0 "gittzlnagt ertaitttt. BY. THE ItIVER The sunshine quiveredon quivering pOritais That grow beside the Stream • ' And o'er the distant hills there seemed a glory;- A gold and purple gleam; Audi know • • That eresiiin the March wind there was malt; • And intheriver's Egli..• • • • I love to hear tbrt,sighing of the water, To mark its green depths shine; But more I love two brown eyes, calm and tender, A dear hand clasped in Mille; For I. know - I thought that love would last forevar, - changeless, Though rivers ceased to pow. Gone is the saishitio rom the iulverlng poplars, glory from the laud; Ganet,the Drown terns that Madethe ibinstrine brighter . -And gone the clasping band; • lust I knew . • 'My tenni are like the river=sh, the' rlyer That carmut ceasd•to now. EPMMMIS. —New York has a Ku-Klux-Klan. —Buchanan Read is at Borne painting. —Frederickburg, Va., is to have a street --Hunnicutt wants to be Governor of Vir ginia • . , o lh —Ten onsand men are digging the Suez , —A lveston' Alderman is to be im peached. —5OO ew buildings are going up in Kan kakee (m.) —Mrs. Kemble is to read in Washington to-morrow. • —Camden Authorities have stopped the corner lounging nuisance. --Besloshed is a word applied to liquid streets by the Boston Post. —Eggs are cooked in 227 different ways in' Paris, and people eat them. —The Exile of Erie is what Daniel Drew is now called in New York. —Dr: Sears, Agent of the Peabody Fund, Was in Andersonville last week. —Train being confined for debt in jail is about to issue a daily newspaper. —The Chief Justice of .Liberia has been impeached and removed from office. In:Virginia City two mullen. stalks and a bunch of thistles are called a grove. —Generals Garfield and Sickles are stump ing Connecticut, particularly Sickles: —The Duke of Brunswick is to make the extrown Prince of Hanover his heir. • —Prof. Blot has been appointed director Of the Rumford food laboratory in Boston. —Somebody has estimated that in all Eu rope there are but twenty millions of books. ' 7 —Cincinnati has a wooden skating rink for summer use. Parlor -skates are to be —A. suspension bridge across the harlx)r, at San Francisco is the latest California sez sation.. • —During his last illness • General Asboth had fifteen physicians. No wonder at all that he l died. —"Oh Stubbs where is, thy victory ; oh Boggs where is thy S Tyng ?" sighs the Chicage, Post. —Two thousand dollars was the price paid for'a copy of Andubon's works in New York recently. —ln the'Government stores at Jefferson . ville (Ind.) are $5'`,000,000 worth of Go eminent property. —Prince Salm-Salm is, in Brussels for the purpose of delivering Maximilian's last message to Carlotta. —Theatrical exhibitions by Deaf Mutes are considered quite the thing in Prague, the capital - of Bohemia. —Too much whisky among a stock com pany does not close every theatre, although . it did the• Memphis one. —EmilyMeiville,..who is something of a favorite here, has been playing La Grande Dueheise in San. Francisco. —A German astronomer thinks he has found greens in the moon; a little bacon, and she thing would be complete. - -The new St. James Hotel in Boston has 400 rooms, sixteen miles , of bell. wire, and , Stetson, of - the Astor, for Landlord. —Six months ago a wilderness. now a • flourishing town with a good theatre and -several churches. That is Cheyenne. —The New York Express says that young - • ladies have become fond of music, for most of them carry brass bands: n their heads. —A. week ago Saturday the snow at Gor donsville,Nirginia was twenty inches deep. Yet Virginia calls itself a Southern State. • ' —The King of Hanover is disconsolate. He ha's lost the income of $80;000,000 by the late confiscation performed by. Prussia. ..Baltimore company has leased the White Sulphur Springs, and the.hotels will ' be open and ready for visitors this summer. . • —The All England Eleven are to visit Canada and Detroit this summer. Cricket will get ahead of base ball in those places -A New York weather prophet lives on the roof of a five story hotel. His name is • Thatcher. Thatchers generally have a good deal tUdo with rooia. —Washington bricklayers get $4.50 a day: We-would advise all persons (mil lionaires. only excepted) to turn bricklayers and settle in Washington. - The - first whaler of the season has _ ar rived at New tendon (Ct.) One of • the most „puce:cash:Ll whalers we ever knew taught School in Allegheny,_ - - 7 59,000 bushels of grain were dropped into three feet of water in a cellar in a grain house, in Peoria recently, by the yielding of the floor on which it was stored.: —Matches - ere made in Boston At least • we judge that a good many of them are, as a --certain manufacturer in that city paid $400,-, • , 000 for one cent stamps last year. •-:-Faraguay'and Brazil still fight and . - say that they will-do so for some time longer, Lopez vs Pedro is - the case, and Pedro seems to g - eprany get the:woist:of it•, •--Norway, . Sweden and Denmark are elnhbing Vgether to get tips monthly line of • steain'erS to this Country. - . Denmark has a • monthly steanter to and from lueland. -7774 . tiatin ifia Grant are personal friends 8;24 an out spoken Realest " How the list of avallables dwindles down_ o:o l ldidatig; .4 0 1.41r0ir-blikek eagle, jait feet eight fitin tip foltlir,'witeeicitglit in trap, a few,aays, ago CitilientN:b.; • 11.,Q; 41444' • -••-c- - - ~";.:" • r , - 'l2", - 7 7.7 4; :7;- -,3lAePt:4g 4.04: " 4° ' " • / " been a destroyer among the sheep, pigs and poultry. —Dubuque, which is in, the same latitude as Boston, is so IVBllll , lhitt linen coats are common on.the backs of men in the streets. Cold will he ciimmonlbere too bCfore —Rev. Stephen H. Tyw, in his lest letter to Bishop Potter, styliis himself ser - Tani .- in the Cliirch.”.: Like Most Whet• - American servants, he likes-to-have the up: per hand. —Carlotta Patti's husband, M. Scola, has gone raving mad, and Impressario Ullman has been lofted to stop in his career ; to for tunerbepaase- CarloMt . .will not .. sing when her husband is so ,afflicted. - --The Captain and crew' of the New BiunFivick schooner - H. P. were taken off of an island in Penobscot Bay, on the 23c1 _ They had been wrecked and had had forty-eigli; hours 'Crusoe life. —The New 'York Tribune objects to La Belle Helene, which the Bateman troupe has , just brought out. Three years ago it was ordered off the stage at Hamburgli by khe authorities of that free city, so noted for moftd laxity, because it was too obscene and inde cent even for them. -s-One after the other, sooner or later, all 'of the respectable journals in the country are joining in the crusade against the inde cent publications which are being cast among us. 'The Chicago Republican is the latest addition to the number of resisting journals. —The new army bill has not been well re ceived in France. Toulouse was turbulent, Emeutes were regularly organized' in the streets, and the Hotel de Ville and the house' of the Mayor were attacked and partially demolished, and large bodies of troops had to be brought before order could be restored —When is money like a bullet? When it is spent. What is the difference between a bricklayer and a laborer? One lays bricks and the other takes the (h)odds. What does measles make on its first appearance? A. - rash promise. All of '-which are from the Melbourne Punch. So one can see that even in Australia people are given to. such things. "—Andrew Jackson is a great blessing. if he had not existed to whom could the Republicans have compared Bucharian with so much disadvantage to that functionary? Democrats now say that if A. Johnson had been A. Jackson he - would have put Stan ton out at the toe of his boot. These are but two out of innumerable casm•where as a thing to be compared with Andrew Jackson stands without a rival. • —Having tried in vain to kill off the reign ing King of Bavaria, the cable has conclu ded to see if it cannot have better success in abdicating : him. Perhaps it will, for a young Man detesting the troubles of gov erning, such a life as was that of the late Ludwig the First, must have a great deal of fascination, $20,000,000 and nothing to do but amine one's self is not a disagreeable prospect. —Frightened by the excitement they have - raised, the Ku-Klux-Klan have latterly been trying to shift the blame on radical shoulders, by saying the horrible stories in circulation are merely the work of _radical imagination,gotten up to frighten negroes in to voting radical tickets. This would all be very well were there not so fearfully many horribleoutmges, mysterious disappearances of prominent negroes and republicans, and dreadful murders hanging to the train of the Klan. _ _ , THE NEW ORLEANS Tribune gives .the following capital contrast of the two Moseses, of whom Andrew is the latest specimen : The true Moses was the meekest of men; our Moses is the most mulish. The true Moses was a man of prayer; our Moses is a man of oaths. -The true Moses was slgw of speech, and had his brother for a mouth piece; our Moses unfortunately speaks for himself. The true Moses was a great law giver; our Moses is a notorious law-breaker: The true Moses forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of its king; 'our Moses has gone down to Egypt for help. The true Moses turned his back on the. foe of his country; . our Moses has turned his back on his friends and the friends of his country. The true Moses "endured" to the end; our Moses has betrayed and abandoned the cause to which he swore allegiance. The trueldoses led an oppressed people out of bondage; our Moses promised to do it, but left them to their foes'. The true Moseelabored to save , the people, from the bitg-of fiery serpents; our Moseshas sought to Have all the people bitten by them 1. e.,Copperheads. When the true Moses die, the children of Israel wept for him 80 days; when-our Moses shall leave the White House for Tennessee,all the people will say amen. *The man ho reeled into office ought to-be ruled-oat. —"John Paul," in the Springfield Re pub/ican, thus pleasantly sketebes the mein- I bers of the great publishing house of New. York: The Harpers "are a queer lot,"—as the, devil said of the ten commandments. There are four:of them in the firm, and each has his speciality. James, the "Mayor," is the jocose man, and tells the funny stories; John, the "Colonel," is the serious man. his only frivolity being fast horses,whieh he keeps and delights 111 driving; Wesley, the" Major," is the Esthetical man, the literary wheel-horse of the concern. If ever they want - a; " lace story or a. spirited poem, to piece out the Magazine or the TViekty, he just sits down and dashesit off in a jiffy.- Fletcher, the "Cardinal," Is a force' felt everywhere, behind the periodicals-and behind the book-shelves. lle is the young est of all, I believe, a lively young gentle man between fifty and sixty. Dn. BAscrtorr was a Federalist of the first water, and is said to have been terribly down on the Demodrats of his day, as , the following story; if true, will'show: When news eame,of the death of Pres'. dent Washington the Doctor took it very hard, and seemed almost irkeonsolable. His friends went-to comfort him, and asked what need of such grief, if-the good and 'great man had gone to heaven—as' no doubt he had—and was much better -off than .to !lave - lived longer in this Aroublesoine "Ohl it isn't the death_ of. Washingten that troubles me so, said the Doctor. -"What is it, __then?" asked .one of his .‘ , Ohi' it is the fear that lieliasleft the door - of Paradise so wide ope n that some of these Democrats.may , get in. 1--Correspondence of Bcititcnv Buiktin. - ' The Xfrani*Onty, (Kansas) .Repubikan "TheidateCtukit .- 43piiilg :wheat in this connty.lsoks" exceedingly will f The 1.4 0 4.0 a notsnTure it* we zntiy, :eiPgctiti.iiiaiiifictl'„ , y I, 1" ,s, PI BURGH GAZETTE: TUESDAY. MARCH 31, 1868 DENTISTRY ONLY 41. to IC niiL SET OP ARTIFICIAL TEETH • FOR EIGHT DOLLARS. 71iLL11FPER AND LOWER SET - POR.r. TEETH - MCFRACTED WITHOUT: PA CHARGE FOR EXTRACTING WHF.,I4 AETI. FICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. ALL WORK. WARRANTED FOE- FIVETRAIRS. -LAI:TURING - GAS FREE OF CHARG E, . QUINCY A:SCOTT' S' ste. %IS PENN STREET,, 3D DOOR ABOVE RAND N. B.—As DR. SCOTT is a licensee under the Goodyear Patents, he will not make any "new lbo cult) rubber" sets, but will continue to manufacture the genuine articier_YULCANlT.E. mh23:d&T OAS FIXTURES. GAS FIXTURES Clian.dBllB3?B, Just received,. the finest and largest assortment ever opened in this city. WEI,DON & KELLY,. 144 WOOD STREET, OR. VIRGIN ALLEY MIVA:n22 IM - 3 DRY GOODS. 1868. ARBUTH.NOT, nRY G"OO►DiS wcorrrcows, At Eastern Prices I Buyers are Invited to call and ex• amine our Goods and Priees No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. trite'A:n= NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED.. AT J. M.:I3'OIIO.tiELELD & CO.'S ; No. S 7 Market Street. BLEACHED )113131,110, CALICOES AND CRASH, - - 'Entire Stock of Goods Closing Ont, To make room for exteadin g the Store Room back. I . REMEMBER THE PLACE, 1 No. 87 Market Street. I 'apt: - CA"' A.NDLIESS C (Late Wllkon, Carr & Co.o WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign, mid Domestic _Dry Goods, .1..:0:94 WOOD STDFLET, . Third door above Diamond alley. PITTSBDROD, PA. CONFECTIONERIES. SUNDAY SODOM. CELEDRA TIONS PICNICS, DINNER PARTIES,•&c.. furnished with the best ICE CREA3I, CONFECTIONERIES, CAKES, FRUITS. &c., &e.. At the lowest price and on the shartest notice, by JULIUS RICHTER, No. 15 Dlatnond, Allegheny. JeM:mlo ENIIII W. BORILICII, Confectionery and Bakery, N.. 200 IMITITFIELD VERET, Between Seventh and Liberty /ErLAD g7S' OYSTER SALOON attached, GEORGE BEAVEN, Candy Manufacturer, And denier In FOREIGN 4, AMERICAN FRUITS, PICKLES, NUTS itc., • No. ILS Federal Street, Second 'door from the ilrat National Bank, Alle gheny City. • • F. B. inrrentssox 117-PBURN. HUTCH/3180N &, HEPLIPIN, HOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, GRAINE.D.9 AND GLAZIERS, pro. SS Penna. Avenue, Pittsburgh. All orders by mall promptly attended to. P _ -- ITTSBUGR PAPER MAN. R IJ FACTORING COMPANY, 3lantafacturers of , . PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS.. CLINTON MILL,-STEURENVILLIt, 01110. H BRIGTON MILL—.NEW BRIGHTON, PA. OFFICE .AND 'WAREHOUSE, N 0.82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, Po. • oi q iczns_ ga ti p T iM E N T (the y 4.74l ent i . irer. ' SAMUEL RIDDLE, elecretary. DIRECTORS—MI.II , st Hartle, John Atwell, S. I HCash artma paid f h o n n, Jo.TLlngn. r P B aper S too k MALT. --500 BUSHELS FALL BARLEY MALT, .Received and for sale by , McBANE & ANJER, 141 WATER STREET. Tittsbnt'gb. January=, 1868, , _ . rro GLASS MANUFACTIIRERS.--T The undersigned ha - Wag secured the sole Agen.• 0 , 10 r the sale of the celebrated: congryin • Are now propped to - furnish it in any quantity.. a those wilting terprocure this superior article. ring fifteen , years" Use of this Clan ; Ire have arriv ' at such proportions as ary, pelleye makes it a better article for pots-than any in the market. •we haVing wured an aueragehstand at SM. sic= Ind TIM' troNTn.R. We will furnish for the propor tion arum mixture of this Clay to Verson , Wanes-. • int.: :The Clay is groan/Land metalled -in lumps - for 4 6 1/ , 9 7 '; titlark4 o x; • Tort - ants elsorWorsis -- : T IVashingtonStreet,,rittabtughVrai,., .. • • •• ' • S I MI InVei)V,o6lllo'll.,Cheu Pe; Vddi rikeei r ,,d end =vale 07 • • • - JOBS 3iA.AIOVET.II:I4 BONE 41.,. • 411.1 Tiro lova.. ).1 - , EIMENI A.ND FOR GAN AND OIL. DRY GOODS. SHANNON & CO., WHOLESALE AND PAINTERS.- Ali. :itj<