ti: IRON WORKS JAE. Pres't, prrrsirruGH FORGE AND IRON CO., 'SAN tTAC=tERS Bar Iron; Railrnad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled: Railroad Car Axles Hammered • Lodomative Fran* es: Locomotive Frame Shapes; „Side BodS; . Yokes, Straps; • Piston Heads; Steamhoat Shafts: Steamboat .Cranks: Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars,, AT. Office r No. 177-PENN STREETv P . GRUFF; BYERS 46 . .£0.4 , - . DIAIiUYACTUREP.S OF • i Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, • o \ WR UCHT IPON, h•on Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Water, Sx. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office, No. 93 Wafer Si., PITTSSURGH, Pa uM:c.W Ti ENSLNGrTO IRON WORKS . LLOYD N & KAM 3tANUFACTU'RERS OF Best t oinnion, Refined, Charcoal AND J A... UNIATBLOOM IRON.- ~ . . . . MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP. BAND. T and ANGLE IRON. • BOILER PLATE and-SHEET IRON: ; MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON - . SMALL T RAILS. 20 and 16 to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. "FLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. ' NAILS AND SPIKES. • Warehouie and Office' at the Works. GREES OUGH STREET, (a continuation of -First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works. Pittsburgh. . . T EIIIOOIII, PRESTON 66 Pennsylvania Iron TiVorks, REl3l7litioik; JAMES NELSON INDUSTRIAL WORKS. STEEL WORKS. 1. 'HIG - 1i.111.1 BOLE & CO., Q.KEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. 1 - founders, Engine Builders and Machinists,. SINGER i HECK & CO- make to order MARINE AICD LAND STEAM EN i GNF.S. of all sexes. warrAntkql to give satisfaction. .9 1 CASTINt:•:. of every deberlption: made to order. . I JAMES NELSON, Snirt.. . ....... It. Rota:. Foreman. "ASNUFACTLIREES OF Maeltin Shov, corner I'OINT ALLEY and DI:- QUI:L.-NE WAI. Foundr). - ....N05. .5 . 2, and 54 Third BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, stre t.uvo VlTTlltritl:ll. PA. L in 3 .-----‘-- -- Square, Flat and Octagon, of all sizes. mow .BILAJVC FOUNDRY. • . Itir.T.„ MuLAy, Cincrt,..xr., , . GANG . AND. CEOSS - CCT 1 4.-771-ButZer Street, .S'inth Warg, , ----- Warehouse, IN.To . s. 166,aud 167' FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela house, pYTTSBLTtGA. aptit:(l6 • SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND SEIII-ELLIPTIC RAILWAY SPRINGS; CAST sneoal STEEL, Cast and German Plow Steel, FLOW AXL E MOWER BARS: • • SPRING and STEEL TIRE: SICKLE. SIIOWEL. HOE, MAIM, PORK, TUB. CALK and r - MACHINERY CAST STEEL:. CROW BARS:, &c., &c., &c. Warehouse, .83 Water. Street, Pittsburgh. selB:k4 ' - • PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS• - ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD & Manufacturers of the BEST REFINED CAST. STEEL ; SQUARE, FLAT and OCTAGON. of all. sizes: SAW PLATES, HOE, FORK and SKEET CAST STEE L: CAST STEEL for , •. Rietiping and Mowing Machines, Steel Plow Wings, Circulars, Cast and Common Plow & Spring Steel Office—Comer-FIRST ANT) ROSS STREETS, two blocks above the Monongahela Rouse. MILLER, BARR & PAIMLN. GENERAL 'PARTNERS: - Wit ISIET - CALF, = • REUBEN 'MILLER, GEO. W. BARR, I CIiAS..PARKIN. SPECIAL PARTNER-,S. 3.rEILEB. CRESCENT STEEL yV.ORKS, 33A1111 , t` f Office, No. 38 Wood Street, Gllal fel4:d4B D imuFsniE_ Iron and Steel Works COLEMAN, RAHM & CO., Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles, Steel, &c. WAREHOUSE: No. 77 Water Street, PITTSBURGH BLACK DIAMOND .SIMEL WORKS. PARK, BUMMER & CO. 3froaufaCtrirers of all descriptions of gg a r i 3M SLII. Otflce andesouisel 120..122. 124 SECOND and 119 and 111 V LIISTST ItEETd, F ' PITTSBIIBOK _ IRON CITY MILLS. ROGERS & SURCHFIELD f . . llanufactoiers of. REFINED, CIIABCOAL„ JU .NIATA.an4I'OLISUED CAST STEEL. , Office andWarebouse, No. 22 'MARKET ST. =I EU LA LE SUPERIOR OWES KILL AND SICELTING , WOLVI, , - E l Fgre nit PARICI UccPRDY & Co Idanttfactnrers of 7Blientldw:_,_,Drarlers an Pol Btono AoPPer. Presied Copper- Boumms, Balsocrat lll Dot- I _____24 tome Speller Bolder. Also, Importersand Dealers , r;A cpcsAkrjoi l falpi,l . M!!9W lo ,s -r i rs In natal, Tin glate, Sheet Iron. riri_ _Alt, .... ,, "-;",••• atantrytortand Pinne , llfiiehlnesAnamooll. . To arder or bl ,t , ti! oar load! Via W . 1:..1 1 -1;.. 34 7., •:....k. . ___ . Warebonse, - rich 11.40;71118T.BATMET 11 ,4/ ~ ..0 ware a- • • '. '• , --, -),• -, --;:,. .Izs ..1.1-3 I diatOoNDISTKELT4 Pltaatrorga , ;= 1.. , . i iii § t i _.. __,.,., j. M 1 -7.. n -Spoblallrrders °Mapper out talltnialo iin . ,_. 010isplin 41,poph Atnnevw v.., Flo Sr • . FOIINDERS BEACEUNTSTS. E FORT PITT ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth "Nara, W. P. PottTzn, Supt THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works` are among the largest anc moat complete e r :tahllshments in the West, and are noa prepared to inrnl6h NATIONAL FOUNDRY . . . AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sinailman..Streets , (NINTH WARD, ) PITTS.I3TIIIGrI - I , 1111.. MnOufaottircr of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, • . FOP.' ,GAS AND WATER WORKS. My Pipes are all cast invariably In Pits, In dry satal, and 15 feet lengths. Also. full assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. 'I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. fel6:tlo.. PITTSILIVEGH , NANITFACTUTIERS OF COPPER Prr , rE3lstlnca 3 . Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tanks Sheet Iron Work Castings Bolling 31111 t'n.stin,274 Engine Castings. Machine Castings. Gftneral Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED = THE KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO. EIKAT/LES KNAP, President.. J. M. KNAP. %lee President. - 0. IVIETCAI.I , , See'y and Trens - r. J. K. WADE, EllidlleCr. J. G. KNAP, General Mrinager.. aIItECTOUS: JAMES B. MURRAY, of Lyon, Shorb Co A. E. W. PAINTER, of J: Painter S: C. B. HEREON. of Spang. Chalfant R Co. THOS. S. BLAIR. of Shoenberger t Co. WM. METCALF, of - Haer. Barr , - - ltA' rFACTLItE:LS OF Rolling Mill and Blast Machinery RETORTS: and CASTINi..S. of every descslptlon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. • .11."4 • 'AND DOCTOR.' ENGINES. BUCCeSSOrd to nOtsiNsON, Mr - Nis & MILLEIIF, CASTINGS..of all descriptloni. made to order. NISTASHI.GTON woRKs, ROBINSON, REA CO., -..- . FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3URGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En- glus. as Engines. 31111 Machinery, nearing. JAMES M. BITER. Shafting,. Cast intn , Of all descriptions; 011 Tankkand 1 ' B ITER. Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Mork. Office, tio. VI, corner First and Smitlitield Streets. ' Agents for GIFGAE-15"S PF.TEST INJ-Ec. ail in for feeding Boilers. e Anil -__ ._. ....HUNTER 011 it. ..A. B. BOLE. (Opposite tuion Iron Mins, ) Bolling ,Bill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE - SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, 3LACTILNERY AND CA-sTINGS GE:NV:RAILS • Orders promptly 3114 carefully executed. • Charges reasonable. EBBERT S NACKLIND. oCiSa'=4 BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE Sr, MIS: Office and Warehonse, ep, Wood Stieet. llanufacture and Ueepzonsttintly on band Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON' DOSES, DOG MONS, bITGAR -KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE-, Castings generally. JOHN RONEY, IMOLA FOUNDRY, Carson St., Ninth Ward, near. A.. V. R. R. . - MAlli-UFACTUREIi OF HAAMER DIES, STEEL IdOULDS, ROWil g MU and Maelilne Castlap . generally. innNG‘‘elZ an r e g eo :C r t e so eiandcareirc atnrN;xeuZ CENTRA.L FOUNDRY AND - ROLL. WORKS, sso Pcxm et,reet. BOLIZIAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. . . Chill Rolls, 10111 Castings, Roll Lathes, &c. FULTON MACHINE WORKS. Esi•Ant,isftgn IN 1636. Manufactory of STEAM ENGINES. of all sizes and of the most approved patterns, for stationary purposes ; STENMBOATS d STEAM.. FERRI" BOATS. A variety of 10, l a end 16 horse power ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced prices. P. F. GEISSE, Wellivino, 0. Fitly miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohlo Jiver, anh2nd line of C.. 1 P. It. nol IRON BROKERS. SAMUEL M. WICKERSMA.M. IRON BROKER, 124 ,First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. so lck e t , fg a tl i g '3 c t fig= l O w n all AtPin ° l7gp b e l,mo°lr o c tid g Z and other brands of Anthrs'elte, Youghiogheny Coke and C.U. Charcoal PZG I.IIA3NS. Consignments and orders respectfully solicited, JAMES B. JONES, • DEALtri SCRAP IRON, LICHT IRON, Cast and Wrought Iron, Rope, U. '- Corner ANDERSON STREET and RIVER. AVE NUE:, Allegheny City. WEST COMMON - , , Arc/chine -Stone .IVork4l, . . .., iiarthwest corner of West Common, "Allegheny. • FREIPIE ATVA.TER & CO. Save on hand Oipionare'onlahort 'll (Alec Hearth and Step Stones. Flags for Sidewalks, Brewery 'Vaults, ,tc. Mead and'forairßtones, ao. Orders prom • tly executed. Prices reasonable. STONE QUABUY, tuinistaii troni the PITTSBI. 7 RGII OAZET:f.E : SATTJJthAY. MARCH 2_1„ ; 1$68. • 'BOILER, STILL AND TAIVK WORKS: CARROLL & SNYDER, DOUBLE-FLEED TIYIII7EAR, FIRE BOX ANJ CYLINDER . STLASI BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND. OIL TANKS. - CHLNINEY6, BREECHING AND ASIE PANS, SETTLING PANS. SALT I' DNS AND- CON DE N SERS ST E A.M GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES:. PRISON , DOORS AND COAL SHUTE'S • Office and Warehouse. corner . Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, Sir Orders sent to the above address *ill be prontutl attended to. . Wl7Ol MORROW B. RAM:RILL --JAS. BLAIR O'HARA BOILER WORKS. -MORROW BARNUM CO MAN CVACTC ItF.IIS OF Steam Boilers, Oil,Stills, Agitators, SALT PSIS, GASOMETERS, 'WROUGHT IRON HRIDGES, SIIEET IRON WORK, &c. Car, Liberty and Second SU., • • PITTSBURGH'. PA. REPAIRING promptly done. lyl:b2 BAUNHILL Si. CO., • BOILER. MAKERS • AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Having secured a large vard and furniali de it wth the 1110 At approved maclicnery, we are prepared i to manufacture everY description of BOILERS in the best manner, •and :warranted equal to any made in the• country. Chimneys, Breeching. Fire Bed's, Stemit Pipes, Locomotive Boilers. Condenser , . Salt Pans. Tanks. Oil Stills. Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller Iron. Bridges. Sugar Pans. and sole maim facmrers of Barnhill's Patent - .11011er.. Repairing done on the shortest notice. TIOBERT. LEA, MAN t:FACTURI . : II OF Steam Engines : and Boilers, Corner of First and Ferry Streets, rAL it 111.1: Or IRON OIL TANKS, SF-TTLINAi-;'11-1.011'11•1 STOVES, CASTINGS,,&C COOK STOVF.S. A PITT?P>ritGI{. B/S%_EILIA t% CO.'►B Warranted to C,ook, Bake or Roast us ~ - • well as any other Stove in the-Unlou. 112311 STONE. X CrACTritERS PITTSBURGH, Pa NOS. 20. 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST FREIGHT HOISTERS, PITT:•1;1_71:Gli. PA G 6 and 56 Water Street', _Nos PITTSUritGIi. M‘). i MILL AlO SHEET WOWif CET THE BEST. TRT_IJX.r. PH, FOB. BITUMINOUS BISSELL & CO., N0:5235 Lilerty street. Also oa hand and for !sate. . . • rAtumusrovEs. . • IS.EATING STI.)VEs. • . GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS • . COtIEAN 0 RANGES. it c GRFAT FAMILY COVVENI v." k' A new and novel arraugement for haring Hot Water ..Bailers Attached to the back end Of common Cook Storm , . so that the waste blaze which goes tip the ',tore pipe heats all the water needed in an ordinary •Ized.fain. Hy. by passing the blaze directly through the boiler, which bits over the pipe hole of the stove. •Thi.s new ntrangonent ..an be put Ott to any O. 7. 9or 9 common Cooking Stove. of anv manaacture. Any 1 perbon having a Tlittrhl 111. • VICTORY, ULACh t)AK. ByAuTY or UNION STOVE. or aimowl. any other Cook Stove made In the Union, can have 8011, , crA altaelied to their Stove., lueluding the Attach ; mode r at e BaltOr and 1.1.1.. and illbh Cock, for the , cost of 87. by applying to .`BISSELL & CO., No. 233 Liberty ittreet, Pittsburgh. Manufacture r 6 of the TRIUMPH COOK STOVE. CHEAPEST rPLACE in the city TO BUY TIM TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Ia at No. T4l) GRANT STREET. HARDWARE LINDSEY, STERRIT & EtVER,' Manufacturers and Importers of HARDW CUTLERY, &C. 337 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER or ,wAYNT.. One Square Below Union Depot, PITTSBURGH. Ser Agents for FAIRBAXES! SCALES 1711.18 SIYIANNI . .PiPTII ST.; bet. Tunnel & (lhathani SU • Onntingth and; Dealer in Hardware: .11rit -class goods - of all Aeseriptions a lways on arefu I i ili n d and s old at short the low ceest prices., Bdpairinir don e lly noti. jew:d . , gealeilotiTelilib3 Ana 111;amirest NO. B 701:17.141 'STUMM, 3 Ortlia# 3 l -Therr- 1 . 3 . 0 1 00 "! 7,4 3 •.42 , iwt ; TAmtirtic. , W 5 .1TIVart 7,0 ›. • ••• HART, CAUGHEY & CO., • BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third' and Wood Streets, , (SUCCESSORS TO . ria:s..•..N Exchange, Col Aud p'artleular attention p sale • COVERNME Sight X)rafts o HOLMES & :ONS, N. Market . Street, Deposits received in Par Funds - and Curreney.. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Cauadas. Stocks, Bonds and . othcr Securities .nouGur AND SOLD ON COM - MISSION.. .Particniar attention paid to, the purchase and sale of United States Seenrities, INCLE'DING 11. S..SIXFS OF 1881: ' do - . do 5-20 s; U. S. FIVES 10-40 s. S. cErttateA.TEs OF INDEBEVEDNESS. Orders and Vouchers bought or collected. ja3G:al --- OFFICE OF THE PITTSBT_IROH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, March 20, 1868. i The opening quotation for gold -rather favored a decline; the market was weak at 138 1 , to 138% until noon, when from lower quotations of bonds in London and more ease in the loan Markel, the premixim jumped from 138% to 138% with large pur chases; towards the. close, the market waS easier but steady.: „ • Government bonds were dull and tending -downward during the week, which was ac counted for by the large sales of bonds made by_Commodore Vanderbilt on a weak; !. market, in order to better sustain his posi tion in the Railroadrstruggle. between the I . ... Erie and New York Central cliques. At 1 1 the close the market improved About 3; per I I cent. for 5-20 s, and , g for 7-30.5. If the I present prics are maintained ' for a few days, then the market may advance before the close of the month, but on the first a I . larga!amount of-bonds is likely to come on the Market to meet maturing obligations. Storks are fluctuating , but Western PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. shares and Fort Wayne have improved two • ---- - • . per cent.. within a few days. The stock OFIFCE OF THE PITTSBURGH ‘ GrXzET_ GAZETTE,- per , - Ii; ,• i.market is in the same condition as the bond SATURDAY, March 21, iz66B. • I CRUDE--The market for Crude is firm, N. li..—Thlt Bank wlll'open for Uniine..4.4. between I thiirket. The amount of currency afloat on i the lir.d and" fifteenth of April. In the room 'lately and prices are still tending • upward. W e occupied tiy A. McTitthe. ileeel,vl, as a Banking : April 'lst will decide the current of! the House. oppo.*lte the cathectrAt. .4 E can report a sale of 1000 bbls for March - or market. ' • . Agi- The Stock Rooks will remain open for sub- 1 . , '.. _ April, seller's option, at43%a; and 5000 ; - for s e riptions until that time at the ottiee of the Seere- Money is very scarce, but good nusiness ~•,, trry NO. Mt Fifth StriWt. ' : MAW TIDO . ' May at 9 1 /,c.. June ina.‘. : be quoted at -9;,,