litbintrO exkrttt+l ROCK HIM TO SMEEP. Backward, speed backward, Ohl Ball -In yourfligh t Make not an ass of youmelf—lust for to-Matti, • Pull the few sliver threads out of your hair, Fill tin and varnish those furrows of care— Care that was born of attempting Fame's steep, Which you couldn't climb, Hall. when none -rocked to sleep• 0, Rally, come back from the echoing shore! Cease for a season the public to bore With plaintyour infamous rhymes, and your stupid com 7 • -, Por vou know you are claiming to be that - Which you • ain't. • Oh, drivel do more !—lfon't snuffle, don't weep— Hang up your lyre, ruck you to sleep. Now, I give you this chalice, and give you no • more; . -- For if ever again you offer rojiour From your stale, oozy fount of Ineffable bosh - Any more rhyming argu rnen ts. Ball, t hat won't wash, VII say , to those Westerners:, ...Inset- Of vengeance drink deep! Nock him to sleep, boys, rock hint to sleep l". • 31anK Trv.acc. AN ACROSTIC, Ambitious traitorous imbecile thou art. Never did earth contain so black a heart: 'Devoid of manly honor, truth, or reason; 1 I Rebuked, a nation stands, by thy foul treason:' Every true heart will Join to curse thee, llend, When thy polluted soul has met Its' nd. ~ Judas betrayed his Lord and inaster,• thou !Oh monster: sold the people whom thy vow Had bound to thee In holy faith to guide. Naticins will ever name thee to deride: Seonted thy deedsy millionsyet unborn, On thy black they e'er will look with 'Korn; None will then bow to thee, of power shorn. TABLE TALK. —Joan of Arc is to be sainted. J—Mississippi has kuklux in abimdance. —Mr. and Mrs: Florence are in St, Louis. —Somebody calls chignons castles in the —Newport, lifc, is. having Water Works erected. --IL R. H. the Prince,of Wales has a long beard. , ' —A Major Ross is in jail for murder in Cincinnati. " • ---The Grand Dutchess is preparing to appear in Chicago. . . —Offenbach has written another opera, called "The Bridge of Sighs," —A larger area than usual in Kansas is to be sown with wheat this year, —Thomas M. Hathaway, a prominent merchant of Boston, bas disappared. —Miss Batemans inimitable personation of Leah has madea sensation in Edinburgh. --1.25 is what the Chicago Tribune says gold will fall to two weeks after Johnson is .deposed. —M. Paul de Koek, the French novelist, wears the cross and the ribbon of the Legion of Honor. • —Basil puke, notorious during the war, has jus‘t been appointed tobacco weigher at Louisville. _ —A Philadelphia critic says Mrs. Kernble's . movements are •"like the *atking of a flow ' ing wave." • r —Gazmniga and Albites are reported to have concluded to have "two hearts that beat as one. • • • —A statue of Thos. H. Benton is to be erected in Lafayette Park, St. Louis; facing, the Pacific Raitway. —Missisiippi sends four exConfederate field-officers asdelegates at large to the Dem ocratic Convention: —Mormon law requires a - young min to marry at nineteen. After that he can marry wheneverhe chooses. . —Belleffintaine and Coshocton, in Obio, want to'be united by a railroad, and to that end are agitating the project. Tavistowski is the name of the leading danseuse in the ballet now connected with the spectacle of Undine in St. Louis. , --Two hundred and fifty more unfortun ates weary of breath, rashly importunate went to -their deaths in London last year. —51,000,000 is to be the price of the new State house in Des3roines, lowa. Albany is going to pay more than that ,for a State house. ' —Rossini is pighty-four years of age, and yet, as he was born on the 29th of Febru toy, has celebrated but twenty-one anniver sariespf his birth. - • 7--A - woman in Louisiana sued fiof a di vorce from a man to whom she neVer had been married. She wanted the reputation of having been married,. to cling to her. , liVer ot the hare, it has' been dis covered, makes as good Strasbargh pates as does the liver of the goose. But persons are prejudiced against hairs in their food. —Two hundred and thirty-one thousand dollars -worth' of stock in the Newport and Cincinnati Bridge Company was subscribed on`SatUrday last. The bridge is to cost one 1 —An evening paper has named two or three different persons as_the paragrapher of the. GAZETTE. The compiler' of this col l'aMl is very widely known. He is call ed We. • ' ' —Leavenworth newspapers speak :very disrespectfully of the Missouri river, calling it "Old MUildy.", This is certainly , _wrong, when one - remeinbers the great age of that stream. . • • —The itryaluable library of many thous ands of volumes, belonging to the ,learned Abbe, iitigni at ltlontrouge between Paris and Versailles, was completely destroyed by fire'last month, ' —Five. cents per 'mile is the fare on the Union Pacific Railroad, from Omaha, west ward. ,If this rate of fare is adhered to, a journey to San Francisco by rail, when the road is finished, will be possible to very few. —Barney and Mrs. Barney Williams are going to pay John Brougham $3,000 for a new Irish 'drama. We don't see ' why. These two artists have played- the Fairy Circle for fifteen years; why can't they go on with it? • " —The suffrage question is being agitated in Liberia. One party, wishes to allow whites to vote. The Conservatives, how ever, want, to stick to the old constitution, 'Which demands a visible shade of color as a _ requisite for each voter. , —The Louden Illustrated News his sent an artist to depict Impeachment. This will be good news for .American illustrated pa pers, as they will have just so much more that they can steal bodily from that p a p er without acknowledgment. -411storinally Spain has awakened fnun its long lethargic .sleep. The: Goverranen leis ordered all officers in the engineering and military stairs to exhaust all possible Means in the study of Julius Otesar's cam- paigns in the Peninstila. - This will proba bly throw light on many a dark page of the most interesting volumes of Roman History. —Mr. Beecher may be eloquent, but he is not always elegant in hls choice of spa onyras 3 recently he said ; "Life Would be a perpetual flea Bunt if a inait were obliged to run down all the inuendoes, inveracities, in sinuations and suspicions, which are uttered against him." —The three great little Hungarian dwarfs are in. St. Louis. Wherever they go they . .are received with enthusiastic wonder. Those who missed seeing them . when they were - Imre missed the most comical' sight in the World; excepting, perhaps, the acting of de-, lightful Lotta.. —The following curiosities are on exbibi tion in Lonisville: Monster calf, having eight lega, two tails, two spines, two bellies, four ears, one eye, no head; and a swinish monstrosity, With one head, one upper jaw, two lowerjaws, two tongues, two sets .of teeth, two bodies, eight legs, two tails.. —Several —Several* gentlemen are in the habit of writing for the Atlantic .3forithly, several of these gentleihen are even in the-habit of mentiortingth fact rather boastfully ; with out however thinking of mentioning the fact that that magazine has never reciproca ted by printing what was tlius written forlt. —The religious press outside of the Epis-, copal Church, manifests a strong interest - in Mr. Tyng ; sympathizing with him and stir ring him up to sedition even (if that were possible in religious paliers). Much notice has been taken of the quiet behavior of the reverend gentleman, but denominational j us; tice did not; deem it necessary tomention the' rather undignified arid decidedly unpre cedented deportment of the reverend gentle- . man's reverend father. —lt is not every one who can achieve a 'great literary reputation, and run it`for a quarter of a century., Fewer still can when . they find that newer writers are crowding' 1 :Ahern out, abandon the old line and name, and achieve another brilliant renoWn with :anew awn depla me in a new field oflitera -1 ture. Walter Sbott did this; ' and Charles I Lever has followed his example. We all , have laughed with Poe at the absurdities of, Lever's style, but we have also laughed with Lever at the wit and humor of his charac ters. And now we all enjoy just as 'much Abe more finished . letters of Cornelius O'Dowd in Blackwood's Magazine, al though but few of us probably are aware that the pen of. :Charles- Lever has written them, STATE NEWS. Miller nw T as hu sdtanayi, nlgas t nweaeerk , the M sto eB,. P. her clothing took fire, and before. she was aware of it was in a blaze. Being very much frightened she "attempted to run up stairs. Her husband entering at this instant seized and rescued her from a horrible death, and the probable destruction of the house. For ! tunately Mrs. Miller was not injured; but r Mr. Miller had one of his hands seriously burned in extinguishing: the flames— Upper Dauphin Register. ' , • —The county bridge spanning the Rays town Branch, at Hawn i s in Juniata town ship, was swept away on Tuesday night of last , week, by the heavy ice flood: This i bridge was repaired last summer, at a cost of over three thousand dollars, and its loss I will be severely felt by the citizens of that j township. We are informed that there was' i ' not enough timber left on the ground to kin- dle afire, and the pier was completely de- molished.—iluntiagc(on Journal. On last Monday evening week a sad acci dent happened at asteam saw mill in Cross Creek township, •which resulted in the in; staneous death of the owner, Mr. Harrison T. Ilarsha. Mr. Harsha had been firing up. and on steppiny backward, slipped, and failing against the fly wheel in his rear, his body was drawn under it (the wheel runs in a pit) head foremost. The body of the un fortunate man was, recovered shortly after wards in it horribly mutilated condition.— Waehington Reporter. -r-Mrs. — Wertz, of this place, died on last Wednesday, aged 100 years and three months. She was born on the 25th of De , camber, 1767. The deceased was a native 1 of Germany, and has been a resident of this town for about three years. She had a very retentive memory, and could recite instances I that happened in her life from early child hood. We believe she was the oldest in habitant of this place,' and was a member of the Lutheran Church.—Huntinoton Globe. —The ice gorge at the Delaware water gap gave way on the 10th instant. Thou sands were present to see the spectacle. The vast sea of iee had been surging and grinding for thirty hours, endeavoring to pass the gap. The choked up stream had set back and Overflowed its limits, doing I considerable damage to the railroad and the telegraph line. One locomotive was carried into' the flood. No lives were lost. . —Robert Jones, who had both, his legs brolfen by a large rock falling -upon them, in a, quarry at Slateville, York county, on the 21st ult., died of his injuries on Thurs day of last week. He leaves a 'Wife and four little children to mourn his loss. William Parry, who at the same time had his arm broken and badly injured in other respects, is-doing well, and gives every hope of a speedy recovery. e Ghart, of Lancaster, has been R elected by the er Eastern Synod of German Reformed Church, to fill the chair of Didactic. Theology in the ,Mercersburg Theological Seminary, made vacant by the death of Rev. Dr. Harbaugh. The new Professor will be inaugurated at the next an nual meeting of the Synod 7 at Hrvistown. , , 0 -The Albany Evening JOll nal says We have in the past oftener.differed with Ben Wade than otherwise—and probably shall continue to do so In the future. But if the decision of the High Court of Impeach ment does put him in the Presidential'ehair, we shall have—in refreshing contrast to the present incumbent--a true and honestinan. - —A race between Colonels seems likely to come off here next week. COlonel P. Emu, a good lawyer and courteous gentle man, proposes to be a candidate for the office of District Attorney, and Col. Alfred Dart, also one of our oldest lawyers, pro poses to be a competitor.--Carbendale Ad vance, ' —The present season is said by those `whose interest it is to keep "booked up" in such matters, to be an exceedingly favorable one for the - growing wheat crop.. , So far as we have heard, the wheat fields throughout York and Adams counties present a very flourishing conditio ,n. • Postoffice at Rock Lake, Wain° county, has been re-establisked, and the:old , incumbent, Arthur Connor, Esq., appointed Postmaster. , . —"fr. "John W. Spray, formerly:lm es: teemed resident of Honesdale, 'died at Ports. ' month, Ohio, on the 21st ult., of consump tion. PITTS.P.I;TRGR . GAZETTE: TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS. AT JOSEPH HORNE & STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS, - 'FLOWER.. . SILKS. CRAPD..4. MALINES. FRAMES.; FROSTED ILLUSIONS, STRAW TRIMMINGS, ornamented. ALSO, A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF FURNISIIING GOODS, NECK TIES, BOWS. SUSPENDERS MORRISON'S STAY. SHIRTS. Agents for BISMARCK, DICKENS, VICTOR and other popular makes of PAPER COLLARS. hPrlees as low as Eastern Jobbers. os. 77 and 79 Market Street. m 147 PERFECT initrititrGLTnt: 3tucßtrat & CARLISLE, KM GLOVE DEPARTMENT, Which Is ■ow complete with every colol And shade They have Just opened 100 DOZEN of the , • Celebrated A. C. C. (Jouvin) KIDS, • Imported especially to oar order. Hundreds of oar customers can testify to their Verfect cut and fault less quality. The colors were got up from rhadeli of dress material, selected and furnished ,by' us. and are really The, assortment Includes BLACK, WHITE, , DARK COLERS. MEDIUM COLORS, and OPERA. or PARTY COLORS. 19 FIFTH STREET. inhB: SECOND ARDIVAL OF SPRING ,GOODS.- We have constantly on hand a full Line of WHITE -GOODS, COMPRISING , Barred and Striped Nainsook; Plain Nainsook and Swiss; Soft Finish Cambric; Barred Organdies. THECHEAPEST LINE OFIRISH LINENS IN THE CITY _ - lfambarlf Edgings and Insertlnas, Jaeonet Ldgings and Inserting*. MORRISON'S STAR SHIRTS ? Selling at Eastern Prices. We have a eplendhl Ilne of - • • SPRING AND STARER HOSIERY, Our stock or coltsEr4" Is completely full. We have a very good One of COLLAUS Air ladles sad gentlemen.- 3121.071.1731, GLYDE & Co., a Wand SO ?Market Street. =hi° IN TILE WORLD AR4 • LAPORTE'S' PARIS • Kill GLOVES, • MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SIZES. An Gloves made by me bear my signature, LAPORTE, FISK, CLARK & FLAGG, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES, No. 58 white Street, N. Y. felB:l=mrs !HINGES, GIMP HEADINGS, IN AL .COLORS, JUST AOPENJED, AT F. . . - EATON'S No. Ftrtit'lgtretOt.t. BARR i s MOSER, ' A.TICI-Wrr„CTIEI 'FRUIT HOUSE ASSOCIATION 8151LD1N09.41,11. Bland Clair Street, Pittsburgh; Pa. 'tidelid attention given to the designing and betiding of COURT HOMES andPUBLIC BUILDING& *; MECHANICAL" AND ENGINEERING ' • D RAOTSMAit.' '''• Wile,. Philo Ilan, 75 . Third Street, With Mews lIOLLAND 00., • EMT DENTISTRY TEETH! . TEETH! ARTIFICIAL* TEETH. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. A FULL SET FOR TEN DOLLARS, AT DIL Q. A. SCOTT'S, 278 PENN STREET. • THIRD D R ABOVE HAND. • TEETH EXTRA .• ITHOUT PAIN. NO CHARGE FOR EXTRACTING WHEN ARTI..' • FICIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED • IN EVERY CASE. I. • . • .' • - ' DR. Q.. A. SCOTT; 278 PENN STREET, • THIRDDOOR ABOVE HAND. nalOgnall The Largest Assortment of To be Found in the City. • WHITE GOODS, CORSETS, ' . HOSIERY. • HOOP SKIRTS. GLOVES. BALMORAL SKIRTS, EMBROIDERIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, FRINGES. , BUTTONS, - t TRI3IMINGS, BRAIDS, And a Full Line of Notions. Vintolesale Rooms up Stairs 16 Fifth Street, INVITE ATTENTIO3Z, TO TIIEIR Elegant and Disirable. SIZES.. 3 3.4 TO S. 3.I.4CRCX JO CARLISLE, A FULL STOCK Or AT VERY LOW I'IIICEB. 4.ROHITEO'II3: FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1868 REAL ESTATE AGENTS. D P. HATCH, ML ESTATE OFFICE, No. 9S Grant Street, Pittsburgh REAL .ESTATE D 'PERSONAL PROPERTY BOIIGHT AND SOLD. ILL GIVE PEOMPTATTEICTION TO :otiation* of Loan", Attend , to the Renting of Property, Coldeethin of Clairol', ice., RN D. BAILEY' & BRO.; CK AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND ADf,TIONEIEDS, Are p epared'to sell at Auction STfICES.' BONDS, aside I kinds of SECURITIES. REAL ESTATE, HO ;SEROUS FURNITURE, &c., either on the pre !ea or at the Board of Trade Roma. Particular attention paid, as. heretofore; to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. ‘• Sales of Real Estate fn the country attended. • Office No 66. SMITHFIELD STItEET. CHEM; FARMS'TR SALE.. Yhave now for gale secer:il the finest FARMS In We . stmoreland and Indiana counties . on remarka bly easy terms, so ease that any one desirouaof buy ing can purchase on time altogether: Gall and ex atulne for yourself. BOOKS AND STATIONERY DI RRES , : FOR IS6S.• I. fti' EVERY VARIETY.. • • _ 1 I INITIAL PAPER AND . ENVELOPES I , . Neaty pnt up In Do.tcs. v ' • I FANCY. STATIONERY, 1 - BLANK . BOOKS, . .. Of every description,