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ISpeclal Inspateli to the rittaburch Gazette 1 HARiussurta, April 3 ; 1868. SENATE. CONTESTED ELECTION CASE. Mr. LANDON, Chairman of the special Committee on the contested 'election case from the Twenty-first Senatorial district, Robinson, Republican, against Shugart. Democrat. and sitting member, reported inlayor of John K. Robinson, the contest ant. . The report was adopted and resolution passed giving . Mr. Shugart the usual per diem and pay of a Senator. • • RAILROAD ;INDR3II4IT7. The Raifroad. Indemnit'y bill passed 4ltilY• • • k REGISTRY. BILL PASSED. The House amendinents tq the Registry law were concurred in under the operation of , the previous question. The postage bill of the Senate for March is $3,386. BILL DEFEATED At the afternoon session the bill gi'ving School Directors power to: borrow money without applying - to, the Legislature was defeated. BlL;.stm) FINALLY Regairing bidders for supplying the State with .paper to. give bond in ten thousand . The House bill extending the powers of the Civil Code Commissioners 'and requir ing them to report in - 1871. ' Adjourned ' HOUSE 07 REPIESENTILTIN7II3,. The whole morning session was occupied discussing the bill allowing Philadelphia to make grants of Penn Squares for scientific purposes. Defeated; BETBoixIIM BANK..- At the afternoon session, Mr. MANN, of Potter, offered a resolution recalling from the Governor thd bill requiring the Auditor General to return to the Petroleum Bank United States bonds originally deposited as security for redemption of circulating notes. He stated that the Commonwealth would be rendered liable for twelve thousand dol lars under this bill. The resolution was adopted. . • APPROPRIATION BILL. . - T h P l s ell #2.Pl e" o4- I, 9nts SPAr' 2 "Pk r2 FI: r + a n on "bill' \ -were note -concurred in, i Messrs. Mann, Nicholson and Josephs ap. 4 pointed a Committee of ConferenCe. The 1 disposition of•the HOuse is to concur in all the reductions by the Semite, but to non ecmcur in allincreased appropriations. PIN.O.L'ARJOURNMENT. ' • On motion of Mr. ; FORD, of AlleghenY, 14 the. House agreed to ixotpono the qustion of final adjournment 'until.. after the report ci of the Confetenoe ConunittOe on the Appro priation bill.. • , . Adjourned till to-niorrovr. ARKANSAS Meeting of tit . e'Leglolature--The Election • ; =for .Constltutlon. ' (By teiegesph'so tbi Plitsbutgh Gazette.l . .Mssrmtrs,April 8.--The Appeal's - •Littla Rock special says: 'The Arkansa.s Legisla titre-, newly elected; niet and organized 'to day at-the Tiapitol. James N. Sarber, of Pope,' Was elected President of the' Senate, and J.,G. Price, of Little Rock, as Speaker of the' House • : - • ,The result of the voting on the Coturtitu- Lion gt the military polls has not been an nounced yet. There , is ,no doubt that the State has One against the. Constitution by at lerst five thousand. The Radicals, however, claim '" a ' majority of several - thousand. The Legislature adjourned un• til to-morrow. - ' ==l The Erie Railroad Trimble--A Card froth ,Mr.,Drew. Br" Telegraph 10 the Pittsburgh Gazette.) • Ni w Yoi u &—Daniel Drew, in a card in the Tribune,' says : “As for the re cent issue of bonds, it was made by the Di rectors under the very same law as that under which the Central road issued some millions of "bonds a few years ago. Their right theY believe to be unquestionable, and they will continue so to believe until the Courts decide otherwise. All the ques tions at' issue will shortlycome before Courts of competent jurisdiction . Should they decide: the money entrusted to me as, Treasurer Or the Erie railroad has not been used for improving the road' and -extending its connections with the great West, - bW.to be paid 'over to a receiver, I shall.:sce:-pay it. If .onthe other hand the. COurta decide -in Inver of the Erie railroad,' its Mils:tors will endeavor, so far at least:as my influence goes,, to make the Erie what it 9Uktitio be and:what:its managers have been fet years seeking under enormous dif flcultfen to make ,it,...the best, safest and cheapest channel _ between the' East and Grain. Shipping RiilluidtP . ~ , .. , . . ~..., , tPi Telggraphi4.lin rlttaburgb Gazette.) .. : -...Cirreauo , April : 3.=-The difficulty be tween tbe iiPairkshiPlkeraand vessel owners in _.. ....M the :que s tion of,reaponsibility ~10- . P"• ,, • *cries. on. cargoes .of grain, is be . .• \ "'''io!: , : more serious. _ ,At,..their ;kit Meet,' : 'wise; owners feeolVedtot to . take • oes of ersdic :under the newly adopted 'of lading,rathich requires therm to - twammt :for that-41311 a mount of grain: ,!mentioned. , in Ahearn Shippers, on the -.... , :0ther hand, sttanigarmand.inalst on tur a0..1 ~.i ,peptimce of -dm 401X:1)111,;and onettindredi , #l4l:ont ivr,the. - -Pt4.154. ~ --AxigirPhol9Wa n d ' Sig haves -au • agreement` krte. Ltiy _ f4injartizei:ii vessel :ho t-e no , d olvP.q B lY. Val ' fiat adopt ir- :, : ,:..-,' . '..:, ta ~„i.:: .T.ataskatty. CsaCat , St; Leafs., -....•,: ' . P' Ite pp ‘front: Itulfalo,l • l ikr f) , J , .: - :ST. Dunaj:Mail 1C. 4 : . 4.othigOl'ibi'pora.. . i: i ci ... „-,,,,,,- , ..,-- ,-, ,-,- .. ~. i„, ~-.„.;:- . ~-. D 'James moved tiOreliasollia!pliPdity; and- ili3r.. o .T=P-f CV, l ' ""ksT•°l 3 :t , ,:,,• ;lheArglinient.#4ll befteirtt* , soturday: - - 'BUY? __.L.Ap , --, pc.`an„l.&i)nsil:, (ii4l'ending the,decialottAdht•istrita laditalttud to liciffitheleo„,:rpf . 'tla,,,.tiuKeye - ,Caril'esichg —lail-in--dollara-and-inuneAP, 'The'llettV' tu rhPlao' w il t: be' '`.. ,8 :4 1 t1,4' ateirwe'dt to-work witlizoltltge her snits; , ito=zdthtits# 'ttifitfttfdrCiiediort.-:- -..* - - .7" • tzs - ?"4 ot* • ' ° . • FROM EUROPE. The Irish question in the Eng lish Parliament—War in South America--Success of the Allies. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazete.] GREAT BRITAIN. DEBATE ON T 141,1111511 QUESTION LONDON,'ApriI 3.—A division - will take place to-night in the Commons on the Irish question. The Liberals are sanguine that the Government will be beaten, and believe a Liberal Cabinet certain. The course of the ministry is yet uncertain, however; as they. have the option of resigning or ap-, pealing to the peqple by a dissolution of Paxliament. The position of the new min istry is also uncertain, in case of coming into power. • SOUTH AMERICA. TIIE P.ILAGI7:I.I LisnoN, April 3.—The mail steafher brings Rio Janeiro adyices to the llth: of January. The allies stormed Ilurnaita af ter a desperate resistance, capturing fifteen large guns and a quantity of stores and am munition. • While the land forces were en gaged, the Brazilian• fleet forced a passage of the river, and reached Assuncion. The city had been evacuated by the Paraguayan troops, an deserted by the citizens. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Losocrs t - April 3. Evening—Consols Closed at: 93a93%. s:2o's 72V s . Erie 49%. LIVERPOOL, April I:A:ening— Bonds closed firm at 7534. AxrwEari April &:-Ever.ing.—Petroleum closed weaker at 43f. 75c. • LIVERPOOL, 3.—Evening.--Cotton active throughout the day and closed buoy ant at a decided advance; middling-uplands in port 12a12y;'to arrive 12a1234a123.; Or leans 1.2a1212%; sales 30,000 bales. The advices from -Manchester are favorable, and the market is strong with an advancing tendency. Breadstuffs closed irregular and dull, with a further decline in corn, which closeciat 40s. od. for new mixed western. Wheat 16s. for,white, and 14s. 3d. for No. 2 Milwaukee: red; others unchanged. Pro visions and Produce entirely unchanged. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. ' —A dispatch from Minister Van Valken _ burg, dated' Hioga, Japan, states that the Tycoon has abdicated and the Mikado is sending troops towards Jeddo. One American sailor and two Frenchmen were wounded in the attack on the foreigners, but the American marines. and sailors dis persed the Japanese. The execution of the -JapaneSe officer who ordered the attacck was to taltkplacc on Mtu-ch 3d. The arriVial o f the Mikados' envoy at Hiago restored quiet. ' • —Friday's Chicago Journal says reports from Southern and Central Illinois are al most without exception that the winter wheat passed through the cold weather suc cessfully and promises an unprecedented harvest. Farmers all over the %vest :are taking advantage of the unusually early opening .of' the season to sow their grain. If the summet will be anything like as fa vorable for the farmers as the opening is, the northwest will astonish the world with the extent of ifsitrops finsi year. - viceaL-Of-Alarch the 1.111 i• are received. Tho allied forces have taken Assuncion, the'-capital, and were passing to the rear of -Efaumita. The allies now have forty, thousand men, fourteen iron dads and twenty wooden vessels in the neighborhood, while the Paraguayans are reported to have only 12,000 men. —The news from Montevideo, Uraguay, is to.theetfeet that General Valencia Flores, the President, had been murdeted by some confederates of his. son, caused, it Ls sup posed, r the latter havintg .pronounced againsthis father, and having been de feated and bani Shed. Col. Lorenzo Battle, the Minister of War,had been elected in his place. ' ' —About six hundred 'machinists, black.: smiths, car builders, turners, &c., in the employ of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroads; turnedout at Scranton, Pa.; yesterday, demanding_ a return to the old wages, a reduction' of ten per cent: hay 'ink been made on-the firstufJanuary. 7 -,The men at the Faller% mines -also tnrnede out. A strike , is expected at the Parish and Cun ningham Minea, • • • —The New York - Trsbase; states editori. • „ • ally: We have assurance .from Washing ton that General Grant-finds it not incon sistent 'with ' his duty as- a soldier, to an nounde it as his opinion that the only hope for the peace of th country, is the. success of the pending• impeachment trial. He feels that the national security demands the removal of the 'President. • . , —A special from 'Savanna says: The Dish ''op embarked for. Cadiz on Monday,, having ordered-all the church bells to ring on the occasion of his departure. He arso drew on the Banco-Eva:lel for 140,000, bit' Ler sundi prevented the payment ' of thd check. The Bishop thereupon had it formally pro tested. Lersur:di's chief-ofetaff goes in the same vessel with the Bishop as bearer of diapatches, —Mordaunt, the actor, recently discharg ell from the Walnut Street , Theatre; Phila delphia, for drunkenness, has recovered his Belay', for one week, from-MeSsm Clark 6L Bootii, on the ground that •the manager knew he had been drinking and ordered him to play. - . - - -Justice Carter; of the District of Colbm bia Supreme Court, Yesterday 'discharged Samuel Strong, on the ground that the ev dence furnished _ not ,lcearly and surd ciently show that Strong was a- fugitive from justice in the sense of the Constittt-' tion of the United States. , —During the hurricane on Thursday a three-story. frame in Rawson at:, Brooklyn, in process of erection, was blown down, and four workmen .engagad-,upoii it were ' severely Injured: Ano ther bnilding in - Astoria WSW alit) demolished. - " • • —Governer Oglesby of Illineis haseau a VrOclaniationi Ilealimating the 15t H' of . April next;the anniversary of the mailing tion of Prodded; Liraxldni as a day of fast ing; humiliation and prayer. The six mineht.vhltirnsfof, the Weaker at the, Diamond 4 1111riej ;Scranto • n; on'. last, werebtiried-froM • the thtth dral at thatplao&Yeaterday., . —The paiffieteirvit Manz rook. at"Tivei' • Rivera, Witoonain,nnie burned onyi`ediles! daY;nightil 3114411itfact000. ,, -The NeinTorlit'Areeinbiy , hasimuised bill to' submit.the netv.:Constittition:to:the people next fall. —The Philailelpreik Internal Revenue Board has been, ditic9lltaPnqd at skteMlioist q 4 Ste meldnbQre „t r PITTSBURGH SECOU EDITION. FOUR cycxxockr. A-. M. FORTIETH CONGRESS. The Impeachment Trial—The Presidents Speeches—Reporters on the Stand. [By Telegraph to the Pittstnirell Gazette.] Apill 3d, 1868. SENATE. • The Chair, immediately. after opening, was ' assumed by the ChiefjUstiee. PrOdamation • was made in due form, the Managers took their seats, and ; the House appeared in nambers: about equal! to the Managers. The Journal was read in the meantime. The gallery ti: : aS tolerably fdled;for the first time with• a fair sprinkling of sable faces among the spectators. Senator WAKE Moved the Senate take up , the proposition he offered yesterday to amend the Senate riles, and asked a vote upon it. It was read. Senator EDMUNDS moved to strike out that part relating to the yeas and nays be ing taken by request of the presiding offi cer. Mr. Drake having no objection to the amendment of the Senator from Vermont, the rule was adopted as amended. • Ckas. A. Tinker NM re.ealled. - Mr. BUTLER, before interrogating Mr. Tinker, said: I will read a single paper. The paper is a. message of the. President of the Umted States, communicating to the Senate the report of the Secretary of State showing the proceedings under the concur rent resolution of the two Houses of Con gress of the 18th of June in submitting to _the Legislatures of several States an addi tional article to the Constitution of the Uni ted States. Senator THAYER—What article? • Mr. BUTLER—The fourteenth article. • It is dated Juno 116th, 1868. It is the same one to which the dispatch related, an Ex ecutive document of the first session of the Thirty-ninth Congress. The examination of the witness was pro ceeded with. He identified the original copy of a speech of President Johnson on the 18th of August, 1866, telegraphed from Washington to the Associated Press. Joseph B. Sheridan, stenographer, testi fied that he report ed the speech of the President, made in the East Room of the White House, August 18th, 1866, which he took down, to the best of his ability, in short hand, arid wrote it out, giving a copy to Colonel Moore, the President's private Secretary. Ho did not recognize the copy shown him by Mr. 'Butler as his own, but swore to'having written out from his notes, afterwards, extracts from the speech. These were shown him in manuscript. Cross-examined by Mr. liWARll.3—The stenographic report, in his note book was wholly written by himself. Thespeech oe cupisd about twenty-five minutes. It was reported from sound, but attention was also paid to the sense. The portions written out were recently written out solely • from the signs. Could wiite out notes correctly.after a lona lapsoof time. James A. Clepliine, deputy clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Colima-, , Mai was..3l-ledt.On; Septmnbet 18th, 1866, was employed4n-thoiDepartnunit,6llo3tatel had been a stenographer for about, eight years; was then engaged to report the l'resident's speech. lie transcribed from the notes a portion of the speech for the Associated Press. Did not recognize the manuscript shown him as being his own handwriting; he mj,ght have dictated it. At his requestiMr.'McFarland'wrote out a literal report of the speech which the Chron ic/a, published next morning, that paper being willing to take the copy furnished by Col. Moore. The report of the Chronicle was accurate, with the exception of a few words. Cross-examined by Mr. EVARTS---Took phonographic •notes of the entire speech; wrote it all out; but don't know wbere the manuscript is now; when he, read the speech he didn't have Ids notes before hlin; never compared them nor his ,mann-, script of them with the printed, speech.. Re-direct The copy of the Chronicle be- Tore him contairiethelipeeehreferied to. Mr. BUTLElVaiiked if it was a correct report? - • • • - •Mr. EVARTS objected.' • It. was impossi ble for witness.to tell front memory. Mr. BUTLER, claimed that as he had twice -re-written it, the witness could very ivell remember it, and his testimony was competent. Mr. EVARTS argued in reply, maintain ing the original notes must be prOdUced; and also sad2the -President - had nett been allowed an Opportunity of correcting his speech, which all Congressmennse. Mr. Tinker being recalled, produced a copy of the President's speed' marked as having beer; sent over the wires by, the As soeiated Press., Mr. Sheridanfec*nized a Portion of it as his oivii handwriting. There are .correc tions in this copy. 'Didnot see them made, but believe they , were madellt the White ,Crose-examined--llave corrected the pa; pers; which correctionsare in his own:hand writing;, only , those pa gee were ;; written from his own notes ; ,thie was done at the time ,by himself, but ho bas never, since compared thetri; the copy before him was substantlally, a; correct transcript ef his notes: ' • Francis Smith, official - reporter of the }louse of Reptesentatives, testified he has been a stenographer for four years; was one :of thoseomployed by the agent of the Asso elated Press to report the speech referred to. [Produced his notes.] Wrote out a portion of the speech,ancl delivured the sheets one by one to Col. Moore, who ; wired-Q& them ' as Col. Moore had`-stated he wished to re , vise them—not to make any substantial changes, but to - revise the phritseologly. Witness- -selected from the copy ? sent bey , ` telegraph the portions written out by idin ' Cross-examination. by Mr., 'rEvArrni-- The manuscript was correctly made, sub st.sintially, *but he had -to correct the un-, grammatical expresslomt. . Kw Clephino was re-called. Recognized .the raancuscript of his report.- Bewas cross eXatallefiollJals variations from; strict' ac-,: curacy He made the Meaniugt clear and; corrected ungrammatical sentences,, , C,61,,V. cf. MoorrfrgieSident'strivateimic : rotary' festifiedbe,,w‘e : , Opoin d as= 11l w(th the rank et3lsjo h rAt te o I,,:ir i an Illekr 'UMW:SS ode - Prto; Of the Xtresidelati , " Belo ' hittMini'' W • been INsmigentgattiltailit CreherAtHelicod, ,the ,•-spesteii - 'of , Augint 48th. 7 4lifsde'soine correctionsAttu thenrepart sly:Wefts out{ by stenographers, doing 50 without themes* tame of a rocanoranda. Did not change:tbe, subahmce in any casklmt altered the la f.3on exattliningUe! in tirn — u Opk,_ be F . in which'bii 4vrlting .'pli -,, wiz 4 dtmtUsa-L ,wade nmeluingeiiidtbantiduidg-, •0 1 #49, 9 ragAgr i v U,oti tridlient. -They • I t t .: tipirvt... u' 3, MaAdit4l4o,l.thEt, g, ;, 9 ; 4oo*** „. , :!_lite :prig._ li 4 , 'elrOT.,Bll4, o ol.•to t enAliAl s llit; •• .• lh Maki kt ct9tons.•, . i ,, Ja • . ir 4 . - rertzwe s c itorkited 1.0 read' sir , _ SATURDAY, 'APRI 4, IS6B. the various teporta of =the • speech an ;gent them in evidence: air. EVARTS 'Objected. that`the reliert the Chronicle is not proved by authentic evidence. : ••• , it this point 2:25 o'clock, the Court took' a recem of fifteen minutes. On re-assembling a motion was . made- to ad,lourn the Court from this evening , till. Monday next. Lost=ninetee,n to twenty-; eight. Mr. rLER then read the Associated Press report of the President's speech. At its conclusion Senator ANTHONY made a motion that a reporter of the ASsociated Press be admit ted to the floor, but the CHIEF JUSTICE decided it was not now in order. - William N. Hudson, of the Cleveland i.cader, testified : with the assistance of Mr: Johnsen, I reported the speech made by the President in Cleveland in Septem— her; 1866. Have my original nbtes. Only part was reported verbatim. -The words which ho did not use were in the synoptical portion. • •• Cross examined—The paper for which I reported was opposed to the President. Wrote my notes upon my knee. Omitted portions of the speech, but gave the drift. Have not compared the full report with my notes. My notes were not phonographical, but written in long hand. The synoptical portion as taken down was again reduced for publication. In making up my report I also-made use of Mr. Johnson's report, which WAS taken in the same way. • Re-direct—There were many interrup tions and pauses. - • . • Mr. BUTLX4II—When the President and the crowd were bandying epithets? Objected to and the question withdrawn. Mr. BUTLER then asked what the crowd said; and told witness he might re fresh his memory, by memoranda before him. Mr. EvARTs objected that newspapers were not memoranda. Objection argued. The CHIEF JUSTICE ruled that the witness might refer to a newspaper copy, if he knew it to be correct. Witness proceeded to read extracts, nar rating intemiptioqs, which enabled him to write out portions, of what the President said verbatim. Cross-examined—Took down what the crowd said, and at the same time caught up with my report of what the President said. Accounts of interruption which have just been given were all read by me from the papers before me. D. C. McEwen, short-hand repotter ' tes tified—Accompanied the President's party as reporter for the Herald. Witness pro duced a stonographical report of the Cleve land speech, and also a copy of an accurate transcript of the report written out. and handed to the agent of the Associated - Press, Mr. Crobright. Witness put down a portion of the interruptions. It was ini possible to get all. There was a great deal of noisei'and conflision. I think there were expremions of ill feeling or temper on the, part of the crowd. The President was a little exalted. The crowdaald, "don't get mad, Andy." Mr. BUTLER—Did he appear considera- - bly exalted then? Mr. EVARTS—That is. not Part of, the present enquiry. - Mr. BUTLER—The allegation denies there was a seandalous and - disgtusiftd. scene, the conditions being that donnaelfor. the President claim freedom ofspeeeh, and we claim decency of speech. We are now tryingto show the indeunacy of the owe sion Mr. EVARTS,I understand freedom of ,ipemb4p,.llol( ,- m*47 tti visali..AbOtorro, • speak`Properl, and BUTLER.—I .regard freedom of speech in this country as freedom of the -private citizen to say anything in a decent manner. . Mr. EVARTS.—Yes, it , is the same thing, and who is to jud,ge of• the decency? Mr. BUTLER.—The' Court before Which a man ist•ried for breaking the law. Mr. EVARTS—Did you ever hear of a man being tried for freedom of speech? Mr. BUTLER—No; but I saw two or three who ought to have been. • Mr. IIUTLLE repeated the , question to witness, who continued:. I: could net see the President; only -heard the tone of his vhice. gemed - excited Ido not know what IS his manner front personal acquaint ance wheifhe is On'cross;oxamination witness said he had not a report of the whole speech ;left left before . it ended ; besides certain sentences broken off by interruptions of the crowd - only took the principal exclamations; ~ c ould. not hear till hear of -them; ,the . transcript.: of ; the speech was made two weeks, ago from the notes of two years ago; think them as aecu rate as if transcribed! hen. ~.- E dwin B. Sthrk WWI OSami lk od , --Watf for "inerly*CehlkitheVal Reported the speech of, the Presideht at;Cleveland on the night or the 30th Of Septeinber, 1i4,60, for the Cleveland Herald . in short hand. It was .ptiblished; the notes are not now in exist ence; suppose , •they 'were , throWn• in the waste basket. [The copy of the paper was produced.] • . - Witness—ln some places the substance is given instead of the literal words. - Read from a rt of report just what Johnson said : " " here is the man Jiving, of - woman, in the community, whom I have wronged, or where is the person who can place their linger on one single -pledge that I have violated, or one single violation of the Conititution of my country. What tongue does ho 'speak, what religion does he. profess? Let tdm comer forward and put his finger up on one pledge I have violated." - Witness continued—There were then in terruptions, and. various renurks were made, of which I have noticed one,"eecaus_e it was the only one' Mr. 'Johnson' palci;any attention to; that; was ".A.Vakie-'-Hang'Jeff. ':Davis." I- The President said: "'Hang .Zetf. Davisl'hang Jeff. Davis! Why don'tveu? There was then some applause and - .intet- -- pinions, • and he tepeated, : "Why ;don't you." ' There was again applause and itt? terruptions,, and the. President went, ?Have you - , not the court? Have. you ride got the courts? Have you uce:got the, At.: torney General? ' Who;lis `y..Sitr Chief ! Itte. tic& Who has •reftfileto sit 'at . the trial 1 1 " There were • then:- some 'inter , minions andc•applattse lie ' ";I am not , the. =prosecuting attorney. I urn not the juryobttt J. will tell you what I did' de. called sin your Congress, which . is trying. Jo, break -up s ti/e Aloyernmeat." Here were inter' impact*: and, confusion ` and there may have been words uttered the President which . ' did.not hear;- but think not. Then! the President Went on ` to say,' "But let prejudice' pass."• - Iktr 'BU to lhe - ' - conelnelon; where yen reported that accurately.' _ . r IVitneag... , ednibiereing' little -bete Whkre.thetiviktifictiltion: - AOMittencist ~pykstr, trlnlc.lardditsig • ynty•,ihrstaiell lairs ; .torttightt.-;' - kLiwould• ask) xwith-`,. au Ow. pains thatSkogresa; hoe taken =Eh whet has ..41ontt . lirc?":401.? " alt. Sote,t4 4 o4bibt l 4 o - N.tatOT 13 0 04/ 16 Oont,rMl; , •hes not dozintrOrytliing to'llre• went itt And i betiluite - rstand now r did Yythery'Utlitrebillion'commerOk - klityg, been dentaincedlts altititor. •Myclicuttry, ,nlenVbeisf_,_'-toktighti:Who - hatteufferfidlitbrn: :ttunrit. , ?Wkie, Isartreirreater risk ;than It ,a l3 4 l io,rinnatoontual. 1.r81 4 4 Pangrela n 0 fah Lke. % 4 .)miliseririg*PtYrenlit Pgigrilt 4 4.l tcirdscalltiet f a Vibe Wne' aid* hey ' a feeling against mi." ZSo:iar* ward Mr. .Tohnsoies Witness-oompleteclthe • sentence in this . fashion: Pin consequence. of the manner inWhiCh I have diStributed the public pat renege:" Thoae were not Mr. 'Johnson's words; but.;aeondcmsation, a summary of the reasons which he•gave at that point for the-maligning. . . . Mr:EVARTS to Mr. Sutler-Do you pro. pose to put thein' all in? 141 x. BUTLER , —We do. I observe in the answer of: the President that objection is made that-we did not put in all he said, and I mean to give all. " Witness was cross-examined by • Mr. Everts. He said in determining what part to give in full. and what part to condense, he was perhaps influenced somewhat by what he• considered would be a little more spicy or interesting to the reader. Mr. EVARTS—In what interest? Of the President or his opponents? • Witness—l do. not know that._ Mr. EVARTS-On which side were'you? Witness—Rivas opposed to the President. , Mr. EVARTS.- - „But you did not know where yon thought the interest was when. you selected the spicy parts. Witness.—l was very careful in all those parts where there was considerable excite ment and 'interest in the crowd to take down carefully. What the President said. . Mr. EVARTS.—The part which the crowd was most interested in you took down carefully? • • WitnesF.—Yes. Mr. EVARTS—And the part in which the crowd seemed to have the most interest was the part in which they made the most outcry? Wltness—Yes. Mr. EVARTS:—Are you able to say there is a single expression in that part of your report given substantially, which was used by the President, so that they arethe words as they fell from his lips? Witness—No sir. • Mr. EVARTA :sold, we object to this re port as no report of the President's speeh. Mr. BUTLER'asked what were the -poli tics of the Cleveland Herald at that time? Witness—lt was, what was John son-Republican; some called it Postolhce- Itepubliatn. The editor had the Postotfice. Mr. BUTLER Said lie proposed to offer. the Leader's report of the speech; as sworn to by Mr. Hudson.., Mr. . , Mr. .I.IV..kRTS ,objected . , on the ground that the Manap;ers are in possession of the - original notes of the short-hand writer of the whole speech and of his transcript made therefrom and sworn to by him. The stabstitutiohfor that ,evidence-of.the state nient Of Mr: Midson t os testified to' by him, • IS agidnit the first'prtheiples Of justice or of evidence. He has not tesfified how. much of,the report and. haw much the re porter.• Johnson's,, .Besides, it is for the great part it condened staterrierit, directed by 'Ciretitinittuicett.' The' someobjection may be made to thliommd• , Herald•report. .11r. M./TWA:lid, not , .Rtopl:§e 'to .wit - .4aiiith6 report, of Mr. Nie,Bwen, but to put in all Others. - . . Aft4"e6nsiderable - sxgument Mr. BUT . asked a decisiotrof the question. The CHIEF JUSTICE Said he could not put the questionmknll three at once. •Mr: Then I will first offer the Letatitieppr_t. ,)The..CHWV., JUSTICE said it appeared from the statement of the witness that the repcittwaa not 'made by himself, but with the astdstsnce of another persen, whose netesiere not prOdneed 4r who is not him self prodUced,43 a Witness, • The ChiefJui-. 3nafiAmisszktae, 7.; at, ant ty - of the report and it was ad mitted—yeas-thirty--tive, nays eleVen, Sen ators Howe and Trumbull voting with the Democrats in,the negative. . BUTLER then offered the report prepared by Mr. NicEwen. Mr. EVARTS objected. Mr. BUTLER offered the report of the Cleveland Herald. Mr. IN ARTS objected.. On motion of Senator EDMUNDS the Court adjourned till to-morrow at noon. The. Chair was vacated by the ,CHIEF JUSTICE and assumed by the President pro Senator ANTHONY called up the resolu tion to assign a .plaeo on the, floor of the Senate to reporters of the New York ASSO• elated Press. • A debate of some length followed, ,in which, several Senators .warmly advocated the resolutionsas in the interest of the putt • lic e while opposition was ,shown by some ' members On the ground that agents of the Association SOVHFhad77-steiiiiitical ly libelled theßeeenstruction , Conventions, and by others because the Association did not furnish news to all papers } in tryy Without reaching a Cote the Senate ad . journed till tomorrow. • HOUSE. . . Very few members present., Several of them obtained - sleeve of ' absence. The: speaker presented a communication from General Schofield: relative to the,expenses of the electlous in , the flint.. Military Dis trict. Deferred to the Comirdttee on .4p propitiations. ' = The House resolved itself into Ommittue of the:Whole, and proteeded tothe' &Mate, Chamber, ,to wituefri, inmeachment with:, the • .understanding Itimt no business be done on re-rumeinbling . • . THE , CAPITAL. - isr Tokgraptiqiithe Pittsbhigh Onzette.3 - -- .. . - "I . :: ' ' .. W.kstaita . roN, April 3, 1868. _, _ ,_NOMINATIONSBY THE - PSEsIDENT. - : the , President't6.dni sent the following hithiliiattefie 14- . thozi - Elenatet. - :Hediteinan- Slack, , ldarahal for the`distrieeetWest Vlr : nim - WilliardlVNVittle, - N. J., Assistant : , • gleon 2 : 4ri , "the' navy ;-- John "' Ayres, and' Nieitolas etaintaidi agente ftirthe Indians in' ' ilreitatldebi Aei:'llTObilin;Ti3lletittor trf Inl• kernel IteVentitrin the : Fifth - district ta: wis. ikiath;:firih.lfturplis',‘.-Collentor elltihnnal ; Tietleittelniliet tilxth• district 6f Kenteahy.• 1: f, ' • • rl3i:itutgirivrmx:raxiglioiqpri.' :-tj. B. ilifeCalledgh, -• a tietvepaliei' - *ie& pendent; l i nebeen summoned` by the:el:len-, eel for the Presid 4 MVUKgiticotbstiruiso 3n. - thelimpeaehinefit 'tilatiteshow. 7 thitt ' the' President Wile r 4 iSikated obni4reatiniiihtth' him deelaredliditettnfin the' Stanton and, ThoMea - " , matteicr'Mal , iwith'li;viira ;only 'of, obtaining- ajtidielel'lltibigieit on the' 'etinsti- • tutionality , of-the tenet+, of ofileti=hill.' ':. 1 • .. flhse OtefAhet'Ohlif ft ViikCiithhtM ! :9.: ,Lilytefiitriiiiii.lOitO i 5 , 4 0 6 ,10 4 iiiip.r..',. , ='; ,, ,cii i 'o 4 i o44o l- 0... 4- tAe- 041 - iii; labia paged the •14,4:;114ik ( 4 PA '3lngi the bunditljiiitLes . rtddi - iwtil the ulliA. Irttier,:kcinfeel I. ~, % .- i ' ttith,Afewporri= ] /CentliC . I"'k.-1•-;',6 4 14 ,ftho - - - 4 , -::c-hen aid 0 to , - .. ~,, , . . • .: .-.... 0b 0 t 0.47164e4 . .• - .4011 ,-- o.k,iinit. ..• t ' 4 ' !:': ' 14 0 *Z-V . 141., ramici'ttiCaiti- • ; ..., At, t - hiputreer Aidtiiiiiiury t ier ~ „ . 4..;e4 ,i ',.*Aftißar4 , 01 4 .0Plgetk , 7 ' ll !%Viiiiiii*l4o44 . 4 . 34 , W..: 1 .- -,...-,-* '• ' - - ''.- " ' f i-,;',i4 x • i ''.'' ..4,0;:..,01. • - .-' FLPSYterie ~......,....e.ikrimeo- . 0-..),,, rscpek,, ..„ .: 1 i 444 , -.YYoo9lhei im s , 1 =ifirii, . Site ' ', ' , 9o. , ,,thie'r rturvlverw , , •4.• !, ... • . hp, '. . Am* .ikozhcAdred. ' I '' •.' • lii 419 ' At' etertcd•teri' ~ tiiii„ .. ypri !.., lag ei Vwlg Milk to` 3 h city. He will be 042&.Y05tgc,•.: ber•edt citizens *ter the match. . • /. , _ NUMBER Si. SOUTHERN STATES lly Telegiaph to the Pittsburgh G azette.) GIRGINLI..'. RICHMOND,' April 3.=TheT Convention was engaged to-day on the , article concern ing the basis OrrePfesentation and nearly completed it:" ... Taking the iegistration of last year as the ground, it will give the Republicans twenty-three majority on joint ballot. . . General Scofield has . issued an order to enforce the State law against unlaWful hunting on publio - ' Evacuation Day was celebrated by color ed societies to-day. About three thousand blacka gathered on the - srinare and liStened to addresses from black speakets. Good order prevailed. LOUISIANA vsw OALEANs, April 2.—Genef.:l Steed- ' man . left for Washington to-day; to answer a summons in the impeachment tria'." The Internal Revenne receipts In .tho.lst • District of Louisiana for March were e 4.52- • The RegistrY lists were reopened, to-day, and are to remain open five ,daya r foi) the pUrpose Of revision and additional r.cgistra tion prepatory to the election. A break in the levee is threatened, eighty miles above •the city, which would inun date the sugar region between the 'Missis sippi and Teehe rivers.. The citleen.s have asked the Board of Levee Commissioners for aid 'in strengthening the levees. 'The river before the city is three feet three inches:below the high water of lte32, and is rising steadily: ' : : GEORGIA AUGUSTA; April Lintnn Steph ens and Gen. John B. Gordon addressed:the democracy of .Richmond oounty, last night, Advising the people to vote against ,tlie re construction constitution. The contest for Governor is becoming excited. TM, friends of Irwin, independent candidate; ars34 work ing,hard, MISSISSMI. JACKSON, April 3:—Nothing inipprtarit in the Convention Revenue Frauds at Galvestop GALVESTON, April3.---The examination of warehouse fragds in tobacob showslhat 58,709 pound.s were credited; over one-half of which is missing. •'• „ . ~• • . Court House and Jg.lllinirned. WILMINGTON,N. C., April ; 3:- 2 r...k. fire at Wadesbro yestrtlaY'destioyed the einart house and jail and seven storeS. •.• STATE —The office of the Pennsyl,varda - Atailroad Company, at Landisville, LancT,ter coun ty was entered on :Friday nig,nt last, the sail, broken open, and about ,$lOO9 taken therefrom. • ,- , - —On Friday night, the 2`.lth- inst. a fire broke out at. Port Deposit ‘ and destroyed property to the value or $f:40,000. The -heavy fall of snow saved oth.er. builclintis . ." Six tl thonsand Was insured,- • —The people of York are goitre- tfi decide by .vote whether they wish todevote $10,4)00 :to the purchase °tele= Are. •engfites or not. 'At present hand _engines are the only kind of fire 'extinguishers in use lit:that town. r - - • , , no more find'Ont*utt, no more healthy or pleasant sumrnerTesort than Erie is to be found.- - The lake breeze, good roads, beating, fishing and, shooting are all attractions, and the consecinenbe is that the best rooms in the hotels are already being engaged for the summer.. - • - —A nest of wooden building.s in Scranton was burned out on, -Monday , last. Several barns and four or five little dwelling houses were consumed. The - loss was about X 12,000, part of which was covered •by insurance. Ten poor families were turned out'of doors by this catastrophe. Scranton is ,aillicted with fires:" There - was one Yriday, and scarcely a week pusses without at least one. —There is it stage driver in` Pike county, Penn., named David-Starner, Who ltrt.s-driv _en stage for the, hist forty rears; averaging 30 miles per day. I)educting the ,Sundays from forty years, loaves 12,520 working days, itt 30 milei a day makes' a total of 875,800, equivalent to fifteen times the/dis tance round the world, and ;600. miles ever. He it , l2OW Si3tYyear „ ,S ‘ ,94 . age, 41 . !lf. is bale and hearty. , Thursday evening liti4 Week, a large flock of`wild geesepaosed over , L mating - the air mud With their discdidant ,notes:.,.: Somewhat_ ettrangely,lhoweyar,- in stead of flying in a Southerly direction as they generally hat this Particular season of the year, 'their 'flight wak due North— and thhi• was considered '• by• Many: ofbur " wea,ther. , 'prophets ":. as an xnfatible sign of fallinvea:tber.:7#llovcr.Spesccitor.., 4 4.kiiigella - conrse of, erection ciVerSte , nay Meek, Johnstown wite"ripsett,he 'other day, and - several' people Who'vere upon it narrowly cokaped - -with , theirt liv4, as the ..wtiteOviut high:: . :Wetiley.,Rose Was severely injured in th spine..ltirs..lkswen was in jured by her'fan, &it'd WM goult down, for the third time in'the ileep waters n heti she was rescued , barely ravel as small•tojkluid a leg broken, and-several others were more .or less injured., The bridge was bufa tern 'Porary one, being erected bemuse the stone brifte. had. bwrt swept" itioy by tat: recent flop&, and could not speedily,bi replabed. Hew Orkeans By Tetemph to the Pittehniith Gazette.j NE* April B.—Cotttd is 'exci ted and unsettled; saeli of 5;000'-'baleillid- Ming at 301‘m 'receipts; 4,940,ba1ee; mEports, ,2,954 bales; for.the,wilek,44,7o) l lWeir, • t • 11,950 bales ;.. exports - tbreign r , 1,6,143 re- Wetly coastwise, gtoeti-"' 67,284 bales. - Sugarand , ldtilbs. jtietirl kite; ir fregultwAnd•Amaettled. ritrrueo,su- . pertine 510;,extrl 3 1, 4 C°alla4 R i M egt ; quoted at $ 1,05a1 , 51.. Oats lei*, de - 'mend at 80e: Hay drill 'and drobidu .7idesa ,Pork ;firmer- at 4278,27 j 70. Radon; 1110010 re, /234% quiet and staady;*rees, - 1•04,;• Exchange 'Panic, - .lfilszaz. 0-12 Unireltd, .150a151.. Near 'York isigtt me -pre-• xat t rni, , %. 1:?1 , %! • z - Burialo mi"ot. to the April -3:.:4 1 16Or', uticha d. - Mirheatlitore netivm - valosit2oo4:aish.-NO. 2 Ntitoligo-at AL% SOM 4pilkafiea-i-oar or .now Alto *at 41,96, d tit 114;01 mi t t . of 100 aboalil*Oittirti 3:OC /IV° --none.here.latarlaY2dialf. I:o4morsatieles. Mcht4/1,4100.1,- _ . .1 1 3 l' , - - '-• Saitt• Miiitet - --: tityTtnegiabtrto ditinicabiiviTieszeoo -•- - • -ttaA2C - Fitlmpratat, lA.rilk 8,!--Ifloyak—imet; /E,WRIIPA I S.4# I ,I 4 M.f9T;n 3 fCIUd*Y-MlVieditilll hi er primal on. ,oWn_lrs, frooßtkvlr. i r Vizir ek_llsoAlit best cglinpltr gr a aTe in ci., , i e-,-.-at,z a gr. E 17/ t 9s AP ' • T'WO 1 3 r1. far L'-gozi'it . A . -A 4r, , t t r u 43. : ' ta i- 5 - 4 4 ,1. I tia Gl 4l lll44 7 *.fiffredilrerejala "t "arkitthe - itightMeNiNt,Araf he'rebrip a *dl 101 irckvitsbuintfrortvill ..,k14 , 4 C.!. taier4.40,141 APZIAZSiWOI4IIOit4DaY bitikeriag andirold. IQU'• . lEEE 13