-4.4II3IThWILDIETAL:DLWKEE, Chicagg Market. . : - . ,. .. , :F..- - -.. , :::j. -.1:::_,--....... ny - Telegraph to the Plitslntrgo Gazette.) • Orr.tOrOr IsiT.P.t.rrsTalton GAzeirzTE FainAy, :Kiarch(2o fB6B - - - 1 : - .CmicAno, 'March 2D—Flour in fair -re , I quest; sales of. .spring extras at f. 4 8,25a9,25, -The market has been comparatyely quiet : low grades to fair 89,40a10 for fair to choice. 1 'during this past week, the sales, OOinpared Wheat active and firm; ~,1,90a1,903, fo r .A. lcr o. • •4, 'with last week, showing a material falling 2, closing at 1,9034. Corn steady and firm; I off, but with very light arrivals and ali *- sales of new at 81 5-BaB2 and No Pat 85t4a86. - ted su Oats quiet and steady at 57a57 7-8 for iegu pply, prices are firm and fully main- lax; receipts - and 59a59 1 ‘ for fresh. CloVer 44"ed- “ . Foundry Irons are in. better de-seed quiet. Rye dull; sales No. lat ;14,69. ida ANTHRACITE nd. ,W llcui e qnote folloting:Sales; Barley firm at 10a12higher, $2,45a2,50 for No. 2. 'Provisions firmer;_ Mess Pork, sales - . tio tons Grey Forge tss6 00— cash , 4e. and prime do. at 2k. Lard is firmer : , BLOOM: 12ii held at 15:3-Ic. with sales of country' ' lir JS of country at 50 'tons Charcoal $9O 00— cash 5-1-4. Shoulders are active and firm at'loe; ' Brrumm - us COAL SMELTED FROM . LASE SC- , weet -pickled hallig are firm at 14-1-1114-3-4. yEitron out:,hogsDressed are steady; small sales -to 100 tonS.Mediurp. rrey- Forge $37 25-4 mos retail trade - at $9,50a10. - Live hogs, 15a20c. 100 n-.' 11 .. "'ll 66' 37 50_4 mos . lower' ' $7,15a8,83; common to choice assort -209 " Common Forgc 35 00 _ 4 mos ed. lots. Receipts -3762 bbls. flour; 6075 50 " Inferior;.--deliv. at fur. 31 50-1-4 mos bush. wheatr 12,455 bushcorn; 3;074 bush its; '4073 live hogs; 204 dressed - hogs. 1000 " Medium Forge at fur. 35 00=-4 mos 57 " Common Forge; at Shirnnents-7353 bbls ' flour; 471 bush . —.... . . . ___ _. _ , ..- r d - . $35.00-r6 Anos .l wheat; 1468 bush'oats: 2730 live hops. 100 4, Good Medium Eorge, , - 1 ',-. , , r, at furnace _ 34 00— cash " •-- cleveland - Mark - et. 00 44 Open Grey Forge, Cny:Telegrdphtb the'rittsburgh Gttzette.) ' from yard 3S 00-=4 mos . C4Vp.,±;a.tr'n,' - March 20..-Flont quiet, 200 " Open Grey Forgo, at ; firm and Uncluitiged; donble extra spring at ?;furnace - • -• , • - ... 34,50-.30 d's $10a1.125; double extra red whiter at *511,50, . 1000 " -Open Grey Foige;fay. a 13,50; double extra " white at $13a14,50. ,brand, lot another Wheat firm and unchanged, and, the de, market . p. t. hand is fair for car lots; saleS Of No. 1 red. CI-IN RCOAL. , winter atV -, 583 0 130- No. 2'do at $2 45- No. 1 100 tons=llanging. Rork $44 00-6 mos s_pring held at $2,30; choice amber at 12,62. .50 " , liilnglug ; Rock -- - 44 00-0 xgos Corn dull and heaVy, opening at $l,OO, but_ 100 ' (4 INT•i. 1 Foundiy.. , : - ' 47 00-4 Toy Closing weak with free sellers at "-that fig= 50 " No. 1 Foundry 48 00-4 mos ure. Oats unchanged and quiet; Nal State 'lOO " No. 2 Eouudry 45 00-5 mos firm at 70c-from store,,,lt . .ye- r tlie stock is 100 44 No. 2 Foundry .15 00-5 m mos light and the market is quiet but firm, held 50 " No. 2 Foundry 46 00-6 mos' at $1,53a1,60. "Barley-there is none in the ,127 - " _ No. 1 Foundry..... ...... 46 00-6 mos market, but would command $250a2,60 for 2 6 ..7 : & ckfaWife."...brand::::..Z . 48 00-4 mos No. 1. - Petroleum—the - market is; firmer 30 1, A favorite grand.....: .. :^ 48 - 00—i mos and better .for both refined and crude; , re * fined in bond' held at 22k..1c; do free at 42 Financial Matters in New York: ! a te- . ' ' - ' -- ` _ . IMPORTS BY„ RAILROAD. -. • - ~,,_ , Prrisbtriton, rT. WAYNE AND - CHICAGO Itty Telezraph .0 Pittsburgh Gazette. t the - ! ,7: ---- .•” ' ; '' L D; • RAILROA Iffarch 18.-2 cars metal, Bryan to • • • & CaUgheVt : 2s do doNimick & Co; '4 do do, • . NEW Yonri, l'ffarch 20, 1868. Jito . .Moorhelid; 4 earsiron iron ore, shoen mo:Nra. , AND GOLD. - Berger & muir; 100 bbl flour, Keil &Mitch- Money very active and firm at ,7 per cent. art; 400 sks ' flour. oWn r,• 100 bbls de; Dan for call leans. Sterling steady at 109y4a. Wallace; 1011 de do; R Robinson' & Co; 215 109% for pigs lead, Fahnestack.; - Hartlev& Co; 4 hhds first elass - bills. Gol ' - dwithout mn; meat, JAS Lippincott; .1. car metal, Union terial operation, opening at 138/, declining ' Iron Mills; 11 bxs tobacco, A Schaub, 25 do to 138 X, and closing at 13834a138. candles, D McAleer; 70 bxs cheese, J R - GOVERNMENTS. Canfield k Son; 50 do do. Vangorder & Government stocks strong. llenr - y, Clews Shepard; 50 do do, Voigt & Co; 100 bbis & Co:furnish the annexed 4:30 quotations ; flour, owner; 30 do do, Dithridge& Stevens; Coupons-. , 81,.111‘;, do.-- '62, 1103 'all° 3-8; do. 132 bales broom corn. McElroy & Co; 30 bxs '64, 108a108Va do. '65, 1083..0108%; do. new, cheese, Jas Connor; 51 doz brooms, Kirk -107; do. '67, 1079‘a107j4; Ten Forties, 101 a , pasrtek•k Co; 19 bales wool, W Barker; 11 101 X; Seyen Thirties, 106111063:f. , cars hams. 1' Sellers & Co; 30 bxs cheese, S ! EiYart Railway market lower in - the early part : - CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURAH RAILROAD, of the day, but afterwards there was a gen- ! March 20.-1 box bacon, 1 keg cloverseed. eral improvement; which, however,was not, Haworth, McDonald & Co; 7 bbls onions, long sustained. Western shares are all , Vangorder & Shepard; 5S bbls plaster, S firm and the market was generally • buoy- Davidson; 32 sks. rags, McCullough, Smith Ant in the early part of the afternoon. New : & Co; 15 do cloverseed, S McFarland; 3do York Central touched 1233.4, and Erie 72 3 4, ' do, S P Shriver & CO; 29 jugs molasses, J but afterwards there was a reaction to 122;4 Porterfield & Co; 1 car stone, Peter Wolf; for Central, and 71 for Erie. The balance 17 bills - chairs, 9do rockers, Bedford Chair Of railways, especially western shares, are Co; 14 bxs cheese, J B ,Canfield & Son; 3 tcs all lip in sympathy with the rise -in New bacon, L A Dougherty; 1 car staves, J J York roads, and did not participate in the Bender; 11 bbls dry apples, Graff& Reiter; reaction. • - ' '.-- . -' - - :123 sks corn, H Rea Jr;* '55 bblS apples, Canton, 47a47 1-2; Cumberland, 31a:33; Head & Metzgar; 1 car fire brick, Zug & Wells & Fargo's Express, 35a36: American, Co; j bbl eggs, 4do onions, ?.:' bbl butter, 22 - 68a69; Adams, 74 3- 475; United States, 68a do dry peaches, 31 do dry apples, 5 kegs 70 1-2; Merchants Union, 34 1-2a34 7-8; lard; Voigt & Co. • Quicksilver; 20 3-8:121; Mariposa, 6a7; Pa- PITTSBURGH. COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI cifie Mail, 109 ~34a10; Atlantic, 89 1-4a90; R. R., March 20•140-tes lard. F. Sellers & Western Union Telegraph,' 34 .1-81134 1-4; Co; sdo hams, Ido beef,- .T H Lippincott: 55 New York Central, 122 1-2a122, 5-8; Erie 703-I.bids spirits,' liostetter ••& Smith; 2 cars a7O 7-8;. do. preferred., 75a76; Hudson, staves, H ver; 6 bbls eggs, Ikg butter. I' 136a136'1-2; Reading, 92 1-1192 1-2; Ohio•and • G Cratghead; 31 bbls potatoes,-Robb & Her ' Mississippi, 29 7-81130; Wabash, 49 1-2a493-4; ron; 23 sks do, Afunhall & 3fegraw; 2 cad- St. Paul; 54 1-8,154 1-4; do prefered, 69 3-4a69- dies tobacco, Ro•Robinson & Co; 2 tubs but - 7-8; Michigan Southern, 88 7-SaB9, Illinois ter, Grail 4: Reiter; 3do do, W H Graff; 20 Central, 136 1-2. Pittsburgh, DO 3-4a91; Tole- kgs lard. 23 sks rags, Voigt & Co; Ibx but do, 104 3-&1104 3-4; Rock Island, 93 1-4a93 1-2; ter, 1 bbl eggs, M. W Rankin; 50 bbls flour, Northwestern, 63a65, do prefered, 73 3-4a73- S Lindsay Jr & Co, 100 do do, T L Rogers; .1-8: Fort Wayne 1021-4a102 3-8; Hartford 1 car rye, .3' S Finch. and Erie 13 7-8a14; Terre Haute, 44; Chicago . ALLEGHENY VALLEY PAILROAD, March. d Alton preferred, 132 ;Hannibal, and St. 20—,1qx butter, I bbl eggs. L J Blanchard; a preferred, '131; • • Columbus,- 105; 49 bgs rye, .T ' Donnally 1 car fire brick. t ssOuriS, 'B7 1-8; New Tennessee .65 3-1;- Johraten, Taylor' & Co; 10 bgs oats,it, B i r il • . strn-TnEastriiv RECEIPTS. - ' - ' Phillitis; 2 earsMaid v •. Nirtilekkree'2 afloto . The Receipts in:the Sub-Tree :Wry were. J Moorhead:2'dd do, Rees, Graff & Dull; 10 31,515,816; Payments, 8,712,41,4; Mance; bgs rye, Kirkpatrick & Herron. •• 5100,815,812. At the close of banking hours ALLEGHENY Styrfox, 1. 3fareh 20. car Money showed a partial relaxation from the hay, Stewart & Langenheim; 1 car lumber, F . stringency prevalent throMil the day, ap- i Moore & Chambers; 1 car barrel headings,, parently in sympathy with the proposed J - M . Hemphill; 1 car staves, Raiya (I; m ßob- In m ovem e nt ovem by , the -Treasury for easing the ertson; 1 bbl eggs, Beckfield & Niehouse; arket. — The'Asalstant Treasurer has 17 bbls green apples, Kohen & Bro; 15 doz proposed to the Clearing House • to I brooms, -Hahn & Hadey; 1 pkg eggs, 1 do issue to an extent not exceeding 810,000,000 butter, 100: bhls flour, R & A Carson; 133 three per cent:'clearing house certificates, sks • corn, Rose & Ewing; 8.3 hides, J Tag available for the settlement of clearance be- I gart. . - • '-'- • • tween banks, and so far' a legal tender. PITTIIL'ItGIi AND CoNNEEL.s.vinEE RAIL- Ve.propOses to. exchange them, either for ROAD, March. 19.-532 lxlis paper, Markle • ,compound interest notes of the May issue, & Co; 82 sks oats, Gwyne & Stoneman; 257 -. •of seven-thirties, allowing for the latter DM. pkgs rope,Eulton Bollman & Co; 32 rolls This would afford material relief to banks, "leather, - GOH'An t derson k CO. ''' - and the offer is quite likely to be est en- -:-. . •-....._ sively accepted. Co!Li Closed at 138®135X,. r - -. 4 ," MINING . SHARES. , kinin_g. , :ihai-dai art- dtlll - Gregory, t 315; Quartz Hill, 110 a 115. . ` New York Produce Market fßy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) .NEW Yonw, 31areh 23.—Cotton heavy and a shade lower; sales of 2,000 bales middling uplands at 24 1-20-sc, chiefly latter. Flour —receipts, 1,332 bbls.; 789 bags; the market opened - dull and saloc. lower, closing rather . - :SleadierpOilleTitqf 6,800 bbLs. tsuperflne; State and West&n, at $8,50119,25; o'Xtra State. ' - . .....,__... $9,90a10,75; extra western, $9,60a15,00; white , Our rivers continue to recede steadily at wheat, extra, $12,00a13,60; R. H. 0., $9,90a- , this point with fifteen feet in the-channel '14.00; extra St, Louis, $10,00a14,73; Canter- `, by the Allegheny, and fourteen by the f nia is a shade lower, at $12,40a.14,09. Rye f `Monongahela marks. 'At Oil City the flour is quiet; sales of 250 blals..at $7,75a9,60. ' former river was reported falling to-day . - Corn meal quiet, at $4,90. Whiskey is morn. i with eleven feet .in I. the channel. The meal. Wheat—receipts, 20,230; tile market is weather yesterday was -.cloudy and unset opened dell end drooping, and closed rather' ; tied, and i the evening it turned quite steady andlli t itailerate demand, chiefly for ' cold. home Use; sales of 24,000 bush. No. 1 spring I The iirri als include the Glasgow and_ at $2,4 0 92,-16 in store and delivered; choice , Messenger, from St. Louis; Argosy, from • umber Green Bay, $7,50; white California, : Cincinnati, and the Robt. Moore, from • , t 3.0,.. Rye quiet, with, sales of 4,500 bus 1 Portsinouth. The : Messenger brought up-a c _:' PettAylvaniai.44l,Woiar westers ISt :8, 1 , 91 ); I large amount of corn which Ls 'fleStined. for " Barley and Malt scarce aid firm. Corn; 1 eastern Markets. , - receipts, 30,216 bus; epened dull and closed', The 'P.obt. 'Moore, for Portsmouth, was more active and le better, with sales °f +the - only-depart for below. -- - - - - 5E3,000 bus new mixed western afloat at $1,21 . ~.--, ~,-pre_ ~_ .. .... ~... ___ . a .4 ,26,; " - ,Teuiiefakele&-$1418a1, 99 ...; white I - The , -`1"83/15` Caps •wiii , P°i: for _ tit. Paula to - dap as as will - 3, Southern 'and western - $1,19a1,25; Western i t i ' v e4 l e4 W e i and southern yellow $1,2 6 / 1 1,28. Oats; rel. also the ; 101 e Thibinson, Capti -11obt. Rob :- - telpts, /99,390; dull, with.buyers of western" 11150 E4 for Ob l einu u ti and-Imfieville- These i' in store at 82 1-2 e; and sellers at - 830.... Rice are both'ilktO,P- 7 bOate, and; they will both firm. Coflhe held at 1-2 e higher. Stigiu , '.„ 4l sTi l39l 47 4l 4MP ) 9 ( l44P lo *. 'lll , - • - • , less active, with Sales of 700 hhds fit 15a I The ,Alleghetly River packet -Echo left for 1 ,15 7-8 o for Cuba, and 12 1-2al3c for Porto OR City ; last nigbt. ' The Echo is the first ; Rico; sales of 133 boxes Havana at 10 5-B,a packet • that , has left for. Oil City since De - '--- 111;43c. Molasses steady, with sales of 200 , ceniher,, and - she had a pod, -freight llst b,hds,and,29 tierces.Mnscqvadoat 47c. Ho and quite a number of-passengers. F'' 'quiet+ arid ‘tifichanged.l Petroleniif ,- `titeady4 I . The ' Argosy .will -leaVe for Cincinnati , . crude 13 ; refined bonded 25 1-2 - on Wednesday mekti,•and regularly there , Pork firmer; sales 3,650 bbls new mess at after evelyweekon mai n day. Capt. Van . .$2,4,75a24,90, closing at the latter; old $.232_,—.11°"' dergrift is still in cOniiiiihidywith Mr. W. 23,75; closing at.,M,GS rvular; prime ellea H. Scott in the office ; The yorktown; in eonaniand of :the vete- W at ' .l6 s; , P 62 ri f m or e pinriemsseP22mss se ;7 ll s; ers aiscl for 7s° Al 3 ir b ll ls ;' i ran Glut - Wash. Ebbert, will positively . $22,87 sellers for-May; 825,50 for new mess i '- ; ' buyers for ' May. Beef firm; sales 975 tibia I, leave for. !.` to-day- - Clem Loin.tit.„i and _the I,Tpper , Mbelouri at 1115a20 for new plain mess; $19,25a23,75 fo s r i t°"aay.z-elear_up o Fort „ I - ari l :: The new 4, • :new extra do; a 18 0 ,105 tierces at $33a37 for i steamer ': Andrew- Ackley , u . /t P s. 7 1 / Beef I , next, in turn for the gold reinon prime ineas;. $30;00,50 for India mess., , hams firm; tulles 310 - bbls at $35a40. Cut The It. C. Gray; Capt. W. - B. Anderson, meats quiet; sales 212 pkgs it lOgalle for - : is - announced for Memhis and New Or o!. •ahoulders;•l4Y,als,l6e for hams. Dressed : leans, and the Armerica, Not. 'Adam Pee,. hogs almost nominal at 11a12%c for w e st. is up foil Nashville. The Wild'lDuck . and ern; 11,.e.a12Me 'for city. Bacon• quiet; sales bar_ges, Capt.- Anawalt, are fillingiip steadi -600 boxes at 12c for Cumberland cut; 12 1 ,4 e, iY , roi St; Loula: ;, .. -',, ' :,-- -•'' for long 'rlb; 13/118 ~e for short, rib; 14a14y,e ' The Messenger,, Cat Jesselllean, will at for short clear. 'Lard firmer; sales 5,350 once elfuniiience loading for, the 'Upper Mis..: bbls at 15y,a16,,1e, the latter for choice; 1,000- siesipp,f,trind will take Ater, : departure next bbls Sellers for May at. 16gal7e. Butter; , ii,...eek. - The AfeWsbrigtie Is 14' all respects, steady,fdtgfisi •., Oldok.4oa6fle,. for State. one of the best boats that comes to the land- Clighsitimw .' q poightil to Liverpool in g , and is so regarded ; among steamboat lotrer, 22,000 1:1 - u corn per iiniiiiier at 16a m, - • • • , ',' 1650. . . A St - Louis telegram,, under date of Wed- LATF.S . T.—FIovir closed steady with .a net4day, says,: • Weather beautiful, cool and . moderate business, chiefly in low grades. clear. - Ititer'Stefailll,f4lBlteOilth 15 feet' '' e!,..l39iittat alkildY..itraedenqq_reque!t # , , lchleflv to Cairo. The damages on-the . river bY the for home use. Rye unehanied. Oats - daft I storm on Monday night inllude the Belle at 821- I2C. Corn ate dy at $1,23a1,25 1 1 2 of Pike,about $3OOO, 'which nearly found='l far new . mixed western afloat, and $1,26',f0r eredv - Jumble, about $BO4l, and Elkhorn old in store, Pork firmer at $24,80a24,87 about $l5OO, both losing chinneys. The , for new 9inessie,Mbr i Md Mg . ular; $25a25,25 Lucy Bertram was driven i f dust the 'bruilel sellers tor May: . 5001ablsnim, cash- and; re- inutag a i Vilt i feiTt l doWit Join towed gular at quotations. Beef is arm and mod- into_port in a crippled eon tion. The Cia: , l stately active.. Cut Meats nominal. Bacon 4tirolki, f co9 ll / 9 49:Camk 1 / 4 .liitely. ft:, firM at 120 for Cumberland cut. Lard film - .lt.dalta , - Ut tßeffeohM* rtav a n h ab.lAkAblititrillfo3l,ol.lPiN ' chinas)” cross guys, Several steamerS 1 -,,;r.:1,,. - .. , 1:-...i. • •• , i••• 'i• ;{ ~:.1.••0 - .., •i 7 ~' 6,, f .w.44,_m;eOMMMTM IMPORTS BY RIVER Sr—Louts—Pim MESSEIsZGrit-6620 sacks corn, Clarke:A; Co; 89 pks sugar and nao la.sses, J-S Dilisiarth; 52 hhds sugar, John I i House; 72 bgs peanuts, I Dickey; 97 bbls clay, Thos Coffin; 13 pkgs lead pipe, It 11 Lee; 100 tons pig iron, Ninaick S Co; 50 bbls clay, Fahnestock, Albree & Co; 6 bdls dry hides, J Lippincott; 66 do green hides, M Delunge; 7 sacks hemp seed, R E Sellers ti Co. , RIVER NEWS i i zat i PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY, MARCH, 21 1868 tornirom . their `anal dilftedadb Storixt.lostiher• .chirun'eys.. is 20e per bbl, to New Orleans., Several boats have withdrawn from the mountain fleet. A.merchant of Montana. came recently to St. Louis to purchase goods. He thinks that there arnmany steamboat captains in St. Louis—mountain boat captains especial ly. He sees them in, all and around the Southern Hotel. • He seen them every- where: He was on the street and, espying afriend over the called out todnin in a load voice, "Ho Captain!" He was in stantly surrotmded by at least thirty cap tains of-mountain I)oats. M— is glad to preceive_such premonitions of a large trade ,to the , tipper:Missouri this year. .The Memphis .dva/onehe,.•of the 1 5th, says; The suit of Latimer vs. City of Co. lumbus,for the recovery of damages for the seizure and confiscation of, the steamer B. P. Cheeney during the war, will ho called 'in.the United States . District Coert, in Pa dumb, next Menday. If we are 'not Mis . taken, Mr. Latimer's brother-in-la-or-sold lheabove steamer to the . Confederate - Gov .ernment and received pay for the same. A large shanked cuss - known as Slater. deliv , ered over the boat at • Columbus, Xv., and received the money for .iher in this city. After the fall of. Columbus 'he 'endeavored to force .: the Federal GoVernment to pay him for the beat:` ' Capt. Silas Haight proposes to put the Counteas'in the St. Louis and Chester trade. 'Citpt: Ands; Abrams, of the Vietery, is dan gerously ill at New .Orleans.- Hement hosPitalthernand has been well taken care The Cincinnati 'Commercial, of Thursday, says; - The St. Charles has been telegraphed to take tho place of the ' , Magnolia in the Maysville trade. - • . , . The. St. Paul Press, of Saturdav, . says; Gentlemen who came down' from' Mankato yesterday inform us that the.ice in the Min nesota' river is rapidly breaking up and moving out. The ice went out at St. Peter on - Thursday and the - ferry com menced running Friday. Yesterday - the ice was. running , at • Mankato. Our -infor mant crossed the river in a skiff at LaSeur. Theallue Earth river is reported to have brok.en up, and is now running out. A Leavenworth paper, of March 14th, says: The old Muddy is at a stand, with a prospect, of a further . rise.' .The. W..J. Lewis, Capt. Herndon, wine up early yes .terdny moriiing,•and put out for St. Lads. Shereports the channel in'a fair condition. She had no trouble - on the way up. The river was rising. below Grand river- She reports that the •Hirain Wood had aban doned the Nymph co. 2, having been un able to raise her. We clip the following from the Cincin nati Gazette. of Thunsday: Thu , .Sallie, loadedat Pittsburgh mostly with St. Louis I freight, and.thefice bound for 'Fort Benton,, left here last evening. Her pilots are Capt. Charles Beers and Jas. Kane. The Delaware, Capt. 'Richard Calhoon, expected to have her chimneys in place so as to leave for Nashville last evening. She • received eansiderable f reight here. Her pilots are Capt•Calhoon and Dory Dunn. The Emma N 0.3 arrived from New Orleans with her chimneys so badly damaged by the storm as to be rendered Useless. The storm struck her at the foot of TWeive Mile Island. - We clip the following from the St. Louis Repubtiectu, of Tuesday: A suit has been eoinmeneeci in the • 'United States District Court by the Globe Mutual Insurance Cont pany 'against Win. .M.-McPherson. in whieh the amount claimed is $24.095 10.. .The bel sets forth that, on the 12th of Febrtiary, IS/17. the Steamer White Cloud started from port to New Orleans, Itavingns a portion of her cargo shipments by the following par ties: Sella & Co., goods to the -value of $7,155 40. for various Southern ports; by Lamb, Quinlin Co.. to the amount of -1,45.950 70; by John F. Tolle 3940.. all of I which were 'insured in the Globe .Mutual L.' for the 'amounts named. It is further r stated that the said steamer, through the gross negligence of, the officers in charge. was run against the partially sunken steanier Belle. Memphis, near the foot of - . Auna;s:rcet, and ,etink fifteetkinutcs, the cargo proving- total loss.' The insur ance was paid by the Globe. and 'Suit is now brought to .- recover the amountfrom the owner ofthe twat, it being .alleged that the :accident did not result •, from _any of the perils or dangers accepted in the.bills of In the same -Court a Suit Is pending, in which the Missouri Wrecking Company is the libellant,. and Wm. Smith, Isaac D. Fulkerson, Thos. C. Stephens and Chits. C. - Ferguson, the respondents. The suit arises out of the Sinking of the steamer Mollie Dozier, in Getober, 1866', near Council TIMM, - lowa. It appeara the Missouri Wreeking:Company entered into a contract' with the - parties natned, representing the: owners of the boat and 'certain Inanrance Companies, to raise the sunken steniner,it being agreed that , nothing should be paid in case of failure. -The...company was par tially• successful in. the enterprise, and claims . , that' $10,000: would be a remonable compensation for the property saved. On this claim Credits are. given for three amounts--tk3,566 32,1930 33, and $1,031,68. . 170 R ST, LOUIS, liE4)-,,Air" A 2 KITH. I; ALKNA. DDItiIDUE AND ST. PACT ...'...T140 tine pamengerstenner MESSENGER - Capt, ,Ittsatt DEAN WM leave a,,above on WEDSIESDAY. - 3lttrelt 23th. ' • COLLINGWOOD, C. BARNES: . • , qtent 4 .• rnh2l • • JAS. COLLIN'S. •.' A'ATIEGULAII WEDN,ES:- DAY PACRET FOR CINCIN-.: .—The line i4tettmer - ARGOSY • • Capt. Va...cictuitittlFT, Ir. 8,111, • itterk. leaves Pittshargh - Tor . nett every WEDNESDAY at noon. • C. ItAIINES. JAS. COLLINS, • nill2l'" ' • TORN FLACK • F'"' ST: 'LOUIS, LEAII"-:m, c s PINWORM SAINT JOSEIMI,sh SLOIT.X FORT lIENT'oN, AND, THE E ttomi 31..usg.s.—The steamer YORKTOWN' 'cant. 7:tur.t:T, win leave as above on SATunnay, minnst.. lat 4 o'clock r. m.;• • - 3 • For freight or passage gpply on board or to CIIAS..BALLNES / JAS. COLLIN'S mhl6 OR CAIRO ARID-MEM-iigiEva'--.. F bteather B. C. .. :W. A xl. , Elt SON, WM leave AS IlhoVC On SATI.fROAY, 21st Instant. at 4 OICIOCk. V., Yd. • ; . • . For fre_lgltt.orptssage'aßpp• on j)ortid or tp MIIIB 'FLACK Attetit.. 011 NASllVlLlE:l4.ciiiagrat ' goo steamer AXERICA Capt. Ati,kal~ ill r Tog, leivapi L atoe. onS.A.Tyliroky, the glar. 4 , at o•cloeg p. For freight or passage apply on boortlbr JOHN ELACK, • , cius. mita/Es.- • • - . Or: J. D. COM.INOWOOD. :Agents. Won.CINCINNATI AND i m arj=s; LOUISVILLE.--The steamer • XATE AOJUNSO papt, ROUT. youriewi., Will leave nbove on VIES DAV, at 4P. 37. Foe freight or passage amply on board ortb? JFAIVNES, FL 1011 001,44iti)V061). • Agents.. won LQ ., CAIIRO AND: ST: llue steamer - 1412281+106.- LORENA.... ......... rap{ SitqmAN, Will twice for the hbove nun intermediate Notts ob TlilS I.)AY. 91st lust. . • .. For freight or passage apply on hoard or to ;FLACK Jr. COL -I .I3;GWOOD, Agent 9; rNfOR MONTANA, •FORTAggrit BENTON AND TUE. GOLD F.d. — Ttle,flnenevfateiuner AI'iDDF:IV 'AD.X.IXY... . . . .."Cap! . G-einiirr : ropm,E, IVIII - icare for abore'ii6iii - in 'TNIS bAY. • The above boat 4 entirely nen . oras.built expressly for that trade, and ball theGovernnient contracto r - • For freight or passuonriply.on , board or 'to z . !i - . W. 4 liOI.I.NTL'• - - . l ''' 'll ' '''''' ' `'.7AAtis cor.raNs. - Aitent. . , tOl P. z c ,BILTRI • -I) , lv-Lven 'LEA (MTH. IfAlifinG CITE, , Alt3litsoll:' , BT. 'JO IC Pll AND 031,A1iA.-Ireigen.dtd steamer-. ...WA11A•N1TA.4.•;2..:: 1 ' - ' 0444 f ri tdimE(' El ri c3rA Iv Wl.lllcsivesa.atiormon VII& DAY. ,it 4 r.rx r • • ' • yfortoslgtOßr pmer.:.l4p,lcztioos,rdorto , - • ~ ,•F f!,1.-..:I•4I.S :GOLN T NGWOO . I); A IMOIR.'- - C.44111110. , AND .12 L 0 1119. - -The er MLR DlNict . tiv,t, .7; vt. A 2 cotw44x, ; iinilitl'eiritoviiiies* • "Afltiii.lik s t bast; A. withouvismi , pilrattal/311Pilti.01411AMIrquititiVZitp_e, - .. J , •• - •eff-m.A.J.rtr Ytt •ti,,Y•tr KUM •M'aa ,W,w%‘ AMBOATS rain =MESSE _ ;Ur. ibou=solox Pg_Aßffs 'TTITCHCO WHOLES aotiiti=icS W 0.349 upstairs. MEM M . STEEL F.1.01/11, And Produce gem near East COD 111101) PETER KEIL K EIL& RICH KT, , . COMMISSION . M E RCHANTS, AND DE. LEES IN GLOM!, GRAIN, SEED Mlf,7. FEED, 349 Libeaty S Pittsburgh, ROBERT KNOX, Jr., - 5 - 10 - COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALItIt LN • FLOUR. .GRAIN, AND ritoDucE GENERALLY Office._ 413 1.111}:ItTY STURM% PITTSIJUI:4; 11. BLANCHARD, . = Wholesale and Retall fyocers, N0.•396 Pt.NN ap13:x.33 ALEX. 31'11ANF • AirCRANE Al OEII, AIL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealeres In Fr.ou.n. GRAIN. a n d -ritOtittE t.-t•EN: ERALLY. No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithtleld, Pittsburgh. FETZER & ARMSTRONG,. FORWARDING AND COBSMISSIONIFERCRANTS, Fdr the sate of Fleur. Grain.' Daeon,. tart. Butier, k;eelit.. Dried Fruit. and Prodaei, giaierally.dsio. 10 MARKET sTICEET; corner of First. l'ittilfurgli. QUOMAKER, LANG, W Ky sale dealers In Grot ,, erles, Flour. Ciral Pro -11111.1., TrOVisloll.4. Fish, Cheese. Carl) u Oil, .te„ No, 1711 awl 174- WOOD sTREE , near Liberty street, - Pittsburgh:' n 9:u53 JOHN I. 110t:::41 $lllilV. 110C5L:.....W31. II LOUSE. 4 01 IN L HOUSE . & BROS.. SUe.• 1 re,m,rs to J(1111.; T. 1101:S$ .t . co., Wholesale r rneers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water btreets, Pittsburgh. I'a. T MIDDLE, NO. IS3 LIBERTY' . • STITF:T:T. Pit tAburith. Pa.._Commlssloat Dler- I cha nt and .Wholesale I)caler In Country Produce, I Groceries and Pitt oburglx Manufactures. Cash ad , vanced on Consignment;, and paid for Produee gat: 1 erally. .- ROET. ,KNOS . KNOX & SONi COMAISSIOZ. R.31-Intuil A NTii and 4lenlers In FLOUR. GRA RD.!. F.EED and PRODUCE GENERALLY. tie 70 DIAMOND, oppoAtc.City hall. Alleglleny . elt; jar:r37 , ptv.t; 11 A WFO it I), COMMISSION MEI:CIIANN MERCHANT IN I'll; METAL. 11 .0031S - IIICE. WROUGFIT SCRAP IRON:, FIRE .\SD CLAY. ,te. Warehouse and' ()Mee. NOA. 300. and 368 PENN STREET. Storage fur nished. Consignment.: sulieited. oe:t - r IT'rLE, HAIIID PATTON, Wholesale tire..ir Cnmun:slon :Merchants and bealer: In Pruiluee. Flour our. Ilacon. Cheese arbon and Lard Oil. Iron. Nails. Lila... ' c Cotton Tarns and all Pitt:burgh 31anitracttires generally. 1111 and 114 SCA 'ONO STREET. 11lb:burgh. J. B. CANFIELD S‘ SON, COM- MissioN S FO1: WARDING 'NI EI:cluANTs. and Wholesale Derder.l in Weeern ilesrve cheese. nutter. Lard, Pork. Baeon. Flour. Fish. Pot and Pearl Ashes. and oiln, Dried Fruit anal, Produce generally. Nos. 14-4 and 146 Front street. Pitts burgh. JOB,: sIiIPTOS k. WALLACE. QftlYTONtk.• WALLACE.WIIOLE ALE .4: Llor D 1 . 1:03,11e1.7. DEALERS,' 1...0. :41.XTIJ 6TREKT,:ii'Dtri.parea. talg:TM - OILS. EVREKA. OIL WORKS IMANZFAOTCREMS OF EUREKA CARBON OIL, THE CELEBRATE 6, SPERM L'UBRICATING OILS, CHEVCAL LINSEED OIL. WHOLESALE DEALEHS Crude, ReSale itid"-Ltibricating Lard, Sperm, Whale and Fish Oils. - R. C,MACHESNRY, Agent, tio. 19 IrwittStreet; ' • PITTSBURGH. WADING AND KING, Cotundaslonlierchauti and llrldorB In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, • PITTSBURGH, PA. ratLADELPIETA. ADDRESS, WARING, KING &CO., 127 Walnut Sleek Hm .Lorm& co., 3r.I.I.IIIFAcTOR,F.RS OF PURE MUTE - BURNING OIL, Biwnd--"L UCIFER.” Office No. 2 Duquesne Way, PITTSBURGH, Pa - TACT[ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 AND DEALERS LN Petroleum MuiltS Products. Plttstoirgii 011 ice - DALZELTO:BUILDING; cot , ner of DuqueSne Way ark Irwin streets; Phlla'delphia,Oface4 , -1511 WALNUT ST Ain nv3o A. WII/TEIIEAD. SOHO viLiwougs. kaaatacturaand bait; far sale all Maas LUBRICATING No. IST. CIAItt STREET. • - • ~' , IIV INFIntri:ILYEREW & CO, DYERS .%.1"`--- COURERS. TT J. LANCE, Nos. 185 and 187-11drd Street, DYER AND'. sopuREL •ElD.9Lovica .tarp utinza , Pik ID big iftE 6l ' r‘ 01• BAN:; D tre. ). rim 11:: 4 fr(.:I: ffira i , i,! - COAL • D COKE C. All*TRifriC... ARMSTRONG' HUTCHUISON, successor,3 to PHILAMLPHIA .tXD YOUGHIOGHENY COAL. CO.. .•, MINERS, SIIIPPERS AIirDDEALERS, BY RAIL ROAD AND RIVER, 0F... superi o r youghlopakerny CAS AND FAMILY COAL., Office and Yard—FOOT OF TRY STREET. near the Gas Works. Orders lett at the yard. or acldre"4sed by mall. will be - promptly tilled. ;ERi m.. - CO., 6 . 3 1 ' .CI- N'l'S . - . BEST FAMILY COAL ON HAND And Delivered Promptly to Order, AT LOWEST. )L%iU RATES, BY, OSCAR F. LAMM & Corner Salida§lcy Street and F.' Ft; W. S: R. I. .ANTHEACITE COAL FURNISHED AT THE LOWEST RATES. mhlltrral A., SiKELE., GrltArN. J 5 OHIO .STHEE7i NY CITY, A. .JAS... It CIJAItI. COAL! COAL:! COAL" DICKSON, STEWART & CO Having: removed their Office to . NO, 307 ramaEwirr STREET, (Lately City , FIourMiII)SECO3FE ELOOR. Are now prepared to furnish good .I"9I.*CrITIOGHE NY LUMP, NUT COAL Olt SLACK, at the lowest morket price. • . • - All orders left at their office, or addressed to thmn through the mail. will be attended to promptly. CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, YOUGHIOGLENY AND,CONISTJAVILLE OOAL, !ZIEEECM COAL; - SLACK - AND DESULPII:LI:IZED COKE . Office find Yard—COlWEit OF BUTLER A.ND MORTON CITHEETS.. First yard on Liberty and Clpner streets.:Ninth Ward. and on second street, nearLOck,tio. 1, Pittsburgh. Pa. • . • • Families and -Manufacturers supplied with the; here article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of their will restive prompt attention. • . • QtrPEMOR COAL: c. cia - Ertny - et co., • Miners and ShipPers of PITTSBURGH GAS. TaRGE and FAMILY. COAL. NUT COAL and SLACK. Coal delivered promptly to, all parts - of the elites at the lowest market rates. ()Mee and Yard—CORNER FOURTH AND WAT SON IfornllTiV Canal) STREETS: Pittsburgh. . P.' 0. DOH 1292. WHITE LEAD AND COLORS ALL OF THE MAINATFAG'TURii PITTSBURGH WHITE LEAD I sett - m STRICTLY PURE WHITE ,L.E41.1), ZINC PAINTS, Chi*ome Green, 'Verdi t i er C;rec , ‘ll.l,erery 0 Color, dry zu=grouit t 0:I, for , Sale I , HAIMMLSI EiVING, ~WHOLESALE DRUG G ISTS, Corner of Liberty and ISTayne Streets, SCROONMAKER S. - SON, White Lead Lead and COlor Works, • WHITE AND RED LEA.I);-' • ZINC, PCTTY, IILITE LEAD: 31ct'OY'S VERDITER. GREEN, And all colors, dry or In 011. OFFICE, No. 67 'FOURTH STREET. Factory, Nos. 450, , 452, 454, 456 and 458 Rebecca Street, and 40 51, and 53 Lac ock Street.- GAS AND STEAM FITTING. F. L. ATWoOI3....IIELSON ATWOOD & 111 cCAFFREY, ,1 • BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND FITTERS, Cor. of Third and liberty Streets, Above Carroll Snydera, Pittsburgh,'Pa.. . LIGHT AND- HEAVY 'CASTINGS furnished pr s oin e Mrtoer. attention paid to the fitting out and re- ki% l l l l ; l !nc .x o f :011. Refineries, Stemaboata. AGE,NTS .FOR s. CO.'S ... • • • . Steam ramps and Blower Engines. • Thee Pumps have superior advantages over all of ere every one Is warranted to give satlsfaec tlou. PIMPS constantly on hand. fvf.s:ul.o COOPER.. ....JOS. K.11:7 HENRY JOHN in. Commit & CO., • BRASS FOUNDERS GAS . AND STEAM FITTERS ! Manufacturers of PUMPS AND BRASS WORK, of every description; dealers In GAS FIXTURES .4ND TURIN(:, of all kinds. • Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets PITTSBURGI TCF:WHEAT GROWERS. . . . . .7"\. EUREKA. AM:IIIO.NLitED BONE ) , SUPER PHOSPHATE MAN,IIFACTURED, BY The Allegheny Fertili zer . Co. SEWARD & CAMPtEEZL, • • • 'AP'll4:).PitEE'rollS; 0111ce,i 356: Penn Stitet, Pittsburgh, P& • • • The beat Eeitillter in rise, and recognized, DT Parnsersrwhir have given :It a:trick ) , to be the stand ard for raising large crops of, IV heat, Aye, Oats, Corn, Pots toes,. At e. We - have , published for grata- - itous circulation a pamphlet containing interesting and vaittablestatetriehts or this Ferttlizer, copies of which be., sent free to aoy sending us their JOHN Ri.&.&c , 1111111100C11. 9 11 . 1 :sPTYJOn.,.,i 0 X 1 4840 1 0 s.eosOen. BIIDB • 0, 4 1",05t 01!kee l ,Pittintugra.-Fa..., „ liarr illl P.N 4 lb4 4 §.o4,3 / 1•1•4 11 3 2 . , „ 01. 'LLIFDaI • 13i / ti L 7:! 1 . 1 %loc.; 11 4. 4. HUTCHINSON DEALER 11 And AtanufacturCi*'of OF THE COLOR WORKS. Versailles Green, T Chrome ItreLtOw, rbx!ra - sEttatiGii, mANcrAcrt - riEus or FERTILIZES SEEDS. RAILROADS PITTSBURGH and cos N.ELLS:V.I L LE I?. ,nd afti , r THURSD AY.; - ,ktarch sth, 1868„ fainwdllarrive at and depart from tlic 11(!pot.Vor n& of Grant and Water streets. its follows: .Deptrt. Arrive.. :Nall to and fr.an tnicint`n. 600 A. M. 6:00 P. Bt. ',McKee:l)6l.o Ackagnmodt'n•ll:oo.A. 205 P. M. 'Ex. to and fromj , niont - n. 3:00.1, Al. 10:00 A. M. -West Newton Accommod'n .4:30 P. 01. 8:35 Iltraddock's A ceonimotlar n 6:15 r;1•1. 7:5O'P. at. Night Ace, to .31