The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 19, 1868, Image 1

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• 4.
Bills Introduced and PasSed Fi
nauy—Bills Relative to Foreign
Insurance Companies and Tax
es on Officers and Corporation
—Report of the Free Railroad .
Conference Committee in the
Rouse-- Report Adopted-- War
Damage Bill.
'(spedal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) •
HARRISBURG, March 18, 1868.
Mr. CONNELL, of Philadelphia,,onetak
ing certain items of tavern licenses, collat
tend inheritance tax, and railroad tonnage
- taxes out of the sinking fund and putting
them to-the ordinary expeme account. •
Mr. ERR of Allegheny, a supple
ment for thb Pittsburgh and Temperance
Mille Railroad Company, correcting clerical
Mr. BROWSE, of Lawrence county,T.ex
-tending to Armstrong .county• the Alleghe
ny law relatii:e to . ..Ndaries Public.
General pension law for soldiers of 1812,
being the House bill amended.
PraventAng,leading or driving horses over
isidwalk.s upon publieroads and in Myer-
Torated towns and villages.
Giving Courts power to.ereate and divide
At the afternoon session the following
.reported by the Commission appoint-,
ed last session for the puipose; consisting of ,
the. Secretaiy of the Commonwealth,'
Aiiditor Geneial and State Treasurer, 'were'
the special orders : • '
Act :revising, amending and consolidat
ing the laws regulating the licensing of for,-
eign Insurance Companies. Passed finally,
amended so as to - allow District Attorneys
_five per cent. on thn• amount .of State .tax
paid until reaching five thousand, dollars,
and then tWo per cent: for their service in
examining the books of foreign Agencies.
Act _consolidating existing laWfs regula
ting State upon officers on piocess and
•on commissions. Pasied finally. • ,
Act revising, amenhing and consolidating
the laws. taxing . On:orations, banks and
bankers. Passed.finally.
th e(lsemocrat.,)
-traduced ag
al#ll,rpAtamendn,.Caugreiso ta
zppriaate Ara iinti6a 6 - e dollars in aid'
+coloni7ation in Afrien. ' . '
- win DAIWAGE.S.
'DITNCA.N, of Veining°, moved a re
econstaeration of the bill, deSeated last night,
:appreieptiating in.-'$•,500,000 for the relief of
oitiiens of Adorns; Franklin, Fulton, Cum
aperland and Bedford counties. Agreed to.
Mr. DUNCAN then offered a substitute
allowing the Governor to, appoint. three
Commissioners to award_ damageS, to :be
paid only if the general government fur
nishes the State with money. Adopted and
passed finally. , ,
Mr. WILSON, of .Alleglieny, Chairnian .
of the House Conference Committee on
the Free Railroad law, reported again, ao
oepting the Senate bill, with three media
cations: First ? companies are allowed to
borrow double the amount of their .capital
stock; second, they are not required to ob
tain the consent of borough authorities to
pass ,through their street; third, ,the Courts
are authorized to appoint three furors to fix
the terms in case any railway coMpanies
disagree) about the connections. The sub
scription per mile reqnired is still gIO,OOO.
Mr. WILSON said he was obliged to sign
the report; because in the Conference Com
mittee no minority report was allowed.: He
dissedlelefretri the bill 'and considered' it
unjust, yet it was all he could get, and ho''
advised:the llouse to accept it as betterthan
none—it was certainly better than the Sen
ate substitute.
MR. ;SMITH, of Allegheny, moved to
postpone. • DisagKeed to. •
Messrs. Mann, Armstrong, Jenks, Beige
sand Strang spoke against it. -
.Mr.: FORD, Allegheny, said he should
very reluctantly vote -for the bill It was
no genuine railroad - law. But one point had
been gained, viz: the right of way, and fu.
taro legislation must remedy defects.
The report was adopted by a voie of forty
four tb• forty-three: .• - • • • -, •
A -
Judge Hunter AOOurns" His Courtin Con
sequence of. Threats Against His Life.
.t By Tokiiraph to.tbeilttattnirgif Gazette)...
bizmEuv!,,Hayok Of`
the Criminal Court, 1:0 3 iydjourned.that tri
' bunal; as heA4egesi 03118Melpe.of the
press* eansaillky 11 elons newspaper
cies, rendering it impotifhle for the jtig
ment of the court to beleniOreedi, and as
one Wender , had been OMVlttist arid
c ompany with othbr.
-desperate men had sought • to- take his We . :
4 1'herefore; the Omit stands, adjourned wita
such ebstaelei to its administration of jus
tice tut rersoyed. The: presa heroritpgAto
Judge Bunter's 'salon and assditio2 $, es
pecially his - charge that the release of the
f •editor of the Avalanche by, Judge Waldron,
- . under , mrit of"habeastmpus " - was Illegal.
, ,
The - Nova Scotia Difficulty
xsr th e stlzihe.y .4i
arkvirx,cantha, March _17.4 , 1'he GOvernr'l
N 'lila , .. appointed. D r :. fitipPer,COintras- , "1
sioner to England, to e ff ect's setthmuint.ot
-the lieva Scotia difficulty., Montreal .CaPl4.',
talists propose tothe government to build:
an inter•colossatrailway for eight inillibits ; ,
of dollars. Cabinet dissolutions are rumor
ed. It is said that '..1.1r. liditioidelithothire
Nova Scotian will be offered` seats it4he
'Cabinet to conciliate -Nevi fieotila..l ,
. ,
_ . .
become a tyrant, and you deserve the exe
, cration of the human rece. There is no
• other way but Ine "'universal suffrage, "in.
Internal Revenue 'tax on, itlanu-
Which you and - I and every man can
. - - - ~t protect, ,onrselves against _the injustice, the,
factures--Bill Further Consid- . ,
inhurriaidtV and the iiiiings which would
. ered in the Senate--Telegvant otheruisehe' inflicted onnti.l••.•We • leave vat:
. Front General Dleade-Univer. to a point in this n, ation n whenye, can ., adopt
that great and glOrintei'pritthiple. ISo man
sal Suffrage - 7SPE!ech bY _Thad, dares to Say we shall not adopt it. Hence
dells Stevens--The ktdinisSiOn forth let us nntlenttaxidllitit-x..naverettl BO: .
Irate, operating in the face of every man
of Alabawa--Consular. - Appro-
, - , _ .... r. •:,. 'Who istope,.
ho*O,&u ()rued ley vetes _east, is one
priation Bill Passed; bf tluzse3 it ..111 2 vite( 1 001* thior tho
Cliy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] , granite in NV hic, Lour fathers laid the fowl
" ' dation of their ' rtrit tvdrkf- tlie-twork
. , WASHINGTON, gateh 18, 1867. of universal li rty which will last just as
8EN..7...k.V . E. •• • - - long 'as that munertal i cltietrine shell,last,
and nolonner.. . .. .il ~ '-' - i
The Chair -presented a ceonnunieation - Air grim-Rs, i n ofi n k un nOr d ond his
from the Attorney' General. calling litteri-'' irimesitlims, asked - the.ClerkOf.thiiftenge
'lion to theexpediency of reducing his- tiler - to read his preptred , speleh ,in • . •-visinw of
• ical force. ' .orred to the COmmittee on them, 'which was done"'•'
Mr. STEYENS' ownremarke wcfettlelivt•
Apprepriations.. - . • :, , . - : 7 . ered with a ele,arneis and strew .voiee
Also, a commnication from the Secretary not . before manifested , this - ttin. - -lie
of War, stating that the military 'reserve - closed by offering the pile - Whg isnisub.sti-
Lion at Fort Ridgeway may be relinquished for the bill: .-.•. • ...,,..r,„ ~,,,--•:- ~ - J
lute . • - -
- ••• . • I Be it enacted, dx., ?That every-male eti
to to the s erv i c e. Referred l ran or . the United - States; above the ago of,
to the Committee on Military Affairs. I twenty-one yearsrwho wawborn or natural-.
Mr. SUMN'ER presented a petition front ized in the United States, or- who has (16 2 ,
Cleveland (Ohio) Manufacturers' onven-ot- elated hisintentiens to become tuttnntlizedi'
tion, praying . for a reduction of internal I,Shall be entitled to vote upon all .national"
.tax. Referred to the Committee on Com- questions that may arise in any State of the
mercer ___ . , I..Tnion where he shall have resided for the
l • Mr. EDMUNDS called up the bill to reg; t b i e ni n e m o a f
e tli l l e rt E 3 N • ve d e a i j:s s , n a e. ,, h ud n el o vize dis li t s in,, o e n tio rtn ne y b z i t tl e. l
elate the presentation of bills to the :•Presi- count - except for treason, felony orother
dent and' the return of the -same. •
miamous crime not below the grade of fel-
Mr. BAY RD spoke in opposition to the ' . -
bill, which...was thenlaid aside. • _ 0
The CHAIR- submitted a communfeation )Ir.
nv at common law.
BEAALVN addressed the House in
ix) tof th hill. Wbile he wes`speaking
i from the General of the Army, "enclosing a
copy of a telegram received from General V I) B r ROOM e ALL intiinated his' Intention'
lileade, Commander of the Third Military w r s . towithdraw his motion to reconsider.
District. , The telegram, dated Jatmory 12 l an a d let ill? bill go to the Judiciary, Com
' nide°.
118 wss read ,stating that if the, bill _.vend:. u, - - c
irig' be'fore Q .,'„ 6 ,.k e , 5 , s
, w a s passe d; directing ,Mr. tin Ly 17.% / spoke against the bill,
which here rded us imeonstitutional.
t h o s eMilar - y Commanders to till offices with
Mr. KELLY advocated and Mr. I:ERR
-t qualified to take the test oath, the ex
ecutien- Will be entirely impmeticable. Re- ° P.r sed the h i n t- •-.-- '. - . 1 - - -' ..
ferred to the Committee on Military AfTeirs. .Ir. BROOMALL wittulrew nis moLon,
and the hill and emend tents remain with
Mr. MORGAN, - from the Committee on - . '
the Judiciary Committee.
Finance, reported favorably the bill to re-
fund.duties.erroneously exacted from cur- Mr FARNSWOItTH, from the Conneit
tain mere diet „ h':'.. iniportersofNew York.
Mr. MOMaJL, Maine, from Committee tee on Reconstruction reported the bill to
on Conference on ri the Consular Appropria- admit the State of Al:ibaina to representa
tion in Congresi, which was ordered
tion bill, made 'report recommending the tinted. H
m certaine would ask to have it consid-
Senate to reeedelro amendments,
and concur in the amendment providing P ered and pas Seas
il to-morrow. The bill is
that all monies allot dollars oe one thousand dolla • follows: -
NS - tierces, the people of Ala.hanta, in Con-
received as fees at the office of Consuls,Vice . t s ce of the rovisions of an act of Con- 1
ConSnls, or 'Commercial Agents, shall be st ` n ...?„ ..
grew!, entitt , all act for
,the more cal- 4
paid into „the , Treasury, ac. The report
was concurred M. mem government of the rebel . States,” 1
, 'The Senate tocikup, as the special order, plussedsfereli 2d; 1867, and - the acts - supple
thereto, have framed a Constitu
the bill to exempt certain manufacturers `l-' tilentar Y
- tien or State goVernment which is rePubli
from internal tax. /The question-Wtis oil
t, an
Mr. Henderson'e• amendment f . • snd whereas, at an election
,to• m r . Fels- , <an in form; • , , F ,
senden's providing for a <Una - hick of duty commencing the 4th day of February, 1868,
on materials used' in Ahe construction` Of a large majority of the legal voters,' of F,a141
river steamers, which was rejected. State, voting ekaaid election, voted' for the
The questitareenried on the amendment adoption of said constitution; the:refine; !-- .:
providing for a
equal in amount t; Be it enacted,: that said State of Alabama
tim b er, ma nn* cop . 1 shall be : ntitled to representation in Con
te transport ditty on rem as - seem-as : the I•egialatrire of' eiiid
per, iron not advanced in manufacture, be-g
bars, bolts, 104 tiiediiithe;O:iiistruetion i &ate, the members of. which were elected,
of sailing vessels and the repair XVl;vessels at the election Mentioned in the preamble
of forebulldi to 'be.rotnine4 'retitle use: ! of this bill, shall' have duly ratified the
of t u f ,- milted stales under sw.i. aj o t a r,
tr am ni o tea uchn st e utes nts r .
~! ,e, , COMila by
iho tti vi tion etv i of the
tions BS:Willi - X•tetrAt - t , ...Xr1 01 ‘1.1 , _ -",_., •r. - • - . • Wrtleits - lbinieenlh. 1
^PreSe: o4.-, - , - , >• , .'-- -. • ''' - """"" 4-- : 44 ' '- • - Sect on -s ." 'ii`' '''S ~1 be the duty of 1
3it. ' 3MlNl3°l4l6l3ifedild thhtfill 1 7 in- the commanding :General :Of the military
serting , after the words “sailing vessels '. the district in whieh :Ajahalnii is Included to 1
words ger ocean steamers."
Mr. CHANDLER asked if it weuld be in motif theLriteinWs'Athe Legislature of i
. . . ~ . -
order to offer as amendutent exempting all said tate, chosen at the election held in i
Fetcrearv - 18138, - to amenable at the Capitol
articles used in the construction of all yes- ~.,....." 4. , •
tare within thirty claye after the
eels built in the United , States of whatever " '''''' -
kind. .._ , . -.. • - -passage of this set.
•, ~, ,
- coast T.. Arinneritarrox *DILL.
The Chair replied in the negative. Mr.tWASHBURNE, of Illinois; from the
After a Icing debate ! - Mr. Johnson's Committee- of „Conference on ,the 0:711111liat
amendment was lost-mneteen h - .) nineteen' kpprojniation bill,. replirted that the House
as was Mr. Fessenderes- 7 eighteen to twen- . - - u .._ ... _ ...,
shout -retinue from its disagreements,,'
except Onens•te , constilar fees; etc.' the pro-
Dir. GRIMES offered an amendment re- .
ducting the tariff on imports ton per cent. _vision in tat matter to be modified so ,that
all monies received for fees at anv_vice con-
Mr GRDIRS offered as ari 'amendment an - .• - - . -, - ,
• • • - sulate or eornmercial agency otoyond ono 1
additional section, providing that after this thoukand dollars in - any 'one year, and all i
act goes into effect 'the amount' of duties monies received by any Consul or Consul
charged and collected on goods, wares ' and
General from consular aircencies or.ylee con-,.
merchandise imported . into the United sttlaregitieiceis'of oftb thousand dollars In 1 ,
States shall be diminished to the, extent of the a g gregate,from all such agencies or.
Jen per cent. of the amount now clanged, vim , „cortsuls, shall be accounted
„and making it unlawful for any officer of fa . r .,- ; .. - ~ -,:_
1 the Government.foloolleet ariy , larger sum: l i, .- "‘a
`• This amendine,nt . WAS rAlectel-t-N,el,.e faio 'intii the Treasitr.s , : of
the`Cithed States, and no greater , glint' -: . - 1 than five hundrol-dollars shall be allowed
_The bill then
in 'the' Co tt l e mttee of ' for the expenses of any vice consulate or
~ c onsulsr ag ency for any one veer. 'The re- .
the Whole aridwasreperted , to
Senate' - *it was agreed to - '- • ' . -
Mr:SILEIPIAN gave,-notice lie • would! ',
,"Mr. PAINE, froml the Conference Com
press it to a vote to-morroW. mi
• _....,
ttee on the bill to facilitate,, the payment
Mr. 'I'RIP.,,MLBULL,, 'kern the, Comunttee ,
.of soldiers' bounties, made a report, which
on Judiciary, ieported a billio modify the A , , , .
test oath in the - Vitae- cif B. R. "liittlieuf was agree d ''",;,•
Mr. JULIAz , from the Committee on Pub.
Tennessee, so as to allow, him to take it 1„, tic Lands, reportednbillatnendatory of the
the House. • - - - . homestead. laws. Ordered printed and re-
Adjourned. ''- ' committed. • '
Mr-LOGAN offered a resolution calling
on the"SecretarY of the. Treasury for infor
mation as to commissions paid on sales of
bonds and gold since 4 , 02. Adopted. • , -_ 1
Mr..ELJOT olliiredit resolution Galling on
the Secretary of War for a revixed estimate
fOr river : and , harbor improvements.
Attested.% , , - , ~.. .: • .
Adj o urned. ~, • .. ..,._.
i - •
3fr. B LOO TALL, z of Pa., moved to, re
consider the'l9te referring to the Judiciary:
feminitttiea ,hlll, info:dm:od byifintAdy
11th, 1867,'"to_'kulgodee ;:t4; ,the: iniverat
fiettea of the .truiory a:republicae form of
government.. • • ;- .
-Tito bill is as follows :
Wumuvisi The 'form of government of
the seversiKiltatesuf the vot"4opublics lP ...
prirtigular; that; ,sthe.
,onstifntiost„,, and., lows .of ~ S tich
rights are n'Ladd„o o : l .oPPAd 'upon parent
and iace i uiaare - ..finited ha Certain-
to- the exclusion—otothers, ,
"citizens of the lE3niti3d Statkailuidlwheions,
it is the •constitutional ;duty of the Unites
States - to guarantee to every fitatokreph..-.:
• licin-form of government, therefore,
+Be' it ernicteq.:4llth (Oat proyllidons
and enactments , in the State Constitutions
and laws which mtiks`distinCtion
cal 'and eh* rights among citizens of the
United States - or: deny.Suck,itig ts to any_
such;citiMuilCeaocPutit.of , ParOn =car
or color, are horeb,y,dealff,9o,lP-.irin. RPM
.or no e ff ect..c,:A. , ...:
Sze. 2. That if any Person shall prevent,
any qualified citizen Oltth6 fitidaa'
frozia , exercising the.right 'Of Startup' at anY
election in any State,under; pretence, that
such citizen joidisgUalilied by the VOristitu
tion and laws of such:State on account of
his parentage? note/ liana or color, Such
person :shall, be deemed guilty of misde-'
meanor, and on g eonsietion 4hereofJny the
proper 'Court shun be Sehtenced to pay a
tine not exceeding five tlumand.. dollars
and undergo imprisonment not ' exceeding
eiv,o, years, or both, at the discretion of ,the.
fiTifCßE&A.l.;l;spoice in support of the
141, and a •.politleal discussion.sprang'' up
,between Messrs. WoOtOPUICIAIIySROPM* , :I
-all and others as to whether Pennsylvania
has a Repub*mr_formiufaultainmev,t4ter
Constitution containing the words white I
I freemen," thereby.: pprehibiting iingvo gist- .1
(rage. Messrs..AC.not_tAnd„WoAvig:il
segently. spekb 1101nht fuit4
I,awrente; 'of Penns.; In
1 ; ,14r../SCLIENCI{.,,,hs .his-remarkslessal
ritb° $l 4 la9P.T'
13TEV4s 1 d. widglaritargp
meat in favor of universal and
*tamp as the only foundation on which
1 th e Government .aettstarid— geo9,l*, "Arq.a,
build 40 - 144410O04',OtitOVOrrotour
'on thatiaridi you attempt/1w ;depart
t reht avesitegetlyvav area roan; that 'Top;
Report of Dantned Overthrow of the , State
• Government Detiled-Ono of the Kux
br at Negro. • • •• :
„ItpTtitgraph the rittliturgit
lefter;signed by Radical and .POIN9TPtve:
ex-offiders of the itliWa' Stites 'Artily,
been PrePared for pubkkatien in the Banner
- *morn:mt.:"
We,_ the undersigned, ex-officers of the
United Statecitxtuy;,,a44-bcout :Ate ; repro
voiitatives IlihState ef - Tenneneetr; have
read with regret the sensational dispatches
from our State, reprratemting to:the eountry
.at.large and the authorities at Washington,
that our resent._ State Governments
itruninen ;lit beitqr.,'oyedhrown
by armo resistance. We bave full and
:ernmplete fitmortithity beini fi T thorough- ;
lymequalnted with the tonal tta=rft
itithis State as the author of e dispatches,.
and we most positively , :aesert that poace
and quietude - jai a -reifirtrkiffile ..driOree 'Pre- 1
nail all trrer the: , State at Jhirrithne* - rind I
'that =theta in • rick - ,more , danger.
'armed ~xesistance . the laws ; of:,
the Stateer Unite&StatesinTeffnessee thnwi
in any other Stoll Lltytito Union,. The at
tempt to deceive the- country Into the belief
that we are living in a - state lorfeait-iind'
anarchy is detrimental to the interests of
our State, and_ Is used, extensively . and
effectually , by iirtmlgration agents 'of
other States, in New York and other
- AP, PrtYPIO kaPatlOXailQn
Tennessee, and to, induce capital and enter
,N prlie of everVleacriptiottV_ kg QmpoY_ -
TO elseriPhord." 'Ss Cittions and infra men
of Tennessee we feel galled noon to enter
our:: solemn protent against - such dome
,gagoelekar and Ostsure :t 1 # 43 5 e.cMkrlce.. ak, larg e
-tbst the °Munn. of Tennessee are nt pres l ;eat a f.
quiet, peaeeable =andand lavr4blding.
.pooo9iniqq. CiErt-hOtt--/t4l't
,r. Nirst Fid AYektbortg 45 Etz:
By Telegraph to the,Ga;tt.e.)
Lornsvriax, March 18:'..1Mi rising, 20
T. Lours, March IB.—Weather clear and
i.,11 1 fA ,.7
SECOID Elitilol.
Fil7l:Et OLCL'OCI~`., I~2:
r 4 ri cApHAL.
kevenue Colletor For Idaho-'-
:7,Alaslia Military District--Il
klinoio. Cotton= Cases--Presidezo
Coitiotalinte Impeach
ment Managers-;Whiskey Tax
tßy Telegrtirnil olbe Ptteobulgtl Gilzette.]
WASIiINGTON, March ISth, 186 S.
`'!The President hits nominated A. Hogan,
Collector of internal Ileyenue r ifcir Idaho,
and J:111108 R. Hubble, Milted States Attor
nev fOrlAtontana. '
... .
:,The military distriet of Alaska has been:
made a separate Military - department, and
Brevet Major General Jeff r, Davis Assign
ed- to its command - hi accordance with hisj
brevet rank.,
. ..
- 7, 7 1.'he Impeachment Managera to-day were the examination of •Witneves.
1-lAvtrig heard
.that a claim agent received
two hundred dollars on a requisition .from
Adjutant General Thonias. 4.1.4 Secretary of
War, .they summoned the agent 'before
them. His testimony showoff that such
was not :the fact.- It appeared, however.
that a claim for that amount was rejected
i by Secretary. Stanton; but allowed by Gen.
I Grant, when the latter was acting as Secre-
I 'Cary, and not with now 11%IS the money rea
rdyto be paid. , -
The Ways and Means Committee has
completed the bill providing for the•Collec
tibn of tax on whiskey. It is very string
ent Ott enacts heavy pChalties against
those who perpetrate frauds.
C01701'; CASES.
, In the Supreme CiNtrt of the United
States to-day the eelbrated cotton caseS
from Springfield, Illinois, Were under
_ _
The Press dent's" eaunsol had a long eon
sulat ion with hiin to-day.
Boller iiliplosien.-loaf Takes Fire-.. Pew..
deriCxplosion--Ferty I.sces'Lost. • '
illy Telegraph to tilt. ilttahurgh Onzettc•)
emets - 19. - rt; March 18.—The mtearner
",Xagnolia, Cinehtuati and Maystille regular
paekef, - which left here at neon to-day •with
'about one hundred cabin pa.engers and a
large amotud a:freight, exploded her bail
ers twelve tuilhs above the city at half:past
one o'clock this afternoon. ' The greater
stion of the cabin :was carricitawax;itad,
afteMosdirtottekilre; ''Nbettt lOW
persons were killed, yeral_heing burned
to death.
eINeiNNATI. March 46.—The Magnolia
had one hundred . and twenty passengers
and forty Of it Crew. Fifty-four persons are
known to•have been saved. The following
were bronglit to Oda city=by- the ?steamer
•Panther.: - • • ;
Alexander EllioitT,-
Marshall, Mrs. Wiles and daughter, Rufus
Martin and laity, lilts.. Albert N. Fulton,
Win. D.Ristii idightlY.lnjtired, T. COI, ediw
tor Flemingsburg Democrat, C. 1). Arm
strong, of same place, G. H. Iluston. Berlin,
Ky.. slightly hurt, - 11. Jone-s G. V. Kerr,
Bridgeton, I.nd:; - 'hhdlY; Mr. 'Levi, Mrs. Bil
ker, of Ripley, Ohio,Mr. Prather, tirother
the captain, Mr.. , ":ans.
Jackson, the steward, tras saved, but blid4
ly injured; J. Stevens, 'first engineer, awl
B. (lardner, badly injured; Henry'
Clark, Mi...sseuvr A . dains' Express
Conipziny, one leg.. Awoken below the
knee; Lew .Mills, first mate, and the
porter- of the boat, 'G. L. Gillis, unhurt;
Win. Burton, barkeeper; slightly injured;
ThomasCurrar, • of.. poyer,, K.v., slightly
injuredi'.l. of tlpley, two.
ribs broken;; Jariies -Miller; badly scalded;
lliiwes,Mine.rva,.Ky.; shoulder broken
and otherwise injOreti; •ChrirleslJewla,. of ;
frightful hole in the skull; J. P.
LawUl; -:„George-
Wilder, of Iligginsport, badly sealdecl.
The ;vat took fire Anunixliately after'. the
boilers exploded, and after the .remaining
upper works were destroyed seine p,Avder
in the 3nagaiine explotied, destroying two
Many of the ,passengers. jumped over
board and word drowned, whfle . e.thers were
liurneil to death: "The-Captain of the boat
ls,antong the lost. The boat was valued'at
1 -$30,000; insured for $20,000.
Republican giato Ciinventiou—Graut for
Joresidento s Smv.stkon for Vic: Pres.
(By Telegraph to the r4ttsliggh pare tte • )
TRENTON lHar'ell ''18.4-I•Thip' Republican'
State Conv9ntion
_met tollay, Hon. 1'?....
Gregorif;;Proildint.:.' , ..i. fat ust 4 iijiegatei
torthe l eltimgo Canvention was appointed,
ifieluding, atlarge,'How 0: Cattell, Jelin J.
Blair and George 'l'. Cobb, with Arms
Clark, John.-o , 4Uck , , Z. K.: Pangborn and
James T. Rusting as alternates'.
Resolutions werEF•adaktect - oomnlending
the reconstruotiori — ptille'y of CoMeross, con
domnipg the cortraecotthc i Legislature 4 in
repudiating tho 'consent' of-New. Jersey to
the amendmeßtp the Onstitutiouiond o ral
lug imikdOlitinint,' faVdring Giant for Prbs
identiand asking l,..,l,at, , the , : east , ~for
Vice Presidantbe a man of lint:A . 6lllBMA
character and incorruptible integrity,- , 1 ,- ,s l
-.- , SOU 3 • STATES.
t t; I . e , 1.)
,•13y relegraPh to`theyltt .i mho rgh•tiasette.) .1_
• , Ricultolgh it*41,48.--,The conilnti9n
-Idoptelf the ordliAnce ' 'laying a tax of three
cents on a hundred dollars on real and per
sonal property ta„pay,tho,expenses •of the
"'-'' i ,
convention. t •-, ' 'i '-
'— - 1
General Schofield has issued an order ex
planing , :_tbatAtis:vrder itupending sales
under deeds of trust does not apply to debts
,contractatttlltfrAril;7lB6scliar" shiCethll
' date of the ordar.'': i, `,„.)l,i r r ii-11) c 1 i',..
• ,
RALF.rOit, I%lareie Okaifterk4. ,Thofinas B.
Ash° accepts tlie - rioniinatior,L for C'tovernor ,
by the' 05naart , itt147eli. 7 - rr" , `• • ' 1
t 1.
, . t t 3.1 t
Si iiiilsl;Uccite:l
11 3t11,w/drirrx,' March 18.—Floui•iiiilIbitat
$7,75 for beet,.lllinnesote,„ 170_1,10st ,01111, at*
11,95 1-2a1,954411ii.,"aralll', l 3 9
2. Corn unehangtmly. e t tllkkrr We...Jet/let a 1
41, •!. Barley illrtir Wetri. elptg
-IIOW 701frt bblev 2,sQQ:but*. ahiPplautsz
Fes_„/~j':a~' ::_" • ~..F~~ T . W~:~1:~.^'.
. . .
The McDonald Abiluetion Case.
. .
cay Telexuralita tlie'igttibuigh Gazetc".! ' '
-,Orr4wA, Maich 1S;- ,, In the Porliament
last tight, Mr.• lidackensie moYed an ad-.
!dress for ; the -correspondence 'regarding the 1
•abiluetion,af; Allen McDonald ; by United !
State officials. Hp- hoped, the, Minister of l •
Justice •waa now in a - position to state
whether the report in the newspapers had
adthitted the.illegalit* Ofthe proceedings
of their offithils. The British' had
declined toltecOot, the release of the prison
er. Sir John , McDomild 'said - the papers
IWoula be:brought down.. *
He was
1343,- the'ansiver given by the, British Minis ,
ter to Secretary Seward was what had. been
stated. - -The. papers in . the"" ease had been '
seta by him to the Goyeuniont•. of the
Dominion. He had been greatly Surprised
-to learn that,the person Meg:iffy -abducted
had been allowed to be retained in the Uni
ted States without being sent back to Can,
ada.;: It waa due to the Thinse'and country
lititiiiitelstime•ekplanation of the :eXtraordi ,
I nary . and , Mprecedented *conduct ' , of the 1
I British .;Minister , at Washington. (Hear,
hear), -We should not :permit any British
Minister to :take : Amon himself to say he
-would sitrrender thp rights and liberties Of.
1 a British subject whom the. American ad ,
1 thorities' had : up rightio, detain. The mo,
tion wait; then carried,* .. - . •
Sir John McDonald introduced a bill for
i the extension of the extradition treaty to
I the whole Dominion.. Mobil} was-tend the
, first time and the second reading ordered
1 for Friday. .. • ' : , '••
! Mr. itoss introduced an act to assimilate
the currency of the Dominion to that agreed
I on at Paris, in ease it is carried put by Eng-
I land and the United States—otherwise
Nova Scotia currency is to be brought up to
that of Canada and the United States.
Republican State.,couvejition.
E Telegraph to the Eli tslntrgh
DET non - , March lB.—The :Republican'
State Convention to nominate delegates - to
the Natiocial Conventiou met this morning
t .
and • orgzinized by the selection of Hon..
Charles M. ('lishee as temporary, chair
man. Committees avere appointed-on ere- .
dentiaLs, PC•rnuutent organinition and reso
litriotut, when the. Convention: adjourned
till two o'clock, at which time: it re-a-mem=.
bled. The •Committee on credentiaLs re-•
ported forty-six- Counties rerresented. A
perntanent orwiniz.ation then effected with
Jinn: C. M.', Cromwell as :President.. The
• following delegates to Chicago Convention
were elected :• ll.' •Berther, of Lenawer,
county, •H. • Waldron, • Hillsdale,: E.' :
.j.• Ramiro; Berrien Co.,- W. B. Williams,
Allegan conntv, -S. M. Cutehoon, Wasjite
naw, .1. W. tongyear, Ingham, Morgaff
Bates, t irand Traverse, Geo. G. Briggs, Kent,
J.. P.• Binglitun,; Livingston, John Devine,
Col. Richardson, Tucola, J. W. Ed
wards, Marquitte. Delegates at larGid dinge—Hon.
W. H. Howard; 'Detroit,: Marsh gs,
Kllamarno, Hampton Rich lonia Randolph
Strielilaind, Cortina.- -•
Realltitions were adopted favctring Grant.larlaraknentikladeOlfaxibiVitieftWitteiit
Pittsburgh -Annual Conference of the M.
E. Church.
[Special Correspondence or the rittsburgh Gazette.]
The Pitt4buigh Annual . Conference of the
.... . .
rtifethedist Episcopal , Church began its
, . , . .
forty,fourth ammal. cession the getko- .
, .
dist Episcopal Church,!Greensburg, Pa., on
Wednesday mm nine.. • March .18th, 1868,-at
nine o'clock.,..llisbop',C. Kingsley, presid
The Conference was openedwith the react
ing of the 67th psalm and 22d chapter, of;
Revel:itians by the Bishop, the singing of,
195th hs-nin and prayer by Robert, Boyd,
and 'T. M. Hudson, two of the oldest and
most highly honored members of -the.Con
ferenee. - , ! : '
The roll of the.i . 2onfereurie . was called,
and one hundred and
.fort:, - -eiglit members
responded M•their mu - nes. • -- .
1)r. L C. Pershing, President of the Pitts
' burgh Female College; was eleeted".Secre-,
tart'.'lle has alread;., - served the :Confer
ence twelve years in - the' `same' capacity.
Jos. Homer, A. ',.‘f., T. H. Wilkinson, and
-W. H. Morton were elected Assistant Sec
- The, Committee appointed at the last Ses-•
slon to nominate Standing Committees for
the present session, reported to the Con
ference the following .
' 1. '.3leicard*- - -,lfinisteriat—H. Shisabangli,
R L. Miller, A. Scott, J. 11. Mills, A. Ii:•
C stle, W. B.- Watkins, - .l. S. Bracken, J. M.
CI re.and B. -Cartwright. ' .. "
_ • - .2. Chuich .Eziezzsion7-W. Lynch, ..W. W.
RouP.,W.: A. ;Stuart, A. R. Clia,pnutn, M..S.
Kendig, X.:Dill:U.l,-G: G...Watters; S. Crouse,
`.'l3 - :' A. Lowman. '
3. F.:dtication;-.W. Cox; L. F.-Morgau, C.
W. Sinith; 'G. W. Baker;'Jr, Grant; D. C.
Knowlelt, W. Pittenger, James - Henderson,
d; S.' , lLercinuin.. .. •-, ~ " • ,-
..4. Altsburgh•;Chriitkin:Advocate—.T. A.
Milleri . • M.O. Beacom,-J. L.- Stiffen W.
Gambia,. T. C. Hatfiel, .A. J..Latie, • G. W.
;Dennis, W.',Johnson, Jas. Hollingshead. .•
5. prionciges.—T. C. ':lcCittrg, R. Ham
ilton, •P. G. - Edniunds, ,J,: . J,Alays, J. ,E.
Hollister, ; W. 1 ) ,, Tnrner, 3: .01i3tIbillt: "S; - E.-
Waril,•l4lmisintine. ." ' ' ; , ' . ,
0. Stitte'of .11ii. Countiy.--J: Drunnialing,
T. M. lindsomlt Curittinglirtm,J.•Melntire,
R. - T. Miller, J. B. Über, , •Hi Th•EdWards,
Ezras Hingely, E. M. Woodrl - 7--- - -- --
7. .K.S. ,9choo/s.-14:: , L.: Wcirtlfingtort, C.
H. Edwards, -R., .Slorro , w•-lterr: G.
Miller,,D: .41,.Pieree, .NS alter:Brim:l, j.DII-,
lon, J.' C. CaStle.`."...
8. •Pam ranee pe.:-...A:" 'H. i ': Thomas; * 4.•
Smith, 'l. a Glogiiii-; M. R. Pugh, s . J:Sie )
,ven;l l t.'Jordan; ,, ycris H. Mcßride,' ' J.'Cen
-410, - r, G.',Croolc.:ll: .:1,.. ;• . ;•• • , •. . .••:„ ,-
i't ft. •Centeamtiißotird.4.-E...litirkett; S. Etirt;
AZP.-LeonardrALLM.l‘Eittom W. P. Black
burn, ml',.:R:Cociiseril.". R. Roller, 'ELT, Tay
lor, J...B.,Saddler r i f.. -,, • .... • • ..., •-•
, • -....
10 . ,;,:i'i - det Pattscir t.; ,Ti. •Giritlin L , Wil
•liants;J. H. goitltie, V: D.*Flist.l"..l..SWatelt.
,W. K;');lrdWit J - Wrlglit;J:'c.'itt*en; T
srav . . . . ._ . .
11 Beth Cities6:=ATt'ptiitsell;"Z J:'l;Todg•
son, :J.L'Gray,f.LF... Jon:143; 1 1i Stokerii'N:P."
Kerril:l7.:NurnalloT:' Q. - ltfoore: A'.'"litia-- ,
ton s . . .a .
12. , ..Bib(e,,Cftitaeivr.M.. - S. _Wookly,• - :L:11fo.
'Guire r M. f li *Ant gomory, P.-11;Campl11011,.
1 4.. W.-, It esslor, C,, Th0rp,,,J.4.:49:11pix, d,,
Q. A:: Iklißer,.4., D.
_..Ritinoar. -: :,, . :' , : ,
15. 3fesiotrl. Wakofleld,
_" TV;;F: Xmlek,.
:W.'o`. P ' 1141341 Mo" ;R. ffittp/dOgi."P:SK: Ist(...
i.Clio,lE 7 4.Clafko; bliforrl:gbi,'W:Titri'
B. F. Sawhill. . - ' '
-,•14.. Freedmen's Aid•SoSietykza 3; Loomis,
G. WitlitinlisSi Ai,.7.;Ric1i, , 11 :11teCfstf;'.1. , J.
~34cittenio ill! ' Iloustano. 4lase:l!j. 0. , DI. , H ,
I. l •At :, • ...:14,1.::, i.• ,i - r ~, : ,
r 15 -A1 0 4.'4u Mili WIC , . T Ottr;eof ,:5 it .S. ,
fhl, kg fe -4... .. .' 's , - 41 , ....4r4,,4131 , er*: 0 . 41 :' ,
. ""* .. ""P, • : ' i , -::, i ,'..• ~ r ; • , --... ..j - : •i•'!:iri, .+.7 ...":"..]
16 *- , 47 T - ArT , g.,c_'..f5? , 7 , -_,m..,..
ti l
OrsagoqL 4, 2 r; 14 ..• - ' • - -a;•:!•-; ~ *;.:
U.'. mtssfthiPidlbsllltiers. ;, . : •• -
1 18.6141,6 dr th<Oltireli-'44: :11 - ' ) Wiislift;'
' - Coil, 4'll;:lifigh;-Ifiklfelfr-S;TicKenti9ill,
F. W. Vertican, J. W. Shirer, E. B. SnYder,
J.'H. White. *' , . •
19. : Pabb'Aing ecmriniiteely. ' • •
The Comm ttee on Memoirswereinstrint-7 • • :
ed to take„into, consideration the i propriety, - _
of holding a memorial meeting some time
during the session of the•Conferenee:*'Dnr-; •
ing the.past s•ear Revs. S. R. Broeltunier,'
; Thomas J. Higgins and A. bell. passed
away in peaceful triumph from the ' tollSIA"
earth to•the rest of a better-land. The first '• -- -
named was long identified with the Ohnrelt •
and the Conference. and-was_veil and wide
ly known. With a commanding preilnice,
an eminently sympathetic nature,: and a
trumpet-toned - voice, he was often a manor' _ ;
great power in the pulpit, and soini‘timeSnt
'camp-meetings - and on other special °cot , '
sions, made a peofound impretisionTOn: - bearers. The others were - men.. 4 ,deep
piety and great usefulness, thonglt not: 'so
widely known. • 1 ,- ; •:. -
The rules for the governnient of the Con-; • .
ferenee at its last session, were re-adapted,
for the present 'session,' • - • ' -
Eight o'clock A. '24, and Invelve•m:;:were
fixed upon as the hours of - meeting and ad•-:
journment. . • . • - -
• The-following resointiort Was ' presented;
and after a lengthy discussiOiMiclopted •-. '--
Resolved, By the members of. the Pitts-.
burgh • Conference that we iegpa•talliy' re
quest the presiding Bishop to appoint no "
one to the otlice of Presiding who•has___ -
served the,clmrch irf that
,ea,l)aeitv during„
four consecutive years last Tait, unles . s. in
the judgment of the Bishop the work clear4 . •'• 7 =:l
ly requires!Such re-appointment. • .. • _
A resolution Was 'also adopted niking the ,
Bishop:and his cabinet to -take into corisid-•
•cration the propriety of re-districting the
work in ichole or in part. • ~ •••
Dr. .1. M. Trimble; Assistant Secret:WOW :
the Missionary Society of the M. E. Church,
was introduced, and made a most earnest.; , ;,,
and eloquent address in belialf.of the itirs,-
sionary eause. -The Doctor is a son of HOn.•
Allen Trimble, Governor of Ohio from 18:D8
to 1932. He is tall and slender, a man_of •
fine Appearance and Addres's, and 'effi
eient Assistant Seertary of the Missionary
Society. He 'is highly,esteemed by the de.,
nomination, and his name has more than
once been mentioned in conneetionwith the. •
Episcopacy, - •
Bev. J. Norton, a member:of the Eripi•-.
Conference; ReV. .l. Ctoodivill; of theWw- ,
loyan Church; Bev. W. H. Gill, pastor Or '...-
the Presbyterian. Church in . GrigenAbilrg . --
Dr. L. F. :Morgan, pastor of Christ-Church • -• ,
in Pittsburgh, T. C. Thoburin"D,F.-V.E:-Dis
ney, E. H. McCall awl S. M. Gerga's, Vey , - ,'
Stewards„ were .introduced , to ,fht-,CPtiferonce
The charar"ters of Sheridan - Baker, Sam- •
nel Lewis, Levi L. lceagle, Williatti A..' AIL . ~...: •
len, SaillUC. Franklin and T. Davidson; Sti--.__
. ...
pernumer trY :?11.1isters, were examined„., , ,
passed; zei:d their . .relation continued'. J.' 1it....r - '
Thomas was examined, passed, and . at hih. ,:: •
own reeniest, _ranted a location. • The.names
- -
of Willia:n I . ..lee's:let:en, ,* J.' Mansell and
Thrivid Gordon were 6zelled,-but the &inside:: '... -.-!
ration of their cases was. postponed;. . , • 'r
wer' not prusi.•.:it. - : S,..Y.lienned and.
J. S. .
Wakcilehl were made effective.
- J.--:
. Three only of the Superannuated Minisi..'; - .: i
tors, .iosleua Monroe, ltobert, BoOkand ...Z.. 7 : . Y.
X. Ceston were examined. - We .need not.
suite that their characters were 'passed
MA 14.-their e_ti.ilittiCllT .- 7 - inlnititmeti. ^ TheiriPs4. - -
names, wherever ~. known,- :pce .44• .'
.. '
011):11p...ri' I)9;ll'f:q . t .. forth'. • i .IlieS- - : tire,,:ae•
' .. '
a emnecting. link between the Presentlintl --- -
a pa :7t. 12;eiter:nievei.. One only - If:theAulFl-- '"i . ..1
- ber, Father Boyd,. is present„and,it is.iniarf t ...., ~:,
fully evident to his bretlitilithat hii3lliee . ,„" •"r
-umong. them must soon become - Vacant.-` - /•'"" i
The majority pi the Conference are mid ,-; i -iiii
It lle a zed orl s young , Men. Physically and - •
intellectually they will Compare' Well iFiftiti . ' r f
the same rinnilL. , r. of mien, intheir crwn....iiir _.
any other
. 041:ex.:Sion. The
.. 2.) ei.equal of the y ..
Co-nierence is decidcilintine., In the traiisie ' .''
:welkin of Inisiness they - are models of:cor- ;...;
.-reetness anildispatch. The presiding Bish-
~ i .
op. Calvin I:lug-sic1, - , is well knowtti toyou, •
SLY a Ilian Of StrOng, coliiinen:'sense,. a good : ''
writer, :and an oxecilent:pres,idiug officer. 'f: .:.
, (;I! , _..'llti ' .)lll*g is entertaining .the,inenubers
Of the Conference - 1n tine style:: Troia 'all "-'•
sides we hear high commendation of the . :•- L
hospitality and courtesy. oi,-,the, citizens:. ~..L.
Tents far the nunitier of:yisiters is small - -
but they will .inti•eaSe- as' the • Cemtereiacp ) , e .
. :-' 1
progresses.. ' .. -' - .'"- i ,.. : -,..
_:.OLIN. -.. ..!.. - "z". :::
—\\'l,en Madanw Ristoyi ,was announced,
to pli.y ' i•liarOCter''of',.Tereia, - the
Bishop of II:" 'm intrr'brecl - and tlenounC,.
ed the :performance to- the - aitlitiritles; but
it AVLIS no: much heeded. The Bishop in,:
consequence ordered the curates in ,all, the
districts through whiai. Gefieral":4:t4sundi ---
was to pass (Malls tour through thiftwantry
not to ring the church- bells. in bis,
Lersundi rettirned and telegraphE. - et:JO34Y ,- ;
drill whence he received the reply - -
himself respected.,: The: Bishop Jig been
put under arrest in his own_ palace,.but T *l,ll,t ••
probably he sent to Porto Rico; Mait"or=""
tiers from Madrid.::Theßsitlizmiiititeainer..lG'.;
was detained one day by Generall4m,liMA4Ji 7 .l,
to take aboard t'w•o, refritetorv.eurate§. - ,
. . .n, • • .
--SeveralSpanish otlieets in the - I%feticanJ-r
service have 'been:lmplicatedin ' theJlafe '3.1
censplreey. The plan was eonnected;i*ltltr : r
Santa, Anna, Maiquez,:Suloago. ..tuid_,ot
~ _
and hail for its 'object to - proelidni - los
ga. Some of them W*lll'probahly 'be ce iit:no-"
Forewarning has, ,reaelied. .the t goyennatii4:Y. ;Al i
of the plot to blbek:Ule and
,get ._<',,possession ~,,
of Vera Cruz. President Stuirez will pilob 4 " '
'ably send a:Oommission to ;Gen. - t,eistddP,--
asking bin/ tn,obser,v,9' tbn:n 4 n/tFORAN%;i!;.:
„ ''''
. .
.. ....., ...„
. ,
; —The Reiiublicana - ot i enteirinati,VhA ""
;Convention, yesterday, 'minis -tlie- folfoiiin
~ • .
: 0,1,;1 7-
nominations: ;Juditoof.4ll%4Stitteni l7
M. 1 3 . , likigmas; -'4u B SoQ(9t' . :WWiettVtraid:
Henry Pearem. Ql.erAA, flip, golipe 911141.44 ,:r
IdeMbert; eity-cioinithfihiti4ils% 13one;
Direetnr lot city atterrnary;- John: - Iffittlitt::
IVhltiNa4ter, J. - , Xtiertstut l / 4 , .1 - . ~ , , . 1.f. z .• -.. ' ..
'rlie ni hee, Cin- )
Onrutti,' took Vro:Ptit iibon;'vestercitry, jusfas
'the seliedOs'were' Theinglifkibbrjta, cans hi g
'considerable confusion and excitement, but- [•.;
:tick one .wasiinjured, Tim building was
damaged to ‘ the izilteriV•of throe thou s and
BO relves 7111. ease. i urc in, the
*ituvrYorle Court again: i'S':••
partner withui. T. Stewart, andleft n`-tuit- 1
lion..;;%Stnwart: keept back ;Any thousand.-
,dnllars tbr f defielenalee, , :but the Court will
.probably Ormizint. of the whole" c•
stun. set donnk thevlll to' the legate's:l& 't• 1•1'
• •
HANYUIa special to the 'ionJ. 'York::,
4era4i., saps information had been receive
frOUthe',Ainerlean naval station; at
,stating.that a 'hostile' iikOdition - Arai piipa- •
'ring 40: descend on-,L'aba. , The ;Authorities
appear to
1 —The wants of the inhabitants -of ' , Long- ,:.
Island rind the Isla l it }lin:LOA Nfaiitij,vbir—
have boon soled* foiiiiiisV havlngibeei: ...
.ci# off kernlitelnain 1 I t ti ,e ur g ii9littlix
lee , and iibiaed l
to — s pA m u scle ana '
other stielliiii,to*- n kip - 0641- 1 H ,)
!'--TAFt:YII O3I 2Y#O44 I 1 0 13::4411k
Ptncßpobostor, A 1 4. 1. 4;?fa 9 IPts ll 4det.q
ifropi , b - ,106 - 76attiday.. • This: , 004:
ittßataildeoft•ifilt adeettalitiaa