The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 31, 1868, Image 1

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~L , R,F e "olf,ty Trial—yr/day,
-O'CONNOR . OASE v.. •
.-, - . .
._., powers c*the President were canvassed in Court,of Impeachment, that progress had .• :: ''' -- • J • ' -,
~. . . 1
e. •o ce n ti r,
thtrini 7 d h o repioliritetl,
power itil
ce'Co o mniittee.,sm t epp_ogited been made in thetritil of .President Johirat
stantuel • son,
m ttn a l . tli n e rn S
Jo edlutentialstaiveli,u•erto-moTrPoews!' - PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATES
. --. -' . • - D e f endant' TAClC
. . Senate " Not in: G> - , 7 Greens-
-__ . tory, enactment, and
_reported no leas than 1 . The SPEAKER said the report would be. : ' --. '7.• , •:_,...,:'
."" -- ' • ,--- -• '''' burg,. - youghiogheny ' and. • ....,`1 1 ') 4. . : 47 . 1'.1,,,!1.:F0Zth -
__ _-
-.-- - 4- .. -4 O,CI;4DC -m. eight different billi °tithe subject- One a r:entered MI: , tho,journal, and - . ask ed .-if the' ---"--• - - ' - •• - '•• • _.._-- ._... ...,_•l_ - ' [By Telegraph to die i'ittsburgh-nazette.]
POVit O'CLOCK A. 3f. , • - BrOviiisvilue_Asaiaroad--VetO of -.. ', .
...,!-••,.', `" ,- w .- .' . ______-____ them i.vecatedwiti -a ,certain time, all 1 gentleman from Illinois had any sag es- ..L-HILATIELPIIIA, March 30 1868.
• - _ offices pertaining to a collection of reveue. !flan to make as to the hour of meeting _ ----- the Free Railroad Bill.' -., . • comm onwealth Taekprotliers, - .Tudge
''• Piereepresiding '
FORTIETH - CONG ' ESS. Here wasa tenure of o . ftice act, reported by toonorrow? • , THE CAPITAL .
uspeclaibltpli . teiit c fth'e`PitSbut:gli 'Galetiel•
• .
one of the greatest - minds of the country. ..Mr. WASHBURNE suggested to meet at - - PlAsinisratno, Marchl4lB6B:. •-•- - ....„„
air. _Cassidy---" If your Ifonor pleas c ' 'On the
. • ---2 . 4 i. -
, • ' . --.-- .0. - ''-' •! • z.. . It did not seem to occur to Congress, t,lien, 'a,quarter before twelve este give
InipeachMent Trialy-Ou ningAr-, that it had not the power to regulate ap- time to read the journal. . . Supplementary .- R e c onstruction ' '
The SENATE is net in session-- :- ~ 4th of March the Grarid Jury foun ' antrue
• . pointments to arid removals front . °Mee. Mr. BANKS proposed to meet t eleven ' Act' Vioinn)gated-' l 6en. Han... 8
:gunient •of the • Itkonag • ra- Sy - Mr. IL cited further acts a Congress in o'clock. - - HOUSE. OF REPRESENTATIVE,S "` ' -'-' bill in this case. We new desire to Plead to
The bill Incorporating ithe Greensburg,, this bill and have, a time fixed for the trial.
. .. ~ . . . ' cock and His New Comniand-- e ‘
. . ~
opsis of Mr. Butler's Retuark ' support of his position, and after • stating I Mr: 'SCHENCK desired to meet at eleven .
..„„. . - ' . Youginostenv - and BrOwtuiville Railroad , The District Attorney Will give usneStitis- •
Court Adjourns Till :To -pay__ the events a lebruary, the removal et lor half past ten, to consider the Conference State Tax mrDeposits--Supreme •e'•-.• • • • • h.ct •-
ion. We wish to have Sonia diryfiXed for -
CourtDeCisiiOng-Mixed Up Con- • finally. _. , . •
tanton, appointment of Thomas, and the 1 report on the bill to relieve certain mann-, .CompanS, passed . •-- .. the trial of this case, and we now astv,rur .
Other Fibee . edin -, , Onle ce S interview with General Emory, concluded 1 lecturers from tax.: :- - - , • The Governor has vetoed the Free Rail- , namesuch a,day, as this ease is a
' gressional Report---Ilnpeack - - - • - in-which ''''
Report on ihe - Bilit for Relief of his argurnerit as follows : • The SP.III.KER asked if 'there was any ,' •. • . , -- • road Law, in a longraessage,.
ManufactiireeW•Jerseyand. - ' ''mho does does not know that from the hour I objection to the proposition?. 1 meat Witnesses Ready--Second. ~ _ eq
the President began his usurption of power i Mr. KERR• objected. . Conference Committee Report • Mr. Marm-W.e are extremely gratified to
recites that it dOes 'not meet the •i - tare- but to the public. ".`' .. , -:„ ~_ •
the. Constitutional Amend- he evelywhere
. denounced . Congress, the i, The Tionse'resumed. the -consideration a meats of the people, and is iineonstAtutional, •
looniest the gentlemen On the, Other side
went.- on Tax' Bill Agreed to by the b meats •
legality and constitutionality of its action, : the joint resolution of the New Jersey. ... ecause it embraces mor.e - than One subject, are ready for trial, and if they will River us
and deftedlls • legitimate powers, and for ; Legislature.' withdrawing assent to the Senate. •.- ~ ~ , . providing for new roads and relating to old With nplea we Will endeavor to 'fix some
Telegraph to the 1 Ittbborgh Gazette.) - that purpose announced his intention and ; Constituthmal for the trial of the ctise.
:By TelegraPil to the I'itt,burgh Gazette.) ' roads. • • '
• WASHINGTON, MarCh 30, 1868. - carried out his purpose, as -far as he teas 1 Mr:l SCHENCK gave notice a the mode. - • . -: • Mr. Cassid-Weenter a . plea 'Of 'not
- • • SENATE.
able, of removing . every true man from 1 fora suspension of, the rules to provide f r . 1 WAsnINGTON, 'Starch ao, is , ;_s. FREE nAlLnoAn luta. I;ETOED. .. -. .
~ ,
• g•mity. - ' ' ~. -•-. - •
office • who sustained the Congress .of the ; a meeting at half -past ten o'clock to-mo - necosisr In:M . ION SIT enemy LGAT ED. - EDI - Assoc/1;110 1 1-'resh.) . '" .
The Senate reassembled at eleven o'clock. 'United States. And it is to carry out this plait row. Mr Mann-We would ask for-tintlaya in
tvluch• to maLe.,preparation - for this trial.
Mr. EDMUNDS called up the bill to regu- a action that'll° clahns the unlimitea power Mr. ELDRIEIGE made the pint of order • Secretary Stanton has issued in the form HARRISOUno, March 30.-Gov, Geary h .
of a .general order the act of Congress sent to the House his veto of the Free Rail- The other - side rangt - be satisfied - a the fact
late appeals to the Court - of Claims, which of .removal, for • the illegal: 1 exercise that the gentleman front:Ohio cold not in- road
_bill recently passed in the Legislature that it requires some prdparation.
was amended and' postponed mull tamer- nd nor Of- the act actpassed March tit ti nal 'giving • •
of , which lie . stands before you . , .thiS
. (itly. i tetTllpt the . rettding of the resolution. . :nue t_ y ,_ He declares it ..uncons ii. o in; _ . Mr. , Collis- - sMy client has not been a party
. . Vi• ho does not know that" in pursuance a The . SPLA.IsEI. ruled as the morning 21st. 186,, to provide for the more efficient extraordinary powers by authonztng Rai -
row,. ' the same plan he a i red his 3,•etopoWer indis- hour 'of the session Monday had expired mad Companies to increase their capital .
!government of Alm rebel Stages. kis ac- • Mr. Cassidy-I Washeit ten days'ago on •
Mr.. TRUMBULL called up the bili end- criminately to prevent the passage of unlit le - after the reading of thejeurnal, the reseal- - to this bill. ~. . . _
- , stock without limit. - -' • - • • • n day fixedibr trial,•and carnein C r Olut with
---. compluaied - by a note Us :the Secretary of
- ing on adjournment till Saturday to relieve same laws, emoted--for the pacification of 1 tion must goOVer•lci next Monday 6 •.. ; ..., . ~. .- - •.„ . ... --,-., ..__• - '.• •--
.---- s .e.------ -.. ,
r. Butler, of Tennessee, front political the cuntry? And when the laws - Were pass- . Air. WAsHBURNE, of 'lllinois, moveda State,''say - "the'• foregioing -VC-having .
distddlities.. -- . .. ..• . : •ed 13y the constitutional majority over his ' suspension .of the rules for the purpose ef been presented to the President for appres SOUTHERN STATES '._could not be tried, be&tirse Mr. Maim 'was
ged in the conteited•electione.ase.
The questfonwitsoriMr. tucKALEW'S vetoes, he.rnade - the most determined op- offering a resolution in reference to the 'pa- . Mr O'Brien-It •Vvits ., then suggested by
`ai l slid not having - been returned_ by liiip illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] '• " ' '
0. -
amendment .to strike Out -the word 4, consti- position, bah open and covert, to them, and per offered I Mr. Haight. ~ • Mr. Mann than the operations ,would be of a
tution" front the clause proposing to relieve for the . purpose of making that opposition The SPEAKER mica the paper was net within the tittle constitutionally prefe!ribed, • vIRGINIA. -,' dilatory character, and put - it beVii - no. the
. ,
disabilities imposed by theConstitutionand effectual, he endeavored to array and did a before the Hovse. -. . „..i 'has become a law without his approval." RICHMOND, Va,, March 30.-In the Con- reach of trial; that is now obidate'd by the
reconstruction laws.: . - ~- -- c -....... ~- • ray all the people lately in rebellion - to set ,; Mr. SCHEN.CK „ moved to suspend- the- er:4. ar:ANCOelt AND' tits Niw comMAND. "Volition to•day an ordinance' authorizing - entry of our plea of slotguilty.
Mr. 13UCKALEW argued that the recon- themselves against Congress, and against rules so as to order - a recess till het-past -
struction laws having no application to' the true and loyal men, their neigh- ten to- morrow. . . ,
- Gen. Hancock has returned to this city the issue of certificates a indebtedness , to Mr. Mann-The time Was simpl,v, ,accord
ed to us. The witnesses for the Common
. Tonnes.see,-Mr.Biitler_ottlanot properly be bors, so that murders, asseetsinations and After sonie fillibustering such action was . and will, it is thought, soon issue a general Inembers of the Convention up to April 6th, wealth' are in Pittsburgh, and we would be
receivable at rho State Treasury in plyment utterly unable to try the ease tins week. ,
• relieved from the disabilities imposed by massacres were rife all over the Southern - takeiti:, . , -.. ';.- -:; - -..--• 1, order tt . sur t n" • lug '
command. He
them. He gnsire'Wey-st.'the suggestion a states, which he encouraged by his refuaal . Mr. WASIIBURNE,• Of Illitioli, nioved .w 1 . 1 • 9.. `-19Y 1 e - ---: . of all dues to the State, w as
.There- are, besides, aiarge number of prison
Mr. SHERMAN, whe presented the report to consent that a single murderer be pun- to suspend the rules for the purpose of l'aortlitig., The muowmg Ithe,or l . ass
of the Committee of. Conference on the bill ...ished, though thousneids of-goo d men have making the - followMg order.
signing Gen. Hanoxit to dnty in the Div's, A resolution to' 'suspend - payment'
terest on the State debt was referred.:'
of . in - , 'cases'to: intend to, and to try thia eve now
1 ivotild be to keep a large number Ofpersons
to relieve Cart altinianufactures from inter- been slain. And-further, that he attempted Resotved, That the restitution of the Lei WO of the Atlantic: The, sport: on eduction was; finished. : in prison. -Not onlythat„ but we would not
'teal taxation. .. • by military order toprevent the-'execution Islatureiii - New Jertey;o3urporting to wit . „ . .11 : 1tANtrAltritfisOF THE ARMY, Argr - ) Another amendment to. separate the two
Mr. HENDRICKS moved the report lay-. of acts of Congress ,by. the. military ,Com- ~ draw the assent of said State to the Consti- - TANT,GEIikRAL'HipaCE; WAsit- i have. sufficient time to prepare the case.
races in schools was ' ' t o . lost--thirty-seven to !Say ',to-4ov two weeks. 2 ' They; attempt to
over till mid be printed. menders
were . charged . therewith. :.tutional 'tiniendfuent' known , as, tit' 14lli -nserrost, March. , 1868. • . twenty-one. The:ordinance directs the ea- I
Mr. SHERMAN urged inunediate action, These mid his noncurrent acts . shoal
con- !•trticle,
article, be returned by the Speaker of the General orders No. r. By direction tablishment. of a uniform system of free . make Us flurry it on,- pre
fore time
arrives they will find something to -make -
'- ; Saving everything objectionable Mlle Sen- -elusively' that his atteMpt te get the con- ~ House to the - gentleman who presmitedAt, of the President of the United Stat 7 Maj. schools to be in operation by the year 1874: - i
lite had been stricken out:- -.--- ..-- - trot of the Government,. by the seizing_ of ' for the-reason that the same s disrespectful Gen. Haticock is relieved from corm land of , .. - __‘_.....,_. -..-• .. a delay ori their side. We rely have to-day
I two weeks Open: si de. will theri.try. .
-- •
.'. 'Several Seruttora .I.epposed at gon the the Department ,of War, "Was - done in to the House, scandalous in character. .thellfth Military District tuid. assigned to • - IYU@SIssIPrI. .;- - • . •, Mr..CEiSsidy,,The time fixedip::!esioto the
report immediately end Mr. SHER:MAN. pursuance of his general design, if it were -its title Only shall be referred. to injf . the the conunand of the Military Division of ' (,By Telegraph to,thu Plttsburgii Gazetteo next term. It is unusual. The Cirnimon
consented it shot:11(1 1 ga over,_ giving notioe 'possible .to 'ov er thr Ow. the Corigress journal and in the Congressional Globe.. the Atlantic, created by general orders No.
JAcirsoN, Miss., March 30.-In the Cori , wealth is.stipposed - to be'ready at all times.
he would'Prestfit sS.-early,issltossible. - of the L j nited States. Artdhe DOW claims by Mr. IL/LIGHT said he supposed the Chair 10, of February 12th,-068,, , - ...,, . ~. , vention one section cif 'the JudiciarY.rapoiti A full . hearing of this case was had en the
Mn. HENDRICKS' motion Was modified : his own- will for .tia&,.execnticin of . this lutd already decided that question. ' . BY command of GENRE:AL GrANT, (suss adopted. - A:motion to take a recess of ! habeas corpus, and they have no excuse for
so as to order _the _printing simply and I very design, the obedience of every (dicer.; -TlieSPEAK.l23,:said,thecniotients flit- E. b. TowNsEND, Asst. .ttjt. Gen. , . . three weeks was lost. ;The policy is not to I not being reads . . The mein transaction in
, agreed to - .• e .. ; -' -,' •-• :,- • , -i of the ainiyand navy, and civil. tmdslipli'g : fererit Pim* that before suggested,' and Was - TAX rum. cosis'EniNCE. .
,I adjourn until impeachment trial, closes . r v olv es . matte ra in-Pittsbrirgh. - We -will be
IMPEACH. TRIAL. ! Inatic. service of the :United States. He in order. • The second Committee a Conference on. i - _,...._.-.,' .01.------ ~ ~. ready in 60011 faith with this case, and wsi
, . ... . . • - • - • •
A , asks, , , Senators, by your solemn . Mr:' ELDRIDGE said. - it. ...
" the resolution' •
At /2:30 the - President pro . tern vacate , •• , . r t disagreeingmthe amendments to the bill •1 •'•
- ..'.. want a day fixed for trial: 1 expect.toleave
'-` I nclacation,to confirm him in that right, to was not before the House, it was -the prop-,
.C44.3.,1P0RN1A' - -
the Chair, which Wasiimrnediately taken by• In•- • tnexerralit-certaiiiinannitetttrea' front duty,' • - • shortly_ and want this case tried'" • -;- 4
. 1 I est an bun that Dower to be used with the 4 err of the.gentleman from • New. Jersey,
- ' Chief Justice Chase. -,. -‘ . -.-.'•-- - , - ' - '-' '•'''- • - ' '' --a ' i: etc-, have agreed upon a report Which it is --0 . --- ' •.• 1 - Mr. - Casidal avn _here mith• any col
, •
antents'and for the , purposes . which he has lan could not be taken front r lihn.' ,_ • ,
• The Sergetint•at-Arms made proclarna-• . „. 1 , 4 ,, i ,_ , 0 ,„..,,, - "•• "•• • - - . thought will lie adopted by the two Houses. 'Legislature Adjourned•:-arthamdteShocks '1 leagues ready, torthe trialof this ease, and if
- . lion, commanding silence. The President's 1 "'''"'"" --- - The responsulnlity is with This was dented by the SPEAKER, ; Them alter the Whiakey-sectjons so its to in- Nos-okrstval of Ohina Steamer. , ,
.. We laaye any rightsliereive-deinteure trial.
counsel took .son
:.• - : ' . .., you. The, siifegattrds -of the,Cen.stitation when , ' Ilietim risonment and fine u n -all dit 'city Teiestspli to the rtuabargh G a ro t te .) . , ' Mr. Mann will a day and AVO4tAk - the
1 against , isnrecitiO in Yinar hands - ' The ' Mr....`7RitiSS:aellealded.thei.l.-Coding of the '- P P ° • - - .'.• -: .. - . .-, .1 Lit -
.-- At 12,:35 the Sergeant-at-Arms announced 1 ;interests at. assi •- ffr -- i ti t t i .-• • • 1 tillers, tsovernment officers and, others SAN 1 RANcisco, Marc t h 30.-The Legisla- .cm toder it. ',-- - - ..,........-
solution f
o the New Jersey Lsgislatirre. , .„,,,,, d
the Managers on the part of the Hotise, ~ - ---- es 43 , ee . ns it . w
c9a • s alt resolution
SPEAKER 'd the gentleman had -i• - • , ''''''" 7.. " 7 '' . wit 4--- or collndin t f i -in
- ttlie adjourned Sine die - tb-CiaY, ' Iti3aSSed I -, ?Inbu I would'
Man will fix., . t t
who'took places, exeept Air. Stevens,ho-1 - npon your decision ... .. :•-.. . ; - „ • - 4 tnnllda{ %'' and %-.. forfeit: . :the dis leriesl to 0 say fearsomepe have been to!
-.- ' The House 'of Itepresentafives has '. no right to demand the readirtg. ridtv andpr o- acts creatang a Stt%te l.lniye ~1 llarrisbnrg and gets so pbpa to' affect
- -_ . . - • - - VILDRIDGE reniarked-We are re- ,
.in such cases. Other punishments •
---- •.+A01 , .. , - One of the Conunittee - viding fundifortileigunematitterminal-A this case. ~ ,'. ~...,-,-..._
_ _ • ... .., . -itiv-We have" • nOthui- to do
. .
entered soon afterwards and took a, seat I--- - -
: don d
e its uty.• We have .-, prawn- 3fr7 ELDI _.. ran,- _ _ . -- - - urn
slightly apart. The House was then an- stricken out. _
noured, and the members appered, head- 1 ted the facts , in , a' . Constitutional quired to return to the New Jersey Legis-. , tsars Gore.rninent contractors for rnachin- !' pritireges toion Pacific ___lroak abolish- ;- - Mr. Cassh... .. - __,
I manner. We have bronght the criii'ainallo_ lature a
_resolution as being scandalous,
ed by Mr. Washburne, of Illinois,
• cry, etc.; hat - e not been benetitted by ,the 1 in,, ,- the State Geological Survey, apppro- • with any suchbill. - We demand oilr'trial.
' your bar and • demand judgment at ' - our t without-knowink What it . ,:-
' change in the bill. Mx ,of Michigan, 1 priding fifteen tlionsand dollars to meet Mr. Mann-You will hatre thirteen days
his so real crimes. Never . The - Eft' said that was as ar u- , ' • • . •- - . .
The minutes of the last day were read. 1 seate d. k and ' for g - . . ergo one of the' Committee, adrocated am:mend- ', the d•fieleticyduring-thepast two years - , to in which to getaway: I.have tVgreat many
.if .Andrew Johnson_go aegait and ment which addressed itself to the gentle. meat,
•• • _• l' ~ , that manufactured lumber be ex- ?end:up the -affairs; refused to repeal _the j things I wat to-do. Mike r it Wednesday,
oPENING,A4G,wws - r OF •r/ItE raosacurro;v. t i ke 7 e;t ill ids day, can toe people of this or any. man's vote and not to the parliamentary empt fro= tax on sales, and Mr. Breoks ; presg i t Sunday law,,or to electa State Hai- 1 the 15th You wilt their have ten days.
sir. BLlTLEirCairimenced ' his' opening- -other..ctattitaW_llSSatattitutionttl claeeks and conditlonof the resolution: . , urged in behalf of con: earners, that flour ',,, bor' rainissicaiet.' '' - -}- '-' " • -'-'' Monday is a bad day: . v.:: - ... , :,* .•;:•'," :,:.:1 i
speech at a quarter before one o'clock.. He ..guards s t ay, e_xisitirsi. aTferift't of liXecutive Mr„..llAlOrlii; ii"Mtdo the:Cult of ord , t ,_
t r :shoran also be thus exenipted. The report ~ Slight Shedd ofitri earthquake: were eX-, . -Mr. - Cassidy,-It, ia ...teat imprabable' that
spoke at great length 'resenting to the ; power. I st:les,... ; therefore, not the language that the resolution of the gislatare ludo
t so broindes, and those - articles will, th•ero. t periencod , in 'Ow , eitY, tnk Saturday and ; this case will take'r-or - rrieriltio weeks..
Senate the several proposi , tions of fact and I `of . 'exagger.. /41014 but the words of truth, had not been read, which was or erraled by fore, remain free as under the present law. t Sunday nights. - - - --• --,.-..... ,„, - --:..5. q.:}have no doubt whateireflut - that tai_both
lati• upon swhielithe Honse of Re ante- ,
`, -of sobernesa, in saving that the" future po- the Sneaker. • 1 - The sailing of the Golden City , Was post= sideithere *Mix) Otte reds =- -htnelitne o3 eS,
tives would endeavor to sustain the 'cause 1 •liti-eal I‘`e-f lIIP.F.ACILMENT it
1 ale andliberties ofall men hang , Finally. Mr. W_ASFIBURNE'S Motion ,
.l' poned sailing
' etc - ening, owing to 1 and there are fourteerilaw*ertif.""' , ' -
of the people against `the Presiderd. The "' afar' Thoreau .Cel. William G. :
1 trembling on the decision of the hour. ; and resolution was adopted -- eighty to ,- i, General , , .• , tho non arrival of the steamer China froth 1 Mr. Mann=Thenit's - pretty; amain. that
-speaker revutwed the impeachmtmt trials of 1 Mr., BLN"GIL111, of the : . .Managers, rose '-seventeen. ,- ~ , -.: Moore, Private.W>cretary of the President, : !Hones Rong. - . -'' no one Will know anithing.about the case.
other countries, in--order to show t and said : 4 41. n.. 3
President-Tiae lanagera != , Ort-moton-of , Mr. -SCIDINCK - ;the rulet , and'otherVitnesseii, Wettest the Capitol to- i 'I _____-.....--1-- ,
, . Judge Peirce-So tar asl am concerned I
m ' the light -- of 'those • precedents ;'‘;' l3 the.partof the Howe are ready to pro- : were suspended, and a resolution to print , day waiting to be ctilled. ' •-- to in.lhtlaine. •• ' •'-, ' '
, have no power in the matter. Mitt.!..rm ex
. What really ... constituted -• , impeacha- I ceed with the testimony to. make good the , lye thousand copies of Mr. Butler's speech ,-,,,
~ . , . a gra ole e n az .
'ST I.T.F. TAX ON EIET'aSITS. • ' air - 'ele ph tt: ritt bars G ette ) ' npires with thisnionth and- I wordd suggest
. ble offences. Si - defined an impeachable i--
Articles of Irp r achment , the with accompanying brief, end forty thous- r .
I- . • i ' .. ,
' Th' Su rerne : Cortrt today gave all (Till- I Batioort, March 30.-This city voted by 1 that you aglee.npon , a day. eatisfactory to
: nigh crimp or misdemetmor to be one in its House ofßepresentatiVes ag•ainat the Presi- and without the ef, was
bri offered and re- . e P
• ; ion in a case front l'sfassaohusetts, involving , a .large majority to lean a credit of one ;both.
_ .. .
nature or ionsequencet sulavendl. , e of t dent of the United States, and my:associate, (erred to the Conunittee on Printing. . •the questiOrt of State' tax ma deposilts in a " million dollars 'Co the European North ! Mr. MennZ.-We have agreed •your Honor
some fundamental or essential - Principle oil -Mr• Wilson, will present the testimony. ' , Mr. SH.INKS intro duced a bill esthetic,- . _
I Savings Bank The paints are suniltir to i American Railway; also $15,000 per mile to upon Tuesday, the 14th Of - April.
I: •,Goteriinielit - or -highly- p r ejwaiciai t o the , . Mr: WILSQN-,"lm•i..ah to state in ',behalf in a District • Court to be held at Fort -•- • '
I those an the,Canneeticut `deSision;' - Vis : that , the Bangor and Piscatquis road. This se- ,-, ,• - --:-.---
- '' .. -- • - ' - ' - 'Nf -- that " • ,• bil
notwithstandati, the
_. ayne,_ lituliaria_ . Referred to Judieiar_v
tlietsix , eati beicripasedat deposits in such 1 cures the building of both roads. .
.. . . .
~ _--,- .-. ,, 9r - hieL- -- - - ---
- ---
- .
'coolie interest, as this might consist of ai of the Managers
violation of thodonstitution, of law, of an 1 meanieg of the documents wlneh wedeem ' Cotnnalitee. - , - I . :,- .. •
I'uitions. no matter in what farm in
oath, or, of dutY bY' an act corn- I important to he presorted in evidence have Mr. BANESmoved to, suspend the roles - i - ' ,•
nutted, or ornitted,:ar, ; vrithout violating a . ..rued. .• --- • - -
;beep set out in the exhibits.accompanying 'to providetfor a Meeting_ at eleven Weimar ~ • A mix rr.
~.- positive law, bythe abuse of dgenitionary 1 the answers, and ago in some sr the , every day this week, except Tuesday. t
4 .
1 -powers frOM/i-MPtruPer• M°ti 4 reel er fer =5: I answers, we still are of opinion it is prone.: Mr. WASHEURNE, of Illinois, objected i In the report of Saturday's House pro
• improper purpose . . i for us to introducethe documents originally t and moved an adjournment- Carried.. I ceetlings the argument of Mr. Williams,
Mr. Butler referred to the impeachment by way of guarding against any mishaps ' Adjourned. ... : , IPennsylvania, against the Alabama bi
I r - t el LordDanby, a case, he said, which went 'I I that =f i l e d arise from imperfect cops - ,' -s sett '' • . .--•"0-------- I got mixed With the remarks ot Mr. Bing
i pi e great way toward establishing the princi- i out iii ‘ t 'extritwers:!: - a ' , BRIEF irELEGBArds. : ham, who advooded it. Mr.
_Williams' re-,
' pie that no Minister could'ithelter himself 1 Mr. WILSON' theri offered in evidence : . marko, Attributed to - Mr. - Bingham, corn
'behind the throne - by - pleading obedieinc,e to certified copies of the oath of office of Pres- I I ._ - - —IP-- ' i mencedwhere he says "I cannot'shuArny
Johnsonoof the appointment of Seo- On Thareday, April 15th, the • printers
the=orders - of his t'soverei t tn. He Was an- ' ident of Phladelettla will each settone thousard . eyes to the fact, that. this: government was
' winnable fof. the ; juafice, . e honesty , the
i i rrseary,.,..... •' , t - by-Presiden.
_, t Lincoln, of the / -
_, 1 ems of typedri aid of tbe tArhemus .Ward built by white men, on ideas peculiar to
utility of all measures emanridujefgop the . .`-- - ' se;1 1 ihElteintMent.
couniiimiention - to the
and '' : monumental fund. • ' , . ,
~ : that ram" and continue to - the close of
Clown, as well a4_libi their legality, arid the i Preside t ohrtson's- . , I what appethelo to Bingham 's speech. - 1
-- 1 executive administration was thus or Ought I SAlledgning hbs reasons for the suspen-
In the S,I, tprerneCKairti, . eilee Nu. ' ss t Fred P.
—The Republican Convention °I . N em- I - • • suI'ItEMBCOURT DEeltillOlCS.
to be subordinate in all, groat matters of 1 surf' the Seetetary of War, after winch Hampshire, far the choice of - delegates to
Policy to the sdperilitekidenoe or Oa/virtual the Court adjourned till twelve o'clock to- . the-National Cenv,ention meets at Concord
controltof the,two,Houses of Parliament. i morrow,, a
ar. the Chief Justice vacated:the orrihe sth of May. , - - f
' - . , James et - al., al td pelhints, vs. Milwaukee 1
and Mitineaota - ireful' Corn_parsvi afiPesi- li
The gpeakerttien reviewed' the question , chair. —Thaddeus Stevens publishes a letter' in
whether the High C°° /1 • of ImPeaclinieilt 1. The Preeidentpre,ton. =tolled:the: Senate the New York Tribune, heartily endorsing fro Circuit Court of - the united - states
was really the Senate or not, and issued on , to order.i fro m he District a WlSCOngins Justice
General ,Grant- for, President, and saying
The report,of the Committee of Confer- i:that Wade is his choice for' Vice President. I ,
1 son delivered the opinion of the Court re
/ to the matter 'of the competency of one of
;cure on thebill to relieve certain manufac- - verslng the decision of said Circuit Court,
1 ' -the triers, oreactommt:of affinity to the ac
' lures from internal tax was taken up. Af- nei President will reply AG Mr. Ed- -• with costs, and remanding the case for fur-.
—re Oiked,riayirigl:WO-bellette-irire'right, nay,
1 tor considerable debate it was agreed to.,
I monde," .resolution of inquiry--aslopted--in-i•ther proeeedings In oonformity_ to decree of 1
his duty to theStatele„ ie . presents, to sit the Seriate=thirt- he; derives hie ISower to i this Court., Justice Miller dissenting. , t• '
whereupon the Senate adjourned.
upon the trial at; lie would upon _any other .1 , order a new military L depotment frorn his 1 No. g;original,Milwaukee and Minnesota
matter - Whichebtnild ohne before = the Se- 1 '•'
_,:- • ''' - '
..,_: . =- 4, - . -- - - = • :::•:'- I right lei Cornmander-rif of the army 1, - Ballread, - Company , ,t petitioners. , Justice
ante. His seat and vote beilong to his con- litirsSE OF RuiPRESEI'ITATWEIS- ,and nary of, the United States.
. - , , - - 1 'Nelson - deliVered the ofinion of the Court,
stituents and not to himself, to be used ace Mr. CHURCHILL introduced -a bill to i —We are 'informed by Associate Press denying the petition for a mandamus. ,
cording to his best judgment . upon elerY amend the act of March Ist, 1792 , relative • telegrams that a leading railway official lute No. 84. The. JEtni Insurance ComPany,
• grave matter that comes before the Senate: 7 absconded, taking'. with him kurverat mil- plaintiffs in error,-vgfilatmel 11. Webster,
aeanoes ip -t e. o ce of -Pr ent 1
, • ' Mr. Butler : theri'.teeited the articlolof i to. .iv - - ,h fa add
impeachment and said : The House ofßep- 1 and Vice President oftlic United - Slates, re- lionis of the company's money' We take lin error to Circuit Court:of the United States
Ino stock, :in ,the report. It is evidently - I.for the Postern District of Michigan. Chief.
1- , resentatives and the people have joined is- ~9 S" anew election incase of an interval
to t of eighteen meths beeen the double vas i •
t written in the Vanderbilt interost, and on •Tustive Chase delivered the opinion of
' sue with Andrew Johnsen as to his right ~ ~ , . ordinary - • its face seems to show that fact. :-., , ~ Court, affirming the judgment of • kdd
act as he hair-, This bill which he has vice - 'loamy , aria _tee yternimation of the 1 t, •
, The Plasterers of • Washington .. c l t, l yr,' Cis
i Prilential terns. Recoiled to the Judi '
, lated received- titemequisite sanction of both - - • • Ant i. -With cbsts •---"- -- 4 - . P
''the Senate and'Himse of- Representatives, - ciary Committee.
`men;novr on a strike, have receivedan endorse- •
No 156. Williamson Wright, plaintiff, 'in:
- ' after a full consideration of his objections.. t, Mr. , CHllRMlLL•introduced a bill sup- t
from the Plasterers? Society of. CU-- cant, vs: James Mott,. in :error- to Circuit
Ciourt of-the:trilled States - for , the'District,
Ti he into be allowed to ,exercise this dan- 1 plenientary to the several acts relating to i cop, with,the promike' of $2,000 per week of Indiana.' On motiongf•MrsPierrepont,Of
serous ritOverof removal; where fejt - to•end? , t pensions coffered, by the Committee on In 1 until their strike is • suCeessikil., . Similar 1
actin. has been t_akep -by the Baltimore So- counsel ter defendantain orrery - it was or
the Constitution invest tbe-President 1 , valid Pensions. - •
ciety, and also by the ffistrict Typograph- dered by the Court that the writ a etror'
'with all the v-eneritieo powenwiflch ia en -1 Mr. HAIGHT ',preSented a joint resiilu- be dismissed under the sixteenth rule. • '
1 . , joyed bY Kingsand - rulersof Oilier nations? t . don as to w ithdrawini the consent of New l lea / S°cietY-; ; ..
.. ~ ' ~ , - .
~ .
„wri.r. ass Unit, COMMAND. ' ' '
If , SO, it has i been much, more , liberal , to I Jersey,to the propose amendment of 'the 1 —ln Philadelphia, the Eleventh Baptist • - . t , •, ..
,_, bite than the Legislative branch,of the: gone- 1 Constitution of the United States. , I Church had . for a pastor Rev. J. Heath i _Gen. Hancoelc's order assuming C0m
....--- -ern.ment-- --The -Hateeigive---laiWer of- ap- I ' •Mr.-ELDRIDGE tailed for the reading of l smith, -who resi F ned and was succeeded by mend of the nor . . military division of At- pointment is; -clearly limited by! . the 1 the docuthent. es - • I,ReV. R. S. Thom. The latter did not suit land° will be issued:to morrow.
4eacons aroserua told him his sermon was
words. „"(3f: Itict - 'Constitution, which or- I After the :Clerk had commenced 'the Alm congregation and on Sunday one of the •
dens the cenSonteef (the Senate -ilecegat vY. ; reading, Mr. WASIHMTBNE, of Illinois„
The power which .to exer- 1 asked the Speaker whether it was in order "notfit to be heard,' 'while another ' deacon
cs kingry l -C - Miellatlau of removal was i to move to the return of the document to i ordered the organ to be played. This soon
very elaborately debated in the first Con. , 'the New Jersey Legislature? •• ' caused great: confusion' tindthe congregation
grins on Was ' l to create a State Dpart- The SPEARER said It was not,becoose wait summaril,y„,,diiimiped. This affair.
-.. 'Mint: It derstted -for Brdays, and all presented in the niorningtotir 1 caused a great deal of - oicitimerit,•and the
' finally was so framed as: to Impl y y
the pow- must pa pe rs efe -without debate. I &MTh ores placed , in'tbsaands of the po
ter of
o f in-the Pl:egident. But the Mr. WAIMBURNE said if it were in lice. _
~ _
triumph of its suppiltoraWils snort-lived . order he would wake that motion as a re- —The Weiceeter4i(Mtlis.) Spy: says the
When it .eame ie the House on motion of.t.buke,to a disloyal Legislature. - , Association. in - that city - to aid in the forma-,,
Mr. Benson - The' provision ' implying the 1 The : resumed the reading and was Von of - a colony' in the West was, fully or I
powers -Of,' l r ' eMoval lir: the President Walt again interrupted by Mr. ELDRIDGE, who ganged Tuesday! evening. - , ' Tru:siworthy
stricken ont: It - weht 'back' to the Senate, said lie would not insist on the reading if agents were o : a ipointed•to go West - as goon ,
t• - • - - - hut - as the 'debates there
we sea- ' the• resolution - would appear in the Globe all the seasbn tainted to:select the most
-1, • *.: akin we have no mans of knowing what The -SPEAKISW: said =the ireadtrig might favorablel ty - andl purchase land for a
--"'!"-- - - did take . 'place.' • But •vre -learrr from the o f well be continued now as the time fat 'large coltely,„. I :
jounialithatahli: grovision, implying the going over . to the Senate had almost fir - --Seine two hundred mechalifix oiloi:,
- power of removal, was retained by the cast- 'lied. . _ _ .. , ten, 300) , - had ,nennig,ed,toget.through the
' •`• "lingtvotecoMihriAdinxii,l,lie Mee - President. • T Mr: - TILE saud—,Let the - document no Whiter; hilphig kir cs - reViViroftitishierwin.the
- -- - - ---t-- - - read, and rebject to its being printpd. , ' -Spiiirig haste - betwM ' tti ' hly 41.kne l'''
___. ' ---'-- - lie
-1 Masi most all our woes have come from
U .' ',
Vice'preludents. -Notwithstandingthifs, the
q facts show that the President made not-re-
!,. moral witboiCnotifying the' Senate. Xres
;l ident Adoina reinoven 'Mr. Pickering**
nominatin,g a successor to the - Senate.
.'''•None of , the 'early Presidents had ever at
:-z, ~ '. tempted to exerciset Mhe.ilun
lted power of
:(...! removal ,
now assunied , * - ttlie present:oeati.
:Y. ' pant of that , chair: , Congress has alwels
i, •,, • asserted a legistative-pavi -, • reference 4o
e. remaii l 4& l lM , eilich . lo " " '.'..hl , onfiTey,
.v : fi t , • )- asuLsopgw.N i*,:ao. . ' •-• 4 Won, Mo.
.i. t - . Whole, never Until iiirw:4o4;itsbe -, expluke:,
. control over ' ppointioeuts to office been ex-- '
r 4 ereised by the President In ' 1826 the
T - f . - 1 •,; c . . - tl. -- p , - . -z , . . . .
..- .
. .
, :' 7 : , ?.. , *.n.,* -•:.:.., / '',' •,,---, ','- ' .. - : 1, , %.9. - . ' ',
- ..., •, 4 1
, .
L.:-....- .
wr...- -- . •,,,
----7........„."'.•<:,,-, itt.
~..A .l
. • _ ‘........, . ..D. .. ...,,, ( •.
..,•• ~,,,.:_ .-, 44 tu \•,,,- - \\\:,. t
~" • ~..
.'''',./- "-- -- -,-,--- ,• il y .
- 4
~_,_,...._____, Tvg u sat. ...-6.---. 1 -- • - 7 : 3 , - 0- .1 / 4 gwl _--- . 1.10 -, t4 , _ -,
• - • __-__- ....-xs- . 00
~..______; u2
:z „„_______
- .
, 1
, ..-_..- ~i, 7 . - _ ~- ,_., , ..; "- J. .. -Ir.-4 7. . r• ..-... =-r . .- •- ' . : ----.- .. - - /
UMW. gave - Of:lce lie would,
make a motion to suspend the rifles in or—
der that the document might be - returned
ho ow` issity,Littls4tute: f
The SPEAEEK,:td. mar ,poet tWelve, sua
vended preeeediro,*d'anncittisced -that
accordance *lth.. resolution the Howe
i v ir;mo'rtiolio, itself into Committee of -the -
Iliiihnii4and headed- b3r /UN .cluarnagi,
yirvgiburpe,,a,minois, , =attend:the
gb The tat of he Senate:-' .41:5
• - The Ilouse , Ps:auagetabled av 4 SR 'When.
'Mr. WASILBUBITP „ .;" "Chain= ' of'
Committee, reported he had attended the.
• •
.I . .'':•. llMltif, :11,(1.,.'1 TIT
"1:: . '•11 ,-. T.D - ,:.
aged, and leave ai , Ctaltforniatble week'. t
—Messrs: BOSSeitielS brick, planing :row,
and a Urge quantity of lum ber, owned by
Evian IrrSYV
Nev' YOrki we burns py au inceridiar~.,
Saturda7;nlornieg. •• , c •-• '
—Actioln bas - • 4aken by the Senate
_p,Tew York Which -Virtually% kills the bill •
amending the_Metropolitan. excise law
a ogle= a5..414. r
troiva ,
'fridt :'.dealtmi, 4, lStite) etreet,y, Boston, -
`robbed Of a large amount of-nuiney on•Stito
t ty. ;;r11111" - T
. X ' xi
. __ 1 ,
• •
Supreme Court tases—Judident An Favor
- of General pratt;.
fli to tbenttsburili Giizette.)
;Bp Telexrar'
Sr. Louis, March 30.—1 n the Supreme
Court to-day the case of , General Grant vs.
Joseph W. White, for unlawfully retaining
Oossetsion :of. alarm near this city. belong
ing to Mrs. Grant, was decided in favor- of.
The Supreme Court also
ded the case of Edward S. Rowse, State and
County Collector vs. Washirqtan *quiver
sity,for State and county, taxes, In favor of
tReW, the Court lididhig that under -ther
- nevi law the University must Paytaxisnd
withstandltig Its charter' provides for pp; 7l
, .
EBy. Telegraph to the rlttsbergb *rasette3
'- . A.ASTIVILLEI Tenn., March 80.—A dispu
o c curred on dinner : table at'
the Franklin House, In, Tuttunibia, ykla.;
betwnegtillobert Cunningham,• of the rebel
aritw, anditlldr. Collins, of the federal as .
rap, - relatitentO the Arkansas elections.
Cunninghtun drew a AlivOkrellart* before .
lie•Ctkulq'tkilt:Collinsnket hine•antli
barreVlpistal,",killAW-14 1 4 1, !natantly.
Vtinnlintrellthdol was dischargedUle
trithotit effect. Colliffetsurrender
ed himself immediately.
Arrival of Coolies at .Hvana.
CDYTelegrapta to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
wcwv ti, March 30.—The Portugese ves
sel Maria Lioriisa, formerly an American
vessel, has brought tvfo hundred coolies
from Maccin. The doolies`wer6 guardedpn
thetrip hy thirty tkortuguese soldiers to
prevent muliny..
Masanlc Lodge of Sorra*.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
PHILADELPHIA, " March 30.—A !Masonic
Lodge of Sorrow was held this evening in
respect for the menuily of the late Win.
: Schneider.. Grand Tyler , of ,the
Grand Lodge of Penrisylvania. Nearly
one thsusand Masons Were present.
Arrest of Mirderer.
Ey Telegraph trithhltisbargh - Gazette.]
BUFFALO,' Atirch'Bo."--Abiithaan B. Mills, -
canal boat captain, who murdered 'Patrick.
Malone hi this city, AnKtist. 13th, 1867; was
brought here from Grand Rapids, Michigan,
and lodged in jail to-day. -I*
United'StateslDistrict. Court,=-Judg6
Candles& , , -
In the_bankruptcybianeh of this'Couft,
petition for final disc arge was filed by
Henry l'ullner';. of Sullivan County. The
usual orders were Made by the Court..
The following petitions for adjudication
in bankruptev were Sled: Nelson - Decker,
of Scranton, Y.awrerice C.' Conklin, Wyo
ming cohntyj arid John Shields;--Armstrong
Distilet Court-4udge_
Dennis Richardson and wife Are. pr.
Trevor t action to rec Over, for, • alleged mai
practice,' on the' part .of defbralant,, in at ,
tending Mrs. Richardson for it brol en arm.
This is the third:time this case has been
tried,_ it having bean' beibie, the , Common
Pleas twice, and in,each instance the plain-
tick were nonostdted.- On trial.
(I=F!o; . *6,4clqd7ge "Mellon.
Charles Millefrtn,cllettipt tor the larceny of
good's from the auction store of Palmer &
Phillips, Was found not guilty.
. . . .
Stewart 'pleaded '• gnilty to an
'.dictment fee nektnitbatterynpoii! ,- n. •
fellow entployo •Co.'s
rolling miII; - SharpabOrg, and was sentenced -
to pay -ufine of ten ,dollarn : And
,was also required. tc., - -, ; enter• :bail . in : 13300 to:
keep the peace fer.nne year. _ • ;.-
Nicholas err , news:Mani; indicted for
pseault and battery. - upon Christitin •Jeckel,
pnt it} a: - Oteunfgnilty and"*Mo',.senteneed to
and se* t t
*if relf - tniftifi:edisuritY4tithe sum of
- Iteenfthe_p_eacetr oneyentig 41 .
and Chaslei +: Fury, I
c:on - tintedo..-:theilardeny;:i!tit *h Lery were
sentenced -; the forMerAot_ttiMoottnty_jair A*:
one month; andAhe.-.,intter.;tp.j,thu-4ouse of
;-f Court The “ N -T g- 149d'iiifAil i 1*Itil - ..t 0 d 4,
of Stn
the': Atlantic for,Ntiiiiiiiitieh'liertidnljg
.an itnprovement. on - the March numher. - . -
•- • -
• -
R ~ a.+re~....i~"r'+ .ei v.~.-:' , "~5:5*,.?~ I'~hi?r'YrT-, i "`'r ~~y ``:'~;~''~°~
Foreign Mal:kebibi,
LQN.DON, March 30.—Evening.—Consols
closed at 83a98 1 6; 5-20 s 71%03, - Erie 48X,
Illinois l C,entral j B9,4i. ,s.
FRA.ukront, March 30. 7 -.qvcaina.7-Bonds
7434a75. ,
Livkiereler., l March 30.—.E'vening-Xotton
middling :uplands 1/Kall3i; Orleans
119 . 6a12;, . sales .31,:4060. hales. Breadstuffs
quiet and steady. - Corn '42s. Wheatl6s.;
I white Californial4s. 3d.; rod Barley ss. 6d.
Oata 4s. 2d. Peas 46s 6d., Pour -- 1 375. 6d.
sovisions quiet. Beef 121 s. Pork 795.
Lard. 6. Cheese 555: Bacon 435:6d. Pro
.; duce unchanged.' 44.a:19d.- Linseed
Oil £36. Refined Petroleum, ls. 6d, Spirits is.
1 Aurwkp,, March - 30.:-Eveiztng—Petro
t lenm 'firmer at 4434 ; -
• .
1 1 4 iew.Orleii#s71[61,,
[By Telegraph to - the PlitabizigiTiizeiie:3
YEW 0 ItLEATO3, March 80.=Cottitin active
aud excited;•!alga MOO; hples -iniddings at
27 1-2 c and nominal; receipts, 8,1.00
exporti, 3,911 - do: :Elixir quiet ; superfine,
49,75; .double.-:extra,.. $10,82.' e.Coria,tending
upward; No. 1, sl,o3al,os.pats firm at 78c.
.ftrk'quiet 4 ateDl,2saZ3;f& 'Bacon dull and
depreiried; shoulderk 12e; - clear: sides, 16cs.
Lard. dull and drooping. r. Gold, . 40::1-.
sterling bank exchange, '52 - 1. - .24113; New
York :exchinge, 1-2 per cent.' premium. •
[By Telegraph to thil'ittabnigh - Gaaette.j
BUFFALO, March 30.—Flour quiet and
unchanged. -- Wheat inactive_ and un
changed: ' dull; `sales '8 c arloads at
.Oats 'dull mad unchanged. Rye
- *anted; -marketbare. - ,Mees 'PorX dull at
$24,75: Lard 'dull .4.-16;4817c, Grain
store and afloatiVheat, 177:000' bus; ' corn,
22,000 iis;l-qiits;-asioar. bum- barley, 10,000
)) 0 B• • - f- -
• LoidayMeMarketz •
[By Telegraph to Uri Vittsburghtlazette,l.t
LOVirtiVILLEI, -March. 80.4robacco firm;
118 bhcls sold aC1).5,2507 for, itigs;..sls for
medium leaf; selections,' fr2o; Mil county
bright .wrairri,:#(o,so.- Cotton; 2)®26c.
Flour, /8,25 8,75; fancy, Vl2 l ._so@a l Oats,
78@ gc. - • Corn '
,_.tO@ B3 u•
-Lard; 'lBc. , Baeori—shouldeM; 11,:ic; clear
sides; 14e. :•Idess porkt2dl;7s-1
J...i: ,______ft his -mi r ket: .
. 1 1 Pir..r Garette4
Telegraph to the Pittsburg h_
(By TeteiJaß `:= Match - 91,-"QPintaktat'OdaYB
4 31,Extemat:v. Rece ipts •
__ ...t.,4.
and firmer at .. 4.-1., tales . • our-gum,'
---- e xports ,"'" •-• ahoulders no
609 ba100;."4„.c6..-117ork:'1128,b` bulls ., aboulders
superfine YTdes4/5?"; ''
d Walt Oorn
42%; olonrimra sides i0r,...5N`-a,Lai --
iiallXf c -- goae"- iiv", 7" — i: ~.
. Oats
.., c :p..,, ther.c,,
Blieri. orni°7elk'd, tie.;
‘ . .I, to the Pniebull is
Btu. ,
Cill7--eIfLrIPLi,V, MarajaP.i.,46'ilte canal.
LoPiNlikt twentY4Wltii:ii,..i.6o;,.
.rinintt ie; clear., -T l a rl . n liv ea cl ea r and
-7.0T 11&r,4au14,?•,,Teik
pleii*Oit . `;'r,...-,--:-.7-0--1,6644.`
~ 2,;,,,,,,,rnw„,i1we ~_,,,;;. I
. ,tr-witi,erlitet.rg.!L 7.„717_17.1,iire,...
1 iiii 'ole,k"l4l6oltirchtlx,-171fulte i lt - ri - i,T.
~...vivio for. .......
4kridln4ht."l.' lat SW arlYtirill.
5 16Aesi4PMVitn - ;.---- -. •
leitiwer 4 ... 3 => ~,-.7+-42 Itee...-;1
: 1 , •,1 ~*D; „i i e.ikee. , .1 0...
v xL
- -,T, a Aril iYiiiZaibulll 7 1- % i .
...flagaciaro ntank•
- i c • , ,, „1 , 4 8 ..
nal at s l a y'a prices. r. :
i.. 4.