• -1 , • . - 5; i \ 1 40 • t -4 . • • • n * t -" , • P ",; e I - \ • ‘otiv . = . Oft _ - - • _ _ VOLLCAIE U flit FORTIETH CONGRESS. . 1 TO 11' 111 Additional Rule for Impeach- NEcol Di u i meat Court---BraWback 011 Shi IT p ‘—'-----------______---- • Material-Attendance of House • Pcnril• cr-4:3c1 A. At' Menibers itt Impeachment Trial ---:----- -- 7 - - -- - --L-----_---1----------- :: --7-:------ : --Bounty Equalization Bill-- FROM EUROPE:- -' civil Appropriation Bill Passed nesolutiOn iftelatiVe to Philadel . — Freight and Passenger Tariff phis Courts and the Pardoning '.. . English Par/iarnent--Tlie . Irish __ for Pacific Railroads. . Church Establishm ent-The En power--NewCouty of Petrole- [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) • . um—Gas Inspection for Phi a - WASHINGTON-, 3farch 21, 186 ' 8.. ' -patriation Question—British E. delphia ---PeoPle's • Passenger SENATE. - Pedition in AbYssiiiiit--Internui;;' Railway of Pittsburgh---Rill ' • PETIT/ONS, S c . tionitl Mail' ' Sexivice•-•Turkey . , _ Passed Finally- - Bridge °ter the , A memorial asidng for an appropriation 'Complaining of Russia—Civil Ohio fionlC Te lnalieraniDenlie;;,. for re airing the levees on the Aiississippi War in India—The Tycoon De . • , river. Referred to the Committee on Coin- feated--Fenian Convicted of ' l3 Uppleinent to pittsburgh' and coerce. Treason. - • Teinperanceville Rail Way Act Mr. StrsltissisFß presented' petitions from -rAdjonrnment, Till Monday— , By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] .. - - the colored men from. various part, of D 1 i , , GREAT BRITAIN. • - A Correction. . • ware, asking to be secured in their rights. IRISH careen ESTARLISII3I-ENT. ~.i.Speclal Dlpateii to the l'lttbbilrgli Gazette.; • After Some debate between Messrs. LoNnoN, March 20.—Rvening.—In the M Aameur nes March. /867. Saulsbury,, and Sumner, the Judiciary House of Commons to-day Air. Gladstone is . skis -ATE. • _, •-•- Committee was, on•rnotion Sof the latter in- announced that on Monday he would offer • , - PARDONS IN PrtirssogrxretA. " Sty - lICIed to inquire Into the authenticity of ' a motion that the - House yo intol it i s . _Ollllll - Air. LO D O offered a resolution request- the petitions. j ' tee on the state of the Irish Church e.stals- Ing the,Auditor General to obtain an accn- mrsEDMUNDS Moved to take up•the lishnient, and said when it was agreeable rate list of all ,per Sons convicted in the bill regulating the presentat f bills to the President and .return of - theeame. - to the House and Alinistry lie anted to s uarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer press the consideration of the question. Courts of , Philadelphia, and committed to IMPRACTIXENT Rene. • Mr. DRAKE desired to have a new rule , QUESTION OP A LLEI;IA.NCE. prison, whose terms have been commuted,- . in the . matter of impeachment taken up In the course of the evening Win. E ' ' •or who hate been pardoned out by- Judge--4, and disposed of before l ieu L i inext, He Forester, member for Bradfo d ill del i to and report the same to the Senate, suggest- read it, as follows : ' , When the Senate is the state of the law in e rd r t'o l til l ing any remedy ill his judgment sufficient sitting upon the trial of' an impeachment glance of. British subjeertsg,saying thrSinual:. to insure' the administration of justiCe. , the presiding ofileer shell be addressed as ter especially thin attention in the riier e . s t i r it t i N ent, h s i nl i l all selyr...t sutbmitteciSby bearing it hild upon the relations of this .hir, LO'NHIs believed there was some- A thing, moristrOusly wrong insthose COurts. be addressed l i % T . i- te e rin l a n to t ther trirfibiliirneals'bsciluallli frio ll i t i l e r3 h; th l e vi t t i h me now . r i iP ni e te ib d r S a t r 3 r t i e s s :in H a? .! .. After seine ' debate the resolution was be addressed to it este the Senate." -at a .derinito right H g .. - I , g. e explained . -adopted. rotswitscx ces surn sfsTERIAL. • showed that at .the present time two `• • HOUSE OF REPRESENTSTIN'ES„ millions of the Queen's subjects were liv - - s Mr. FES.SENDEN introduced a bill to BILLS INTRODUCED: lag in the United. States as American cid • • allow drawback on articles used in the con - Mr. ESPY, of CraWford, erecting -a new struction of vessels. Laid on the table. zens, in praetiatil violation of these lansi. . It i wlts the difference 'whir - Si rose - between , , County out of partslof Crawford, Venango - rensoisAii EXPLANATIONS - .- 1 ' d 'Warren, to be milled Petzsdeum, being Mr. ,CHANDLER made. a personal es..- ' rigiritsa•nol a'rYo'lphTnie e tg el en t s in wlifr e ec l • rd us t e ° d the: lthesame bill now pendiugin the Senate. phmation in regard to an error he had war of 1812, and now the diffell'on a ce which' - • Mr, ETON, of Cam breaslncorporating oeen led into, by the Senator from Maine still existed was counted on by the Fenians the Johnstown and Some-I : Set : Railroad Corn- the other • day, • dining the d.-hate of a 118111;01y again to embroil tiw two nations preposition to allow drawback used in ship and thus further their treasonable demignis. - Pan 3-. ' building. He had supposed frorn theirurged Great Britsin .ro lini ti n intass PASSED FINALLY; marks ship yards were as deserted as the cl•iiin of life 111.1Cgi:Mt%O . ill the n eas i e . ° of -Ile.eiui : Providing for the Inspection of Gas„.cen- streets of t-\ h. He then read statistics grants to foreign countries, and advised the • ' ained to Philadelphia - .- • • pport of his assertion, that during the apointment rof a mixed conunission to set i * Inoorporating!the Peeple's Passenger Rail- L a Jilt tl i v i? ?il•nrse there di1:11 been; more ships th i s the tillt?Stioll forever. ' • uring .. any two rears Sir Robert Cllierfollowed with a speech 1 , may: of Pittsburgh. ' previons._ - ' * in support of Theh views of Mr. Forester. For the -erection of a bridge over the Mr. DRAKE then offered his rub' as giv- Lord Stanley addressed the House, and en above. •' . - . .- - •" 7 / i ... speaking of the snincitiles npon whielis the Ohio front Temperanceville at Saw 'Mill Several objections at ere made on the - lays were founded, admitted the dognet of Run to Allegheny City—amended by Mr. several sides tind4t went over. ur all lance Wati 110 W 01 kqOlete ill.. e ns ( i t SfILLR, of Allegiieny, by providing that , Mr. HOWARD, - fiviiii the Committee on formed the House that the Goveleinienehati it shsil be built under the supervision of a pacific Railroadsintroducetta bill to re ' already MI& advances fora settlement of late the piin g of records of railroad compan- the question at isisuesincl,deelared they overe :oonontittee of pilots appointed b) 1I -the, - Pitts- `late Laid over. willing to meet ' the GOvernment of the ` ‘ brgh Coal Exchange. Mr. HENDERSON'S bill vist.s Liken up, United States half trap. There were many Supplement for Pittsburgh and Terkier- authorizing the Peace Comndssioners to difficulties in the war- of adillStlllellt but s lances-111e Railrdad," obliging said - company conclude a - treaty with the Navajo Indians he Was happy to say they were not reeard r their re- , ed ,as ,ins . gerable,. , :He, stated that the *tor Obtainstbes oo nsentlQC the Pittsburgh auct - s-asalP.Pr"riati-n.g.; ""13°..!491/tHi- for .1 Foreign G surd _now m•counininication *tn . d B irmi nghain Railway ComParly `to _ After a long debate the bilLssissed' with- withsltir. SeOn the subject, and tien me its trucks. saut amendment. _,.. _ , S eluded bY expiessieg Ida approval of the Both Houses adjourned till Monday. The Senatewent into Exeentive -Session i_proposition of the member from'; IlisidfOrd, and soon adjourned. s: - ~ - ..., ....., • i Air. Forester, for a mixed, commission. CORRECTION—Mr. Herr, last night, re- Sir Ilaudell Palmer hoped the expatriat ;skirted from the TudiCiary (General) Com irousE 'OE REPRESENTATWES. ed stilSects of (..;reat Britain would not be znittee, with negative recommendation a - • J. 3I PEACHILENT osiissis suffered to make war cm their parent conn ;petition for the irnpeachitient of one Budd, Mr. BOI s TWELL, from the Inipeaeh- ry., .._ „: 41, . II Justice of the 'Peace in Mereer• counts-, neat mang ss ,S s i s d i, - f 11\ • . , repo te ri owing r es . i Air7RAlcaxts:r, ireTrillemiufLrosnEirivAriceEntrose, • whith was wrongly read from the desk as elution: scaffedlitterition te the Trans-Atkultie mail She Senate irimeachnient resolutions. and so :Resolved, That on the daywhen the Son- service, and moved tile adopt Hon of the fol . -seats.. - ate shall sit for the trial of the President on lowing resolution: , , s - • -s-----sis--- '. - the articles of- impeachment - exhibited by That I in. the -opinion of the House the ... • BRIEF.. TEtEGRA.M.S. the House of Representatives, the House in resent, system_ of pmtracts,. in_ which, a Committee of thc Whole' trill attend with , 'CEA priceis Stipillatedfor the'carrying of , • ' --•It is offici a l lyannounced . thatwo r k will !the e Managers at the bar of' the Senate at the .4, l o b i e l Sleatt mails; is . sc roMt: . gust the Pa.r hournained for the commencement of the ssesrvilede,dtsir d e rotl h i et e , etlectiveness of the 2. be -commenced irnnoediately on. the new Proceedings, a of.whicli should line of railroad bet Ween Indianapolis and •-31 r. WOOD asked whether the resolution he open to alf steamship lines. • . - i - sTerre Haute, and also that the new road be was to be understood as reading that - the : Mr. Baxter. 'said, ip support of his resolu ss tween Terrcellaintstuld•St.ilsbuis,SViii Van- House shall remain in the Senate Chantber tion, that the Cunard Steamship Criminals .; - della, Illinois, will be pushed forward rap- during the trial. received subsidies to the amortnt of inli- S Idly. ~ This svill give. two through routes Mr. BOUTWELL said he did not under- lifins of pounds, mirile other companies, from. Indianapolis tO.St.sLcnisrl. ! I stand that there ss - as any- cornpulsion; ex- which were as eithSent, received nothing. —Captain :dattern, of the British ship ' cept what rested on_each member by his He admitted the mail service wast well Per own sense of •propriety. - j formed by the_ (Simard- linc s but, thouglit it . -"Thomas with both mates and one seaman, , Mr. 'WOOD -There wills be no session sof I, had been done at too much soSt.' - • ~..• are indicted at Boston for the murder of as the House during the trial. - ' - : Mr. te r- 1 Secretary of the Treas. i • ...sailor by brutal treatment-Sin a voyage from ' The SPEAKEIt-There will not ber under itry, promised the experiment of even corn .._ Liverpool. "The Brh lqinister has been the resolution, whilothtstrial is pendi ng , petition would be tried, and hoped the sippealed to to answer whether the ease ss.Mr. JENCKS suggested an .atpendment *old Withdraw -his motion until ths comes within theStdrisdietion of Aiassachu- I to ili e ' reSolutionSproisiding that on" days 'of trial. Tuo motion was withdrawn. - setts. , - , trial the House will meet at eleven, s° issto , ..t_sloSTlcrun or rrixasosis f• '....*• --McAdam, a convict recently pardoned I have the morning hour. I . . _. j Conn March 20.—The lury in the ease of .. , , . . hich r. ‘ Mr.-BO UTWELlsdeclinedstcr -accept-the Captain' .Afaekaysbraiiiiit ', in a v.crdiet of is• . nut of the Tennessee State prison, to•ti s,„ =he had been sentenced bysthePirenit Court i am endment.' SlSi s s'" s• •••,- ~-. ssf s t , ,,,ici , guilty of' treitson. Sentenee deferred. The restAntion was agreed to. '" • -of Franklin county for 'ape on his mother- 1 in-law, ia raising a. ..eompany, of negro -Mr. WASHBURNE,simithe'Committee ‘, militia . to thot scomity, hiving.: been tom- : on Naval Affairs, reported a bill to equalize . • surissioned Captain by the State authorities. i bounties, : of -. soldiers, sailors and ma ,: prines. Ordered topic printed, and: recom • .. The Governor of st. Thomas (West In- • ~. mated. 1 S - dies) requested the Porto: Rican authori- „ lite: DCASlSl Rl , Viniaddiiried. , , a hfikaddi ,s, ties to send cattle and provisions to relieve ticrind tri th 6 act' land:4 to" of the the diStress of time inhaitants. A thousand Construction. of • railroads and telegraph l 'indisiduals were preparing to_ emigsate to lines from Lake Superior to Puget Somnd 1 _Porte Rico, - •' • ' " "by Northern ronteS? Referred , th'ille Corn •: ' - --John Devlin, convicted at New York, of i mittee on Prielfic'Railroad. . • - SS, efraudhig the governifient 'of riearly one 1 . Mr. IirIISON, Otlowasintroduced a bill ~ i , on dollars, in whipky' ; 0•4; •sentetieed to pmyideil remedy for loss or . destruction sti to five dtindied dollars file and two 1 ofjudginent,reixtrdieor decrees 'appertain- Sing to iiroetoedings in ,the stridted• States ••') ; 4ln P ri s senin eat,'" •: • -. .e. - : • - Ref d• to age Jdl ill C y —The Itotta&Oftini Ailssacti6iets LegiSta- • !? I s irc• . ',. e , rre -• .e.t!,t . rY 011 1- !1 .4-tire passed fl'hilrabolishing the State Con- . Tr:irons° resumed the considerationo s:sitabulary, °Ver. the, Governors. Veto, by_ a-I the' siindie 'civil ' % ninronriathni ' bill si - hich „,vote of one hundred and fifty-two to "sixty- • Passed,, • - ' • . , '•- - -. ,- - three The Senate willtius . , tain sA th.s yeto. 4 ' '''" hs „§,eri-ste:bill r ' Oetingl ;. he entry of a r., —Dixon, the negro whe Cut .R gite,'s head credit 0f53;686.te the - titteurit , of : 'Maior A. ~' off. witiiii rarer. lad' fail:Whili fin'isas talk- L. Brewer, latesirmy.paymastnr, who lost ing to her, is nos, on trial at Baltithorce and his life by the ex - ploki,on pi s s steamer on the .1 : will be consider' ,of murder. The girl's Mississippi river was `passed. ”-,.,-.' mine was Mary Waiters, colored. Thg. House :jei i nti resoiritions. to reguldte ~ ..' -•--The Johnson Officeholders in Baltimore tho tarliffor freight arid paieisingers on the ' , Union and . , Centrals Pacific it and are in a peek cif trouble. If the President their_branohcs, constituting the Secretary r • .L 5 convicted, theY e xPeet to be instantly cif War; Seeretaryoflnt tor, and Attorney " - turned out, and a Metal' be in "Dens as Aso iss a ird °l itr e s:7o r In s missies: t er m ' C o aryland may be looked for at - Once. ' . establish annuall tr - Of_trelg lot andfas : ---The Adams Express Company has de- sengerson those roadsnet eot&Qtrig double -eare k d a five •per cent. cash- dividend for the average rates on roads between the r . new stocfrom-current 'earnings. T he .. „it stootio and Mississippi river; labrth °flit. Merchants' and United States Companies " Louis, was taken up, - - " • , will soon follow the example. - • • • Mr. WASHISURNE, of Wis., spoke in —The Albany and Bastin' Railroad CoM Liver .of this' As:solution, complaining that the resources Of the government were di party has purefireted three hundred them verted to purelyloeal enterprises; that goy osand dollars worth or real estate, lying on erntilent bonds had been made a second in -1 . .their road, in Boston, for ,the purpose of' stead of-a first . lien On the road' - that_the ...• in improving the same : ' . " • s_ • passage of the bill of 1864' was protured by , —Judge E. Starnsra distinguisned jurist • an expenditure of half a_ ion in Wash- - ~ and formerly Judge of • the Supreme Court in ton by the'Vide President' of road, • t -of Georgia, was killede t - Augustit; ester- and of the immense - rates•chn gr ed for pas. , they the accntal discharge of a gun , Hangers and freight by the Union P cifie ._ in handspf his son, , roau. a — TnesdaY night tv store at Colliersville. MOS PRlCE'obtained the' floor to reply, Venn:, was entered'by three inen, who tied i but yielded to, a motionsto adjourn, - , ' , ;.and gagged the clerk and then robbed the Mr. WOOD offe an nnieridmont anted , - .safe and store of money and goods .to" the bill relative st the rigcor naturalized amount of 81,000. :,, ;,... ,• -, ., ;. ! ..... citizens abroad. Referred. ¶llw bill reported by Mr- Waslobatnei 1;.• —Returns of tho.d eetiotoln•irkalisas are Inciana, An , relation they boupties, provides' - .yet very meagre. Opponents ,of the Con :, sirtitution•chtim it will be defeated by 15,000 , 3 bedb.tY of eight' &Idlers and .thirty s tieThreiiast. . iii . . 0n ..n three cents por month for Actual service. for named SuldiYa J U ' . : -ife.6;inr," dseductie-24falirPat"ulgets, ir- elved'r":ll'4lY mid Duffey-;•,,uore kiliedatMeg Oaat?1,1t)11, bear/al: 7l x PO oen!'lletßefilitlr tirrehliiirgrtst' falling of: ieskirdstt Ihe receivable only in parile i ol os Rash ) l an d s AssuaiS a huge rock . '•:' ' . and not to be transferable. '' ` - • The Methodist Canton - nice: at X!.bnlidel- The House, with the , underatandfnig "that Jidda wil l adjourn - _ to-day ' after a session of to-morrow, be( ,devoted,,to, general debate,. ;•t anda7C . '''' '-' ' - ' adiaatMlC i2l, 'Ai 4 v.". • ' 1',...i . -.1 i -/: ..141,•• --...... .••••.... l y:, • ..7.1.1..a?" - .:- '0 list. • O'CLOCK. M. NNSYIYAk.i MiIAA:I‘IME. E =I E BM WM r , ....„ • -• . • . • . - , • i•-•4l‘, • •• • ••• •- • •• • ' • • . • r • - - • ••1411- • • • _ . •...• . . _ .• • . ~••. a • • . 1. :'IIIITIOI 1i •, =EMI =RE . . . " THE-BRITIMIL EXPEDITION7o• • TA)NIioN; :Afitrelt disrkatch from Abyssinia, dated 31arch, savS , General Napier ha d•gene.hi •ittbrani.e.of the' expedi tion 'With a reconnoitering party, intending to reach Lake Ashangee in the Tigre country., Kassai, Prince of Tigre, had /vit. gaged to furnhilt supplies for the British troops ,vithild pitsgitig.througlf , hi* territory on the march to Magdelo. I JAPAN. TUE VIVILWAII-•- T YC Tho- OO.N-ANFEATE D. tolchttc. 20: latest adves from Shan ghee state that'the civil war ic In Japan resulted, in the defeat of, the who, after a dbutstious - hattlb with the cent blnediforces of the Daudos, fled to Jedtlo.. ,ThoGoverhment.of,3llkado liaa-fularessed a note too - the the Slit : aster 'in Japan,' in which tit pledges itself-bin, faithful observ ance of treaties. • r' • fi - r ,r ) ll / 1 1 4*- 3 Y4 COMPLAINTS AGAINST RUSSIA. A dispatch from —Conahintinolile..-iepOrts the Grand Vi sier , coraßldns.,otaid indireet ly furnislied bk Rits.slair tranKports to small bands of Cretan, insurgents:ln the-,moun. tains ond declares this alone prevents i restoration of complete tranquility. hi Can dle. • " "' , , PA M nts, tiroW2o.--fitte Fron6h troops in Rome have...lven reduced, to n single brig= ado. • • - tINANCIAL. ANi) COMMERCIAL. - lioxixm, Mareh 20. —Evening. —Consols closed at 93x0312' • Pive-Tirenties; , 721-s.' Illinois Centrali' , Bo:34..' Erik 0.14: 1; Fup:Avour, March= —Evening. —Roncis closed strong at '75 8.13a75 0:8. • ' A . '.-- ^ ' LIVERROOL, Alarch 20..-Evening. -Cotton closedquiet and easier; 'Middling 'Uplands ut 10 1-ffo: Orleans :at :194.43f. Kilos .Of 10,000 bales. Manehester market dull. Bitad )strilif-'•-•Wkiest; 145..f0r No. 2•114. *.inter:klGs 101, fee white California.' T.kiiii;:- 40i. r 7 i 9d. .Provisiorm-.Lard, 00a. , Pork,- 7lki. ' , Cheese, ,ay. 1 8ee4.1205. Italsiom, , C. d. for ,eom;• Mori; ' l 2kr., ' fur ')lnidiu m . entinb; t 34 8:. • Petro,lelnu-,reflrted Anil tit 18.. .. f !,z • , S ajta , 16. 2(1.- Suim ..15e - Psi, for,lic6, -,tz; tell .) Tu t ei standard."' 'ralloW,'l4it - 3d 4 • - r,iesbeA es, , . 10 pendiA44l qt.; 4 !.., , P NA tehN 2o . ll PUroieurn closed steadY ,a4 white. a„ 44 l llicit 74 Outlines t9r , standard ..")'#•:i' , ' 1.:/ri I:4:4 il':',/,:ls I. '! -.;,.:., c." •il :-:,‘ J: AI ' ?%: — .1•!;_l .loi , .--_ r. .I: , , ~f. *,' • ~., • ~,' ~,,,i1 HI =IE=EM THE OAP . ITAL.- . Sensational - Reports In Texas. • --"---' .-. 1 ' . • . Pittsburat Afine; "--"-- 1 . Conference eithe r 31. Fa ,thurch. General - - T" . 0 . . ~ , _ ..._ ~ _ ,_, ing-State --iu miter-lifalleckf• to t . pecialCurrenpontli;n ee of' the Pitt SL) IA rgh Gazetie,:j announced the latest telearaphie news from - • Washington -to its readers, in ..the fallen - lag Succeed - Hancock ..at New th• - .. ~ GkEitisarno, March 20, 18613.. leans.7--Artital of RanCoCk.-:- ‘'special dispatehesavith a score or .so Of . •• ,'••: ilium DPI PROCEEDINGS. headins in the . most. imposing . job -office letter yesterday I had not time•te' Viol. . . Georgia Case in Supreme Court ,In my -Nominations--GreenbaCks in ' ., call a ttention to the Temperance sernion - 0 0 ---- '• . -•'''''• 1 Its readers were evidently hunger , • - . - ins. for strone•Meat_ -.-. . . preached on Monday evening lw ReV. J. S. • H°l-71.°1%. TEL•g94I-4151-.-7PNTRA-N, the Treasury. -• • , • - .emnain. Ie NIES appointed at the session • - ir 14, TuETAT 31071.7_, rkTelepeibbr.e;s.d.,47l6,B4l• rac war. war- (Bs Telegraph to the Pit teibtirgh GaZe tte.) . WASHINGTON, March 0 0 1869. of the Conference held last atar, and though , . heel! the first rfitn fi'red!--Three zeomew "An TX4rnnim".A.i. cannasir aiksartNo. his intimate friends expected a rich treat, Pmurderedll7-Thirteen killed!--127' nircii.. a Cabinet meeting to-day: • • ' Adjutant General Thomas was', present at yet_ their anticipations were .more than' re thud. He reached a sermon full of hien- seven wonnded/-.Andrew Johnson" a pris oner!--General Thomas killed!-Stantott's. t : . ,nsele, a unding in passages of gen mil!. - - ' al m ' preached ' .• . • ,- leg Lt Di Department burpedl7- ANOT J I EE.CONSITATIGN: . nine ;eloquence.- It WES a sermon• of great Sherman with. the Pres.ifient!-Grant de 'lle President's Counsel had another EOll- poWer, and in the estimationof goodjudges - siltation with hint to din.' . . trl p t n ll i e m cl ie t s h t e d • n e ys tro . rts ,. of John B.' Gough in dares hiniself dictatorf---Beeretary &ward resigned! -General • war ineritable!-etc., - . STATE rim:amt. Last night the prilpit'of the Presbyterian etc., etc. The Seventh State dinner was given this Chureh wits tilled by Dr. H. Miller pastor evening, - -. ~ • .of the Smithfield Street Cherch in' Pitts , ,H . A1.1.1-:tH TC, SyCCEEp HAN , cOCE. . 1 bur h, and that of the Methodist Chercli hy ' the . Venerable S. M. Ilaulson. Both • General Grant, by order of the President;', were honored with large audiences, as both has detailed General Halleek ta succeed.; are men of ability, highly °steel - tied by their General Hancock at New Orleans.. • - Conference and by thou ._ „... ARRIVAL OF HA:Nem-it. • : muls in and out of the Church. , Major Geneyal Hancock arrived this after- This morning, the Conference was opened I , Withreligions services conducted by 'Charles noon.iceompanied by Colonel Mitchell 'of Thorn. ; , his staff. Durlag 4 lie evening inany friends , called on him. . . • SEPIIENE COUET--CiEORGIA LA,151•2. • i the Conference, and the lavmen as well in the election of delegates to the ensuing lig den- In the Supreme Court, in case. No. 11, eral Conference to be held in May,. in the original, State oftleorgia vs. General Grant,. city of Chicago The question of LaY that Secretary of War, and . others, en !no- - resentation has ' been more or less discessed thin of Mr. Ilbek, proceSs ordered to issue lbr years past, and will come before that in this cause. 'n_atiotion for wpreliniinary body as one of its most important questions. injunction is held under advisement. The vote of yesterday, fixing Monday. morn ' (.1 1 El:snacks vs . TILE Ins:Asti - tr. ing, at ten o'clock, as the tithe for the elec tion; was reconsidered this morning, and the. The amount of greenback currency 310 W LllllO changed to Stiturday, at 9 o'elock, A. 31, in the . Treaattry is lesS than at any tune I will keep your readers advised of the re 'shut 'the war. There • art; t 1 1.:4,000,000 of , greenbacks intarculation, and 83 , 3,900,000 of I. 'Hie e.x:inthuttion of cite Elders, was fractimuil curreney. The whole 'paper eir- resuniacloind the ministers of the Barnes. eulation amonida to $ 70 0,000,009.. . ,:. -- 1 Ville, McConnellsville Cambridat Steu- ' ,NOHINArtoNs. ...,,,,.-2--: berwille, and Alleghen3- distrietaaxxiimined Major Burhside, of Illinois, has been-a and pastaad. - ' - • I nominated to the Senate as See/Ind.:auditor 1' J. L. - Decus, J. J. Moffit,'S. F. Minor, Dr: of the Trettatiry vice E. B e -French; also t.D. 1.. -- Derimsey, and Dr. J: L. Williams, the la"'alter E. Carlin, Assessor of Internal Re- aPresidingElders; reporied a year -of great , venue, Tenth District, Illinois; John G. ' peace Mal _prosperity_ in their respective f Watts, Chief Justice of New 31exiem Se- : di W strict's. - . 2 . • • . It. Drobell, Assessor Internal Rev oh enue, Se- ' ' e may add at - this point that not only is cOnd Distriut of _Western Virginia; Captain ; the Conference one of the largest in the de- 1 Augustus B. Case to be Commodore; Con:- i nomination, but one of the most effective. minders 11. B. Caldwell and Henry K. Da, : The esprit alit corps of the body is of a high venport to be CaPtains, and Lieut. Coro- ; order.: AS a . conference they have few peers manders Stanton and B. B.' • Taylor' to be lin thiS•connection. • • 1 Commanders.. - . - i 1-1/..v. .1: l'l'. Miller, of Ohio, lev. J. K. Plitt,- piator of the Evangelical Lutheran ' Church, and Rev. F. S. Dc HMS, pastor of ••• , , . ..._ _ ~. ' the Metropolitan. Chureln, in .)Naimilington , .... ,... , ---..7.---- . a ay. Were introduced to tile COnferenCe. . -At Helena, Arkansas,. on Thurstuty Bart Tremer,'Shoriff, attempted to arrest ,i . I t eC onllinowit in tee r o e n r a t y : . - ega - tio . n presen-negro who lied killed three negroes remelt Tl h Committee ono l.' Ins- Delegation otter I he followin. as their report: iYintitijoeent•hennties. '• The netryti drew a: t - - 0 " • - ,;:, I -at is s'ited that viten the - Germ ' a - 11,Min.." We believe that the question of Lay aa.,l- I . q er.. Silillt.i.:(l the:expatriation treaty, lie put revarver and shot the Sheriff . through the ' eg,ation in the Methodist E pi-Scopal'Clitirch I ',.,..! ~ body, knoekin„„ 4, him off a mule. The ne- ' : slioubl, aa soon tLS possible be settled by , ~ ; : _/.1:1 nis pen and Said to Mr, Baneroßl gm then mounted Trenier'S mule and fied to the hills. The negroes around the eleta defitute legislation, and, under the guid- ! Vs' ell YOH-letvelfeaten •itsa",,--"Oirl.tio,": ; once of tli . e sanctified. wisdom of' 'preaehers !. laughinglyartailietillte-minister,..4you have tion polls, getting up .a disturbance on the plea that a,- noaTo hod been she., ; anti peoplei: we. think ,rsatisfactory results cinly recognized . the rights ,ef, triel.),;`!..,,tatt enabled - haleszavils.easaa..-..,,ta m5 ., iglu,. ma 1w -t t eeb e d l._,.„ ... .._ . ' ...- i:,.,____,.: , .._ . .._.. • ' any rate', l •centinued the Prussian Coinictia where he Was fotifids*--bvl--a , p osse: Arho i :7111/° Inal4M i'''""at°/'''''''''llarb4:4ll' l'63l•l6,7'lltrittlr'-'-'"t “Wliat.)ll9*-P41664•314..- . 1 nijniatry ad lady, . and. In the disp . osit ion Antigone in pursulr o • in, tfteir 'attempting 4,ors haye rl aliTaf,,ts. limier trying' to e- get, but !.. w atct!:to t° be mad, fit W e , ree °B lll7 : o the - 11, We:111i-fed ta attain:" :• • - -. a •• • ' - to arrest Wm he again fired; wounding 'lir. < propriety , of the particifiation of the laity; _...'. ' ; ' '. • Sehnstink, - The - posse field hill at < bav un- - - fit - v(1 ;, therefore, . nil a squad of &alders - arrived, wife `t ? iii 111arket. - , Raao/red, That it is the . sense of this -Con- , I , : „,. ~ , ..., • ~.,., . ~ .• .., . . • .--; upon itn, ',wounding him severely. 'ln fereriee that Lita Delegation should be. in. .‘; .t e:tgrapn .9the I.ttshurgh 9azette.l , this cendition he was fl . ried back io'llele. • tftaineed into the Church whenever ate mfr. ' ST. .1.0171:5; March 2 0 .- , --Tebtieco deuce and na. None of the wounded were dead at '' _ of the l aity shall Maw that they desire it, and unchanged. 'sCotton very quiet andlzardly last accounts.. ' - 1 • loun steady and low grades 'scarce-and ! that our Delegates be and are licre;,,,- iii,. i4lnythi ng doing; middling quoted ;it 23e. -Isaa c M. Ruth, who shot and severely I strut: to.use theirinfinencewith the ilea:: wounded Seymour yaultairep some' time IGeneral Conference tciprovide for tit'? infra- Panted; stiperfirie 87,75%1,62, extra -89110,73. • Wheat..in betteia.deinand, at 82,641:x2,70 for ago; at St.' Lolls, as.' the latter' on ; duction of. Lay Delegation into the f,':;.:, - :.•11 Fourth-street; in that city, haat night, With 1 ufianthis oxindition. a' . . . rod alai Whitt! winter, 82,10a2,20:for.spring, a.cowhide mai, was .slint'hy. Vailltaire,: the ' ''.• A.:Swanon•P. lq: 'iteGOwall, F. l ap . t., Ile tact very ehoice. Corn heavy; but Wall taking ' effect In' Ruth's left breast 'st son- J.ID.' Fall s J.' .T.' • Joinis, W. A'. Stewart, !•unchans. ats7atitle. o;its better at 71a756. below the thouldera Vaultaire received.t- A. L. Petty, W. B. - Watkins, W. Lynch, I -Rarley in . good, demand at yesterday's. ad several tuts on the face and hands, Committee, • - ',., a I ..vatiec; choice : spring sold at 82,85. Rye' but wasa not c,fikrio-tislya:. injured. The I ' A /notion was made to amend by striklng ' firm at .81,70 ' for prithe. Pork. advanced out all in itahes. , This ; WW.a. I, Eli 011 OW ' - AilLil tn:shier:llde. inquiry; sales at 824,50. affair grew out of a letter recently • pljblialied by Yaultaire, addressed to the • 'bable 'by a vote of 121. t 039. . The roper:, Ifaeon very strong. and hi shonlders, Grand ',Tti - ry, - declining to' 'prosecute .Math after some earnest diaenasion, Was adupti,: a ; :.latl.;(•, clear rib sides .13 4 4;(a clear sides :ass,asaasiag.,..hinliass„ W a iter. . „,„1 i s a i ka, -, ty ts•vote of i 55 to,, ~ . , •. - .T . 1.4!-cataXe. but held- tet . lse afthe Close, sugar The report of the,Cernmittee on the statt . , .ettrial hams at 17e.... Bulk Meata--saalt'oloorso contained nome retlectiana.on Ruth and his • wife, who - wits' fornierly .31rs. Vaultaire. aVaultaire wna placqd . nntler. bonds to an- - , - 14 Wer . a.ellarge of assault witli intent to kill. ! of alie 'Church was presented; read, am; ..Mans to arrive -ail Da, and loose clear sides adopted. It eonderfina among other things, L itt Quima- at 1:3(_... Lard higher, at 1 5.a.133•(, church fhirS and festivals,- and 'overkill). rib/. tieW kettle2.l. "Receipts•••-..flonr, gatibtebbls; 'lotteries are connected. ' t ; wheat •7 591.1, cdrn • 0 bus • • where . .. . . , with horn. , ~ ~.. , ... bush, . , 28,00 ;•.11, oata, John `j.' Edwaisl4) who , :wai.liecently * • The third question, viz: Who are ad- . .-,oo9.otish; bariev, 1400 bush. . tried and acquitted of the charge of em- milled in full. connection'? was taken : u • • -- " !---7 ' - " c " ----. ' ----. ' ''• ''': ' - bezzling funds frinit the - rnin`Savirrs lff. and Joseph N. 'Pershing, ,james . Stephen:a l'i gireiltUllt 11. Market.. •, , .•_,... stitution of St. Louls, has brought snit George Orlin, Thomas Patterson, William 'PT Te/F+tt.ro?l to the rittzburgli Gazette.) ~ . . against Win. Rutherford., President of that F. Smith, J. W. Hamilton, JameS E. Star- .. t.INNAn,MareII2O.---Flour and Wheat bank,Tor false imprisonment; , also ailin g - key, and l e. W. Scott; having Answered sat. C lrnchanged Corn firm at Biffor. eaa, Rye ing, him with falsely swearing • before the ,isfactorily;the'usual disciplinary questions -i Barley .searce; Primo _ Grand Jury.. Edwards claims twenty thou-. were ' affectionately addressed by `'' the .14182,7.45. -Cqtton dull; middling n o . rune dollars dmages. ,•a . .. ,p, after Which' they were - examined, 1y23.. ProvisionS firmeri• Mess s 2 :l - .. ...a.A ecifiVetith a tr Of:WeNrefirliithilitlitlnt.- i and 'admitted into 'full connection. ,50, 4 1.11fik Meats 10 a12..•Baeon in demand at '0 Class is conapbsed: of young men who alt!'- 4 / ter S h oulders, . 131 for ' 14a' Ms of Wrapiiine - vriport-)not at Chicago have given proof of ;:theitscalbto :the ;work - 14,4 for -elear - ribs a (I. gilt:. aid Bl eti des, ci 1 :Thurday. 141mraat rip go of - ,tininey, of the. Christian - ministry,. and ,give pram. , sobi atill - sq noW held tit •- 16 e.• , Billie; S . ear -- I Tilinnis, Presided, and John C. Skinnee,i of .ise of good Service telhe Church. . ~ -atittilintrat :Iktsit- ' EggS'' , l: l' Gr ' rles Indt Hamilton, „Ohio, acted tuaSeeretary..alt was , Rey,F. S. Do Hass,,formerly a member -changiutand,steadv., •• Mold'l3S. - ce , . - , Unanimously agreed to add ono - cent per Of the Conference, and.now Pastor of the'-------"--"e•-•:- , pound to the price of wrapping paper,to take Metropolitan Church, InWashington 'CRY effect at .once. The ' . convention adjourned inprocess of erection by T thik:Methodlids; to meet 'again April 22. • : • 1, .ffeliVered a brief addre.is inhehalf l e the in. -A largo Republican meeting at Ifartibrcl; i i.orest he represnt:4:T Nenrly•every leading ' Conn., On Thitr,s. Ay, was aiidreised by Sen• 'l°"°"ttnation ill the tinltedstates,iserect. lien representative °him% edifice•-iarthe ators Harlanrof•lawa, and Thayer;: of No. , . ~ , , _• - ,' :rational Capital. Amos - Kendall ve braska. . t 100,000.. -towards the ereetiou-ef 'a Ba pt ist • • _John Ward - alias. Jerome Lavigne was-• hh C lob Cid ''V ' '' . executed yestordny tit ' WindSor, Vermont ; - 1 th? erection of an Epitampal:phureli. :Other for the ` Murder of Mrs; OrLswold, at '` Willis- , , princely .benefactions have been made. Dr. tau:» ils.oenfessect