Ell : CttlittOi.ii• ISaitttc, A PARODY. OLD BUT GOOD I never reaml a young gazelle. (Because. you see. I never tried). . But, had it known and loved me weU. NO doubt the creature would have died. Hy-rich and aged uncle John • • Ilan known me long and loved me well. But still persists In living , I would he were a;young gazelle. 'i never loved A tree or flower; But if I had, I beg to say, ' The hlllthtilhe wlndithe cant the showcr, • WoUld boon )(aye 'withered It away. I've dearlY roved my uncle John. ' From childhood to the present hour. .And yet he .wlll go Ilving.on— twould he wares tree or dower. VARIOUS . TOPICS, -23,000 words in Butter's speech. • --.ltockett is the name of a Tennessee poet. —LondonlbrOkera refuse to take babies in pawn: . f• ' --Chicago has 1.5 ( 00 New .England.scliool children. , —Miss Hosmer got 410,900 for lier - statue of Ben Oh. —Anna pickinion has engagements to scold until June.. . —Kate Fisher's horse has been seized for debt in New Jersey. —ln New Orleans house rents have a de cidedly doWnward tendency. --Meadville is enjoying for the first time a 'visit from some Japanese acrobats. —The Duke of Beaufort sold• his racing stud of twenty-six horses for $BO,OOO. —Four miles a week is the rate of prog ress of the British army in Abyssinia. —5245,000 is what William B. Astor pays the . New York Alderman for city-taxes. —A farm seven miles square is owned and worked by N. II: Alexander, of Illinois. —Napoleon has promised to assist, at the demonstration at St. Petersburgh, in June. --Judy wants to know if a group of sperm whales can be considered "a, school for candle." ' —A. restaurant called "Delmonico" is to be put on every Crain from New York to Chicago. —Gen. Brisbin , is. not Senator Wade's son-in-law. • The Senator never had a' daughter.' —New Yorkers are jubilant over the pros pect of an underground arcade with :four railway tracks. —Lord Dundreary. Sothern, broke his horse's neck, and risked his own. in leaping a gate recently. ' —An Aztec drinking saloon has, been fit ted up in the City of Mexico by an enthusi astic antiquarian. ". . —"By a strange coincidence," says .Ttui . "Peace itself is after all the gmatest army contractor in the world. . - —There are 200,000 Irish in New York and 250,000 German, which is , not generally supposed to be the case. —The blind preacher is in Vermont. In annuch as he ; is blind, it is probably, as good a place for him as any other. —The London , Titus cleared $3;000,000 hist year. . The editor of St. Paul's maga zine cleared a five . barred gate last year. —Senator Wade has 'written a letter in fa vor of protealon. Protection has always been an unchangeable part of his politics. Charles Reade is fifty-one yews old.. It is to be hoped that he will live and ,write as good_bocoks as ever for a very long time. —Sixteen thousand colliers are on a strike in Lancashire, Englrind. They won't ac wept' a reduction of 15 per- cent. in their wages- ' ' 1-4 - oluctson county, Itidiana, must Ersieet, quiet place. Sixteen of the most prominent citizens have been indicted for murder. _ —The government on the other side of the rifler. St. Lawrence has decided`-to raise a small standing army to consist of four thous and men. —The case of Lieut. Gen. IT, Grant vs. J. W. White'was deilded in • .favdt of the General in the Supreme Court of 31istpttii, on Xoaday. • . . • --Georgia pays tax on_ but one - gold watch. We,know two aitigiarts who had gold .wateles but we suppose: they have - . - -3111 - ton Pope,beatlis wife in New,York a few days since. Byron Popo keeps a doggeri in Philadelphia: How have the mighty fallen. • - —The Prince Royal Of Saxony his been shot at. The would-be assassin was a man fitt; ~and an umbrella miker—probably a kind , o f a pagehuter. —An Eastern exchange speaks of "Venus, that far away sun among stars." Seeing that It is Venus, would daughter not be more appropriate. ..The New York Mercantile Library has nearly one'hundred thousand volumes, and the Mercantile Libmry in Philadelphia has aPetaluilf as many. —The Union League of Nair York open ed on Monday evening their new•clab house, Which is said to be one of the most luxuri ously elegant.in the :world ) ;A , . citizen . of l!nuakfort-on-the-Main has commenced pii,:tccaings against , the ithice . of Wales foriutvhig 'seduced. , his daughtei while in 'dermicy last ' ' —A grand base tournament, to last two weeks, it rito - place •hrlliay atNi-, agaia Mali; .6f tge-TprolniAeilt hanerican ebbs are to be,there. . diughter - of Prelldenyjuarez has ; just been married to a young 'gentleman from Yiseateri! ,tteidchni was probably lit or yre would have till•thO;Particaars, — The St..tetds DOpisich, say ‘the for,- gettae not, is =a ' Bliedeli of ivlolet."::ThO .Df•peieh deserves creditfor ei4crprisi being the first to foie on itcm to thit world. . .{.; .• - F ren c.l tan hasen , iny ted kettle in which water is 'boiled in five ,rainutes by friction, NFltheSt any fire The first _question that arises here, is wyi is chi. - er; friction or fire? - • The vitamin* et I : lll enlerne traveling arg,illoWn ,l itki , " resent - Stifiii storm: Several bemired'. PasSekgent'xere snowed up nut very far frOniantyinnite, for seueml days. Food was scarcer than curses. -.7-Berlin has a man who, with forty-eight dramstricks, playa sixteen drums all at the same time. .An excelle n t JO4T he,watlld ;- have bfeircii GideciihiheildWiien they xnr.. prised and,ioutectthe enemy by making a racket —King totiis of Bavaria,-the one that'is dead, left $50,000,000 - instead of $10,000,000 as was reported. As he has really left it, it doesn't make much difference to him what the amount is —A Chicago paper says that fish spawn can be tnaisported,without injury ., by F la Another sort of spawn, such as La Crosse .Dernocrate, can be, transported by mail too, but the injury, to public morals,js —An Australian lady has given notice in tlie newspapers of that antipodical land that if her husband does not put in an appearance within three months, she will once more be willing .and ready to receive proposals of marriage. —We submissively_ acknowledge Chica go's precedence in divorces, poisonings, firei, murders, robberies and sensations gen erally. But we haughtily defy that mush rooni town to get up as big a riot as the one at McKeesport. A grand mass meeting of Brown's is to be held in St Johnsbury, Vermont, this week, to take measures to secure an immense property. in England. Hundreds of thous andse of persons of that name, (Brown not Browne) are to be represented. --Satanicllo, the Italian bandit, has a way. of killing which may be considerqd effec tive. Thirty of his men at once plunge poniards into - the body of the victim, while another splits him. through the head and down the back w ith an enormous hatchet. —A youn,g Frenchman has been con demned to death for stabbing a widow in 39 places • and throwing her body down a well. She crawled up the chain and appeared to testify against him; the jury, very singularly, finding no "extenuating circumstances." —The Austrian government has granted a handsome competency to the Princesse Salm Salm in consideration of her heroism in Mexico. The Princes's is probably the greatest and most prominent heroine since Florence Nightingale first took the hearts of the world by storm. —As a play writer Bulwer stands very high, quite at the head of all the living ones. Richelieu, Lady of Lyons and Money are and have long been standard dramas. Hav ing this fact in mind, it is pleasant to hear that the old(dandy, philosopher, diplomatist, author and Lord is about to have a new play proiluced in London. —The worst pun we have heard for a week, we have clipped from the Phil adelphia Bulletin. Here it is: "A new lady pianist named Erikka Lie, is making some stir in London. -Slie is a Norwegian, and will be along here d-erikka-lie—if such a monstrous pun may be permitted. " ; Baltimore having inaugurated a Bremen line of steamers is going to start another to Havre. Mr. 'John H. Hopkins the wealthi est of:Baltimoreans is going to build the first steamer, at his own expense. Enter prises of this sOrt,with aid to the Connelsville railroad, are going to build Baltimore up to be the second city in the country. Phila delphia is lamentably deficient in all outside enterprises, and must fall behind. , —Gail Hamilton is threatening to write another book. Now that the war is over, we suppose such persons as this authoress, and Andrew Johnson, and Geo. Francis Train are necessary evils to prevent us all from becoming too much elated. But Gail Hamilton is almost as hard to stand, as the war. 'The continual attacks of an insignifi cant but impudent mosquito are often as onnoying as some great misfortune. The Armies of the World. At the.present day the standing armies of the world are larger than they have been since the great wars of tke fust Napoleon. .The army of the United States now num bers 56,000 men in all. For• the extent of our territory this is the smallest army in the world, and we have reason to congratulate ourselves upon the fact, The cost of our army. is $100,000,000, or nearly $2,000,000 per. 1,000 men. The army: of France has been fixed at 750,000 men in the "active ar my," aud.050,000 in the ':passive," the lat ter being named the National,Owird Mobile. Total, 1,800,000 men available for war. A, contingent of 100,000 men is annually avail able to recruit the army. ; The Britisli army numbers about 200,000 men. Tho bulk of this army is at home, Ireland abSorhing about 20,000 good troops. Of the colonies or foreign possessions, India takes the largest of troops, the Domin ion of-Canada next, Australia next. The Prussian army numbers about 000,- 000 men. • The Italian army now numbers 21G,000 men, and is a very, effective one. In ono of its arms; the Bersaglieri, or rifle battalions, it, excels"even the French army, whose ZOtiaves were -supposed to be. the first light infantry in 'the - world. • . -The Austrian army numbers about 000,- 000 M Yuen; its cavalry is said to be very fine. The government breeds. its own horses, and thus sedans good mounts. - The Russian army numbers about 800,000 men, it could`qtdckly be increased to 1,200,- 0001 n time of war. It is *teed all over the' cmpire t from the_ Baltic to the Cam:kids. - 'T The Spanish env, is%tnall, not exceedirig 80,000 men; but it la very well clothed and disciplined. It is also receiving breech: " The number. of Men maintained lit MI6 standing armies of civilized nations is not less num 2,600,000. All these vast numbers are snatched away - 66 M :mein! industries, and condenmed: to idleness trna a vicious life, white : the Laboring people are taxed for theireupppit, and, for the costly 'armaments they requxre. • _ls it; - ,re . 4t too large a police force ? Would it be cheaper to detWurie a few rogues i M:i=M= The ettiaceies Bead, ono' of the moatfs- Mous innifoOld London, in its glory when Coaches warebi,_gfnetrs, ;It in,_;nrogiess of dee. troction, be in g to rn oolvn to make way for: a great public improvement . It his had quite 'freqilentranention in litetature,),and many .of.our ea nilitementber tiettl.l, was there‘ that Mr. &poem lodged when in town, that he astonished, the' welters by the freedom with )4vldcle .diltitettlfie =flu Provided for bigßog*, and 'rthsv Ini x % ids buranin _with:4l4olas 'Nloideb The tovern:fsmerY;OeueildnlT del novel, Having carnod the"illstinctionbybei ing actually the headqtbdtereOf - the 'York: shire schoolmasters, whose wicked banes, Mr. Dickens demolished. i 0 ``~ ~.a .sk~~= A 'GAZETTE FIUDAY. APRII4,S, 1868 • *fIIS TRY * A • - --- --, • °Writ- _ A nair,oBl7,?zaTAß4,6ltypaincFrit ARS ...,,...... FELL EWER AND LOWER SET wi i tn. -.., so ' n ou r EG ß E Ef r arir m ilaMVllT P A i m. PICIAL TEETH ARE VRD D_____. ..... ALL WORX_WARRANTED YOR • ifity L E TNA„. 1 , 0 .• LAINAONG OAS FREE OP ORAEUS:AL.Cti. QUINCY A. SCOTT'S . Steam -Dental Eigtabusauniellt, . • A7B PRNN STREET, On DOOR ADD • B.—As DR. SCOTS is a licensee under e Goodyear l'atents, be will not snake any, ..xterr ( Oo• Qua) robber ,, seta, but will coati:ll2ot° manufactere the genuine articIe — VULCANITE. .m112:1:d GA$ MMME; GAS VIKTIDIRES AHD I la Et la (a el lertis, FOR GAS AND ANL Just received. the ducat and largest 'assortment ever opened In this eltv. WELDON & . KELLY, 147 WOOD STREET', COE. VIRGIN..ALE] mhZlnar.. DRY GOODS. 1868. DRY GOODS. 1868. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON WHOLESALE CRY G-4:::X:›r:1151 _kNMO NOTIONS. At Eastern Prices ! Buyers are invited to call and ex. andne,our Good% and Prices. No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. mliZirrLZ AT DENNISON & HECKERT'S, 5.17 Fifth Sti7eet PLAIN LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, R cents sand Upwards._ _ ALL LINEN HEM-STITCHED HANDKER CHIEFS,. for 33 cents anditpwards. WATCH AND WORK 80X.M.:., WRITING DESKS. HOSIERY, In all grades and at all prim*. MORMON'S STAR SKIRTS, AT REDVCED - PRICES Kll3 OLOVEt, COUSETS, 1100 P SHIRTS, ac ALL OUR GOODS AT: LOW PRICES. feio McCANDLESS & CO., ",—/ • AVM Wilson, Carr Co") WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. DS WOOD . STREET, , Third door aboyo Diamond alley, . - - PITTSRIIROII, PA. THE BEST FITTING DRAWERS IN TIM WORLD AE} THE Patent Pantaloon Drawers. The genuine bear our t rad mark. P. P. D. ELSH, CLARK dr. FLAGG, ratenteea and Manufacturers. NO. MI White Ht.; New York. fawn:sum, IIHE .GREAT HOITSEEIOLIII A. FRIEND OF TUE AGE. • • . The "Queen" Triumphant, THE QUEEN OF THE WASH TUB. BUY IT. TRY IT. FOR GENERAL w4SHilio pußrOaffslTlS ReoNOLINGEDOFFRROEMINTSD, cheaper that soap—cleanses more thoroughly—costs less money— saves morettme and labor, and is sold by ail Grocers. One trial wilt demonstrate Its superiority and secure it a arm place In the erection or the entire house hold. Manufactured br' the REIM MANUFACTURING CO., - 011 tee, No. 130 WOOD STREET. Pittsburgh. w. C. FELD, • DEALEIL GLUE, CURLED ELAZIEL, Tannerso-Sernps, Ceroons, Cattle Tails, BONES, NEAT'S FOOT 011 4 &C. Odle° and 'Warehouse, No. MS OMITOPLELD STREET. nearly opposite the Post Office, ^ )(Ws. ' P I'I'TBDU*tiIi, PA* MARBLE&SLATE MANTLES; PITTSBURGH STEAM MARBLEANO: SLATE WORKS. )Office and., liarwoom—alLand L'ilißirif 3TIMET.' auntie Wareroom on impend floor. Persona wanting Warble lir Mote Mantles will And io 81mi:interne% - , -to -WorknuinablD AO ex' celled 14... any place, Bad prim aa lowrie x,aalrn elites. Marble Dtantleir or yurnlture Inaba which ban become discolored bn smoke,- oils or sok% Om,' be marbleised. and made to look as well as new. • ' There /1 no otter Place In 'Western Pcnnallvanki` ' where Slide 'donne& aremann All kinds of Marble Work & l _ latheet inan_ner. Marble OniWra aaPPlled witlijiarrelailMe It Amor ern prieee, carriage *ailed.' r.VIL ilc•-•-004 ._' GESEBAL....— ;IMIVAPAIIER,,ENNOT„ ocrayampoNDlNQ ~ vairrtallfikeentNith ,i „ I , • ~,,- • :-, :,., ' I, • , . - 433 EivimitsAltraft. MOW jirork. ~ *i t ,. :!..-t iiimai6blti - 158114 : , ;,' ''-.. ore7 ll Mt- Do fielnabot) . 59 rtilantliew oth Maiorsg.ll. - . 10! , rltorkb: street, - Sow oat . fna: 43 A 4 VP l _ O alUsirt.enwlottke i e l / 4 :11 , ..9 .......,..,, ON , ng? ogre go v. 4 to.` 9 nattessiautOoldit. f .r. , - , sin . „ 1. „,, beds. S cr:l*liikeiti• t. 80 • -- Ak e.! !•,:s ' ' • • - • - : - Aueniedihjan'p . cittuia4 o . 4 -Thr br . SCRILIAItIi* awn O sn44 wind "'et C4ll"" "4".ll6l6 =Cheera; 1 _ .. Chteon - - Just mocked azul o ror ev . m amma a eit 1 Mot Z14.r.-r'(,t7T,M=. = ' lr'::l!4'; i' 474 l 2rll'.2,- , e, - -'i=. 'NERE,;rig ras:w, ; ' = BOSENII.4.I3II;STEINHART&CO'g: NaLim • 'l6 Market The - undeeliku that they hare s Acoods, mulletth 16.11thery an Ribbons To which _they.lo'vito the : .ttenttork of pOrehatiirs, NrEIOLESALE;AIiD RETAIL - - ' pus of our lirin giving lib' entire attention to the purchasing of goals at the Eastern-Markets, and paving had long es fence and all the facilities for procuring gootht st the verr lowest prices, we are -enabled to offer great induoements. Constantly receiving New Goods from the New York and Philadelphia auctions. A share of public patronage is respectfully solir cited. ROSENBAUM, STEINHART & CO., No. 76 MARKET STREET roh24:1:0) GRAM) OPENING! OF & CO., SPRING GOODS. Barred Organdies. Barred and Striped Nainsook; Victoria Lawns. Soft Finish Cambric. SOILED WHITE GOODS, Which we =trc selling at a great saeritee GOOD IRISH LINENS at 37 cents. SOILED kin GLOVES at 50 cents. SYSTEME ALEXAN- DEE - EMS for $l. GENUINE ALEX. ANDRE KIDS for $1.85. Our - cannot be beat. HOOP SKIRTS at 73 cents. The new . and beautiful H SENSATION TIE, just recolved- 900 do:: FRENCH .CORSETS just recdlyed. A complete Rao of lIAGEVIA, LUCRETIA aad. ELVTRA. COSSETS. Also. a line of HISSES' CORSETS RISTORI FRINGES. all colons. BULLION FAIN- GE3, edl colors.. BUGLE TIUMMINGB, a Hoe as- &Lent. A flue lot of BUTTONS. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO., IS and SO Market Street. nitinvna AT JOSEPH HORNE Lk CO.'S, The Likvld ,Ami)rtment of STRAW AND MELPIEDY GOODS, 'To be Wound in the City. SIBMINS, FLO C WElte4 l6 SILKS, RAP MA PBMen ILLUSIONS, ES ' STRAW.TRIKILINGS, orsamcated. ALSO, A WELL - ASSORTED STOCK OF wurrx poen% CORSET& 11061EBT, , HOOP SAIRTS. G L rfttgb PI I eN I AI R RI I 6 AMR . BUTTONS, • Tuaauges, BRAID% And a Full Line of Notions. • PUILNISHING GOOD'S. NEUR TlEs. BOWS, SUSPENDERS ' MORMON'S STAR SIITRTS. Agenta fir BISMARCK, DICKENS, VICTOR and other popular makes of PA7?.ER COLLIVAS. Prices La low as Eastern Jobbers. Wholesale Rooms up Stafirs. Nos. 77',atui 79 Market Street. niummwr A PERFECT FFFTLIIIV GUFF& nucßtniz & mums= I MITE ATTENTIOti TO ni.lll Kb Bun animism, Which fa now complete with every eolol and shade. They hare Just opened 100 DOZEN oUthe • Celebrated A. C. C. (Jouvin) HIDE, imported especially to otmerder. lintidrede of one customeramin testify'. tes their perfect cut and fault." less quality. The colon wereitot up from shades of deem selcated and'arntehed thy. tis, and Olegan and:Desirable. The assortment Include's! ItLAOL WHLT_Z, or ,DIfAItE PABT r refig 00LtrU ardlitk sternum Coj.ollikand OPE R A. r - • ' syczmik; - • HAM! f FRINOM GIMP: HEADILY . . ; . - s muniD, AT ` l 'MrAle COLOWS'nkr 0 `EATON'S, ci „ AT.,„ A.lm."o7'o*.' f ' " :Dig • " , •" 5 -' , '' - '''', -,-.-:',:• .). - .. , .,, w.: =1 ; ....,-$--,- ~ ~.-:....,,,,2,... = iglerailit'llif,'4 .OtlP,-,Vf -. --:' , -;•,,., - ;: , 1 - .1. - !..,-..: -r - liViatkit i - - 0,... 4AY -,,,,±,,,,. . .• ..,.- -- '. -, ..274:er-' . - • •,,,' --- t mai: ...1,-, , ,,-,. , .. --." • ~ ZWllli I so . , . " 19101131/1" A C 161114 111 ' 1 , 1 1 1,91_ , -F - los. 11 ****XtON 13 :: -i _ ....!,...:'!. -:', VnA.-;EMPORIUM treet, Pittsburgh, Pa. q . tred their- entire-Wort! stock of susw,G4 Laces. clal Flowers, Witte Goods, Hosiery and, Gloves, Comets arid Skirts,, ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF fiortment or ITM4.I.ERY 19' Fifth Street, is.vurru BTILEET. • AUCTION SALICB: b ig POT& kelfrafif pmava*PinfAnis—: - • • . A7TIONEEELS AO ssicin Ifferchantti, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. 80 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. - BOOTS, SHOES; -CARPETS, -Dry Gcmidsand NOtions, , AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Coasignmeato tkilleited. Prompt Be• turnik BY BBITESON, SUMMON 86.11TILBLIAND. HANMISONIE RESIDENCE • - • '- AT AUCTION. . Saturday; Aprll4,'at 2 1-2 Welook . .r.itt,' On the 'premises, will he geld that handsome new two-story -BRICK *HOUSE *O. 03 Ohio avenue, containing nine Maas, finished In elegant style; also three roolns in attic. The Lot fronts on. -01tio,avenue 33 feet, extending back 300 feet to Locust street. • Parties desiringA first class -property, having all the latest improvements, willtind it to their interert to attend this sale. Street tars pass every ten min- SMITHSON, VARTIOOKA McCLELLAND, nth.% Auctioneers. LIBERTY :TOWNSHIP PROP ERTY AT , PUBLIC SALE. • In pursuance of Order of Court, in No.-245, June Term, 1868, will be offered at Public Sale, at the COURT HOUSE, Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY, April 15th, 1(188, at 10 o'clock A , Ali that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Liberty township. on the Braddocksfleld Road (the property of Lewis J. Fleming, trustee, containing a% acres, more or less. Truste-One4ialf cash, balance in one year, with Interest. L. J. PLEMING, Trustee. For further information - apply to E. 'P. JONES, Attorney-at-Law, 64 Grant Street. mh25:n33 LEGAL TI'XECUTOHS' NOTICE.--Letters 124 Testementary upon the last Will and Testa meat of EMANUEL STOTTLER, Sr,J, late of Penn Township, Alleghenv county, Pa., deceased, having been Issued to the undersigned. all persons having claims. against the said estate will present them, duly authenticated for settlement, and those indebt ed are notified to pay the undersigned, in Pennc. township, Allegheny county, Pa. ..It. B. STOTTTER, ' E. STOTTLER, mh7ansl Executors. 4 L D_,IIIINISTRATOWS NOTICE.- etters of administration on the estate of AESCHELBIAN, deceased, late of Allegheny county, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate will make payment without delay, and those having claims against the same will present them for aettlement, CHAS. H. murrnizi, 11. S. FLEMING, feTi:m7rrit Administrators, McClure Tp. pli 3 4 4i 4IrgWI ai z_f: TO WELEAT GROWERS. 11 EUREKA AMMONIATED ,BONE, I SIEFFER-PHOSPHA.TE OF LIKE, - 3IANI7FACTURED BY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co., SEWARD & CAMPBELL, .I".TiCONMEE'rCatS, Omch, 866 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thebest Fertiliser linse, and recognized by Faformalo base given ofrial. to be the Corn.stand- L _ g Potatoes; Welag published for °Ma : rm o r pTecrtifirrrns i r t : t et r p e rg n ol which will be sent free to any sending us their -ad dress. G. - ( THE CHEAT ARABIAN PHYSICIAN' numb. DISEASES IN. ALL ITS FORTIS. P. Office, No. 298 Liberty Street. ask; mtv.vrr. Eivriwicz UN arAP.P.thow SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR ITHE.TRAVELING CbIiOUNiTY. . B, LIABRItSAB,IIII2II,JACKEt Car licmitei andillodei•ator,' • . . . For MUNE, AND' BOP AIR FLUES, -. dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires in or about the Passenger orggage Cars, - with the attachment to graduate the hea th any temperature that may be desired without possibility' of tiring the ear or cars to which_the Jacket may be attached. Raring obtained of the. United States Lettenfrat ent for a Hafety Jacket which is warranted to resist, the Most Intense heat that-may be *dulled• to it in the position and parpose , for•whieh it is -intended. It U a sera protection from accidents by fire - origi nating from defective dues, or where iron tiles are used. as conductor a for smoke or heat. It appli plicable to all piping may -become- overheated, and is warranted to give perfect satisfaction where wood or other combustible material may be placed inclose proximity thereto. aI am now ready to ap plr my .invention to stores, dwellings, tacteries, ships, atesenboatm - railroad . canh, wherever ' pipes as condnertors'are made -dangerous by being orerbettedand 'security desised. • Sell, on ap ,plMation, right' to manufacture or to use the above inemition; also. - territorial rights, to such as, =iv Wliti.lo , eugage in Wiling priv2eges, either by State or county ce at the "NE PLUS 'ULTRA' PAINT WORKS." corner oflllorria street anti the Alleghe ./311:147.8a4raad, Ninth. War d, ritisbardb, Pa. •, CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT. *Nei TEX 113 New York aad oth er rAdeen.cittlit*lllis Proye4 a complete 6.6Ceelki, • _ Tris , ADITANTADZIk • 141: 1 4 . 1416g and Stift4age are coetpletely &veld* ' d l4r4fortppinisParl neoes etl - al—When - freed frma dot, moths Oi ;heir larvae.' the catv.a.:lookii ;pad new; aIITO , th e. :Lamm maing from' wear. 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear aa 102 g, agate, a dostrable matter ass - mere Witt of 'axmomy,, to M71100.1411g of tratga,.. , .. , •-- ": -. A14;0610t0' - # rim onion. - 0 • No: 179 Eilseilor .-: treet, ... r - Miltrirel i . 2to P. 9. BO# 47 ! 1, wW eceive promPt v ' - t COW I. NOCUNTOCKi .... . A a , z • ,Piterntlerteit /a . orig . II: p' am -iiiLIND ii 77: 3 t,...,...... ' — 47,„ . , ;Aulfiellike tor eral l , • - . Dia E 7 .8. s. --.4 ~ sad_7o . ... A wl ) L -:%"1-,- 'view smuiv: 1 1. 0 0 - ' .IAI S TIM i II i:'....,-.. Stirt• :LIM:MUM= £ (XL,- • : wawa : : ' ED.-4121 the atonal make. on:Mother W2i ere 4 =ired: at tits India Rader Dspatfill and itt. stmt. • J. It id: 7 istERM4NTOWLORS. DUE- 1 - -ICf 21t SAILOR, W i : ll7 tto Oa PITTSIIIMO .. k - itiP;H Keeps constantly on hittit tine easortwent or CLOTHS, CASSIMERES &VESTING! FIIIiNIBIZI244GOISDS GEIV Also, GENT' 4 CLOISTER; EL I LDEVO OBDEB„Ihe latest 71e. .1 1 07 0 7WAE4 11 )Y• 'T T' I • For the Spring . Season With a large and complete stock of -• EOVEID3' CHILDREN'S . • I All the new and leading styles, to be found at I Jo 47 eq,(ci.Ant srtErr; GRAY dc, UNGIAN • MEIRCHAiNr TA"/M... .scorrmfg B:`rnm,v• No. 3 ST, CLAIR STREET,: have_ just brougi from the East a full _amply of SPRING and BEI BIER GOODS, CASSISIERE% VESTINGh&c. n which they are prepared .to out and-m e up 1 style equai to any shop lti the east or west. are determined to deserve and hope to reeelvl liberal patronage. nom: CRACKER BMC=MS. MARVIN'S PATENT FRENCH CRACKERS. - FRENCH CRACKERS.. FRENCH CRACKERS{ . FRENCH CRACKERS:' FRENCH FRENCH CRACTaIiF. FRENCH- And evet7 variety of , „: • ' • • SUPERIOR( CRACKER '1 S. S. MARVIN. • . 91 Liberty Bireet, Pittsbtirgit. TRY THEM. . • cab ESTABLISHED IN 11,1910. • ' SHEPHAREPS, Steam Cracker and lilsenit Facto 317 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH Manufacturer and dealer In all kinitli of COT;TS'EaCTICONMitY FOREIGN AND pO3IEISTIC FROM.. G N . rt 44 GLASS,' CHINA * CIITLFMY 100 WOOD STREET CHINA, GLASS AND ' QUEENSWARE, . SILVER PLATED Wins, PARIAN STATUiT 4 TES, BOHEMIAN GLASS, And other STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a great variety. 100 WOOD tiFREET:, RICHARD., BREED &CO inh27 100 WOOD-STREET • " IMIREVEITY4/116 . 152 *edeiiii titree AuelihenY. ' Growth door:above Diamond a Glass,. China Mire Tit4e . t t' AT EASTERN PRlCES.Rvezitbififf rein' ired Sest , olass*store , on 'hand.. Vali win •ex1111:1410. PIANOS, ORGANS; dr.O. . . „ 111 QUE... inESIO.• AND. fi 11.0 - ARIVORGAN:' y l l _ANIY . ESTIErt' COTTAGE ORGAN.' 'The .EICHOMACKM.PIANO * combines all t valuable improvements known in „the < truction of allrstclasiihuittument.:and has alwt. en awarded the hie hest • premium, wherever lblted. Its tone is ful4"sculorotia and sweet orkmanstd_p, for durability and beauty, s I others. Frlcels ittoo PO to $l5O, (accord tTio and 'finlsk4 cheaper, than, all othW.so•ca rat class Piano.. - • , ESTKratinT.VirEtDIIGAN..: :tends at the head or all reed instruments, in p. twine the most perfect pikequalltr of tote of • ironer instrument in the ignited States. :-It la al le and compact irrconstruction; and 'not liabl tout Of order. • - • , • - P&XTER% VOX .• I Lorr, is only to be found in. thus or f ear !: , lank 1 , Ll , 'yLt ..... _saiatf). 221 - - ECOND HAND - , • c • • 451 rifthai:. ll .4>dt*r.4o o .Ye l ff ' 1 0 g 2 EUTS;ANII. CAPS. NEw smi=IVGeG4KPEKL- ALL VIE Niw ErLYL,V3 or, Hata And Caps, Allal"Vika DAILY. .W..9.9,.!' . 4:P.'P!;:0:.P - , le= FFTTll7l7' . M' in i:m M M ! ,, TOUT4!! . 're.'ILMIP mum= 3 a(4.Tes , c.Axas 4 , x 4 r*),-- • • = matiifieturo,__r - Wholesale' and tail An r , 1TA1.0146,- 410; 1 ,,N0. aux FIZLII ST .inttlib=k - • Orders Drab:oo2ll6d &limn Alicampon. 11 41 4 • _ PRUIT HOURS kseocumox strmnttio *and i fit:, Clali street:- ritabersb,:_ra. •• • • •attenumi .siren IP the delditalaranthba • . • 001711 T HOUSES and PUBLIC) BUILDINGS. -10 A , . MECHANICAL ;AND ENQINEENIN6 • aniatilia* t0mie;56440*44:711 - itoritstre. Nnthite.nbif:o6:44". rtatitnzel w* ~~~!...;ti;~~. ES= . 43931p ,- • A _ _ sam ti orraaT d'4 a- • - • 4 -= .alittemey "„f i nt a efi4ottstiot ;/ViLin a Lr i a 4:6 4 l t*lWOrliltrlNE4ANß LIiGIVICNY MUMS, Math "crud. , own= Tont priv twuktwouns. w II la 12112221 II BEM ME