NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WM: BINGHAM.' Jr., Adams Express Office, zVo.. pa. fifth Street, is an authorized Agent to reCeit.:9 idrertieemento for Me GAZETTE,. and all other gapers throughout the United States and Canadcur. - "ASSISTA•iIiT DISTRICT AT TORNEY. •. J. B. \'LACK, ' • subject to the deciiion \ of the Union Retubllcan DOmityCOnvention. ' Zitut2 SILVER MINES.--We shall, in a few' days, send an agent to Silver Mountain.. Colotado. to deverope ten different Lodes of Silver Ore, discoVered end located by experienced miners and situated in an uusually rich mining district. It to intended - to have'them 'fully developed before going to the expense of erecting buildings. Ina chiner,y. &C. For this development the Company bare determined to sell a limited amount of th . e stock at a rate which will place purchasers on the saute footing as the proprietor.; .tbenaselves. For full pasticulars apply to it. Mci;A,IN mit7, , 122 Fourth street. VALIJABLE FARM FOR SALE. Will he offered at T.E, on MONDAY, March 30th. 1860, at 1 o'clock e; 31.. the . FARM OF THE LATE HOSES HASTINGS, i In North Fayette township, :Allegheny county. Pa.. !13 miles from Pittsburgh, adjoFnlng Oakdale Sta tion, P. O. Jr. C. It; IL, con aiming 67'( acres. Con .vetilent to churches, grist 111, saw. mill, 4.c. 'Well watered with never fallin springs. Good improve i. ments. Coal on the place. This is one : of the finest ' lotitruni for country residences on the. Panhandle route. The whole farm has a southern exposure. i and la well adapted for market gardening.. Terms i reasonable. mhal: 168. , , ' . . ' . - 16 S. CHEAP': CHEAP: .InF•PRINTS. DELAINES. ' • Akr TWEEDS. CA.SSIHERES. . . Ne- FLANNELS, COLLARS. 'Air HOSIERY AND GLOVES. ' Aar WHITE GOODS. . •Mr — CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS S Afir RIBBONS, SHAWLS. IFir HOOP SKIRTS, LACES.I Xi- AT TFIE NEW DRY GOODS STOEE SCOUCIL7-9 - No. 168 Wylie Street. 168. 16S. I mh%:n4o BRICK! BRICK I • • CEO. A. BAYARD_ Begs 'care to announce that be has finished hie splendid new BRICE: WORKS,' and is now prepared to furnish 1.Ci00,000 oe the yery best HAND-31,4.Di, BRICE. made out of superior Clay, thoroughly tempered by steam power. This 'card is one of the most complete in, the county. Winter houses. and'everything perfect to manufactute during the whole year. These Brick will be sold'and delivered in the city' In such quantities as desired, and at the lowest market rates. All orders left at No. 66 SMITHFIELD STREET; will be promptly Attended to. mb2-1:n19 LLEGHE VALLEY. RAILROAD. Running Through to Venango City. Connecting with trains East and West on the War re_ t Franklin and - the Atlantic 4t. Great Western Railway, . - On and after THURSDAY, Mtith 20th, 113681. the Passenger Trains will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canni and. Pike Sts., as follows: - • Depart. Arrive. - ' Mall to and Pm Ven. City. 7:00- A. MT - 1:00 A. Sr. Express `• 10:30 A.,31. 6:15 r. Brady's Bend Accomrnod'n 3:00 P. M. 10:30 A. M. Soda Works Accom'n 5:25 P. M. 9:55 A. St. First Hutton Accomod'n... 9:00 A. N. 11:45 A. N. Second 'Balton Accomod`n 12:00 M. 3:45 I'. N. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda Works at 8:05 A. St., arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. M. Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. Si., arriving at Soda Wurks at 2:55 r. 3t. . ' IL - BLACKSTONE. Supt, W.F. HOPE, Ticket Agent. _ . . • THE CREAT ARABIAN PHYSICIAN A. 'TREATS DISEASES Ei ALL ITS FORMS. Office, N 0.273 Liberty Street. Sir PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON GARRISON ALLEY. m103:1341 MECHANICS , SAVINGS BANK, No. 14 SmlthinOld,Street, PIT'IBITI Gll, PA •INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIT'S. ANY SUM 'RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. De- Voslts received subject to check,. without Interest-.-." JAMES BLACXMOIIE, President. GEO. D. , TINDLE, Secretary and Treasurer JAMES H. HOPKINS, Solicitor. TRUSTEES James Blackmore, Alex. 'rindle, William Deane, A. G. Cabbage, John WITI t James H. Hopkins, James Boron. W. W. Bradshaw, Hobert-Wray, NOTICE TO MAGISTRATES. ovirtcg OF ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNF.T. 1 itbuh. March .rursuatit to an order' o rg f the Courts of der and Tetrainer, Quarter sessions of the Peace, &c., for the County of Allegheny. all Mayors and ..Magis- tmtis arc ordered and enjoined to make return to the Clerk of sald.Court ofdli INFORMATIONS AND RECOGYIZANCES madetnd takeh heforc them up to April (Rh. 1868, that tie aame may be disposed of according to law. at an adjourned session of the Grand Jury. then and there t) be held. . . Jain. - W. RIDDELL,. mh2s:iiti • Assista„o District-Attorney. N Ev. GOODSI • - etorI'SACQUES. SILK SACQUES. CASHMERE SHAWLS,. • WOOL trIAWLS, new styles; • . • .TUST OBENED BY • WHlrrs,.oitit r - • '25 . .. ATIONAL_rABIIRAPiCE CO., . .., OF THE 017 OF ALLEGHEITr. Office. In AL4GBIIIY ''4llST.' COffil'ANYffi BUILDING: . .. - ,FIRE EArSTI:I4I.AW ONLY,. . , W. W. MARTIN, President. JAS. E. STE7E'S - 60N, Sevetary. ,• - i •; : inußciths: - - , A. H. English ' 'O.II.PAVIRams Jno. Thompson, 1 Jno. A. Myle; Jas, Lockhas, Jos. Myers, Jas. L. Graham, Robt, Lea, C. C. Moyle, f . Jno. Brown, fr. , Geo. Gerst, . Jacob Kopp. • mhZsm34 • COLTNIEIt . , SHELVINGi' MAWERS, &c., FOB SALE. For ONEIIINDIIED DOLLAMIS:-One 'Counter, t w ete,e Drovers, one Stove, Sign Board,: -an Iron - Frame for Wiling. two Settees Screen, Shelving and Fixtures at SO Market street, corner Diamond. Inquire at 4 543. ALBREE,I3ON & CO.'S; 71 Wood street. " flnidltnall GEO. ALBEEE. pOR = E.--Flour,:- 200 bbls Winter, heat , FaxtillY FIeur.. 4 WHEAT-200 usbels prim Peuurylvaula Wheat; 3:0 bushels Br r et e „Vgf b C alhe l li C fr Ct i ns t rlffir SEEL>--100 isliels prime * Flaxseed. HIED FRUIT-180Abols Dried Apples: 80 bush Dried Peaches.: 'small to of While Beaus. For-isle Arr?.:l*'OCK & ifeCREERY, =tiler • 3 • - . 319 , Liberty. street. ( 0 19rI VEVeiptItimpiraceory ; zi .. worn J4B4.MetlrtiVii 'Stet: 112hZI • .c, : s , li , +il LiiritiSztet.4 , 4 • • , . ••• • t .NEW ADVERTISEMENTS., •• • DIAANCE .GRANTING THE - RIGHT ,OF WAY TO THE FEDERAL ST. A..'D PLEASANT VALLEY PASSENGER RAIL WAY.. •. t , EC`i . I. Be it ordained - and enacted by the Select and Common Councils of the Clio Allegheny, and it le hereby enacted by the authority of the came, That the consent of the Councils of the City of Alle gheny is hereby given to the — Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Passenger hallway Company , ' to lay out and construct a railway, and for that pur pose to enter upon and occupy the following streets, viz: Starting at the 'centre of the Diamond; thence along Federal street to North avenue; thence along North avenue to Monterey street; thence along Monterey street to plackson street; thence along Jackson to Fremont street; thence along Fremont street to'Washington avenue; thence along wash. ington avenue to Taggart street; thence along Tag gart street to itilldale Cemetery The same to be .constructed with single or double track, with turn outs and Sidings, traverse, said streets with their horses and ears, subject to regtilations and re strictions hereinafter mentioned - and •dcseribed, provided the traekialong-North avenue be laid on the south side of said avenue, anti no sidings be al lowed on said avenue. Szc. 2. Said 'Counells shall have the right, from time to time. by ordinance, to establish such regula tions in regard' to said railway as may be required for the paving or repaving. grading or eulverting and laying of pipes along said streets, and to pre vent obstructions thereon. SEC; a. That said railway, In constructing their road, shall conform to, the grades now established, or hereafter to be established, of the said streets. and to 'keep In perpetual repair, for, the period of five years. that portion of said streets lying between the rails of their - track or tracks, and one foot be vond the outside of rails; said term of five years to begin from time of laying the track, and On• and af ter the expiration of said term of five years to keep the said streets in perpetual repair from curb to curb, always Subject to direction of City Engineer. with privilege of appeal to Street Conimittee, whose decision shall be final; and from time of running their cars to keen said streets clean under direction of Street Commissioner, with right appeal as be fore stated. SEC.. 4. That for the first period of fire years after said Company shall commence running their cars, they shall not be subject to tax on cars and divi dends; for the secunderiod of five years said Coin pany shall pay to the Treasurer of said city twenty dollars per yvar for each car and three per cent. upon all dividends declared; for the • third period of five years thirty dollars per year fur each car, and five per cent. upon dividends; and thereafter the •sum of forty dollars per year for each ear and live per cent. upon dividends, the payment of the sum .assessed upon each car to be made one month after beginning of second period of five years, and at the came date annually thereafter: and the said cars shall be numbered as. drays and.carriages are now numbered, under the ordinances of said city regula ting licenseS of sAld'veeleles._. The President of said Company shall annually, on the first 'Monday of July In each . year. make a written return under oath to •-the Controller of sold city, of the number of cars which - may at any time during the year run upon said road, and the books of sajd Company shall at all times be open to inspection of the k inance Com mittee or any other-Committee appointed for that purpose. Sae; 5. That said Company stipulate to construct their railway and run cars .upon the routementioned withitt six,months from their. acceptance of the Pro visions of this ordinance. Ste. d. That said Company shall use, In the cOn •struction of their said railway, rail of, a pattern to be approved by the City Engineer and the Commit tee on Streets. and shall lay down the same to a gauge of live. feet two-ad-a-half inches; the same to be done under the su ervision and direction of thc_City Engineer, who shall be paid fur his services by the Company while employed by them. `SEC... The said Company shall put down, at all gutters crossed by said railway. Iron culverts of a pattern to be approved by said said Engineer and Street Conimittee, and said culverts shall be the en tire widths of the streets between the ilne of prop erty; and the rails :hall not be laid until the said culverts shall he puf down. SEC.S. That this ordinance, and any contract en tered into by virtue of It. shall be subJect to moth& 'cation or change anytime after the expiration of ten years from time of acceptance hereof by said Com pany, by - the city giving said Company due notice thereof. • bnc. a. The city reserves the right at any time after the expiration of twenty years from date here : of, by giving the Company one year's notice of such Antention,to possess said road and stock by paying for the same at a rate fixed by live disinterested sp. praisers; in be appointed at the request of said city • 11 y --the President udge'of the Quarter Sessions Court of Allegheny county. .SEC. le. Tills ordinance shall not go into effect. neither be published nor recorded. until said Com pany shall die iu the office of the City Controller an agreement, under the seal of the Company, accept ing this ordinance, with all its provisions and con .ditious. and covenanting that any failure to damply with the terms- hereof shall, at the - option of said city. -work a revocation of the privileges herein granted: SEC. 11: That • nothing: in this ordinance shall be construed to give the said Railway A:ompany the privilege of running any other than passenger cars , said road. . Ordained and enacted into t law this the 19th lay of Mania, A. D. 1868. JAMES McBMEE, President of the Select Council J. S. SLAGLE. President of Common council IMMO D. 3fACFERRON. Clerk of Select Connell. DILWORTH. Clerk of Common Council. tulrY. MI GROWER .ie: BAKER'S ELASTIC STITCH CM i . LOCK STITCH : • • SENVING MACHINES WITH LATEST IMPROVEHENTS, At the New and 11tepid Sales, Rooms OF THE COMPANY 51 FIFTH STREET. Also. NEEDLES. 'ATTACHMENTS, NIACHINE SILKS and COTTONS, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, &c., &c. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect hilly Invited to call. Applications for Agencies solicited. Circulars or temples by mall on application. Correspondence to be addressed to • GROVER & RAKER S. M CO., S 1 FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH mh2o:nl2 STEAM .CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL in New York and oth er Eastern cities has prayed a complete success. 'ITS ADVANTAGES: lst , --Fading and Shrinkage are completely avoid ed. '2d—No ripping apart necessary. 3d—When freed from dust, moths or their larvae. the Carpet looks nearly as good as new, save the natural fading frOm wear. 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter as a mere point of economy, to say nothing of looks. ALL ORBERS LEFT AT THE OFFICE ! , No. 170 Liberty Street, Or achlreised to P. 0. Box 473, will receive prompt attention. . GEO. L. IiaLINTOCIi =MO:. - • PROPRIETOR. STONE DRAIN PIPE, t FOR SEWERAGE. ALL SIZES, FIROIS.2TOI2IIICII. 10,000 FEET ON HAND, • AND FOIL SALE BY JOHN" TIC TACTE, 2 ( 27 Liberty rlttsporgh, AND ISO Pederal street, Allefthen3 , . tellinsfArru-Tmts NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS., . CONTROLLEtt , B OFFICE. ( CITY Or ALLILGUENT, March 24, 18M. I Sealed Proposals will be received at this office un til TUESDAY. 31st inst., at 3 o'clock r. M.. for GRADING. AND PAVING the following streets and'alleys, viz: PAYETTE STREET, from Bidwell to Fulton St. HAMLIN ST., from Bidwell to Chartiors CENTRE STREET. In the Seventh ward, MeGEE-ALLEY. /rote Federal to Boyle street. DAVIS ALLEY, from Webster to Beaver street.. Profiles and Specifications can be seen at the office or the city Engineer. • - mhZ:n•M City Controller. pI B SOLUTION .. OF PARTNER MHIP.—The partnership existing between J. BURCHFIELD and THEODORE F. PHILLIPS, ander the style of .T; 3f. BURCHFIELD - it CO,; was dissolved on tim'lllth inst., by the withdrawal of J. BF.: BURCHFIELD fr om the .•firm. .T.IIEO - F. PHILLIPS will, settle all claims against the tate firm 'and all indebted wilt settle their ac counts with him... M. Birnefil:lD would give notleeto his old customers that his health 10 aor utm ll o. l 7 - 8 0 4 ;hat iiith.ea`e:itq-141%'SOCIK.A311.!GCIDElf, -DILPIII , ; :ft: ••ti i'f.J.7€ll .ci . f .41,1 4140 KtballiPktiftitt L i fil!Tlar: 71 2 9, 11 .; !!.t1 PITTSI3I34Gff ~TG VASDAT •-,44RCAI „ NEW AD ,tal*EWO"Tg. JANUARY 1, 1868. ASSETS, (Ut,Market Value.) Cash on hand and In Bank $ 548.607 SI Real Estate - 253,082 83 Mortgage Bondg • 820,870 00 Bank Stocks ' 1,257,810 00 17, S. State and City Stock and other • publlc securities' 1,953,172 75 • ' 81,833.543 39 Total flabllltles 465.2 , 78 65 Net Assets •- • 84.368,291 74 XGr Duly Attested, Sworn to and Signed. The ..P.TNA IINSIIRANCE COMPANY Is the Trustee of its 'Patrons to an extent ten fold greater than of Its own Stock holders. $23,000,000.00._ If a proper estimate is formed of the ruin and de struction occasioned by the burning of TWENTY THREE MILLION DOLLARS of property, among people lu everygrade and position. in amounts large and small. under- every conceivable circumstance, it - will given correct idea of the Company's good works, auil the value of genuine under-writing, The bele. athe cheaport. • Fire and Inland Navigation Risks. Rates and terms as liberal as ls consistent with reliable indemnity. fipplicatloni for Insurance' will be Promptly at tended to. Office, 63 FOURTH STREET. A. A. CARRIER & BRO., Agents. ja.ll2Z:u:3o . pnwEs OF THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GUNPOWDER, . -7----:--- -MANUFACTURED BY THE I_UARD POWDER COMPANY, • ARTHUR KIRK, Agent, 171 and Mt FE.I.ER.II. STREET CANISTERPOWISER. Electric Noa l . I, 2.. 3, 4 and 5 gr.thi. in Square Canisters. I lb. each American Sporting, in Oval Canisterh of 1 lb.' each Duck Shooting, Nos. I. 2, 3 and 4. grain, In Oval Cankters of 1 lb. each Indian Mlle. in Oval Canisters of I lb. each.... Kentucky Mlle, In Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each Kentuckvit Idle. In Oval Canisters luf ti lb. each , (35 one lb. Oval Canlsters in a ca‘e. , (50 half lb. do. do. do.) Ei Kentucky Rifle, FFFG. 1 , 7 G, and "..Sea lug'" £O. in kegs. '1.5 'Kentucky Knit% PFFG, rEu,:and Shoot ing" Pi; ' In kegs, I2's lbs • Kentucky Rife. FFFG. F£G. and -Sea Shoot- Ins - Pl 5. in.kegs. 534" ihs - Dger Powder. In kegs, 251bs Mining and Shipping. Powder. dining F. and ver grain, net cash, In kegs. 25 lbs Safety Fuse for Blasting. of superior quality. In packages of 50 feet and over Delivered free of expenle on board of Boat or Railroad, in.Plttsburgh or Allegheny, 47.* BOYS' CLOTHING. GRAY & LOGAN, 47 ST. CLAIR STRE.V.T, HMI NOW IN STORE THEIR SPRING STOCK OF BOYS', YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S Owing- to the depression of the Eastern markets, we hare been enabled to purchase goT.Is at a peril low figure. and we are now prepared to offer our en tire assortment at exceedingly moderate prices. In • our BOYS' AND CHILIMEN'S DEPART MENTS, we hare complete lines of - lIIAMMILOK, FRANKLIN, GARIBALDI BARNET and 9 METROPOLITAN SLITS. Of YOUTHS'•SUITS, we hare a large assortment of all saws of MEDIUM AND - FINE IiOODS. air Call and examine:the largest stock of 1301 - S. CLOTHING Inlhe city. . : - • GRAY ef:'.LOGAII7, No, 47 St., Clair Street. .47. A rr CintiMsnll] i k 4 T P E BEST KID GLOVES IN TEE WORLD ARE LAPORTE'S PARIS ,KID GLOVES, • MEN , 6 AND WOMEN'S 517E8. • All Gloves made by MC bear my signature, • LiLPOILTE, F.ISK, C LARKL & FLAGFG, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES, No. 58 white Street, N. Y. tem:ll3=l.s TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ()isms ttairetioraz 33craitD WASIIINGTON CITY, MarchlTCh, isod.) PROPOSALS FOR STONE: • SEALED PROPOttALS iocelved at this ottl9bh*lt I•p•cloe_it on. • r• ." •Friday, the 10th Day of April, I:868. for the nriceroap•Oto . iteforthelfatie ttitqof a pier of proteciion at - - • , stc Its of mt:betld~o, ikikolaiki t er wlek vianaland ; 4 spoelticattotylfopies o , f wbtekea__ I a be il ob a tatued upon appUestioalol42MitAl4olii %Vco. tathlthat - W. B. SHI7IIItICK. Ctuttratita, t;" .I;a3:ioa TOTAL LOSSES PAID A AXItGiIEIVY. PA. IEG PONVDER mh24:c3G 1868. HEADQUARTER fan CLOTHING. NEW STO . R . E .- : N-EW ROSENBAIThL, SPICMART & CO'S PHILADELPHIA 'EMPORIUM. 76 Market Street; Pittikurgh, Pa. • - The under4gried respectfully rm the public that they have received their entlx,ly new stock of goods. conidsting of ; • Millineriand Straw Goo ,11 Ribbons, Laces, Artificial Flower Embroideries, White-Goods,' • • Fancy Goods, &c., • - ' To which they invite the atfention. of purchasers. WHOLESALE, Alit/ RETAIL. One of Our firm giving his entire attention to the purchasing of goods nt the East Urn Markets, and having had long experience and alit the facilities for procuring goods at the very loweit prices, we are enabled to offer great inducements. • Constantly receiving New GoOds from the New York and Philadelphia auctions. cited. A ahare. of public -patronage is respectfully soli . • • ROSENBAUM STEINHART & CO. .No. 76 MAIMET STEEET. r mh24:1120 GRAND OPENING SPRING GOODS. Barred Organdies; Barred and Striped Nainsook; VictOria Lawns. Soft Finish Cambric. ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF SOILED WHITE GOODS, Which we .t re eelling at a great sacrifice GOOD IRISH LINENS at 37 cents.. SOILED KID GLOYES at l lso enta. SYSTEME ALEXAN- DIIE SIDS for $l. GENUINE ALES. ANT!RE KIDS fur $1.85. Our uaortment of HOSIERY cannot be beat. _IIOOP -at 73. cents. The new and beautiful SEN4ATIOS TIE. just received. 200 clue FRENCH CORSETS Just r..4dlved. A. complete line of MAUENTA. Lt7CRETIA and ELVIR.A. ,CORSETS. • Also, a line of MISSES' CORSETS RISTORI FRINGES. all colon. BULLION FRIN- 311 c010r.5. 1117(3LE T11111311.NGF:,. - a. tine as- meet. A tine lot of BUTTONS. • MACRUM, GLYDE & CO., IS and SO Market Street. mh2l:llS • A T JOSEPH HORNE 8-..00.15i The Largest Assortment of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, To be Found in the City. FT.OWERS. , SILK 4. CRA • MAI.INEs FRAMES, FIB)STED TILUSIoNS. STRAW TRI3I3IINGS, ornameuted. ALSO, A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF WHITE GOODS. CORSETS.! 1100 P • SK IRTS, GLOVES, ' BAI,MORAL SKIRTS, E3fllfto I I)EILI HANDKERCHIEFS, FRINGES BUTTONS, T It I3LII I.NDS. BRAIDS, And a Full Line. of Xotions. 47 rvifsisiriNG.GOODS_. Nk:CK TIES. Bows. suspENDERs MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS. Ageuts for BISMARCK. DICKENS, VICTOR and other popular makes of PAPER COLLARS... Prices as lost as Ea-stern Jobbers, Wholisale Rooms up Stairs. -• -NOS* 77 and 79 Market Street. 'A P ERFECT 1'1171716 - GLOVE. ! mAcraum & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, 'INVITE ATTENTION TO THEIR KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT, Which is ante complete with meek' coloi and bliatle They laave)ust opened 100 40Z} of the Celebrated A. C. C. (Jouvin) RIDS, Imported especially - to our order. lifundreds of our customers can testify to their perfect cut and fault less quality. The colors were got up from shades of material; selected- and. varnished .by us, and are really Elegant and Desirable. . The assortment Includes BLACK, WHITE, DARK COLERS, MEDIUM COLORS, and OPERA or PARTY COLORS. 6IZES.-3 84 TO $: , C.R pal & G'4.BLISLE, 19 FIFTH STREET: - u 1118: FRIN - 4 - W - - . GIMP. HEADINGS, IN AL COLORS, SLST OPENED, AT F. H. EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Strept. CM NOTICE TO INDLYTITAioIoranERs or --- siuggs,, or -NATIONAL :BANKS.. The Eiharelicers of the EXCHANGE, AND! FOURTH... NATIONAL . BANHiI, of PittiMersli,-and otheas4rno Own stockin any of the Natierivanits g i V e ite u r ti rgea r n e gi t t ri ta an d --orhthat-thec=un be open on the Ad day of Marehapyr.-k,..f01i, the re - ' Acceipt-of the three mill State TILVTOr . IS O-4 ,1 Per Act of o,mbly lIDDIrOVNI.Aprit ploy and nmuivzvoeut, twig tithe kirmiurVie re eetpt of other taxes. after which time Collectors othere appoin co l lected.°w Avg; 44IIMPIe/ftft-Pas taxes are , .6. 463 m, tr 1 4 .1. put 01: : 4 ".5 1, 1a .ci t 419.%4 iitGwct l &luta() ~,~. ~G$ -~IIITD NOTIONS t Hosiery and Gloves, Corsets and Skirts, =EI =I ti - avtatifff.rdsorra MARCH :: : : : : .1868 THE VERY LATEST PATTERNS MORTER CARPETS. THE VERY NEWEST STYLES DOMESTIC CARPETS, lAnt DAILY ARRiVING, AND SOLD SOON AS p.ECELVED. THE TERI" ( LOWEST. MCCALLUM BROTHERS, 51 FIFTH STREET, above -Wood naliZ 1868. SPRLNG STOCK 1868. OF CARPETS, JUST OPPIENG, LARGE" ASSORTMENT, All Qualities 1 LOWEST PRICES IN ME CITY SPECIAL INDiCf CEMENTS TOTHOSE WHO BUY TO SELL BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 Fifth. Stred, mblO:dpwr • OVER BATES & BELL'S. 23 JUST IMPORTED, 92 And Especially Adapted to tlilo 3larkct, VELVET: CA][IOMT% OF MOST ELEGANT DESIGNS English Body _and Tapestry Brussels, INGRAINS AND REMPS,- THE FINEST ASSORTSIENT AND THE LOWEST • PRICES L 1 THE'CITY. COMMON 23 CENTS PER 1-20. D O= i IM'CL.INTOCK& CO., No. 51.3 Fifth Street. fe-1: 1868. MARCH. 186& NEW PARPXTS. OUR CUSTOMERS WILL FIND OUR NEW SPRING STOCK, Willett we are Just opeuing untqua!led in extent and variety - rand-the prices • Lower than Any. New or Old Goods. in! tne i market, of equal qualities and styles. _ . McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 ANT) 73 FLFTIT STREET, (Second Floor.) Ce4:daT - OILS. • , EUREKA OIL WORKS, 'itiwt.TFACTiatEirB OF EUREKA CARBON OIL, • THE ''ET.,EBRATED . . . SPERM LILRRICAMOVG • : CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL. IDEALER§ Di , 1 , Crude Relined and Lub i rleating Lard. Sperm, Whale and Fish Oils. . - R. C. MACHESNEY, Agent, lo Irwln Street. . PITTSBURQH. WARING AND RING, Commission Merchants and Brokers in. Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, 'PMEII3III,I7III, PA. PHILADELPHIA. ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., 12 Walnut street: '" H . M. LONG & 3LtNUFACTURERS OF PURE W.tinE BURNIN6 , f • , Brand-_" LUCIFER." Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, - • - PITTSBURGH, Pa TACK BROTHERS,' • - t . : COMTESSION MERCHANTS, c-;AND'DE/LLERS IN Petroleumd its PrOducts. an Plttsburth 0111c4 6 -Dit,ZELL' BUILDING, dor nor of Duquesne iTraynnd PhiladelpAingSee—/27 WALNU2',BF. api:w3o J. C. li t WVTICCUCAD• SOHO OIL R ORKS. Nan idooture. end hiva tor late ali klids of ; LUBRICATING =oll.Bk No. IST. 94.41 R. STREET. L 4 Xterrtrak; itkirew a co. acurineszti 281 erlti l ffts ka se2 l fetil W ern , "Xr, Vra 2417 , ISAIAH DUMMY , 00.:. WEENIE] 1= MiTther. 1$ A CANDIDATE ,FOR NpapTATION ruhl7:.l..CT FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Gen. A. L. PEARSON, Subject to ,the the, Union Republican County CouveAtlon. ' MTANTED--BOA.RDEIG, F.Oll A GENTLE.3IAN AND WIFE. In a private family pi•cferreti.J~,l{"iilpay for first , -, class accommodations. ..,1 Address L, CITY I'. O. ANTED.-AGENTS FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR Its' Causes, Character, Conduct HESS Results. By' RON. ALEXANDER IL STEP. A. Book for all sections and parties. This great work presentS theonl cOmplete and impartial anlvsis of the Causes of Waryct pub lished, and dives those, interlor•lig its and shadows of the great conflict only known to those high °Meets . who watched the flood-tide of revolution from Its ,• fountain springs. and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens trout his second otlicor of he Confederacy. The intense desire every where manifested to ob tain this work, combined with an increased commis sion, mates it the best subscription book ever pub tithed.'j - - Ono Agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscribers In three days. - Another in Boston reports 103 subscribers In four days. - - Send for circulars and see our ternis, and a full de scription of the work, with notices of the Press. 4tc. • address, _ ,• •NATIONAL PUBLISHLVG CO-. - zuhlPinlloo:d&F " Philadelphia. Fa. TO LET--RENT MODERATE. THE ROOMS AT PRESENT ocpuPIED BY 01 DESIGN, PHELAZVS BUILD INGO!" 22 AND 24 FIFTH STREET. ENQUIRE OF mh24:n27 TO LET-WAREHOUSE. From lst of April next. the Warehouse No. 133, 'on Liberty - street, corner of Hay; well suited - for (Produce and Feed or Groeerpliusiness.. Apply on the premises (up stairs,) or at my resi dence, Centre avenue. , • - - tuirX:n TO LET, A GOOD ERICK STABLE, With fire stalls, on alley between St. Clair street and Barker's alley. Possession given Ist of April. Apply at N0."14)3 Liberty • !rect. mnall ATRlcK,l;tllo...fc Co. FOR SALE. Property near Nana' eld for -Sale.. A very det.irable piece of laof 1 acres. liftvlfiff.,,_ an orclutrd of abotit 3 acres.. ado a god-fitune hogse - of 5-rooms and cellar: a spring of never falling. Wa ter near the house. Located on an elevation about 11 of a little west of Diatialleld Station, on the Tan - It. It. To he sold as a whole or in lots, , to suit purchasers, front 2 to 5 acres. Impart! of DANIEL SWOGEIt, Itcal Estate and In..untnee Agent... No. 77 Federal street, *Allegheny ' City, on second floor. 1011 SALE,' A good frame dwelling of five rooms, large hall, fini,lied attic and good cellar,with lot 24 byl29 feet 9 limbes, .situate No. 150 Adams street, Sitth ward, Alleghenv City, which Will be sold low and on" good terms, as the owner wishe4 to le.avellie cite. Inquire of DANIEL SWOGEIt No. 77 Federal street, Allegheny City, on secondfloor. : A FOB SLE. BUILDING 'LOTS FOlt SALE good loti,on Sheffield street; one lot on Adams street; one lot on' Franklin street; three small lots on Chartiers street; one lot on Fremont street." Allegheny. A lot In East Liberty, being lot No. 14 on Lentils:Ott avenue. A 'number of lots on Jacks Run. • Inquire .of DANIEL SWOGER. N0..77 FederZ street, Allegheny CUT . , second door. A good Farm of TO - Acres, 60 of which are cglti yated..and balance in timber, having 10 acres if orchard. consisting of apples, peaches - no s, a good lob houseof 6 rooms and cellar; a good log barn.• Farra Well. watered, having a good spring ..near the door: 50 acres underiald,with coal. Situ ate 12 miles northwest of Allegheny City, and 4 miles from Sewicklev or Glendale Station, on the P. F. W. & C. 1L IL -.Terms easy. 'nubile at 77 Fed-I eral street Allegheny City, second floor, talatmg.. • - FIF,TI( STREET PROPERTY • The subscribers will offer at private sale, until the FIla4T .A.kqe.lL,•One of ;he most _ DESIRABLE BUSINESS SITES ON FIFTH STREET, CIE BETIVEE:N' . WOOD A m MAItUET . . The propert extendsne front on Fifth street Of 29 , 4 feet; andback 12 feet taking in the back part of the adjoining lot, 90x521 feet, with att outlet from the back part 9 feet wide; to a 10 foot alley. which runs through from Fifth street to Vir gin alley.' The whole surface covers an area of over 5;000 square feet. • The attention of capitalists is invited to this prop- -. ertv. as opportunitle's for investing in such eligible and remunerative real estate seldom occtir. • • All information concerning the property can . had at the office of m1116.n379 , - FOR SALE. • -- BUILDINC' LOTS. nt z l e o s m , pillorthlg q.eggig f BUILDING•LOT:3, of SPIiINGDALL, Fifteen miles from Allegheny City, immediately on the line of the Western Pennsylvania Railroad, and less than live minutes walk from Springdale Station. These Lots are most eligible located for Building Sites, as the-Village is one of - the most beautiful and healthy locations on the Allegheny river. Five poi.' senger trains either way per day, and on and after the 18th tumult an Accommodation Train will run to and from Springdale. - person desiring ll be sold on reasonable terms. Any person to sectire a home in the country, in a good locality, would do well to give these Lots their attention. For further particulars, inquire of. PETER HUTCH - INSON, 'Springdale. or JACOB H. WAL TER, Prothonotary, Courthouse, Pittsburgh: . FUIt , SALE.-.IIIOUSE AND LOT ou'ebtrier . Of Manhattan and Ailams'streets, near ntsscnger. ROl*ay. Lot 44 by 127 feet. House-frame, containing .7 rooms and .good well Improved. , lionsie and Lot on Sheffield, near Bldwcil street, Allegheny City. Lot 23 by 42 feet: house frame, contains hall,- nye rooms and good cellar; water and gas. Also, several small. Houses and Lots In. good' location: Inquire of J. RUSH & CO.. Beaver Street„near Chestnut, Man chestcr. _ - IOW • FOR, SALE:-SEVERAL_ _4 BUILDING.LOTS on Observatory Rill, Second-- ard,, Allegh eny*City, are , offered for sale—cheap. Tho location is a. very desirable one, commanding a fine view of both cities, is easy of access,. and there is abundance of stone pn. the ground for building rAixw• at ' the e gh l e )a nV 11 1 1 1 a2ott r i,"? 4 , 1 1 e ti THIS °FLUX Jor oft.Gte nremises, r near the !ervatorkftiftftintZ • Ti SALE.-HORSES.-At tARD , s LIVEBTIAND SALE STABLE, one fine (BIM three DAPPLE GREY MQESES: one LARGE DRAUGHT IODISE: three BLACK MARES* ' two GREY MARES. FIRST STREET. near Monongahela house. Horses bought and sold on commission. OR SAILE.A - • very desirable' eltree-story MUCK. ROUSE, nearly new; press e brick front,' marble mantles. ' gas and_ water throughout; house contains seven rooms and finish. ell garret,;l 4 lo. 94 ELM STREET, near Wylie, Sixth ward. Po4sesslon from April lst, 1814 i. Enquire at the house. V •Ilt-41CTICAL Q - FURNITURE ` MANUFACTURERS WIIOLPSAP. AND RETAIL . • LEMON & WEISE " NO. 118 FOURTH sza - mmai. I Constantly on hand every variety of PARLOR and. CHAMBER PURNITUR ,E together with a coin- Pleteusaortrocat of common Furniture at reduced Those in want of anything in our line are cordially Invited to call before pdftbaslng. • Work guaranteed. • rnh2l.ol. LEBION &WEISE. CRAM; CRACKERS. • , - Novelty', 'Alatond, Witte, uk, i, tp3 awl 'Ringer Crack_ims,ri: Trtimttr ba# it l44l ' l°4)4"i" *r X1 " 41 / . UNISMAW..? gxbilF comer ; sat wataisleppu, MEI I=l Gen. J. . WANTED FOR RENT JANES PHELAN, I No.-24 FIFTH STREET WILLIS TIOOtHE FOR. SALE FOR, SALE. *scar.," d: CAIBLLSLE, 19 FIFTH STREET _ _ Ea :ii OM MIN mIV2O:nII7 MIMI