''''''''' . 7 .-- ' ,---I ' - ''''''" .- ' -- - -------- ''''''" . '" - '''''' .2*-. '''''''''''''''''" * " . .. , - '-''''''''''' *-'''''',-*-•*::''''':.-' '** '‘,....*,. ', .-,**.*_ 'T .**,'*::*_,'*„..;:-."*. -, :'; .-:: *. * • * * ..--''': -..,- -... **;.':•••.' _ _ . , . . • .. . , .. . ' - , .•.,.... 2 1 . _„: ,-.....! j _ I 1 7" \.l _... ~r ., .., ~..3 ,. , : . 1 ...-- ..., .• .. . , . . . . . , . . . .. . VOLUME LXXXII.I. FIRST NMI L.VE. O , MAJCIE M. 33:131 Dal {:)11:4 Oil t DI Approprialion Bill Reconsider.: , ed—Revised - System sof Collect I ing Tax nother ,Free Rail Road Bill limed in the Rouse —Private B 114 Passed. ISpeclal Dispatch to the rittsburalGtizette I HAtuusnuan, March 31,1868: The Approiriation hill recently defeated, was reconsidered, and will ,come , up.for no tion at an early day. The Senate agreed to adjourn zinc die April 14th. _ The bill from the Civil - Code Commit*. sioners revising the system of collecting State, county, and 'township tates was dis cussed till the hour of adjournment. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FREE RAILROAD BILL. Mr. JENXS, of Jefferson, in view of the fact that the Governor had vetoed the Free, Railroad Law, read in place a new bill, meeting the, objections of the Governor and compromising'with the Senate- Passed finally by a unanimous vote and sent to the g,enate. This bill requires ten thousand dollars capital per :mile, six thousand dollars to be subscribed,for every mile, and ten per cent paid up befcire ix)mirencing operations. It is left optional whether the books shall be kept open till the full amount of capital stock le subscribed. Companies are sub= ject to the general railroad laW of 1849, and roads must be commenced within two years after filing the articles, and fifty milescom pleted in five years thereafter. The capital stock may be increaSed with the consent, of stockholders.Ay up (m at : of e hUndred per cent of original capital. Companies may be constructed, and roads may cross at grade at the expense of the crossing road. No streets orfilleys shall. be entered without the consent of borengh or' city authorities: PRIVATE RILLS PARSED • The ,private calendar' to-day embraced five hundred bills. The following passed finally: - • Repealing an act authofizing the election of additional officers and alba:ging the man ner of collecting taxes in North Fayette township, Allegheny county. _ , • r Relative to the House of Refuge or West ern Pennsylvania, which imposes the ex pense of keeping persons there On the county frcirtiwhich , •theycome f : '• Authorizing tie New - Castle Hall • and Market Company tO boirow five thousand , dollars. • ' • • ' - Incorporating the borough of Ormsby, Allegheny county. •Relative to the aillection - of 5 State tax in Butler borough; and authorizing the Court of 4narter Sessions ti) appoint Street Su. Perviscir in said liorougb: ' Supplement for-Pittsburgh; -Port Nam. iand Chicago; Railroad Company, authoriz .ing the building of connecting branches in Allegheny., • - • • IncorPorating the Uniontown and West Viigin.lll Incorporating the Stony . Creek. Railroad,. Somerset county. . Incorporating the Pittsburgh, McKees port and Brownsville Railroad Company. At the afternoon session - the SPEAKER presented the joint resolutions of the Min nesota Legislature favoring the transfer of the Gettysburg'National Cemetery to the General Government.. The joint resolution from the Senate to adjourn mute die 14th was, postponed, on ruption .of, Mr. ARXSTR.ONG, of Lan caster, until`tfie . Senate returns the Appro priation bill. • _ BILLS PASSED FINALLY. Estabitshirig 'a ferry over the'Youghiogh enixiier Roston, Elizabeth township, Allegheny county.' Incorporating a company to erect a turn pike from- West :Union, os - the -Virginia 1 State.raine, to West Alexander, Wsshing- Establishing a ferry Over the Allegheny from land of. John Remer, Madison town- I ship, Arinstrong county. Ere6ting an-independent school district 1 out i OfECarnbria inct Somerset- counties, to be known as Point Ridge District. Incorporating the Allegheny Grocery and Provision Company. ,14011.04StElti ICESOTATTIONS ADOPTED. Ai; the evening session the House passed the Senate joint, resolutions , thanking Con gress for impeaching AndreVi Johnsen and endorsing E. 31. Stanton for resisting inva, sion of his offide;by o:strict pait3i,Vate. ARKANSAS. Mitiorlty Cpi'the Caniiittntion I,o49—Great Franips ,Alleged. (By "Telegraph to the rftts urgh Gazette.] Sr. _Lours, March2L—The DemoCiat has asPecial from Little Rock, Arkansas, signed Thomas. M. Bowen, President of the. Reco nstruction Convention, which says: - Official returns from the entire State give the Con stitution sixteen hundred 'and' forty-nine majority. The Avcr2anche's Little Rock special this evening says: Tbe Radicals claim the suc cess of- the Constitution by 1,619. Heavy f ra uds Are alleged, have been practiced .by iegisters in'nearly every local zty, and the commen belief is, the , ConstitU tion has been defeated by seven thousand ;u 4 Returns - 'are suppressed by r s some cams; ,The • result can only lindetermiried by the official re turns... The 4gislature is. elected without opiposition. "It is not known if the mill tarywill interfere. '..A greater maj ority m ed for the Constitution in his and Jefferson cote ties than the entire' number. ` of registered-:voters.-The election lasted seventeen days. Few whites voted for the') Constitution.• ,The raajoytty for the Consti tution in' tlais'oounty Was 3, 05 2 which is t reater than the first registration, including . , FROM EUROPE. . . . ~ ... English -Parliament Proceedings --Tho War in:Paraguay—lrish Church Establishment. • (By Telegragb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • : MEAT IipuTAIN. - -. :AFFAIRS IN SOUTH ANERICA.. LONDON, March 30.-3fidafght.—ln the How3io t of Lords this evening, Lord Mal ., niesbttry disclaimed any intentionupon the. part of the English Governinenfto interfere In.the affairs of Paraguay, ..- • IRISH. CHURCH EST.A.IILISILKENT. , In. the House- of Cornmons petitions in favor of and against the Irish Chnrch es tablishment were read. . - Mr. - Gladstone' after calling:for - the read ing of the acts of Parliament in relation to the Irish Church, moved -that the House proceed to corisicietthem: He declared the ' time had come when the Irish Church '• should cease to exist as a State establish- I ment. He would add no details of means by which this was to be brought about; be cause it was not the duty of the opposition . to arrange them all. Proprietary rights' Ishould be respected.. There should no i longer be ,a salaried clergy paid by -the State and',connected with the Church. A Ifund for the benefit Of Ireland should be created from balances of incomes of the 1 Chuxch. _• - ' .- • . • " k , . • Mr. Gladstone proceeded to explain, that the Liberal party • had not dealt with the quelation; because it - had never before been I presented to them in a concrete- shape' as at the present time. Both parties; he . aid, were excusable for neglecting the subject, because the public sense had not before been fully aroused in regard to it. He re pelled the charge of apostacy which had been made agtunst him. Speaking of meas ures which should be adopted, • he regom mended that the churches and parsonages should be left to-the clergy, and those'who„ I chose to maintain them would . indemnify . I the owners of the advowson. After further I arguments, 'Arr. Gladstone closed with an I appeal tOthe Bonne to 'take some definite action. Lord Stanley replied, opposing, a. too has- tY action in the matter saying ' the House I should wait until the bommissiod on the I Irish Church should make their report, and concluded by moving his resolution, of which he gave notice last Friday, that the subjectb p e l ax ef i t itun ove e r nt f . or the consideration of the next Mr. Craineborne, the member from. ford, moved a resolutionthat the principle . i of disestablishing the Irish. Church be set-1 ". tied now, and the details be left to the next I ' Parliament. The debate was adjourned. i r A-bill abolishing flogging frithe arnfy has I I passed the House of Commons. . ' I FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. t LIVERPOOL, March 31—Evening—Cotton is irregular, sometimes active and at othersi quiet, closing firm and with an' advance of 1-16 d. under more favorable - trade reports; sales of 1.8,000 bales half to arrive; mid dling uplands in pcireat 11yally,d; to ar rive, Orleans at 114a11.:Xd 4 . Manchester market active bonyant. Breadstuffs— Corn advanced - to 425. Wheat is steady at 16s. for white California; 14s. 4d.„ for red, 'astern."- - at ss. 43d. Qata-Agf-,44,aa: Teas atelfis.l6o) AL E7k . 6.l'tPrOviSlons --Beef at 1253. Pork at 795.. Lard - at 623. Cheese at 54; Bacon at 445. Produce un changed. • Lompos,, March 31.—Ecening —Consols 93a93 1-8. 's 7 2o's 717-3.172. Erie 48 5-8. Il linois Central 89 3-4. Atlantic it -Great' Welern 31 1-4. March 31. 71 -Evenin;:p--yonds 74 7-8, . - ANTWERP,' March 31.—Evcning—Petro leum firm at 44.1-2 franes.,, BRIEF TELEGRAMS - —The heavy snow Nihich fell in the West in the begining of last :week; interfered with travel on the Pacific Railway. The first through train from. Cheyenne since Tuesday, arrived Monday morning. Sev eral hundred pas-engers were snowed In near Hillsdale, 25 miles east of Cheyenne for sever#_drtys, and four or five hundred Men had been employed in clearing the road. There have been no mails from Salt Lake since, the 19thult. At Denver, on the 26th, the snow was three feet deep. —A Montreal, , Canada, dispatch says: Garrisons 'are _under arms and volunteers all over the country have received orders to be ready. Greek fire was discovered in the Irish part of Montreal, and the Govern ment claims to have news of a Fenian preparation at Buffalo and St. Albans. The move is said . to be for the purpose of pressing the conscription bill through Par liament. , , . —The Supreme Court of the United States has decided the sale, under the ' Earneftt mortgaga, under which the Milwaukee ik Minnesota Railroad. Company succeed the La' Crosse it' Milwaukee „Company, to be, fradulent and void, and 'perpetually enjoins that Company for intermedling with any property rights or privlegvi purchased at that sale. merchant of Greenfield, Ind., named J. J. Crider, was, robbed on. Monday at Richniond,lndilma, of 815,000. Mr. Crider was cn route to New York, and had his money in a carpet bag, which WEIS stolen from the car. . • —Governor Fletcher, of Missouri, has signed the Pacific Railroad bill, and the. Company f it is•• underEitond, , will, accept it. The bill provides for the sale of the road to the present Company for five millions, of dollars cash. : , , .—Rev. HenryC. Portter, son of the for iner..Rishoplof 'remisylvania, has been ap. pointed Reefer of Grace church; New - York, with a house and live thousand dollars a year: , -=Phe New An g land Methodist Confer ence,.at the fieseion at Tkistori yesterday, unanimously adopted a report in favor of prohibiting the sale of liquor. —The Philadelphia carpet weavers have determined to demandhigher wages, and to strike on Friday, if their demands are not acceded to. —At Urbana, - Ohlo,)fonday tight, burg lars entered the store of Uandiff - bc Russell and stole about one thousand dollars wort) , of silks. ' 4 —Gen. A. E. Burnside was in -Indian apolis for several days recently, looking af ter the interest of the new railroad froni that city. • —The "Maastichusetts Senate yesterday failed to pass the bill abolishing the State constabulary over the Gavernorrs veto. --A man named 'Milton :Harrison was killed in, a -saloon at Manchester, in SL Louis counti, Mo., Monday night: -:-;-/Theleaideuce of Judge Ellis Lewis, fn Philadelphia, :was robbed on Monday wen-, ing of 'tniver plate, —Annie DlcliensOn lectured in Washing" top, City_Monday emening4, : ;:" —The.stilamer,Cimbila; froM Europe; ar rived in New York Sreiterd4 ~..atirigatton opened on the Delaware and 9ndeon.Cansu Oil Monday. - - . . •' :. ,4.,,..„.., ; ,...,4, ... „ . „„ a ... 0... 7 ..... , ji „ = „,, .. ,,, ,,,,55 ,,, 4:„triz1ize,..aw:r.i . ;:41;117 , 11.. ,. ..4.. , ; ,7 17.4. ,, .i.3 ,,, 7 , :_.3..2 , 174 , 11 . 41: , .x . z . ...75wz.. „. .„,... ,..,, , ,. „,.....t ..., , , % -,- 4.. ,, T.,,,..." ,,,, r , .--.... , --- - :..- w —',-- - '''4,---,''';'4,-.-----.'"'''V' 4 %.,..',." - -.Z. , ,c'... -r,,.....,, ,, ,5%—„....Q.1 , ,, , , * , , , , ,,, , 423... „ , ..,,,,f,..-4=v, ~ ,,g r o , f i-- -,1 .4, ,, , .1..,0.--I=, -,.,--':,,„.,,,r'..,-,-,..... .0;4"X,1*,71-?.,,,L-!.,.........,:1.r,.;,-,4,..,71,,,,,,,V7-.4%.,y,ir,;„.0,,V,5r..;17.;47...7„..1---.,:';;;',727,("'.-,,,,--'.., "...'7.C-...-",--.....?:7.,,A"'"'",,,..1-Z,7.1"-•:-.7r...'-'Y,,,T9Py ... - : - .,, , _..t ,,, y.1..... , ,p....41,.. , :-: , , , •> - :-.....4 - q",,,v , ~, ... . 0, ,,-........g ,, ,,-,1....... —.;„,„,,,,,. ~,, - • . . . , . -. 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' 1 ',,,t , r. 2 J1k7.4. , 5-Ittt.tt , -4. . f.. , -••1 ,, ,A • 0.2..r..•-yil• • , . . - EBB SECOU 'OIIR, O'CIA)CIf. A. M. THE C.MTAL. General Hancock Aisumes Com mand of the Atlantic DePart -', Ment4L-Iteiignationd 'of :Alin* Officers Supreme • C'olirt A Florida,Habeas _Corp7 Case-- INCArdle Case Put -b er Till Next Term. (By Telegraph to the ,rlttabargh Gazette t) • WASHINGTON, march 31 January latliCextitict front Senate Journal; DEPARTMENT OF ATLANTIC—HANCOCK '- • ' •-- --- • SUMDS COMMAND, , showing the act i on of the Senate tnereon; Head? carters Military Division of At/untie. copy of Secretary Stanton's Commission . Lincoln under . Genera/ Order No. I.—ln compliance from President which onl •• with General - Or • der No. 17, dated •". Mr. Wilson said, Mr..StantouclapaStp old his office. Headquarters .of the Army, Adjutant W. J. -- McDonald was: called and attested , _ General's - .office, Washington, City, . C , the.notitlention or.the. President of the March 2„8,. 1868, 'the iindersigneeherebv tion of Congre ss, and also attested Inc Bert Nide of,the .reablution of non-concurrence, assumes command of the military divis, , Prey ion of the Atlantic, composed - ,of -the in the remove Of Mr. Stanton by the Went. Department of the Lakes, embracing the J. W. &mei, Deinity Marshal of the Su-- States of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin, the Department of the h preme Court, was sworn. He testified he ad known. General Lorenzo Thomas for East, embracing•the New ..E111;140' States, six yearkiind had served - upon him the New York,'New 'Jersey and•Peunsylvania,_ and the Department of Washington, eat ' :. - surmnomi...OPtheDietriet - Srapreme-Xourt cintlietihrt ofFehrtiary,: abent Retterro!CloCk bracing the Distririct of Columbia, Mary land and Delaware,- excepting the posit of at night, dud made return, which was read.. The resolution ".of the Senate that the Fort Delaware, attached to the Department of the East: The Headquarters are estab- President had no power to remove Mr. Stanton was then road. • . ;fished at Washington, D. C. . - " E. E., ,- Creer_sri... an-- appointment clerk in [Signed].- HAiscood --•- ' the Treasury - Department, was sworn. He [Official.] Maj. Gen. Commanding. I testified to the form of appointment used DMIGNATION OF ARMY- OFFICEDS. in the Department prior to March, 1867.. • ~ T be,resignation of the following officers Senators complained of not hearing and of the regular army have been- accepted by Mr. BUTLER offered to repeat what wit the President : 'Lieut. Col. F. Townsend; !less. 9th United States Infantry, Brevet Brig. Mr. EVAIiTS' said he preferred to hear General United States Army; Capt. James " the witness himself. P. Brownlimr, Bth United . States: Cavalry; . Mr. STAIIBERY inquired what was the Capt. Jno. P. Macy, 10th 'United States In, . objeet of the testimonY7 . • centre; 'First:.,Lieut. Louis H. 'nee, ' fir` . BUTLER replied it was to show that United States Artillery; FirSt Lieut. David after the pstasage of the Tenure-of-otlace act J. Scott,loth United States Infantry; First the - President signed a different form of I.,ieut. Egbqrt Alcott,th United States In- Commission, made in accordance with said fantry; Second Lieut. Win. A. Clark, 30th f act, thereby recognizing its binding force United States Infantry; Second Lieut. Por- . legality, • • - ter ;HedenS, Bth United States Cavalry; i Witness testified to the changes indica- Second Lieut. Earl M. Rogers, 30th United • tcd, which were read by Secretary Forney.; States Infantry; Second Lieut. Jno. A. i The words stricken out, were ' , during the I Arthur, 2ffUnitediStates Cavalry. pleasure of the President for the time be , • • i • - • • : • . IDLIFREMD 'COU:RT-.-34A1IDAS -COMPUS , CASE. ing " The form of for Treasury rirp- In the Supreme. Court , to -day Associate Ipointments was also produced and the wit , Justice Nelson said a motion •had been fleas tostuu t a, to the striking _out of the ,made, to advance the cause, e.r parte, Mar:- tinand Magill, and the Court had come to' words above;quoted„and the substitution in - their pla ce 'of the words 'lnnlesta this the conclusion not to entertain it. The mo- i commission be sooner revoked by the Lion was, therefore, denied., .This .was a President of the United States , for the time clew which had Several, times been,' before b e i ng. ,, _ . .. • . , • the Court. It was an 'teem an order 'Elie _Commission issued to Mr. , Goober, from the District Court of Florida, sitting Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Nov.- as a Circuit Court in a criminal case w, 2 oth i mor owaspro a uee d. of murder,. in which: it , was alleged 'Mr. BUTLER, continuing to "examine, the Court had no jurisdiction. it I asked if the Senate was then in session? was proper to suggest that the remedy, if Witness said ho thought not,end in an the relators are . entitled to any, was lir a • serer to another question said- Ai. Cooper writ of ..Aabcas •corpua from...this Co urt, did not qualify under that Commission, but through the DfirtridtVotiit sittirCusaCrint7 ; ' ,mo t A ge iver tw id e l l ;was then . toad ; inal Court; and a.certioriarianadertif*lttittsltjAw • ahaarreseketarthieit i adi n g-, teenth section of the Judiciary act of 1789 :' of the letter o given teMr: (Soper' This was the conclusion of the Court. It by the President on December 2d. , remained for counsel to pr,oceed accord- Witness testified' Mr. Chandler resigned; ingly if they saw proper. he thought, a day or two before this letter. The partieahave been convicted of mur- Croas-rkxamineil by Mr. CURTIS. der, and the ease invOlvei points similar to Witness stated the date when the change those in the McArdle case. - :in the form of Comniission was made WAS the dth of March, 1867. Mr. Burt Vanhorn, Member of the liouse of Representatives,' mated be,vnes preient at the War Department on Saturday, the =,d day of February, 1868, at ten minutes past eleven o'cloek, when Lorenzo Thomas demanded of Mr: Stanton the posses sion .of the office of • Secretary of , War. lie testified that General *Thomas, 1, afterexehanging . salntations wit h thoaei! present, !mid to Mr.;Stanton,q mini Secretary;', .War adan author appointed of d autho-il i zed by the President to take possession : of this office." Mr. Stanton ordered.' hibi to repair to his room and perform his 'lluties as Assistant Adjutant General, which he refused to do, Saying he intended to exer cise the functions oh Secretary of War, and would receive the mails of the Department. Mr. Stanton told him he would do so at his peril. Mr. Thomas left the rocen and wit ness last saw him in the room of Genera - Schriver. On cross • examination by Mr. STAN-, EERY, the witness said he went there .to wy a visit to Mr. Stanton—not on public business; was accompanied by :desire. Moorhead and Clark; did not know what their business was ;- did , not state 'what they went for; lie 98 not in the habit of taking memoranda of cOnversations; was prepared by having a largo envelope in his pocket; no one requested him to do it; it was. about a minute oiler Gen. 'Ebonies left the room that ,Mr. , Stanton followed him; be fore he reached the room he heard a conver sation going: on between - Mr; Stanton and General Thomas; did not understand what was said; did not know where the envelope. on which ho took the memoranda -was; it was' probably - destroyed; - lie said he went with Mr. Stanton, to General Schriver's room, and • was requested by Mr. Stanton' to take notice of the question ho was about to ask General Thomas, which Ares whether he intended to obey Ids , orders as Secretary. of War; Thomas replied he did not; also. said 110, intended to receive the- mails, and acknowledged to the witness liehad 'said so. Crossexamined 'by Mr. STANBERY-- Witnesshad•beenattlinDenattnierff half an, hour before 'Gen:Thor - nes came; ho was not attended, nor was he armed, so far as wit• ness could see. 'Witness thought thrit there had been some conversation. between Mr. Stanton and . 'Oeneral Thomas in General Sehriver's room, before entered; It was of a good natured character; he thought' there had been soille joking bet Ween them, Walter A. Burleigh„Delegate from Da• kota, was examined - . Mr. STANBERYwanted to know the ob.: ject of this examination'as to the,conversa tion between witness and General Thomas? Mr. BUTLER replied, to show time and . purpose of General Thomee was to take possession of the wa r Department by foree. Mr. , STANBERY objected to tire testi mony, and the objection was sustained - by the Chief-Justice. -Senator DRAKE said thequestion should be slibm'itted to the Senate and appealed front•the decision of the Char. The" CHIEF' JUSTICE said it was hisi duty under the rule. • Senator DRAKE said ther e was nothing . to give Chief. Justice that right.' , - Senator JOHNSON called 'Senator Drake to order, on the - ground that be • could not debate the ctitestion.""- The ukitt.F JUSTICE arose and said . he,. ( J i ns !3y ticii . th o e f toolnins,lTtniteitucia,74Sfto p res idetee,was evi3r•tho,Ccittrf.Of Untlesehrnant ; When the; :Prealdilit was hidngtried Nit; when so pm siding; he - became President dtthet *nate; "sitting as a High" Court . of-linPeaehrnent, When anoint cif:evidence, of form or law, ditnie'beforethe.COurt, in the first instance' ' n Chief Justice ',person to decide it , and thinilhe 'Senate on ifs being Judge Nelson said Motion was made yesterday by Mr. Black for leave to argue ; the MeArdle case, under the aspect it pre sents in view of the recent act of Congress. One of the counsel, Mr. Black, was not in Court, but the conclusion of the Court was ' that if there was no objection they would hear the argument at the opening of the ' Court,On Wednesday. It should here be stated that Judge Black, in making the mo tion yesterday, did not think the recent act of Congreas , withdrawing from. this Court jurisdie.tion - in this - class of cases was Of any effect to the MeArdle case. Mr. Carpenter objected to the argument to-morrow; As it WAS a case of much importance, he should like more time. Justice Miller asked Mr. Carpenter what time he wanted. Mr. Car penter replied if the subject . went over to morrow it would necessarily go over for the term. Judge Nelson said the Court would let the question stand till the counsel, Mr. Black, came in. After waiting for the ar rival of Judge Black, Mr. Sharkey said he saw no necessity for ar guing the McArdlo case any further, and so far he was' concerned ho should merelylike the privilegenf filing a few au thorities for himself. In the absence of Judge Black he was willing to submit it on memorandum. -Judge Miller asked Mr. Cexpenter Whether be work' satisfied with that? Mr. Carpenter did not think he was. The matter ought to be presented on both aides. ; Judge, Miller understood Mr. Car :. ?enter to suggest yesterday. that the natter •should'not bo argued, but the Court should settle the matter foe itself. Mr. Carpenter replied he . did not suggest what course should be pursued. .. Judge Sharkey re , rnarked—Judgeltlack. is not - here. Judge Clifford asked why ? Judge Sharkey said he had got out of a sick bed to come here. He repeated he .had alittle memorandum and handed it to the Court. He did not' wish to interfere with Judge Black. The Court, after consultation, said: Intuunuck as the counsel are not - preparedto argue the _question, and as the Court was, now. ap-, proactiing the end of the'session, the case' must otneceasity ,go _over till the next - term.' !This WaLthearaidon of the . Court. RESULT! OF RECIPROCITY. . , The Secretazy of the Treasury to-day, in reply to a resolution of the House of Repre sentatives- attkiikg him fir a statement of the trade hetween the United States and the British and North American Provinces, transmitted a communication prepared by George W. Brega, in which the• latter says he is ttatbsiled,after a careful examination of returns since March, 1866, and a review of the effects which' grew• out of the recipro city-, it is undoubtedly _for the interest of our citizens that the main 'features of that convention should, be reviewed so far as. legisbitive action of the GoYernment can 110 SO. • . , Accident at a Coal Shaft—Eleien Men In [l/7 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] SOBAITTON, March. 31.—8 y the breaking of - a - chain connected -, :with thei , hoisting machinery at-the DiamOnd coal 'mines, in this city, this morning; y platform contain-. ing is3venteen men 'was precipitated to the bottom tit the shaft, - -Odlstonce• Of one' bun dre&and eighty-five fcct;;-.Efe:/en were stantly killed, Qno since died, and two IMorcf, tboughtzilaiittor ICaVe eleven Widows and s .PWotitY-eigitt; or-. . . pitoMfrz,g*ow i , • ! , s.W 'oleitrapktU4. l ofi. PoILADELPHIA, z March .31.—Xtte excM tion of Donovan, foi themyrder mqwbb, took igooe to-day... He Wed :piliteithig hi* innocence, • • • s ail - - PrrisAiu RGIJ i,347450AY. THE WARDLE CAST. .. I , o i mictitll -, taw ..1 e:4'',41.4.;. -'..:-... py Im ,Iprctia9! t , ! eTresident-- , President tithe • :4teiibrtof i 3l nvesa the Evidence- 7 Q, i estion Raised . _. as' to ...the Powe of the chief • JuitieeniliNiiiihilltiiiittiiiei•—? (By Telegr.pil LOAe pittabu i rgli Gazette.) - : WASFIIisCkTON; :Match 31. 1868. BENA After a few petitions d been presented the Cly#fralltake,n..bz he , Chief Justice. ThelmpeachmeniM cr . ; - arid members of th 6 souse took their laces. The Vallery was - about half fu11. , -- Mr. WM Mitst , ;nifered Ocumeutary eyi-. 73k dence incluthe Se to resolution of -4) 11 puic is 1868. initiinitted to them at the atimpition of a ' Mr. BUTLER proceeded to quote from' •various cases oT impeachment to show that the, presiding officerrof the impeachment court had no - right to detide questions of law or evidence.. Mr:Butler complained that the Managersofthe House would be •bouna ,hand and foot by this decision- and would be unable to get.objections considered,,un less by the courtesy of a member of the The CHIEF JUSTICE then stated the point raised for the decision of the Senate. Senator DRARE . objeeted to the ruling'of The CHIEF" JUSTICE called the Senator to order Senator CCNELINGOaIIed for the read-: mg of the rule, and it; as read. Mr. BINGHAM maintained the rule only authorited the Chair taiubMit questions to the Senate , when the and nays were ,riot called ler byonstfifth l . and that the Constitution:itself,. In. , Sarng the Senate - shoiddhave the sole power _to try impeach niento settled' the .whole ',question. .. The .rulings of Parliament decided the presiding officer had no pint in' 'passing on qiiestions of law_ and. -fact, _but was there only in a Ministerial-eapiatity, l with no right to make a decision. — H• Si'dotitended. it %MS_ a matter of great iinportance. whether. the House . could reach - the Senate directly, or whether the Chief. Justice .C:ta"ild ' stand between them,_unlest. some Senator offered the Man agers it,e,opirteSSY.' - He protested against the .11attscr being bound: anitlaid before the feet _bf auv - man,': however'. high and pure hn• •,iriay bi-.. If the Preeedent wereeStablislied, we might some day have a Jeffries in - the Chair. We ' have"had a Johnson in the. White House, and may , have, a Jeffries in, the Chair of the Chief Justice. The . CHIEF' JUSTICE ant the question whether his deeisionshoold be sustained by the Seriate:_ • _ - Senator DRAKE said the presiding officer had made a decision which he had no right to make, but bane he finished. - • Senator WILSON moved to retire for con sultation, but VithdreWA, when, " Senator f3HEI3MAN 'asked the Managers what were the ,pretedents - bearing on the question -in the trial of impeachment in this country? • • Mr. 'BOUTWELL said the Justice. did not preside as a meinber of the tribu nat, for the Senate is given the sole pp . wer to try impeachment, which gave it the right to' decide all questions as well as the ques tion of guilt or innocence. He (Mr. Bout well) did not object to' the Chief Justice giving his opinion, or ruling, but it, should be subject to the decision of the Senate. Mr. I3INGIIAX read an abstract' of au thorities which he had collected touching this question. Mr. BUTLER read from the report of the trial of Judge Chase an instance where the presiding officer, had put a question to the Senate for decision without expressing his opinion. Mr. EVARTS referred to Mr. ItoutwelPs acknowledgment that great 'inconvenience would result if the &nate decided in the first instance on all interlocutory ques tions; but said the counsel did -not admit that this was merely a matter of conveni ence. It was a matter'of right that the Chief Justice should such questions in the first instance. - Senator WIISON renewed motion,. that Senate retire for Consultation vote Weed' trleasiindleivltillnikin 25, nays 25 as - follows, • • • Yeas—Messrs. Anthony - , Biickalew, Cole, Conness, Corbett, Davis, Dixon, Edmunds, Fowler, Grimes, Hendricks, lime, John son,Mcemery, Morrill (Me.), • Morrill ((Vt.), Morton; Norton, Patterson (N. EL), Patterson (Tenn.), Pomeroy, Rims, Vickers, Williams and Wilson-25. • Nays-L-Messrs. Cameron,' Cattell, Chand ler, Conkling, engin Doolittle Drake, Ferry, Fessenden, Frelinghtivsen:Hender ' - son Howard, Morgan, . : lye, ; Ramsey; Saulsbury, Sherri:tam., Sprague, Stewart, Sumner; Thayer, Tifton, 'rnimbull, Van Winkle and Willey —'2s.' It being • a tie', vote, CHIEF JUSTICE voted ave, thus giving effect to the position assumed by him as-his right to vote.. The circumstance created some flutter on the floor and Much . amusement in the gill 'cries. • . ' - The Senate,,headedhy, the . Chief Justice, then, about threeo'clock, retired for consul= teflon. :Soon L er the galleries began to thin out, members' of the HiiuSe gathered. in knots and indulged in boisterous conversa tion` and • the • counsel 'for the Presi dent consulted quietly together. • One hour,ftwo hours, three hours passed, and still the Senators did. mit return totheir Chamber. The few 'spectators in the gal leries dvradled•listlessly,l most of the mein-• Perri sought other scenes more .charming, and the general appearance of things was • listless and uninteresting. .4 •. - • I At last, at twenty Minutes . past six the. Senabireturrild; and the CHIEF JUSTICE having called the body to order; said : The Sonata has had .}finder 'consideration the question which was discussed before it and has directed me to report•the following : Ride Seventh — The presiding officer of the Senate shall direct all necessary, prepare; tions in the Senate Chamber and the presid ing officer ot- the Senate shall direct all the forms of proceedings 'when sitting for the purpose, f trying an impeachment, and, all . forms during the trial' ' not ethe r-, wisp _ specially provided -for, e tied the presiding effacer on the 'trial may'rule on all questions - of. evidence' turd 'Con• incidental:--questions, which decision will stand as_the judgment of the Senate for decision, and: he may, at his option, in, •the flrst.-instance, submit any such; gum tion to a vote of the members of the Senate. Mr. BUTLER intimated the Managers de .sired to retire for consultation. , • Senator TRUMBULL ,said .uniess_ the Managers desired the Senate to continue in session, he would move anadjOurnMent. A joint resolution relieving the Quarter master's Department from responsibility for hospital:tents loaned to"Si,. Louis, was re ferred to the - Military Committee. A - resolution was adopted instructing the Ways'and Means Committee to inquire into the expediency of amending the revenue law, so as prevent the transfer of special licenses. • . A resolution was adopted that the Bank ing Committee inquire into the expediency of reducing the toit. imposed on private banks. • Mr. LAWRENCE Introduced a bill au thorizing a Ship Canal from Lake Erie to the Ohio river. Referred. • The report of the Conference Committee on the Manufacturers' tax .bill was inade, explained, by Mr. SCHENCK:, and agreed to Tbe House went into Committee and proceeded to, the Senate. • Before going..to the Satiate, Mr. CIILLOIII introduced a bill to amend the act of ; July .27t1i,'-' 1801, to indemnity State e for ex penses incurred:by them. in defense of the •Ufilted States: 'Referred 'to Coriimittee on • ApPropriations. • • • •-• •1' • :At resdlutiori - was adopted directing the Conunittee of Ways and lideans to inquire into the expedienor qf making a bug° r 6" 4 lketlen in the force of the Internal Revenue Perini:mt. - •• - introduced a Joint ma°. lute' , luipoSing - a duty- of two dollars a HOUSE OF REPRt3EN'I'ATIVVS. NUMBER 78. barrel ou petroleum intended for: trans portation. Referred to Cornmittee on Ways and Means. • The House resumed its session at twelve minutes past six, and Mr. WASHBURNE, of Illinois, Chairman •of the Carnmittee'of the Whole, made the usual report about the Committee attending the; Senate Chamber. Mr. PAYNE, from the • Reconstruction ,Committee, presented the Constitution:of Florida, with the proceidings of the-Con vention, and asked that they be printed. ~It was'so ordered. ' ' •At balf-past six o'clock the "House ad 'jcmied. STreUBENV3EIaIiE. The 3tilling of Coal—The Lee.ture . The question of Color—The FemaleSem• Wary and the Proficiency , °fits 'Scholars, aic,., &c. [Correspondence or the Pittsburgh Gazette.] STEUBENVILLE, March 29i 1868. This quiet and pleasant little city does not funiish much material for a letter. • 'The most of your readers know well how beau-- tiff:illy it is situated on one of themo , st grace ful curves of the delightful Ohio. The-view of:the high and abrupt bank on the cp#94ite side contrasts well with the gentle SN ‘, tot . the river above and below. • „ • • '• Steubenville-has furnished to the State N 1 and nation many men of great usefulness. .and distinction. Manufacturing is receiv- At s., ink more attention than formerly. The••••' -t- . .k- • mining of coal with - a 250 feet shaftis'a,,de- 'cided - success: Sixty men are employed, who, working ten hours per day. furnish live thousand bushels of coal per day, with - . a very handsome profit. Steubenville has -been favored this winter with"S course of • lectures by some of our most able; writers and speakers. Phillips, Emerson-and: Douglass - have been bore. Oise of our 'hotels was willing to entertain the -latter - gentlemen on. condition that he Ishouldtnot come to the table with the other 'guests. -Wriiin't this-an insult to the white half of him; which is of royal Southern and Senatorial blood Would it not be well to arrange's° as to degrade the negro half and honor the - white half? - But Steubenville is especially distinguish ed for its Female Seminary, which tlir forty _ years has been sending forth intelligent Christian women to exert their influence for good in our own and in other, lands. Its • venerable founder with his excellent com panion still lives to see the great and good - influences- of the institution so carefully Watched over for many yesis 'by them and to receive the benedictions of hundreds of its living.altunrue. If he who plants .a tree blesses his race, how much more does he who, founds an institution which produces annu ally precious' fritit—intelligent; true, noble *omen. Wecan now call - to mind a: vil lage which for matlyyears enjoyed:the, ad vantages of•an educator of the, first class— one who:, inspired the same enthusiasm in others he himself possessed, and the young ladies of the place were remarkable'for their - intelligence and nobility of mind and char .of any other place in' all that :-sectioil. of ' • the country. • Stenbenville ' is ,foitunate in having now, and having long . enjoyed . the blessings of a first Female Seminary. Its graduates already -• number 517. Thousands besides have at- tended it, and the 'people are:proud of its high standing. The anniversary this week _ drew crowds to the church to listen to the , bacealaureateby its able Principal, and to I,the examination of the classes, the reading of the essays, and the musical performances. 'All were of a high order, and clearly show ed that it more than maintains the character it had in former.years. ;The classes showed that they had been thoroughly} taught; and that the seventeen .teachers bad proved themselves able in their several departments. None but the best teachers - are employed. A.• table uniformly well furnished, ' and the daily practice of gymnastics serves, to "'give sound and healthy bodies, without which the intellectual . training.. can .profit but little. - Thoroughness, real • solid attainments,` are here secured. -We helieve..parents Can find few better, plaqes for - the :heidth; happiness and true progress of their daughters . Canada Extradition ...Case-New IPoo. pagp,_Act: IBy Telegraph to Übe Pittsburgh Gazette. 3 OTTAWA, March 31.—The ease of, Allen 'lll'Donald, held here under a demand.from the United States-for extradition, came up to-day. The:Attorney General ',said the government would give full considerallon of the whole ease tefo r re any action would be taken. .. ,• ,The new postage act goes into effect to. morrow, reducing 'the 'postage on letters, from five to thrde cents. • , Nevi..Tersey LeglslatnreAnd Guano. tßy Telegraph to the Plttsttairgli . Gazete.]:. • TRENTON, N. J., March 81.—The Legisla ture of New Jersey have sdoPtod'a rescilu tion requesting _ the:,Preilden.t to' rotect persons_ engaged in the Ginn° trade,lh the Island orAltli..Vela',' and' restore Maud' to the jurisdiction of the United States; and opposing the. purchase of any territory, from' the government of '.San Domingo tintil this Island is restored. • ' , _ New Orleans Market. t:. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh •Ga,zette.l' NEW ORLEANS, - March 31.—Cotton unset tled and demand good; sales 4000' bales of middling at 27_34c; receipts • of 4,389 bales; exports, 5,957 Wes. Sugar: rfair -to fully fair Louisiana 13%c. MolatigAß4 Prim° fer menting 6234a65c. Flour firmer; double extra e 10,75; choice 515,75: Corn' 31,013.4.' Oats scarce; sales at 78a80c. Hay; prime Ohio River 319a19,50. Pork dull at Was. ,Bacon, unchanged.' 'Lard ilulet at 17%a 17%c. Gold 140. Sterling bank^ 155a15335. Vommercial 1.50 1 'a152. view York sight 3 s • ,premium. - ". Memphis Miwket• (.13y Telegripli to the Pittaburgh Gazette;. Mantpuxs,, March 31.—Cottori firm ; 20 9 1014 C; recelPtit today, 2`~! bales; exports. 179 bales; -mouth's-receipts a 3,751 Wes: 'Flour steady; superfine 19,60,39,25. BacoMf Shoulders2xl2;co,• clear Sides 15% able; • Bulk Shoulders 1441303, Clear Sides 15alklic. Pork $26. lard -.l7gc. Corn $1,00a1,02. 0ate130,382e; Hex slBa2o. Bran . Bufralo Mirliet. 'at) , Telegraph. t 9 the Plttatirsb Gaiptte.i • • BurrAto, March 31.—. Flour unchanged. Wheat--Bales 13,000 bush;-No. 2 Chleage at $415, and 3,000 bush No. 1 . Milwauk,ee at 82,30 Corn dull and droepingl°l, :mils of new sold ' 111;08' 1481;08" 7 on.' trabk. , , Oats dull and unchanged. - Barley dull and nn. Fansgut was announced - to Oita 'a grand ban - on his, ship., the pranklin. t 'Naples, Italy, on Monday; Ii 111 R it ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers