6 ' IRON WORKS JAS. VEIMEIt, Preet4 prnrsßuitou ',FORGE AND IRON CO., XANUFACTIMEI: S Bar Iron; • Railroad fish Bars and Bolts; - fitallritind-Car Aides Rolled: . Railroad Car. Axles Ilamniered; Leeomotive 'Frames; Loeontotlye Frame Shapes; 'Side Radsi ' Yokes, Straps; ' ' PistOn Rends; • - - .• liieamboat Shafts; - liteambOat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; . Pitman'losws, COrlarts, Oftlo, No. 177 PENN I'ITTSBUFGH, .1' GRAFI' BYERS & CO., P. MANUFACTURERS OF Bar, - Heap and Sheet Don; WROUGHT IRON, Iron Welded Tubes Tor Gas, Steam, ' Water, Ike.. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Office, No. 93 Water St., PITTSBURGH, Pa. at33:e..7. KENSINIYTON IRON WORI9. LLOYD .&, BLACK, MANUFACTURERS OF „ Best Common, 'Re fi ned, Charcoal 3UNIATA BLOOM IRON:' MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP. BKNE. T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IltON. 'MOWER AND REAPER BARS. ' cYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL T 20 and 10 lbs. to the yard. 'ROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKE? , for same. FLAT RAILS. Pupehed and Countersank. COAL SCREEN IRON. NALLS.AND SPIKES. • ' Warehouse and Offlee at 'the Works, GREEN OUGH STREET. (a continuation of First street,) adjoining the City Gas.W.ork.,. Pittsburgh. . . VERSON," PREST,IN & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET oppoidte Monongahela House, ap2-lal6 PITTSBURGH. • STEEL WORKS SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER NimicK.&-co • MANUFACTURERS OF r BEST REFINED - OAST. STEEL, &mare, Flat and Octagon, of aiCsizes.• MILL, MuLaT, CMCMAIt, GANG AND Cnosa-CuT SAW PLATES. ELLIPTIC AND SEMI-ELLIPTIC I RAII:, , MTAY SPRINGS, CAST SPRING STEEL, Cast and German Plow , Steel, • rLow WLNGS AND SLOWER BARS; SPRINGS, AXLES and STEEL,TIRE; .SICKLE. SHOWEL, HOR. - RAKE, - FORK, TUB., CALK and, • MACHINERY CAST STEEL; CROW BARS, Ac., &c., &c. • Warehouse, SS Water Streeti. Pittsburgh. selB:k4 • , ITTEMURGII STEEL WORKS. P.. ANDERSON, COOK* CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD Jt".CO.,) 'Manufacturers of the . - BEST • REFINED CAST , ; , STEED; SQUARE, FLAT and OCTAGON'. of all diet: SAW "PLATES, 110E,.FOEK and SIIEET CAST STEEL; CAST' STEEL for . • • • Rear.ing and Mowing Machince,' • Steel Plow . Wings ' . "... Axles, Cliraadara, Ace.; CiST and Common Plow & Spring Steel. . . . . I in emce7:orrr7llST AND ROSS STREETS, twe o , r u_iC , 2o.pagallela•/JOU e.• , LER, BARB. & PARKIN. . • , , GENEELAL r.S.RTNERS: • WM. M4"I"CAT.P, '.l REUBEN' MILLER, 01:0. BARB, : CTLAS. 'I"A 'MIN. lirEcus. PAItTNIM—S..3L,KIER. • CRESCENT• STEELWORKS, Arlia-a=t, 33,41t1t -Office, No.' 38 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA rel4:d4R BUT:TERVE Iron and Steel Works. COLEMAN, RAHM & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Iron, Nails, Syrings, Axles, Steel, &c. WAREHOUSE: No. 77 Water, Street, .jan:j9o PITTSBEIRGII BLAWK MAMP" STEEL tITORKS. PARIII BROTHXR & CO., 3finufacturcrs of alt docriptibmi, or ' • - sEcqND 20 ',MR': I** Office an d W ar ehouse aum and 1211:-VAM;` v;:i '• BijuGit• _ . _ _ r.Twr, c4rt i!op!p•pi4, l ;7 -- -..:. ''.. .-''.ROGf.RS.--,&!'B.tlitelfF.lELoi Mannfactareis of RF.PrNEDi "CffABCQAL, JU YIATA and POLISHED CAST STEEL/ -•-• oiti6) AudVarebonse, No. 2'a 3tAttlCE'r ST. COPPER, SUPERIOR COMB MILL. AID fOODTMO WORKEI, pritrrsxruman.. fiARK McCTJRDY &CO -16aatlicturgn of Sheathing, Braziers , and 80l • Copper;Preakt topper Bottoms, Raised Still 'Rot '.tomb9Relter Solder. Also. Importers and:Dealers -::Ia> metal, Tin Plate. !Sheet IromilVire Ate. , COII , Tatanar On hand Thinerr Machines and TOCU _ • Waribunse No. 140 FIRST STRZET 'and 15110 rpaSs.,PRATCP ..- • T le A i ticbcrpper • etiVt#Oir de 4 tat P , •; , 3utyl . : N ~:r FOUNDERS; MACHINISTS. ATLAS WORKS, W. I'. Pole+En, Supt. MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS 3. 111 - ILLER, President. These 'Works are among the largest anc most complete establishments lnthe..lV est, and are now prepared to furnish . , - Railroad _Cvistingis. NATIONAL - FOUNDRY ! AND . PIPEWORKS.. Corner Carroll and Smnumnn. Streets, (NINTH WARD,) - . P1TT5337.711G 1- i, WM. gum, iriani,f.acturcir of • --CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER wORKs.. l[ Pipes are all' Cast invariably In Pits. In dry sand, and 1.2 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of General Castings for Gai and Water Works. • I would also call the attention of Superintendents n re fG i it t sr i epwks to my make of RETOttra. .:TIIE,KNAP•YORT:PITIJK:N.:DP..CAY.. PIP'TSIVVRG - 11 , Engines, of every - description. Boilers, 88, Tanks. Sheet Iron'Work Rolling Mill Castings: Engine Castianpo. Machin', Castings. General Canit ' iniFil. ORDERS SOLICITED n09:n69 CHARLES KNAP: President. Jr. lENAP. Vice President. 0. METCALF. Seer and Treaver. J. M. WADE, Engineer. - J. 0. ILIVAP, General. Manager. nntrvrons: ,TAMES B. MITRRA.V, of 'Lyon. Shorb Er. CO. A. E. W. PAINTER. of J. Palntcr & Suns. C. B. HERRON. of Spang. Chalfant S: Cu. THOS. S. man:, or.shoen4erger a co. WM. , METCALF,.of Barr'&. Parkin. 3110WFACTUILEfi9 OF Rolling Mill and, 814.4 . ,. Machinery. RETORTS Mitt CASTIN( , S. of lii•cry deseslpOon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. fo'24 ROBINSON, REA &CO., Successors to IZOBTNSO:e. 'MINIS & MILLERS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, ,PITTSIURGH,. Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, .Blast Engines, Mill ,Nlachinerv. Gearing_ Shafting, Castings of all desert ptionsi Oil Tanks and Stills, Boller and Sheet . Iron 11. ork. Office, No. 12, corner First andSmithtleldStreets. Agents for 6IFGA.IIB - S PETENT INJECTOR for feeding Bolters. , Sl. BOLE HUNTER OUR. JAMES NELSON 1. U. 110 LE. I NDUSTRIAL WORKS. HUGHAIt .. M . BOLE . 4 CO., Founders, Engine Builders and Machinists, Make to order MARINE AND LAND STEAM EN GINES. of all bites, warranted to give ~ a tisfactlou. CASTINGS, of every description. made to order. JAMES NELSON. Stip' Lo A. B. BOLE. Foreman. Machine Shop, corner POINT ALLEY and DU QUESNE WAI.' Foundry, Nos:ssll'am! 54 Third street, myilenfi; PITTSBURGH. PA. Mow BLANC rpvxDulir.i Street, inth hard, (Opposite enion Iron 31i115.) Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES; MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY • Orders promptly arid earefulty . exernted. Charges tea:non . .ble. - ' ' - EBBERT & NAOMI:SU oc15:IIS BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. - Once and Warnhonft ! e, 29 • WpodfStreet. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes" . WAGON BOXES DOG IRONS. SUGAR KETTLES, HOLLOW WARE. And generally. ap%:yn 40NEY, HECLA FOUNDRY, .Carson -St.; Ninth Ward, near A. V. R. R. - - 3rA2;i - nrAVienna. OF • RAMMER DIES, STEEL MOULDS and Machine Castings generally. idititltt.ll%lT-Mirand satiafuctorllr executed. CENTRALFOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS, SSO Penn E4trect. BOLLIA.N, BOYD BAGALEY Chill Bolls, MIII Castingd; flontathes, &c. FULTON MACHINE WORKS. ESTABLISHED IN 1836. - 'ltanufactory of STEAM ,ENGINES, of all sizes and of the vnoit• approved patterns. for stationary purposes • *TEAM - BOATS and STEAM PEURY BOATS. 'A variety of 10, 12 and 16 horse power ENGINES, .;tvhich will be sold at very reduced P. F. GEISSE, Wellsville, O. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, On the Ohio Jiver, and line of C. ,& P.. It. no9:112 IRON BROKERS. SAMUEL M. WICKERSHAM, , . , • . • • IRON BROILER, 124 First , Street, - Pittsbarglt, Pa. ' Agent for the sale of Commit, Donghamore, Jo sephine, Isabella, Duncannon, Stanhope , Glendon, and other bradds . of Anthracite, Youghiogheny Coke and C. IL Charcoal . - PIG IRONS. Consignments and orders respectfully 'S ol !cited. JAMES 'B. JONES) DEALER IN SCRAP IRON LICHT IRON, Cast and Wrought Iron, Rope, &c. eoneer Ainiiitsini-sTnuiT and RTVER AVE NUE, Allegheny City. STONE.: WESVCOMMON • . . • Machine Stone Works, • • Northwest corner a West Common, Allegheny. ' * FitZEPICATVATER & CO. 7 Hare cm ..hand .or pre e pare on - short notice Hearth and Ste - Stones; 'Flags • tor Sidewalks, Brewery Vaults, c. Head and Tomb Stones, &c. - ..Orders rout Hy executed. trrtees reasonable. STONE ortumwy. : stone jurniehed from the j.• 7. . - 1'1'1144 .45 , To alder zo'ir b 7• the car load, via .W..• .; 01 ". . ; . Jl.- • Co:,tiklinikokr • . ;_. PITTSBURGH - GAZETTE:: ; ,THURSDAY. - 'MARCH 19, 1868. ENGINES, BOILERS, &C. FORT PITT BOILER; STILL AR TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR. DOUBLE-FIXED TITHER AR., FIRE BOX. AND CYLINDER STL AM BOILERS. OLVSTILLS AND OIL TANKS.; - CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AN ASH • . lANS. SETTLING PANS,. SALT 'PANS AND CON- DENSERS; • • STEAM PIPES, -,GASOMETERS AN, p IRON BRIDGES: PRISON DOORS AND COAL. StrUTES Odic° and Warehouse. corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, /Fir Orders sent to ''!.170 above , address will be prod/DOT attended to, 11..BAIINIIILL....JAS. BLAIR. ryHARA BOILER WORKS. `'HORROW, BARNHILL & CO., Steam,Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, &c. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts., IMPAI RING. prompt ly lon I. BARNIIILL & CO., BOILER AIAWERS' AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22 . , 24 AND 26 rEl'c'S ST; 'Having secured a large yard and famished It with the most approved machinery. ee are _prepared to manufacture every descriptinn of BOILERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made the country. Chimneys.' Breeching. Fire Beds. , Steam Pipes, Loromotive Boilers, Condenaers, Salt Pans, Tanka. - Oil Stills. Agitators.-Settling Pans. Boller Iron, Bridges. Sugar Pans and bole maini facturers of Barnhill'sPatent Repairing done on the shortest notice " ROBERT" LEA, Steam Engines and Boilers, FREIGHT ROISTERS, AND DOCTOR ENGINES: CASTINGS, Lf ail descrlptlous, tiYxlc fci r tmler. Corner of First rind Ferry Streets, JAMES M. BITER, Nos . . 55 alert 56 Witter Street, IRAN" SETTLING P.VSS. COPPER STEAM PIPE ROLLING MILL STACKS STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. 000 K STOVES. BISSELL at CO.'S PITTSTILTRGII TEAT:\ t_PII, FOIL BEiViIINOUS COAL.( WorrOnted to Cook. Baku or Roast as well as any other Stove in the Union. . , BISSELL . &,CO 3 No. '235 liberty Street. Also on hind and , for eater, • - ; '...lPASlLOtisrovm • • • . BEAT wrovi:s. ( - GRATE FRONTS. FENDERS COOKING RANGES, ec GREAT FAMIL AENCE. A hew and norel arrangement for having Hot - Water Boilers Attached to the back 'end of coalman Cook Stores, so that the waste blaze which goes up the stovepipe heats all the water needed In an ordinary sized tam- Ily by passing the blaze directly through the boiler, which sits over the pipe hole , of the stove: This new arrangement can be put on i to any No.' 7,8 or . 9 common Cooking Stove. of any manifacture. Any person having a TRIU3IPII, VICTORY. BLACK OAK, BEAUTY or - UNION STOVE, or almost any other Cook Stove made in the Union, Can have olt ers attached to their Stoves, including the A Bttach ment, the Boiler and Lids, anti Bibb Cock, for the moderate costof tta, by applying to BISSELL & No. 235 Ltber4 Street, Pltisbargh. 3f . an ilfacttirers . of the TRIIMMI COOK STOVE CHEAPEST PLACE in the city , TO BUY THE TRIUMPH COOKINC , STOVE, Is at No. 140 GRANT. STREET, Jto2 P. C. DUFFY. NEW HARDWARE HOUSE. LIND - SEY; .STERRIT & EUWER, • Manufacturers and impOrters ' of A W.A. CUTLERY, &C. -. 337 LIBERTY STREET, CORNER OF WAYNE, . • . elle Square Below strntou Depot, PITTSBURGH., ASP Agents for FAIRRAI , :IiE• SCALES. F MUSSINANN, • i irris - el:, bet. Ttinnet & .Chatham Ste., Ginuimith and Dealer, in Hardware. Vest class goods of descriptions -alwayi on bend end sold et the lowest prices. Ildpniting done eaten:Wren stunt notice. .10.%:30 11 7 ' 71 L' , f , YPiff • ..wo.4wittant sputivr,- , - between Libsrt7 aiqi/aiitsiqee Orlon promptly littended'to. 3111:NCI'ACTIMMIS OF PITTSBUT#GH, MiNUFACTUTEIIB e 1 PITTSIS UM: rA jy4:b2 .111 AN LT ACTURER OF PITTSBURGH. P.l. PIT TSBURG V. 31.%NrrACTI:1011 Of' OIL TANKS ) N. !.. , 11Eor rio WOltK. For ...Steamboats ME CET THE BEST. CONVENI- HARDWARE. n . "J , 14;r4,4t. ig*-* FINANCIAL'.._ HART, CAV GHE BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner 'third - attd Woodigtreets, prra'snurtGrx, (SUCCEies Exchange itlon paid to the purchase and 1 sale of • COVERNMENT B O NDS. Sight Morn is on. Iloridoii And nartictilar alt N. HOLMES & SONS, 38.A.D732L1MR.61 1 , 57 Al,arket Street, PI 'TTsI3UILGII, PA. Deposits received in Par Funds and Currency. Collections made on all the principal points of the United StateTand Cahadas. Stocks, llondS and other Securitiei . . DOUGHT AND SOLD , ON - Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United Stat6s Securities, $ I , -INCLUDING IL do • 5,208; '7 • U. FIVE ' S 104%. U. S. CERTIFICATES or INDEBETEDNES Orders and Vouchers bbught or collected.' inakal • KEYSTONE SAVINGS SANK, N0..209 liberty Stre,et, vririr,lituncrii, pal cm] ; TIM : 11ANIS: V; tra.,,cirr f x•X , ~ GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS; AT TIIElli :NEW BANKING lIOUSE • Accounts of :RANK'S. BANKERS and MER CHANTS are Invited. Collections mile on all 'points - lif t the 'United States and Canada.' . . . . interest Allowed on Time Deposits, UNITED.STATES SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLD JOHN T. VAN DOREN. Caslifer. WESTERS gAVIAiGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street: ' CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid con Time PepCosits ANT snr REcElvEn-Float ONE DOLLAR UPWARD: bEro6rts sun,yEci TO CHECK.. 'it:I'MOUT INTEREST. DlNcounts Dolly at 12 o'clock Presidput—TliONPSON BELL. Vice lresident--A. 31. 31ARSILALL. initicrotts: I TIIO3IPSON 1117.T.L. A. M. ALAI:SISAL': JOS. i)II,WOOSSTH! JOS. ;ALAILEFt J GII 1..P4P1E . . St ockholder9 to whom vre make l ref( Wni. Forsythe. . ' .Toselih I) Win. Caldwell , ,: 1 . Itev4Ciii• •• Wllll,llatzell. . ! Henry- (.8' I); W. C. liktvreAl, IA: at: Cr I E. 3t. Fultun. • Thomas I , ' 1 BANKER ESTABLISHED IN 1837. 14' 35 SOUTH lO C. SZ PHILADELPHIA., DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Converted Into 5-20 STOCKS AND GOLD . . . Bought and sold on cOmndssidn, here _lad In New York. TIME PAPER NEGOTIATED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD . ' AND CURRENCY. Accounts of . Banks and Bank- . ers received on favorable terms: - LEMUR COAL AND NAVIGATION - FIRST ' MORTGAGE RAILROAD Os FOR. SALE. • Also; rid, NEW LEH Dill GOLD LOAN. These Loans are both free from State and U. S. taxes, and are the cheapest Bonds of their class at present on the market. ALL. CLASSES OF SECURITIES' TAKEN IN EXCIIANGE AT MARKET RATES, • 1111 fe24:1% TREASURY DEPARTI!I[EAFF OF utmtnisßtßG, DEC. 15, 1867. NOTICE TO THE HOLDERS iCo A N" Commormealth of Pennsylvania, - , • DUE JULY IST, 1868. THE FOLLOWING LOANS Due Jilly 1at,1868, WILL BE REDEEMED, ivrru - INTEREST, TO DATE OF PAYUENT, ON Tilt PRE- FARMERS' -& MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK, - VIZ: Loan of March 27th, 1839, due July let 3.86(13-. (Loan of July 19th, 1839, due July Ist, 1868. -• ;i• - INTEREST. ; OW.THE,AHOVE LOANS WILL CEASE ON THE IST OK JULY. ::1868,. FRARCIS JORDAN, See*y State: JOUSt F HASTBAAT,azd• Qui. , Trees'!. 14. tpland • ,'4.,vwagr,_tqotstafwe4y.tozu*Gix÷z-a~.witoo-itkvv--x,t -4 ~F 4 ~~i. lIANNA, - 'HART & CO., ) BEM= COin, C9uoons, EMI EMI Iwortb, .1 lien, awn. wine. _ OF THE • OF THE SENTAiION AT THE Comailaslokere of Sint:Ulf, scud. MERIMi • BANKER AND BROKER, ( • • 118 W ood St„ r.eat: Corner of 'Wood, GOMOXM SECURITIES, Gold, Silirer and Conpono7, t rou arkd Sold on Liberal Tertos. .1Q Drafts . sold On all the prinelpal eltlo.orl. DM CON NVERSIO OF 7-30 9 5. ____ • We are now prepared to convert the SECOND and THIRD SERIES of s - E - viaN - --rrrxxvrro. INTO TILE New 1867 5-20 Gold Coupon Bonds. • JAMES. T. BRADY & CO. Dealer in Government Securities, CORNER , FOO7/1 AND WOOD STS. ictlflittbltt.etaidtt. 'FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNTsSDAY, 'March 18, 1868! ' Gold opened dull 138%, advaiaced to 138%, declined to - 138%, but closed strong at 138%. Exchange hrawn against cotton' bills is still pressed on . the market to rea lize on the ; gold, and have :the use of the eurreecy, for the time proceeding May next, as tight money market is anticipated when money mnay command from S to 9 per cent. and commission on call. With the rise and - firmness in the cotton market in Eng land, the market will be well supplied with exchange; and the probability exist§ that without. further exciting and disturbing po litical elements, gold will touch the point predicted several weeks ago. Neverthe less, for commercial reasons, based on the balanee of trade theory, an advance in- gold is more than probable, considering the financial and political condition of Europe. although an advance in gold above 140 at the present time would be very disastrods to the whole country, especially the middle classes and retail trades -people. The re dundancy of paper money has created such a desire for. the possession of articles of lux. ury, that - it is difficult to bring people back to the use of .;; the home-made and to econ -roniy, and es long as there Ls'a dollar left to spend as before; it. will be done, to the ben efit of the-impeder.' and foreign manufac turer, and the country drained of either the metalic 'currency- or the produc tions •of the soil. With the decline in gold, a similar and corresponding decline took plahe in government bonds the rise in bonds being artificial lower rates would have followed the great pressure to sell, the ; question was only how soon would peo ple; perceive, that it was to their in terest to sell, when they . are com pelled to sell, whether they have-the last frait on, which belongs by right to tho specitdator, or not No people in the-com munity, as a class, are so penurious or have becoine so, as the, holders of the national secufities-rmen that before the war ; felt'- conscientious to ask any interest on money loaned, would now not hesitate to take six per cud.. in gold, have the government in sure them a high premium,on their bonds, and ]part' the - bon& out to some one else and take the brokers:legal, interest of one and' A.`ipiartet per Month, •. ' Stocks are panicky changing in value with the tick of the clock, but the fluctua tions are violent. Money is very scarce, and men have I -( turned their securities into moray to profit 1 by, the high rates paid for its use by needy borrowers; 12 per cent. may be called a reasonable rate for good endorsed paper. Our grain dealers were considerably • shocked to-day by the imnouncement that ,1.. . Messrs. Dean ,:t (Son, well-known grain brokers in Chicag,o, had suspended. Itis reported that several Pittsburgh firms suf fer by the suspension to the amount of about twenty thonsand dollars, in the ag gate. Dean 6:: Son bought more grain on Pittsburgh account, probably, than any other ° house .in Chicago, and, heretofore have stood well in this place. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R.' 'Mertz: clold, 138%; 1881 bonds, 1103 V; 1502"5-20s; 110; 1861 do, 1078; 1865 do, 108; Consols, 107; 10-10 s, 100:g; 7-30 s, 1053.. f. -N Cleveland it Pittsburgh R. R... ..... .. Fort Warne 1 North Western—con - anon North Western—preferred New York Central Erie Old Southern ,Ohio 6 . ... :Mississippi Western Union Telegraph 1 Merchants Union Express Corydon - ... Quartz Hill 1 00 Quicksilver ' 20X --The New York 2'ribtine pointedly says, - concerning the proposition to tax public securities: "The experiment of sustaining the government by taking its own debts is ~a repetition of the vagabonds policy of liv ing on the'intere. - st of what he owes. It has never yet been profitable or respectable." • The Chicago Tribune, of Tuesday, says: There was rather more demand on gram account to-day, "growing out of the do -1 liveries on contracts for "the lass half," but 1 in other respects there was nothing new in. the monetary - situation. The, mercantile linquiry is•steatilly increasing with the op preach of spring. Deposits have touched the maximum, and now show signs of a de i. crease, and in view of _the !artfilcial,strin 7 geneyin New York,the local monex mitr ket is working closer. Borrowers are treated a little more gingerly, and few can negotiate more more paper than their ac counts warrant. The bank rate is steady at 10 per cent. . I —Says the Cincinnati Conintereiat, of Tuesday: Borrowers can not assert very positive chills upon their bankers continue to find it 'very hard to get their paper passed, and when they do round rates are charged them; but borrowers who have steady, good deposit lines, manage to effect their needed negotiations at 10 to 12 per cent.; for the other class referred to, 12 to 15 per cent. Is the range for _the best of names. • 'Money - would be easy enough, doubtless, If it` only had free flow through thcrehannels of trade, but the absence of a proper degree of confidence and of the open-, mg of important new enterprises, still ope rate to keep money within it narrow, avail able compass. It is observable that! there is less capital ' offering' in the street than there was a ahor ttiMe ago. • ,. . . Cincinnati attic Market. fIIY TelegnTb to the PittstutrgltGazette.3 eraciarsaTi, - Mr& 'lB.—Beef Cattle in fide demand and Vie inarket stoat' at V 4 ) s ° 'a615 0 per e cod .grosa.,-43heep scarce and ATM at 144 gross. , Hoge warm At§ ;Wads le 'and Ibey',Viinglß7so.o,2s;, bOrpmon fattaftsoo,2,s. URGE MARKETS . . . - .OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ?' • . . . 'WV ETMESDAY, march 18, 1868— c i With the - advent of fine Nveatlfer and re-II sumption of navigation, business is hil-.1 • proving, and while the operations in the; leading commodities are restricted - mainly ! tO supplvier , immediate , wants, - --therela7i.r - --- - - -- inuch better feeling - In coinnieTrefal circles, i , and our merchants, generally, anticipate a.l , god Spring trade. ~ , , 1 - - :;" GRAlN—Winter Wheat is in limited sup- I . ply and steady at $2,43 to $2,45 for Red, and i $2,53 to '52,55 for White. Oats firm but. I '• not quotably higher; 69 to 71e, on track, and 73 to 75e, in store. Corti is n'shade firmer, and we now- ouote .prime Yellow 1 at $l, on wharf and track, and $1,05, in ele-1 vator. Barley is scarce, and sells readily at $2 to $2,10. RytiLls firm ,and tending up-- ) ward; may be quoted, at $1,65 to $1,70, in first hands, and $1,75 to $l,BO, in store. GROCERIES—The Grocery, market hash t been .moderately active during'''. the past , i t week, there having • been a -fatr volume of i h business, in the aggregate, and the pros-; peas new are are favorable for a good spring trade. Fish of all 'kinds are firm 1 and tending upward, while Sugars, Mo- I , lasses and Coffee are easier, and tending down Ward. In other articles, there are ni::)- 1 changes worthy of special notice. _Tho fol- lowing are the leading quotations 2 , I` ,SeetAns—New Orleans . 1.4% . to' 1634 c; I f ' Cuba,.l3 to 144 c; Porto Rico, 1335t0 1434 e; h Crushed, 17%c "A" Coffee, 16tr i c; "B" do, i lege; Extra "C," 16c; "C" Yellow, 14%e. i Coryin.: , -Prinie Rio, 26 to 26%c; good, 24c; fair, 22e; Old Government Java, 375 . to 38c; I Laguayra, 28c. ' : ), • Mowissas--New Orleans, 90 to 95e; Cuba, 1 65 to 70e; Porto Rico, 70 to 75c. t . . i . Svnurs—"Lovering's," $1; "Booth" c(, Ed- gar,'? 85c;- "Amber, 70c; "Drips," $1 to i $l,lO. - - • i Seicas—Cassia, 80 to 85c; -;-Cloves, 50c; i ' Pepper, 36e; Allspice; 33e; _Nutmegs, $1,50... 1 Rion—Rangoon, 11;.1,e; Carolina, 12?", o. SrAntat , Madison, be; Silver:Gloss, 123 c, a and Cornand Corm Starch, 13e. • , , - El - tuns—Layer Resins, $4,75 per • box; „ Valentin, 206 per lb; Prunes; 18e; Currants, 15c for new. • . i • BAWLEAD-12c; Shot, $3,50 per bag. Sesrs—"Babbitt's," 12c; "Oakley's," 1 11.3. h-he; -Rosin, 4% to tic; "Bobbin's," 15e. 4 CANDLES--Mould, 143. e; Star, 23c. 1 CONCENTRATED LvE•—s7,so per ease. 't 13i CARD Soui—sB,- - 50 - per case. . • - 1 _ FlSll—White Fish, $7,50; Lake Herring„i $4; Mackerel No. 1, ..$2O; No. 2, $18,50; No. 3, $l4; in half bbls, 50c more. - • Tel:mat—Black ' 55, - 10e;- ,as "and. Louis ville Navy, 72 to 75e; Wm. IL Grant's lOs 1 and,NaNT, 80e; C. AS:, D. Tobaeco, 20e. TEA.-,-The inarket Li „firm and prices are higher-for neit crop. Choice Young Hy- i son, $1,75; fair, 51,50; common to good, $1 to $1,35; Oolong, 75e, 85e, 90c, $l, $1,25 and $1,35; good Porto Rico, $1 to $1,85, as to 1 ( quality. Imperial, $1 to 51,85. ; Japan,- i Choice, $1,30; fair $l. ---, i VINEGAR-18.tO 25c., 3 , PROVISIONS—Bacon is steady but tin- i changed; lly,@ll%e for Shoulders; 13; ® i 15c for Ribbed and Clear Sides; 163 c for 1 BreakfaSt Bacon„and 17;(,Q17;( h c for Sugar- Hams. Lard, is .still quoted 'at 16e, in 1 tierces, and 10 2 ,:te, in kegs. . Dried Beef, 21.1622 c. Mess Pork, 525425,50. ' ' .-- i FLOUR-1s steady, with la fair local de-1 mend but unchanged. We continue to i quote at510,50®11,25 for Spring Wheat; 512. (512,50 fir Winter Wheat, and $14g , 15 for fancy brands: Rye Flour is firm at $8,25 1 per barrel, and Buckwheat is steady at S4,EO per cwt. - . ' I - I ; • SEEDS—Flaxseed is scarce and in de mand; small lots sell readily at 52,40, while a round - lot would 'doilbtless bring s2,so. Cloverseed is quiet and Unchanged at $8•to to ' 4 8,25 and•Thnothy at $2,75 to $3. ~ , DRIED, FRUIT—Pe ches are. firm but unchanged; small sale ,• of halves at 11 to 11;te. Apples, 7to Sc.. • - - BUTTER-Is scarce nd in gooddemand but unchanged; we. con roue to quote prime to choice Roll at 48 to 5 'ct. , , • EGGS—Under the i fluence of limited arrivals have . still ‘further advanced and may now be quoted'at 26 td 2.8e4' . .' -.HAY—Is not ,coming; in very freely and may be" quoted firm at ts:18 to $2,7i, for corn— Mon to prune Timothy. LARD OIL—Is nn - qtang6d but firm at OS to t:' , l for INo. 2 and 61,28 to 1,50 for No. 1. "1 BEANS—Scarce and firm st HOMINY-- Unchanged at $6,25 -to 6,50. CRANBERRIES—Quoted at *;,fls to 17. 1 PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET.. t • . OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i ti % WEDNESDAY, March 18, 1868. it . . CRUDE—The Crude market is quiet .but .:-> very firm wad holders refuse to sell unless p • . - at an advance and to this, buyers as yet, 4 are Unwilling to stibmit. There was not a i, • • single sale reported, in the absence of which • 4 _ we quote 83‘ to 8% as the ruling:quotations for spot oil- r ths inside figure offered and g _ the outside quotation asked._ The trade is in such a peculiar condition, that. there is • . " but little chance for operators to do any- thing. Oil is too much inflated at Oil City ,i for this market, and while holders cannot. 0. afford to sell at a reduction from the figure 5 above:named, 'refiners .taking the present 0, prices of refined as a basis, cannot'afford to `, 0 ,J . , pay it, and while matters remain in this %. condition, we do not expect to have man R sales to record. Oil City telegrams to-day quote at 83 to 3,25; at these figures, as it .4 will .be seen by any one who is at all eon versant •;„4 1 with the i trade, there is no margin 0 1 for the dealer worthy of the name. ..> a , REFINED—The market for bonded oil C 4 is decidedly firmer, with more buyers than ,t) sellers, but as yet there is no - quotabie ad- il vane in prices. We have hitt a single sale „,,,;' to record.lsoo bbls---500 each for August„/ September` and October \ at 29c. The latest til and most reliable quotationa - to-day were 1 as follows: March at 24;6; •April 25, May 'l., 25y,; June 26 to 2614; July 7to '27;ti; August ii„ 27% to 28, and all the year . buyers option, 'I ' at 31. As noted for some time past, sellers. A are remarkably scarce, at present prices, il which, is owing to the fact that taking the ' i price of Crude into consideration, there is a no margin, and therefoie, they seem deter- 'g mined to, hold oil' and wait until they can realize better figures. - Late advices 11 :air Washington report that there is a fair pros peet of havingthe tax on free oil reduced. - • —Since the above was but in - type, we 4. have the following additional sales report.' A ed: 1,000 bbls June at 9; {and 1,000 for July g at 934 e. , ' 2 Oth 51111.51E75' PER A. V. R. B. FOR TW6 DAYs.. Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale, 500 bbls ref. 'a to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. Co., 966 do do to P. Wright & f, Sons,Philadelphia. ' 3 B. ; Morgan & C0..50 do do to War den, Frew & Philadelphia. Lockhart & Co.,irew, , 712 do do •'-to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. i B. W. Morgan; 40 do benzine, Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia;_ , • ' McCreery &Beaumont, 50 do ref. to J. F. Newbold & Son, Baltimore. ' P. Weisenberger, 60 do do to Waring, King ou. s & ni Co l:mar .,l ; h Ts ila wß de o lp la hl D a. ucal l ss rrs DEPOT. ...! Brooks, Ballentine & Co., 60 ref. do to W. t• G. Warden. Philadelphia.. t .. 90 .. 101% . 63 • .. 73% 118% 6S ... 88}. 33% New. York Dry Goode naket. City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] XFAV Tortx, March• -18.—The parket is rather dull and the prices of BrOwuSheet lugs have given way 04c. We quote' Atlan tic A, at 18a18 1-2; do H, 17 1-2a18; Pacific` extra, 17 1-2618; Appleton A, and Indian Head', 181-3; Pequot A, 20; Lyman E, 18 Roxbury A,17.1.2; Howard At 16; Stark A, 8 18;' Silver Lake H, 13; Porismonth AA, 13; Broadway, 16 1-2; flue grades are _without particular change; ,Indian Orchard 0,36 1-2; do•NN, 17; do A, 17; - do J, 18; Pepperell 0, - t 14 1-12; do R, 16,1-2; Great Falls M, 151-2' do S, 131-2; Laconia 0, 161-2; do 0, 18; do 17: • Printing 'cloths scarce and firm at 9. Prints steady but. less' active owing ,td:11 re-, ; daction of 1-3 c in Lancastmlatt-lis , this, is an irregular makeltheloss.does not - Affect the market prl ,Of ,the other& s, lEirown. Dr illslare steady 417: ' • ' - . ; H If H II I 1