1 : I % •* . •./ . k ' 4 % , 5, , • • - " ••••• s- ' • • l 4444- ,•-•s! - • ' fi , et ;,..4.4!--,y-44-m-^7.l=Tinr,r..,-,:,,_ - _ ' • r . 14 "! - •-- .• • .' ) atft - - . , - ; , - z - I - /As\ t\si: • , - - - - - • • G.' , , FIRST MTN! on the floor the seats saved toSenators 'were these things. The Managers are acting invaded-by knots of. members and others in in behalf of the House, and, therefore, it is ,conversatiens ~--.. a - ..,.:: :- .. .s ; - that I, as one member of the House, desire At 3:25 the Sernife're-apPeared. ' to enter my protestagainst any conduct on Order- haying -.been restored, the Chief the part of these Managers that is not suffi- JuStice tatid: 2 `.." I'FITII directed to inform the ciently decorous and commensurate with counsel the Senate have agreed to an order Ithe: dignity- and gravity of such occasion.' in response to their application, which will Who, for instance, authorized the Managers be. reads_ .-- .. -_ . . . --s, Ito say yesterday they would present their. • i...- Ordered —That the Senate will connuence replication to the Senate at one o'clock to - ' the trial of the President' upon the articles day?. Is it the replication of the Managers , Re-assembling of the Comt—Re- • of impeachment exhibited against him on or of House ofßepresentatives? I contend Placation of the Impeachment • Monday, the 30th day of March, and pro- ,that in tho . absence of ay ac : coed thereon with all dispatch, under the tion on that question by then House Managers—The Application' for : rules of the Senate sitting upon the trial of 4 : of Representatives,' 'it was an assume - Time Again- tilinsidered7---Court : impeachment. lion of duts - ,•an arrogance of power, on the ' • Retire for CongurtatiOn--Trial After- a momentary pause theChief.lns- part of rho Managers to declare to the Son ' • -. •• - tice asked: Have tne counsel fertile re- ate they would at one o'clock to day re to Pro cede Monday Next—Pio.. : elsondent anything to proposes. .: Si sent tins replication, and I find in the'l3aPiti . ceedin sin the House —Discus- 1...- The oavneel bowedin.acquieseenca to the more papers of to-day this replications Sir, • sion of the Replication. . ..4 , . fleision. -..•-. •• s - - --- - --- . are wo nobody? Do the gentlemen who , .. . Mr. BUTLER; one of "the Managers; said: .huve been selected by this Blouse .to repro , (By 'Telegrapb to the Attsburgh Gar2tte.; If the Chair will allow me, I willgivenotice sent it,in the Senate constitute themselves .. . 1 'Astra:sore:a, March 24, ices. to the Witnesses to aPpear here on Monday, I the HoUse of Representatives? _ • . SENATE. - the 30th instant. at half past twelve o'clock. Mr. BOUTWRLL said he had understood On adjourned Senator WILSON, the Court pinion of the gentleman from New Mr. MORGAN, from _the Committee on then until the named n half'.Yo r k to be that the replication . professes , , Finance, reported a bill to abolish the office :past twelve o'clock, and the Chief JuStice to reply "in the name of all the people of .-' of Superintendent of 'Exports and Draw- ' vacated the Chair, which was immediately the backs United•States;" - and that ati that gentle .- resumed by the President pro tent, Senator man does not agree to it, thereibre it is not -.' . 1. , WADB, who called the Senate to order. . a -ood re hellion If that- that' s p . . were so, The bill ; toregulate the presentation o Mr. GRIMES moved to go into Rae:naive would be an end of the whole prosecution. bills to_ the, President and return thereof . Session, wlnelkafter a vain attempt by Seri- Mr. WOOD said ho had stated that no per : •was considered. ~.. . . . • titer AS,THoNY to call up the report of the lion of the people of the United States. had. Committee on Rules, pr . „the authorized this action, and that therefore it Scvailed and Mr. DAVIS' moved -to 'strike Mit the sec ; Senate went into Executis, , e session.. , .• did not represent "all the people of the ... tiers' prOvidings that 'a bill presented'to the Adjourned. , . United States," and, indeed, did net rep- President and not returned by him Withl. -' • -----"--- - oft people. his objections within the ten days specified; 1-10StE ore REPRESENTATIVES, Mr. BITTLER replied the Represcintatives . . shall become a law; and making it his duty The Committee on Elections reported of the people usually represent them; bui to return it. to the Secretary of State„ whois . bothM Kerr Mr. Y . . the eentleman has no: even the merit of r.and Gums. 0 , , , , to :certify that' it has become a law. The against rfeinality in his objection The. form is Amendment was lost after some debate and from Kentucky, and that too Governor of. r , one that has been used five imridred • years, the bill passed, twenty-nine against ten 'that State be notified or the vacancy. Laid lacking eight. The objection WRS rondo to Nayst-:-.ltfessr.S. Buckalew, Bayard, Davis. over. • . it once before,and only oncewhenthe people Doolittle Dixon, MeCreery, Morton, Nor- - The Postaffiee appropriation bill Was t i er _ England, amarting under the nsurpation ton,,Saul'sburv. and Williams, ... - hally amended and goes to the President. . anti' _ tyranny ei Charles the first not hav- Mr. WILSON, fruit! the Committee on Similar action was taken with the post ing any provision in their ' , Vonstitntion, . Military Affairs, . - reported favorably 'the route bill. • - s we have, bv• which that tyrant joint resolution to . place at the disposal of The Senate bill amending the act of . March c i ould be bronsht to justies 'went the Lincoln Monument Association certain 3d, 1837, providing for the prompt settle outside of their ' Constitution, :mil in a captured ordinance. . • merit of pnblic accounts, wets passed. ..., . perfectly legal manner, as I'understand and Mr. CRAGIN, from the Committee to . REPLY TO THE PRESIDENT'S ANSWER. belleve,"bronght Charles to justice . . When Audit the Contingent Expenses olthe Sen- Mr. BOUTWELL reported a replication proclamation was made that they were pro ate, reported favorably on. th,e . bill making .to the President's answer, which was read. reeding }n 'the name of all the people of an apprepriation.sfor the . expenses for the [The replication; appears in Senate pro- England," one of the King's adherents got trial of impeachments of Andrew Johnson coo di ngs.) .. . . , up and said, no: all the people do not cont . and other contingent expenses for the, year Mr. SPALDING inquired from r.Bout- sent to it." So the gentleman law at least _ ending June 30,th, 1868. - Referred . to the . well whether the President bad denied he precedent for what he has done, and I wish Committee on Appropriations. • .: was guilty under the articles? we could follow out the precedent in this _ • THE IMPEACHMENT 'TRIAL.' : Mr. FAISNSWORTH said the President Court, because the Court inquired Mr. HERMAN offered in order that the' admits facts and denies the guilt. - who made • the objection and tried order in. regard to the admission to the en; •,. Mr. - SPALDING added, the Managers to find the offender for. the purpose aeries be suspended until further order, ' would be met by legal critics in the Senate, iof punishing. him. (Laughter.) But lie and that the •Sergeant-at-A.rms shall .take and they had better be 'careful how they Icould not be found, and 'afterwards turned , earethat order be observed in the galleries drew up their replication. - out to be a woman. (laughter) wife of during the trial of impeachment, and au- Mr. BOT_TTWELL said the attention of . Gen. Fairfax, Who rattled on that the occasion therizing tarn to arrest and bring before the the Managers - had been drawn to: thercu- from the rest of the' Commons. It is said Senate any _person violating order, and to - 'liar form, "filed on belialfof the Pres'u mat," by the gentlethan from New York that this take care that •no person enter the diplo- but that the answer was in substance that replication is in a Balthnore paper. I take - matte, ladies' and reporters' galleries but i he was not guilty. , Therefore, the form of -issue with tins fact. This replication was , . those entitled to admission: Laid over. • the replication was different froni that usu- corrected in form at fifteen minutes past . The Clerk of the House appeared and ally used in similar cases. The answer to f eleven o'clock this day. It is Ropier! in nounced that the House had adopted a repli- some of the articles amounted to a demurrer part from the great precedents, so flu. as cation to the answer of the President of the merely, but on the whole the Managers they apply, and therefore any paper could United States. • . had chosen to treat the answer as a plea of publish scanethingtike it. One o'clock having arrived, the President not guilty. The Managers were of the °pin- l Mr. WOOD intimated the Managers had pro tem vacated the chair fOrthe ChiefJn.s.- I ion that no advantage could be taken as 'probably altered it after they had sent it miniotice who took hiS seat, ordering procaine- against the House of Representatives to the •to the papers; but lie had it here in the n; which was made accordingly by the form of replication now reported. He was Baltimore American, with the names of the Sergeant -at-arms..- willing to allow au hour for criticism as to Managers attached.' Meantime the counsel for the President, form of replication. , • Mr. BUTLER as names of the !test's:!test's:!test's:Stanberys Curtis;Everts, Nelson Mr. WOODWARD wished to call the at- Managers are not attached the to the replica ' and Groesbeck entered and took their seats. tention of the Managers to the fact that the Hon, that ends the matter. When we make ',. 'At 'five minutes past "one the Managers answer of the' President to the eleventh a replication we do not attach our names to : t : s were announced. and took their seats, with. ar . ticletal.O= 6 „ . PA, '.t0... ii demurrer. Ills own ‘, it, but expect the Speaker of the House i,.,,,sbireas s itqark : of lat . :.ftstertendi, Iv . v4ri :,: I = - 13- ab.,, , ..f COpods - IA _denatirrer WIWI , very corailti e satid Clerk of the . - House, by .ordra oethe sent.... s ..: ' : •-" - s • -:., sikeil!HtSdid iiet r iStadedraillitert. Was nityams' t HithrtS TO attitSls.s stoltiS t . `ssa . :2..‘ . . Thesifouse was announced immediately 1 peachabie offenses charged in the eleventn; f Mr. WOOD - again' Intin . ; 4. 4 the repl sf' . and then:cambers disposed themseves - out, i article. As the answer put that point in ten was altered after it WaS, given to the: -. -- side the bar: . -:- - issue, which:. was a legal question, and papers. .. . - ; , The.fininutes of the sessio n oe•yeaterday - -, amounted to a - demurrer. He thought there Mr.' BUTLER said: We never altered it were read by the Secretary, who also' read },should be a special replication to. that part at all. This is a. tnere formal proceeding. the announcement - of the adoption of a Sof the answer, or a joining.' of demurrer. There can be no demurrer, can be no side repliaition by the House. ' , -...-- • This general replication did . ,not..joiu any issues, and 'all that the President'a answer Itfr...I3OI3TWFITL, of the Managers, then -- issue in that article .at . all, and Was-what can ameunt to is a plea of not gulltY, with s • said Mr. President: - .I am charged. by the ,! might be called a deParture in'Pleading. a stump speech in the belly. (Laughter.): Managers with the duty of presenting the i. Pennsylvania 'Buk,z9arAm said tliegentleman from That is all. I trust the House will not re , replication offered by the House of Repse-, i Pennsylvania (Mr. Woodward) would find - - ceive any lectures or any . tei&arestion as to ..'. sentative.s as follows: -.• . - • -: .- -, .. • the eieeentbssuliieleS,like' many - other arti- the propriety of language or cenduct from -1 .gigs e.:chl , ti . led - ' . s..erigainet ' 'the President;'; the gentleman who stands as yet under its .Replication by the House of Repi esentalives him with- . misdemeanor -or high ' censure for a violation of ell parliatnete.ry t- or the _United States to the answer :Of An-. charged,• ;. , 1 , , - ' .- : d rew . joh mon p res id ent of the '.United I crime in °film So the're was ao departure;! rules.' -. • .. - States, to the A rad , of Impeachment ~,,,_ .whatever in the replication: ~H edesired te: i i3l:r. WOGD--The highest - compliment of - . hibited Against him by the Haase ofni,wre.... call the attention of the gentleman and the' my life.. . 1 House to the fact, that - while the answer' I ' Twelve . O'clock having arrived, the sets: • sentatives.- • , does contain much that is argumentative; 1 sion of' :Monday closed, ands the session or • The House of Representatives of th e': and" much that might be callecra demurrer; ' TileSday dommenced. United States have considered- the several - Such a thing was never allowed at all in an I SairFELDRIDG'E said it would seem from answerfrof Andrew Johnson; President, of I impeachment. There never. had been i the remarks of the gentleman from 3faStia- . • the:United States,. to the several articles of 1 ~denjurrer entertained ' in. the Sen- 1 cliesetts 4 (Mr. • Butler) that this matter ist' impeachthent against hitri, by them exhibi- , ate or in the 'peers sof England.' I never to * Ceatie - beings the subject of levity. ted in the name of themselves and of all the i There was nothing on record. A demurrer ; The impeachment -of the President,7 s peoPle of the:United States, and reserving 9 1 -did not lie in such cases. Special pleading I fermi the beginning of the' proceedings, to themselves the • .adasanta,ge of ex, ! - Was unknown in the whole proceeding. s has beep treated, not only as mere matter , ception to. the :insufficiency .of his an- Tho. President's answer to the eleventh ar- 'of form, but as subject for trifling. The , ewer to each and all of the several tide expressly denied that. he committed a.. 1 gentleman.. from Massachusetts .tells us,. articles of linpeachment exhibited against I guilty. and 'was therefore . a plea of not. 1 when the m question was raised inEngland,:' said Andrew Johnson, President of the - !:whether ipeachment was .in thename o r ] - United States, do deny each and every I mined the general denial: - 1. the people, some one . exclaimed it. was not; I averment in said , everal answers, or either 1. "And this respondent, further answering_ i and .he• said that person Was- undtood nil of themet, which denies or traverses the acts d I the said eleventh article, denies that by.; be a „ranting eld Woman. Well,r, it iri n . rimes, or . tilisdemeatters- . charge I; the lesson of.anything, in said article 1, not necessary for old women to come here; against sait l- .Andreiv srehttSOXt said arl• allegecithis - respondent; as President . of - the , and rant; for we have. plenty of:ranters-in: cles of impeachment, ea either of them, and. i United States, did, on the 21st day of Feb- 1, tho House.o l. Representativess . ~• . -. for replication to:the said `,.' 'denier -. dcrsisay.. rnary, 1868, or at any other day or time, - Mr. BLAINE--On which side - oft .h .n . that the said . Andrew Johnson, President ! cornmit, or that ' he. was guilty of, a high. . House? .*. • - :-, s ! of the United States, is- guilty of the high misdemeanor in office " '- ' ' • . Mr. ELDRIDGEI .suppose the'gentle;:?- crimes and. misdemeanors Mentioned in the i He claimed that by parliamentary law.; man knows. ;He iti; a . '. Very fati , speelm ' said articles,. and that the said House of He 'amounted to . the same thing as if -he .1 himself. : The gentletintia.lrenrlMassflAsh* Repreaeutp,tlyeal are ready .to rote the, hed 'said he was net guilty of the crimes al -l• setts Tunderstand to saVttfibtitplidatimilitit tame . • leged against him in manner and form as. mere formal matter . Thatsnittar bethe Senator JOHNSON said: Mr. Chief Justice charged: . - Forms : were - nothing - In - these , Alerstanding.of the, gentleman . from ,MaeW -4 move that an anthenticated copy be pressmatters. Substanee was. everything. The I: chusettaa and': we:lame the statemeatailit e Agreed to .xited to the Counsel for the President: , replication was of , substance, and there.Wassleading Managers Ifeit.evening, .thutsitntiW. • no departure. He would like to see Andrew /paling the answer; presented lby-the 'PAW, Thef Chief'lustleeiList evening a mo- Johnson go into the Senate of the Unitect dent,athe , Managersailuid . !prepared ;.. it.; tion was petering on : the part of the Coun- I States,'and - by presenting a •defnurrer cons - replieation:.;.There s could ; be '• no': othek. set. for the President that , such .a. time less the _averment ,in the article. No slicks S. toast, — should be a 'lltatiti-rfor ' their prey ' atipti es - 0.c"...0ck. IMYEACHNENT. _ Jpaxak the Senate slionklplease to delermine upon. The, Senator ~frean , Maryland, -(Johnson)' rented tua Order-which ici,D.l..be read by The Secretary react' the order • providing ,that ten da . tftrle'lie.!alle)*ed, . 18 Mr, President , I send to the Chao nu to come immedi ately after the word. ig oltered,"„boing in the nature of a substitut: • • • The Secretag -read : the: amendment as follows: 1 1'14 now' that h - replication has been filed; :the Senate, adhering to its rules already: tidopted;:'istmll proceed with the trial from day day; Sundays .excepted, lest 'otherwise ordered or on reasonsshown. Mr: EDMUNDS -I move.that the Senate retire to consider that order: r Mr.,:SUMI§TER3 ittullePtions; No, no: Yeas and nays deitiniaded and ordered, resultin as follows:, g•. Yea4—MessrS. Anihdny,Dayard, Buoka bilw; "•Corbett, , 1 1/Si*,• 'Dixon, 'Doolittle, Ed rifunds; Fessenden,'Powlerirrelinghtiyeen, Grimes, Henderson, Hendricks, ,Howe, • Johnson r, McCreei 'Sfoerll4. (Me-1.).; Mer rill, MO , - Mortotf, • ll'ortow 'ratter.' son, (N.. =IL Patterson,. (Tenn. ' ) Sauls bury, ; Sprague , -Van- • Winkle; - :Vickers, Willey and. Williams -29., • - Nays—Messrs. Cameron,. Cattell, Chand ler; Colei_ConklingLOonnoss,Cragin, Drake, Ferry, Harlan, Howard, Moroult Nye, PernereYiltemse7,- ReSs,'Shernian, Ste Wart, Sumner, "Thayer; 'Tipton, 'Trumbal and So the Senat Sor ,consultatien After the Seiwithri, ietimi, Mr. Ste vens wagsdisoovoreaiwwina sp ; ta? left. and rear ortlierieiddent'slleidf, having Unnoticed during Act • Meantime, QUI') - eria; erto very quiet, 4PPled with and abit.l3 o 4 . w hil e ,-/ ; • rule obtained, becattse a demther admitted, , everything that is well pleaded. . Mr. WOOD, of New Yorki presumed that the objection taken by the gentleman from Pennsylvania hadreference to making the; replication what it really ought to be. Ile. (Mr. 'Wood) thought this was a question which the Court might.determine., - It was very desirable, -however,'that- whatever'.l course the House should take, it should ex-. 1 ercise the utmost care,'and should reserve to itself the right to instruct,qnd direct the Managers. He would take 43iCeptlerri, to the phraseology of the replication, which • declares to be "in the name of all the peo ple ~of the, United , States.'.' We know,. said ' he,' i that 'that s not the. fact. There . is not a man here who can rise in his- place and seriously and candidly' "tleelare Wit thepeOple'iaf thp'United States haiie authorized the House to act on this'• question, or that any member or the House' was everelootee.orksuch :issue,. Therefore it is false'hiliiethat' the House of Repre- . sentatives is acting for and representing "all' the people of thoi United States." We have had no representations made to this House . from any, portion of the people of the Kuno& States m'is'er of - this - procedure;• except by.' a handful of office. seekem le?tyeet:, to receive peramial• ridtatitage the result. ; The. Manager": yinpresent, the House of RepresentaMes, and only the House of Reprerientativesi and ypsenting, his : t` , Hotrse they are its agenti... ,6f , the, 3 fanagers, the gentleman front . (Mr.; Bingham" took upon himself to. bully the Sedate Ile told thegfMatttPAlY, 1 ! ( -Whe_rj ifbeep(ii4Ludes„and- yenerdltY the same honorable. Manager unuertook.to; eritteise'setrerely; and m ; At :; • tut it e-. P ro a4Y.A. '` •W •fift . ;g l t6o.- ' the, unneu . States, sitting ai p=eal • ug got , fieor 4n 124i4 1 .` - RAMP* to saY. that the ; gesi Man is alone responsible for ./7nmel ?V. .e./4 EWE= = =I 4truction . put , on hiS Jangutigei - ; tlutn• • 4 0hat the Managers; .before , 'they ;heard a• . word of - the - anwor, had prepared in -.form a replication: , %%by dhi not ,consider , the facts. of the &ism the' kit ,not look upon ••the President% , declarati* 1, and answer, either spbe(fically or gerierallY 4 1 hut prepare and , present •to: this 'House' a ' , r F'plication in form to what they suPpese t , answer of' the. President.will be.. I. said ..,,. night, I did not desire the Managers OnWei I part of the House, much . as , .1 f Itstplktt , : . them - as. individuals, and ,-,rnsteh ,IS" 1 I luive .' eq,rifidenco. ....IR . gain. M. gentlemen, to ansWin 4- 1 14::::*,. rian4;-1.44 . ' i there Oili desire . itieryone'.rof.thinnts, i Acnowe',to have - &t , iiijated.. the' PreSin 1 .31 1 : " without regard ' tallier - m . l,loer, 'when when, "y' were appointed as Milers. ,Tkci. wintio• ni l man from 01 0411s - us_ t ',replication U, It. short traverse of all the aterial allegations the in answer and deniiir. ormattern 'l4' 1 things shtop. ~./8•64„. 1,4...1... -, - Piotilderit so enrich_ rivhatever he,MaYa. prepared With-`A ke) `that the fo - ritipthfsi l are tii''rethusiii-, of'' this 4 nutlith t.- •• I !had Obidelised";inik and tinddratatid In the . Wanzigens prep general denial of. al up bp the :Premiden. prepared to ..tiorlYf Too , regard Ofantgsa-Almteve) Bar:. ii 49 nett want tot• an ealfwerfor zne, ,„. .be , !;',ltathOtizestr.. to even, at _tbs./award, googoixem , from ,m arat 01 0 - Worofffui So, Ow ...undertaken I to; show ;ttitrA4tl4 l ?(of .wbat. bwbeAlitate4 flowoktra Xtuijoyitar artne,Ronse ' " .T , Gil , "?g , v)'" : r I ;:,2•1.).40 ) ==EN P,ITTSBURGIT , CI; J-Irtq'T EN Z=MMM TEDNESDA r MAnali 25 • 41:119131 ~• . . has iatruTyvhy, then, should not - . 7 - i'ENNSYLVANIA .TJEGISLATITR-E. this House, with' Taal frankness and sin- . I, i 1 cerity, admit o the record whatever is . I • I : l - -- • I true of - what' ~- t he President has I o'l ' • , i‘pecial Dispaatch t the Pittsburgh Otilette..) . . stated? Why ' Cannot 'We consider _ --_________________._ 1 . 'Hannismn , tb, March 24, 1868. • the answer, - section by , section, .r,ourt, co , cl,oexi. = 4.. :K. . . fact by fact, ard whenever we find that the a SENATE. _____ __ ___ . . . . . • . . . President has. stated the truth, admit that _ ---- _ __________ --- ---- - THE APPROP.RIATION BILL. • - in our replication? Why' send out -to the. TIDE u ft alar- un i rrl ai a t aa y . The Appropriation bill went through the country a false replipation, 'a replication denying' - Cemmittee of the Whole. with many addi tions to the House bill. Thosalafies of Su ,those truths, which' we know to . ' ----"--- . . ' , be true Why tell the country that all the preui . e Judges were increased' to s7,P,°°; President has said is a lie, when we know most of it is true? . Supreme Court .Decision-Ohio salaries of the several officers of the Legisla- . .• -- Contested .Congressional Seat- Mr. WILLIAM of Pa., Would like the NominationsConsidered---Man ture increased; a large 11 - Umber l of gentleman to state, as a:lawye, whether he -'ufacturers Tax - Stringent Reg- ..- •'.. .. .. " u ions there admitted to appropri old point to . an case cif impeachment - • ~ new and' additional charitable insti ations; agrljultural experiments,s4 000* tt` •-• g t r i l l e i 1 d t3 , 1 except y,, h e t O h n e r t a e ygoettheerra issue n ec could l o a f d n h o e t relations 3. Tat_ f Privateor Collection sess Session o u t •Wofhiatsi niacle, any other re liciition could be filed, , P 1 Eminent COurt. a I eat. Gettysburg Battlefield' _Memorial Associa- ' than substantially t at which had been pre - ed t041.'11,- `By Telegraph to the PittAintrgh Oazette.] ' • than $3,000; Polytechnic College,_ss,ooo; ter liar .. . Mr. ELDRIDGE .repeated those portions - • wasniNoroza, March 24, .1868. 'hospital bathing room and chapel, Western of the President's answer which were true, SUPRE3IE COURT DECISION. Penitentiary, $43,000; Soldiers Home, Pittia• and which as they could not be denied by L Inthe Court Judge Clifford de- burgh, $4,000;• St. Paul's Orphan 'Asylum, witnessea, should be admitted. By this • supreme . , . Means they wonld narrow down the issue, livered an important deeisioni affirming the Pittsburgh, $5,000, to be disbursed by eider and save' expense and time. . deciision of the Suprenie'Court of Cennecti- • of Bishop Domenec; Military Claims, , 'fBoa in _ in - • Mr. WILLIAMS, adverting to the Presia _art in the case di' Society for Savings vs. GO.- 000; expenses of Railroad Investigating dent's answer, said there was a -difference_ ' briel W.'Coates. The question WAS whether- committee last . Year, $6OO, besides many Of opinion among the Manag,ers whether they should. not have demanded that the deposits invested in government securities a dditi o n s . , •! President, in presenting his usher, should were liable to State tax. It was held that HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES: . . Specifically plead - guilty or not guilty: but BILLS PASS'ED FINALLY. : •• the majority held the answer might be con- ~ lugs 'the_ .tax on deposits should be paid by the - - sidered a general plea of not guilty: Reply- Psbank,• and 'that the tax on which Say 1i '' ' t 1 f • deposits• ilea Senate bill incorporating the Board.' of , to Mr. - Eldridge, lie said: The gentleman they had feenan‘es et -01 _ acer . from Wisconsin asseverates here that all the faats stilted in the answer of the I President whether they are invested or not. ti Judge t _ !'Biller dissented, on the' ground that . . s Miss , ions to Freednien of General A.ssenibly this of tinted Presbyterian- Church of North 9. er'ca ' . . - ... - . . , are true, or, to use his identical language,' was . only tax on Government securities another form. • Senate bill consolidating the Warren and "are God's troth." Ido not think God ever , • , I recognized truths of that sort.' (Laughter.) ' . OHIO COTESTED SEAT.. • Franklin, Farmers and Oil Creek Railways, Does the gentlem an sa y the apeecezies A report' in circulation to-day that the to be known as the 011 Creek and Allegheny charged to have been made by the President a•caninittee on Elections voted toa retain RiVer Railway Company. at St, Louis and - Cleveland and Washing - fon Gen. al - organ- of the Thirteenth Ohio Dis- Senate bill' exempting Allegheny coon life: were not made? - ' trict in his seat was an error. . The Corn - from the provisions •of the act compelling . Mr. ELDRIDGE-The President saysim mittee by a strict- party vote of Republi- Railroad and other corporadonste pay cpun --did not make 'them in th e form. in which, cans, Arr. Shallenber g er y beingabsent, being absent, voted set fees of plaintiff in certain =see: ,'. they are charged. - against him. Two Democrats resolved to The Senate bill endbling . the Union Canal ' • Mr. WITYLIAIdS---.The g'entlinan affirms I report-in favor of giving the seat to Colum- Ciertipomy of .Pennsylvania to consolidate the denial is true, and therefore the Presi- bus Delano, the contestant. They say he bonds and stock and borrow money.'- - dent never made such speeches. I put itto was elected by eighty-seven of a majority. ' Senate ball, allowing Notaries Ptiblid - •in the whether he believes that It i s not nrobable a report will be made.till Alleghenyvounty the same fees for taking himself `gentleman '. [Laughter on the Republican next wec h z , , - • acknowledgments as are allowed Aldermen side.] , '' - • ' NOMINATIONS CONFIRMED. ' and Justices of the Peace. ' _ ' After further discussion the replicsaion The Senate bill creating a sinking '. tiind and resolution were adopted-yeas 116, nays The Senate to-day confirmed the led t follow- The the extinguishment of the railroad-6am - . in.' nominations: air. 11. Drabell,:Assessor, , . 36, a strict party vote. ; a dd Ind d ' fP'ttb •r h,'• promise bon e in e te ness o a s nrg Mr. BOUTIN iaLL coffered 't he following oe'lnternal Revenae, of the twenty a third and appointing- a Board of Comthissionero to resolution, which was iagyeed to: District, Weat Virginia; Samuel D. Evans, take charge thereof, and for other purpoaes • d That a measaae be sent to the Collector of Internal Revenue, of the Fourth connected therewith. ' .. Re4°lLe ' - . --' ' ' District,T x - ' a. Charles f .Ver _Senate by the Clerk of the House informing ~ e. a ,_. _ Robinson, a Authorizing the Pittsbergh, • Allegheny the Senate that the House of Representia ment, a.onsel at Quebec, also about one I . and Manchester Passenger Railway .Coma tires have adopted a replieation to the an- hundred officers of the Nalay.for promotion. pony to sell part of its road. , • a swer•of. the President of the United States The Senate: rejected Augustus Bradley Legalizing assessments' to repay bounties on the fartieleo of inaPeitehment exhibited for Assessor of Internal _ Revenue, Second in Allegheny township, Westmoreland against liirn, and that the Roane will be pre- district, Indiana; Davidi M a _Mill_s, As John b county. • . oented to the Senate by the Managers of this of Internal Revenue or D kotalt a and . n _ authorizing the school directors of East W. 'hiylor, Assessor Twenty-fourth Dis - House. ' - - Deer township, Allegheny County, to bol- Mr. SCIIENCK; from the Committee on trict, Nev,- York. row money and levy atax. • . Ways and ..teens, repeated the bill to re- MANUFACTURERS' TAX. Authorizing the school board of St. Clair fund duties paid under protest on, the im- The Cominittee of Ways and Means will township, B , estnioreland Corinty, to - bor portation from France of it hell, donated to reconmend a non-coucurrence in the first row money for building_purposes.. St. Marv's Institute at Notre Danica iricer- and seeond Senate . amendments to the • ' . . porntecf by the State of Indiana for philoso- House bill exempting certain manufactures 'Mica' and literary purposes. The- bill , from internal tax, aud concurrence iri passed. P • . the third, with an aniendment pro atailatTPACTUßEltS' INTER.NtL TAX', viding that no drawback shall The House, at. the instance of . Air I be allowed, after July Ist, upon SCHENCK, ordered to be ;printed the billexportationaccount f internal They no th tax.. to exempt - certain manufacturers from reponiinend concurrence a in e fourth, internal tax as returned from the Senate- • • with amend cents providing the inanufac from.taxationunder this act with amendments, together with the.report tares exempt t iy t two dollars rth . of the. Committee. Ile said he would call o e . „ . p: , \ ..pe sand in excess up the subject to-morrow. , f .5a,a00 annual sales,, such sales, to be re turned to the Aasessormonthlyjand the tak. • THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. - ' - In excess shall be assessed and paid month- . of, - one ;arrived and the House t la-, ~.aaantalataamia seat ai laa p . _ ak ... A ~ -....", d itself into Committee of W,tiole - ffne ei. 'tioo:' )• to - 45 000. Or---fl ,preceeded to the &mate chamber; I . of, six ruont'hs to thr. a years: for , e members retprned at twenty-five . fraudulent distillation of whielieyaaThe Mintates to four, when the Speaker, having I carrying .on of such - distillery' fOr.-'two .-_ .. . i l :maimed the chair, Mr. WASIIBURNE of , tlays Ina locality where the market , value J Illinois, as Chairman of Conunlttee of tire spiritiais ten per cent. less' than.the tat' I , whole, reported' the House had-attended anda cost of producing shall be prisia facia I the Senate, sitting as - a - i Court of Impeach. evidence that the business - is being carried: nfent of the 'President of the United States; en with intent to defraud. ; It :- la alio pro,' , and tlie replication:of the aLanagaia2a to the ylded .thitt the market value of : 4 .Whila. ' anawer of the President Was read in their ky biAng below the tea..,' ,' iria any, I preeenee. . ' - locality - shall .be prima facia, ,f3V,a , I I acour..lit nusix.ESs.'" ' dence that the ASsa'asors and Collectors' - , , The SPEAKER laid before the House • aj of Internal Revenne 'in • that. lomlity. are comMunication from the Secretary of the neglecting their bnsiness, and theyshall at t Treasury relative to regulations for tiro de- once be superceded, and all pay and corn -It.ection of counterfeit fractional postal cur- 1, pensation shall be withheld from them till h 'll . th, t h '• h arepay. they s a show at e tax auch omit _ - _24r. GARFIELD, .11rom the Committerson , has been dor failure to n pay, has not :.Mary Affhirs, asked leave to report a bill I been on account of negligence or want of. providing for the.sale of lands," tenements i due vigilance on the part of the suspended'. and water. privileges at Harper's Ferry, I officers. They reecoannend concurrence :In West Virginia, belonging to the United a the fifth aniendment. -States, the sale to be at public auction, on a 1 „prtiva'rE onasioa- OF IMPEACIIMEWP COURT.,•4 ;credit, of from one to ten years.. . -- When today the Senate had • retired' for 4 . Objection Was Made to the .reporting of consultation on Mr. Johnson's modified : res-1 the bill, but it was ordered to be printed. , .olution, which he liad Previously Submitted •' On motion of Mr. GLIRRIELD, the Corn- in - the chaniber, providing that thatrial.ef ainittee of Judiciary was directed to inquire.: the Preside shall commence oh 'Ph.nrs. into the expediency. of providing by law, day; 'the 2d- of : Atiril, - a Mr. ,Williaan s ,4 l , Sor,thesettlement of contested elections for moved . the further ideratien "l'itif . elections of President. and Vice-President I the' respondent's i onsaPailicat for - time:be nt the United States, and t,hat the Colman-. postponed until the latanagers have`opetied, toe report by bill orotherwise. . their ease and submitted theiiaaciidenee. Adjourned. • 1 -...- : a • a.. Disagreed-ay -coo nine, nays forty-tiiip. Yeas,.- BRIEP , . ~.. . .. , . . a , - Messrs Anthony, Chandler,- DixonZOrlites,-- a . i TELEGRA.Mizi. ' Harlan, ' Howard, - Mergan, -.l.l3ntteriOn aia , ---• a .' - ' - (Tennessee) Williantsa-natie„:a. then --' ` . 4::_:--At Cincirillati,'-Ohio, the Democratic: - Alessrs. Bayard,. BlickaliWa'-'oune,r.on,,,' tiMvention 'ter-ilia netillnation of city: of; Cattell; , Conklitig a - 'Conriess,..aCniginal .„ - O.-• -•-- . • • - 'Davis, - Doollttle,-Drake, Edniunde, -F.44tY''' Ileers.,.met t tge.sday Moriaing and organized. FeSsendeii, Fowler, - Fr 11 ' b en ''''H -- ' . e ng uys, ~ e n '- . - j„,,, . :by electing Gen. --NY4 C. Johnson President. •dersciti,.' 'Hendricks, 'MeCreena, a Moiriti'l -- AcOmmittee was aPpointed.to confer with • (Vt.), Merrill (Me.), Morton, No.rW;NYea'j Atte .I , Verkingmen's party:in regard to* the Patterson (N.• . H.), Poineroy; - .BataSey,t., - ..belectiorrof''candidates, when the C'onven. Ross,- Senisburv, Sherman Spreati-.,Srint.'-.'.' lion-adjourned to meet at ,two o'clock this ' tier. Sten-art, ',haver, • Tton, -- Trumbilll,'; ?afternoon. .- -On - . - re-aasembling, - - Theodore, Van -- Winkle, Vickera, Willey','''444l-,•Wil- Margh,:fram the Committee on Conference,- son. , -g,„ . • •-''-•-•.. - . • a - a" i : 4Virered .-aas .' the: - result -of the' ' eon- - Mr. Sumner had ' Offered. the "Ifolling`' erence - •"; that _ the i • Convention -. ,norill-' atnendment, which he. Sebsegnentlyvyllth--• ,Stipreme. Judge . 'and ', Wharf- drew :' Now: that rePlleatiori ' had .',iiiien) k.. Rstettuavetethe halftime of the Working.' • filed.' the ; Senate; - adhering' to ite:. Ole is • en!titieltet - . - After gonna; debatelthe-report: ready adopted, will Premed - with the, trial- ' ~,' •- rejeetodiand the ConVentiow tioinfnat:' from - day to 'jay, Sundaysexcepter'lteleisf Ithei:foliclwing :ticket :. Director ;of City. ".othericise Ordered, or, reasens •sh e wst,u;!..:;... f ~:i. nary-, 11: .H6'.‘l3reene; aWhart , Masta ta ; , mr.'Conkling . movea ;an' ainendiktini'fio.' •. ) Eckardt; Ana,- -Corrunhiglonera-44.‘ - Mr:' , Tehnsee'S: resolution , Jose icHngin:'Clerk . .-ot. Pollee :Court ''.7. -, -: W. • g fTlitirifditY, - 2d - APrll," and hititfrthig “MOlaa ' lill:skohnsor4r Judge of Supreme Court,:' Wm ': day,' SOth;Marcio 'as - the time wliterelhe• ; •Rarnee.Y.: '- 'I ''': , - ''' • '.'• -' .- • irial.islialigioininence.''.---..,1 ' s••:...A'Aitipittch from - Htivanasaya the Ch - 01-* - 'Mr.-Co.nkillik's amendment' was - egreedil --' - t B. - b. - - is - • - - • ••• to--Yeas liiiinty4ight ' nays trientylciiir .era,a, t.. mamas disappearing; also that. „ ......_ „.... . ,0.. , : ~ ~...,- . 0 , lilliaturbance waiit teared.td. Sane: Cruz, in as f° l 4?", '• i ~,..t. : .'..,„.e . • - :" Arise - oone° ~' of that island baring, been - • re...„..l46,o*,.grar k ero n , .Ciattell I s 4, . d...: . Is ol l4,oo"feein :the sale :of ; Danish-West.- le-X;'ol,/e it e r c i f O lins, c9tlnsOffier..agi a O, k -, ~- - - . • -Perry :, 1 - Howard"'' o 1 taridilop tte , v,llito - st4te,...', . ., ~ , ... , ~. tir 4X 1 .1 ~ ,•1 _ , .VVr v , n,.. - orru_, ..-Ilife.) Morrill '' morton yte hoss t- ‘1 ' - '• i- A;4411. 2 15taYe ii :cierirun-; ' l4 ' --- IQ '- • ' -'- • - - , , nn ~/„,, ,: ' merchant , - tersoni( ll.,enter9Yo-Z1n244301* • ' moths; arrested on thtf•steatner:City of . Corir,'; Atekrarti - &linnet Thayer; 140:3„:r_11.ei,..• 4 .lil ew c l r ork,' „ yesterday,mndOz.the: extra- ' Williams atd - Wilson--28: ''' .-' '' -''. '.-_-- 'treaty, , ncharged • ' with ' swindling a - ,- ~3 ,r cips..llleasis, Anthony, BaYardtll,44oka-- 4 - .HesseDarmstadt.- ;-,- ' ''''; '' ' ,', '- . ' levi; Corbett,"Daybr,•'Dixon,:' Doolittle, ..td; . , .., ~ . ~ „ )firistiari Convention .of ,pernisyl- niunds, Fessenden, Fowler , r rentigbuy,gen,, , • • Jeri, ilaware, 'New y and New York ' ~. des, -,- ,5. hneen, lat Philadelphia Mendayevening, - azeCreerY, No rtoei'Pattereen; 4en'tietreee),' tied - byelecting - Gecr'H, Stewart Saulshury,'Shernian; '..Spratmel-''ittinihnlit' ' . .. !... ,•,... , .... ~ .., .., rA r turWinkkirititd:Vioicers.4k,.-•-- ~` , • ••- t . ,•#t.... - .1 • -.. -1 „. „. • -' .. . •:. Other modifications were 'made -titine „,... =tit Rated, the ,- geestrian; '/eft - origirud tea - I:dation; 'when itiwas adopted in - 1 - "C z rrn,l7,l7 3l '''''' .- - e, Si. ai.eivTiataday'th' his- nag,. thefornirelipitedlolhe Senate,: ?.' - •0.-: - .' '. "--"-------- -----"" ...,'-• '-'''!' '''''':=-: for the t i4Nitticitial'eltal,iii'hoh he ~..:: i ,:::-. i -..z.f , , ,--- - ' .. ;s .reneh'hYAP,,ril.'Mt, ..: -- • lentlpluasonnaa submitted to.the de:yeto-of the biatakinglrorn•the lOourt -appellate, jurisdiction in . r ein- .:-: j .-:.1 --,:. Aliening giotne palatine entered the A. G.Roisers, Pine street, Nevi id abstrneted'a2o,ooo 'worth of rail- , :11.moncl, Va.;' Temaday . vinecnt a blerchant, waif ' . llllot Lno MOr tded in stieetaltriVitb 44;rit: ~iirrii~= ;-«At a meeting , orthe Erie liattway, rectors: tit New York yeeterdey tioi was amaiMnounks - „adoptesi , iMiking a ied,actida Zik* ta BOW° ar tAirtvAttre n.i e: ker dentnAnd a 091-o*nding Larel, to points wpm. . Phvoinra, pkedis 6 onfidenpetha4Wittl thesym 4 uPPoft or kz.,Pa:Mlo,4l3.e road iaifze -4„,;— thit Ibizt* Aht: '3041 titii4:6( - .103 ;Y100,0101) -re-. .0 )14 44* . frP.4 l aogult as R@` -' < . WEE =OE . • • : • PROM EUROPE By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh . Gazette:l •; • FRANCE. .• , LoNnow, March 24—Evening. -,,An emeute is reported to haveoccurred at 3ordeau,and seditious-placards have made their appear-, ante at Paris, Lyons,'3larselle.s and Rouen. .I, The reforming of the Guard Mobile is l as.. -•f • • riivAricLix; • Lozuxqq, Miirch 93.1.8; 5-ars, 72 1-8; Erie, 47; - 1.11, - Central, FR.ksktronr, .March24--enpig...--13onds are firmat 75 1-4a78. -• ". - ••' - LivEnroory March 24—Eaming---Cotton is quiet andtmebang.ed; sales 10,009 bales. Manchester- mixed is dull and drooping. - Breadstuffs closed steady.- Corn 418. 9d. •Flour,. steady; western, 375. Witeat, 15s. 10d. for.. Califlarnia; do. white, 14s. 10d. for No. 2 red western. 13.irley, ss. 6d. , Oats, '4s. (kl. Peas, 465. 6d.- ProVisionPork, , 19a. Beef, 120 s. Lard 625.. Cheese, 575. I Bacon, 428. 6d. 'Cumberland cut. Produce 4 —.Sugar'2ss. 64:1; per cwt. Tallow advanced 4 to'4ss. Refined Petrepim, 3d. ,Spirits, 18.-.ld. per, gallon. -• • . FrarEur;.March 24,—Petroleum closad heifer,-f dtandard white 44 francs. •1, , .. - • ~ The Herndon of maerican Presbyteriiins. - The joint committee•of the two schoolti of Presbyterians . ..at • their recent.' meeting' in Philadelphia unanimously adopted the 'fol [lowing plarrof union. It will be submitted Ito the - two Genenfi As.semblies this year for filial - ratification: . . .. , • "1. The Philadelphia basis as to doctrine, with the addition of a brief explanatory clause. - . •I i ". The two Boards of Piiblicaticia . shall continue their separate catalogues of ottli cations until the, united Assembly shall organise its first Board of Publication, }when tbo two catalogues shall be referred to A for rrevision. It being understood that, only=in tvidlous reference to the /ateAivisiomshall •••• be eased. . • • .4 . ‘ ; - • , .. -, ii•'7. "3. The right of Presbyteries to • Tanitue ~ IniinisterWappl,ying for admisSien was agreed the Old School 'yielding _the impetativa ;,rul?,' 'md lenving' !4 te • h— PrPs!iyWry t9.fXf alpine asldispogee ' , '2 . ... -• •,.. •-,„ , ..-, --. .K1: Theological `seminaries are ;allto.:be noliiiicu `:to put .thenuelves under assembly or• synodical control, and;upon such Sublins ten is conditioned their-recognitionaintte eommendiltion by the Assembly. • - "-`•;:.,. 1 „.'• • "5. All, imperfectly 'or,gatilzed“ - (Plaill of Uninn)'Clitireles are to be advised - ter iedb - et their Organizations Preibyterially within ffre Years, or othei*lse• be 'dropped fror4 - the rolls. Miaow churches 'organized uponthe old • 'Plan of Union' are to be,received:r, , a ~ All the Indications point, to . the approval Of this plan by the Assemblies and thespeedy consolidation of the Presbyterian c hurch.' , ........—____.... , ... ter I ` r eWforlaiis lviirlifit - '' : A Sy Telegraph to tie PittsbuigJi aze , .WPM 9i r , PA ' NS, llfarch 24 •CP#94; q i n to *Ath sales 48th) tati at 2 l2o;feCeitts,.4o s p• biles; •eXpc!rts,-,•‘603..;1n0ri5. rhinr , • less netlirel,a4PeAne;l9lBs,•<'slouble #3.0;62; . treble, extra; ju .4 50.i jr, at ;97ciit i l ollg; • Ottts, 76470, ; gm* dull; offered VIASO; ttacimAillt.,44hoPl - IZ/123'071 Priai,'9ldOk./6,14r441kid"' vaned tome: tfegine— 10. /AL - BankExnge ßiOuln,go • tc ' 'thg/" tbiritt Q 4 46 . 14 1.4 , BUFF:A*4I; 6 ..;4 10 WAtliet. • Wheat rand Otikii - steirotn_aalos at 2,64 a bush 01d;a4,451,1z eCOrin, Ow. two car loads: of new •Qn O a akilttn. 7 /0. ~O ate; weak= °gored 3143- Bsa.'oric Lardtrm. --Jeff Davis arrived in Baltimoie..bn Tuesday from Haavna. It is report,edthat he left for Washington., • •.• •••;1, - . • •••:1 Ort .Violent earthquake& oeourrfxl , iittrni, PLIoo on,the 10th and 11th huts... A". r •