11 M- 8 ANU'• SUBURBAN. 1 Highway Robbery-,An Old Man Accosted by Three Villains, Knocked Down and 'Robbed—Escape of the Perpetrators:_ 'The:Police Force Insufficient. One of the most infamous' and dastardly highway robberies occurred last night that we have ever been required to chronicle in this city. William. Wilson,man sixty years of age, clerk and - book-keeper for the firm of 'HartnPee & Co., machinists and lxfiler makers;; was detained at the office of the. Company last night to a later hour than usual, and about 'eight o'clock he closed the office and started home. At the corner of First , street and. Redoubt alley he was ac-1 eosted by three men, one of whom;struck him with a heavy, blunt instrument,' felling him to • the, ground. He_ called for the polide, when he received.! another blow, which rendered him insensible. The villains then., "went went through" him; taking from his pocketd a silver watch and chain, twenty-five dollars in greenbacks, and -a cheek drawn in his favor by Hartnpee & Company,. for one hundred. dollars. • A gentleman residing ' near wherethe robbery occurred, hearing "his cry for help, came to see what was wrong, When he'diScovered three Men run ning away from wherethetioiseproceeded in a hurried manner, and - on going to the spot found Mr Wilscin lying on the ground insensible and bleeding:- profusely. • He summoned assistance and removed him to his residence, and a physician.wa.s sent for Who attended to' his injuries, which are ._.. said tcibe very severe. - - We are only snrprisecl that such occur- rences as thelabove are not more frequent, and unless the authorities take the proper steps to Prevent them, highway robberies , will become as common as assault and batter ies 'are now. There is but one remedy we am see, and that is to increase the number• of policemen. Willi ,the present' limited force therenre but' two allotted to the First ward, and somp.other wards we are inforna ed are still. more meagrely provided for. The object of a city government, like that of all other governments,. is the protection of its inhabitants in all their, rights, both acquired and natural, and When the author ities, having it within their power, fail to do this, the object of the government fails. if they use all the means within their power the fault is not theirs; but if, on the other hand, anything has been left undone that would be a protection to the lives and prop " _erty of the citizens, and by this neglect a citizen suffers either in person or property, those having the power'o protect them and neglecting to do so are certainly censura ble. Fatal,Accidiont on Smitplield greet. about half-past one o'cloCk 'yesterday af , ternoon an accident occui7ed resulting fa tally to 'Nicholas Miller, a young German, who was em' Ployed by Mr. B. Audi as a stone mason. An excavation• for a cellar had been made in rear of 'Acr:Auth's beer _saloon, 'l'Er2 • Smithfield - street, with the in tendon, of building an addition to the house. At the time of the. accident Miller 1 was engaged at 'work on the wall,•when the, I earth from above caved in, burying the un fortunate man beneath it. - Some fifteen minutes elapsed before, he could be taken out, and when removed life was entirely ex _ tinct. - peath apparently resulted from suf focation, as a hasty examination of the body did. not 'reveal bruises serious enough to produce filth effects. Coroner Clawson was summoned and held an inquest, and a verdict of accidental death was rendered. Thea deceased was about twenty-two y-irs of age, unmarried, and came to this county, • 'last 11, from Butler county, since when he has resided with a cousin in Birming haul. He, only went to Work yesterday a.f .ternoon at the place where he met his death. He had applied urgently for the, situation, stating that he had- no money, and should - starve unless he' , got Ixork.• • tt 4 icrother per son was injured. I • Eiplaslon at Freeport. An explosion occurred at an Oil Refinery, at Freeport, Isionday, by which two men were sligh'tly injured; and the works een siderably damaged. The building is of stone, with walls two feet-thick. The crude oil tank stands at a distance of about two htindred feet from the building, and has been: for some, time past kept filled with oil. A pipe lead from it to the re ceiving tank„ just within the building. On Monday evening two'men went into the receiving tank to do'sonae - work to fit the tank for use, preparatory to the speedy get ting of the establishment into operation, taking, with them , a lighted candle. No sooner had they entered than the gas which had accuinulated from the crude ° oil in the other tank ignited, and a tremen dous explosion occurred. The receiving tank was titerally.blown to fragments, and the atone building very considerably -shattered. A largehole was brown through the wall. nearest the exploded tank, and a fragment - of the tank carried some distance through:. it. , The two ..,rnen, strangely enough, not only escaped instant death. bnt were not danuerously injured.' It wil re quire fully a thousand dollars to repair the, I=l - nage. done to the building and apparatus. Fatal Accident \ ~ An accident occurred Tuesday evening. , Allo&kt five o'clock, at the Superior Brick ComPany's Work A L:near , ,Torreru 3 Station, on the ' Pennsylvania Railroad, resulting in the death of. Daniel B. Loughner, Superin tendent of the wOrks.• "Mr. at the time the_ *eider* occurred . assisted by three other men, was 'engaged in shifting coal cust,which had been left on 'the Brick Company's siding, loaded with coal. The ffniit ear had been: moved several feet from the; Second one, ;when he went between ( them to aid in Shovidgthe car, and the second car' starting suddelay, and running dditer tthan the front ode, ,caught him between the ',bum s , ,Crushing his body in a frightful Irnannek. He wag taken out as soon as pos • Able and removed to tigiElk Hotel, at "reps,Stiition, where he id ad yesterday morn- ing ,at ilto....o'clock4; Coroner Clawson was ennunoned. nnd held adinquest on the body, • and the after hearing the testimony - -of several witnesses;:found a verdict in ac , cordanee with thee - above 'facts, The deceased was thirty-dve years of age, • and leaves a wife and four children residing -; in sGreensburg, Westmoreland county .** _ A .WstakS*., Tuesday night, Andrew , Lerit)l oldman -••• 1-, in --residing'the First -ward,.took t argadose, of iiiiia'afihn; by mistake,'froui-the :effects of which' lib died yesterday :morning. The deceased was seventy-six yeara of age; and had been quite unwell ' 'for several days. During the evening, he got,up from his bed • • • •to take some medicine, two bottles of which were pieced togethor on the table, one con taining laudanum, from which he took`a ' Jarge siese n ,He then retired and went to . sleep, never ttl'atalie friends discovered the next morning that there was something Wrong with him, _and aubysician* wax gieniffor.imTedifitely.t. I,HeAscovered the mistake, but, it=wait toe 14e, the, drug, do** W,,andtheunrorlunate, marL expired in , a short time ' itfterivards. Coto 'jeer ClaWsou held an inquest upon the body, I, A. 114. anddOn fic49TPF' ' • --- . t" chiairce- . - --- - zyiordrenee te,,ttle -7 - • 4 ::- -.'1„,,,,,,.,..,- ~...,.. Arzthi,.b.AlleghenYi-puT; •.'- - , , 6,aveitif;eifif.- .- publish .Si ka re; t. Rai which All Pt• _ . _ ve Tim 4.,,itc_ itnpertatir - -.c , tili wilt be en ~..1. g 9 in t 9 -10414Y•1: .''-' ) te 6 l Ulads- n - &M,r g A to On City without; . ' ~ Firsins'willruti - • with trains east, ~ - „change of ea,rs - ,and connect with - v ran k l i f iv and ":''-' ' and west on the Warren " V I ","' .- : ;Atlantic Mid' 'Great -, Weste Ra i lway , _ a .... it rn " . Important ehanses have also Dee mile° /u, - the time table. = - THE COURTS. A Representative Business Souse. f • 'pl ^ a' Tr k 5 The magnitude of the nin r. bin "iteam tinifed 'Stitesfirstiiti COUrt4-11. Aige Me- and gas fitting business of this city hard- Candles& _ .. . ' ' Iliappreciated by , thos wh o are not famil - In the bankruptcy branch the rule grant- : lei - *A it sA ; arlotuill. w h o uks Yesterdi - ' ed . on James Johnson, on petiti on we had the pleasure ofTooking tlirbugh One -S. Head, to show cansewhy he should not of the , most, extensive business louses of he adjudgedrt benyrupt r aL,Wastr retnrned.• • this city; which' IS ddieleff exeluaively to Johnson is the party charged witli (Urger/ • er. 1; • • the transaction of this peculiar line of trade.• and of course intide no answer to the rule. .... . The large' andpommotlious four story buil& 'The Court therefore.adjudged him a bank- , ing on the corner of Wood street and fir- rapt, and riande an order to that effect. / • • gin alley,occupied by the. nnteiprising firm Messrs. J. di G. Ratishauser,...of Pitts, of. Weldon & Kelly, giv6i'i'Yiie a fair idea of burgh, were also adjudged bankrupts, on - petition.of John,M. Orem, Son Sr:Co. the importance of the traffic, or at least of Wm: H. Green; of 'Allegheny cnunty, was the extent:4A. the trade driven by this house. granted n final' discharge. - In the basement, a well furnished apart- A petition for final discharge was filed by ment, we found stored away vast quantities Wm. Burns, efJefferSon eountir. of pipes, oints, pumps,wash t asins, sinks, The following for.petitions djudication in bath tubs , _ packages of lamps, chandeliers, bardirtiPtcy'ivere filed:' David Smiley,WY- &c., being the reserve stock held by the oming county, Seim H. Scoyell;: Towanda, I firm, subject to the deniand of their Pa.; S. S. Griswold, Erie; Jefferson Varney,' customers, On the - .first floor, a broad and 'Allegheny City. wide room, tastefully_ arranged and fitted up, is' the general business departthent, where are on exhibition samples of the ini merifse stock of fittings and fixtures, chan deliers, pendants, globes, oil lamps,. lead pipes, -plumbers' , materials„ sinks, Wash standspbath tabs, iron 'andwood pipes; &c., &c. The stock on this floor alone equals that - Carried on by most houses, to say nothing of the vast amount in the other de partments. On the second floor, a splen didly fitted room, we found the finest asort ment of chandeliers we have ever seen in this cite. There were hundreds'of differ ent styles, sonic being rich end costly, and others neat and humble enough. .Several 'new styles of bronze ehandaliers,flcre which Weldon & Kelly are the exclusivertgents for this city, are on exhibition., and we feel sure will become very popular. It May be per tinent to remark that this fire* keep the lar'est supply and greatest variety of chair dealers, deliers for gas and oil, pendants, brackets, ttc. z. to be found west of the mountains, and their wholesale trade is consequently very large. In the rear of the chandelier robni• is the:packing 'departnient, which we ob served contained large quantitiets of goods awaiting Shipment. The third floor is occu pied :as a workshop, containing all the modern improvements in machinery, and occupied constantly by a large force of skilled workmen, the tirm employing-none other, as their mechanical reputation stands high and must be inaintalnedl. They attend to all Work peculiar to the trade in the very. best manner. Here also we found ranged in bins the multitude of parts and joints and bits of threaded pipe, so important to the Plumber ' gas and 'steam fitter. These materials *are supplied the smaller dealers in the city and country, at very reasonable prices. The fourth story is the finishing and bronzing department, andis made also to answer the purposes of a lainp storage room. Here are re-bronzed chandeliers, pipes, &c.„ making old ones look as good as,new, and at comparatively ' , mud). prices. , • The business ef the firm is very great, ; - In the 'case_ of M. P. !Adams Bro. vs. Jas. Logan, previously reported, the jury •found for, the - plaintiff in the:suni 0f1718.94: Mean' itSib - bett'tS: j. Sharp McDonald.' This was an action to recover on a book ac cOunt for coal furnished. Verdict for plain tiff for $605.00, City. of Allegheny vs. A. -Marshall, was the next cas taken up. This was an action brought by the authorities of Mlegpepr to recover the amount assessed upon , the-de i fentlant for the grading:of Ridge street. The contract for the grading of the street was given out at thirty-five cents per cubic yard, but subsequently Councils increased the amount to fifty-six cents. An -addition al assessment was levied upon the property abutting on the street, but the defendant, with Ofhers, !resisted!, the: payment of any other:than the origittal assessment. This suit was brought as a test case, and there area number pending its result. On trial. The ease of the Conunonwealth vs. Rachel Bliss, indictment keeping a bawdy house. wa.S'resntned yesterday.. The jury retired about,twelve o'clock; and after an-absence of about two hours returned to the Court room for instruction. They desired to know, in substance, whether in making up their verdict they were to be governed by the fact whether or not a specific act of guilt had been*Showni.- The Courtinstruct ed the jury that it was not neckssury to show_.a - Specific - act of - guilt; they might judge of the'eharacter of the house by. the l„,surrouridings , •The jury again retired and' soon after returned a verdict of guilty. Mr. Swartzwelder moved for a new trial. On motion of Gen: R. Biddle Roberts, his counsel, L. J. Reuchler, dentist; convicted of rape, was released on entering bail in the sum of 55,000. A motion for a new trial is. pendin yma .. . - - : • . H g n Goldstein was placed on trials On.., an indictment charging him with the lar ceny of a silk cloak and other articles, the propertyof Lot& Schnitzer, of Wylie street. On-trial. • • _ . , T. 'J. Duncan vs. 'a-ecutora 'of Robert miner, deceased: This was an appeal from judgment granted by Alderman McMas ters. Verdiet for .plaintiff' for ..f54.75. A motion for a new trial was madu fendants. • - - 1-tenrylcieman ts. Enoch Gityton: This was an action to recover for work and labor done bY . plaintiff and his family. Jury out. ' Federal Street - altd"Pleasanet r ally senger Hallway-. Sleeting of tlie Stock holdrs. Pursuant to notice, a meeting of the Stockholders of the Federal .Street and Pleasant Valley Passenger, Bail Way Com pany was held yesterday at three o'cicick, r. at Giajt's:lfotel, Second; Ward,lAlle ghenv. On motion of W. M. Claney, W. S. Bissellwai &died to the: Chair, W. McCreery acting Secretary. After the min utes of 1 . 1i+") last regular meeting had been approved, the Secretary read the act of incor poration and the ordinance gmnting the right of way- through Allegheny. acceptance of which was:laid over for further consid eration.- On motion of W.,.:3l.:Mcerceryr, the Board of Directors were granted. privilege to elect their President and other- officers of the road. - • A report from the Board of Directors of temporary - organization was received, show ing the estimated cost to be about $8992.50 per rolletand the entire cost Of construct ing and:equipping the road to be $39,580.75, with other interesting statistics, among which - was a letter from - Mr.. Stevenson, of. New York,'giving an account of the man agement and . profits of different roads throughout the country. Orf : ritot.itel Of W. S. Taylor, it was re -solved to hold a , meetirig at. the same place on Fridayevening, at 734 at!, for the erection of•officers and 'win :Mont orgazii zation, and Messrs. M'DOCiald, Niitall and . Sway were appointed a committee to notify stockholders of said action, after which the meeting adjourned. „ Yesterday evening, about six . o'clock, a difficulty occurred on car NO. "4; Citizens' Passenger Hallway, in which, two brothers named Shields, residing at 'Hatfield re ceived-a complete chastising, administered by Harry Palmer, conductor Of the- car. After getting on_the car, which was filled with ladies,- one of the brothera became disorderly, when the conductor-intormed him that he must keep quiet or leave the car. This'. warning had , the desired effect, and all went well until the car reached.the, stable, when it appears the driver left it in, charge of the conductor who drove to the stable; By this time the.passengers hail all left the car except the Shields, who, seeing the i conductor alone, ,concluded to• punish, hini for his conduct, and made an attack :upon him. Having no other means of pro tection, Harry stopped the car and went to' work upon the ruffians, who in every short 'time - discovered- that they had found. the Wrong: ;maxi... , After giving - them bbth a complete "dire/tang," he got . aboai'd the" car and drove off. On returning to the city` he made information before Alderman Don aldson charging the ShieldS brothers with assault and battery. A 'warrant was issued for their-arrest. : ^^.-~+3~Y;r~ -..~.~.~»'*~.~a0 5 „~ T ~ ,: ~xe —The ship carpenters and caulkers o Buffalo give notice that on and after 'Mon da day, 30th inst., their wages will be' $3 per! —The first wheat flouredindsold in Ap; plefon,: Wis., was in 1852, and ddring th ,past year over 60,000 barrels of - flour. were manufactured in that town. -'The-The boot and shoe trade In Massa ~chusetts continues to improve, and bnsines is brisk at .Lynn, and growing better i Haverhill and in other towns. , . —The : British - ship • Chancellor „clearee from Mobile f 4 Liverpool on the 17th inst. with 5,120 bales of cotton, weighing 2,608, 482 pounds valued at $509,988. • --Socfetr of Solidarity is the -high sound ing name of an organization of workingme associated in New Tork for the establish anent of a cheap co-operative store. • —The first yard of cloth made at.the ne • Merchants' Mill, 'in Fall River, Mass., i a turned off -on Friday, 18th, instant. On , hundred and t)venty loomi are now'- read for work in this mill. _ ; Toples and Gossip at the Capital. No further returns from the Aficans election have been received but it is be-4 lieved at the rooms of the Congression Executive CoMmittee , that the State h failed to be carried by the Republicans It has been telegraphed `that:. Gene r James S. Brisbin has been appointed t the vacancy in the regular army occasioned by the resignation of Major, General Plea anton, leaving the false impression that h was appointed to . a Major Generalship General Pleasanton held the position o Major in the regular army, and A upon re- 1 signing, Captain James 5, Brisbin, stand! big the next in line of promotion . the regular army, received the"promotio • to Major, and was assigned to, the same regiment in which General Pleasanton ha served. General Brisbin is mot, as h. - been stated, son-in-law- of Senator Wade nor is he any relation whatever. • General Hancoek will leave on Thurz day for New Haven, Conn.; ostensibly fo the purpose of visiting his son at schoo there, but it is shrewdly surmised that hi visit is in some way connected with th:l coming election in that State. There is a better feeling in Republica • circles at the action of the Senate in extend ing time to the President,. and it is admi ted that the delay will' not injure th: chances of - impeachment. General• Biltl: will open the debate on Monday in, beh. of the Managers, and he is preparing him self for the occasion. It is believed that rt. further time will be ;granted the President even under the plea of absent witnesses. ' Gen. Buchanan will probably remain 1 • command of the Fifth District until the ar 'rival of General McDowell limn California Chief .intitice Chase thinks the trial of th: President will not last more than a mont • from next 3londay, unless some extraordi nary delays are granted. The tax . bill to'be passed finally t • week, so as to leave the track clear for th impeachment trial. - Mr. Black, of the President's counsel w. particularly desirous of delaying the tria as he wished to get in ' several two da speeches defining the Constitution in man of its parts and as a whole. . . McCLELL AND.—Afsir. o'clock Wednesday even ing,.nt his late residence, No. 32 Walnut street JOHN I.IcCLELLAND, aged 99 years. The funeral will take place Fain ter„ MORNING, a , 10' O'clock, from the residence "of his soh-in-law Richard Thompson, No. 32 Walton strict, Fife ward. The Mends of the family are respect full invited to:attend.' ! UNDERT 4LE.X. I . UNDERTAKEM - No. 166 FOURTH STREE.T, -PittabUrglf, - Pa C FINS of all kinds. - CRAPES: GLOVES, and ev .ery description of _Funeral Furnishing 'Goods fur nisbed. 'looms open day. and nlgitt. • Hearse an , Carriages furnished.. - - • Datdd Rerr,'D...D., Rey. hf NV. Jacobus; D. D., Thomas Ewing; Esq.,,Jaeob H Millet', Esq. - - c?‘II.4III.LIES•67,;PEEBL'ES t IINDER TAKERS AND LIVERY STABLES .corn o S DUSKY STREET AND CHURCEPAVENIJE, Allegheny City, where !their COFFIN .BOOMS ar constantly Supplied with real and imitation Rose wood, Mahogany and:Walnut Coffins.. at•prices ya rying from VI- to .100.. Bodies prepared for inter :neut. Hearses and Carriages furkhdied; also, al kinds* of•Mournlng GoodS, if require,A. , .. o.ffice ope at all Roars, day and night. • • • OlitiatT ItODICEITC TAKER•AND EMBALMER, 01111 biIIEET Allegheny. and No. SO DIA_MON SQUARE; tby - John AV thou.& Bros., keeps alway , on hands the best Metal, llcae.wood,, Walnut an. Imitation - Rosewood Coffins. 'Walnut Coffins fro •25 upwards. :Rosewood Coffins $2O upwards, al • other Coffins i proportion. Carriages and Bears • - furnished :it low rates. - Crape. Gloves, Plate an. =Entracte"; „furnished gratis. -Office open day an., IMDWARI) - CZAIRNIECKIL I 1311 ALA DERTAKEll..'i.ffice, No. 214 OHIOSTREET, Allegheny. Metalhe, Rosewood and other Coffins, With a complete stock of }funeral Furnishing Goods on hand and faruishedat shortest notice. at lowes prices. :Sale and:Livery Stables, corner of First and 3110.dlestreets. Carriages, Baronches, Buggies, .Saddle horses, &e.. for hire. WOPPR I U F E 'S •• . _ . PATENT . PORTABLE BAROMETERS, ~•• • . . • :Have the following good qualities: lit—Accuracy. Sid—Portability. 3d—Simplicity.. 4th—Durability. 'sth—Chespness...!otl:7-Elegance of del:4ll.lnd beauty., In fact,' ail - , -- the qualities- Lions necessary fora good, reliable Barometer.. Call tied get a Circular, giving description a the saute•.also the endorsement of those 'having them .inuse,,from the GENERAL AGENTS,. • ..LTNISE.A.Th et' .11Ete.s. r.:amwr , • . • • .. 59 FIFTH ST., APPOSITE MASONIC HAIL. •-. . • ... , • • hl SPRING GOODS, Adiviied:4-VIRSTCLif*3IEIICRA3tT TAILOR- JUST 'ORENEIN : AT • HENRY MALE'S, Cliiiiet - otkeoo;td S‘ Clair Stieet,§. . . FOR THE J balnneeofthOke de4rable Lots are: now offered . , . At, private stde, and any one des i rous of fine building sites would do'weil to make a ideetion. •-• The village ' ,• Is located on a beaulital anti ticaltliv snot, two and a ft half mllerlionoSharpsturg.`etethe'Wettern Penn- '4,..' wylvardnltailroad.-ythleltrtn`ttirongh It, mating it k. • much more valuable Atid,x agreeable:) 'Extensive i; preparations are bow.malting for ; erecting a number t''' °Cline Houses, which will prev.e. an ornament to the town. „The remainderntthesf Lots will be mild at 7- ‘• very reasonable; rates and. on terms exceedlngli 4 : easy. SILL & SIIUTTE4Y, Real Estate and. In I , • suranee A: • nti; Lawreno4Vlll6. '''' 3 : QPRING AND SUMMER . FASH• io•ss. •• -- • •-•- H • ' 8. erirrrtx, Idterelksin,t, , 98 WYLIE STREET t CORNER gl.F' FEDERAL: ' Hesjust returned teotatheAssswith a well selected stock ot CLOTHO, cAsbutiFRAS.,SILK and MAR SEII,LEd VII2STIEutr 'thelnost Approved pat - tams. aeleeted- exclusisolr_for .CUSTOM TRADE, which lo oo rdislittuviteelds.friedde and the pub, s lie to exatillue. partneata: ll llli - he gotten up in strectltiVeannin.l3a *now Oda* reasonable a ;pone, ~;, • fl. s INVIre •alls tler. -, • Ito; 99 ' 1 1 .4 0 11,1113 STRE ET. vdA :iCor.ROP. fa ',federal. ~ EZE Il II ii DIED: Ell f_~~i: ~~. ~` ~~.