NEW .ADVERTISEMENTS. . Twiwzga.liA 44=8,1 4.0 - FYfth Street, le an milli/irked Ageist te;•ective Advertfeenient.9 for the ¢AzETTE.- and all other yave.rg throughout the United States and Canaday. WPITTTBURGII AND TUBA MININ(4 CO.—The Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of the Pit tsbnrult and Yuba River Mining Co. will be held at the Rooms of the Pittsburgh. fort Warne a. Chicago Railway Co., on 'WEDNESDAY, April 15th, - at 2 o'clock e. 31. tn1131:n72 JAMES FIS - LAY. Secretary.. VrCONGRES!3-224 DISTRICT. THOMAS HOWARD, Esq., Li a candidate fur nomlnatfOn. Uy the Colon Reinth llcau.Conaregie.onal Convention'. lo131:d8T WANTED, , A STl'lljArl'lON; By an alile, energetic business man, as Book-keeper, Clerk or nalestan rt. Best of references given. . . Address T. H. K., Box A. GAzzrrs Orricz. mh3taa. . ' O,J LET, T . . . - . , 'dTOIIE, ROOM. and DWELLING attached„. on Beaver avenue, Allegheny City, D'ormerly Man chester,' just new; building in good location For particulai , . inquire or J. RUSH .4. CO:, No. 237 Beaver avenue mlial IEXECUTOWS NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary on the estate of ARTHUR 3101 t,. OW, late or buowdeu township, deceased, hating been granted to the undersigned, all persons haring claims agatnst said estate will present them. *prop erly authenticated for settlement, and those indebt ed to said estate will make payment b O i JOHN NUN, Sr„ • Library P. 0., Allegheny county, Pa. rnhal:n :3-T B UILDING MATERIALS FOR B SALE.—Proposals well be received for the purchase of the materials in the buildings on the property of the slercant Ile Library IlanCo.,o. corner at Itenn street and Brewery alley, lately occupied by West .4 Co.'s Carriage Factory, the purchaser to memore the same and clear away the rubbish. • :The bids may be made for all or a part of the build ings, and must name the time within which the par ties will engage to remove the same. • FELIX B. BitUNOT. Pres't. Library.liall Company. ralt3l:u72 • . N r THE DISTRICT COURT O - - THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE WEST it N - DISTRICT .t iF PENNSYLVANIA. - CHARLES A. BOUCHER, a Bankrupt under the - Act of Congress of March 2d, 1,167. having applied for As discharge from all his debts, and other maims pro-• table under Said Act, byorder of the. Court, notice is hereby given to all. creditors who have proved - their debts, and other persons Interested, to appear the 31st day of March, 1868. at 12 o'clock 8.. be fore SAMUEL :HARPER, Esq., Register, at his -otliee. , No.A3 Diamond street. l'iMburgh, to show cause, If any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further, no tice is herein' given, that the second and third meet ings of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by 'the.27th and ' sections of said Act, will be had 'before the said Register, at the.same time and place. S. C. McCAN MESS.. . Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. mlit2vrt - A . .-' . CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. } -CITY LW, ALLEGILIIIST, March 31st, BUS. QEALLED PROPOSALS will be .41,..7 received at this office until SATURDAY, April 4th, at 3 o'clock - 1•. M., for furnishing a HOSE CARRIAGE, Of the same l as that in the possession of the Friendship Hose Company. • Al6o. for furnishing a TWO-HORSE WAGQN. .similar - to the one used by the Duquesne FireMn _gine Company. of Pittsburgh, except that platform springs are 'wanted in front.. information concerning the above will be furnish .ed by JAS. E. CHOW, Esq., Chief Engineer of Fire Department. R B. FRANCIS , City Controller. nall3l:n7o IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY, PENN VAN A. In the 'natter of the application fur a Charter of . "The Alletnania Fir 6 Insurance Compri. ny of the City of Pittsburgh." And now. February 22d, 1868. 1.156 March 'Term, 1868, the Charter specifying the obleets,.ar ticles. conditiond and names under which lite mem bers of the Alunnania Fire Insurance Company of the City of Pittsburgh, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania., desire to be incorporated.. 'being presented In open Court. and being presented .and examined by us, and it appearing to us that the objects, at.leles andeonditions therein set forth and -contained-are lawful and not injurious to the corn 4nunity. we direct- the said writing or proposed Charter to be Med in the office of the Prothonotary •of this county. We also direct that notice of said' application be given by advertisement in tile - Daily Gazette, once 'ln each week, for three consecutive - weeks, and if no sufficient reason to the contrary be ..shown, a decree and order will bo made, lucorpora :ting said Fire insurance Company. JACOB IL WALTER. Prothonotary. mL:il:ai I-7c OFFICE OF THE TnEAScuEn OF ALLEGHENY CO, t PITISIWItGIi, April Ist, 1E63. TN PURSUANCE of the 21st See- Hon of an Act relating to Allegheny county. ap proved the Ist day of May, 1861, and of the amend ment to said section, approved the 30111 day of March, 1866, 1 hereby give notice that the Dupli cates of the several- Wards. • Boroughs and Town .ships WILL ;BE OPEN and I will be prepared to receive the 'County, State, Poor, Work•house and Bounty Taxes, for IS6B. ' . and after the lat day of May. 11868. said taxes -eau be paid at this office untll the Ist day of August, with a • • , Deduction. of Five Per Cent. Discount for prompt pamnent, to any persons paying the WHOLE AMOUNT of their taxes.. - There will be no deduction allowed during the month of August. There will be TEN PERCENT. ADDED to all taxes remaining unpaid on the Ist .day of September, 1868. .1. F. DENNISTON, Treasurer of Allegheny Counti. mhSt:ol) S. HAVEN'S v PRINTING, BOOK BINDING And Stationery Establislentent, COR. WOOD AND THIRD STS. The business community can be. accommodated -frith every variety of PRINTING. such as Letter 'Heads, Circulars,Bill Heads, Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Bankrupßlanks, Catalogues. Pamphlets-, Receipts, Cheeks, Drafts, Notes. Cards, Labels and Welding Cards. mlt2B:nsl Cor. WOOD AND THIRD STS. • Ctrir OP ALLEGHENY. March IT, ma. pAnK - ASSESSMENTS: The Park Commlislen, having made their assess ment on all property In the City of Allegheny, for the purpose of Park Improvement, In accordance with the Act of Assembly , for the conversion of the Common Grounds into Public Parks, hereby give notice to all parties Interested that they will sit in 'appeal on said assessments, at CITY lIALL, on Tuesday, the 7th day of April Next, After iihicti no exception to' or appeal from said astosements can be made. • JAMES PALLS, Jr., President of Commission mh3o:nsl STEUBENVILLE FEMALE SESIINANF. , TERXS—Per session of live months, Al weeks— Boarding, with Room and Light, 4115 t Tuition, $lO to $l5; Washing, per dozen, M 50 cents. usic, Painting and Ladguages extra. A deduction of 15 31 e rc E 7g. t is e made c for the daughters of clergymen. Bummer Session opens May 4th. .„ For catalogue apply to' "Rev. D. C. BEATTY, D. D. Lt. D., Sup't. - Or, Rev. A. M. REED. A. M., Principal. Steubenville, 0.. March. 1968, zuhWisiwF&T , JorltON' CITY NATIONAL BANK AND OTHER STOCKS--Will be added to the mer list of valuable stocks anil bonds to be sold THIS EVENLNO, March 31st, , 7S o'clock at Commercial Salesrooms, En thniihrleld street: 18 shares Iron City National Bank. . 10 shares Allegheny National Bank. - SO shares Second National Bank.. • ..4ahares Naliontd Relining and Storing Co. A. M'ILWAINE, Auetfoneer.. JOSEPH S . FINCH & CO., - N 09.183,187, 189, 191, 193 and 103, Finn STREET, FITTSBURGII, MANUFACTURERS OF I Copper Distilled .Pare Bye Whiskey. d i giSTS It/FOREIGN WINES and Large, DRY' LUMBER.. . • • ' 12-INCH SHINGLES, Shaved and Sawed—extra quality. ~ DRY FLOORING BOARDS. And alI Maas of LUMBER, at - . • 0. C. BOYLE A CO.'S. . Yard; above Suspension Bridge, Allegheny City mbittl:nso-Tem , , • - 01IDICE FAMILY LARD, • • Put - up;.ln three and -live pound patent caddies, warranted to keep the Lard tight; sweet and clean. In any climate, for salt by the, caddy, at the Family . 7; Annenry Store aw. corner Lit'.4erty and Hand treets: GOOD. NEWS. - • ' - - • CHEAP BREAD IN DEAR TINES. ••,; itinuiretor*Algrtt iticliiigiat and !•„...ept..-.Ttie !It evert 414 . Tyke noilieue? • iledavrn' . . . " EE • - . - •' •. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHA*LS. SHAWLS. - EVENING SILKS. EVENING SILKS:. EVENING SILKS. CHINTZES. CHINTZES. CHINTZES. . • NEW GOODS. BATES & BELL. BATES & BELL. inhuvrrs&-T - 4 1t, 'N ORDINANCE to authorize the Cleading and Paving of ALLEGHENY A 'NUE. SEC. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils qjthe City of Allegheny, and it•tir hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Committee on Streets be anct they are here by authorized and directed to invite and receive proposals for the grading and paving of Allegheny avenue. from Ridge street to Western avenue, and the paving of Allegheny avenue from Western ave nue to the river, and to contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their discre tion. SEC. 2. That for the purpose of defraying the cost and. expenses of the said improvements, there be and is hereby levied a special tax, to be equally as sessed upon the several lota bounding and abutting upon, the said avenue respectively, in proportion to the feet front in them respectively comprised, and bounding and abutting as aforesaid._ SEC. a. That as soon as the cost and expenses of said improvements - shall he fully ascertained, it shall be the dutyof the Street Commissioner to as sess and apportion the same among the several lots bounding and abutting upon said avenue respec tively, according to the •rule above indicated, and thereupon proceed to make demand and collect the same, according to the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvanla, .entitled ''An Act defining the manner of collecting the expenses ofgrading Lnd paving of e. thstreets and alleys of the City ot _Allegheny. and • for other purposes. - passed the thirtieth _day of March, 1&32.. • SEC. 3. That so much of any ordinance as may con flict with or be supplied by the foregoing, , be acid the Same IS hereby repealed. . Ordained and enacted into'a law this the 26th day of March: d.. 1). 1868, JAMES McBEIER, President of Select Council. J. S. SLAGLE. • President of Common Council. Attest: • ' D. lifAcFsirtnox. Clerk of Select Council. E. DILWOP.III. Clerk of Common Council. NOTIC~L. ASSESSOir S OFFICE. INTEI&AL REV - ENvE t 23d 1.?1,1 - rnIcT, PENNA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons Interested alit the Lists of Income Tax and Special Taxes. Sm., for the . Twenty-third District; Deana.. ictll be open for examination at my office, 'So. 65 WATER STREET, Aliegbeny. from April - Ist to April 10th, 1515£4. inclusive. At which time and place I will hear all appeal= prO sented tp merelatirc to any erroneous or excessive Tualuatloms, assessments or enumerations Made by the Assistant Assessors for saki District. All appeals mast be made in writing, and must, specify the particular cause, matter or thing re specting which a decision is nested, nud shall also state the ground or principle of error complained of. No appeal can be allowed to any party after the list has been transmitted to, the Collector. After the above date all persons subject to tax, who have neg lected to make returns. will be subject to the penal- Iles provided by law. D. E. NEVIN, U. S. Assessor, 23d District, Penua City of, Allegheny. March 20, 1%3. mlinn4-27..31 IUARCR. 1868. SPRINC OPENING; H. OPPENHEIMER & CO., ,3IERCHAXT TAILORS, And Dealers in Gent's Furnishing Goods, No. --- A3 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. New. invoice of the LATEST PATTERNS of im ported Cloths, Cs,ssimeres,. Vestings, AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED FOR SPRING AND SUMMER *EAR, And embracing all the newest and most FASIIIOj2i- AI3LE STXLI.S. In point of excellence and moderation In price, OLTIL - O(XIDS ARE UNSUIWASSED. IL OPPEiVIEEDIER & co., • So. 81 WOOD STREET mh2l:n44 • • LACE CURTAINS, . . VF.STIIIITLE I :NOTTLIIGRAM LACE, WORSTED DAMASK, GILT .CORNICES, FOR SALE' BY . WHITE ORR & CO. •AB FIFTH' StREET, • 0 iabzs 168. 168. CHEAP! CHEAP! PRINTS, DEAAI NES wTWEEDS ViSierAßre @' HOSIERY A D GLOVES. ; C I S A H R I F F I C T ( trgree L OT HS Sir RIBBONS:SHAWLS. I. Are' HOOP SKIRTS, LACES. - AT THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE OF 11. .IU 4 • SCOUCV - 9 £ No. 1.65 Wylie Street.. .0 r 168. 168. frah.33:n4o) COUNT= SHELVING, , • . , . .DRAwEas,-ac.; FOR SAX , E; , - ForONE HUNDRED DOLLABir—One Counter, twelve Drawers one- Stove, Sign. Board, an Iron 'Frame tor awaits:it two Settees Screen, Shelving and FLaturea at No. 8 Market Street, corner Diamond. Inquire at GEO. ALBREE, SON . CO.'S, 71 Wood street. . fmhZ:nat] 'GEO. ALBBEP, SEED wftEAT.- We are now - reeelykuLalog o[ 5OO BUSHELS SELECTED SIMMS wHEAT, - which wo will sell 1,4 lot, to atilt tamers: 91100/I,ISeCREEDT'gcti., itra#P,Ltbertl• ; _ street, NM MIECI ,PITTSBURGH GAZETTt : TUESDAY , 111. A Reif 31. 1868. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS • • - FOLEY'S, GOLD PENS, EVERY SIZE, FR0 . 31.15t0..1. UPWARDS, These• •Pens ARE WARRANTED.' and CAN BE EXCHANGED at any time within a year, if not broken. 11D3118, SCHOYER & CO., (POST BUILDING") JEKI\rOX'S GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS STOCK PURE AND FRESH Dealers, Gardeners. and Private Families Will find their requirements fully met Our large stock, complete assortment. and the ac knowledged reliability of our stuff, leads us to con fidently guarantee satisfaction to our customers. Coustantly on hand and for sale ut, the lowest mar ket prices. GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. . . POTATOES. .GOODRICH. ILtRISON. BUCKEYE, :WHITE SPROUTS and CUZCO. FLOWERING PLANTS AND BULBS. AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL IMPLE3IZNTS AND TOOLS. ALL BOOKS relating to the R.UtM. GARDEN or tiItEEN ROUSE at publishers* printed prices. Our. New Descriptive Seed Catalvue Gives full descriptions of NEW, BABE and MOST DESIRABLE varieties of VEGETABLES AND FLOWERS, PLAIN, SIMPLE and FULL instructions for sowing, planting and after uutuagemeut—pricey In packages cm by weight, by mall or otherwise. and much other valuable information. Sent to hit ap pllepts enclosing 10 cents. Nurseryman, Seedsmati rand Florist, 187 - LIBERTY ST., PITTSBURGH. Dipot of "liNOX'S FRUIT FARM and NUR SE,RIE'44.'' luh:tOntial&fr 47. BOYS' CLOTHING. 47 ST. CL../kIR STREET, SPRING STOCK Or BOYS', f YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S 1868. Owing to the depression of the Eastern markets, we have been enabled to purchase goods at a very lowligurc, and we are now prepared to offer our en tire assortment at exceedingly moderate prices. - In our BOYS' AND CIIILUBEN'S -DEPART 3IEN'TS, we have complete lines of DISMARCIE,.:FRANILLIN, . A . GRIBALDI, BARNEY; and METROPOLITAN SPITS. Of YOUTHS' SUITS, we have a large assortment of all sews of SIEDIU.W AND FINE GOODS. _ . Sir Call and examine the iargestefoCk of BOYS ' CLGTILING In the city,. No, 47 St. Clair Street. 47. 51 GEOVER. A: BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH LOCK STITCH SEIVINEI MACHINES !. ; ; • At . the Neer-and .Elegaut gales Ropms '• • OP THE COMPANY, t 51 FIFTH STREET. Also, NrEDLES, - : ATTACHMENTS, MACHINE SILKS and COTTONS. THREAD, MACH/NE.OH, Ac. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect fully Invited to call. 't - . Applications for Agencies solicited. Circulars or Dimples by mall on application. Correspondence to be addressed to . . ' B QROVER & BAKER - 5... M. CO • 51 .1111:711.STRIVA PITT3RU*OII. Q . 4011i - E DBAiS PIPE, FOR SEWERACE. ALL NUM FROM 2 TO 12 INCH. 3.0 000 FEET ON HAND; JOHN 31. T.A2TE, 227 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, • : , AND 50 :36"ederal Stiroots 411eicheiin3'. folll:wl3o:Trr , ru&S SIiVER MINES.---,We shall, lira few days, send an • agent to Silver Mountain, Colorado, to develops ten different Lodes of Paver Ore, discovered and located by experienced miners and situated in an unusually rich mining district. It is intended hsve them fully -developed before going to the expense of erecting buildings, ma ehinery,•&c., For this development the Company have: d etermined - to sell,a amount, of the stock at a rate which' will 'place purchasers on the footing•as• the proprietors themselves. For full pasticulara apply fo, BicLAIN .t CO., - - 'lslllFourth street -FISH ! • FISH! 50 bbls. No. 1 Mackerel; 50. ". MI, do; • „,00 ht.' do. Nos. 1, 0 and 3 Mackerel; .•• 45 kilts No 1 lileckerel; • 500 half bbls. Lake Herring; ago,. druiri White Fish; • In Adore, for sow by Roxklrfflth. LANci; 4 t ja "iya andiraWoosarett. rs ...•••:•-•••••_ , - • . , ilf$IP,V--,t1.1a;4! Mffl WITH OR WITHOUT HOLDERS, RANGING IN PRICE-FROM 81.00 TO 80.00. FOR SALE EY No. 39 Fifth Street. FIELD AND LAWN SEEDS J. KNOX, 1868. 4. HEADQUARTERS FOP. GRAY LOGAN, RAVI NO* IS STORE TitEtat CLOTHINC. GRAY tit LOGAN, DM WITII LATEST.I3IPI2O.irkSfENTS, ANDFOIt. SALE 151: . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GOODS loitirS,oons! MEM 13VEACHE6,3firSLI1, yard Wide, aL 123je HEAVY UNBLEACHED 31U3LINT, yard wide, 10-4- SHEETING at 37! 3IERRIMACK PRINTS:, COCtiECO PRINTS at'l -DARK GINGMIMS at DELAINES it ALL-WOOL DEL:klc EXTRA WIDE CRAM 7-4 TABLE DIAPI:It at 22c JEANS at .1.21‘c. . r. 3 f:'ASSptERF I at 50c. CASSI3tERE ht 62,4 c CASSIMEII 1 'at 75c. BLACK ALPACCA.4 37, 45,-30 and 132.3.1 c COLORED GLO 'ES at 75c DLACK ANI) COLORED KID GLOVES at $1 TICKING, CHECK IRISH LINEN, SHIRT FRON'I'S HATS, RIUBONS, FLOWERS: .2c I very Large and Varied Asortment, AT VERY LOW PRICES, Wholeiale and Retail, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 & 182 Federal 81 . " Allegheny. - IMM 97TH SEMI-ANNUAL EXPOSE. JANUARY 1, 1868. 47 ASSETS. (nt:Market Vttlne.) Cash on 113nd and In Bank 548.607 81 Real Eatate 253.082 83 Mortga,V!.. 820,870 00 Bank Stock 1.737,81000 State and City Stock and other . public securities 1.953.1.72173 Total Liabillt ie3 Net ..A,s4;tl .0:77 Pulp Attc:qq. iiwora :0 and signed The .(ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY is the Trustee of Its Patrons to sm extent ten fold Reenter tfinn of Its own Stock holders. TOTAL - LOSSES PAID $23,900,000.00. If a proper estimate is formed of the ruin and de ,atrucilon occasioned by the burning of TWENTY"- - TIIREE MILLION DOLLARS of property, among people in every grade and positton, In amounts large and small. under every conceivable circumstance, it wilt give a correct idea of the Company's good works, and the cattle of genuine under-writing. r The beat Ls the cheapest.. • , r 47. Fire and Inland Navigaionitilks. EIII Vales and' terms as liberal as is consistent with reliable indemnitY. A . pplications 'tor insurance will M. promptly at tended to. once, 03 FOURTH STREET A. A. CARRIER & 11110., Agents. 10125:t20 THE BEST KID GLOVES Iti. THE WORLD ARE LAPORT-E'SPARIS 'KID GLOVES, .3LEN'S AND WOISIEN •S SIZES All 'Glares noad6 by me bear my annatute, LAPORTE, FISK, CLARK & FLAGG, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES, No. 58 white Street, N. Y fe.lB:l32:rni NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CONTIIOLLEIVR OFFICE, CITY OF ALLEGHENY March 2.8, 1857. f Sealed Proppsals will be received fifthis Office en. TUESDAY Gist last, at 3 o ' clock = r. H., for GRADING AND PAYING the folle*lng streets, and alley!, viz: FAYETTE STREET,: from Indwell Io Fulton St. HAMLIN ST.; Nowt Bidwell to ChartlersSt. CENTRE STREET, In the Seventh ward, MMIEF, ALLF.Y. from Federal to Doyle street. DAVIS ALLEY, from Webster to Beaver street. Profiles and Specitications can bodicen at the office of the City Engineer. . _ H. ' City Controller. STAMPS, BRANDS. AND STEN.. CIMS.—I am prepared at all Mmes to fill orders for Steel Stamps, Branding Irons, for marking pat terns and all farm Implements.. Also, Stellate for marking barrels, boxes and small packages. I also manufacture small - Stenclte - fore marking clothing and line linen goods. JANES DOWN, / 1 " 3:471rP • - 'lB . O Vood'street. - EAL PRESSES AND , CANCEL... k I.Ntl STAMPS. -Imams facture deal PICESCB and Canceling Stamps; also Monograms, or anything ap cf steel, irony copper .or brass.% Thifigi c ife• pertaining to they Stamp or Melton trade, either out coal, or any checks needed, front either ermau all hotel, ver, copper or brass, at ' mh3:Tur. . 136 Wood 'street TRESS ' , HOOPS ''TRESS 1100PS. — Thave just Deceived 50 e tt of Tio. 1, 21914 011 Barrel TIMM HOOPS, which I offer for sale at mak ' ufacturers prices. ' - - JAMES Bowl'',' rtin . 3:yri - - - • Lla Wood street. '- `Mandl ‘ • • bales .eylloailb,now ngf - for sale* LYAIAS Divir-5/ =EI MEM 1932/ at 1235 c IM 94,933,543 39 . 469,349 G 5 44,388,294 74 ; TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS. NEW STORE! NEW STORE : ROSEbaIIiAkSffOILMX T &.cf)'7'P' PHILADELPHIA EMPORIUM,-: 76 Market Street, Pifts'burgh, Pa: The undersigned respectfully inform the _public that they have received their entirely new stock of goods, consisting of Millinery and Straw Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Artificial Flowers, EmbFoideries, "White Goods, Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets and Skirts, Fancy toods, &c., To tvlitch they Invite the attention of purchasers, WHOLESALE AND 'RETAIL One of our firm giving his entire attention to the purchasing of goods at the Eastern Markets, and having had long experlenee and all -the facilities for procuring goods at the very lowest prices, we are enabled to offer.great inducements. .' • .. Constantly receiving New ' Goods front the New York and Philadelphia auctions. - Ashore of public patronage is .respectfully soli cited. •, , • ROSENI3AIMI,_STEDWART az CO in1124:100 No. 76 MARKET STREET RAND OPENING: G SPRING GOODS. Barred Organdies. Barred and Striped INTainsook; Victoria Lawns. Soft Finish Cambric. ALSO, LARGE LOT OP SOILED WHITE GOODS, Wli!ch Ave seilierg at a great sacriffee GOOD LRISI3 LINENS at 37 cents. SOILED Km GLOVES at 50 cents. SYSTE3I£ ALE:KAN- DIM KIDS tor $l. GENUINE ALEX- ANDRE .KIDS for 0.83. Ocr assortment of 'HOSIERY cannot be beat. Floor SKIRTS at 75 cents. 'llle . new and beautiful' • SENSATION TIE, Just received. ' 200 doz. L FRENCIISpItSE.TS Justreediced: A cOniplete line of" 1f and.'EL~ IRA CORSETS. Also, a line of 3fISSES` CORSETS. RISTORI FRLVOES, all colors. BULI,BON FRIN GP?, all colors. BUGLE TRI3I3IINGS; a flee as- ment. A !Inc lot of BUTTONS. . . MACRUM, GLYD.E &.,CO. 7S and SO Market Street. AT JOSEPH HORNE & The Largest Assortment-of STRAY .AD.IIIIIINERY - ..:.G00D5, To be ionnd in the cot.,: .7...7‘ . . _ ~ RIBBONS, FLOWER 3. L.. '6 IL KsCRAPES, MAILNES, ' FRAMES, FRoSTED ILLBSIONtti, sTRAw TitIN.MINGS, ornamented ALSO A WELL ASSORTED _STOCK OF wlirtg Goons, CORSET'. HtYSIRRY, 11001' SKIRTS. GLOVES.. BALMORAL SKIRTS, EMBROIDERIES, lIA.NI)KERCHIEFS, FR IN &ES. 'B S. BUTTONS,_ TRIMMINGS, BRAID_ And a Full Line of Notions." - FURNISHING GOODS, NECK TIES. BOWS,SUSPENDERS • MORRISON'SSTAR SHIRTS. Agents fir BISMARCK, DICKENS. VICTOR and other poiiular makes 'of • . PAPER COLLARS. Prices as low as 'Eastern Jobbers. Wholesale Itooms .up Stairs. Nos. 17 and vs market Street. utlil7:Wwr A PERFECT FITTING" GLoyE.: - - : - DIACRUM itri' -CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, INVITE ATTENTION TO. THEIR Kill GLOVE BEI'ARTIYIENT P i LTfn i nt he 2 " O l ii id ib d egalsTicaraifC Celebrated A. C. C. (jouvin) KIDS,' . . Ininorted especially to oar order. Hundreds of our customers can testify to thole pertectn lgli dross f wererr)a i b, d furnished by us, and are really, , . . . Elegant.atid Desirable. Tho ,, aaaortment IncludetL BEACH, WRITE: t. DARK COLERS, MEDIUM cotons, and OPERA or PARTY OOLOIta,‘; . 1 .0 1 zP3 -I s 3-4 ; i . .hrAciirTik tt CARLISL E , !' • • • . 19:FIFTil rRINtiES, . , . GIMP HEADINGS , • • ' IN- AL voLonpi Auerr ; OPENED, , • F i :-:ON'tArTON 9 S, r - • • -No : tx‘et. _ CEO. A. BAYARD -• Begs learn- tti_JUILTIOUTICO • that be has' finished hls splendid new BICICK WORKS, and is now prepared to furnish. 1 0 C:1&400::kit) made Out oc. Dlity, thoroughly tempered -o , - steam Power; 4 ThleLlaret le‘otmor the:moat complete 1a .J the'comity.- :winter houses, and everything -perfect , to manufacture dimingthe whole year.; • These Brlckwill besot(' and delivered la the city such quantities as desired, and at 'the lowest market rates. , All onion left at No. SO SMITHFIELD STHERT, s , be promptly attended to. mtatitilil , . , 110=1!1;11118 a:4F - NOTICE.STOCIiHOLDWItS, MEETING—PITTSBUIRIII FRUIT BthisE .ASS9CIATION.—At a full meeting of the Board of Direethrs'of Resolved, That a meeting_ of the Stockholders - 0T the Association-Ito held: off THURSDAY AFTER NOON. April 2d: tit 2 o'clock, tit — Bic - office of the Association, for thepta7ose of considering tlic list-- ter of disposing of tlte roperty of the Atssoclation. G. OL,LANSBEE. Secretary. Pittsburgh, 3Lirch3,1853. t .mhltrtia irgr'CONGRESS-22d DISTRICT. 11•111 Is a candidate - for nomtuatitat before the llaloullte publican Ciniventi.ou., mbli:d&T FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Subject to the decision of_. 31nion ,Ttepublican Comity Contention. • - • mh2i:n2+ &ET WTOR DlSTitliat VrirOliNtY. I, • WILLIAM C.. MORELAND, Subject to the decision. of _the Union Republican County CodvOntlon. • • ruhittallatd&T nrASSISTANT DISTRICT' "N, Tat TORNEY. Subject to the decision of the Union Republican - Couuty,OonVegtion.,_- - , mh26:11-127d&W,- _ NV - ANTI* c 7:- .t: :_ ',..' , :,Pi . .. A protestaOt • Gill, To ilo general housework.. Must glte good,cltunr . erence. Apply at mhanalla 'No. 31 WEBSTER ST., Allegheny. WANTED. -AGENTS FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR.; Its Causes, •Character Conduct and Results. By• HON. ALEXANDERALEXANDER:It. STEPHENBIi A Book for all sections and parties. - This great work presents the only complete and impartial analysis of the Causes of the War yet pub- , lished, and gives those interior lights and shadows of the great conflict only known to those high officrs who watched the flood-tide of revolution from , Its I fountain springs, and which were so accessible to • Mr. Stephens from hts position as second °dicer of he Confederacy. - • The intense desire every where manifested to ob tain this work, combined with an Increased commis sion makes,it .subscription book ever pub- One Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subseribers In three dttys. ' Another In Boston reports 103 subscribers In four days.' Semi for circulars and see our terms, and a full de scription of the work, with notices of the Press, ac. A.ddress, NATIONAL PUBLISIIDNG•CO4-"I nahlenaloo:d.S.:F Philadelphia; Inf.- OR RENT, F _ . DWELLING HOUSE, No. 286 Ridge street, Allegheny City, with vine rooms,. and -bath room, , A gas iiply to ISAAC N. ni:EsTo3r : it. the _Forge, cor ner of Duquesne Way and Point strekt.„ Pi ttsborgh, or No, 33 Stockton avenue, Allegheny ctry; mhzithnGS • • . •: . -• e F °R SALE* Property near Mansfield for Sale. Kv _ very deklrabli.nlece of land of 16 acres,.living an Orchard Of ablaut 3 acres: and a of 5 rooms and cellar ; • a spring of never falling wa ter near the house , .." Located on an elevaticnralfout 4 .1 of a tulle west .of 31ansfield Station, on the Paß handle' TO lie sold as a whole or in lots, to sult - puteliasers; from 9 to 5 acres. , • , Inquire of DANIEL- SWOSEII, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, on.seeond door. A good frame dwelling of five rooms, large` hail. finished attic and good cellar. with lot 21 by -129 feet 9 inches, situate No. 61) Adams street,Slxth ward, Allegheny City; which will'he sold low and on good terms, as the owner wishes to leave• Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, No, 77 Federal street, Allegheny Citr. on second floor. • FOR SALE. LOTS ,FOR SALE:.-Two good total= F.heflield street; one lot on Adams street; one lot ou Franklin street; three small lots on Chart lets street; one lot. on Fremont street, Allegheny. A lot in East Liberty, being lot No. 14 on Dennison avenue. A number of lots on Jacks Ron. . _ . Inquire of DANIEL SWOGER, No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, second door. A good Farm of 70 Acres, 60 of which are culti vated, and balance in timber, havifig 10 acres of orchard, consisting of apples, peaches and pears; a good log house of 6 rooms and cellar: a good log barn. Farm well watered. having a good. spring near the door; 00 acres underlaid , with coal*. ~ Situ. ate 12 miles northwest of Allegheny City, hod 4 miles from Sewickley or Glendale Station, on the P. F. W. & C. R. It. Terms easy. Inquire at 77 Fed eral street Allegheny City, secondllbor. mhlB:tnrs. ' ' A FIFTH STIMET:PitOrEitTY.. t'Ort . . . . •. The subscribers wlit'ofer at pitratesale, untirthe FIRST OF APRIL, one of the most . . DESIRABLE BUSINESS SITES ON FIFTH ST REET ' BETWEEN WOOD AND MARKET. • • The property ha.s a fine front 'on Fifth street of -29 feet, and extends back 1751 feet, taking in the . ..back part or the lictlololnit lot, 20x53 feet; with as outlet from the back part 9 feetwide, to a 10 foot Ailey, which runs through trout}lfth street to Vir gin alley. • The *hole surface corers an area. of Over 5,000 square feet. 'The attention of - capitalists,is invited to this prop erty, as opportunities for investing In such eligible and remunerative real estate seldom. occur. ~- i il la l la t uloe r ro n ate l :!: t r c oneerning the property canbe DIACRIUSI - d: CARLMiLE;. .rahiStm79 • FIFTH STREET. 140 TS FOR SALE' . -=SEVERAL BUILDING LOTS on Observatory not; Second ard, Allegheny City, are :offered for safer-cheap. The location is a very dedrable'orie, commanding a line view of both cities, Is vaiy of access, and there Is abundance of stone on the ground for building M_A 9 ll , l: &`.'8 1 1:1;111 1 , a t Ail h ee g hPean i r il l iTilloiol f d. 3 % THIS OFFICE ; or on the premises,' near th e Ob servatoryßuilding. 'mhM:n3B VOR SALE--A. House and Lot on the corner of Deaver and Jackson - streltg. Lot StOxoo. The house has nye rooms and a ueat store rootni with cellar,. all. in good order.- It won4l ho a good stand fora Grocery and Provision - Steau.i.loos session can he had Immediately, and - sold very Olean, Enquire ItA3IS.EI s..HALLißeal'Estate'Agents, Inhcantsl. ' N0.,.01 Bearer street; _ _ Fax SALLE.-,A very desirable three:story BRICK HOUSEoicarly new; pleas ed brick front; marble mantles; gas* aints4rater throughout: house contains seven rooms add*ftlah ed garret, Sin. 94 ELM STREET, nearNyiie;Sixth ward. roadession froth April,4Bol.l 4 Rnquire at the house. • ;FOR SALEr:rfiORSES.—AItiii‘W ARD'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLltr one fine AMILT , 4IOIISE Allay); three DAPPLE. GREY HORSES: one LARGE. DrtAuunT HORSE; three BLA.ON. MARES; two. GREY' MARES. ' FIRST. TIIEET, near Mononi rahein Romeo. - *-- -,. .. ..: - 1 • Home bought and *did on commtvalon.a .+'.` ; + WWHITE LIME: :' . • _ .. - , - 250 BA ' RELS WHITE LIME, Warranted egua!,tcra - 9y Itkirca:rke . t, , ,ator!" iluGli and u sale by iiiroto _tgozauss,- , N04.393 Liberty street, Plataburgli. ii.l(9N, • - - • +Jeaier•'of Weights - and- Measure trititfrru STREET, . . ;::41 . twcen L betty. Ad Ferry streets. 1 , - Ordres,promptly attended to, apia:4 TOS. A. BUTLER,: - It 4,1 AED POLICE Liarnagr. _ • `C' Oticc, 110 s ite Briteer, Withlugton. 7 .errrssraGßiltttt , Bonds. Moitiageti4 -' I .kiinqowledam ants, Collections, and Sto,l2e,,r.l,eigatuiatate business executed promptly .„ .. ty, .JOBICFII X. • - ^ vii.Amlitmerve. arum% 'OMAN 84.'11131TERFIEuk ATTORIitttrAND itOLINSELORS AT LAW, And solidtaititathkra ltov OBPIOR, tredluarfitniiii? jets. • ctuiedria "; s . 4"1 - r t ~,,,,,,,, j:Le BUM Mil .7; NOTICES. POLITICAL Gen. .1. S. NEGLEY Gen. A. L. PEARSON, ', I. B. FLACK, WANTED FOR RENT ME FOR SALE: '.'.''.- 1 ...t , c , w ,., ii-, ..4.-i?,. . ta