.~. ,PXO*, WORKS AS. Vik.n.NER, Pres't FuTTsßunOn AND IRON CO.,' MANCFACTURERS . OF. lla%, Iron; • Railroad Fish' Ears and 1B01\1; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hamniered; Locomotive Frames; ' • Locomotive Prairie Shapes; Side Rods;„ Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; ' Steamboat Cranks: Piston Rods, Wrists; . • PltinAn laWs, Collars; &c. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, IZGIT. 1' GRAFF, BYERS CO, ?SAN tiFiCTUTERS, OF ... ii S Bar,.Hoop and Beet Iron, wnoutit IPIDN, Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, ~'4tatery &o • - , ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office, No: 93 Water St., • P.T.TSBUFt.GIi, Pa KENSINGTON":IRON WORKS. LLOYD x, ISIANITFACTUTIERS OF , Bes:tCommon, Refined, Charcoal AND_ . JUNIATAkBLOOM , IRON. MERCHANT MAII,ROUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP, BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. DIOWERTAND 'REAPER BARS. CYLINDERand GUARD or-FINGER - IRON: SMALL T RAILS. 20 and-161W. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT- RAILS. Punched and Cquntersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIKES. WarehOusa. and °Mee at "tbe , ' , Woz . ...s, .GREEN UGH STREET; N continuation - of First street.) djoinlng the City Gas,Works.. Pittsburgh. "i — NVERSON, cPRESTON Si, CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse,. NOB. 166 and 167 FIRST STREF.T, opposite Monongahela House; _ ap?A:da : STEEL WORKS. STEEL :WORKS.. ~4 SINGER MUCK' & CO. • MANUFACTURERS OF BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, S4us're . ,'.7.lat and Octagon, of all sizes MILL, MI:LAI., AND CROSS-CUT SAW PLATES. . ELLIPTIC AND SEIII-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS; CAST SPRING- STEEL, Cast and Gerniari Plow Steel, FLOW WINGS -AND NOWER.BARS; SPRINGS. AXLES - land STEEL TIRE; SICKLE. SHOWEL, HOE. RAKE, FORK, TUB. CALK and - 3IACHINERY CAST STEEL: ' citow BARS, an., &c., &e. r Warehonse, 83 Water Street, rittsbargh. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON COOK & CO , (succEsqfp TO JO). S, BOYD 3 C 0.,) rannflcturens of the BEST REFINED CAST . STEEL SQUARE,' FLAT and OCTAGON of all sizes: SAW PLATES, - HOE, FORK and SHEET CAST 'STEEL: CAST STEEL tot .. , • -, • ;• . : Reaping anc_3lanchig Dlachinex, . . StefAMior r lIVADSS , :. Axles, ttie:illars, Ztc., &c. Cast and mmon Plow & Spring Steel. 1 - r e F4 t H 4 S . T ng A4 ea D a R n O o SS a4e STHEETS, lira .. .. ..... Mace—Corn c blocks above t _ ocM:d9 MILL' BARR & PARKIN. G,ENERAT. PAILTNiItSi WM. METCALF, I REUBEN 3IILLERi GEO. W. BARK, • I CHAS. FAREIN., _ LiPECLeao PAILTNER - S. M. BIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, TLmEt - rt at, PARKIN, Ofrthe, NO. 38 'Arood.Street, " PITTSBURG 11, PA. feli:d4B 4 DUQUESNE • Irdri and Steel Works; • ' coi..Ovu:ii, RAHM & MANUFACTURERS OF Iron, 'Nails, 'Springs, Axles,. Steel, &e. rt. e ---v.T.e444013;-: Vrat .I!itgeit,' BLACK DIAMOND SrEEL WORKS. PA IL, BIWILFA C(11'.• , Ifannihturers of all, descrlptionsof • • Office and Warehcuse. 120, 122„ 12 , /- SECO.Va and 118 and 121 "FIRST SYREETS, IRON CITY MILLS. • ROGERS•&•IBURCHFIELb. ( - - itarkiitiitureriTot u t wtcoA,T„, ju. NIATA - SSII - TOLISIt , :f CAST STEEL. mace suld : ws t setle se, O. „li,I44EXT ST. COPPER:: T AKE SUPERIOR , . ""'OOPPEB. MILL ANDSMELTING WOM, PrErrEil3l:7l“4l-I. ,"‘ , . .. .. ' PARK - McCURDY & CO., ;01E4 Al i t IdonutikePirers ', 3C A GREAT FAMILY CONVENI ENCE. A new and novel arrangement for having Hot Water Boilers Attached to the back end of common Cook Stoves, sothat the waste blaze which goes up the stove pipe heats all the water needed lu an ordinary !zed lam il by pastdng_the blaze directly throdgh the boiler, which pits over the pipe 'hole of the stove: This new arrangement can be put on to any No. 7, f 3 or 9 common Cooking - Stove. of any manufacture. Any person havin a TRIUMPH, 'VICTORY, .BLA CK OAK, BEAUTY or UNION STOVE, or almost any other Cook Stove made In the Union. can hare Bolt ers attached to their Stores, including the Attach ment, the Boiler and Lids. and Bibb Cock, fur the moderato cost of V 7, by applying to BISSELL & CO.-, No. 235 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Manufacturers of the TRIUMPH COOK STOVE CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUT THE • , , TRIUMPH COOKINC STOVE, Is at No. 146 GRANT STREET. r. C. DUFFY. HARDWARE. NEW HARDWARE ' • ' • f LINDSEY, STERRIT & EWER, Branufacturersand Importers of. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C:'' 337 LIBERTY STREET, KORNER OF WAYNE,. • One Square Below Vnlon Depot, L' • • PITTSBURGH. • • ' Jar Agents for FAIRBANKS' SOAVES. F - ° Fara 131%, bet. Tann!' & Chatham Sta.: Gunsmith and Dealer in Itarihirtira. Rlrat. • • , .a)aai ',goods or ..alt deaertptlatta alvraya on hand saildsold at the loWaiot PrMe.a. Ihipalrtag done 4.4%4114 - • 1e75:150 • • , ;v 1- • • ; • :'••••• pqmpwa fad Terry itreeto. Orden promptly attoadod, to. ,• . • oplisd • , :MARCH 26 , -11368: 7 }'INANCtaLr MUM, CAUGHEY. & 'CO.; ' BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner . Third and Wood gtreets, PI'I"TSDIJUGrII, (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, 11:1.RT . & C 0..) =I Exchange, - Coin, Co polls And particular attention paid tot: a - pt rchase and sale .of COVERNIVIENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. my1:0-2 HOLIgES - & SONS, N• - lA.II.ISTMEMPLM, 57 Market Street, Deposits received in Par Funds and Currency. . Collections made ou all the principal points of the United states and Cauadas. Stocks,.Bonds and Othor Securities 'BOUGHT AND SOLD ON CO3I3 7 SSION. Particular attention 'p.ald---to the purchase and sale of United States Securities, INCLUDING U. S. SIXFS OF 1.811„: - . _ do do 5-20 s: U. S. FIVES 10-40 s. U. S. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBETEDNESS Orders and Vouchers bought or collected. 0330:a1_ . KEYSTONE BANK, PITTinU GII, PA. THIS BANK IS 'NOW TIIANSACTING A GENERAL , BANKING' RITSINESS AT THEIR NEW BANKING lIOISE No. 209 Liberty Street. Accounts of BANKS. BANKERS. 3LEAciiA.Y6 and others me Invited. ' • Collections wade on all accessible points in the United StateS and Canada. . Interest : Allowed ou Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND. SOLD • STOCK 01% ERS j'S 1) I VIT)I.7ALLY I. I A ISLE. GEO. T. VAN DOREN, ambler CITY ; , 1.42\K, No. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. c k.r ITA IS STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREt•T PAID ON DEPOSITS. ( Forelan Exehanne linnitit and .3old. and when de elreil remitted to curopt. ‘' , Wleinior.llllll , l4. On all the pzincipa: point , of the United and Canada. ERIE= JANE. , MCCABE% ,.. , JO/ EN MCK zowN. Tioltsrr. cAurtml.L.. ; Tito. , ,. Itounxt, Jon:: sArm:r... , rATI:SCK KANE. JA , PIIKLAN. ; JOIIN e. BARR, r 11.1.,:. D. u•Ann. • Wm. U. HEEL. V. O'I3ItINN... ! J. DUNI-EN - V. Jr.. `1). Imm.s.r.x. Prei , Lkut BARlLSveretary N. 11.--Tht, Bank. wall open for 11110 Iles.; between the tlrrt :and ntleenth of April. In the roetn lately occupied by A. 31eTIglie, deeed,ed, ,a, a Banking 111)U•42, oppo...lte the Cathedral. . . air The Stock Itookf, wUI reuraln — open for snb serlptlon4 until that time_ at the office of the ;..ecre trry. No. 103 Fifth ntrent. uthhi-m99 WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 .rourth' Street. CHARTERED 1866. Interef•*t paid coiCrirrict Deposits . ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK. WITHOUT INTEREST. Dlsvituvis Daiiy at iA o7Cloet President,THOMPSON BELL. Tice President-A. 31,, MARSHALL. DIU ECT011„5: - THOMPSON BELL. ' 'A. M. mArt.sitA.LL, JOs. DILIA'ORTH. , JOS. ALAEEE. J. J. GILLE.SPIE. Stockholder. to whom we make reference: Wm. Forsythe, Joseph Dilworth, Win. Caldwell, • i Iter. florid-Kerr, Willis Dairen. ; Henry Lambert D. W. C. IlidweE,,• A. M. Brown, E. M. Fulton. I Thomas Ewing. BANKERS. 4b ESTABLISHED IN 183% V 5: 3$ SOUTH - 1 101 / 4 1) S 7: PIIILADELPHIA~ DEALERS. IN GOVERNMENT (SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Converted Into 5-20. rr , rm Dmight and soldnn , commisslow, , here .and In New York. TIME PAPER NEGOTIATED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts of Banks and Bank er! received on favorable tervis. - LEH IGII COAL AND NAVIGATION FIRST MORTGAGE-'RAILROAW Ss, FOR SALE; Also, the NEW LEHIGH GOLD LOAN. These Loans are both free from State and If. S. taxes, and are the cheapest Bonds of their class at .present on the parka. ALL CLASSES' OF SECURITIES TAKEN IN EXCLIAKGE,AT MARKET, RATES. Prl4:lBs tF,3 I ' " LITHOGRAPHERS. BENJAMIN Kart:lEllLT QINGEHLY CLEIS, Successors to OE°. F. Scatucualui &CO., . - PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. • The only Steam Lithographic Establishment West of the Mountains. • Business Cards, Letter .Fleadi, 3onds Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas, Portraits t Views, Certificates of Deposits, Invita tion Cards, - &c., ..1108. 714 and 74 Third street, Pittsburgh. CHAS. A. MILLER, ~~z:i~xocc~~erxE~.,r NO. 80 FOURTH STUNT, /Mu.° Bujuirm, DRAFTS, NOTES, BILL and LETTER HEARE3ota..% : dOO4 in IP* BIY/tyl• ARl.:xB6 . aria *A p(ENIX STEAM BREWERY. erVICUB:.... JAB. le ILAY... ,RODICUT Ludo:mit 1 ' SPENCER, :M' .AY & CO.; •• MALATERW'APPDt , BIREWER, OUAlei-Torter and ,Itown. Stout,. . . .. _ . . ,:unAtilk.:?).,:is)l;l - tr:3l3e .-.; . - 1-i_ - "..--- ;g.:.;•..1te: ROHM WATSON, Musser. - . . - : 0011 13n. BAINTER AND BROKER, 11.0 Wood St., ',near Corner . of • Wocd; GOll3lll - MM sEetaarrEs l Gold, Silver and toupons., Bought and Sold on Liberal Te . rnis. nil - Drafts sold on all the principal elites or Eu rope. CONVERSION OF 7-30 1 s. , We are TIOW prepared to convert the SECOND and TIMID SEIFIES of smov - E.N-Tairxrrms INTO .TIIE New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds. JAMES T; BRADY & CO., Dilater iii GoT'ernment Seurities, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD, STS. - . _ , .:t Vi--.tt.1it..iy,'0,,-'4.:tt4.. Gold opened firmer, and advanced to 13.434, but towards noon, the market be came weak at 138%, and closed at 13814. The scarcity of meneY compels holders of coin to sell in order to avoid the,high in terest for carrying gold; the impeachment trouble, which if - extended f6r a number of months, would give Sufficient cause for an advance is likely to •be finished during next month; whilst we are: approaching the heavy payments of the May interest, and Who knows whether the Government will not sell gold at a moment when i. nobody wants it. All thesd'fafinences combined or single when brought to bear on the market, will have a tendency to much lower rates for gold than present quo tations. Goveindicnt bonds were firmer ,and higher early in the day, but declined to wards noon, with scaarcely and business doing. The shipinents front the west, how. ever, are light, - and the pressure to sell comes mainly from eastern banking insti tutions. Stocks are dull and generally lower, with an indisposition* to buy - rf present, in an ticipation of a lower market within a few days, based on tfie scarcity of currency. Money commands from 10' to 12 per cent. per annum. Closing quotations as receiredi by Ili. P. Mertz; 3100,000 Fort Wayne North Western.----t!ommon seems that there have been some ne gotiations on foot for several days between ,the Secretary of the Treasury on the one Side, and the NeW York bankers, financiers - and stock speculators on the other, to see what-- would be done •to create an easier money market and relieve certain interests fjom the Uncomfortable pressure for ready money. This correspondence at last cul minated in an offer by - 31r. McCulloch to i exchange ten millions of 3 per cent. certifi cates or clearing bonsecertifieates for alike amount of seven-thirties and compound in terest r notes, the; prices of these securities to be fixed by agreement at the discretion of the Assistant Treasurer at New York. The Sub-Treasurer expressed his willing neis.to pay 7 : 30s on Saturday at 106, but as the current price was 1063 4 ;®106y," there were no sellers on the terms offered. The clearing holise committee deliberated on the subject of the proposed reissue of these certiticates,und after expresSing themselves in its favor decided to call a general confer ence of the banks, which was held yester- • day; with a view to so adjusting matters as to make the 'exchange of .interest bearing notes for certificates practicable. After 'ex changing views the banks decided to reject the proposition, and the filet was duly tele graphed. 1' _ • ADD GOLD = PIIILIP eLras FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, 'WEDNESDAY, March 25, 1868. Gold. 135 1 4 '; 1881 bonds', 110 , ,li; 1862 5-20 s, 109?..,; 1864 do, 107 1 .; 1565 do, 107 , .%"; Consols, 106:',•1 10-40 s, 101::.; 7-30 s, 1051. , Cleveland S: Pittsbust,di .1-4 North Western—preferred New York Central Erie • ; Old Southern Ohio tt• ississippi . ........ Western Union Telegraph lertilutnt. Union Express.. Corydon Quartz 11111 Quicksilver In this connection it may be stated that ,the present'stringency_ in the money- mar ket is generally considered to be more lull= fitiat than real; but at all events it is"ndt likely l to experience much relief until after the first week in April, by which time the funds distributed to meet the demands of "settling day" and to enable the National banks to make up their quarterly- returns satisfactorily will have begun to return to this centre.. Thd lst statement of the New York banks reflects the .stringency, and shows that they are weaker in loanable sources than they have been for a long time We noticed that in ,his revised estiMates,4 communicated toy Mr:" Sherman a' few months ago, the Secretary of the Treasury reduces his expected reeeipts from cinitsms for the entire fiscal year ending 30th June next, fr0m,5163,382,000 down to $156,035,212; allowing tbr the third quarter $38,000,000, and 'for the f0urth.537,000,0)0 7 -say_ seventy five as against $87,171,000 - received 'from January Ito June .30, last yf3ar. Ow ing to the. lateness ,of--the seasonp and the consequent unusually light .customs in Jamiary, the estimate for thel prostait (third-quarter), ending =Blst inst:, • will. prove about correct. The prospect is fair, however, that the fourth quarter will do mubh better. For .the succeeding fiscal year the Finance Committee adopt the previous estimates of -Mr. McCulloch for $145,000,000. That 'Mr, Sherman, in his ex planatory remarks, adds: The first item and the laigestitem of re- ceipts is the duties on customs.. The Sec retary of the Treaiury estimates them at 4145,000;000:for the next fiscal year. After, a careful review I think that estimate may be maintained. It is true I have a letter here from 'the Secretary of,the Treasury re- Calling that estimate, stating that - if we re peal 'the .taxes, on domestic - industry the effect will be to• largely increase - domestic vroducts and thus, reduce. _importations. No doubt tt will'haVe that effect - to some extent; but still , the :receipts: from :customs during the present and last fiscal year have been - 6.0'44 in' excess of his' estintates. -It is very diffirtult•tovtell what be thodfw of tile repeal of internal taxes upon iiikpov Wank."' If byiteilegaig - the* ,tar.OS do do- mestic industry ewe encanragem2r. own bi- -, dustry, and thus_ supply - the Market now occupied by foreign products, to that extent the country will get a great benefit if the revenue does not. A measure that in creases the revenue is often very injurious to the country, and ;if,the effect of this measure should be what the Secretary of the Treasury now anticipates, the people may consider- themselves fortunate in sub stituting in place of foreign prOducts the products of our own industry. We there fore see no necessity to change the estimates madelv the.. Secretary, and place the re ceipts from duties ipn imported goods •at $145,000,000. --Closing quotations received by Jatnes T. Brady &Co. Gold U. S. 6's, 1881 5-20 4 5, 1862 109 000.5 7 : " 5-20's, 1864:.. ... ..... ... ............. 107% " 5.20'5, 186:5 ... 108 " 1040's - 5-20's,Jan. and July, '65 106:v ti 44 64 66 'y 67 Ip7 " Juno 7-30's " July 7-3Q's 105 X May Comp., 186.5 14734 PI ITSBURIGIA 111 AR ii-Eys. OFFICE OF TIIE PITTSBUGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY. March 25, 186 S. The general markets are steady with a fair demand for most of the leading ,eom modifies, and while there is a fair volume of business in the aggregate, there are no changes in values worthy of 'special no tice. GROCERIES—The grocery market has been fairl 'cactive during the past week, there hav i ng been a fair jobbing demand, and most of the leading houses have about as many oidera as they can attend to. Su gars, especiallytaw, are dull and lower,and we can report a decline on all the different grades; this is owing to large arrivals from Cuba and Porto Rico.. In other articles, there are no changes worthy of notice.;The following are the ruling quotations: • StroAns—New - Orleans, 13c to. 14X.c; Cuba; 12M to 13c; Porto RiCo„ 13c to 14e; Crushed, 17!-.„'c; , "A" Coffee, 163ic; "B" do, 16e; .Extra "C," - CoFFEE—Prime Rio, 26 to 26%e; geed, 24e; fair, 22e; Old Government Java,. 37 to 3Sc; Laguayra, 28c. .MOLASSES--New Orleans, 90 to 95e;, Cuba, 65 to 70c; Portri Rico, 70 to 75e. Sr burs—"Lovering's," $1; "Booth 6: Ed gar," 85c; ."Amber, 70e; "Di-ips," 51 to. $l,lO. SPlCES—Cassia, 80 to 8.5 c; Cloves ' 50e; Pepper, 36c; Allspice, 35c; NutmegS, 51,50. I-Um—Rangoon, 11;‘c; Carolina; 12 c. STARCH—Mad_I3OII, Sc; Silver. Gloss, 1234 e, and Corn Starch, 13c.. , - Fnurrs—Layer Rosins, 54,75 per box; Valentia, 20e per lb; Prunes, 18e; Currants, 15e for new. • _ . - - _ 3ar. LEAD-12c; Shot, 53,60 per bag. SOAP:i"Babbitt's," 12c; "DAIRY se?. 11;4'6; Rosin; 4 1 4 to 6c; "Dobbin's " 15e. • - CANDLEs—MouId, 14Mo; Star, 23c. ' CONCENTRATED LYE—$7,5O per case. Bt CARD SODA—SB,SO pelt' case.' Fisu.--W.liite Fish, $7,50; Lake -Heiring, $4; Mackerel No. 1, 520; No. 2, 518,50; No. 3, 514; in half bbls, 50c more. ToßAcec—Black' ss, 105,3 , 4 /s and Louis ville Navy, 72 to 75c;- Win. H. Grant's lOs and Navy; 80c; C.: &D. Tobacco, 2.2 c to 25c for best. TEA.- 2 The market is firm .and prices are higher for new' crop. Choice Young Hy son, 51,75; fair, 51,50; common to good, $1 to 51,35; Oolong, 75e, 85e, 90c, 51, 51,25 and 51,35; good Porto Rico, Si to 51,85, as to quality.. Imperial, 51 to 51,85. Japan— Choice, 51,30; fair 51. VINEGAR-18 to 25c. , BUTTER-Continues very scarce, and with a steady demand,rprime, to choice Roll may be quoted-at 50c to Sec. HAY—Is firm and in good demand, and if anything, a shade higher; weighmaster McNulty, .at the Allegheny Diamond Scales, rePorts' sales of GS loads, at prices ranging from $l7 to $25, as to quality. SEEDS—Cloyerseed is quiet and un- 90:‘ , 102 74% 120; 1 / 69;54 SS! 29% 331 130 1 15 ::01/ changed at 8$; 82,75 for Timothy, and $2.50 for Flax. I GRAlN—Winter Wheat is still - q4toted at $2;50 to $2,53 for Red, and oc to Sc higher for White, according to quality. Oats quiet; but firm at 70 to 71e, on track, and 74 to 75c, in store. Sale of 150 bushs• Ear Corn, on wharf, at 98c. Barley is- quoted at $2,15 to $2,25, and Rye at $1,85 to $1,90. • , EGGS—In fair demand, and prices are tnaintained, ranging from 25 to 27c; DRIED; FRUlT—Steady, with a fair lo cal demand at 10!‘ to 11%c for Peaches, and 7 to Sc for Apples: GREEN APPLES—Quiet but unchanged; regular sales store at $1 to $6 per bbl, as to quality:" " • • POTATOES—The demand keeps - up pretty well,- Put prices. are unchanged; sales of prime Peach Blows at $3,25 per bbl, and Buckeyes (for seed) at ,$3,50. \ BEANS-Scarce and firm, with small in store at $4,50 to 5,00 per bush. HOMINY Sales in a. regular way at $6,25. to , 8 6,50 per bbl. ' • MILL FEED, = Sales of 60tons"choice Bran at $l,BO, and- 20 do do at $1,85. Middlings are quoted. at $2,25 to $2,3Q- PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OE THE - EITTSIIIIRGIL GAZETTE,/ WEDI4,TESDAT, March 25, 1.86 CRUDE—The market was somewhat firmer to-ditY, in consequence of the proved character Of -the foreign news, and the result is, we have not:a single sale to report. Holders endeavored to spring a quarter on spot oil, but buyers Licould'nt see it," and one, was just about as stubborn as the other. Quotations may be fairly given at 8', 1 ,-?.t offered, and Sy a c asked, and as we have already sAted, neither buyer or seller would give, Ind, as a matter of course, there was nothing done. The business is in such a conditun, and the margins so small, that fractbns are considered to be of a geed deal of impor tance, and operators now stand own eighth or a quarter„ which a year o two ago would - hardly have received'a s cortcl con sideration. Oil City telegrams report the market dull and nominal at $3 §3,10. REFINED—The market Icy bonded oil is firm, but owing to the extrme views of holders, the volume of businss is limited. There are offers for both pFesmt and future deliveries, buttlierii , are- vey few sellers; in f view of the fact that thee is no margin, refiners, as a general thing and very sensi bly, too, have conclUded to keep their oil until such time as they .`.an reahze a price that will afford a. profit It is true, prices have' advinc6d n aterlitWwitliln•the list thirty days, but as soot as refined appre elates a , little in valet, crude follows suit, and as a consequence/ refiners• are iti real ity but little, if any better off than they were before Mvgnee .took.place.: It seems to us that thf crude men watch the eastern 'and foreipl marke's closer than they did some yeas since; if Xxitwerp goes up a franc or two'now, theyLlnow about it as soon as the rdlner, and, itthere is any chance, they have no compuncions of poll science about rmking the betkpossible use of it. , • • ARRIVALS-The.:; followingaro the. re pOrted arrivals of oil by the 14.P.egho* River today • .• ,- 4 „•• , Mawhinney &Bro1• 4 :50 Fisher Mir0.'....3000 Bly & Pinkerton.. 950 J. kluO4ll too Jas. Wilkins ' 3000 R. B. Ca:ram-3000 M. Edwards......-. 100 0, .. -.. Total ' ' 1...'• 13,750 . OIL :SHIRAMETS, .PROM EPQMINE tk.EPegr. . . . - Ef; M. Long & C0.,4116 bblitet Ito Wi t _ lug, King & VO., Philadelk'hii ' • • ' Hutehi son Oil'. Co., 101 do to Emil 'Schalk, Philddelphim • OIL SHIPMETIS :PEE JO'. IL B. righ Clark & Sumner , -1t do P. W t (t sons, Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan 4StEitoolulttsBP go op_tb W. P Logan BrOri Phil /*the 01 1M4rla 1 / 2 010 rierte, Igebart,-Thitio)elphia. II H =I II .13834 II