The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 23, 1868, Image 3
Chicago Market. • 'Mr Telegraph to the Plttsburgo Gatette.) CuicAoo, March 21.—Flour; holders firm and the market less active. Wheat 2a2 1-2 c higher; No.l. sold at .$2,02412,03T0r regular, and $2,0432,05 for fresh receipts: sales - of No. 2at - $1,92 1-231,93 1-2, closing firm at outside prices: Corn opened firmer and 1-2 ale higher, with early sales of new at 3-laB3c for regular, and 84a84 1-2 e for fresh receipts, closing firm. - Oats firmer and 1-2a3-4e higher; sales at 59 - 1-2a6oc for fresh, mid 511-2a57 3-1 c for regular receipts. Rye very dull and nearly nominal at $1,60a1,62 for No. 1, and $1,58a1,60 for No. 2. Barley very firm and 2a3c higher; sales No. 2in store at $2;50; rejected is held at $2,25a -2,30; sample lots steady at $2,2532,50 for fair to good.. Pork products are held firmer; mess pork sold at $23,62 1-2a24; prink, mess' steady and firm at ‘,21. Lard firmer and 14c higher; saleB at.itic. Cut meats firmer; sales:of shoulders-at .10 1-4 c for loose to BANK STATEMENT. ' I buyer for April; rough sides, 113-4 c; sweet Loans, • n 61,416,900; decrease, $5,399024 piekled hams firmer at 15c. Dressed hogs Specie; $15,944,309; decrease, $100,833. Cir- dull and nominal at 9aloc. Live hogs more elation, $412,212,571; decrease, $BlO. De- l active and firm at $7a7,75 for medium to posits, $191,191,5.W; decrease. v 06,944„ I,,j_ fair; $BB9 for good to extra prime. Beef gal. Tenders, $52,261,086; decrease, $2,477,080. eottleiluiet at $738,50 for good to choice , . shipping steers. Receipts-5,559 bbls flour; sTOCES; 4,002 bush wheat, 18,280 do corn; 8,437 do The railway,..tuarket opened strong, Cen- oats, 131 dressed hogs; 3,592 live do. Ship tnil selling,o 127 and Erie 72:1-8, but the ments-6,163 bbls flour; 3,455 bush wheat; e advancwas subsequently lost and the roof- 1,098 do corn; 8,850 do oats; 5,977 live hogs. ket, though generally steady, closed rather • lower. There was no excitement in Erie, the expectation being that the bill now before the Legislative Committee of As sembly will pass and the Vanderbilt inter est be defeated. The folfowing., are . the closing prices at 5:30 r. m. : Canton, 46 3-1a47; Cumberland, 33;4a35; Wells Express, 34 I-35; American 68469; Adams, 74 1 A374 5-8; United States, 69;a70 1 4; - Merchants' Union, 's4, a / a 35; Quicksilver, 20 3-4a21; Mariposa, 6a7; d Pa cific,Mall, $1,09 3-4a1,10; Atlantic, 91-1a9,44; Western Union, 2,34a2,34 1-4; New York Central, 123 1-43124 3-8; Erie, 71-1-8371 3-8; Hudson, 1391-B;'Reading, 91 14:191%; Ohio and Mississippi, 29 34:130; Wabash, 49 3-4 a, 50; St. Paul, 54%a55; do' preferred, 69 3-la 70; Michigan Southern, 87;a87%; Illinois Central; 138%; Pittsburgh., 91 1-4; Toledo, 104 1-4a1043,,(.•_ Rock Ts!aad, 93 1-1a93%; North Western, 63ad 5; do preferred 743.4 a 74 5-8; Fort Wayne 102 1-4.1.102%; Hartford and Erie, 13 3-4; Hannibal au St. Joseph preferred, 132.; Columbus, 105; Paine.sville, 99 3-8; Alissoniis, 78; New Tennessees; 6534; Financial Hatters in New York. GOld Closed at 139@13034. My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ghzette:l NEW Yo llarell 21, IS6B. MONEY. AND GOLD. Nioney is a shade easier's: 7-per eenf. on call loans. Sterling firm at 0 1-410 5-S, gold, for first class bills. 1 Gold is firmer, open ing at 138 3-4 and closing at 139a139 1-8. GOVERNMENTS Government stocks are a shade firmer.: Henry, Clews & Co furnish the annexed 4:30 quotations: • Goupons of 'Bl, 1111-8 a 1113-8; do of '62, 1101 - lullo 1-2; do of ,'6si, 108a108 1-4; do of '65, 108 1-4aloB 3-8; do new,. 107'1=8a107 1-4; do of '67, 107 3-Balo7 1-2. Ten 'Forties, 101 1-8. Seven-Thirties, .1061-8. alo6 3:8,, - - MINING SIIARES Dull; ;-Qizartz 110a115; Gregory, 350; SUB TREASURY Receipts, $1,083,073; for the week, .!$12,780,- 989; payments to-day, n,987,500; for week, *16493,198: balance, n 9,831,335. Shipment. specieto-day, V 2,100; for the week, $272,502. Imports for the week, in dry goods, $1,508,- 530; general merchandise, $0,007,587. New York Produce Market. CBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] 'NEW YORK, March 23.—Cotton steady— only a moderate business; sales of 1,900 bales at 24 1-2.a2.5c. for middling uplands. - Flour .receipts, 994 bbls.; market dull and droop ing without, any change in prices; sales of • 5,300 labls. 'and 1,400 sky. Rye flour un-" 1 changed;' sales of ?WO bbls. Wheat; none; la2c. !, better; sales of 15,500 bush. No. 1 spring at $3,48. delivered; 260 do. white Cal ifornia at $3,20. Rye is quiet and un- 1 changed. Barley is scarce and firm; sales of 1,000 bush. at 33,15. Barley malt is quiet; sales of 900 bush. Canada West .at r 20. Receipts—Corn,3,9oo bush. Corn la2c.liet ter; sales of 55,000 bush. at $1,21a1,28 for new mixed western afloat; $1,20a1,25 :forrhite so - uthern and western; $1,26a1,28 for south ern_ and western yellow. Receipts—oats; none; dull and nominal at n 1-2aB3c. for western in store. Coal is unchanged. Wool is quiet and firm; • sales of 300,000 lbs. at 42a57 1-5 for:domestic fleece; Leather— hemlock sole without any change in price. Coffee is - firmer. Sugar is unchanged; sales of 900 hbds. Cuba at 10 5-Ball .3-4 c. Molas ses moderately active; sales of 536 h.hds. at 45e. Hops very quiet and steady at 10a55c for American. Petroleum steady . , at 13c for crude and 2534 c for refined bond ed. Pork opened firmer and closed heavy; sales of 1,750 bbls, at $24,8&125,00 for new mess, closing at i+ 5 24,90 regular; $23,50a23,62 for old, closing at $23,55 cash; $20a20,75 for prinae, and $.22,50a27::,75 for prime mess; also 1,000 bbls new mesS, at $25;00 for sellers for April and $25,62 for buyers for. May. BeCf firm but quiet; sales of 380 bbls, at $14a20 for plain mess and $,19,50a23,75 for new extra mess; also 85 tierces, at $31137 for prime mess and •$38a40 for India mess. Beef Hams firm, .sales of 235 bbls at $.36a40. Bacon quiet and steady; sales 200 boxes, at 12c for Ciunberland cut and 133,.,!c for short ribbed. Cut Meats dull; sales of 270 pkgs, • at 101 jallc for shoulders and 14...115ic for hams. Dressed Hogs nominal at llal2c for western and 11.Na13c fin city. Butter steady, at 30a40c for Ohio and 45a60c for State. Cheese firm at 12a10 c. Freights to Liverpool dull and drooping. LATEST.—FIour closed dull and 50c lower, with only a limited-demand for local trade. Wheat firmer, with a moderate demand for export and.home use. Rye nominally un changed. Corn steady at $1,26a1,28 for new mixed western afloat, and $1,28 for old mixed_ western, in • store. Pork verb quiet, with buyers'of new mess at $24,90; regular, seller, at $24,95. -Beef-quiet and firm. Cut Meats . dull, and unchanged. Bacon quiet and steady at 12c for-Ctunberland cut. lard very firm at 16 1-2,117 e for fair to prime. Cincinnati Market. [By Telegraph to the Plttabitrill Gazette.] Onseninarx, March 21.—Flour unchanged at, $10,75a11,00 for family. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn in fair demand at 86c for ear or-shelled. Oats dull at 69c; buyers do not offer" better than 68c. Rye, $1,75a1,78. Barley scarce and wanted; prices are higher; choice fall sold at $2&5. Cotton dull and prices nominal; middling can be bought at 26c; nothing doing. Tobacco dull, but prices aro not lower; sales 98 hhds. Hay dull; large receipts; prices 0 lower; prime timothy $14,011515 on arrival. Potatoes 'scarce and higher ; ` Peach blows, $3,56a3,65, and neshanuocks _0 ) 2510,50. Provisions litioyant and prices generally higher. Mess Pork held at g, , ,4,75a2,5 0 .10. Bulk Meats,lox, 12e ; holders asktpg_l-8c higher. Bacon in active demand, both from iew Orleans and St. Louis; sales 200 hhds at lly.o , for shoul ders; I.lal4c•for clear rib and clear sides; holders asked a further advance at the -elope. "Lard In good demand at 16c; but it Was met rather treely at this rate by hold ers at the elose. !...Butter scarce and iirna at 48a32e. " Eggs, 23e. Coffee firm at 21a.28e. unchanged and quiet. Linseed Oil dull at 8418. Petroleum dull. at 40a42e; `•• holders anxious tog _et out of ate& of free "the:elnufge - in" the tax law. , Lard Oil firin'fit V143a1,30.- Clover SeedNuiet at $13,50L _Timothy_ dull, at $2,33a2,45. o°l4 13834 tbUyingyandl39 • • Toledo Market: ' tity'relegraph to l'lttstmigh Citizettt.] ToLtno, March 21.—Finnr; receipts of 1,191 bbls; the market „is quiet. Wheat; receipts of 1,900 bush; -- the market: is. quiet and Si-m. „,(3ern; receipts of .1,875 hush; the matket aliened 2c and closed 11-2 c better; sales of No Int 93 1-2a94e; sellers all June at 95c; buyers for all April at 90. Oats; sales 0f.1,250 bush; the market is 1-2 c bet - ter; No lat 07a0712. Rye scarce. Seeds quiet and unchanged. - San Framelsco Market., t.BY Te/aitriiat tothe Pittsburgh Clastte. SAN FRAscmco, March 21.—Aireadstuffs dull and,the primfare unchanged . _ Mining shares marketquotatioas suse d, Crown - I point 82,00; Ololdr 200; "lisle and Norcross ,- ..i27,50; Yellow Jacket 1850; Belcher . 800; 8 0 1- - -slion 65; Kentuck 400; Imperial 260; Savage ZO; Amador 200; Overman ;170; new issue pha ,consolldatect 75 per share. , Legal =MEI Buffalo Market. , . . t ..• I sti 'th ' nch. izett • ' "-B, 'Telco* _to a Pittabn 4) t .. 3 I , ' Bcnrkat.o, lifarol 2 /o—Fitoliqui4;" 'cmoat -' dull, ' tar" lots No. I , 3lllwitukea $2,10. Cern tr ...uiet; 2 ‘ mpg - ,day on ;.track a t` .$1,10a11.; { , e-alinne here. Mem • Park Arm, ask ing for heavy. Lard gym,. at 161110%c. ley dull and unchanged. ZS= =I St. Louis Market. IBy•Telcgraph to the rlttebuigli Gazette.] Sr. Lours, March 2L—Tobacco active and unchang9d. Cotton 22W123c for , middling. Flour quiet and business small at unchang ed prices. Wheat stiff& and better grades of fall higher; prime to. choice red $•2,65a' 2,73; choice white held at $2,80; prime to to choice spring‘ sold at $2,5a1,15. :Corn unchanged at 87400 c for shelled, and 77a306 for ear.. Oats ;are firmer. at 73a76e. Barley in demand. , Rye firmer at tit,l,73a 1,75. Pork' firmer and better at 324,50a15,00. Bacon stiff and active at 11 ?,c for shoul ders; clear rib sides 1 , 1%a143.4c;* clear sides on spot 15c; for June delivery 15%'c. Bulk Meats steady; loose rib sides 'sold at Peoria for 11,14 e. Laid advanced to 15Nal6c for tierce, and 1614 c for country kegs. Re ceipts—Flour,..,o 200 bbls; wheat, 4,30 bush; corn, 7000. bash; oats 6000 bush; barley, 3,200 .bush. • Cleveland Market. .CBS Telegiaph to the Plttabuizh Gazette.] CLETELAND, March . 21.—Flour steady and firm, with a fair jobbing trade; double extra spring at $10311,25; double extra red winter at $11,50413,50; double extra white at $13a13,50. Wheat quiet and unchanged, and held at §2,58a2,62 for No. 1 red and am ber; 2,45 for No. 2 d0 5 i, 1 52,30 for No. 1 Mil waukee spring. Corn in better demand and unchanged; sales on the spot andb3lance of the month at fsl for No. 1 shelled. Oats in more inquiry and the • market firm; No.`l State held at 70c from the store. 'Rye stock is light and the market quiet.-but firm, and held at M5531,64:4'Par1ey-none on the market but would 'command' $2,50a2,60. Petroleum market steady and firm for re fined at.'ac in bond; • , 12a.14c free; crude firmer and better, and held at $3,90a4., Louisville Marl:et. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette) LOUISVILLE, March-21.--Sales-202 hhds tobacis) at full rates; lugs saOe, medium leaf 13a14c, selections 20c. Cotton 22.3a23c. Flour--superfine $7,50a8,75, fancy:312,50313. Wheat ~2,4.5132,50.' Corn 78a80c. Oats 68a 70c. Lard 15%a160 - for tierces. Mess Pork $24,50a25. Racon—shoulders 1131 c; clear sides 13,:;c. Whisky—free *1,20. Mempkis Market. CBS Telegraph to Pittsbarg,h Gal;ette.3 .ll.F.3trrits, March 2L—Cotton is dull and nominal;. Receipts of 343 bales. Flour is quiet; superfine, $8,00a9,00. Pork is R 2,5,01 Bacon and Shoulders are 12c. Clear Sides 15 1-2 e. Bulk Shoulders, 11c, Clear Sides, in bulk, 14 1-4 c. Lard, 16a18 1-2 c. Corn, "isc. Oats, 80e. Hay, $17,00 per ton. Brin 35,00 per ton.' . ' Philadelphia MaAltret [By Telegraph to the Plttshurgh Gazette.) Putrannurlirx,2l%tarch 21.—Petroleum crude 16 - 1.:/a16 - ,1-rfeMietriii - bond at 24 34 a2sc; . Flour firmer, 'north western extra fninils $10a11,50:; ,Wheat steadY. red $2,60a 2,90, white.s3,ooa3,3o. Rye $1,65. Corn dull, yellow $1 , 16a1,17. Oats dull --at 80a 85c. Mess Pork.held at $25,50a25,75. Lard 16 3-4. 1 3111m:aukee, Market. [Ey Telegraph to the Plttiburgli Gazete.] MILWAUKEE, March 21--,Flour dull and unchanged, :Wh'eakis,l - d'better but 'quiet, at $1,95 for No:l,', slid' $l,OO for 'No 2. Corn is lc loWer at SSc. 'llya steady at $1,59. Re 'ceipts--500 bhls'Aottr; 3,400 buSh wheat. ShipruentEC=2, - 00bibbls flour. St. 'Louis 'Cattle Market. EB'y Telegraph 6,:tlid, , Plttsburch G Sm. Lours; 'March 21.—Choice Cattle scarce and in good demand; common dull and prices range at 4,.;a8c gross. Sheep in active at .$2,50a2,60 per head. RIVER_NEWS Both rivers continue to recede steadily at this point; with eleven feet in the Allegheny and ten feet in the Monongahela. The weather yesterday was clear and plm4ant, and the 'most prominent streets were crowded with people daring the afternoon. The Kate Putnam and Tennessee are the only transient arrivals we have to report. The Putnam looks as natural itsever, and will at once commence loading for St. Louis and Illinois River. The Tennessee was formerly the Exchange, an old Pittsburgh boat, built several years since by Captain John Anawalt. It will be remembered that during the rebellion she was seized by the rebels on the Lower Ohio, who, after birrning the cotton she had on board re , leased her. . • The Kato Itobin.,:, 4, for Cincinnati and Louisville; Yorktown, for Port Benton, and Lorena, for St. Louis , cleared on. Saturday with ex.cellerit loaded down, and pretty well filled with passenger& " . The 1. N. *McCullough _arrived from Parr kersbure f tmd will Clear 'again as usual to day at noon. The AfcCtillough is in all re spects one of the best boats that we have. . J Captain , J. G. Saint,.. an old and well known stearriboatman, has purchased a farm near Salem, Ohio, and will move to, it with his family in thr course of u few day& Captain Saint has cOncluded to abanden the. river ' entirely and turn • his attention to farming. Wewish him succes&in his new. avocation. •' It is rnmore,d that Capt. John ;Noss, late of the Importer, is about' closing a , contract for a twelve hundred lonfreight, boat. She is to be ready for the fall trade. Capt. -Hall, of ' the Tennessee, is an old newspaper man; havi an - published a paper at Lawrenceburg, Ind a, and ho also at one time published the Evanavllle .Enquit rer. Ile is a practical printer, and for man3r years worked at 'a' case, and, it• is' said that in his - claY he eopid put up about as'anany , 'ems as ' the next one: His boat leaVes to -daYfor St: Louis. - - The Wauanita; Captain Shuman,: is filling up rapidly. for the Missciuri river, and'wilt soon be ready to take her departure. iiThe America; CaptaittPoe, is up for Ijashyfile; Argosy, Captain Viindergrift; for b i essenger,': Ca p W,i , n Jesse Mean, for Upper Mississippi; Wild• Duck and' barges, Captain'Anawaltaor St. Louis;-.H. C. Gray, • Captain Anderson, for .ISfemplale.gme tor leans; and Andrew Ackley, CeptiOß Mint' for-Fort $4391 9 ,„. •; A St.f Louis telegrata .lEvi4 i er -fequisittope are expected froth.W. - n far 0t4 6 441 , Wii* KO tz I **! -- 1' 4tTb 644qeg.,10.bacial. lug' for Pittsburgh on Tild *at • • The St. Louis Dispatch says; The nu merous boats contemplating a trip to the MEI -n~`~a~.~k~s''~~u~e-~...~5:Y sz~r~~ a. "3 Yom, ~ s x4:.~ ~s -- ?~ it -- ?Y^.~_ -~s , :.t. ~~."' ~ „ ar ,. r .; .s'Jiuß`~N» ~ : x~c' i's z se:..+ww-~-a~»~"~'tsT-~`~y;+~`:..3.~.~'~; ~:~sasv.'~"':o~e~,6-i~:a.ieT^"'. .M2l -i s 2 ,-- i . : E '-• ' . i,. IT, ,-,'. . Ell=l mountains, should get together-and adjust Matters so thatthey will. not continue to cut one ahother's thaoats as they.have been doing so far. Let it be ascertained how low boats can afford, to do , business for;. es lablisfi-a fair, rate and live up to it. The idea of a boat making a trip to Benton some 3,090 miles, vith the positive knowledge of losing money before they start is a .together wrong. Yet we understand .such is the case with quite a number. There can cer tainly be no fun in running a steamboat with all its attehding.risks for fun. , • A late &t. Louis paper says:. The moun-1 taro or Upper Missouri river trade is be coming woefully demoralized, and several' of the - best boats are 'withdrawing, and abandoning the idea of making the trip. It is positively stated that saver_ al boats within the past week have made Contracts 'at a rate that will not admit of even the posibility of their coming out eyen,.under the most ;favorable circumstances. It ap pears - to be a perfect scramble 'among the boats, many of which are so eagorto secure a- cargo, as to kkrse sight altogether of whether it will pay_or. not. The Cincinnati Gazette; of Friday, says: 'Jacob Birnbaum was" nominated for wharf master at the Union Convention, on Wed-. riesday. David Rimsliford is a candidate'for wharf 'nester, sUbject to - the decision of the Democratic Convention. He is an old river • man..' John Kennedy, an- old barkeeper, ,and formerly on the Emma Floyd, was buried at Newport yesterday. Ho died of pneumonia at Louisville, and his' body was brought here on the Mail boat for inter ment. A ,St. Louis telegram, 'under date of Thursday, says: • Arrifed: Maggie Hays, from 'Pittsintrglii Lexingten, from ,Vicks burg:; Olive- Brandi,' from New Orleans, Departed: Columbia, for Omaha; Andy Johnson, for Keokuk; Illinois, for Peoria. The river is about ;stationary. • Weather dear and cool. Business . brisk. The Suc cess, Milo and Deer Loge Will leave for Fort Benton • on Saturday or Sunday,all well laden, and other boatiwillsoon follow -Zt is qnite probabie that all large boats, in cluding the Atlantle line, will soon com bine and run under a uniform arrangement with a view of competing with the barge company in freights. , The Vicksburg Times,' of 13th, says: 'Squire ' Diamond, of Marianna who was 'shot on the down trip or the :Arai° Ham bleton by Mr. J. C. Berry, of. alnut Bend, is still alive with some chance of recovery. The ball entered his - back and lodged some where in his right breast.. Berry was more injured than he was, and, being &n older' man,„man not get over it so easily. He was beaten" with a key guard. The'Alifficulty betweon the gentlemen is said to have been • one,of many. years standing. The Cairo correspondent of the . Cincin nati:Conyierciat, writes as follows: Al , thongkeight steamers arrived here yester- day, not fine arrived after 11 a. in. This° eight were consequently reported in my-I letter of yesterday. The remainder of the day was devOted,, in marine cirel%4, ex clusively to watching the Great Republic slowly settling deeper into the water from the freight which was rapidly put on board. She departed at dark, nearly full of both freight and people: Her officers advertise her to make semi-Monthly trips between St. Louis and New Orleans, but if she does it with the extraordinary amount of way freight Which she haS now oil hand,.sho will prove herself faster, even than she is j well known to be: If she succeeds, it will give the lie to the strictures of - the Vicks burg Paper in regard to the capacity of her officers. If She fails-4low then? A Louisville telegram, under date of Thursday, says: Tho Darling, - .Armenia, and Emma Floyd, with wooden chimneys, and Anna, passed up, and the Silver Moon down; The towboat Star, with a low of coal, arrived from Pittsburgh. The Little Condor, from Pomeroy, and Charley Bowen; from the Kanawha, passed down from the KanaWha. The low-pressure - Richmond, from . New Orleans, passed.Pa ducah this—forenoon. The Emma Floyd reports that the Indiana only lost a jack staffin the storm. The Morning Star re : puired her damages, and Was in port and returned to Evansville. The Wheeling- In?elligencer, of Friday, says:. The larg&towboat, Coal Valley, met with a alight accident yesterday while lowering her chimneys to pass under the bridge,. They cane down'- with.. a crack, i but aS the bok. did not laud, we .are unable LP tell the amount of damage-done. = IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PITTS:BUJ:Mg FT. WAYNE AN'D CHICAGO .1 March 18.-4 cars metal, Bryan 6:.Caughey; 8 do - do, Nimick & Ca; 2 do - do; John Moorhead; 4do do,. Jas Wood, Son &- Co; 2do do, 'Pittsburgh Forge & Iron Co; .• 100 bbis flour, J B Doe; 200 do do, Culp .1t Shepard; 1000 pigs lead, Fabnestock, Has lett & Co; ,1 car middlings. 11 Conrad; 50 tea hares, Jas Lippincott; 800 bids flout...owner; 10 hi bbls butter, Voigt & Co; 4 cks pearl ash, J.B Canfield it. Son; 100 hides, - Hays & Stewart; 100 bbis flour, Shonlaker et Lang; 100 do do, 'S Lindsay Jr & Co; 2 pkgs but ter, W H Grate, s do do,. Graff •&.Relter; bales broom corn, McElroy & co; 22 bxs cheese; John Daub; 7 bbls oil, 3 do japan, B L Fahnestock & Co; 24 Sits rye, D Wallace; 31 bales wool, - WM Barker Jr & Co; 1 bbl eggs Seghinver 6: Voskainp; 3 bids eggs, 1 bxbutter, Vangorder ez Shepard; -8 sacks cloverseed, S Dyer; 0 bbls apples, 4 pkgs buttek, 4 kegs apple butter; W. H Graff; 18 do do, Voigt & Co; 13 sks zas, Markle &,• Co; 10 bills hrooms,'T C Gaston; 28 boxes cheeSe, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 28 do do, H Riddle; 34 sks rags, McCullough, Smith & Co; 1 bbl whisky, Jas S Finch. CLEVELAND AND PITTSDURGII RAILROAD, March 21-5 care ore, Bryan.& ,Cauglioy; 1 :do-.lumber, Millinger •&, Bidwell; 101 bbis lime, T A Evans & Co; 4 dodo, Atterberry &Co; 29 do do, Johnsbn, King & Co; 10 .do do, AditmA it Co; 25 do do, Campbell, -Jones & Co; 1 saw, Lippincott 2tG Co; 16 bxs cheese W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 1 car stone, Jno L KnOX; 100 bblaoll, Wni McCutcheon; 2 bbl dry apples, 1 bbl 1 kg lard, JRussell & Son; bbl dry peaches,- S Dilworth & Co; 10 kgs - pearl barley, E Heazleton; 10 do do, 400 sks flour, Seghmyer & Voskamp; 38_ sacks rye, W S Meek; 8 rolls leather, N Hoff Stott' 7 eke rags, McCullough, Smith it Co; 307 'do corn, R Knox Jr; 2 cars tire brick,, Zug it Co; • 2 kgs'apple butter, 3 bbls pota toes, W liGrath 23 jugs molasses, Voigt & C0;.1 . )14$ Apples, 9 ,do potatoes, 11,r46; Metigai..• 1' - • • TITTSIGIRGH'COLT.I.3IIICA AND CINCINNATI Ilarch 21.-15 bids whisky, Costetter & , -Smith; 1 caddy tobacco, J S Dilxitoitif&Ccr„fl sks rye, 1 bx bacon, F G Craighead; 2 bbls eggs, S Cooper; 25 sacks grain, Robt Herron; 170 do rye, WA . Meek; 50 bbls flour, Seghtnyer & Voskarnp; 15 bxs starch, Strickler; & Morlege; pkgs to bacco, W , -3'-Jones; - 10 do do, E 31 - egraw; 10 -do do„ - Knox &•Crr; 10 do pi°, Carter, Me , Grew; 2 hhds-di), Boyle & Co; 42 tes lard, F Sellers & Co. ALLEGHENY VALLEY ItAiLiiivi, March curs metal, John Moorhead; Ido 'do; Rees, Graff & Dully 4 iells''ltatlier, Seibert &Berg; 17 'bgs rye, :S B Floyd & Co; 10 cars -railroad iron, P, .0 & C RR; 12 bgs potatoes, A W Maddleness; l' ear metal, Vnimi-Tron Mills; sks rye,. Dan Wallace; 2 cars stOnN Shoenivrger 1t Blair pkg Scott klqW.. • ALLEGHENY STATIOp . ,:ItiarCh 21.-2 . 'ears staves, RaiYit & ' Robbrtsonv ldo do,'J `Hemphill; 8 bbls Cornmeal, &Mit, deri-80'sks. flaxseed,. Ewer, & 21 * slie ,e McKee;SO'de'ao;tacedlt & 'llcElwahlel - 1058k4 cern, liose-&Ewitig.;' - ' Pirisituitoit AND CONNELLSVILLE 'MAP, March, 21.-4 bbla.-Rottr,, Gwyne ,& S Stoneman,. SO bdrs, piper l 'Markle & CO; 20 `bldg flour 'Dillitilier•&.Steiietiseh;- 101 - btish 'oats,,` Marrdri tinsom-4183i kgbihailsi Whit- Xlialyeiett Co; 49,-..ppy!,PLOW,elitp:J 11114111111CILIWILIMEllast animsautic i irau l h r . g igL i t tli97..•• • Mr sale if( A. IMNSHAW; labia loonier Llviart; and Hand streeu. • STEAMBOATS OR ST. • LOUIS . ANI) TILE ILLINOIS lIIVER.—The . fine steamer . BATE PUTNAM • - - Capt. J. U. Linirrev_. n. Will leave as above on WEDNESILAY, the..l4sth inst., at 4 o'clock P. 2.1". • For freight orpassage applv on board or-to nth= FLACKS COLTANGWOOD.' Agents. • FOR • ST.. - LOVIS, KEO-1 RUE, GALENA, DUB QUE AND ST. PAUL.—The fine pa - enger steamer MESSENGER' - Capt. - J_ESSz DEAN Will leae as above cm WED2k;F — DAY, March 25th. FLACK. - i ' I COLIANGWOOD, 1 Agents. C. BARNES: - - JAS. COLLINS, - . IMM t EGULAR ; 'WEDNES N _. DAY PACKET FO CINCI- ATl.—The fine steanier. • . ARGOSY Capt..V.AiiDEUGIUFT, ~ - .. W. H. Scull. Clerk. leaves PittSbuigh for Cincin nati every WEDNESDAY at noon. C. BARNES. JAS: COLLINS, - }Agenta. JOHN FLACK. CM 'UDR CAIRO AND RIETPI-s i gE i t . 1. PIIIS.—The steamer . • It. C. GRAY Capt. W. D. ANDERSON, Will leave as above on DAY, at 4 F. M. For freight or passage apply on board or to whiti FLACK .I} FLACK Agents. FOR NASHVILLE) fine steamer AMERICA • Will leave as above on THIS For freight or passage - apply JOHN IL CHAS. BAI Or. J. D. COM. ENTON 1 NES —The flne l nUst - T eigier G°l4 ANDREW ACKLEY Capt. pinnirr itoLLE, Will leave for above ports on THIS DAY. • „The above boat is entirely mew. was built expressly for that trade, and has the Government contracts; For freight or passage apply on board or to • W. J. kzmiNTz, _ • JAMES COLLINS Arent. . Fox MISSOURI RIVER -pt. -`Li -11 IREC T.—YOR LEAVEN- -' RTII, KANSAS CITY, ATonsos, ST. JO EPII AND,OAIAHA.—Thej splendid steamer . WAUANITA • 'Capt. 'THOMAS SULTMA.N Will leave as above on THIS HAY; at 4 P. sr: .• For freight or passage apply on board or to . :r . • JOHN FLACK. - . r 4 D. COLLINGWOOD, Agents. ____ FOR . CAIRO AND• St. LOUIS.—The steamier : WILL DUCH attd Barges. Capt. J. W. ANAWALT, will leave as Mince on THIS DAY, the 23d inst., without fail. Rates satisfaatory. • For freight , or passage apply on board or to CHAS. BARNES, Agent. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JAMES 11. 11E.111011 JOl5. 11./11t1.1.11 ATEANOR & HARPER, 'mom GRAIN mar PIZODUCE .31_,E3ftCATakW'rf . 329 LIBERTY STREET, Codt-lknnidnti solleited. ' . REFEZEtii7EF=J. G. Martin Cash_ ei3leehanles• National Bank; J. S. I)llwortti & Co., 11. T. Ken nedy .4, Bro. - • ya31:12-1 ITITCHCOCK, M'CREERY Si; CO., WHOLESALE GRADi DEALERS, MEI commissicvs 3rJE-rteilAl%-irs O. 349 LIBERTY ST.. PITTSBURGH, Office, up stairs. • ruhll:tu3l STEELE J. A. STEELE, STEELE . 1 / 4 . SON, J-T-L• DEALLIC I 5 p.m..ourt, F.I.MPAII. And Produe,, generally, No. 95 01110 STREET, near East Cutngwn, ALLEGHENY CITY. PETER KEIL J F. KEEL SORICIIAIIT, COMMISSION Mg.RCHANTS, Dr..u.rais IN °LOUR, SEEDS, SDLT. FEED, ,tc., 349 Ltbie.tty St., Pittogburrxh; uvr2.1:13:17 ROBERT • RNOX, Jr., COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DE.ALIIIt IN ". FLOUR. GRAIN. AND rIiODUCE GENERALLY Office. 413 L:IIE7iT4 STREET; PITTRI-nr:li. J. BLANCHAUI), OM iTholesale and Retail Grocer, .1 , 76. - 390 TEN& STIZEET tipl9:x%9 \L. LK. II A .' McBANE 64.• ANJEB, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ,Dealer:-ht FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield. Pittsburgh. JrS FETZER & ARMSTRONG, sr FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For ilk sale,of Flour, Grain, Itara4, Lard. Butter. Seed*. Dried Fruit. and Produee xenerally. No. 16 31AltKET STREET, corner of Irina, SUOMAlitit LANG;:. WhoYe nnlc dealers In' Grocerlc44, Flottr. Grain, Pro duce,. Provlslous. Fish.: Cbeel4....Salt. Carbon 011. Noq. 172 and 174 . 1 1 ,:001) 3111,..E.ET, near Liberty street, Pittsburgh,_ Pa. I108:n55 JOAN I. 1101.78 Z F.DW. HOUSE WM. H. ROUSE. JOHN L HOUSE & BROS., Sue essors to JOHN 1. 1101.1 hr &TO., 'Wholesale Grocer, and Ccentulsslon Merchant,. Corner of 80110:Meld and Water Streets.' elttsburgh. Pa. -yr !RIDDLE, No. 1 8 3 LIBERTY • STREET, plitsburg.h, Pa. ' Commission Mer chant and Wholesale Dealer Country Produce, Groceries:and Pittslnirgh Manufacture's. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gat ROUT: KNOX ...ANDREW KNOX. KNOX & SON, COMMISSIOf 631ERCHA NTS and &Aileen In FLOUR OltAli /EEG and PRODUCE GENERALLY, NE 19 DIA3IHND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City p_hNiA:RAWFORD,COMMISSIOitir HERMANN MERCHANT IN PIG METAL. 11:00MS, ORE, 'WROUGHT SCRAP JIION, FIRE BRICE ANL cLAY. ‘tc, . 'Warehouse and Office. No 4. 360 and 365 PENN STREET. Storage tar ulalted, Consignuieuta sollelted. yea I , : ITTLE,. BAIRD. & PATTON, Wholt:saki Grocers. Coiumbuilun Merelnints and eaters .in Produce, Flour, Dacon, Clietae, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil: iron, Nails, Glass, 'Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generolly,: 112 and 214 SECOND STREET, PlED:burgh. • ___ IL A ,t N CFIELD &:SON, COM.J J. MISSION- FOR.AR WDG MERCHANTS,IN and {VW:plumate Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese, Mutter, • Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Pot 'and 'Pearl Ashes,. and 011 s, :)tied Fruit and Produce, generally, Nos. 144 and 140 Front street, Pitts., • JOILYSIIIPTON A WALLACE. ICH'TON &WALLACE, WHOLE SALE GEOCEIN AND , PROD ucr.':DEALEICS, . 0.4 51X71.1 STREET,' Pittsburgh. inl= MS DYERS AND SCOURERS. TT J. LANCE, JLX• ' ' . Nos. 186 nod 187 Third • Street, DYER AND SCOUREI , STRAW CKKIDS CILEAM RS DYED. •-;• • ~1 • KID GLOVE§ ED OR DYED AND LADIES „ 'PLUMES CLEAN” , 1101ITICSBURGH PAPER' MAW.. VACTLIRIND COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND ,WRAPPING PAPERS, CLINTONMU,I,--STEUDE,NYILLEt CtilT°` BRIGHTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON, V. „! _ F.PICE. AND W,ABE.IIOUSE, N 0.82 Third. Strtet, Pfttebargh~ Pa. • • AJFFICLIIS—Aut*Dei rt.waTJD, Presklott. 4,1N0. B.' LIVINGSTON;;Treasurer. , , SAMUEL RJDDLE, Secretary. Dtiitcfnits.-Atrihse Rattle, John.. Atwell,' B. n n aa p n atill hg v Elfctir'' ,R29:099 TrAMEASO L ' i ; ( 41.1 , 1J ft.f 0 It 011.9711ESAIWRINCER00 ,. difiahmatinida:liranganutatirekrtiat :e•sn fut. m dint,to Ine...undeshe IJNlv&lrnal. WRINGER ( it 'aSdanattataidhaSeaderlalbeiqmayiiaalypo , Agl ia tru si agl ir, vi t, J. &H. HILLItS, ten AO and AS St. Claim anat. tC. H. 'AzotsricoNG - A. A. rivrctrxxsoN. ARMSTRONG & 1111.1TCHLNSON, Suecessorsto - PIIILADELPIIIA AND YOrGIIIOGIIENT COAL CO., SllgP i tp . g ., gy l ßlAT:E o lp', BY RAIL- Superior 'Vol . =llloo:terry CAS AND FAMILY COAL. ODlee and Yard-rFOOT OF, TRY STREET, near the Gas Works. : Order? left at the yard, or. addressed by map,' will be promptly filled. - . _ BEST FAMILY COAL JL., ALWAYS ON HAND AT 'LOWEST MARKFT RATES, BY - . . OSCAR F. LAMM & CO:, Carrier Sandusky Street and P. Ft. W. C. R. R. —The . Capt. ADAM Por., )A.Y, at 41.. 31. - 1 on boarclor to ' CK, • NES, ' NGWOOD, Agents. ANTHRACITE - COAL FCRNISHE,D ATTHE LOWEST RATEi. . ' jeS: COAL' .COALS! coAlut! DIC.KSON STEWART & CO., 'Having removed their Office to NO, 50V.I.A13EiVrir . szatEpr, (Lately City Flour 31111) SECONDAre V&7!nulY°l2 9 G- MP 4 rO3IWICK,ZIIeore;t morket price. All orders left at their office. or addressed to them tbronghthe mail,wltl be attended to promptly. eiHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, YOUGRIOGLIIIY CONN ELTI VILLE C 0 AL, COAL,'SLACK AND DESELYLICIUZF.D: COKE Office and Yardi—CORNER . OF BUTLER - AND MORTON STIIEMS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near. Lock No. 1 Pittsburgh, l'a. Famine& and Manufacturer& supplied:with the bert article-of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left - at - any of their offices wilt reocive prompt attention. . r SUPERIOR COAL.. . C. Miners and Shippers of PITTSBURG 11, GAS, TORGE and VA3IIIX COAL. NUT COAL and SLACK. Coal delivered promptly to all parts or the cities at the lowest market rates. • - - :Of!lee and Yard—cow:Eß 'FOURTH Al D WAT SON (formerly Canal) STREETS - , Pittsburgh: P. O. BOIL 5292. _ ocn . . WHITE LEAD AN COLORS ALL OF THE HANUFACTIIRIES PITTSBURGH WHITE LEAD COLOR WORRS.; • _ iNcLuinxG. STRICTLY PURE - WRITE LEAD, Glirome Green, And every variety ot"Colors;dry - an,:: ground in Oil, for sale by ARIL'S MMMrG-, T SCHOONMAKER 67. SON, J - • , != WM WM ME COAL AND COKE. And Delivered Promptly to Order, :A.T...IIEGTEETIVIr CEIMBIS And ltannfacturers of OF THE . & 2 q I 0 ZINC PAINTS, Verditer Green, 1 ; Veksatpcs p-reOn; Chrome 'Vello3v, ~ WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS,. Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, I'ITTSI3ITRG-11, PA. White' Lead and Color Works, =I WRITE ANT) REn LEAD: ZINC, PUTTY, BLUE LEAD: ' WNW'S VERDITER. GREEN,, And all colors, dry or In - OFFICE, No. 07 FOURTH STREET: Factory, Nos. 450. 452. 454.. 456 and 458 Rebecca Street, and 49, . 51 and 53 Lacock Street, Allegheny. GAS AND • STEAM FITTING. F. L. ATWOOD....IIENSON JONES..... J. X , CAFFRL - Y. ATIIFOOD. 64, McCAFFREY, • BRASS TOUNDERS - GAS AND STEAM: FITTERS, Cor. otriird and Liberty Streets, _ Above Carroll & Snyder's, Pittsburgh, Pa. TAGrrr AND HEAVY CASTINGS furnished promptly to order. _ Special attention paid to the fitting out and re tatilrllnicof 011 • Refineries, Steamboats, Rolling AGENTS FOR A, S. CARF..RON L CO.'S Steam Pumps and Blower Engines. These Pumps have 'superior advantages. over all others. and every one is warranted to give satisfac tion. PU3Ip3 constantly on hand.' fe2,5m10 JOHN M. COOPER.. ....JOE. KAYE' PIERRE BIER. OIIMUM. COOPER'S: CO., J • BRASS FOUNDERS, - GAS , ;AND STEAM FITTERS, - Manufacturers oePt - mrs AND BRASS WORK, , of T- 2 ,l74 6 6 l apj l ion o i:t o t t Vga s. lii: GAS FIXTURES . _ Coiner of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBIJRGET, • =VA:F.3O =l= TO WHEAT GROWERS. • EUREKA. ANONiATED . BONE, LT E, Ida;S[TFACTUREI? . , • t , • The !Allegheny ,_..l'ertilizer Co 4 SE WARD. it ; CAMPBELL, • Puorbnruroits.' Moe; 166 Penn : Street ' ', Pittsburgh, Pat. ThetieetEeetilitel !aura, and reiOraized by Fanners whollavo glyelt;' ; it a trial, te , tre the stand ard for raking large props of Wheg,":Rye, 4: 0 4 , 1 .P!: Corn: , Potattoes, e..I , ,LWe have . published ror g ,x_ 4l itons.circulation a pamphlet 'containing intereatm" . • and-valuable stat e ment s of this ertiltser , copies r which will be se* tree to any , sending uathalr ad- SEEDS.: 1 jOHN it.& M 1411 0 191 0 11, r. 17, Nars l ymen F 1 rIsE3 and Seedsmen at est ,:issiotrer.sAst Eannvimy§T.wr,,9o« te g lite. tab u.% • E , ),;ILL3 (Alit 101 11 _ _ itia Greesbouses at Oaklaad. Nurseries Squirrel 111. =ha =ME f. _,. after TFiCF D.IY. March sth. .1666. train , will arrive at and depart 'from the Depibt, cur nt-r of Orant and Water streets, as follows: Deport. Arrive.. Mail:nand from Unlont'n. 6:00 A. M. 6:00 P. M. 31e11 , e sport Aecommodrn-11:00 A. M. 0:06 P. M. Ex. to and from Untont•n. 3:00 P. M. 10:00 A. M. West Newton Aettommotl'n 4:30 V. at. 8:35 A. M. s lim:dock's Areoturnoclat'n 6:15 P. 31. 7:50 P. 31. Stitt Ace. to 31 clieesport.10:30 r..m. 6:40 A. 31. I^:molayClinrelt Train to and from \Vest Newton .... . . 1:00 r. at. 10:00 A• Fur tickets apply tt. • e'itntende j j. • KlNu ' Age.A tbhs t. srorr, sni it.I.LEGHENT m r s, 7 : rx. VALLEY ItAILI?j)A_D. lationing ThrongliVrnango. City. Connecting with trains .East and West on the and Franklin Railroad; also with the Atlantic and Great Western Railway. On and after TUESDAY, January 14th, 1868, the Passenger Trains. will leave from and -arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot, Corner-Canal and Pike Sts., as follows: Depart. Arrive. Mall to and f'm Yen. City. 7:30 A. M. 12:30 r. Express • 10:1311. 5:45 P. M. Brady's Bend Accommodli 1:45 r. B. 11:00 A. B. First Soda Works'Accom'n. 8:30 A. m . .. 8:13 A. 3t.:•• Second Soda. Works ACcOM• .5:00 r. . 2:33 r. Hutton AccomModation. r .. - 6:40 it. Sunday Church Train leaves • Soda -Works at 8:10. A. st., arriving in Pittsburgh '-at .0:50 A. tr. Re— turning, leaves Pittsburgh atA:10.P. , 11., arriving at Soda Works at 2:50 r. sr. 11..BLACESTONE.Supg. 1868, PITTSBURGH, PORTAVAYNR•.tCHICAGO W. AND CLEVE LAND kPITTSB RGII R. R. From Ittatiary , l9tli; 1808,- - trains-rill-leave - from and arrive at the Union Depot, north aid e, city time, as follows: ,' ' . • Leave. ! - 4rrire. Chicago Ex .... 2:13 a inlChicago EF . ... .2:43 a m Cleveland Ex...-. 2:l3.agalCleveland •x. 2:43 a tri Erle Sr, Ygn:sl , l 6:13 a m IChicago E. .... 10:58 am CI. is,Wh'g Mg 6:28 a m Wheeling, Ex. 11:08 am Chicago :Stall.. 6:58 ain ChicagoEx._... '1:53 pin Chicago F.x. .. 9:43 a m CI. & Wh'g:Ex 4:03 p m ritts. &Cll. Ex. Erie Sr l'g'nEx 6:13 p m via You ngt , n 9:43 am Chicago Ex.... 6:sB_p m Cl. &,Wh*g Ex. 2:13p m Cl. &IV le ~,, Ex 7,:08 p m . Chicalm Ex. . 2:28 p 14/ MU. fief. Ex. _ ' Wh. Si Erie Ex. 4:38p in; via Yognst' n..9:28 pm Depart from Ailephenp.i ' Arrire in Allephaint. N. tirtgrn Ac: 8:58 aini N. Itrigtn Ac• -7303 ant Leetsdale • • 10:13 a mIN. Brigt•n •‘' 8:28 am • • , , " 11:53 am Wellsville " 9:58 am `Rochester " 1:33 p m New Castle " 10:13 - a m Wellsv`e Ace., -3:43 pm Leetsdale " 9:13 n m Leetsdale Arc. 4:15 pna ' ". . " 1:18 pm N. - Brigi'n •• .- 5:3c pln IN. Brigt'n ", 2:43 p m N. Brigt"xl " . 6:28 pm Leetsdale " 4:23 pm Leetsdale -" . .10:4-3 psi •• ".. 7:28 pm 2:28p. in. ChicagnExT 10:50, a. m. Chicago press leaves daily. ~ Express arrives daily. ja:s3 . F. If. 11yElt8, General Ticket Agent. Mtn TTSBURGH,M7 7 COLUMBUS Ec NATI R. K. PAN HANDLE iiOIITE- . . CHANGE T131E.-011 . and after SUNDAY,' December Eath,lB67. trains will leave and arrive at! Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Depart. Arrir Mail Express ' 21:15 a, rn, 3:55 p. m. Fast Line 9:40 a in. 7:05 p m Fast Express 2:50 p. m. 10:55 - a. m, Mixed Way 6:10 a. m. 6:50 p. m. Me:Donald's Ace , n. No. U. 11:10 a. in. 2:10 p. m. Steubenville Accommod'u. 3;55 p. m. .9:30 alyra. MeDonahPs'Acen, , No. 2.. 5:10 p. - in.; B:2Q a . : m. brEciaL NOTICF--Sunday Express leaves et, 2:50 p. m., arriving, in Clnch/natt at 6:30 a. tn. the next - morning, . - Church Train leaves Sunday at 12:55 p. The 0:40 a.- in. Train leaves daily, Sunday and Monday excepted. arriving in Cincinnati . at 9:55 the. same evening . .. 8 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ALL OTHER ROUTES. - ' ' .f -No change of ears between 'Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, and BUT ONE change to St. - Louis, Cairo, and ttre - ptinetpal points West and Southwest. When purchasing tickets. be sure and find the Oftice of the ' Pithiburgh, Columbus Cincinnati R. 8., . . UMW.: DEPOT, (SOETn SIDE.) 1100 ENNSYLVAN CENTRAL RAILRO. , .On and after October 611 rice at and depart from the Washington and Liberty as Arric*. Mall Train.... 1:20 ami _Fast Line 1:50 am! 'Wall's No. 1: 6:20 a. In! BrintmrNo. 0 . 7:50 a rai Wall's No. 8:50 a in! Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a raj Johnstown Ac. 10:15 a mi Phila. Express 1:50 pmi Wail's No. a... 1:30 pmi Wall's No. 4.. 2:50 pm' Wail's No. z 5.. 5:50 p ut Wail's No. C.. 7:00 pm Altoona Ace*.n and Emigrant Train 10:30 p mi The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. mi., reaching Pittsburgh :tt 10:05 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at.12:50 p.m. and arris.:s at AI, all's Station at 2:00 p.ln. 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains dallyexcept Sunday. • . • Philadelphia Express and the Altoona Accommo dation anti Emigrant Train arrive dally.'• Cincinnati Express arrives daily except Monday. All other trains daily - except Sunday. Per farther information apply to W. H. BE'CRWiTIL Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad .Company will: not as sume any riatzfor Baggage, except for 'wearing ap parel, and liiialt their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value: All Baggage . exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of the owner tm less taken by special bontract. • . _ EDWARD H. WILLIAMS. General Superintendent, 'Altoona, Pa. Vermillion, EMI Sn o VANIA AD.-On and after November 1;1867. the Pas senger Tmin§ on , the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart front the Federal Street Depot; AlleghenY City, as follows: Arrive. i . Depart. Sharpb'g No, 6i95 ml3lall - 6:50 a m Freeport No. 1 8:15 a ralFreeport No. 1. 9:05 a m Express 10:10 a m Shatpb'g .N0.1. - 11:20 a m Sharpla`g N 0.2 1:25 pin Express 1:50 pm Freeport No: 'S 4:15 p m Harmerv'e Ac 3:55 put Mall • 6:05 pm Freeport No. 2 6:05 p m Hannerre Ac 7:10 pm Sharpb'g N 0.2 7:30 pm, - - Aboye trains ran daily except Sunday:: The Church Tralh leaves Allegheny Junct. every Sunday at 7:40 a. ru„ reaching ,Allegheny City at 9:50 a. us. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. tn. and arrive at. Allegheny Juuct. at 9:45 • p. m. COMinrIATION TICKETsFor sale in packages of Twenty, between, Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, Pine-,Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cltled on tickets. • . . The train leaving Allegheny City at 6:50 a. irk. makes direct connecticiu at Freeport with Walker's line of stages for Butler and Hannahstown. Through tickets may be purchased at the Office, -No. 3 St. Clair street, near Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny City. , For Au:tiler information apply to • • JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will .not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for 'wearing ap parel, and limit thel. responsibility to Onelltindred Dollars in value: All baggage exceeding this amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un tess taken by special contract, EDWARD H. WILLIAMS. de.s General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. . I 1110 KY HILL Rmmiliwaa ROVTE. 111310 - N PACIFIC RAILWAY, Eastern Division. • The SHORTEST . ..AND MOST RELIABLE ROUTE from the East to all points in . • . . , • .. - Colorado, Nevada,. . . . ' California, Utah, • - Arizona, Washington Newllexico Idaho; Oregon. Two Trains; lcayc State . Line .and Leavenworth daily, (Sundays excepted, ) on the - arrival of trains of .Pacilic Railroad from St.. Louis, and Hannibal and St. Jo, Railroad from Quincy, connecting• at Law rence, Topeka and Wamego with , Mages for all points in Kansas. At end of track west of Ells_ )rth with the UNITED STATES - EXPRESS CON ANY'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND 'MAIL AND ENPRIZS, COk . IiES FOR- • , DiPANVE.iii. And all Points in the Territories Andwith SANDERSON'S T RI - WEERIX ' LINE of COACHES for Fort Vass, Alba. g l uer ew r e , t r e s o n . and all points Arizona and With the recen. additions ,of raiiing' stock and equipment, and the arrangements made' with re spousible .Or.criand Transportation Lines from its western terminus; this road now offers utiequ ailed ikcllittes for the transmbslon of freight. to the Ear Tickets for sale at :all the principal offices In the United !States and Ciinadtts.- RAI sure and ask , for tickets la' THE SMOKY HILL ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC' RAILWAY, EASTERN ; ' General SaPerthiendent. GearralFtcigklatifint t rAPANTHING, ~!- 'PLAIN AND CORlalifitliTAli,[3ll 1)0. a Sit2Cl.,..4iSmirii P1TT8a111) itiOeent, ia4spanned*liisi to now. send .972{. w,t` . w ~af~ t i~:. RAIL' ROAD,S. 31. D. 310THERSPAITG11. Ticket :Agent $-F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. JOHN I). MILLER, Gen. Freight Agent ~~ th:1867, ar e'Unlon Depot, corner of streets, as follows:. _Depart. (Dar Express.. 3:00 apa IV:ll's. No. 1.. 6:30 ara !Mall Train 8:20 a.m Wall's No. a..- 9:50 a m .Cinelnuatl'x 11:15 a m ! Wall's No.. a.. ILII3O a m Johnstown Ac. 2:50 p ro. INVall's No. 4.. 3:30 pm I l'hlla. Expres. 4:10 pm ,I\Vall's No. 5.. 4f50 pm Lroll's No. 6.. 0:05 pm Fan Line ... ... .7:20 pm Wall's N0.7..10:50 pm El MEE EN