II PETROLEUM. TAX. , When sifted, the discussions on the sub ject of this tax resolve themselves into this question: Is there any good reason why re fined coal oil, the product of man's skill and _ /abor, should , be subjected to tax, when 4 ' other pnxlucts 01 that same skill and labor are exempted ? There must be some rea: - , son for such discrimination, and the reason ought to be such as should satisfy the judg ment and conscience of those who sincerely desire to lessen the general burden of taxa •, < • 'lion and at the same time not ruinously di minish the revenue of the country. Looked • at in this light, it is impossible, to compre hentl the exception made in the proposed bill against refined coal oil. The rule which • ought to guide us in the desire to relieve tax payers may sometimes conflict with a rule whose objlect is the saving of the revenue-- . and it is, of course; desirable in the present circumstances of the country to secure both . benefits. Are not the following propositions reasonable and just ? And are they not per tinent to and decisive of the question ? • .1. Those products ought to be first taxed ' which are most geneially used and which are either used for the gratification of vicious , / appetites or are of pernicious consequence i to Individuals and yet the production of ', •• which is legalize 4 but even in these cases the ta' ought , not to be so high as to drive both producer and consumer to fraud or to destroy the prodtption, because in either case the revenue suffers and the tax by' its excess defeats itself. It is then evident from this principle, that whisky, brandy, gin, ale, in fine all distilled and fermented liquors, tobacco in all its forms, and other articles of the same class needless to mention are proper subjects of taxation, and that the Q. CII.EIIItIr de: CO., - . taxation, if not excessive, would subserve Miners an'abhippers of PITTSRUPGII GAS. TORGE the legitimate objects of taxation. and FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL 'and SLACK. -- Coal delivered promptly to all parts of the cities 2. All products should follow next in or at the lowest market rates. Office and Yard-CORNER FOURTH AND WAT- DINANCE GRANTING THE der, which minister simply to the amuse at (forinerly Canal) STREETS. Plttednirgh. RI '% • THE FEDEFAL ST. lion A. "I PIT . I ZS ANT "i l :' / 4 :1 1 :L T E ( 1" ,. ' LAGER' S ' ...................................................................,r- O. R 01112921. wi,... I•A..SE RAIL ment—the vanity, the pride or the ostenta tion of men—because those who love these 'WHITE LEAD AND COLORS. a i , Fc. o l. n .ve .t ordained and ,eneteted Ly the Select ~,,,,,,,,,,, ...,..,..,.,w,.,,. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Itigt;:ret,:neLo cuttriagovt;t4l;e m eal( of Allegheny, and . things and see able to pay for them, would A LL OF THE MANUFACTURES That the consent of the Councils ,';'l:itili:(lttyheofgarle•-' continue to do so, inspite or the tax, and sdieny Is hereby given to the "Federal Street A an t d 1 Pleasant Valley l'asben g er Hallway Company" to those who are not able, ought not to do so, 1 OF TICE lay out and construct a Tatham, and for thai pur pose to enter Upol2 and occupy the followin g streets, for what tends to impoverish an individual PITTSBURGH WHITE LEAD ;I:, ~ .vpd i e n i rti. ,,,,,r h : te t , ...21 .4.74. 1 1 t a i t t ei tz..on d: theiwe : : thence alon g can be nothing but an injury to the comma= PITTSBURGH aNenue to Monterey street : the ce along Monterey street to Jack s on sirs ot; then n ce alon g nity. Articles that properly fall under this AN-33 Jackson to . Fremont street : thence alon g Fremont street to U ashlngton avenue : thence alon g Wash rule would be , of course, cards, billiards, COLOR WOEt.RS. , ington avenue to Taggart street ; thence alon g Tog , girt street to 11111dule Cemetery. The same to be jewels and the like. • mut:nisi; , constrnett d with Single or double track • with turn , outs and siding., and to traverse said streets with 3. Those articles indispensable to the uses i ! . ..14... i i c r ti ll o o u r : et i and ears, subject to refutations and re of human life --without which it is impossi- STRICTLY • PUR • E WHITE LEAD o ti :. .. r , a . nd . described, , , Tirol hied the l ‘tVa l c 4 ts te alo:r l'ii. laid on the booth side of bald avenue, anen t o n b u l t ti l l': g s be Al.ble to live, in, comfort and dede4v, are lowed on bald avenue. precisely those which should be •exempted ZINC PAINTS, See • .2. :".Ilil Councils shall have the right, from `, time to time. br ordinance, to establish such re ining id from taxation altogether or taxed so lightly tions In regard bald railway a, may be re required , for the pavin g or rep o% lug Fendin g or • qre ----.......__•_........___________ iChroo Green, I and lavin g of >t es alon bald streeib, anLdullowpre as not to affect either production or con- i America in Europe. • vent obstructitirs thereog. • f . . gumption. The poor mast have these 1 Verditer Green, ...tt . .3. That said railway. In constructin g thelr want of 1 Putting this and that together—the pees- - road. shall conform to the grades now established, as well as the rich—the Versailles Green, or hereafter to be established. of tbe said streets, theee of idmiml Faarazut and his fleet in and to keep in perpetual repir, for the period of them is the . fruitful source of every Chrome rehow, : Istr::?4,l7,:;,lll4.(t.if.ogaleen or said et reesl 3 ln g between edi erryran, and the new treaty be k r tracks, and •one foot be form of crime and whilst it may be teen the tinted States and North Ger „ lond the outside of ralls• the temi of live can to "Verrtlisilol ls , &win from time of laN bi b ”- the track. and dand'af true that abundance gives birth to its own many—the French politicians think they ttrett ,e i xr t if e lilon i :r - b ( ll,l . t i er in or the y,. ears to keep What do you think they f And every variety ofColors, dry an = round In Oil, peculiar temptations and sins--it is to the .I ht ." ame n a rat *" P < li s u sstsni r ai r / srs e sis r e b s t s ° , va imagined ? A treaty, offensive and de with• pril lie g e of appeal to Street Committee. whose despairing need of men, in civilized C. i 1 7- 1 for sale by curb, alw o} a subj eet P to ' decision shall he tins!; and front time of running munities to their hopeless want and desti- i thelleTruc\tbeedtwe ta en t Prussia, Russia, Italy and S es ! They give very sub- - 1111 A-RitiS a; EWIIVG , their ears to ktep bald streets clean, under direction of Street ( ortunksioner. with ri g h t of allinal as he _ ration, that most of their crimes can be stantial reasons indeed why such a fact 9 • fore stated. traced. It is the laboring poor—the toiling I should exist, and see none why it shouldn't 1 • , sec. 4. That for the drst period of five years after as id Company shall ronnut uce runnin g their ears, There is not a little talk of that sortjustnow. 1 WHOLESALE ' they shall nut be subject to tax en Milli Ons of human beings whose labor under- The good folks who get up these plausible I c DRUGGISTS, - dends: for the second period of its Syr cars and Mit ; pair ,hall pay to the / reason rof said city twenty lies all change of raw material into products I theories, howeve . r, • are usually profoundly 1 orner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, gAsrasuilsTiyearthisdreceilisresasarsorssil itsasslreepserrlswesoii. which are valuable, who ought to be pro- I ignorant of Amenca, and our affairs, or else isairwrs-smisy rsw - ss-ww as e vearb thirty dollars Per )ear tl f e r car. and rive per cent. upon divideuds: and thereafte the tected and for whose protection every just 1 forget entirely that we have a great interior - ------- _ - ” - s" PA ' r e T e o e fdlor ut y dollop: naysar for ench car thenfive problem to solve before we can help Euro- j SCHOONMAKER & -- SO:c ---- upon di“d the payment of sum nitro should strive in the enactment of any • ii..5.....5e upon each car to be midi 01/e mouth after read despotisms fight each other. I have al- system of taxation. What gift of heaven, peas y told you how stupidly many intelligent .I,,,j,r,.rot,rurrGri beginning of second period of five years. and at the same date annually thereafter: alid the said cars 3 ti i _ Trr shalt be numbered a, dray ', and carriages are now made available for man's use by man's WIS I Frenchmen think and talk of the 'United ~„ T_ 1 numbered, under the ordthance, of saldelt ) restua - dons and toil, in the extent and preciousness States. An amusing book might be made of WhitiG .I.lean anu valor II Orksy Mb It ) 13 .. ..11 or said % (Tick. The iWent of bald n • shall annuaßy, on the first Mondav orJuly the queer niistakes they make.--Pan'a Letter- - in eaeli rear. make a %tine's return undei oath to of its benefits to men, can vie ,with the mANruFACTVILLI ti OP - the Coniroihr of Kuhl env, of the number or cars product under discussion! To the order, the I lES, when harinz their hoto,graphs IssiTi--------6.--.-41 WHITE AND lIED LEAD: %bleb may at any time airin g the year ' said road, and the books of bald Coinpanvu.nbaniralt ZINC , PUTTY. Br A 7 y E Et ri n Et T n n : a unEnx, , slltl , r o s r b . e n)mt to Inbpertion of the Finance Com ' comfort, the decency oflife, light is a neces- I taken may observe the - followin P g rules withl And all colors, dry 3 lirlTEL • ;her ( ounnittee appointed for that sity! There is quite as much wisdom as wit (some ' advantage to their appearance: OrricE, No. 67 FOURTH STREET , P rr P rt That sob! Company Rlinte i et TIS C. ... When a Lady would compose her mouth and honor in the,innusing essay of Edia, 1 v wma n tg f i r in cars upon the rontel e t o ru ae a i to a bland and serene charace she should I risfisaist:srYsisA-cri, 'sitss2i/.4555tura4.4 and 4 "; t h i e th l A l l el" acceptance of the pro wherein he disco of candles. Who- / white." Bosom," and keep the expression into i Allegheny. 3 Lacock Street, , 71 , d0n. of this ordinance. I Sac. d. That said Company shalt use, in the con ever lower the cost of its product- ; . the mouth subsides. I 7-••••-••ww.-.............„,„........ strurtiou of their sold railway. rail or'a pattern to tion is a public benefactor. Whoever I If, on the other hand, - she svishes to as- i AS AND STEAM' MTTING ,be approved I, ) the City Engineer and the Commit sa • i g te a e ngv ou oi ls,t t mts r . ei yl v, b o h all Jay i t i lo iwn the same to a sums a distinguished and somewhat noble - -----_- - lia ie be l do tg under the 4e4isl a oi l l i o n tir I s lir l e h e n tion of e unfavorably' discriminates against it, in leg- I F. L. ATWOOD. —BENSON JONtq ~,,, J. arc:AM - MT. 1 illation, either thoughtless or heartiess, / bearing, no!, suggestive of sweetness. she , Brush, ' the result of which is , A Twoon Ei. mccArrnEir, bY Illet&lil li t li ne ;w r. hric hd rul h ;lo ll .l 4e lle r b ald tlf 6r his ""ices and such it seems to us is the character of 1 LliWlible. Y I 4-31 - , sus .. The said Company shall Y pin'ow . tau +r legislation which relieves other menu- If she would make - her mouth look small 1 BUSS FOITNDERS , gutter. cro.ed b,) sold railway iron culverts l a' f . 'pattern to be approNed by sake:mid Engineer and , street ( ommittee. and sabl ettherts shall be the e she must say "Flip;" but if the mouth be ~,, a , ..,,.. cs. • tiro wgiidstsasergrztl. beteen the line of prop factureialtogether and subjects the refined already too Small and needs enlarging, the ts'-• 40 • 41 -' l ' " S 21 E 4 M FirTERS, not e laid until the said oil, :which has become a necessity to the must say "Cabbage." - Cor. or Third and Liberty Streets; , culSCrt s shall be ut d w i Sec. b. That threl ord n ina n tice nnd an con raet en whole community, to the continued opera- If she wishes t. 5 look mournful she must I tercel Into by virtue of It. shall be subject to t le;s." - cation • ' - - . lion of a tax whose burden falls upon that saL"Kerchunk." b ear 1 If resigned, she portion of the community least able to liiii 1:1211 Ell MI it. We are told by good statisticians that the tax even reduced, as proposed, will be sev 'l enty-five or eightyper cent. above the cost of production. 'The cost above production on coal gas is about seven per cent. Coal gas is used by the opulent knd the middle classes ' of the community, coal oil by the inhabi tants of the country and by the humble and poor, but industrious and laboring class, we may without exaggeration say by millions of them. " The effect upon them is absolutely camel, and would be more felt and de nounced if it could be brought directly home . to the - Observation and `reflection of mett, as it might by varying the mode of collection; if after the sale of coal oil ;_by the dealer to the consumer, at, let us say 18 cents per gallon, and collector should immediately folloW and demand nearly. as much more on every gallon, or three-quarters as much, how soon thegreviOus wrong of such a tax would be felt and denounced it ought to be understood; once for all, too, that the system of bonded warehouses and the army of hunt gi7 officials itnecenitates, is the cause of a largo portion' of this burden and must re . main unless the whole tax be taken off. The questionSsonewfilen, ,concerns every man of moderate means—and whilst we deplore anytning looking tonmis a hostile - relation between.' classes in the community, if the . wealthy , and,...poirerful, abuse their menus and power to shirk the burden of the,cotin= try, and . - Olid yet deeper, by unjust taxa tion, the faces of the poor, they must look for the hoStilityWhich the instinct of self preseriet!'n 'PreuilAi; • The ileei• • virt tiallY fought the battles of • the country. Are they to pay - thnslebt alma country, too, out of the scanty'. pittance' Won by their toil? • Idle `Enseto Ouay; . ..itsasto4, their time mid means at--. saloonavirkin women gaunt Ili aMOndsimburdcned , hy this most ...werzudijoyernmeatr but,tha laboring man and poor n:eedli-tsoman, When they light their •hunible liuthite:contltlite into the sot.- itoWful night;'their:l",,l'Y ,wetk, must hand orer.tivico.the' 'tear not'ot needie, 3 ,s but 'ofallAnd/sPensable necessity. Stich Is the 'nisi:loth of the world's. rulers. ' These, he,,Y4iedgir ohl'lsrseL "S'cat. ,, — Themenufacture of premed tinware was extensively carried on in the establishment of the St. Louis Stamping Company which was burned down on the morning of the 21st. It was the only factory of this kind in the West; in fact, there are but two other similar factories in the United States--one in New York and one in Philadelphia. The whole of the main factory is in ruins, and the,loss cannot be far from $15,000. SPECIAL NOTICES. IIAN HOO D.D___ VIGOR _. _ 1 MffiTHE OF' YOUTH restored In four weeks. Sim i , rem; guaranteed. DR. RICORD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE - restoreß manly powers, from whatever cause 'a.isingt the effects of early pernicious habits, self abuse, impote me di cin e, mat give way at once to this wonderful If taken regularly accord ihg to the directions (which are very simple. and re quire no rostrata from business or pleasure.) Fail ure Is Impossible. Sold In bottles at $3 or four quantities in ono for $9. To be bad only the sole appointed A gent in Ame.ica , H. Gr.mr . - 205 Second Avenue. New York. - feznarrrA 1 I agEr PHILOSOPHY ' or . 111 A R, ~ - IMAGE, a New Couise of Lectures, as de. livered at the New York Museum of Anatomy, em bracing the subjects: Mow to live and what to live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood gaffer ally.reviewed: the ea of indigestion. fatulence arid nervoutiAlseases accounted fur; Marriage Philo sophically considered, &c. - - - . Pocket volumes containing these lectures will be forwarded to parties suable to - attend. on. receipt of four A tamps. by • addressing:. SEVIILTARY. blew York Museum of Anatomy and Science. 618 Broad. way. New York. - - feD:glarirrrrum nrIIABBIAGEAND CELIBACY. _ - , —An Essay for Young , lien on the Crime of Soliude, and the. DISEASES and ABUSES 'MIMI, create. Izapeditnenta to 3fARRIAGE. % - with mire' meant; of relief. 'Sent In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. .T. SKILLIN 1101J611. TON, Howard-Astoeintlen, Philadelphia, Pellleia , • .'-': .PURNITURE. •. : - 'is PRACTICAL -1184 FORNITU RE , MANUFACTURERS, .., , W I3 Oi, , EBA.LE AND RET A I L, ••• • . ... . ....., . LEMON '-' ili.''-WEISEI pro:.iis- vorru'rll - . • switaw. ET; - Conatatitly.ea hand every varlety'or PAULI:tit and Cif AIBER-"FUIt NIT Crlth7 together 'with : 4 •norn- • ;dote assortment. or eon:molt Furniture at retpaped These in'winift of anything in oar?litie are cordlanY invited focal' netbre purchatdng. • • - . , t : • •-: Work gnarant,etrL. •: , • . • zahntnil = •- ' ' '. 1,1 :1101.i . it w.eisr. • • ES WRINGERS REPAIR ' aki—A6 thedliferent *Wier etelothee Wry renifrat, tern. the Ladle/tub ber ontt' 6 and es. Mr street.— 11. PHILLI ti ftA rA t . I~►lQ' 0,14. .jamjacEr Ecoxoklii: Real - Estate Transfers. •`= - '` IThe following deeds were admitted of record by H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, Thursday, March 26th, 1868: James McGinniss-to Henry Huneshagen, Dee. 2, 1867, Mt on Locust street, Oakland, • ' • 12 by :30 feet. with buildings ............... $BOO Joseph Johnston to John Matthews, Feb. •14, 1868. tract of land in North Fayette ' township, containing 100 acres --consider ation a yearly rent of $5OO during the nat ural life of the grantor- .... . ....... ............ . John Mussler ,to WilliamM. Claney, Jan. 15, 1866, two lots of ground in Ross town ship, 'containing 8 acres, 1 rood and 19 . . . perches . .... .. . . William ....... _ ..... . 88,000 lliam Lotta to Jas. D e.. ur t al., March 5, 1867, lot on Second n s b t a reet, Elizabeth Jame ugh, with improvements .... .... $6,000 Dunbar to William Lotta, March 24, 1868, the undivided fourth part of the above property ,500 Robert 3 icEldowney et al. to G. B. KiBngs land. Feb. 20, 1867, lot in Pitt township 100 by 150 feet ...... . . J. C. Risher to James H. Gamble, March 25, 1868, tract of land in ..11ifilin township, containing 11 acres and 10 perches...B2,ol2 Jacob Flowers to M. Hoffier, March 20,1868, tract of land in Snowden township, con taining 100 acres and 26 perche5.....512,500 James Atkinson to Felix Relling, Sept. 7, 1867, lot No. 46 on Calvin street, Lawrence ville,by 100 feet ..... . ..... _ .... h .. . ... ,700 H. A. Lusk to F. T. Lusk . , Marc 23, 1 081 868, lot in Oakland township, containing lucre and 9 perches, wish buddingis... 85,000 Nicholas Altrnyer io Nicholas Kroneberger, bAugust 17,18(17, lot on Clay street, Sharps.. urg, 65 by 125 feet. ....... _ ......... . ....... 8500 Conr 1866, ad ot Gold to Emily Turner, April 17,' l No. 9, in Sruvely's plan of lots in Christ a llle ........ .... . . ...... . ... .. . ... . .......... $125 yan Gerner to John. .. H. Fleck : man, Oct. 23, 1866, lots No. 10 and 11, on Schark street, Pitt township, 40 by 114 feet..t." , 3,950 Henry. Abel to Rev. T. F. Boyd, March 2, 1868, lot of ground in Patton township, containing 7 acres 400 John Brown to John Hersh,_January 81, 30, 1866, lot No. 21, in John Brown's plan of lots in East Birmingham, on Brown street, 20 by 80 feet .... . .... ................ _ ......... 700 John 'Brown to John Hersh, Oct. 20, 18 8 66, .lot No. 52 in Brown's plan of lots on Mischell alley, East Birmingham, 20 by 60feet ... .................................... ..... $ 500 Samuel Bae - rman to Dr. S. A. Ster, March 25. 1868, lot on Hancock street,rett 4th ward. Pittsburgh, 45 by 45 feet, with buildings........ . .Rosina C. Binds to . Addi . son .. L yle, M 9 a 38 h19, 1888, lot on Ohio Lane, Manchester, 22 by 138 feet ............ .. . .... . ... . ........... ... 8.700 Joseph Seiffert to Eliza Brennan, Sept, 27, 1867, lot No. 22 in Seiffert's plan of lots in McClure township, 45 by 140 feet...... 8.350 William Coleman to Hussey, Wells dt. Co., March 14, 1868, lots No. 14 to 18 incursive, in the Fifth ward, Pittsburgh, 71 by 100 feet........ ......................... . . 84,500 Wrn. A. Pass.. lyant to John Lippincott et al, April 27, 1865, 9 lots in the Seventh ward, city of Pittsburgh, each fronting on Din middle street 20 feet .... . ............ ..... 8.3,000 Susan T. Washington to John Lippincott, April 12, 1865, lot No. 11 in Curley's plan of lots on Dinwiddie street, Seventh ward, Pittsburgh, ar by 100 feet .......... 0 Thos. Blackmore to Wm. A. PassayantB33, Oct. 18, 1856, lot No. 23 in alaove plan of lots. . ................. - ... ...... . 8101 Matthias Steinhauser to Geo. W. •Buehler, March 10, 1863, lots Nos. 1 and 2 in Hag ner's plan of lots in Pitt tp., 40 by 100 feet, with buildings...-. .... . ... .. . ......... . 81,050 must forcibly ejaculate, BEST FAMILY COAL ALWAYS ON EIAN'D . And Delivered Promptly to Order, • Al' LOWEST MARKET RATES, BY OSCAR P. LAMM & CO., Corner Sandusky Street and P. F. W. & C. R. R. A.1..1.E-I-10ENY CITY, ANTHRACITE COAL. FURNISHED AT THE LOWEST RATES. COAL! COAL:! Je6: --- DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Haring removed ,their ()dice to NO, 567T.18E11TY STREET, (Lately City Flour Mill) SECOND ELOOR. Are'now prepared to furnish good TpUGHIOGIIE NY LUMP. NUT COAL OR BLACK, at the lowest morket price. All orders left at thelr Office, or addressed to them through the mutt, will be attended to promptly. CINARLES IL ARMSTRONG, DEALVI YODGRIOGLIMY AND CONNELLSPILLE COAL, COAL, SLACK 'AND DESULPHURIZED COKE, 550 Mids. N. O. Sugar, prime to choice; Office and Yard — CORNER OF BUTLER AND 1 500 bhls. Plantation Molasses,prline ' 110 * s . prime Carolina Rto choice: ice; - I 500 . HORTON STREETS. First yard on Liberty and extra Salt, OlymeirstreetS, Ninth Ward, and ou Second street, With a large and general assortment of tll kinds of near Lock No. 1. Pittsburgh, Pa. . GROCERIES and other goods In . our line, for sale Families and Manufa , turers supplied with the l' i° wt° th e t ' n 'e• hY bert article of CO3l or Coke at the lowest cash rates. I Orders left at any-of - their offices will resolve 1 wompt attention.' - Abore Carroll & Snider's, Pittsburgh, Pa. LIGHT AND ihiiyy CASTINGS furnished promptly to order. Special attention paid to the fitting out and re• pairing. of Oil Refineries, Steamboats, Rolling Afllls, 4c. AGENTS FOR A. S.. CAMERON & CO.'S. Steam Pumps and Blower Engines. .These Pumps . have superior advantages over all` others. and every one is warranted to give Slitlefac thin. PUMPS constanttv on band. feMiute JO/1N It. COOPER...••••JOs. ICAYX IIEN111" BIER. JOHN /IL COOPER &. CO., :BRASS rotrra•Erts,,' GAS. AND STEAM FITTERS, karlafacturers of,PII3IPS AND BRASS WORN, o every _description: dealers In GAS FIXTURES TUBING, of all kluda. COrner of Pike and Walnut Streets, • PITTSBTJRGL-r, • . • myl6:z3o TO WHEAT GROWERS. EUREKA. AMMONIATED BONE • - SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF lEWE, • • 31 ANUFACTURED BY The Allegheny Fertilizer Co., • SEIV422D St CAMPBELL • • Prto.PitiriToßS. 081ce ) .856 Penn Street, Pittsbtugh t Pa. The beat Ecrtillter lii use, and recognized by • Farmers - who Lime given Asa trial; to be the stand;, and for raising large crops of Wheat, - lie. 'Cern, Pota toes, Re. We - have published for gratu itous circulation &pamphlet containing Interesting and valuable statements or this FertilLter, copies Of which will,be sent free to - any ..sendialr as their ad- - - JOIIN H. , & A.ll RDOCH , • Nurserymen, Florists and , Seedsmen: SitilbSralue-1112 SMITHSTE_ LD STREET, oppo site Post 021 co, Pittsburgh Pi,- Greetaienses at tialciet:ia. Ifnrssileo , on _- PI'ITS.BURGA GAZETTE ; ; SATURDAY MARCH 28. 1868, COAL ! C. E. ARMSTRONG ~,,,,,,,,, ~, A. A. lIIITCHINSON. A RMSTRONG & 111117TCHINSON, • ' Successors to PHILADELPHIA AND YOEGIIIOGHENT COAL CO., MINERS, SHIPPERS .AND DEALERS , BY RAIL ROAD AND JUVER, OF • Superior Youghiogheny CAS-AND 'FAMILY COAL. Office and Yard — XoOT OF TRY STREET, neat the Gas Works. Orders left at the yard, or addressed by mail, 141 be promptly tilled. And Manufacturers of lIPERIOR COAL. FERTILIZERS SEEDS FOR FRAGRANT TEAS, CHOI E COFFER, AND r; _ Eiroloess, ROBINSON'S No. 20 Fifth Street. F OR THE F r EST TEAS, THE CHOICEST GROCERIES. THE PUREST SPICES, And the best- CAI.NED FRUITS, PICKLES, &c. at the most reasonable priced, go to FRANCE'S TEA HART , NEW ORLEANS SUGAR AND MOLASSES, IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. JOHN L 1101ISE & EROS., Corner Smithfield and Water Streets mh3:in:l4, ... ---- -- ..tlect to motilti ..tlon or cliange any time after the expiration of ten years from time of acceptance hereof by said Com pang, by the city giving said Company due notice thereof. e. O. 'The city reserves the right at any time after the expiration of twenty years from date here of. by giving the Company one yearn notice of smelt Intention, to possess said road and stock by pitying for the same at a rate fixed by live disinterested up. praisers, to be appointed at the request of said city by the President Judge of the Quarterlfessions Court o? Allegheny county. Sac. 10. This ordinance 'ball not go into effect, pang litp eshall p m u e b i l n i s ht the n o o tu r ve re o c t o t r b d:d 6 t u y n e t l o t u s t a r i o d i i (.. e ' r o man agreement. under the seat of the Company, accept / lug this ordinuncP, with all its provisions and con ! ditions. and covenanting that any failure to comply with the terms hereof shalt, at the option of said city, work a revocation of the privileges herein granted. ..-Ize. 11. That nothing In this ordlnanae shall be construed to give the said-liallway Company the privilege of running any other titan passenger cars on said road. Ordained and enacted into a law this the 19th day of March, A. D. MS. • Presiden ' t iA oPt E be S , ilti".lc4Peßt Foul Presidett 8 O :I• S c AGL. E , ointuon cop", Attest• D. MAcrunnON. Cacrk or Select Council. prtAvouTit. clerk oreonanon STEAM • CARPET BEATING ;ESTABLISHMENT, which TEN YEAIRS, TRTAL In New York and oth er Eastern cities Las proved a complete success. !ITS ADVANTAGES: let—Fading and ehrlakage are contra ly avoid ed. ~....,---, 4 7\ 9d—\o ripping apart necessary. ' • 3(l—‘‘ hen freed from dust, Motile or their larvae. the Carpet looks near!). as natural fading from wear, good as new, save the 4th—When perfectly clean. a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter as a mere point of economy, to say nothing of looks. ALL ORDERS LEFT AT TILE Omer, .. • No. 1.79 -Liberty Street, Or addreried to P. 0. Dux 473, will receive pomp attention. *EO. L IIteCLINT(ICIC, EIM prVIENNIOts ENETItit. AND XbtfERTISIAtriENCA,REEII, s' , ONDIN ._ . , 138 Mutsu Street. New York* _ '- - ( Established In 1802.) itgartitgreg—r H. D. tielmbold, Druggist, 'SIM Broodwnye New York:Messrs:2s: R.: Vur, & co.. 108, Greenwich street, s t reetork Mesrs., Hall it Bucket, AOB Grecuwich New York: Messrs. G. Bruce, Sod .I CO., • Type Founders, la Climbers st.,-_ , ..N. - Y.; Messrs. Thigsr a Co.. Type Founders, 38 Gold st., N. Y. • , IbM,/78:311VP ____----____________ T iCivEtii rriz E P[4.lllD" _ . - - - _ andlnaltelo order all lanai; of pring_and ,laln WAGONS, CAItTs, LAU S WIIEELBAICROWS, _ • TRUCKS, LOCUST RUBS. - -,---- And TURNED SPOKES, . , ,__. RAY near the RKS. At DUQUESNrWADON'WORKS, Pent tent/ArYiAllegbenr Olt.. - . • -.loSluail_ COLKaAN, YOREIRSTKR & CO. . , . ~~,~.. , . ,GI3O:~FRIEH GO ,TO 13 Diamond, Plttcbnrgh ORDINANCES LLI!EGHEIii. NOTICE 1$ HEREBY GIVEN that application will be made to the Governor, he pardon of CHARLES B. STEIN, convicted at No. 387, Sept./1907, Sessions. on Oct. Alf. of manslaughter. eentencect.tiovenaber 3, 1.1987. tah2: SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBHA• zee:v7 T Dimizt PARTIES, &c., si ittike. ICE CREAM CONFECTIONERIES CARES, FRUITS. &0., &e., At the lokeSt price and oh the shortest notice, pp avutts RICHTER., io23:rnio • 'No: 43 Diamond, Allegheny. 11INNIVAtWijORHAVII, , Confeetione4: and Bakery, NO. 5100)3311rEIFIZI.:rblirrEliET, D et , rihriiinieutti and Liberty: SiirDAD OiSiEitSALOON attached. PROPRIETOR. lORGE. HEAVEN; Candy inanntactureT, Anddealer in FOREIGN & A FICzu.,RB, NUTS ilte., • • MERICAN FRUITS', .... 114. Els Federal Street, second doer front tke eiret _National Rank, AgeT gbeityCity.• JOB. A. BUTTER, ALDERALLT AND POLICE KAGISTBATE, Office, IR6 WYLIE STREET, near WaShington; PITTSBFRGIL PA. Deeds. Bonds. Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections, und all other legitimate Cosiness executed promptly. mhZine AINUIqL McMUSTERS, A.1.1).E*11,32A1NT, Ex-officio Justice of the Peace and Police Magi& trate. ODlce, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. De Deedu Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, positions, and all Legal Business eiecuted* with promptness and dispatch. mhla EUSTACE S. MORROW, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICI , OF THE'' PEACE AND . - POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. mr9 JOSEPH - X. GAZZAN J. R. BUTTERFIIELD, G. 31. 11'.3fASTER. M Y MASTER, GAZZAM & BUTTE/null, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, And , Solicitors in .. Bankrup t cy, pr - rTsnuriGrx, PA. OFFICE, OS GRANT STREET, ' • - jeikrTs Opposite the Cathedral. A. AM.", ON, _ - Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE 'St INSURANCE AGT CARSON STREET, EAST BIRMINGIIA3f. e Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend . WILLIAM H. BARRER, my3:y6o • • JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, 'Mice, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite th Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. ANIEL IIicIIEALL, M. 8., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 50 ,Grant near High, sapw:x7l RGIUSON, ATTO RNEY-AT -LAW, No. 80 Fifth Street; SECOND FLUOR, FItONT ROO)f lar. A. ATT ORNEY--AT-LAW, No. OD Diamond Street mhs:nB JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATT ORNEY-AT -LAW Office, No. 135 _Fourth Street, COME , C. 3,A,;..ELL, ATTORNEY AND . COUNSELOR AT LAW, Noi 89 Grant Street, mr-4:t23 JOHN A. STRAIN, . , ALDERMAN, EX-OFFICIO JUSTE - OF THE PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Office.ll2 FIFTH STREET, gpposlte the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh. Pa. Deeds. Bonds, Mortgges, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legarßusl ness executed with promptness and dispatch. JOHN C. .111cC0111113, ---7--- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. 87 Fifth e;trect. Pensions, nountles and Arrears of Pay promptly collected. no=no39 LEGA:L N THE BATTER OF A FPLICA - TION OF THE Union Building and Loan Association, • Of the City of Pittsburgh, for a Charter. No. 992, March Tenn, 1868. Notice is hereby given that an applicatibn has been made to the Court of Common Pleas, of Alle gheny County, by the Union Building and Lean As sociation, of Pittsburgh, for a Charter; that an in strument In Writing, specifying tht'objectlarticies, conditions; and name, tyle or title, unc r which they have been associated, has been presented to the Court and tiled in the Prothonotary's office, and it no sufficient reason is shown to the contrary, said Charter will .be granted at the next term of this Court. By THE COURT. E.:A. MONTOOTH. Attorney for Petitioners. N THE MATTER OF THE AP-. PLICATION of the Lower St. Clair Building and Loan As. soelation, fora Charter. Notice Is treby given that an application has been flied in the - Prothonotary's, Odice, at No. 39 June Term, 11363, by the Building and Loan Asso ciation of Lower St. Clair Township for. a Charter, which will be granted at next term of Court, unless exceptions are Bled. JACOB 11. NIALTER, mnie:mta 7XOTlCE.—Whereasl_ Letters of. Administration on the Ennio of PHILIP AU ER, decease Tats of the Seventh ward, Pittsburgh, having been granted to areabscriber, all persons indebted to the said Estate requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, duly authentica ted, for meettlement to the undersigned. - Mits. MAIM SCRA.IMER,' LAMAS LUTZ, - 1 JOHN G WALTHEES,' Administrators. MEI F2II.IEatORS) rn :Ltters Testeentary npon the last Will and e Testa ment of EMANUEL .STOTTLER, Sr.. late of Penn Township. Allegheny eounty, ra., deceased, having been issued ,to The undersigned, all persons having clainis against the said estate will present them, duly authenticated for settlement, and those indebt ed are notified • to pay the undersigned, in -Penn township, Allegheny county, Pa. ff. B. STOTTTER, - E. STOTTLER. JR., Executors. • t2h7:msl .124tittiaff011S1 ,NOTlCE.—Letters Testeinentary upon the' last W.lll and. Testa ment of SA.MIJEL.'I4.OODS, late of Snowden Tp., Alieghu N' ounty, Pa., dCCC personsayingbeen-is sued to the untiersigned, all having claims againstestate will present them...duly authen treated for settlement, and those Indebted are non lied to pay thenndersigned, lu Snowden township, Allerieny county, Pa.. _ . ___ • - JA3MS DIEMSAWILLIAAI WOODS, Sr., ' Executors feb:k9o CON FECTIONE'RIES. _LL.~.;.~~3~ c 9 ALDEXt3IAN, MYI:)6 apl:w3 PITTSBURGH, PA pITTSBURGIL PA PITTSBriGIT. PA MEM READER, CALLTO-DAV, Prothonota ' Unsurpassed In beauty and qua4.ty. W. P•= MARSHALL, No. 87 'Wood Street,- near 'Fourth. mb2o:na :1 DERS Hight No. 32 PENNSYLVANIA. AVEPTER; opposite tree Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, o. I*3 Grant. stree. Jobbing done with Leatnese and dispatch. All raated.orders promptly attended tcyantt satisfaction war. magleHant7 F. 11. ntrrenursozi . . . ... . • HlRTentitiok gig NOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, ciTqurrzlls AND caarizas,. No. 88 Pena& Aveeine, Pfttsbargli. All orders by nail promptly 'Wooded to. TMAcco AD aG41113 xcExsiron WORKS. R. 44r. W. .710.1,rx, Envsozr, _ IdAttuhicturera pad peatlers in *obacco, Snuff; Cigars, Pipes, dko., jvh biki .No 6 'FEDERAL BT., AZ144011"6/STI ! ' . NEW. OPEIa HOU S E. r MInf.•RENDERSON .................. ."Litgagit. . W. CANNING ............. . ...... ............ T. R. LIA li N...... . ....... S.TAna MANAGER SATURDAY AFTERNOON, March 2gth, 11168, Grand LOTTA MATINEE, for which occasion the charming Lotter will appear In the - PET OF THE PETTICOATS AND NAN. ----- SATURDAY EVENING, LOTTA will appear,ln six characters of 'the celebrated drama of the FEMALE DETECTFVE. To conclude. with, the glorious fame of AN OBJECT OF INTEREST, Fanny Dribble, With Banjo 5010...,... ....Lotta. Monday Evening—LlTTLE NELL and the M.E.CHIONESS.. rtgar' 'PITTSBURGH THE IMRE - • FRED AIMS . . .............. . MoNao . GUST BARTON . ................. .......... MAxAorn. Still greater attraction. .Appearance THIS EVEN ING of the great 'stars, M'LLE ANNETTI GALLETTI, Premiere Danseuse, suppOrted by the - favorite Eu ropean artist, ____ MONS. CARDELLA. In connection with the Monster Combination. Th• performance will conclude with the new burlesque of the MAID OF THE smr-anit RUN. Matinee every Saturday afiernoon. itgr PROF. Cioryv FASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY , At his nen' Assembly Rooms, 51 FIFTH STREET, - opposite Old Theatre. New Classes now forminr, on 310NDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Ladles', Masters' and 31Isses , Class at 3r.sr. Prof. COWPER can be seen daily at the Academy, or.at the St. Charles Rotel, where circulars can be ob tained. Mall to let to Select Parties. • i'esl.2l agr'PROF. CARPENTER'S DANCING ACADEMY, PHILO HALL, 'No. 75 THIRD STREET, now open for the reception of_pnidls. =Days of Tuition,- WEDNESDAY and SATU tHAY, •at 2 P. M., for' for Gents and Misses. Terms. ss.' Even ings for Gents-TUESDAYS and FRIDAIfS, at 8 o'clock. Terms, *lO. Soiree every THURSDAY EVENING-at Et o'clock. _ je.W:l:6l =U - M ________ .WESTERN INSURANCE COltiN PANY OF PITTSBURGH. • LEN:ANDER NIMICR", President. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE I , IEELD, General Agent. Office, 82 Water street, Bpang dr, Co.'s' Ware bowie. up stairs, Pittsburgh. • • Will ite:ure against all kinds of Fire b and Marine Risks. A home Institution; managed p Dirtors who are well known to the community and who are determined' by promptness and liberality to main tain the character which they have assumed, as of fering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. DIRECTORS: Alexander Nlmlck, John R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William S. Er anar Alexander Speer, Joaeph w - Airkpatrick. Andre Addeo, Pbllllc Renner, • David M. Long, I'V m.. forrison, D. Ihnlsen. PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PatteußGH. OFFICE, 21 FIFTH STREET, BANK BLOCK. This Is a Home Company, and InSures against ibis by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE. Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK", Treasurer. HUGH 3IcELHENY, Secretary. . • DIRECTORS: 1 George Wilson, Geo. W. Evans, J. J • ' . C. Lappe, . nailer, John Vocgtley, A. Ammon. • Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle. Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King. Jas. H. -Hopkins, }ferny Spronl, M 1Y AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE • FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 133 & 437 CREST/J[ll'SM, NEAR 371 L DIRECTORS: Charles 4". Ra • ncher , Mordecai H. Louis, Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, • Samuel Grant. Isaac Lea, Jacob R. 'Smith, Edward C. Dale, George W. Richards, George Fates. CHARLES G. BACKER President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. • -W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tem. • J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGENT. North West corner Third and Wood Streets mhZ:wis A LLEGHEN YINSURA.NCECO3I• PANT OF PITTSBURGH. . ..... OFFICE, No. 37 MYTH STREET, BAN - if Bi.om Insures against all kinds of Fire mid Marina Risks.. JOHN IRIVIN, Ja., President. JOHN D. MetORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary, CAPT. WM. DEAN, General Agent. DrnEcrons: - ' .Crpt: Win. Dean. • B. D. Fahnestoek, • Robert Eve R. D rs a o v n is , Francis Sellers Capt. J. T, T. Stockdale, • John Irwin, Jr , John D. MeCorll, C. G. Hussey Harvest Childs, T. J. Hoskinson. Charles Hays, - EOPLESI INSURANCE COM. PAN Y. OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD *& FIFTH STS, A Ilome Company, taking Fire land 3fartneliisko. ' .. W DIRECTORS:- Ism. Phillips, - i Capt. John Ithadi, John E. Parks. John Watt, I Samuel P. Shaver, I Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James 11Illler, I Jared. M. Brush, Wm. Van Kirk, Wm. F. Lang, James H. Verner, . Samuel Mcerickart. WM. PHILLIPS, President. JOHN WATT. lc President. W. F. GARDNE Secretary. ' CAPT. JAS. GORDON. General Agent. WALL PAPER. At No. 107 Market Street, AND SELECT TOUR WALL PAPERS. mhn JOS. R • HUGHES & 'BRO. ALL PAPERS-1568. ILLIAM J. DICK, • - P.ENTEN AND BUIL DER, PAI E era