The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 23, 1868, Image 1
, _ _ _ • . 1 2: 7 < - „ • . . • \ • II / /4/7 02 , .1 -•• . = ; , . • 1-4 • f 0). • : : - - . . . - . - -_•• 1 111 4 • ~ ' • - 17. U FIRST EMIR o;ca.ocrig. 3r. FORTIETH CONGRESS. Postoffice ApproPriation--Prop ositiouto Rednce:the Indian 4ppropriation• Rassed--Seitate Committee on. Ettlesr—Genettal. , Discuskiim in th'e tv .rilouse:+rinaucial gates. tion-Appellate Jurisdiction of the: Supreme Court. [By Teleer . Sph to the i'ltt.sburgh-Vrazette.) - , WAsTin4ITON; March 2:1, 1867. SENATE. Mr. 'WILSON presented- a joint resolu tion of thanks to Dr. Hayes, aric explorer. Referred. Mr. RAMSEY presented a bill to reor-• ganize the Postoffiee Department and fix the phy of Meer% Referred. • The . POstofflee, appropriation 1:41. taken tni. • • I.lllr. •SHERMAN•S amendment to carry _ Unexpended balances to the surplus fund ! except the amount necessary for the ex- Renditure . . of the fiscal year was adopted. "Mr. DAVIS offered an amendment that -the Pre.sident be instructed or authorized to reduce the army to twenty thousand strong, said' force to be kept South few reyo lutionary purposes., Rejected. . Mr. BIICKALEW offered an amendment to . reduce the army to thirty thciusandom • der the direction of the President. He Urged it as necessary for economy. Lost— cleven to twenty-seven. •- • The Indian appropriatiort bill was -taken The various amendments of the. mnut tee Were agreed to. Nif. RAMSEY'S" amendment; referred to yesterday, appropriatingf,lo,ooo tothe Sioux Indians of Devil's Island, so. as to appropri ate f,20,000, was agreed to. .; The bill then passed and goes back to the House.- Mr. ANTHONY moved to take up the re- 1 MISSISSIPPI. • portkX the Committee on standing rules of 1 JACKSON, March 21.—General Gillem has the Senate. . saying I refused to furnish the Reconstruction con- Mr. DRAKE opposed the motion, - vention with the - names of the`citizens Who delay would work no harm relative to these gave certain information upon which GeV. rules and urged - the importance of.takirl,-1 Humphreys,- based his - procWnation of De , up addltiogalimpeaehrnent rule, offered c o m ber 21st; 1887: • yesterday. After considerable debate, involving the "queation whether or not there was any deep studied design on the part of the Presi dent's counsel in addressing the chair as ;!llfir..-ChiefJustice," by a vote of twenty nnie to six, 'Mr. Anthony's report was taken up, and the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTA.TIV. I:l4.lErtiaiiiiti in4ageil tit ieneral as If in Cotrunittee 'of the =Whole,' the principal topic being the financial ques tion. j. - 'Mr. NEW,COAII3 spoke 'on generakirli tics.' Mr. BLAIR, of Michigan, spoke on finance. opposing. the payment of the debt in greenbacks, and arguing that it should not be increased a= dollar;-that the present was notthe time to v ainsiderthe--payment of • the principal, and that undivided attention , should be given to the restoration of the country- on a solid and enduring basis. - Mr. ICIBLACK. asked why Mr. Blair spoke o#; the policy Of. paying for bonds in greenbacks as a ITenmeratie seheme, and why ho referred tciathe ;Democratic State Conventions in Ohio and Indiana in that connection, when he -knew the Republican Conventions in those States adopted the a*elphlicy? Nfr... BLAIR did not unuerstaild the Re . publican Conventions to endorse that policy, but only to approxlinate to it. They sim , ply. made an utunanly exhibition of parti ; min' fearfulness. Whenever the question ' Came up in the. House, however, the Demo cratic members had, nine out of ten, voted for the payment of the'debt in greenbacks, while the Republican members had taken the.opposite.side. -•-. - Mr.-NIBLACK regretted'axanimfutation on the Republicans,- this.. intimation that they , were not as sound- imithe - question as the Democratic party. The scheme orig- Mated with :Mr Stevens, of Pa., and Mr. Butler and was, therefore, a simon-pure Retittbileautneasure. . • ; After some further debate Mr. LAW ' RRNCE, of Ohio, said, when, in 'order, he would move for an in" ulryby the Judiciary unmmite whether the plic lans sold der treaties with - Indian ub tribes ar d e held by a valid title, and whether such lands ori f be .sold .except in pursuance- of a law enacted by; Congress; - He reniarked , that ' during four years prior to Jan uary, 1858, there had been sold in large tracts to individuals and • companies ,, under eight',: treaties with Indian tribes, 1,478,528"geres of public land for 1,081;122 This was destructive to the homestead policy, and he denied that Lands could be sold except in pursuance, of a. law Of Congress. had' introduced 'a bill to scone railroad eompaMe.sherenfter receiv ing grants of lands to sell them at a low price actual•settlers.- - Awn the duty of x Congress to stop the system by which pub 110'hui were- accummulating in the hands i ..- ofi r7 fe a rctobeisoldat:e.narriions prim toac tual .settlers, and especially to arrest this unconstitutional manner ,crf disposing of • :::public lands by acts-in:tiler Which, ne.' valid title was acquired. . • • • Mr- 4.11 i spoke on the fibrins:fetal question, especially advocating .thfrefillow ance of drawbacks on material:entering into '`the coristfuction'of vessels. Mr. WOODWAIID answered fteer meat or Mr. Broomall the other day, on the 'bill to guarantee to all States a - Republican • form of government. • NIRLACIik. made a, brief ; spe e ch against the Freedmen's Bureau bill. • - Mr. -PETERS advocated the bill for the `admission of•ALibama„"; .• Mr. ,PAlNff,,speaking refereticololthe • Rtessiiin-Arrierl&mt popessio* ark gettthe • ; treaty - makingpawer was aliaolutelSliiithe President and - senate, only v.. 'l , ,thp treaty _could. be performed . upot the constitutional. • • • •_to:"-the discussion:last Sathrday, !pen . r.ection with the meastire-deptiyingthe:Sw. CoUrfof appellate:jinflfttlo,kiln re 4 7 Oollintliction cases.lutilrlireii•hina tieutc(explath the aixte.ndi ;'bilt?pielno .....ipiplattation was asked, and -to " he. - never fr trobled. the h ouse . with - unnecessary re marks, he hart xi_itraintid from: • sw Itm „. thing. The gentleman from Ohia Orr: • _ Schen gi c .) , Jbta./PYRl...tter.prgto,ru3 ques tion, tiAdni&-Alouse sum Whtit was bis connection with Abevatter. "the effecrtliatibit was eat fled Alte-Ingle4 had arranged•to adoptA.l l l 4,llll”.re in the manner'in- wfrMit'' 4 ' ' 34 w in-rellY( Virotion-t)4,_ ARD O ' pN-sniti 4 oulatiOn in teeth* ant•waS to • the Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in the MeArdle case. WOODWARp sahlit.J.Wonld accom plish no such Tnirpose:- • •••-.--• :•• - Air. WILSON--Very well then; the gen tlemaniis not hurt, nor is Mr. McArclle either, And what. hen is all this tempest in a tea pot for? WOODWARD,I.Sny to. the gentle man, as a• lawyer, that it is not in the power Of the Legislative deyartment of the : Government to take 'andy Jurisdiction' case where it has already attached., ' Mr. WlLSONVeplied the Stipienie Court itself had decided, a repeal, of jprisdiegen even Arrests a judgment. Mr. jWOOWARD remarked, however, that the gentleman from lowa might •haVe • vindicated himself as to a very queStion= i able line..of conduct.. He stood here.main taining-that the Legislative•Departenent of i the Government might do the highly inde cent thing of looking -into Courts of Jus tice, seeing what cases were pending in them, and then using .its . legislative -fune _tions to arrest and stop the course of jus ' tire. ~T hat- w as the: position :in - -which- the 'gentleman plaeed himself. - ''For himselfhe • maintained that Congress had no right to interferein sucha case. The judieialower of. the Goyernnient was vestedin the (curt, and in the particular ease the jurisdiction hdrd.vested. It was in the first plaCe hide eent for the Legislature to come .hi :and in: terfere, arid in the next place it waSUncom pleted. . - Mr. IVILISO7.L..k.s to the question of de cency, the gentleman will permit those who voteilfor the measure to judge for. them selves. AS to the question of power, I have already said the Supreme !Court as serted that m its own decision?' Mr. WOODWARD—In what case. . Mr. WILSON-- - I will find the case - and refer the zentleman to it. There is more than-one iiecleion to that efect'. The diSchsslon went on for some time, mostly over the ground already traversed, when the House Adjourned.. .;,• •. • SOUTHERN STATES. - „ f.liy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (4azotte.) • RICHMOND, March 21.—1 n tbe. Conven tion.the Feport of the Committee. on Repre sentation M - as read. It adds forty-seventh the'present nntnber of members of the Leg islature. - • - Altiokwsds:, THE. CONSTITUTIONAL. =MGT/ON. Mai& tiliPatch from Little Rock says the election was completed in but few counties. Partial - returns show • a large Calling off in - the. nevo vote. The majority against the Constitution will be larger than anticipated. The whites Voted almost unanimously:against it. r. TUBEEV. ' . • CONSTANTINOPLE, March W.—Diplomatic interccmrse„ which had been tonpomrll3;- in terrupted between the Turkish Minister of _ _,, _, ~.,,.,,,, • -.---. f - .. 1....- : i FortighAtfairtsPund ;Pasha, and Mn; Ed _-. NORTH CAROLINA. -- jwaxdoMrrAsi Vito . rneti6att Embitssa- RALEIGH,* Nfirett . I'.*:=•-:.:iii' Miele inthe i dor iti NtaitantlttOple, ' - has be e n resumed Sentinel of to-day, prepared:frobi official { - 111;neti:! }NCI Wee . iiit of- o.;faVOrfibie44rtroo. data, estimates that the public debt of ; frenieretary'Sewar fi d totaling to tin MT- North Carolina„under the new. Constitu- ; JustmenlOrthe cliffertfece which had arisen tion. OE t - lw„ Grit -- ..Tudy,lB49:iiill be $l9,- i with the American Legation. •176,.:500, the interest on which will be tzsl,- LOGO. The article - SIIONVIV the additionaktax , upon the people of the State, required t be raised next year. under the new Cons u tion, will be $448.5,000, which being add to the present taxes will swell the taxes !for 1869 to 32,800,000. , Here t•ofore the State taxes have never exceeded 3300,000. - GEORGIA ATLANTA, March. 21.—1 t undertiood that Hon. Augustus Reese will withdraw from the Gubernatorial contest, on the ground of ineligibility. The, Central Ex ecutive Committee of the Dernoenitic party of Georgia meet in Macon on .Thiarsday next. Judge Rease's"letter of withdrawal will appear . in a few - days..; HOLDERS Or, )14AEL BUDS • A"Protest `•, _ „ - • Csy Teicgrapy tr,lhc Pittirtyprrh flarenc.l • NEw Yortx, March, ‘ l3 .—The . "HCralcl -to day publi-slie-s-twO-bentrritiniarticinsVglied on: Vidal( of :the Com mittee of Cotton Bondholders ;" - dated Lou.- dotty February 28th and Marciffth, arguing agamst the violent acts -interventioh the part of ,the- Urdted t States , between the Southerrt States and rebel - cotton boridlaild ers, con:Telling the, former to repudiate loans made In Etvdr,of the Confederate Gov eminent, sayin ,, that, of the South, ern States is utterly annihilated by this act of forced repudiation and that they . will not be'able to, borrow a shilling in Europe:until they are allowed .to pay the,,debt. ;„Ile urges, if , this were 'done, the credit of , the N6rth and South - would standjunch higher in Europe, and, that 5.20 bonds would rule - much higher if these loans were la lowed. to be paid. juStiftes,Eureirean eapitallits in making- their loam; .gues that what may ono day:be - sauce for the epos° who„lent the South:mOney on their bonds; may on another :batoraa sauce to the gander that leut the t Worth nrcirrey under the idea thatthey Wets - tcr btreimid, their principal and' interest, In_ gold, -, for aiding to crush the Soßttre,-7, l' A BM Relative Patents—Enlists:lent for insi Ta i ft Measl ve,!, • iny TWegraphlo thoYltirbargtf Gas.lte,]- arrow/4 iMarch i 2.1.--41411 - la-mow in _ course of preparatkin.btWe. golrernment, - which: Wilreizable::-Aalibriliana:Ztti (:,take • out patent.s'in the liorfutdoill e terms as CanadianspbtaippatiMta 4114 e, mxiited wotioe was l'ivioirt-thei-overrimdnt'o f an l inftilry - Whelhilatt .?r roteps ,g had been tak en to prevent the iti3Part_ure of a -force' for Rome to make =win a. people ;with whom Canada make . isace. . A deputatilm ‘ inursouting,:the,-,tpbacco, banking and u ranee interesti, has had an interview With the ••.Finance - - re gerdio insurance, : tic. Representatives of English companies favor the :bill before.the Houser. which requires a - deposit or'over 8100,04, while the representatiVes IttfAuter lean conlpaniesUre opposed to the deposit systemtaltogettrot; • tittWitil Weaolo l '' .. " [Bp Telegraph tattle P/Ltaburgh.Gazette.) L OL T lSVlLL l 4.3inrch::2l.=.ltivor falling - slowly. weather clear and cool. • 871 1441/4.144r11/11.7-We°4llo./111131414 pleasant! - Tovsno, Match 21.—, Weather clandyT e d cold; there was a light' fall •of 'Mm_ o t night. M rm estruis,er; , Mac , 422.-m'A i elher.eiesr apu RYtibicon warm., .:,,alv ate and I ,rt•Jkit. Loris;;/KM. Xdongtvaili,Vbf ?Or. Louisville. .ArilVd, . PITTSBURGH SECOIII ElllllO%. voun, p;c.r.ocir. :ix. F - ROX EUROPE. F. Alan,'::-,SentOttedaini-taliza7 Lion Treaty Appraved by Ger many—CiVil Marriage in Aus tria—People Rejdicing--Tnrkey and United- States—Farra,gut Received by the Pope. Telegragh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] e GREAT. BRITAIN. SENTENCED FOR TREASON'. •Conn, March 21.—Capt. Mackay was sen tenced to imprieonment and hard labor for twelve years. , • (MI MAN Y. NATIMAWZATION TRICATi ALPPIZ6VED. BEni-liq; 'March 21:—The Council of the North German Confederation has approved thp treaty recently concluded . the United States securing the rights of natur alfzed AmeriCan Citizens: • AUSTIILL CIVIL 3I.kRIZIOC ‘ ll BILL VIEICICA, gaich :21.—Thelipper House of Reichsrath rejected the motion mule by the Clerical party to defer 'action uijxm . the civil marriage bill until a change: is Made in the Concordat. - - AFJOI.C.I.NG OF TILE PEOPLE.. March 22.—Most enthusiastic demonstriitions of joy are mado over the recent action , of lleichsrath on the civil marriage bill, Nt'hieli is regarded practi cally annulling the Concordat: Yesterday when it became known that the upper house-had rejected the Clerical motion to defer the passage of the bill; there was great rejoicing among the people, and last night he city was-generidly • ITALY. . PARRACi'UT AND TILE Port. RomE, March 21.—The Pope gave a very giatious reception to Admiral Farragut and suite tokla2,-.. The Admiral will,remain at Rome for ti,montli. GAratAttn FLORENCE, Mai.c.b. 21.--C...;arirxildi has tititten a letter to the United States Minis ter, Hon. GeorgeT. Marsh, declining, to he agent of the United States government. " FLORENCX, March 28.—„ Atiniirai Farragut will be obliged to remain at' Rome - four or dye weeks, Ineonsequence of a severe al?-. e.eltti,Vitieh has broken - out in his leg. CENTRAL AMERICA Death of PresidAat of Panama by Pot!lon... Aisassins Vortiolested-..A1l quiet -in eli lonabla...Cio Fears of a %'l Between Chili and Peru. trey Tctearafili tO Pittzburgh Gatett-; , I.; Sir Yona - , 'March —The steamer Ati rona bringi the following news from Pana nia-to the hist; `General (Marto, President - of the State of Paranna, died on the :id irtst., ills suspected of poison. Don, Juan Diaz acted asPresi dent ad intcrim. Don Pablo .Arosemena is a candidate - for the Vacant °thee: . • Puredos, who shot Mr. Fawcett, corms pcndent of the Herald, has not been arrest ed. Faweett is slowly recovering from his wounds- Assassins tvakk the streets mum). 'lested. Petitions from Americans asking for p.otectionwere sent to ;Washington by the Arizona: The stearner Nebraska, from New ,York Via .Taneiro,'arrivettat' on the 7th, to take her place in the new Anteriean - steaMShip line between 'Hamburg - and As ' pirtWttll, soon to be'oriened. • Dates front Bogota . are to the lath ult. COloinbiart:COngresSWaS fix dent, Aeosta i l . hylils Message; acknowledges the government . .would have been, bank rupt but fore the million dollars received from the Panama. Itailroad Companso . for the new.: contract. The State of Tarchna was rebellious. The rest of the coun try tranquil. ;The Colombian army is re dueed,to.twO thousand. Archbishop - lerron died on the nth ult. Dates from , Valparaiso are. to 'February 7th and from' Calais to the 27th. A war bettveen Chili and Peru is no longer apprehended.. As the election approaches In Peruitdditionar- candidates are brought forward for the Presidency, A dispute had arisen between the Chillim Government and the French house-of Armand for a:violation of contract to furnish-iron clads, the de livery. pl. which were forbidden. by the Pretickpovernment. Chili hitd advanced tliiirgOttini:tp the contragtors,:whieh they Will return. .Don Guiterraz has been ap. pointed Peruvian Miniater of Statb Xibattli etivebettlikPernviiniGOvernme'id, and eonsigneesef'gtinno%for $12,000,000, was about to be closed. The republic was tran quil; except the , deParthtent , at . where much .unestainese Proirailed. CentrarAmerican Ilea's - Is Unimportant. Guatetriakt has granted the - right. to con. Ilgruet wreAlread from the-port of San Jose •E culanta Shooks of an earthquake continued at la Union. Many houses were ruined, and the residents remaining in thotilace Were living A.UNTRALIA. Advises trom' - !-Australiwto- the 7th inst. state that, Ear). Aolinore, new Govornor of NeyeEkiuthlyaltift; arrived there.' - The ear4 r tibial 'afid - ‘trow' Of the ' Eicheoner" Marion .Retiny,..wero Massacred the Solomon group of' i slinids . by-rititii . 6l.---, - • :., - - It is Just disc.:4l.'l)6M that the shiii Gdneral Grant,: whieltieft-14elbourne for - Londensin May; wrecked at Auckland Island in the same .tnonth bi- - being drawn into a large cove twenty-ilye fathoms (loop.. Only twenty *ere saved J , - The , ship. City of Melbnarne was burned,* Melbourne.. L': Sir- Oefifge., - .r4illeawn, istierw, Governor --of - We* - Zetiland, - had arilired . at Wellington 1 and was well reetiVetl.' "f The Oolonyhaasuf -4-Ars 4 0 9".1. floada 40 st,:ir 4 ~ and. theldam ages 'fife estimated ,at-,52,, , i 4:looo..lialight ishmk -of.= earthqualutwas.felt eat Wellffig• ton Fe 1, ,:.. . Fire oextlleigtiE IP-get- 7 0p 1114)stroyea. City Teleeiel tVitai i iiiiiiirjizt d hie ite 4 I .. ' ritr a E ll.l.l topePWP-- 4 -• lid 2fti..4:-4 , zilre ion Beittie ' •!' eriiiihV AegtroAd 4,oo6llinillt It ' 01;ele4rr44 of 4,ll:vzilliatilahli , Sham ato& ' ~.1413' wells are the prlaclAMe'id ' ''''' '—'" ONDAY 'THE Gene i d al En wa --In .D-- lIILA 111 fliy Te cgraph t - IN Called on tit, Jrning and had an...Mien',our.Snbse quentlY ..iicaqinifteis o;• . the army and paid his respects to , General Grant.: sEonotAtir Was at the Ezecutiye Mansion this morn ing. and engaged SoF some time with Jr. Johnson: - ' This afferi l loon l thei'resident erns closeted with his Counscl. FINANCIAL. Fractional currenCy'issued for the week, 8-.494,500; shipments, 380,287 ; 'including 32,000 to the United_ States Depository at !St. Paul. National. Dank currency issued, 8118,010; amount in'eireulation,.s29ll,779,s66. Fractional .currency .redeemed and. des troyed: 13432,700. Receipt's of Internnl Rev= elute for week, $1.,81. - P,960; for: the year to date S'l39 37'2. 690. 1 1 SUMMONING .OF wrrxmsr.s.. Witnesses are being sumthoned to-night by the Impeachment. Managers to appear in the Senate Chmnber to testify in the im peachment cause. W , V3ITINGTON' t March 22, ISGS TILRE.kI'ENINCi LETTERS Representative Muliens, of Teune.>see, has received through the mails threatening letters purporting to come fron a secret society designating itself the "Kuklux: IMPEACTI,3IF:ti'i 1-VIT*ESSES Sithimonses4for Impeachment witnesses, about twenty-four in number,'Were prepared yesterday. The dermties of the Sergeant at7Arms ,of the Setuttp. wore engaged lust night serving them. The Most, if not of these witnesses, have been examined' the Inilvaebirtent ^ Managers.: >flt .lea4t eleven are reperteK ' STOLEN SWORD EECovEitED The valuable 'swerd preskted -Comma dore Biddle by the Peruvian Government', stolen from the Patent Oillen about a week since; has been recovered by detectites r : Diamonds, five or six in namber, had been removed bythe thief and taof them have been recovered. • *BRIEF rITLEGRA.Kiit. I --The cage . of Hateltyit. Iftpek Island Co. - I f came' hefore the Unit -States' Circuit (Auld ilk - ' • " ' - lit l .at New York on Satur y.lnlyint , been re moved from the St at Court. The Court Will,nof deititle' the Mot "oh' to - tterntinvil the casii book to the State Court unthorginnent i has been concluded on - the 'main motion, I 'lthich is to cliAsolve the itijunetion in the ) State 'Court. The•argument will be made on a..cloy :hereafter to:be _ melted by the cottrt auti counsel:". - ' - ' • .: ~ -' . . —A•caidifrotruGetterat...Fremont appecm . : 141,,t2„,„"titx, Yfi . ...r4 • Tilb an c . " ucirt:eptitig ' On 1-6-re Tg-ithei-=:iti*litt*tateAtt;'; Connection With a ;Ste:tie:pi litati. - 1 5 f8. — : "The le:tiling- feature in the negotiation with Cameral Oacht, anti retcson4 for malting it, were fo procure a Pacific Railway ter , ItlintL4 at the Port of Guaystuei in Coarw tioii t,Vi lif road prtliects that I' \rte.( then anti :urn still - ecietiiopel in. The contract made with him 1141 noreference to any boon to Mexico." • • dispatch - froth St. 'Louis says the route to New York via Orleans,'-for . tranSportat ion of .g,rain in bulk, is be,cern ing more popular , ' daily. The towhgboat Ke110 , „, , g, which left there Saturday even ing, had eight. barge:4:la teNVl,‘iith seven tons of freight, among which ,was forty three thousand- bushels of corn for. New York. • Another barge, with.-twenty,-Six thousand bushels ell corn far the &amides tination is now •there. All this dorn came from points on the Illinois. river. the Superior-Court at -Baltimore; on Saturday, thajury returned a verdict for defendants in the case .of Adolphus Bran dies'and William' W. CraWford, of ville, agaiust,tho Baltimore and Ohio 11.111- road, 'to' recover lift'eenn thousand dollars damages for alleged' failure. in /865. t 4- de liver 3,300 barrels of hour and 128 tons -ship stuffs in Balthnore in reaseinable tirtia.' —On Friday night of last week, a man, supposed, om fr: papers found on his person, . . to be James Finnegan,,.ort his way- from • Canada to Serantom Pa., stabbed three per sons on the train on which ho Was a passen ger just before reaching the depot at • Ballit lo. Ile was arrested and was thought to he insane. The persons stabbed by 'him were .not daugoronalyininred.' - ' ....10101 W - 'Arnold; Secretary of the Hope Insurance Conpany, has . been arrested-at Louisville, Ky., on a warrant sworn out, by I/. G. Illy, President of the company, chargfrigArnerd ciTitli,:the',ek r ibezelement of seven `dollars - of the 'cOin ,, any's funds. lily gave bail to the amount of —A fire Saturday night on the second floor_ of .451 Broadway, ibiew York, occupied by lkfalory &Hewitt, dealers in cloaks and nutntillas, althougiLproutptlyextinguisbed,. 'caused &make by fire and water to the building and stocks to the amount of 12,0tX); fullyinsureth —ln the ICentucky Ildurbon ease the Grand Jury - at' - New York have .found, in dictmonts againfit Denial Isicssnfor,e; C.``A. Sanborn, Allen. S P'inkham, E. C. Vrest,,c. Highland °hallos sanawn. —Tho anew stunt at Iliiltititdpiii s a iii4aisr ated af74 ~raging twenty r hciurit.' Drills in sowe places wore fifteenifect. The railroads were bacilv blocked, and-no 'trains - arrived from the West A . • large three story, brick dtfelling at the caklatid race track,' Louisville; owned by 8; IliTliornts,' wow destroyed by fire Satur(lay,i nvo.lving a loiis of 45 - MO. —The propeller Taylor, from' Newarek „ Saturday: evening, arrived ! at Albahy at eleven Sunday. She encountered little ice, and the river is now opened., Thu shingle factory of ".ramr.‘k L. Smith, near the dad or . tite•No. th 'was destroyed : by ilre Saturday night. lARB f20;000; insured (Or The Albany F.Tourital, of last Pl'ilaay evening,r,states-.that- Govpruer fenton'has finally deelded to .reiliso pardon to young Ketchum, the forgerTi o . ' :-,'" . • !_9 1 * ( 10 1 99 ,- 9f HenrYSzkr/tont of San Franelseo, is announced. Llitbiji `ties notsliatert` 'ktneeting' of: hiSi - nreators ;will /I°l 4 -, t 0 4 4 3' , • ' 3 I Bills er4tipetltitiisuMiiietitounliMon7 or and repealing have passetibothliiintes,on-thii California ptYt'rd• iznao atlferitlan'COnn.; hoe iu:boo toiaid F._ 12 .* 4 VAE 4 ,-. l 4 l . l triell. Am/ ngi„ 145,0 w; Oc,o0o; • • 23, 18 Lary Se ritnesses "Klan. ' 21, 1868. *The Pittsburgh Conference still occupies Alio front rank in the missionary work of our - Church and has the honor of having. :more representatives in the missionary field than any other Conference. ,We are confident that our, noble. Conferenee will take no backward'steps in this great work of even-, gelizing the - world. After the dismissal of the public' eongre talon the members of the Conference-Ms-.-• sionarrSociety elected the following offi cers for the ensuing year : Rev. W. P. Turner, President, and Rev. Joseph Horner Secretary. • The session thismorning was opened with religious services, conducted by J. K. Mil ler, for many yeara agent of the - Young Men's Bible Society of Pittsburgh. • Tho Bishop announced to the. Conference the death ; on Sabbath evening last, of • elfarle.s Slinpson, eldest son of Bishop Simpson, and a committee of three, con sisting of Dr. W. A. Davidson, A. J. Ends ley and. S. P. 'Woolf, wereappointed to draft resolutions epresstve of .the sense of the Conference. - • , W.ll. Tibbles, T.-Mustardey andlj. D. - I . lon Were grantednsupernunaerary.relation. rOmmittees on Temperance, Cente -1 nary. of :Methodism, and Statb of the Corm -11.17',' presented their reports, which. were i reul and 'adopted." ' • -- • The, report of`the Committee •on Preed -IMen's Aid Societyavas presented; read, and • on motion laid on the table for further 'con ' sideration. I The Stewards presented their. report, in I:part, after whicli an hour - was appointed for thOselaiving . 2'stateritents to make bearing '. -901 ‘4 46 ; 6150- 444rnalltt.P a' • 44; .etveseintiattrU4' ‘.• it without delxite. "The hour of nine ha.ving arrived; - the Or - der of the day, namely, the election of dele gates to the Annual C'onfereni, was taken up. J. W. Baker, T. -N. Boyle,. S. 211. Hickman, W. B. , llTatkixis and I. C. Persil ing Were appointed tellers to collect and count the votes.. Deep interest has been felt the restilt, and at the appointed hour the house was iilled, with the inenibers and spectator:4. The 'result of the first ballot was as follows: Whole number of, Totes cast,- le(i.necessary to a cheice, 911; . S. 11. Nesbit treiived 15S. Thomas M. Hudson, 2 Ile; D. L.; 101; Dr. N. Hartslicirn, 97; C. Pershing, .96—and all were de clareddnly elected." • I One hundred and eighty votes were cast ,on second ballot. Necessary. :to r. choice, ninety 7 one. A. J. Endsley received one t hundred and one and was declared duly G.elected. • The same number were -east on third ballot, of which Dr.H..3llller. re ceiv~ed one hundred and eleven, and., was deelared duly elected. `- I omitted to state that .the grand total of the centenary contributioris•ny - 'the minis tors and laymeh of the Conference amounted to:the grand total of nearly *six hundred - thbusand dolkre. These figures. speak for s . themselves and • need no comment. The , grand total. contributed by, the - denomina [ tion will reach the magnificent sum of I•eight millions of dollars. It is a Marvel of liberality and may well challenge. coinpari son In the history of the christian church." flu' second question was resumed, . and Andrew M. Gregg and= andßanson S. Strahl were examined, passed and continued on en ,The reports of the Committees en pi!.t, hiirglf.Ohrisanti iztchiicate, Parsonages, and ,C'entenary Pund, ivere read* and Adopted. The report on the pittsburgh'ChKstfart Ad vocate was very gratifying:‘,'rhepaper ALMS `been' steildihr gaining in public 'River, ••add inerea.singin pat'renage, and is' among the most ablY condneted - in the connection: .•' - 'The following resolution,' adopted by a rising vote, which was given with awAii, will indicate the estimation in which Dr. - Nesbit, the able editor, is held . by his brethren: Resolved, That our delegates be and they are hereby instructed to, use their influence to have Dr. Nesbit continued as editor' of the Pittsburgh Cilkstfern Advocate. - Need we add anything to this and to. the complimentary vote, given him froniGen eral conference? is , Privilege was given to ,congregations in several localities to dispose of churchprop. orty. It is a romarkable_fact that in the history ors hundred years ; this dencimina. thin, netwithStandingits earlY.,..poVeirt3r, - never dispaSed; - of apy proPerty save by 'the voluntary act of its merribers. Tillat),g,reater - or the business . `ok the Conferen'ce Is 'disposed of, titeappointmefits •aro.,lidarly -'mails; and' the body will close its session:- on. ' , Monday. iNotwithstatiding,lho- exciternentiincident I , triAhrieletitiou of delegates, great- harmony •alld-go9d feeling have, prevailed,' and the momben4 Will return to their fields of labor each, other by. stronger_. ties than 'over bof4ro F ßishop_. Kingly, A :•• >tlt: has , :greatii endeared himself 'to all by ,lirbanity, court - eons bearing: and fine 'filnl . itips as a,:presidin g 'officer. - ' ' ' ' . , YourlixTrespoi;edont Cantiot'tloso,)lbese liastilyTl•ratiarcid lettetkivithotit returning, thinlo3? to the Ticket - Agent4d Greensburg .and Other, employes tbfi:thcrPeixinSylvani3 Railio4d,froliguntyalets orcoattesSrs and tnhis iost,lltr.,i„ . Dirney,lok.tho splendid E 4 an ci train. k; , unIP. tf,Rifigdcdfifi!OAPFlng,,Mt so tr fY.f"!."n?.; he •Rtonni.C allow 'fferin , Over , claeqtrillat r biro& azeivedlarathrirlitade 'are )3o* f2-,rJtiatik;titiailiiiiailliaaig24=-Theitinrcials- 1 are now cledr of anottla:Titiiiiiii are riless as usuaL • • ' - 111:ErrIIODIST CONFERENCE Pittsburgh Annual Conference of the M. E. Church. [Special Correspondence tif the Pittsburgh Gazette.] GiEENsnuno' March 21, IE6B. The ..kruaiversary of the Pittsburgh Con ference Missionary Society *s hold On last evening RobertHesni lton, President, in the chair. ' . - • The opening exercises were conducted by Revs. R. Hopkins and H. Miller, after which 'adgregses weredelivered by 4eVS. F. S. Do , . Hass, of Washington ,City, N. 'Norton and J. \i.-Green, of the Erie ConfereriCe. These distinguished sPeakers Were . large audience by the audience Which_filled the chure over - lloWing. The' last addreSs Was especially linppy and produced a deep impression. ' The following is the report of .the .Mis sionary receipts, for the -past'year by Dis tricts. • Missionary contributionS of Pittsburgh Conference for the year 1868: .Districts. Increase. Deereme Pittsburgh, - 810,19243 51,983 21 81air5vi11e.........3,254 70 5 419 56 Uni0nt0wn . ........ 2,29210 / 132 02 Washington ..... 2,023,00 45 . 87 Barnesville 1,194 54 80 88 Cambridge 1 733 82 - 129 06 M'Connellsville 998 36, • 34 53 Steubenville ..... 4,02.5 63: 490 12 . Allegheny 3,593 20. 369 . 74 -TotalB 829,307 84 $8,13.5 27 82,768 ; By tliis it win ne seen that the' aggregate !, missionary contributionS for the past year is $29,307.44, a decrease of $631..28 from last-: year. Petroleum—Memorial. to Congress. The National ~ Celivention . of Producers and Manufacturers• of_Petroleum,, held in 'Pittabtirgh, appointed the under,: signed a Committee to present to Congress, the conclusionswhich were reached by the, , Convention, respOting the taxation of that - article. Those conclusions are, indicated in the printed pape which is herewith'site . , mitted, and clean i express the views of the - . „ - • Convention, that ' , .;if; in` the `judgment of Congress, it, is not possible .to . raise -the -; requisite amount o 1 revenue by it , tax on luxuries, it is the very extreme of injustice to desi,gpate a single article. of Manufacture not a TuituT, to .bear an.-undue' proportion of the delicienev,. especially when the arti cle , enters Sii. • largely . into consumption -' among the pobrer ellisiesi• and is to them 21.4 much an artiole:xif prigre_ngee§sity meat.. or flour._ .The popu/4 idea that petroleum is a natural •produckidn without-coat ; ' - and therefore an appriipriate subject for extreme taxation, is wholly erroneous. In its crude state it haslittle commercial' value, except for the in-Pose of mannfactlife, and if it: had it is not deriVed froin the earth without large expepditure both of Money and labor., The flowing wells, Which so aStonished the world a few years since by their enormous spontaneous production. are almost entirely unlmown at the p3eseht,time, and the oil is now mostly obtained by the laberions and' - expensive process of pumping from wells,: Ni - hich yield an .average daily product of not. more tham eighteen; barrels. If you - add the cost of production the expense of refining the oil and placing it in the market;; r you have .increasedthe value of the crudo • material more than four hundred per cent., The irresistible conclusion - from:these prem-. ises is, that any tax upon 'refined oil, is a, direct burden upon the productive labor cif, the country, and not, in any proper sense, upon a natural; spontaneous production of the earth. Illuminating • gas, manufactured from coal; bears a similtir relation to' coal, that Refined oil does to Crude. - GaSs is used sively in cities and large towns, and for the most .part lights the houses of the opulent. Re'fined' oil, goat into consumptionmainly • in the , country, and' is .einphatieally - "the poor 1111111'S light." It would seem, that if either article were selected to bear a heavy tax, - it should be the' former. Yet, as' a matter .of fact, the specific • tax upon gas amounts to less than seven per cent. of its average cost, while that upon -Refined Pe troleum, is not less_ than one hundred per cent. of its cost. • • . When we,consider the'. enormous amount of money which hasbeen expended in Sink: ing-wells, not • more than , :one:i.n twenty-of which prove prciduCtive, it will appear that Crude Oil has been prodyced at a cost and risk much greater in - proportion than either iron or coal, andits matinfactureis carried on with more hazardlo the capital employ edlhan any other biisiness in the world. i. It is also true that thebinilliesa of refining • oil • is- more-seriously etribarra.ssed amide :pressed at the uresent,time thanalmolt ?Ay other branch o? Mantifacturei,-wreasciwof the excessive taX,- the: heavv expetise•ol)re.- pealed inspection_ and the complicated bonded, warchousp,.slsteni which the tax seems to redder necessary, as well as by-the very hinvy:ComPetitionavliich the Aineri-• .can refiner meets at :home,. through the' large amount sold' in the' 'market - which; by-iarliatia deViees,•escapeS::theltax, - , and abroad:A-1y .the-!anperior,. advantages .. stialett 4l o-. l,, Nap..roMier•has in ruing rr'bitr ciivrrepm,lll ecinselnenteofthing-. er Tabor, capital;•fuel, ‘lbar.• refs. The _extent to which therdepressiori of our business has reaehed, 'is apparent lit j - the well known 'fact that Some of the .most perfect and well-situated oil - refineries are closed- and: for - , sale at less than one-half their cost, and very.few, if any; of the large ones - are 1 - tinning at -more than:one-half - _their • aipadity..• ' . • If it be asked why the tax now imposed • on refined oil operates to the prejudice CT the'refiner: when it is- added to the cost of the oil,- and therefore comes, out of the con sumer,. we. reply, that the ,expenses inci dental to the collection' Of the tax—such as. inspection fees, bonded warehouse- eharg:es, ctp.; together with the .additional laborthus made - , necessary in handling and' taking • care of the oil, ancl' the leakage resulting ' -therefrom, especially' in the 'case of oil in tended • for export—would alone, if . they could ~be saved to the ,refiner, yield' him a - fair profit upon his mannfactUre;• greater, it • is believed," thanthe -majority of refiners ' have derived from, their business during the lasf year. - Moreover, the removal of the tax will at once destroy the ruinous coM p e3 tion.whieh results from the manufacture 9f . • fraudulent and dangerous oil, Which, by an • evasion of ,he tilt, now controls the dcinaeS tic, market: .It would also, greatlY stimu late and increase the consumption of.oil, • because a safe article would 156 furniShed at a greatly 'reduced price; `so that the refiner ies of the - countrv•,winch : are now idle, or running, at half-Choir capacity, would ,find eiriPlOYmerit,• and 'the" 'Millions of capital invested in them- , now unproduetiVe ' and. - w hiCh -must , ',ultimately prove :;valueless ' should the present State of things' continue • =Will again become remunerative -•Slid bringing into active requisition its iitdilstrial labor. i We do, therefork most eartie:Stly remon strate against the poiltkin which has beer' takeni , thatthe interest which we,represeat shullJJe ex - eluded, from ,the Class of mann laCtures with WhiCh legitimatelk belongs, and selected .for 'peculiar and-oppressive burdens. 'We submit, that, if larger..rev ,i3nue is needed than can ~be realized front Ithe Proposed tics "upon luxurles, the drifi - elm"; should:be , so adjusted` that .each de ,partment • of tuanutacturing enterprises should bear its fair and' equitable propur tiom: and we , Am - 111d- respectfully: suggest that, insuchlt contingency,. an ad pralarma tai ,properly, 'distributed, would be More 'easily and ' econonfically"•collected Ethan a specific tax. ` 2 lii the case of oil, it iNeould re move the :necessity of inspactom and „tire , complicated machinery of the boniledware r'house system,' with' its expensive outlays, :Whack-impose so hiliwy a burden. upon,A,Ts, without pontributisg, anything whatever-to the revenue of the. Governinent, the :entire amount going to the army of its - officials ,arid , entplayes. :It would . ' also ules° the tloor, to,the fraudulent evasion of the law which has" now beCOMQ so okurrion,' and tiS'We:believe,•l:* far mdse equitable, Taud .thereibra, more satisfactory thou.:tile system which now obtains, • -„; • commira.T.' ' • , Clevelditcl-:-Dan., - P. Colls f IL IkliEllig'lor) W. C. Rit , ts'burgh-.4ames, ,A. Hutchirison, Charles Lockhart, - David Kirk, T. W. ,Davis, W. H. Edgerton, ft: , S. 'Wa ring, aohit Fisher, IL M. Long -, BoSton —Satrtuel• liowner, James Adams, Ch. cu. barter. - Toth:ileum Center, Rah- Crank 'Pa , O. "-Fisher: ' Weit.Vir Jackson, sTr.,,H. -3i.Juckson. Heilry' W, Sp Bair), , 'Grisoont, Dittnel iller, rJr N ew-Xo*—rgßsiablkilleY,4iT. 4 A,NFioices, ..g e bfose I§norre,rTh,lert,M l lir,..lli3rzrt„ 1 _ 7 -111 e, e..5.416iti0p or quitatitssln; th, 1 .„, ) , 1 ' otht•fit'Et:Totds.on'satilietay. night, has . Talpeinitineiciuelv;atteridtidAt i fi r iZ i '• 1— , 1 ,,, i bare ~T , • ►greeniuwerouelyzattendtidTt;han-eriq, shim fiStl Y aroTliiis.4' luMedabo utuue au - • 6 p l an . fr i dn i h rei tid . ani ,.,.,-- preseat. duced himself eleven pounds, - " 3311123P Le* MEM HO!!