The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 31, 1868, Image 4
t .t. I , I3I=IIIED DAILY, BY PENSILMANOREED of CO., Proprietors. P. 11. 'PENNIMAN. H. I JOSIA ICING T. r, norszoN, ,‘ N. P. MOLD, Editors and Managers. OFFICE: GAZETTE BUILDING. NOS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Allegheny County. . . One ' Semi-WeeKly. Weekly. One year....V.oo,one Single c0py....51.50 One month. 75ISix mos.. 1.50 5 copies. each. 1.115 BYtke week, 15,Three mos 75 10 • " 1.15 Won) carrier. ) and one to Agent. TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1868. We print on the inside pages of this nwn.- ing' 'GAZETTE: . Second page—Poetry, Condehsed News and Interesting Clippings. Third prtge---Rnancial and' Ricer News, Markets and imports. Sixth page ---Finance and Trade, Home Markets, 6.c. Seventh. 'page—Agrteultural Matters and nevus. - • Go 138 3 . I 4 D closed yesterday -in New Tork at THE THAAi. The Senate commenced its regular trial of. the. President's Inapeachment yester9y, The opening. argument for the. Managers being delivered by Gen. BurtEn4and a syn opsis thereof - has reaehed us by telegraph. 'ltdoes not seem proper to express an opin ion npon the intrinsic merits of a forensic effort requiring three hours for its deliverr,- of Ishich only so brief an outline is now given. It is believed i however, that the case fors the Manager's was fully •presented in this arpment, with the clear ness and exhaustive ability which hav4 been kno ,vn as tile . characteristics of the speaker. .When the fall report comes to hand we will present to our readers such new points, or straing illustrations of the more familiar arguments,as may be likely to interest them. This, opening argument occupied the en s tire session of the dap. The evidence in chief for the prosecution will now be intro - - duce!) and.will occupy this and succeeding ' 'days until it is all submitted. TILE MISSOURI LEGISLATURE - US empow ered St. Louis to guarantee bonds, to the amount of $4,000,000 of the Couipany or ganized to build a . bridge across .the Missis sippi at that city. The Councils have 'not yet acted in the premises. The pity ! Elec tion will soon be held, and members will be enligbtened as to the popular judgment: A VEILY SIGNIFICANT token of the great probability that Impeachment is about to re sult in the incoming of a new administra tion, may be seen in the gathering of all the Dugald Dalgettys of politics at the Capitol, where, it is said, they are already hard at work parcelling out the leading places of trust and profit. If "Uncle Ben" givesfids sort of thing - the remotest breath of Ids sanc tion, lie is not the man that for thirty years we have taken him to be. • IT IS cexcE.DED at Washington that the - new Prussian treaty for expatriation is to be substantially adopted in pending negotia tions with England to the same end. Eft lightened opinion is the British Empire con cedes the inutility of any attempt to enforce an “exploded -dogma t " as Lord STANLEx styles it, against the round million of Amer ican citizens who ::were - born " within ,-the English allegiance. .This dogma is indeed exploded, so far as concerns any practical benefit to England, while it might yet have power for mischief in the case of unfriendly complications between the two, countries. The negotiations, whicli ,are •in progress for RS express abandonment, are, 'therefore,. in full accord with national sentiment on both sides of the Atlantic, and will 'speedily be led to a satisfactory conclusion. . ' HON. TRADDEUS STEVENS haswritten a letter, no* published in a New York'journal, ,heartily endorsing GRANT and Weroz. It lievident that in the great number of dis ting,tdshed citizens who have been named in the Middle and Eastern States i there is a like : lihood that the earlier votes of these States in the Chicago Convention will be so divid ed and so distributed as to ensure the aban donment of most, and perhaps all, of their names after thecourtesy of one or two pre :. lfininary -hallots. Certainly, :unless the friends of CURTIN, WILSON, FENTON, HAM &C., can; r eeasoriably unite upon one of the riuinber; the solid strength' of ;the Weill. and Northwest will :bp effective in -seeming the nomination of WADE ,or COLFAX, •In the order that we name, t e hezn e one„.. r _candtdete for the second office is so strong - to-day as Mi. - WADEi none olutely kelp to'receise-the _support, of_a Conven tion. luis ever yet been mentioned for that office, and nest to hiin efidehtly stands Mr. CoLrax. • Between these gentlemen, with a balaUce decidedly in favor of the first, stand all. the Western, Northwestern and . nearly all the ,Southern Statei. Hence' the need for a practical understanding among the friends of the other gentlemen who have been named as candidates, andamong whom ,-- - , the voters of several great States, indeed of numy - States the strongest inliepublican at - • , tachments, are likely to be ineffectively scat terecl., That the sturdy and unfaltering old , statesman, whose letter . we, hive alluded to, - should express his prefer race.' for BnN WADE, will surprise no one who considers the harmony their 'vitt- Ical opinions, the unswerving fidelity with ; • . which, in the darkest as well as in the clear est days, the two men have ever been found 'true to iuttrlotic• convictions and always in the ciont of the tight, or, the plain, blunt, :xmcompromiaing honesty with which they have avowed and maintained their perm- Is t; tIcIA t ot • iI,MYS In ,ah°Ftt their principles, t• their long and veried experience,' and their character in ptablic life, show tO pe too liar "akin tti ia 446 ake n 'actlaratiop' from . m 2,9 them q~~' - ;11:11XMONT -4110#P.ITAL k :Pie Senate-incorporated into - the _Ap propriation Bill a clause reserving to the State the right of control in this Institution proportioned to the contributions from the Public Treasury. The entire bill, as amend ed by the Senate, failed for reasons fully ex plained yesterday by our. regidar Harris burg correspondent. Whatever shape the bill may now take, it is' most likely this special provision will be incorporated into it. If this provision shall be. worded in general terms, as it was in the defeated bill, farther legislation will be needful, in order to respect the rights of former individual contributors while protecting the pammount rights and interests of the Commonwealth. Perhaps in the new bill it will be found practicable to be so specific, as to details as to avoid the necessity of sulisequent legisla tion. But the condition, proposed is not only proper and just, under the circumstan ces of the case, but has already been by far too long delayed. • Dixmont is in part a' Private Institution and in part a Public One; that is, it has ceived both private benefactions and public endowments. Relatively, the individual do nations have been small; the grants from the Treasury of the Commonwealth munifi cent. The equities are, consequently, all , in favor of the condition prebedent which it is now proposed to exact: . But this is not all.. An institution of this sort is not temporary in duration. It is des tined to live through many generations; we trust to the end of time; dispensing its ben efits to the full limit of -its capacity. It is, hence, incumbent upon the Legislature to act in regard thereto not simply with a view to the present, but with a wise reference to the vast future that stretches, out intermina bly. - Granted that the President, Trustees and Superintendent, who now condirt the es -tablislunent, are in all particulars admirably .fitted for, their several functions, and are animated by a high purpose to carry into •effect tlie - design for 'which individualstind the State have made _appropriations for the erection and maintenance of the house. Who' can avouch that all their successors will be of the same pattern ? There may come a time when, having obtained all need ful contributions from the. Commonwealth, a Board of Trustees may come into exist ence who will discard poor or tients, and insist upon keeping an aristo cratic establishment for the detention' and treatment Of wealthy persons, who are able and willing to pay high prices. We do not object to such houses. What we hold is, that no reason exists why the tax-payers shonld be burdened to endow them. It would be a flagrant abuse of public benefac tions to apply or pervert them to such a purpose. The rich are able to provide for themselves. What the State has occasion to do, is to make provision for the paupers and such as are in low pecuniary condition and for criminals who are insane. - The State is putting near a million dol lars into Dixmont. Care ought to be ex-1 ercised to provide that this large sum shall-, be employed fo: all time to the end for which alone it is set apart. In no way can this., be done but by insisting on the stipulation now before the Legislature. -The money ought to be granted to complete the remaining wing, and to furnish it; not grudgingly, but with hearty good will; but not a dollar more of public moneys ought to be paid over until the right of the State to a voice in the management of the establish ment, proportioned to its benefactions, is not only. conceded but secured. The President and Managers will do well to yield the point gracefully- . Members 4 the Legislature should re- - member that this condition iiiiiitbeenforced novr, or it probably cannot be in the future. The appropriation now Solicited will com plete the house, and, if It shall be obtained, the management will thenceforward tie inde pendent of the -Legislature. MI2M POLITICAL GUERRILLAS. No party was ever ,more fortunate than are the Republicans, in the association of a large number of politicians and journal— ists, who, acting • usually in general accord' with the principles and avowed objects of the party, never fail to preserve their own individual integrity, and, upon occasions which are rather infrequent, to express their i dissent fromopinions or - propositions which their Consciences or judgrnefits do not ap prove. It is to the lust influence ,of class of Republican leaders, to the fidelity with Which they.consider the ever para mount obligatiOns of patriotic and unselfish duty,-that the party owes its high place in the confidence of an. intelligent people. We are proud of an organization which has such conscientioup and intelligent exponenii, and which _cordially accepts the-teachings ofjtis=" tice, of right,- and of duty rather than the' _dangerous and wicked dictates of merely paitiian advantaie.:- We iire' , Prouli - ; of' it' party which has the intelligence to perceive that what is right, is, in the long run, always politic, and that the passing questions of ex 7, pediency are'only, with safety, solved upon the same principles winch guide and main- I tain individual honor.; We are proud of a , party which, as a whole, separates itself by this .broad distinction from oiher political asso'ciat'ions; and* which, history will honor as the purest, most patriotic, most . intelli gent and most powerful organization ever known in Arnerlean experience. But there are also politicians and jounial ists, proiessedy acting with the RiPublicans. and wishing to be ; connted in among its in fiuential leaders, who are in ,no true sense entitled to , any consideration ' in ite councils. I We 'speak of a class - much - more numerous thou worild 'wish,' who, under > the spe. cioui pretense of candor and "of superior de votion to higher public interests, are 'found, in every great emergency,—when..the most critical questions are up'' for adjustment, 'when, public interests of the niest Yital char atiteirtra-ntrgently : derapplipg - pxactly, that settlemep sVI4 li,tha.;party is, straining its Attnost_ , c s a dly their strength n & e}ltst txribari•rassing our cows.' seboard,v 41rfts: 43c)%eon, oeto;Telirlogettr, 'efforts for_the 2 1 4. BP°4. o -1.17, speak, . ands !!!!, PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY. MARCH 3L 1868. 1= r -~tie'~~ cKr}: i:,:;.-, - - . l ': - .'': -- Wll4. 41.43114akPkgr4y,914-.glaiss*-40a0Pu-t, little . better Man. political,guerrillas, who for three years have bieriniakinipeisonal profit by brish-tvhackfig 'along the 'outer lines of party, alternately changing sides With their uniforms, for JOHNSON to-day, for GRANT to-morrow, for and against impeachment at the - same time, and skilfully holding to the middle ground between sincere, uncompro mising Republicanism; and the great crimi nal whom it has now: arraigned. ~This class have much to 'say of Senatorial independ ence, of the folly of expecting that forty-two men should be found of one mind, unless lashed into harmony by partizan discipline.. They dwell with solemn . gravity upon the judicial functions of the presiding officer; they have serious doubt as to the right of the Senate, in impeachment, to pronounce upon the. constitutionality of laws; they deplore the danger of setting bad precedents; they are eloquent on the - duty of Senators to vote as their conscientious convictions -- -shall -prompt; they are industrious in suggesting. doubts as to the competency of. this Senator or that;. they snatch at every flimsy thread of intrigue which could lead to . dissensions and jealousies between Senators individual ly; they are deep in discovering and pro `pounding new views of constitutional law or patriotic duty; in short, by every indirect and underhand way, they are doing for An drew Johnson his dirtiest but most effective work. Just now they are painfully sensi: tive touching .the danger of_ "lashing independent Senators into submission" to the party drill; they are exercised about "Thad.- Stevens," "Radical menaces," "popular clamor," and all that sort of thing, and would fill their readers with - the aare hension that "Radicalism," by extreme measures, may be driving the country to ruin. We have no patience with this sort of men. They are our worst enemies, because they wear a disguise which, in the smoke of battle, secures them from detection, and, for one blow, at the great:enemy of the country's peace, they aim a score of deadlier.thrusta at • the. effective vigor of that organization'i'hich embodies at this moment the country's only hope. The Republican party can well spare' the aid of these politicai cow-boys; it.prefers to fight its battles without their dangerous alliance, and under the flag of uncompro . 'lasing devotion to the right. They who are not for us are against us, and not even the noisy clamor with which they are now supporting the Winning Presidential candidate, 'can ever persuade us to forget the mischief they would.have done to iis; or that their only principle is plunder and that they are now after personal profit rather j than the maintenance of-political truth. REMOVAL OF THE STATE CAPITOL. It - was seen in the report of Legislative proceedings; publisha Saturday, that Mr. KLECKNEP. had renewed the propoSition mode several times within the past, few years, for the removal of the Seat of Gov ernment. from Harrisburg to Philadelphia. Four years ago, when the proposition was under consideration, a very liberal offer was. made of buildings and grounds en. or near the Schuylkill, and there strerned to be a strong prolmbility that the Meastue would carry, But the citizens of: 'Harrisburg aroused themselves, and not only frustrated the movement, but e:nried an appropriation for an extension of the cabitol itself. This extension, if we have tmy capacity for judging of the cost of building, proved a fat jOb for some body—affording surplus enough to indemnify, had it been applied in That way, the , expense of convincing the members that Harrisburg teas a,prop. erer place than Philadelphia fot the gov- einmental powers to abide in. ,With this additional,. weight .laid on to Pment_ Jhe Dapitol from eliding 'away,. the people of Harrisburg thought their troubles in that matter were ended," bnt . out breaks Mr.' li KLECKEIt with a proposalibi - it' joint com mittee of three members from each of the House's to confer With ',the nuthoritiei of ii Philadelphia, w ith a view o ascertaining what provisions they are inclined to make - for ac commodating the government if it shall elect to remove to that city. If this proposition has been made as a round-about expedient for getting through an appropriation for a further extension of the Capitol at Harrisburg, we are opposed to it altogether. The last experiment left no doubt on our minds that enlarging the Capitol is a bad thing for the Treasury and the,tax payers. As Mr. KLEFIMEIt resides at Philadelphia it is, however, firir to infer he is in earnest; conceives it would benefit his city as well as the Commonwealth to have the Seat of the Government chained. • '" Simply as between Philadelphia, and, Harrisburg, ,as competing ' ' towns, , and irrespective of larger considerations, the decision. would 'be strongly 4 'favor Of: the latter. The : Government.` is lo cated . ' ,:,there, - , having , -been -•taken thitherfrom latioaster,. and Ma -Philitdel phia when itiva44 taken to Lancister ^ Large investments have been made at Tkirrisburg: in hotels and boarding houses, to .accommo - date the authorities and citizens from all parts of theEitate,' having businem therewith.,,, The centeraPlated, 1-emoval wOld,dizectlt injure inatty. owners of this elan of properly, , and indirectly the owners of post other . kinds of real estate. ' _ :-. 1 -.. - -,:- • : In taking a broader clots; ' the of probable individual loss elincon-, venience; can find no proper plaCe. -Would the general-welfare be promoted , .by shifting the seat of government from , tp4 Stisque. henna to the Schuylkill? Whak'the public good demands ought to be done, no matter. if:individuals do suffer. - • . _ The inquiry does not turn absointely mithe superior desirableness oU Philadelphia over Harrisburg as a' place for individuals or fem. - Ries connected with t h e govemient. to live , in, but upon what effect- that'greater desire, bjene E rs will have in inducingA , fietter of.persons to take °thee under the govCri ment. It has been supposed flint . if the governmeht was located at' - Philadelphia in-' diiidualiof the highest clarion , and a . 611 1-. ties would much more commpnlyAhan now consent iii:ifirve j as motaeis:oF,lesislative , 1)&1164444We, charms' of larger and the enticements of abundant , !,- 7.. • lIME - and betterpublic amus6ments would' civer.-1 come the repugnance they now -- feer to the comparative isolation-and inanity of Harrisburg. There may be some force in this; but not as much as Philadelphians sup pose. Look at the National Capitol. Wash ington is an overgrown, straggling village, with 'few social attractions and fewer still of other kinds, apart from politics. Yet men of the. rarest natural endowments, of the most exact and varied culture, and holding the highest social eminences, are most will ing to accept seats in the Cabinet, or the Senate, or the - House of Representatives. For the posse.ssion of political power nmbi tious men will ordinarily forego any or all other objects of desire. This is doubtless, the mailer true on the mailer stage of State politics as on the grad arena of national affairs. However, ve;are not unfriendly. to Mr. KLECKNEII'S motion, only so that it does not afford a 1 retext for a fresh j raid on the Treasury. 'hat point guarded against, we shall be glad to know what inducements the authorities of Philadelphia. are now dispos ed to offer for drawing thither once more the government of the Commonwealth. A CORRESPONDENT of a Cincinnati papet, after a careful invrstigation of the subject, in all its constitutional and legal bearings, finds himself forced to the conclusion that the accession of Senatiir WADE to the Presi deritial office,. by the removal or the present incumbent, would not vacate his 'seat as Senator from Ohio. The writerargues that - Mr. WADE could only be President by vir tue of being, as a Senator, the acting Vice President and so in the direct line of succes slim as provided by the Constitution. This view is supported by an elaborate reference to the languagi of that instrument, and of the law of 1792 pointing out and prescribing its proper appl i lcation. Our Cincinnati co temporary regards the reasoning as conclu sive and is thusgratified to see that no Sena torial vacancy can occur, to be filled by a Democratic nomination. If this view of the situation shall win, we offer to Mr. WADE our heartfelt and tender est sympathies. We are quite sure bear all his blushing honors meekly, altheugh in' the aggregate, they will be a load heavy enough to crush ordinary men. He is to be a Senator from Ohio, Acting President of the Senate and Acting. President of the United States, all in one. It is fortunate , ' that - his strong common sense will always enable him to see where each duty ends and the others begin. But these multiplied du- 1 ties arid' responsibilities of the three offices coinbined, either one of which' has been considered quite tax enough upon the .pa- tieuce and`endurance of common , men, will make Mr. WAD E's place anything but a bed of roses. It would be Strange if any one man living would not go stark mad within sixty days; under the load which this emi nent Cincinnati jurist thus threatens to im pose upon his favorite Senator. Yet the position would have its advant ages, too. How convenient What a saving Of time, provided the triple ditties . should not prove impossible for ,one man's executirini Of course, unless his mind be came.coMPletely " tore up" lathe possible confusion, of his peculiar' functions, he would vote as a - Senator upon all pending measures, as President of the Senate.'i-he would stand ready to succeed himself in case,' as the acting President, lie should himself become defunct by impeachment or , death, aud, as President of the United States, with Senatorial priVileges,- he could( veto -bills from the delk,. and with more or less gravity and rhetorical grace, according to his views of,each case. .A,Il this would promote a harmonious co-operation between the legis lative and executive departments, and the Machine n-ould'worli so cliariningly that ere long some other eminent. constitutional thority 'at Cincinnati willbe moved to pro pesethat t ie:White i(olige and' he groands, furniture; gold Spoons, and all, be put up at auction as Useless property, arid that tile proceeds be duly covered by. warrant into the. Treasury, or applied to the redemption of five-twenty bonds. Evidently we are just on the threshold of immense discov cries in political science, and their application to the Practical requirements of the republin Let us give them all a fair trial!. WANTED, An inscription for a' monu ment over the late Mr. PENDLETON, the un timelY, and much to be.lamented close of whoia- career as a political candidate has draped one-fourth of, the INmocracy in mourning! May we be pardoned for sug gesting, that it would beln bad taste to suf fer Mr..I3ELmoNT,' or any other of the " bond-barons " to pronounce any oration over 'the remains 'of their hapless victim. After life's financial fever, lie sleeps well litnitaw '.has' called' down upon his head the laudatkms of the Poit, for his opinion in the ITsemos . case,. denying the equality and inalienability of Human Rights. If the JudgeloriWnkinia:eiriisciousness does not lead hll4 to put •the searching questfon to himielf-ilVhat, evil have I done that tbis journal sPeAk4 well- of me, in a Matter,of this sort? then, his sensibilities will proVe legheattliful "than we have imagined them TUE SUBMIT. Cotrwr of the United States, •in a recent argument of the ease of Gardner vs. Barney, had a - curious point raised before it with reference to the con nectien of the Preßdent and Congress. The paper book giving the history of the case uses the following language: "The part taken by the President in signing a bill is no .1 part of the legislation of the country.' The act is not the'exercise of a legislative lime- I Lion. The Constitution does not require him to note the date of his approval • lin the It only requires him to sign the bill, if he approve& it. But the - `legislation' of the country- 7 the acts of Congress—are required to haverrecords: The ~plisintiff in error 'maintains that- the'Rresident is "the third branch of the legillature, and that according b.. hi s a ivrovai; without a ,date fixing , the time of approval, is a void act, and the law , Is void; : - Ih 9 . ,decliions'4st the court will therefore determine whether, ' under , the ,COnstitutlon; the : PS.sl46f; a constituent part.of, the National Legigiatrire,"' Thde; clsion of,thla ,Lunipr.4.32C:P9hit.lias not yet been.almoßPee4 l N,o4 3 l l3 4refiloPcdrt• t:A4`014.0. *On • Phil' bOokrlsbilt'dledlfi,gatifttaY• I if' .1 County Teachers' Institute. b 4 ''•'-morning4tt.larger.. , :autaof teachers assembled: at, hall of the Fciurth Ward Public. School. A.t.teno'clocit. Prof. A. T. Dorithett,- County Superintend ent,-called the meeting to order, and Prayer . was offered by Rev. John McMillan, of Al legheny city, after which the choir dis coursed beautifully a piece of music entitled "Sweet Hallelujahs." The following gentlemen' were appointed a committee to- nominate officers for the meeting, viz:, Messrs. J. P. Anderson, C. A. Chamberlain, Jones, : John Morrow and. H. W. Bancroft. During the absence of the nominating committee Prof. Donth- ett delivered the opening address. Before , entering upon his address Prof. Douthett said that the Legislature had made it oblict- atory on teachers to attend the annual in stitutes. He then read the act relative to teacher's institutes after which he proceeded to deliver his address, which was an able and masterly effort, abounding in hard sense and beautified with the choicest Eng lish language. At the close of the address the Nomimat ing Committee made the following report, which was adopted, viz: - Vice Presidents, Profs. A. Burt and J. M. Logan; Secretaries, Profs. R. Millis and A. D. Glenn; Treasurer„ Prof. E. M. Still. The debate,. as per prograinme, Was Then taken up. Question-" Should any part of the Common School Fund be- appropriated to the support of German 'Schools?' Mr, S. S. Andrews; of Robinson township, sus tained the affirmative: Will A. Johnion, of Allegheny, the negative. ;_General Dis cussion—Mr. Patterson, of Lawrenceville, spoke in favor of the negative, and Mr. Mc- Clellan spoke - in favor of - the affirmative. L. H. Eaton, of the Eighth ward, Pitts burgh; spoke in favor of the negative. Rev. John McMillan then gave a lecture on "The Relation of the-Pulpit to the Com mon Schools.!' • The • gentleman, in coni mencing, expressed his sympathies-with the teachers in their 'work. He said ho should not endeavorso much to`answer the question as to endeavor to get the teachers to study the subject themselves. He refer red to the Congress of 1786,' which express ed a determination to encourage common schools—the People's - College. Education should be relative to the development and culture of all the powers of man in his' hu man nature, but the morn i is part of roan stands above the human ans of greater importance, hence should receive special attention. It is the moral nature of man that raises him above the brute creation, and causes him to soar- upward' above ma terial creation. It is a false view of eduea tion to fit a man or woman .to fill a place in the world to be well fed and clothed; to, as pire to office which, when they do acquire they will probably fill to the detriment of all interested. Education should cultivate the whole manimental, physical, moral and religions, building up an' entire man, fitted for life while - here and suitable for heaven hereafter. - Prof. H. W. Bancroft :then. presented the following rules to regulate the election of a .Committee to assist in granting permanent' certificates, as provided by law. - ARTICLE 1. The election shall be by bal lot, each ballot containina• - the name of per sona voted for, not ec'eeding fire. Any. 2. Any person shall be entitled to vote who is now regularly engaged in the cominon selmols in this county, or must have been _elected: to and have taught a conunon school during the present year, or who haVe been elected to teach in common schools the balance of the school year, must have a valid 'certificate from the County Superintendent of this county, or from file State Normal School of this State, or.a permanent certificate from the State Superintendent. 3. The election shall be held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the polls shall be kept open until 4 o'clobk, and as much longer as may be necessary to give all pres ent an opportunity to vote 4. The Board of Election Officers shall consist of one judge, two inspectors, and two' - return inspectors, provided .that the said Board may appoint as many clerks as they may deem necessary. - • s.. The followin' persons -shall constitute that Board of Election Officers: A. -T.. Douthett, J. Allen APCruni, L. H. Eaton, J. J. rl'agi.lart and J. P. Andrews. 6. rf4e two persons having the highest number, of votes shall constitute that. Committee, provided that if any of those having the highest number shall be ineligi-. ble, then of' those who are eligible; thelive having the higheSt, number of votes shall - be declared elected. . The adoption of these articles consumed so much time that :apart of the programme for the afternoon was omitted. Rev. Alex. Clark delivered - a lecture on "Heart-Pictures," - after which an essay was reed, by Miss Francis Smith, on "The Im portance of Educating the Young." The meeting then adjourned till seven o'clock la the evening. EVENING SESSION Exercises opened by the choir singing a piece entitled- "The bright and guiding Star." • ' - Rev. J. R. Neivell then gave a report ori Rending. He'said.that in teaching reading to children the first thing which should be attended to, should be, first. articulation; 'second; Modulation; then endeavor to convey the idea contained in tha words they use.-'This can• be -most successfullY done by the teacher reading it. in such a manner as that the teacher himself may feel what the wordscontain, :then cause the pupil:to . do so- aswell es he can. Let every teacher criticise the pupils, cliticise only one 'point at • a time,.•then take. another. Let all criticism ilje kind, careful, gentle. Mr. Eaton wished to call attention to one point in the matter of reading, and that was the cultivation of the voice. There was not that attention paid to it in reading • that • should be. The beauty of reading was a full, clearand round, tone of voice. , Mr. Hunt thought the 'cores should not be carried out of its natural tone, that the most important point was that, the render should enter into the spirit of tho piece he was reading. Mr. Kelly said the subject had occupied a great deal of his time. He thought there could be no fixed rule, - as that applying to one scholar would not apply to another. The principal thing requisite to make - a good , reader was articulation. Emphasis was next in importance. The teacher must be a perfect reader to be able to teach the tarty ' • Mr. Burt thought it necessary to make the reading interesting to the scholar, and re commended the calling out of reading `classes when there were visitors, in the 'school. 'Heals) recommended_the aystem of reading for merit, that .:Is having the scholars select a piece once. a week to-be read before the school, for which they re ceive,merits according, to the manner of reading. Drill was of no consequence un less the scholar was interestedln the study. The discussion on the subject of reading• was conducted by some, practical illustra tions by Rev. Br Newell. • In consequence of the absence of Rey.- C. A. Dickey, who, was to ,have delivered a lecture before the Institute, Mr. C. C. Steel road a lecture odTruth.. . _ . The Chairman announced that the subject of "Queries" had - been neglected, but would be attended to•cit the next session. - • . _ Miss - Jennie Einlith; this Dletrical Critique, was introduced; and read' a most excellent criticism in rhyme on the proceedings of the Institute during the - day. • • • Rev,gewell, by request, then real tedltietizi's Address to the Romans: Aftei music I)sr the choir the Institute si& - - • ' - : PROGRAMME ; FOR TO-DAY, goriiing Sessitin--Prayer; Report on Writ ten Arithmetic, .T.'hi. , Logan', General Dis cussion:. Debate: -4, l3tiould• 'the <minimum legal "'School Term • be, increased'ito nine_ months 'A. S. Glenn 'Aflirt-, W. P. Mont goineq,l2Telf.t General Discussion. Recess. Music. Lecture:. iiHow 'should the Educe tron.iif 4outhbe conducted so. sate .accorn pit& its , object ?" Rev. Thomas flprgt#4 D; 7). - 1` • Aftersant'Sessie"—' , . Munth;- Report on His toryi : ltobert CieneriktJAM;inaliCl4. 7 r w.a~ v n zt-~e« Fssayr ,'Physical Education 39 telated to Mental Development 7 Miss Annirt Heck lieit;lte&o4"i`Meettire- : 4 111 - 6 SehOnftister,": Rev. John $. Spear; Musks. Evening &mien-1%111516i' TAetnre......Rei...t Thomas K. Beecher, of Elmira, New York; Tickets, fifty cents. - • The following deeds were admitted of re- cord by H. Shively, - Esq., Recorder, Wed nesday, March 28,1868: Irwin K. Weitzel et. al, to Alexander Hen derson, March 16,1868, lots No. 98 and 99, in the Denniston plan, East LibertY, on, Finley street, 64 by 120 feet .S6O(E, James McClurg to William A. McClurg,' March 14,1868, part of lots No. 217 itnit 218 on Wood street, - south of Fourth street $lOO John. Ango to Joshua. Mail, MarCh 25, 1868, lot on Virgin alley, Birmingham, 18 by 95 feet $1,400 Joseph Weeks to John D. Altman; January 23, 1868, lot on the' corner of Penn and Carson streets ( Pittsburgh, 12 by -100 feet, With buildings - 84,000 Daniel Kegley to John _Pfolfan ' bah Decem ber 12,1864, lots N0..69 and 70 in Negley's plan, in Collins town Ship, on Ross street, 60 by 115 feet $3,000 John'i'folfanbah to Frank Bopp, March 25, 1868, the above lots e3.W . Jano Boyd to James Shipman, March .4, 1868, lot - on Wilson street, McClure town ship, 20 by 80 feet $2OO George Shoop to Joseph Mellon;.lftrch 226 e 1868, lot in East Deer township, contain ing one acre and four perches $1,500.. Elizabeth Hamilton to John. Hamilton, March 28th, 1868, lot on Boyle street, Al legheny, twenty-one by ninety-four feet ...... $l,OOO Hon. Thomhs Irwin to Elizabeth D. Thomp son, September 27th, • 1867, lot on Hand street, twenty by sixty feet with build . . lags $6,500 -James -Newell to Samuel. W. Crawford, August sth, 1864, .lot on Locust street, Manchester, twenty-four by sixty-five feet • 1 $175 Samuel W. Crawford to Jades Welsh, February 11th, 1866, the aboi - e described lot $175 Westly Coulter to Wil_tm M. Alston, March 23d, 1868, lot on_ Jerson street, Allegheny; having a front of nineteen feets2,oso Griswold E. Warner et al.. to James Hamil ton, October 3d, 1855, lot on South Canal street, All f gheny, twenty-five feet front ' • ' $5OO Thomas Anderson - Francis S.Gilmore, March 0, 1868; the-coal underlying a tract of land in Penn township, containing 24% acres $lOO Robert Bell to the Mansfield Coal and Lime Conipany, February 18, 1867; coal under lying two, tracts of land irißobinson town ship, containing 37 acres $7,400 Thos. Suter to the Mansfield-Coal and Lime - Company; October 16; 1864; lot in Robin son township, containing 33 acres and 35 perches. - ' ' " lOW James Marshall et al., -tp the Mansfield Coal and Lurie Company, March 10, 1864; lot- in Robinson *township, containing 12334 acres. • $15,000 John M. Kean to Samuel Baerman, March 27, 1868; let on Second street, Pittsburgh, 17;4. by 80-feet • 1 • $5,000 Heirs 'of- John Irwin to Elizabeth ning, April 24, 1867; ground rent of two lots, amounting .to $66 per *annum $750 The Erie Railroad -Trouble—Sensation • Denied. • .By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW YORK, March the Supreme Court to-day Judge Cardosa adjourned the hearing of the motion to dissolve the Blood good injunction in the Erie case ' till April 20th. Messrs Drew and Iriske ) deny the' sensation statement that Jay Gould has taken three millions of the - Erie Railroad money to Akron, and say the funds are all held at Jersey City. The Erie Directdrs are'quietly performing their duties at Jer sey City, and the busir.ess i of the read steadilyincreases., e . • : TREFTON, March 30.—The act authorizing . the. rie Railroad Compan . y te have then. office to transact business In:: this State ha 4 been signed by the Governor.':.' G&W ifF 4 .4%.141'11 • . IS THE GREATEST OF +LL BLESSINGS, And to preseh'e 'lt Is the Tirlyllege anal duty. of 'all ANTI-DYSPEPTIC AND LI4 ER PILLS Are the great severelgn,. speedy and sure cure of the age, for Dyspepsia, pither.,ln its 'mildest I'm . worst stages, and hundreds who have long suffered under the Inflictions of this; mostannoying.and dangerous disease, have by,the use .of this Invaluable • MtdMine been restored to health and the enjoyment ot life. Is your Liver In a ~ torpid condition of ininifon, thereby deranging.the whole, system? • DR, SARGENT'S LIVER PILLS Will speedily remqve c the secretions and restore it .;Are you troubled with logs of appetite font etom6 sell, eructations of wlndolelt : . headache and getter* derangement of the digestive - Organs l DR. SARGENT'S 'LIVER- PILLS . - • Area sure, safe and permanent remedy, and by their -mild but certain action cleanse, renovate and reinvigorate the system.' _ ' DR. SARGENT'S LIVER PILLS • stand high as one•of the standard medicines of the age. -For the cure of all diseases arising from a disorderedstate of the liver, as can be attested by the certificates of !argent:antics, of our citizens . hare been bette-, Med and cured by their use. ' These Pills can be obtained,' either Plniu or Sugar' Coated, from all liraggisialn-iii6 country. . _ • • Inalgestiontlie most fruitf ul' generator of dis ease, so COIIIIIIOII MS not to be consl ered dangerous' • —slowly and surely, saps the :foundation of health, for with impaired digestion; it is impossible for food to afford strength to the dysteiri.:',Dyspepsla in variably follows thls , diseasO, - and dyipeptics owe all' - their sufferings to-Indigestion. - 15oreonie and sick 4adache also - spring from derangement -of the dl gestiee ortans.•Perso - Ni of :sedentary habits fre , , ouently stiffer front these 'evibr; Which are attended with a. nervous irritability of temper, extremely un pleasant to others and a source of miseiT to tbent selves. 110STETTER43 , 8TOMACIII , BITTERit has been found the Safest'and best:means .of removing all digestive obstructions,as well as bracing up the falling system:" _'hose whose - occupations are Men tat recognize in this preparation the perfection of medloafskill, atta soothe% the- excittd brain, head ache discppears tinder its potent ebarm, and the pa tlenernpidlyregainstealtn and sttength •by its , re storing •power. , ..To the: aged, :as, Well as delicate ladies and. cbildrenirit is admirably suited, as it pos senses the quality of invigorating , : without excite ment or reaction: • - : . An. immense amount • of unimpeachable evidence can Sbe produced to prove. that HOSTETTER'S STOBIACII BITTERS is - unequalled forits prompt •and ever rellable , attion-in allevhsting and miring all diseases •ot the stomach, -Its superior_excellence and. consequent renown .111 - rendilr - accounted for, from the well • known fact that It la Made. unsUr the persohairsupervlslon of the DroPetidont, irkatel,ct ac cordandp with pliarMitcputlc science.. • _.nom u,.0 pi„ AINOT~IER CURE QF DEAFNESS I Lost my hearing ,during thelna year. 'Vart of the time I was'totoll) deaf. t .ln April of this:ear I Was tridueed,"froin an advertisement, to , make plleatibri to Da.E*Sni4l2olPenn' Street, Pitts .burgh. After hiring,trled :rations Medleines from • . u n d er Dr. doetors, without any.henellt, I have been • . geysers treatment now for nearly.two - motiths, and ill*eitirely restored to my hearing, eo that I can • hearla pin drop. ;JOIN peANi.A.w, r c6mßluffs, •Witihingtil Co Pa. ' • - ..AXDTHER CtritE.' ' ' . , A, man eallS4, at,Dr. Aeyeer's office to In= form him of a grcatfcils? made by his L V is Cc iu or purago.w4itir R241.9/!AYY/l.- ib ! eie cures are made with timiDoetora prepiratleaS, Iledealres It tOhe'tiletiaisilli ifidentocailluit:inosfor his great ,cures:o,rogiide. accoaccordaaccordance Alth _the established laws iblitillsvein theaelenee':of medicine , in which ho hasbeen engaged limthe past treniyAire, years.' Last week hi Waaalio lwreeeipto atetfei,:trom a clergy man In file State of 9we, detailing another most spnliertid DR. REIOIPIOS DEMENT CONSUL OP PIOD,O4I:DITGITIONSAND AMMO! .ODAOPIO %WOO palm stwiT; *mom* K:1114 "PFILIOTTIL - - •1t 07. ••e, "I • b".), to,:; MEM , - EMI • ,AF„EA_ a Iv* iN.p, Real Estate Transfers. DR. sARGENDs IJNIMPEACHABLE.