El littAntrO Gaittit. GREEDY JIM. • [Being a story of a little boy who swal lowed a whole butter-pat, not knowing that it contained a fairy.] "Gre dv Jim is always rude'. ' Pok shits-hand in every dish: In his urry to intrude, . taw ows bones Instead of fish: • tiwall s bad instead of good: Snat es meat but swallows fat— Greed Jim, extremely rude. Swat OWS a whole butter-put! "'Good ess! Jinf, don't look so wild!' II ions! Jim, don't scream so shrill!" `What's the Matter with the child ? 'Goodness, gracious! are you 111 ?` • Father's getting rather riled. Mother hardly draws her breath,-- 4.locAinessl JIM,: don't look: so wild; 1 Su *e you frighten up to death!' ‘, "Tumbling down and leaping up.` TWisting limbs In every shape: hotline' grov 'fling like a pup. _Mowing, mopping likenn ape: Tasting neither bit nor sup.— . •.'' Yelling like en imp In pain: Tumbling down and leaping up— - Certainly the boy's insane. " • • . . "Little hacc,his parents gue.s'il Whence the 'nigh y mischief springs _..•lfen and women, m ch depress`d, R 111711 eCoelld ahu drefhthings. • itut at , s hard, if u th , Peonfesed: .'- To find cure or a tidote t For—a fairy in you chest. Trying to ascend your throat:" EPHEMERIS '—Weston is in Difalo. —Kit Karson is dciang New York. —London has sevrn thousand police. —New York has an Irish jaunting car. —Brig noli is cross , he is losing money. —Patti and Swinburne are the same age, Pike of Opera Hquse fame, is in- Cincin nati I I 1 ; 1 . —Flina Templei •%rill soon become a mother. I —California wants-Governor Haight to be President. —The Prince of Wales - hunted on Ash. Wednesday. • -.l . anauscheck; is delighting Buffalo, so is Mrs. Lander. Nashville has a ten year old three hund red pound boy. —580,000,000 is the supposed cost of the British army this year. '\ —1,085 persons were in the Illinois State prison on Tuesday last. --Second-hand coffins are in demand in Bridgeport, Connecticut. —St. Louis has a champion -boot black and a number of lotteries. —St. Louis has asparagus four and - , one half inches in circumference. --Stevensburg, Virginia, claims that E win - M. Stanton was born there. —Andreas Hofer is the new, or rather the latest novel by Miss Muehlback. —Anthracite coal. has been discovered near Bozeman City, in Montana. • —Ten hours is once more a day's work on the New York Central Railroad. was cold in Memphis on Friday; so cold'that-James Hughes died of exposure. —lnsanity is epidemic, or seems to be, in Celveland. Folks are frightened about it. —The London Times wants Geo. -- B. McClellan as minister to the Court of St. James. —Nantucket is going deeper than ever into the whaling busineSs. Why so, we can't say. '• —The - New York Chamber of Commerce is to delebmte its one hundredth anniversary next month. —Country editors:are gbidthe . robbing are coming back, at least their papers have a great deal to say about it. —360 acres of good land was sold last week, by the Sheriff for $36, in ItheTickens District of South Carolina. —Chinese boys are chambermaids in San Francisco, and Chinese men are washer- women in the same place. —The Lincoln monument in Washington is to be dedicated on the 14th of April, the . American Guy Fawkes day. —New Orleans is. trying ,to ggt up an immigration bureau, to attract European labor to the Southern States. —Kentucky University has 635 students this session. is well to educate southern ers black on white, as they need it Woefully. -Boston wants to get the Cunarders back again to her piers, and is sadly wor ried t!t the uncomfortable lack of• signs of success. --Airs froucLa Belle Helene are almost the only music heard in Ikew York now. Bateman knows how to advertise, evi deritly. —Lord Radstock, an English peer, is ri willing Father Hyacinthe in Paris this year, `by drawing all the fiAlonables to hear him preach. —Every public school in Austria, Prussia and Saxony has' a gymnasium attached, Where the muscles of the young men can be educated. 4-3lontana miners are all feeling better, the lateit_news from Helena, the Hot Spring : district and Snow Shoe Gulch are very en couraging. / I -Napoleon is in a' rather, precarious con tion, and his medicalid •sers are ordered • vi to be on the alert so, as to be on hand at a moment's notice. —Anber, the composer, was married. Au ber was also divorced. and his ex-wife keeps a millinery establishment in that paindise of extwives, Chicago. ' • 1 7 . 1 Bean Hummel once said "Starch my lord," when asked what constituted a gen ilentan. Absence of starch is one,thing that is neceqp.ry now. - The renowned revenue cutter -Harriet Line.;—morn renowned perhaps than any other steamer now in existence—has recent ly been sold for $10,500. • —Henry Enist composed the Carnival of Verde°, one of the most beautiful and popu lar of violin pieces. His widow is living. in Vienna and is in destitute circumstances. Manson and St. Clair counties in Il linois are crowing,briskly over their wheat crops. It is very pleasant to hear this sort of crowing, btit are the crowers out of the woods i'ret. 7 —ln spite of all the stories about Prince iturbide linis still residing with his mama at Washington. He is only seven years of age and consequently is neither fighting for the Pope nor plotting in Cuba. —The probability of Gen. Dix resigning the position which he now holds is ' debated and deprecated by Americans abroad:_ pen. Dix is one of the most polished representa tives we have ever had in France. —General Hancock indignantly denies that he Jell'. Davis were cheered in the streets of New Orleans. The people of Nevi Orleans were too sensible to do anything of that kind. —Robertson's new drama called "Play," is said:by a London critic to be better than, his last one, "Caste." If it is not better there is always the one satisfaction of know ing that it could hardly be worse. .L.The London, Chatham and Dover Rail way Company appear as claimants on the estate, of Sir Morton Peto and his partners for $82,400,000. Probably the largest ac count ever filed in the case, of any private firm in the world. —Rhine wine,particularly,red Rhine wine, is said to be the favorite drink of Prince Napoleon. It is well that it is so;for red Rhine wine is better for the stomach than white, and Plon-Plon has a good deal of stomach. —The Cincinnati Gazette of Saturday ac cused Edwin , Booth of playing at the gal leries and the gamins frequenting them. This is not the first time Mr. Booth has been accused of the same fault recently. —Niellsscn is coming to Americalo try and revive the Jenny Lind furore. We are to have this year and next, quite a number of the greatest European musical celebrities in this country. Tietjens, Lucca, Alysleben, and Patti are all said to be coming. —A new railroad is now being surveyed from Fort Wayne to Kankakee City, by the engineers of the Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne road, which company will construct and equip the first fifty miles westward at their own expense. Ground will be broken on the Ist of May. woman in Cincinnati has five times tried to poison herself but has not yet suc ceeded, having always been saved by a stomach pump.: She,would do well to keep a pump in her closet, if she intends to in dulge much longer in her dangerous little game. —Robert C. Winthrop and George Pea body were, last month, presented to the Pope, who expressed hls pleasure at 'seeing such diStinguished, visitors and presented them with photographs-of himself on which he wrote some quotations from the Latin Bible. —The Hercules is the latest iron marine monstrosity in the possession of England. Huge and unwieldy enough for any number ,of fault-finders, it has the additional objec-. tion of being able to carry bnly three days' coal. We in the United States need not fear the Hercules. • - 01110 ITEMS. —Petroleum V. Nasby is to lecture in Sa lem on the 20th inst, —The Warren Chronicic say that James Mackey, Esq., of Vienna, lately sold to Mr. C. W. Andrews a pair, of matched steers which were twenty-two months old and weighed 2,660 pounds, for the sum of $235. Who will beat it? ,—A bay horse, hands high, was stolen from the premises of Mr. John .Mitchell, in Pulaski, Pa.,on the night of .the 4th inst. $5O is offere for the recovery -of the horse„ and $25 additional for the apprehension of the thief. —The e Painesvilte Advertiser states that the market for wool seems to be somewhat improved. From eight to ten thousand pounds, varying in price from forty to forty-five cents, have been sold in that mar ket within the past ten days. —ln Ikl-issilion on Wednesday night, a professional gambler, known only as" Sli ppery Jack t' fell from a second story win dOw of a • boarding house and broke his neck. He was picked up soon after, and lived but a few minutes. It is supposed ho was intoxicated. —The . Methodist Episcopal society of Warren has commenced operations for building a new church on High sireet, having purchased the Judge Spear proper ty. The location is a beautiful one, and the edifice, when finished, will greatly add to to the beauty of that part of the town. =The business men of Sharon have clubbed togetner and raised a fund for the payment of a night police force, and two men aro now on duty. The Herald says the move is worthy of that enterprising town, and hopes it may be able to moderate the rowdyism for which their town is get ting something of a reputation. —The, Cincinnati Gazette says that the suit instituted against Peter Fulk, of Warren, for embezzlement of Government property, has terminated in his entire ac quittaL. The Gazette adds that the Govern ment has been subjected to a heavy expense by this ill-advised lawsuit. The prosecu tion made ; a poor showing during the trial. f • —The Toledo Blade has received a com munication from H. W. Roby, of Milwau kee, Wiseiinsin, stating that the friends of A. H. Durant, of Compamy I, 26th Ohio Volunteers, who was missing just after thp battle of R,esaca, Georgia, May 15th, 1861, can learn the fate of that soldier. by ad dressing Mr. Roby at Milwaukee. Mr. Roby states that ho is the only Union sol dier living who knows what became of Mr. Durant.: Ohio papers are requested to ex tend the notice. ' —Daring the high water last week, a train of freight cars in Mineral .Ridge, Ridge, be came detached, it is supposed, about 10 o'clock, p. m.. and three cars ran airing the track until they reached the bridge, when it gave way and the cam and freight was precipitated into the stream.—They were loaded with coal, lime and iron ore. The next morning all that was to be seen of the missing cars, was a little of one end of ono which was not entirely` under water.-- Canfield Herald. —John Robertson, Postmaster at Now Lisbon, Columbiana county, who was ar restnd a few days since, was held for trial at Cleveland, on Saturday, bY -United States Commissioner White, in the sum of $300., The charges against him were: Ist. Embezzling funds belonging to the 'United States. 2d. Presenting - for allowance a fraudulent claim against the United States., 3d. Stealing- money from letters passing through New Lisbon Postale°. The de fendant is about sixty years of age, and has hitherto borne an irreproachable character. The case was conducted on behalf of the United States by Capt. 'Bunts. Assistant District Attorney, and for the defence by Messrs. Powers & Clark, of New Lisbon. —On Tuesday morning of last week, as' we learn from the Canfield Herald, while Mr. Reuben Alexander was engaged at work in the flax and tow mills owned by Messrs. Case 't Patterson, his hand came in' contact-with sonic of the machinery, and before it could be withdrawn was badly. mangled. -The fingers of his left hand were torn off near the, first joint, so as to render amputation necessary as far as the second joint. The bones of the hand are also badly crushed: He walked about a half mile for the' physician after the acci dent, showing; his hand to people, as he passed 'along, apparently -as . unctliscerned as if nothing but the smallest accident had happened. Fowler. verformed the operation and carefully dressell the -wound. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1868 .1. • . - ONLY 41 • ATOLL SET OF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH • FOR EIGHT DOLLARS. • FULL UPPER AND LOWER SET FORAHS. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN NO CHARGE FOR EXTRACTING WHEN Alai- FICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. ' ALL , WORK WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. .10AUGHING GAS FREE OF CHARGE, AT ' QUDICIr.A. SCOTT'S Steam Dental Eatatollahment, 278 PENN STREET, 3n DOOR ABOVE HAND. N. ll.—As DR. SCOTT Is a licensee under the Goodyear Patents, he will not make any ...new (bo gus) rubber , ' sets, but will continue to manufacture the genuine articIe—VULCANITE. mhZ:d&T * j I I $ i ' GRAND OPENING! OF SPRING GOODS. Barred Organdies. Barred and Striped Nainsook; Victoria Lawns. Soft Finish Cambric. SOILED WHITE GOODS, Whieli we •.re selling at a greatsneriftee. 1., GOOD HUM . 'NESS at 37 cents. .SOILED EID GLOVF.S a 50 cents: SYSTEME ALEXAN- - DRE KIDS for $l. GENUINE ALEX at 75 cents., The new and 'beautiful SENSATION TIE, just received. 200 doz FRENCH CORSETS Just reedtved. A complete line of IdAGENTA. LUCRETIA and ELVIRA. CORSETS. Also. a line of MISSES' CORSETS ItI§TORI FRINGES, all colore. BULLION FRIN- GES., all color:4. BUGLE TRIMMINGS, a line as- went. A flue lot of BUTTONS. MACRUM, GLYDE & CO., 78 and SO Market Street. mh2i:dis AT JOSEPH HORNE Sc, The Largest Assortment of STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, To be Found in the City.. RIBBONS, . FLOWERS.. SILKS, GRAVErt. MALINES. FRAMES., FROSTED ILLUSIONS, • . STRAW TRLMMINGS. ornamented. ALSO, A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF WHITE GOODS. CORSETS. lIOSIERY. - 11001' SKIRTS. GLOVES. BALMORAL SKIRTS, EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, FRINGES. . BUTTONS, TRIMMINGS, BRAIDS, • , And a Full Line of Notions. FURNISHING GOODS. NECK: TIES. BOWS', SUSFE*DERS 31ORRISDIVS STAR SHIRTS. Agents for BISMARCK, DICKENS, VICTOR and other popular makes of PAPER COLLARS. Prices as low as Eastern Jobber.. Wholesale Rdoms up Stairs Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. mta7 _ A PERFECT FITTING GLOVE. MACRUM & CARLISLE, KID GLOVE DEPARTMENT, Which is now complete with e:vez7 colol and shade They have Just opened 100 DOZhN of the Celebrated A. C. C. (Jouvin) KIDS, Imported especially to our order. 'Hundreds of our customers can testify to their perfect cut and fault dressality. The colors were got up from shades of material, selected and furnished by us, and are really • The assortment Includes BLACK, WHITE. DARK OWUS MEDIUM COLORS, and'OPERA or PART COLORS. mhB FRINGES, IN AL . COLORS, JEST OPENED, AT mbs ESTABLISHED IN 1840. ,SHEPHARD'S Wean). Cracker and Biscuit Factory, 317 'LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of corryv.c.rxornranr, FCEEION AND DOMESTIC ?BUTTS, NUTS, ite. a) 020 ai i aqill WILLIAM J. DICK, No. ES PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. opposite High street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. HS Grant street. Jobbing done ;with neatness and dispatch. AU , orders promPUrattended to, and satisfaction war ranted. au20:4347:KW? atrrcuixsox B. J. =mums. truTcurnisoN & =I DENTISTRY ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF ANDRE KlDS_forsl.Bs. Our assortment of UOSIEItY _ -- - cannot be beat. HOOP SKIRTS 19 Fifth Street, INVITE, ATTENTION TO TI/EIR Elegant_ and Desirable. SIZES.. 3 3.4 TO S 3IACRUILC ce CARLISLE, 10 FIFTH STREET GIMP HEADINGS, F. H. EATON'S; No. 17 PlftlL Street. Ls) ;4F.Xik) : I z • :TA :12-1311 CARPENTER. AND BUILDER, PAINTERS. HOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, ORMEN=3 AND GLAZIEW3, ' t • - .. . • No. ON llPeasOl. - AVEMONI. I P I ONNOUNN. AU orders by SOU PrOIdSIUT- 'Mazda to. ; , „ FENIZE =I ~~~~-~° REAL ESTATE AGENTS. TI P. HATCH, IJ. • HEAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 9S Grant Street, Pittsburgh. REAL EST AND PERSONAL IBOIIGHT AND A OWE PRO311"1 A' Negotiation of Loans, Renting of Property, Collection of Claims, dm., &e. JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE-BROKERS AND AUCTION ERS, . - 'Arc prepared to sell at Auertfo STOCKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIE REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD 'FURNITURE, c.. either on the premises or at the RoVd of Tra e Booms. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the Sale of Real Estate at private sa e. Sales of Real Estate in the country attended. Office. No. 88 SMITHFIELD STREET. ocIM cif EAR FARMS.FOR SALE. . -- are Low for sale several of the.linest FARMS in 'Westmoreland and Indiana conntle desirous m 'bly easy terms, so easy that any one of buy ing can purchase on time altogether. Call and ex amine for yourself • paiMlaaf:c:llo:r.l.:'te)*l PISSOLUTIOST.÷THE FIRM OF WHITE, BERGER & C 0... ~fns dissolved on t e 10th inst.. by niutnaleonse Nlnt. DAEL. WHITE. W. 11. BERGER, W. FREEMAN. . . . - The undersigned will continue the manufacture of Wooden Ware and Packing Boxes, under the name and style of FREEMAN 5. BERGER. • °Mee and Factory between Morton and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward. ' . W. VREEMAN„ W. B. BERGEN. 1868. in Pittsburgh, March 17 , t.2Bitn9l • D ISSOLUTION.—The lirm of , ROBINSON, Bel&fiNNA &CO., .. - Of Allegheny City. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. J. S. ROBINSON will continue the Grocery Business at his new store, i. No. ISS Federal Street, And abiMmes all llabilltles of the old firm m1112:m62 DISSOIXTION.-THE FIRM OF ATWELL, LEE & CO. wasAlsoolied on the Ist of February, 1868, by mutual consent. Either OH partner may blip the name of the fi AT rm WELLin pettlement. JOHN , CHARLES ATWELL. A, J. LEE. The undersigned will continue the WHOLESALF. GROCERY BUSINESS. under the name and style of ATWELL LEE, at the old place, No. 131 Second street. A continuance of the _patronage of their friends and the public Is respectfully solicited. eIIARLL.'3 ATWELL A. J. LEE. PITTSIICUGII, March sth, 1868, THE MANSION HOUSE. • undersigned beg to announce to thelnframds and the public that they have purchased this OLD ESTABLISHED and riiputku HOUSE, No. 344 Liberty" Street, And will continue to keep it in the best style. The MANSION HOUSE has over one hundred rooms, all newly furnished in the best style, and only two min utes' walk from the Railroad Depot. Trayelers will trod this house an excellent one to stop at, and will be accommodated any hour, day or night. Connected with, the House is a splendid Hall for Concerts. Families or single Persons taken to board by the I day, week or month, with or 'without rooms. H. WACNER, mhl7:m37 PITTSBURGH. • CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPE kJ AN PLAN.. ST. JAMES HOTEL,' 40:5 and. 407 Liberty St., Oppostte - Unlon Depot. PITT:iBURGIt. JAMES K. LANAHAN, Proprietor, This house is newly built and splendidly , furnish ed, and convenient to all the Railroads coming into the city. Strangers visiting the city win find this a very convenient and economical plan. You secure irre r li . gt ul au%n d t p c a ge r c?e •o ti l w r WfiVl:l:i l ire t i f: 41 11 t e i r gi all hours of the day and night. - Balls and. parties supplied with Suppers at the shortest notice and reasonable rates. . sellintaSt ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, - , - I (ON THE EUROPEAN PL A N. , -N. J. Corner Penn and Can reefs, - FT.-2 , rstsurtGrx, JAMES. JOHNSON, ..Prerriefor.. This house has been thomughly refitted and nnw iy furnished throughout, Lad Is now-open to the • NEW SPICING GOODS. • ALL TILE NEW STYLES OF Hats and Caps, 'ARRIVING DAILY, AT M ' CORD & Cos, feZ2 , l3l WOOD STREET . MARTIN LIEELER, I - BATS, CAPS AND FAIRS, Also Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer FIELDN VALISES,, Eo. ;„as SMITH STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Orders promptly died and satisfaction guaranteed. BARR & M9SER, FRUIT ROUSE ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS, Nos. A and 4 Ett. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Special attention given to the designing and building of COURT DOUSES and PUBLIC BUILDINGS. - F ARTOS, MECHANICAL AND . ENGINEERING DRAFTSMAN. Office, Philo Hall, 73 Third Street, With Messrs HOLLAND & Co., PITTSBURGH L. O. LIVINOBT6X.W. RIIRT.W. A. RODIRSON, JR. lIVINGBZ'ON &CO., L . , • IRON' FOTTNDEILS, • • 11A4USACTIIKERE , FINE LIGHT CA$.772lrG2, All desitiptione, terrlumb6rs and Gas Fitters; Ag rtoultutal implement% Cotton and. Woolen Mtn Ida rk promptly attended to. ' Office and Worke—WASUINOTON near Outer Depot. Allegheny Gni AVENUE, GTO. O. CLAUK. Z.:WATKINS • I)r.xtT TRION CITY BELT WORKS. - • GEO.,OCLARKti.-00 _ - . itanitractareza at tiers ;desert on -of Patent, oteetabed; Cemented and pivetera van-Tanned LT3ATligaraTio4s6 • Noy 4I I TT 11111241; Petlier.)#ssinata untailltepet,lPltta~4..l 4 4 in ROPERTY 013 TENTION'TO Atiend to - - ttie PErfk, :No. SO Smithfield street ROBINSON. McKENNA & CO J. S. ROBINSON. HOTELS. HATS AND CAPS. _ I= ARCHITECTS. GROCERIES FOR FRAGRANT TF.AS, CIiOICE - COFFEE, E'tU SPriloes, GO TO ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street. EiMil F OR THE FINEST TEAS, . THE CHOICEST GROCERIES, ' • I THE PUREST - SPICES, And the best CANNED FRUITS. PICKLES, &c., at the most reasonable prices,' go to. FRANCE'S ' • ' • ' FRANCE'S TEA MART, mhfi: ° 15 Diamond, Pittsburgh. I --..— NEW ORLEANS - • SUCAR AND MOLASSES, IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. ' 550 bhds. R. 0. Sugar. prime to choice; 500 bbls. Plantation Molasses, prithe to choice; 110 " prime Carolina Rice; 500 ," oatra Salt, - - With a large and general assortment of all kinds of . GROCERIES. and other goods in our line, for sale low to the trade, by . JOHN 1. HOUSE d: BROS., • Corner Smithfield and Water Streets. mh3:m3l MERCHANT TAILORS. 1110 McARDLE, • "IVIERCI - lANT So. 931 i SMITHFIELVSTREET, PITTSBURGH, Keeps constantly on hand a fine assortwent of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & VESTINGS, Also, GENT'S-FURNISHING GOODS. GENT'S CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, the latest style. NOW READY. • For the Spring Season, With a large and complete stook of . BOYS', ;YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING... All the new and leading styles. to'be Sound at No. 41 ST. CLAIR STREET. GRAY dlic LOGAN. mb7:ms3 MERCHANT TAILORS. .TONES DUFF. N 0.3 ST. CLAIR STREET. have just brought from the East a full eupply of SPRING and SIM MER GOODS, CASSTMERES, VESTINGS, &c.;&c., which. the are prepared to cut and make up In a style equal to any. slop In the east or west. They are determined to deserve and hope to receive a liberal patronage. no2l:h11. GLASS, CHINA, CUTLERY - 100 WOOIS STREET COLOCNE SETS, PARIAN STATUETTES, N • - BOHEMIAN GLASS, ' os 1 And other STAPLE ND FA:k.:CY • GOODS. a great varl ty. 100 WOOD S BEET. • L. RICHARD E. BR a &-CO. 100 WOOD S CHARLES REIZENSTEIN, 152 Feder* Street, Allegheny, (Fourth door above Diamond.) Glass, China Ware & Table Cittlery AT EASTERN PRICES. Evertthing required In a drat class store on hand. Can and examine our goods: ic10:19 PIANOS, ORGANS, &C. BUZ T T , fg o CHE)IIP- Schomacker's Gold Nedil Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCIIO3fACKEIt PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements :known In the con struction of a first class instrument, and has always been awarded the -highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, for darabllity and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5O to $l5O, (according to style and ,finish,) ebetiper than all other sp-caped first clas&Plano. _ • • ESTEY'S COTTArIE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed Instruments, in pro ducing the most perfect.pipe quality .of tone of similar Instrument In the United States. It is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get ont of order. • • • - CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOE 'HUMANA TREMOLO" is only to be found in this Organ. Price from $lOO. to 8550. Ail guaranteed for five years. BAREi KNAKEp 0. MIETTLEI4' No. ILE ST. CLAIR SSTREET. • mh9 SECOND HAND M7LODEONS MIT ORGANS, In perfect order, from $3.5 to $l3O. CIIARLOTTE BLUME, oda: 451 Fifth et., 514 door above Wood llUL . ul n ak=4i imi a cluarDAT.. SCHOOL CELEBBA TICE'S PICNICS, DINNER PARTIES &c., furnished w ith the best ! . ICE CREAM, CONFECTIONERIES, ' CAKES, !FRUITS, &0., &e., • At the hiwest price and 011 the shortest notice, by .nriatrs RICHTER, No. 15 Diamond, 'Allegheny. Jem:mio HENRI W. HORBACH ) Confectionery and Bakery, N.. 200 SMITITIPIELD STEItET, Between Seventh arid Liberty oar LAID OYSTER SALOON' attached GEORGE HEAVEN, - . Candy Ma n ufacturer, And dealer to FOREIGN & PICKLIM, , NUTS ' - • Ne. 112 Federal Street,. Second door from the Ant National bank, Alle gheny City. - ' s a 4; k w *? a) :) Cs) :51.1 D . a ECKER, ' mita%TIRIC BRICK AND • l IIIM I X I 4 Met OW WaislicruCAST MST EITIXIITIO posiseliosionp2talsume) l:r~eo .. e.... .. FANCY SETS, DYAL 1 IJL EMS AUCTION SALES BY PALMER dr, PBILLIPZ. pALMER. & PHILLIPS,) AUCTIONEERS And Commission Merchants, OPERA , HOUSE AECTION No. 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING Consignments Solicited: Prompt Be* turns. • • , BY A. WILWAIIIR VALUABLE STOCKS is BONDS.— TUF...313.1:17 EVENING, March 24th, at o'clock, will be sold, on second floor of Commerclai Sales Rooms, 100 Smithfield street: 10 shares Third National Bank. AO shares Second National Bank. 15 shares Tradesmen's National,Bank. 10 shares National Trust Co: 10 shares Lawrenceville Savings Bank. - 20 shares Pacific & Atlantic Telegraph Co. ..130 shares Pittsburgh Grain Elevator Co. • 100 shares Columbia Oil Co. 30 shares Monongahela "iavigatlon Co. 40 shares Allegheny Insurance Co. • • 10 shares Cash Insurance Co. - 20 shares Western Insurance Co. 45 shares Allegheny National Bank. • 50 shares Ilr. k M, insurance Co. 12,000 Lawrence Railroad 7 per cent:Bonds. nth= - • A.lifelLW AINE, Auctioneer. BY .A.,LEGGATE. • GROCE RV STOCK AND FIX-. TURES AT AUCTION.—WiII be sold. on W.DNESDAY, March 25th, at 10 o'clock, at J. B. LialzelPs Store. Diamond, Alleglie: 7,1 the entire stock of superior quality of Grocerieti, Fixtures, Tea Canisters, Platform and Counter Scales, Scoops, Measures, &c. The particular attention of the trade is invited to the superior qualities of Teas, of which. there is a considerable stock. A. LEG GATE, Auctioneer, 150-Federal street, Allegheny. mh2l tr_ OUSE AND LOT ON SOUTH CANAL STREET, 4T12 WARD. ALLE bi k'2".:17, AT AUCTION.—WiII be sold, on the premises, on THURSDAY, March 26th, at 2 o'clock, that desirable two-story Brick House and Lot, N 0.115 South Canal. The house contains nine rooms, with a wide hall and a good cellar; gas, and having a pressed brick front; ail in good order. The lot is, 25 feet front, running back .124 feet to Car penter's alley. This Is a rare chance for persons wishing, to procure a comfortable home, inn good locality, and on easy terms. rah= , A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer. TREASURY DEPARTMENT 0 PENNSYLVANIA. - • . ItiABBISBIIRG, DEC. .8, 11.807. NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS OF THE 1-2 CO .EL gEi OF THE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, DUE JULY LST, IS6S THE FOLLOWING LOANS Due July Ist, 1868, WILL BE REDEE3IE6, WITH INTEREtiT, TO DATE OF PAYMENT, ON VIE PRE.! SENTATION AT THE • FARMERS' Sr. MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK; virmArovaantiA, VIZ: Lean. of March 27th, '1839, due July Ist 1868. NM Loan of July 19th, 1839, due July INTEREST 014, THE _ ABOVE; LO& WILL CEASE OX THE IST, OF JELT, 1S IMANCIS JORDAN, Seey Otate. Jaws ii.liurrumiT, Aud., Gen' w Hlmmixr, State Treat'r* Commissioners of Sinking Fund VIVIZEISAL CLOTHES WRINGERS. we bevel:Me: earrsollents whereby_imean tor- Oth to the tradethe,llzuNlCßSAL of the meaufeeturerlwholoolle Pleat, raluP InCana halt dozen sod one dews.: • 4%.• mis supply at whohetigezo raid!, mniapsys ho p lal on new. • =;1•1 , • ••• • 240114 fot,Mrasetreet. T== Ell EIII Ist, 1868. ' r •