The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 30, 1868, Image 1

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FIRST flilTffilt
'~.fI'iY~:O'.CT , ~©CIS.; M.
Conference - Report on the Bill to
Relieve _Manufacturers—Whig--
. ' ',hey Distillery Amendment Ile-
Jected by- the Senate—Another
Conferenee. Colninittee---The,
Bill for thetimission of Ala
S alding's Sitbsti
Adopted by the'llouse;Pro
- viding Pxwi - i'sAonal. RE-9yern.;
ment for Alabama.
Ity:rlerirarh to the ritt,,burgh Gnzette t )
Nirk4sl.traioi, - *SlaW2l4.‘l46i.
. '
The CHAO: ittbMitted resolutions' f the
01. Ohio; asking Congress to
deelate :that paturallied citizens owe no
• allegiance to Foreign Powers. . Referred to
Committee Fe , reian Affairs.
Mr. HOWE presented a memorial of the
Ohamber_ofConimerce of Milwaukee, pray
ing,that thelintrucy expended on the har
bor be refunded. , Referred to Committee
on Commerce. ,
-.: Dir t .E.130341,1Np5, from the Conunittee of:
'Conference on the bill to .cover into the
• Treasury the prOaeeds of captured and
abandoned • pioperty, presented a report,
which was agreed to.
Mr. EIIMIII'‘‘'DS offered the following
IV a...... - 4'.".
resolution, which.. was.adopted : , .. , .... ._
/ti ,; That tlie Pretident of the . Uni
ted Statcs'bo'ieguested :to' conummicate to
the SenateAvliether . he has established or
.ordered•thetstablishruent of any, new 'De
parttnent., since the :first - of .August, 1567,
and if se, 'N - liat.:Dep Irtment or Departments,
and unqQi , yhu , ;,.. tarate or other author- -
ity. - . :.. . •. . •- - - !..
Mr. D.A.I7I'S of'',..r -cl'i. resolution enquiring
' .: -.
of the; Seereta,ry. of .the., Treasury what
amount of.. Enined .States bonds . are out
standing of ;each class; iand.rate of:interest,
and what each chiss was' worth hi:gold. at
the time issue:: , , ' • - - •. . •', ''''' ' .•
' Mr- SI-KERM.W.suggested it would be.
impossible to give that information at a
• ntornent% notice.:`? 'IT I l'.5 3
...... : 7 .
The resolution was laid oven
On motion. cf AfrA,W , ...R,' .114.1. N, the Senate
took up- Ael . t.t.lorti . lof thel Committee on
Conference., : on...the :tel. to release certain
~ phanufactrneti ~•s
• Mr. SHERM"./s,li explained the. amend
-0 ..
Mr: NYE opposed
,the amendment ; for
• " punishing Whisky - --ands.'. Ho, objected to
,1., the price.being. taken as prinut facia. 'evi
4ence of
. guilL on the part of 'all distillers,
.• innoeent:arid guilty alike, and denied the
._ . .
right of Congress to stop a • legitimate busi
,' nesi3 -Without evidenor, -,
Mr. F11141.1,..UCG11M. 5ti14.41i6 I .eitect
of the bill would be to .:lase up' every-'dis
tillery in the country, and.' asked If such
t :)...vasitte mientlett , Mllte...Cainnutteel . ._
Mr. SHERMAN Said the Intention was-to
enable the. Intel-nal Revenue Cominission
. er to deft; oVery distillers in cities.
NYE said the would be to de-.
prive'thr i government ef.any . tAverine what
! ever- from' whisky. zind'lperlialis'tb fill the
penitentiaries with revenue officers. The
remedy lay in anether_directiop. He un
derSlood. it la* preparation to cover
the whole subicet and submitted that it the Vetter:lc . ..loTc the matter till
then, instead of estr.ilfishing ty system of
leffitimate The bill
spies upon 1eg,iti.,_....; bush_ partaite of. political pir.r
was Oppressivend unjust. - I have bekia. right and ,just.. it: if
n ..11itftben
Mr. AIORRILL, of N erniont, said the bill I deemed expedient-to -withhold'-'absolntely
was too strolig. — ue suggested an an - tend: l 4oiri them all a .iolitikal power, and lic.conld
ment low,Ting!4,irt.the discretion of the In- .'see no justic6 - or prOpyiety in :iffy • num
ternal Revenue Commissioner to close 'up ‘ charffing;Coligress with injustice, becatiso it
distillerieeinsteadef 'mandatory upon liim.„ l : said to - tlxose.robels theyshould not oxereise
Mr: SILIXIIAN: said it. was useless to af- I political power unless they sworee - not to
tempt • another. Conainittet--of. Conference.: strip :,.jt from. those nieu-who were loyal
The ladl - Mid becuSfully4 - fortsidered. '- . I ' chirtngthe war, and to - whom 'Congress was. , l
Mr. -MURTON:objected tothe punishment I i bound to extend and perpetuate that right:
provided for thes" - frauds; as there were ex- - - Mr. FARNSWORTH - moved a recess from
'sting laWs en. the Subject. The trouble.,. 4:30 to 7 o'clochYbut the .motion was re- : ;
was, they,were :not' eriforeerl..; He had: en- 1 jetted by. altirge majority. . • -
quireti .at .the :Internal Revenue De- I air. ELDRIDGE then spoke in opposition
partMent 6n - ' the -`of January and' ;to the :bill:: :He .'declared Alahanra wa. a
found -that: there ,had . not been :over a ; State in the 13nien ' Unless the history of the
dozen persons-panishod for these crimes up ; last lino years werd'a lie; unless the war
to that time. ''..9.:hey,miglit undtiply I penal- 1 for the suPpression:of . the rebellion Was a
tiesdnit inatiii itwas trutdea.parsonaldanger. ymonstrottS -- crime; unless every man who
to commit such 'frauds they could' not, col I fought in' the war on the other side was a"
lect tax.,,Ca:ses'usually result ~,in • ecaripiv- .1 .conscions traitor:.; The bill, he said, . could
inisesand ;payment of lines in less amount bejuStified :by no Mannot fillechrithlnfernal
than 'the tax.' . - .Sueh men dared 'nothing hatred of bur Cann br Governinent and not
about the nani6 of fraud: The evil' woukd i detitiri,gl4.4:oterthrow:. 'lt ,tol4oll.tid would
never lia wiretedtilllittv or a hundred of and in blood. 'l%.To man in his senses could
:-.- them had teen serit tojall, instead of being I expect anything...else. Tho white rake had,
- allowed to settle the matter by compromise I never m the history' of ;the Akbrld ,been
the DistrietiJettorney. They should ; subjee,,t,to:the black rack,„The , ,lnadiless or
take it oat of the power or the Inter-1 follyr•of - Cinigr6is' cOuld- serer' con the
. nal Revenge Commtssioner, Secretary ! white inan4o submit, to ..Nfrieart domino
. of the"- ilrasurv. -. 4 t.Fal, above all, i tion or_ government.' %Ile - thud would cm - -
of the Disfinf 'ittioriiey, to' compromise. -tainly coMeWhen.pride of race and blood'
District . Attorneys were tempted by the 1 would notbmok• the dontlhation of the id
law giving them only fifty dollars for every i' feller ntort - =:••Vhon:he 1'7 .. 14 to . people' otthat
couvictiou,lauLallowit,4s:Pbeld4wo Rer cent:
AO, cruifeasloti kit I.ll3 , dBment
for $20,600 or -- ...' 2 7.-0,000:"This -- eVil," if emn
plained of, would be increased by the prop
ositien of the Com3nittee. He imputed no
corruption upon.the Secretary of the Treas
ury. Or_ Internal _Revenue Conniassioner.
They,had not proper opportunities, away
Roan tile _lane -ef action; . to make inyesti
gations. If the poWer of compromise were
Wizen away, however, and a few of those
committing frauds were sent to jail, an
other state ofthings would soon ,be mani
fest.. He read the joint resolution proposed
by him in Janulny . last, revoking this,
Poweraud.making'lttompfib3orY that crim
inal proceedings be carried forward.
Mr. JOHNSON opposed the amendment
-at lengthpprofessing- himself in fever of the.,
!--amrnulment proposed by Mr. Morton, but
assertituc,,ureductifulof ,Itwo &Dims to one
dollar would result in a cessation of' frauiLs_l
and 11911ov:toilpf Alm:go alhoinit of revenue.
'llr. WILLIAI\IB' said the proposition of
Mr. Morton; Vas itconsistent, starting out I
by taking the- gr_etntl - that there'Wore al
ready' ,penaltles , . not carried Gut,_' and - yet
.; * proposing another... Ho hold the true course
to stop these frauds was .a, prOceeding in
rer,.not , a-prosecution 'of individuals ; • and
argued Chat the preSent provision'wa.s jos-.
tibablii,and would be'effoetive
-15 . . •
•-•--• -Mr. large _distilleries in cities
'''jp4rittefa**d for. foreign marlista: Making
a superior and high.- priced article ' upon
• " Which they 'could afford to, pay the tax.
• Mr. Sl7tll3fAN asserted
of Kentucky and Ohio made most of the
'v whisky.expOrtedi- abdut = two .nillilons„ of
gallons. '' • - : '
repeated-there were, largo
tilleries' , in'Nent:7l r ork that i nifiniffae,tured
iettiThe closed
solely:for exriOrt , .. • :Were 'they, to
. up 11 Lxlea.u' soothers committed frauds, mall
• 'their stock 104 on .their hands ins -order co I
allow th§ g4Orpnyl•tti:• orrisEY
on hanffretif tieiiultgr • A '
Atr.,l4WDßl.OKßAeridomnod t e tax as
mid as r being the , solo cause
of, frauds. Aproper tax could be collected,
auefri"tist7WAlity'-corifg vrifdld produce
t• •TagrP rqPnl43i ,quo: JafUVP,f,ifollsrs•
-Ij. :Thefahoula :not tstatb tbe am" that
•• , .
, .
1 4`-- whiiity*i4atilinthver I ;te;tli , hunted own.
;.4 mit the leatteidto whjt.
1214311 ItZI a
LI fl.ll 4110,8 ?
t•• :.?-•- • • • ,• • It
"X P.D., ' ,•! I v , 17.
AtOrV4.,,ltcti'VeA, '
"4: 6 =Vet , ..t 4 4 , 01, WASItr.V . AVS. '
rt - nad been ahnost stopped, and this :Lea- 1 luid•••••£;pnittrds" , ,, and , pi' and • -iteizarxtre t , oleyal-pi. ition.• .s E to T w• . - - ._ _
stare wmild effectuelly.put an end to it. The I ital - 4' brity' tire"' INrell6k tr*'" "tudia.n.t ,•-• -- r=t ‘ ltl'ltiTMC
;.. fl . 1
'tiiet:: . , 1: ..,... , -
true -raw - Wes - to ,. \ iinpOse- such tax Pli
, 11V0 ,11:.113t do tho best wri- can to, j •Tr..s. ithilate 'bo obligJz , ; : iiitier.,T tr 1 I j i '
o i
iil:lnilfnet - turrP..,,.. would feel . WaS . just, I theSo lieterogthfouS elements - 0 ,- ,irrsiticalaitg - "tte4 L ili , j oPr(Is,PV bout , .-. ~ : ,•:,.. - .1 . ,
and Mel ' in ?feller 'bound to• pay. , them into love ot order and a just apprcci- ifiti , l4o ' Olating:t.A.
• jYfr. SI - ti.1i1.M.A...N regretted - the provision J ation of the rrglite ) ,sl in/tn. But not 'I lkfr.. .•••:: t•VhlNSjsaid. sl ) -el./ .1, . .T'O'Ult tit'' , Cll.oCfj•.-Pi.. 'AT.
it , regard' tr.,,,, , - Avitifdizy. frauds had been in- J suppose wutild thinicpf .constritcting a dur- 1 state:tit its, for hilual. . pmti
eluded, •lor , ..which, ili'dwkiiter, neither the ! able Ilf.,publierai State froth Ofther•of tb.ose; or cf Congress to pass tit. ~
Ileusi; rinSermte Were responsilde. It was J inaterials without a jnclicious intermixtut4r.. l o'o:itor ~. 41'i- •:il a u ( I •
LZ 1.--
introduce - a i - ,:i' the urgent request of the Aof glint higlila ftnet Wiliellitittititilt.abiWo • his sett, the Housemen j io vote on the j
ConimisSioner o: fnternal =Revenue, who Stab': - "lirtd` 'tins'a just restidt• - foi••• •• • - lia - i j v , iii3natu'lVesitions:-.L;) , i I': Y ..:.i.:: :-- ..,. :-. ~., '.-.•' ,--,-' - ~ .-) :' ~,
hod told them., be could not collect any . - rights of.all. Ito opposed.. the fiction 011'0 1 ! -Mr: ELDRIDa; nibveif . 6 TRY the bill on,j-TO ; p , .4l.lkabattillk,m; .f7-4 1 ;00 11. , -- '..F*( 1 !!?. 11 7
'revenue fibrit"Witiii..without, it.. It would j ed 1,, 7 7 Mr s .' Stevens, inlPOSing 'Col-fditi9.lls onrkflie.ttlble- --N r egativ.ed-thitY- -i,o , -hull- 1.. ~ cial—Siortili . •Paci,fic,.. Railroad
not °fleet t;'•teoUntry \.--•ditfttlets";l: beans° J the, atlnssion of -tinhama,;and - ' fired aittl three—a strict partytynte•-•: .':.,,-, I ri' ' ---__ .• - • ' ': • ' ' - -"
there the 'distilleries.. could be.4_• , b;)n- ..:itlie'iitluse , :tosiejiel IV, , afte mgc, ...tutkfxii. : ,liig I The next auestien war?. Upon Afr..BING-4:!:•?44.9. 5 .PC- 1 k7.7.4aY 0 9 r- ‘!P!'iPX ° l• oll Pc.!a t-S
trolled; but At--tivioulti , I:fete - at the int-'t ebileagfre, Mr. Spalding, and doifelade'd , hy ! If. , '‘l J. , ll s4) l j ftitikit%'•Vt•6tli't , Tard , re r'-:1 -;--'Freedittwa!s : :,.lllll. - itlgl. - Tiust:
mense-• frauds •• committed. in. eities.,,fle i advocating tl:e pail:lgo of the bill wlth the 1 ticm (fir t.ic bill. The lent, it - was . agreod to I. . soli* l,"al l. -y-.w4.11 , , refix.'Bili--12v...
situ* nothing alarming in the bill,thrit.wniild 1 third:section:struck.. out. : . ~ . • , •liy A I vote. 'on". - 1. - v couzit ''i by thei...S(e;Mer, of l- '- • • .'-, • ,„.• ..- •'-- -- • - •
,Nt - iirk injury, in a couple' of 'mouths, ;When I Mr.t=9):A...WES! *add' lie ..ilad...tb siphon( f,e.,... , •eLQ. 'four to tlajrtv- rein,- the. -Ho re I-' -11!e4c 111 . 1 1e-, 1 1- 11 - TF.!? 11, i ':•. : .... -...- -
this whole Internal Revenue , . matter would the bill with or without the third seeloitir friiilag to ortrOr.M., - frrirs.74llYß3ri j .-" • •- - '--- ~ , 1
' , Ca,- 7'elecrr3pll to.alP 1'it:.... - initgi, k,p,Zpttc.-2 -• ,
forth the subject of furtlt.3r lordslation..; - It 'if he could COs in it any guarantee ofseett- I Th6 j nex-Vittestion c witseiVidr. STEVENS' '1 - ' ' - -t;v: '' '• ' - - fi. ,•' igi'
IST - Ma:TON ~. mre .‘„, ._.e.".,:place-.thie.poiver„Setne , - 1 rity to the..people: of , Alabania. He sup- I iureudqtaiitto strike opt alrafter,..thri. •iirst
where. , He dirt ~ n ot wish . -to ,enter' into it i
.ported tile'proposition' Of , Isfr. • Spahr ng, j.*tzipnitzidintolotytti falle;S: ',..,--, ~.. r•. '. i . .. , ~..rtix -1.1.A.Y ).1 - A o.n.itiqtp-x._i :.
j general - disettssiOn of -- the. - "iinfieut points j which - e(urcii, to the people of Alabamasi • 5t.,,..1..P: And e it f greltf* , - !,;;ri , A-,j,;1; - '111:-tt, I '. The SeetetaryefWar acnt ' c i•.) the House,
t raised, though•hecouldi 4119. A lite,tripposal ,AVerYthir).g#AO:red by the grtginalbill, ,pi- j said State , f _Alabama
j'' of the Senator Stein Indiana was impktand,J.'eett 4,piateatatidtiirt!Uongress..) jiThii State j razed \ and admitted. in 'i t l o lr ' ll iiu.: ,j) ; '. .. 7c ' ie j l ' i l og - i -;, ii9-(1. 4 -i r ' ... . i : c . ° lii, l • n: •ll•Piti.3 i '' . • fi.:6 1 1. , 16.rier• - 11
I - would be nun.atorv. •He appealed for avote 1 should•ilist 1.41 built rip, individual and Per- I upoii, the folio - l A-tug. _Zrut-1 - • -4, - _-m-picle" relative to the recerit eleetiOn in Ala- ..
, ~, . .
j to-night. . '• „ -..-- ,:' sonal - rights .secured; the damage Wrought 1 ditions; pat the r,iiiiii g5"t;'...14itty. 1 44,4 of sift ' On the C'enstitutio. shelving - taint
.of the - tinned - States Pign.lll .ieve, im•l- Under thew requiring, infi›.llal - fthe'regis-
1 After forther debate, the Senate, on nio- :by the - obellic.l:6reptdred,'. and_ stability alltl,
non of Mr. HOWARD, disagreed to the IT- , security made certain.:.. Representv.tl6n , . denied of ..rtb - ridgerlin,rirt State en '1 ae-. I
Idied'''' - Voi6i ' to: es. ..t, their :`deli the Con
port i.)y a vote'of tivoity-three to nine. sltould folk , * and „ir,row of that(ecurity. , couni, elsatt-fontrilason, feicni, or (Alter' . - ' • < •
1 - caz.--Messrs... Iluckalew, Chandler, j r -,-4c.,STEyl , lSig, , --lift,i . ,-11 . 3wItt i - the- 01.ert:.''.3 1 crime infithietts at, cominon .I.IIW, and uf_ ! •iitititilert l.s nOt'rittified. 'Tie (leek , not'favor
Cole, Conkling, Davis, Dixon, Edmunds, 4 daik It11(1. 1 Spoke - afistmkgiebgtii. -'it e- Yekl ! Attfc
. .0( a vc providel for shitil lbrever be I. the immediate :admission GT; the: State I)?
Fessenden, Hendrickk, 'Howard, Johnson, ; now, as he had at thetinte of the admissiontt'sri. ivetrial rd impartial. :1;1(1 Congress shall j .Con ' but- -4- 1i r refer: seeing tho Cott-
MeCrecry, Morrill, ( gross, 1,, At r •
... . .
'Vermont.) Nye, Rani-
~, of West \irginia, that having conrity . s. , red jin . o vONVii •to atnt.ul arty act of ihe Sts.te, in .. I , ~ , • '
sey, rattersoxi, (New tianipshire,) Prdter.r . I the''• 'territory" from • aitOther peiver - - ! - k ie. - lti. , :m. - 4
.... t etnieot - iiila j sOi7 this with re-•jr .t ° nrl9 ' l-ret -' s "' n ' }- ' edibrrey`si ' n- • °- • fi r 144391/ " .•
son (Tennessee,) Tipton, Trumbull, Vint t 'had the right ti - treat it as sash, and take ' cart -io ;•1 frage Rod may c....-rulitte-•-th. 3 ..l.stituticuirto,borsubthittod to tPf..!/.?130P1e Un-
Winkle,-Wiley and NVilsoil-23. - ' :itin or keep it out as we pleased., The only :in rt. 4. Tn. .fse•Etteh al:ter:tilt:it of the right, ; ttiemev,-„law. , . --..- , ..,.....f... -.-.... :
Nays.—"Afessrs. Cameron, Cattell; ' F
re- • question here, altlunigh' thit...2State luta ; .:S suffrage t.rth, Stine cl Alabimia ewer b3' -.'.' "••-, , T 4 ~( .:, 4A ., ., , . . , . ,
liughuysen, Henderson, Alorgan, Pomeroy, i notr ii:•ed -'9.P . J.1.. ttbi the C - .'YereAltir.ll act, , :i-litoduckl- , - ONF:.,..thc•-•ilitivnrsabritfrit.lorein-' f' , , ''':- ' •'. '-- -' - • •- ' - 4 . - '''. `-', .
Sherman, Samner and - Warle—O.; ' 'is are •sii.. later,:iiell lo — adinif. j her " pet- ,o ,4itterVovi _itor;' ,- alrieft isliat lot. iiklOvittin- '•• 'rho fractional currenoyissupd dttruig me
I week nmennted to 5113,,Ci1: Alt.opett, *in.,
lir. IIfISS, who -would have voted no, j Plc its -fit to associate - With free- j :mid :Same :SI all be nu 'l and ; - 6.1.
a ~, ~, of.
..; . ‘vh , illi sci syri , pi . t.. 1 Tile iee ,, ar ,,, 1, . i ,.. 5. ,„. ;i . ,; t.,.. ; ,,.. /,e ,-, , .... i .. bi . u, . ,
,', 2 ... 4. 1 0 4
i l ,. .. ) 7. l l l l , i t t i ed b .S: l a i4 tes
: •1 11 1, 0 1 ,, t ,.. ;s sh is lp ,q p i o e cie.-.? ..., ,.1.4 7 -, 4 0 : ... 1 , 7 6 :zi
"or: , ‘-' :mired -with- Mr.: Norton, and Mr. , men,
'Ultayel-,1".-11,1 - Wriiltl have vete(' no, was also ' thize , i , will'i •:- r;?.bals••- Elm'. - they -mu' il' ' - '
1 . - adect...„ ; ;.....-
... ~, , ~, ... . ; 111).Willing• t.e . • let_thesje actor men into the j Thc, , 111 , 1tii - .11 ti , (l, i ecuri cat iiii die , - , ti- .ti arni.iulifin'isculati-(r. . 4 : ,..) ., f,t,:-.4t1,.r 6; fra ction
- . IT-* g_
'- ' -' "" " I.l:tc . " - , z !' , 1 ,- -, .1 , ~-. l' • •••,T,T - 7 ,- ' •• - • . lal aurreny clestrged„,*4l.y,oia; rece ipts oft
The Clittirrnati appointed as a new Coca- _•111011. 1-Enrigiii - er.T N'''lutt is that Caro- ; Litt- , n, - -- ",SP4 t'arit.;i_' , - •r. :- . .h , , il'i. , j . • r‘i. ,''' ',.--- - . - - " 0 . '''' ''` , I ' eeeir e. t .' ' '„'" ~. .. •.
- ' ; internal rP'venne I'o' fisral 3, , iir to :Late ;_i-itt- i '3X.I.NIFX•!.6*TO PEOM N'A'l , o2.l , ey'c-l-Trtr, ta -- 3, - urb
rnittee of Conference Messrs.' Shertnan..•. l .tutiort? ft is that evet-y inan of stlificif.nt •, 1 , :',1. xil.'.lllll - w - i: •.-- s, • . - I• f' ... - •''
_-, • 1 4 ...--
lloward,and - Aiorterti I "--,..,. 1..;; : i
.1" -:, :'. age. tu - laty-into .?ti:. - ii.s; slii - di ': be entttle.ll.l. - ..1., r 3, 1, .1. 11_11I. Li c.' ' .N,ii.;. I AAA(' :1 f 0 'l.. ~Ci I 55°,4 ! ! .` , • , , . ' ' , : -..* .°73/X " E ' •'- ' ' •
Mr. TRUNIBULT, called. up the hill to , vote at the election. If 1 were certain t:ati , t•y t'''.'".i.ottic.n of ...`.11.1. :ma, -vhi .ti ....a., • l:1.. 1 sOit'i'lcr.N.oiVto 1 :-11-1.1:0-` , 1 , l'i:o..b:"X".1• . PAuts, March 29 . ..:-It :is'..unclerstriod--.• that
relieve the political disal?ilitips of lloderiel: those whoihtwe-
perjured thetilsell - qi I mit:,, , i 1' •,. rt•ahl , ail , ' a 1.•••• .'.i.., I,' ~ p le in t:te . :A delega`pcin coilstitili of V. D. Ogden,,l'EtnperorNaooleon is enge,gcd:in preparing
D. 13utier..49.TeinuAtee.a, 4 ' .4'
ant. .. . , ~ .. .
; and attempted to Irc . ..tdc clown this aloriou.; ', ei:. - • , -ien ~ , 1 ~,, I: ft cl i •'-h- ..ef Chke„ ,,, o,,.lnAge:ltice, at 7,10.ine, the Gov- .1 in import manifesto in
„regard to ..the
, 'Air: DUCKALEW took the floor in oppo r }-r.oo4,*wonrd „11V , a:atiod - dizildely. : EthPfloik- , t , rwK;, e - . 1',1..:i.5 , 1.. - ca;; •dt,clorecl to ; hf. :he ' ernt.r tif,llinnOtotif.":Md. ont'''cir. two gentle-. I foreign Belles"or his •gtlvernMent.•"The
••sition, bnt yielded M a 13x,0ti0n. , . to „adjourn. tr:tei,.:m;.l not .iitfcfnptlititifer t; cl,;:sti or ia, -,* , - ,rlR -- n , ,i.:4. 4 . 7 1.1%)1 - I• nrtiyisit• nal ' men from thk'ariffihrai-evinceS, ivere be- I ,docnment ht'epec tea to appear 'about. the
cand the Senate adjourned till ".Vond ay at .if we admit .t hi. 4 -terrible. koven. • gly. - tr...lters M 'Atc ~e , - pie ..,r A:ttbarno_ so 1 - f;,,re, the' House Conirrtifttelrin Paellie„Rna- ' l"lsth preiiiiiiii: .. - _,, ,
eleven o'clock.- •-., - ... • -•; .. -- - sl,oulci' net "Icesitate. ' There a rc , in.. , tar :..i ;.'it.: ....uric iril - r:r n ~ i ,ntii, . i Ns ith thii ;-road to4lny, and-made aniwgite - tent in faver'l ''-•lt'lis' `estimated by the . Minister of 'War,
''''' -,%. = ' - -- ' ' forms,: bo,opiissions,, that , woultl kec,lt t :tte.
•' Xo,r,' ti'uti.,ll, ty4.trays yf itn• i tilted States.' 1- rr the-e,onstincrierv,6l rf ui North •Pnelfte, 1 Marshal Nell r that since the ne3v armr htw
HOUSE OF lIEPRESENTATIV Es:. '' frinit 'lit.ltititting t t lit Ilt inf6 - titel a
rinilx - . , . ' - . , UV 1. ,- filr':ilr F nt'l ea ' "3/.. -- sni ii - oi..4 , tiorer;;lttil,, : railroad , .. - ~. ~, .' " 7,,,, , ' ~, ',„, r '" ' has b een.putinto. operation the Guard 3113- •
Mr. y.ILSON prosented resolution , of ' ) lkcet • I imfess.l. ii'tv,o. toy- daul4ts, I oat c . , , • ttc• 1;it.'4,, - 1 44',4,41na1i fy. its. prpr hied, • rt ,, , ,, , .. 1 ,,,,, 4A ,. , . ; , , ,,.. e55 .,„,,, A . 2 ,_,,,. ~,,,,t , ,,p ~,,,,,„,..„. ; ,..- d i bilci of 'rrafie f y'has been' hie
, ret t sed' f6 . p i •e ,
. sum . ' for it; rts' to-- Whet'lter vildr w• - • '-!.an ;t ..o id ("_'• - A - tal.itulirii ..viti tin- rr i ;;r•-,e••, of - • - ~ hundred thouSancl, •,' - e'f-%-' , '-'iiv't-•' -
, ,
the loivit. 'Le cislat.u.'re 'hi' reference to 11... s
"have admitted them into the Tini 311, :MO I I . - ",.., ti. ::(ifrifo6.oll, 1:1.1 1..! ,, 11C I' it" i -0 ... ' err , .
The - 'l‘.;ationta Ftecaltiien's• S.avings and
, 3loines Rapids and. Canal Sc',anip , len,l i'se- ' ter te-ritorrow's 'sun shill have .et , ircl• , . ft•-:z,ite- tukon ti:- lisc•f•• ,,,,, e er ti ,:, -c-' Trust Celppanyitas justiitiblished. , an an- - -, GMI3 , IANI - '
lectierns:- -•--- ---------- ----- ,------ , th em , they will not•be ready to cal: -..•.t snertik.,,,,P;:!fn^i,....'4 ~ ..1 :'', , ‘), ','l' : '.. ', , . , Mini' report, fiCirii wltielt tvappears-dts total 1 tt:-.. , ,-., --.- , ..,, t . . ....,-..
1,,1, - Afr:NA',lC:ll_oll,N,o.fiNligSotrii; iiitfoducd eonv ent ion anci to re-establish sla,. - i t- \ !-, s E ,i. '.:',.
..t.,,/ h .it ;•.• ,1,..,•
~ „ . . t , a , - I i, ii i i . vdeptisits.since Mur.*.h,: 1665,; IrMll l'G': 'WM •, - A' fl-iiI,I , .:SS . I.AN 1'!.10,T8,1,2`. ! . . ,1 4y 1 . -4•141T-t).t T .)
twO bills amendatory of the present nal, al $ 0,3- I t'stiape o'r forna...lVo Ice ice ,vvvy ",', ) . ...',.. v•_ , ritor ttt rtly - tfr•-e. after 11,., shall 1 6 ,, (1 nal- , •
I:ehu . rtered, have bee,t ;$3,552,387.,, :Micro ye- 1 ' "linni . .ix,'Afarch 29.-..c.nti r it'usSitin , riots
regulations. Referred to ilhe Naval Com- ', the ingenuity of thesc.• :nen. We alxtliote,; i,t,, , , ~,,i •,,,,., , - c , e „ zerci l vt , th e ~,ihr cit t a, ..„ o f I ,milts on i19p05it:, , ?4,3t1.:1 1 9. ;:fine mott . ey,,de- , , have taken place in the . nerthent:_part of
I mittee. -,....-, ~" ..]:- -.4 -t,.' , I,t te i , ii -'' shwery, extent for ezinto, hat I haw 1)- n - tilt.. ;hulks of his 01.1.1.:c, i.--at.Y. . y . t , r „,-A,,,,.. :._ posited rc.pre.septs, part "of
,ree, savlng,s; of i Bavrtria. • Crowdsgatitered at Several-places
Mr. JUDD introduced a joint retolution hiforined ,if two c,l<test in ,witicit 1 tier cor..-. - ene lbe i.,egisiattire c; , ctscett I'4 Sllelt the freed: c.010 . .-Te. : l2 , pic' Witliin tic nut ;. aud. made violent. demonstrations against
i ill refereage, to .the. rights o,f,„,L'nited States i" itioxl TWet.l)7liffirr Tlithi* Fits`- ,,- rb, , f)(l - 1 , ,g.c , t t ,, •ti ,- .11. - . - ann., the . Legislature t.-. nen I, t . " -0 . 3 - ir .r4. - • ;.- ' •• •
~ -
_.:. . , . : Pytissialt influence and Tinton
,_yt'ith , ,the
• INT.Vr. i.tilikkr , , r rut ‘.... • \ orthern Confederation. •- ' --I. • i'• •
citizens abroittl;7 , ItoferiedLto* the Foreitztr, 4 .1 . 1X , 1-- trre-' -new --serving- In- .ii, - 1 • 1 1. c. - t,onk , Ile, -11-11 ea, c r,, , ' 1 ower. ; • . ' • ..-, : ,,-. .; ~,.. '. ...- .:, .! '
Committee. eilne in - I":lorieta,
• IN'lli 4 11 our Cott it tli , "- i.• './ . ci: e n't I I`l. ?rid C . , :) , St itlli !Oil , Wi .. 1k 1 .7. I - The :9pelling ,Speccii by ucliellll. ruttier t , .
.. '.-.... F-----.40------- - , •
1 - : Thei : liouse, l , consideretithetifill to admit , sinner of.tlilleeditteit'itt' ;itureau'inforrord2lifif). -'notT,l . 'W . !:.n.iir,',...r3tOrifli ,- ;,-;" -,v,ith , / te-morrow, oxi behttlr'of :the T.ri - tPeaclnaient_ ',-, ! • SOUTllitif STAI r ES: ' 2 ` l '
l Ali.l.l;ama to representation in Congress. ' me he lied seen six of titian sold for tvioltyl-' , ..lir -i - , - mistitltittrr ctntrid;t-s: - of fite - C flit,. d ,', Iktanagers, Will - ocetipr three 'hOnit. ~Ile
:kir. ..I..SIILL'I . , of. Ohio offered a substi•-• •,ve•trs iietv do they do it ? 'They r.ros ~. '• - ttutte. , ,..; Ind the I,etrislature is i•erelr.- for- ; will'irtkO nplifrikidei'and obinttiOnt Cni each. ' 1
lute, and Mr: 10ERR, Of; Indiana; oliposed, I . litlc that Inc num guilty I r a.?, , anit ki,Ji..,,i- , i her tacit 0-. , . - crea t.> sg.i„irl• 1., r. , -.,;.c.1 C. 3. AStiill- . -'of tile . .„artiele..4., after witleirrthe ..Ikfan!t,gerB [tty 'ci:,, t.i the i!ltr,sbarall..qtt.....eig-?: -- •
-the bill. • • - - ' tery s,hall lie sold into sir vel7,.- for t•,venty ' t1.. , :t •tollhajelatal*e& 4 , 0 Jetik , k '=o1" 1. 1 .111..ttna !• will present thcir Wiir. , _S.S'ti,ttin (I.IIIIV - titter 1,,,, _ .• . ?-.° 1381 * - - i •i_ 4,_ -,. 1 .,.. 1 _ , .
-,' Mr.• KERll.„deelared that Af the Stite of Fps its. - Iris's a..l.arcrlye ec - .1 - 4py% r:lll'ic,'S' 11 ,-, it' r ry.tlfir.nilo.nt at our:t thr.e. or lit-tes :••••, 'lt : upon_the trial...: .•- ~ ,-,' • -- , ',i .• -'.,. • ,:` *,' - :.'N'lvi; OittEANS;' - lklerich - Tile2B.•: Detiao-
Alabama '"i'as 'admitted inttl the Union on.- Ciftto thbtit-feehl-Patift- tVit :44te-tuallt -jeSft I. .r, ikte y t (Ai gnats:, a - Wl:geld" I. , ..,gi,htLitr -i. - . also i..:- _. E m i t on : I. , ,,t i tr t iii,.. i nir,44k. :- -••. i erotic State Central CmiiniitteehaVing bon
der such a law, and with the shackles which ; bi tt el.: ‘, or a Mach man
•I nstie " ' • r-Ir 9"" 41 1 - '' ''''r fi li z 531;e --P4-7 ''''''!'" f'-' Th 'CO - ftidite'Ottli ietkiroliktio, f's::,pr - ei ar •I• L 'd ' d.'th impending -- "'" - 16t1" • "'h
p - 1 , 11 ere e e On out e pro
the last section imposed on her, she atever . white ,ne, he !•••:, laltext • 21,a It;. 'tiett.' l o.'hil•it Pith Otttl ..2`e,il: ttut":"tit - ''A frain.-,..... -.
Its t' bill 3l :AkillY- TO thd` ' ' n la ' Um: of,(' ‘ - •
bould stand up in the family of, ropiablics to the court Itettse, ~ Is conk .!cte,..l - -ct t”,,- ...aid l'onvetitien. .....- - itit •it v.itlion . '„1" ;• ••• - g r • • -r: , 2r i t '''"`... r - - • std 'it:6V • constitiithin • cirid', , for : officers
- ''n 501100046bettlsedOXItitlipt0 utents-tand therm Cr.nder, submit thatalleitizensSytikpa-
States. :•31.1e would coinelfitly, rho brandlolf i veers ilito slavery. There are hunite.i4 , ao,tzProakoi&itents -be.
,•,... t .. 0 ,. 4 .i 6 .,,,,1" •,, y t , r l 6- ,censtraction:nf haro?nrintt rent'pr . 7 : x
s., ` ) . „.1 gtizing-w,iththe Democratic,party, , stim are
dooradatiott ca Itor,end yet t,hckytiviffe, told I vests
clay in the 1:;:oullicrn States wilD ;err , .l.' st ,, le cure char ' , Lail tiel,e'tirid en -eparati. , - ‘ th° ''''"' fit ., rs. ' ''• ' - ''''" l. " -' '" '''.."'' ' " ..-• .
, ioititletr - lind re&teredto do so t voteagainst
r , i. , - ' ' ili t.a , '....4 , ......... ..1.
th/S 'vas to be a - gpve.exnent - Mbfft** - -- rAtk-,..m0-- -,0•....Y.%.- itt illSt . ,§ll.o-DW:, - .1%, , t , . , r- a t - .,u Lot in munoctin”,witlt thio Cor ,- .11‘..ue.c . I . ; •
,„!iE .1 `; - T,..: - 4, : e n-4 T - i ~- , , ~ttlie,adoptitell' Will the' Conistittitidii,•;iind
form. It - was‘a governitiont whiellt.lie pee-, ' tlieV \•e - se alleiCt titellw‘therllttOlivtll, - .401 1 04.160 ,0- -"` - ' 't -
Itil'lril - ,f_tiosn.9.PreS)..t.khi_.Y. he re- ;recommend tilikt , the.p,Tesfintineamnente of
ttifs , ** - . .....
....4 -
ple - of Alakuna - „despisud, which they
loathed. Which thek o rseeted in every-w4ly
left to tfieinilifiriilitary
to eNpress their,feelings. He then eritioised
various' poitioris of the bIiV
PAYNE spoke in advocaey sl of the
bill, replying to :some of thri objections
made by: Mr, Kerr. He thought it a favor
to white .rebels that, they were allowed to
-take of - -litical power at all. It would
State, `icimicieus Of.the alafirrolig inflicted
on them, and conscious of their Upd-given'
t - it rength aft' their; riglits'46 life ifree, e would
rise mid drive intotho sea the African rulers
placed , over thembyCongress.
Mr. WILLIAMS. (I'a.) stated ho should
vote ag,ainst. tho bill. Ho did. not believe it
e:-;sentiarprjtvise to"mnpel;tltepeople of Al
abama to enjoy the privileges of the Union
anl share in its government against their.
will. If there were any. 'considerable num
ber of white men in the South who had
any. sense of, contrition, they had
done, beednie of that' feeling of remorse
which swayedlho heart of Satin and his
peers' only ,because „their_ enterprise had
failed, he hadnot seen thii evitlence4.l)f. it.
He did not believe; compelling these in
corrigible delinquents!into , Ant association
in power with a peopile they. hated and ,a
government they had. striven to overthrow.
Mr. BINQIIAbI spoke in advdeacy of the
:.bill, putting it . the.aiiona that if yoitean
, not got albyeet i wisli f you shmild get 'all you
can. . lie thoitleiti3inicient restrictions had'
been imposed- tan,hp..... i people, of tn
Therefore he was:opposed. to the third see:.
' tion. .It Itasiatithbrithiedrieither by the hiwi:i'
nar the constitution.. It was the, right of'"
the peorld to alter or'arnend a their Constitit
:tion, subject only to - the tcnistitetieri of the
iJni ted:Stat'es, ; and they eetddnOtbe depriv
ed ' of' .that right.' The Apferican;- sys-
tem would -be a •Ibtal , t ,, TalittrO, .11i,
the ,people c could, not he i tyristed With - - that.
right. 'There Was no - 'erilothible'' excuse kir 1
attempttlgvmogratftitsclirt a provision on
the statute hoOkS.'reannot shut my eyes to
ithWgreat fat i -, thlit , . , thisrgetrerntitent was,
built byw rn
hiteeni - on ideas , that'were pas
'ettlitirtfiermee; - that-tittr pretionttnatingi
element i. , 3, AZ tilbl ifitito, and there is no ,
'reqs..P l' . - ."
_ .
_eason to rmect that in the long: ildure it '
*tilt iNer . clut
tavlr.g this lie would no be
atidt:vitai:.'alt tA -disfratiohiso>‘,the jw
!Weal dghts of any race that
Ado 'fiirttitio': casthad: ours,,shorW'
whether: it .1):3:. the-:driabi:Afrleani : or tlik
other or raoreAurbulent one that-comes by,
ship load:: with ftri'old world ideas and anSiti
repOlipin•ln,stincts, chiVela*ngt,,pate. to
ffirAozaillui and feedtthe.wasthig.reservoir
of the so
orteAn :W e
4P.,d04 1 1v1th,, as we have
- 141410-- L 141* ''9 14 1 4 "17. 0 A klr'ilA iiieqt
intrcilucet; It sybtent of pconkre.c.ts: 14m.,...4.... 4 - •••‘ , CIL .• er I L'e '-''' Lc' ,• • lit TkWA tt rtll V• -141: •. 1
NvorsofAiorn - in Mexico or the:ott tiler!: ~.), 0.-- ' wt_t n• - ..c- flir,.*.imle. 1.7.- f:. to.a!orit3- v.lte of \ftlY
iners..tmi ya what shall V c do? V. - t - olusi th.•,, L:dectl,lS a- AIARII.IO, c,'..l•litie,' itAtler .', -- ---
tr..- to sliztokle them in some Ttayi o , st ; ••ct ot Congrtss of Arnrcit 2.16, to - N.4,t, - . - ; i",::)..;
vil:ile 1% a are admitting titcs . white rocal, . •ICA. ttaLtS to i'orro a,5.. - no,itott., - ,7,. to •:, actu- . ,•
we arc securing the, poor ignorant Kle , it : ally .. - oting oh .!LA • - ratiritrzi-lTh, &101 l - sitti(c[,..,..);
irte , t-frorit their .-in-.. - It , .T 1( ile , : li. l 01- titrition sttbniitte•l ns ali,re:•-,:-.1,1, ano
is that I have niovcti to Nt lik o
e ot to a'Lt .- , the i.,egisltttite• - .oC.tifft.prOpesoll;. - Eltato of
the first section and insert in ;is pitb: , :.,n.. sliall hate attoted the vnleml-
I think ill he o • )I.:q. hacl ' - ntoncl to .IWedittitittibtv of.litle .51.. -- Titto4
- ---
whac I think Wi. 'e a. conipl:::te shaci:ie. ,:tem. 0:.-. ........critittiOW.-ef..itlieHfrti. , • -"-- rcf—ra ii tO:tio , r ift s, ' l'ir . 11'e' ' elf '—'.
' : :-: t ' r e- --, -' ' '`' "'" '''' ""'"'" '- --- - --
Rut the proposition of the'-genthinia'n fieol . S. ilt , t • pr0008:...d. - by • the - tiiiriy -ninth. .:'on I ` . ..7 3 . T ... L '''',.- n , P is, ,- 31,1 , ,i . , •a 1 ,,.,1 (1 5 , ` 77T.4 4 I : ;' . `'. f. t .fli ' '' t • e - ' 4 ' s k a i es :l.. ord tz i riconeerding,Gen.4intleeiekie•refusalto
Ohio, (Mr. Unchain) to strikeout tbs. thi:d , a-ess. and known ilk 'artTeloll•iiii, the Cori- a Military Commission for. the trial of
section. is :di, rtintst say, in the interest r.;,4hutiort , ilf o..l.filnuriry,pi4v.. !. i , o- .prep !: lll.-ci I Marshal-.:YesterittrY. selzed-the distillq'y Of 1 eitizenh' in ' Texa.4.'"The lettOr covers - two
slaveiY - . ;I-raving offered toy. morositith• ..- ..0 -, 'ol4.tress iVr. - .lM'approville U T. Farris, and :arrested -its. proprietor, i columns of •e/ tYpe;•!altd. , is , :coinmented
try to !select, if possible, the frerdo , co , Sr.(' 4 - 4.'; ' 6: - -'t tii: • ...- •"/ -- : 1 i . . .. . .
.• - . , fern:::, -.I --(4-1- -/ . 1 .7 ) " . .- for distilling WltllollVheenne. , . . , • -I.:1-tPer,favereh1,YbY the 043'71:tr055.•.:; •' , I
against the wile.; 01 .11e niosL oi:ekect °n-ti -Di „trictCc..nunanacrs'slaiii. furnlsh :,11 no- . • . . '
tution that Gecl - ever indicted min - with, :,r • • &. , ..ary lit. enforcing this itet :Ind the .1 The s even& trial of IMaither,7Netnoeliediti i: • : •:, :,• '• - 21{,p1cFr.,Qtfitil„- ,-''•';
JACRSON, Miss., March 28.—1 n the' Con
ever emlil exist through the per.-;,:,]',tag. r 3 fot t itTl t -Ao„ ; , lap, 4e i t ot, r d , :0.).. „,,,, ut 0 - , • for -the murder of Dennis .loyle, thir- ! _
~ ,
tibli of,,lnnuan - ingenuity, i 'NIP 'to e , . - itle for a I:filch-id -*over eineii:(,. for I -reel', ' months ••igo, I VOLS - 'cone-W( lo ,d Tester- :
v o x fu ,,,. , c onsl i tta i,,,, , 1ii ,.. 1 , - mlle ri i, ; €. t B lat i..,,;"•,- . ;,..ii c i_: t ik, Ea i i,„,,,,,,,,i, :_,,,,,„ day, and the • jury- . ret urinal a , verwet • o f,i . 6 V i. .e .u ntion i to-dayr.,the."J.utliciary. repbvt was
does no: give univet hid and 'nava , : tot i - , - ) r.r.i.l iiinetniatory theri.or, Atall reinain ..nmrder in the Orat
.degree. - • -, :: - ,-,'. :I '; in . ak ilT ni el . , , ,p c !) ., ..;ll .)r ra ogi .; ,, ,. th Th, l4 e. , .C ll , c on :o v i e z r o ti e o e n t.
„Haul, its 5 ),,iltiliiil ,li ra: .lil,-,,f 1 ,3 1 f i we i i n
~,vd - t i ., , , , ,,) , „; . i . ...x e, i ii .
,„ 11 ,, irr: , difiect
of . ,t3. l:o ,i rk 4.o li n itisl cp e u il t resu ain R.. m a e u d r o oa n a lit ir? O s ,ex ,x t h ex:s p i
j o a n. ,
Alai suffrage, • and for an adjoUrniriont. ::,- : •., -..- • 4-.. •
, Tho Missis.sippi Central Rallrorul..propose
melds can, that proisfon fdrover:nPultei:l4 ' , i' ,., t!-.,!.t tf tUltntii ..-tl%.:'l , l.4iiia-,FiiiA , ll , --i•= F:tiireit
, . •
hie, ineradicable in the instruir,c7it, 23 tilVt . t', 1 (Tr esin - r..atir--.1 in Ceng.ti•ss • Allen,. tintl the 'ivill. be Completed to a
1 Infr'orr trid line Of that• Yoltcliwhen'thir -Con
if ever taken out by the roots it shill! ;oh( '' ' ' ‘ " ' " - 1 - i track
''' '" . ' b- t ' Ice,l..te pass, free of:eharge,,t44.-digegateresid
i-tiie voto - .oh :, - .ohs,,anii ildvs 4 l'Ann. , Pnihe - !Ns sSI,PPI;Iver. 'bet W ho.
NVitl/ it -every Other fragment of. the bistr , :- I 1.1:LI rt:'::ifltc.ifit` ---- \! - ;.litg. I.:•-•„.',/ t iti...,;:,-ii tt ; ,;;,!;---.' 1 - I , llnO tr'''T DebOttlher.
inent. itsi - :11, and send thoin liaeli.: to 1-, ::,.;_ ;:1 11 -,,,:,: 1 r. A s 1 . ,,L,,,:wii; - - . ' '''.' -. A_ inrgonieetirif,""ofWerklitgineri wahleldl•ventien Iltkioltens.'
rording to the provisions of a Hatt 1.1., :„ , - y., t •-,, c _,_ - ,‘1,„.,,,,,a-r,, A n - K .,,,;•
. ‘ ii it emi . ) ,..
~,,, ...4, -1 if.,, .; . 1 itt the- • t„ , ou -,. llou e last-111,U, at win li.i .. .. ,-, „ . ~ „iii , --r7-:-..: ft .: :,; ... ,„,i,.
... Mr....1)07,;TWEL1. argued. against • tis• ; , ;"N , --:,- . .,1 A.siitriv. - (0.0 -Iktken "Ij...lldr:in, I Hon. Alex. Campliellanthrohn Hinchcliffe, 1 NORTH CABPLINA....,
fni:incliner:Coffered *IT:: ' 'fir. `Storms.' "tiiiiti;:s - ; :Seattle, ", ' a lii ~,., - , ,u , 1 ; 1 ; 60308n, . oi . Illinois, aud.-others-,spoko, and resolit- I Wm:ill - Nom:N.:, ~.Ih- t reli 28.—th.0. 'Censer
objection to it was that it 7.voul:i win, to , Cho 1 ehi",,y f.ii t irite. Caur 1 ., ',Co o k, .co vo d e ,-,. t•loini: were adopteitl, favoring the.passfige of vatiVe Convention at' Tlimbertiiiiyehtortiav
suffrage women and ;:hildren as v- - ( , ' :•:1 i• , ..7erttm; Palres. Ilixon,'Xiotlito,.,lirlggh,,Fek- ..( 7, en"..rarers bal.'no‘v hcfore - Cohgross,- and:: ..nominated.Thosi,:"Ci,Faller;lif,CMsdaOrlanct
the 6:•itablihinent °fa nni forth Ourreney. , fon congress ? ,
•,;:,. . • ,„_. ...: . ..... .
men, . , , : - ' .- . . ~:', - ' : ; MY. t'Fogicistoff, ,Flllet, Irerrrl., . : ;3erry Ifal • .,
Mr..STEVENS thonghttnnt" tt 113 not a tan; i i•70v.. - : •Iliiivkins. - Hill, - 11,7,.fikins, !11ue..,; .• The eiLse ervotillair;''fdr:abobtfrig' Isaac I . 2 . -"ii , LL-- _.., -..
•VIRGIbItik. 4 ''
construction of it; hut he was viThrof ii4 l - 1 ter ? fugersoli '" - ,l'utild7 I Ittilittli - Kelsey, ; l‘r.:lltitifindheicoWliidhig :atilt "iifOW•oven- I
change the words citizens of the "UniielT ; .Ketelnim; .Kcsith.: laillifr,: pitiirene- - ,, (0,,) 1 jugs tO.tb 7 .- -Was -7 ..etill&l.";y_esteiilay, :find: en
StitiP l atitlo Win WOdh. ! , eleetOts of !IT I I.egno, Leugliridge; :Maynard, ,m 0 : 1 - ni . gi j . missed; and Voullnir &helm:lie& :Ruth:has,
United tiititesi 9 ~• --t .., I: „i i , f ;:: i: • :
:dere nr 1 7.4 ow 1 t or.d, • ' 7t.Torrow, - .." . ."ltillins - so far recovered uslto.l.rse ablo:4o.)•nitend td
Mr. P,OUTIVELI. said lie did f. tk i it .w .1-. Myers, Nunn; OC. , Zeil, 7 -Ortli, •- Petand, •Inifi t nel' l-4 ' •' ." • - '''' •'' • '-',•,',
now that would help tho nutttor. : - i Paisley;, Pomeroy,. - Price. litium, SaWYer; - • " •
. 7 Mr: SII'EVE.,)TB riskedA Se
10w lie ,41orld-heip:f olield. Shanks ; Bfitith;:SpuldinirfStwi . ons, 4 :•:.- .
it.. `r I:. ' , i - 3 - 3 17: ::: i , ;TO !.-.; a 'Y.7i i - ll 3,.) TafTe• ' l rwiteliell, Upson, Van Horn;,
."Er.BOtTTNATIMI. , replied theft if he weri, , ( - SI; Y.,) A'an'ilorn,, MO' `‘Vq, , 'd Vtlish, 1,...„,
i. •i..• - • 7 . •
(Mitring the • proposition, it would be his • • burn, (111.,): Weshburne, * afass.,) -(Muss.,)-. I-i •I''
. _ ~ . ..
Williams, W:1_1 xvii.......- .r.l—_ • -----
busine`gs,to-iierfect. it, Vat as ho was op
posing it, that' i WnS, not .his business. 1(:)'
went on, to, say ha.was in favor of the bill,
but was Oppcised to the ninenclutent, which
had been offered after the bill had been
agreed,ontu Committee. That amendment.
would open to-every raid iu.A.labdrna, who
could not be convicted of treason, tho
to vote on all elections.
desized to ask Mr. Burl t--
well whether lo.would exclude' men who'
were convicted, but • -
Mr. I;OUTWELL dectinectlaijialti,eand
wont on to say the conditions declared to br?,
fundamental at the..third .eetion of the 1.11,11 ,
dreln entire-ltarniony with the nine pre
cedents in the govern,ment, and were with-
in the rtiltr,lifillgeitnit by:; the 'gentleman
from Ohio, (Mr'. Binghatn,) to wit, that
they. were inf harmony. with the .Cotrititu
tion, and ppt In any sense outside 34.
extraneous to it; and . were conditions' thitt
were nee&' renitfoi th&seetitity 01 the pee--;
pie of Alabama, it that, State wasto '
mitted into the Unien. • ' .•
Mr. MILLER favored. the: adtinslion'
Alai:mina under the CeitstftutiOn preSented:
FARNSWORTIti.bIoiedF the-debate.
116Said•'thci bill wai. 7 opposed-bY the ten
tlerrian froth., ItlassachuslAts,,;`(Mr„Dinvzs
and others on the Republican side, becatt46
it --weuld' give the'Stattk into' the Itancii of „
rebelsoind was opposed rnembprs r.:11
tlfe'Demociatiictilde , ,beearete .
sVtaild p,it,
.the ;State.: into.; the itano , PCIOYEt I -: mom:
Who, would decide when doctors disagreed, to.roject./Stbatna,:after she had.
get strbged, 4 *ould be only
encourage the rebels and. discourage ,
.I , 2)iIfr.:IVITER/Otty IptitWittattPon2 ,l o l l
that he had-attiorigipal letteri•iont invann
at po t
y to Captain , _
JUL , 4
93 laM4llOllMVce army, tt(s.
Al tk io
tifying„l,M7to cratt, 44943040,9 , , a •
addigObat Calit.Lyoniv bad' (Inzalited
firfolv , Motitha'Oterilltad koottoM44llyAnur--
4 100. - (Ligto,.* , Oa-.lilkiit•AlidrOClA 4man,
had begantick - inaldre , the rabl*"l#ll2freill7
:tofalige,and_tir)ferA tho.. l lt4folicierwer %I ;
1010,1re,beftatim , 040041n-Intytar
o.' toLOyaL - 17,,; h
- • IWF'
I alitat.,-- 3onaq,
Ftessuot taturnitii:briek. on AlaDamo: ' lmi,
er .1. LL . 11() Ek 1.4 - 111#3it.“)
2. ..Y.... ?::1:11.).',/
ket.„ Wit lama, (.P.1.,) Wilson - , ;,.fevrrt,jlVil
ii..,ll. 10:,3"Wilson, (Pa..)ly4sidr,ridgF, (Vt.),
• Nain.f.-.L.Alesirs. •Adams, Arnell, Bailey
Bean - ter, Beek, Bingham, Illaino,llloutwell,,
Biiicilitl,lrniiaddtiao,ll4e,fatrok . , Shicielge,.
.Fatriswortli, ,Fields, Fob,, Giossbreliner,
I Caladttn , Gravely,' 1-141glit, .11e)tuatt, }rub.-
'Nerd. (C. T.), linriburd, Humphrey, John-. 1
zoncignerri ik - rzA tNtt9l l ),7.4allorYl'i
r:Vitif,lliat miter, iktiiiidca, " - i l / 4 ,:o\vaatilii, Nib
I lack, , NiehoLsoni Vnine,i4 Perhatu,'. rotors;,'
I Pile, Plants, Pruy.q, , Iti o'l4 iiitgrewes, Ter
1 - her, Tay 1, - ,r, !Thomas, Trlmble, (Tenn.);-
I' q: tiOblen'(TitV'f , tePt tko 4.401ir . 1 44170. nill .
I IfanriVieg,•\ 'inuom,Voodward-41-1. . . 1 '
; .So tbe,snlAtitute Was adopted; ..1; -;..', ;.,
! The next question was ordering the ;pre- ,
I. ruble to be engrossed, and the lions() 7..6-
! tare;lT t6ordety it, 'go the preAtnibh; Was .ro-.1
i , :eted.
I The luau rots was o. rho I s l it.i atgo of th e
The-bill passed—yeas one .hundred and
1 tivo,•tutys twenty-nine , -a strict party vote,
~ ?Sr. Stexenai Pa.,.voting„with tho taajwity,
'.. arid tritr.'lVlllltuns; Pa., - not voting:
On motion, or Mr. SPA t,DI.L.Ta, the title et
• the , billWaShrriended,'seti.4 tOlitad, ~a bill
.. to provide foc i a, temppFary., iirtil,proyi:lonaL
' government In'' Alaba ma. "'. :, '-- I.
, A riiii . eckifireneoClSlintilo.+e was ordered,
i c+. o,i4agreoh..,lg tc; - tha report-on the ,blll to,.
.twontpt.iierititift,i2ditinGtettires fronita..x, and,
biikssrs. : sehenek, ..Brookes . and . Ferry air
.$ Ark- aiii:E. bill to- authorize
the buildilof wrtdirdad frdmW
• rt
ttAlierlkiti 11t(11;riieirl.'eniiiiylvImirt. Re
. fe r7bd 16' Coriiiititteii dirßeatlS and Canal S.
I TlWll6l4d;kiltWeirieli '3ATCII.IDtqI "2 --
Erie Railroad Trouble.
NENVoidun,Wirch , 2l3.4-,4Kr v i Jay C(OUld, of :
100 EAU dirt:o4o i hitii,goOto,Skron; Ohio
to consult -with eminent engineers in regard,
td the segotiolf 461' t!.9149 nu(ttlie OnStrue
!ticiiian newaoatl , frorn,Akran,-to Toledo.
--uplcveleveu to-night% Uoinfornaa,
tine 114 0.041iredlihkk' ot,o4:NeOliY,GoV.
.Aiturd;e•tktewlersoyi cif the Itul [Luther itss
i ittetievEriivetivitur ,tp establisitiltsiOces:
'it In's pnibeblir hew-
0 ,"
1 .47 Z , • r r -7 :t. tr a' ' '?- ". .344 772
W.4464lZArt.SUAlFN C ;7 :44,ll:l6 "4 l 4l ßO.," ' ig,titt. ( 44:l:fta ' S,
50, 1868.
1- TitE- .CAIT'i4L...-I.'-...,
45.45tititilitrilAtrAft,e*i}} 44,stEkte,CSiWO4IPPatJudIfivirliftr9chial
Iffnuiu irpni" ciftlea' fir' as; they are
lineicni.:wholuiet•'ili ' wi t h`harmony -- t2the
1 r ose of defeating , the , natitu
*STc- I ° lll6 ' sPccia 911 for
tion,,ho cedars!du.nonuna tonjuk
I . lthVarilliatei tof'their•resiiebtive'olft
papers publish aletter from , General
lioulatain Itatiread--Worlijaq,
to„ Gwernor Reciae, argil i 713 ~the
-I.e F tiil4-7- T he --M l ` )Pt Y C g. ;14 , (1- effamey of Me 'dill law and ri,ghte of the
This-ia - in thistmite 4 ' Geeit Pease's
t , wrtr ) 1 c; •nd
wEsrill''.':_D.lEl-' , 1 J raff u ß ry i . c tlitl l l;::f l e b n i h t l d i e r v il t : S e rs w -B .a in — ft d y let pn e m g en e . : , : ft a ti g u at i T a ns de. t
"ejliauilt on,
lo a ntl Sti'lleci--11"17
Ltails all, his offencessince the , opennik, of the
1 , - ach . s ' at Sl ' 1 1141 !' .. ' rebellion. .. . ~,,-
I.l'T Tote.r.plt to th FY Pi ticburgb 6aftttil.. a . . 0
L s
e l I j p e
v i l e
d a
t t I C o C ° l 3c t i t t i ll \ 6l4 li ttl i t :T ° :3 l f po l o ) , r l t ri : l l4 f . h t e kl e, l :l 4 n a n t in u ge hdo e d l b :drne o L n °4 : ikili n a y, S t 7 - 3 1 . : ila n n l' s k.
li 4.N ttlr h a l ll.l Y hp ° e " elltls ' ':l *sl 4 l l ; eh tho 2B ler .-" en T e i lt le A i ln 6 iir i‘ al ld 's s
detnands off :Hayi Nave beArt satinet' by , ta,viblcvdo.rrisoneral
eo „ niinen iri
contributions 'holm the inerclumts. '
next steamer. ' .-, s ' ' `_ l iaminiliig m lleyenue Frawl i i.„
- flenoral- Solorutni. was expected' in the 1 for Yarious H effUnces r =l . _scap!di ‘ l , , d7 , Tll7drig.
•• The Iron Dock• at St. ThemaS wtll prob-„ 1
ably be afloat on tho Ist, of April.. . 1 Ic i ptfl c Pittsburgh / tlnette . / .
_The , Dtisota, sailed front Januv ea tan: the' . B NEty 7 0itir Awn,' m4ch 29i- , .1.. , th. ,
_ stt as_ ch
tg,h, for Caracas, wAth scaleil orders. 13aez
had illoin been urged to renyn, to SL Do- f uty ronn a Ga gei ly te e m sto o n a ; ti T mak exas e , r to-d aya ay ßafi say4. 'f as=
m i ng ,
, b u t still tiolity. "Hunger is:alarm- ~..3 . 3 wi 1 i50m, 4 4, g grano of the Agit - put+
ea' ilha anarchy prcy.ifle. The dungeons uwwl
here perpetrated' througll bonded ware
111143t1 'and the peophrreject the Goyern- .
p m , houses, and- haying' Tarnmcationa'at Now
N m i llan e tl nt fi i ii r tt F te r sd ° : ft e it 3 :', ritil 'l onii h td r i al e il • I .2 l . , s i n nh dr u ,,,, xi e t d . tiZ . u n t , -- k - e -
,z ar v lmris
d,,,,,tvvhe4si tin .i.l d T.i. e xa kso rrit e id z s e; ari S lel e lm y r eral eehfloyit bffl tsits cir attigaiacco are
d to
--- •"."---- ` . velitim fourbtutared.biirrele; lA l Plkge
NO IT ScuvrT k ' le ky werelound dlitf/mltb. Iva"
1 .. A - --2 . contain.w 18
.••• and fifty
.t , i
were emvvo r 1
.0- -- tor. 'ThreCl f i ti t ig:4lth a Combttstible cum-
Pi oto.t Against the Ganda Co 'federation had lab 11
' e 'l h view,' probably, flof destroy
ot Ik r t-- I,lolAnd, 'A t a
~, saf,evidong ,m of
-- • ~. 1
, mg , th e .ii , proltoneet enu. '- ' fled.
Eli) P tegraph to the rltt%hOrg a tiort,tt.l
fraud. The partias irupliretedbaY9
itgLIFAX; ArtilTh2K--1110'*OPeill Petitio44 f _,_...-.1-, ,
Corse` I mpeach
a il d e ct r p
r eze n d t4 i tl o y t 4s ho ci n f r x ita c t P s ar oti a t r , en s t.bY tale) Ef ut i r lac T : Pa p. : o 7 426 " toilifrzlitubm.rigrl ai vn diz e t tt
eta forth ment 9r th e rre • , .,Ln
that the.,llnion act, has overthrown their in
stitutiell% -anti- initlat-eat'a ProcPAs pr dra• •' - T,ogroN . , lVfare ,t
mettiberment; Vrotest z . against tins' / pet,-be.'dpih e londini ' ppo .„. f ... t_ ...... ,hoNew ..,,a lln n 'gla m it_A-` ,..... E15- e
&use itdopiltesiltem of the right °l` self _T eoltil c1i 4 " . " 44 t ri. " o " griii7Gribzr f T 7l.;‘en
government; stuteslhat UPI' Citditelferatlett of t . he cOnntrX t ~1
_ ;‘ :_ ztik __
_____,P .
n 3 most distasOffil to' the iieoPleirof Nova re t.. rTo o , oilz em ucau.2?..443lPe t a a uu t ..
Scotia, and fraught with will unjuilttnid un- wen t d ,....1 .t e _ n
4 . ,...._Lt tg u o t t o t r evai rizor i ou n o t
co n: .
;called :for, vharactorizos the nu=24`r in
which it w i aii lining:lit abmt as #aorptiso t r
,dsencerg.'a,fty. ,s -" esi: , l ' uti37w ;vete ilutrdEfusl3.
upon the popplaaptia,frautlupori the Intßet , ndopted 'lt'*ttp'vntiid'ib send tk(Pfe.4 o the
-....k0 ofttliblEfousd , dtilllepresentativets
,rga ti.tllanicalt. Tho rtiamer,,,txtiloe'sllt) 'fh, l 7 - lic4,l4eul r gitAga4g,i., SocretamStan.
actxtu,b rr hivw h a
da mn ° a u n t, - p r it ed - 1 ) . vnryly i c, ' anent..-a ,' General - Grant and Chief ,itistice of the
lIII P r le IS 3.1-11 ,''-, ' - ". u n it e d stat es ...Aryl ~ ,), i 1, . „,„. 1.05 ,cIN.
berg b rltrliolnollti 1 , ll „ . 1 - -v r ---vi . ill itl I. /t r
, ? ' --:iab•-." -- - ,1 "=. opentni Late Navigr.tion
i• , Irfl , Ifte. at litoy, - I le. • , i i - y , k7 a ! lii 'At e iitigiut g t. Aettc.l
‘ n I* tii 'd- a taEctie.", t 're e pto , 0 , , i
tll i Tcfe.okh totho n b .g ,
"Silo di the ' a Pltiti4t6Plttaieft M-L-Asr Ar ail *ho oyo
' ii.*, "'March' .29-,-This" ,r,., i ngwest, cauraaviilhezawis,clettkofloir.o„Grait ac
livery stable ur tinbitt'Llfitenc/19, ~,s ' ne con _ 0, 744 , nre - xc e s i l paspiw paattev2i. # 4. fleet
t Tr°Y onfi t . i lv k is l - d iltitll iroll i rtif ilit lhoLus lia eLd r jeTr ali lf aroux tb wad dl r 4 "'e l , u T ipet are : pl , lls r , t -ic ,.... re V iit o h l ti t i v lelir e C i ty f i l g rfro,i t wee n t ,
, abb Idostmeil ' It . ' --- 3%astsa bad- of navigation llWlTQL;PKimureatilk4ParY'
ißuffig° ' vflt° 810 gt• 4n all)
bar filf-die.“/I 4 Sa years. The te ., , PPAV.P2 6I Ne4Ath9ut the
. 11414 1 1 / 0 5 4 , 00 41 0 / 44 , 7 4111 Pmba ',;, i , ' l ' 'usnitlh64lfet. /
°ut . ,"
I ' ~ . ; '-' , ~•::1 ,
1 ,41 3 1 0; i., ,,5 1. :11 , 1 1 . : 1 :;; I r IT . ! , 1 , 1 1 1
1 : 11 :: :. 1 ' 1 1 :1 1 041 1 : 1 4. '
,t ; i j .k ;
‘ 1° ,71 .4 ::: i., 1
,NM3.18Eit! . ;:76
War in., Abyssinia—King Theo.
that Prepared for Battle—The
British leciii2ciii.AdVaiiVong—Por
eign Polierillanifesto•from
poieon.:2P r ii4aratin. — ghe Gu.ard -
M - obilie of France7-Anti'.-:-Pru
sialt :,/ `,-
try Teli• r a to the'ettt;b : lfign Gtiret
TILE , SITUATION-7-3SING T111161)0FelIgNill-
_l'.x'r,tt.O...abyssin:ia4kfareh 6, via Loudon,
March 28.—The Commander-in-Chief •and
°Slicers of the English expedition layve_ix)si
tive information that King Theetloruvneaps
to fight and is prepared. The ,native army
is in a very 'strong position; situated be
tween two rivers.near Lahelliak. 4tigeda-
ID is two 'days , march. •In reirr - or thc,
King's headquarters vrerY deal; 'in:vines
!Abyssinian the!Abyssinian camp. Itr this
camp, and on the 'line tinvards Magadtdo,
, Theedorms , hasAfteeri thousand warriors,
the works and camp being defended by six
large guns. On the east and south of Lake
Hlak.are higliand steep mountains. -Napier
has six thousand' English troops posted
here._, .The Peneral will move, to .dshatizi.
To-nibirow - the advartelitni*adenicivkS' and
thollerneral leads: by' choice. 13aggage) of.
every description, is reduced . . two-thirds
Forage.for cattle is scarce; and the.' roads
fiery bad'and difilenit to travel:" The-sold
iers.ore-suffering from. ti,ysentery,antlffixer.
• .
•-• i
, cintscgon
CU' Telegiaph ta the 'Elltsbui:glt rl G azc,je.rj