The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 31, 1868, Image 8

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c The : Announcement.- of the Season—New
„ „Goods at the Wholesale and Retail Dry
Goods Haase of I. W. Ilarker ;se
lir iriatt s
pang, 0 . o w e et_ tree.
• :-
. - 12 / 1 14 '-` B l4:htilie trade :alma .opened and our
naereliasits rejoice - over heavy sales
-and , ' handsome •orders from their
_ _
,s Their prospects are particularly
brilliant, and -we - dare sa3r, the
present business term will prove in the
—end much more prosperous than any we
-I.4have•experienced gince a period long ante
rior to the breaking out of the late wicked
prolOmedrebellion. Some of ; our mer
chants have taken the shrewd precaution to
keep lin the Eastern markets experienced
f t: buyers, who ,exercised Proper judgment.
and p ur chased , only at such times and at'
such figures as now enable their houses to
popularize thilif-goodi by , selling:at- very
reasonable. prices to their patrons, even
- While the Easter markets are advancing'
rapidly.,,, 'they us fair y- ob amed and
1 ( Wild advAntage‘ o er many of• their less en
rPrising neigh rs, who, perchance, failed
. 7 -175 lay in their su plies at the proper time
•-• . and in comm n 'with others were
:.. - Compelled to pa compensating advances
to the first dealer to cover the
- ' losses sustained, while forced to sacrifice
goods -in - 'order to ~b ridge" over the
temporary ~panic, with, which threatened.
-Pre-eminently mnongst the iudicious buy
ers of this city is recognized 'Mr. J. W. Bir
•- ker, the senior member of the house of J.
• W. Barker 6; Co., No. 59 Market street„,
irathe heart of the market, familiar
r. -with the financial arteries wherein
courses the life blood of trade, he is enabled
t--- icireapfdlliert - tidvfmtaiges for his Pittsburgh
house. in past ones, he has
- made one.of the largest purchases of goods
ever bruited to the - Western Market, and
at figures-which afford a proper idea of the
struagencY - which at times seizes the East•
- -ern importer and jobber. It requires no
very great appreciation on the part of the
• • •-4-eatier f to- realize what - advantageous bar
gains can'be'secin'ed by a live' merchant,
. who,taking position as a heavy CASII BUY- .
nu, watchesthe financial stormbrewing, and
when it breaks out, enters the Market as a
tr. , 7parchaser, Maturing,obligations are re
lentless';'-a-day's grace is invaluable , to the
:hardpressed merchant, importer job
, ber. With hundreds of thousands dollars
.., - ,srwtrapperi.up:lia saleable goods that-have not",
sale, and bank piiiper pourin,g,in upori him,
he is• prepared to sacrifice goods ibr any
temporary - relief, knowing I'llll well that
' the market must again rallywhen with
• creased marginal profit§ he can regain all
• that the passing stagnation in business
forces him' to lose. Idr. Barker purchased
'at suctf.'ndicions perlosi.s for buying, and
•'WARY b•i mammoth establishment, on
Market street, „rejoices in an
.' immense stock
of goods.v4ieh can be sold at prices which
would bring ruin to the, doors of most of
leading,dry goods and jobbing housee
of the Eastern cities. 'This is no idle as
• 7 , . T sertiori, but the plain truth. which any ex
perienced purchaser can satisfactorily dem
onstrate for himself -by favoringthehouse
with a Let us here make a clearez
in Ypitditv, selection,-variety arid
assortment,' the -seed: oft =goods found at
e'- - Barker's -Ayala that of the very , first
importinglionses of New York, Boiton or
'Phillidelphia;and is equalled by but few es
tablishments in the : eountry, while the pri
ces' at Which they are' held are generally
much loWeithan the actual cost of produc
tion. Dealers, those who buy to sell again,
will educe : from this statement an all im
portant proposition, viz: Is it a matter of
economy, to pay railroad fare, hotel bills,
-.- traveling expenses and freight, to extend
patronage to high priced .Fastern houses
when afforded at home decidedly better in-
Aueements? is it'just to tax customers with
~the orpcnsetatsuch a trip, or will not con
" temporary dealers who buy at home reap
.1:. 4 all the profits by attracting patrons through
the Magnetism of. popular prices? These
questions are worthy consideration and re
' ilection. ' •
However we do not nem propose to dis
cuselioliti&d, economy =so much as an Ma
portant occasion which - is to mark and make
memorable the opening of the spring dry
goods trade of IEM w e refer to the
' • •
• .
which takes place to-morrow at Barker's.
m ar (3 The firm have; been-. ,preparing for some
time past for-this event z and•have at great
:_expense remodelled their building through
-out to make: it conform to their ideas of
what Censtitutes a first-class wholesale and
„retail dry goods establishment. The build
ing his•undergone •a decided change, and. `
with its= modern • improvements is ad :
mirably adapted for the proper display and
storage of goods. Every department has
been „refitted, painted, papered and fur
nished hi such a manner as will
. prove at
' • tractive to the visit 4- The basement has
been, , thoronghly tlpsformed, and will
prove fully l equal in appeatance to any first
class .febbilir gales rooms. Here 'aie kept
goods in original packages, and a large part
of thewholesale business is transacted in
this well lighted and ventilated apartment.
The first floor one of the largest salesrooms
,in the city, having a depth of some two
" hundred 'feet and a proportionate width,
• Withlofty, glistering ceiling, is devoted es
cltudyely to the retail trade. It is
.1- lighted , '*ith skylights, so construct
ed as to radiate, - a soft, subdued
and yet strong light into every part of the
room 1111 advantage , which cannot be over':
estiniatelbypurehasos making selections
- The apaOakent isti g ieerful inciting in
to say nth.,_ of the pleasing variety
' 0f9.,01017.3,'.and.:AV _
; - -presentcd. on the
the long shelves' Which grace and ;,traverse
Walls on either side of the rdom to its
utmost depth. The upper rooms are vaid7
Alusiltvc o ; l l:4 o :with - ,.g, 0 905 * -the principal
one,i however, being the deal( and shawl
apartment. This is a large and handsome:
ly ornamented room; richly furnished and,
• carpeted, and supplied with an unusually
large mirror, Oriental ich the "becoming qual
ities tvalitto:shial or elegant coat
may be discovered by the purchaser.
The.epening, which takes place to.mor
• • row i lwilldoubtless prove very attractive to
both wholesale and retail purchasers, for
theretwill-be :placed on exhibition such a
display of new goods as has seldom been
seetain this city. The styles this season are
very neat and novel, having undergone de
cided- bhange front which prevailed
last'yq4„, Light.!md moderately brilliant
- OolorSirtdress goods seem to predominate,
we are toaudge,from the owiless variety
Aitmd hi t s the new selection at Barker's.
otlix — Goons.
Tite.Diem-pspartment IS plentifully sup.
Piled\ WAli all ideseriptibiii of elegant stand
:: •albke t iquo,iatina;pnplins, alpacas, organ
' ' • ,Ific.!meitii =hams, cambrics, perealles,
ara4,44; &Her, goods so familiar to
es,"?!Mie Japan ifdicture, a novelty
in dress niaterial# varkpretty, and affords
many, different styles and pretty patterns.
• 'lt Yakinate the visitor, and become
-rverympaOr i 'for street and 4ndoor wear.
- 1 1 Venthetithe selection of Silks and are
• , - .prePared to , award the palm of .superiority
to the house in goods of this line; ' 'Biscuit
-cordedintAernariPosilrall4plain,moir i ii in=
• aa+ 're embraced
e itock, add' Will 'tempt. purchase
in the, ,iiittllSOnabiaslaks„ot 'Ater prices.
We, cannot do luitice• "to thee.]
-diiisii , 'lgolitraflietliert - ' -even if wo
over much inclined ,to anticipate
#b ilgilt tfis - ladieW *be. *lll atte n d ilikr
cowing to-morrow, by att adirenea dg V,
. o tfon, t t rwbOthey, , wilreee them. So at:
- '4 7 4.;;;.,..t0i-fritty that there ' huifdrids'. or dieferenif
styles; different_pattems and diffbrent'ina
terials embraced in this new spring stock,
which must be seen to be appreciated.
Here let us remark, that while some few
houses in the East may carry larger stocks,
no house in the United States has a wider
range of goods, or- greater.variety., to offer
itapatrone Oen 'Barker s. s
= , In this department will be found all that
is new and stylish in the Way of 'general
housekeeping goods, such as table cloths,
.napkins,,table and.. piano, covers, diapera,
toweling's: embroideries,- white goods, and
everything peculiar to this line of goods.
A marked decline in prices will be more
strikingly- observed,..perhaps, in this 'de
partment than in any other throughout the
house, as the value of such ordinary house
. hold articles"' a patent. to: most persons,
especially those engaged in housekeeping.
A special department is deveoted to inourn
ingsoons. It is the intention of the firm
'to pay particular attention to this branch of
trade, end they will always keep ; it fully
supplied with the soinbre .
"good.s which
a highly enlighten peopleliave set aside to
Fite outward evidence of grief and mourn
. . .
_ .is, _a new - department in this old
"'house, _establiislied to moot the WantS* of
patrons. It, is supplied with - ladieS' and
gents' hosiery hi -silk; woolen and cotton,
• kid, cloth, silk.. and woolen gloves. The
finest quality of kid; and other dress gloves,
will be found at the lowest possible market
value. Ladies attending the. opening to
morrow must not fail to look through the
attractions of this department, for they are
Sheetings of all - widths of the best trade
marks, muslin, ticking, skirts, tt.c., goods
of every day character, .will e found in
appropriate places, and in very choice as
sortment. Goods of this description, as
well as the general stock throughout, do
not . fluctuate froth - day 20 day, - as the firm
make it — never_:ftdvancei-according
to the Eastern operators' barometer, but
always faille keep the advantage of popu-
Aar prices in their line of trade.
We have referred to the elegant apart
ment set aside for the disphiy. of the latest
styles of cloaks and shawls, but made no
mention of the remarkably fine display of
goods made therein. Cloaks in this branch
of the business,.-like those .in _the, proverb,
cover many other. things, " rather include
All the fashionable walking jackets, saeques,
baSques, and coats which are worn by the
fair sex. We were hardly prepared to find,
here inFittsburgh; such a grand display of
'articles in this line: Their stock, as it will
appear at the opening to-morrow, would do
credit to a Parisian establishment._ It will
not be hard to: discover what 'styles are go
ing to'predorairisger - this Spring and 'Sum
mer, if it be true-,that Fashion loves the
beantiful. We have our own judgment on
theirelative merits of the pretty coats and
'Vieques •examined, but we will not tres
pass on our lady friends' cariosity by
proclaiming our verdict; for they must see
.for themselves. The Vivandierc, a perfect
beauty, , made, , of heavy corded silk, trim
med with lace_ and satin ribbon, is very
charming, and will - fill' the eyes of the n
yonng ladies with delight. The Daughter'
of'the Regiment; ai very .:elegant walking
I coat with decided Military appearance, is
very neat and becoming. The Jessie, a
rwalking : jacket , ,,is charming, while.a fluted
_blolise for al. rriarrieiklady, s the prettiest
article of female apparel we i
Piave ever no
ticed. It is of heavy black silk material,
exqriisitely trimmed with rich satin and
lace. It is a triumph of French taste, and
while exceedingly dressy and gay . , is still
Modest in its own , richneSS. A silk cloak
with vandyke trimmings will command At
tention. It is plain and neat, and on a
sprightly per Son would not be -without
charming effect. There are a great many
other styles which are equally worthy of
mention ' but we have not the space at our
disposal to do so. There are a great variety
of. styles ln 'light_ colored cloth sseques,-
I cloaks, coats and jackets, Variously - orna
mented with embroidery, satin and inlaid
work, which are a vast unprovrmentin the
styles which prevailed last season. Of
course the prices in this department take a
wide range, but purchasers may depend on
getting the full worth of their money in
'whatever they may select. The firm make
a le. ing specialty in this, line of goods,
largeand have a stock of material for selec
tion by those who prefer having custom
Made Wbrk.: Employing . skillful' seam
stresses;.and fashionable cutters of long ex
perience,.the original home-made work of
t is firm bears , unmistakable Marks of su
periority, bOth is design and neatnessi- and
rivals the finest imported Parisian articles
which are found in such profusion in this
department. They manufacture to order
opera cloaks of any descriPtion desired, on
short notice, and will hereafter prove a
favorite feature to the ladies, as the firm
purpose devoting careful attention to this
specialty - .
The display of light and handsome Spring
Shawls:is simply grand, and we only mar
vel how selection can be made where so
many - „sparkling beauties,anst_such end
leSs- variety - kre afforded.-. -- -It is needless'
to mention the various names used in
desipating the scores of different patterns;
but it is enough to say that never before. in
this city hastlicire been opened -a more com
plete lot of goods in this line, nor any so
brilliant and pretty. The famous cashmire
shawl, rail:the - , raw_ in.LlCew York, Boston
andThibidelPhiavtaliblonable circles, is
represented in the assortmentpand from its
chaste beauty and richness deserves the
favor-it has found wherever introduced.
Those who attend the opening shonld : be
very particular to enter the, shawl depart
ment, as it is alone sufficiently attractive to
winAz_Visitnta.the eittablishraeut from those
interested hi‘faihioitable .
.. , r ..a..+.~r^~`v`.Rt~c~.a,~tiFCi«L~c~]~ie+vi~~~tu. `G l ~b~~`i+"~i:~.:i.:F~ --~^~r~l4'a'-~s'~r:-~E-.L "~Ys:?F ..~M l ~T. i diaf'~}YS,.~N. ~.~~., l ~S~,R ,~..~., ft.
There are few houses which can lay such
high to the credit otbeing well con
&acted as thatof Barker &(o:The nurner
ous dopartments are in charge of polite and'
experienced salesmen and lady clerks, who
thoroughly understand every detail of their
,lina of business,and are anxious and will
ing at - all' times to please those who may
Savor the establishment either with a pur
chasing ' Visit or a call to look around and
examine the stock. All are respectfully
invited to attendllie grand opening, which
min takeplaee to-morrow, and they can de.
- . wind' On receiving ittd.ty 'welcome, and
being afforded , unusually rare induce
nients to purchase fresh and seasonable
goods for spring wear..
The Fire Alarni and Police Telegraph.
By an rArangement with the Western
Union Telegraph Company, Mr. S. T. Pais
ley, Superintendent of,the Fire Alarm and
Police Telegraph, has been enabled tomake
a permanent connection with all the passen
ger and freightAtiOti 1n the my by means
of the city wire . wtich connects with six
teen different .ofBe#4,„each one" of which
will answer all thepttrposea and in fact be
more , useful than
. k.segular bbx, as mes
sages can be tratunnitted from any of the .
depots to the central:4*c the same as over
any other ling of teiegraph. The connep:,
tions are asfollows: DUquesne Depot, Pitts
burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago _Railroad
Office, 'Union Depot, Panhandle Depot, Al
legheny nValley_. Depot, Transfer. Depot,
Outer Depot, WesternTennsylvania Depot,,
Allegheny,, Stock - Tanis and Exchange
11.otel.Xast Liberty, and the Outer Depot
- in Alldghomy.
Attempted Burglary.—Saturday night,
about half-past eleven o'clock, the door of
S. ISchtdt's Jewelry store,"on Butler street,
Lawrenceville, was broken open by , bur
glars. Mr. S. who ;Wart 'sleePing in another
w,ttlop pf-the,buildirh,lkeard Utah:lois° and'
arming , 'lolth m ` -pistol entered the
I d a re„, „room, audifired - at the burglars; Who'
ited.. .7wlts. - atated - sothe time - , since that'
'font.Telloe*eri . ',had been , detailed for duty=
in: latictenektvgle,ELlNVC4l4.44l§iikeiT 'a
t•tikddegy,ott‘. 44 place thatthere are but two,
`Med ott diltere, and that they only-re,
main on from ten o'clock in the morning
until ten ih the evening, and just the time,
when policemen are mos wanted they have
none. If this be true the matter should be
"r.-~cS`43 _ _~ .... .+ i. F - i .r.^m',_"n^+S,:.'..4+"~"v..~3f' vr''..:.°i"~"=•~lCY
• Seri9us Accident—Leg Broken.
Itappe4 . s that nothing short of personal
experience, and that of the severest char
acter,' will teach men- commoil.tienie even,
in regard to the' danger in getting out of
railroad trains while in motion. Accidents
caused by carelessness in this matter occur
almost daily, and railroad companies have
taken every precaution to' prevent persons
from endangering their lives in this way,
but to no effect. Yesterday, about eleven
o'clock, Mr.. Thompson, a carpenter, board
ing with Mrs. Shannon, on Harrison street,
got aboard the Cincinnati Express, at the
'Union Depot, for the purpose of riding to
the outer depot, thinking it was the Walls
I Accommodation train. After the train had
nearly reached the usual place of stopping•
he discovered his mistake and learning that
it would not stop there, jumped off. He fell
in such a-. pusition- that one of _the wheels
- strueklailcright leg; fracturing >both••bones
below the knee, and terribly lacerating his
t foot. He was removed to his boarding
house, where the fracture was reduced. It
is thought the leg will have to be amputa
A ~M 11.”
Saturday afternoon a "mill" took place .
at PerrysVille,.between Fred. Haas, of - .Nile:
....,..,.„ ..,,.
gheny, - :n ..-Robert an,,Nixo,of :3Vest Pitts
burgh, in Which Haas lost .one-half of his
moustache.. It appears that the affair was
preconcerted, and the aspirants for pugilis
tic fame had made every arrangement for
the "mill," even to the selection of seconds.
TomPlugh s for Haas, and John Woods for
Nixon. T e "mill" was to have been a
"rough an tumble," and such it was, but
it came off a 4 le.. previous. . The parties
arrived ' Per ysiiller at aboutn the same
time, and i a f v Moments afterwards en
tered into . On 'ersation in regard to the
1 preliminaries, which it appears there
V.-as .a slight misunderstanding, which
brought them to blows, several of which
passed, whenNixonsiezed Haas' moustache
i and pulled one side of it out. The seconds
i then interfered and the "mill - ended. •
Division No. 31 Sons of Temperance.
At a meeting 'of the Crystal Spring Di
vision, No. 31, Sons of Teener: held on
Saturday awning the follows officers
'Were elected - to - serve forth° ensuing , Year:
W. P., J. C. Heazley; W. A., J. D. Lewis;
R. S.. A. L. Minnemyer; A. R. S., T. B.
Evans; F. S., W. G. Turner Treas., I. A.
Willis; pon.; A. Cassell; A. C., Reese Price;
I. S.,
C. MeMain D. Hatch; Chap., T.
C. Davis; Ist L. A. Miss Mollie Northwood;
2d L. A., Jenny Baird; 3d L. C., Mary E.
Hughes; Lady Con.,Mrs. Maggie . Cassell,
:Lady Sen., Mrs. L. C. Lighthill.
The, open installation exercises will take
place Oa Saturday evening.
Commonwealth co. Tack, Schalk, et al.
• The Court at Philadelphia has ordered
this. important case to be tried. The day
atrial is - fixed definitely for Tuesday, the
14th day of ..4pri/, 1869. All witnesses, its
take notice accordingly. It Will lie gratifyl
ing to the public to know that this much
talked, of ease will at least be decided by
the- Court and Jury according to law. We
will report the trial fully.
Larceny by Bailee.—John Rommer made
information before Alderman Taylor yes
terday, against Janies Thompson for lar- •
cen t' by lktilee. The prosecutor, who re
sides in thaNiuth ward, alleges that the
ae - cdsed got . possesAion of a trunk con
tainlng clothing to the value of eight dol
lars, the property of the prosecutor, whiel
he converted to his own use or the use of.
some person other than the rightful owner.
-1 - te,was arrested and held for a hearing.
Accident °utile Pennsylvania Railroad.—
Sunday afternoon the Cincinnati Express
train west on the Pennsylvania Railroad
ran against a German traveller, who was
walking on the track, near Utley station,
Cambria. county, - .knocking him over an
embankment and breaking three of his
ribs. The train was stopped and the in
jured man taken Wilmore station, where
he received the proper medical attention.
His injuries are not considered dangerous.
False Pretence.-4ames C. Hutchison of
Soho, made information before the Mayor,
1 yesterday, charging Andrew J. Elliottwith
obtaining goods under false pretence. HO
alleges that the defendant stated that.a
1 third party owed him two hundred dollars;
which would be doe in a few days. A war
rant was issued but the defendant is "Non
Est." An oxcelent case of false pretence for
the grand jury to impose the costs upon the
1 1 prosecutor.
Failed to Pay his Wharfage.—George
H.lWaid, the proprietor of Ward'si.a.nd ing,
on the Allegheny river, yesterday made in
formation before. Alderman; Strain, charg
ing John Merrapken with fraud. He al
leges that the accused landed n raft of lum
bei at his wharf and kept it there all night,
and removed it without paving , wharfage.
The defendant Was arrested and held for 'a
For Congress.—By a card in to-day's. GA
ZETTE Thomas Howard, Esq., is formally
announced as a candidate for Congress in
the 22d District, subject to the nomination
of the Republican County Convention. Mr..
Ho* an old citizen, a prominent member: of
the bar, and • has been CloSely identified
with the Republican party since its e.xis
tence. . .
Nuisance.—David Hayworth made infor
mation before Alderman Strain yesterday,
charging Lawrence Sullivan with maintain
ing a nuisance. The prosecutor resides' on:
Gazzata's.4Hlll, where he alleges the ac
cused has a stone quarry, and that he an
noyed the whole neighborhood by blasting
rock. .He was arrested and held for a hay - .
Surety of the . Peace.--Thomas Foley
made infornaation before Alderman Strain
yesterday against Hannah Wickham for.
surety a the;peace. " The parties reside at
Woods Run, and it is alleged by Foley that
Hannah swears she will compel him to
leave the neighborhood. She was arrested
and held for a hearing:
The publishers of the Northern Monthly
have sent us the April number. It is good,
very good, but not so good as either of the
last three numbers. It is always up to its
own hinh standard, but this tithe it is not
beyond - it. "A Plea for Gond _Reading!'
will probably be considered as the- best;
1 - article this mouth.
Forcible Entry--George Rayrner made
inforfuation before Alderman ' M.'lsiasters,
yesterday,charging Pat Brogan and Laugh
lin M'Creery with forcible entry: ; It is", al
leged by the prosecutor that the defendants
entered upon his :•premises in Allegheny
City by forde. ' A warrant was issued for
; their arrest.
Au. Officer n Trouble.—Mary Graham
yesterday made inferpiation before the
Mayor, charging John :Little, constable_ of
the. Bighth.ward, with assault and battery.
She alleged that he seized her rudely by the
arms and otherwise ill treated and abused
her. He was arrested and held for a
Another Wife - Eleater.:—Resa Reed made
oath before Alderman Taylor, yesteadaY,
charging her husband, David 'Reed, with
assault and battery." The parties reside at
No. 88 l'ine,street; A warrant was issued
for the arrest of the accused;
& etnutlii send' us
the GatazYpla , which Steien LaWrence4tOn
goes orwand ri host Of other, g o od things are
cono .Ab u to by persons who can genera lly
b oas t. - ,:iftsvingknot yet becotrathackncyou.
There will not be many new buildings
erected in the city during the present year•
The want of dwelling homes has been
more than supplied4'
t.Z . "
The .Coal Miners of O'Neil's Works At--I
tacked by Two Hundred Men froth' Six
Mile Ferry—One Man Killed and. Five
. Wounded: * •
.A".. ,riot ';occurredat ' John O'Neil's
coal works, at Pine Creek, on the Monon- 1
gahela river, about four miles above Mc-
Keesport, Monday evening, of Which we
have received the following a
The miners at O'Neil's works, who have for
several weeks been on a !'strike," Mon
day morning went to work it appears; at
reduced wages,- and about five o'clock in
the evening two hundred r miners from
Six Mile , Ferry arrived at O'Neil's
Works, armed - With clubs, and demanded
that they should stop work. O'Neil and his
men, anticipating the attack, had armed
themaelves and resisted the demand,
whereupon a general riot ensued. O'Neil's
men fired on the`attacking party,; killing
one man, wounding four, slightly and one
seriously.: Mr; O'Neil was severely beaten
with cliibs, but not dangerously injured.
At ten o'clockthe mob from Six Mile Ferry
I had withdrawn, and returned, and the
works were guarded against a further attack
by one hundred armed men.
An Explanation
The Case of Allegheny County for use
vs. W. A. Herron, late Clerk of the Quar-:
ter .Sessions, the decision of which we ,
noted yesterday, we should , have stated
arose from a difference of opinion,,or judg
meld, as to the law, between I‘ll. - Herron
and the' County ControLer, concerning the
appropriation of certain fees accruing from
liquor lieenses. The , fees in dispute were
paid to the County Auditors, during the
existence of that Board, to defray expenses
in the way of stationery, .Cc., anB Mr. Her
ron holds the receipts of the Auditors for
amounts paid them. When that Board wits
abolished, and the Associate. Judges of the
Quarter Sessions made the Board of Li
cense, by order of those Judges Mr. H. re
tained one-half the fees, for expenses for
stationery. &c., paying the remainder to
the Judges, for. which he .holds their re
' ceipts. Under the decision of the Court.
as we announced yeSterday, Mr: H. is held
, responsible 'for the whole amount, - inde
pendent of his vouchers from the Auditors
and Associate Judges. Mr. Herron's ac-
J tion in the matter was by, advice of counsel,
and under. that advice will carry , the case
I - to the Supreme-Court.,•
H6CSE. Lotta, the most. charm
ing of all actresses, conunenced the -second .
week of her engagement last night. The
hotise was erbwded to its, utmost capacity
with a highly appreciative audience.
tic Nell and We Marchioness" were pre
.sented,- in which Lotta „stistains the title
role.. The audience were enraptured, and
called her before the curtain at the close of
every act. •It . will be repeated again • to
night. • • • ' • -
ments at the Old Theatre ate the best of
that class ever produced in this city, and
the Theatre Contque may now be looked
upon as permanently - ef;tablished.. The
public are indebted to itr., limos, for the
liberality and energy displayed, and we are
pleased to see his efforts to lease so highly
, Sale of Real Estate.—On Saturday the
bongo and lot owned by Mr. M. Daly, on
the corner-of Sixth and Smithfield: streets,
was sold at auction by Mr. A. Mellwaine,
at V. 1,100. Mr. William Bissell was the
purehaser. Four `ears ago the same piece
of property was;thought -- enormouilY high
at $7,000. The lot has a front of twenty
feet on. Smithfield and. runs, .bSek along
SiXth street sixty feet to alley. The
building erected' on it is an ordinary three
story brickOf but trifling pecuniary value.
The premises are subject to an animal
ground rent of forty-seven dollars.
.. . .
Letter of Instructions.—United States
District Attorney; B. B. Carnahan, has issu
ed a very important circular letter, address
ed to the United States Commissitmers of
the Western District - of PennSylVania, on
the subject of the' disposition of cri final
complaints without making any -r port
whatever to him or the United States Dis
trict Court Clerk. The circular clearl. sets
forth the powers and duties of the Cot mia.;
stoners in all cases which 'came up before
therm' We regret our space will not permit
the publication of the concise document in
full for generaLinformatiou.
This Evening KeV. Thomas K. Beecher
will deliver his admirable lecture •on
Search for, Sninmer; or, What I Saw int
South Anierlca," before the Conntj , Teach=
ers' Institute.. The Jecturer. and - the this
pidea nudes which he a_ppears are, or ought
to be, sufficient to fill the' Fourth Waid
Sclickil .. ..Hall, bit .Penn Street; but the sub.
ject is so entertaining a one that it needs
scarcely any reemumendation. -
A Family ttuarrel...-13ridget Kennedy.
resident of Kilgore's court; made informa
tion ,before. Mayor .Blackmore. yesterday,
charging her brother-in-law, Michael Ken
body, with assault and battery. She al
leges that
,Michael came to her house and
interfered With her affairs, when she re
.quested him to leave, whereupon he struck,
her. A Warrant watt issued " fOr ' his arrest.
Aggravated . Assault and Battery.—Peter
Devlin made information beft.,re Mayor
Blackmore, - yesterday, charging James
Carr with aggravated :assaalt - and7battery..
The parties reside in Pitt township, and it I
is alleged by the prosecutor that the 46. 7 ,
Pendant struck him mith a, shoiel, inflicting .1
a severe and dangerous wound. 'He was;
arrested and. held - for a hearing:
. .
The Jury Act.-=-3fr. 'Ford has intrduced
in the State, Legislature "an act t o repeal
an act for :be better and more initial
selection. of jurors hi. each of the unties
of this Commonealth," passed April 10th,
1807, 'and in force but a short time. _Air.
Ford proposed to repeal the act so far as it
relates to Allegheny county..
. decline . consequence of the din the New
York cotton- market, Bates 6t..,8e11, No. 21
Fifth street, have reduced' their prices in
all linos of cotton gorods. Purchasers will
find the best makes of 'dark prints at only
1234 cents per yard; bleached and unbleach
ed muslins in proportion. Call in and!se
cure the advantages afforded by the decline
in prices. - : • -
A Felonious Assault.—Charles M'Grogan .
made Infonnation 'before the Mayor yester
day, charging; William M'Grogan with. fe
lonious_assautk Ho-alleged that t e accus
.ed attacked hitnivith - ti-butchor, fe. The
parties reside at Walker's Mills.' A arrant
was issued for, the arrest of
..the accused.
Serious Affair.—Alice Doran, who yester
day roasie 'information ; before the Mayor,
charging john Donnelly with felonious-as
sault and battery, an account of which wo
published yesterdayi is very critical
condition, and it is feared her injuries will
ribiorderlt Conduct ;Hannah M'(iewan.
made information before Justice Ammon,
of East Birminghain, yesterday, chargV
Catherine Shatz with disorderly cotton
Thepirtiea reside 4n:grownstown,
rant was Isetted.ifer the arrest of the of
fender.Faire - •
Pretence..-)ohn comteli t .oharr_di
h:111 oath of4duathankraerer, a bterwmg
'house keeper - at 82 Thtinond; 'before/ Alder
maw t3VaW! - with, ebtaining, board under
false pretenCie, , was arrested: „yesterdaY and
ihißepents.—Aelt — idianapollaletter saka:
4, Anderson's wife, whose elopement ' in
Cincinnati caused some scandal, came back
to the Professor, in this city, a few days
ago, and was received with open arms."
1. 1868.
The Leaves of the Tree Were for the Heal
ing of the Nations.
- qtblished the celebrated medi
We have p,th
cai advertisement of. Dr. H. T:-Helmbold.
Previous to doing
. so, we have received a ,
moderate reward in ' th%usnal way , of pay-
Inuit, which we apply to all the wares,
wants and business cards we present to our
readers., It is our custom to examine every-
thing thoroughly which we offer through
our columns, and to refuse all, that we can
not Commend.- Now, as our readers know
we never do anything by halves, they can
readily infer that when a so-called medical
advertisement occupies a whole page in the
Church. Union, we mean something by it. It
is not our purpose to dodge or tergiversate,.
or wink at any such thing. We have no
managing agent who smuggles into one
column what is boldly condemned in an
other. The Gettysburg Asylum - swindle
came to Us; we judged not by feeble sehse,
popular distator, nor by Congressional ac
' tion, but we , examine for ourselves, and no
money in the-world could buy one inch of
the Church .Union.- to Precise
ly . the same course we pursued to
wards llelmbold's - Buchu. We had seen
it everywhere ; it haunted our vision' on
rock, mountain, and curbstone; in the cars,
on steamboats, and by the wayside, we saw
this omnipresent specific -advertised: We
never gave it a thought—never condemned
it, never commended it; did not rush in
the face of prejudices, and cry .out quack!
quack! We knew nothing of it; had other,
and,: we thought; more important subjects
for contemplation, than this wonderful
medicine. So • when -it came up for our
cOnsideration, we determined to investigate
for ourselves. As we do in theology; so do
we in medicine—never ask, ,_"Wliat does
Dr. so and so think, or say,
or surmise?"
If it is wrong, all the world may espouse,
yet let-our right hand forget its cunning,
and our tongue cleave to the roof of our
mouth, if we waver one atom in our devo
tion. If it be right, not even the • fact that
a host commend, and a ,fortune is - being
Made out 'of it, shall keep us from' fidelity
to it. For there be many men so mean in
this world that they will never .advocate a
good thing if,anybody gets a good living by
it. We of who -won't hear'
Henry Ward Beecher preach, because he
lives in a brown-stone -front, and manages
to keep the wolf, from the door quite easily.
Juste so with Dr. Hebraic:ld . ' • because
he is _making a fortune by his enter
prise, *e cannot -bend ourselves to - the
mean talk of condemnation and wholesale
slander., There is something about the man
you like at once. He isno quack. A. quack
is an empiricist, who tampers with disease,
by applying,. remedies he knows nothing
about. Dr. Helmbold is an educate& man;
he is frank in every respect; readily lays
before you the ingredients or vegetable com
pounds of his Medicine. The very. process,
of distillation are perfectlypatent; there is
no diabolical decoction - or compounding of
elements that are vile and of course, secret.
Everything is open and above board; what
he does he knows; yOU cannot be in his es.:
tablishment three minutes without seeing
that he is a man who - knows what he is -,
about. All the world may know that the
medicine hd sells so largely. all over the
world, is the, very. best diuretic
_known. It
1-is in strict acionlance With the test at the
i head of .thia article. It is but. the .leaf of. a
shrub Or tree, gathered by theyild Mitten
tots, and has been - known for many years.
1 Many others have used, and hear ample tes
timony to its usefuimess. We - dare any Un
prejudiced physician to -test its virtues and
not yield to its superior merit.. There are oth-*
er ingredients, as his advertisexnent.shows.
And now having a good thing, devoted to it
with an enthusiasm which bespeaks hones
ty at once, what can we sayi what need we
say? The diseases treated are, some of
them, pecidiar and - fearful; but did our
Saviour shrink from' the- loathsome leper,
because the world did? The. buchu is a
specific remedy,. and ought to go over all
this world, if it is what any scientific man
can prove it, to be.' Believing it to be a
blessing w -have allowed it place, and
shall do It again, and for any and every
good thing. , As a toad or a- viper, would
we shrink from error or evil, whether of
Church or State; but every good thing we
advocate. Let the insane man who cries
out quack at everything medicinal,j pause,
reflect and Comet() his senses. Quackery is
empirical, but such is - not the buchu; nor of:
such is the enterprising and enthusic_Stie
man who is bound to succeed, because he
wieldi right. Success 'to the buchy.
Let the leaves of the tree be for the healing
of the nations.
Ati - ~;
A Dangerous Disorder.
• I
It is very common, too; over one-third of I
the people of this . city have a habit of hawk.,
ing and .spitting, nostrils 'dry and inflamed,
matter running froni the head down the
throat, dullness and dizziness of the head,
memory impaired, loss of smell, ringing or
deafness of,the ears, sore throat, catch cold
easily in,the head, pain or soreness 'in the,
left. chest, side, or under the shoulder
blades. Such persOns have Catarrh most
decidedly. Some have all-these symptoms
others only a few. Not two physicians in
one hundred detect this disease or know it.l
when present; few are:bold enough to as- I
sert that they can cure it. It is an ulcera
tion of the lead, and the festering matter
runs_ down the throat into the stomach,
eauses indigestion, liver complaint, and
ends in consumption: AIX lung complaints
commence with Catarrh; bronchitis is
caused only by Catarrh. Medicines taken
in the stomach can never cure it. But it is
fully cured by Dr. Wolcott's Instant Pain
Annihilator, a liquid that cleanses the head
of the filthy matter that drops in the throat'
and mouth from the ulcer in the head, and'
heals it up permanently. This standard
remedy has signatures °foyer one thousand •
prominent physicians in its favor; over one
hundred thousand bottles are Sold each,
month. The pain 'in. chest, side, or any
_pain, is instantly relieved by painting
with Dr. Woleott's famous remedy, PAM
PAINT. If you don't• believe it come to 170
Chatham Square. New York, and 622 Arch
street, Philadelphia, in the Drug Store, and
try it free of cost. Both of these remedies
are sold,at all drug stores, in _white wrap
pers only. Buy none in brown wrappers.
Pain - taint and Annihihitor tested five of
charge,-at I%ro. 116 Smithfield Street, Pitts
burgh. S. H. Hastings, agent
First of April.
As moving time is now at hand a great ,
number of persons are wanting to obtain
new looking stoves that will operate well
iri every respect; and that are wanted to
cook, bake or roast in the very best manner.
•We advise our readers to go and get that
cook stove Dinned Trininpri:` They. can be
had by calling on vour nearest stove dealer.
Be sure to ask for the Triumph , Stove. For
sale'at r D,emmler Brim, Smithfield street;
Kim & Schwartz, Smithfield and Wylie
streets; W. Bradsaw, 'Price r Totten and.
C. Schulze, l Wood street; _Woodhouse,
Federal • -street; Allegheny; N. C. Pate,
iiinnlng.lititn; Pifer & Diehl, 13inningham;
Smith & Bro. and G. Xlingenhoffer, Penn
- Sylvania'atenne; P.'Sishtilze; Wylie street;
A. C. Pentz, Penn:street, Fifth ward, and
G. Kengott, :'; Ninth ward; J. M. Covert,
Lawrenceville, and Alex. Alter, Lawrence
ville; F. Myerir& 8r0.,' Sewickley; P. C.'
Duffy, Grant street; J. 8 NOMA Bapirds
town land atethe stovwstoretviullanehester,
and4aMY:Othet places: , Get a T ri umph arid
you are sure to have a first rate stove.
BemovaL—Messrs. Reineman ;I:Me:Mut &
at 29 Fillbstreet, wi l remove during
the present week A to their eleanuat new
-Imibling_on!Eiftlx etreetond in the mean—
time sell goods at reduced prices, to;
save the: trouhle:nt mo ; „Ahem— 'The
stock eomprlees everything , usually ,found:
in aßr*.-daM-. • , JeWelty-Mstabllshnient%Snd'
is one of the /argot find finest assortments
,of:Lipoda eVerlbrousht to this market:«
Grover & Baker Operator and Embroi
derer wanted.' None but first class hands
need apply. J. W..BAmtan & Co.
59 Market street.
-,Dried Dubber Teeth—sl2 a Set.
Dr. Spencer, No. 254 renn street, is prei
pared to furnish Artificial Teeth on Dried
Rubber -- at twelve dollarS a set, which is
three dollars a set les.s than they are adyer- ,
tised in this community.. At the same time
he wishes it distinctly understood that he
does not recommend them', nor does he in,
any way. hold himself responsible for this
cliiss of work, as it is worthless. The genu
ine Vulcanite, as the license specifies, cost
twenty dollars ,a sett and these plates he
will warrant, and hold himself individually
responsible for.•'• Persons desirinithe genu-i
ine or imitation will do well to call at . No. ,
254 Penn street, at the Original laughing
Gas establishment.
Genulhe Vulcanite.,
Dr. Q. A. Scott will not make any ."dried.)
rubber" sets of 'teeth, as he considers therm
to be' utterly worthless As he is-a.license6
under the Goodyear patents lie- manufac-i
tures the Genuine Vulcanite, and warrant
his work for five years. - His work , is welli
known to be the best - twned out in thi
city, and when the people learn that hifi
prices areas;low as those :of others, the
will give him the preference. He extract
teeth without charge when artificial - ..eet
are ordered;and gives, laughing • gas When; _ -
desired, but recommends a safer anaesthel
tic. The Doctor will furnish it set of teeth
for eight dollars, and better in every' re
sped than:a “dried •rtibber" set. ,No.' 276
Penn street, third door above Hand. .
and ( . 16 , It • iit W
To Country. an erc s.— e area.
thoroughly suppliedwith all kinds of Dry
Goods,. Staple and Fancy, bought at
unusual - advantage through our.: fasterni
purchasing department, taking advantage ot,
the recent large auction Salesand-auctua- 1
tions in prices, and we can and will sell at
less. than the lowest .Fasteruf•cash prices.'
We invite you to an inspection of our stock!
and comparison of • pricee, .at 59 Market ,
J. W. Bannnr. & Co. •
TO Capitalists.—The Books for subscripl
tion to the capital stock of the Federal!
Street and Pleasant Valley Rail Way Com
pany will be open at Gray's hotel, Jackson
street, Second ward, at the office of W. P.
Price, 'Real Estate Agent; No. 33 Ohio!
street, Alleghengand - at the PittsOurght
Savings Bank, No, 180 'and :186 Liberty'
screet, Pittsburgh, until April 2d. 1868.
By order of the. Board of Directors.
• - W.-M. GLAIIET President.. I
To City and Country blercliauts.—}lavin
abundantlysupplied ourselves with goods
beforo thelate.extrerne advanceln prices,
we are prepared to sell at less than eastern,
prices, and invite an examination.Lof our;
stock.' ' • J. W. Dr & Co.,
59 Diarket street.
, Lozenges, Lozenges, , pure and good,
viz.: Peppermint, Wintergreen, Sassafras,
Pineapple, Cinnamon, Cayenne; Lemon,'
Musk, Imperitd, . Rose, Cough, ,Fruit and
Converpation, at reduced Prices. Call and!
examine, at 112 Federal street, Allegheny
city. _ (3t) GEORGE BEAVER.
Beautiful styles best Prints opened this:l
da at Barker's;
We warrant the' shoes of all descriptionsq
. give , perfeet satisfaction as to wear and.;
price. - We deal'in no auction shoes, but sell i
the very best. Ladies, misses, ; gents and!
boys are requestedto call and see our stock,.
at Ex.)bb's Shoe House. /39 Market street.
A beautifUl Shirting, 'king 12xe at.
Barker's. . .
• . DIED; f s.
JOYCE.—On Suittlay, Mareit 20th. `firs SARAH
The futterai AFTEultOcx 4 at
o'clOck, (coin her iase residence. ou Carson street,
South Pittsburgh. Thelriends of ,tlie fondly are re—
spectfully luiltedto;attand.-
No. 166 FOURTH STREET. .PHtsburgb.
COFFINS of all 3ands;.CRAP., GLOVES, and ev
ery descriptlOn of Suncral•Furnlshing, Goods fur
nlAled, Rooms •open day
. aud night. Hearse and
Carriages furalsbed. - ' •
- RE - S.mtMcens--Hev. David Reek. D. D. Roy. M.
W. Jacobus, D. D., Ti as Emlng, Esq.:Jacob H.
Miller, Esti; ' • - •
' • . ,-c corner
Allegheny City, virhere their . COFYIN ROOMS are
constantfy sopplled with real and Imitation Rose
wood, Mallogany and Wslimt Coilinf, at prices vs,
rying from 64 to .100. Bodies licepared for inter
ment. Ilearlies and' Carriages furnished.;' also, all
kinds of 3fourning,Goodel: If reditirod,:.l9flice open
at all hours, day - And night. -,
. , .
IS' • EET,' , Micah:env:l and DIAMOND
SQUARE, thy John.‘Vilson '8r05.,.. keeps always
on - hands the' brst•rlintatc Ites6Watki,irWultut and
imitation 'Rosewood Codlns:,,NA'ainut Coffinal from
$25 -upwards. - .. Rosewood „Coding $2 O . imiwards, all
other Uotiltts 1 proportion. -iearrr and - Hearses • :
.farnlshedatlow tates.•:. Grap0,•,:.1.1 oyes, Plate and',
...Engraving SarniShed . ..'entis. - ..011 1 e•_.olert• day, and
, ' 1
DERTKIM 'lsre; No. 244011IOBTREET,
Allegheny -2detalhe, Rosewood- and,other
with a complete•StOClCorpriteral-fittrnibliiiii. Goods,
• on hand and ftiralithedist ihortest ; notice, , M. - lowes t .
prices.. Sale...and Livery B tables, - corner Of ,
and Middle 'Carriages,' Battntehes, , - Buggies,.
• Baddle.Horses,:4e..:foraire ,-, :•
w oo t ikatoplEir
icoo . A9tta.ltles. 6
ist-7Aceitracy. 241—Xioital)11.14'. 341-91mplIcity:
of 'deOgsf:aad ,betiati.. Li fact, cli the qualitlea•
necessary for a good;
Call and get a"Cliculai; , giving deseriptloh of the
_same; alsa, ibe'elidoraeiteet of those baring tbeie
in nte, from the . • . •
ciE"Ntriid; AGEtiTN c i •
59 fIFTH.Sti OPPOSITE. MASOtittliAlt.
J3 l-
(*nerd Penn and S t Clairßtree s.
'balanoe of tbOse desirable Lots ore 'now offered
atprivate sale, and anYonedesiretui of ilnb building •
sliest would do well to make a selection. The village
is located on & beautiful and healthy boot. two stud a
-114 t. on `the Vestens Penn
sylVasita'Railroad, rune through lt,'maklng It
tancli more tidsistbleE. and. a g reeable.-:..:Extensive
• p r epaistions -,studting for ereetiolg.a umber
,of fin whet:Lich which will-prove, au ornament to the
t0wn....-.Theeremuluger of, .I,lsesel.cta-Willbe sold
Nen . ' reallif*S` rates an .coa terms exceedingly,
easy BILL 41S.811VrisERV4Reat }state and In.
4 1 10Artitri,"349r0P4X4I'ailor ,
~ ' EttatarLrfatpuil • 41.11 14 wAtamen , selm
frawrf4.l..ishi. , • 7046016431114,1
width u intim&
'lle.tik m in d ar a min lab tones' ..upini":*
style that cannot be surpa s sed, and at • -11115444141/0
o. 98 WYLIE 8711997
' COTIICf,of