riTTsH 'ft iABKET OFFICE OF TEE PITTSBURGH. GAZETTE,-- : / YEIDA.Y4 , March 27,1868. The general markets are devoid of any now characteristics worthy of special notice. There is a steady local demand for most are tides, e' but prices har undergoneno impor tant changes. - • - APPLES—With limited arrivals - and a light Supply, the market is firm but un changed; we' can report regular sales at 84 to $6 per bbl; as to quality. - - BUTTER—Is firm,,twarce and in good , demand; we . can report regular sales of prime to choice Roll at-50c to 55e. - - I EGGS—Under tho influence of increased 1 arrivals, are dull and lower--the great 1 proportion, of the sales to-day were at 25e. GRAIN--Winter ~ IVheat Is quiet but steady—s2,s2 to $2,53 for Red, and 5c to Sc. higher for Whiter as to quality. Oats firm but unchanged; ioc to 72c, on track and wharf, and 74 to 75c in store. Corn is quiet; prime Ear is quoted at 98 to $l, on wharf. Sale of 2000 bush Rye at 81.80„and 200 bush do at $1,85, delivered. SEEDS-LC:lovers& d is quiet aud un changed at $B, and the same is true of Timothy at $2,7e. Flaxseed is in active de-' viand at $2,50 • • ' IIAY--Weighniaster MeNultyot the Al..' logheny Diamon 'Scales ; reports sale of 24 loads of Hay a $l7 to $3O, as to quality, and 8 loads of St wat $l5 to $2O. • • PROVISION Bacon ' lS firm but un changed at 12c fo Shoulders ; It to 15 1 ,/,,e for Ribbed and . ClI t Sides; 16y,,c for Break fast Bacon, and 1 ; to 18c for Sugar Cured . Hams. Laid, 16 , c, in tierces, and 17e, in hes and pails. li ess Pork, tt15,50: POTATOES— irni but unchanged; we can report reg , sales in store at $3,25 to $3,50 per bbl,, as, quality. DRIED FRUIT—Is a little dull but un changed; we continue to quote at 7 to $c for Apples, and 1034 to 11Mc for Peaches. BEANS—Scarce .and in steady local de mand at $4,50 to $5, per bushel. . HOMINY—Is quiet s and unchanged at 46,25 to 86,50 Per barrel. ONIONS--Scarce andfirm blit unchanged at $4,50 per bushel. FLOU.R--16'quiet and ufichtmged; $10,50 ,i 0 $ll for Spring Wheat; $l2 to 812,50 for Winter Wheat, and sl4 to $l5 for fancy brands. Rye Flour, $8,25,t0_88,50;. New York Produce Market. lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gage ttel] NEW YORK, March 27.—Cotton firmer, and decidedly more active. -12,000 bales at 253 , fa26c for middling; uplands closing at 26c. Flour—Receipts of 7,618 bbls fiqur at 10.115 c better. In.__Low grades rather more doing; part for export. .13.400 bbls at $9 20a $9 65. Superfine Shit© and Western $lO 20 x$10'80; extra State $9 85411 25; extra Western sl24l4;,white Wheat extra $lO 05 asl4; Round Hoop Ohio'sloas,l2; extra St. sl2asls; gcod to choice doclosing :stem..; 'California %firmer, 1,900 sacks at $l2 oasl4 25. Rye flour firmer. • 500 bbls at $935. Corn meal fair and in re quest. 1000 barrels, • 600 , barrels Jer .l3ey and Western, -610 Brandywine.' hisky nominally unchanged. Wheat= receipts 532 bu -and 3a4c better and more active; sales 60,000 bn at $2,40a2,45 for No. 2 spring; $2,5032,53 for No. I do., both in store and delivered; $2,45 for common red south -ern; $3,15 for white California. $3,37 for . "choice white Genessee. Rye firm; sales 5,400 bu State at $1.91a1,92 1 4. Barley quiet; . sales 1,400 bu Canada East at $2,65; Long " -Island $1,65, and State $2,12. Barley malt steady; sales 2,200 bu $2,173.;a2,18.`"C0rn --receipts 39,905, bu and , lc better; sales -46,000 bu at $1,25.11,30 for new mixed west ern afloat, the latter an extreme; $1,27a 1,28 for old do in store; $1,29a1,30 for do. deliv= ered; $1,20a1,25 for new 'white southern and western, , and $1,29a1,30 for yellow southern. Oats—receipts 3.355 bushels; the market is decidedly firmer, with sales of 32,000 bushels at Stii,:aB7c, for western in store. Rice inquiet at 1011a11,14c for Caro lina. Coffee; the -market is firm for Rio; no saleareported. L Sugar is less active,' with sales of 700 bbts Cubant 1034a12c. Molasses Is firm; with sales of 100 bbls Cuba at 45c. Petroleum is steady with sales of crude at 12a13c, and refined in =bond at 255a26c. Hops are dull at: 10a50e for American: Pork is firmer and quiet, with sales of 1,550 barrels at $24,70a24,80 for now mess, closing at $24,80 regular; • $23,62a23.75 for old do, Closing at $M.75 regular; $20,25a20,87 for . prime, and $`450a22,75 for prime mess; al so 2.50 barrels new mess at $25,25, seller for May. Beef is firth, with sales of 460 bbls at .$14a20 for new plain mess; and $19,50a 23,75 for. new extra mess; also 75 tierces at $33a36,50 for prime mess; $38a40 for In dia. Beef hams firm; sales of 250 bbls, at $36a40. Cnt meats; sales of 240Package.s at 10 1-2.111 c for shoulders;,llalsl-2c for hams. Dresed hogs nominal, at 12 1-2a12 3-Ic. Ba con firm and quiet; sales, of 230 boxes short clear at 15c. lard heavy and lower; sales of 550 Mils at 16a16 3-4 c; small lots at 16 1-8. Butter steady at 35a45c,f0r Ohio; 45a57c for State. Cheese firm at 13a16 Frel43hts - to Liverpool are a shade frner; 12.00 bush corn at 6d per steamer. LATEST.—FIour closed salOc better on low grades, with a fair demand for export and home use. Wheat moderately active and very firm at $2,43a2,46 for No. 2, and $2,5042,55 for No., 1 spring. Rye firm at '151,8731,88 for western. Oats quiet and firm at 87c for western in store. Pork firm, with sales of- 1,00 bbls - at 8'23,75 for old mess, and $24,75324,85 for new mess cash and reg ular. Beef 'firnt and quiet. Cut Meats quiet and steady. Bacon,fairly active and firm at 12 1-2 c for Cumberland cut. Lard dull at 10 12a16 34e for fair to prime steam and kettle rendered. , ' • St. lAnils - Mirket. ray 7elegraplt to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ST. Lours, March 27.—Tobacco active and better prices obtained on grades offered; lugs range at $5,50a9 for common to me dium leaf; $9,131-2 for good shipping do; $13,50a16 for fillers, and wrappers, tialB; bright leaf, $16a50. Cotton quiet at 21 1-2 a V.,e for low middling. Flour dull and un changed at $7,40a8,50; choice extra, $9,25a 9,50; double extra, $9,75a11,25; treble extra, $11,75a13,75. Wheat—All grades except 'fancy declined sc; strictly prime red to choice white sold at $2,60a2,70; spring, s2a 2,10. Corn slow but prices' maintained at 85a88c. Oats steady at 69a70. Barley—High 'prices checked business and nothing was done to-day; Rye easier $1,70a1,73. Pork dull; and weak, but ;offered freely at $25. Bacon dull and unchanged; shoulders. 11 1-2 e; clear sides, ,15e. Bulk meats are held firmly, but inactive; loose shoulders, 10 1-4 c; ribbed sides, 121-4 e; hams,l3 1-4 e. Lard very qtdet at 143 c for choice steam, and 17 for keg. Cattle rquiet. and sales small; common to choice beeves, $7a7,50; extra choice, $8a8,75 gross. Sheep; s4a6 per head. Recelpts—lour, 3,200.bb15; *heat, 13,000 bush; corn, 28,000 do; oats. 18,000 do; barley, 2,200; rye, 1,000 do. Chiezigo t 137 Telegraph to the Pittabrareh.Gazette.l • CareAou, March 27.—Flour more active and unchanged. :Wheat more active, 2a 21,c higher; sales. ,No, 1 at 82,07 for fresh and No. 2 at '81;92 1 /,,a1,92 1 A, closing firm. Corn firmer; sales of new at 81a82 regu lar and closing Steady•with buyers at 813;, sellers at 81%;° sales of fresh receipts at 82q ,a83V,,, No. 1, nearly nominal, at 81a84%. Oats more active at 57 a 5 71 for regular and 5814a59 for fresh. Bye :quiet and un changedi Barley, nothing doing. Pork products unchanged; mess pork nominal at 824; prime mess steady; sales at 821; mil e sides 11 4; loose bellies steady at .12 . Packed Lard nominal at 18. iteempts, 6, 30 barrels Flour; 11,715 bushels Wheat; 9,510 bushels Corn:- 8,925 bushels bats; 'lO Dressed Hogs and 1670 Live HO*. ' Ship-• Ments, - 6,335- barrels Flour; 10,400 bushels Wheat;• 13,720 bushels Corn; 15,300, bushels • Oats; 1.810 Live Hogs... Cia - ge . Cattle Market • ea . , • . , . f.By Telegrigih to ritielmargh Gazette:). : CrtxcAao, Mardi :27.--Llve liege firm at! 15a25e higher, K 135119,50 for common to ex tra eholce ." Beef - Cattle dull at 20a2Cteleerer;% 5,2 . 54 1 75 ' , tti -, " butchers' ,for good , /shipping- .Elly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l • NEW YORE, March 27,1868: 3iONEY AND GOLD. ';'' Money market continues active at 7 per cent for call loans. At present there is no outward flow' of currency beyond some nn important remittances of deposits to country ,banks.. The express companies have been bringiho• currency from the South the last few, days, averaging about t 300,000 per day: Remittances are expected every day from the west, and the money market *ill probs= bly be easier soon. Sterling quiet;at lopy, @w934: gold, for first class bills. Gold openea at 138 y„ advancing to 138 y„ and closing at 138%@13834. A shade higher. Henry Clews & Co. fur nish the annexed 4:3Q quotations: Coupons 1881, 111@111: do.) '62, 109%@109%; do. '64, 107%;. do. '65, 1111%; do. new, 106Y s @- 106%; do. . '69, 107@1074; • 10-40 s, • 106X@ 100%;.7-30s, 105%®105 . g. • The Assistant Treasurer to-day bought ablaut 5250M0 of 7-30-notes and sold about 500,000 in gold: - THE BILL. The Assembly. Committee to-day unani mously reported against the Erie bill,which favored the Drew interest and the report was sustained by a vote of ninety to thirty- RAILWAY MARKET ' - Higher, clbsing strong. - • The following are the 5-30 prices: - Canton, 45%©463ii; Cumberland,. 33@3534; ..Wells, Express, 3534.@36; American ' 67,,a,468g; Adams, 74 1 / 4 ; United States,. 6W,®70; MO -chants,. .e.D31%; QuicksilVer, 20V,,®21; Mariposa, 6@7; • Pacific. Mail, 103%C.4104; Atlantic, 87(§57; , ,1; Western Union Tele graph,'34l,4®34l%; New York Central, nog @1203/ 4 ; Erie, 69 4 %°@69, 1 , 1 r;; Hudson 133®135; Reading,. 90!‘et.90%; Ohio and Mississippi, 2934@29X; Wabasti, 47 3 / 4 @48; St. Paul, 55; ®56; - do. preferred, - 703‘®70%; Michigan Central, , 1123 4 '; Michigan Southern, 88Cja Illinois Central, 136y,®137;4 ; Pittsburgh 910;91!/0.Toledo,1031‘®103;14. Rock Island, ' 92@92y4: North Western. 63@65; • do. pre ferred, 743€2i743.;;.F0rt Wayne, 102@102, 1 ,,'; Hartford and Erie, 13%@14: Columbus, 10c..; Terre Himte,, 44; do. -.preferred, 69N; Han nibal and St. Joe, 77; da. preferred, 'B6: Mis souris, 574; old Tennessees, 663/ 4 ; new do., 63r. During the day Pacific Mail solddown ]LINING SHARES. Mining shares dull; Quartz Hill, 115; Wal kill, ItS. ' SUS-TREASURY 'RECEIPTS. Receipts, $3,855,628; payments, $3,903,818; balance, $lOO 794 145. Cl3y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) eft:cit.:llAm, March ?J.—Flour is in mod erate demand but prices are unchanged. Weat is in better demand and the market fiber. Bed winter is held at V.,38 for No. 2 and '32,43a2,45 for No. 1. Corn is in de mand at 54a85..,. Qats,. advanced to 70c. for No. 1. Eye and barley unchanged: Cot ton is in good demafid and prices advanced; middling sold this afternoon at 21c,' Pro visions, quiet and not much doing.: Mess pork-is nominally unchanged. Bulk meats are in- moderate demand at 10 1-4 and 12 1-4 for shoulders and sides. Bacon is •unchang ed, and a fair demand for clear rib and clear sides at 14 1-2alse. and for sugar cured haMs which must be quoted at 18a18 1-2. Lard is dull at 16a16 1-4c..for country and city. Butter is dull at 46a50c. Eggs declined to 19c. •Clover Seed, dull at $l3. Groceries unchanged and ipilet.* Gold 138, buying. The money market is quiet at froutB to 10 per.cont. City. Telegraph to the Pltt,thurgh dazette.2 ToLEno,'March 27.—Flour-Lleceipts,l,l7o bbls—quiet. Wheat firm; amber held at $2,47.4 with $2,62 bid... Corn—receipts,'• 11,624 bushels and unchanged; sales No. ,1 at 94c, buyer for the month at 94c, and buyer for April at 96e. Oats firm and held at 09e for No. 1. Rye scarce. Seeds—sales,Timothy at $2,50, Cloverseed at $7,25. PITTSI3URGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO R.mmtoAn, March 27.-10 cars metal, Bryan & Caughey; .12 do do, Nimick & Co; 8 do do, ins Wood,Son & CO; 5 do do, Graff, .Byers & Co; 4 do do, Graff, Bennett & Co; 2 bids eggs ' L J Blanchard; 3 airs staves, C C Smith;l'car bones, Seward & Campbell; 12 bxs tobacco, 0 Schaub; 223 . bxs glass, C Ihnisen & Sonrl car shingles ' N N Miller; 0• rolls leather, G N Hoffstott; 41 bags ryp, 100 bbls flour, Dan Wallace; .13 sks rags, McCullough, Smith t Co; 16 cars. iron ore, •Shoenberger & . Blair; 1 car 'lumber, A A Barker; 12 bales wool, W Barker Jr ,t Co; 1 bbl eggs, W 11 Kirkpatrick & Co;, 3 bxs cigars, ,1 butt tobacc6, Jas Murphy; 75 bxs cheese, N J Braden; I car hay, 1t Schnel bach; 200 tcs hams, Jas 11 Parker; 200 bbls flour, Shomaker & Lang; 200 do do, J ~B ;Doe; 1000 pigs lead, B L Fahnestock dr,:Cp; 400 sks flour, owner; 1211 pas meat, James Lippincott; 200 bbls flour, owner; .3(l bills green kips, D Chestnut; 38 bales broom corn, Boyles & Clark. CLEVELAND A...ND PITTSBURGH RA ILEOAD, March 27. 7 -6 cars pig iron, Nhilick & Co; 60 bxs oil, Fahnestock, Son & CO; 7 has scales, Fairbanks, Morse & Co; 10 bales broom corn, .1 Dravo; 1 bbl hardware, Jones, Nitpick & Co; 8,000 ft lumber, .1 Mc Masters; 43,000 lath, Wm Dilworth = Jr; 70,000' 'shingles, Slack dr, Sholes; 8000 ft lumber, R A Clarke & Co; 184 sks :rye, .T McKinney; 157.d0 do, Jos S Finch; 2 Ibis sugar, Ar buckles & Co; 14 sks rye, jus Graham; 494 sks corn, Meltane & A.njer; 6 bbls sorghum, 3 bbls•dry apples, ,1 do beans, 3 do flaxseed, Bdo eggs, 13 . sks ins, Head & Jletzgar; 1 chest tea, - Carter, I%cGreiv & Cu; 4 do eggs, H Riddle. ALLEGHENY SrAgroz;;March 27.-1 car wheat, Wm McKee it.Co; 1 bbl eggs, Kohen dt Bro; 4do do, L L Beck; 9 hides, 1 bbl tallow, Lappe ik - Weise; 1 ear millfoed; J B McKee; 3 bbls oatmeal, 8 Dyer; 40 bbls little, Jos . Craig; 20 doz brooms, .T Hutchin son; 1 bbl eggs, -G ,Taos;-.100 bbls flour, Stewart it Langcnhehn; 1 car staves, Ralya 6: Robertson; 6 - bales leather, A it J Groetz inger ,sc Co; 204 bags barley, J ' Rhodes 6; Co; 175 bags rye, Jas McKinney; 462 gallons stoneware, T H Gibson; 10 bxs cheese, B Jenny; 2 bbls eggs, Rik A Carson; 49 sks rye, W J Meek; 2 cars lumber, Nanz PITTSBURGH COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI R. It. March 27.-1 car rye, M Steel ik Son; 120 -halt' bbls fish, Watt do Wilson; 2cars staves, M Nesly; 120 half bbls fish, Arbuck les 6i: Co; 1 ear•staves, C C Smith; .35 hides, G N Hoffstott; 6 bids eggs, W H Graff; ,4 do I de, 2 bits butter, E Smith ; 25 boxeS starch, Knox 43: Orr; , 10 bbls potatoes, Rabb it Her- 1 ear rye; Brown it Williams; 90 bbls 40 sks flour; Win Cooper it CO; 10bbls‘drY apPtesi Head 66 lifetzgar; ``l4 boo eloverseed, G A Smith; 13 do rye; McHenry 'de Hood; lot sundries, F G Craighead. ALLEGHENY 'TALLEY RAILROAD, March 27-3 cars metal, McKnight, Porter it Co; 1 bbl eggs, C Ecker; 5 . pkgs eggs, 5 do; butter A Gallagher; 4 do butter, 3do eggs,-A•W Bier c 2 d.o 1 do ,butter, :L J ‘ Blanclutrd; 20 bales hay, C Lee; ,2 bxs butter, 0lu( srags„ 5 bids eggs, J stoops; 6 ears 'oil, Lockhart Frpw; U sits do. biuley,'lo 46 'wheat, • Scott ik Waal; 50 skswheat,.l4eZie Co; 2 P/cP.egq,s, 4:1) CePeland• t`c". • POTootikeii AND 'potticrztss lax 11):tx.nogg, MarchZO-- 19 ' skg ran Godfrey & Clark; 1- bbl , ,° P Shriver& to; •5 bbl eggs, I 3 H Velgt 4:ie Co; 48" 'kg's' nails, Itriox do'Orrp 060 bag glass, •Xlelineb3 &CO. • • '11.:1 .4 '.4 clot Pgrritsirtv,:airikf- ezirrtuit RAILROAD,' Mar* * Z-800 bush •` rye PHitehdoekr,Afc areeo;B4'Clf4r4Vbatt&tabaCco, John Greer de . 'btOZ/fkiersgsi.SElvxlatlfiVo: 8 lAA - PoltBl 8 leithel4 1 4,11-001tot . o u tt4! k 1 .2 Omi t indlrenvAlo l6l ;MSl4,4l.l9 qt , rr ; .1••••` , . • =kW gam niinc fß `l i"r Nei "''Y~ `.Gold Closed at 13634@1343y2... GOVERNMENT STOCKS STOCKS , Cincinnati Market. Toledo Market. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD =SEI PITTSBURGH GAZ E TTE : SATURDAY. MARCH 28, 1868 Z.By Teleraphto gte rittaarpii cafette.l. CLEVELAND, 3;ftreh27 - .."--"-Plour tinichang ea in general features: - Well established brands are in good request,:XX' spring, $lO a 1 1 12.5; XX red winter, 11,50a13,50; XX. white, 13a14,50. Wheat is (- dull and nominal with no transactions,' Corn, dull and unchanged -with, light sales of No. 1 shelled at $l,OO. Oats in fair demlnaiad and market steady at 70a71 for No. - 1 state on 'the spot and delivered and balance of the month. Rye is quiet and firm and held at =,?1,70 - foiNo. 1 State and western. Barley, nominal. Petroleum; firm inactive, un settled and unchanged, nominally. Louisville Market [Bv Telegiaph to the Pittsburgli Gazette, ,LOUISVILLE, March 27.—Tobacco; sales 183 Mills; market firm at $5,50 to $9,50 for lugs; and $1,35 for medium leaf. Flour; Su perfine,' $8,50a9,00; 'fancy, $12;50a13,00. Wheat, $2,40a2,45. Corn; shelled, 78a80c., Oats, 72a75c in bulk. Cotton 'firm at 233ic..- Lard, Itial6y,c in tierces. Bacon; shoalders; 119 c; clear sides, , ls!‘c. Bulk Meats; shoul ders 10 3-4; clear , sides, .1.4!,‘c.. Mess Pork heldat $25., Whiskey nominal. Memphis Market. Env Telegraph to the Pittsblirßh Gazette. 3 .11fEmpins, March'27.—Cotton excited; _re ceipts K 4 bales; exports, 154•. bales; week , s receipts 3,516 bales; exports 3,140 bales; stock 7,286 "bales; receipts for the season 240,734 bales. - Flour dull at $8a9... Pork $26.‘ 13acon—shoulders 12 1-2 c; clear sides 15 3-4 c. Bulk shoulders 11 1-4 c. Lard 16a 1.7 c. Corn $l. - Oats' Mc. 'Hay $l7. • • NEWS Both ri • ers were .receding - slowly last evening with fifteen:and a Wilt' feet in the Monongahela, and about fourteen and a half feet.inlhe - Allegheny. , The 'weather continues cloudy and .unsettled, with every appearance of more rain: The St. Charles, from Cincinnati; Arme nia; from St. Louis, and Robt. Moore,. from , Portsmouth, arrived, and the -.Waiumita, for Missouri 'River; R. C. Gray, for Mem phis, and • St. .Charles, for'-Cincinnati, de parted. - • . The Ida Rees .No. 2 got in from Oil City on Thursday and will return this af ternoon. The Echo is. due here" to-night, ; ;Lewis Oberlin, a well-known steamboat steward, died at his residence in Allegheny City on Thursday night: 'The deceased was a very worthy matt, steAdv and indus t trous, and was very highly esteemed by all who knew him; His disease Was c.Stisttnt ti.oll: . he leaves a - wife . andseVeral childrem The America, Captain Poe, is filling up• steadily for. Nashville, and ,will be the first boat out for that point. The Kate Putnam ; Capt. J. H.:Lightner, is announced for St, Louis and Illinois Itiver,and the Glendale is up for St. Louis arid MisSouri . River, as is also the Armenia, Capt. A. C. McCallum: The new steamer Andrew.,Aelley, will be the first boat out for Fort Benton. The Bayard will ho off the dock nekt, week and, it is expected, will at once take the place of the Len' Leoti k in the .Parkers burg trade, in command of Captain A. Shepard. . • A boat, containing 20,000 bushels of coal, belonging to Messis.Miller: .t Linn, of Mc- Keesport, went over dam No. 1 on Thurs day night, and sunk..; The boat; and coal is a total loss - They were valued at $2,500. The Amelia Poe,. Yorlitov - n, Loretta, and 13elleVerrm, passed Louisville on -Wednes day, en route for St. Louis. • • the Simpson, Horner .and Arrow, with tors of. coal, passed Cairo on Wednesday on her way to Now Orleans: • , — .The New Yerk was. advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on• Thursday, and the Argosy and Leonidas were, announced to folio* og Friday.;- • " The Evansville . ..Tottrita/ of Tuesday, has the following:.A little incident occurred :M on board theayflower:yesterday afternoon in *inch a lady passenger and herhUsband from Paducah,fin.route to Louisville, were deePly interested. It is a bouncing . boy. Mother and son are doing as Weil as 'could be expected, aniLare receiving every atten .tion from : the otticerS and attaches of the boat. 'We find the fbliewing in the Dubuque Times of Saturday : . This Unfortunate steamer,that so lately met with such a ter rible disaster on the Ohli) River, by - having her boilers eiKploded,' wits' commanded by Captain - .J. H. Prather, formerlver the firm offalmer d Co., vinegar manufacturers, on lowa street, who afterwards sold to Cush ing & Co. lie was a two-third owner ot the Magnolia. His brother, John Prather, who was engineer on the same boat, who was also albrmer resident of this city, and Well :known , ,aniong. stearnboatmen. Ho was en gineer of. the Northern Belle at the time she sunk; 'He was afterwards chief engi neer of the Northwestern Packet Company, and stationed here. , • • TwO million fivehundred thousand bush els coal have been - .receiVed ' at Louisville since,,the 16th inst.; amount shipped mid waiting shipment, two. million,. - ithree nun dred-andlorty thousand-bushels,' • We clip."thee following from:the Cinein-, nati Gazette of Thursday: . Mr. L. H. Crall, after fifteen day 4 experience as river editor of the Evening Chrenic/cOn which. , pesition he has mademany-warm friends, notwith standing the. , brief Hine, retires from that department of the paper; to acceptanother, and what he considere.s a mereleasant position, successor• on, the river has not hen named to uS. Cant. .Tesse Dean, of the Messenger, was in the elks,- yester daY, but returned-to Pittsburgh last even ing by rail. Captain Ed. Evans; of the Westmoreland,, will be here to-day. The, Cincinnati Enquirer - .says:. In the suit of: Joseph: . pilot, Against Capt. Jesse. Dean, of the Messenger, 'ter 'non-fulfillinent - of n•eontract; in the -"Su porter Cburt yesterday; judgment was :given the -.plaintiff ;for, 8250, 'Williams claimed that he was engaged as ono df the pilots of the . Messenger -to. New Orleans and return, but the !Captain, afterward pm ployed another pilot at "a lowerfigure, and refused to take hiin. ' ' • TheMelnotte, en route from the, Illinois river to Cincinnati,' has the following Pitts burgh -freight; F. Sellers dr Co., 20,835 pieces bulk meat; - 134 barrels — greaSe; 70 do lard; 937 tierces -lard; 67 :do - grease; for Little, . Baird it. Patton - 275. hales, broom corn. The steamer Hirano- Price has been sold to Messrs. Hawks -and • Jenks , f0r14,000, at Leclaire.. The marine boatways at Leclaire are doing a lively husineas now in getting the steamers' -Grey Eagle and Minnesota ready for duty. • 1 . , A letter from Chicago in ielationto the late meeting of railroad men Andbeatmeh, -says of the Northwest TransPortationiCom , pany, that it has- been r established by east ern and western capitalistii• that Joab Law 'rence - has been elected its , President, Geo. T. Nutter its:: Eastern' Director, and that if properly conducted; it-will • revnlutlonize the formercomplicated system 'of trans portation'to the terltorries, and' as it mini hers among its directors several energetic business men, its character and success is guaranteed. A St. Louis telegram, under date of Wednesday, says:. t great ' quanWy. of .rain has, fallen .during.: the last thirty-six hours, bur the Weather is now clearing np. The' river is, falling , here.. The steamer Will SollaYsilasfibeen sold to -the Illinois Gold Mining company, and will,'" make a trip to. Fort Itenton, startinefidin A heavy rise in(rthe Up r Mississippi is .anueutliced. , l;The hulrand ca in oftio, steamer_Swan was sold to the, }St. L ouis and: Quincy Pdekiir`Veinpany for' :sowlinifboat., , Pries, (14000.1 At 'Keokuk the, Mississippi still 444, , TAP.idIY.,, although_ rainingabove. - A 'dispatch, says the Zephyr; sold by martial at' Sti,J6sephjyesterdan.ibrought, ncinlyl2oo.;.L. is -';`- l '"' . " l lllvertrand Weather. • {BY Tribeifiiv to the , I s ittitioilb,•,l3 it:OlU4) 1400/PTI Marpli iistii4,- 'witlifipirteeh footle the' &nal . . -=Weather thettiotheiter 53,.. Frlrrwoto9r; we;Au4 Fold*D r • • t • - ' 11 41_ FOB ST. :LOUIS ,--L4L.NDs4Gt mssount RI:VER.—Me fine iffaiRDALE J. if. Tang, Sfaster, Will leave for St. Louis anti allpoints_ on the 311s !marl River on,SATURDAY. 28th inst.. at 4 P. at. For freight or passage apply On board.- - -nth33 A LLEGRENY RIVER gig i l=4% PACKET LLNE leaves every. IF7 TUESDAY, TRUESDAYn.AND SATURDAY, At . 3 o'clock r. from the_ foot of-Irwin. street line is composed - of thoifollowing boat 3 .IDA'IIIIES No: 21. IL REES,I Master, W. F. STEW MIT, Clerk. i ECHO '`o. R o. 3, E. ' GODON Maker, A. D. Itt:f4- 8E L, Clerk. I'lie above Boats were built xPressly for the trade, nam have, superior aecoodati n 4 and attentive offi (Oß - ST. LOUIS, AND - _ THE! ILLINON .Iggrztas due steamer . ; • . • . HATE PUTNAMI • rapt. J. H. LIGHTNER. iWlll.leaTe as above TILLS DAY, at 4 o'clock P. 31. For &eight or passage apply op board . or to • mb23. - FLACKCOLLINGWOOD. Agents. - • - - VOR ST. LOUIS , _K2 ECK. 'GALENA; ntrituguE AND ST. PAUL.--Tito fine passenger steamer MSSENGEP ' 'Capt. JEssis DEAN Will leave n:saboV6 , Tlll£4 DAY, at 4 r. FLACK COLLINGWOOD. ts. • , C. BARNES: tins.' mll2l ' JAS. COLLINS. jEtEgULAR IIiaINES-AiagEk DAY PACKET FOR CINCIN Arl. --The tine steamer ARGOSY - • ' - - • Ca - pt. VA...snitnGMFT, 11..5cu11., 'Clerk, leaves Pittstnagh 'for , Cincin nati every WEDNESDAY at noon. U. 13AHNEs, - JAS. COLLINS, Agente. - t am ' ; JOILN FLACK, VOR NASH VILLE:-:- - The , Roe steamer . dasoggiirigie Cap t. ADAM POE, .WlRletiVe as above' onYIDS DAY, at 4r. For freight or passage . al! . ply on.board or to • JOAN CliAri. BARNES, Or. 3. D.•COLLINGIVQOD, Agent 4. KOR MONTANA, FORT BENTON AND — THE bIOLDINMgEit liZES.—The tine new steamer ANDREW ACKLEY • Capt. GAltitErr Botts, Will leave, for above ,ports on THIS DAY. The above boat la entirely new, Was built • Oxpreasly for that trade, and has the tiov.erument contracts. For freight or passage applc on board or to , • , . V.. 1, KOONTZ. WEST COMMON • Machine Stone Works,_ Northwest corner of West Common, Allegheny FRED'ECAVVATEM & CO. . Have ou hand or prepare ou short notice Hearth and atop atones, Visits . for atdorallcs, .Brewery Vaults, dc. Head and Tomb Stones, &c. • Ordersproluptly executed. Trices reasonable. STONE 41T . ARRIG. . . Apollo Stone Quturry, To order or' by the ear load. via W. P. R. R. ga. quire of rahr2:m6o WORT PITT LI.rIIIIIER COMPANY Capital, - - - ` 5125,000. PIZE.IDF.:;:7--EliIV Ann NEcia:T.titv—T. A. Wltllt IT. SUPT...3I,NTIINIJinVr--ED W. • , • Eduard Davl-ont. ,or P. Duncan. - John •r" 'E.. D. Dithrl4e,,. lieu. W. Inthrhig..,- It. M. L. Illatone, - h.. t. john,ton. .Llr3ruEr. SARl)—Corner of 'BUTLER AND AL LEGHENY STREET, , . tram. OFFICE AT rvirr NTT (LASS Tralah- Ington.Street. im2o:Jiks MIERCHA;CFS' I. WARD NICHO.LSoN, Proprietor, NOS. 141 AND 143 THIRD STREET, 110I19:ES. CARRIAGES. FOR TITRE. Par ticular attention paid to the purchase aud sale of Hamel. • • au9:d4 SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR ' • ME TRAVELING COMMUNITY. - J. L SAFETY FIRE JACKET, Car Heater and Modemtor, For SMOKE AND. HOT AIR 'FLUES, dispensing with the use, of 1.31.0ves and Fires in or abut the Passenger or Ilaggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the heat to any, temperature that may be desired without the possibility' of. firing the car or ears to which the Jacket may be attached. • Having obtained of the United tit ates Letters Pat ent for a SaletyJacket which is warranted to 'resist the most intense heat that may be adpiled to It in the position and purpose for which it is intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by tire, origi nating from defective flues. orwhere iron pipes are used no conductor s for -smoke-or heat.. It is. appli plienble to all piping that May become overheated, and is warranted tagive perfect satisfaction where wood or other - ectubustible material may be placed in close proxintity thereto. • I am now ready to ap plv tar luventianAtr 'Welk-dwellings, factories. slaps, .steambot.is, railroad ears, wherever pipes as conductors are - made dangerous by-being overheated and.security &steed. I will sell. ou ap plication. rights to mininfactitre or to use the above invention; also; territorial, rights, to such as may wish to engage privileges, either by "State J. B. .11A118161.' - • 4a-intim - at the -"NE PLUS. * ULTRA PAINT WORKS." corner of Morris street and, the Alleghe- I/V Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward,'Plttsburgh,' Pa. PITTSBURGH PAPER MANU j_ FM:TIMM; COMPANY. Manutheturera of PAINTING ANDWRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON wiz° PICLUTITO:4.;IIILL-NEW , . • N 0.82 Third Street Pittsburgh, Pa: orptczna—:ATJHthit HARTJE, President. J2CO. R. LIVINGSTON; Treasurer. SAMUEL RIDDLE 4 Secretary. . . Drakerorts—Autrat Hartle, ~Tplaa *Atwell, S. H Hartman, John It. Llvlngton:. • • ; . - Cash paid for raperbtock. Ja.TnaFtl MAILT.-300 BUSIAELS„ .1 . 'FALL . IARLEY MALT , Ilec . eited and forsitte;-tw' .- • • . , . 1116 BANE Sr; ANJEIt ' • • ..• • - 141 WATEy. STREET. , jitiebtfrith; January 2.1. 2863. ' •`OI , FIUIS OF CITY ENGINENII,tt . • • ' Pittsburgh. March Stla, priorkzery OWNERS- ' • N FIFTH Between Market and Sinithileldatreets. are rcgueist ed to put in all pipea-counecting with the ,Setibr, Water or Gas B Foltz Titz 101.1 f OF AP3t7Lt • Aire; rrhiel 4 - ate go pernilt o q wilt' be 'firanted Tor Opening said strgeri,- • - . relate: MOOTIE. City Engineer. 20 000' .- bbshels' r i - pritne • • -• ‘-.• • -; r. c ; z'AitlLlKowt; SAIRAVII ,CO., AgabfeAl , • • - eotiffitiinni Eltreia Clulituut,'?falegbehyi.ro 1. inighta6l:d&a - • " . p 250 BABBEuv,WILITE UNA Wartuneed equal to any ha market; 'le attire sale t►r r E.Nox - , • pit r ,irtc.--qt.tl Nit • • . ".11 •• , =11ti , 4":1i11; t ; -5. , 1-iTEAREBOA - „. . ', JAMES CuLLl\3;-A¢cut STONE. Stone farnihed from :be , J. FREETLY,'. Apollo:,Arnistrotig Cq.. Pa LUMBER. -~ . LIVERY S T ABLES LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, tOPPOSTTE MERCHANTS' HOTEL.) OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, MERCHANTS M, bTSBLE : .... ..... ETEELB. M . STEELE & SON . Commission. Merchants, AND DEA,ItERS F. 1.40 4 -311, GRAIN, FEED, ifh:c. 10.95 01110 STREE'I near East COllllllOl2. ALLEGHENY CITY,PA. JAMES D. MEANOM.... ..... . ..... ... MEANOR &-lIARPER, . FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE' COMMISSION MERCHANTS 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. - - Codsipanadoti solicited. • • REFiZENCES—J. G. Martin'. Cash er Mechanics' National Bank.; J. S. Dilworth & , Co., E. T. Ken nedy & Bro. _ I , • ..th31:111 • rET.En a as. r. ITICHAItIa NEIL & RICHART, - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALVIS FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL PEED, ac., - = 349 Meaty St., Pittsburgh. ROBERT COMMISION'MERCHANT, . . AND DEALER IN FLOtJP., GRAT."..;, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. : Office,. 413 LIDItItTY STREET, Pr/TSUI:PAIL J. BLANCHARD,. • Wholesale and Retail Grocers,„ No: 396 PENN STREET upl9:zsl ALEX. )I'UANF . •• • . NiCHANE 410 ANJEft, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS , Dealers in FLOUR, MUTT.; and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 WATER . STREET, 5 above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. jes FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For" the'sale of Flour, Grain, .Bacon,Lard, Butter. Seeds, Dried Fruit. and Produce generally, N0..16 MARKET STREETVeoruer of First, Pittsburgh'. fe.ntul • S . IiO2I.IAA & ERJIANG ! , Whole - sale dealers In Groceries,' Flour, Grain. 'Pro duce, -Provisions, Fish. Cheese. Salt. Carbon . 011, &c.. Nos. 172 and 174 'WOOD STREET.. - ear Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. -• noB:uSS• • JOUN lIDCSE EDW. 11DU5E......W.31. lIOUSE.. Suc _T censor:. OHN to I. HOUSE 84.11H05. censor:..To I. HOI"SE IS: CO.. 'Wholes:sle 4,roeerzi and Commission 3lerehantg. Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittborgh. Pa. TT MIDDLE. No. IS3 LIBERTY . STRF:ET, Pittsburgh, Pa.., Commission Iter e ant and Wholesale .11ealer in. Conntry. Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. , • Clas ad vanced on Corialguineute, and pald'for Produce gar. orally. " ROUT. KNOX • • 4....S.NI:PUX*Fr VO.iOX • KNOX fa. BON, COMMSS/Ot Olt .1 ,i'EE6atnd ' MAZE 79 DI-1.314)ND, opposlteclty Bull, Allegheny City .AV.CRAWFORD,• COMMISSION. 7 ERCHAVNMERCIANTIN PIG METAL 003 IS. ORE. IVROUGIIT SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND CLAY. &,c. Warehoeto and Waco, Nin4. 306 and 308 P :NN STREET. Storage far ntehed: Consigns - nen s solicited. . - le2 T W rrTLE, BAIRD. PATTON, ho!exalt; Grtn.yers, Commission Mercitants and 'eaters 1n Produee,Flour, Bacon. Cheese,. - Nish,' Carbon and Lard Oil. Iron. Falb, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsbnrgb Manufactures generally, 11'4 and I.I4.SECtiID :STREET, Pittsburgh. JB. CANFIELD ;SI SON, COM • SlizrslON c. FORWARDING' 'MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western Ruserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pork.'l;aeon. Flour. Fish. Pot and Pearl .Asbea, and Oils— Dried Fruit and. Produce generally. Nos. 144 and 146 Front sLn:et,. Pitts burgh. - JUAN SIIIMON A.._,SVALLACTL fiIPTONS‘WALLACE,WHOLE SALE GROf 7 ERS AND PRODUCE' DEALERS, _ o. 68IXTH STREET. l'in.bur li. • faMr.ll. OILS. E ußip l iA OIL WORKS, • • MANUFACTUREBS OF EUREKA CARBON OIL, TiiE CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATING OILS, CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL. NI'IIOLEALE DEALERS IN Clrude,- Relined and . Lubiicating 'Oda; Lard, aperrn, Whale and ,FlLsh 011 s. R. C. MACHESNEY, Agent, No. 19 Irwin Street. WARING AND RING, , I V V • ' Commission Merchants and Brokers hr., Petroleum and Products DAIZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY-, prrninviGn, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING 84 CO, 127 Walnut Street. TT M. LONG & CO., • 'MANUFACTURERS OF PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, Brand--"LTIcIFER. S P • Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, Pa. TACK IpIOTILERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN ' • • Petroleum and its Products. OnIeeDALZELL' BUILDING, cot , nor of . Duquesne Way and linin "eats., • Ofnee-1517 WAL NUT, BT. . aplnv3o . J BUFFM . S...C..A. xr,ttsvr...w. SOHO WORKS.- 311 . Traitpr9 ItuAti r lye proale kind!.of LUBRICATINC STREET. -, •-•- -; ; ; • E .4.I I } I FEATOUrtEHP'O r , at; €43° DYERS AND SCO o• • -;" J6l Nos. 85 and 187 Third Street, DYEII, AND SCOUT E 1 0 34:16D1300MSED OR MYT3b. lux) GLOVES iianatAbrElp pLuailcs-CLEA.N 4-EIN OR, DYED • I. ` 4 TAIOANNUNG , - • ... 1 3 /4 9 P AIFI-9 - 1 4 10ni i **7 11 , 43 9 1 t E gi rA ..i. iamars— je!,:oot!“, ~,),:in4tzliymalt?-o.: IiDECTSBURGII and CONNELLSyILLE R. R. . • On and after- TRITR.SBAIt lifarrh 1988 , trains arrlre•at and depar t from - the Depot.cor uer of Grant and Water street?, as follows: Peprtrt. Arrive. Mail to and from linionrn:- , 0:00 A. Ji." 6:00 r. x. McKeesporfAccommodt'n.ll:oo 1.1. 2:05 n. x. Ex. to and from .tin hint7n.• i 31'00 pi. It; 10:00 A. N. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 r. x. 8:35 A. N. BraddoO,lCS ACConnooditt'a: . . Night Arc. to 3leKeesport.lo:3o r. 31.. 6:10 A. N. Sunday Church Train to and - from West Newton • 1:00 P. 21. 1 0 3 1 U A.; For tickets apply t .. • -•-• J. 11. XING, Agent. W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. mbs ALLEGHENY " VALLEY RAILROAD. Y DIRECT ROUTE TO_TRE'OII, 'REGIONS. Running through to Yenaugo City without change of ears-Connecting . witiatrainn. Eltat : and,Woat on the Warm.. & Franklin and ;the Atlantic & Great , 'Western Railways" • On and after THURSDAY, March 26th, 4 1868, the Prissenger Trolus will leave front a nd arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot. colter. Canal and' :Pike Ste., as fellows: •: , • Depart. Arr re. Mail to and fm 'Wen. City. 7:00 A. N. 1;00 it. Express " 10:30 A. 3t. 6:15 P. 31. 13radv's Rend Accommod'n 3:00. P. X. 10:30 A. N. Soda Works Accom'n • 5:25e. at. 7:55A. First Itulton Accomod'n... 9:00 A. 31. 11:45 A: 31. Second Ilulton Accomod'1112:00 it. 3:45P. N. Sunday Church 'frail: leaves. Soda Works at 0:05 A. N.. • arriving in Pittsburgh 'at - 9:50.A. at. Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10,r. 3t., arriving at Soda 'Works at 2:55 P. 31. • B. BLACKSTONE, Sup't.' W. F. ROPE. Ticket Agent.- rah23' 1868. . PITTSBURGH. FORT WAYNE . ./c CHICAGO U. 31 - . AND CLEVELAND & PITT:O3I.MM IL From January 10th, 1/368., tntins will leave from and arrive at 'theDepot. north aide; city. Hem. as follows: • • "'care. • • • Arrive.. • ' Chicago E x 2:13 a in:Chicago Ex._ 2:43 a ra. Cleveland Ex.. 2:13 am { Cleveland Ex. 2:43 am' Erie & Ygn 6:13 a in iChleago Ex. -. 10:58 a m Cl.& Wh'g 6:28 a mlWheellng Ex. 11:08 a m• Chicago hail.. 6:58 am i Chicago .. 1:53 pm Chicago Ex.... 9:43'a m & NVlVg.f.:x 4:03 It m ritts..& Cl. Ex.;Erie& )(Ira Ex 6:13 pm Youngvn 9:431 Chicago - Ex. 0:58 p m Cl..t.WlVg Ex.. 2:13p m,CI. &Wit'g 7:08 pin Chicago Ex. 1. 2:20p m!littts. & Ct. Ex: • WI: . & Erie Ex. 4:38 pini via Yognst• g•0:28 pm. Depart from Alleglieny.! :Wire in Allegheny. N. Itrtgrn Ac. 8:58 a m:\. Brig:V:l Ac. 7:03 a m Leetsdale ", 10:13 a " 8:28 a m 11:53 . a m " 9:58 am Rochester " 1:33 p m New CaitlF . 10:13 a m WellWe Acc.. 3:43p m : Leetsdalc "‘ 0:13 a m Leetsdale Arc. 4:13 pm! •." • " 1:18.mp Itrlgrn " . .s:3ttpmN.•Tirlc Vn " 2:43 pm N. Mgr:: " . 6:28 p , Leetsdale " :4:23 pm Leetsdale " 1 0:43.P.mi -" " 7:28 pm 2:28 p. m. Chicago Ex-; 10:30 a. m. Chicago press leaves daily. (Expreso arrives daily. Ja2S F.' R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent. lIESEEMII ifTIgBURGH, N , coLumnus etzicnk, ATI R. R. PAYILLNDLEI,OIITE: , , CHANGE of TIM - E.=On and after SUNDAY,' December Pitt, 1867, trains will leave and arrive at Unitin Depot. as follows, Pittsburgh time: .Deport. , - ?Time. Mall E:cpress 2:15 a. m. 3:55 p. m: Fast Line. in. 7:05 p. tn. Fast Express 2:50 p. in. 10:55 a. m. Miked Way 0:10 a. m.. 6:50 p..rin. MeDonal.l 4 s Ace'n, No. 1.. 11:10 a. m. 2:10 p. tn. Steubenville Aceonnnotl'it.• 3:55 p. 01. 9:30 u. McDonalti's Acen, No. 2.. 5:10 p. m. 8:20 a. nt. • SPECIAL NOTlCE.—Sundai. - Express leaves ut 2:50 p. m. arriving In Cincinnati at 6:30.a. na. the next Church.Ttkin leaves Sundayat 12:55 . p. tn... • The 0:40 a; .m. Train leaves :daily, linndaY and: Monday excepted, arriving In Cincinnati at 0:55 the same evening. S 1101U115 - IN - ADVANCE OF ALL PTHEIt,ROUTES... irNo change of cars"betwecn 'Pittsbatgit atid, Cincinnati, and BUT ONE. change- to St.' Louis, Cairo, and the principal points West and Southwest. When purchasing tickets be, etire auti . find the office of the rittsbnrgh, Columbus & Cincinnati R. -- t:Nroy nEromitsot-rirs.nno - - • • , M. D. MOTHERSPAUGH, Ticket Agent: . . B. F. SCULL. General Ticket Agent, JOHN D. MILLER, lien. FreiglitAgent. _ 1011 E N N S.l" LVANIAaW, A. CENTRAL RAILROAD: On and after October 6th. 1867' Trains. ill ar ,rive. at and depart from the Union Depoti corner 9r Washington and Liberty streets, as folionliX : Mall Train.... 1:5"..0 ain Day Express.. 3:00 a . M. Fast Line lL:50 a miWall's No. 6:30 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6;20 a in:Mail Train...-. 8:20 a m , Winton No. 7:50 a in! Wall's No. 2.. 9:50 m Wail's No. 2.. 8:50 a mi*Cincinuati Ex 11:15 a m Cincinnati Ex. 0:10 a in' Wall's No. 3:.11:30 a m Johnstown Ac. 10:15 a nalJohnstowttAc. 2:50 pm Phila. Express 1:50 pin .Wall'N No. 4.. ;3:30 p m Wall's N 0.3... 1:30 pmi Phila. Exprtis• . 4:10 pm Wall's No. 4.. 2:50 p m Wall's 370. 5.: 4:59 pm Wall's No. .5.: 5:50 p N'ail's No. 6.. 6:05 PM W all's No. 6.. 7:00 pin Fast Line 7:20pr0. Altoona Acc'n Wall's No. 7 ../0:50 lira . and Emigrant Traln 10:30 prni . The Church Train leave 4 Wrill's Stlation every Sunday -at 0:15 a. In., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 nt. Returning, leaves.ritt;ihurgh at 7.2:50 p. m. and arrit _sat Wall's Statien at 2:00 pu• tn. • "'Cincinnati Express.. leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. ' Philadelphia Express and the Altoona Acentamo 'dation and Emigrant Train arrive daily. Cincinnati Express ;arrives daily except Monday . All other trains daily except Sunday. For further information appiv to.' W. H. It'kCKW.TTIT, 'Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Companylyill not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and.limit tlicirresponsibility.to Otte Hundred Dollars in value. All. Baggage .exceeding that - amount in value will be at the risk °tine antler; un less taken by special contract. - • - EDWARD. H. WitLIAMS,..: oc9 General Superintendent,. Altoona, Pa. WESTERN PENNarr i pagiml • SYLVANIA RAIL LAD.—On and after November 1, 1867, .the Pas senger Trains on the Western Fennsylvanim -Rail road will arrive at and depart from„the. Federal. - 'Street Depot. 'Allegheny City, as follows: - Arrive.' • ;1 iDepart. Sharpb'g No.l. 6:25 a tni Mail 4,,,6:50‘a , Freeport No.l- . 8:15 am:Freeport No. r 9:05 a.m Express 10:10'a m,Sharpb`g N o.111:20 a tn SharplPg N 0.2 :1:25 pin Illapres,s ~ . 1:50 pin Freeport No .2 4:15 p m Harnferv'e AC '3:55 pm 6:05 p re:Freeport No: 2 '6:05 p liar:nerve Ac 7:10 pin!Sharpirg No. 7:30 pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. -- The. Church Trails leaves Allegheny Janet. every Sunday at 7:40 a. in„ 'reaching Allegheny City:at .. 9:50 a.. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. In. and arrive at Alleg - heny'Junet. at 9:45 Ci.MI3 . IL'IATIe.Se TICKETS—For sate; in paCkages 'of Tweniy,.„-hetween. Allegheny City, Chestnut street, n Herr's, ennett, Pine Creek: Etna and Shimpsburg, and good only on the [mini': stopping atStatlons Spe cified on tickets. • The train leaving .A.lieglieny - ,.Clty at 6:50 a. In. makes direct connection at Freeport with 'Walker's line of Stages for Butler and Hannahstown. - Through tickets May be purchased ht the Office No. ,3 St. Claim street,-near, Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at tin Depot,' Allegheny City. For further information apply toy-• -- . JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent; • •, 7 . , • -Federal Street Depot. - The Western Pennsylvania Railroad .will not as sume any risk for Bhggage, except forvrearing-ap pare!, and limit the!. responsibility- to One Hundred Dollars in value. 'All -baggace - .ea - ceeding , this amount in value will be at the risk of the ewner, un teas taken by special contract.' „ . EDWARD_ IL WILLLAM, General Superintendent. Aitoona;-.Pa.. PITTSBURGH OM S BlLL a=Fea UNION. PACIFIC RAILWAY, _ . The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE ROUTS from tit° Easi to nil liolntiitt • • • Colorado,- Nevadi, _ California,• ;Utah; Artzonal :, 11 Yashingt91 1 , New Mexico, Idaho, Two Trains Mayo 'State' L 1.11(% and , Lnivenworth daily, (Sundaya excepted, lon the arrival of trains of l'acinc Railroad from St.' Lon's, and Hannibal and St. Jo ltailroad...trom Qultic4.-Connoeting .at Law rence, Topeka and" Wamego with stages for all Planta In NAnsaa. At 'end of track-west orElbs worth with theTNITED STATES EXTREBI3 EON!. .PANT , S DAILY , LINE OF :ov4pLifiip AND XXPEESS COACHES : FOR - . • - , ,momprvExti 5.A1117 T • ja -15 11.- And all Points in the Teviritorleis, rAnd:trith SA.I9IEHSON'S.THI-WEEKLY LLNE, of COACHES Par Fort Hent's Fort. piss,. Albu-. l ue y . cs u t e e \ ter LI Fe ' aad - r4l point. I n 4:r ) tc,a ht recen ~addltioalta uf•roultift, atoek. and equipment. - and the arrtufgemerita - made with re sponsible Overland Anutsportatlen': Lines frons,lta .westenk terminus., this road . now offers tineqUillted IVlEltleSlbr the transit:dish:a of.Oeight JO lb. Nam Tickets for Bale 411,41 the'lirineitill:odieeft In (ho United States and canadas. -- • Ile sure and ' •tale for tleiete; Via . Titt SMOKY tOUTE 12101 i TAcIywBALLWAY,EASTEj , ; A. ANDERSON, • ' . • . Oineral.Simertniendent. • •••.'4':.,•• • • ' , '4exteral Freight andlicket Aunt. 04,14 011 N bastren riE 0 , 10 4 ;4 0 411 --------- -------- rnfat r,wow e u l t s , frA wilan,rll A n Ng 4,llllll Er r a. ° 4l4l7:4llV4o ) : pzEB, 4 ty 44 ,, urs „ ujjAßd eliA/ 2 48,_BRAAM i% ' o.- 1. good =Coin oats wlu,ba.livieticor l'4irifileOlitti.i6itfiiiiedi4i aft: Ciiiiiii C iSsiiiii 41teinP.1190.41MbRulikr•i(-':•A,..•=3.:. zulft; .-:1 1114 : 111 _ - ' andu RAILROADS - ~,~ Eastern Division: MBE Oregon: Ea