8. CITY AND SUBURBAN. TO Subscribers.' . . Those of our friends who change their place's ofresidenee or business should leave word at this offlce,.and thereby secure the prompt delivery of the .GAZETTE. THE ATE'' RIOT; _ . Further from.the Seat of War—More Trou , hie. AnUclpated—A Large Pollee Force Armed and Sent to O'Neill's Works— . Twenty.-Four t;oal Miners In the 'Lock; Yerderday about noon a dispatch was re ceived at the Mayor's office to the effect diet another - attack by the rioters, on O'Neill's party, was anticipated. It appears the funeral of Joseph Belger, the' Frenchman who ,was shot and killed . ". "by Hart, took ' place yesterday. I f The remains f Berger.. were , 'in- , • "in terred inn grave y rd near Birmingliarn,and the funeral was rgely attended by miners from nearly all tl e works along the 'Monon gahela. • Many of , these people came" from points aloove O'Neill's works, and marched in procession past the latter place, carrying a flag. When near O'Neill's some ,of the party were heard to make threats. Many persons residing in that vicinity ;be came greatly alarmed, and hence 'the ap plication for a protecting force of our police. At three r. 31.'a fOrce cif - thirty men, arm .:erkwith revolVers, started' for thescene of • the lateziot, - via the . Connellsvilleßailroad. A gentleman- who accompanied them re turned to the city last night at a. late hour. He reported that he left O'Neill's at eight o'clock. At that time all was quiet. On, his way back to the city, however, our in formant learned that a large party of miners were on their way „up the , river, return., _ ing from the„ ,funeral., , They were travel ing on foot,. and Would reach O'Neill's works about twelve o'clock. As these, men were generally intoxicated, it was thought - . that a collision with the police was highly probable. This, party of miners would have gorie up on the Brownsville packet, which started from here at, five o'clock in, the afternoon' . had it net been that the cap tain of the boat refilled to land for them at the Birmingham shore, where they were • congregated — and making `signals.. ,One of the O'Neill's was on .board the boat,•anifit was solicitatioh that the Captain de alined- to take the miners on board, as it was feared they would commit some act of —violence. . - • • - In this city, during the afternoon, the po _ lice arrested six coal miners, who had at tended the funeral under the belief that they had participated in the riot. Their names are Chris. Stokes, 'Wm. Carter, Thos. Rose, Isaac Andrea, Peter West and Con. Brady. • They are employed at Blackburn's works, 'on the Monongahela, next above O'Neil's ,and evidently belonged to_ - the. ' party% who used threatening language yes terday morning. Mr. Blackburn visited the prisoners in the lock-up last evening. They , • told him they had followed tho flag, and that they did not think there was any harm in their doing so.. These men were arrested in a drinking saloon near the river, where Stokes was heard to say that the shooting of Belger was a deliberate murder. This re mark was followed by a threat. , At a latehonr last night, eighteen miners were arrested at-the "Old House at Home`" corner. Grant and Ross streets. They too. ' bad attended the funeral of. Berger and got drunk, and were expressing themselves 'freely with regard to the riot audits fatal consequences, generally winding. up'with threats against the O'Neills. This morning the prisoners will have a hearing. Criminal Court--1 edges Sterritt and Mellon. In the case of the Commonwealth vs. William May, indicted for receiving stolen goods, the property of R. & J. Watson, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. -The case of • Griffin and Vose, -who were brought to this county front Loirell; Mass., on a requisition from the Governor, to an _ •• swer an indictment of conspiracy to defraud, was fixed for trial this morning, but was ' postponed at the request of counsel - until the 15th instant. These parties are charged • with having obtained, by fraudulent repre sentations, negotiable notes iunoun ting to ' $5,000 from a number of citizens, for the patent right for this county of a vapor stoViS. THE PINE Rtf..7 HOMICIDE CASE. Hart was brought Informally before the Court, for a hearing in the homi cide case growing out of the riot Of Monday at O'Neill's coal works, in which Mr. Hart shot the Frenchman Bolger. The evidence - before the Coroner's jury was submitted to . the Court, and they directed. Mr. Hart to enter bail - in the slim of $5,090, to - an 'ewer any idictment that may be presented by the Grand Jury, which will hold an ad . journed session next- Monday, - when- it is presumed they will act on the ease. It is the desire of Mr. Hart and his counsel to have an early investigation and disposition of the matter. ' . THE . EAST . LIBERTY. BURGLARY. • The prisoners Convicted of burglary and larceny, in entering the store of Mrs. Stew art, between I.awrenceville and East Lib erty, on the night of the -20th of February, and stealing therefrom filet of boots, shoes and other merchandize, were then brought into Court and 'teed in the dock for son toe,mexcept Bird 11, alias "Buffalo Jack;" who 'oing unwell was provided with a chair • near the other prisoners.- Judge Mellon, in sentencing Birdsall, said he appeared to be the chiefof the gang, and that there was not much use in addressing any words of advice to him. He had committed the crime, fully knowing the penalties that would attend it t and he must take the con , sequences of his act. He then sentenced Birdsall on the first count of the verdict— for burglary'—to' be imprisoned in the Pen itentiary for four years, and on the second count—for larceny-to •be imprisoned for one year and six months. His confederates were then severally I called up fox sentence. The first one, a fall • grown, good looking young man of-twenty. named John Ferguson, was sentenced to, four "years irithe Penitentiary on the first' ccmnt•of the indictnient, and% sentence Ems , -vended on the second count to give the offender an opportunity to reform. Edward Dawson, James O'Donnell and . Stephen Conway ' also convicted on the same indictment, were eachtsentenced on the first count to three years in the Peni tentiary, and sentence withheld on 'the ~.second. Neither, of these lads appeared to ' 'be over sixteen years of age, and there was nothing in their appearance indicating hardened criminals. Judge Mellon inpass ing sentence told them he withheld the second -count to afford them an opportunity , for repentance and reformation. Daniel McGarry and Hugh Connolly, also ominected with this map as receivers of the goods stolen by the above named parties, were next sentenced: They were convicted on an indictment for meiving stolen goods, knowing them to be stolen. McGarry was sentenced tothree years „in the Penitentia ry,,, and Cennollyto twoletuir. Firestkurhig,the montiC.43. T. Paisley, Superinkirldenktg• the Fire Alarm Tele -graPbs virmsnes tinsmith the following re port of fires during the month: Alarms of fire, 11; blows struck on the tower bell .in striking `alarms, 231;' in striking hours, 24g; t0te1 v .e7.8... ! -Totalloss.hy fires, 112,175. Total Inentanne• 1 7 , 885 . ' Litivesffire of the • .month, , Modes Nichols' maße house, ' Lawrenceville, Bizty4teron polka mos -sages were sent through-the oillee-Aluiing clize naonth— ' •, • - • Fire ist - East kam." -- „___Almlt five I o'clock yeeter day moi lag s' fire sreke out —la the shwer room attached, to the ipacki n ,„ house of Meows. Rice, Walker & Cc's gLrs: home!, oh ',Railroad street, Bald' MrWift.i. " • hare. The fire was discovered-W*lf. • Li,' gabled- mackhasuiway, and wis ledi with bat slight, has. ' - 7; ' , - • ) 2-f, , • -t;-,•• 2 - • - - • . • • t . . DISASTROUS .FIRE Nine Dwellings Burriegrin - DuqtiesneDory; ough—Loss Over V 18,0006 k A very destructive fire occurred about one o'clock, yesterday- morninv in the Eighth Ward, Allegheny, Muquesne Bar ough,) by which nine dwelling houses were destroyed. , The preperty. - _,destr,oyeti, was situated on Main street, running back to - Pine, "whereon islocatedthe WestemPenn , sylvania, - Railroad track.-- - The fire was dig- covered at about one o'clock, as already' stated, and :is supposed to have'originated in the bake oven attached to the residence of Mr,„l,, , Charles Zeicher. The oven had been used - on Taesdayevenhig, and at dark the hot coals and ashes were taken out and left Mmai rung near the house, - in a very careless manner. To this act of careless ness may-be attributed a disaster involving the loss of thousands of, dollars, falling principallY upon poor widows; who are illy prepared for such calamitous events. A visit to the scene of the conflagration enables us to present the following fac4s with regind-thereto: 2 ' - The principal loser by the fire is Mr. A. -Holsteineproprietor of -the Union Tannery, -whose bark house containing about six hun dred cords of tan bark, worth about $7,000, was totally destroyed;logeher with its con tents. There was an insurance on the above amounting to $3,000, in the Ben. Franklin Company of Allegheny. - , • Adjoining' the bark house was an old frame building, also belonging to Mr. Hol- I stein, which was stored with old barrels,' This was also destroyed: Loss not above Near the tannery, fronting on Alain street, stood a small one story frame dwelling house, which was recently built for Mrs. Saunders, a widow lady, and into which she had removed her effects on Tuesday. Her little hoine is now in ashes, together With - iflarge portion of tier fintdture: Loss $1;100'; no insurance. ' .• _ Adjoining Mrs. Saunders' house on Main 'street, was a large two story frame, 'occu pied by Charles Zeicher, which was totally destroyed ; also a portion of the furniture. Loss $1,500. Partially insured in the Ger man Insurance Company. The two story frame dwelling of Mrs. Grew, a widow, situated on Main street, was entirely destroyed. Loss not ascer tained. • In the-rear of Mrs. Grew's was a new two story frame, unoccupied, which was also destroyed. _ ' A frame house, occupied by a carpenter named Wilhelm waft burned. Also, a one storyframe on Carpenter's al- I ley, owned and occupied by Mrs.. Bailey, widow: Loss $1,000; no insurance: Next door, to the above vas a one story franie occupied by a French carpenter, which was completely destroyed. Still another widow lady, named Rebecca Wills, occupying a two story frame near that last mentioned, lost - her home and nearly sillier furniture. A two-story frame house on Main street, occupied by Dir. Miller, was partially de stroyed. The loss will amount to about $2;000: -Instired in giGerman company. • The dwelling of David Bowen, a two-story frame, situated on Carpenter's alley, is a totalloss, together with most of the -furni tifie. - _ In the rear of the widoW • Giay'shOuse was a two-story frame occupied by a family named Barclay; which wasburned, and the -family saved but a small portion of-their furniture. The loss is estimated at eighteen thousand dollars. The buildings were all frame, owned principally by the occupants, and. were nearly . .all ,partially insured in Ger man conipames. The Allegheny fire cempanies were early on the ground, and did good service. The Teachers' Institute—Tuesday's Prom , - ceedlngs. - • . In our report of the proceedings of the afternocm session:cif- the Teachers' Insti tute, on Tuesday, we stated that the pro ceedings were disgraceful. From that statement we have nothing to retract. The Proceedings were disgraceful in the ex , m o, tree,nd . no'hone:st minded person who heard them could call them anything else. Such conduct as _took place there might have been tolerated in a boisterous political convention, but it is decidedly unbecom ing in a, convention of schiml teachers. Neither-party are without blame, nor did we censure , any one in . particular, and in this connectiomit is due to Mr: M'Crum, who has been accused of furnishing the in formation on which the report was based, to state that he had nothing to do with 'it. Our reporter was present 'and, witnessed the proceeding : The • conduct on the occasion was inexcusable, and that of some disgraceful. If such conduct is to be the rule in Teachers' In stitutes we would recommend that they be abolished at once. We contemplated giv ing a full report of the proceedings, but doubtless many of those who participated .4ri-the-..aliameful -, proceedings will:"regret their conduot consequently "we - refrain, hoping that we may never witness such proceedings again in a Teachers' Institute. Burglary In Greensburg. It appears from the following, which we clip from the Greensburg Democrat, that . they have b eere: • .visited*..by professional burglars : The dry goods and grocery store of Reu ben Shrum, Esq., on Pittsburgh street, in this place was broken open on Saturday n4htlast, and a number of articles carried away. The entrance was effected by break ing the hinges:off one • of -.the - window shut ters next the alley, when the window was hoisted and access gained into the ware roontinthe rear of the store room. From there, by thense of a screw driver, the lock on the •partition- door- was removed, and thoy had an entrance , to the store room. Among the, articles missed is about ten dol lars from the drawer in sniall change, a full web of, black and white barred cassimere, of about forty %yards; a full web of about fifty yordo of bleached muslin, a box of , four bladed kniiei, ftro'pairs of white, knit woolen drawers, and two shirts of the same material, about thiee-ponnds of 'Y: E. tea, dg a lot of cut and tobacco, abOut five poiulds'or tine". Can es, a' lot' of common cigars,, a box of cann d peaches, a cake of cheese, and a couple of pounds of Goshen cheese. No doubt.many other articles were taken that have not yet been missedbyldr. Shrum. ' • ' , - ' .. , . None ,of the goods have been recovered. .No arrests have -I:7!een made, although sus picion rests on some parties. Yesterday morning John Bayliss, a brake man on coal tridnon. the 'Allegheny Val ley Railroad,- was : arrested on a charge of stealing coal from ,the Arains on, that. road. Last night whiteli train was standing on Pike street , Bayliss it is alleged, threw a considerable'_qpinitity of coal 4 to the side walk. froiWoneof the cars'oWned by Messrs. Kier, Foster de Co: where it was discovered this morning. John Foster .one of the members of the firm, preferred'a charge of larceny against Baylin Was Alderman Taylor, and the accused Was arreated 'forth with. Bayliss stated that he had given the coal to a , poor womapi• who hs i d been piortnnint him, - but echild - not remember her name or place of residence. Be was committed for a further hearing.. .1111Ight•F1n-About three O'clock yeater day rnoon a slight fire oocurred in a house on Hay atreet o qweripled by Mr. Okla. aer o •Vhanlozntwan. • gtventrontbaks, Ea. 110}engine Mime, and the - Are . dopartment were promptly on the ground toexthigutah the flarnedi trefforielnky,:aottona damage bed ueen difste,roOrtYlikktlaglieit from a deteahre ftaav woe • y' .barna9.{ Its 1 96 e it 44 1 04 1 4sigt , =lli BE Third Day—Morning Session. The meetingwas called to order by the chairman. Pray - er by''Rev. Hill, of Mer cer.- Music furnished* a class of beauti: , ful young misses from Prof. McClymonds l , school, of E ast Birmingham. • Lecture by Rev. John S. Spear. Subject : "The School Master " He spoke of the bad effects of employing. poorly qualified }k i wi': 'ere; frequently makintimprestlone which require time and effort of: parents or, good. teachers to. erase. The teacher should be well qualified for the position he occupies—, argued• in favor .of recent improvements in modes- of teaching. In addition to knowledge 'acquired, • ' the teach"- er should be, as Paul says, "apt to teach, capable of goVerning," and the best index of such a teacher is one that' can govern himself. The true teacher tries to make hiss or her pupils feel that what.they do, is only for their pupils goad. A g,reat essential of a good teacher is a knowledge , of human nature. Different eases in the, school room require as different treatment as do the , different _easee.that occur in a physician's practice: The teacher should be eminently rnorrif•—a bright gem in so eiety. A man who possesses a fine intel- - lect and lacking inmorality is a great de formity—lacking in that which is essential to command respect. Music by class. An able lecture by Rev. Robert McMillan; subject, "The Mud Sill. Princtiple of all Right Teaching." Every tea her, he said, should be familiar with all they attempted to teach; be so fa miliar that they could make aplain state ment of anything that would cone up in •class. The subjectruust be taught by pieces or parts, and then be put together, when all - the parts were understood. The teach er must have the power of illustrating; ac curate, plain illustration. The confidence 'of the children must be gained, and this may be done by being very well acquainted• with every, thing to be taught in the school room. The teacher should always study anew every lesson, in order to give the pupils that which comes from the running stream and not from the stagnant pool. Lecture by Rev. F. Beecner. - The speaker commenced by saying that in took-, ing over the audience he was reminded of a group of sponges which grow in the :led- . iterranean, being filled every time the , waves go over them, and then letting it all go again as soon as the waves are gone. • In order to bleach a sponge it is notonly neces sary to fill them with water but also to squeeze it out again, so he thought the In stitute had been getting so much poured in, that it now very much needed squeezing. The speaker then proceeded in a very hap-, .py manner to illustrate plans-of teaching. Adjourned till two o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. The - Institute was'called to' order at two, o'clock by the Chairman, after which J. F. M'Clymond's class sang "The Mountatn Bu gle," from the Nightingale, in a manner reflecting credit on , their musical talent as well as upon their preceptor. Miss Mary C. Hays then read a report on Rhetoric, which was excellently written, evincing .great care and study and no small amount of talent in its preparation, and it was listened to with marked, attention by the entire audience.. The Chairman stated that at the sugges tion of seine of the members, there would be a slight variation from the regular pro: gramme. Prof. M'Clyrrionds' class then sting in a highly creditable manner -a song from the Nightingale. ltev. B. M. Kerr was then introduced to the audience, and entertained them with an able and practical lecture on Elocution. The lecture WAS to have been delivered at the evening session, but owing to the re ported illness• of Mr. Kerr's son, which would necessarily call him from the city in the afernoon, his lecturewas delivered at this time. The disconrse occupied' about twenty minutes, and was attentively listen ed to by the audience. , At the conclusion of the lecture' a recess of ten minutes was taken, at the - end of which the Institute was called to order. Miss Mary Ward of Prof. McClyrriond's class, then sung "Twinkling little Star," in a charming manner, displaying musical talent of a high order, and careful culture. Next in order came the debate—subject, "Would a thorough knowledge of the sci ence of phrenology aid the teacher in his duties." Mr. Burt in the absence of Mr. Connolly, whose mime appears on the pro gramme took the a ffi rmative. He said it would be absurd at this day to co to the trouble of establising the science of Phre nolou't and he would not therefore giye that point a single thought, but considered , : it as an admitted fact. He therefore turned his argument to the usefulness of a knowl edge of the science to the teacher: Ho did not think it necessary to study it as a science, but the teacher could gain a practical knowledge, by reading and attending lec tures on the science. His arg,ument, throughout was strong and forcible, and highly interesting to the hearers. Mr. Morrow, who had the negative of the question, took the grounds that the once was almmbug c and by - the aid of a skull and a 13laster model, attempted to prove his position. His srgnment evinced careful study and an extended = knowledge of anatomy and physiology, and occupied over fi ft een minutes, and many of his points were well taken. . At the conclusion of'-the• discussion,' a recess of live minutes: was ; :takeri, after which the Institute was Called to order by Mr. Still. Prof. M'Clymonds' 'class then entertained the' meeting With some excellentNocal music. - • - Next in order was an essay by Miss Hat tie M'Cain. Subject: "The Infinity of the . Animal Kingdom." The production was highly creditable to the author, and was read in an admirable manner. . EVENING" SESSION. The Institute „met ;at half-past, seven o'clock, when the preceedings were opened by the clam of young . -ladies-from Mr. Me-: Clymond's school, East:Birmingham, who sang with much effect the song comments ing, "List to Music Stealing," Alias Lizzie Brown now read a • report on Mental Arithmetic. Tho Allegheny Quartette Club then sang. "Dream of Home,". and was immensely applauded. Miss Annie Lindsay entertained the In stitute with a beautiful piece of vocal mualc, which excited abundant applause from the audience. Rev. Themes K. Beecher then addressed . the Institute. The subject pertained to the , education of children. The speaker recom mended teachers to consult the qualities. and- propensities of their pupils, and -if they, observed any sense more prominently developed than others, to cultivate that sense, and use it, as a medium • through which to impart instruction. Thero .bs a subtle, magnetic tie between the instrtteter, and the scholar and 'where. this is dis 7 solved, it is useless to continue teaching.' Teachers should give more attention to. small matters, and ought to devote Mins:sot their:time to lessons from nature. Mr. Beecher was here proceedbig i llut the audience evincingEonie signs Of weariness, a rooms was taken. - • The. Allegheny Glee Club now gave ,a serietr_of hum:irons songs, which , were Yo-',were v ~ applauded.: _ _ Theleeturer_reonmed. --wbenjwas a bey;, I ,remernbet I went to a circus. - After hay _ ` - , ing listened.to some exquisite mttsic,which, hoWever,:l. - did not appreciate, the:tiocanv tomed monkey was brought out, end. him performanoe was a mom Of inteneedelight The audienoe saw the hit, and thro o theirenndhdeforthe eddress,*ave tunif:*, . _ Larceny. PITTSEUROR GAZlLatir. TII,URSDA7L f_AMILIA 2,',1868. -TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. i. ,-. ; -: • % , ..---isfelai - : .. .d . "I ' • .... 4: 4-. -_-, de -Th aii#6lird4 iiiipeolet iikie s miiiTheaded'ifie . ft , fliwiniilt,: ‘ -11 11 .4 11 4 4 1 f. j C'r ~ 4 . ._ ', .1 141 1 i 441 741 A uittegolipi the Inattinte: The elilitt Ilt ' 'eir t . •. 1 .•7,t: , 7. . . .-- : , ,' -, . of draning;ofigestiacdodiaa and e;: ? I ,•,-- l': , . - `o , .' ~ , , ?4 4 % -, e .• , ..1 „ .,, i *, ~„ 4 - j and a eonatant. oompartionfifildnite ' IRIS ~. the Weleeillitralasifideani*SK and lillictiTotbF, Pul4 l s 44 'hein. ,ef. 414trippallitaglik gishonbonigatensw a ." ettlidifre-Sb9WA'nl3; bs " t w , 7 " 431.- 4 . row t m y Jim - detriment of 401 r-, 0401/ 1 • 1 1 PP . , , ~ iiiceald . -net - ti arehished with deghllti 4411 se,4 - - -d ):J 2 W :di th e i r menhaileouities ahonld, rather be. awakened. tiepenclanOrtithashonld. never be ineniciiizedtiirbittary names ;may the former should - be taught with their-con nections, the lattereari be drilledlitto thil The Allegheny Olee Clttb favored:tiie In stitute with apathetic song, entitled;"Ttven tyyeara.AgFt.,' . -1.3. ' Mies jeniiie Smith °lased the exercises of , the evening ,by „a metrical critique, as on the ',weeding , days., This was perhaps" . the best yet read before •We Institute: Adiourried. , Real - Estate era, , The following., deeds ere admitted aaf record lby H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, 'Tuesday,' MarchP3l; 1 .. , . , • Mary p. Phillips to Aug st'Arrimori, March 28, 1868,10 t on 'Tartu ; streSti')East , Bit niingham, 80• by 60 fee '-• ' ' '- ' - $475 John Bellhoutz , tbz ;Viral:, Efackenberger; March, 28, 1868, lot on:-Perrysville Pjank - ,-Road, Ross township; t contaimsg t.-2;2,perch es _ ... ... t ....L- 41,800 ii ' Benjamin M. Clark;:to ' - 'SamUei ,uselto,' ' a October 2, 1867, lot Ne. 22 in John Ander son's plan, in West •lttririsfield, 'Robinson ' township; 50 by 120 f " - 1 . • '-`- 0625 John Nelson to John binson, March 28, 1868, lot in Ohib to , on the' Beaver road, containing two, w aritt.ten perch ies g7OO John M. Cooper to Ja ms , Kaye, _March 5, 1868, eight lots front .17to 24 -in Wil kins township, on Union street, 109 by 140 feet, buildings • , &c ' $4OO E. Rohrkaste - to David Troele, - November 24, 1866, lotiNos. 23 and 24 in Lower St. Clair township, on Sarah street, 40 y 100' feet ' - $l,OOO Wm. Bipke to David Troele, Augtst 26, 1867, lot on Middle Street, Baldwin town- .; ship - $l,OOO A. J.• Lane:to Silas Gou,chnour, March 27, - 1868,, lot No. 4in J. R. Negley's plan of lots in East Liberty, on Negley street, 24 by 10.5 feet 81.900 M ary fiennon to James Gormly, March 31, 1868, lots Nos, 3 in Stephen Woods' plan of lots in Chartiers township, 38 by 120 feet „... • '' $275 John F. Karns to A. M. Hill, October;4, 1667, lots Nos. 23 and 24 in Karns' plan of, lots in Springdale, on Butler street...o2,ooo David S. - Williams to Robert Davis, - *u•ch 1, '1868," lot corner Main and Davidson streets, Pittsburgh, 45 by 100 feet:„.s2,3oo Robert Davis to John Davis, March 23,1868,, lot on Main street, Pittsburgh, 55 by 106 feet - $2,475 Thomas 1 - hunilton to M. McCullough, March ' 31,1868, lot on Congress street, Pittsburgh, 40 by 21 feet $2,000 William N. Miller to William Thompson, et al., March 27, 1868, lot in Jeftbrson town-- ship, containing six acres - $2,500 George Lindsey to Alexander Ross, March 30,1868, lot on Jackson street,First Ward, Allegheny city, 20 by 82 feet $2,800 L. M. C. Lorimer to James W. Chambers, April 31, 1668, lot containing 73 acres, lo cation not ' , stated • $9,000 Joseph N. - Mller to John Ango, Marco 26, 1858. lot on ; Joseph street, East Birming ham, 20 by 64 feet, buildings, itc $2,400 Willianf Wilson to James Weld', Septem ber 34, 1866, - lot on Sedgwick street; lkian chester, 16 lay 72feet $l,OOO John Dickson; M. D., to Wm. Semple, i'ch 28th, 58, lot on Federal Street, Allegheny City, 20 by 100 feet buildings, ae.:.510,000 John P. Lorimer to L. M. C Lorimer, March 31,1854, tract of land in Snowden town ship, containing 77 acres, 2 rods and 15 perches_. .... :'- $1 James Phillips to L. M. C. Lorimer, April 21 1856, lot in Snowden, township, con taining 145 perches ' ' $ll5 John. Brown to Jacob' (Rosser, Mach 31; 1868, lots freim No. 2 to 7 inclusive to Jrfo. Brown's, plan,lots inEaStßirrnlnghain to gether, 100 by 120 ft. buildings, dtcg3o,ooo George Barton to R. C. Lyons, January 31; 186$, lot 12;4 feet on the Diamond Square by . 60 feet front op Diamond Alloy ' .gl, Frederick Eveline. to George Engel King, March 25,:1868, lots No. 14 and 15, on But ler eet street, Liberty township, 72 by 100000 f William N. Kirk to Thomas D. Davis, March 30, 1868, lot on Juniatta street, Sixth Ward, Allegheny City, 36 by 139 ft. 53,300 Local Inspectors Report. The United States Local Inspectors of steam vessels, Messrs. U: F. Atkinson and Samuel Walker, yesterday, presented their report for the quarter, ending March 31st, to Hon. Judge McCandless, of the United States District Court. The report says: "During the quarter we have inspected forty-one vessels of all classes, having a to tal tonnage of 11,581 14 7 100 tons, viz: No. Tons. Passenger steamers 14 5,508 15-100 Towing steamers t 25 5,844 01-100 Canal propeller I. 1 29 09-100 Ferry-boat r 99 29-100_ We have issued licenses to seventy-six engineers and seventy-four pilots; of the engineers three were original and seventy-_ tbree renewals; of pilots; eight were origi nal, and sixty-six xenewals. We have re fused to false the, grade to two engineers, for incompetency. We have also refused to renew the license of'one second engineer because of incompetency. We have ordered repairs to be made on the boilers of twenty steamers. ' • .-- ..• • .After a carefid examination of the hull and machinery:of the steamer Ingomar, a packet plyinghetweenthis port and Wheel ing, we fount' that she would require to be thoroughly , repaired before being'safe and seaworthy, her .planking and timbers being light and detectiVe. We 'so reported her to :the Supervising, Inspector for this district, and to the Surveyor of Customs, and served a notice on the captairi. • • Since onrlast report four , steamers have been trunk, three by ice andone by striking . a pie,r,of -thetailroad bridge over the Ma noru3ahela river. These boats, with the ex, eeption of the latter, have been raised. ' One vessel, belonging to this .port (the Sherman) was 'destroyed by fire while ly ing at Evansville, Indiana. We are happy to state that no lives were lost: r' We have investigated two cases of col- Haien 'between two rival lines. In ono case we suspended' the license of, the pilot for thirty days, and . the other case, was dis missed. The , damages in both eases were trifling. A Noble Charity. A movement has been inaugurated the' • , . object of which is to found a National Home, for destitute widows and mothers of those who have fallen in the land and naval sm. Vice of the nation. An bloquerit appeal to , the heartsc)f all Americans has been iisued by the 'National 'Executive Conimittee, composed" ef prominent preeided Over by Mrs. General Sherman. It is DrO• posed to, start the fund hy holding a - Na. tional Fair in- the city. of "New New York, corn , • mencing thel4t h of the present month,. similar in its Character add management to the great Sanitary .Fairs; arid the Conunit toe appeals to - one andall for such articles, means and influence es ' shall contribute to a representation wortioof the--State..We have received from Miss Addison, the Pitts burgh member of-the Committee, a Dopy of the circular ~of the Aisoblailon, which we regret our inability , to print, While, we reo: Otnmend the 'ce ri se - to the attention of our 1131 - inid humane &diets% 4•4llstatlie. —The ii111 , 54. - le*,-“lteltitive riveto the time end - inotkinflftial and gen :deheetneertantliriminel /which we zpublielsedenidattrdayouid which was pb, ,nealoca to, tto.v sispialen •• of be in-.. feilliKte3.llll44Act,,et Q jn ; T e : ~:Progfe Letter r? i Carres Report. , The following 11E1 the report. of the I,etter Carriers of Pittsburgh' for, the month of March, showingthe number of letters and „ papers delivered and collected from boxes: Delivered. • Collected. Mail I,etters. ... '....c....246,075 ' 124,164 •Drop petters ' 33,171 11,461 Papers ' • 83,877 • :3,767 `Total 363,123 ...149;392 - Five...deliveries and-collect,ions - are made Alaily throughout the business portions of Ate city-;:one i colleetion - 'after eight o'clock , I[onit4athic , Hospital* . _ The • Hospital h:is fully sustained its aver . , age of patients during the past month, in , ding eludi in . its admission one With fracture , _ „ of both bones of the leg, one with a broken collar bone, and one whose leg it was found necessary to -amputate, all of whom are doing well and rapidly oinvalescing. The report of the Dispensary physielan Shows a large increaser While the number of pre 'scriptions isirtied:durbig February was two 'hundred and forty-six, in March there were three=hUndred,and forty-si•applica tions for treatment, -many- .cases requiring Operative prOcedgre. • The Dispensary is open for the treatment of the poor, free of crge, from 11 to 12 o'clock every day, ex cePt ,Sunday, at; - the Hospital, e on Second street, above _ The Tack Bill Killed the House of ' Representatives. e We have been 'shovin a telegram from a , prominent member of the House saying "HAnnissunci, April I ' . lE#fiB. "We killed the Tack bill this morning" As this.case is now certain to be finally tried by the - Court in Philadelphia, on Tues day, April 14tb, 'lBBB, it will gratify our readers to know it will be fairly and finally disposed of. A Colored Genlus.--Charles 13.. 13amsti . y, a young cnlored roan, dark as the., ace of, spades, has been delighting Allegheny audiences with readings from Shakespear. He is a marvel in his way, knowing' by heart every - line'of the great author, in cluding his sonnets. It is hard to conceive how the memory can retain so Much as is stored away in the unmistakable African head of Ramsey. He reads with decided power and feeling, and were his color white, would' prove a formidable rival to nine tenths of the., star. tragedians who now strut the stage. • Seduction.—Sarah Andrews, aged fifteen years, made' information before Alderman Taylor yesterday, charging Sam B. McCain with seiluctifin. The prosecutrix alleges 'that the defendant was engaged to be mar ried to.her, and that. by inducing her to. be lieve that the "vows he had made would be speedily fulfilled, he amomplishedher ruin. She also alleges that the offence was com mitted in November, 1867, and that she was in her.' fifteenth year. ' .The accused was arrested, and alter a hearing, was held to ball for trial in the sum of two thousand A Family quarrel.--Yesterday Timothy Harrington and'his wife made separate in formations before Alderman Taylor, charg ing Matthew Donavan with assault and battery. Donavan is a brother of `Mrs. H.,' 'and it is alldged beats and abuses her and her husband:whenever he feels like it. He was arrested and held' for court. CITY -I.VMS. Immense Rush at Dr. Spencer's original Laughingu Gas'EstrAblishment;'No. 254 Penn street. The public are loarticularly invited to 'call and examine his full upper and under sets of teeth, at „prices rarigmg from 4120 to 130. Nothing but genuine Vulcanite used in his`. establishment—no •dried rubber nor . Jersey laud plates. Xr. S. will give a re ward of 00 if he fails ; to extract the most difficult tooth without pain. Dress Geods some of the choicest styles ever exhibited here, at Barker's Spring opening to-day„ - _ . „ To Country and City Merchants.—We are thoroughly supplied with all kinds of Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy boa ht at unusual advantage through : ' our purchasing department, taking advantage of the recent large auction sales and fluctua tions in prices, and wo can and will sells at less than the lowest Eastern cash prices. We invite you to an insp . ection of our stock and comparison of prices, at 59 :Market street.- ' J. W. BAM'R it CO:. Table Linens, •Napkins Doyli e s; Towels,. &e., in Splendidassortment and very cheap, at Barker s Spring opening to-day. To Capltalists.--The Books for subscrip tion to the capital stock ,of the Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Railway Com pany will be open at blay'fi*ltel, jaekson street, Second ward, at the office of W. T. Price, Real Estate Agent, ' ' No. 33 Ohio street, - Allegheng, and at the Pittstiurgh Savings Bank, No. 'lBO .and lag Liberty screet, Pittsburgh, until April 2d.'1868. By^ order of the Board of Directors. ~ W. .M.Dwarmt, President. Organdies.. Shawls, Jaconets. Percal( . us, Piques, plain and printed. in new and beau tiful designs and colors, at.Bariier's Spring opening to -day. Fifty, different styles of dress goods at Barker's Spring opening, to-atty. Grover & Baker Operator and FAmbroi derer wanted.. None but first class hands need apply. J. W. BARKER & CO. ' , 69 Afarket street. Spring Dress Goods; at Barker's today Spring opening to-day, at Barker's. = 'No* Orleans Mane. • By Telegraph to the Pittebgrgli`GazCtte.) , . NEW ORLEANS, APril I.—Cotton is excit.: ed and advanced; sales of 8,000 bales' mid dlings at •28@28%c; receipts 812; • exports 8,511 bales. Flour steady at 110 for super fine, add $15,75 for double - extra. Corn; is higher at $1,05. Oats firm at 78©80c., Fork quiet at $28,70- • Bacon firmer at 11,4 c for 'shoulders and 18 1 ,0)18%0 for clear aid& _Laid:quiet and firm at 17y,c fir leaf, and, 1734®17 3 / 4 c for keg. Geld 139,M140. Ster ling steady and un changed. Now York sight exchange '34 premium. Milwaukee Market. rny_Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gatette. 3 " • larLwArrxxs, April I.—Flour less active; common to medium, 11011.11,60; favarite spring extra, $0,37a10; medium to choice, f $0a9,37. Wheat dull and .lower at $1,07a 1,08 for No.l in store, and 81,91 for No. 2. Oats dull and lower at 57 - 1-2a501-2c for No. 2. Corn nominal at' 80e. ' Recelobi=4,soo bbbi flour; 3,000 bush wheat; 5,000' do oats; -1,600 do oorn. ' Shipments-4,000 bbls flour; "800 'bush wheat. - , Toledo Market. tszTplegroph to the l'ltteburgb Ouette T ,rl, TOLEDO, ,April I.—Flour qulet; receipts 1,849b1)14. 3.'Wheat; sales ythite - ldichigan at '12,87 1 A.' - CO'rotahade lower; receipts 14,321 Nbus; sales No. : l'at 8930993ic free; °Peeing at 90c; toyer first haff April at buyer all April at 920; , tinyer bat ten-days-May at 98c; miler all Rine at 90c. Oafs steady; re • toeipts 1180, .33115;,-salos No.; litat 68c. Rye Seeds outlet AO 11-uotuinge34at lbi;clover3 • —l) 3 „,'' - fitte lijwieirailpiittriti6iitiii•lii ti %situ:l:r ax ThringyllOril r• : 111 tberll ex titelbetiziettular. et,96m t&iieeeirotk . „.. t ko t tros belei*exittatei2 eekbaus..FrAduill 1 maparibiedlefi Auk, 1200 akippikollogla_,..- , *PA .10 1 4: 4 4 11 r) 11 .41991"All. idluin.”" ere, Ilix clear sides, 1430. asrei,,riti -IT . 4 1 . :101SAL ,gert.FT. BRIEF TRlapa. -Reports from Rift Larmnie say that the Cheyennes and Northern Arrapahoes will be fully represented at the Indian Council. The Siofita are in•yet,lnit :are expected to arrive by the seventh, when the Commis siont.will probably reach !Laramie. Passen gers by the Santa Fe".Coath,'which' reached Hays City, Kansas, on the 24th ult., report that otg the Wednesday previous the hadi ans robbed a train.camped-on, the Arkansas river, ! twenty-five miles 'Wow Fort Dodge, of. twenty-live mulA and the neat day robbed another trairroftix mules and all its pro - visions.. The Indiana committing ,hese deyiiedatione'are said to be the rhey- • A. A. Rradley, , the , colored lawyer, :is cir culating thro ugh imi Sayt ah and adjoining adjoining county, the ' following c a lrcular, which. causes 1 Considerable :excitement: "Notice to all bad men in the , city of • ;fravannab l wliO.now L threaten the lives of the leaders and ,nomi nees of the Republican party, and of the Presidents and members of < the: Union L eagues of America : . H l,l yorishould strike a blow , theznan or men , -will •be followed, ' and the house in which heor,they take shel ter will be burnea,the" ground] „ Take heed!' Mark wells members_of the_ Union. Rally, rally; rally ,for God and liberty!" —The Democratic Central Coinmitte of New Orleans have withdrawn the ticket nominated by • them, and ,reCommepd a meeting of the various ward clubs,to choose , delegates to, the City and Parish Conven tion, to meet April 4th, to decide the ques tion of local riominations. The committee still adheres to its suggestion that full Con gressional, Legislative and Judicial tickets also be put in the field, and that present in cumbents, as far as practicable, and'consist ent with the interests of the party, be re nominated. —The Spiritualists of St. Louis celebrat . ed Tuesday night the TwertiethAnniver , sarr of the advent or Spittualism. The ceremonies consisted of an address by Miss Elvina Wheolook,ltheir pomlar lecturess, giving the-history of the R.octester knock ings, and similar phenomena ' and - briefly sketching the growth and Progress of their I religion, claiming it has spread:throughout the world and gained in this couttry one, over four millions of balievers. • has taken —An extensive Strike has taken place in Cleveland among - workmen in the railroad and other shops. • The -men of Claflin & Co.'s car.works, Pittsbnrgh shops and other works _turned out -yesterday, numbering about one thousand. ne . cause of complaint as stated by ,the strike is an increase of time of ,labor, withoda.torres pondingincrease of pay. All are rtuiet and orderly. . , . .-The new steamer Daltimoke sailed for . Europe yesterday. withcargo ; a full and quite a number of pateengers. Ati The moved out of her dock she was"greeted by shouts arid cheers from , a vast number of, people. .The second steamer of the new I line is expected to arrive next week; aid third and fourth are now building on the I Clyde under the new:law. • • . —The public debtstatement for Marcl, . will not be ready before next Monday. 1,1 is learned at the Treasury Department thre t there will probably;be a .slight increase in the amount of public debt. The receipts. from Internal Revenue were' vety small during last month; but the receipts from customs increased on the other hand, and inade.up•for the falling off of the Ammer. —Juniata-conicity is to vote for or against the removal of the county-seat from town •to Terryville, on the' 18th day of, October: neat: DIEM CLARK.—On Wednesday morning, April 4.st, • 1888. RATE CLARK. ' • Funeral from theresidenee 'of Mrs 3leBhane, No. 130 Washington street, Pittsburgli,r , liitiqcoßsi Ina, at 9 o'clock, -to proceed to 31cReetappit hy the Pittsburgh . Si C r Onnelliville Railroad., .„ . • SUYDA3I.—FRERERICR; infant. 661 cif 'M. B. and E.'e, Suydam,. aged 3 months and - 4 days,. The funeral's/rill take place tentullin residence of bis parents, No. 211. Ceda r. avenue, Allegheny City, o'cfock. UNDMTMMRS., lINTiEIiTAKEIt, 1 , ;o. /1136TOMITHuTREET, Pingo gh Pa. 1 INS bf all kinds, CRAPES. GlLOVES. ur an'd ev ery description of Funeral Furnishing Goods fur nished: - Rooms open 'dziy• and night, Healle and Carriages famished. . lizranzucas—ltor..Dacid Herr...D. D., ..Rev. M. W. Jabot:rue, D. - D Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob H. Miller, Esq. _ . VRAItLES SCPEEINLIOS t iII i eDER-_ TAKERS AND LIVERY STABbE'S, cor ner or S IiIIIISKY STREET AND CHURCH Aye, :Allegheny City, where tbdir C.OFFIN" Rooxs are • constantly supplied with real. and -Italtatiedit Rose- Mahogany,and Walnut coffins,: at priees vi‘• rying from 114 i. to .100. Bodies prepared for inter inent. Hearses and 'Carriages furnishedC also, all :kinds of Mourning GoodS..ll%roquire C. office. open at all hours, day and ni : bt. , . :40BERT T. • RODNRYi VNDEB TAKER AND .EMBALMER, No.. 45 OHIO Is 1 EET; Allegheny, and ' , No. SO DIAMOND SQUARE, (by Johu,Wilson Bros.. (keeps' always on hands the best Metal,,Ecsewood, Walnut and. Imitation Rosewood Coffins. .Walnut Coffins from SSS uwards. Rosewood:Coffins 050 upwards, other C offins I 'proportion. Carriages arid Hearses) furntsbed at low rides': Crape. Gloves, Plate and Ellirsv/P5-1127/51,e4, gratis. • 01 1 .. open Any and, WOODIfir.FPS PATENT:PORTABLI , BAROIETEIS, - , Tiaio the following good- qualities: . . • ' - Ist—Accuracy.; 3/Id—Tortability. .3d , 7l3lmplielty: 4th—putabilitr.,lslmapeess. 6tlr7-35:leganeo of design and beauty. In lact, all the 4Ana tions necessary for a gesid, , rellablellainmetei. Call and get, a cirmaar,glol l i f description' of the same; also; the ' endorsement of theta having Una use, from the - . GENERAL AGENTS. DUN EATH :*l[A..€3l4lFir r r, 59 tIFTH:4I . O OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL. '. SPRXOO ' 6OOI:O*- • ' . Adapted to's T2 1 11.0B;. TRADE, JUST OPPilinkT HENRY` G . lIALE!.,S; . Corner of Penn and St. , tiitretAn.' - - - , FOIC SALE ... HOBO EN balance of thoe destrabli Lots axe now tlToed a , at Private sale; and tiny onideilromi due building 7 sites wonld do well to Makin selei ion. T 410140 is located on isbeatitiridand h scotairdand a be miler front Bharpsburg,,ort th 'Welter* Tenn- Ballresdi 'wtdOti - P . tit t much more valuable arta: spree bla: ,icxtrosive preparatlons are now making fir cling enure of Enc bouses. which 'sill. prove a t or intent to *0 town. The ternainder theaW,L ',Ulm! sold at 'Very reasonable rates. and -on r easy.' BILLWII lIVITERLT; lambs and In pumice Agents. Lawrenceville.. - NH r #117#4114111140 !mg., '‘ . *%Tialor ___erobisst , .„ 9 8 wy4e gam,* ,411 gm! , ER 4 4. Irtestiniseftans sas tase.Mth mat wens& s Spam! 13/101F sgultactgaveliw Ifs lir elks invit&L_ et of • e l imato , Astor" essafts.wmanalinw •410111‘ trotow_ sWe Wit *Wad Orarl.• Waaß ro.Z•ri.t: 54 1 VW U II N