The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 23, 1868, Image 2
1 101 II littzintrglj Ertkftt. U II • WAGES—NOT .131MOINIt N. • , Hundreds ot soreirefiniii..hundreillt of drecis of cash. . - = Paid vial ! ) . eiteerfuttnessi f eageilo gain o m fro me: Hundreds of sterling fowrlte to utter,4o makedash— Nay, but the iclitoiaim'd not at poitiy, noldv of poetry Tie; Given's the;pleasure of going on for the L s. d! Then-ages of rant IS great; if the wages of merit be just, Would the publishers scramble who should be first to bargain with me? I desire them, not to come hither. unless it be with the "dust," ' , To make' me a golden grove, or to add to my stock (aye me the plettinie or - 614 on the i s. +I! liat*:s3lo*a);44: - - . =-Cardinal Bonaparte is only 40 years of LEE —New Orleans is making more whiskey than usual. has advanced two dash a barrel in ChiCago. —Edwin Forrest is almost millionaire and as surly as a bear. —ChallieFis the reigning tenor of Paris. Ho is also a hunchback. —A-Louisiana paper hag, Ben. Butler's name, up for President. Significant --Twelve hundred thousand tons of ice are stored away in New York City. —Darcy Magee had a pttblic dinner given him in Moitreal on St. Patrick's day. -Southern papers are anticipating the return; this season, of the yellow fever. =Colonel Henry C. Demings is writing a "Life of Grant." Sods Albert D. Richard- .'—About 41,000,000 pounds of sugar were used in the breweries of Great Britain last —Hrs. Lander wants some new • :good plays. We fear she will do so for - a long time. —Beauregard quelled a panic in a New 'Or leans theatre recently, caused by an alarm of fire. T.l new hotel * and a new hospital are among the finebuildings going up in (in cinnati —The Nashville 3fethedist Book concern is deeply in debt, besides being engaged Ina law suit. • —Canning, Peel and Disraeli are the only commoners who have been Prime Ministers in England. ÷Lohengon, the very noisiest of all Wagner's opera, was encored repeatedly in Paris recently. —The dresi which took the first premium at the Paris exhibition, has been presented to Camil A I:frso. —Des Moines has been, having oratorios. In this particular the world 'of Pittsburgh has been a blank this year. —A Boston numi mathologist has just paid $750 for a silver dollar of 1804. But three were coined in that year.. ' —The Dacotah Indians are starving. -Can't the Government 'get their receipt and apply it to the Sioux and. Apaches. —A Methodist prayer meeting; in Con necticut was recently enlivened' by a vigor ous fight right in the meeting house. --1573 . 1iand . -worked cushions were pre sented to the dethroned King of Hanover, when he recently celebrated his ailver wed- • —Porte Crayon the genial author is losing his eye-sight. We are sure that he has the sympathy of every reader of Harper's Maga zine. —The little New York Hai/ has gotten to Jook 'very shabby, and has lost in brilliancy since the death ' of its rival, the Evening Gazette. • —Barren county (Ky.) still users the whip ping post. We had thought, until we heard : this, that,Delaware was thq only place so ~ b arbarous. —Dana, of the New York Bun, is writ : ing of General Grant The General -will soda have as many. lives as his favorite 'Thomas feline. • —We undustand that a party of Pitts burghers is going to start early in the sum . mer.on a pleasure excursion across the plains -`to San Francisco.. —The Chicagoan. is the name •of a -forth coming literary piper to be published in - Chicago.. Many very prominent writers are • already 'engaged. —Victor lingo's description of ,Waterloo has been set to music by Wagner, the friend of the Klng of Bavaria, who in spite of the :'cable is not dead. Brohan has been for twenty-seven consecutive years an actress at the Theatre Francais, and has just been•pensioned off with $1;250 a year. • ; • —Cleveland street car companies are be hind the • age; they are talking of using dummy',engines Instead of horses. Eummy engines have been discarded here long ago. —A great many bridges •• all over the country have been swept away, recently. - The Allegheny Suspension bridge will ::,probably be swept away some'day, too, if the .the Assistant Siperintendent keeps on ply • ing his broom• WS vigorously as usual. • —Bisop Potter spoke of the building - in which. Mr. Tyng violated the Episcopalian canon as a "meeting house. '- This dis gusted the owners thereof, and their com plaintahave been not deep but excessively long, The house has a steeple, why then is it not a church ? , • • —The leader of a eolored prayer 'meeting in the Methodist meeting house in :Peters burg, (Va.) displayed:in kneeling,' a 'large quantity of an under garment which 'was in , stahtlY recognized by another woman as her ozitn property. * Muir was - pulled and faces were scratched , before many minutes - had —No ono will hail thedisposition. of the - President' ith more personal pleasure ihan Air. Stanton. The close confinement to the War•Ofilmhas worn, the gallant gentlemau ' . ont, - and his health is folingc'yfiwride .in - the:White House the Secretary can vs create witli l / 4 t free and easy conscience f. —Disaster is a sounding wor4.,.&;:il l otr- Tork paper, speaking of the kitties. of a man by a train of Care Ili:.adaill:.".P.lo.4tfr on Long ; Island Railread.' i sin • nPP° ‘ th4 fifty Meiv had been Weil l • 't.,',llt.i,m,i,ger 131 Those who delude themselves with the idea that the recent' Rebellion its cause and consequences, are things'to be :easily or soon forgotten, have much to, learn. The shed ding of, more blood, and the expenditure of more money than any other War recorded in history cost, demands atonement-and ret ribution.. Those whabroughtabont and en _gaged in the Rebellion,'are drinking the hit ter', consequences from their 'fullness to their dregs. Terrible indeed is 'their. chasti ' se Nor can the political Party that sympa thized with Debellion, that gave it moral "aid and comfort," 'escape its, great share of inglorious responsibility. "Copperhead" Democracy will no rmore be forgiven for its, leanings toward . Secetsion /than Hartford Convention Federalism was forgiven for its "blue-light" sympathies in•-1q,14.—.117:Y. Miss PEtitilleAlT 'will wear, when she signs the marriage contract with M. de Brimont, the same toilet, though in different colors, as that worn by Madame de Dforny on. her wedding day—a white brocade u.nderskirt, over which a tunic of pink poult, trimmed round with Aleneon, the front width. tiled» lier. On:the high bodice a pink• bonquet, and the same in her hair. An Aleneon waist belt with flowing ends will'complete her at- IT WAS a matter of curiosity how the. Chi. cage papers obtained detailed reports of the secret' investigation into the Charges against the' Police Department. The miste,ry was solved when a socialkvil, who ; was on the witness stand, fainted,: into the 'arms of an Alderman 'on, observing It pale,: emaciated 'thee glaring at:herthrough a stove-pipe hole iri;the wall of the Chamber.' J. • A Ms' rattirw 'AD had - been dnink for gft — eral days at awinn do Ommda, was set upon by a,party otrPales and females who strip*. ticklectandpbebedldm for aname ,p2enc,:sntivs,lfun nut proving, tufliclent l'or• the W`tinitm; tVmselltendar (creatures pro- Cured 41.0 t, irortak , burning -anoint and ode's; agokitpsi 44=4/.7 tbetr=/ 3 4 1 3,8g1iuS groaning &do! , IM!IEWM had, so it would probably be a good thing not to waste disasters on single men. —Morgan Owen, a renownetl Welsh bard and antiquary, is dead. Hi .niter received a letter nor wrote one, - and 'never •wai' Sour miles trim home. An accotmtof tralttls, with:his correspondence, would'inake teresting volume. - - ' • —A: short time ago; at a.leap yeat , party in Philadelphia a young get:Alen:din wore $l,BOO worth of jewels, and had three bouquets. At a similar party in Boston a young man had a $2,200 dress brought from the Paris exposition. Similar merry makings barring- tha - :extillvagance..-have not. been wanting in prir olyn. city. Decidedly the mostimpudent thing - eve have*Weard'of fora long time was the action' of an association, calling itself religious, in requesting General Grant to devote $lO,OOO a Year to it, beiguiejiis income is $30,000. We think that the highest military officer of a great nation needs $30;000 to keep up proper appearances, and at least has .a right to use it as he pleases. —Charles Lever says that he can con ceive of nothing drearier than a German joke. Charles shows a narrowness of ap preciation that we could hardly have expected of him. German jokes are as ex cellentf-'r Germans as Irish ones arc for the Irish, ad. for neutral persons who are un fortunate enough to be neither Teuton nor Hiberian, the jokes are about on a par- • A Sultan's Daughter Marries a Dutch Merchant. • ,Hamburg papers relate the arrival of a young merchant, who, after au absence from his native city for a few years, has just returned with the daughter of the Sul tan of Zanzibar as his affianced wife. Some years ago the young merchant, in order to seek his fortune, traveled over land and sea, and finally took up his residence at Zanzi bar, in the immediate neighborhood of, the palace. It is customary there to spend the evening on the flat roofs of the houses, where our German happened to see the young Sultana ' who Used to promenade on the roof of herfather's mansion. Roguish little. Cupid was laying in ambuscade, and soon plunged his arrows into the heats of -the unwary couple. The consent of the old 3lusselman could hardly be expected to the marria g e of the Royal Princess with an infidel Giaour, and so the loving couple came to the defermination toelope,. which they successfully did. After having- en countered a great many adventures, they safely arrived in Greece, where the young Sultana, who is said to be a most beautiful ! lady, was converted to the Christian faith, and there the nuptials were celebrated. - -• A Romantic Tragedy. A tragedy recently occurred near Mount Cannel, Franklin county, Ind., the details of which are as romantic as anything which novelists have invented. A youno girl the I daughter'of wealthy parents, was educated at one of the seminaries at Oxford, , and it was the intention of her parents that she should make a match that would give her a high position in the world. She fell in love, however, with a young farmer who was quite poor. The parents forbade her to 'lave anything to say to him, but they 'man aged to exchange letters through the assist ance of a young minister. Finally they proposed to elope; but the go-between be came enamored of the young lady, and pre vailed on her to run off with him instead of the farmer. They eloped and were married. The grief of the farmer knew no bounds. Determined upon revenge, he armed him self _ with .a revolver, and swore that the young divine shonla die for his treachery A couple of weeks ago the rivals met, and the farmer openly shot doWn the destroyer of his-happiness. A fearful tragedy ended the fond dream of lore. Vaccination. Although vaccination of all kinds 'since the days of Jenner has been attended with fewer proportionate failures to. - accomplish. its object, and fewer diagreeable results than any other medical or surgical pronedure, yet certainty and innoccuousnes.s could and can still be obtained by strict adhesion to. Dr. Jenner's golden rule "of using only &esh eighth'day lymph," an article which should always be easily obtained in any well regu lated community. The perfect genuine un broken,vaccine veSsicle,' between -the time Of the first appearance - of the fluid in it, and the eighth day, or before the inflammatory or pyogenic process which is marked by the formation of , the area's bpgins, never con tains pus, nor other infutions cells, nor any . - thing but .a bland, clear, 'specific, or tut generis fluid, elpable when fresh of prodnc— ing only the phenomena which generated it, and never can communieate strnma syphilis, -or anything else than the -tree Jennerian variola vacemte. This is fully,corroborated by pathologists, bythe triumplmnt experi ence of the best vaccinators; and by, all who make Use of the material.': , RetributioM4 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : 'MONDAY, MARCH 23, 1868 SQ 4ze.'M:7'll-7-4411CLY IC - lAL TEETH YOMEIGHT DOLLARS. VOLT; UPPER AND LOWER SET FOR 112. ..THETH.ENTRACTED WITROUT PAIN. - • NO CHARGE FOR. EXTRACTING WHENASTI ALi:ioFfirvi..ziraweitr,EFBIIP}VVEEDi.EARS. ...; - DADHELING GAS FREE OFXRARDEi- AT Quaff stleam Establighnieni,: • • . , 278 PENN STREET, 3ip-DOOHABOVE-HAND. N. B.—As DR. SCOTT Is a licensee under the Goodyear Patents, be will not make any "new tbo utta)rubber'' seta,but will continue t a b manufacture the genuine ArtiFe - VULcANITE. - -mb=td&T NEW GOODS, J. M. BUROIIiaLD & CO.'S BLEACHED 'MUSLIMS, Entire Stock of Goods Closing- Out, To make room for extending the ,Store Itoom back No. 87 Market Street. nita: 1868. ' 1 "c" . 1868. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON 5..7 CO., No. 115 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa Have now open a LAltdE NEW STOthi, which they offer at LESS THpi PRESL.`T EASTERN,PRICES. • • Merchants desiring to sot t; up, and saTe • the 'ad vance, should call at - 2co. 115 WOOD STREET. N EW 'DRESS GOODS. Hare just opened a large assortment of lIIMM CARR'McCAND.CESS .Ik, CO.,' ' Mate Wilson, Carr t C0..1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. el WOOD STREET, • Valid door above Diamond alley. • PITTSBURGH, PA. 11EN.7.4 MIN 6INGERLY PHILIP CLIC.% QINGERLY CI.E18; Successors t..„1 to GEO. F. SCIICCHNAN & PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS. The only Steam Lithographic Establishment West of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter Heads, Bonds, Labels. Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas. Portraits; 'Wiens, Certificates of Deposits. imita tion - Cards, Be., Nos. 151 and 74 Third Street, Pittsburgh. GOIAS. A. MILLER, r.irrx3oG-11.Ainzr,n., NO. 80 FOLIATE STREET, APOLLO BtTELDI3O. CHECKS. DRArP3, 'NOTES, BILL and LETTER HEADS. &e.. done In all styles. 5p16:7.51 STEAMSHIPS STEAM TO AND FROM aria - LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN, IRELAND, • . TWICE A WEEK. - THE /NMA LINE r Selling . EVERY SATURDAY,EVEItV WEDNES DAY.-carrying the U. S. Mall. 'rickets sold to and from. Ireland, England, Scotian*., Germany and Trance. Apply at the Company's °Met. WM. HINGHAM. dn., Exclusive Agent to 'look Cabin Passenger*, 54 FIFTH STREET. Adonis 'Express oMce, Pittsburgh, Aa. FORT PFFr LUMBER COMIPANY Capital, - - $125,000. • PALM otwtr-EDWARD DITITRIDGE. Hr.curTAny—T. A. WRIGHT. Scrim s ri - Tax.Drzir—EDW. DAV ISON. DI ittcrons: Edward Davison, L. F. Duncan, John Mellon, ; E. D Geo. W. Dithridge, M. L.. Malone, S. R. Johnston. LUMBER TARD--;Corner of BUTLER AND AL LEGHENY STREETS. 14Inth Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Wash -mglon Street. .la2o:Pa LIVERY STMILES. MERCHANTIP LIVERY AND SALE STABLEI, J. WARD NICHOLSON,-Proprietor, NOS. 141 AND 143 THIRD STREET, /10fLa8, CA ItRIAGES. &c., POll RIRE, Par ticular attention cpalti to tho purchase and sale of Horses. • - - - - THE GREAT HOUSEHOLD FRIEND OF THE AGE. The `‘Queen" Triumphant IflE ittrrer OF THE WASH TIM • BUY IT. TRY IT. 7 FOR GIINSMAZ. 'FARMING PURPOSES IT IR _PRONOUNOED UNPRECIIDENTRD, eheaperthan soap--eleanses more thoroughly—coats less money— saves more time and labor, and Is sold by all Ureters. One. will demonstrate Its sunerlorlty and secure It n'Arszi_ place In the affection or the entire , house hold. at anufactured bY the HIM MANUFACTURING Co., Office, 'No. 136 WOOD STREET. Pletsbarith. .d.SSINGTU WASHINGTON STREET, Nor Pliteborgh Grata Elevator • . , „ w. W. ~ AprickEltSlON . Manufacturer of CORN MEAL, EYE FLOUR and CHOPPED FRED: Orders delivered In either city free of charge. 'Grain of 401 kinds shopped, and Corn shelled, on short notice: - .. .. . . - -. . ALT--20,000, bushels - prime -PA;ni-iEV 31 Ardrs FOR SALB BF . . , . . . •• ; 4:44.111(01111, sTnsvp & co.; Atiute r ,,, . . ~ 0 , 4 -,, ,. .:x , ~ Ninth Canal Streo, now. "lieitatr,, Aggh in y p it nitifi:msliditT - - ' e . W 01; E WILL ILEEP.ION - .. lidd *Lan to iirdir klidiOf - . 1 1 anoltglain WAVIJD9III,".CIARTB,. 1, •„ •• ' • ' I • ate,r9 IiVIIEZIAmano 9 • " • 7 114' T P RU Mt* 4•OCUST : • ' And fgoof&TUYR Nt .A6DtatiteNtweao H moE a c-w m 0 ad fiWSentlsrnlleenyCt nnari 1414 m ut .• MEM DENTISTRY DRY GO 0 INS JUST BECEIVED, AT No. S 7 Market Street. CALICOES lAND CRASH, REME.3HIER THE PLACE, WHOLESALE CRY GOODS. WHITE, ORR & CO., 23 FIFTH STREET NEIr GOODS. II fly !NM Ari:o 3.01:1 LUMBER. (OPPOSITE MEITCIIANTS` ItOTEL • . , 97 577 ''‘`M4A - C -54777 ; 7 " ,-5 -z --- r - .'. ,-. 7;rTil ,- `F7 -,- rz - T,-7-t , ':•.=' ,- (-}-misn—r. 7 ,-.., 7 —..„ 1 ,-,,--„,„,,,„.. ',-„,. __........., f.,.51,Da4-,5,440,2;74e61):4W.444:5icx. ''''t:•4:.,:54,f..c.," 'y,,r'qp;.:-,w.,:.41-4.S.'j:rA'V-5-r,,T;::.;T'lWir.;;:;7,-r.S'i-Zi',.---.'-rtr,--,-r.•,-,.r..--,-....,--,....._„ 'AklikW- AVggrii r. .. 44 W .9.,.4-1.,1 1W ,. . - a f rAitP , tpL ,--- ' 1 !.r ,54,,, 7 ,--1- '4.;: . -40,'?"., , , ,, , , •: - i•-:',;,.7",, , ,-. : -. ? ,4- . -. : . ' •1 ' • 4 4 ,7ri,..,,,,e,,, ,,,,, w4,t" , .. p , .. 4- ...;-1:41.. , .. - ".. -, ,bl,--",..-,....,Au'',.-'t,,,, ,',...% ; „,7. "° ,, ' , 1' 4 " 0 4 -- - - - . v " 4 ' .- . 4° . 4 -11 1 *-.2 .. , ...* . ‘''.4 . ~,... ~%. ,,, ,V 1."'"1t ..• - _ . .. • ' '''-': ~ ;.; . f - ' ,. ;,..."', '',, .'- 'S ' ...Cri- ePt.W.Z.?.fi , ....4'1... - ''.'0. , .:',',4 , '''r , ' ,' . _ - . . .. XPEAL. ESTATE AGENTS. $B. P. HATCH,. BEAL ESTATE INN ha. 98 Grant Street Pittsburgh ._ REAL ESTATE • AND PERSONAL- PROPERTY . . . itorG T AND SO D. WILL 'GIVE .03IpT ATTENTION TO • , • 2.lTegotiatiOn o Loans, 'Attend to the Renting of °verity, Collection of C s; etc., • JOBEN B. B te r = & -BRO., STOCK AND EAL - ESTATE-. BROKERS reiteNEEES, Are prepared to sell at' Auction STOCKS; BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES. REAL ESTATE S HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, &c., either on the premises oarr a a t t t h e e n t ß io o n aT p d aid, raas he R e o t o o m or e, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Sales of Real Estate In the country attended. Office. 'No. 66 SMITHFIELD STREET. oce3 cHEAIt FA !Is FOR SALE. 4 have 1. ow for sale several ofthe finest FARM§ In Westmoreland and Indiana counties, on remarka bly easy terms, so easy that any one desirous of buy ing can purchase On time altogether. Call and ex amine for yourself. BUSINESS CHANGES. P _ ISSOLUTION.-LlllO FIRM OF WHITE, .BERGER & CO. was dissolved on oth inst., by mutual content. DANIEL WHITE, , W, 11. BERGER, W. AN. \The undersigned will eontlnue the FREEM manufacture of Wcindvn Ware and Packing Boxes, under the name add' style of FREEMAN & BERGER. Office and FalWory between Morton and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward.. W. }BEEMAN. W. 11. BERGER. Fittshurgh. March 17. ISr.S. mr,ll:m9l. .;SOLUTION.—The firm of' 'ROBINSON,. Me'KENNA &CO., Of Allegheny City. bus this (Inv linen dissolved by inutuul consent. J. S. itortiSsosT continue the GroCery Business at hls'new store, No. 185 Federal Street, And assumes al! 11ald71ties of thi old firm ROBINSON. McKENNA 4 CO., J. S. ROBINSON. mhl2:mG2 D . ISI4OLUTIOINN-THE FIRM OF ATWELL, LEE .4 CO. was dissolved on 'the Ist of' February, Iscor. by mutual consent. Either partner may sign the pameof the firm In settlement:. JOHN ATWELL. . . CHARLES ATWELL. • . . A. J. LEE. , , • --- • GROCERYd will nue the 'WHOLESALE it CSINESS. Under the name and tityle of ATWELL & LEE, at the old place, No. 131 Second street. A continuance of the patronage of their friends and the public Is regpeetfulir solicited.. CHARLES A'rWELI A. J. LEE, Pirrsnructi, March 3tlL 1808. HOTELS. THE.IIIA.NSION he undersigned beg to announce to their friends and the public that Hwy have _purchased this OLD ESTABLISHED and PoPILILAR HOUSE, No. 344 I...lberty ,Street. An N w IONHOUSEh kep er o n eh e n b d s e d t oom s, T al e newly furnished lu the best style, and only two min utes' walk from the Railroad Depot. Trayelers will find this house an excellent one to stop-at, and will be accommodated any hour, day or night. Connected with the House Is a splendid Hall for Concerts. Families or single persons- taken is board by the day, week or mouth, with or without rooms. H. WACNER„ . . mhl7:mr PITTSBURGH. CONDUCTED ON THE EUROPE.. ST. JAMES HOTEL, Nos. 405 and. 407 Liberty St*, Opposito Union Depot, PITTgIIITHGEt JAMES 7K. LANAHAN, iroprietor, . , andouse Is newly hnilt and splendidly furnish's ed.convenient to all the Railroads coming into the city. Strangers visiting the city will tind thio a very convenient and economical plan. You Recurs your room and pay for your meals as you get them. file Restaurant connected with this hotel Is open at all hours of the day and night. Balls and parties supplied with Suppers at the shortest notice and reasonable rates. itela:gba ST. LAWRENCE, 114YTEL) CON THE EUROPE-AN,PLAN,) Y: Corner Penn, and Canal Street -4, I~IZ'Tt3I3i3iGIZ, PA. JAMES JOHNSON„-Proprfrtor. This bc j ose bag been thorologhly retltind and new• ly turn! bed throughout, Lad, Is now. open to the publlo.' HATS AND CAPS. NEW SPRING G 091019. ma. THE NEW STYLES OP • Hats and Caps, AIUMNINO DAILY, AT 311'CORD & CO.'S, far.' 131 WOOD • sintErr. I 1 AItTIN LIESLEII, ;DEALtyt 111 . CAP S .AND Also,' K Manufacturer , Wholesale anil 'Retain:haler In TRUK L. ITALISZS, So. '1351 83ilT11. IftELIS STREET. Pittsburgh, ra. Orders prompt/g alleckansi satlsciustlottguinvited. ARC}IITECTS. BARR & itIOSPU; FRUIT HOUSE ASSOCIATION BUILDINGE I / 4 "Not. .2 and .4: St, Clair - Street, •Plttabniwit, Pa. Special attention given to the desigalng and building of COURT ROUSES and PUBLIC BUILDINGS. • V . ARTOS; . . . F• MECHANICAL AND ENGINEERING _ . • DRAFTSMAN. • • • °taco, 1 1 4110 Will, IA Third Its et,,. With Mar IiOLLAND et C 6, PITTiiIIII GIL L. 0. LIVINOSTON.W. 11. z!tatzw.4.ltoz!zis, IT:.TR. j AVINGBI.IOIB4 co., 1 . , ' IRON POUNDERS I 41-4 .. , IiANDF.ACTIMICRS ' . 01/ :- '• ' :. ! : ' . ',FINE ZIG:II,V. f11.8.1 7 17Ggp , , All diumirintlonl, for Ilum.6ers and du iiiterogig tieuiturailmplcatentt,'o?ttlnittuf lAroc•104 Mpl lire 4.11 ,ob work prmptly astendedito.• , . —ozieto' ~rid i t oil•*Abiiblf. AirEittiP; Amu' Otiter De 4 •Allegnen Ci t y. Pa, • ono. YO; CLAIM 4:IrvirCILTXIXI36W.•;;D pON CITN . BELT N'ORg& itro, ll:l9 AR#. ll , 4 l, tr i. 3fiantragtliteft:Or ti t Actoringan. lat Piteot, ntr,!tebtati 0114 t, saidAVatOWPAkIWIK,, ,;:rgao47l•Air7 f:44V;XMANre•t.,:' tatls6l(lt, Ita -* ( M ll6l ..49PDSlite ! • , f, ',. .341:VV1 041 'Ai, BEN N .M. G o. SO PETTY,Weet . CRACKER BAKERIES: MArtIiTIIIPS CRACKERS ARE BAKED IN A PATENT OVEN, • • The Only one in Western Penn.sylvitnin. = gives,a LiqtrrErt,swErftil 'and more TINT FORMLI BAILED CRACKER. (consequently more ' w holesome, thau can possibly be produced from any other kind of an oven. I use the best :Flour, and_will warrant my goods supOrlor to any' others. ap i tea y of rgabllaluneut over 100 lIIILS. Largest Bakery ever in Pittsburgh. None genuine unless MARLIN is on the side of every packages. . S. -35ZWR,171147, 01 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. --- ESTABLISHED IN 1840. ■ SHEPHARD'S - Steam Cracker and illscuit Factory, 317 LIBERTY BTEEET;ITITBBURGH. 3fannfaetnrer and dealer - lA.26llnd'; of CONEIECPIONERI7, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, &a:- m117:nt.'53 Federal Street, ' • • • (Fourth door above Diamond.) - Glass, , China Ware & R • ES ErTy able CutlersAT t EAS s TE st N e ß n C hand.' Calltann d g x quired l o na goods... • ' • • • 300:an 3'DIJY HEST.BEST AND CHEAIk, EST PLANO.AND ORGAN. Sdhonlackei's GOid Medal Piano, I AND ESTEY'S' COTTAGE-ORGAN. The SC I IO 3 tACKER 'PIANO Combines all the latest valuable Improvements - known in the con strueUon of a first class Instrument, And has always been awarded the highest sonorous - wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship,' for daratillity and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $OO to PISO. (according to style and finish,' cheaper than all other so-called first 'class Pinup. '* ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN Stands at tho bead of all 'reed Instrument'. in pro .duelug the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any Instrument In the United States. It Is alm ila and compact in - conatruction, and not liable to get out of order. . CARPENTER'S PATENT ' " VOX niThrANA TREMOLO' , is only to be fofind this'Orgau. Price from $lOO to 4850. All guaranteed for live BARR, RRARE . 4t RUTILE% N 0.12 ST. CLAIR STREET, rab9 SECONUMFAND • • M L IODEONS , ANIt ORGANS, , In perfect order, from $315 to 5130. bir2 ; CHARLOTTE ra . 2 , rittli B t.• 24 door . itioye_ Wood CONFECTIONERIES: POUNDAY SeilOOL ::•CELEBRAL.• • TICKS, PICNICS, DINNERPA-EMS att.3 kruished with the best , ICE CEEAM, CONFECTIONERIES; CAKES, FRUITS, &a., &e., At .the lowost price and on the: shortest notice, by - • MM./VS iRICTIT.ERI. No itrov Diamond, Allegheny. 1eM:m10 ENWE W. HORBAcW, Confectionery and Bakery No. soo SMITHFIBLD STERET, Between Seventh and Liberty. OYSTER SALOON' attached. n tGEOIRGEMEAVENi • `,!', Candy Minufacturei v • And dealer In FollEld* . f t , . .441...ceRpArt PSUrTS. PICKLES, = •". Second door 'trona the ilret: Na tional Bani„Alle gheny City . , - • emnitgir, nma : • oce4p, ~~ 1194giNE " . lagairNi§p. GROCERIES. F OR FRAGRANT TEAS, ;4e:« CHOICE-SCOFF-1M , .. . . . .. . -;;-'.?: .. ..:-...::: ':::•Ff - 3" ~z . - : 'l , . ':::-..',.' - ,i, - ': .4%.1.43) •:. J.'.'; '...-,..;! V'. 3Plaase .131oes‘l ROBIIVSON'S, No. 9.0 Fifth Street. FOR THE FINEST TEAS, THE CHOICEST GROCERIES, THE PUREST SPICES, And the best CANNED FRUITS, PICKLES, &c., uk the most reasonable prices, go to , FRANCE'S TEA ItART, • . mho: 13 Diamond, Pittvburgh. NEW ORLEANS SUCAR AND MOLASSES " IN STORE AND TO ARDIVE. • 550 hhits. N. O. Sugar, prime to choice; • 500 bbls. 'Plantation Molasses, prime to choice; 110 " prime Carolina Rice; 500 " extra Salt, With a large and general assortment of all kinds of GROCERIES and other goods in our line, for sale low to the trade, by JOHN I. .1101115E-dc.BROS.; Corner Sialthfleld and Water Streets. mha:mat • GLASS, CRINA, pIITL.ERY 100 WOOD STREET IVASEs, COLOGNE SETS, FANCY SETS, PARIAN STATUETTES, poll:emus GLASS, 12 1 And other STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, a great variety.. 100 WOOD STREET RICHARD E. BREED & CO mhlo O WOOD STR rr. IttRUp4' . 4.EIZENSTEIN, RI.A.bTOS, ORGANS, &O. =BE AUCTION SALES. BY PALMI33 - .1 PHILLIPS pALMER S., PHIELIPS, .417:0119NEERS' •Cant' , MertAants, OPERA. HOUSE ARTION ROOMS, So. 60 Fifth Stieet, Pithibur g h Fa. , BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, - - AT.PP.IVA.T.E. SALE il).1."1 EVP2§7)Sie,. aiilititsinento SOliettid. Pronipt nt4-- EZEINE DANKRUPT SALE, WESTERN LANDS AND OIL 7%0 clock NINO, April 7th ,al 7,ifi . o'clock, be sot ,d on second floor-of Commercial Sales Doom, No. Smithfield street, by order of John H. Bailey,As-signee In Bankruptcy of Jenkins. Neish S Co., the following Western Lands and Oil Stocks:- lquarter section; In Otes Co.,•Nebraska. 1 quarter section in Franklin Co., lowa. 2 one-eighth sectional's-Cass Co., Nebraska. 2 one -sixteenth sections In Adair Co., 310. 220 .acre tract in Wright Co., Missouri. • • 1 quarter sectionln Cass Co., Nebraska, • ' 100 sharesMlack Diamond Oil Company. • 100 skarei Pennsylvania ow Company:. • ' 100 shares Whitehill Oil Company. r • • 100 shares Phillips Oil Company. - 000 shares Banner Oil Company'. . mblt ' A. MeILWAINE, Auctioneer. V ALCABLE STOCKS Bi.EIONDS. • TUESDAY EVENING. March 24th, at - 7±..i" o'clock, will be sold, on second floor of commercla.• Sales Itcionts,loo Smithfield street: - - M t fygl.o shares Third National Dank.. 20 sh ores Second National Bank. 15 shares Tradesmen7s National Dank. - 10 shares National Trust Co. . 10 shares Lawrenceville Savings Dank. 20 shares Pacific fi Atlantic Telegraph Co, 50 shares Pittsburgh Orain Elevator Co. 100 shares Cohnubla Oil Co. • 30 shares Monongahela Co. 4-0 shares Allegheny Insitranee Co. 10 shares Cash Insurance Co. 20 shares. Western Insurance Co: mhD A. MeILWAINE GROCERY STOCK AND • FIX TURES AT AUCTION. —W o'clock,ol. on YESDAY, March 25th. at 10 at X. B. Dalzell's Store. Diamond, the retire. stock of superior quality of Groceries, Fiktures, Tea Canisters, Platform and Counter Scales, - Scoops, Measures, .t.a. The particular attention of the trade is invited to the supetior qualities orfeas, onwhielt there is ,a considerable stock. . A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer. 159 Federal street. 'Allegheny. mb= BANKRUPT NOTICES; DISTRICT COURT OF UNITED STATES, for. the - Western District of Pennsylvania, 553 in Bankruptcy. In the mat ter of JOHN W. O'BRIEN. WILLIAM H. STIM PLE and ALEXANDER BERRYHILL, partners as O'Brien, Stimple & Co., Bankrupts. ' Western District of Pennsylvania. ss: A warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court against the estate or John W. O'Brien, William H. Sample and Alexander lierryhill, partners as O'Brien, Stimple & Co., of the county ofAllegheny; and State of Pennsylvania, in said District adjudged Bank rupts upon petition of John W. O'Brien and William H. Stimple, partners. and the payment' of. any debts and the delivery of any property - belong log to said bankrupts, to them, or to ' , air use,and the transfer of any, property ,by them, ere forbidden by law. A meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupts; to prove their debts and choose one or more .As signees. of their Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 93 Diamond street, Pittsbut•gb. in said District. on the .I.sth' .day of April. A. D. 1568. at 10 o'clock A. at.. at the office of SAMUEL HARPER, Esq., one orthe - Registers. In Bankruptcy of said District. • • THOMAS 'ROWLEY. nah2l U. S. Marshal for said District - • WESTERN - DISTRICT: OF PENNSYLVANIA, F.P..—At the City of Pitts burgh. the 14th of March, IBM—The undersigned herebgives notice of his appointment as Assignee of BENJAMIN F. CRISWLT.I., ofthe. city of Phil adelphia. late of Pittsburgh, in the county of Alle gheny and State of Pennsylvania, within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged .a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. JOHN H. BAILEY, Assignee, • ' - InhlG:mBl:ts Att'y at Law, 89 Drant street., TREASURY DEPARTIIYt'NT OF PENNSYLVANIA. • It ARRISB.IIThriIt 1567. NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS L. cx.41.14a-i3 Commonwealth of Pennnsylvania, DWE JITLY IST, 1868. _ . THE FOLLOWING LOANS Dtte July lat, 18(04. WILL BE TIEDErwrD, iTa"I.tiTEItEST, TO DATE OF PAYMENT, ON THE.'-4.R.E- SENT4TioIi" AT, THE FARMERS' & MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK, , , 1 3 .1H331,A.ILVEZIOUZLEL s • Loan of March .1839, due. July Loan of July 19th, 1839, clue rya INTEREST ON , THE ABOVE LpA:vs...mtra. CEASE ON TEE IST OF .1 - 61 T, 1868 • FRANI'M JOHDAN,See'y State. JOUR W. IMEITRANT, AiS. G*34.. W. H.' HEMBLE, State Treits'r. Comtnliw toner; of Sinking Fund, - QIUPPLIES FOR WATER.WOfthg Comrsotraca's, O c riune i kiLMII43II4IIO tkkrgiVgAINAVIM A office until TUESDAY,- With liast., at 4 ii , ttock sr., for furnishing the Al l - .Water Works during the current year with tho following supplies, to-wit: • - • . 'WATER PIPE , BRANCHES AND SERE** of the following dlanletao,lrjz..-4;.6, 8, 10 and . ARI Inches. .Also • . STOP COCKS, FIBS PLUGS, AND, 11 ISCELLANEOUS CASTINGS, . , • At.6o, • ALL Tin STOP COCK ANt! rntz PLIIWBOTEs FERRULES • REQUIRED-, D,URIN G THE YEAR. AlapcnUlhe COAL required during the year; to lbe of the best quality of nut, and delivered In the yard.of the water Works. - • - • All Orthe .above suppliew-to be delivered at such times :and places . the: Superintendent :of. ,the Works may direct. - • . - Separato bide , are requirtml for eich •of theniri g o ing - artiNetridso , separate bids for eauls;of water pecidCattoiliforlhe above et be bad at tue °Zee of Superintendent, Minh or •otlicefer the Citreentroller. • 1 • The right is reserved to relict any or bids proposals will' also be' received at - the same VOW for :doing the. MAULING rLuiredz .thc Vigor Works di:m[l,4l.4e • E. B. srx.ANCUI, , .mhiSunS2 - • • City -Controlle' • " .ralgm OF CITY NGiNit p• •• Pittston ret, , ..may *it.. igorFßTriewalcus - 101 tiratrit , irtatrr- Between srtet •, *.% ,t„ 1 ea tolrtit Vdg igieWcounntk: Ute r13411r. Water or Glib eoitug I 6*-41434 'laic/ 4 0;6A oPe..,_niag SaidaitfeaC 4 Dermlte =sl3];iv ~ , ,,, ,L .4,0t004a, extlitua fhp b* DIM BY L WILWAINE. auctioneer Ft A. LEGGATE. OF THE Or TEE ist issa Ist, 1868 MEI