tyljs prnisimrgij ftayth. LETTER i FROM NEW YORK. The Erie War—The Board_ of Health= Business—Musical and Dramatical.. NEW Yons, March 27, 1868. Probably never befOre in all the stock job hing operations of this city has been such a confusion and at the same time such an important battle of the Railroad kings, as -that which now rages over Erie, and rocks Wall street to its centre, and of course, all creation. Each brings out some new pike of ordinance every day, and blazes and bangs away, till the whole Island of Man hattan is filled with smoke. Judge Barnard has appointed George A. Osgood Receiver in the Erie Company, and Judge Clerk has issued an order restrhining Osgood from entering any order for the said appointment. The directors of the Company exiled to New. Jersey, are enjoying themselves as best they may. They have not been idle, and they have procured from the Railroad Committ of the Assembly, a bill t ize the new issue of Erie stock; and . further, by the speedy passage by both Houses of the New Jersey Legislature of a bill to enable certain corponitions more ef fectually to transact their business in the State of New Jersey, and which covers the Erie Railroad Company case,- and the es tablishing of their offices in Jersey City. The Tribune again calls for a law forbidding and punishing as a misdemeanor every.sale or purchase of stocks or bonds on time, such loan providing that any trustee, director or . other officer of a company who should make such a sale should serve in some State prison. - The whisky distilling frauds on the rev enue of this city are still it source of •corn ment, and many of the dittillers continue to furnish whisky forty per cent. less—others far below the government tax, and their friends continue recklessly to drink it. The second annual, Report of the Board of Health, being published by State- authorities, shows a gain of 3,656 lives in 1868 as com pared with 1866. We are therefore mating some progress in a sanitary way; too little, however, for this should be the healthiest city in the world, situated as it is on high land, beside a magnificent bay and river; and thus washed on all sides by water. But it is comforting to know that we are really progressing. The Board of Health has done a noble work. They have had to scale the very mountains of difficulty; on some of these they can as yet make little impreksion;- the tenement houses for instance, disguis it as we may, the conditions under which the tenent house population is compelled to live forth the prime cause of the mortality of this • city. Here over 500,000 people are pack ed into 18,532 houses; in these how can a high sanitary condition be maintained. The records show that two thirds of the deaths take place in these wretched dens. The gold market has gained more stern ness of late. The money market was ex tremely urgent yesterday 1 1, and in some in stances per cent. commission being paid for collection, in addition to the seven per cent. The recent pressure, however, shows some sign of abatement. The stock market is becoming more steady .in certain railroads. General business is improving. - Operas and concerts continue to be the or der of the day, and there is quite a rivalry among the different organizations, who have imposed the duty on themselves to amuse the public. Last Sunday a concert at Stein way Hall, was very well attended. At the Academy we have had Meyerber's Robert again, that fine composition which a true lover of music is never tired to, hear. The basso of Hermann is the great centre of at _traction in that opera, and discharges him self of his task to perfection. Last night was performed Lncrezia Borgia before a - very crowded house. The gnat attraction of the evening was the production of Sig. Brignoli's symphony entitled the "Sailor's. Dream." it is a very fine composition, de serving the name of aria rather than sym phony, and is full of graceful musical phrases, While the orchestra, under the direction of the composer, rendered with creditable pre cision. The symphony was encored, and Signor Brig,noli presented with a miniature vessel, richly ornamented with flowers and flags. Another musical' celebrity has again made his appearance here before the public, after an intermission of more than fifteen years. His first performance drew a very large audience and there is little doubt but that lie will be as much in favor with the New York pliblic as when he made his first debut in the Metropolis. Positively. His Last Appearance. The fol!owing announcement is printed by special request : GRAND FAREWELL TOUR 31 . r. A. Johnson, the great American Spm ersaulter, being about to close his engage ment at Washington, owing to circum stances over which he has no control, has the honor to announce that he will, during the coming summer, perform his great feat of SWINGING AROUND TICE CIRCLE, in'which he stands unequaled in America He will confine himself to ONE - PERFORMANCE in each town, during which he will intro duce all those tricks which have been re ceived with such thunders of applause by the people. Elegant copies of the Consti tution and the American flag will be dis tributed impartially among the audience at each town. Gen, U. B. Grant tieing confined at Washington by pressing engagements, and having proved a bad card on the previous tour,. will remain at Washington, his place In the troupe being supplied by Gen. Ad Interim Thomas', whose GRAND TRANSFORMATION FEAT of being Adjutant-Gpneral, then Seeretary of War; then Adjutant-General again, all in twenty minutes time, have secured for him a National reputation. Mr. Johnson takes pleasure in announcing that Mr. Bill Seward, Mr. Aleck Randall, Mr. Gid Welles (propriftor of Gideon's Band,) and all •the old titvorites will be with the troupe, and enliven all occasions with their spirited and spirituous performances. • N. B.—A few good corner stones wvited, for laying purposes, for which liberal rates will be paid. Apply at the box office, Spectai Announcement.—Verbatim repor ters and all other improper characters will be rigidly excluded. PIIOTOORAMERS will be interested in the announcement of n new method of taking portable negatives. The image is first made on glass in the usual way, and, a thinfilm or sheet of a new transpa rent preparation of "vitrified citoutchouc l applied by means of speciatvarnish to the side of the glass on whichis the film of collodion. When dry, the whoiela dipped into water, and in a short time the collodion wilt .its image leaveittlie-glass and",adheres firmly ,to the caoutchouc, which may then- be packed away with other similar-sheets until requir e.d for use as a negative. The utility of+ this process in traveling, if satisfactory, can be readily understood. r~s~,,.~r~~3d~.s,.,.~_mk,~x~''"'~'~€t~u~i&`s.~.,. -,ma y -,r S,a~'.~~, a~'.~~ .y + s~~*arsacs~~ : a~wS:r~'a-%~%~. v aniehing~Cuarma. The perils of fashionable slums were re cently illustrated at a ball in Paris, when an elegantly dressed lady found herself wearing only the string of her necklace, the wax pearls having melted entirely away in the heat. The India rubber beautifiers, "palpi tators," etc., are yet more dangerous. At a dinner party given by a high personage of the official world, one of the ladies was equally remarked for the exquisite propor tions of her bust and the animation of her conversation. Those who sat near the lady suddenly heard, in the middle of the dinner, and of some witty sally on her part, a sharp,- small detonation, such as might be produced by the cracking open of a bean-pod. No one took notice of the inexplicable sound; but it was observed that •the lady bedune much less animated, and she kept one arm raised across her bosom, and fanned herself incessantly during the rest of the dinner, though the temperature of the dining-room was by. no means high. As soon as the company rose from the table, the lady, still fanning herself, suddenly dis appeared; but as certain sharp eyes among her rivals had caught sight of a diminished outline as she retreated from the sphere of vision, a good deal of merriment followed her disappearance. The lady's absence was, ver very short; for she returned to the drawing-room, in the course of a few minutes, triumphant in the same 'plastic perfection that had excited so much admira tion during the earlier part of the evening, and displayed all the aplomb and vivacity which had made her so charming. The screwing of the stopper, through which the air is blown into this class of "fixtures" in question; having been made, this time, suffi ciently secure, the charms of Madame D— underwent no further vicissitudes through the course of the evening.—Paris Letter. A Lear Year Swindle Misi M. had conceived a passion for Mr. W. It was not reciprocated. Mr. W.'s coldness had driven her to desperation, which, among young ladies, means a re sort to strategy to accomplish what they cannot do by fur means. The young lady, presuming upon her leap-year privileges, and upon W, 's belief in spiritualism, and his 'respect for the name of his deceased mother, employed a celebrated medium and had a meeting arranged to which Mr. W: was invited. On the evening proposed the parties were present, and the spirits in glee. The shade of W.'s mother appeared and; according to instructions, discoursed eloquently upon the virtues of Miss.lL, and, finally asked W. to clasp her hand. In obedience to this voice from the grave he did "so, :not, however, without qualms; and while in this position, to his horror, the sepulchral voice pronounced the mar riage ceremony. IN hen through, the young man was conjured in the same tone to regard the contract as binding as though it had been solemnized before an earthly trlhunel. W. couldn't see it, and bolted, minus . his overcoat and hat, Thus grief came over the young lady's - leap-year pro ject../:*.llade/phia Frets., . INA western village a charming, well preserved widow had been courted and won by a physician. She has children; among them a crippled boy, who had been petted, and, if not spoiled, certainly allowed very great "freedom in debate." The wedding day was approaching, and it was time the children should know that they were to have a new father. Calling the crippled boy, she said: ':George, I am going to do something be fore long that I would like to talk about with you." _ "Well ma, what is it?" - "I am intending to marry Dr2 t iones in a few days, and—" "Bully for you, ma! Does Dr. Jones know it? Ma caught her breath, but failed to articu late a response. JETS OF NAraTHA.-An artesian well of naphtha has been discoVered at Kudaco, in the Caucasus,,by boring. At the depth of 274 feet from the surface, the liquid was fiast struck, and, for a whole month, gave a supply of 1,500 barrels daily, Since then a fresh source has been met, which rises, with irresistible force, to the height of forty feet above the ground, the jet being four inches in diameter, and -delivering a daily supply of 6,000 barrels.l • SPECIAL NOTICES M - BUCIII7. (From Dispensatory of the United States.) DIOBMA ORENATL BIIOHI7 LEAVES. Properties:—Their odor is strong, diffusive and somewhat aromatic, their tastes bitterish, and anal ogous to mint. Medical Properties ' and ries.—Buelhu Leaves are gently stimulani, with a peculiar tenden cy.to the Urinary Organs, producing diuresis, and like other similar medicines, exciting diaphoresis. They are given in complaints of the Urinary Or gans, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Blad der, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the Prostate and Retention or Inconti nence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned In its evacuation. The remedy has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism,. Cutaneous Affections and Dropsy. IiELMBOLD'S EXTRACT EVCIIU is used by persons from the ages of ltl t 025, and front ZS to &I , or in the. decline or change of life; after Confinement or La bor Pains; Bed 'Wetting In Children. In A ff ections Peculiar to Females The Ex tract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy. as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity Painfulness or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or. Schirrous State of the Uterus, Leueorrhea.? or Whites. Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Dropsical Swellings. This medicine In creases the power of Digestion:, and oxclte* the Ab sorbents Into healthy action. by which the Watery or' Calcareous depositions, and - all Unnatural En largements are reduced, as well as Pain and Inflam mation. . . - Rehab°liPs Extract Rtiithts has cured every case of Diabetes In which it has been given. trrita.., Lion of the Neck of the Bladder. and Inflammation of the Kidneys. Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder. Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Pros tate Gland, Btone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and forl:nfeebled and Delicate Constitutions, of both sexes, attended with the . following Symptoms! Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Tower, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling Horror of Disease Wakefulness, Dim ness of Vision, Paid lu the 'Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body. Dryness of the Skin, ‘Brup- Don on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the 31useular System, &c. RELMBOLD'S EXTRAOT EIMER IS 'DIURETIC • AND' BLOODZUREPTItiff, • And cures all Diseases arising from Habits of Die siwititittxtitli:ex.coefslf s and i jmEndenco n Zl;lfe, g topsitut in affections for ;girt It is used, snap as Gonorrhea, Gisela ' :of long standing, and Syph- , llitec Affections -in these diseases used In con neetion with. REL.2.IIIOED'S ROSE SOLD AT HELBABOLD'iI DRUG AND KCAL WAREHOUSE, 594 BROADWAY, And by D roggists everywhere. ASK FOR EIELMIIOLIPS, AND TAKE 510 , OTHER ja3:II ,, v7 RFPFARE OF COUNTERFEITS. r NAR RI o G r E T A nn N a O e C n l o E n L h l e l C A rim C Y• Solitude, a AuE the y DISEASEB w and AB t LVEr.whl e h f create Impediments to MAiIitIASE, , with irate means of . relief. Sent In sealed letter envelopes,- free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN. MODEM TON, Howard Association Philadelphia, Penn's' MALT- 24 )1099 bteebels , : Prime 13AlttaMY 31,41.4"3. _Fsni swig irr aliments; W 114.1111 430, Itaistersi,t South Canal Street, near Chestnut, Alleifieny mhlumn:ditT • • • : ., PtrrgIttfMIL;GLZETTVr: , ;IIONDAV_ 3 .It.AACIE .30.. 1868, COAL AND COKE. C. 12. ARMSTRONG A. A. HUTCHINSON. ARMSTRONG • & HUTCHINSON, Successors to PHILADELEHIA . AND YOUGHIOGHENY COAL CO., MINERS, SHIPPERS AND DEALERS, BY RAIL ROAD AND RIVER, OF Superior Youghiogheny . CAS AND FAMILY COAL. Office and Yard—FOOT OF TRY STREET, 'near the Gas Works. Orders left at the yard, or addressed by mall. will be promptly . BEST FAMILY COAL ALWAYS ON HAND And Delivered Promptly to Order, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES, BY OSCAR F. LAMM & CO., Corner Sandusky Street and I'. Ft. W. C. R., R. ALLEGIREMN•ir ANTHRACITE COAL FURNISHED AT THE LOWEST RATES. Jed: COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! - DICKSON, STEWART - 8z CO., Having removed their Office to NO, 587 - I.ll3Ell'lnr (Lately City Flour vim SECONUELOOR. Are now_ pr .. epared to furnish good 'YOUGHIOGHE NY LUMP UT COAL OR SLACK, at the lowest morket price. All Orders left at their. office, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attended to promptly. CHARLES H. 51111STRON11,, GE= TOUGMOGLENY AND CONNELLSVILLE COAL, 1 And Manufacturers of • COAL, SLACK*A.ND DESULPIILTEIZED COKE. Office and Tard—CORNER OF BITLER AND MORTON STREETS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward. and on Second street, near Lock No. 1, Pittsburgh. Pa. Families and 3tanufacturers supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke ut the lowest cash rates. Orders- lett at any of their offices will receive prompt attention. SUPERIOR COAL. C. CHERRY ak CO., 'iners and Shippers of PITTSBURGITGAS. TOME and VA3IILY COAL, NUT COAL and SLACE. Coal delivered promptly to all parts of the 'cities at the lowest market rates. Office and Yard—CORNER FOURTH AND 'WAT SON (formerly Canal) STREETS, Pittsburgh. I'. 0, 13011 1992. oc=: WHITE LEAD AND COLORS:ALL OF THE MANUFACTURES OF THE PITTSBURGH WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS. INettinso. STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD, ZINC PAINTS, Chrome Green, Verditer Green, Versailles Green, Chrcrie Yellow, And every variety of Colors, dry an•aground In Oil, for sal- LT HARRIS dir, EWING, • WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, PrT7'*333lUll.oll. PA. JSCHOONMAKER & SO*, . .IPITTS33ILTItGIi White Lead and Color Works, =I WHITE AND RED LEAD; ZINC, PUTTY. BLUE LEAD: McCOY'S VERDITER And all colors, dry or firoll. OFFICE, No. 07 FOURTH STREET, Factory, Nos. 450. 452. 434, 450 and 438 Rebecca Street, and 49, 51 and 33 Lac ock Street, Allegheny. - GAS AND STEAM FITTING. P. L. ATWOOD...AMY:RON JONES J M'CAFFREY. ATWOOD & McpAFFltElir, BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Co!. of Third and 'Liberty Streets, Above Carroll & Snyder's, Pittsburgh. ra. - LIGHT AND HEAVY CASTLNOS furnished promptly to order. atte . bAloq . pai d to the fi tting out 410 re pyairing of uu /wineries. St eamboats, Hosing Mllle; Bc. AGENTS FOR A. S. CAMERON & CO.'S . • Steam Pumps and. Blower Engines. 1 1 These Putnp s have superior advantages over all L'others,and every one Is warranted to give sattsfac thin. PUMPSconstantly on hand. alai:WO JOHN H. COOPER.. ~..JOl3. KATE HENItY BULL JOHN M. COOPER & CO., BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Manufacturers of MIMI'S AND BRASS WORK, 0 every description: dealers in GAS FIXTURES 4.Nis TUBING, uu Kind . , Corner of Pilo and 'Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGH'', znyis:zao , 4 ' FERTILIZERS.' ' TO WHEAT GROIVERS...,. . . . EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LEO, MANUFACTURED BY • . • The Allegheny Fertilizer Co - SEWARD & CAMPBELL, • .ritcatrnErrOns * Wacet.. 850' peini stroti Pittsburgh; • . The bestEertillser in use. and recognized :by Parmors who Lave given is triel„te be the stand , . ard. for raising large crops of W heat, B e,.Oats, . Cora, Potatoes, se. ;We t have published for gratuw !tons circulation a pamphlet containing Interesting and valuable statements of this Fertilizer. coptesa wWch will he tent free to ,any sending us their ad- SEEDS. joaN-a. & A: 'gramma, Nurserymen;Tiorlsts and Seedsmem , , .• eronn-1159 SMITHFIELD STREET, oppOw sitoPost Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. • - H G il rennlioneei at *unsoiled on 541iirrell, mh9 Prx3l l of SHATTER OF APPLICI: Union Building and Loan Association, Of the City of Pittsburg., for a Charter. No. 992, March Term, legis. . . Notice is hereby give. that an application has 'been made to the Court • f Common Pleas, of t Alle ii gh ny County, by the tile on Building - and Loan As so iation; of Pittsburgh, for a' Charter; that an In s ment in writing, Spe .ifying the objects, articles, c nditions, and name, tyle ,or . title, under which t ey have been associate . , has been presented to the Court and filed In the • rothonotary's office, and if no sufficient reason is shown to the contrary, said Charter will be grante at :the' nest term of this Court. . BY THE COURT. 'E. A. MONTOOTIL ' Attorney for Pet ttoners. fe7.1:165( -I[l4 ATI% OF THE AP PLICATIONTHEN of nab R - Building and Loa Association l n. No. 2, of East irtningham. • For it Charter of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given that an application has been flied in the Prothonotary's Office, at No. 38 June Term; - 1868, by the Building and Limn Asso- Mien No. 2. of East Birmingham, for u Charter of Incorporation. which ill be granted at nest term of Courtomless excel) ions are tiled. mbIS:m74M TN THE MA 1 PLICATION of Lower St. Clair Building and Loan As. soeiation, for a Charter. Notice is ereby given that! an appile4tion hos been tiled in the Prothonotary's Office, a No. 39 June Term, 1865, by the Building and Loan Asso ciation of Lower St. Clair Township for a Charter. which will be granted at next term of Court. unless exceptions are Med.- mhla:nl73 , Prothonotary. OPHANSI TLT COURT SALE.-By-By lt virtue of and ' ln pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of• Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. dated March 13th; 1868. I will expose at public sale at the COURT. HOUSE, in Pittsburgh. on . TnunsDAY, April 9th. 1868. at 10 o'clock all that certain lot or piece or ground situate in the township of Liberty. now In the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County,..Pennsylvitnia. bounded and de- Ted ns follows: - Beginning at a post on Main st . at the corner of hot now or late of t!tunuel R chards: thence along the line of said lot north 60 tegress 25 in litotes east 104 feet 6 Inches to land of Phillip Wlnebiddle; thefice by said Winehiddle's land north 465 f, degrees west 30 feet to -a postt thence by land now or late of Rev. Richard - Lea, south 60 . degrees 25 minutes west 104 feet and 6 Inches to a post on Main street: thence along said street south 464 degrees east 30 feet to the place of beginning. Terms of sale finule known on day of sale. • Fur further information enquireof the suhierlher or of. A. M. BROWN, Esq., at No. 114 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Pa. CAItOLINF HUGHES, Administrator of Thumas J. Hughes, dee'd. nthhhinr7m EXECUTORS I NO,TlCE.—Letters Testementary upon the last Will and Testa ment of EMANUEL oTOTTLEit, sr., late of Penn Township, Allegheny county, I'a., deceased, having been issued to the,underslgned, all persons having claims against the said estate will present them, duly authenticated for settlement, and those indebt ed are notitled to pay the ,undersigned, in Penn township, Allegheny county, iPa. H. It. STOTTTER, • • E. STOTTLEIL Ju., rult7:insl_ _ ExeCutors. E x' CUTORS' NOTlCE..—Letters Testementary upon the last Will and Testa ment of SAMEEL ODDS, late of Snowden Tp., Alleghtz , :ounty. Pa.. deceased. having btenllo- Is sued to the untierslgnetl. all persons haying claims against said estate will present them, duly authen ticated for settlement, and those Indebted are noti fied. to pay the undersigned, in Snowden township, 411e:theny county, Pa. JAMES MEANS. WILLIAM WOODS. Sr., fe5:100 __-.Executors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application will be, made to the Governor for the_ pardon of CHARLES B. sTElN,rouyi t iiv at No. 387, Sept. 11367. Sessions. on Oct. - 43. of manslaughter. sentenced November 3, 1887. nth::: • VermLUlon, BANKRUPT NOTICES, DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western District of Pennsylvania. 631. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of JUSTUS ROUSHAUSEN and' GEORGE H. ROUSHAUSEN, partners as J. & G. 11. itoushausen, bankrupts. Water rant in Bankruptcy has been Issued y said District of Penuitylrania, its. A Wa Court a abut the estate of Justus Itonshaus m and. George H. Itonshausen, partners as J. an 0. li. Roushausen, of the county of Allegheny ancl State of Pennsylvania. In said district,. adjudged bank rupts upon, petition °rills creditors, and the pay ment of any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to said bankrupts, to them, or to their use; and the transfer of any property by them, are forbidden by law. A meeting of the creditors of said bankrupts. to prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of their estate, will be. held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at. No. 93 Dia mond street, City of Pittsburgh, in the said district. on the 22d.lay of April. A. It. 1969, at 10 o'clock A. at.. at the office of SAMUEL HARPER,. Esq., one of the Registers In liankruptcc of said district. TUGS. X. ROWLEY, nilinnl3 :Li. S. Marshal for said District. . _ _ -rN THE DISTRICT CURT OF .11, THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE WFST ERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. • JAMES JENKINS. GEORGE JENKINS. ADAM. JENKINS, ANDREW NEISII. JOHN NEISH and ABRAM NEISIL tot the firm of Jenkins, Neish fi C 0..) Bankrupts under the Act of Congress of March 1.967. having applied for disehargei from all their debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court.. notice is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their ,debts, and other Parsons interested, „to appear ou the 11th day of April. 1865 at 2 o'clock r. M../ before SAMUEL HARPER. Esq., Register. at his office, No. 93 Dia mond street, Pittsburgh, to show cause, if any they have. why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupts. S. C. MCCANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. utli=:nlis-u • WESTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, ex:—At the City of Pitts burgh, the kith of March, 11368.—The undersigned licrebv Ores notimAof his appointment as Assignee of BENJA3IIN F. CRISWELL, of the city of Phil adelphia, late of Pittsburgh, in the county of Alle gheny and State of Pennsylvania within said Die triet pe t iti o nas been adjudg Cour tant Upon Ws own by the Dist ict of said 'District. JOHN I. BAILEY. Assignee. militenrnSimi AtCy at Law, 139 Grant street. HE MANSION HOUSE. ric he undersigned beg to announce to their Mends and the public that they have purchased this OLD ESTABLISHED and POPULAR HOUSE, No. 344 Liberty Strooi, And will continue to keep It In the best style. The MANSION HOUSE has over one hundred rooms, all newly furnished In the best style and only two min utes' walk from the Railroad Depot. Trayelers will find this house an excellent one to stop at, and will be accommodated any hour, day or night. ' Connected with the House Is a splendid Hall for Concerts. Families or single per Sons taken to board by the day, week or month, with or without rooms. H. WACNER, • 'mhl7:rna7 PITTSBURGH.- CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPE. AN PLAN. , • ST. JAMES HOTEL,- N05t.406 anti 407 lAberty St., Oppotite Union Depot, PITTSDURGE. JAMES K. I.A.NAHAN, Proprietor, This house is newly built and. splendidly ftirnish ed. and convenient to all the Railroads coming into the city. Strangers visiting the clty will find this a very conVenient and economical . plan. You secure your room and pay for your meals as you get them. The Restaurant connected with this hotel is open at all hours of the day and night. - Balls end parties stipplied with .Suppers at - the shortest notice and reasonable rates., seis:gBB CONFEOTTONERIES. QIUNDAY SCHOOL' •VELEBILA• TIONS PICNICa, DINNER 'PARTIES, 10., furnished with the best • . . . , ICE CREAN, CONFECTIO N E RIES. " • CAKES, BRUITS. &a" ae.. At the lowest price and on the :shortest notice, by • JULIUS c RICHTER, • jeZdnlo Eo. 1 , Diamond. Allegheny. f irsitl W. HO rz • Confectionery and• Bakery, No. 200 iniITIiFIELILEMERET. Between Seventh and Liberty. `CLAD oystEß SALOON atiewhed. . GEORGE BEALVEN, _ . • vanity Matautatturer, _ . Ana dellTerln vorekicis AMETtleAli ritums, PICKLE.ti, NUTS &e., *Op Federal Street, Second door Ittra-the 41. nit National Bank, Alin itheity City.. - . , nity Att:--lite72ltrt —Ffrfee. Address 'll2J3ar Tat)rlfa trAPLe° LEGAL JACOB H. WALTER, Pron. ota is or TEE AP- JACOB U. it ALTER, HOTELS. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. &Jo P.HATOB, REAL ESTATE GFFICE., No. 9S Grant Street, Pittsburgh. f • REAL-ESTATE - AND PERSONAL- PROPERTY BOVGIIT AND sow. WILL GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION TO Negotiation of Loans, Attend to the • Renting of Property, Collection • of Claims, &e., &e. • JOHN B. BAILEY & BRO., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AVCTIONDEBS, Are prepared to sell at Auction STOCKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ac., either on the premises or at the Bard of Trade Rooms. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Sales of Real Estate in the country attended. - Office, N0..66 SMITHFIELD STREET. octi have t. ow for sale several of the finest FARMS In Westmoreland and Indiana counties, on remarka bly easy terns, so easy that any one desirous of buy ing can purchase on time altogether. Call and ex amine fur yourself. G. M. PETTY, mill • No. SO Smithfield street. FOR SALE--READ ESTATE. couNTRy RESIDENCE FOR SALE Ott ItENT.—A large two-story double onto, containing 10 rooms, including, double par lor, with marble mantles, and all the modern lin .provernents: 1 acre of ground, filled with fruit, grapes, berries, Sc. Situated near Minersvllle, at the termination of the Wylie street Passenger cars. Tills is one of the handsomest locations in Allegheny county. and in a good neighborhood. Apply at W. K. lIERRON , s Real Estate (Mice, S'7 Grant street. mh9,, 'LOB SALE & TO LET.--Houses jl2 and Lots for sale do all parts of the city and su urbs. Also, several FARMS in good locations. Also, a Small' WOOLEN FACTORY, with 20 acres of land, and good Improvements, which I will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Business Gouges to let on good streets. Privste Dwelling Houses for rent In both cities. For further particulars Inquire of WILLIAM. WARD, Sa=llo Grant street, opposite Cathedral. FRAME COTTAGE, SITUATE'IN MOUNT WASHINGTON, Within 23 minutes' walk of the Monongahela bridge. The house contains five rooms, kitchen, cellar and vault. Lot 100 feet front b i ; 200 feet deep, fronting on three streets. On the .lot are.4oo full bearing grape vines of live different varieties, with all kiwis of shrubbery, such as gooseberries blackberries, strawberries and currants; also, 'peach: pear, apple, quince and cherry trees. Will be sold cheap. Inquire of STEEL dk WILSON, Brokers and Real Estate Agents, %Ja30..N0. 66 Smithfield Street. 2000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SATE, BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, Am! on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS. For further particulars, maps, &c., address JOHN P. DEVEBEI7I, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, See'y, aul4; ;ON 34;i I F OR FRAGRANT TEAS, CHOICE, COFFEE, AND • 'Pure Mr,lo,st, I GO TO ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth qtreet. OR THE FINEST TEAS F THE CHOICEST GROCERIES, MEIE PUREST SPICES, And the best CANNED FRUITS, PICKLES, ao., at the most reasonable prices, go FRANCE'S TEA MART, 'l3 Diamond, Pittoburgb. mbi: NEW ORLEANS • SUCAR AND MOLASSES, • IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. 550 hhds. N. O. Sugar prime to - choice; 500 bble. Plantation Molasses, prime to choke: 110 prime Carolina Rice; 500 .4 extra Salt, • With a large and general assortment of all ktnds of GEOCERIES and other goods In onr line, for sale low to the trade, by • . ' JOHN I. HOUSE & BOON., Corner Smithfield and Water Streets. ntha:m34 STONE. WEST COMMON . Machine Stone Works Northwest corner of West tommon, AlleghenY• PRZD+K AT VAT.ER CO. Have on band or prepare on xhort notice Hearth and Step Stones. - nags for Sidewalks, Brewery ‘ Vaults. Lc. Head and Stones. he. Orders promptly executed. .Prices reasonable. STONE QUARRY. _ . Stone furnished from the - - , ..' Apollo S .4 ne 4ufee"A"Ye To triter or by the car load, Ma W..!. 11..11. En 111411! . . __ ar ' M. IFSEET/slts malluneo , --: Apollo. Armstrong Co., re '- • - .BrtlncizsAs. CLOTHES.w R iNGERfti• • . hsvantsde arrangements wherellt_we can far- ' nlsh to the trade the UNIVERSAL WRINGER of the Manufacturer.awholessle prices. pa; in eases ; of half dozen. and one dozen. A sell supply at wholesale and retail, will always be found on edm.3.: J. H. rintzuti, felt " fi b and AB St. Chits street. . AMUSEMENTS. , ANEW OPERA, HOUSE. W3f. HENDERSON M. W. CANNING MANAGER. T. R. HA NN STAGE MANAGER Unparalleled success. Full - houses. LAST WEEK OF LOTTA. MONDAY EVENIN(i, March 30th, 1868, and every evening, Charles Dickens' and. John Brous.' ham's LITTLE NELL AND THE MAR6HIONENH. A dramatization from the celebrated novel of the "Old Curiosity Shop," Lotto, is Little Nell. Lotta as The Marchioness. Lott* in Songs, Dances. Duette andparklo Solos. Lotta Matinee on Saturday. far - PITTSBURGH THEATRE. FRED AIMS liwzraGE.B. GUST BARTON STAGa hia:SaGX.R. Still greater attraction. Appearance TIIIS EVEN ING or the great stars, • 3PLLE ANNETTI GALLETTI, Premiere Dormouse. supported by the favorite Eu ropean artist 4. • MONS. CARDELLA, In conn(ectlon with the Monster Combination. Tha performance will conclude with the new burlesque of the . MAID 'OF THE SAW-MILL RUN. Matinee every Saturday afternoon. agrA LECTURE will be deliv ered In the' SECOND UNITED PRESBYTERIAN OEI7EOII, titer. John B. Clark's.) corner Sandusky street and South Common, Allegheny, on Friday Evening, April 3, at 71.3 o'clock, BY REV. JOHN R. CLARK. SubJece...3ollN C ALA 11. Proceeds for the benefit of the Soldiers' Library Association. nth2BinSS PROF. COWPER'S FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY, At his new Assembly Rooms, 51 FIFTH STREET, opposite Old Theatre.. New Classes now forming on - MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Ladies'. Masters' and Misses' Class at 3P.M..,Prof. COWPER can be seen daily, at the Academyror at the St. Charles Hotel, where. circulars can be ob tained. Hall to let to Select Parties. fee2:l2l 11:"'PROF. : CARPENTER'S DANCING ACADEMY, PHILO HALL, No. 75 THIRD STREET, now open for the reception of pupils. Days of Tuition— WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 21 Y. sr., for Ladles, Masters and Misses. Terms $5. Even logs for Gents-TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS_ at 8 o'clock. Terms, 810. Soiree every THURSDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock. I jemiat WL'STERN I DISURANCE COM. PANY OF' PITTSBURGH. - LEAN DER NIMICK, President. W7ki. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office, .821 Water street. .Spang & Co.'s Ware house, tip stairs, Pittsburgh. • Will lezure against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main tain the character which they hare assumed, se of fering the best protection to those who desire to' be insured. DIIIECTOZIS: Alexander Ninalek, ' John R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., • Chas. J. Clarke, Janies McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Eirkpatrick, Andrew Acklen, Phillip Reymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Ihmsen. . n 027 lENNSTLVANI INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH.I OFFICE, 21 FIFTH STREET, BANE BLOCK. This is a Home Company, and Insures against loss by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WAthER, President. C. C. BOYLE. Vice President. ROBERT PATRIC'S, Treasurer. HUGH McELHEN - 1, Secretary. • DIRECTORS: George Wilson, Geo. - R. Evans, J. C. Lappe, J. C. Fielner, John Voegtley, A. Ammon. INDEMNITY Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle. Robert R Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King. Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry Sproni, AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIk. OFFICE, 133 & 437 CHESTNUT NEAR sm. Charles X. Bancker, , Mordecai H. Louts, Tobias Wagner, - David S. Brown, - Samuel Grant. Isaac Lea„ Jacob R. Smith, Edward C Dale, George W. alchards, George Pales. CHARLES G. BAMICKER, President. EDW. C. DALE,I Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tern. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGENT, North West corner Third and 'Wood Streets. rah.lbsviS • ; • St. Louie, 111asottri A LLEGMENY INSURANCE COM PANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 FIFTH STREET, Balm BLOCK. Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine lits'ka. JOHN IRWLN, Jut, Pftsicietit. JOHN D. McCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. WM.. DEAN, General Agent. DIRECTORS: Crpt. Wm. Dean, B. L. Faknestock, W. H. Everson, Robert H. Davis, Francis Sellers, Capt. J. T. /Rockdale. John Irwin, Jr., _ JOhn D. McCord, ‘, C. G. %may, .__llaryey_ . -T. J. Hoskinson, . - Charles Hays; pg 2 : , ITLES 9 INSURANCE COM.. OFFICE, E. CORNER WOOD & FIFTH STE, A Home Company, taking Fire and Marine Risks DIRECTORS: Wm. Phillips, Capt. 'John L. Rhoads, John Watt, Samuel I'. Shriver, John E. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Millet, Jared M. Brush, Wm. Van Kirk, Wtn. r. Lang, • James D. Verner, Samuel McCelckart. WM. PHILLIPS, President ' JOHN WATT, Vice Preside t. W. F. GARDNER, Secretary. .11 CAPT. JAS. GORDON. General Agent. • . WALL PAPER. READER' CALL et , ....v . .novneeoyvvvvweeviseneneee,,eeeownerne I . TO-DAY ) 1 . OARPENTERII & BITILDERS. ligiver.l.lAlME J. DICK CARPENTER AND BUILDER, No. 351. PENNISPLVANIA. AVENI7E,: PPPosite Sigh street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence; zio. 143 Grant street.. Jobbing done with heatndss and dispatch. All orders promptly! attended Wand satbsraction war ranted., - • suM:e47:IIWP r. H. ntrrc•niNsox j. RKPBVRIC ' IpTuurisos & HEPLuirar, HOUSE. - SIGN,ANO ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, GILATNIMS AND GLAZINIIS No, 88 Penno. Avenue, IPlttelbsunglk All orders by mell promptly attebded to. , INSURANCE DIRECTORS At No. 107 Market Street, AND SELECT YOUR WALL PAPERS. JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. PAINTERS. I 1 7: