0 Or , : lii*At .q!..,:4;ittt.t.• THE ENCHANTRESS. A S.PRI.I4*-TIME LYRIC FOR MABEL. • „ • • • BY t. B. At.tatlcß. It fs only in legend and fable • The fairies are with us. you know; For thelltirics arc fled, little Babel,- Aye, ages and ages ago. And yet I.have tact _with.a. fairy— Yon needn't go shaking your cur ls— - A jgenuine spirit and airy Like her who talked nothing but pearls. You,ntay,leith. If you like, little Mabel,. I knOwion reexceedingly wise; But I've seen her as plain as I'm able 'To see Ithbellet in your eyes. . A marvellous creature: I really Can't sayy. She is gifted with wings, Or residtvla a tulip; but clearly - She's queen of a ll beautiful things. • Whenever she comes from her castle, - The snow fades away like a dream, And thopine-cone"s icicle tassel — Melts and drops into the stream. • The dingy gray moss on the boulder. Takes color like bright burnished steel; The brook put Its silvery shoulder Again to the dripping mill-wheel: the robin and Wren fig to meet her; • The honey-bee hums with delight; The morning breaks brighter and sweeter, - More tenderly fallath the night! ' • - Thereadables, in pastures and meadows, Th 3 buttercups, growing bold, For her sake light up the shadows, With disks of tremulous gold. • -Even-the withered bough blossoms. Grateful for sunlight and rain— . -Even the hearts in our bosoms • Are leaping to greet her again! What fairy in all your romances Is such an enchantress as she, 2 • Who blushes In roses and pansies, Aud sings in the bird on the tree? TABLE TALIC. —Alabama has forty postmistresses. —ln Washington—Lucille Western. —Ole Bull gave a concert in Plymouth Church. —Nashville owes its police nineteen thOus and dollars. —Mrs. Fred Seward "assists" at the e White House receptions. _ -The stallion Cassius 31: Clayhas recent. ly been sold for $15,000. —20,000 a year is the increase in popula. tion claimed by Montreal. • , —Counterfeit nickel five cent pie ces are' in circulation in lffilwaukee. . —The Cleveland Skating Rink paid $12,- 400 or 'lB percent. this winter. --Strawberries will be plenty in alive weeks in the neighborhood of Cairo. —The Poste f Chicago is inlopes that gout will attack Mi. Johnson's .V toes soon. —Senator Yates has again foreaken his . cups and taken to temyerakce lecturing. —Galvestonfhis- opera this week, and the ,prices are five ind: !?,oyars, according • —The bankers Sisson raid. Abraham Op yenitelm have been created ' Barons' by Prussia. .--Jaen. Ord is in Cincinnati; acid has not yet, therefore, relieved Gen. McDowell in California. - --Mr. Vernon B. Curtis, of Ohio, with a thuusand dollars in his pocket, is missing - - —The 31417auked fa:sang rink--was YerY gay on Sail:allay last Nvitha bines band and a grand' ballot' ice. • • ' man in Sowa had so severe an attack of influnatory rheumatifp last week that he :took off his leg, per surgeon. , --"Marriages in prospect" is the head 'lug of a daily' item in the Chica go,Post., It Vebtiffilisl: - Of -persons about tn tie the Fatal Burdeli 4ocies Qutiningkam is - not deatitimt is largslyinterested in mining, :and has gone _from San. Francisco to Lo : 'retto, ; ;,7 . —Mr Bullarli z a. well w knon etta- ' zen of Trtunhighairt-(rlasa.,) ivas_so tied, 'aftei tuki:l3ng his~toe iniptaated, that he :died' , gailor in New Orleans completely cut :the boWph out _oaf another man recently ':dniingA - dispute - about a ;pickle staked at , Cards. .• . • —11 9 1 4 :01 th e . eo 2l granta lalring St. Louis for the rai -- ~.w eit. he* are. *fog eight.een shootera iriththem, ”warranted to kill at a thousand yard El." - - - ' mountains in. the neighbdrhood of Chattanooga ) Tenn: are filled .with deer . :and the men, iri the neighborhood devote much of their time to the Abase. • - • 14 - appleon has received another little -bit;' of truckling ,toadyism from Mr; Abbott; whO, - 'Out; of,' compliment to the ,Emperor,.„ abOold call himself in French —Disaph,.mlux timed James P. 'Cabal left' Mgginaport., Ohio; on the 22d of -February: 4e is liberal reward will-be paid he Will'proludlolilie returned, if he has been reservgd by 145.4140 m , --C eneral Owl Bchin-z, Sickles,' Rani man ochrane, Bt!insidet Wiluftniii; Wash 14miejuideszile14,:aid-Hanibal Hamlin and A.•(. Cuithiere, 'bi L MIP/ -0 0 1 ent; N ItntS . —One of the wi# , or prisons, Lae the honor of containing in the person:of John , Deviin the whiskey frauder, a man 3` . ,:itw : 4 6 oP;PKtilk IFPRted , pwe over oelallll4 seanuei." DuCgytsr,4o . 443 Mehlingen has juts . 'confeired . Cl4epti, political -rights on, ,". jaws; providklg.; loweveY, that, in:the case -4 - • of: mixed Jewish and Chrifitilm marriages; ' the cididriti 'Shiabe,lireux,4 rip in` helatter ..mitaatb- . Brishin makingpreachet4 in thi say°l-q-OPPerYeadilieet "" As B.B.isjpt.,,aWioresi. 'nor yet a Repth= 1 -4*-it ! seerasqdd,lbet she, ih9414 - he in the 14publipui juirtyilind odder' ttutt' she should : ben king '. reedits there. . agents in Bridgeport, fosiiheirlcithee and furniture by tire recently iiiiriv'ere7.notitteured. ' ~e would • to -Itnety At. e life insurance Mall ,bas Wig If, in sliortt. is °Zpractic *'bAt they . preach. . . , —PortmonO, (Ad g h tt e _steam engine 1049h t /0417' 3 4.83' spoken du the depart. ment, emillte.Clueimuttt Ohninietti Gaye that =i t4ikt; - 114 eihair*"co.4s 40e' been toct-slOg rio4kpthfillidig . ,the dfilxqtment. 41:: : .;. .. 6.4 l 3l l iirile t Vit il h aiall°U MuE4Y) . recently *rids wife A servant of 14: 4 4 5141 1 itia*: 44 tki;* The de fiff./211kf.. *ie. Nis .Tobn. _ . :Boa, not only:intattnediti zAmlibigtlint 4,041214; vreward, for the recovery of Robinson, who had itoleii his wife. Larceny Was '.;What he accused_ him of. —lf people would, ' when building houses, remember that a pretty, house casts no more to build than an ugly One, and that it will always rent for more, they would do well and the appearance of our streets would be vastly improved. This is especially ap plicable to.the suburbs. --The Trenton (Tenn.) Gazelle com plains of hiving " too many gentlemen in that State, and too few working men." It is not impossible to have plenty of wolrldng men and none but gentlemen in the North, but Southern ideas of what constitutes a gen tleman are, not ours. —A government school for the instruction of persons in -the science of telegraphy has been established in 'Pest); Hungary. The r wires have been so rapidly extended there since the wise rule of Premier Von Buest began, that the demand for operators is greater than the supply: —A little boy in Tennessee, about a week_ ago, found notes and papers worth $40,000 concealed in the stump of a.tree. They are supposed to have been the property of a Mr.. Daniel Ball, ,;those mysterious disap pearance with about that amount of his prop erty has suggested foul play'.. • —The Michigan Central Railroad has just had a new dining car placed on ,its day ex, press. Furnished with marble tables, mir rors, soft cushions and an excellent cuisine, it is bound to work a revolution in the travelers' eating question. - The -new car was built by Pullman, of palace sleeping car fame. —The water in Lake Michigan is five inches lower than it has been before for 30 years, at least the Detroit papers say. so. The Chicago papers can't tell, as thit mushroom town wasn't builtat that time. This fact of low water gives rise to the questidn, "have the lakes .tides," which seems to be an un -solved.problem.. —"The:Sprague Plantation" is said to be what the State of Rhode Island is called by the La Crosse Democrat, one of the obscene publications, the 'sille of which should be prohibited in all towns, and in fact some of them and some railways have already pro hibited the sale of many papers of that class. We heard of the news dealers in Pittsburgh intending to sign a pledge not to sell any ob scene publications. Why have they not done so? —A Mr. Sweeny was riding in a hack on. the beach at Galveston, a 'week ago Sunday, when he met another hack containing some young women of his acquaintance. He joined them, and when the ride was over the driver asked him for pay. Sweeny de ,clined;stating that he had paid his hackman and the ladies might pay theirs. This so shocked the hackmarils ideas of gallantry and propriety that he pulled out a pistol and shot Sweeny through the head. People ,goirig to Texas should remember to be po lite, pirtichltu;y:totabinert... —At Cagt ville, colored man.was attacked in his own hpuSe by it white villnia named Fox, whose intention was robbery. The negro resisted and succeeded in taking a pistol from Fox, and driving him, away. The. next day the colored man made in formation against Fox and had a writ issued against him. The colored man, in spite of threats, served the writ. The next night his house was attacked by six men. The col ored man again resisted, but in i 'vain. He killed one of his assailants, but himself re ' ceived five bullets which killed him. Both bodies were buried. No inquest was held, and a desperado named Williams openly boasts that he gave the "nigger his death 'wound." .Such things attract no attention in Tennessee. —The Nashville Press and Times of Sat urday last contains an account of an out rage committed by the Kuklux-klan on an Irish citizen of Waverly, Tenn., whose only offence was that as a Union man he had been dreadfully persecuted 'during the war, and had length joined the Northern army in order to fight for his principles. This man was seized by a band of men who broke into his house and tore him from his bed, carried him, clad only in nature's garb, about three miles, to a creek, in which they dragged hint up and down until he was al most dead:' His hips and knees were horri bli btuised against the stones, his hair and beard were industriously plucked ; out, and then he was kicked and beaten - and left on the edge of the creek, where his wife found him eighteen hours afterwards, in an insen sible condition. He has ever since beetrin waging fever. Such outrages are known wherever the Kukiux are. A lodge of Kuk lux is to be opened this week in Pittsburgh. Mysterious disappearances are already fro- Payment of //)wtY010131S! • PATHASTER4EZNEBAL'B WASHINGTON, D: C., March 28. • It is entirely impracticable. for - this office to reply to -the immense number. of in -Ipilries from,claimants, .or their friends and altorn o 7l4 - as' to the; 6anditloh or cause,ot delay in the' . adjustment of bounty claims without serious interruption to the public business, especially in .the very - mat- ter of settling thesepartlcuktr claims. This printed circular is •the. only response that can be given. All the bounty cuilms now on file are being settled as fast as-the Second Auditor of the Treasury . can furnish, from the muster-rolli now deposited in his office, the evidence necessary to 'determine the validity of: e.ach, claim. Tblg information has been - aPpiied for, and the , Auditor is, now furnishing responses to our inquiries at the rate• Of AbOnt. , .. 20,000 per month.- At this rate it is expected that the whole num ber of claims tiled, or likely to be tiled, will be acted OA and finally settled in the, next nine months When tklaini is allowed, the check dw draiwn to the Ordei of 'the claimant,ind sent, with his discharge, to his attorney, or to himself, . where I .ilo attorney has been 'appointed , and is payable, only upon ' in , Aerial:Lent - by.. claimant ,; unless the latter ;shall, by,n power of attorney executed sub let:pent to thordate of'the check; ratithorize j hie attorney}to act for him'lf ikareVeeris paid orCimproDer''Jndotierrienti:„theoAssis... Al m Tfonwie - eiif the United Stateitit New WrkOity,.'tig Soiri all .`, checks. 'adz. thkualionlarcaiimi; lis thir rionsibip #o.t•Y;,s .4 th4k such c ase, ,se Ilkt,lciok•: , for.,:pe_yment. t milk.tbus be seen that the sol dier Am:mot:be .'defelAided; I ,roilesti;lif hiiiitnfactil#Placektibusalf in the power ofattarnek... • . • - -•-• Paythheter:Obarea Cf 7. 4. 7i - -- . ' I PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: :THURSDAY, APRIL 2. 1868 DENTISTRY._ 1 ,. _ ONLY A FULL SET OF ARTIFICIAL METH • FOR EIGHT DOLLARS...- FIILL ... •UPPER - AILND LOWER SET-FOR 81 2 . • TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PA TH NO CHARGE FOR EXTRACTING WHENAR T!- . FICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. - ALL WORK WARRANTED FOR FIVE TEARS. LAUGHING GAS FREE op CHARGE, AT , . QUINCY A: SCOTT'S Steam Dental Establishment, • 218 PENN STREET, 3n DOOR ABOVE HAND. N. 8.- , AB DR. SCOTT is a licensee under tbe Goodyear Patents, be will not - make any "new (bo gus) rubber" seta, but will continue to manufacture the genuine articIe—VULCANITE. mhZ3:d&T GAS 'FIXTURES. GA FIXTIETBES AND Ch. Et, 33. aellera, FOR OAS AND OIL. Just received, the finest and largest assortment ever opened in this city. WELDON& KELLY, 14T WOOD STREET, COIL. VIRGIN ALLEY m624:112.1 • - DRY GOODS. 1868. DRY GOODS. 1868.. _ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., WHOLESALE DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, At Eastern Prices ! Buyers are,. invited to call and ex. amine our Goods and Prices.. No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. int:o4:= NEW GOODS, • JUST RECEIVED, AT J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO.'S, No. S 7 Market Street. 4ALICOES A ID &SASH, Entire Stock of Goods Closing Ont, To makeroom for extending the Store Boom beet REMEMHER THE PLACE, No. $7 Market Street. mhi: CARR, McCANDLESS & CO., (Late Wilson, CUT ht C 0..) WHOLESALE . DEALERS IN Foreign and Domeitie Dry Goods o. 94 WOOD. STREET. Third door above Diamond alley. •- .- . , PITTSBURGH, PA. KO It 31 , 1 1 (0 M aizA HENRY W. HORBACIf, Confectionery. and Bakery, ;o. 200 SMITHFIELD SVERET, • IletircOn Seventh and Liberty CLAD es+ OYSTEU BALOOK attached. GEORGE HEAVEN, " Candy Miutufacturer, And dealer In TOREION4 AMERICAN FRUITS, PICKLES, NUTS an.. . Na. 11 Federal Street, Second door from the *lint 'National Bank, Alle gheny City. _ ' • It. J. nzrzuns. HINSON &-JIEPLIIHN, HOUSE. SIGN ANDOIMAIRENTAL PAINTERS,: GRA= •.A 'SLA.ZIERS, • No. SS Pen venire, Pittsburghi All orders by tat4l, .mintpattended to. NOTICE TO 01IVII*1 OF ! - 1 DRAYB; : iiids' &e Notice is hereby given to allow , rs of: Drays, non-residents,: Hunks, Pittsbu rg resld r ent or in the 'aty o, to pa 'their • - Licensee at the Tretturers Office of the (,ity .of Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, In accordance with an. Act of Assembly, approve d March 30th, 1860, and 'and an Ordinance the - Councibrof the City of rittsburghi passed xlll6, 1860. All Licenses not on or before MAY 15,1868, will 'be placed in ' bands of the Chief of Police for collection subject. to his fee of 50 cents for the collection the reof, and all persons who neglect , or refine to take of Licenses will bil3 subject to a pen ;silty; to be me ered,,before the Mayor, double the :amount of the censili '' -• The old metal . plates of preylous Years must bp re turned at the time Licenses aro taken out, or pay Sllcents therefor. . , .., RATF .OF LICENSE: Each. One Horse vehicle $ 7 50 Each Two Horse. " is oo Foch Four Horse ic• • 18 00 Each Two Home Hit4k 10 00 Omnibuses and Tittber Wheels drawn by Two . Horses. Eighte Doll ars each. For each addl- R onal Horse- usild un mine of the above vehicles, One Dollar, - ' , .). SAMUEL ALLINDEE, FITT ' in i tyßon. Feb- Rory is, um. City Treasurer. rinit GMAT • - HOUSEHOLD FRIEND OF THE AGE. * The "Q ueen " Triumphant • THE 'QUEEN OP THE WASH TUB. HUI IT. • TRY FOR d Els nitz, Wirtria NCI PURPOSES trls PROBOUPISED URPREODDREPED.cheoperthan' soap—Weenies more thoroughly—costs less money saves more time and labor, and is sold.b7 all Groeol• One trial will , demonstrate Its superiorltyand eaoure it a Arm_ pMft.. in the, affection or .the , entire house*. hold. Alanunsoturod by the 10111111 WANVIPACTIIIRING CO.; Office,' So. 13t - W001) STREET, Plttsburgh. VrAtii,:44 110:1811ELS ÷9 11 7 • FALL. 13A14,Lrir _ ;x _ sooei~edßa~,forirde b! • . . .• ilicsAiuk Aitazit, • . **. lll * 1 3 0 1 4 3 7 ., 110711 g; 'V MITSUNS, MF~s;'~:r - ~ . :,d. . MISCELI+4NEIISr TREASURY DEPAEMMESSIT OF LVANIA. lIRG, DEC. 18,186?'. NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS OF THE AtL N OS OF THE Commonwealth :.of , Pennnsylvania, DIIE J VLY IST, 18613. k I ;CO A 0 [ 6 1%1 0; Ceill ki7A;iz Due July Ist, 1868, WILL BE REDEEMED, WITH INTEREST, TO DATE OF PAYMENT, ON THE PRE- SENTATIO:i AT THE FARMERS' & MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK, riarv,iimmx....r.EciA, Loan of March` 27th, 1839, due July Ist 1868 Loan of July 19th, 18$9, due July Ist, 1668. INTEREST ON THE ABOVE. LOANS WILL CEASE ON TEE IST OF JULY, 1888 FRANCIS JORDAN, Seey Mate. JOHN r..HAZTRANT, And. Gest. W. H. NEMBLE, State Tresa•r. Commissioners of Sinking Fund PRICES OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, „.111.AliEFACTERED BY TIIE HAZARD; POWDER COMEOY, ARTHUR KIRK, Agent, Unice, 172 and 174 FEDERAL STREET, CANISTER POWDER. Electric' Rim. 1,2, 3, 9 and 5 grain, In Square Canisters,* lb.nacb • American, bporting, In Oval Canisters . of Ilb. __each One,k Shooting, Noy 1,2, 8 and 9 grain, in Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each ,Indian Mc, in Oval Canisters of 11b. each.. .. . h Kentucky Ititle, In Oval Canisters of Ilb. eac h Kentuckyß 151 e. I n Oval Canisters °I'M lb. each 125 one lb. Oval Canisters in a case. ) (SO half lb. •dn. do..- do.) • :ERG POWDER , . Kentucky Milo, Trua., TYG., and "Sea Shoot ing', ra; in kegs: lbs Kentckylillic, , Frirti,"47o, and "Sea Shoot -- in& In kegs,l2)i t . . . . . . Kelitucky)tille, Firra, }Fa, Mir' To. In kegs, 0)(169 • - nnd .- Deer Powder, lit7tegs,.2slbs • • • • - Mining.and Shipping • Powder, 'Minin F, 77, Safety Yr, grain, net cash, in. kegs, 26 quality, inlclise-ftir Blasting, of superior in packages of 60 feet and over • • • Dellwred free of expense on board of Boat or Railroad, In Pittsburgh or Allegheny, REAStRY DEPARTMENT,T OFFICE LIGHT HOURS BOAR WASHINGTON CITY, March .17th, 1531.1 PROPOSALS FOR...STONE.. . . SEALED •PEOI'OSALf3 will be received at this 'titian until l o'eloek on Friday,tlie 10th Day cif Aprfl o 1868. for the nom mai stone for the thee wall'of a pier et` protection at ' Wttagoshance Light Station, sizatt. of .116a:inst. tai afteriiiitie with plans Sad ilier:46tiehe;iotiles ot#ltieltnin be obtained neon' appuctttoa to the at %his -;iiihilitisf-2 , " - ValinleLefi*Oit: - Al q ! : 13333 3 WONG' '-'43133130111tqM313=A3133,130. TT savior beit4o saterurinst:prft r 4 - 4 • utz ou. --.. ; yS L r ^~.. .. '. AUCTION SALES. BY mni.& .. p4innait a prnwirm; = AudnpitEras. And continfaidoii merchants,. OPERA HOUSE MOTION ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goodsand Notions; AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Constrain:mete &Melted. Prompt Re. farm'. BY BiIIYBBON ViiIHOOK & HANDSOME. DESIUDENCE , , AT - AUCTION'. • Saturday, April 4, at 2 1.2 it'eloek On the premisis,_will be sold, that handsome new' , two-story BRICK HOUSE, No. 52 Ohio avenue, containing nine rooms, finished in elegant style; also three rooms in attic. The lot fronts on -Ohio avenue 53 feet, extending back 300 feet to. Locust street. . Parties desiring a first class property, having all the latest improvements, will find it to their intereg to attend this sale. Street tars pass every ten min utes.• • ___ . . SMITHSON, VANHOOK k McCLELLAKE. ml2O lIIERTY TOWNSHIP PROP . ERTY AT PUBLIC SALE. . In pursuance of Order of Court, In No. 245, June Term, 1568. will be Offered at Public Sale , at the COURT HOUSE. Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY, April 1504 1868, at 10 o'clock A All that certain piece or parcel of laid situate-in Liberty township. on the Braddockstielditoad. (the property of Lewis J. Fleming, trustee, containing 3;6 acres, more or less. TERMS—One-half cash, balance in one year, with interest. L. J. FLEXING Trustee. For further information apply to .E. 'l'. JONES, Attorney-at-Law, 64 Grunt street. mliZin33 EXECUTORS' NOTlCE.—Letters Testementary • upon the last Will and - Tents ment of EMANUEL STOTTLER, Sr., late of Penn Township, Allegheny county, Pa., deceased, having been issued to the undersigned. all persons having claims against the said estate.wlll present them, duly authenticated for settlement, and Those indebt ed are notified to pay the undersigned, in Penn township, Allegheny comity„Pa._ _•• . H. 'B. STOTTTER, E. STOTTLEWJE., mli7:msl • Executors. . ADMINISTRATOR'S Letters of administration on the estate of ADAM AESCHELMAN, deceased, late of Allegheny county, &wring been granted to the undersigned, ail persons indebted to said estate will make payment without delay, and those having claims against the same will present them for settlement. CHAS—H. HARTMAN, H. 8. FLEMING, fe..T:m7t•rn • Administrators, McClure Tp. TO WHEAT GROWERS. - EUREKA ALIEMEONIATED BONE, StrEMPHOSPHA.TE OF LIILE, MA:NEFACTURED BY , • • The Allegheny . Fertilizer Co., REWARD & CAMPBELL, PROPRIETORS, . , 0180, 866 Penn Street, Plttstwrgh, Pa. The best Eetilizer in use, aril recognized by " Fartners who' ave given It a trial, to be R ye stand ard for .raising large crops of Wheat., , Oats, Corn, Pots toes, ac. We have published for gratu itous circulation &pamphlet containing:lnteresting and valuable statements of this Fertilizer, copies of which will be sent free to any sending , us their ad dress. G. THE CREAT • ARABIAN PHYSICIAN TREATS DISEASES, IN ALL ITS FORMS. Office, N 0.293 Libertfr Street. Alir PRIVATE ENTRANCE, CR' . .‘GARRISON ALLEY.. mb..%:n41 Atis.euErirt, PA. mb2A:e3ti 4 , 4 M a 1phA04v144,71 1 ,1 41 .4 3 MT1; m77..,7 A - • - Ago,— • . LEGAL. p1,13-13i4iifly.iaizti SECURITY AND. COMFORT. FOR - irHE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. L HARRIS' SAFETY FARE JACKET Car Heater ma-Moderator For SMOKE AND HOT AIR FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires In 'or about. the Passenger or BagggeCars, with the attachment to graduate the heat t o any temperature task-MAY. his desired without - the possibility at t a c hedug the car 'or' cars to width the Jacket may be.. Raving obtained of the United States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jaoket which is warranted. to resist the most Intense heat that may be adplied to it is. the position and purpose for which it Intended: IL Is a sure protection from accidents by Are origi nating from defective flues, or where irontpes are used as conductors the smoke or heat: It. appll!: pliable to all piping that may become overheated,, . and is warranted to give ioerfect satisthetionwhers, wood or other combustible material trusy.b& placed in close proximity thereto. I am now.ready to ap ply my invention to stores, dwellings, , iketeries, ships, steamboats, railroad cars, wherever pipes as conductors are made dangerotia.by- being overheated sad. security desiscd. I TAR tell. on ap plication. rights to .teanufactureer to use the above Invention; also, territorial rights, to such. as may . wish to engage In seining prilVeges, either by State or county. J. , fl. Bdlt 118. Sarolllce at tbe "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT 'WORKS," corner of Morris street and. the Alleglte? ny yaw , Railroad, Ninth rsrd. Pittsburgh, P. CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT.' Which TEN YEARS , TRIAL in New York and oth er tistern cities has proved a complete snecess. - . !ITS ADVANTAGES: lot--leading and Shrinkige..Bll3 completely avoid apart necessary. , 3d—When freed ,from duet, moths or their larvae. tho Carpet looks nearly as good : as now, save the natural fading from wear. t •• • • 4;117-When perfectly clean, a Carpet will weir as long again, a desirable matter as a mere.point of eeonomy, , to say nothing of looks.; ALL; ORDERS:LETT AT TAE OFFICE, 'to - w • .0. 17 9 Ottiddiiiiied to 1.. ci:ll447B;;Fp.ieeelre'iin*pi Gra.,L,XICEINTOCIE; R. = . . -Sirin.g,t altkW N4OS 1= kla ,ofo4f.r.i V si r • ". D#A •4' : - ' . 21. aro .rmm. A At DUO 'W ,4 2244/ . ''• pea at e Y Afaik • .1 _ A f r : • - . t i • 7 t" ---- T ; • as Wait. J. IMMOHAWT T4UAORfIi Ist *c,oblimsi,- miiixtartax" . .Axxion,l No; 93,4'8311,Tintaiii.LD Slf#T, .PITTSBU Heel* colustanUy on _incites tßrenti CLOTHS' CASSIMERES & VESTI Also, GILNDS SORNINICENG GOODS. GE 'CLOTIUNGICADE TO ORDEM, the lauet sty Now` READY ; - ITfir.l/0 S pr i ng Se4eimi; • nth isiiiimitt ecriiplete stock of BOYS', ypuras , AND • CLOTHINC. . . . All the new ino r !esOingityles, to_ be totizorij • No. 47 AT. - cLAra STREET. - - , MEIRCUANT.TAILOW. • 4 . 5x4i . E4 r, rort - 57,. No. 3 Si, CLAIR STREET, hai.e )ast. _tiro frourthe - Rastn - - full_Ampply 'of - SPRING-Auld -4 MEE GOODS, CASSAESM, STINGS. Au., which they are prepared to• cut and. make up style equal Many- snop in the east or-.west. are determlried to deserve ,and - hope -to-recei liberal patronage. - , CRACKER BAKERIES. MARTINIS PATENT > : . . FRENCH CRACKERS. FRENCH cnAcsruq: • FRENCH CRACKKIiS. • 4 1, FRENCH CRACICEIiS . • FRENCH CRACKERS 4 FRENCH CRACKERS. And every variety of , T . SUPERIOR CRACKER S. S. MUM 17/51'; 91.101eity Street, I.444liKairp TRY THEM. :„Ea ESTABLISIEED IN 11340: ! / , '" , SHEPHARD'S Steam Cracker and BlscaitTacto 3/7 LIBERTY STREET, PITTIEMBe74 Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of cornrEip , rxixyi - g.it - y, FOREIGN AND - DOMESTIC FRUITS; NUTS, GLASS,' MINA, CUTLER -Zoo WOOD STREET CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, SILVER PLATED WARE, PARIAN STATUETTESS - • And other STAPLE AND FANCY . GOODS, a great. variety. • • 100 WDODATREET.. RICHARD E. BREED ..gc-CO. L:~3'j(~:4 ~~~ 4:f A ~4Q CHARLES IMMENISY • 6. 153 Federwl.streetAlletlie4, • (Pour& door Rizzi:kind OEMs, 'China ' Ware & Table ea. ' tie AT EASTERN PRICES. Everything required drat class store on hand. Call and examthe goods.. Jelte= PIANOS;ORG : S, &C: IDOLTY , TIIE 111037.A.111). - C : J_A. - P.SI! PIANO:AND ORGAN. - • Schomacker's Gold -Medal.;' -. AND rESTEVS2COTTAGE ORGAN.' - .The' : - .-SCRONACKEW. PIANO .oumblnes. all latest valuable -Improvements . in: the e strnetion - of a first class instrurnent, and baaalw i been awarded the Idghest.premium .wherever • • Minted. Its tone Is full. - sonorous and sweet.. • f: • workinstitldp.:.for darabillty , and bcanty,-. snip." all others. Prices from &so to '11.50, taecordin, style - and. finish,) cheaper:than All other • first.clsse Piano. • -• • . . , , . , - - ESTEDS .Btands at.the::lseadof all rend.lnattuments, p the most perfect pine auallty, Or tonki • :shiaeriloetrateeetio: the tritieCt;etesi'!:,l[ pie arid compact in .eonstruction. and: pot: le: get out of order. 41ta010 T e E s o n ly: AtnT. •E b N found. O Or N this I Price from 1100 to $500 . .., guaronteedler . Ye4r l6 • INASE*III:32TII34 . t SEICONIII HAND • . • 'III I 'LODEONS AID DISANN, In perfopt order, ikon:43s $1304. • . CHARLO'rTZ OttaiE,. mbi2 451 Fifth st.,-311d door abare*ood SATE AMY CAPS. ays! SPRING GOODS. ALL 711K . N.EIV STTL.F.S..O?;-: ilB. •:.: -..z.:',.: , :-.- ~-....:....:2', . . 1 ,- : .!•. .-:..:::,...,:-,-.:.i...i - ARRIVING - qAThr, AT ''' nbot .-...;'.-- .. •, 1 - J.,ti,:: ) MVO :: at! 00;, MARTIN LIELLEIty HATS, CALINEI-AL.NI)'.FIXIMS. Aleo,4a.jrallietnrer . ,Nrtioleaale Retail Deal in T N.e. 4311 t, SLIT FIELD . REKEituNICI6_ RT,,Plttaburgh;. oille.FpprpurAtypt . o itkplay/ocitot,,igiarante ARo4.or.ixyrsi , !: .-fk MBE FRUIT HOUSE ASSOCIATION RUILDIbtOS, Nos . - X and St:Clair Street, Tittftrutgb,.ra.. Spec* attention given to the delifining.ond building COURT ROUSER and PUBLIC it UtLOTNOS, MCIPOS, MECIiANICAL KNO DRAFTSMAN. oft% rhu• UoU. 7G Third 1 •t, Vim Xenra R a 14431 :1 & CO,ELT : H. '''''''' ,/ .4 - :.'''''7" :l ! IWORTRIPMEXINURIER-COSIONLNI`P -,40, ....- ' -, 4,.. _ ....._.- : J ., , :', l' ~,i .;.‘' • . .. 2 ......,,,- , ,-,: - . 1, : „....: :''. , iimpl.Wili r..:4 -Al. 1.3 • . 111PFZI4OVVV• %,.. pittltleii4itnOrAa v pa r : . a. : BliManitasinge..4oWiTA ~,.:", '.". •=..; ;Ai , ... ~..4:-.:;,, ~,2 # F . , -ii% v i.;,.., - • :;., ~...,--, -" •-- - ..v- ~ R 9 ,9f 4 -" -::' - ;-F 0 ',' , • 4 04 1 1X1P , L , j 1 ' '•_ t iuwa s i,t, ' - • ' M* , 'l' *Ws trim. lt,i , , ,tilb A-u.:l. . my esti ra AT MO PITT GLASS WOlLitgilit mesa. $ .y em oi 43 II II Wil .:_tat woo MCON