Financial' "Matters in New York .1 .. Ctila qr °- Markets. ' I :BF Telegraph co the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CILICAGCS, .3farch 19.--Flour easier and Gold Closed at 135%®13835 . - - . . . -- 1 less active; -sales at $5,,75 for low [By Telegraph to the rlttiburgh Gazette.' '' ' grades to choice spring extras. Wheat is . , • NEW Yonn, March 19' • IS6S. I' • 1 more active and 1 to 2c lower; - sales of No. 1 MONEY AND GOLD.. .1 at's2a2,o2, and No. 2 'at $1,90a1,90.1 , 6; closing '1 Moneyia hade eager at 7 , per cent for call , at $1,90' ,a 1,90 3-4 for No. 2. Corn ; new firm leans. Sterling quiet at 109';al09x; gold, :er and more active; sales at 81,1083 c for , winter and fresh receipts, closing at 81a for first class bills. Gold without. decided- I‘ B2e for the former; nothing done in No. I.' or opening at 'l3B 34, declining to 2. Oats dull. at 563,4a57c for winter. Rye 188; and closing 138y,,, , i138 3-1 dull at $1,64 for No. 1; $1,62 for No. 2. Bar- GOVERNMENTS. : I ley in fairregnest; sales of No. 2 'at $2,30a Government stocks weak. Henry, Clews 2,36. Provisions firmer. Mess pork sold Co:furnish the annexed quotations : Cou- at 823,74 to the extent of 100 bbls, but hold pons 'Bl, 110 7 ,,,;a111, do '6 4 , 11111110 1-8,.d0 '64 ers at the close asked $23,87140.4 for prime 107 a 4a1.07 3-4, do 'B5. 107 3-4:1107 7 , do new mess. : Perk was firm and '2sasoc Per bbl. 106 ' 3-5a106%; do A 37, !hill 7-Ba7; Ten Forties higher, with transactions at $2l. Lard was 100 .3-4aloo 7-8; Seven Thirties 105 3-4a105 in active request, with sales :at 15%0, and at ! 7-8: Stocks strong and higher. • .. the close there were more buyers than sel-. Canton, 46 1-2a47; Cumberland, 31a34; lers at that figure,the latter asking 15 3-4 c. Wells Sc Fargo's Express, 34a35;* American, Bulk meats were firmer; sales of rough 68a70; Adams,74 3-4475; United States, 69a sides at 113 ct and short rib middles at 12 1 : c. 71;• Merchants Union,. 34 3-4235; 'Quicksil- Sweet pickled hams were firm, a lot sold at Ter, 2421 1-2; Mariposa, 6 1-2a7 1-4; Pacific 14!.ic but the best brands at the close were Mail; 110 I-Saillo 3-4; Atlantic, 90 1-4; West- i held at 14;a15e. Mess beef was quiet at exit Union Telegraph, 34334 1-8; New York. • 18c. Dressed hogs were imlight supply and Central, 122 1-8a122 14; Erie, 71 1.4a71 5-8; almost nominal; a few lots changed hands do. preferred, „76; Hudson, 137a138; Read- at $9;50a10. Live hogs were dull at a de ing, 92 1202 5-8;. Ohio Certificates, 31 1-Sa cline of 25a30c, ranging from s7a9 for corn -31!:38; Wabash, 39 1) qt.,. 3-4; St. Paul, 54a , men to choice. Receipts-3,591 bbls flour; - 54 I-2; preferred, t 1-8a69 3-8; Michigan : 4,047 bu wheat; 17,800 bucorn; 4,116 buoats; Central, 112 12; Micl igaii Southern, 88 7.8 a .33 dressed and 9,900 live hogs. Shipments` 89; Illinois ~ entr: 138; Pittsburgh, 91a 5,18.3 hbls flour; 1,968 bu wheat; 2;509 bu 91 14; Toledo, 105. 105 1-4; Rock; Island, corn; 3,700 bu oats; 5,054 live hogs. . • ti ti 93 1-8a93 1-5; Northw stern, 63a65, preferred, , —.....----!----- 73 3-4a73 7-8- ' 'Fort Wayne 102 14a102 1-2; Memphis Market. Hartford and Erie, 14 1-4;14 1-2; new Ten- lit PittsburghG tf 3 City Tetegrap o are e. neasees 60 ILS- Mis.-souris; 87 1-2.,• - ; • • MEmr.iffs, . March 19.—Cotton dull and ~-:. -, •, XINING SHARES. . ' nominal; receipts, 844 bales; !exports, 1,210 Mining 'shares.quiet; Quartz Hill, 115a120; 1 bales. Flour dull; superfine, $8,00119;00. Smith ..t. Parmelee, 265; Gregory, 305a310. Pork l ! so-5, 00a25, 50 . Bacon; shoulders, 12c; ,-- • • • sIID-TREASVII.Y. - . clear sides, 15" L e; bulk shoulders, 10 3-4 c; Receipts, s3,3o*BB3;.•payments, $2,520,050; .clear sides, 14c.ard, 161117 c. Corn, 95e to balance, $101,012,410. •• " $l. Oats, 80e. Hay 'dull at $l7. Rran, 35e. Corn Meal, $4,00a4,25. Butter, 45a46c. Eggs, 18c. New York Produce Market. triy-Tetezriski to the Pittsburgh Gazette.). , ----a, -. NEw YORK - March 10.—Cotton is steady; . Philadelphia Market. ' sales of 1,504a1es at 25c for middling -up- [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] laths: Flour—receipts of 4,927 bbls.; the PRILADEr,rma, March 19.—Petroleum market is dUll and a shade lower; sales of • firmer; Crude 16a463.; Refined inbond 24,14. 1,400 bbls. at §5,90a9;30 for superfine State a 24 3-4. Flour firmer; holders asking au and western; 89,90:110,75 for extra State; advance for winter. Wheat,late Wheat ad -89,65a-11,20, do, extra, western; 812,00a13,90 vaned 5c.; sales 7000-bush red at 2,604,72; • for white wheat extra; 89,90a14,00 for round white 8323,20.; Rye . steady at 81.50. Corn hoop Ohio; $10,00n12,00 for extra St. Louis; dull and lower; sales 3,000 hush yellow at 8.12,001114.75. for good to choice. do; closing . 81,16 and '2,500 bush damaged at auction 113. . quiet, California Flour is heavy; sales of . 1,000 sacks at 812,50a14,00. Rye Flour is Toledo Market. • . 'without decided. change; sales of 4eo bbls. [By Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazette.: at $7,75:19.00. Corn Meal is quiet. Whisky Tor:Eno, 'March 19.—Flour receipts 1175 is n omi natly unchanged. Receipts—Wheat . barrels, q uiet. Wheat, receipts 1.25 bush.; 2,511 bu. and the tharket is (lull And le low- quiet and lower, sales. Amber Michigan at . er; sales of 31,000' bu. at . 82,36 for ' , No. 2, 82,60. Corn; receipts 6,495 bushels, a shade spina - , in store turd delivered; 8.2;70 for am- ,: lower; sales, - No. lat .91a81%; Michigan •91, ber,.PennsYlvauid; $3,30 for white Michigan. ;all June 91. Oats; receipts 2,650 bushelsde Rye quiet; sides 3,500 bushels of western at . lower; sales No. lat 65. Rye scarce. Clo sl,Bo. Barley steady, 8,600 bushels of, verseed, better sales at e+7, - 0 -60 0 a 4, . Canada west to arrive on the opening o9the ' , • ' . , - --.....-.—,--. river at 82,25. - Malt steady ; sales - of , 700 IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. • busheli 1, 1 2,15. Coin—receipts 23,395 latish- • - - ___ els without decided change; stiles - of 43,000. PITTS:BURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO bushels at . 81,20a1,26 -- for new mixed . west..., RAILBOD, March 18.-1 car metal, Bryan . ern afloat, ';,q,.54,26 for old do in store and & Caughev; 11 do do Nimick & Co; 2do do, -- 0 11,17 a 1,25 fer newwhite western and south-Jno Moorhead; 18 cars iron iron ore.Shoen ern.' 'Oats-receipts' 1,298 bushels. and lot-.' berger & Blair; 200 bbls flour, T C Jenkins; er; Sales of 68,000 bushels at 83c for western 100 do do, Watt & Wilson; 100 do do. Dan in store. Rice firth' and quiet. Coffee firm. Wallace; 250 pigs lead; J R• Canfield; 3 cars Sugar active; salei of 1,800 hhds of Cuba at . wheat,,J S Liggett lt Co; 2 bbls varnish, '- 10 1-2alll-8. Molasses steady . ; sales of 155 . White, Berger. - 6, - ; Co; 1 bbl eggs, 25 boxes hhds and 20 tierces of Carob:lna at 47c. cheese, Seghmyer& Voskamp; 4 sks wool, Hops quiet at 10a60C. Petroleum W. Barker & Co; 53 sks rags, McCullough, • steady at 13c crude ..', - refined - Smith I. Co: 35 sks rye, Scott & Gisal; I ear bonded: Pork fir t mer and in fair- demand headings, M P Adams k Bro; Ido hay, H 2,850 bbls - , 824,50a24,70; new mess closincr at Rea Jr; 1- bbl eggs, 2 kgs butter, Head i. V 4,70; regular, 824,5004,62; old closing at Metzgaik; 114 - bdls felloes, T Hare 5: Bro; 110 • 8 0 3,50; exalt, $20a20,75; prime and S'2 4 ,soii -9 3; bxs cheese, WJ S Booth; 76 bdls 'forks, 40 Prime mess beef is firm and active with. do hoes, Logan & Gregg; 1 ear lumber, sales of 1170 bbls. market - unchanged. Slack & Sholes; Ido do, .1 I!Bradley; 94 bxs . Beef' hams are firm; sales of 350 bbls. at - glass, C Ihmsen &.- Son; 11 bbls apples, 1 kg• 836a40. 'Cut meats are quiet; 260 pk,,s at ,apple butter, 1 hx t butter, Voigt & Co; 27 10-:1-2allc; ' shoulders, 14a15-1-2c. Dress- • `sks rags, C P Markle; 6 bxs soap. F 55 C ed hogs are heavy At 11a11-3-8o; western, . Feld; 49 bxs cheese,Pettit & Newlin; 25 bids 11-3-4a12-1-2c. City bacon is quiet; 180 bxs : lard oil, E A FahneStock & Co; 5 do do, R at 11-7-Bal 2c,• Cumberland cut, 13c; short E. Sellers & Co. iii- . ribbed, 14a14-1-Sc short clear. lard is fir- ' • CLEvELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. nier; 1,950 bbls at 11a16-1-4. Butter is nn- March 19-100 kgs powder, 13radys Bond steady at 40a4S; Ohio, 45a60c. State cheese Iron•Co; 335 do do, P Mechling; 25 acs hams is firm at 12a16-1-2c. Freights—Liverpool , J Lippincott; 7 kgs tobacco, S. Rodelheim; are dull dud Ipwer; 7,500 corn engaged for • 47 lidls;broom handles, J 0 Thempson; 21 sale at sd. • - . - ' • i sks dats,`6 do rye, Jno Maher; 37 do ryd, W LATEsi.--FloUr closed dull and 10c lower, ! .1 Meek; 5 bbls peaches, Carter, M(..{:retv. & the decline chiefly upon medium and ,nood ' Co; 5 do' seed, 235 sks oats, F G Craighead; grades.; Wheat closed dull and strongly in i 25 b-es cheese, Knox &- Orr; :50 lib's oil, 55 buyers' favor, shippers holding off at still F McCutcheon; 22. bales has-, J & W Fairley; • lower prices. - Rye quiet at kf.1,k4a1,96 for ' 15,000 - ft lumber, .J Richardson. - western Oatsdull at &2 3-4aB.3cfbr western j , .ts.LLEGHENY STATION, March 19.-1 car in store: Corn dull and • heavy at 81,21 a staves, J. M Heinphill; 2 cars staves, Ralya -1-241-2 for new mixed western afloat, and a: Robertson; 2 cars staves, J Logan; 2 bxs 81,25 for old do in - store. Pork steady at cheese, Hahn & Hadley; 130 bags flaxseed, 823,50 for old mess; 8:4,62.1-2a24,68 3-4 for M B Sudan; 5 bxs candles, 11 do soap, S new mess; 825 for April sales of 1,000 bbls Dyer; 8 doz brooms, G Myers; 13 dos pails, new mess at 824,60324,68 3-4 cash. and re,gu- etc, Jas O'Hanlon; 1 car- anillfeed, Stewart ler. - Beef firmer and in fair demand. Cut & Langenheim; 20 bbls flour, El & C Magin; -meats without decided' change. , Bacon 10 doz washboards, Seddon dc Thompson; 22 steady at 12c for Cumberland cut. Lard is. bbls apples; J Herbert. fairly' active and firm at Nal° 1-4 for fair to . • prime steam and kettle rendered. • ' ALLEi: VALLEY RAILROAD, March $-3 cars metal, -John Moorhead;.l do do, Bess, Graft Q. Dull . ; 3 do do, Nitnick . ,4.t: Co; 2 cars lumber, Kier, Foster .t Co; 34 bales hay, Scott & Gisal. ~ St. Louts Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaaette. _ Sr. Lours, March 19.—Tobacco is active at fall prices. Cotton is hold above the 1 views of buyers; lowmiddling sold at 22 1-4. .Flour is lower and 'medium grades scarce and in demand; sales of superfine at $7,50a B,6s;"extra, - $8,00a9,50; double extra, slo,ooa . 11,50. Wheat is steady, firm and unchanged at $2,55a2,75 for winter; $2,08 for spring. Corn is inactive and slow at 88a90c. for shelled: 75480 c. for, ear. Oats firmer and higher at 71a73c. and small sales; for seed, 75a76. Barley ha.s advanced; sales of choice spring at $2,85, stock very liEht. Rye is firm and more active at $1,65a1,. 5, latter for seed.. Pork has advanced with considerable inquiry and& not much disposition to sell; sellers • ask $2-400a24,37 1-2. Bulk meat's firmer, loose shoulders, • Keokuk, 10c.; clear rib sides, 13p. Bacon buoyant and excited and more sellers than buyers for present delivery;shoulders firm at 11c.; clear sides on spot, 15 1-2; 500,000 pounds do. lat ter, part April, 14 3-4a15c., Lard is' firmer at 15.1-2 c. for choice kettle; 15.1-2 in kegs. Live stock is quiet and unchanged; cattle range 'from $5,55 to $B,OO per hefid. Re celpts—tiour, 2,200 bbls.; wheat, 3,000 bush.; corn 6,000 bush:; oats, 2,600 bush. • - Cincinnati Market. By Telegraph'to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l CINCINNATI, March 19.—Flour and Wheat unchanged and quiet. Corn in fair demand and firmer, at 86c for ear shallot would not sell for any more than this. Ryefirm, at $1,75a1,78. Barley scarce. none - of any con • sequence offering. CottOn dull; 'middling could have been bought at "ac at the close. 'Mess Pork firm but not active, at $24,50. Bulk Meats held at•10a1;lc for shoulders and sides. Bacon in better demand; shoulders 11c; sides 13c; clear rib 14c; clear 14%a14yc. Bacon packed in slack cooperage • can be , bought a shade below the quotations. Lard firm at 15, 5 ‘a15Nc. Butter scarce and firm at 48ii.52c. - Eggs adVanced to 23c. GrOcer ies urichanged and quiet. 'Gold 138 g.. To- bacco rather dull; lugs $30a100; sales 110 hhds at ss4al2 for lugs, and 13a28c for leaf. Cleveland Market. Telegnsph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CLEVELAND, March 19.—Flour steady, firm and unchanged, sales of double extra spring at 01.0a11,25; double extra rod winter .at $11,50a13,50, and double extra white at $13a14,50:" Wheat firm and better for high grades of winter; choice amber held at $2,62; No. 1 red winter at )32,58112,60; N 0.2 do at 82 i 4fia2,50 No. 1 spring at 42,30. Corn firm and in good request; sales 011 the spot , 1)131,01 for new and e 1,02 for old No. 1 from store. Oats firmer and better; sales of No. '1 State at 70c. Rye; stock light and :market quiet but firm;- held at 01,50a1,130. .?Barley; none In the Market would com mand $2,50a2;60 for No -1.- Petroledm firm; refined in fair demand,. it:2la22c in bond and 41a430 for free; crude firm at 0,65: Biltbmore Market. 'r,CBT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette 3 BALTIMORE, Mich 19 .—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat dull:--Coin 4e4ye, at $/,091114/4 and 61,18a1,19 for prime yellow. • Ogf lirni at 81tig5c.' RyeitalUatisl,Bftl,9o: i o ch aver sescl r opA .at "fo, ,western. Pro : . ylaions firmer cliar Alt* Ottting at: • =EI Both the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers are receding . ' steadily at this. point with eighteen feet in the channel by the former, and sixteen by the latter: The weather yesterday was cloudy and mild, with indications favorable for • more rain. Business continues fairly active at the landing, freights offering pretty 'freely for all points, and the levee yesterday pre sented quite an animated appearanCe. • The arrivals include the iti ild Duck and Barges, from Neiv Orleans; 'Camelia, from :Nashville; New State, from Cincinnati; and the McCullough, from Parkersburg. The latter boat was considerably behind time, having Wen detained by high. water and fog. She cleared again in the afternoon. • The St. Charles left for . .Cincinnati yes terday afternoon with a moderate freight list, and a fair number of passengers. The explosion of the Cincinnati and Maysville packet Magnolia, announced In Our of yesterday, is a very sad affair—forty lives reported lost. It is to be hoped that this first report lias been con siderably exaggerated, and that when de-. tails of the calamity are gathered together It will not appear so frightful, though it Hillbe . bad enough, no doubt. The Waitanita, Capt. Thos. Shuman, is filling up rapidly for fhe Missouri river, as. is also the Lorena, Capt. Sam Shuman, for St: Louis. The R. C. Gray; Captain'Wm. B. Anderson, is up for Cairo and Memphis, and - the Anierlea, Capt. Adam Poe, will be the first boat out for Nashville. The Kate Robinson, Capt. Robt. Robin son, is filling up rapidly for Cincinnati and Louisville ' arid will positively take her de parture to-day. Capt. A. J. Bears still re tains charge of the office. The,Wild Duck Jr Barges, Capt. .kitawalt, is announced to leave for St. LOWS to-mor row. Shippers should make, a note of this. . _ The Yorktown, in command of the vete ran, Capt. Wash. Ebbert, is announced to leave'for Fort . Benton and all intermediate points on Saturday, and passengers and shippers should bear this in mind; The Yorktown made the voyage successfully last season. - - The now steamer' Andrew Ackley, Capt. Bolie, will be the next in turn. - • A dispatch from MeMphis states that the pilot house of .the Emperor Was blown off a short attune° above Memphis, in the storm of Tuesday morning. Darnhgf3' was done to other boats there, inolnding the, Lady Gay, which had her chinueys blown down. • - The EVansArille packet Tarascon, in the storm Tuesday morning, had seven feet of water. on her deck at one time. Freight was washed 'overboard-and other damagp The floors of a large • atone !grain ware ohouso'on the bank of the'-Illinois river, at Perh, gave way Saturday :night,. preolpitatl jing from 40,000 50,0(X1 , 131usheis grain ut, the' Selkirk' where tithe. water cwar .‘• rt. t , : MEE =MEM ~.~ - ~...yam: PITTSBITRGII GAZETTE : FRIDAY!: - NW'S ,20 1868. 1. • RIVER NEWS. about three feet deep..., The damage is ma. mense. • . . . .- Capt. Jacobs - IS having the cabin - of thti., Ida Stockdide :'widened' nine feet 'and four state-rooms added. ' This will he a decide& improvement in the boat. ! -,, The Dubuque Herald states that propo-i i sale have been received from steamboat. Captains on. the Ohio, to, command the Northwestern Union , packets for $125 peri: month. . , The Parkersburg ThlleB, of the 16th, says:,. An election is called for next Saturday to: decide upon the will of this city regarding a subscription of city bonds to the amount-. $20,000, to assist the Little Kanawha irn , ,provement. I • , The Vicksburg Herald, of the 15th, has , the following: The Lee has been fooling with the pegs set down by the great Prin.. a eess in her famous trip, some yearS ago,; and lifted them from the mouth of Red ; river to Natchez:: time, four hours and 32 minutes, being nineteen minutes quicker. She made landings at . Fort Adams, Black HaWk, Hutchens and Vidalia. which was More than the. Princess did. • The distance is seventy-two miles. The Davenport (Iowa) Democrat says: From our files we learn that ther iver at this Point has been closed this season just eighty-seven days.. It-is said that the long est ,petiod of ice-bloCkado, at this point, was in the winter of 1842-3, when the river closed November 14, and so remained un til the 10th of April—in all 147 days. ~ Adispatch, dated St. Joseph; Mo., March 14th, says; The little steamer Uncle Ned,. which idles between this port and Belmont, Kansas, sunk this afternoon. • She was starting on her afternoon trip, and had.just got under, headv;ay, when abreast of the city tainting too; Close to the bar; she it - ruck:a Kr . iik:,; The shock , suggested seri ous'_ dtimag, and she - Was hedded for the Klittarieshorei Which she reached and was made fast. Her - stern settled down in about six feet of water: The damage • will not be heavy. . •- . . The stoekholders of,the Northwest Union Packet line, a Chicago, Dubuque and St. PAU - institution, met at Chicago *recently, and then, Or subsequently,,after the follow loWing appointments were made: ' Steamer. Captain. . Clerk.. Milwaukee, - - J. F. West, , Hatcher. Kev City, : W. H. Laughton, Barron.: Phil. Sheridan, M. Hutchinson,. Hall. City St. patul, S. Painter, Paul- We We .clip, the following items from. the Cincinnati Commercial, of Wednesday: The New Orleans trade is only inbdorate, and rates' ruinously low. The water, was over the pavements at the foot of Main street and Broadway last evening,-limiting the wharf space to two squares, between 'Main street and Broadivay. The Delaware's chimneys . fell Laid night while being low ered ,preparatory to : passing under,: the bridge. Capt. Calhoun soon had them ele vated again: when she departed for -Nash ville: The Madison packet C. - D. Dumont encountered the gale opposite Kirtloy's, near Medoc Bar, and while endeavoring to make a landing, damaged her larboard guard.. Capt. Geo. W. Cullum resumed eommand of the Shamrock last evening, Capt. Geo. Clark was very badly injured about the, head, in the railroad disaster yesterday.' The• Leonora No. 2, Lady Grace, Carrie Williams and Spray, lying above the foot of Broddway, parted their lines during the heavy . storm yesterday morning, and were blown. across the river,' where they were caught between a number. of coal barges. No - damage was done to the boats. . . . . The Sallie. en route from Pittsburgh to the mountains, arrived at, Cinehmati on Tuesday with six hundred tons. and River Weather.. - . , :tlil tvvielie.t.o - 4, 'km CO_- Ity Telegraph to tie- Pitt,buret liazette.] . t i: ',. ~ • - , , , -. , - - ' , . . lit tsstox 1 'FOILS% ARM:4(i 3IT,ItC II A NTS, LOUISVILLE,' MlTeh 19.—Weather clear un d - wt o u nr ,,monedicri in. :Western Itelerre Cheese. and cool, .. . . - • I, Wake' tare, Pell:. • Bacon. Flour, FL :h.; Pot awl --- •• I PetiflAsbea, 4.1til -Oils. Deed Fran attd Produce -- relllila, ti04..144 awl 146 Front street, Pitts _ ii)its“ fal,' i PION'. ;• ''' ' , ' , .:_t, 3.r.,,L1 „§IICS:SiAVAIAILAEEe WHOI - . s A1'1100:ifs A NII.PRODU 'E DEM. 6 .S.TSEE , T, rtcuburgh . --, : . laif . ._ MMITn.7:/i7IV - Q VOR ST. LOUIS. LEA'S"- t<..._ 1! ENwowni. sm.s . r_.34),,Erti. i t.ior x car. virirr RENTON AND TAE lig)Ll. l ' 311 N ES.—TI:w due stentner YORKTOWN—rapt. Etiutu'r.' , Wlllleave , as abovp on SATURDAY, 21. st in.t. at 4 erei.Jet: P. 34. , For frelgnt or pa,lagr apply on board or to i' JAS. 6J1.1.1 NS. - f' g""' . _ nihn PIIIS.—The steamer R. C. GRAY Capt. W. H. ANDERSON, Will leave as above on SATURDAY. 21. st instant. at 4'o'clock For freight or pAgsage apply on board or to nibl3 FLACK & COLLING WOOD. Agents... Fon NASHVILLE .— The I a gE i t r fine steamer AMEIIIC 1 Will leave as above on SATURDAY, the 21st Inst., at 4 o'clock P. sr. - ' For freight or passage apple on.boaral or to JOIIN BARNES. _ Or..f. I). CO . T.LINGWOOD, Agents. CINCINNATI AND m,,,Ard=e k ion LouisviL I.E.—The litcamer )IWISSIat KATE ROBINSON 'apt. Ronr. ROBINSON. Will leave as above on TIIIS DAY. at 4 ix. Ir. For freight or passage apply on booed or to BARNES:FLACK *COLLINUWVOD, Agents FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.—Tice tine steamer s-m-tannim_ LORENA rapt. SAlLSnissiO, leavedfor the above and Intermediate:porta on THIS DA r oth mat_ • For freight .r passage apply on board or to F ACK & COLLINGWOOD; Agents. VNOR M I iTANA, FORTi ele gU i t BENTON AND THE GOLD .A 1 ES.—The nue new steamer ANDREW ACKLEY Capt. GARRETT BOVIL, Will leave for above ports on MARCH 20th. The above boat is entirely new. was Millt expressly for that trade. and has the Government contracts. Joy freight or passage apply on board - or to f - W. J. IiOLTNTZ. JAMES COLLINS. Agent. TOR MISSOURI RIVER;.. DIIt E C T.—FOR LEAVEN- Wall. KANSAS CITY, ATCHISON,t..+T. JO high AND 03IALIA.—The splendid steamer wAtAltarn Capt. 'ttlO3lAS SHUMAN' Will leave as above on TIIIS DAN, at 4 P. Y. For freight or prumage apply. on board or to , JOHN }LACK, • -' J. D. COLLINGWOOD, A, FOR CAIRO AND ST. 11,01115.—The steamer WILD DUCK, and Darges.Capt. J. W. ANAWALT, will *aye as above on. SATURDAY. the 21st test, without. fall. Hates satisfantory. For freight or passage apply on board or to CHAS. BARNES, Agent. BREWERIES. putENrc BT.Etn JOS. SPENCBII....JAB. IVKAT....I2ODEIIT LIDDELL. SPENCER, M'KAY & CO, MALSTERS AND BREWERS Of Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH . , PA. RODEUT "WATSON, Manager. .oett STONE DRAIN PIPE, FOR SEWEFIACE. ALL SIZES, FROM 2 TO 12 INCH. 10,000 -PEET ON . HAND, ' AND FOR SALE BY JOHN" 241 Liberty Pittsburg'!" Of* Voderal 64treet, Alicigupusr. reismso:Ttr-Tuna • • • OZO. O. C 1.488 .1. 11. WASICINO D. P. DAM. IRON fITY BELT WORKS. • ' GEO. O. CLARK & CO. Manutictisrus ot 'very deseitption of, rati:lit, t,. ini:gteaed,,Cepien IlivetedOakdransed '--. No.. 409 rasing&isivelt.i:a'SWs4l4ooo•ol , Unto% Depot{ sgts.,-;/i (1.:11 - 1 - 11•7 yr • tni4 lca . gtid 1,-.=!za • 1.1 !1:1511/.1. 'JAMES 11. , IF/EA:NOV. Jos. u.kit , r.a MEANOR & FLouit, GitAIN AND.PRODUbE COMMISSION ArEncrreLis , rs 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBITIMEL Cods:gnu:id:lts so:Jetted. REFEZT.NCES—J. G. Btartin. Ca National Bauk: J. S. Dilworth St uedy & Bro. HITCIICOCK, WICK WHOLESALE GRAD' COMMISSION M.V. 340 LIBERTY ST 'Mice, up stairs. • STEELE • tiItEX,E & SON, • DEALER 17.0 ' . ! FMEIY, And ,Produce generally, No. 05 01110 STREEI, near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. I'A. YE= SKIL KE/L be RICHART, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .AND DEALERS LX GLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c...&c., •, 349, Liberty St., Pittsburgh, `37 ItOBERT KNOX, Jr., • COMMISSION MEP.CHANT: AND DEALER ;NI FLotTli 014.VC Om PRODUCE GENERALLY. ',9lllse. '4l3f I.przitTx-sritzwr.... "/ d Wholegal> and , Bet All, • ;:0 694 apthxB9 . STEEET. Alum. m'pkwr. McBANE & ANJEIt, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Graters tivrtiouri. GRAIN and PRI:111MR GEN ERALLY,. No.. 141, WATER STREET, 'above BaitChflettL Pittsburgh. jes & ABDISTILONG, , FORWARDING AND comeasioN DERORANTS, • For G e ni sale of Flear, Grain, Bacon. Lard, Potter. SeOA. ntlidlTrdit: and Prodore geuerally. No. 16 IiLLIREF,T STREET. corner of Firat. feT-':u4 • /10MAKER & LANG, Whole ), isle denies Groceries. Flour. Oraln. Pro =Pt:Q.ooou*, - Mb. Cheese, Carbon Oil. 1.4., Nos. 172 And 174 WOOD STREET. near y strett. Pittsburgh. l':t. nui,:us3 .1811 IN I. MUSEIIOrSE W)4. U. LIOUSE. TORN I. HOUSE Si. BROS.. Suc...' cesiors. to I. MUSE. k (V., Wholesale tamers and Commission 3lerehants. Corner of Stnltbneld and Water Streets, Plttsburrh. Pa. e1:16 'IRIDDLE, No. 1013 LIBERTY - . STREET. Pittsburgh, Pa.,Commission Mer mut and 'Wholesale pealar in Country Produce, Uroneries and PittsliurgliJimauthetures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paidfor Produce gan erally.. -- - - - au2l . ; nour. KNOX ANDitt:Nv ksoi KNOX .64 SONJ COMMISSIO: ...11 - ERCI IA NT.:.I awl flealero In rr.orr:. GRABIct 31 LI. FEE') and PRODUCE 41;ENEILA LEN. NC TO _MANI/LC D, oppoAte Cfty Ilall. Allegheny City jlalT:r3l . _ . .....,______. . I)Ai W r.CRAFORD.COWLMISSION .iEUCIIANN MERCHANT IN Plll METAL. OIIMS. ORE. WROU6 11'r Sell AP IRON. FIRE BUICK AND (1.. 4 4.1". .te. , Warehouse and ()Mee, Nos.-31X1 - and 3Coi PENN 'STREET. Storage far utched.. Con.Oguments sanity Ll. :'. ' ()ell IcITTLE. BAIRD ) & PATI'ON, Ndoles*.W Ciroeer. , , Cornanh.e:on Merehanto, and alierr in Produce. Flour. Bacon. Cheese. FDli, Varlxut.und'Lard 011....1.r0n, Netts, .4Ll+,. - Cotton Yarn/kW:la all 'PltDdm rgh" , Mau nfueturea generally, 11% nfulli.4. el F.(A.IN 1.1 sTULET PlDAiurgh. . EUREKA . OIL WORKS, EUREKA CARBON OIL, SPERM L tTBRICA OILS, Capt. ADAM , POIL CHEMICAL LINSEED OIL Crude, Refined and Lulorleating Oils, • Lard, Sperru, Whale alut -flosh Oils. • - R. C,MACHESNEY, Agent, WARING AND KING, Commission Merchants - and Brokers In Petroleum and its Products; DALZELI'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH PA.' PHILADELPHIA- ADDi:ESS, WARING, KING & CO., HM. LONG & CO., • I PURE WHITE BURNING OIL, Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, MACK BROTHER/3i . - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • AND DEALiP.9 IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh °Mee—DAT:ZELL , BUILDING, ear . tier of Duquesne:Way and Irwin streets.. PhlladelphlgOtSee-1117 WALNUT 9T."'' • apl:w3o ' . • . J. C.. P11P3711...C. A. SOHO OIL WORKS.. Manufacture and have for sale all }duds of • LUBRICATINC OILS., No. IST, GLAIR STREET. BUFFILIN, RENEW 4 DYERS AND SCOURERS. WWIOWJW H .3. = LANCE, _ DYER AND, SCPU,REI, AsnYtirstertir ripattptE4S ; ' If %.1 if qW ',31;:;: , 'h o leri l )e4,ll .. fje n s' r • Ja3l:s ] Y 56 CO., UM ESE EMB7I aßti UGH, A. STEELE JAS. F. RICHAttI. B. AN.J.en OILS 51ANUSACTVIIERS-01' ; THE CELEBRATED WHOLESALE DEALERS 1.1; No. 19 Irwin Street; PITTSISUROTT. 12? Walnut litreet.,r. MANUFACTURERS OF Brand--"LUCI.FE.R.IP PITTSBURGH, Pa. = l!oa.,185 and 187. Third Street, 01, 47 0 0 00 4 OL ll = O 01 /VP., ..;7 , 1;:r . ;,L;4 1 ..:, , ,r . ; COAL AND COKE c. A.H.3TBTHONG "A. A. HUTCHINSON. ATIMSTRONG Sr. inuTpgissoN, °wee 4sora to _ 1 lIIL AbELPIITA AND YOI.7.3I.IIOGRENY COAL CO, _ SIIIPPERS AND DEALERS. BY P. 11L ROAD-AND RIVER, OF • • Superior Youghiogheny CAS AND FAMILY COAL. Mee and Yard—FOOT - OF TRY STREET. near the Ilia. Ordpra,kft at the yard. or addressed by math will be promptly pi i ed. BEST FAMILY:COAL =I And Delivered Promptly to Order, , f AT LtIiVEST MARKET RATEtt. By' osci t Am.F. LAMM kco., Corner , Street and P. Ft. W. k C.. P. LLEG:III7\Y CITY, • 'ANTHRACITE COAL FURNISHED AT THE LOWEST HATES. jeG: COAL! COAL:: COAL::: DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Ilartrig rctooved theii Office to , NO, 507 31...1333Earr - 1" ST'ltErE'r, (Lately City Mill) SECOND ELOOR Are noW prepared to.furnt,h, ;rood YOUGITIOGFUE tiY LUMP. ti COAL .0R SLACK. at the lowest Atorket price. order: lett atl their Office. or addressed to th rom;lrthe mall, will be attended to promptly , r2,11b2; OHkULES 11.. ARMSTRONG', EOM= YODGItIOGLENY AND .(30litalLSVILLE\ COAL, And Manufacturers of COAL, .LACK !ANL? DESULP/WRIZED COKE Office and - Yard—CORNER OF BITTLEP. ANT) NORTONN STREETS. ' , fret yard on Liberty' and CiFineristreets'. Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Luck No. 1. l'lttsbargh, Pa. Famil.les and 31autifactivrars supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Order's left at any of their ottlees will recreive prompt attention. SUPERIO4 COAL. C. CIIP:1113.X" ct - , CO., Mint rsandShipper , or PITTSIII7II6iiriA-S. TOME and N 4'OAL :i•I SLACK. i.'oal delivered promptly to all part, of the cities at the lorre.t market rate , : , . 011ie, and Yard—CORNER FOLIECIT AND 'WAT SON ifurmerlv ('anal) sTt:EETs. l'ittOitirgli. • 11: i 202. WHITE LEAD AND COLORS ALL OF TICE MANUFACTURES • • PITTSBURGH -WHITE. LEAD COLOR. WORKS. STRICTLY PURE WRITE LEAP, ZINC 'PAINTS, ClOpine. 6reCn; Xera'ter Green* Versailles Green, Aud every variety'. of Colors. dry an;-..greund 1u OIL KAHRIS FAIVING, 01..E . .01t.,p)iugq.!5.7i .. I-jbet,ty_And Wayne S_treets, t rrrsnunGnr, PA.. . J SCHOONMAKER Si, SON, PrI"1:"13 - 1711Gr II • - White; Lead. and Color Works, 31A\ LP ACT C RXIIS OF TRITE AND RED LEAD:. ZINC, PUTTY. BLVE LEADi MoCDY'S,' FEEL/ITER GREEN, And all colors, dry or iu ell. • . OFFICE. No. 67 FOURTH. SIMEET. Factory, Nos. 450. 452. '4,51. 456 and 458 Rebeeca Street,.jand 49, 51 and 53 Lac oelt. Street, Allegheny. . . GAS AND STEAM FITTING. ~.: . F. L. ATWObb....IIENSON JILIvLS J! NreXPEREIC. AtWOOD & Dicf.,AFFREY, BRASS „FOUNDERS OAS AND• STEAM FITTERS, • 4lor. of Third and . Liberty Streits, •. Above Carroll S: Snyder's, Pittsburgh, Pa. LIGHT AND HEAVY. CASTINGS furnished promptly to orger. ', .. 6: h tit in- out and re- I I i P IV ,I a rt ' lli wi l' Pti i nT t i .s t Steamboats, .1" Ili li A l i o, I ke ! ... ri . .o ug AGENTS FOR A. S: CAMERON S CO.'S Steam Pumps and Blower Engines. These Pumps' have superior advantages ,over all others, and every one Is warranted to give satisfac tion. PUMPS constant's on hand. fe2S:ulo JOHN M. COOPER KAYE IST.NIIY BIER. JOHN M. COOPER kir co., BRASS FOUNDERS, GAS AND STEAM , FITTERS, Blinufacturers ofTUSIPS AND BRASS WORK. of every . 11q1cl-IpAloo.i . ; la.. I?Vrral4, GAS FIXTURES 2, < L i 1:13.1.i o Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets • - PITTSBURGH. , • FERTILIZERS TO WHE A T GROWEB,S. EUREKA AfIMOMATED BONE, SUPER: PHOSPHATE OF MINUFACTURED BY The Allegheny . Fertilizer Co., sEwAAD cC CAMPBXEL, pitorurviroitk, Ofßee;-866 Penn Stieet, Pittsburgh, Pa: The best Eerttlizer •in use; and recognized bpi!' Farmers who have given It a trial, to be the stand- M d rz f i o , rigagegs,lintrge Wheat, Aye ; g?;g1: Itous circulation a pamphlet containing interesting and valuable statements of. this Fertilizer, copies of ' which will be sent free to mar sending us their ad- jc*" l -si*.MraDoc i l , NQrseryinen i Tiorists andgedsilleL . .Ba K D 4111r,—./1141 SMITHFIELD ST zo, o pp o . site Post °flee, Patetetik, Pa. at OA 10 4 ,1 0- t ,14b9 !),;.; - ...3(....:i..i() ., ...%%!..,i.l .:::r: MEE MEM A.71`.413 Chrome-Wellow, V erni .11lOn 'SEEDS. ~ •ir:l . .~~:'' ~. ME = RAILROADS IDITTSBUR anda,"' C'ONNEL 1.,111.1.E R. R. On and aft Pr. TIWESDAY, MTarli sth. 11368.. crain ,, .ill arrivo at allot depart fr m filo 'Depot, cons limit: and 11' arer strects. as follows: - .Devart. . . 4 rrfre. Mail front 17nlonrn. 6:00.1. 31. 6:00 P. 33d. McKet•sport •n :11:00 A. N. 2:05 P. N. EX". ti.:tn , l front Unlont'n. 3:00 P. N. 10:00-A. West Newton Xcettnno,l'll 4:30 1•. N. M:35 A. M. 8ra(1.10(..k . : ACCl.lll3poriat'll 6;15 is N... 7:50 P. Nlght A'e " M e KeeNPtql. l4 l:3o P. N.' 6:40 elturth Train to t• .-to • Trout t u tl Fur tirket,, apply to .T. It. XING, Agent. t , iToT 7 T, SUperintcrtent. Tutis AA LLEGHENY VALLEY ItAILEOA-6 • . Running Through , to Veinal:go City. • , Connecting with train. East and West on the War ren and Franklin Rallrdad: also with the Atlantic and (treat Western Railway. On and after „TUESDAY. January 14th, 1860. the P:i.senger Tral n.a will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot. corner Canal and Pike ;its., as follows: • D•' art. Arrive. Mall to ant-rot Men. City. 7:30 A.. 51. 12:;30,r. at. Express 10:15 it. H. 5:4 . 5 r. 31: Brady's Bend AceonnnoWn 1:45 P. 3r. 11 00 . e. . - cola Works Areont'n• 8:30 A. 31. 8 - 15 A. 31. Second S , Alit Works Acconn '5:00 .v.3t. 33 , r. ax . Hutton Aveunnunilation.. - ...6:40 at. 6 30 l'C' 3 Y. Sunday Chnreld Train leaves Soda . Works A: 31., arriving, huf g h at - 0:00, A. 31, Bkl--" turn lug% leave., Pitt shurgh at 1:10 P. H.. arrivitigAt Soda at 2:50 P. N. im 27 • •. H. ELACKSTONF.f..lititirf.":') 1868. • Prrrsisuitt:ll. EQRT WAYNt..• .GAI AGb R W. AND CLEVIMANDLIc PITTSWITWIILH: , From January,lQths 1.8418, trains will •leave from_ , and arrive at the I.rulVti - Depot. north' side. city rime, .as' • ... . Litt '.4rrive. • Clil , atvi ".1. .2:13 ain' Chicago TA... 2:43 am. ‘, (1: vetti.nd ex.. 2:13 am ; Cleveland Ex. 2:43 aln. ' Erie & Ygu M I 6:ta'a iniChigago•Ex..— 10':59 a m 8:1Vh•g31.1 9:28 a nil Wheeling Ex• 11:08am Chicago 318 6:58 a in !ctilealto "I:s3:pm• lea Ex.... 943 a m Whg EX. 4:03 pin Pittsc r. i. ~ .Erte .6:13,p m• itI . YOUTIgt ni 9:43 ti M ;(!hianga Fis I --O:SVM el. & h•g, Ex. 2:13p CI. & Wli•j; fx . 7:0 p m Chleag‘J Ext... 2:28 pmli'ltts. 7' Erb: Ex • 4:3801u vitt Yognst - n. 0:28 pm Depart front Alleghen y.i 4rriv4 - 424" Al leglieuy. , N. gt'l: N./. 8:58 am N. lirigt'li AtT.' 7:o3'teM Leetsdale " '10:13 aMI N. iirtgt•ti " 8:28 a - • " 11:53 ani 'Wellsville 0:58 altt I:oche:ter • " • 1:33 pnitlic Castle. " 10:13 ams Wel lsv 'a Acc.. 3:43p m; Leetsdale '• 9:13 am I.Jet,•dale 4:15 pm' " " I:lB . pra N. Ilrigt•n s . :3einn ;N. Brigrn • 2:43 pm ' N. Br' zt•ii . 0:28 p m!Leet,dale ' " 4:23 pm , Leetsdale " 10:43 pm. - 7 :28 Pm 2:28 p. in. Chicago Ex-' 10:50 a. in. "chicago pressleaveb dai/V. !Express arrlv Jags F._ If. IiITRS. general'ticket•Agent. T T Slit; GH,, cm:um - Bus crscrs-1 DTI IL EIN HANDLE ROUTE: CHANGE of TIME.—On and - after SUNDAY, neer:abet' Sth, 1.867, trains will leave and arrive at Union Depot, as Ad tows. Pittsburgh time: .Ikpart. Arrive. Expre , s 2:15 a. m.. 3:53 p. m. Vast-X.lll, 9:40 a. in. 7:03 Fasr'Expre. , s 2:50 p. m. 10:55 aon. Mixed Way 0:10 a. m. 6:5014[1n. Mel)onahrs Aee'n. 11:10 a. in. 2:10 p.M. Steubenville Aceommod* n; 3:55 p.m. 9:30 a..m. • McDonald's Acen. No. 5:10 p. m. 8:20 srEcim. NOTlCE.—uddy Express leave:, rit p. m.. arriving In Cincinnati at 6:30 a: tn. the next, morning.. t !Mirth Train leaves Sunday at 12:55 p. tn. The 9:4-0, tig a. in. Train leaves daily, Sunda.: and. Monday excepted, arriVi in Cincinnati at - 9:55.. the Kum! evening, 8 110LII:z.: LN ADVANCE - OF ALL OTIU limlTEs„ AIEW - No'change of cars between Pittsburgh and einclunatl. - and BUT ONE change to St. Louis, Cairn. and the principal point WeSt and Southwest. When purchasing tickets be sure. and find the cave of the Pittsburgh, Columbus & Cincinnati B. R., L i. .5:10 . 74 DEPOT.. (SOL7VII SIDE.) M. 1L 310THERSPArGli, Ticket Agent F.'ScULL, (4eneral Tieket Agent. .1011NLien• Freight Agent _ . 151; 3ii — S 17 ILVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. on awl niter I .etober 6th. 1867. Trains will ar ri,e at and departlr. on the Union Depot. corner of Washington and I;lberty,streets, as follows: -.. ..4r,r i t!, . ' Deport. Mail Tiain.... 1:20 ain ;liar Express., ' 3:00 a m Fa-t Line 11.:50 a m!Wiill's No. 1... 6:30 a m R'all'y No. L. 6:2o'n in iMall Train 8:20 a m Winton No. ". 7:50 ami Wall's N 0.2. . 9:50 a m Wall's No. "-.. 8:50 ain o'Cincinuati E. 11:15 a m Cincinnati E.. 9:10 a In; Wall's No. 75.. 11:30 a m .Tolinnown Ae. 10:15 a - rn: Johnstown Ae •2:soprd. Phila. Express 1:50 pm; Wall's No. 4, 3:3opm Wart's No. :t... 1:30 plain - ilia. Expres.r 4:10p M, Wall's No. 4.. 2:50 ii no:Wail's No. 5..... 4.:50p in I Wall's No. 5.. 5:50 p nil Wall's No: 6: - ..- 6:05 p 131 • 1 -Walrit .1%; 0. 0.. ' 7:00 p . i.n s Fast Line ' 7120 pm. Altoona Acen • • IWairS N 0.7.. 10:50 pm andFanig...l i Train - 10:30 p tr.; The chords 'frail, leave. M'all's Station. every Surlday at 0:15 a. in.. reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. ni. Returning, leaves Pittsbargli at 12150p.m. •ati arrives hrWall , s Station at 2:00 p iti!.. . D, '.:'. ri ' , Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains I ail , except Sunday. Philadelphia Express and the Altoona Accommo dation and Emigrant Train arrive daily. Cincinnati l'Expres".3 arrives daily except Monday. All other ! trains daily except Sunday. , . . For further information applv to • •-• ; :. W. IL,BECK IL WIT . Agent. The Ptunsylvania Railroad Company will not as some any risk for Baggage. except , for wearing op ; pare!. and limit their responsibilitT to One Hundred Dollars. to value. • AU Baggage' exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un i less takOn by special contract. , • EDWARD H. WILLIAM'S, on) ' General Superintendent: Altoona, Pa..- WESTERN PENN-az . - F i a SYLVANIA RAIL RO D.—On and after November 1, 1867, the Pas senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rail road will Arrive at and depart' from the . Federal Street Depot. Allegheny City, as.follows: Arrive. • i Depart. Sharpb'g No;:l• 6:25 a. miMall • 6:50 a m Freeport No.l . 8:15 a uti Freeport No. 1 9:05 am _Express • 10:10 - a in,Sharpb*g No.1111:20 a m Sharpb`g No. 2 1:25 pin i Express 1:50 pra Freeport No. 2 4:15 p millarmerv'e Ac 3:55 pm. Mail ' 6:05 p mllateeport No, 2. 6:05 p Itt• Ilarmerv'e Ac 7:10 p ni:Shartib'g N 0.2 7:30 pill Above trains run daily except Sunday. , - ' The (7hurch Traib leaves Allegheny Jundt. every Sunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching Allegheny City at 0:50 a. in. Returning. leaves Allegheny City at 1:90 p. lle. and arrive: at Allegheny duuct. at 9:45 p. in. COMMITT-kT/ON TICKETS—For sale in packages of .Twenty, between, Allegheny City, Chestnut street, "Herr's, Bennett. Pine °reek. Etna and Sharpsbnrg, and good - only ou the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on ticlfets. . . The train leaving Allegheny City' at 6:50 a. m. makes direct connection at Freeport with Walkers line Of S k Ames for Butler and Hannalistown. . tickets may lie purchased. at the Office, -Nro: 3 St: (lair street, near Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny City. For tll ter In forniation apply to' JAMES I'A.FFERTS. Agent, • Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any'risk for Baggage, except for - wearing' apz parel, and limit the'. responsibility to One Hundred' Dollars' Dollars' in value. All baggage exceeding this' amount amount in value will be at the risk of the bu-ner, I tens taken by special contract. , • . ELAN AH IL WILLIAMS, des -General 'Superintendent; Altoona, Pa. STEAMSHIPS, ' STEAM TO AND FROM l aa LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN, IRELAND, TWICE A WEEK. • THE INMAN LINE, Sailing' EVERY SATURDAY—EVERY WEONES DAY, —c-atr•ying the U. S. Mall. Tickets sold to and from Ireland, England, Scotland. Germany and France. Apply at the Company's office. - • WM. BINGHAM, JR, • Exclusive Agent to Book Cabin Passengers,. • 54 FIFTH STREET • Adams Express Office, Plttsburgh,..ka. LUMBER FORT PITT LUMBER COMPANY Capital, - - - $125,000. PaiiiHor;leT—EDWAßD 'DI'THRIDGE SEcitET.kny—T. - A. WRIGHT. utluu xTm."Dx - NT—EDW. DAVISON. DIAECIOI.B . . Edward Davison,l . L. F. 'tonneau, John Mellon, • E. D. , Dlthrldge, (leo. W. Dlthrldge, M. L.. Malone, b. it. Johnston. ~ LUMBER YARD--Corner of BUTLER-AND AL LEGHENY STREETS, .Nlnth Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS, Wash ngton Street. •1a20498 LIVERY STABLE'S. mraccuANTs9. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, .1. WARD NICHOLSON, Prop.lOor, NO'S. 141 AND 143 THIRD STREET, - • • tOPPOSITE MERCHANTS' HOTEL.) • HORSES; CARRIAGES, ac., FOR HIRE. Per tLcular attention paid to the purchase and sale of Horses. •,. - ' authda caREAN CRACKERS, . • JUST RECEIVED . so; Scroll, Novelti, Alnionci, Wine; Milk, Or• sue sad Ginger OrneAnli, front/ from the bakery. (oriole wilnlesnle or retail l r • •.. . , able , .co rner LibertO. A. y and Head streets. - - Wtetlysienmuftl 1:00 P. 3E. 10:00 A. it