El . . . Vittisburgij PUBLD3HED DAILY, BY PENNIMAN, REED it CO., Proprietors. r. n. rev xxs, JOSIAH XiNC; T. r. 1.10!1:STON. . r.111:1:11. Editors and 3innagers. OFFICE SAZETTE BUILDING. NOS. 84 AND sp FIFTH, ST, OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Allegheny _ County. Termit—PaitY Semt-Weckly., Weekly. One year......e.1.00!0u0 year.r2.so,t,lgh. c0ny....51.50 One month. 75;1:r. mob.. 1.70; 3 copler, each. 1.25 By the week, 15,T hive moo 75 10 " 1.15 (from carrier. I 1 mid One to Agent. Moti;NDAY., MAR CII SO, 1868 We print on the inside pages . of this morn ing's GAZETTE: Second page—Poetry, Ephemeries, Misee,llanco as.. Third page— Financial Matters in New York, ',Rim, : News, Markets by Telegraph, ImportS, byl Railroads, Railway Time Table 6-e. • Sixth Page.;---Finaneeand Trade, Home, Markets. &tench Page—yin interesting and spiey Aori.!.:ll 7 eze . York, and :other reading . matter.. . - Goix , closed in New York on Saturday • at 188-,1-. Oun:FaItRISBURG LETTER,. always Yalu al ie, is this morning more than usually in teresting. It is worth ieading, •if only to see hoW successfully a Democratic election eering aiidge has been foiled,'lind how shal low are tie pretensions'of that party on the Kent of economy and retrenchment. _ . . WE HEARTILY . ENDORSE the eulogy with which our distingutshed fellow citizen, Hon. TnomAsNirna.r.s.ms, is recommeatred by the Harrisluirg Telegraph, for the -highest place in the . legal counells . of the government. At: an carly.day . ive•‘hcipe. to be- able to re print thatirdcle in. Widah.. our cotemporary pays a well merited Aribute to the proles siotalAbility amtsterlin,g patriotisni of the present Representative. from the Twenty ,. ME=i3====l r fiLtT ARKANSAS has adopted her, new Cfiastitution; is so probable that we are almost inclined to announce it as a fact. Alabama is now out of the .woods. Georgia and North Carolina promise their accept ance by.large majorities. And, in the other States, the ',friends of 'the Viden will. find victory the easier since Congress has taught an effectiyelessonjoihell . 'oppOitents. The experience of .A.labaaa will now serve as .4 caution rather than as an encouragement. ..NTpfrt: 2..WATIONAL BANIS ilftTe found it convenient, if not indispensable; to the ac ceptable prosecution of, business; to keep considerable amounts of-money on deposit at one or more commercial centers, to which theiiieSPective vicinages are tributary. This enables them to sell sight drafts to their cus tomers, in sums to suit, and to redeem • their circulatinit notes without subjecting holders who - wish to convert them to' the expense and delay of sending them borne. On the weekly average of these deposits the banks draw interest at a low rate. The Senate shows a disposition to prevent the taking of this interest,--upon. wbat considerations of lilt blic utility we fail to see. Gen. CAmE rum-, actuated by:long experience as a bank er, makes vigorous oppositiO to the 4 - ' • • ON SATITItthLY- the t Cour of ~Quarter Ses sions of this , county made a decision upon the appli9tion of Mr. Vesniiix- - , a• colored gentleman, teacher of a pubie::. - schoo - L in Allegheny; for admission to its bar, on the ground - of 'comity, he haVirig 'formerly been a practitioner in the' Supreme Criurt.,.of New York, and holding certificate' tri.that effect. The application was denied. Judge STOWZ held that the applicant had not brought himself within the rule of corn . ity, and so could - not avail •hiniself of it. He then went on to declare that all •that was said on the matter of color, when this case was first under consideration, Was altogether irrelevant: - thought - and said so at the thne, but, the Judge did not then agree with us In. opinion. We feel complimented that he has, to that - extent, finally , adopted our view of the case. • • Notwithaianding 114s.isS1°.Pgexpression on tha-Part. of judge.S.rowx, his colleague, I Judge : Mr - LTA-7, 5 , sa)ir-props-;.% g,o . ,"outside: of the in j long and turgid disqpisition upon ._the propriety s of blacks parhcipating with whiies „ in mak ing and trilmiriitterinether.lawri. :- Ilemain fahied that blacks and whites ought to be entirely seiirated in self iction,qad'hence would not grant o, application og ; the ground of comity, nor unless compelled by positivelaif,2i4ideli'lii could nafilisitig c tird. Since he feelt l / 4 110,11Ye fkKe‘xotolorly