ton; thence in a line parallel .with Union
alley; along line between tots Nos. 166 and
167 east 155 50-100 feet to a Pin; thence
north 50'degrees east 4250-100 feet to a pin;
thence south 71i degrees east 41 feet to Coal
street , thence by Coal street north 52 feet to
place of beginnmg. - •
ALso all those two': certain lots Nos. 12
and 166 ' , in said plan,,and jointly bounded-1
and described as follows,. viz: Beginning.
oh the northern line of Main street, at the
distance of 103 50-100 feet from line of land,
of Alexander Carnahan; thence- north on
line dividing lots . Nos, 12 and 13 and 153
and 167, 185 96-100 feet to line of lot No.
167; thence east along the line of lot No. 167,
155 50-100 feet to land of Alexander Cants- ,
han; thence-by land of said Carnahan south 1 ,
50 degrees west 208 feet to -Main street;
thence by. Main .street :west 108..50-100 feet
to the place of beginning: ,
• Seized and taken in execution as- the - pro-
Kryb John Log, at- the suit of Robert
1 All the right, title, interest and clidm
Christian Goebel of, in and to all 'those, two
certain lots or pieces of groundi situate
Lower St; Clair township, , Allegheny cona
ti;Pennsylvania, known asTiots Ries: 0 - and
in Charles Forester's_ plan of lots, which
plan appears of record , 'the Recorder's
ofllee of Allegheny county in Plan Rook,
vol. 8, page 125, each of" said lots having a
front._ of thirty feet ; on the: north aide 'of
Barkluuner .-street, and = extending . baik
4941v0nilYof -"Mu :width, at right, angles,
with Barkbiuner ;street .ont , hundred and
eighty.eight.22.loo. feet .to line of klerinan
Catholic Graveyard. , 'Reiteglhe samewhieli
-Charlealfereater, bpdeded.dated 17th -July,
1866,* and_ recorded itilDeed• Book; v01.:199, '
pap 008, conveyed to said Christian Goebel;
Seizedtand taken itLexeention as the pro.
party of - Christian , Goeliel Lat the suit of.
Charles Forester.
. ,
lat the ri v . ttle,- -- bitekocand alto of
AnthonyeGowan, of, in Ond to all %lit
certain Area4 l 4:lotitilltilt . tg L twerity-four feet
wide'liy - trileataido, - with: a two otory
!kidebtindforol' i tirfok - tiiiiteo fact wide by
~ nleat deep . . itiffit,4txtporetO, Ilaii 0 W l3 l,
.14 #,,Arsugl.l .I*Atiel.ball g ;lett:4l4w%
tin Kfco l kikOrtiliiXlDl P54.64 1 (1 , llav - =-
1 ing in its Tower stor3r_aforesaid , a store froi
and private entrance-on right•Auind side 4
store front, the whole of said lie& buildin
which has a porch on the inner aide of sai
back building, extending along the who/
depth of said back building is now finisho
I and'completed and has therein five doors an
ten 'windows; the main building, which hos ' I
front exclusive of the lower;; story stoi
front eight windows, being as yet incomple
ted and unfinished and intended to comet
about eight rooms, and the --whole of biti
building being situate on that certain lot c
piece of mund situate in the' borough
East Birmingham, in the county of Alli
gheny and State of Pennsylvania, know!
' - and - numbered as Tot No. 3dln 6 I . ertill .
plan of laid out by John , Brewn c in
borough, and recorded in the once`for r
cordirigdeeds, in and for the county of A ll
gheny,-in Plan Book - rclolunie 3 page :5, an; .
"being bounded and described: -as follow
Beginning at the soutfieast•corner of • Oliv3
and Sidney streets; thence eastwardly
Sidney street 80 feet to the northwest , co;
ner of lot No. 35 in said plan; thence south,
wardly by said lot No. 35 25, feet to
northeast corner of lot: NO. 37 in said pl
thence westwardly by said lot No.- 37 8;
feet to Oliver street; thence nertliwarclly bl
said street 24 feet to place of beginning. i
Seized and taken in executioimis the pror
erty of Anthony McGowan, it the snit c, ,
Gibson A. lifundorf. il - I
ALSO, • -.' ' '
All the right, title, Interest and claim •
James H. Sampson of, in, and,: to all .th
certain tract or piece of land., situated i
Versailles township, Allegheny count ,
Pennsylvania, about 3 miles from till
borough of McKeesport, boundcd by land',
of Samuel Shaw dec'd, Saninel Kelly,
—Hardest and others, containing th.r
hundred acres more or li- - - , ,,': known 1
the Long Run Farm and 31111 property, 071
which arc erected a large frame dwellin
house two stories high, with frame barn and
out buildings, also a frame Grist giii operag
ed by steam,
also a two story frame hopsi
occupied by the Miller, also two . ,,otherfram
tenement houses, one two stories high, th
other one story, also a blacksmith shop. I
The interest of the said James H. Sam '
son being the one fifth part, subject to ti l l
life estate of his mother i Annie Sampson,
widow of Thomas Sampson deceased. 1
Seized and taken into execution as thi
property of James H. Sampson;: - :at thesuii
of James 31cK. Pierce. -.'. . I
ALSO, - i
All the right, title, interest and claim al
George Fritz and John Femau,':: of, in al
to all certain lot of ground situate i ,
Lower St. Clair township, Allegheny corm,
ty, Pennsylvania, bounded and;describedai
follows, to wit: Beginning at the scuttle/
west corner of lot No. 10 in Mitndorf's pia
of East Birmingham lots; thence eastwardli!
along the end of lots Nos. 10, 9 and 8 in saiq
plan fifty-seven feet; thence Sotttliwttrdly
twenty-seven feet to an alley three fees
wide; thence westwardly along - said allq
fifty-seven feet; and thence ttorthwardl,f
twenty seven feet to the place of beginningi
on which there is a lager beer cellar. q
-Seized and taken in execution as the propi
erty of George Fritz and John Fernan, ai
the suit of Christian Nusser. • 7
-. i.
ALSO 7 .' ',
Alf the right, title, interest and claim ai
in, q
Jacob Jacoby, of, n and to alV,ithat .. eitaii!
lot or piece of ground situate! in Collins
Park; East Liberty, county of Allegheny
and State'of. Pennsylvania, , bein i
part of lot No. 18 in the plan of lots 'laid
out by Hon. Thomas Mellon, and bolmded.
and described as follows, to wit!, Beginnin I
on Centre street in said plan at the corner 01l
lot No. 19 andrunning thence One hundreq,
and fifty feet to an alley 10 feet:wide; thence;
along the line of said alley 22 ; feet; thenc4!
in a direct line towards Centre -street, pre- - q
serving the same width 151 feet; thencel
Along the line of Centre.street to the
W cornea
of said lot No. 19, the aco 61 begiru3ing.S;
_Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Jacob Jacoby at the stilt, of Georgl
All the right, title, interest ood • claim of i l
John Thomas, of; in and to all 'that certaina
lot or piece of. ground situate it, the , Bor-3
ough of Manchester, Allegheny, county,D,
Pennsylvania, and bounded and described.:
as follows, viz:, Beginning 011 Perry street'tl
at the corner of lot No. 18; thence alongi
said street to the line of 'B. Mclntyre'. lot4lo
feet 10 2-3 inelies; thence' by a ' line at,
s: fighti
angle 'with Perry street along said Wintyre',
lot 120 feet to Cedar alley; thence alongsaid y
alley to lot N 0.136, 41 feet , lo'; 2-3 , Inches;ll
thence along said tot ri - d k . 130 dne4
hundred - and twenty :. feet ' •to Perry '.:"x'
street, the phtee of beginning; being part offi
lot No. 135, which was ongmally fortoneY
feet eleven and one-third inches, in th plan
of the town of ' Manchester, , recorded ie,:'
Book Second, volomd 43, Mena. '
oft; Ai. so, all the following desetibed piece ofiA
ground, situate in Reserve tOwiship r (now F:1,
Manchester lorough,) . Allegheny county, f. 4
Pennsylvania, being a part -or•lot 1i01134
in the. plan of the town of .11anchester,
which plan is recorded in BOG& Second, V , ,
voluble 443, page 126, and; lionnded and
described as follows,viz:' Beginning at 4
McChesney'spartof Said lot No, 134; thence io
along Perry street twenty feet; . thence by a
line at right. angles with Perry street :and
along iot No. 135 one hundred And twenty i' s- f
feet to Cedar alley; 'thenm along said alley
to McChesriey's lot twenty feet; thence by a
line at right angles with said alley and along f.. 1
lieChesney's line one hundred and twenty [.3
feet to, the , place :of beginning; being the
same •premiset4 - which N. Hornell et al.,
by deed dated:May . lst, 1863 and recorded in ''',
Book, volume 165 1 page 324, conveyed to 1 i' -1: .
John Thomis,having erected Ort - tbe' rear i,;•, ,,
of lot No, 135 a frame dwelling imuakand 6
on the front of lot No. 134 a froMedWelling P 4
. ,
Seized and tak in t' th
an en execu ion es e prop
erty of John ; homas, at the suit of , Adam
i Zscbehruin Tor nee of. David Gregg. ' .
All the xiht, 'title * interest• and claim of
John .. o.' Ramaley,, with notice to J.. M.
Kennedy andDavidllcCandless,Assignees,
in •bankmptcyand terra • tenants,, of, in and
to all . that 'certain piece or 'parcel of_ground
situate in the Fi ft h ward of '
the city of,Pitte
turgh,'Allegheny county, Penna., ixtuded
and' deseribecl - as follows, i.o."wlt . Begin
ning orfthe northerly side of Liberty street,
at the weateria*4l'or line of a bileX\,ware- ,
'house, now, or - recently occupied as aipring
factory, and a-distance of :about one
hundred and • eighty-seven feet easterly
from. corner o€-Liberty - and . - Oenar streets,
(foiinetly called-Washingtonstreet;) thence
'extending northerly:long said western iyall
or, line of said warehouse or 81)tia/asetory
100 feet to Union alle4tharita lkAir; el
*ester/i, . Parallel ly 'llbeit i Y-; , 41
r t e,e he. t u l e o tl y p fi:d Af d r; • J ta . ` 4411 /1:
inH ,lM, ,,p ar pe _ a rA l logatit t*Art_
cr y !
Jar, by •a . nag parallel , NvithlOthi - il/ine
.first above-, described . 4.; one'!.llhtusdred
feet. ii- to , , Liberty Pu•Aseeti .. t lsrid l.9 thanoe
bY Melt,' - area "Itastlr e t* t4oYfeet to
the tilaoe'of Iszetinitie g them plece
or 'Panel lir grottudrirhiehltie 10 , %Min
B. Fficid *lfe, tit .
..tiet .:40.#4 '
17. 1865, conveyett,to--tansalla,lV
ley ssubleet:lo an& reserving to the said
HaYet WA balrat.44e acer4lativissirW. of
46 ,
one I . thaneand -dollars' pervsanunit ,stemehle
• quarterly nn-thegfirst ditri Of itbe'panu ts o f
~ ..hial,,, , ,itay;,Ootaber Ind Zuluallfmthkeh
Yeari'lind any bleb thetwrionni. areenetrtwo