251 I•ti; IRON' WOMM. AB. VE.U.Vin, Pree't W. P. PORTAII, MIMIIRGII FORGE AND IRON Co. = MANFTACTOISZAS OF Bar Iron; • .Ballroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; „BAHrend Car Axles Hammered; • Mneoinotivii Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Reds; . Yokes, Straps; Piston - Heads; Steamboat Shafts; e• Steamboat cranks; IPision sOds. "wrislis; Finnan Jaws, Collars, *C• Office, No. 177 PENN 'STREET, FITTsBUAGFCIP GAFF,I I In ES c 31AFATFACT1RFSS OF Bar r rioop , and Sheet ron, WROUCHT IPON, Iron Welded Tubes foi Gas, Steam, Water, Ace. fF .i ~~,1 ALso; OIL WELL TUBING. Office, No. 08 Water St., PITTSBURGH, Pa 1 tute:eai KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, '4I,II7IJTACTUREII3 or Best Cop=lon, Refined, Charcoal = JUNIATA 'BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON 'HOOP. BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS _2O and 16 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT DAMS, Punched and Countersunk.. y. S AN NAILS SP L IKES. _ . _ Warehcruse' and Office at the Wor'.:s, GREEN - - UGH STREET, (a continuation et First stroct,) djoining Gm City Gas Works, Pittsburg-h. E vxusobi; P RESTON & CO., Pennsylvania. Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos.l66.and 167 FIRST STREET, Oppostse .ionotigaliela House, ap2l:da PITTSBVp.OII. TEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MICK & CO., 3U,NUFACTUMERS OF BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, Square, Slat and Oetagod, of all sires 21LILLT*1:PAY, CIIICCLAI", GANG AND cnoss-crr SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND EEATI-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS, CAST SPRING STEEL, Cast and. Herman Plow Steel, FLIOFTWINGS AND MOWER BARS; SPRINGS, AXLES and STEEL TIRE: SICKLE. SHOWEL. HOE. RAKE. FORK, TUB. CALK and • M.ACRTNERY OAST STEEL; CROW BARS, &c., &c Warehouse, 88 Water Street, Pittsburgh. 1= a Dl_ IiDITTSISTIRGEL STEEL WOILILS. ANDERSON; COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD & C 0.,) mint) . BEST CAST STEEL, riiik,Tmezitraklf CAST STEED; CAST STEEL for 'Reaping and Mowing Machines, Steel Plow Wings, Axles, Circulars, tice., C. • Cast and Common Plow & Spring Steel, °Mee—Corner Plii.ST AND BOSS-STItEETS, two blocksaboye the Monongahela House. 3/17LLE11.1 BARB GESERAL reirrNtits: IA-M.IIETCALF, -1 REUBEN MILLER, GEO. IV. BARR, I CHAS. rAxars. 6PECIAL PARTNER—S. M. BIER. . . ,-- _- CRESCENT' STEEL WORKS, 13.A.1,11t 8c PARIEIN, Office, .No. 38 Wood,Street, kr da4visis W41.-vE9Nr... . . Iron and Steel Works._ C 0.,, 3m.,..--urakeruitEss OF Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles; Steel, Ix. • vfmtFaiousE:.,. ~N0.,7 Wpter Street, • _I rITTSBURGII Il BLACK DIAMOND STEEL 171/,'ORIES. rmui, BIIKIEER k CO:, 'Manufacturers of all descriptions of ErX11333. Office and Wiiiehinise,- 10,422: ISM SECOND and lle and - 1211;12INK{Ri a- F I Tt 1; prrrsataton.,, ON CITY 111 - ILLS. - ROGERS !lb, BURCHFIELD , ~Bnfand POLI of SHED REFINED, CHARCOAL, Jl7- ,RLA.TA -CAST. STEEL. ,! X&ASRET tap MEE t t, ,, ..1 'llVEROurielgion,,, f ~..,, • , , :,. ; V -,..............A.A...., 1 l +.1 , .. 1 1 .,,r. ,- , . •, - - 1141 , #1SP E RP 41:1115, rrxrrepiviw-u. . .. . ...... ~' . ... . ~,• . .. ~.. '. iIIeCURDY & CO., - . • ~. Manufacturers of Sheathing, Brookes'. and Bat Copper, Presled coppezirtiora—s-gella "id rs isVi t ilstrs tlieetileNtit' Vile, Shea Iron, Wire,_ Ile. e 'Don stantly on band Ttnserss machines and Toots. W _arshousea. No. 140 FIRST nit= sod no sicoloaD STY,ZETPlitshuriSti,, [Special orders of H oppe r cut to say desired. pie, WS. _.. _ isylilisillAwT .. . . .. • ~,, _ _ ~.._......--, ~,,,,,,.7,..,,r.,...70.0.1.;;;;;;•1,....,•,-,-...),-Ftor.--,...84.,,-..70-,...ozr.,afawc.-.•',••-•iz•g•-4.4,-4.w-•k,,,44 0 :i. 'ar4-. 7 2:."; , ";••, - - 1- 1 , ••;q• , '• '..f ;;iiiT.z.i•=;•z:,,,•L'''''"" ' , , • , •`-",/,:-...,,,:fcr'1•-",1-71•44?".." • , FOUNDERS, ATLAS WORKS, THOMAS IC. MILLER, President These Acorns are among the largest 'WIC most complete establishments in the West. and are now prepared to tarlatan :zm XND 31anufacthrers of the TTSitIIGH, PA COPPER. MORTON STREET, Ninth . Ward, I:ll'r''r4.ll2ll:MG,ll. Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Irop . Work Railroad Castings. Boning 31111 Castings- Engine Castings Machine Castings. General Castings. OitDEus SOLICITED n09:1163 NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND 'PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and .Snialiman Streets, "WARD.) I.m-rent - xvaic , WM. warm - 3fan.ufaoturer pf • . CAST IRON-BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS d1.3. - a/ WATER WORKS. 31v Pipes are all cast invariably In Pits, In dry sand, and 131 feet lengths.. Also, full assortment of General Castings for . Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. fel6:tlo TIE KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO. 'CRAIILIES B.ICAP, President. J. M. KNAP., 'Flee President. 0. METCALF, See'y and Treaer. J. K. MADE, Engineer. - J. G. ILNAP, General Manager. • DIRECTORS: iAMEg B. MURRAY, of Lyon. 'Shorn & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER of J. Painter & Sons. C. R. HERRON. of Span; Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, of Shoenberger, WM. METCALF; of Miller, Barr & Parkln. MANUFACTURERS OF Bolling Mill and Blast Machinery. RETORTS and CASTINGS of every descsiption. ERNEST'S NAT.J. _ f 2-1 L. 9. Livili9sT6;..w. ItURT.IV. A. ROBINSON. JR. LIVINGSTON Si, CO., IRON POUNDERS! MANUFACTURERS OF • FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, Alt descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Fitterit Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma chinery. dc. All Jobß orkpromptly attended to. Office and WorksASHINGTON' AVENUE, near Outer Del l 3. CitY. ROBINSON, REA. CO., Suceessore to itizasniatYg, 511:5IS Dinamts, ASHINGTON WORKS, OUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines. Blast Engines. Mill 3lachinerv, Gearing, bhafting. Castings of all descriptions; (al Tanks and . Stills, Boiler and . Skeet Iron ) ork. -Office, 3:43;121. corner• First and SmitlifteldStregti. Agents for GIFGARD-6 PETENT INJECjaIt - /Tt for feeding Boilers. :r5.?. • - , SL BOLE 11-I:NTEU ORE. 1 .JAMES 'NELSON t. B. BOLE. INDITSTRIAL WORKS; - , 1 HUGH M. BOLE & 'OO. l Founders, Engine Builders and Machinists, Make to order MARINE AND LAND STEAM EN -1 ' #l- C I it E SII ' 4l! Vees. ararriattreid tiaogitm-eastetistLa:,tZerri. C JAMES Nitt.soN, tivuejrt L I.l t li. bor.& Foreman . . Machine Shop; corner FOIINT LLEY and DU ; QUESNE WAY. Foundry, Nos. 5 % asd 54 Third street,_ mylo:n66 - • PITTSDiTDDH. PA. MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. BUtler Street, Ninth IVard, {Opposite rnion Iron.3lllls, Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges mutonable. EBBERT & MACKLItiI). ocls:lN_ BERLiouliamay. PRICE & SINS. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufacture end keep constantly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BONE, DOG IRONS SUGAR KETTLES. HOLLOW WARE, And Castings jr2 . 3eratly . tiOUN RONEY, HECLA FOUNDRY, Carson St, Ninth Ward, near A. V. R. R. 3uNtiFicTunrx. OF DER DIES, STEEL MOULDS, uoubwatin a nd )faghtneCastings generaV.7. JOBBING WORN:promptly attended to. Orders solicited And carefUlly , and satisfactorily executed. ift tA 1 r(rt Y AND ROLL WORKS, • sso Penn Street. • BOLLUX,':IIOYD BAOALET Chill Rolls, Willi Castings, Roll Lathes,_&c. M ULTON:ACHINE .144IBlitil. 'ESTABLISHED n , r 1836. ~ . anufactory of STEAM ENGINES, of all sizes and of the most approved patterns for stationari purposes ; STEAMBOATS and S TEAM. FERRY BOATS. A. variety af 10, IS and 10 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold -at very' reduced prices. ,-- P. F..GEISSE, Wellsville, O. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio .siver, an d line line et C. 4P. A. •. . n o : _____------- ginum WICKERSHAM, IRON _BROKER, 124\First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa Agent f9rathe..si.l9:4)f Corral,poperamore,..l-6, and gauti iviczttoirilatr,unltlibiggiggi Coke and 0: ni Charms! Consignments and orders respectfully solicited 1113131,1M13 - CHAN GEB. PIIMOLIITION.,-'-,TIM FIRM OF' -ATWELL, LEE A "CO: , was. dissolved on the tcrf February,- 18611, tryinutual: consent... Either .DattgqtatktitigOAtke,oole of tr i eirMkrttlement. " " CHARLES:ATWELL/4 z 2. '" - i'll-v. - - . OD ~•,'. A...J. LEE., dr. The undersigned will continue the IiOLESALE BRocERY BUSINESS, under the name and style of A.T.WELL a LEE, at the old place,' No. 101 Second street. A COOtIIIIIIOICO o f the patronage of their friends and the public la reseeciftilly_sollcl_t_ed. CHARLES ATWELL. A. J. LEE. PrrTSSIIIIG' 11, March sth, VMS: - mli7=sl PITTSBURGH .GAZETTE t TUESDAY - . MARCH 31, 10.68 F ORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND_ TANK WORKS. , CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TITBUNAE, FIRE BOX ANJ CYLINDER STLASI BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, cmmNEYS, BREECHING. AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON- - -• DENSERS: STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON MEI BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Office and Warehouse. corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, Kir Orders sent to the abo v e address will be promptly attended to. - mlatlS9 E. W. 1101111.0 W. sTAS. 11 ryHARA BOILER WORKS. IKORROW, BAUM= & CO., Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, &c. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts., PITTSBURGH, lAA. REPAIRING promptly done.__ BARMULL Si. CO:, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Having . secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery; we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the best p manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. ' Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds. Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers. Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Baruhill's Patent Boilers. :Repairing done on the shortest notice. Jas:c2.l "ROBERT LEA, MANUFACTURER OF Steam Engines and Boilers, • DOCTOR ENGINES. 'CASTINGS, of all descriptions, made to order. P,ITTSBIIRGII, PA. TAlllElii RITIER, ej PITTSBURGII EMI N BROKERS. PIG* TRADTEI. ILVNUFACTCREIt ' S or PITTSBURGH, Pa MANUFACTORMS OF NOS. 2 - 1:1; 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. FREIGHT. ROISTERS, Corner of First and Ferry Streets, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., u.t.Nuraciyurat OF IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS. COPPE.RST.EAS I PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS .And .61-IEET 1P.0.57 WOUK, For Steamboats STOVES, CASTINGS, &C• COOK STOVES. %-) CET THE BEST. BISSELL 4& TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well as any other Store In the Worn BISSELL & CO., No. 285 liberty Street. Also on hand and for sole, PARLOR STOVES, ' HEATING STOVE:S, GRATE FRONTEo, FENDERS. COOKING RANGES, ac. ------------------ CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUY TILE TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, la at No. 146 GRANT STREET. r • P. C. DUFFY. HARDWARE. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. ..• _ I LINDSEY, STERRIT. . nanuteeturers ani Importers of . HARj A R EA ' CUTLERY, &C. 887 LIBERTY STREET, • CORNER OF WAYNE, • One Square Below Viten Depot,. PITTSBURGH. ;mita for FAIRB ANKS' C"ZS'' c:z! D1VE49117.. ° Min ST., bet. Tuaocl & Chatha* Sts, Gtutsuiith and Dealer in Hardware , . First class goods of all descriptions always on hand and sold at the lowest prle t es. Ildpalring done carefully on short notice. 3'328050 1:)3h71 3 )31ail pacEsix. e STEAM BREWEIty! lIDDICLL SPENCER,• M'KAY & CO, MALSTERS AND BREWERS 1. Of Ale, - Pager and Brown . 'Stout, PITTSBURGH' , PA. Bola=WAP3ol3, Manager. AND SCOURERS.. . PINNI J.. LARGE, t.': N 05.185 tuid 187 Thlyd Street, .AND swot arum wore OLELWBD 08 DYED. BID GLOVES AND LADIES , PLUMS CLEAN YD OE DYED FINANCIAL. HART, CAVGAIEY & BANKERS AND BROKERS, • - Corner Third and Wood Streets, pri-rs-43unGai , (SUCCESSORS TO 'IIA.NNA. "TART & C 0.,) DEALERS IN • Exchangp; Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid otl C purchase, and se of GOVERNMENT BONDS. viTi• HOLMES Si,' SONS, - N 13-a-W1=1.16 57 Market Street, pirrarsigulton , Deposita received in Par Funds.and Carrenek. Colleetilms made omall the principal points of the' United States and Canadas., • • • Stocks,. - Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular 'attention Paid to the purciMsd and sale of United States Securities, INCLUDING U. S. SIXFS OF ISBI7 do do 5-910 s; U. S. FIVES 10-405. U. S. CERTIFICATES OF UNDEBETEDNESS. Orders and Vouchers bought of collected:. ja3o:ai • , , , OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, March 30, 1868. : t Gold was firmer and higher to-day; 138 being the opening quotation, and, 138 X; strong,• as the closing rate.. The *Vance is due to large, short,nterest made during the beginning: f last week standing uncovered. It was a Movernerit of - the bull dlique in stocks to move simultaneously in gold, in order to be enabled to advance stocks to a high price in currency, but it seems that importers and speculators in gold . have m're confidence in lower rates, and thus keep from buying at present. It is not likely that large purchases of gold would be made now on presumption of an early rise, since the. May payments are too near at hand, and generally a large number of speculators are disposed to sell short; that might keep the market down until the Treasury would come to their assistance. In government bonds a better feeling manifested itself early in the day, but to 'wards noon the market fell off about 3,;, per cent. on all new gold, bonds and seven-thir ties. The stock market is higher and excited, and all kinds of rumors are scattered to ef fect securities; it is true stocks are low, and even an advance of 4to 5 per cent. would leave the price :below the quotations of January, or even at the beginning of the present month. ! . In local money matters we have to report an unusual stringency, with no prospect of sioo,ooo. i any immediate relief; even the banks are STOCEIIOLDEES INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE: not in a condition to discount more freely, after the quarterly statement, if they are INTEREIT PAID ON DEPOsITi... carrying out the spirit of the law, to which Foreign Exelianke bought and sold, mad when de- they owe their existence., sired remitted to Europe. Collections Made on all the principal points of the ClOsing quotations as receive by Ph. R United States and Canada. • Mertz: --Gold, 138 x; ISSI bends, 111 N,"; 1802 5-20 s, . 100 X; ISM do, 107 X; 1865 do, 10834; Consols, 100%; 10-10 s, 101; T-3052, 105 7 .4".. . • Cleveland 4t Pittsburgh R. R.. 91X Fort Wayne - ' ........... . HY2N North Western—common 65,', DOMINICK IHM id SEN, Present. North 'Western—preferred '75,5 • New York Central . 1 . 2.31.. f J. C. BARR, Secretary: Erie li` ' 74% . 89V, N. B.—This Rank will open for bu4n,•. , ; between Old Southern . - : the first and fifteenth of April. In the room ' lately Ohio ..t . Mississippi g 30% occupied by A. McTighe. deceased, as a Banking Western Union Telegraph 35% Haelitrnttei il tatra th lVl r t u knn a I open for sub- Merchants Union Express 34% s c riptions untilthat time. at the on ce of the Seere- Corydon , 30 trry. N 0.104 I. !Rh street. mhll4.m9° Quartz Hill 1 - 19 2 2 % WESTERN SA I VINGS BANK, Quicksilver . ~. —Th following statement' exhibits the busine • of the - , Pittsburgh - Clearing _. • . I House, for the week ending Saturday, CHARTEft.ED 1866. March 23th: Interest paidonTimo Deposits liarch n l ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM March 24 ...... .. .- . - • March t 2.5 ONE DOLLAR UPWARD: (( Marche March Zi ... DEPOSIT'S' SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT March 28. INTEREST. Discounts Daily at 12 (O'clock. President-4110NPSBN BELL. Tice President—A. N. XARSHALL. ME KEYSTONE BANK, THIS DANT: IS NOW TRANSACTING A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, AT THEIR NEW BANKING HOUSE No. 209 Liberty Street. Accounts of BANKS, BANKERS, MERCHANTS and others are My lted. Collections made on all accessible points in the totted States and Canada. .Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. STOCKLIOLDE4g Ltiri IVIDUALLY LIABLE. CITY HANK, No. 11° Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL JAMES MCCABE. TERENer. CANuffitELL, SAVAGE; J s. CliAs. ILtult, • : GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Cashier. DIItECTORS.: .101 US 3telinowN. Tuns. HornXr.. rATRICK. KANS. JOILN C. BAHR.. W3t. H. 11.r.EL! .1. IM:sa.tvV, Jr. D. litm,,Es. No. 59 Fourth Street. 1311 VECTORS: THO3IP3O.V BELL, • A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. J. J. G D ILLESPIEILWORTH , . ' --JOB. ALAREE. Stockholders to whom we make reference: •W m. For s ythe. .iodeph Dilworth. Willisdwell. Itev. Dac4.l Kerr. Wills Dalaell. • Henry Lambert, D. W. C. Bidwell, • A. ht. Brown. • E,_3l. Fulton. • Thomas Ewlne. A e . BANKERS 0 ESTABLISHED IN 1831. t 3$ SOUTWO*) PHILADELPHIA , DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-lOs Converted Into 5-20. • . • STOCKS AND GOLD ticiught and geld on commission, here_ mid in New E York, TIM PAPER NEGOTIATED I_NTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURIIENE,Y. Accounts of Banks apt Dank era received on favorable terms. - - LEHIGH COAL 'AND NAVIGATION FIRST DiORTOMIE RAILROAD FOR SALE. Also, the NEW LEHIGII GOLD LOAN. These. Loans are both free from State and S. taxes, and are the ehespestilonds of their elabb at present en the market. ALL CLASSESTMAR OP SECURI RATES TIES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE A KET . • LITHOGRAPHERS: ISINGICHLY PHILIP CLEIB. SINGERLY & "CLEIS, SuCceSSOIS to GnO. & CO., • PRACTICAL LITILIOGRAPREWL The only,Steam Lithographic. Establishment West of the Mountains.. Business Cards, Letter. Heads, Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards(Diplomas, 'Portraits, Views, Certificates of Deposits, Invita tion Cards, .Stc., Has. - 751 and 14 Third street, pitteburgh. • AB. A. MILL , -• • - LITHOGRAIEEFFECItr, NO, $0 FOURTH STEM, APOLLO CHECKS. DRAFTS, NOTES, DILL and LICTTER HEADS. Ate, doue In all styles.. lesxsd 020,0. CLAIM. .. 11;WATKINS. .. ;D SAY 1 ICON:CITY BELT WORKS. $ s '[. GEO 0 CLARt& CO • -Stiuticturers .Of every description . PatOntr Stretched,.Cemented and Riveted Oak-Tanned 333p12111NG 1 ' . . [409 LIBERTY STRERT, e2d:finor,) ciiiposite Union llepo,t, 000, 'bushels prime NI SA~iL~l3' MALT' Fog :%10401.1*0)..fmrs c")" South grayed, near Chestnut, Allegheny, Pa OEDAII-22_000 lima inch boards w*.../ now bindlag num steamer rid Duet, for sale by • DICIZT Os CO. ,Vi-71•0 4 -tgWA • - • -- • 11. MERTZ, BANKER AND BROKER, 110 Wood :near Corner,of Wood, GOYELVMT SECURITIES, Gold, Silver and Cotipon.s, Bought and Sold on Liberal Terms Sir Drafts sold on all the principal cities O. Eu rope. CONVERSION OF 1-30'3. I . , We are now preparod tooonVert the SECOND and THIRD SERIES of s - E NTN--rxiitt•rims Tun New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds:. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealer in Government Securities, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STS. &Ott. -- - FINANCE AND TRADE Total $1,595,465 60 $410,457 77 —ClOsing quotations received by James T. Brady &Co. Gold ' U. S. 6's,-1881 • 88 5-20'S, 1860 ... 88 5-20's, 1864 88 5-20's, 1805' 4' 104's ' 5-20's, Jan. and July, '65... 88 Juno 7-30's -88 July 7-30's.. liay Coup., 1865. PITTSBURGH PETROLP.UM. MARKET. • OFIFCE OF THE PITTSBU HOS ti - AZETTE, MONDAY, March 30, 1868. CRIIDE—The crude mark_ et was only moderately active to-day, the reported sales,in-.tide aggregate reaching about sit thousand' barrels, and with apparently more offers to sell, and a less urgent de- , mend, the general-feeling seemed to be a little weak, and spot oil, compared with. Saturday, is off fully a quarter of a cent. We can report 500 and 1800 bbls, for imme diate dellvery, - at B}4c; 2000 to be delivered on first water, at Sc;3. and,2ooo for April and May, seller's option, at 9c. We heard of offera to buy at 934 c for each month from now until Decenlber; and offers to sell all the year, buyer's option, at 12c. The most noticeable.:;, st noticeable feature was that- .there more offers to sell than there were on Sat-, urday, which is usually regarded as an in dication of a declining market; though, af ter all, holders did not seem disposed to yield much in order to effect sales. REFINED The market for bonded oil was quigit and apparently a little weak to day, though there are still more offers to buy than there are to sell. So far as we could learn; there was not a single' sale ef fected to-day, which 'was owing entirely to the fact that our refiners refuse to accept the figures now prevailing. We are cogni zant of offers to buy 26c for May, and a half cent advance until December; also, 28% for the last three - months of theyear. We are alsocognizant Of an'offer to sell April to July at 25%c and a half 'advance, without -finding a buyer,. and;, all the year, buyer's oPtien, at 31c. Spot ollivttl Quoted at 24X; April at 25c; May at 2514 c; and June-it 26c. ARRIVALS--The following are the re ported arrivals of oil to-dayt - ,r Mawhinney,dr , E. 800.1 Fisher , dr Bro. ~ . .3000 R: Coehran.:Mo4) TorsYth;Bro Co2ooo .9. Total. • OIL 13111,11IYINTS IMO/ DUQUESNE! DtPOT. Fisher & Bro., 47 bbls crnde to W.P. Lc? gan & Bro., Philadelphia: - • 1313 & Pinkertsn,aoo,iieltelilkell,l4,to AL.; Dilworth & Co., Philadelphia. f• - • Otis 33/A/P/P;rlrEa.4. V. / 3 - P. Weisenberger Co.; 250. bbls xellned taNaroo..Freir 43r, - Lockhart'& FreW, 452 'dodo to Ward,en, Trey & OW; Philadelphia. • Fawcett, L& Btockdale,„ 250 do do to W. P. Logan Bro., Philadelphia. National 'lief. Co., 501 do benzole to F. A. Dilworth & Co., PhiladelPhus. OFFICE OF, THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, / Mora)Av.' March 30,'186,3. The fine _weather, with which we have been favored for sonde days past, has im parted more tone to the general markets, and were it not for the stringency in money matters, we could doubtless .report a pretty full volume of business. As it is, however, - there is a fair business, in the aggregate, and with a pretty good local demand for ,1 most of the leading' articles, prices are well.l maintained. AppLES—We can report a regular de mend, and while the market is steady, • prices are unchanged, ranging from $4 to $6 per bbl, as to qualiV. POTATOES, -In steady dema d n but un changed; regular sales in store at $3,25 to $3,50 per barrel for Peach Blows and Buck- eves. SEEDS—Quiet and unchanged; we•-con tinue to quote at $8 for Clover; $2.,75 for Timothy. Flaxseed is in , active 'demand but unchanged at $2,5 0 - GRA.IN--Winter Wheat is scarce and i firm at $2,53 to; $2,65. for. Red, -and. $2,60 to $2,65 for White .. Oats firm and higher, we I have a sale of 1000 bushels at 75e, and same figure offered for two or three . thousand bushels more. Corn is steady but un changed; sales of prises Ear, on wharf, at 1 96c to $l. Barley is scarce, and prime Spring may be quoted at $2,25 to $2,30. Rye is still quoted at $l,BO. BUTTER—The demand IS less urgent, but, as yet, prices are unchang, raning from 60 to 55c for prime to choice Roll. g EGGS—Under the Influence of increased arrivalsiare dull and lower, and we quote at 1 20 to 22c; some dealers refuse to accept I these figures, averring that they can do 1 better by shipping. DRIED FRUlT—Continues quiet and un changed; we continue to quote at? to 8c for Apples, and 10% to 1134 c for Peaches, as to quality. PRONTSiONS--Bacon is firm but un changed; 11%@12c for Shoulderw,l3y„ to 14c 1 for Ribbed, and 15c for Clear Sides ; 173 to 17,..ie for Plain Sugar Cured Hams, and 1 18%e for Canvassed do. Lard, 16%c, in. tierces, -and . 17e, in kegs and pails. Mess 1 Pork, $25 to $25,50. SWEET POTATOES- Prime Jersey Sweets are quoted at $8 per bbl. ONIONS--Scarce and tirm but unchanged at $4,50 per bushel. Onion Setts quoted. at $6 to $6,50. HAY—Loose Hay is Scarce and firm but unchanged at $2O to $2B; and in some gases, for choice Timothy., $3O is obtained. FLOUR—There is a - fair local • &Wand, and while the market is steady, prices are unchanged; good Spring Wheat, 4 a10,50 to $10,75; choice do, $ll to $11,25; good Winter Wheat, 511,75 to $12,25 . , and fancy brands, $l6 to $l6. Rye Flour is held firmly at the advance, s9—in store. LARD OIL—I.s still quoted at $l,lO for No. 2, and $1,35 for No. 1, Balances. " 1 457,140 49 78,681 38 95,232 03 68,651 07 48,034 82 62,717 96 Exchanges. .$315,788 96'r .. 266,734 24 249,548 85 .. 259,116 38 229,109 82 275,1*/ '35 138% 111 V 100% 107% 108% . 106% 107 y a . 105% • 105 ', . 11S3-1 PITTSBURGH MARKETS ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. - OFFICE or.T . K.F. PITTSEIICIII GAZETTE, t MONDAY. March 30. 1868. 7 ; CATTLE. - With a larger number of Cattle on sale than there has been for several weeks past, and Vut very foreign buyers, the mar ket was a little tame to-day, though, in re ality, so far fey we could see, there is no ehange in prices. .As will be seen, prime to extra cattle sold at from 8% to 9%c, which is fully as high as last week; there 1 were more good cattle on sale'than there 1 , has been for several weeks vast, and our butchers experienced no difficulty in mak-1 ing selections, though, it is true, they had to pay pretty well for the privilege. There 1 is a continued good demand for stock cat tle, and we can report sales'of common to 1, prime western stock steers at from 5% to 6%c, and even 7c. How long the present t exorbitant prices will be maintained it is difficult at this writing to conjecture; there i is usually a break down in the market i when grass cattle commence to come in, and we can seem° reason why this spring should be an exception, unless it hinges on scarcity. We quote the following sales: Carr & Vance sold 18 head of fair to prime Ohio steers at 8 to 8%. Hedges &, Taylor sold 30 head for Mes senger, Gillett & Co. at 7% to 8;‘; 15 for King at 8 lo'8%; 2'2 for Potter (stockers) at at 6 to 6%, and 6 for Keyes (stockers) at 5%'• Stakely & Bro. had 9 head; sold 5 heifers 1, at 6%. 'Haas & Kraus sold 60 head steers (from Chicago) at 7%, to 9%. M. Verner 51 head of prime to extra steers (from Chicago) at 83; to 9%. Hartnaan '‘t Shamberg sold 50 head 9 of mixed stock (from Chicago) , 6to 1/. Myers & Needy zetalled 50 head of- 4 good to extra steers (from Chicago) at,,. 7% .to 9; 40 head stockers at 6 t 06%. _ . Dolan & Ivory wholes . algid head of good Western steers to Myers & Needy at 8, and , 15 do prinie at 8,80. Haas &, Kraus wholesaled 20 head of prime fat steers to Myers & Needy at 8,65. . Holmes, Lafferty Sr, Glass retailed 68 head of good to extra fat cattle (from Chicago) for Doud Lt. Co. at 8 t0*9%,• 77 head of Chi atgo stockers at 6 to 7, and 18 head of good Oluo cattle for Sherrick at 7 to 8%. E. Katz sold S fresh cows and - springers . at 850 to 860 per head; also, 13 head of scala- I wag bulls for Roenbaugh at 5. • . 1 L. Shamberg sold 15 head of steers, stags i and bulls at 5t09; he has 3 premium steers t front Licking county, Ohio, avoraging 2100, lbs, for which he asked 12%. 1 Marks tcz- Traurman report having sold 112 head of Chicago cattle; sold fat cattle at A 7;4 to BM, and stockers held at 6%. Ifiackstock & Razlewood sold one extra g . "knock-kneed" steer, the finest and big- gest ever offered in this market, to G. W. Evans, at 11c; he weighed 3000 lbs, six feet , t. eight inches high, and 12 feet long. This IL firm also retailed 57 bead of prime to extra Chicago fat cattle at 8% to 9%. Greettwahl& Kahn sold 76 head of fair to extra Illinois cattle at 7% to 9%, and 10 ; head from Ohio at 7. • 4.1 Kerwin 6, - , Co. bought' 11 head of fresh cows at $45 per bead; also, 11 head of bulls from Jas. McAllister at 5%., a - i SHEEP. There was an exceedin r light supply .71 . 1v and the_few that a: , , , of Sheep on sale to-day, ann . __... _____ Were here were of an inferior gnalityi We r,i' had no.sales' reported above 7gc, and from fi that:down t0"514. tAn extra lot of fat Sheep f i would doubtless have brought 8 cents, or Z possibly 834 c, but there were none of this kind in market. George Garvin"- reports' having' Bold 58 lf„ head, av,eraging 90 lbs, at an average of 6%. J. C. - Weller sold 48 head of common to prime Lawrence county Sheep at sgto 7y,,. . Holmes, Lafferty fir,' Co. wholesaled a car il load at theCential Yardsthis morning at A '-', 7,15. • - i1 . 1,-: Wolfe - sold 14 head at -7... --. 1 - , ' .HOnB.. ' . The retail market continues dull, as 4 butchers take hold sparingly, at ! present. R prices, 9c to lib, gross, for fair to ?'prime -. 0 heavy.averages. •. -•-- Rothchilds ifk, Byers report haying retail- - ed 40 head at 10c to'lo,ic; . Emerick & Co. report having_ retailed 100 1 : 4 ; head at 10c to lie. - fl • • Holines, LaffertT it -Glass wholesaled one oar load of light . Hogs at the Central Yards this morning rit.:8,40,- , , , •,, . ~...., r 1 w. .7800 New' York Cattle I By Telegraph to Pitiably& Gazette '3 ilinw. Tons, 'starch 30. - : . —ReteiPts-for the Week, 52,167 head beeves; 15,810 head sheep and lambs and 21,499:h0g*,; Beef the lat ter .part oelast week was heavy and trifle lower; but lower,quidoflight offerings, and ruled strong .at .18 1-2 to .190 for extra, and 14 to:14 1-4 c for lufinlor'atid Ordinaiy. Sheep and `Lambs tolerably active' at Ittillitlovious rates, viz.: 81 '-- 210 101 -2 c for Weiler to ex tra. Hogs quiet at 101.-Ic, and lower at Com runnipaw; 23 cars ainrtieth street at 9 3-4 c, ' with few choice at 10 to 10 1-40. ^ ~~ z s~ ry